Better free porn video

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SYNOPSIS Better: Could life get better for Angus? It was pretty terrible but he was surviving. And then, one day, he took a long walk along the beach... Better "Angus, for Christ's sake! Can you get the file I asked for?" "That is the Miller file, Mister Broderick," Angus said pointedly. "Not the Miller file! The Milton file! I asked for the Milton file, now get it. You did bring it, didn't you?" Mister Broderick looked keenly at Angus as if he suspected him of purposely thwarting his plans. "Of course, Mister Broderick. I'll get it immediately." Angus hurried from the study, through the white French doors, past the pool and to the guest house where he was staying. I'm just a glorified secretary, he fumed silently, I might be called an Executive Assistant but I'm just a gopher! The bugger didn't say Milton - he said Miller! The arrogant prick! He rummaged in the box of files he had brought with him from the city and pulled the Milton file from its grasp. This is supposed to be a break, but Broderick works even harder at his holiday house than he does in the city! Striding back to the house, Angus looked around at the sprawling grounds. Some holiday house, he thought, fifteen bedrooms, five car garage, a swimming pool, tennis courts and a private beach! Although Angus had lived in America for almost a year, he had not quite become used to the ostentatious display of wealth. As he walked through the house, he passed Shane Broderick, the son and heir. "Good morning," Angus said automatically. Shane, looking him up and down, said "hi" with a complete and apparent lack of interest. Angus shrugged. I'm just the hired help, I suppose but how is that big lug ever going to run the Broderick empire? "Here's the file, Mister Broderick," Angus said, placing it on the huge desk that Broderick favoured. He liked imposing furniture and Angus guessed it somehow compensated for his lack of height. Broderick grunted and started pawing through it as the side door opened and Mrs Broderick entered. "Good morning, darling," she said, planting a kiss on her husband's bald head. He grunted a reply and she smiled at Angus. "Good morning, Angus. Was the guest house satisfactory?" Satisfactory? It was bigger than his apartment! "Yes," he smiled, "thank you Mrs Broderick." She nodded and turned to her husband, firmly removing the file from his grasp. "We promised we would visit the Hamilton's for brunch, honey," she said and he scowled. "Do we have to? I have important..." "Yes, we have to. Shane is ready and we can drive over now. Let Angus enjoy himself for a change. You can swim in the pool, Angus," Mrs Broderick said with a smile "or the beach?" "I'll find something to do, Mrs Broderick," Angus said gratefully. "You can finish the financial analysis," Mister Broderick snapped. "I'll look at them when I get back from this stupid brunch!" His heart sank but Angus forced a smile. "Of course, sir." He scooped the files up and began to walk from the study. As he walked quickly, he heard Mrs Broderick say, "you're too hard on that boy, you should let him relax." "I'm not paying him to relax!" Angus almost threw the files into the pool as he stormed past but, thankfully, thought better of it. Sighing, he sank into the easy chair next to the guest house windows and began calculating Return On Investment ratios. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Broderick's climb into the Mercedes and drive down the sweeping driveway, the electric gates opening with an audible hum. "Bugger it!" Angus dropped the file onto the floor and stood. "I'm going for a walk. I deserve some relaxation!" Hands in pockets, Angus walked down the graceful lawns to the strip of sand that was the Broderick private beach and began to idly walk close to the water. Yachts were anchored off shore and he smiled as he saw some couples rowing together, laughter and giggles floating over the water. America was larger than life in everything, so big, bright and powerful compared to his dim life in Edinburgh. After his parents had been killed in a terrific motor accident, Angus had fled to America to begin a new life. Working for Broderick was difficult and frustrating but the salary was excellent and gave him a reason for existing. Looking up, he realised he had walked through the gate that isolated the Broderick beach from the neighbours and, in fact, he had walked through that beach and was now near the public promenade. The promenade was crowded and Angus sauntered along, feeling the sun on his face and beginning to feel the stress and the tension begin to leave his shoulders. He sat on a small wall on the edge of the beach and watched the families and lovers playing in the sun. Seagulls flew low and concluded Angus had no food so flew away. Lost in thought, he looked around, smiling at the children who ran excitedly onto the sand, the teen age boys on skateboards and the teen age girls preening and exhibiting themselves. A thin old man with a long scraggly grey beard and equally long hair caught his attention. The man, obviously homeless was carefully sorting through the garbage cans and Angus immediately felt concerned for him. Everyone else ignored the old man and Angus saw he was taking discarded bottles and putting them in a sack he carried. He carefully examined each bottle, discarding some but the majority found their way into the bag. "What on earth is he going to do with those?" Angus murmured. "Sell them for cash or something?" He may have been an economist but Angus was certainly unsure and inexperienced in the ways of the homeless. The old man moved to the next garbage bin, stumbled a little and gripped the can for support. As Angus watched, the old man's eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed onto the boardwalk in a crumpled heap. people glanced at him but ignored him as Angus leapt to his feet and dashed over. The old man's eyes fluttered open and Angus asked, "are you all right?" He smiled. "That's a bloody stupid question, isn't it? Can you get up?" Angus slipped his arm under the old man's and gently helped him to his feet. "My bag!" the old man called in a voice that sounded like the rumbling of an earthquake. Angus bent down and picked it up, the bottles rattling together. "I have it. Come over here and sit down." He guided the old man to the wall and helped him sit. "When did you last eat?" The old man appeared to try to focus on him and shrugged. "I'll get you something," Angus said, looking around and, spying a hot-dog stand dashed over and bought two hot-dogs. "Here you go," he said, offering it to the man who snatched it and wolfed it down. "You were hungry, weren't you?" Angus smiled. "here, have this one as well." The old man snatched it and swallowed it in one easy motion. "Feeling better?" The old man examined him with the palest eyes Angus had ever seen and nodded. "Good," Angus smiled, "here's your bag." "Thank you," the old man said in a clear and strong voice. "How can I repay you?" he asked in an old fashioned way and Angus brushed the question away. "No need. I'm just glad you're better. Make sure you eat, won't you?" Angus said. "Bye." Angus strolled off, turned a corner, and blinked in surprise when he saw the old man calmly seated on a bench outside the boat shop. "I asked how I could repay you," the old man said in that distinctive rumbling voice. " did you..." "No matter. It is what I do," the old man said calmly. "Sit with me?" "It must be the heat," Angus said, sitting, "the sun's bent my mind." "The sun does no bending," the old man said with a smile, his eyes boring into Angus. "You are a kind man, Angus McLeod." Angus gawked at him. "How..." "No one stopped to help an old man, no one but