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Like I didn't have anything better to do with the weekend than attend the wedding of some second-cousin I'd never met. Like I'm an adult and I should be the one to decide how I spend my time. Like there's another person on the planet more persuasive and sure of said powers than my mother.

"What?!" I tried to conjure up a suitable sense of slight. "Mom! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is Friday evening. And you're talking early Saturday afternoon? As in manana? Like, what?" I counted quickly, "eighteen hours from now?" Outrage! I implored myself, gotta make the emotion huge or you'll never get off the hook. "Hold on a minute while I go check my mailbox--I don't believe I've received the invitation yet."

"That's probably because he didn't know your address."

"And why should he? I doubt he knows my name. And why should he? I doubt he knows I exist. And why should he? This is the first I've heard of him!"

"Well... " she faltered. Had her there! That's one of Mom's good points. She's never been one to obviate the truth.

"Did you like buy a couple tickets from the scalpers? Or did someone up and die so there's suddenly a vacancy?" I paused, considering. "Okay, so what sort of shindig is the reception going to be. Detail my reward, please."

"Actually... " she started.

Bad beginning there, particularly combined with the hesitation. "Actually what?"

"Well, you know how it is with catered affairs... "

Just enough to understand that there wasn't a place at a table with my name on it. That I was supposed to give up a weekend without even the temptation of free food and an open bar. The whole deal sunk in like a lead weight dropped from on-high.

"Ah-h-h, so that's it, eh? His side of the aisle is looking a bit sparse, is it? Someone's calling in some markers on you, huh? That Tony, he's such a loser we won't waste a meal on him, but still, he'll make for good pew filler. Hey Mom, I've got better ways to waste my weekend. How about you pick on Janine this time, okay?"

"Her flight arrives at 7:47 tomorrow morning," she informed me.

"Good. Then the vacancy's been filled. So why are you calling me?"

"Tony, this is your mother talking to you. Do it for her."

Aiee! not the third-person! I had two options. Give in, or spend another two hours on the phone and then give in.

"Okay Mom, I'm packing right now."

"Don't be absurd! You're talking to me on the phone."

"Got me. Okay, I'm hanging up now to go pack my bag."

"And you'll stay through to Sunday, right? so we can have a big family Sunday dinner together the way we used to, right? since Janine doesn't fly out until 7:47 Sunday evening which should give us plenty of time, right? so I'll fix all your favorite things, right? and it'll be just like old times, right?..."

"Sorry Mom, I can't hear you. I'm not talking to you on the phone, I'm packing my things."

What a great excuse to get off the line! Or rather, it was great to have an excuse to get off the line. The excuse itself, well, no, it wasn't so great.

The receiver clattered set back in its cradle as I turned to sit down. I was half-dead from a long day at work, from a long week of work. I was hungry, but I'd been too tired to do anything about it. Other than to abort Plan A by moving the fresh boneless chicken breast up to the chiller tray first thing upon getting home. I was going to make love to that meat with vine- ripened tomatoes, fresh basil and oregano, many cloves of garlic, stirring it all together with a generous portion of expensive virgin olive oil... but some other night. And now Plan B had fallen through--crack a beer and call up a pizza.

The hour and a half drive down could wait until morning, but the race was on. I didn't trust myself to get up early enough to beat out Janine; nor did I trust her enough to not wind up on an earlier flight.

Twenty minutes later I was out in the car with my bag and a decent enough suit hanging on the hook of the passenger side. I was munching a little something, but nothing to ruin my appetite. Halfway down the highway was Plan C: a truckstop diner that was well-worth the heart attack.

I made great time. I was back at the house of my childhood in not much more than two hours. A few steps inside the door and Mom was swooning in my arms like a long lost lover. I shared a manly handshake with Dad.

When I returned from taking my things into the guestroom, it was to meet a reproachful look from Mom.

"Tony, that is your sister's room."

Some things never change.

"Sure Mom, once upon a time."

She refused to turn off the look.

"Come on! First come, first served. Sure it's Janine's old room, but it is my old bed. All the furniture is, or was, mine. Possessions being nine-tenths of the law and all, therefore... "

I had Mom by the nape of a garbled truth.

Being perennially two years older than me, Janine had long swooped home to gather up all the furniture from her old room by the time I'd finished college. My initial apartment as a freshly degreed guy was the typical futon-on-the-floor share. The brief time my clothes didn't spend either on my body or on the floor, they lodged in a line of stolen milkcrates.

At the first indication that we'd both flapped our wings enough to be considered gone from the nest for good, Mom had staked her turf, setting up a personal room for sewing and crafts and privacy and such. My old room was the slightly nicer of the two. Dad got the chore of shifting the furniture.

I slept in late the next morning--as late as my body wanted. The bedside clock said it was not quite nine-thirty. Surely the time was wrong. I felt so refreshed it seemed impossible that the entire morning hadn't been lost to slumber. I smirked at the clock--didn't get to beebeebeebeep at me, didja, ya bastard!

Not that Mom hadn't tried to ordain otherwise the night before.

"Don't forget to set the alarm for seven."


"To go out and pick up Janine at the airport."

"No one said anything to me about me being the one to pick her up." I decided to appeal to her frugal side. "That's a twenty-dollar fare, and I'll want the cash upfront."

"Tony! You know I don't carry that sort of money around. I don't have nearly that amount in my purse."

That was Mom--pretending twenty bucks was still a princely sum. Money was just about the only subject where she was willing to play semantic games to obfuscate the truth. She probably didn't have but five dollars in her purse; maybe seven if you dug around in the bottom for all the spilled change. But she had easily several thousand dollars hidden around the house. Slipped into old books, stuck under the shelf paper in the back of drawers. The brick in the toilet tank not only conserved water, it also concealed a ziplock bag with--last time I counted--$260. "Okay. You say don't have the money in your purse, but you do have the car in your garage."

She shifted tactics immediately. "But surely you'll want to go to the airport with us."

"Don't think so."

