DanicaPart 11C free porn video

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Danica stayed in town through most of the next day. She made a large number of purchases, requesting delivery of the items to her quarters at the Training Grounds, and then transporting them through the portal to her quarters in Zoraster's complex.

Danica returned to her studies. Her first goal was to learn a dangerous and powerful spell — Disintegration. The spell was an ancient — and for many centuries lost — magic. Darkniciad had rediscovered it some years before, and like all too many of Darkni's secrets, it had found its way into Zoraster's possession.

Celes found herself free of duties as well, and they chose to pursue the same study at the same time. Celes believed that the shared understanding would aid them both in mastering the difficult spell.

It took nearly a month, but Celes mastered the spell. Danica felt her blood burn only a day later and knew the spell was hers. During their time locked in this study, Danica and Celes were rarely apart. Danica had concentrated on using her second sight to pluck mental images from Celes' mind revealing her natural appearance, rather than the reality of the curse upon her. Over the course of the studies, Danica perfected this process until it was now almost second nature. By the time Danica mastered the spell, she found that she actually had to concentrate to see Celes as she actually was.

Danica's tapping of the image in Celes' mind had some welcome side effects, appearing to draw Celes' thoughts away from her curse. This resulted in her appearing more cheerful and animated as they worked. On a few occasions, it had proven painful for Celes, however.

Danica felt her body stir every time she looked upon Celes — young, beautiful, and incredibly arousing. She didn't always hide it perfectly. On those occasions, pain would creep into Celes' eyes, and Danica could feel the anguish of Celes' own equal desire quickly crushed by the reality of her aged body.

Celes was called away on a task the day after Danica learned the Disintegration spell. Danica acutely felt the needs of her body after the tease of being so close to Celes for so long, seeing her as she should be. Danica's arousal prompted her to seek out Andrea shortly after Celes left. Andrea was happy to see her and they spoke for quite some time. The blonde had found a new playmate, an advanced student of the school — and an even more advanced student of pleasuring a woman. Danica had to recharge the spells in Andrea's ring that let the young woman know when she should avoid letting a man come inside her. After Andrea described a few of her encounters with the young man to Danica, both women's passions flared up.

The two women simply touched and caressed each other for more than an hour, never making intimate contact. Kissing often, they shared a closeness that never failed to arouse Danica more than when she was with most other women. Eventually, that arousal needed a release, and they were quick to satisfy that need once neither of them could resist.

They spent the remainder of the day entwined together, pleasuring each other with their mouths, their hands, and Danica's toys.

When Andrea reached her final peak of their play, Danica assumed that they must have somehow knocked over a candle, because a small fire broke out on Andrea's bedside table. Danica almost didn't notice it, lost in the afterglow of their lovemaking. She lay next to Andrea, both women flushed and sweating in the heat of the room, and glanced over when she smelled smoke. As always, with Andrea, it seemed as if their lovemaking increased the temperature of the room several degrees.

They both laughed and extinguished the fire in short order, and then lay together for a while longer before Danica rose to leave. As Danica dressed and prepared to return to her rooms on still wobbling legs, Andrea said, "I would love to share my new boyfriend with you."

Danica shivered and responded, "I would love that." The pair then kissed, and Danica returned to her rooms.

The next day, a note arrived from Heather revealing that more component jars were ready for Danica to pick up. Danica felt the heat rising in her body and hurried to the couple's small house shortly thereafter. They talked for a while, and then shared a day of pleasure.

They were all so spent from their lovemaking that they collapsed into slumber, their nude bodies all three entwined in the bed. Danica and Heather both awoke at almost the same time, and found that Grant had a morning erection when they looked down at him. He received the pleasant wake up call of both women flicking their tongues over his hard cock.

Heather came so hard that she nearly hyperventilated right before Danica returned to her chambers. Danica had cast her spell and determined that it was safe for Grant to fill his love with his seed. The rare feeling of her man's cum filling her so full sent Heather to heights almost beyond her endurance.

Danica took her component jars and returned to her studies. She found she was somewhat distracted and unable to concentrate very well. She fought to keep her mind on her work, with little success.