you. The human race should be glad you exist." Angus shook his head. "I'm going insane," he murmured. "No, do not fear," the old man said seriously, "your mind is sharp and clear. Let us talk." "Talk?" Angus studied the man who appeared to becoming younger by the minute. "Yes. Let us go somewhere private." In an instant, Angus found himself seated on a log with the old man on a beach of white sand, coconut palms lined the land behind them and the sea was a clear and bright blue. "Cripes! Where the bloody hell are we?" Angus stood up and desperately looked around but the beach was deserted. "An uninhabited Pacific island I'm quite fond of," the man said equally. "I am Giemsa, tester of the faith." Angus stared at Giemsa who now appeared to be younger, his beard was receding as was his hair and his clothes were becoming finer and richer. "Tester?" "I test the kindness and love of humans. If they pass the test, the race becomes closer to peace and enlightenment." "If they fail?" "Earthquakes, storms, fires - whatever I feel is necessary to educate." "Punish you mean." Giemsa shrugged. "You can interpret many ways if you choose." "You test the human race?" Angus looked around, wondering if he had inadvertently ingested one of those hallucinogenic drugs he had heard about at university. "Have we ever passed?" Giemsa shook his head sadly. "No but there have always been individuals who have continued to give hope. But, no matter. How can I reward you?" "Reward? Me? For what? Buying you a hot-dog? Don't be silly. Can you get me back to..." "The Broderick house?" Giemsa smiled at the shocked expression that flooded Angus" face. "Yes, I can. Would you like me to punish them? The man Broderick makes your life a misery, does he not?" "Yes but that's just the way he is..." "I can arrange for a terrible disease. Perhaps he could go blind..." "No," laughed Angus, not really believing Giemsa. "No, don't do anything." "Mrs Broderick? She seems unhappy with her life. I could end it..." "No, please, don't do anything!" "Shane is arrogant and conceited, perhaps I could..." "Please, no. It's not their fault they are that way and they are kind to me in their own way. They don't know any different." Giemsa smiled warmly. "You are a kind person Angus McLeod. I can see you do not believe me but no matter. If you could wish for something, what would it be?" Angus laughed loudly. "You're offering me wishes? Are you a genie?" Giemsa appeared puzzled. "Genie? No, I am Giemsa and I am offering you a reward, just one." The analytical part of Angus took over and he thought deeply. "I don't think just one thing can ever improve things. There's that old story. A man is offered three wishes and he immediately wishes for a million dollars. Poof! His bank account has a million. He then wishes for a Rolls Royce..." "Rolls Royce?" "It's a car, a very good car. Poof! The car is parked in front of him and then he wishes to be irresistible to women. Poof! He's turned into a box of chocolates." Angus laughed and Giemsa smiled. "You do not wish to be chocolates?" "No, of course not. It's just so difficult to accurately decide what one wants so if this wish of yours was real, I would simply wish that things were better." "Better? It is done. Thank you, Angus McLeod." There was a flash and when Angus opened his eyes, he was staring at the ceiling of the guesthouse. It was a dream, he thought, but it was so real. I must have dozed off here. There was no walk, no old man. But it was so real. Angus smiled wryly, looked down as he prepared to get up from the bed and screamed! The scream, a very feminine scream of horror hung in the room as he - she- examined herself! Breasts! Angus mentally screamed, I have breasts! He scrambled to the mirror in a mad rush and stared at the reflection. A beautiful young woman with dark curly shoulder length hair stared back, her eyes wide with fear and horror. "Oh my god!" he said aloud and stopped at the sound of the female voice. His voice, a female's voice! "I'm a woman," he said softly, "Giemsa was real! But, how is this better?" Slowly, he/she turned and examined the image. Dressed in a knee high black skirt, a business like blouse, it was the epitome of an efficient business woman. Frantically, he bent and pulled the hem of the skirt up, long red painted fingernails snagging the skirts fawn lining and he stared at his smooth crotch covered by cream lace knickers and Nero pantyhose. Suddenly weak, he collapsed back onto the bed, staring vacantly into space, his head spinning as he cupped the large breasts attached to his chest through the blouse. It was all disconcertingly real but at the same time familiar! Unsteadily, he managed to stand and it wasn't until he had walked across the room that he realised he was walking in high heels with apparent ease and familiarity. "How do I explain this?" he whispered, staring at that strange face in the mirror. The sound of the gates opening and the Mercedes coming up the driveway brought him back to reality. What will they say? Should I run away? Run to where? How? "They'll throw me out," he gasped in panic in that unfamiliar and high voice but, he noticed, still with his - Angus" - soft Scottish brogue. "I'll be homeless with no identification, nothing!" As he said it, his eyes fell on a black leather handbag on the dresser and he picked it up. Rummaging through it he found a brush, comb, compact, tampons, small perfume atomiser, keys, address book and a lot of other female paraphernalia as well as a small purse. With trembling hands, he opened it and removed the credit cards. "Oh my god," he breathed when he saw the name on the cards was Alice J. McLeod. Alice was his late mother's name and he frantically rifled through the purse but all forms of identification were in the name of Alice McLeod! "I'm Alice Jennifer McLeod," he said weakly, sitting down again. "Alice!" Another thought occurred to him. He opened the doors to the wardrobe next and found female clothes. There were far more clothes hanging than he, Angus, had brought plus an extra suitcase. The bathroom had cosmetics scattered over the bench and a hair dryer hung over the towel rail. Staring at his reflection, he was shocked when his fingers, acting on their own volition, picked up a tube of lip gloss and expertly applied it to his lips. As he blotted them, he stared awestruck at his reflection. The habits are there, I'm becoming a woman! Without thinking, he pulled his skirt up, knickers and hose down so he could sit on the toilet. As he used the toilet, he smiled wryly, despite the overwhelming fear. "I am already a woman!" After adjusting his clothing, checking his face, Alice walked back into the living room of the guesthouse. "I must still be employed by the Broderick's," he said, "I must be! If this is real, the world has changed around me, if this is..." His mind reeled and Angus, now Alice, stared through the window and wondered how Mister and Mrs Broderick, together with their son Shane, would now accept him - her! "If this is magic," he concluded, "they won't be astounded, they'll accept me." You're going to walk up there and just smile? Are you insane! What choice do I have? Alice picked up the file and the R.O.I. calculations. Taking a deep breath, adjusting her hair, Alice walked through the door and up the path towards the house, her heels clicking on the path. Her entire body felt awkward but, increasingly familiar although the altered centre of gravity was disconcerting as was the constant pulling of the bra strap. Bra strap! I'm wearing a bra! But you need to, you are a big girl. I'm wearing a bra! Why am I so calm? I should be going around the twist now! Why so calm? It occurred to him that whatever magic had been used - and he found it strange he so freely accepted that, indeed, magic had been used - it must also make him accept the changes as well as placing the habits, behaviours and skills within him. "Good morning, Alice," a deep voice said and Alice whirled to find Shane smiling at her. "Ah...good morning, Shane," Alice said carefully, wondering why Shane was so polite. It's because you're a girl! "Dad's in the study. You two workaholics should take some time off." Two workaholics? What does he say to that? "Uh...I agree but tell your father," Alice said almost cheekily and was surprised when Shane laughed. "I just might," he said with a wry grin. "We need to spend some time together," he suddenly whispered and Alice blinked. Thankfully, Mrs Broderick emerged with a tray with a coffee pot and cups on it. "Alice, good morning! Did you sleep well?" "Very well, thank you," Alice said. "You look wonderful. You look very nice today. Doesn't she Shane?