Ingrid Ch. 03 free porn video

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Friday afternoon, the phone rang at precisely 3:05pm. Ingrid picked it up knowing exactly who it would be.

‘You’re nothing if not prompt, Steve,’ she said brightly.

‘Hi to you too. I promised to call and I keep my promises. By the way, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?’ He blurted this out so quickly she had to pause for a moment before answering.

‘No, sorry, I can’t,’ she apologized. ‘I have to finish some revisions tonight. You wouldn’t want me to cancel tomorrow because I have to work, would you?’ she asked.

‘Of course not! OK then, tomorrow is more important. Finish your work. I’ll be patient.’

‘How brave you are,’ she laughed. ‘Shouldn’t we actually do some work on your house for a change?’

‘Oh, I suppose so,’ he grudgingly acknowledged. ‘Do you have something to show me?’

‘Yes, I have some colour suggestions for the interior and a couple of ideas for the exterior. Why don’t you come over and have a look.’ It was an all-business invitation.

‘Great, I’ll be there in ten minutes.’

‘See you then. Bye.’

True to form, he was there in ten minutes and knocking on her door. She let him in and they walked over to a large artists table in the corner of the living room.

‘Is this where you work?’ he asked, looking around.

‘Yeah, it’s not ideal, but it’s the only room in the house with good lighting, so here it is.’ She looked back at him. ‘I’ve got some suggestions. Come and have a look.’

He walked around the table and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, looking at the colour sketches of the various rooms. He was conscious of her perfume, or was it her shampoo. Whichever one, it was very appealing. He struggled to concentrate on the drawings. She was a skilled artist, and he could easily visualize each room and the colours she was proposing. They went over the suggestions.

He chose almost all the same colours that she subtly recommended, then complimented him on his good taste. When it came to the outside colours, he wasn’t so sure. She suggested she make up some samples on rough cedar siding so that they could look at them outside in the light of day on the proper substrate. Again, he agreed.

‘You make quick decisions, Steve. Was it that easy?’

‘Pretty much. I think you and I think a lot alike, so it makes it easier. Nice work, by the way.’

‘Thanks,’ she said smiling. ‘You make it easy for me too. I don’t have to go back and do all these drawings all over again. You have no idea how time consuming that is when the client doesn’t really know what they want. It takes hours to do these and some people have me do so many versions, I can’t remember what we were trying to accomplish in the first place. I’m hoping I can afford a CAD program for my computer soon. It would allow me to make changes in a flash, right in front of the customer.’

‘That sounds like an important program. How much does it cost?’

‘About three thousand,’ she replied

‘Do your competitors have these programs?’

‘Yes, the larger ones do, unfortunately. They’ve got the resources to buy them, and to train their staff. That’s the big problem for little outfits like mine. The cost of the program is bad enough, but learning to use it is very time consuming. However, I have to keep up with the times, so I will have to get into the computer age pretty soon.’

She spoke with a resigned voice, not quite regretful of the electronic revolution, but not sounding very enthusiastic about its inevitability either.

‘You don’t have much choice, do you? Right now, your strategic advantages are your ideas and your low cost. If it takes you a lot longer to do the same work as your competitor, you lose much of your advantage.’

He had captured her dilemma in a couple of sentences.

‘I admire your quick grasp of the problem. But, why am I surprised? This is what you do, analyze businesses,’ she smiled.

‘I have some contacts in the computer software industry,’ he said, still looking at her drawings. ‘These people are a bit ahead of the curve. Let me make some calls and see if there is something out there for you that won’t break the bank or suck up all your time reserves.’

He turned to her as she looked at him. ‘After all, I want some of that time for myself.’

She looked startled at his last comment, but recovered quickly.

‘That would be wonderful, if it isn’t too much trouble.’

‘No trouble. You never know what you’ll learn when you set out to solve problems. It’ll be my pleasure.’ He smiled at her and could see the gratitude in her expression.

‘So, do you want to see my sneakers?’ She was trying to recover from an awkward moment.

‘Sure. Bring them on,’ he laughed.

She walked out of the room and came back with a shoe box. She took the top off and showed the contents to him. Inside was a pair of brand new navy blue and white canvas sneakers.

