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Kenny Jacobs stood in the shade cast by the detached garage in the door yard for a brief pause. Nine in the morning and already a sweltering summer day. Insects broke the calm silence as the heat of the day mounted and already the humidity had caused his shirt to become nearly soaked through.

He pulled the leather work gloves tight on his hands and went back to clearing out the side yard of the house. Years of neglect had left the patch of earth devoid of grass but completely overgrown with vines, weeds, poison ivy, saplings, sticker bushes and a whole host of other scrub plants. Sweat poured from his forehead as he cursed his father-in-law. His mother had met and fallen for the man years ago while Ken had been in college. Tim Tomlinson had moved in with his new wife, Marie, Kenneth's mother, and was a nice enough fellow from some backwater town in the north country of Missouri.

Chillicothee, or some such town, Kenny didn't dare try to spell it. After he'd graduated from college, his mother had decided to leave the lights of Chicago for a while and live in the country with her husband. The house had not been lived in for five or six years, and while it was in relatively good shape, the yard had been completely invaded by all manner of plants.

Plants, Kenny had realized upon arrival to spend part of his summer here, that had become his responsibility to eradicate.

He'd tried a weed eater already, but the growth was too thick even for the tough plastic cable. He was toting a sling blade now on his shoulder he had just sharpened in Tim's work shop.

As full of junk the shop contained, Kenny liked being in there. There were boxes of tools and odds and ends that Tim had collected through the course of his life.

He started back in at the growth, swinging the large blade at the plant matter and muttering movie quotes under his breath.

"Some folks call it a Kaiser blade, I call it a slingblade, mmm hmmm."


His head snapped up as his mother called to him.


She came around the side of the house in a sun dress carrying a small cooler.

"Tim and I are heading out, we'll be back in a week."

"Okay mom." Kenny said, taking a long pull off a large bottle of Gatorade.

"The emergency numbers are on the fridge, and no parties."

"Jesus, Mom, I'm not f******n, I think I'll manage." He said, giving her a hug goodbye. They were taking a camper down to Smithville Lake for a week of camping because apparently living in Po-dunk, USA wasn't country enough.

"Oh for God's sake, you're covered in sweat!" She said after a brief hug goodbye.

"It is a little hot out here." He said, picking the blade back up. He hoped to be done by lunch, then he had the place to himself for the rest of the week with nothing to do. He planned on enjoying every second of it.

"Alright, we'll see you later, sweety."

"Bye Mom, have fun." He said, and watched her leave. Turning back to the yard, he grimaced at the foliage and took up the blade once more.

"I'ma get me some of 'dem biscuits wit da' mustard, mmm hmmm."

By noon the yard was all but cleared, and he was pushing a large pile of the tangled plant debris to the burn pile. It was blazing hot now, and he'd been chugging water from the hose like crazy and now was fighting the urge to urinate. Storm clouds looked to be building up, so he wanted to get done before it started raining. The idea of dropping trowel there and just going never crossed his mind.

He'd gotten the stuff on the pile when he heard a car horn beep from the front of the house. His curiosity got his mind off the call of nature as he went around the side of the house to investigate.

"Oh shit." He muttered to himself. There in the gravel driveway was Abbey's cherry red Chevy Cavalier. And it looked as though Liz was with her. sisters from Tim's brother Nate, technically his cousins. He had only met them once before he had come to Tim's with his mother this summer, they had been 14 then. Now, four years later, they had constantly nagged him about coming out and partying with them. He had finally succumbed and let them take him to a bon fire party two weeks ago, where they had begged him to buy them booze, then both out-drank him on moonshine and left him asleep on Tim's driveway at four o'clock in the morning in nothing but his boxers. He'd had a sneaking suspicion that a lot more went on from what they'd told him.

As far as he was concerned they were crazy; a pair of loud mouth trouble makers. He tried to keep his distance from them, but they seemed bound and determined to stay under his skin either to just annoy him or to fulfill some form of weird self indulged entertainment. When they saw him they stepped out of the car.

Both were about five foot even, skinny, and each wore a pair of tiny track shorts, white track tee-shirts with CHS stenciled across the front and an over sized pair of sunglasses. At this distance they were virtually indistinguishable save for their hair. Abbey had a long wash or dirty blond hair that she never wore up, Liz had a short crop of thick black hair that framed her cute face.

Maneaters, was all Kenny could think of. He pitied the men at the college they would be heading off to come September.

"What's up Ken-doll?" Abbey shouted up the driveway. Kenny grimaced. This had become their nickname for him since they stripped him down that night at the party. They had told him he'd stripped himself, and never took off the boxers, but he had his suspicions, especially since he had awoke that morning with his underwear on backwards.

The fact that he was a looming six-foot tall lacrosse player didn't improve their taunts either.

"Not much." He answered.

"Where's Uncle Tim?"

"You missed him by a couple hours, he and my mom went to Smithville for the week."

"Son of a bitch." She sighed, "Really?"

"Really really." He answered, "Why?"

"Oh, I was going to see if he'd change the oil in Phyllis today."


"Yeah." She said, gesturing to her car.

"You named your car Phyllis?"

Abbey gave him a 'D-uh' look. Liz spoke up at that point.

"Hey, you're a guy, right?"

"Oh you are a funny one." He shot back at her.

"No, I mean, you know how to change oil in a car, right?"

Kenny thought about saying no, but that would just add more fuel to the Ken-doll fire.

"Yes." He begrudgingly admitted.

"Do you think you could change the oil in Phyllis?"

He pondered for a long second.

"An oil change?" He asked.