"Then, then, seven-thirty, so you'll be up and decent by the time we get Janine back to the house."

"Janine can wait to see me when I choose to drag my sorry self out of bed." I was adamant: the rest of my Saturday could be ruined, but I would not be waking up to an alarm.

Janine was the first thing I saw coming out of the bedroom. That familiar head of dark hair--a little longer than I remembered and rather frazzled. It had that slept-on-wet look; that or she'd done a dog and hung her head out the window for the entire flight. She was wearing the exact same worn grey sweatshirt as the last time I'd seen her, or else she had a closetful of the damn things.

She was sitting at the table in the open area of the kitchen, head drooped in a posture I knew to avoid. There was a coffee mug and a plate of toast on the table before her. She seemed to be studying the two items.

"It's like at a wedding reception: you drink the toast!"

Janine turned and glowered at me. "What are you doing sleeping in my room?"

"Great to see you, too. Perky as ever in the morning, I see."

"My room!"

"But my bed. And really Janine, I've already had this exact conversation with Mom. Save your breath; go ask her how the discussion turns out."

As if on cue, Mom swept into the kitchen. "Oh, but Tony, she flew all the way here just to be with us today."

My only hope was a full-bore offensive. "Yea, and I drove all the way here et cetera. And I daresay I spent more time on the road than she did in the air. What sort of sick conspiracy is this anyway? Huh?"

Mom started to blanche while Janine blackened all the more. Ah, I was on the right track! I continued fulminating, "Like all this at-the- last-minute bull. Interesting how Janine has time to go out and book her reservations before I get the call. That the only flight you could get? So you don't call me until last night, figuring... wrongly! You know Tony, he won't bother to drive down until the morning... Guess you don't know Tony, either one of you. Well, I've got a good idea. Is this better? You can have the damn room, Janine."

I turned back to the room like an angry cat, leaving a tail of words flicking behind me. "I'll leave my suit on the hook--you can stuff it with straw."

There was no point in collecting my toiletries. Nor did I repack the clothes I'd already taken out. It was showtime in the old home; it frightened me how adept I'd become in manipulating my role over the years. I just grabbed the bag and stormed from the room. Sure enough, I didn't get halfway to the front door before the two of them were hanging on me, Janine babbling supplications, the tears of Mom's apologies soaking my collar.

Through it all Dad remained oblivious in the livingroom, hearing not a word of us. I'd warned him time and again that just because the volume knob on the t.v. would turn that high didn't mean it was healthy for the speaker. But did he ever listen to me? Of course not. He couldn't. The t.v. made a mute of me.

He was, actually, the reason the dramatics had reached such high pitch. If Janine could have gotten here and sacked out for an hour, she would have been fine. But there he sat planted in front of the tube. He was the primary reason I'd been so adamant in getting the guest room myself.

This hadn't been such a problem before the trickle-down of technology. But these days they subscribed to both cable and satellite. They received every t.v. signal in the world. Which seemed pretty excessive to me since Mom was never a fan of the magic window and Dad rarely strayed from his one love. He was hooked on some 24-hour Gardening Channel beamed out of Kazakstan.

That was no real surprise; Dad had always had a fanatical interest in gardening. He had a huge library of books on the subject, shelved according to the Library of Congress cataloging system. As well he had a stack of watercolor tablets he'd filled over the years with various designs for the yard. The grounds of the house had been imagined as a small-share farm, specializing in tubers; returned to tall-grass prairie glory of the pre-settlement era; arranged as a formal English garden.... But the truly weird thing was that Dad never stepped out the front door except to get in the car. The closest his hands had ever come to actual gardening was plowing his fingers through the furrow of his billfold when it came time to pay off the neighbor kid for mowing the lawn.

We made it to the church on time, all thanks to me. Dad wisely decided to get ready first, the head of the house having first crack at the hot water. While he was off in their room, I turned off the t.v. and switched the batteries in the remote for a pair from the utility drawer in the kitchen. That was where Mom kept her hoard of batteries that still have a little life left in them. It wasn't hard to find a set that had a Use By date going back to the days of my tenancy.

Being at the bottom of the showering hierarchy, I decided to skip it and just suit up. I came across Dad in the livingroom, poking at the front of the set. I swear there were tears in his eyes. "Say Tony, um, the remote's broken. How do you turn it on from here?"

"You can't turn on the t.v. by turning on the t.v.--they don't make them that way anymore Dad. You'll have to use your back-up remote. You do have one don't you? Where is it?"

"My what?! Oh. My back-up remote. Eh, it's not worth the bother," he bluffed. "There's probably nothing on anyway."

"Really?" I needled him a little more. "I thought I saw some mention of a really interesting special on the vestigial landscaping at Angkor Wat."

He hesitated. "Naw, we gotta get to that church. Let me go hurry up the girls."

I had been shitting him unmercifully, creating the show off the top of my head. So it was my turn to stand in disbelief as he left the room, "But you're right, Tony. That was a damn good segment--they showed it last week as well. Gave me some really great ideas for the side yard."

What can you say about weddings? The bride's draped in enough material for three dresses, so is it any wonder she keeps tripping and stumbling? The way the groom looks, when you shake his hand in the receiving line it's like you should slip him a buck for doing such a swell job of parking your car. The priest is a cartoon, bumbling and burping, stumbling about his stage, misreading his cue cards.

He kept wandering off to the wings--where there was apparently some sort of kitchenette-- while forgetting he was wired for sound. We all listened to the clunking of bottles and rattling of glasses. He'd come back, continue the ceremony for a bit, then disappear again. When it came time for the couple to share a few sips of wine, there wasn't but half a glass left in the bottle. It was a pouty priest blessing that proceeding, practically glaring at them for downing their share.