‘Hmmmph!’ he snorted. ‘They don’t look very grungy to me, Ingrid. But I guess they’ll do.’

‘I couldn’t come on your lovely boat with those old things, so I thought I would treat myself to a new pair. Besides, they are much more comfortable than the old ones.’

‘I’m sure you’ll look terrific, new shoes or not,’ he said confidently. ‘Are you sure you’re not available for dinner?’

‘Yes, sorry, I do have to get the revisions on the fax tonight. But I’ll be bright and shiny tomorrow morning, I promise!’ Her voice confirmed her enthusiasm for their day on the water.

‘I bet you will. I’m looking forward to it. The weather forecast looks terrific, so I expect we’ll have a great day.’

‘So, see you at eight then,’ she said brightly.

‘See you at eight. Don’t forget your sport bra, sunglasses and sun block,’ he reminded her.

He left and she closed the door behind him. As he slid into his car, he looked back and thought her could see her watching from the living room, but he couldn’t be sure.


At five minutes before eight on Saturday morning, Steve parked his Volvo V70 at the curb in front of Ingrid’s house. He got out and looked up at the front window and saw Ingrid standing there. She waved and he returned the gesture. He was pleased that she was ready to go.

She opened the door just as he arrived on the top step. She turned to get her navy blue, down-filled ski jacket. She was wearing a white cotton mock-turtleneck sweater that would keep her warm in the cool morning air. She had a pair of loose fitting blue track pants that looked to be nylon, and of course her new canvas shoes. What Steve didn’t know was that there would be no bra today.

A pair of wraparound sun glasses was parked up in her lovely red hair and she wore what seemed to be a wide blue band to keep her hair in check. She flashed him a glimpse at a container of 24 Sun Block and smiled. His smile and quick acknowledgement confirmed that the outfit passed inspection. She was a striking picture on this particular morning.

‘I’m ready,’ she chirped.

‘You certainly are.’

He openly admired the sexy woman with whom he would spend the day.

When Ingrid had locked the front door, he took her bag and walked her to the car, opening the door on her side while she slid in. She smiled at his courtesy.

Steve slid into the driver’s side, and they quietly motored off toward Marine Drive and the winding coast road to Fisherman’s Cove.

They exchanged small talk, mostly about the cloudless sky and the darker line of water outside the bay that Steve said indicated wind. He was sure they were going to have perfect sailing weather, and his mood was buoyant.

Ingrid had only seen a photograph of the boat, but she knew it wasn’t like most sailboats she saw out in the bay. It was rounded at the stern and had a tall cabin where the steering was located.

Steve said there was a stateroom below the deck at th
e stern, and a couple of other sleeping quarters farther forward. He said it would sleep six comfortably, or even eight in pinch. It had a bathroom he called the ‘head,’ with a decent sized shower as well as a toilet and sink. Her experience with boats was limited, but she remembered that they were always cramped for space, and she didn’t think this would be any exception.

It was just a couple of minutes past eight thirty when they arrived at the parking lot. Steve drove to a ramp and stopped his car.

‘My parking spot is at the other end of the lot, so we’ll unload the supplies here.’

They got out and he opened the tailgate of the station wagon. He took out a couple of heavy looking coats, two vests, a large portable cooler, a sport bag that looked like it had been around the world a couple of times, and finally a beautiful wicker picnic basket.

‘Oh Steve, that’s a lovely picnic set. May I look inside?’

‘No you may not. That’s for later,’ he said, catching her off-guard, but smiling. She must have expected an automatic yes and she pulled her hand back quickly when he didn’t provide it.

‘Hmmmm, I wonder what’s in there?’ she murmured.

‘Wait here a moment, I’ll be right back,’ he said.

He walked over to the far edge of the dock and pulled an odd looking cart from under a shed roof. He wheeled it back to the ramp and began to load the contents of his trunk on the cart. When he was done, he asked Ingrid to wait there for him while he parked the car. In a couple of minutes he was back and he carefully rolled the cart down the ramp.

‘It’s not so bad today,’ he said to her as he wrestled the strange machine down the ramp. It’s a bearcat when the tide’s low and I’ve got a bunch of stuff to go up the ramp. I usually unload it at the bottom and carry things up in two or three trips.’