Two days later, Danica surrendered. She had made little to no progress in her initial studies to craft a new magical toy. Frustrated, she walked down into the city, feeling the need to get out of her lab for a while.

She made a few purchases, replenishing supplies and adding some new clothing to her wardrobe, but she simply needed to be out of Zoraster's complex for a while more than anything else. Danica decided about midday to practice her mental powers on a grand scale. She had found it sometimes difficult to pick out individual thoughts from the mental background noise of many people in the same area. She chose a park in the wealthier part of the city, the unseasonably warm day drawing many people out of their homes.

Danica sat down on a bench off the main pathway and concentrated on picking out the thoughts of individuals as they passed by. After half a dozen or so attempts, she found some sort of key to it. She was able to easily pick out one person and concentrate on their thoughts alone. She switched from person to person, finding it only grew easier with each attempt.

She was so engrossed in her practice that she started when someone right next to her said, "Excuse me, but may I have a word with you?"

Danica snapped back into reality, and saw a middle-aged man with a long salt and pepper beard standing right next to her.

"I apologize if I have startled you. I wonder if I might ask something of you?"

"It's alright — I was simply lost in thought. Feel free to ask," Danica replied.

"I am a painter. I paint portraits for those who can afford the service, and I am currently training a pair of apprentices who will carry on when my eyes and hands grow weak. I find you quite striking, and the way you were sitting here so perfectly still caught my eye. Such is essential for a good portrait. I would like you to pose for my apprentices if you would be willing. I can pay you for your time, and you may have the portraits when they have finished them."

The way he said the last part about keeping the portraits indicated he considered this an important part of the payment. Indeed, such portraits were costly even when painted by apprentices.

Danica smiled and said, "That's quite an attractive offer. I've never considered having a portrait done."

The man clapped his hands and smiled. "Excellent. Would it be possible for you to sit today, and perhaps tomorrow?"

Danica considered and said, "Unless I'm called away by duties unexpectedly, I could do so."

"Splendid," the man exclaimed, "Please, come with me to my studio." He offered his hand to help her stand.

He led her a short distance from the park, toward the wall of the old city where the artist maintained his home and studio. Danica followed him inside, and into what appeared to be an office.

"I must make a journey to acquire some materials for pigments I use in making my special paints, but I had hoped to leave a task for my apprentices while I was gone. I am quite glad to have discovered you." He reached into his desk and removed a small pouch of coin. "I will pay you now so that you need not return here to receive your payment. I wonder if I might ask something else of you. It is not necessary, though it would aid me greatly in the training of my apprentices."

"Please, go ahead," Danica responded.

"My apprentices are currently struggling with their work, and I believe that having them work on a nude portrait would allow them to better understand the body and enable them to better capture clothed subjects. Would you be willing to pose nude?"

Danica smiled and said, "I'm unashamed of my body. I don't think that's out of the question."

The old artist broke out into a wide smile. "You are truly a find of fortune. When you have time, after I have returned, I will paint you myself for your willingness to do this. I do not like to boast, but my work is prized amongst the most influential personages for many miles."

"I would be happy to be painted by a master," Danica responded.

"Excellent," the old man said. He crossed the room and pulled a long cotton robe from a closet in the office. "You may wear this once you have disrobed. I will go speak with my apprentices to tell them of their task, and then I must be away. I will return for you momentarily."

He then left the room, closing the door behind him. Danica slipped out of her clothing, folding it neatly and sitting it on a chair in the office. She then put on the robe, which was quite soft and comfortable. A quiet knock sounded on the door as soon as she tied the belt of the robe.

"I'm ready," Danica called out.

The door opened and the artist beckoned Danica forward. She followed him down the hall to his studio. When they walked inside, the artist said, "This is your subject. Dear me — in my haste, I have not even thought to ask you your name."


"Danica," he repeated with a smile. "My name, which I realize I have also not offered, is LaSalle. My apprentices are Fredrick and Antonio."

Both men nodded when LaSalle called their names.

Danica smiled when she looked at the men. Both were likely in their early twenties — and quite attractive. They both also fought hard to hide their anticipation at seeing her nude. Danica picked up on it, but she guessed that LaSalle was oblivious to his apprentices' reaction.

