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Lavender got married when she was nineteen-years-old. Within eighteen months after her marriage, Lavender discovered that she would never be able to produce a child. She had an inoperable blockage in her fallopian tubes. Strangely, twenty-years later this problem could easily have been rectified, but at that time alas, it was not.
Lavender and her husband, Chris, therefore, decided that adoption was the only route that they could pursue. Over the following year, they were lucky enough to adopt two girls from different women. The first was named was Reba and the second, Martina, in accordance with Lavender’s musical taste.
Growing up, the two girls were inseparable, but they could not have been physically more different. Both were attractive, but whereas Reba was petite, Martina was large of stature. In what would become a lifetime of parallels, both graduated from school, attended college, then got married a month apart, and next gave birth to boys, seven days apart from one another. Furthermore, not only did they live in the same neighbourhood, but two houses apart from each other in the same street.
Reba married Barry, a nice guy of average height and build, and Martina married Grant, a really large and powerful guy. Their sons, Anton and Bennet, were best friends throughout their childhood. Again, the boys, like their mothers and fathers for that matter, were very different. Anton was Reba’s boy and Bennet, Martina’s son. Anton was slight, intelligent, and a bookworm. Bennet was large, sporty, and battled with schoolwork. Both boys were good-looking, but in a totally different way. Anton was ‘pretty’ if one could use such a derogatory word in respect of a male, and Bennet was handsomely butch.
Close as the families were, nevertheless, Bennet and Anton’s home lives were very different. The atmosphere in Anton’s home was always laidback and relaxed, but for Bennett, his dad was a very strict disciplinarian and Bennet would often be hauled off in either home to given a severe beating if he misbehaved. Thankfully, their occasional sleepovers always took place at Anton’s home.
A great benefit for Anton when he was growing up, was that he was never bullied. One look at Bennet was all that it took to stay well clear of his cousin. In a reciprocal gesture, Anton always coached Bennet and if it hadn’t been for him, Bennet would never have got through high school.
When Anton began to realize he was gay, tutoring Bennet during their final years of high school became an ordeal for him. Bennet was totally gorgeous, and looking into his dreamy eyes would often make poor Anton weak at the knees. To make matters, Bennet had a habit of constantly placing his hands on Anton’s shoulders as he conferred with him, sending tingles through poor Anton’s body.
Bennett spent a great deal of time at Anton’s home as the tutoring became ever more important in their final school year. Needless to say, during Bennet’s ever-increasing stayovers, Anton frequently saw his cousin naked, which drove him to distraction. To make matters worse, Bennet had the ‘irritating’ habit of constantly fondling his ample crotch as some or other explanation from Anton was dispensed, and then if that wasn’t bad enough, sniffing his fingers.
After lights out, poor Anton was also subjected to Bennet’s excited breathing as he manically tugged on his dick. Worst of all, Bennet was a very loud cummer, a practice that almost drove Anton out of his mind. Whenever Bennet drifted off to sleep after one of Bennet’s ejaculations, Anton would excitedly sniff the tissues that had been used to mop up Bennet’s spunk.
When the boys finally graduated from high school, their lives changed considerably and they saw much less of one another. Bennet got a job at a large warehouse in their small town, and Anton went off to college. During Anton’s quarterly holidays, the two did hook up, but the sleepover era, alas, had definitely come to an end.
Bennet was not an instigator and never looked for a fight, but when one was in the offing he never backed down. Quintessentially, he was his father’s son. Growing up, Anton had often heard stories about Martina and Grant’s early marriage, when Grant was a real bruiser and often got into fights. After several years of marriage, however, Martina finally laid down the law. Thereafter, Grant thankfully began to calm down.
Being a chip off the old block, however, once Bennet finished school, he commenced re-enacting the earlier era of Grant’s life to the fullest, and the country bars and pool halls that Bennet frequented were the perfect stomping grounds for his exploits. Bennet was often banned from places for prolonged periods due to his antics.
Anton's life, during this time, was totally different. After graduating from college, he moved to a large city, and when Anton visited his parents twice a year, at most, he would see naturally see Bennet.