It was a short walk to the float where the boat was moored, tucked in between another sailboat and a motor cruiser. It was hard to get a good look at it in those tight quarters, but what she could see was impressive.

It had a dark, forest green hull, a white superstructure and deck, green sail covers and two light coloured metal masts. A large mainmast was located halfway between the front of the tall wheelhouse and the bow, and a shorter mast just behind the rear of the wheelhouse.

This was no sleek beauty for racing. This was a motor sailer, a cruising boat. Like everything about Steve, it was neat and clean. The side boards, the railings, hatches, and cabinetry were all teak, oiled and polished. Across her beautifully rounded stern was the white script, ‘Matron of the Sea,’ and her home port, West Vancouver, B.C.

‘It’s beautiful, in a different sort of way,’ said Ingrid. ‘It looks European. I’ve never seen a boat like this around here.’

‘Very observant, Ingrid. It is European, built in Sweden in 1974. It’s a cross between a North Sea Motor Trawler and a sail cruiser. It’s not built for speed, but it will go anywhere in complete comfort and safety. It’s the perfect boat for my kind of sailing. The reason you don’t see many of them is that there aren’t many around in North America, and even fewer on the Pacific side. This one was brought over with a smaller sister boat to a marina in Sydney, on Vancouver Island.

‘The current owner, George McConnell, is the second owner. The first one only kept it for a year or so, and sold it at a big discount when he couldn’t find a buyer locally. He wanted a faster motor launch, so George got a real bargain. He and I love this lady. It’s perfect for what we want in a sailboat.’ He spoke lovingly of this floating object.

‘You speak as if it were human,’ Ingrid said.

‘Well, it’s the way sailors tend to think of their boats. It’s a love affair of a different kind.’

‘You said George owns this boat. I thought you did.’

‘No, I just charter it when he isn’t using it. I’m of two minds on boat ownership. I see too many of them sitting idle all year around. I think if a boat’s not being used, it deteriorates. This lovely lady begs to be sailed, as you’ll find out today.’ His affection for the craft was obvious in his voice.

And the name? ‘Matron of the Sea.’ At first it seemed like an odd name. At least it wasn’t one of those clichés or trick names seen on so many boats these days. It seemed to be a name of respect and recognition. This was no runway model, it was a mature lady, beautiful to those who loved her, and homely to those who did not. Steve and George were of the former group.

Steve stepped up onto a wooden platform and then onto the deck. He turned and offered his hand to Ingrid. She took it and easily hopped up onto the deck of the ‘Matron.’ He pulled a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to the wheelhouse and stepped inside.

He opened the companionway down into the hull and then put another key into the panel above the chrome and teak helm. In a second, the sound of fans could be heard. After waiting a minute, he pushed the starter button and a diesel engine rumbled to life.

‘There, now we’ll have some heat and electricity. I’ll put the kettle on and then go bring our things aboard,’ he said routinely.

He knew this boat like the back of his hand and his organized pattern was a study in economy of movement. Within five minutes, the battered old aluminum kettle was whistling while Steve had brought the gear aboard and stowed it in the forward cabin, except for the cooler and the picnic basket. The mystery picnic basket had been placed in a lower locker, out of sight.

As the kettle began to boil, Ingrid flicked off the burner while Steve pulled out a battered old Brown Betty teapot from below the counter.

‘Those two look like they’ve been through the wars,’ she said laughing.

‘Yep, but some things are tradition and not replaceable. George would have a fit if either of these things were gone. This is the ‘Matron’s’ stuff, not ours,’ he smiled.

They had been aboard less than ten minutes and Steve was up on deck preparing to cast off from the dock.

Motioning to Ingrid, he said, ‘I’m going to rig this forward line so that when I give you the signal, just pull on it and we will be free of the dock. Pull it on board quickly so that it can’t get caught in the prop and if you can, coil it up and lay it here, on the superstructure. I don’t want you or me tripping on it when we come forward.’

His instructions were clear and calm. She nodded that she understood the simple task. She was told what to do and why it had to be done.

