Cousins Helping Hand Pt 3 free porn video

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I had my headphones on and reading when suddenly I felt my door open.

“Did I say you could come in twerp!” I said before I looked over my shoulder.

“No jackass it's time to eat.” Jessica said

“Oh it's you no thanks, Especially if you cooked I prefer to starve over die of some food borne illness or possible posioning.” I replied flatly

“Do what you want see if I care.” Jessica said walking out

“I already know you don't care!” I said loud enough for her to hear me.

She spun around and was suddenly standing in my room closing my door. I spun around and sat up facing her. She had on a green v neck shirt that showed ample cleavage. I tried not to look at her chest but my eyes had a mind of their own. Then a question of did they get bigger ran through my brain suddenly. I didn't know where that though came from so I started to stare at the clock on my dresser.

“What the hell has gotten into you.” Jessica said putting her hands on her hips. “You been acting like a jackass to everyone. You even get nearly expelled from school getting caught with some naked girl.”

“I've not been a jackass to everyone. And yeah I got caught at school with a chick but not naked I wish everyone would stop saying that.” I stated “Why does it matter to you anyway you hate me!”

“What the hell did you just say?”Jessica demanded

“You know it's true you hate me!” I spat back

Jessica moved towards me way faster than I could react. She grabbed the short hairs on the back of my neck. As her lips connected to mine I opened mine to scream. The sound was cut off by her tounge being shoved down my throat. I tried my best to resist kissing her back but my body betrayed me. The kiss was intense and lasted until neither of us could breath.

“Did that feel like I hate you?” Jessica asked

“If you don't hate me then why'd you stop talking to me suddenly?” I asked

“It's a long story we’ll talk about it later tonight.” She said as ground her chest on my face while standing up.” Get your ass up time to eat.”

I stood up and that's when she realized I had grown. We were about the same height. I put on a little more weight than last time. Mother nature has been busy finally catching up. Her hand brushed against my crotch that betrayed me becoming simi hard she smiled walking away.

Now this all confused the hell out of me. Because the way she was acting the last 3 months. Did she expect to just pick up where she left off. My mind wandering as I was watching her walking away she definitely has changed in several places as well.

Jessica didn't realize that the siblings had gone wild. It's my fault actually because when they had different sitters all i did was stay in my room. I also got a after school job and I worked some weekends. This made them push their boundaries more and more like kids do. Now they didn't act like they used to and didn't go to bed easily any longer.

After a while my bedroom door opened again and Jessica was in my room she closed the door hard. She crossed her arms and stared at me with a chill in her eyes. I could tell by her body language that something had happened to upset her.

“This was a mistake I can't do this right now go watch the kids.” Jessica said as she flopped on my bed she grabbed my pillow and buried her head.

I wasn't sure who did what or how but I didn't care. I walked out of the room and forced all the younger kids to bed. I fought with them all for about an hour. Once everything was quite I sat in the recliner and started flipping through the channels. Light came from down the hallway. I got up and started to storm down it thinking it was one of the younger kids. It was my bedroom door that was open and Jessica looked like she had been crying. I turned to walk away from the door really not wanting to be there.

“Stop get your ass in here and shut the door.” Jessica ordered

“What gives you the right to boss me around like one of the twerps?” I asked standing in the door

“Sorry please come in here Christopher, we need to talk.” Jessica seemed on the verge of crying “So you finally want to talk to me what if I don't want to talk to you?” I said flatly as I closed the door.

“If you don't want to talk then listen to what I have to say please!” Jessica sobbed as she put her head in her hands. “I am so sorry about the way things ended up happening to you, I didn't want to hurt your feelings like that, I don't know where to start with what I have to say.”

“For starters pick your head up so it's not mumbled, then start from the beginning.” I said standing there.

“Sit down then because I don't want someone to hear what I have to say but you.” Jessica said looking up.

I sat next to her and she laid her head on my shoulder. Turning slightly in to me I felt her breathing on my neck. And her tears hitting my shirt. She took a deep breath and started to speak.

“I was kinda seeing a guy from school after we went back, He seemed like a good guy at first and I felt like he was going to be the one, That was until his personality changed into a complete control freak, I did everything he wanted me to but he was always fighting with me. It took my dad going to the school and the police to make him go away after he was threatening to kill me.” She was really crying at this point

“I had no clue about any of this.” I said giving her all the time to let the tears out she needed.

“I asked my parents to not say anything about it to anyone. I have been so scared of him this is the first time I left my house except for school in a month.” Jessica sobbed after a while. Slightly grinding her face in to my neck. This caused me to look down at her as I put my arm around her back. I felt a strong quick peck on my neck as her eyes flashed up then a sharp quick little bite.

"Ouch what the hell!" I exclaimed trying to refrain from being to loud.

“Here I am a complete crying mess on your shoulder and you can't help but stare at my tits like a perv.” She half crying half giggled as she pinched my nipple thru my shirt.