Two years later, a dramatic change occurred in Anton’s life. With the ever-diminishing state in economic affairs in the small town where he had grown up, Bennet lost his job. This was not due to any reckless misdemeanour but simply due to the financial climate. After a surprise phone call from his aunt, Martina, Anton’s life was about to change considerably.
Martina begged Anton to help Bennet with his dilemma. Well ensconced in his job as Anton was, Anton asked the foreman of the warehouse of the company where he worked if he would assist his cousin. Thankfully, he could.
Shortly, Bennet arrived in the city where Anton worked. Much as he loved his cousin, Anton was wary of Bennet’s arrival. Anton’s life had changed dramatically in the preceding years. He had embraced his homosexuality and was happily living his life free from his family’s scrutiny. Now, with Bennet living with him, for who knew how long, his sex life could be compromised.
Fortunately, the two guys worked things out rather quickly. The places that Bennet frequented were not to Anton’s liking, a fact that they both acknowledged and respected, and so at least on Friday and Saturday evenings they could do their own thing. Bennet was very gracious about this arrangement and wholeheartedly understood that with them cohabiting, they needed their own space from time to time.
Anton liked to visit a gay bar on Friday and Saturday evenings. Usually, on Saturday evening he would head off to a gay sauna at around ten-thirty and spend a few blissful hours there before returning home. He simply didn’t like the gay clubs and found them too noisy.
Anton found that despite his initial misgivings, having Bennet around didn’t prove too difficult. Naturally, he wasn’t able to take anyone home with him from the bar, or solicit the odd ‘takeaway.’ This, however, he soon realized wasn’t a huge obstacle.
The only thing, nonetheless, that Anton did find somewhat disconcerting about having Bennet around, could best be described as the ‘agony and ecstasy’ factor. Bennet would often exit the bathroom naked with a towel over his shoulder as he entered the lounge. The sight of Bennet’s beautiful body and incredible uncut dick almost drove Anton to distraction. Anton felt like a kid that had been placed in a straightjacket and then left in a toy store.
On the third Saturday evening after Bennet had moved in, both men headed off in their respective directions after dinner. In keeping with his normal routine, Anton first visited the bar before heading off to the sauna. After a very pleasant visit that evening, he was feeling a little tired before leaving the establishment at midnight. As he exited the place and turned right to head off home, Anton did not see the person approaching from the opposite direction.
After spending the night at a pool hall and bar, Bennet had also decided to head home after an ordinary night. All the good-looking girls that evening seemed to be involved, and the only woman that had come onto him that evening was a skanky female that no amount of alcohol could have made any more attractive. As Bennet turned a corner en-route home, he saw Anton exiting a building. Bennet was about to call out to Anton when his eyes glanced upward and saw a huge gay flag fluttering above the entrance.
Stunned, he remained silent as he watched Anton disappear into the distance. Bennet then gingerly approached the front door to discover it was a men’s sauna. As he stood there, a multitude of thoughts entered his mind. In their final year at school when Anton was regularly tutoring him, Bennet had wondered if his cousin was gay because Anton had never shown interest in girls. Bennet, however, had dismissed the idea, simply believing that Anton had always been a bookworm and therefore, was merely a nerd.
Although Bennet was not totally drunk, he had imbibed a good few brandy’s and coke that evening. With his faculties somewhat diminished, a strange curiosity overcame him and though he would never enter a place like this if he was totally sober, he was intrigued to see what his cousin got up to in a place like this. Then, as if in a trance, he lifted his arm and rang the doorbell.
After entering the reception and paying his fee, he moved through to the locker room with two towels, an elastic band around his wrist that had a numbered disk as well as a key for his locker. Bennet was not nervous because he knew that he could adequately take care of himself. This, after all, was not a penitentiary. Once he had placed all his clothing and the second towel he had been supplied with in his locker, he wrapped his other towel around his hips and entered the main area.
Inside, the place looked rather elegant and he instantly felt relaxed. Above all, he was pleased when he wasn’t confronted by a scene out of a Caligula type movie. Bennet then spotted the long bar counter to his right, but decided against having another drink at this point.