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye. God! She's trying to set us up! Immediately after recognising Mrs Broderick's intentions, Alice wondered when she, the old Angus, became so perceptive. When the magic kicked in, I suppose, when I became a girl! "Yes," Shane said, his eyes travelling up and down Alice, "very nice." He smiled at Alice who felt her face grow hot. "I'll take the coffee in," Mrs Broderick said and Alice opened the study door for her. "Some coffee, darling?" Mrs Broderick sang and Alice nearly fell over when she saw that Mister Broderick smiled back. It was a bright and cheerful smile, not the half scowl the old Mister Broderick claimed as a smile. "Excellent," he beamed and then smiled even more broadly on Alice. "Good morning, Alice." "Good morning, Mister Broderick..." "Alice," he cut in, "Tony, remember? Call me Tony, okay?" "Well, yes," Alice said weakly, "if you insist." "I insist. Now," he said, eyes falling on the folder in Alice's hands, "don't tell me you've been working? I thought we were going to relax?" "I just...ah...ran over...some figures..." "No shop talk today," Tony declared, "right Emily?" he said to his wife. "Absolutely," she agreed. "I've made some tea for you, Alice. I know you don't like coffee." Mrs Broderick making me tea? Mister Broderick - no, Tony! - bright and happy? "Ah...thank you...Emily." "Why don't you and Shane take the boat out?" Tony said with a small wink in Emily's direction "Boat?" Alice said feebly. What was going on? Apart from being transformed into a woman, you mean? "It's beautiful on the bay," Emily said. "You two could swim and catch up." There was that twinkle again, Mrs Broderick knows something. "Great idea," Tony enthusiastically agreed.. "I'll tell Bettina to prepare a small picnic for you." They beamed at her and Alice swallowed and forced a smile to her new face. "It is lovely..." The door opened and Shane strolled in. "We were just saying," Emily said, "that you and Alice should take the boat out." "Great," Shane said, smiling at Alice. He is cute...wait! What in the hell is going on? The three of them were looking at Alice and she suddenly felt obvious but, at the same time, surreal, as if she was in the midst of a dream. "I'll get changed then," Alice said softly, trying to smile, trying to appear normal. Normal! "I'll wait," Shane said with another warm smile and Alice fled to the safety of the guesthouse. Sinking onto the bed, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. I'm changing, I can't help it. In fact, Alice suddenly realised, she had almost become used to this new body. Looking up at the ceiling, she said softly, "Giemsa, can you hear me?" Although feeling a little strange at speaking to nothing, calling on a mystical being, Alice preserved. "Giemsa? Please, change it all back! This isn't better!" There was no movement and no reply so Alice sullenly kicked her heels off, staring moodily at the floor. How can this be better? Although Mister and Mrs Broderick seem happier and Shane...well, so does Shane. He's very cute. Wait! What am I doing! Alice stood up and stared at the mirror and a beautiful but confused woman stared back. Sighing, she slowly began to undress and it wasn't until Alice was in her bra and knickers that the full impact of her new body swept through her. Staring at this image of a beautiful woman in cream lingerie did nothing, nothing at all! In fact, Alice surveyed her image critically and wondered if she had put on a little weight around her thighs. I'll swim laps tomorrow, do a lot of kicking. Wait! This is not you! This is...this is Alice! Shaking her head to clear it of these strange thoughts, Alice rummaged through the clothes and found a green one-piece swimsuit with an island pattern around the bust. Almost on automatic pilot, in a way that's exactly what it was like, Alice stripped her lingerie off, undoing her bra expertly, massaging the flesh where the bra strap had cut into it and then slipped on the swimsuit without a seconds thought. A short skirt, a white tee-shirt and white sandals were next. As she was tying her hair into a ponytail and adjusting her make up, she wondered what Shane would think of her in the swimsuit. Suddenly, an image of Shane looming over her, smiling down and with a look in his eyes that told Alice very clearly that he was about to kiss her! Shane kissed her! This is insane! Where are these memories coming from? Alice gripped the dressing table to steady herself as thoughts collided within her mind, almost as if two parts of herself were arguing! They're happy. You're happy! No, how is this better? Relax, enjoy it, see how the other half lives - the better half! Alice picked up a striped canvas beach with trembling hands and transferred compact, purse, comb, brush and a other things from her handbag without thinking and then added a striped beach towel. Alice and Shane have kissed! I have kissed him! Me! Alice...I mean...Angus! A small memory swam to the service and she sat down abruptly with the weight of the realisation. I liked it! I liked it when he kissed me! Alice stood and leaned close to the mirror, staring deeply into her eyes. A memory of a similar time when she stared at her newly pierced ears when she was just nine years old swept back to her and again, Alice shook her head. "I'm going," Alice said very softly, "Angus is going." "Giemsa, where are you?" she asked plaintively but only there was only silence. Slipping the canvas bag over her shoulder, retrieving her sunglasses from the handbag - her handbag - Alice stepped outside and saw Shane seated on the back step, a picnic basket by his legs. Slowly, Alice walked up and Shane stood to greet her, a warm smile on his lips and his eyes tender and hot. Alice noticed his large hands, the outline of his forearms and felt a little warm. "Sorry," she said quietly, "it took me age to decide what to wear." "It was worth it," he said simply, taking her hand to pull her close. "I can't get used to how beautiful you are." Heat surged through her as Shane held her loosely and softly kissed her, his warm lips pressing against hers and Alice found herself willingly returning the kiss. "I'll take the picnic basket," Shane said. "I suspect Bettina has outdone herself. Alice smiled and hand in hand they walked to the small jetty at the end of the house where the motor boat was moored. They boarded the boat in a easy silence and Alice watched as Shane started the motor and guided the boat away from the jetty. His big hands cradled the wheel lightly and Alice wondered what it would be like to be held tightly by those hands, to be squeezed while kissed and then... Stop! What are you thinking! "It's a beautiful day," Shane said as he steered and grinned at her. "Yes," Alice responded, "it is so lovely here." "I don't think I could ever grow tired of your accent," he