“I didn't stare. I just glanced down.” I protested.

“Ok perv, So you get to see one other girl’s tit’s and mine are no longer good enough to stare at.” She said pushing a bit of her weight on me indicating to lay back.

"Your putting words in my mouth I didn't say that. I just said I wasn't staring at at them at that time, if I'm a perv it's because of you." I replied laying back. Attempting to get my right arm around her and pull her down with me.

"Good because I would hate to make you have to eat those words." She stated while slapping my right arm.

"I don't think that would be possible to do. Besides not all tit's look or feel the same. So every set is worth attempting to see at least once in a lifetime ." I said with a smile and a slight chuckle.

Jessica was still sitting up next to me as she looked straight into my eyes and before I knew it her top was off. Now I could definitely see what I thought was my mind playing tricks on me all night. She had changed also her once well defined torso had started to get softer lines. Her waist also started to bulge ever so slightly above the waist of her jeans, beforehand their was nothing but a fabric sitting on her skin. Her bra even seemed to be either a bit tigh or something because there was no longer the gap that used to expose her sternum. This made her look more feminine some how making my desire for Jessica rise higher than before .

"So every set of tit's is worth attempting to see once, Well since you had already seen this set I'm guessing you don't need too see em again." Jessica said picking up her shirt.

"That's your choice if I don't see them again. But that's going to make it really really hard to suck and nibble on your nipples, and for me to play with them the way you need me to." I said

I began sitting up staring straight at her chest this entire time. I noticed that their was a front clasp on her bra. I decided to go for it I distracted her hands by attempting to wrap my arms around her. Then attacked the lower part of her bra throwing my head to the side gabbing a large portion of fabric with my teeth. I then straightened up twisting the bra giving me ample slack to manipulate the clasp open in under 10 seconds. My focus was purely on opening her bra and I didn't notice that she forced us backwards again.

"Did I say that you were going to see my tit's ever again perv?" she was nearly panting.

She had one of my arms pinned down with a hip and most her ass cheek on it. The other one almost pulled above my head and bent towards her with both hands working on it. she was laying with half her upper body on mine and one leg of hers atop mine. She let her movements expose a weekend point I could definitely exploit as her tit came within range. My tongue shot out and made contact with her warm flesh missing the mark of her nipple.

However I was rewarded with a few other chances while she moved about striking two direct hits. Her energy seemed to have shifted while she made her tit slowly drag across my tongue teasing me.

"Make up my mind either you want me to stare at them to prove that their worth it. Or I'm not supposed to look at em ever again."

I replied licking at the air

My tongue was successful in striking another direct hit but expected the slow drag away. My lips decided it was time to lock on to the elusive target that had changed from about the size of a mechanical pencils inside sleeve, to now about the size of just a bit less then a dime. Then I began to suck as hard as I knew she was able to stand. I felt her flesh satrting to stretch while attempting to pull her nipple free.

I only sucked as she pulled as hard as she wanted it to be, a few times she reversed and I ended up with more of her tit in my mouth then before. Her hands had changed their priority her left arm wrapped around my head some what controlling the torcher that I supposedly inflicted. She slipped the straps off her right arm some time removing the cup that was rapidly becoming annoying. I once again went to wrap my left arm around her to hug and pull her tight. Stopping me once again pushing it to the bed. Her leg started to move up and down my lower body.

"God damnit how come only you do this to me every time?" Nearly above a whisper Jessica asked kissing my forehead trying to move down more.

"Could it be because you are the one who taught me what it took to turn you on?" I replied after pulling back hard making her tit actually make a wet sounding pop as it broke suction.

"I only shown you the basics, But your the one that seems to know exactly where and when to do whatever it is you do to give me the best sensations." Jessica slightly panting as our eyes became level with each other.

"Honestly I don't do anything more then try to have fun and see how many times I make your eyes either shoot wide open for a few or roll backwards." I said again trying to hug her

"God I missed this. how many more times before you get the hint about what I want your arms to do right now?" Jessica spoke gripping on to my left nipple and twisting she suddenly really I still had my shirt on.

"Okay okay you win no hugging you got it." I replied in a attempt to show surrender.

"It's not like that at all I want you to hug and hold me, However right now I want to test something." Jessica said before her lips locked with mine

Our tongues dancing back and forth, her hand slipped under my shirt playing with my six pack briefly then up my chest, taking a single nail she traced my developing pectoral muscles and teased both nipples. breaking the kiss suddenly she sat up and suddenly stood up grabbing my closest hand pulling me. I got the hint and started to stand up.

Jessica unsnapped her jeans looking right at me. I discarded my shirt quickly and also taking my pants off just nearly as fast. getting pushed back to the bed by Jessica I sat. that's when she slowly pushed her jeans down her legs. She had on a pair of underwear that I never seen on her before they where so sheer they was practically invisible. She then climbed into the middle of my bed. I followed suit and got pushed down and my hands placed near my head.