"I must leave immediately. I will leave it up to you to determine what pose you should paint. I expect to see great progress when I return," the artist instructed his apprentices.

"Yes, Master," they both responded in unison.

The old man nodded and then left the room. Danica took the initiative and untied her robe — letting it fall to the floor the moment LaSalle left the room. She smiled when she saw both men's eyes widen at the sight of her nude body.

There was a couch in the center of the room, placed so it was in clear view of two work areas for the apprentices. Danica stepped over and lay down on the couch on her side, her left hand resting on her hip and her right curled under her head like a pillow. "How would you like me to pose?" She asked with a smile.

Both men stared for a moment, and then looked at each other. Fredrick said, "I believe that you have found the perfect pose with no prompting."

"I must agree," Antonio said quietly. Fredrick went to his work area and Antonio went to his own after a momentary pause.

"We will make some sketches first. We will try to work quickly, so that you do not grow tired or uncomfortable. Try to hold the pose as still as possible," Antonio instructed.

Danica held the pose, a slightly mischievous smile on her face. Both men took up paper and charcoal pencils, immediately starting to sketch.

At times, one or both of the men would stand and move closer to Danica, continuing to make sketches. Danica noted that both men were trying hard to hide the evidence of their erections from her, and failing miserably in the task.

After perhaps an hour, both men went to work on their canvas, making sketches and looking carefully at Danica as they did so. The pair of apprentices also shifted from foot to foot quite often, obviously in discomfort from the throbbing between their legs.

Danica couldn't help feeling aroused by the sight of the two men enduring the near torture of her naked body so close to them. They were both handsome, obviously well endowed, and she found she hungered for them.

About a half an hour later, Danica said, "I need to stretch for a while."

Both men nodded and put down their brushes. Their eyes widened when Danica stood up and walked toward them. She could feel wetness gathering between her legs. Her desire was rising to a fever pitch, and it needed release.

She glanced at the beginnings of the portraits. The two men had done little beyond sketches and painting the background thus far. Both men appeared to hold their breath as Danica stood nude between them, examining their work.

"You both seem somewhat distracted," Danica said with a wry smile, "Is this your first time painting a nude woman?"

Both men nodded to indicate she was correct.

"Perhaps you need some release of tension to keep your focus," Danica declared, and then reached out to grasp both their cocks through their trousers. "And perhaps you need to study my body from a closer perspective — to touch it."

Both men gasped when she touched them, and breathed heavily as she stroked them. Danica grasped one of both men's hands and pulled them over to the couch.

She pulled them down to sit on either side of her, and then guided their mouths to her breasts. She stroked their hair for a few moments as both men took one of her nipples between their lips. She then reached down to stroke their cocks.

Danica moaned under the men's ministrations. They both understood how to make a woman's body tingle. She tugged at their clothing, and both men did their best not to lose contact with her pebble-hard nipples for any longer than necessary, as they stripped off their clothing.

When they were both nude, Danica pulled them from her breasts and kissed them each in turn. She then slid down off the couch and onto her knees. She moaned in anticipation and stroked both men's hard cocks with her hands. She then leaned over Fredrick and wrapped her lips around him.

She continued to stroke Antonio as she sucked Fredrick's cock. After a few moments, she moved over and sucked Antonio while stroking Fredrick. Both men moaned and groaned, stroking her body with their hands while she pleasured them.

She continued to switch back and forth, moaning around the men's cocks as she steadily increased the pressure of her mouth and the speed of her stroking hand. Both men moved quickly to the edge of orgasm.

Fredrick began to breathe heavily and gasp, his hands twining in her hair. Danica sucked him fast, stroking Antonio at the same quick pace. With a sudden gasp, Fredrick exploded in Danica's mouth.

Danica moaned around Fredrick's cock as she sucked for every last drop. Antonio grunted and groaned from the touch of her stroking hand. Danica released Fredrick's sensitive and slowly softening cock to engulf Antonio's erection.

After only a couple of slow sucks, Antonio exploded in her mouth as well. Danica moaned in delight, now slowly stroking her folds with her free hand as she sucked Antonio dry.