said. "Accent?" Alice found herself saying cheekily. "I'm afraid you're the one with the accent, darling." Darling? Did I say that? Shane laughed, a deep rumble that seemed to touch Alice tenderly in her heart. "So you insist." He glanced at the horizon and Alice sensed he was nervous. "Can you believe we've only known each other for just six months?" Actually, it's shorter than that! Try a few hours! Images, real memories of that six months flooded her and she lived them all in just a few seconds. "I know," Alice gently said truthfully, "it's been wonderful." "Do you really think so?" Shane asked urgently. "Yes, of course," Alice smiled and, again, wondered why he was so nervous. Shane stopped the boat, dropped a small anchor and sat beside Alice. "Look, Alice," he said in a rush, "I know I'm useless at business while you're such a genius. Dad thinks the world of you but, I have to tell you something." Alice stared at him, seeing his furrowed brow and his shaking hands. "What, darling?" she asked, concerned. "Alice, I love you," he said. Alice's jaw dropped and Shane tenderly took her hand. Emotion coursed through her and she felt deliriously happy. He loves me! A tidal wave of hot emotion engulfed her and an immense affection - no, love - for Shane claimed her. "I love you, darling," she whispered - it was suddenly true, she did! - and they merged together to kiss. Shane beamed at her. "I'm so glad, I've been worried like hell because," he said, rummaged in his pocket, producing a small box and opening it to reveal a glittering diamond engagement ring, "I want to ask you to marry me. Please, will you marry me? It's a little difficult to kneel in a boat but I will if you want me to." Marry? He wants to marry me? Alice burst into tears and clung to him. "Don't give me an answer, darling," he whispered, "not yet. Please think about it." Of course I need to think about it! No, you love him! You have been hoping he would ask! What on earth is there to think about? "Yes," she found herself saying, "yes! Yes! Yes!" Shane slipped the ring on her finger and she looked at it proudly. A small but fading voice deep within her protested but Alice ignored it, kissing Shane deeply, feeling his hard body against hers and she knew this was what she wanted. They broke apart almost shyly, smiled at each other and kissed again, the ring glittering on her finger and she could feel his hardness against her stomach as he pushed her back. Other boats drifted past and he grinned sheepishly and arranged himself next to her, arm around her shoulders. Alice laid her head against his shoulder, pulling a towel over his lap and slipping her hand underneath it to caress his hard cock through his shorts. "You seem to love kissing me," she murmured, fingers stroking. "I love everything about you," Shane whispered, his lips in her hair, "but be careful, I could have an accident." "You don't like it?" Alice pouted, slowly unzipping his fly under cover of the towel and looking up at him with a wicked grin. "You know I do, honey," he gasped as her fingers closed around his cock. He's large! I can't wait to feel him inside me! "There are people watching," he cautioned as her fingers slowly slid up and down his cock, hidden by the towel. "I don't care," she whispered, feeling wanton and loved. "You wicked woman," he moaned and kissed her again. "People can tell what you're doing..." "All right," Alice said teasingly and released his cock, sliding her hand out from under the towel. "Later." They walked slowly back to the house, Alice's head on his shoulder and holding hands. "Should I tell them?" Shane asked softly. "Mom has guessed, I think." Alice recalled the twinkling eyes of Shane's mother and agreed. "Probably," Alice replied. Should they casually announce they were getting married? What about Angus? "Let's tell them," Alice said quietly and, at that moment, the last remnants of Angus felt life slipping away as his memories were subtly being altered to be viewed from Alice's perspective. Being with Shane was more important than anything and the world suddenly seemed very different - better. Mrs Broderick was in the kitchen, laughing and talking with Bettina the cook when they walked in. "Mom," Shane said with a grin, "we've something to tell you." He squeezed Alice's hand while Emily and Bettina grinned, waiting expectantly. "I've asked Alice to marry me and she's agreed." Mrs Broderick seized Alice in an enormous hug and Alice saw small tears in her eyes. "Alice! I'm so glad! This is great news!" Bettina also seized Alice and hugged her and then turned her attention to Shane. Tony Broderick, brought by the noise appeared in the kitchen. "Is this what I think it is?" he asked excitedly and Shane grinned sheepishly. He warmly hugged Alice and smiled at her. "I guessed when Shane couldn't take his eyes off you the first time you joined us. It's great to have a daughter." Alice blushed and smiled at them all. "Thank you all so much. It's wonderful. I'm so happy," she said and began crying. Emily hugged her again. Tony Broderick slapped Shane on the shoulder, grinning up at him and Bettina announced, "Coffee?" "No," Tony said, "champagne!" "Alice," Emily said suddenly, "do you want to call your parents and give them the news?" "My parents?" Alice said stupidly. My parents are dead! Angus floated to the surface and the world suddenly seemed strange again. "I've got the number," Shane said with a sly grin, "I rang your Dad and asked his permission." Emily and Tony laughed. "That's my boy," Tony said proudly. "You rang...Dad?" "Yes, honey. They're waiting for a call and they said it didn't matter what time. Here, I'll dial it for you." When the phone was in her hand and ringing, Alice's heart was pounding so loudly she was sure it drowned out thee excited buzz of conversation between the Broderick family. The was a click and that warm, soft voice came on. "Hello?" "Mum?" "Hello, dear," Alice's mother said excitedly. "How are you?" "Wonderful," Alice said and burst into tears. "I'm so happy," she sobbed. "You have some news, dear?" Alice's mother prompted, excitedly. "Your father is pacing up and down like a tiger. You know how he is." Yes, I know how he is! "Mum, it's wonderful to hear your voice..." "And yours." "I'm getting married!" "I'm so glad! Shane is a wonderful boy. We both liked him when you flew home last month." We flew home last month? At that thought, memories of that wonderful trip flooded through Alice's mind, filling the nooks and crannies with details and emotions. God, she loved Shane! "I'll put your father on." There was a pause, then her father's deep and mellow voice, always kind, filled her up. "How's my little girl?" Memories of sitting on his knee, walking hand in hand to the park and how he patiently helped her to learn to ride her bicycle swept through her. "Dad..." Alice choked and tried to smile. "I'm so glad for you, he's a wonderful boy. Although, I don't know whether I'm ready to be a grandfather." Alice laughed. "Dad, you sound wonderful..." "I'm rather well, actually, Played golf yesterday and beat Edward for the first time." "How is Uncle Edward?" "Still the same but he'll be chuffed as well. Tell Tony we're coming over." "You are?" "Of course." Tony was signalling and Alice smiled at him. "I'll put him on. My father," Alice said, holding the telephone out to Tony who eagerly took it. "Bill! Isn't it great news! Sure, that's great! Let me do the arrangements, you and Mrs McLeod will stay with Emily and I. It's no problem, it'll be fun!" Alice took Shane's hand and led him to the French doors. "I do love you, you know," she whispered. "I know and I know you." Alice slipped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. "I never knew that life could be so..." "Good?" "Better."