"Your going to tell me about your nearly getting expelled from school. while you're telling me the story we are going to paly a game. I like to call it freeze tag of desire. it has two very simple rules. 1 the person who is trying to make the others hand jump can do absolutely anything they want to the person laying down, however the moment your hand so much as jumps even a centimeter off the bed you have to swap places with the other person. Hands down to your sides palms up, no grabbing the sheets to stop your moving it's cheating." Jessica said

"Ok how do we win the game?"

"Each round of you trying to no move is timed the person with the longest resistance time after them wins. Simple enough?" Jessica responded.

"Do the original rules still apply, And why do you want me to tell you about what happened at school last month?" I was curious

"Yes the original rules apply, And simply because I have not heard the full story about it. The rumor is it was a nearly naked girl you say it was not." Jessica replied reaching for the shirt I just took off putting it on the bed. she then positioned her self straddling me right below my boxers. "And your time starts now." Jessica announced as she started to run her hands along my stomach area.

"Ok so I guess I will just talk about the incident. It was on Wednesday we always have our pool side free plan during gym on Wednesday's. I asked if we could get a few of the diving targets and other stuff. Ms Myer the gym teacher said she didn't care as long as I put it all back after class." I started to explain when I first felt Jessica starting to move laying down on me her head near my pec's. She was using her long hair to try and tickle me then I felt the warm wet tip of her tongue touch my skin.

"The entire hour and a half period was fine as class was coming to a end I gathered up the stuff I gotten out and went in to the back room of the gym to the supply room to put everything back. Next thing I knew the door slammed shut and you cannot open the door from the inside. I beat the door till my hands hurt I screamed till nearly losing my voice. Everything I could think of to get someone to come looking. nothing for what seemed like for ever. I guess I dozed off on the roll of mats I was sitting on." I tried to keep focused on me telling her what happened getting distracted by feeling her body move again and her now kissing my neck and nibbiling on my ear. "And the girl?" she asked

"We got locked in the gym supply closet getting stuff for swim class, the push bar to open the door was broken and we where in swim suits." I replied

"Seriously that's all that it was?" Jessica asked looking directly in to my eyes.

"I told you that it wasn't what everyone thought it was. Yes she had on a two piece bathing suit. Yeah I may had a situation that made it look a bit differently. That's is all anyone needed see and they thought they knew." I answered looking back in her eyes.

"So theirs not a bitch or anyone else trying to get in your pants at school?" Jessica asked shoving a tit in my mouth and starting to grind her crotch against mine.

"At school their is no one like that. I haven't really been trying to date anyone their." I replied after she pulled away from my mouth.

"Damnit I was hoping for some reason to be mad about it all to find out it was a complete accident. Did you even get to see her nipping at least?" Jessica asked placing the opposite tit in my face I shook my head no

"Why you not trying to date anyone at school?" Jessica asked

"I have enough issues with a woman at work, I don't need to add to it with adding to it" I replied

"Who is it and I want details." Jessica demanded.

"I can't tell you her name, It's sworn to secrecy but I can tell you about parts of it." I said.

" Why not tell me her name?" Jessica demanded

"The biggest reason she has way to much to lose being older. A husband kids and more."

I stated

"Oh a older woman and how many times have you seen this woman naked?" Jessica asked

Thinking if I was to be honest with her thats Ive een her at least partially naked about once a day for the last montht may hurt her feelings.

"So far I've only seen her completely naked three times she has made it clear that she would like more times to come. I am not sure I want that to happen though." I replied to her question

Jessica realized for her to get the result of me being the one on top she need to do something drastic. She stood up on the bed turned around and sat down hard suddenly. I was barely able to stop my hands.

"Do I get details about how it happened or what you and her have done so far?" Jessica said, making her pussy hover just out of reach above my face. I could see everything through her panties. She had shaved herself smoother than a newborn. Her clit was starting to peek out barely visible. Her outer lips where light blush pink and no where near as plump as he remembered. He felt his boxers being pulled open and the head of his soft cock being fished out. Slowly it was getting stroked, swearing I felt something warm on it occasionally. I decided two could play that game as I traced my tongue up her thigh and breathed directly on her clit.

"Ok but you can't get mad at me for this, It's was on a delivery where I was requested. She had a intercom thing and buzzed me in I instantly knew it was trouble she was naked sitting on a couch. I was highly uncomfortable and embarrassed about the situation. I hurried up and left getting in trouble almost losing my job because my boss was pissed, I didn't follow the instructions of the customer." I said replaying the situation

Jessica knew I was telling her the truth because my dick would occasionally jump in her hand. that's when she took her first cheap shot. She used her nails to dig in to my nuts. I had a instantaneous flinch and my hands moved.