"Do you have all the stuff? Filter, oil?"

"Yes and yes."

Ken sighed heavily, "Bring it around to the work shop, I can change it for you."

Abbey drove the car into the workshop while Kenny scoured the room for tools he would need. The shed was hotter than outside, the aluminum walls and roof had turned it into what felt like an oven. As he searched along a workbench he spotted a dirt covered window with a small air conditioner in it. He cranked it on to max and the ancient unit rumbled to life, sending a puff of dust straight into his face.

"You guys owe me big for this." He said as he wiped the grime from his sweaty face, the cold air felt good, though it carried an odor of stagnat water.

He continued to paw through tool boxes and under tables until he found a set of sockets and a ratchet and an oil filter wrench. There was one thing he wasn't finding, however.

"I don't see a jack anywhere." He said. Tim had to have one, this workshop had two of everything, but he could not find a jack anywhere.

"I have one in the trunk." Abbey said, walking around Phyllis. When she produced it, Kenny rolled his eyes.

"What?" She protested.

"You're fucking crazy if you think I'm crawling under your car with nothing but a scissor jack holding it up."

"What's wrong with this?"

"There's a reason they call those widow makers."

"Well how else are we supposed to change the goddamn oil?" Abbey was getting frustrated.

Kenny sighed, "find me a cinder block or something to set the strut on."

"What?" Liz and Abbey asked in stereo.

"Nothing, I'll fucking get it." He swore, strolling past them, a string of curses trailing behind him as the girls giggled.

He found no cinder blocks, something else he was surprised Tim didn't have. If you couldn't count on hillbillies to have car jacks and cinder blocks around, what could you count on them for? He found a pile of bricks that were too small, so he settled for a thick log of hedge-tree he'd found on an ancient wood pile.

He made his way back to the workshop and tossed the log to the floor where the bark exploded off of the thick wood-chunk.

"Give me the jack." He said, taking the tiny thing and sliding it under the frame of the driver's side door.

He spun the lever, lifting the car to the desired height and slipped the wood under the strut.

Satisfied, he grabbed an oil pan and the wrenches and slid on the dirty concrete floor under the car. Hopefully he could get this done quickly.

He could hear the girls muffled conversation under the car, they would burst out into random fits of giggles every so often, and he couldn't help thinking they were laughing at him.

Pushing the thought from his head, he unscrewed the oil plug too fast and it fell into the oil pan along with a thick stream of black oil.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed.

"Everything all right down there, stud?"

He didn't bother answering, moving to the oil filter.

It took some doing, but he finally got it loosened and replaced with the new one. Once the oil was completely drained, he prodded the contents of the oil pan as best he could laying on his back until he found the oil plug and picked it up, trying to keep as much oil off his hands. He replaced the oil covered plug back into its place and tightened it up as best he could.

"All right," he said finally, "Pop the hood."

Abbey stepped over him and opened the door, leaning in to pull the handle for the hood release near the pedals.

That was all it took.

Kenny heard what sounded like metal grinding on rock, and looked down to see that was exactly what it was. The jack was folding at a weird angle from the shift in weight. His eyes went wide in alarm as the car's weight settled on the log, which quickly splintered and shattered, the rotted wood didn't stand a chance.

Frozen in shock, he watched the under carriage sink closer and closer to his face. A weight started pressing in his mid-section and he squeezed his eyes closed.

He opened them a second later when the noise stopped and the weight coming down on him stopped as well. The car's under carriage was about an inch from his nose, and the side of the car was pressing down on his stomach, just above his belt, but it was not crushing, but it did have him pinned and unable to move.

"Kenny!" Liz and Abbey shouted, looking under the car.

"I'm okay." He said, trying to slide out, move, do anything, but to no avail.

"I'm stuck." He said finally, "Can you jack the car back up?"

"The jack's all fucked up, Kenny, it looks like someone bent it half." Liz called under the car.

"Someone did bend it in half; Phyllis." He said, "Abbey, your car is a cunt. Look for another jack, something, please." He had a quick flash of an idea. His car was outside, but then he remembered he had lent his jack to a friend a year ago and had never gotten it back.

He waited under the car listening to their feet as they scampered across the shop floor. A few minutes later their faces came back into view as the knelt to look under the car.

"No jacks." Abbey said.

"Well what the fuck are we going to do?" Kenny asked.

"Um, we could go home and see if we could find a jack there?" Liz said.

"You're going to leave me under a fucking car?"

"Only one of has to go." Abbey said, "But we can't use my car."

"Obviously." Kenny was two steps ahead of them. He some how managed to dig his hand into the pocket of his jeans and pull out his key ring. He flipped the keys out onto the shop floor.

"Here! Take my car, it's the Mustang in the garage."

"Mustang?" Abbey said.

"Don't you dare scratch it, or burnout or power slide in it, or so help me God I will..."

"Yoooooooou'll, what?" Liz said. There was a long pause before he spoke again.

"I fucking hate you. Both."

Not long after Liz left to get a new jack, Kenny started squirming. His need to urinate was back with a vengeance, and the car, although not really painfully pinning him, was putting noticeable pressure on his bladder. Combined with Abbey incessant ramblings about life at her high school and gossip he neither understood or cared about, was tormenting him to a frustrating degree.

She took a pause and Kenny thought nothing of it, until he smelled the smoke.

"What the hell are you doing?" He interrupted her mid sentence.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you smoking?" He said, eyes widening.

"You're not going to give me the same lecture my dad gave me are you?"