‘Also, I want you to take off that ski jacket and put on either a vest or the full jacket I brought aboard. They are ‘floater coats’ and if by some accident you fell in, they will act like lifejackets and keep you afloat. Bring me up a vest while you’re at it, please.’

Ingrid went below and took one of the vests. They all seemed to be the same size, but then, they weren’t that much different in size. She zipped up the vest and taking the other, stepped back up to the wheelhouse, then forward to the bow.

Steve rigged the stern line in a similar fashion to the bow, just as he would if he were sailing alone. With Ingrid helping, there wasn’t as much scurrying about when casting off and she seemed happy to have a role.

Steve checked his gauges, saw everything was normal and turned the helm hard to starboard. He brought the revs down to minimum and eased the lever into reverse. The boat slowly began to swing its stern out from the dock.

He pulled the lever back to neutral then called out, ‘Let go forward, Ingrid!’

She immediately pulled the line and it released just as the stern line had. She quickly pulled the rope on board and began to coil it up. She finished and looked up to see them moving slowly, exactly in the centre of the narrow passage between the other boats, out toward the main harbor passage.

Steve gave her a ‘thumbs up’ and waved her back
to the wheelhouse. She instinctively kept a hand on the teak railings until she reached the forward part of the wheelhouse where she could hold onto the railing on its roof.

‘Well, I see we have the makings of a fine deckhand here,’ he said as she stepped into the cabin.

‘Thanks, but I don’t think you gave me too risky a job there.’

‘You’d be surprised how some people can’t manage a simple task like that when they get on a boat. I had a hunch you weren’t one of them.’

‘There’s no substitute for good, clear instructions, Captain,’ she said brightly.

He looked at her and told himself again, ‘This is going to be a great day!’

He looked at his watch and saw that they were on their way only twenty minutes after arriving in the lot. Steve motioned to Ingrid as they cleared the harbor entrance. It was noisy with the engine running and the doors and hatches open.

‘Take the helm, Ingrid. Steer toward the right edge of that island right in front of us. I’ll get the tea. How do you like it?’ No hesitation, he simply gave her the wheel.

She told him she liked her tea clear and he nodded and smiled, looked out at her heading, gave her another ‘thumbs up’ and went below. She had hardly been aboard a half hour and she had the helm.

She was thrilled with his confidence in her, but in truth the boat seemed to know where to go by itself. There wasn’t much steering to do. Just the same, she was grinning ear to ear when he stepped up from below with two mugs of clear tea. She took one, noticing that he liked his tea the same way she did.

They motored on their heading for a few minutes while they sipped the hot tea. Both of them had put their sunglasses on as the brilliant sun was reflecting off the small waves on the water before them. Steve looked intently at a chart.

‘Ok, Ingrid,’ he said, raising his voice over the engine noise. ‘I want you to steer a heading of two-zero-zero on this compass. That will take us clear of Passage Island and point us out into the Gulf. I’m going forward to set up the sails. If you see anything that looks wrong or worries you, push that black button on the panel to the left. It will sound the horn and alert me to come back. Give it a try, just a short beep,’ he instructed.

She pushed the button gingerly and a sharp horn sounded, much like the ones she had heard at the hockey games.

‘Good, that’ll get my attention,’ he smiled. ‘Any questions?’

‘No Captain. Steer two hundred, one short blast on the horn for any problems,’ she repeated, grinning at him like the cat that swallowed the canary. Thumbs up again from Steve and he moved forward to remove the cover from the main sail. She watched him, glancing now and then at the compass.

There were a few other boats in the area, but none nearby. The ferry to Vancouver Island had sailed by a couple of minutes ago about two kilometers to the west. She watched Steve work at preparing the sails. He was a study in efficiency.

The sail cover was removed, folded and dropped through the forward hatch. The stays and shrouds on the mast were checked, and all the fittings and fastenings were inspected. He had done this a hundred times before and had never found a problem. He intended to keep that perfect record.

He looked back at the wheelhouse windshield and through the reflection on the glass he could see the face of his lovely helmsman. She accepted the wheel without any protest, and he thought she may just be a ‘natural,’ one of the lucky people who can cope with any new situation with minimal fuss. He smiled and waved and she waved back. He finished his forward tasks and walked back to the wheelhouse.