For all the pomp and finery, the high-minded vows, the commitments to cherish and all that yadda yadda yadda. But at the core of it all, the ceremony was the preface to sanctioned sex. This fancy room full of people gathered to witness the fact that someone was gonna get some tonight. You could see all the old men shifting in their seats, stirred by the memories of their wedding nights, their wives mortified, or delighted, by the sight. The best man and the maid of honor looked rather broom-closet rumpled. Even the young flower girl was casting around some saucy glances.

An interesting turn of events was that this guy I didn't know was marrying a woman I did know. I'd grown up around Judy, though I hadn't seen her since she was sent off to some private high-school. Her parents were loaded. It surprised me that they'd used this lush of a local priest instead of hiring some Archbishop. They were never ones to exactly flaunt their wealth, but they did have the tendency to use it to buy what they wanted, without worrying about how small it might make others feel.

And there she stood, the blushing bride. The night would hardly be a novelty for her. You could go by rumor or the demeanor she'd been projecting for years; either point of departure had her giving it away since she was fifteen. Of course there's the old saw about why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free--my cousin was proving the joke she made of that joke. Judy was a Grade-A dispenser. My sources had always indicated that after a taste or two you wanted to buy the cow because you didn't want to share the milk. The groom was unique only in that his was the first proposal she'd ever accepted.

Judy had lived up to the promise she had as a girl--as a woman, she was cute in a not particularly distinguishable fashion. But all brides are beautiful. Especially one with a million bucks stuffed up her bustle.

After the ceremony we all just sort of stood around. Buckets of rice were at the ready, but the limo to whisk away the besotted couple hadn't shown up. There would be the usual boastful driving around, then the forty-five minute trip to the reception site, which would leave them plenty of time for a quick fuck and a long shower--or a long fuck and a quick shower: groom's prerogativebefore dinner. The reception, I'd overheard, was at a resort lodge on a lake about fifty miles from town. The bride's parents had rented out the whole damn place for overnight. Not just dinner and drinks, I was losing out on a luxury suite as well!

I maintained a safe distance from Janine, not wanting to be associated with her. Judy spent the whole time glaring at her. It wasn't that Janine was consciously trying to upstage the bride. But she was wearing a very pretty little dress that showed off exactly how pretty the dresser was. It was a purple and blue floral print sundress that set off her curly dark tresses. The fabric was thin, cotton, cut well above the knee with a big scoop down the back. Strategically placed darts and pleats made for a very pleasing fit.

I hadn't really forgotten what a stunning body Janine had, but it had been years since I'd seen it displayed to such full advantage. I'm sure she looked sharp in her professional and personal lives, but since college the times we met back at the old home, she was always in her sloppys. Baggy jeans, roomy sweaters.

Here she was, striding with a purposeful gait, or standing with canted hip, turning quite a few eyes, including those of the man-of-the-hour.

This I knew because I wound up standing next to him while we all waited.

Janine walked briskly past us, the purse on her shoulder swinging so hard the strap broke. She bent to pick it up, and at that very moment I heard all the air gasp out of the groom.

"My god," he groaned, "who is that fox?"

With the ring not ten minutes on his finger!

"That's my sister," I replied.

"Oh," he tried to back peddle, "I mean, who is she?"

I forced a guffaw. "We're your family, ya big lunk."

"Huh." No doubt sorry that he'd married outside the circle.

"We're your long-lost cousins. Your mother's aunt was our grandmother, or something like that. Funny how it took your wedding for us all to meet."

"So... does your sister, like, live in town?"

"Naw, not anymore. Though she is still available."

"Uh, really?"

As long as I had the stiletto in his side, I decided to twist and turn it. The fucking asshole! "Yea. We're like second-cousins or something. So she would've been fair game for you. Though say, I never met you before, but turns out I was kids with the bride. Whoa, talk about money. Your wife can go out and buy tits just like those. And even so, what she lacks in physical attributes, I understand she makes up for in enthusiasm."

Fortunately the limo arrived so he was swept away to the rain of rice before he could think to turn around and punch me.

I come from a family of nappers. This goes back generations. It's a genetic habit. We're famous for the midafternoon snooze. Any excuse will do. Have a bit of lunch, nothing heavy on the agenda, Well, think I'll have me a little laydown. After a wedding, shedding the formal clothes, and suffering through a late lunch brought home in greasy sacks, the only wonder was that any of us made it to our respective beds.

It was one of those bad naps: I slipped in a little too deep and slept a little too long. I awoke with a rough start and in such a daze I would have been at a loss to supply my name. Why was I lying there fully dressed? In my own bed, but in my sister's room?!! I lay there like that for a long time, slowly acclimating.

Slamming doors--that's what'd made me stir. The bedroom door, the bathroom door, the front door, the car doors, the garage door. The distinctive whine of the engine in Dad's car. Off to the gala they went. See you in the morning, you conniving bastards!

After about twenty minutes I forced myself to get up. It was awfully quiet in the house. I had the sudden realization that Janine had gotten to go with them. And if they thought I was going to stick around... to hell with them!

I was going to stick around for a little while yet; needed some time to extract my revenge. I wasn't quite sure what to do about Janine-- maybe see if she had a pair of blue jeans packed in her stuff... get a brush and bleach and paint Kick My Ass on the backside. It'd take me a good boring twenty minutes to find all of Mom's cash in the old set of encyclopedias. I needed some immediate satisfaction. There was a selection of screwdrivers in the utility drawer. I was going to fuck with the old man's pride and joy. Give him 500 variations on the Snow Channel.

My hand was on the doorknob when I heard a noise. The knob made its usual squeak, but it was another noise that stopped me in my tracks. It sounded as if some small furry mammal was in the livingroom. Cautiously I peered around the jamb.

Janine was home, lying belly down on the small sofa adjacent to the door. Apparently the small furry mammal had gotten inside her pants and lodged between her legs. She'd gotten her pants down, and was trying to pull it off, but the animal was eating her fingers.

Even as I was thinking all this I was understanding exactly what I was seeing. I... I didn't know what to do. Fortunately Janine had her face buried in the cushions, because I was frozen to the spot. I stood there watching. I'd never seen a woman masturbate, not in earnest, alone, purely for her own satisfaction. She plumped her butt up in the air; I could see she had both hands down there, fingers flying in blind fury. The air was thick with the smell of her cunt.