"Are you fucking insane!" He shouted. He distinctly remembered several different gas cans in his search for tools. Coupled with the shelves of lawn and yard chemicals and the remnants of a reloading bench in the corner, he was pretty sure this was not a place someone would want to light a match.

"Put it out." He said.

"No." She spat back.

"Do you want to blow us all to hell?" He asked.

"If you want me to put it out so bad, come out here make me, Ken-doll."

He could feel his face flush with anger, sure that he was doomed to one of three deaths today; having a car crush him, or in a fire caused by a bitchy step-cousin with a nicotine addiction in a room full of combustibles that he couldn't escape due to the aforementioned car, or the vein that was about to rupture in his neck that he could feel pulsing right now as he gritted his teeth in anger.

He guessed it would be a combination of all three.

"Where the hell is Liz?"

"It's like a half hour drive to our place Ken-doll, chill out and relax, it's going to take a sec. And why the hell do you keep shaking your leg like that?"

"Go to hell."

"Tell me!" She poked him with her foot.

"Goddamn it, I have to pee. Okay?"

"So go, I won't tell anyone." She said, taking a drag and giggling.

"Okay, one; you're a fucking liar, and two, I'm not going to piss myself just because I have a car resting on me when Liz will be back in an hour."

"No." Abbey said, "It will take her an hour just to drive there and back, that's not including how much time she'll take to find a jack. If she can find one."

"Oh for Christ's sake." Kenny spat. He wanted to punch something, but was afraid he'd pee if he moved much, and once the sluice gate was opened he was afraid he would be powerless to make it stop.

"Do you really have to go?" She asked. He was slightly taken aback by the note of real concern in her voice.

"Like a race horse." He said.

"What if I..." She paused trying to find the word,"...took...'It'...out for you?"

His eyes went wide.

"That's not even funny. Even for you." He said.

"No, if you really have to go, I'll help you, I mean, I feel bad already. That is my car on top of you."

"I can't just piss if you take it out, it will still get all over me. I mean, I'm long but not..." He stopped short.

"What?" She said.


"No, that sounded like some self-proclaimed horn blowing right there, if I do say so."

"Look, if you aren't going to do it then let's just shut up about it."

"Okay, what do you need?"


"I'm going to help, but apparently your long-but-not-too-long-dong needs some kind of receptacle to go in, what do you suggest?"

"I can't believe you're doing this."

"C'mon Ken-doll, before I change my mind."

"Fuck, I don't know. Is there a bucket or a pail somewhere?"

"Really?" She asked.


"Let's try something smaller there, hot shot. There's a bunch of canning jars with nails and screws in them, I can dump one out."

He suddenly go an idea.

"On the work bench by the AC unit, there's an empty bottle of gatorade. That will work." He said.

"Okay." She said, "Got it."

"Alright, now all you have to do it." He said. He saw her kneel down in front of his crotch on his right side and place a hand on his zipper.

"You sure you want me to do this?" She asked.

"Goddamn it, this was your idea, don't you fucking welch on me now. It's not like it's anything you haven't seen before."

"What? I've never seen you naked before." Abbey said.

"What about when you guys stripped me at that party?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that you did that by yourself."

"Really?" He asked.

"Really really. You drank a mason jar full of moonshine and the next thing we knew you were howling at the moon and trying to get naked."


"Anyway, let's get this over with."

"I bet you say that to all the guys." He laughed. She jammed a thumb into his lower stomach and he had to fight back the urge to piss his pants.

"Not cool." He breathed.

"Let's do this." She said.

"Yeah, let's do it!" He said, getting frustrated, "That means you have to do something, I can't reach, damn it. Hurry up."

"Okay." She breathed, and reached for the zipper and gently tugged it down. Kenny could feel cool air caress his skin even through the briefs. He had been afraid that he would sprout a hard on from this, and die of embarrassment, but his over full bladder was keeping it from happening, thank God.

"Okay." She said again. He felt a hand reach into his boxers through the slit and brush up against his bush of hair. He heard her go "Ugh," slightly.

"Further south." He said. She reached down and he felt her soft hand pinch his penis between her thumb and forefinger and roughly haul it out of his boxers. When it made it out, he heard her take in a sharp breath.

"What?" He said.

"Ken-doll...I...I don't know what to say...I'm impressed." He felt her hand gently move it around.

" Are you examining me, or helping me pee?" He asked.

"Oh, right." She said. He felt the tip of his penis push against the plastic lip of the container.

"Is it safe to go?"

"Wait." She said, "Your damn dick won't fit in the mouth of the bottle."


"Don't act all modest on me now, Mr. I'm-Long."

"Sorry I don't make a habit of fucking gatorade bottles, could you just hold it in place for me?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She said, and he felt her hand wrap it's way around the base of his dick now. His eyes widened again in surprise, and he thought he heard an 'Mmm' escape her lips, but it was hard to tell.

"Okay, commence urination." She said.

He let loose for what felt like eternity. His entire body felt relieved of the pressure, and he felt bliss even after he was finished.

He opened his eyes when he realized she hadn't put his penis away. Then he heard a noise. Then another, followed by another.

'chi-conk! chi-conk!'

He couldn't believe it when he finally placed the sound.

"Are you taking pictures of my dick with your cell phone?" He asked.

"Just a couple." She said.

"What!" He shouted, trying to kick at her.

"Hold still, now that one's all blurry."

"You're seriously taking picture of my dick, what the fuck, Abbey?"

"What can I say, you have a nice looking cock." She said.

"I'm flattered, but can you zip me up now."

He saw her face appear below the panel.


"This is bullshit, Abbey." He growled.

"Okay, fair trade, I'll let you see my tits."