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Log date: 24 June 2139 “Final report. Space Fleet: Intergalactic-ship, USS Genesis NCC (1000). Lt Commander Mansfield reporting. All 175 members of the crew except for Communications Officer Thorvaldsen and me are dead. Space Fleet: Class-heavy cruiser ship, destroyed. I should reach Earth in about four months. This is Mansfield, co-survivor of the USS Genesis NCC (1000). Signing off.” Three years earlier… Log date: 14 October 2136 Planet Earth is rapidly running out of...

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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 6 Pearl Harbor

Sunday, July 11, 1971 Of the forty-seven people on board the Tri-Star (not counting me), I can safely say that the vast majority of them were, to some extent, unhappy with me. While I’m reasonably sure that the four guys, Robert, Jimmy, Kip, and David, as well as the pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer, were not on that list, I wouldn’t bet either way on the two stewardesses. As for the other thirty-eight passengers, there was one toss-up and one that just didn’t care because she loved me...

1 year ago
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Tobias started the Sabbath day in a buoyant mood. When in church, old Mr Hodges woke up from an apparently vivid dream in the middle of the sermon, no doubt recalling some ancient wrongdoing. He yelled loudly when Tobias was in full flow about turning the other cheek, “I’ll get ye for this if it’s the last thing I do, ye rotten bastards!” Even this slightly awkward interruption did not disturb Tobias’s sense of inner well-being.After all, he had virtually plighted his troth to the lovely Lucy...

3 years ago
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Being asked to Breed a White Married Woman Chapter 1

My name is Antonio and I am a black man. I played football in the NFL for several years before I blew my knee out and could not play again. I stand six foot seven inches tall and I weigh two-hundred-twenty-five pounds. I don’t mean to brag but I have a very above average cock, 12 inches long, and the width of a baseball bat. No one has ever complained about it and I seem to always please the women I am with. I do prefer white women and especially married, white women. That being said let me get...

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The Devil and Me Ch 03

My head spun as I woke up in my bed. It spun even more as I realized that I was not in the bed of my apartment, but my childhood bedroom in my parents’ house. Or I suppose I should say my mother’s house, as my father had not lived there since his untimely death by heart attack a few years back. I looked over and saw my key ring on the nightstand, and among the keys I could no longer see the apartment key that was a welcome reminder of my own tiny postage stamp of home. I saw my car key on the...

3 years ago
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Helping My Uncle

Though I’m older now, this is how it began for me. I lived with my mom and stepdad in Ohio in a house that my uncle owns. He owns several rental houses and and gets me to help clean them sometimes. Though I’ve asked, my mom won’t tell me anything about my real dad, she just says “when you get older”. Mom is 51 years old and kinda sexy in her own way. She has nice big boobs, a medium build, and a perfect ass with just the right amount of jiggle. I’ve spied on her enough to know she has lots of...

3 years ago
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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 3

I was awakened again by Suenee shaking my shoulder. There was barely enough light to see in the room. "You must return now," she said, when she saw that I was awake. I reached out and pulled her to me. She offered no resistance and came into my arms for a long kiss - but not too long. "Shower," she told me in a no-nonsense voice. We adjourned to the shower again. I was better prepared this time, but that water was still cold. We both showered and dried off. When I came out of the...

1 year ago
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A fine f amily pt5

Steve had been showing Linda the text message he had received from Wendy when they heard their k**s making noise down the hall. Still naked, he peeked his head out of their room and listened carefully. Linda couldn't put Steve's cell phone down, her mouth watering at the picture of Wendy's perfect young pussy. She couldn't wait to get this girl over to the house."Linda, I think the k**s are doing something," he said.She reluctantly put the phone on her night stand and followed her husband out...

1 year ago
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The BetChapter 3

We bet big. To the winner, anything goes for the weekend and the loser must comply. I thought I had it in the bag, but she won. And now I had no hair, the hard way. Except for my head, she waxed me stem to stern Friday night. This morning, she dressed me in sexy lingerie and gave me a world class handjob. Lilla had plans. After an early dinner Lilla called me upstairs. A pretty woman briefly caught my eye as I passed the foyer mirror and strutted up the stairs in my 3 inch pumps, sexy green...

1 year ago
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Barbs big cock and what it can do to you 2

The car drove for a very long time before it finally stopped. When the truck was opened she realized it was dark and she had no idea where she was. He grabbed her and turned her around! Mary started fighting until the man put a gun to her chest and told her he would kill her where she stood! She stopped fighting! She was pushed inside the cabin almost immediately but she knew she was in the woods and there was an old cabin! Most likely this was the same cabin Mary was taken too! She remembered...