She gave them both a few moments to recover, sitting down on the couch and sliding over to the edge. She guided both men to the floor in front of her, and then parted her legs wide.

Antonio didn't hesitate for a moment. He lowered his face between Danica's thighs to lap and suck at her labia. Danica moaned, "Oh, yes — that's so good. Feel my body — know it."

She reached down and guided Fredrick's hand to her, sliding two of his fingers into her depths while the other apprentice lapped and sucked her clit. Fredrick stroked his fingers inside her, drawing even more sounds of pleasure from deep within Danica.

After a short while, she prompted the two men to switch, Antonio's fingers inside of her and Fredrick's mouth on her. Danica built quickly to orgasm, and came in a rushing flood a few moments later. She screamed her pleasure to the heavens as her hips bucked on the couch.

She pulled Fredrick tight against her, and he hungrily lapped for more of her sweet juices. After a few minutes, she came hard again. She then pulled Antonio to her nether lips.

She had more orgasms than she could count on the two men's tongues. At last, she couldn't take the intensity any longer and pushed them both away as she quivered through the powerful aftershocks of her orgasms.

Both men looked quite stunned, and incredibly aroused. Both were also growing hard again. Danica shivered and pulled them both up onto the couch. She kissed them both, tasting her cum on their faces while stroking their cocks back to hardness.

"Think about me — I'll be right back," Danica sensually whispered, before exiting the room with her bottom hypnotically swaying. She dug into her bag of holding and retrieved something she always carried for just such occasions now. A few minutes later, her bottom was clean and lubricated for what she wanted next.

When Danica returned, she lay Antonio down on the couch and lay down on him with her breasts pressed against his chest. "Put your gorgeous cock inside me," she said while looking over her shoulder at Fredrick. She then turned back to Antonio and kissed him passionately.

Fredrick slid deep inside her with a long groan of pleasure. Danica let him get his cock slick with her wetness, and then said, "Mmm, put it in my ass."

Fredrick pulled free of her depths and pressed the head of his cock against her puckered, slowly pushing inside a second later. Danica's eyes rolled up in her head and she trembled as his big rod filled her, stretching her tight ass.

Danica reached down and guided Antonio's cock up into her pussy. "Now fuck me. Make me come and fill me up," she moaned.

Both men stroked her, filling her so full, just the slightest twinges of pain enhancing her arousal. Fredrick slowly eased the resistance of her ass, and soon pumped the full length of his big shaft into her ass. Antonio rocked his hips and fucked her wet heat, both men and Danica moaning and gasping as their pleasure mounted.

Both cocks stroked Danica faster, and all three lovers glistened with sweat from their exertions. Danica neared her peak, and she could tell both men were right with her. "Oh yes, oh yes, Oh YES! Do it, make me come. Fill my pussy and ass up. I want your cum deep inside me," she screamed as she edged nearer to the point of no return.

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October 29, 1994 Out of the Fire... Béla slid behind the wheel of her exciting little red Viper after reconnecting the car battery. She glared at Frank, annoyed by his rather controlling attitude and his safety instructions. He folded his arms and glared back at her. It was after two a.m. in the morning and she was fed up with all those military types and the way they lurked around her like she was some kind of freak. "Fasten it!" Frank insisted. Béla stuck her tongue out at him and...

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Jason And Me Parts 1 3

Jason and me Part 1 - First Sex I realised after I'd started to write this that you may need some background to make sense of it, so I've added it here at the beginning. Jason is my best mate and has been for about 4 years since his dad died in a car accident. My Dad had walked out on my Mum at about the same time and we seemed to have something in common. I'm only 5' 5" and skinny whereas Jason is 5' 9" and does a lot of sport. Physically we look like an odd couple and Jason has...

4 years ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 7 Family and Sibling Disclosures

Doug came over a short time later by way of the widening gap in the hedge between our back lots. Jillian had just explained how she got started in doing porn videos. He surveyed our poolside. Ginger, Jillian and Tina were all naked side by side on different chaises basking in the sun and aglow with lotion. I sat in the shade reading. I waved at him, but he went over to Ginger. “Hi Babe.” Ginger’s eyes opened and she smiled up at her lover. A few seconds later, her naked body was plastered...