"What?" He shook his head in surprise,"What is wrong with you?"

"Okay, your right, I'm getting pictures so you should get pictures, I'll take some and send them to your phone. What's your number?"

"Un-fucking-believable. So help me God, Abbey, if you don't zip me up right now, I'll..."

"You'll what?" Her face popped back into view, he voice now low and sultry.

Are you going to hurt me, Ken-doll, hmmm? What if I do this?" She firmly wrapped a hand around his cock and jerked it two times. Kenny grunted at the sensation, and he felt the tinglings of a boner coming on.

No! He thought, she's a cousin.

"Or this?"

Kenny's head slammed into the bottom of the car as he tried to sit up, momentarily forgetting he was less than an inch from the under carriage as he felt her run her hot tongue up the length of his prick.

He moaned, tried not to, but couldn't help it.

"Oh?" She said, "I think you like it too much."

He felt her hand wrap around the base of his hardening cock and then her hot mouth envelope the head as she sucked him in. His eyes rolled up to the back of his head as he felt her tongue swirl around his shaft. She made it nearly half way down his length when he heard her gag slightly and come back up for air, leaving a slick covered hot mess of spit on his now throbbing cock awaiting her lip's embrace. She took in a sharp breath of air and then slid his dick deep into her mouth once more, her lips stretching to accommodate his girth as he filled her mouth.

He reached up into the car for something to hold on to, her mouth was amazing, better than any he'd ever had, her tongue was doing some kind of magic contortions as it played across the crown of his cock, and he felt like he was going to blow his load only after the few strokes she'd given him.

He was panting, and she was sucking him hard and fast now, getting lost in the blow job, high pitched moans and squeals emitted from around the cock in her mouth and throat as she pumped her head on the ever growing dick. She choked herself on it every several strokes in an effort to fit more in her mouth.

When it became too much, she would pull off, breathe in sharp, ragged breaths and pump his cock with her hand.

"Jesus, Ken-doll, I'm getting so fucking wet." She moaned during one of the interludes, and she drove her mouth down on him again. He felt his prick's head hit the back of her throat, then felt her press harder and then his cock pushed past and down her throat as she swallowed him. He felt her nose hit his pubes and her tongue rested slightly on one of his balls as she choked and gagged on the massive amount of meat in her gullet. The sensation hit him out of the blue and was too much for Kenny to take.

Before he knew what was happening his cock flexed hard and he let loose a long torrent of cum that blew stream after stream into her throat.

He could almost picture her eyes bugging out from his orgasm as she let out a muffled cry as much as she could from around the pole of cock in her mouth and throat. She pulled off of him in one fluid movement, his cock felt drenched in saliva and was far from softening.

He heard her gag loudly. After a few seconds she leaned under the car and looked at him. He saw her face was flushed, eyes watering and puffy, her makeup was blurred.

"You fucking did that on purpose." She said raggedly, panting.

"Payback's a bitch." He cackled.

"I'll get you for that." She said, and he felt teeth gently clamp down on the underside of his dick.

"Hey!" He shouted.

She disappeared from his view for a quick moment then saw a foot on either side of him. She grabbed his cock once more; it was killing him that he could not see any of this happening, then froze when he felt his cock slap wetly between her firm, teenaged breasts. She slowly worked into a fever, squeezing her arms tight, enveloping his cock between her tits and pumping it up and down, swirling her tongue around the head of his dick when it shot up towards her neck. Whatever firmness he'd lost from fucking her throat had returned full bore, his dick felt it was about to burst at the seems.

Abbey brushed her blond hair out of her face and snaked a hand to her crotch. Pulling aside the small patch of material the track shorts had between her legs, she slid two fingers across he sopping wet, hairless, panty-less clad pussy. She felt a warmth immediately build in her lower stomach as soon as she grazed he clit, which was standing hard and protruding from the folds of her lips. She rubbed it furiously, he legs began to tingle as her orgasm mounted. She used her other hand to pinch at her small, hardened pink nipple, sending her over the edge.

She locked her lips around the large cock between her tits once more as she drove two fingers inside her. Immediately, her young, tight pussy locked up on the fingers and she came hard. Loosing her balance and falling forward, driving the cock deeper into her mouth and her fingers deeper inside her quaking cunt. She cried out hard, her fingers not enough.

She quickly straddled Ken, yanking the short shorts to one side and driving her wet pussy down on his rock hard erection. Her pussy, squeezed tight from her orgasm, and his thick girth, wouldn't let him inside her at first, his cock bending as she lowered herself on him. Then suddenly, his cock-head parted her engorged lips and popped past her taut entrance and in a flash half his length sprung up inside her. She came again, unexpectedly, by the quick draw of cock that had just shot up inside her, and she lost her balance once again, falling and impaling herself on the rest of his cock. She shook violently as orgasm after orgasm racked her body, sending a torrent of juice out of her pussy where it ran down his cock, soaking his balls.

When she felt she could move again, she slowly began to ride him, bringing her tight round ass up high and driving it back down on his prick. Kenny felt as though he could feel every inch inside her, every muscle, every nook and cranny, all slippery and wet and burning hot. His cock would meet the cool kiss of the AC every time her ass went up, and then feel the burning furnace of her cunt every time she drove back down.

She started riding faster as she felt another wave of orgasms begin to tear through her, and Kenny tried to rise with her as she lifted her pussy high off his dick as her muscles squeezed tight as she came several times. She was screaming nonsensical words as her twat quivered and convulsed, digging her nails into his sides. She turned around and rested her knees on his thighs, then lowered herself reverse cowgirl on top of him once more. She lowered herself on her elbows so she was knearly laying on the floor and bounced her ass in short, wicked strokes.