"Swap places."she ordered crawling off me. I had a instantaneous thought that I didn't realize that I accidentally blurted out barely loud enough for me to realize that I was talking. Jessica had to either used her annoying as hell super hearing she has or she read my mind like I swear she still does to this day. I started to move to let her lay down to be the one getting teased. instantly laying flat on her stomach with her arms out to her side palms up.

"Turn over on your back like I was." I began to protest

"Your not cheating to get a quick round your going to have to work at it a bit harder than that." Jessica said

"How would I cheat the rules are the original rules apply and your allowed to do whatever right?" I stated opening my top dresser drawer.

"You would probably bite a nipple or something like that." Jessica replied

"Fine then adding a new rule, No pain allowed agreed?" I said removing a bottle of body lotion of Jessica's and two condoms and jumped back on the bed.

"Fine but you better have one hell of a plan to beat 12 minutes." Jessica said as I straddled her ass cheeks.

The hand lotion was a tad bit cold, shocking her a bit as it landed on her spine. I started to gently massage her lower back first as I worked my way toupward. I started leaning into it causing my cock to work it's way in to the crack of her ass. She made gentle cooing sounds at first the exact moment my lips touched her back she had a shiver run thru her braking out in goose bumps all over she buried her face in to the matress as she groweled. Her legs parted slightly, her ass squeezed my dick twice causing it to slide a bit deeper into her crack.

I continued to kiss and massage her entire back and neck while maintaining a random pattern of hip rotation. My hands even made their way around and underneith her body one went down wards and was able to find her clit. The other manipulated it's way to be able to play with her left tit. My lips caressed the spot where her spine meet her skull. That's when she started to thrust her pelvis up and down making it a bit easier for the hand under both our bodies. Now all I had to do keep my finger curled up on her clit and time our thrusts. She tuned her head to the side panting.

"If this is this is your whole plan then you already definitely lost. I could do this almost all night but I have a favor to ask." Jessica said

"What is that? I had other thoughts before you laid like this, I had to improvise and this is it so far, unless" I replied trailing off

"Well it's getting a little sticky pulling my skin back and forth put lotion on it. Unless what" Jessica asked leaning up sitting on her elbows looking looking over

"At first thought I was going to keep you on your hands and knees. You willing to risk moving back to the edge of the bed?" I asked

"You want me on my hands and knees on the edge of the bed now huh I wonder what for?" Jessica asked sliding backwards carefully to not move her hand off the bed as she seen one of the condoms on the bed.

"Nope now I want your legs hanging off spread open and I will handle it from their." I replied to her

"Really did you plan on using one of those tonight?" Jessica asked waiting for the answers before she would finish moving.

"If I did it would not be the way your thinking have you felt those panties of yours they look soft and friendly sure but they have a tendency to be like a cheese gradder." I replied to her question.

"How do you know that, would come from adventure's with your old lady?" Jessica asked teasingly.

"No I didn't learn it from adventures with her. I learned that from our last time when the next morning I was nearly raw."I replied she finished moving to where I asked how ever she shoved her hands underneath her.

"So what did you learn from your old lady?" Jessica asked

I took my place between her legs leaned over her back like before grabbed both the lotion and a condom I used it like I intended after applying lotion between her ass cheeks I spread them apart and inserted my self their and began rocking. That's when she lifted up and caught my cock in one of her hands pulling it down between her and the matresss edge. Her legs then curled up behind me as I continued to rock back and forth to stimulate her clitoris.

"For one I learned the importance of carrying a condom on me, safest place is always in my wallet I learned it on my own. And the second thing is that you can't expect the same thing from one woman to be the same with another woman." I answered. Keeping the same rythem

"How is that?mmmmm." Jessica groaned

"Ok let's take you and me together like this we get to have fun playing with each other. And with her it was practically over before it began with." I replied

"What was over with before it began?" Jessica asked looking over her shoulder her nostrils kinda flexed and flared indicating she was about to have a mood swing.

"All that's ever happened was similar to what you and me do, however she did some things that we don't, I orgasmed in like five maybe six minutes and it upset her so I was made to leave." I replied

"The third time you saw her naked?" Jessica asked

"Two days later a sealed envelope saying "open at home" was in my work locker with a photo." I replied

After a few minutes of this she released her legs from holding me and shoved back with her ass pushing me back a bit she closed her legs and rolled over. Looking like she wanted to kill me at that exact moment she sat up, grabbed my cock pulling on the tip of the rubber,and stretched it till suddenly there was a loud popping sound and it fell apart. Snapping back like the rubber band it was, I cringed a bit from the sting at first.