Ingrid noticed that even though he had been on this boat many times, he took care to use the safety railings wherever he went. He was wearing the other floater vest as well. It wasn’t as cool as she had expected and with the sun well up in the sky, she could feel some mid-spring heat.

Steve stepped into the wheelhouse.

‘Ok, Ingrid, now we’re going to turn her into the wind. Right now, the wind is west-nor-west I think. I’m going to start raising the mainsail first. I want you to steer to starboard … that’s to your right,’ he pointed. Don’t make your turn too sharp, just gentle her around. When you see the sail start flapping in the wind, I want you to bring her out of her turn. You might end up going past where you want to be so you’ll need to steer to port, or left, to bring her back into line.

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A Tiny Slip Ch 02

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Personal punishments

In the year 2050 there was a radical change in the counrty. The new government in power was determined to save the bankrupt counnty by cutting soending in everything possible. Slowly, over a decade, the system was reduced by almost 90%, housing just the most extreme cases if criminals. By the year 2100, the judicial system was completely changed. If you were found guilty of a crime, you were examined by a psychiatrist and given a punishment that would be sufficiently humiliating and...

3 years ago
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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her 8211 Part 2

Hi readers I am back with my second story since you have read about my first story seduced my mami and fucked her this is the continuation of my story… So new ones must read my first story then read this.. I am Kunal and having 7″ tool and my mami stats 34-30-36 it will be more fun… So coming back to the story To us din sham ko jab unka beta aaya hamne noraml behave kia.. Aur ham sab tv dekne lage.. V dekte samay meine mami ke boobs ko pakad rakaha tha unke sari ke under se aur unka beta mere...

3 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 5 Price I Pay

I was aware of an engine rumbling near my head, but I ignored it, half-asleep. A car door opened and closed, punctuating the ever-present sounds of nature. My mom’s voice floated through the morning air, finally triggering a return to consciousness. “Matt, Lara? Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping?” Melissa called out. I peeled apart my desiccated lips, finding it hard to croak out an acknowledgement. “Hgghh...” “Oh, no! Are you sick?” I cleared my throat and spoke more normally. “No....

3 years ago
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Fucked A Hot Neighbour Bhabhi

Hi everyone, Hope you are doing well. I am rahul from delhi. This sex story is about 3 months old. $ months ago we got new neighbours in house just opposite to us. It was a family from a village consisting of husband, wife and 2 children. Bhabhi name was shilpi and she was in her late 30.When I first saw her I got lost in her beauty. She was looking like a sex goddess. She was wearing saree below her belly button.She has got a dark and deep belly button.Her boobs were large and her ass was...

3 years ago
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My True Life Story Chapter Two

Introduction: My son wanted to know about sex and I could not refuse him. To continue my story let me say that because at the time that my son came to me with his questions I could look back at my relationship with my brother and realize no harm had been done. While I went on to marry, my brother finished high school, went on to obtaining a very good job and then married a fine woman. I had an opportunity to talk with him and he agreed that what we had done did no harm. He said it gave him more...

3 years ago
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I was sick with anxiety over this phone call but I knew more than anything that I had to call him. I'd had this phone with a local number for my new city, actually my old hometown, for over a month now. I'd looked up the number of our old neighbor and added it to my contacts the very day I got this phone, swearing to myself that I'd call and let him know I moved back to town. I'd brought up the number countless times this week, and at least three times already on this Saturday morning, but...

1 year ago
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Mandy a forbidden love

I know it’s a cliché but I really was at a crossroads in my life. I had recently turned sixty, and I was saving manically for retirement but had just been informed I was going to be made redundant. Suddenly there were major financial implications to consider. The kids had all left home, so the usual buzz of activity had disappeared, leaving behind a semi silence that was partly a blessing, but also a realisation that my wife and I were simply comfortable together. We had been married...

Love Stories
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Addicted to grandpas cock

All I thought about was getting my next fix of grandpa's cum in my mouth, I day dreamed about the smell of his genitals, the taste of his cum, the fantastic texture of his cock in my mouth. There were many times when he was unconscious that I worshiped his cock until it oozed his delicious spunk into my mouth. After the point of him finding out how much I loved his cock he was more than happy to give me as much cum as I could swallow. I loved that sometimes he would creep in while I was...