2 years ago
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My InitiationPart 6

I was learning a lot about the sorority girls I had to sneak panties from as I watched them from my vantage points around the building. Tonight I watched a guy put a ladder up to one of the double rooms. As he climbed through the window, I watched the two girls, who pretended to be studying, feign surprise as he entered. He tied them on one of the beds in a reverse '69' position and used a flogger on the top girl's ass as they started to eat each other out.Then while they were busy, he stripped...

3 years ago
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An expensive dress

First I have to tell you something about my wife. My wife is a proud woman. She is rather pretty, and she never leaves the house if she's not looking great. Not only the hair and make up, but also her clothes. I love it too, just like every normal guy, when people look at her when we're walking by. It's like I have something you want, but can't have. Every man wants a woman like that! Who would stick with the ugly troll if he can show off with the princess? But back to the story... My...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 25

Every morning that I wake up next to Tamara is a good morning. I looked at my sweet baby lying next to me. Her hair was a mess and she still had on her dress from last night. She looked beautiful. I reached over and caressed her back. She moaned slightly then stretched. She then rolled over and pulled me closer. "Good morning," I said. "How are you feeling?" "Rode hard and put up wet. Literally!" she said. "But I love it." "I need to get up and get moving. I'm meeting Michael for...

4 years ago
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My Love Of Waifs

I’ve always had a thing for small skinny women. As such, my wife is only 5’ tall and never saw the high side of 100 pounds. That having been said they can’t look too young though. I want to know that I’m with a woman and not some child.The first woman that I played with that met my true desires was 15 years my senior. Seeing her on her knees before me with my eight inches of cock in her face became permanently etched into my brain. From then on I knew who and what my partners would be.Recently...

4 years ago
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To Tease or Not To Tease

"You're SUCH a bitch. I'm gonna make you pay for it when I get home!" and then he hung up on me.I giggled to myself as I thought of the state he was in at the moment. It wasn't nice to tease, but DAMN it was fun!I slipped off my panties this morning and put them into his lunch kit. I even wrapped them around the banana. Freud would have a hey day with the analogy.About an hour after he left for work I sent him a text message. And then followed up with another one every hour.I think I was...

Quickie Sex
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Next Door Seduction 1

Julie lay on her back, the young blonde tilted her head lazily, her eyes searching the cloudless sky, her bare toes playing little games with the golden brown grass that covered Mrs. Lyon’s back yard. “I mean, my mother doesn't try to control me the way some mother’s do. She treats me like an adult, so there isn't any need for me to set boundaries with her. I mean she’s my best friend, you know?” Mrs. Lyons took in the full length of the sexy 13 year old in front of her, and smiled,...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 392

The Washington investigators had round - tabled some time at the hotel before they called to be picked up. It took two more hours to answer all their questions Monday morning and then there was a meeting with officials of the Uganda government. The officials still had no explanation how such a terrorist attack was planned and executed without alerting their anti terror forces. They were doing everything they could to side track any questions or make any statements related to the terrorist...

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Janet And Uncle Carlos

Janet And Uncle CarlosBy: Londebaaz Chohan Carlos was to stay for a week at his younger brother’s house as a guest and he was very well accommodated in the guest side of the large house. He had just finished the shower and was letting the water wash his shoulders for the last minute when the bathroom door opened with a loud sound. Carlos was not sure but he could guess that it could be nobody other than Janet, his lovely niece, who was also home for a break between semesters from her college...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 211

Zane and Falina were having problems of their own. With her pregnancy advancing as it was, they had lost the intimacy, they had, so long, enjoyed, so much. She was used to them having sex at least four or five times a week, and even more often, at times. He was afraid that he would hurt her, or the baby, and held off. Falina enjoyed exciting her husband of now, nine years. She had grown more wanton as he had discovered that she enjoyed being shared with other men. She had, also, discovered that...

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A Flatmates First Time

My name is John and it all started for me the same as most CDs; I was 13 and had stumbled upon my mother's underwear draw and for some reason I decided to try on my mum's pantyhose. The feeling was divine and I was immediately hooked. Over the next few days I experimented more and more with panties, bras, shoes, clothes and make-up. Ever since then I have had several unsuccessful attempts to quit my habits. I am now a 24 year old closet CD who lives in London with my flatmate Katy. She did not...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Two

Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 2 Lying on the demon's soft bed, his body weighing over me, I feel my pleasure mounting again. One hot finger massages my throbbing clit while two more stroke the moist folds of my opening. My own hands are grasping at his dark broad shoulders, holding on to him as if he were my lifeline in this ocean of ecstasy. I'm drowning in it, sinking further into the abyss. My world is melting, becoming one with his, and becoming one with him. Every touch, every...

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Muscat Mariya Part III

By : Josakl Part ii.. Sheeba yude aadhya muscat yaathraa. Muscat Mariya yude aava-naazhi aaswaadhichu kaanumallo.. yini namukku avalude mootha mol Sheeba yude kanni Muscat yaathra thayar yeduppukal onnu aswaadhikkaam. Varshanghal veagam kadannu poay Mariya yude 3 makkalum (2penn+1aan) valarnnu moothaval Sheeba aduthulla Nursing homil joli yilayaval Sheeja 10il thoattu nilkunnu punnaara mon Shibu padinam yengane yenn ariyilla school cricket teamil shine cheyunnu. Pana-khodhi moothappol Mariyakk...

2 years ago
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Sex on the road side

Introduction: pt of my short stories We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and Were on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off. You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers, you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice...

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A Friendly Bhabhi Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone…. I am a boy aged 23…. Have lots of dreams… And pretty much single as well….   But luckily I have a very friendly bhabhi who is just two years elder to me. She is a perfect girl anybody would dream of. A mixture of innocence and naughtiness. I started fantasizing about her from the first time I saw her. But never got the courage to move forward with my ideas.   It’s been three years since ruchi became my bhabhi but I could just masturbate thinking about her. Praying to have...

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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 2

They had just dropped Cal at the Dew Drop Inn on the far side of town. Junior bounced the pickup over the railroad tracks without slowing down, which caused Roxie to be jarred in her seat. It was hot already on the Sunday morning in early June and no rain in sight again for the fourteenth straight day. Through the rolled-down window Roxie could hear the gravel under the tires as they sped along. The house was just a hundred yards ahead on the stub of the County Road where she lived with her...