"Guess it's your turn to lay down. I want you the same way just a bit higher than I was legs spread feet flat on the floor please?" Jessica stated

I did as asked Jessica sat on the floor between my legs and stroked me slowly getting the rest of the rubber off, after asking if the older woman did one thing if I answered yes, she moved on to something different. At first it was rubbing her nipples on my cock a no so she did for a few moments. Then it was a her using her tit's to stroke me again no, then she kissed the head of my cock the contact sent electric shock thru me yes, So she licked up and down my shaft once again a yes. Then Jessica opened her mouth and started to slide up and down my dick, I was absolutely in heaven feeling her pillow soft lips, switch from such a delicate touch then swap to a great pressured squeeze, after being able to swallow my heart that jumped into my throat finally able to breathe. Yes but definitely not like that I barely got choked out after a few moments Jessica started to move and get up pulling my shirt out from under me. She let my cock slip from her mouth and looked at me watching her.

"Guess I broke that rule, cover your eyes if you want me to keep sucking your cock."Jessica demanded throwing my shirt at me.

"I would rather have you cover my eyes with your pussy." I commented

"Nope my turn to try and make you lose the game." Jessica said

"If this is losing I want to know what winning would be like." I half joked following her instructions. As she started again for a few moments again however the sensation changed it was no longer wet every time she went down. Realizing she put the other rubber on me.

"I would have told ya before I came." I said

"I think I have played with it enough to know the sing's thanks, but I think you need it for something else." Jessica retorted climbing on the bed placing both her hands over my mouth.

"If you move a single muscle from now till I say so your cock and balls will be sliced off and fed to you." Jessica demanded

I froze in place not even attempting to answer her the next sensation that I felt was just as great as her mouth. At first it was like there was a small warm breeze just on the tip, and after a slight shift the head was wrapped around an even hotter slicker set of lips. A few seconds clicked then more pressure sliding in a bit more swallowing my shaft I nearly moved my body to push farther in but didn't. Then I felt her push down and something start to stop her and just as I thought my dick was going to bend their was as if a door that was stuck opened. Jessica collapsed and bit the hell out of my chest as she had come to sit flat on my pubic hairs.

I don't remember what that part felt like because the pain distracted me she kept her teeth dug into my skin (STILL HAVE THE SCAR), until she started to move at first just rubbing back and forth stimulating her clitoris then slowly up and down, I would love to say that I had lasted a long time and that she got off too but that's not the case. It took maybe ten minutes before I blew my load and she the pain from losing her virginity didn't go away as fast as people say. And the blood we didn't realize was a decent amount started to dry and stick.

After this event we have sex as often as possible and those possible chances increase when I get a used panel van for six hundred dollars. Then both get a job at the same movie theater before October. And our schedules were not as full as our parents thought they were. We made it through our senior year of high school without getting caught.

She took an athletic scholarship to a great school. I didn't get one to the same school but decided to make the best of it.I applied to a small community college that was still within driving range of her school. That's when we are officially caught in bed with each other by my Aunt who decided to make a surprise visit to Jessica one weekend before spring break. There was some major fall out from that and, once again even more when we discovered we were pregnant and officially got married.

Since she had a five year full ride scholarship I quit school and went to work at an electrical company full time nights. It paid for everything we needed: the house, day care, added benefit it allowed me to watch our daughter during the evenings so if Jessica needed to get work done she could. During finals and any other time needed we hired a sitter to help with getting through the added stress. After Jessica graduated from college we moved to the East coast then we had our second child,

Another girl and have been happily married for almost 24 years now. It took a while but we managed to patch things up with most of the family. I know that I have never had a single regret about how our relationship has been with each other. I only had regrets about what the other personal relationships with people like my grandma and grandpa and those that refused to understand and my children missed out on.


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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

3 years ago
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Cousins Making Love Part 8211 I

I am Ravali, a regular, conservative and sin-fearing simple girl. I hail from Vishakhapatnam of Andhra Pradesh. I am not going to describe my stats. But I am one fair, beautiful girl every man would like to die for. I am a working woman now. Ours is a joint family. I have three cousins Sarita, Hima, and Arjun. Sarita is elder of all of us and was married two years back. Arjun is younger to me by a year and Hima is the youngest. Sarita unlike me is very modern and outspoken. We all cousins used...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 9

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 9 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 36 - Deux Mamans Inqui?tes La nuit fut assez calme et le personnel soignant ?tait pass? plusieurs fois afin de s'assurer que tout aller bien dans la chambre 127. Samantha ?tait bien plus fatigu?e qu'elle ne l'avait imagin? et elle s'?tait endormie tr?s rapidemen...

3 years ago
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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

3 years ago
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Generally speaking, I'm not a person given to lusting after men like they were nothing but a piece of meat. That is until I met my cousin Lucas. It happened not long ago, and I was supposed to have gone to Europe with my friends for my summer vacation. At the last minute my father informed me that he and my mother didn't have the money to pay for that kind of trip. Instead they were sending me to my uncle's ranch in Wyoming. I couldn't have been more dissappointed.My dad could see my...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

1 year ago
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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part One

We were alone together a lot in each other’s rooms when our families visited, we only lived 6 miles apart so that was frequently. When we were younger, we’d play board games or lay on the floor and talk and as we grew older, no one suspected that other things had begun to happen behind closed doors. We were so innocent and “family,” so no one even had a second thought about Dani and I being alone all the time. We shared our first kiss together and then progressed to feeling each other up as...