Kenny felt his cock swell and his balls tighten as he knew he was about to blow once more a she rode his dick hard and fast. She felt it too.

"C'mon Ken-doll, are you gonna cum for me?" She taunted, "C'mon, I want you to cum in me, I want your cum soooo baaad!"

The last word turned into a scream as his cock suddenly erupted, sending wads of thick, sticky cum deep inside her pussy, which pulsed in orgasm at the feel of his cock engorging her cunt with hot semen. She slammed down on him hard one last time and let her pussy muscles milk every last drop of cum out of his cock as they both shook as pleasurable aftershocks tore through their bodies.

Kenny lay with his head on the cool cement, wondering who would believe this story. Not that he was going to tell anyone, after all, she was technically his cousin.

Nope, he thought, not a soul would ever find out about this.

Abbey was still impaled on his semi-hard cock, both unable to move.

"Hey guys." Came a meek voice and his eyes flew open.

"Oh." Abbey sighed heavily, "Hi Liz."

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Me Rahul 32, from Chandigarh, working with an MNC. This is about my Uncle’s Daughter who is 24 doing her MBA. I am married with no kids. For the last 1 yr I used to notice that my cousin is very friendly to me. Before everyone she use to be very normal teasing me every time. My uncle used to stay near us about 1/2 hour distance. She had a relation with a guy 2 yrs back but nothing much happened, they broke off. She used to tell me everything when we used to visit her place to meet them but not...

3 years ago
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Part 2 For some time I did not offer him fights and he did not come back to the topic. Once he asked me if he could come play truant. I agreed, not knowing that he was up to something. He came after 8 am and he started that he is stronger now and if he wants to, we can fight I was surprised I agreed. We started to struggle who would put whom on the floor, in fact, I had a problem to knock him over for a few minutes so we struggled so much that I could not be on him for more than a few...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Riley Star Stepbrother Stepsister Exploring Each Other

When Oliver gets stuck sharing a bed with his stepsister Riley, he isn’t exactly thrilled. Family vacations suck for this exact reason, amongst others – but you have to make the best of it. Being a horny teenage brat, Riley wastes no time and gets to rubbing her pussy and as soon as her stepbrother Oliver rolled over to sleep. She moved to the bathroom to get her fingers even deeper in her hungry teen hole, but her dad wouldn’t stop banging on the door and making a scene. When...

4 years ago
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Nina Chapter 13

Tuesday I got a phone call late in the afternoon. My home number showed on the display. I picked up the receiver. "Hey, baby," I said, a greeting that should work for either Nina or Sandy. Nina's voice. "Hey babe! How's your day?" "It's been a normal day. So far." "We had two visits. One was a big truck with a piano on the back, and the second was a nice black lady from social services." "How'd that go?" I asked. Giggle. "I gave her the grand tour. She had to ease around...

3 years ago
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My Dream For Double Dick

Hi my name is swathi. This is my very first story which I am going to share. . I noticed everyone sharing their real story here, so decided to share my one too. I am 5’3’’ and weight 49kg and my body size is 34c-29-36. I have black hair and black eyes. My husband Rakesh is 5’6’’ and 60kg with dark hair and black eyes with a 7’’ cock. We have been married last six years we have a k** age 4yrs. This is my real story which is happened last summer when my husband out of town for two weeks for some...

2 years ago
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The Book Store

I’m a cuckold. A member of that select group of men who love watching, or hearing about, their wife (girlfriend) making love to another man, or men depending on the circumstances. Thankfully, I found a hot girlfriend, who later became my wife.The experience I’m about to relate took place six months after Cindi and I met. During that time, we discussed our previous relationships. What went right, what went wrong, and how to ensure we didn’t make the same mistakes again.I told Cindi about how my...

3 years ago
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The Lust Game 8211 Part III

Dan was exhausted, his cock had turned limp after the ejaculation, Sasha had hungrily licked the cum off her face and fingers. A devilish smile appeared on the lips of Sasha, She was not done with Dan Yet. She wanted more of him, and she wouldn’t stop until she emptied his balls off his cum. Dan was tied up and gagged, Sasha turned to him and said “ Dan honey, how was it ? I hope you liked it? Will you promise you won’t scream? “Dan just nodded his head, Sasha sat on top of him again and...

3 years ago
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sexy time with fiance

I just got done having some really satisfying sex. I had been horny all day, and playing with my butt here and there. But we were watching TV before bed, not really planning on having sex. However, the show we were watching had a lot of sex in it (Ascension on Syfy, everyone has sex with multiple partners), and my partner got really turned on by it. Even though it was late, she really wanted to play.I started by standing behind her and kissing her neck, caressing her and scratching her back....

2 years ago
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New Balls Please

It's a hot day and I'm wearing only my boxers. Warm thoughts fill my mind as my cock head chaffs lightly on the cotton material. There's tennis on the TV and I watch extremely fit young women sweat, yelp and groan whilst arching their fit bodies. Occasionally the camera lingers a little too long and a teasing glimpse of lycra clad arse or, better yet, pussy mound flashes onto the screen before an overly precious producer changes camera. I feel my cock thickening and I know what will have to...