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A Hard Rains Gonna Fall

Author’s Note ;this is not a political statement on any countries politics or foreign policy. It could be set in Syria today (though certain details make that highly unlikely) or set in the future in the States where citizens are defending themselves against a draconian government’s attempt to ban guns (that was a joke), it is a statement about the general futility and brutality of war but more than that it is about grabbing the chance of beauty in an ugly world. And some of this story is...

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The Best Thousand Dollars I Ever SpentChapter 4

About twenty minutes later Julie breezed into the office like she owned it. Her attitude was one that was professional in some senses. She walked like she had a purpose ... a mission perhaps. Her face gave nothing away. She closed the door to Josh’s office. “Should I go wash my hands again darling?” asked Josh. There was just the hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. “No,” she said tersely. “I want you to hear this.” She turned to Brad. “Mister Tarkenton, do you love...

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First time sex with neighbor

Hi, this is raveekiran from tumkur nearer to Bangalore. I am 25 today and unmarried. This story is about 6 months back, when I had just come out of my engineering. I was looking for a job, and my neighbor one floor below me, offered a freelancing opportunity to me. He was working for some manufacturing company and had to make some machine. He wanted some person who can design the machine for him. I accepted the offer and started working with him. As his office was far off from our place, he...

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Lady Boss

Hello friends, my name is Avi. I am from Indore and i am writing my first sex story here. I have read many sex stories on many websites. But, I like this website as I find stories written here are more original and not fake. So friends, I will not bore you much and come direct to story. I work in software company in Indore. I am 5.9 feet tall and well built. I am a gym fit guy, so stamina is long. My dick is 8 inch long. I had a lady boss. Her name was Neha. I am changing name here for security...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 2

Mona Stivers was, as her husband Frank phrased it, "in the mood." In her own words, she was horny. But one did not use such common street language around Frank. Frank was above such things. Mona contained herself during the campfire dinner that night, waiting until the two families eventually drifted into their various tents. Then she walked to the river and bathed. The bath was the first phase of her plan to seduce her own husband. After all, a woman who smells of a days hiking and...

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The Midnight Maiden Ch 07

The Ahlissan Chronicles ~ Book I ~ The Midnight Maiden Chapter 7: Dinner for Two The following day found Lord Brion to be in good spirits, even his father commented that there was a spring in his step that normally was not there. The young man felt as if he had not a care in the world and Brion even took more than his usual dispassionate interest in the discussions of the day. While discussing troop commitments with the other representatives Lord Brion had enthusiastically described the...

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The Black Card

 Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful, lush green oasis: a Caribbean island at the height of its affluence. Zendea is a beautiful tropical island. It looks perfect on the outside but it’s the underground action that really keeps it afloat. When Rosa’s head hunter arranged for a special meeting, hinting that a unique employer was interested in her talents, Rosa was intrigued. As it happens, The Black Knight Intelligence Agency had been following her for some time. “A half a million upfront...

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Altered Fates Lyles Story

Lyle's Story by Grendel There are two sides to every story. Most of us would prefer to see the world in black and white, but the decisions we make are never as clear- cut as that. I know that I've made some enemies in my life, and perhaps with hindsight some of the pain that I've caused could have been avoided, but I've never deliberately acted with malice. I've just made some bad choices. I grew up in the shadow of my elder brother, Ken. He was the Golden Child, the...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 89 A Nocturnal Interview

Monte Cristo waited, according to his usual custom, until Duprez had sung his famous "Suivez-moi;" then he rose and went out. Morrel took leave of him at the door, renewing his promise to be with him the next morning at seven o'clock, and to bring Emmanuel. Then he stepped into his coupe, calm and smiling, and was at home in five minutes. No one who knew the count could mistake his expression when, on entering, he said, "Ali, bring me my pistols with the ivory cross." Ali brought the...

3 years ago
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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 5

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 12th December 2017Sue slowly came back down to earth, the tension now gone from her spent body. As her eyes opened and she looked at me I realized there was no hint of embarrassment or shame in her face. I’d thought that now the excitement had passed, there might be some adverse reaction. But Sue’s face was pure undiluted contentment. Fully satisfied and not caring whether the lover who’d pleasured her was male or female.As I kissed her softly and we shared a moment,...

Wife Lovers
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PornWorld Canela Skin Submissive Nympho Whore Canela Skin Bound Whipped And DPd in BDSM Threesome

When youre an anal nympho whore like Canela Skin, theres nothing better than waking up and having two dudes tag team you before youve had your morning coffee. So, when Canela wakes up from a hard night of partying, her fuck buddy Erik introduces her to her new master Luca, who immediately puts a dog collar on her and begins dominating her. After leading Canela around the room with the leash, Luca starts whipping her and plugging her holes with a large glass dildo. When shes nice and wet, her...

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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 10

“Head on up to the University an hour away, I’m sure there are some college boys who would love your big ... smile!” I said, with Sari kicking me under the table. In front of me is the exact reason that I didn’t go looking for female companionship, either in high school or college. The girls, who were worth your time, were just as busy with schoolwork as you were. The other 88% were airheads with their bust size rivaling their IQ. If Marsha goes to college – a mighty big if – she’ll either...

2 years ago
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Exposing My Fiance

We were at a Jaycee Convention in our State Capitol. I was 24 years old at the time and my wife to be, Julie, was 22. We had attended a dance on the previous evening. Having drank too much, eaten too much, and then fucked the night away, we didn't roll out of bed until mid-morning. The first order of business was breakfast, followed by a little power shopping and then a return to our room for some rest and relaxation before hitting it again. Julie had started playing with my cock in the...

4 years ago
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Dead Write Ch 11

* This is a repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit. * Chapter 11 ‘What have I done?’ reverberated in Sherry’s mind as they began the three-hour drive to their honeymoon hideaway. After all, she didn’t really know Sam — not well, not long. She’d been single for over seven years, now suddenly she was a wife and a mother with all the responsibilities that go with those titles. The desire to run and hide from this relational revolution continued to build. An old expression, “Be careful...

3 years ago
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The Night Daddy Became my Master

Daddy had come home and we had spent most of the evening making love in each other’s arms, just as we did every other night. However it was slightly different due to the fact that I let Daddy please me more and I slacked on pleasing him. He still seemed pretty satisfied as we finally curled up together in bed to sleep, but at around 3am I was woken suddenly with a slap round my face and then a soft, passionate kiss on the lips. I went to open my eyes to see Daddy but I couldn’t see anything due...