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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part Three

Not sure about most folks, but where Dani and I come from, family is number one, before religion, before country. Being cut off from our entire family would have been a fate that was incredibly traumatic for Danielle and me so, this added a new wrinkle to the already complex dilemma that was burning a hole in my brain, working overtime. However, in the true spirit of a man who loves to fuck, I decided to table all of that until we could rationally discuss it. Now was not the time for...

3 years ago
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So found myself visiting cousins at their campsite near my home. We stat around camp fire getting pretty loaded. Both are recently divorced. The conversation turned to sex lives while married and how they liked it. Did it . toys used . locations. You name it we covered it. I then proceeded to admit mine when I was married was less than good and that I check out strip clubs on occasion. Hit the local sex shop regularly and even got it on with 3 women I used to work with. (Not at same...

2 years ago
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Cousins Just Not Cousins Anymore

Guys, I am back with my life story which includes some of the most romantic sessions I had in my life. So far you have heard about my relation with my neighbour and his younger brother. Once you start getting sex, you just can’t stop right there and thats what happened with me. I was looking for someone else to quench my thirst. My maternal cousin came in handy. He was of my age, around 18 years. I slowly convinced him into having sex with me. He is a very nice guy. Never says no to anybody...

1 year ago
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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 1

Introduction: A Curious Teen Girl has her first sexual experiences and her Young Adult Cousin Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected] Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is...

1 year ago
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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 1

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

3 years ago
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From the time I was ten, I visited my cousins in a small Indiana town for three weeks every summer. Yet, this summer I was f******n. Tim was three years older and Bill was two years older. Bill's older brother John was already 26. There was great excitement in the house since John was getting married. Bill and I had to take care of ourselves as his mother was constantly doing something for the wedding.It was hot and there was no air conditioning. Bill's mom and dad slept downstairs when...

2 years ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 6

I heard someone at my door, trying to remember if any of us had locked the door. There was a knock, but before I could answer, my mother walked in, to find Betty grinding on me, and Shirley was on my stomach playing with her own pussy and feeding me from her own pussy. She was quite shocked, it appeared, but made no sounds, pulled her daughter off her son, seemingly less worried at the vision on my glistening condom. “I thought you two were up to something, but I didn’t think it was sex,”...

4 years ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 7

Carly pulled up her bra and started to button her blouse back up. “You two are, I can’t even think of the word!” “Sick, weird, maybe freaky,” Betty said. “Loving, caring, and sensual,” I said kissing her neck again. “I’m not real sure I should sleep over, either one of you could molest me in my sleep,” she said. “Maybe both of us?” I suggested. “Are you on birth control, beautiful?” “No,” she was quick to respond. “What if I wore a condom?” I said. “Why are you doing this, anyway? I’m...

1 year ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 9

“I know, but sometimes, I get really frustrated, big brother. I’m only thirteen, but at times I even look at my own sisters and get hard.” “Wow, that is clearly too much information, Mike. All I can tell you is that while cousins might be OK, your own sisters might just cut off your dick, like that chick in Buffalo did to her own husband, just last year.” “Oww, just thinking about that, makes me hurt!” he said. “Remember that, the next time you think of Betty, Chris, or Jessica, OK?” “You...

2 years ago
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Cousins on VacationDay 84

I was subdued on the way home, but told BF I was just tired from the trip and exciting evening. She smiled at me, put her arm around me, pulling me close to kiss my hair and then ran off to chase around my younger cousins for a bit. My uncle walked with his son on the way back and they were having animated conversations about school, technology and politics, which let me have some time to think without distractions. Unfortunately, my thoughts just ran in circles, making me even more tired,...

3 years ago
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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 12

The next day It was Friday and Jan hadn’t turned her alarm off. It woke us up at an ungodly hour, she texted one of her employees and we fell back asleep. When I woke a second time, it was after ten and the smell of bacon was coming from the kitchen. I realized too, that I had no clothes with me besides what I had worn the night before. I pulled my boxers on and cracked the bedroom door. “Are we alone?” “Good morning sleepyhead. Just us.” I padded out to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out...

1 year ago
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Night In Nellore With Sexy Girl Chandan

Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...

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Lavender got married when she was nineteen-years-old. Within eighteen months after her marriage, Lavender discovered that she would never be able to produce a child. She had an inoperable blockage in her fallopian tubes. Strangely, twenty-years later this problem could easily have been rectified, but at that time alas, it was not.Lavender and her husband, Chris, therefore, decided that adoption was the only route that they could pursue. Over the following year, they were lucky enough to adopt...