Next, he observed numerous sofas with a dozen or so guys relaxing in the subdued lighting in this area. He also spotted numerous television screens all showing gay porn movies.
Having decided to first reconnoitre the place, Bennet soon approached a frosted glass door with a sign above, announcing that this was a steam room. In his inebriated state, it occurred that this would be an excellent place to sweat out some of the alcohol he had in his system. After placing his towel over one of the numerous hooks conveniently offered for this purpose, he entered.
In the dim light, he observed the built-in seating to the right side of the door was vacant. After sitting down his eyes began adjusting to the gloom. Then, looking around him he saw naked men scattered about. Two of the seated men across from him were getting blowjobs, and to his left where there was no built-in seating, a small guy was pinned up against the wall as a large fat man fucked him.
Bennet was not exactly turned on by what he was seeing, he was, after all, straight. Nevertheless, he was totally fascinated because the airiness and breezy anonymity that this place offered was awe-inspiring and he felt like he was in hedonistic heaven. He wondered if straight places like this also existed, because if one did, he would definitely become a regular customer.
As Bennet sat ruminating, an orgiastic quartet developed on the opposite side of the room. Bennet was mesmerized by the level of gratification he was observing from them. By now, the fat guy to his left had also been replaced by a tall slimmer man. It all seemed so casual and laid-back, unlike an orgy he had once attended where a fight had broken out. Bennet, strangely, felt envious by what he was seeing.
Bennet was brought out of his reverie when a good-looking young guy entered the steam room and sat down next to him. Bennet quickly got the impression that this young man was interested in him. As much as he was oddly enjoying himself, Bennet, nonetheless, couldn’t see anything developing between him and the attractive man. A minute or so later, when the young guy got up and moved in front of Bennet before kneeling down, Bennet felt weirdly transfixed by what was happening.
‘No fuckin’ way,’ his mind was telling him and yet, he just sat as if glued to the spot.
Bennet was always very horny and a prodigious masturbator and it occurred to him that he hadn’t ejaculated since lunchtime the previous day, which for him was unheard of. The reason for this was that he had not gone out the previous evening and just got pissed at home on his own before falling asleep. Also, after getting up late that morning and having spent the entire day in Anton’s company, he hadn’t had the opportunity to jack-off once.
As he looked at the young guy before him, he became overwhelmed by the thought of cumming. Obviously, alcohol had substantially lowered his natural resistance and in the setting he found himself, his preconceptions had begun to alter.
‘A mouth, after all, is simply a mouth,’ he thought, before further reasoning, ‘Who the fuck will know, in any case?’
As the young man took hold of his cock with a look of delight on his face, Bennet felt himself inexorably sliding into a forbidden abyss.
Next, Bennet felt the warmth of the guy’s mouth encasing his dick. Bennet had obviously had many blowjobs before, but the episode now unfolding soon began to negate all the oral sex that he had formerly experienced. No woman had ever taken his entire dick in their mouths before and yet, in no time at all, Bennet’s cock had completely disappeared into this man’s throat. In addition, unlike any time before, the technique this guy was displaying was immeasurably superior to anything that Bennet had encountered prior to this. The lip and tongue action of the man was totally exhilarating.
Very shortly, Bennet felt himself so engaged that his hands took hold of the guy’s head and his hips commenced frantically thrusting upward. Reticent as Bennet had been before, now he didn’t want this to end.
Twice, Bennet pulled the man’s head off his knob as he felt himself getting too close, but finally, however, delirious with ecstasy, Bennet had the most powerful release of his life.
Bennet's body was trembling afterward when he made his way back to the bar. Once there, he was about to order another drink when he changed his mind, instead opting for black coffee.
After he finished his coffee he felt invigorated. The steam room and the coffee had definitely sobered him up considerably. Bennet now thought about Anton and wondered if anything would have happened between them in their last year of school, when he had often stayed over at Anton’s home while Anton was tutoring him. Bennet reflected upon the fact that although it would have been peculiar, they weren’t after all related by blood. What astonished Bennet the most as he ruminated about the events of the evening was that he didn’t have any remorse about what had just happened in the steam room.