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Angies Spa Visit

Angie and I had not been getting along for a couple of months. She barely spoke to me and when she did she was always pissed off about something. Our sex life had come to a complete halt, we didn't snuggle or cuddle anymore, but the worst of it was that I couldn't get her to tell me what was wrong. Then one night I came home from work and found Angie sitting on the bathroom toilet crying her eyes out. I asked what was wrong, but she wouldn't talk to me and when I persisted she screamed at...

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Memphis on the way

Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...

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A Wolf and D

Having just arrived in town I found a bar and bought myself a drink. It didn’t seem a place I would pull, English accent or not, but I could move on later. “Hi you’re the Wolf, I know you,” I felt a hand stroke my thigh. OK it was not my first trip to the states, in fact at one time I lived there, but to be known? “You know me as Pussy.” The coin dropped. “Sexier in person than on the net,” comes from my mouth before I can think. Not knowing what else to say I ask “Fancy a drink?” “Yes,”...

Quickie Sex
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Sex Video With Mother In Law 8211 Part I

Hi this is Vinay from Chennai age 30. I have been living in Chennai from birth. I had many casual encounters in life with many women’s. Few of them were my family relatives, which ill tell u people after this story. I got married at the age 23. I am from a well settled family. My in laws family were good with me. But my mother in law was a little diff. she use to check me whenever I went to their house. She uses to ask all sort of questions to see whether I am taking care of her daughter well....

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Promotion ki mazburi

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Jaise ki aap log janate hai ki mai sarkari daftar me auditing...

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Most women are shy about their bodies. Even if you’ve got the world’s most gorgeous woman in bed with you, she’s going to worry about how you like her body. Tell her it’s beautiful, tell her which parts you like best, tell her anything, but get her to trust you enough to let you down between her legs. Now stop and look at what you see. Beautiful, isn’t it? There is nothing that makes a woman more unique than her pussy. I know. I’ve seen plenty of them. They come in all different sizes, colors...

2 years ago
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My Hot Brinda Aunt 8211 Part IV

Hi all sorry for the long delay in posting my new incident as I was busy little bit. This is the other incident between me and brinda aunty, as you must have read my previous 3 incidents of how she got seduced and fucked by me. Please read those parts before you read this http://indiansexstories2.net/my-hot-brinda-aunty-2/2010/06/ http://indiansexstories2.net/my-hot-brinda-aunty-part-ii/2010/06/ http://indiansexstories2.net/my-hot-brinda-aunty-3rd-part/2010/06/ So in my previous part I said...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

3 years ago
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Behind the Sun Ch 02

She woke in a small, cramped, urine-smelling cage among what looked like a dozen or so other naked, attractive young women between approximately eighteen and twenty-eight years of age and of an even mix of races. Each girl had her own cage, but the cage itself was only about five-by-five-by-five feet in dimensions, which meant that few of the girls could come to a full standing position. Her arms were chained behind her back and her feet chained approximately a foot apart, which would have made...

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Spanking and Sex

Abi and Fran met at Uni. Both are now 20 years old and share a small two bed terraced house in the student area close to their University. They enjoy each other’s company and each other, sharing a large double bed leaving the second bedroom empty. Both girls shared a fantasy. To be spanked. So it wasn’t long before spanking played a part in their love making. The spankings were long and hard, and the love making afterwards had both girls moaning and groaning in erotic sensations as they played...

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The shoe store

She was starting a new job Monday and was very excited. She would no longer be a waitress for minimum wage and her college education was finally going to pay off. Her new company gave her a bonus for signing on with them and she had spent it on a new wardrobe for work.She only had one more stop and that was to buy new shoes for work. The company was very specific that skirts and high heels were mandatory for all managers. She was going to be a manager, high heels would be fine with her.She...