Gay Male
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Edited by Zaffen: Thank you Zaffen Roger had just gotten back from over seas a week ago. He had gotten out of the Army at the same time and was staying with his parents till he could get a job. His parents ran a diary farm about fifty miles north of the Midwest Nebraska town of Colter he was presently in. There was a small town near their farm North Scotia but it offered absolutely nothing to hold the interest of a twenty-one year old, namely female company. Colter with a population of about...

4 years ago
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Chandni Oh My Chandni

Hello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...

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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part Two

Danielle had told me after dinner that she started using birth control pills two years ago due to having excessive monthly cramping which, I guess, the hormones are supposed to reduce. Anyway, she had said quietly that it was perfectly OK to cum inside her and that was a fact that I was liking quite a bit thinking about how the night was going to go. As we neared the bed, Dani climbed up on it, staying on her knees and facing me. The height adjustment was perfect as I now was looking...

2 years ago
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Cousins with Benefits

I was 16, at home, while my family was out of state for vacation. My 16 year old cousin came over because her family was out with my family, too. I'm happy it was my cousin and I at my house alone together. She's cute, body well rounded, and her ass was fine. I couldn't stop staring at such a sight... Hours later, I was getting bored, kinda. All we were doing was just talking, making jokes, and just chilling. I decided to play video games just to kill time. But just before getting my...

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Cousins in Lust

[It was a life altering experience. A depth to feed my deviant desire. So deserving equal, mind gripping, translation in hard text. I will share with you this yarn. Only the names have changed. The events followed are true and unforgettable. Windows 98 was my first real p/c and gateway to complete deviancy. Somehow an exchange of s/n’s and emails between myself (Brody) and 15 year old cousin (Dina). It started out when I asked her to teach me all the chat lingo and i/m shit. Dina was awesome....

3 years ago
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Cousins in Lust

This was a life altering experience. A depth to feed my deviant desire. So deserving equal, mind gripping, translation in hard text. I will share with you this yarn. Only the names have changed. The events followed are true and unforgettable. Windows 98 was my first real p/c and gateway to complete deviancy. Somehow an exchange of s/n’s and emails between myself (Brody) and 15 year old cousin (Dina). It started out when I asked her to teach me all the chat lingo and i/m shit. Dina was awesome....

1 year ago
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Kenny Jacobs stood in the shade cast by the detached garage in the door yard for a brief pause. Nine in the morning and already a sweltering summer day. Insects broke the calm silence as the heat of the day mounted and already the humidity had caused his shirt to become nearly soaked through.He pulled the leather work gloves tight on his hands and went back to clearing out the side yard of the house. Years of neglect had left the patch of earth devoid of grass but completely overgrown with...

4 years ago
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Cousins in Lust

This was a life altering experience. A depth to feed my deviant desire. So deserving equal, mind gripping, translation in hard text. I will share with you this yarn. Only the names have changed. The events followed are true and unforgettable. Windows 98 was my first real p/c and gateway to complete deviancy.Somehow an exchange of s/n’s and emails between myself (Brody) and 15 year old cousin (Dina). It started out when I asked her to teach me all the chat lingo and i/m shit. Dina was awesome....

3 years ago
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Cousins in Lust

[It was a life altering experience. A depth to feed my deviant desire. So deserving equal, mind gripping, translation in hard text. I will share with you this yarn. Only the names have changed. The events followed are true and unforgettable. Windows 98 was my first real p/c and gateway to complete deviancy.Somehow an exchange of s/n’s and emails between myself (Brody) and 15 year old cousin (Dina). It started out when I asked her to teach me all the chat lingo and i/m shit. Dina was awesome....

2 years ago
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Cousins at Christmas

I never really knew my cousin. His family was on the west coast and he couldn't afford a trip home over Christmas, so he stayed with Mom and I during his college break. We'd met a couple of times over the years, but he was older and I was mostly just running around screaming and giggling with all the other little girls at family events. That was all years ago. I was a little shy when he arrived, but he was kind and funny. Mom made a nice dinner that first night and we all sat around the...

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Cousins helping hand part 2

I took care of what things the others needed. And they were fighting about staying up this weekend. However Jessica didn't put her foot down like she normally would. Instead she said she was going to my room to do her homework. And for them to put a movie in the vcr as long as the lights were off and no fighting. I must have had a dumb struck look on my face or she had to be reading my mind. As she started down the hallway because she said If she needed anything she would holler for me....

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After a long school year, you've finally arrived at your family's cabin. You do the greetings to your family and family friends and you put your stuff down. Both of your cousins are here with their boyfriends. Your one cousin, CC, is 24, thin, athletic, long brown hair, small but firm B cup, with tan skin. She's got thick lips that you know and always have known would be great for kissing...or sucking. One time years ago you were watching a movie with the family and managed to get a feel of her...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 10

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 10 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 41 - Totalement Samantha Dans les affaires que lui avait offertes Jessica, Samantha d?couvrit des choses toutes plus jolies les unes que les autres. Des robes, des jupes, des chemisiers et pleins de tops et chaussures... il y avait m?me des sous-v...