‘I’ve always been straight, not even bisexual,’ he reminded himself, as he sat there totally perplexed.
Bennet’s attention was now diverted as a very pretty young man with shoulder-length hair sat down next to him, as Bennet ordered his second cup of coffee.
As Bennet observed him, he thought, ‘You’re too pretty to be a boy, you should’ve been a girl.’
Laughing inwardly at this thought, Bennet mentally admonished himself by wondering if he wasn’t finally losing his mind. ‘Jesus Christ,’ he thought, ‘Am I now morphing men into women?’
As the pretty guy then turned his back to Bennet to address another man who was obviously an acquaintance and had sat down on the opposite side of him, Bennet stared at the young man’s sensual back and shoulder-length hair. The sight of this instantly made him horny and he began to wonder what it would be like to have his dick lodged in this boy’s butt.
‘Fuck, I am losing it,’ Bennet now thought to himself.
A minute or so later, when the man again turned to face Bennet, he said, “Hi, I’m Mark.”
“Bennet,” Bennet replied.
“I’ve never seen you here before,” Mark responded.
“Never been here before,” Bennet replied, matter-of-factly.
“Well… let me guess, you don’t have a wedding ring, but that could be a ruse,” Mark uttered seductively, before resuming, “Mmm, I think that you are an FBI agent on a secret mission,” Mark concluded with an impish grin, scanning the hot hunk sitting beside him.
Picking up on the fun, Bennet chuckled before replying, “Not married and I am definitely not an FBI agent.”
“So what’s your story, handsome,” Mark retorted.
Strangely, Bennet now felt compromised and it was as if his anonymity was being compromised. “It’s a long story and I don’t want to bore you with the details,” he deftly responded.
“No problem,” Mark replied. Then, after a brief pause, he continued, “Listen, I have a private room, so…” Mark concluded with an inviting shrug.
Bennet was somewhat floored by his bravado, but also incredibly horny. The only thing worrying him was the level of intimacy that Mark might require. Cautiously, he then replied, “I would really like to fuck you but I don’t do the kissing thing.”
“No problem,” Mark uttered with a smile, before resuming, “If doggy style suits your needs, I would be happy to comply.”
Bennet looked at Mark intently, then after sipping the last bit of his second cup of coffee, he said, “Okay, let’s do it!”
As they walked toward the cubicle Bennet thought, ‘What the fuck is happening to me? For fuck's sake, am I busy turning into a homo?’
Once in the cubicle, Mark removed his towel and respectfully mounted the bed in the doggy style, presenting his backside to Bennet.
After retrieving the sachet of lube off the pedestal in the cubicle, Bennet applied the liquid to his dick before smearing the residue on Mark’s butt, prior to entering Mark’s backside. As he did so, he looked at Mark’s back and the voluptuous head of hair sprawled on the bed before him.
‘Jesus, from behind this could be a woman,’ Bennet reasoned to himself.
As his dick slid into Marks portal, the sounds emanating from Mark were incredible as Mark commenced emitting low groans of total satisfaction. Prior to this, Bennet had anally penetrated quite a few women in his life, but they always seemed to be distressed by his above average endowment. Some of the ladies had even bailed on him, complaining that he was simply too large.
Mark, however, appeared to have no such problem. In addition, Mark’s sphincter also seemed to have a life of its own. It was like a pulsating ring of delight, as it greedily commenced milking Bennet’s dick.
Bennet was overawed that in this place that he would never, ever, have thought of entering, two of the most breath-taking experiences that he had ever enjoyed were unfolding. During the next fifteen minutes, Bennet had to extract his cock three times from Mark’s butt, to avoid ejaculating too early.
When Bennet finally came, his body was so consumed with delight that without even trusting at this point, Mark’s unrelenting hole forced Bennet’s knob to relinquish its cache. As Bennet flooded Mark’s butt the release was monumental. What blew Bennet away, even more, was when Mark spun around and after getting his knees, lapped on Bennet’s manhood as if it was a holy relic. No woman had ever afforded him this level of respect and Bennet felt like a benevolent king who was being acclaimed by a grateful subject.