Then came the first great groans of orgasm. I slipped away under the cover of her cries. Walking silently down the hall, I felt like I had a mammal trapped in my pants. One with a particularly hard and hairless tail.

Time for a shower, I decided. A very cold shower. That might make things better.

I took a long time drying and dressing, deliberating as I sat on the edge of the bed in the contested room. It was hard to say what exactly I was trying to settle. And that very fact was what eventually cleared all the confusion from my mind. Okay, so I'd seen a lovely lady, butt- naked, proving the adage that two hands are better than one. Sure, it'd been my own sister engaged in self-satisfaction. And I had watched her. And found the experience intensely erotic. But Janine didn't know any of this. So why get all bent out of shape? Shift myself back into Normal Tony mode.

I stood up and shuffled into the kitchen, then started poking through the cupboards. I went about the business quietly, though not exaggeratedly so. Just the normal small noises of a person who is normally not very loud. The house was otherwise as silent as before; I assumed Janine was still in on the sofa. My guess was that she had slipped back into sleep before I'd made it into the shower. The cabinet doors squeaked open and clacked shut. I gave the silverware drawer an extra little rattle. The sounds issuing from the kitchen would announce that Tony was up from his nap.

I made and ate a quick sandwich out of questionable items in the fridge. If it didn't kill me, it should hold me until I decided whether or not to deal with doing something about dinner. I was still at the table when Janine emerged from the livingroom. She looked so sleep sodden I didn't think she even noticed me. Her movements were those of the undead--my sister the zombie went into the bathroom. I heard the shower start.

I went into the livingroom and sank down on the sofa nearest the door. Too lazy to cross the room to the big couch or any of the comfy chairs. I thought about t.v., but it was so far away. The remote was nowhere nearby. Besides, the batteries were back in the kitchen. There were books on shelves off in the distance, but they were fixtures as familiar as the furniture, though even less to my tastes. Gardening tomes and tons of paperbacks that weren't selling as best as they had in previous years. I picked up some of the magazines fanned across the top of the coffee table. The usual assortment of shit that one might subscribe to in hopes of increasing the odds of winning the $10,000,000 sweepstakes.

Mostly I sat there and thought. I could just jump in my car and be home in time to crack that beer and order up a pizza. Turn off the ringer for a couple days to avoid the heat. I felt so edgy. Saturday night! Hey, I should be out having tons of fun with my girlfriend. The problem there being I hadn't had one in so long I was losing track of how many months. But that didn't really seem to define the vagary of my immediate problem. All my attempts to broaden my social circle hadn't brought about any new prospects. That wasn't it. Go to church, Mom kept nagging me, you'll meet lots of nice girls there. Well I went to church this very afternoon. Sure, the bride was pretty cute, but I sort of sensed she was already spoken for.

My discomfort was somehow more specific than that. It had to do with the room itself. Then, of course, I realized that I did happen to be sitting exactly where Janine had been lying. Napping. Sort of napping. Doing what she'd been doing. What I'd watched her doing. Were the cushions still warm?

That was too much. There was the weirdness of having glimpsed my sister masturbating, bringing up the vestigial memories of a couple bumpy years when I'd hit puberty. Mostly though it was how emblematic the sight had been. The statistical departures from the norm aside, it was a big world out there, half of it being women desiring men, the other half the men quite eager to oblige. It was simple math. Whereas it felt like I was the lone variable that just didn't quite fit into the equation.

I really needed to get up, grab my stack of magazines, and get over to the long couch. Turn on the big screen anesthesia. I was shuffling my feet getting ready to stand when Janine swung into the room and plopped down beside me.

She was so fresh from the shower she reeked of steamy water. The scent of special soap. Her hair hung limp and dark, wet with the fragrance of flowers and herbs. I did happen to be sitting in her room, which perhaps explained why she was wearing, barely, nothing but a towel.

But then, that was her style. I mean, she was following female style. It was a curiousity to me, this business of women stepping out of the shower and waltzing around in nothing but a towel. The greatest mystery, however, was how they managed to keep the towel from just falling off. What happened to gravity? Whip it around, a quick little knot tucked between their breasts. Even the anatomy wasn't that vital. I remembered Janine joining the post-shower parade long before she even had tits.

Even more distinct was the memory of the one time I decided to try the towel trick. My audience was the entire family, plus a friend of Janine's I was more than a little crushed on who was over that evening for a slumber party. The towel stayed up just long enough for me to make my grand entrance into the open area of the kitchen. One moment I was opening the fridge, the next I was racing to my room, trying desperately to flee faster than the speed of sound. The speed of light would have been better, but even so I couldn't outrun the shrieks and streams of giggles. I reached my room and didn't come out until late the following afternoon.

"What about that priest," I began, overwhelmed by thoughts of towels and trying not to show it. By thoughts of bodies under towels and praying not to show it.

"Really! Was he from Central Casting or what? That red and that bulbous--he had to be wearing a rubber nose."

"So, you get all that holiness washed off you?"

Janine snorted. "Yea, though I had to use a brillo and Comet."

I gave an exaggerated sniff. "That stuff comes in apricot-scent these days?"

She leaned over fast and started to give me a big shove but immediately stopped, clutching at her chest. Had to retie the towel. She did it artfully, casually, with just one hand, while I pretended not to notice.

That settled, she asked, "You thinking about dinner anytime soon?"

"Probably in a bit. But before I spend any money on something to eat, I want to wait and see if I die first from that sandwich I made."

"I noticed you eating that. Man, you didn't use that honey-roasted ham, did you?"


"God, Tony! That was old the last time I was here."

"Wasn't green yet. All those nitrates and nitrites, not to mention the sodium--it's a wonder the sandwich didn't squeal when I cut it in half."