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The Intruder Day 3 Part 2

Introduction: Im sorry its taken me so long to post but heres the next part. Also just know that while writing this my cunt was dripping like Niagara Falls. -sighs- I really need to get laid Day 3: 5:00 am Callie lost track of how long they were in the car. She had been so focused on trying not to cum that she hadnt been able to keep track. Somehow, she had no clue how, but shed kept herself from cumming. Master pulled the car over and she heard the door open. Suddenly she was blasted by cold...

1 year ago
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Drinks Ke Karan Minal Ke Sath Kia Sex

Hi everybody, my name is krishh. I am reading the indian sex stories on iss since 2012. I am big fan of iss. Mai delhi ka rahne wala hu. Meri height 5’7” or body built average. Mera ustad (lund) 6.5” ka h lekin kisi bhi ladki ki pyaas araam se shaant kar sakta h. Ab mai bina der kie apni story pe ata hu. Jaise ki maine bataya ki mai delhi ka rahne wala hu or maine apni graduation engineering se kari. Ab sabhi to jante hi hai ki engineering me kitni ladkia hoti h. Ye baat h jab hum apne...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 37

When he first rose from unconsciousness, Jollis believed he was caught in some sort of strange limbo. He did not dare open his eyes for fear of seeing nothing but a void. Only parts of his body seemed to exist: one arm, his hips and rear, one leg and part of the other. He could not tell if his head were still attached to his body, as he could not feel his shoulders or his back. Sounds came to him, vague and muffled. Something in his mind insisted he was sitting up. He stirred, and suddenly...

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Good result in first attempt

Hi, I am Venkat from a small village in A.P. Happy new year to all ISS readers I’ am here to post my first Experience (true), a real incident happened when I was 16 years old. Then I was studying my two (inter) course. Let me tell you something, I have good Academic record in my school but I do not have minimum knowledge about Sex. After completion of my ninth class exams, I used to think why children are born after marriage, not before. That was the condition. My doubt was cleared with the...

1 year ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 33 Building Forces

The Masi'shen ship Galaxy Discoverer emerged from the far side of the moon in its parking orbit. The family members lounging in Jon'a-ren and Lyn'na-ra's ship's quarters gazed through the deck-to-ceiling view panel at the small blue and white planet in the far distance. Earth, they recognized, is a rare gem in the galaxy's collection of planets. Few could match its beauty; none could match its diverse climates and geography. "In another week? Really, father?" Michael exclaimed....

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Time Waits For No OneChapter 5

Rules, Rules, Rules Back on my side of the portal and tired. I remembered that I hadn’t been last time, but I had spent that night before sleeping on Crossroads before Helken told us she was pregnant. This time I had been up most of the night with Jessica and Beth. I had not had a restorative before I left and with little rest I was near dead on my feet. Looking at the clock and I guessed it was just fifteen minutes later, but I couldn’t recall. Everything was a weird sensation; on one hand...

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ThisGirlSucks Kadence Marie Oral Cock Surfing

Kadence accidentally dented her stepbros surfboard. She either had to pay for it or get on her knees and suck his fucking dick! She chose the latter of course and got to gargling. Kadence pleased stepbros cock with a wave of licks and sucks. He was so grateful that he blew his load all over her top. He also revealed that the surfboard wasn’t actually his, it was their dads. Kadence was not too happy that she just got roped into a bj, but at least now she has a cock to suck whenever she feels...

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Chatting friend with benefit Part 2

It is the continuation from my previous story so kindly read my first part and then continue this part. Enjoy the story. Hello friends thank you so much for your feedback and mail. I am Rahul from Chennai, age 28. I am fair, tall and strong man. Also doing massages, hair trimming, gigolo and donating sperm directly into pussy. Ladies from Chennai can contact me at any time on rahulrole.chennai via hangout or gmail. Many of the readers asked for part 2 so that here comes the story for you. After...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 417 Multiple Sight Blobs Good for Me Expensive for Israel

Thursday, June 19 to Monday, June 24, 2008 I had several areas I wanted to work on: I wanted multiple proximity blobs so I could have one around every loved one, to dramatically improve my ability to detect threats to them. I wanted sight blobs able to fly faster than 300 mph when they're in locations remote from me. I could maybe double that speed with practice, but I wanted at least a tenfold improvement and that'd take an insight. If I need to use a sight blob at a remote location,...