As Bennet walked home afterward, he thought about the evening. He wasn’t regretful, but somewhat perplexed by how much he enjoyed his visit to the sauna. With a chuckle, he thought about Mark’s face when he gave him a brief kiss on the lips. The look of delight that Mark displayed was well worth the discomfort that Bennet felt in doing so. What, however, worried Bennet the most, was the possible addiction that may have developed after the duo of pleasure that he had experienced.
‘I’m fuckin’ straight,’ he kept protesting to himself as he ambled ever onward.
Once Bennet arrived home, he quietly opened the front door and entered. After arriving in the spare bedroom he undressed. The night air and the coffee he had consumed had invigorated him and as he stood there his cock went rigid. Being the randy fucker he was this was hardly surprizing. Bennet now commenced tugging on his insatiable knob, thinking about his cousin lying in the main bedroom.
As if in a trance, Bennet found his body being compelled toward the open door of Anton’s room that he had observed minutes before. After entering, he saw Anton’s naked body on the bed lying face down. In a fit of horniness and also knowing that he was in control of the situation, Bennet pounced on Anton’s body.
“What the fuck!” Anton yelled, overcome with fright.
“Shut up,” Bennet growled, “I’m going to fuck you now.”
“Jesus, Bennet, what the fuck are you doing?” Anton appealed to his cousin.
“L’Homme Sauna… does the name ring a bell, buddy?” Bennet growled.
“What?” Anton blabbed in complete bewilderment, totally pinned down by Bennet.
“Don’t bullshit me, Anton. That’s the place I saw you exiting two hours ago,” Bennet responded.
Anton’s mind now went in total turmoil and all he could think of saying was, “Jesus, Bennet, we're fuckin’ cousins… please get off me.”
“No can do, Anton. Besides… were not related by blood or anything, so this is not abnormal,” Bennet replied.
As the shock began to wear off, Anton was totally entranced. He had so often dreamed of this moment that he believed would never materialise. Instinctively, however, Anton began to squirm, which magically incited Bennet even more. The most mindboggling fantasy that Anton had ever imagined now played itself out and when Bennet stabbed his dick into Anton’s backside, Anton let out the most gratifying howl of his entire life.
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Wiz TV Mixing Magic Nervously Sherman waited for the start of his turn to compete in the run through the labyrinth. The show was still popular though it was not broadcasted live or on primetime anymore. They were just finishing with the previous run, which produced the winner, a rugged looking man and several buxom babes in various states of undress. Looking at those babes made him aroused, but Sherman quickly looked away, so he could focus on the task ahead. Sherman was not...
I groaned softly as I settled back at my desk, reaching down surreptitiously to massage one of my calves."Too many trips to the copier again, Jessica?" My boss asked me sympathetically on her way by with her third cup of coffee.I heaved a deep sigh, starting to respond, but she was already back through her office door, letting it swing mostly closed as she settled in, sipping her coffee. I shook my head and shifted my massage to my sore feet. It certainly wasn't my fault they installed the...
While thirteen-year-old Courtney dozed, Melinda stole quietly from the bed and put on her robe. She went out through the French doors onto her second floor terrace. Lighting a cigarette, the shapely blonde inhaled deeply. Life is fucking good, she thought. Then, to amplify her sense of satisfaction, she opened her phone and called her friend and sometime rival, Brooke. She answered on the first ring. "Where the hell did you go?" asked Brooke without preamble. "You didn't even tell me...
It was Katie’s last semester before she graduated with her degree and she could hardly wait. She was so burned out on school and the grind that she had let her normally stellar grades slip some this semester but she didn’t really care. Her only real worry was in her Anatomy 550 class where she just had not attended as much as she should because of her work schedule and well it was spring and some days it was just to beautiful to be indoors and in class. Two days earlier she had stopped in to...
Dad had several of his friends over to watch football games and drink beer. As usual, he let me have my friend Julie over for company. They spent the evening in our game room and Julie and I would go down to take refills on chips and dip to them, and noticed they were all getting pretty high and having a great time. We watched some TV until we got real sleepy, but set the alarm clock for 3:30 am to check on them downstairs. When the alarm went off we tip toed down (giggling) to the game...