"It's a wonder you aren't squealing, and in need of being cut in half. So, you feel like doing anything special?"

She settled back against the sofa, but the towel didn't quite follow her movement. The damp or the nap of the fabric held it like velcro against the cushions. Janine wriggled and tugged upward to re-cover the inch or so of cleavage.

"Sure," my voice cracked as I glanced around the room. "Let's hunt around and find one of Mom's credit cards and go out to Monzoni's."

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Slacker Moms

Slacker Moms By Gingerfred Man A Pantyboy Profile Introduction "Call me Cheryl" See, I'm not some dumb pantyboy. I know my literature. "Call me Ishmael" was the opening line in "Moby Dick." Which, by the way was a HUGE disappointment to me. I mean I only had to read like a page or two of that million-page novel before I figured out that it was NOT about what the title implied. I thought it was about big "man parts." You know, as in, "Wow, Baby, your dick is MOBY!" But it...

2 years ago
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My sexual awakening

Soon after my initiation with sex, Rita and her parents moved away from our city due to her fathers transfer. After that my parents employed Radha. I was really scared that Radha might spill the beans to my parents. Whenever she saw me she gave me a smile that seemed to convey- I know what you are up to and I can tell your parents. After about four years of her stay in my house, I got admission to college in a different city. All the time I used to fantasize about Rita and at times about Radha...

3 years ago
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An Evening at Ms Clarks part 4 The morning after

When I returned from the store, I saw that Ms. Clark wasn't in the kitchen, nor was she in her room, I saw that Jake's door was closed, but I didn't think too much about it. I went back to the kitchen to start getting things ready for breakfast, there were still 3 guys sleeping in the living room, and I figured that they would want some breakfast also. I looked around the kitchen and found a frying pan and then some pancake flour and figured that pancakes and eggs and bacon would be a good...

1 year ago
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A Sweet Experience In Train

Hi Friends, I am Reema. Everyone may think as story but this is my first and sweet experience happened in train which I could not forget, this happened three year back when i was doing my nursing in Hyderabad. For summer vacation I went to Kerala. While returning form Kerala I got reservation in special train, this happened on 10th April 2007 S3 15. As per schedule time I got in the train I found the boogie hardly 15 to 20 member, than I realized it is a summer special train. I occupied my seat...

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Friends Night Over

One night my wife and I had our mutual friend over to watch a movie and have a chat, and we ended up watching some b-movie and having a good laugh taking the piss. All of a sudden a girl wearing a schoolgirl outfit appears on screen and our friend watched eagerly and states that he always had a thing for girls in uniforms.My wife then disappears upstairs for a while and comes back down wearing her schooly outfit that we use for dressup. Now on a good day my wife looks the part and can be...

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Making Love

MAKING LOVE By Geneva The ancient nation of Genoria, descended from Amazons, faces a crisis, not having enough men to supply the needs of its women. To remedy this, Queen Sederis uses her magic book to make Phaina and other selected female soldiers temporarily into men. What will the result be? What could go wrong, or right? One of my reviewers suggested I try to use my magic book concept for other transformations. So here goes! Note. This is another tale of the ancient kingdom...

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We love to travel and since we are a Dom/ sub couple my wife is a true cum slut whore. She is haves and head shaved too 36d 29 35 5'9" loves to be humiliated and displayed. Well we were on vacation in San Francisco and I wanted to take her to OFarrels but they were not keen on what my sub was wearing or if they would allow her to play in the theater. As we were walking back from OFarrels we found a small,adult theater that had a small theater showing porn movies and a back room with booths. My...

2 years ago
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Summer Can KillChapter 2

Monday 9.00pm She was going to have to do something about this. Maybe it was because he was foreign, or the fact that he was so calm, or that he looked amused by everything. He'd listened patiently and his eyes had changed just enough that she'd believed him when he'd said that he'd help. Her friends had come back, curious and excited, and were gabbling on about nothing, and she was trying to join in, but the fluttery feeling stopped her from concentrating. She couldn't really describe...

4 years ago
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Deb the College Piss Whore

Debbie sat at her desk and flipped on her computer. First, she sat and stared at the Google Chrome emblem on her screen not knowing what to type. She needed an outlet to let herself go with no one who knew her. She wanted just to crank up her kinky side to the max if she could. She began thinking about her all time fetish, wetting or commonly known as pissing herself. She loved it, hell she loved everything about piss, she got turned on just thinking about it. Her first time was her last...

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The Dwarf His Sissy

Friends, family, and church members were arriving at the home belonging to Elder Calvin “Wilk” Wilkerson, Sr. and his wife Ginette. The couple had just purchased their first house - a one-story, three-bedroom, two-bath in a new construction development. Elder Wilk was an assistant pastor at Tree of Life Church of Holiness of Christ. In his day-to-day job, he was a chef at one of the casinos about 45 minutes away. Wilk was a proportionate dwarf standing at four-feet-ten-inches. He had grown up...

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El PasoChapter 36

Posted: August 23, 2007 - 08:15:31 pm Pedro and Rosalinda’s reception wound down about five o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Everyone there said it was the best wedding they’d ever attended. The last act of the day was all of us lining either side of the path out of the mission, as Pedro drove Rosalinda towards their new home in a buckboard he’d rented for the occasion. Their new home came with Pedro’s new position on Wilfredo Acevedo’s rancho. Pedro was now the ranch’s foreman, or as Pedro...

4 years ago
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A Just RewardChapter 15

Mrs Olney rang as promised the following morning and Becca, as luck would have it, answered the telephone. "It's Martha Olney, my dear. Mrs Anstruther told me you had some ideas about redecorating this tomb and asked me to ring you." Becca laughed. "Tomb's the right word. Thank you so much for ringing, Mrs Olney." "Since you're on Christian name terms with my principal I think you'd better call me Martha. By the way, what do I call you now; Rosie or Becca?" "Thank you, Martha....