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a good friend

Sandra led Judy into her house. She led her to a largesofa. "Make yourself comfortable honey, Ill be back ina minute with something to drink" Sandra said as shedisappeared towards the back of the house."Do you want some wine honey? Or how about a soda?""Wine would be nice" Judy said looking around. Whatshe saw is a neatly kept place with everything in itsplace."I received a nice bottle of champagne as a gift from afriend, I was waiting for a special occasion to openit. Can't think of better...

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Seducing Jennifer Pt 35

After we had all eaten more than we wanted, the clan mothers led us to a small guest house made of wattle and daub. We knelt to crawl inside, the old ladies close behind us. There was a central fire below the smoke hole and beds of piled hides and furs at opposite sides of the single room. Jennifer and I sat down on one bed and Tommy and Mary Louise took the other. The old ladies crawled into the room and stood up. One of them placed a large bowl of roasted venison near the fire. ‘In case...

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The adventures of Tom Matt

“Man I feel like a kid at Christmas” Matt told Tom. “I know so who is going first?” Tom asked. “Let’s flip a coin” Matt said pulling a quarter out of his pocket. “You call Tom it”. Matt flipped the coin and Tom called out heads and both boys watch the coin fall to the floor and land on heads. “Sweet I’m first” Tom said as he pulled off his shirt and jumped back and landed on his bed. Tom sat on his bed with just the gym shorts he was wearing and wanted for Matt to get the stuff ready....

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolWednesday Evening

Wednesday Evening Emanuel “Mainly, there are two important things to know about meeting Sensei for the first time. First, when you step through the curtain separating the outer area of the dojo and the inner, put your hands together near the upper middle of your chest and wait there until he acknowledges your presence. Secondly, shoes, socks and other belongings go in the cubbies before the curtain. Besides that, the obvious things: when addressing him, speak in a polite tone of voice and...

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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 2

April 2 When April left the parking lot, after her latest near death experience, she drove straight to breakfast at a local mom and pop diner. She spent an hour over breakfast and a quick review of her present life. It was not at all what she had expected at her high school graduation. After she graduated from Loyola in New Orleans with her Masters degree in nursing, she purchased a 1960 style concrete block people warehouse. She was familiar with the building, since she lived there while...

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DONNA The Asian Gardeners

Hubby and I were talking one night about any fantasies we hadn’t achieved yet, and I casually mentioned that I’d never had two Asian lads, I’d had a couple of Negro friends but we’d known them for quite some time but we didn’t have any close Asian friends. He said “I thought you didn’t fancy Asian men” and I replied “Some are nice looking” and with that we smiled at each other.Two months later hubby was away on business and as you know from our stories these are difficult times for me as I’m...

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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 4 The Morning After

When Amy woke up it was to the sound of her alarm clock blaring away next to her. She glanced at it: 6:30am. The sad and tired teenager groggily hit the snooze button. When it went off again, she took the time to make sure the alarm was off, and fell back asleep. No way she was going to school today, she thought. It wasn't until noon that she finally woke up. When she did she realized she was naked from the waist down. What had happened? Had her dad carried her to her bed, or had she...

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Christine the Office Sissy Slut B a S S 6

Monday morning I have arrived at the office around 7am dressed in female professional business clothes , sexy underwear , the breast prosthetic 38DD ,and my blonde wig.On Friday I had left as Chris dressed in a suit Michelle had destroyed my masculinity reprogrammed me to suck cock ,any big cock , dress in ladies clothing and enjoy being Christine the Sissy Slut, being fucked in my boy pussy. Worship Cock. I had sold my BMW M sport car and bought a Nissan Leaf . Given all my male clothing to...

3 years ago
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How To Tame The Rough

It was a holiday, I was to move to my cousins house. I took bus from Tata to that place. It was an eve. The bus was going in speed. but slowly it has started dragging. Then finally stopped. There was some problem.I have started fearing. I was a young girl .Even though tall and in sari a, i was only 20 years old. I was offered a share taxi to go to my destination..There were 7 people in it . there were two ladies. All others was ready to walk since their places were near by. I have to reach 15...

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