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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 4

Introduction: A Curious Teen Girl has her first sexual experiences and her Young Adult Cousin Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

2 years ago
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Cousins Exchange Mothers 8211 Episode 1

This story has two part. In the first part, I will narrate how I fucked Vivek’s mother and she became my loving wife. Next story will be narrated by Vivek on how he fucked my mother and made her his wife. Loneliness is a terrible thing people say. But for me and Vivek, it was a great gift by god. I and Vivek are cousins. Everything started on a long afternoon when we heard the most terrible news of our lives. I was 9 then and Vivek was 3 months younger. It was a dull afternoon in 1999 where we...

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Cousins by the DozenChapter 8

“Just a minute, please, I’m about through with Elizabeth,” I said scared to death. She was clearly taken aback by my fucking her without a condom, but the difference felt amazing. I rolled over putting her on her back and Carly covertly handed me a fresh condom. As I pulled myself from my sister, I put it on and rolled on my back. “Do you have anything left for your mother?” she asked. “I am spent, Jennifer, unless you can get me hard again, somehow?” Just about as her mouth attached...

1 year ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 26 An afternoon with Chandra

"Milord, you need a money belt, carrying that much money is not wise." Chandra said. I agreed with her, and tasked her to get me one along with anything else she thought that we might need. I followed her as we went shopping for the rest of the afternoon. I also filled her in on tomorrow's entertainment and my encounter with Lord Steven's lackeys. "Be watchful Milord, Duke Steven has a dark reputation." "I should be fine until after the duel, his lackey seemed competent and sure of...

2 years ago
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Friends More SexEd for Chandler

Chandler walked into Rachel and Monica's apartment one morning, with a look of obvious frustration on his face. Monica was sitting at the kitchen table eating toast and orange juice."Hey there, lover boy. How are things going with Kathy?" she teased.The week before, the roommates had given Chandler some "tips" on pleasing Kathy, with Monica coaching as Chandler practiced on Rachel."Oh fine," he said disgusted. "Is Rachel here?""No, she's already at work at Bloomingdales. What's up?""Well, it's...

3 years ago
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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 4

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

4 years ago
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Cousins Share Adventure

Cousins Share Adventure----------Over a week had passed and we had been so busy, swamped with customers and no time to really talk to each other, but today we had rain. The chores were finished and Amanda and I stole off to the loft to relax and get to know each other better."So, Frolic….I was wondering something. Does you dad have a girlfriend?" she asked sheepishly keeping her head down as she did. I was not quite sure where this was going, but decided to find out."No, he doesn't have a...

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I have these two male cousins who are 10 years older than me.Back when I was 20 I was hanging out with them at their summer house.When we were on the beach I could see them checking me out and talking about me.One night everyone had gone out for the evening leaving me alone with the two.They are also brothers about a year apart in age.I was sitting watching TV with them when Cal the oldest sat next to me on the sofa.I didn't think anything of it.Then Dave sat next to me and I started to feel a...

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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 6

The last week of November Thanksgiving had come on the 22nd that year, leaving another week in November and making the gap between Thanksgiving a Christmas a week longer than normal, or so it seemed. Monday morning brought my kids and I back to school. Teachers generally take one of two approaches to this period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Either they work hard to stuff some knowledge into their kids before they become consumed with anticipation of Christmas and a two-week break, or...

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Cousins by the DozenChapter 11

The year is 2020 We are back to when I started, Daniel (used to be Priest) Thornberry - 44 Shirley Watson Thornberry – 44 [Married in North Carolina, moved to Evansville, Indiana. Had triplet girls, April, May and June – All healthy (13)] Jeffrey Watson – 42 Elizabeth Thornberry Watson – 42 [Married in North Carolina, moved to Vincennes, Indiana. Had twin boys, Charles and Joseph (12)] Christine Thornberry - 41 [Stayed single, moved to Evansville to live with Dan and Shirley, doting...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Dreamgirl Student Chandni

Hello friends I m Prsashant Sharma from Modinagar. I guy on whom girls are mad. Till now date I have fucked many girls many virgins but today I would like to share story with ,y student Chandni. The hottest girl of my collage .please mail your suggestion on Now coming to the story…. After completing my engineering I decided to work as a teacher in engineering colleges. I got as a lecture appointment in a college in meerut NIT. As a lecturer I preferred to go by bus for my teaching job. The...

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Sexy Chandra

Hi, hello friends, I’m back with a new story. I’m happy that my second story also got published. I feel really happy because I never knew that my stories would become so popular and I would get friends from various parts of the world. Before, I used to write a lot of stories but it was really frustrating because I couldn’t share them with anyone but now it is not the case, there are people waiting to read my stories, Thanks to This incident happened few years before. When...

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