3 years ago
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I wash my wife was this dirty part IV

Please read parts I, II and III before this. I promise - it will make more sense.Over the following weeks Anita and I had some amazing sex – on some occasions she was dominant and at other times quite submissive. We experimented throughout the house, and outside in the garden. I guessed that her demeanour on these evenings reflected what she had witnessed earlier that day with Zoe. I also suspected that she was probably getting more and more actively involved in the afternoon’s activities as...

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Bosses Wives

After years of corporate boredom, disillusionment, and servitude somehow fate loves to amuse itself by providing circumstances, where, with a single decision in one moment, a career can be won – or lost. My entire professional trajectory was changed on one boring Friday afternoon, returning from lunch, to get ready for a long holiday weekend. When she trotted into the elevator, before the doors closed on her fleshy but firm derrière, my work-weary frustration was suffused by a sudden...

3 years ago
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Mistress Cruel LoveChapter 3 Deviated Prevert

Darius leaned against the bathroom counter and inspected himself in the mirror. He needed a break from his chores and his sore nose was itching fiercely. Ultimately, he could do nothing but gaze at his nostrils and try to will the discomfort away. His septum piercing was still healing and would be for another six to seven weeks. Heather had insisted he get more body candy. For reasons he still didn’t fully understand, Darius had gone along with it. Alcohol had not been a factor this time....

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Abacus Solli Tharum Teacher

Hello friends, en peyar Pandi, vayathu 28 aagugirathu, en veetin arugil oru palli irukum. Motai maadiyil enaku endru oru thani arai irunthathu, angu naan thinamum velai seithu kondu irupen. Appadi velai seithu kondu irukum pozhuthu oru naal abacus solli tharum aunty en araiku neraga oru benchil amarnthu kondu irunthathu, avaludan eppadi thodarbu er patathu enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, varungal kathaikul selalam. Aval parka velaiyaaga azhagaga irunthaal, vayathu 35...

2 years ago
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Earning the Collar part I

“Earning the Collar” Part IShe was bouncing for the whole flight, unable to sit still; awaiting the landing to jump off and run to the exit. When she was finally able to de-board she had to calm herself to keep from sprinting to the bathroom to change. Once in the stall, she ripped open her backpack and began to change into her uniform: white button down blouse, blue skirt to the knees, no panties or bra.She walked quickly to the exit and baggage claim area. Looking and peering around for...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyaasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Jab main 19 saal ka tha tabhi mere Rohan bhaiya 26 ke the. Maa ne bister pakad liya tha lakwe ke karan. Isliye bhi ghar mein ab ek bahu ki bohut zarurat thi. Pitaji aur maa ko pata tha ki bhaiya ki ek goti bohut hi chotti hai aur lund bhi chotta hai. Sex toh kar sakega lekin nahi ke barabar hi. Aur ye baatein mere kaano mein pad chuki thi ki bhaiya sexully fit nahi hai. Mujhe bohut hi dukh hua lekin kya karta. Chup rahna hi behtar tha. Pitaji ne maa ko kaha ki shadi nahi karenge iski. Kyunki jo...

3 years ago
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The Greenwich TalesChapter 8 The Mistress of Greenwichs Tale

I left the Mall with an enormous sense of relief. For me, Katya, it was extraordinary. Maybe more extraordinary than any other marathon I have run. We just walked away, Daphne holding on to me, her head on my shoulder as we edged through the crowd of runners, both of us oblivious to anything except the relief of finishing and the turn our relationship had taken. We reached Daphne's home and both went for a shower. There is nothing like warm water washing away the residue of several hours'...

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Cyber romance with fat beauty girl moves to real life

I drove 4 hours just to meet her. We spent a long time on the Internet chatting and emailing back and forth. We knew each other’s interests and enjoyed talking about them. We even moved to speaking on the phone. That’s when I mentioned I would be close to where she was. She, and it was a complete shock to me, asked me to visit her and stay at her place for the weekend. How could I say no? The 4 hour drive seemed to take 24 hours. I had never seen her picture and she had never seen...

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Just before she left

 Me I'm just a little curious as to same sex intercourse. I mean its like this thing that makes me wonder about what another girl can make me feel. When i got the job and became friends with her I had no intentions of having sex with her. Even when she would touch my ass, I would tell her she was out of bond, I still then didn't think she was coming on to me. It took me a while to figure out that she was bisexual. The two of us talked bout baby problems and how she didn't want to be pregnant....

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Earths CoreChapter 17 Three Two One Leaving An Impression

“Take Lieutenant General Debuk Jin to the Medical Center. Is injuries are too severe...” General Logan instructed as his line of sight fixated on the horizon and the distant back of the departing figure. Eventually, he successfully reached an agreement with Zax. To avoid conflict, his Blessed Army paid one Star Scavenger for one dark attribute’s essence, which would be delivered fully equipped within a month. To compensate for the second dark attribute’s essence, General Logan offered again...

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Monis challenge

Hi I am Mark , the hubby, to Moni. As you may know from out previous stories She is my shared hotwife and very proud of her. I doubt there is a man out there that can resist her and one day she I dared her to prove it. Some years ago we were on a vacation road trip to Minneapolis from Canada, just a short 8 hour drive. At the time she was 45 and still more gorgeous than ever standing at her 5'tall height,110lbs 34 C mid length dark brown hair. And all that after 3 k**s still.We had her...

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First time being dominated

PLEASE NOTE: I previously posted this story on my old account. This is not stolen, it is my original story - promise :)This is a true story, however it happened a long time ago, so some minor details have been created to bridge the gaps in my memory.Back to school – it was the first day of my 3rd year in University. I spent the day before pampering myself. I had a full body wax, mani / pedi, and bought myself some sexy new outfits to start the school year fresh.It was a crispy September...

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The Probationer Ann Winters

The Probationer: Ann Winters What was I doing here, being led up a dark and dimly lit staircase to theroom of one of my probationers, a prostitute at that, I blushed at the thoughtsthat were going through my mind? However, Carmel could not see my face reddening,due to the poor lighting. I was fascinated by the way the cheeks of her backsidemoved against the stretch fabric of her very short skirt. Which were only inchesaway from my face as she stepped up the stairs one step in front of me? I...