3 years ago
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Pakistani Sex Lahori Aunty

Hi guys all around the world. M Ahmad from Lahore Pakistan Aj mei ap ko apni first n real story btaonga so. Handsome larko n sexy larkion parh k feedback zrur dyna mera id hai Mei apny bary mei bta dun meri age 24 hai mei icma ka student hun. Meri height 6 feet hai aur lun ka size 6″ dekhny mei average hin. Ye story meri aunty ki hai un ka ghr mery ghr k pass mei hai to ana jana lga rhta hai un k bary mei bta dun un ka name asma hai not real name. Un ka fig yaroo kiya btao 36 28 38 hi wo jb...

1 year ago
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Agent Mari

Ignacio was a very lonely man he just liked to share with his friends. On one occasion, after so much insistence his friends managed to get him out of the house. On that occasion they went to the outside of the city. In the middle of nowhere is the motel where they stayed. Agent Mari was in that place for her clumsiness but great determination and willingness to fulfill any mission. The squad leader assigns him his first job, a simple one, collecting information from a small dealer. Ignatius by...

3 years ago
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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month June 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of June, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! This story is about a poor guy with his honesty can win any people and could help himself reach his goals and further go to the top position. …I could know her astonishment through her face and she was very much happy that I gave equal importance to her problems and gave excellent solutions for each questions which made her think...

2 years ago
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True Friendship

This is a true account of the best fourteen months of my life. It started after Tommy, who is my husband’s best friend since childhood, separated from his wife. Tommy was married for twenty nine years, and after his children were grown and on their own, he and his wife separated and filed for divorce. Well being a true friend my husband opened our house to him. I have to confess I was concerned about how this would affect my life. Hubby and I do enjoy a full and adventurous sex life. I was...

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Prologue Simons mother, Chrissie, suffered from osteoporosis. The illness had caused the break up of her marriage and now she lived alone with her son. The condition meant that she required the assistance of a home-helper. Tanya, a twenty three year old care worker, fulfilled this roll. Tanya had started the job before Christmas as a temporary post, but as Simons mother worsened, she was told to stay on. This was not a problem for Tanya as the job was easy and she enjoyed Simons company....

2 years ago
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My friends mum Kate and Me

The following tale happened to me when I was 17 years old.I was sleeping at friend’s house, as we got drunk at a party earlier that day. I got slightly too drunk for my liking and decided I would make my way back to his on my own and call it a night; though they made fun of me for not being able to hold down my alcohol I secretly didn’t give a shit as I wanted to be with his mum as she is hot as fuck.Kate was going through a divorce at the time and lived alone and liked me due to always lending...

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Surviving the IslandChapter 3

The sounds of crashing waves woke most of them all at the same time. The boat was also pitching a bit more than it had been since the night the Ocean Princess sank. James lifted himself high enough to look out over the stern and see they were being carried by the tide straight towards a small island. They were just close enough to hear the waves crashing, but far enough away to confirm it was definitely an island, and not a very big one. James scanned the horizon in all other directions with...

2 years ago
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The Most Intimate PartEpilogue

I've been troubled by quite a number of strange dreams in the ensuing years and decades. I think a certain amount of "data osmosis" -- memory leakage or maybe something analogous, takes place in a Znosko-Borowski Somatic Transfer. Yes, there actually is such a thing, and it even has a scientific-sounding label. Apparently it was an accidental byproduct of a super-secret Soviet psychic research project in the late '60s. (I had hired an ex-NSA employee to dig the relevant information out...

1 year ago
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JAG Macs Witching HourChapter 5

Mac had gone undercover in the Wiccan to discover if their prime suspect in a rape charge was indeed the sexual predator that the complainant had claimed he was. CPO Merker was also the High Priest of a Wiccan, practitioners of the art of witchcraft. That term no longer held the same image of evil that it used to. Wiccans were becoming more and more a recognized religion in the United States. While her partner, Commander Harmon Rabb, conducted an overt investigation of the charges. Mac...

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486 handing over the wife

On that Friday morning, Alex awoke our heroine early with a gentle screwing, that was of late out of character. Once honour had been satisfied, they ate breakfast together, and he smiled telling her she had been perfect and had been memorable month to say the least, he asked her to dress in her nightdress, something he had indicated on her arrival was un-necessary! He also surprised her by asking, rather than telling her which was for him so out of character. She showered, then did as she was...

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Pleasant surprise

This week, I was out of town on travel when I got bored. My meetings ended early and I checked into getting an earlier flight, but everything was booked. So here I was, stuck in a small midwest town for the night. I ate a light meal by my lonesome and decided to drive around to see if I could find a lively bar. As I was zig-zagging through the edge of town, I noticed an adult book store and thought, oh-well, there is a dvd player in the hotel room...maybe I will buy a cheap porn flick and relax...

4 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 8

The Queen was nervous, it had only been a few days since Mage Tom had done any healing to her daughter. Her daughter was still unstable at times, they had to tie her down to keep her from hurting her self or others, just as the Mage Tom had warned. Still after all he had done so far Queen Aladar was certain that he was the only one who could help her, she prayed that he could help her. She was the only daughter the Queen had and she wasn't about to give up without a fight. Knocking at his...

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MyFriendsHotMom Alexa Vega 24925

Alexa Vega is all dressed up for her one year anniversary with her husband. Johnny stops by her house to visit her son but he’s away at college. Good thing Johnny speaks fluent Spanish since all she speaks in Spanish. Come to find out, her husband is stuck at work and will be late for their 8pm plans. Alexa really starts freaking out so Johnny is doing all her can to calm her down. She wants vengeance and she demands he helps her. Mrs. Vega goes for his dick, she stops him but not for...