Fred was in his early 30’s, spending all his work life thus far as a humble garbage man in midtown Hornstown. Never having much luck with women, he lived alone for much of his adult life, and his primary sources of joy were limited to internet porn, mainstream films ... and last but not least some illegal stuff. This latter domain, deep in the bowels of his private life, involved the twin activities of dickflashing and voyeurism. He wasn’t particularly proud of engaging in them, but he couldn’t...
Hi friend this is my sixth story, hope you like it. Let me start. I am 26 years old, height 5’11”. Rest of story in hindi now so you can enjoy. Mera naam Rahul….. Hai, mai Lucknow mein rehta hoon.Ek private company mein hoon.meri yeh kahani kuch 6 Month purani hai.mera ek dost hai jis ka naam rohit hey hum log akser uss ke ghar pe ja ke baith kar time pass keya karte thee. Uss ghar pe uss ka bada bhai ,bahabi jin ki shadi ko ek saal ho chukka tha aur rohit ke dady rehte thee mai bhi un ke sath...
Lissa sat in the front room of her apartment that night, all dressed up for her first date in five years. In a few minutes, Matt would arrive to drive her to a party that one of his friends was throwing. The two of them had been studying together for over a week now, and he had finally "worked up the courage" to ask her out, as he had put it. He was so charming that she had immediately said yes. Now as she sat there in the apartment awaiting his arrival, she felt extremely nervous....
The Book of Dreams Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I lookedin the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if thereis any significance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dreamof a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. Chapter 1: The Marriage It started a few weeks ago ? at least it was a few weeks for me. History itselfhas stretched itself thin in that time so that I must...
In Part 7 you read " I need to bath," Anu said to me, with her head bowed, but I did not let her finish and take her to bed, spread her legs wide open as I begin to lick her hairy mound. Anu let out a loud moan as I licked along her slit and then pressing my hot tongue deep into her womanhood, licking and slurping up her juice, then sucking on her clit, nibbling it. Her legs jerked and then wrapping around my head, her hands holding and brushing my hair as I devour and slurp her...
[ If you have an idea of where you want the story to go feel free to add chapters, or leave a comment and i might try to add your idea] Jack Spaul was living a relatively normal life with is mother and two sisters the youngest being 19 and the oldest being 26. His mother divorced his father after she caught him with a man from his work, she genuinely loved him and to find out that he never felt the same hurt her. She got everything in the divorce along with a healthy alimony settlement even...
IncestThe group parted a little after sunset and the individuals headed off to their respective points of interest. Sean and Rachelle refused Adam's invitation to stay down the hill – because Mary and Walt likely would be making up well into the night. Karlie had already announced she was spending the night at Trinity's – as the perpetual slumber party with Erin and Leslie seemed to be continuing. At least that group was getting along well. That left Adam to face the music alone – and...
Done. The guy placed the forms neatly folded in front of Athena. She noticed that his eyes drifted down to her boobs. Thanks, she said. I will go through them and then let you know how you?ve scored, it won?t take longer than 20min. He sat down on the couch with his self-assured smile, continued to stare at her while she read through his IQ test. Is there anything else you want to tell me? she asked. Well actually, I?m not sure I should mention it, but I have some sort of sleeping disorder. Ok...
Jewelz Blu is engaged, but her fiance Tyler isn’t around to run errands for their wedding. He sends his sister, Amber Wildee, instead. Given that Jewelz has just slipped into some sexy lingerie with the intention of making Tyler’s day, she decides that maybe she’ll just set her eyes on Tyler’s sister instead. The doorbell rings and Jewelz hangs up the phone to do just that. Opening the door in just her sexy outfit, Jewelz urges Amber to come on in even though Amber...
xmoviesforyouThe Mirror :Part 10Mika leaned over and placed her head on my chest. It was still heaving from the exertions of the past hour. Slowly running her wet finger around my nipple, she began to trace the mussels in my stomach until her finger was just brushing the top of my cock. Having been subjected to the most arduous afternoons fucking I had ever had, I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to get an erection again! Seriously! I was shattered. Mika continues to slowly run her finger over my body,...