3 years ago
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One funny day in college

My name is Jim, and I’m twenty-two. I’m in college, and I have this roommate, named Ed. He is twenty-three, and always seems to have bad luck when it comes to the ladies. There was one time, when we were at a club, that he was trying to pick up a couple chicks. There were two ladies, and he actually thought he was gonna get us both lucky. ‘You know ladies, those beer bottles aren’t the only hard objects around you,’ he said. They both just laughed, and walked away. ‘Dude, what the hell was...

3 years ago
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School of Gambling

September had come too early this year, summer holidays had gone by very quickly and you barley remembered what you did. (If anything.) It was coming into school term that you realised you had no idea what you were walking into at Rockhard High. It was going to be a strange place full with strange people, unknown halls and faces would surround you. You simy shrugged it off and gathered your uniform, a black jacket with a white button up with a tint black skirt. The tie you chose was red since...

3 years ago
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At last Olleda and young Carletta were fully awake from their pleasure and pleasuring the “Thing”. Both sitting up legs off the couch and wide open both looking themselves over and complaining that their pussies and tits were scarred and chewed all the hell up! Olleda told her husband to get over there with the diary and look and write down how their pussies and titties were wrecked as she termed it. Both could hardly stand not only from being so dried up from the “Thing” but their pussies...

2 years ago
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Early experiencesPart 5

 Early Experiences—Part 5I was fortunate that I’d not been hung so high as to be on the end of my toes so I wasreasonably comfortable , my arms outstretched and wrists secured fairly high up on the posts ;he lay back thoroughly inspecting my ½ naked torso with all its souvenir lash marks andproceeded to ask dozens of questions.Had I permitted Stu , later his wife to flog me because I loved them ; I truthfully replied it wasnot because I had feelings for them , or even sexual...

2 years ago
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Erotic Session With Pune Couple

Hey, dudes and babes. I am Ethan, age 22 from Pune. 6 feet. Any lady who would love to feel heaven, drop a mail on So let’s begin the party! Quite a few days back, I received a mail from a couple stating that they loved my stories a lot!The guy was in his early forties and miss in her late thirties. Few mails were exchanged and I came to know that they both are working in an IT firm. Work pressure and responsibilities have made their sex life dull. So in order to revive it, they are thinking...

2 years ago
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Double His Pleasure

A ringing phone woke me from a deep sleep. I came out of a dream about getting caught by Harriett while I was fucking Rose to an extreme orgasm. Just as I was about to cum, Harriett burst through the basement door. I pulled out of Rose and blasted cum all over Harriett's face. She turned beet red and stormed out of the house, shouting threats laced with obscenities. So much for pleasant dreams. I pulled on a robe and dawdled downstairs. Harriett and Winifred were already dressed. Winifred's...

2 years ago
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New friends in a new town

A few years ago Ben and I moved to Michigan. I got a job as a developer at a local company near Livonia. I was walking out of a meeting one day, when a gorgeous black woman waved me over. I had only been with the company a few weeks so I had no idea who she was. She was wearing a white pencil skirt with an all red button down, red heels to match."You're a computer person?" she asked. "I am""Can you help me with this thing?""Maybe", I smiled, "let me take a look". I put my hands on her desk, and...

4 years ago
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The Wishes Tempus FugitGlitch in the Matrix

Nervous... That was the only word for it. James was nervous, as he sat in the back of the car. He was aware, of course, that his mother kept a discreet eye on him in the rear view mirror, but his thoughts were on keeping the contents of his stomach settled. He was concentrating so hard on that he didn’t hear his mother’s question. “James?” She said a bit more forcibly. He blinked, re-focused, and looked up. “Yes?” “I asked you a question,” she said with a smile. “What did you say? I was...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Reese Robbins 03122023

Reese has recently taken charge of cuckolding her StepDad while her Mom is out also screwing around. But Reese has the key to his chastity device and knows how to use that power over him as well. So since she wants to go shopping she thought she would drop into StepDads work and tease and torment that credit card out of him. Just as she has one foot with the chastity key around it teasing his cage and another one down his throat in comes Mr Cardher, his very handsome boss. Reese being a horny...