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Eta bochor 2 ager ghotona holeo er suru hoi chilo aro 7-8 mas pichone. tokhon ami 19 bochor sobe college a admission niachi. Ek din natun bondhu der sathe prothom blue film dekhlam tar por bari te ase mal khali kore dia prothom B.F. dekhar shad metalam. tar por suru holo prai regular B.F. dekha. Ek din B.F. dekha bari te firechi dekhi Maa er dressing room er alo golche ar dorja tao alpo phank hoia aache. Tar aage bole ni maa er nam Minati tokhon boios chilo 40-41 motamuti sundori , figure ar...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Emma Starletto Pretty Big Booty Dreams

Been working hard lately??‍♂️ Long days, long hours?…I’m tired AFFFF when I get home. Barely got time to do anything but eat. That’s prolly why I been havin these crazy ass dreams as soon as I get in the bed?‍? Vivid, realistic AF too? I love it. Cuz I feel everything in my dreams. And lately, prolly cuz I been horny and smokin…I been dreamin about big booty white bitches? PRETTY ASS big booty white bitches too? With pretty pink lips?…pretty pink wet pussies? This...

2 years ago
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Sneaking Out

Samantha paced across her bedroom as she waited for Trent to call. Thoughts of being caught sneaking out filled her head and she grew more nervous. Even though she was eighteen, her parents were still very strict.  Suddenly her cell phone rang. Samantha's heart pounded as she answered. The caller id read: "Trent." She cleared her throat and opened the phone. "Hello?" "Hey. What's up?" "Not a lot, you?" "Not too much. I'm almost there. Are ya' ready?" "Pretty much. You know where to stop,...

Straight Sex
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The shedevil next door

Hello and welcome to my nightmare. I'm a middle aged, hard working father, and a family man. I'm happily married and satisfied with my life and my wife, or so I thought. You see, recently my morality, my character, and even my sanity have met a challenge. Her name is Kaley. She's a devil. The devil lives next door, drives a Scion, and goes to college. Two years ago we moved in. A nice little suburban home, two tone vinyl siding, two stories, with a two car garage. My wife, the outgoing one,...

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The Pet Part 1 The Introduction

Except this afternoon was a little different from normal afternoons that girl friends usually spent together: for while their talk was about normal everyday stuff, it also focussed sharply on their “pet”. Their pet was lying on the floor at their feet. And their chat was interrupted by their delicious laughter as they discussed the last hour’s fun with it. They’d borrowed the pet from one of their very good friends, who’d agreed to let them have it for the day, on a few conditions –...

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Road Trip Game

Road Trip When I was younger, I used to go on long road trips with my parents in their RV. The kind of RV that they had was the kind that had the cab over bed. Every once in a while, we had to drive down a two lane highway (the kind that had the yellow dashed and solid line in the middle) and that was when I would “go take a nap” and climb up in the bed and close the privacy curtains. Along the front of the bed where some windows that faced forward so I can see the highway. One day, I had a...

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Star Trek The Transporter Incident Episode II

AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a...

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Jessicas Capture Part 6 of 10

Introduction: Its Slaughter time!! Jessica and Jerry proceed with her training, she will learn to slaughter two very mouthy bitches, who love to fight. Jessicas Capture Story: #20 Copyright 2005 Written: January 26 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 6 – The Slaughter House The next day Jessica and Jerry met up and headed for the...

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Fucking Sister8217s Classmate

Hi ISS readers. Thanks for the feedback on the stories I have written till now and I hope to get some feedback for this new story which is a real life incident that happened between my sister’s classmate/friend and me. You can leave comments and feedback at Any girl, ladies, and aunties that wanna chat can contact me here as well, I am very discreet and will keep your identity hidden. Also, I am willing to give tips to anyone who needs to seduce and live their dreams with whoever they want....

4 years ago
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Guess Who

I had just arrived home from having a few drinks with some mates. I opened the front door and made my way to the kitchen passing the lounge as I did - the girls were all still here and drinking and laughing together. My housemate Jess had told me the day before that she was having a group of friends round in the evening so I might want to make myself scarce as they would be drinking and things may get loud; that's why I had gone out for drinks with a few of the guys. I hadn't had that much to...

Group Sex
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Mardi Gras Passion

An attractive looking female blonde tourist, wearing a mask during the festival is wandering around checking all the thrills and sights. The feathered mask matches perfectly with the white button up dress that is low cut in the front, which shows off the young blonde's ample cleavage. She has a string of white pearls around her neck, which hangs down so it rests just above the exposed cleavage. Her outfit is finished with the white 3" heels she is wearing; they accentuate her already firm...

2 years ago
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Kiss Chasey

The warning bell breaks the silence, and my concentration. The soft, supposedly unobtrusive note chills my overheated body to the bone. Only ten seconds left.I’m okay. There’s plenty of time. I just have to block everything out and focus.I can’t block him out though.Knowing he’s watching me makes my body ache. It’s way worse than the burning exertion of my muscles. It chases away the chill. I feel heat prickling my face and spreading down my chest.I can’t help myself. I sneak a quick sideways...

First Time
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The Way You Make Me FeelChapter 3

In retrospect, the decision was really a simple one. My anxiety was smoothed over considerably by Katie's confidence and enthusiasm. I was almost convinced I should have done this a long time ago, but then reality kicked in and I realized Katie and I- aside from studying biology together three years ago-hadn't really known each other for more than a couple months. Then I was left to wonder-once again-if this was happening too fast, too soon. Still, I went ahead with it. It was a day in...

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The Wizarding World wasn't stupid. The organisers of the Triwizard Competition knew that watching the champions disappear into a maze and then waiting two hours for them to come back out of it would be very boring for all the spectators that had gathered to watch the final task. That was why as soon as the champions disappeared into the maze, four great screens unfurled themselves across the sky, showing exactly what each champion was up to. Professor Dumbledore and the others though thought it...