I know this shit is going to be shocking to some of you, because you’ve got preconceived notions about what Muslim women are like. And honestly, I don’t give a shit. My name is Azeeza Amir. Born in the City of Modadishu, Somalia, and raised in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I’m twenty years old, and study in the Police Foundations program at Algonquin College. I got a story to tell you people. Why else would I be here, right? I’m here to set the record straight about some of us Somali...
Bill and Rose were sitting watching television. Rose sat on the floor between Bill's legs; Bill's hands were mechanically stroking and lifting Rose's large tits making her smile and squirm, pushing her back against his cock. That didn't seem to be having any effect on Bill.But it did have on Barry, the little boy from next door, who was spending the night with Bill and Rose. He was supposed to be watching the television but was taking sly, furtive glances at what Bill was doing to Rose's tits....
Oh, this is almost too embarrassing to tell, but it was so hot that it still gets me hot and bothered just thinking about this. It happened last summer on a steamy hot August day when the temperature was in the upper, and the humidity levels were high. I am a nurse and had just finished working the graveyard shift. It was already a hot steamy morning when I arrived home right around 8. My husband was already gone to work. Two of my younger single next-door neighbors were outside. Both of them...
I might have known. Serenity was completely fine with the possible changes to our schedule. In fact she declared that the changes suggested that we just take the two weeks off while I was in Hartford. She would go home to visit her parents. Becka was a little less pleased, but her displeasure pleased me to no end. "Spider, we just started going out, and now you're going to be gone for two weeks, and then you say you might even have to leave a few days early." "We're going out?" I...
The following week a couple of things happened. First, Heather would come home with Vicky on Friday after school and spend the weekend with us, and second, that Wednesday afternoon I phoned Clarity. I picked 4:40 pm on Wednesday as the best time to make the call because I knew my old self wouldn't be home from work yet. I couldn't think of a more bazaar thing to do than to hold a conversation with myself over the phone. Just the thought of it gave me the willies. The phone rang four times...
“Damn, nigga! You suck dick the best,” the lacrosse player remarked as his head tilted back.His best bud pulled the 7¾-inch shaft out his mouth. “Better than Whitney?”“Way better, boo! Get that mouth back on this dick, dawg!”Reece Jamison loved sucking the dick in his mouth. It was very close a daily occurrence. And on a fair share of those days, it was happened more than once. He cupped Elwood “Trip” Felton, III’s low hanging hairy balls in his right hand tickling them to provide added...
It was the engagement party of the year, and champagne hung in the air like golden mist. It seemed that every noteworthy person in Charleston had come to meander about on the terrace of James Goodnight, the fiancé of my great aunt, Carolyn. A comfortable buzz of gossip and storytelling echoed off the marble pillars that trapped guests in their sovereign prison, forced to laugh under twinkling lights and a canopy of trees. I, however, had tolerated enough small talk from wealthy strangers. I...
The trip to Italy was coming up soon. Mandy and Traci were getting their lists of what to take together. For Greg, it was just a matter of throwing some clothes into a suitcase. Mandy didn't agree with his methods and eventually took over his packing as well as for her and Jenni. The women finally decided that a trip to the mall was in order since their bikinis were out of date and they really needed to replace some tops and shorts. That was an all-day excursion that Greg managed to avoid....
The summer after my freshman year in college I worked at a five diamond resort. I was a pool boy, in charge of cleaning four resort pools, making sure all of the pool shacks had clean towels, and small resort chores like that. Sounds great, doesn't it? It actually really was. I had two hard hours of work to do in the morning and then the rest of my day was clear to flirt with MILFs and their daughters and my co-workers.That was a great summer for me, I was dating four different girls. But there...
MasturbationCharlene is 24 years old, married to Tom for 2 years. She is a gorgeous olive skinned Italian girl. 34b-24-35 5’2” 120 lbs. Jet black hair and big brown eyes. Very sexy young lady. This story is about her and Tom’s best friend Mike. Mike stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Mike knew that she was watching the...