1 year ago
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Digital PlayGround Parodies

People have this totally wrong image of depraved porn addicts. They think we’re just a bunch of humorless creeps jerking off in dank basements, our only utterances the primal grunts and groans of men, little more than apes, caving in to their basest desires. Well, those people have never heard me cranking it to the parody pornos over at Digital Playground. That shit is sexy and laugh-out-loud hilarious.Parody scenes can be a quick and easy way for porn studios to cash in on current trends....

Premium Porn Parody Sites
4 years ago
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Bra Shopping

I think everyone will agree; buying a bra is the worst! Well, not everyone, but at least everyone who’s ever tried to buy a bra. They come in hundreds of sizes and styles, and none of them ever fit. Even if they’re labeled the same, they’re never even close to the same size. And nobody makes one my size.Last week, I went after work to try to buy a bra. I went to one of the national department stores at our local mall. The ladies intimate apparel department was in the back of the store, and...

2 years ago
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The Kids From FoldenChapter 18

It was almost like Red's own arms had been torn from her shoulders. "Aaahhh! My ship!" she screamed in anguish. "Did you see that? Did you see what he did to my Little B?" Mavis tried to comfort her. "Red, it's okay. It's just a ship. You'll be able to buy fifty of them with the information in these books." She patted the volumes of Fletcher's work that lay on the seat. "Yeah, besides Fletcher got what he deserved," Ethan added. Tasha was sitting right behind Red and put her...

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The gift 2

Let me recap some here, Alicia and I just had an amazing fuck, she was totally into it and very willing. Ever since I fell down the stairs and Mr. Fred offered me a gift, thing started to go very strangely after that. He told me all I needed to do was think of anything and that thought would come to pass. I remember thinking of Alicia and how it would feel to fuck her, and she shuddered each time I had a thought. When we were done fucking and I deposited a large load of cum in...

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My school days

After writing in the about me section in this profile, I started thinking about my life and things and I couldnt fit it all in there, so I decided to write some accounts of my life that I hope people will like, this first one is about my school days. I was a shy boy and spent much time alone and was bullied quite regularly by a number of different boys at school and out. My nickname was toad, or variations, fat toad, smelly toad, slimy toad and so on. I was overweight and did sweat a lot...

1 year ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 10 New Friends

Jennifer, Dave, and Jana talked all the way to the dinning hall. Jennifer asked what courses Jana was taking and she explained she was studying sciences and planned to be a doctor like her mother. She explained that her sister was also taking sciences but Kyra hadn't decided exactly what she wanted to do after she had her degree. Jennifer peppered Jana with additional questions but didn't offer much information about Dave or her in the process. They continued to chat as they got their...

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See No Evil

Estelle Greyson studied the gown selections for her sixteen-year-old daughter's upcoming City Junior Miss pageant. She narrowed the choices to two. The pastel blue would set off her light blond features, but the red would accentuate her shapely figure. Jason, the butler, entered with a manila envelope. "This arrived for you, Madam." "Thank you, Jason, just set it down. Tell me, which would you prefer on Cindy?" Jason studied them for just a second, then chose the red. "I should have...

3 years ago
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I got to meet Peter North

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

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John Carol Ch 02

Author’s note:This is the second part in a three part trilogy. I usually try to make each part stand alone but in this case it’s better if you’ve read part one. This is a long story about the beginning of a relationship between two unlikely people that find each other and live through some trying times. There is sex sprinkled throughout but it’s not your typical stroke story. If you like the story and want the concluding part three please let me know. This story is intended for adults over 18...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 23 Space Docks

American Space Navy Near Space Dock One: 1-17-05, 11:29 A.M. American battle cruiser America Captain Richard Potter watched the Federation cruiser he was firing on, her shields had collapsed and now internal explosions were ripping through her hull. He knew that inside it was becoming a death trap and with the ship crippled he made his decision. "Ensign Wilcox, break lock, and target the next ship," he said as he watched two heavy cruisers coming to the Federation ship's rescue. Ensign...

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Missratene Verwandtschaft

Abby hatte ihren ersten Tag in der Uni überstanden und machte sich mit der Straßenbahn auf den Weg nach Hause. Die Freude und die Begeisterung mit der sie in ihrem gewählten Studiengang heute morgen begonnen hatte machte Ernüchterung Platz. Sie hatte sowas von keinen Bock auf ihre hoffentlich nur vorläufige Bleibe. Von „ihrer Bleibe“ konnte schon mal gar nicht die Rede sein. Abigail, wie die große schlaksige Brünette mit den kleinen festen Brüsten, der süßen Stupsnase und den niedlichen...

1 year ago
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Deb and the Deacon

Deb was in her late 30's, and secretary of her church - she and her husband, Dan had been married since they were in their 20's, and they had 2 kids. Lately, their marriage had been getting somewhat shaky - not nearly as much affection between them, and even less sex - Deb used a diaphragm and the "rhythm" method of birth control - but hardly needed the diaphragm lately... Oh, she guessed she still loved Dan, it was just that their lives had become so, well, BORING, especially sexually... Dan...

2 years ago
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Anna Meets Her Stalker

What neither of them knew was that someone had been following Anna for quite some time now just waiting for the perfect opportunity like this to present itself and tonight luck was on his side. It was dark out, and late so no one was around, he slips his ski mask on and walks up behind Sara and grabs her arm and shoving a gun into her side “you say one fucking word, or make one sound and you’re going to be just another dead whore” Sara eyes went wide and she was terrified, much to scared to...

1 year ago
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Flashing for Hubby

I wish I could say I've been as sexually adventurous as some of you have been but I've been monogamous for the past 15 years.  My adventures have always been restricted to my fantasies.   Until the past few months… When my hormones shifted into high gear making me constantly wet and aroused and oh so hungry for adventure.     It's been a bit of a trial for my husband, which is understating things a bit to say the least.  He's been struggling to accept my desire to correspond with others about...