3 years ago
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A grey cloudy and rainy day

Sunday morning was still cloudy and raining.I was looking the back yard through the window; sitting at the living room and sipping a good cup of black coffee.My sweet Ana had been taking a shower and when she came out of the bathroom, she asked me if I wanted some company.Then she got a chair and sat down, crossing her long toned legs.She was wearing just a white tank top and cotton panties. I saw her nice nipples were hard as rocks. I could see her dark areolas through the thin white cotton...

3 years ago
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The Professor and Her Student

Elizabeth Mae Starr was a bit frustrated The Professor and the Student oliverc [email protected] Author?s Note:? This covers some familiar themes, but if you read it, I enjoy the feedback either through reviews or email.? I have incorporated some suggestions from previous reviews into this one, but ultimately it speaks to my fantasies.   Professor Elizabeth Starr was a bit frustrated.  She had not had any sex for three months since her lover left town for a new job in a...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Chakkar Me Maa Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, mera naam sameer he. Aapne meri pehli chudai story padhi hogi, and agar nahi padhi he to pehle aapko uss storiee ko padhna hoga kyu ki ye storiee ussi k upar depend he, ya yu kahiye ye uski ka aage ka hissa he. That’s why you first have to read that and then read this. Ab mai aage shuru karta hu ke aage kya hua. Doosre din mai jab collage se ghar aaya tab ghar me maa aur bhabhi the. Mai fresh hokar aaya aur hum think khana khane baithe us wakt bhi maa aur mujh me kuch baat nahi...

3 years ago
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Valentine Vengeance

We have a saying in the area where I grew up and still live, if you don’t like the weather, hang on a minute. The people giving the weather on the news are viewed as something of a joke, through no fault of their own really. The fact is that if a wind whips down out of the North Pole or up from the gulf, there is just nothing to stop it or even slow it down. In my lifetime, all spent right here, I’ve seen it snow on Christmas and I’ve seen it eighty degrees. I’ve seen it a sweltering hundred...

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Dogs GirlChapter 8

Willy was going to protest, but Betty couldn't tell if it was because he wanted to fuck her, or because he wanted his money and not Joey's neurotic games. Betty almost collapsed again as they were tying her hands above her head. Shorty pulled, obviously unaware of how strong he was, for he pulled her clear off the ground so that she was hanging by her tender wrists. "Let her down a little," said Joey. "We only want to see fear in her eyes, we don't want to hurt her." Shorty let the...

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It Started In The Bath With Mum

This is the story of my relationship with my mum. My dad left when I was very young so as far back as I can remember, it was always just me and my mum. One of my favorite things to do when I was little was my nightly bath with mum. I loved the feel of her skin against mine, especially when we were both soapy. I loved how she scrubbed me all over. I loved when she'd wrap me up in a big fluffy towel when we were done. It wasn't anything sexual, it was just the wonderful sensations that I enjoyed....

4 years ago
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Ethereum Gladiator Chapter 2

The cuffs on her ankles came to life also, supporting some of her weight so it wasn't all on her wrists. Stretched vertically in the air, Kyla couldn't do anything but hang there as a group of three ethereals entered her cell. One of them was Lonji, who flashed her an apoligetic look. The other two studied her critically, walking in a circle so they could examine her from every angle. Kyla did a double-take, noting that one of them appeared to be female. The other ethereal gestured,...

3 years ago
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That is so Cool

Introduction: A chance meeting whilst out walking on a summer day ends with my introduction to sex The other evening I was watching a travel programme on TV featuring a short item on the joys of a narrow boat holiday on the UK canal system and it brought back vivid memories of a sunny July afternoon walking along the canal towpath near to my home. It was only a few weeks after my eighteenth birthday and, having left school with very few qualifications, I was looking forward to starting as a...

2 years ago
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Discussion QuestionsChapter 5 Getting used to the aftermath

I got called upon to satisfy Stacy and Deb after a very sexy breakfast. Somehow I completed three servings of Eggs Benedict without scorching pans or serving up raw eggs. As I ate, one or the other would be straddling my lap feeding me with my cock embedded in their hot pussy. Both women kept up a steady stream of just the kind of seductive and erotic dirty talk that I love, so I was harder than steel again. When we'd all eaten, I led the women to our bedroom, and I continued to eat, only...