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Austin the Veterinarian

My local Vets’ Surgery was one of a chain and you never seemed to see the same Vet twice – not that I went that often, thankfully. Usually though, the Vet on duty was a woman and, to be honest, I was sitting there waiting to be called and expecting a white-coated woman to appear and call my name, as usual. I was suddenly aware of a man’s voice calling quietly, “Next?” from across the room and I turned to see where it came from. There he was, this vision of male beauty, and he was...

4 years ago
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Keeper of the GateChapter 3

Day 21, later "Girls, wake up," I called, "it's late. It's 6:30 already." They both sat up and stretched. God, did they look fantastic! "Your mother may be worried about you," I told them. Mel picked up the bedside phone and dialed her home phone, "Mom, we're at Dave's house. We're helping him get settled and cleaning up some. You wouldn't believe his refrigerator. It was awful. We're going to make some supper for him. Then we'll be home." "What," pause, "no Mom. He's...

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What happened in the basement apartment

I had never had sex before that fearful day I decided to skip a class and hang out in the wooded area behind the track field. Bruce, Charlie and Daniel came charging down the path claiming that the Principle was chasing them. Believing what they said I started to run with them till we found ourselves out side one of their home. Assaulted a undressed I was pulled across the floor and hung over an ottoman naked from my waist down and forced to endue the most vile thing my mind could imagine at...

2 years ago
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FIRST TIME WITH GIRL FRIEND Hi friends, this is my first story it’s a real experience of mine which happened about a year back I read a lot of stories on this site and decided to narrate mine too. I am 30 years of age and look good. I had a girl friend and she stayed with her father and brother. I often used to go to meet her and we used to meet at sheela aunties place, she was my girlfriend’s neighbor. I used to go to her place and she would then call my girl friend on some or the other reason...

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Dilemma Loreleis Story

Because I glanced at the clock, I know that I'd lived 12,656,620 minutes when it happened. Don't you think it should take more than 27 minutes to destroy everything it had taken that long to create? It has never seemed right, or even possible that so much damage could have happened in so little time, or that there was absolutely nothing positive about those fleeting moments. In less time than it takes to watch the silliest sitcom, I changed the lives of people I'll never know--so many...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 22

A History of Wall Street made for great reading to fall asleep by. It was almost as boring as the King James Version of the bible. Surely there had to be someplace that could make sense of Bonds, Fallen Angels, Acquisitions, Blue Chip Stocks, Coupons, Voting Shares and ad infinitum. One thing kept popping up: British Consols. In 1757, the coupon rate on the stock was 3%. The coupon rate remained at 3% until 1888. Paid Quarterly. By 1923 the rate was reduced to 2.5%. It is still 2.5%. In the...

1 year ago
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How a vacation changed our sex life

After hard work and saving some money, Joanne and I finally had enough money to take a trip to the Virgin Islands. When we first got there we did some sight seeing and spent time on the beech (the topless beech). Joanne couldn't help but notice how I was enjoying all the topless women. Then she asked me, "How would you feel if I were to come down to the beech topless and all the other guys were checking me out?" I told her great! She asked me if I would be jealous. I told her I wouldn't be...

First Time
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The Monsoon Experience 8211 Part II

Two days later in the afternoon at around 1:30 I received the call I was waiting for. Hello cowboy, how are you doing?” I wanted to say that I am dying to meet you and fuck you but dint wanted to show her how desperate I am, that would be kind a amateur, Pretty good Riya. Good to hear from you. How are you doing? I am fine too. My husband is out of Chennai and will not be back for a few days, so why don’t you come over tonight for dinner at around 8:30”Yes of course, 8:30 you said” Yeah, I will...

3 years ago
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I am Radhika 25 yrs, married woman, married for 7 yrs, no issues, I married my own uncle who is the youngest brother of my mother. He is 18 yrs, elder to me. He works in a sugar factory at our town. We stay at a place were all our family members reside but staying separately as we are to look after our own family. My husband will go for either of the 3 shift duties every day. I never have enjoyed the cream of my sexual act, even though my husband fucks me once or twice in week I could not taste...

2 years ago
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The Bath House

I have been bi since I was 16.. A couple experiences with friends when I was young, and then not much for a couple years.. then the opportunity to explore again came up. A friend of mine told me about the local bath house, and the times to be had.I have been there 3 times.. but nothing compares to the first night I spent there when I was 23.There were about 15 other men there that night. All ages, mostly older (which I LOVE) lolI was in the hot tub with 2 other men. We were talking,...

4 years ago
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The Window of Life

The Rolls Royce Silver Shadow coasted up the driveway towards Castle Stuart Country House Hotel. At 8:00pm exactly, the driver drew up at the impressive double pillared entrance. This was it then. Our chance to shine. The doorman who had been guarding the entrance approached and opened the car door. The company had paired everyone off for the evening, and I’d only just met Andy Sinclair less than half an hour before. I turned to him and smiled, before stepping demurely onto the gravelled...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Black Cock Sissy Slut Part 2

I wasn't about to cross that line. Masturbating another guy was fine. Well not fine, but certainly one thing, becoming a cocksucker was too far."Go ahead and suck it," He said."I'm not going to-""I'm not going to let you leave until you do," Daddy said "You know, I'd much rather be doing your wife, but fuck it. You promised me a mouth on the phone and I"m not leaving until I get what I came for white boy.""I'm not..."But the words stopped there.I had my hand on his dick already, the bulbous...

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Trio For Three Voices Part Two

TRIO PART TWO. A dinner invitation and a guided tour.Mistress Agnes.When I sent her off on that Monday morning I was immediately full of doubt. What if it all went wrong? What if this Marie girl was the office gossip and word got out about our lifestyle? As you might judge I was anxious to find out. When I got home from work that Monday evening Sherri was already there, her car parked in its usual place. It had been a hot day, it was already one of the hottest summers on record, and I was...

3 years ago
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Letters to ColletteChapter 6

Dear Collette, All this writing of Carla has been making me think a great deal about her. So, I called her Tuesday night (after 5 years) and asked if I could see her Thursday evening. She seemed reluctant, but finally said o.k. Well, I went over Thursday and took a couple of bottles of wine. The story isn't really all that interesting, but she finally broke down after 3 or 4 glasses of wine and told me that she had not had sex since her divorce 7 months ago and that she was horny as hell....

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