Wife LoversJim was looking at Carl's face on the view screen of the bridge when he began his question. "Admiral? Given what we have seen to date with the Gray's fleet, if you were the commander of the other side, how would you plan your operation? Assume you wanted to take out Prime itself, as the major objective." Carl was on the spot and he knew it. As a credit to his professionalism, he kept his emotions in check. Then his face formed the look of a man deep in thought. It wasn't long before he...
Amanda was having a party, and she invited all of her friends from her university. Those four of them who were lesbian (like Amanda), Cheryl, Anne, Lisa and Emma were staying for a sleepover. When everybody had (except those four) went home, Amanda's mother put the sleeping bags into Amanda's bedroom. In it's center, there was a king-size bed with a red silk bed set. "I will visit an old friend this night, I have to go now. Have fun!" Amanda's mum said. "Sure, bye!" the girls chanted exitedly....
LesbianI'm going to tell you about my first time with a black guy. This was the first time I met someone in real life too. I'd spent the last hour with a pal at the university gym, training in the boxing room. It was a good, honest workout and we were both pumped afterwards as we headed back towards the changing rooms, planning on grabbing a milk afterwards.Looking back, it was obvious this black guy was looking for someone. He sat on the bench, drying himself naked, with his big cock and balls on...
As she woke up, she knew immediately, that something had changed. She felt it in the air, cool and crisp, and way to pleasantly woody for her sad one bedroom apartment in downtown Malmo. Even before her eyes where able to focus on anything, she knew the lights where too bright, and that she ought to be able to move more freely.When she did manage to look around, she saw that she was in what looked like a wooden cottage, raw untreated and unpolished boards made up the walls. Judging from the...
As he plowed away, and as I shivered and began spewing little shots of cum with each thrust, I began reflecting on what got this girl where she is today, and reviewing the details that made me who I am and defined what gets me off. I had an affinity for satin as a little boy. As I matured I discovered my sisters satin bras, panties, and slips, and began using them for masturbation tools. At first I could be satisfied by just rubbing them on my cock and around my legs, and the smooth,...
Back in 1971 I,d only recently emigrated to England and was still settling in. Most of the jobs I tried weren,t very satisfying or even helped pay our bills, but I was trying hard. Wife Sarah was a very sexy a****l, but we couldn,t afford babies so it was the pill and worrying that at times she,d forget to,take it so late periods could be worrying. When she was really sexy she,d put on the tightest minidress she possessed with no bra(she has magnificent 40D cup boobs) and crotchless fishnet...
Chapter 1: Cleaning Up, Inside and Out My eyes open and it?s as dark as it was when my eyes were closed. I woke up because I tried rolling over but couldn?t. I try rolling over again and feel myself lying on what feels like a exam table my wrists are tied above my head and to the side however. I can?t pull my hands down. I try my feet and feel my ankles tied to something too. My body is spread eagle tied in place unable to move much at all. I feel my back resting on a padded...
With subzero temps having lasted for weeks at home, I decided to surprise my wife with a trip to a luxury all inclusive resort. I called her at her office that Friday afternoon, and told her when she got home to pack a bag, because we would be heading out for 5 days. She was ecstatic, as was I. When I got home from working a double, outside in the frigid temps, she was sitting there with her bag packed. "You didn't pack me a bag?" I teased her, and ran to our room to get my things together as...
For over 2 years after Jen died I didn’t date at all. My step sister, Vicky kept trying to encourage me to get back “on the horse”, but I just didn’t want to. I sold my home, and moved to London, investing some of my considerable inheritance from Jen in properties. I also concentrated on my career, changing organisations, and gaining a big pay rise, better prospects and the opportunity to travel the world, although I soon found out that such business travel is pretty crap – I visited lots of...
Kelly was walking through the woods with her mother, Emily, when they came upon a lake."Do you want to go for a swim?" Emily asked her daughter."Sure, just let me grab my bathing suit out of the bag... It's not here, I guess we can't go swimming"Emily gave a wry smile "Sure we can""What do you mean?" Kelly asked her mother."We can swim with our clothes on right?"Kelly responded "But we don't have anything to change into""Sure we do""What do you mean?"Emily asked "Well we're relatives right?...