3 years ago
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Fem Firm 4 Pop Secret

FEM FIRM 4-POP SECRET PROLOGUE As I knocked on the door of my parents' house, the nerves I had made me feel like ants were crawling all over my body. I suppose I could have walked right in since I used to live there but I didn't want to shock them. After all, this was the first time they would ever see me as Ruby and, since I hadn't told them ahead of time when they asked me to come over, they were totally unprepared. My clothing was as demure as could be. I'd worn a woman's...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Tutorial Teacher

Hey guys Zuri here this story is about my encounter with my tutorial teacher, writing in short because I don’t wanna bore you. Any doubts mail me. I had fun with her almost 2 years back. I was pursuing my graduation and needed help regarding my studies so I joined a tutorial nearby. I joined only for web programming. Wow the first day when I saw the teacher. She was amazing mature but nice figure man. She was good. She entered the class and I was continuously staring at her. She noticed that....

2 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 21 A Wife8217s Confession

Our sexy bhabhi Savita and her new friend Shobha were shopping for clothes in the mall. “Doesn’t this dress look adorable, Shobha?” Savita had found a particularly sexy dress and asked Shobha for her opinion while trying on a pink salwar. “It’s good bhabhi, but why don’t you try this one instead?” Shobha handed Savita another dress. “How does this one look?” asked Savita after considering it. “It looks great, much better than the last one!” Meanwhile the salesman at the shop was looking at...

1 year ago
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Stranded an island paradise

Darkness... He could not feel anything, not his feet, arms, even his body. All he could hear was the relaxing waves reaching the sandy beach, the quiet warm breeze and tropical air. Not to worry they said, that storm isnt a threat in any way they said. Well that probably showed them. It was a stormy night at the airport in L.A. The clouds were threatening and dark, the wind blowed furiosly to the south and thunder clapped everywhere. But the flight to New Zealand wasnt canceled...

1 year ago
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Am I dreaming

  Oh, I awaken in the morning to a tender feeling down deep within my soft, silky walls of my love center. I am moaning with ecstasy as I think how I am dreaming of Mi amor (My love), Mi Papi Chulo (My handsome Daddy) licking me and flicking Mi Linda Pearl (My beautiful Pearl). Oh, is this reality or is it a dream?   As I move my hand down to my core, feeling for myself, I am astonished at what I find. Mi Papi Chulo is having himself a very perfect breakfast of me. As he drinks my sweet nectar,...

Straight Sex
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Story Four Cum Slut Visits the Theater

Originally I was supposed to be staying with my aunt and uncle for two weeks as my mom and stepdad were tending to his sick aunt. They extended it a week and then two weeks when her condition did not improve. During that time I was used daily as a come slut for my uncle and aunt. When I came home from school often I would find myself licking the come out of my aunt after she had received a visit from one or more of her male friends. Other times she would fuck me with her strap-on until uncle...

4 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 27 Graduation

It was like no graduation ever seen in the town. Everyone was very conscious of the fact that the students were setting forth to create a new world order. The media had flocked to the town. There wasn't a room to be had within 15 miles. They had to move graduation to the football field and set up extra bleachers. To be sure the weather was warm enough, they delayed it for three weeks. It was good because competition for proper dress had become fierce. The girls started vying with each other...

3 years ago
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lsquoLove Thy Neighbour or just fuck lsquoemr

Late one summer evening, I had a knock at my door. Not expecting anyone at that time of the day I was reluctant to go. As I get to the door I realise it was my sexy neighbour Kathy.I open the door and greet her, “Hello.”“Hi, Jay. Sorry to disturb you, but my PC is acting up and I remember you saying to me once in the garden that you are good with them.” Said Kathy“Yeah, I am. Whats up with it exactly?”“Umm. I’m not really too sure. It just isn’t working right. If you have a minute could...

2 years ago
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I Dont Want The World I Want You Part 4

*** Harry got home around six o’clock that evening. He had got James a present which he was fairly happy with considering the circumstances under which he had to buy it. He was sure that James would appreciate it and was satisfied with what he’d got. When he arrived at the front door, he noticed something peculiar. At the foot of the door, there was a brown paper bag with a note attached to the outside. Harry bent down and cautiously picked the bag up. He eagerly peeled off the note, the...

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Muh Boli Bahen Ko Anjan Bnkr Seduce Kiya 8211 Part I

Hello friend, I am yogesh. Mai Meerut se hu, 24 year ka handsome or shy boy. Aaj m ek aise kahani btane ja rha hu jo apko btayegi ki agr ladki ko sex krna ho to wo bhai k sath b kr leti h. To dosto aj se 1 saal pehle mujhe fb pe ek ladki mili jiska naam tha Manisha. Uski umr 22 saal or figgure 30-28-30. Ek dum mast thi ye mujhe jb pehli baar use dekha tb pta chala. To jb maine use friend request send ki usne msg kra who r u? Maine kaha tumse dosti krna chahta hu. Usne kaha mujhe jante ho. Maine...

2 years ago
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A Young RangerChapter 8

Jed and Al got off the H&T freight train in Hadleyville and stopped off at the managers office to fill him in on that day's events. They also reminded him that he had to hire another guard to replace the one who was killed that morning. Once they were through talking to the manager, they ate supper and started making the rounds of the saloons looking for Jim Baker. The bartender in the third saloon they visited said, "Yeah, Jim spent a lot of time in my place, but I ain't seen 'im...

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