1 year ago
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I thought we could compromise the slip of the to

PART 1 – The beginning It was a cold November day in London, and David and Maria were lying in bed talking about their eventful days as usual. The conversation started with discussing trivial matters, but then things changed. David and Maria were married, in their late 20s and generally happy as a couple. David was originally of French descent although he had lived and been brought up in England, he did not speak a word of French for that matter. Maria was Colombian, a real beauty. She was...

3 years ago
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A Nice Surprise

*Comments are welcome - thanks!** * * * *My name is Karen and I am guilty. Completely and without a doubt, I am guilty of seducing my father-in-law, Tom.This September, we had a family reunion, of sorts, in northern Vermont. Tom's father (my husband's grandfather) had rented out an entire wing of a small Inn nestled on the slope of a plush green mountain. Most of the family arrived on Friday night. My husband, Rich, tried to keep me up to date on who was there and who wasn't, but even he got...

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Sonam The Hot Housewife

Here goes my sexual encounter with a horny and hot housewife. I work in Bangalore for a financial firm. It has been an year since I moved to Bangalore and had a few flings in this period but still I felt that there was something more that I needed. A month back, my friend Abhay, got transferred to Bangalore from Mumbai. Being a management consultant he still has to keep traveling between Mumbai and Bangalore many times in a week. He is a married guy and asked for my help in his relocation. A...

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Days Forgotten but Not Lost Ch 08

Once again, I wish to thank GaiusPetronius for his helpful edits and suggestions on this series. ***** June 21, 2001 Patient: I’m just calling to let you know that I won’t make my appointment this week. Counselor: If you need to reschedule, you’ll have to talk to my secretary. Patient: No, it’s OK. I just wanted to let you know that… I found her. I’m with her, and… and it’s OK. Counselor: Just OK? Patient: I’m going to tell her everything tonight. Counselor: Everything? ...

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Jayashree My Maid Dominated By Me 8211 Part 1

Been some time since I have written my sexperiences in ISS. Today is Saturday, 17th of September, like any other weekend its a holiday for me – me am Abhi – I work in a mnc, and I am a lover by heart, I prefer to make love rather than have sex, to me it’s more of an emotional desire than a physical hunger. In the afternoon had a proper three-course meal and then laid down on the couch wondering what to do next, no upcoming projects, clients are pretty settled down – no new affair – thought of...

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Catching my wife Part 5

I leaned down, at Connie’s verbal and physical encouragement, and took a cautiously slow lap at my wife’s red and sensitive looking pussy. It’s then that I noticed that my wife’s vulva was smoother around the sides than I had ever noticed before. She still had a short tuff of hair above the cleft of her folds, yet the sides were as if she never had any hair whatsoever! It because of her new smoothness that I was able to see how puffy and red the outside of her vulva was… I couldn’t quite...

4 years ago
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Lessons From A Mature Woman

Naked, young Benjamin Dryor strolled back into the bedroom from the tiny bathroom of his efficiency apartment. Although he could have easily grabbed a washcloth to clean up after himself, he didn’t. He decided to enjoy the wetness and the pungent odor of clover and vinegar, of green tea and yeast which clung to his saturated penis after love making. The cool, breezy feeling blowing across his cock encouraged him to savor the moist sticky sensation following a wonderfully juicy fuck. There...

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Eleanor Ch 14

‘Ragnar, we were wondering how long it would take you!’ Nikolai jumped from the rocks smiling before shaking Ragnar’s hand. Lowering his voice, Nikolai tried to keep his anger and apprehension from showing. ‘Where is my brother?’ ‘He is coming soon Nikolai.’ ‘And he brings the female?’ Ragnar glanced quickly at Nikolai, an expression of shock crossing his face before his usual calm returned to him. ‘What do you know of her?’ ‘I know that Bruni told me the contract had to be fulfilled.’...

4 years ago
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Or Die AloneEpilogue

Lorza sat on a bench outside a restaurant, a painted sky above her head, greenery and flowers in planters adding to the illusion that she was sitting in some terrestrial street and not on a space station that was spinning through space like a giant wheel. She chewed a sandwich happily, a long sub made from a French loaf that was filled with tuna and mayonnaise, licking the condiment from her furry fingers as she went. All manner of UNN personnel passed her by as she watched them. There were...

1 year ago
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Von der Exlehrerin zur SexSklavin

Diese Geschichte ist die Fortsetzung einer alten Storyline von mir. Vorgeschichte von Daniela Hauser Seit vor etwa zwei Jahren heraus kam, dass sie ein gefährliches Spiel mit ihrem damaligen Schüler gespielt hat und dieser sie auffliegen gelassen hat, ist viel passiert. Die Medien hatten ihr den Spitznamen Vibrator-Lehrerin gegeben und noch lange über sie berichtet. Vor allem für die Bild-Zeitung war ihre Geschichte das gefundene Fressen! Die Reporter durchleuchteten ihr gesamtes Leben und...

2 years ago
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Slut MommieChapter 15

The next day John and I both slept in. I woke up watching my husband stir and open his eyes. "Hi beautiful," He whispered. I smiled and gave him a kiss. "Gotta pee," I said getting up. Immediately he jumped out of bed laughing and ran to the bathroom. "John, you're horrible," I said watching his cock sway in front of him as he ran. I sighed and got out of bed. I was naked and had to go pee bad so I peeked out the room into the still dark hallway. The only light that was on was...

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Rainy Day Mom

It was a rather cool Sunday for mid June, and the rain was falling gently but steadily outside. I was lying on the narrow bed in my tiny room, with the window open beside me. This was an odd little room, never intended as a bedroom. When we had first moved into the house several years before, I had noted this room and wanted it for mine. It actually was just a large walk-in closet, but it had a square window, which opened on hinges and was protected by the overhanging roof on the east side of...

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