3 years ago
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Secretary Love

I first started to get the indication that David had the “hots” for me when we were alone once in the office, and he made our usual afternoon run for a snack, bringing back chocolate cherries and diet coke for me. I’d always made comments about how that combination made me a little silly, and this escalated into an innuendo that carried on for a while. One time he related a story from a Carol Burnett routine, where the boss said something about Mrs. Wiggins having “nice...

3 years ago
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The Rogue Wave

Please note I am not an English native speaker: I tried to be as accurate as I could, but I guess there will be some mistakes or some 'unnatural English" left. Sorry for that. Hope it will be good enough, nevertheless.My wife (from now on “M”) and I have been married for 10 years. Our sexual relationship has always been satisfactory, even though sometimes I would like to experience a little more transgression.13 years have elapsed since when we met and I’m still strongly attracted by her.As far...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetDupes Aubrey Sinclair Come Home

Aubrey Sinclair just wants her man Chad White to Come Home from the army. As Aubrey goes about her daily routine she finds that even the simplest things have lost all meaning. As she heads out to the water and swims to the other end Aubrey comes out of the water to find Chad standing at the end of the water in his uniform. Aubrey can’t believe her eyes and within moments Chad and Aubrey and having passionate sex, the kind that only happens when you thought you may never see your partner...

1 year ago
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Home For Dinner

This is the second story written in collaboration with Alphamagus. We are enjoying it enough to make it a series, assuming you enjoy it as well. Juliana and Robert were both foodies. They ate out frequently but also enjoyed shopping for food from various market purveyors and then cooking together. Dinners during the week were generally simple, given the long hours that both of them worked. But, on the weekends, there was more time to experiment with their culinary repertoire. Their kitchen was...

Love Stories
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My Wife the Tease

Val and I were enjoying dinner in the hotel restaurant following an afternoon relaxing on the beach. We’d been together for almost ten years, and she looked just as beautiful as on the day we’d met, with her shoulder-length wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes. She smiled at me as we finished the starter, with a cheeky grin telling me she was in the mood for sex. I smiled back and winked at her. That was our code, and even though we’d been having a bit of a rocky time in recent months, when we...

Wife Lovers
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wifes revelation pt2

Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen “good morning babe, smells good”. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. “Hope your hungry? I cooked a ton for some reason”. Pam smiles knowing she has a good chance at...

3 years ago
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Buck FeverEpilogue

Sam and Randy met Cherokee when they came home for Christmas. They had missed Thanksgiving by virtue of the fact that each had a part time job. Sam had to work during the Thanksgiving holiday period, so Randy stayed there with her. Cherokee was used to the musical chairs nature of the sexual relationships in the house by then, but adding two more to the game still shocked her a bit. In later years she would marvel at the fact that she was able to accept the fact that Samantha wanted that...

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ForeChapter 5

Ted couldn’t help but thinking about Joni and the nice weekend he had in being with her. Her looks, intelligence, personality and the little things she did made her the total package in his opinion. He phoned her during the week to confirm the plans for the coming weekend. The traffic would be the normal weekend Friday night traffic which had him tell her he would pick her up at six. Ending the call he couldn’t believe he had been talking to her for one and a half hours. The time during that...

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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 4

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 4 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 16-year-old boy Miley 13-year-old little sister that is taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager and my boss Sandie New friend, works with me Luke Sandie's boyfriend Max Luke's little brother Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet emails. I hope you all enjoy my newest story. I look forward to hearing from you all soon....

1 year ago
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Caleb 23 The Deans Daughter

I’d dedicated Saturday to Josh and Louise’s illusion; I hadn’t been sure how it would go, or how much time I’d need to recover afterwards. It had gone well, as far as I was concerned. They had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and Dianna had been reasonably satisfied with the illusion I had spun, only finding a few flaws that might have given it away to someone thinking with anything other than their loins. I knew I needed more practice, and I also knew that Josh and Louise weren’t going to be...

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