Guest Satisfaction
- 3 years ago
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It’s true what Consuela said about having little to do except listen to Nick’s Tales. Most women had days before giving birth, and it took a lot out of them. Unlike those times months before when work had been relentless with rehearsals, writing, and receiving and editing Tales, the last of those things only remained.
Along with our enthusiastic reuniting in bed, Lindy enthusiastically returned to working on the Tales. Both Helena and Tash had lessened their involvement in it as their bodies, and specifically the bodies within their bodies, caused a weakening of energy and attention to the task. I suppose I should have rejoiced in becoming central to the writing, no longer debating lines and often losing, but I found collaboration to be a powerful and ameliorating thing, making not just the writing of the texts better, but my ability to write in general as well. So I rejoiced having Lindy at the table with me.
Speaking of lessening strength, I noticed both Xo and Nick seemed weaker when they returned from their battle with Simon and his latest insane attempt to take over the world. The three angel assassins did as well, but Gia and Han less so.
It worried me when Nick whispered into my ear after the editing session the afternoon following the recommencement of his Tales. He requested a meeting with just Xo and him. The last time such a meeting occurred it had been the prelude for their long departure into danger. That time, with the assassins accompanying them, and with the imminent birth of what could be their replacements in the bellies of Zhenzhen and Helena, with Eva containing Simon’s, I feared for the lives of the eternal wanderers. It didn’t come to that, but the worry returned.
Justifiably as it turned out.
“Not with a bang, but with a whimper,” said Nick with a smirk, “as old Bill Shakespeare might say.”
“You’re ... dying?” I murmured.
“And our angels might be too,” Xo responded. “Except there’s a difference. We saw the assassins begin to fade, but Han and Gia less so.”
“Have you entered their minds?” Nick asked.
“When we play with Seraphine. Even when they’re not there, I often have them share the orgasms. Seraphine’s request.”
The wanderers nod. “You give them strength,” Xo said.
“Helen remains strong, and so does Salomé,” Nick interrupted my stutter. “Even Helena despite the toll of her pregnancy.”
“And amongst my angels, only Yoshie seems to retain her full strength. And Zhenzhen of course.”
“But ... I entered Rosa’s mind.”
“How long ago?” Nick asked.
“Months. Not since Cass Lake.”
All three of us nodded, my eyes tearing.
“You want me to enter your angels’ minds,” I said the obvious.
“As much as possible,” said Xo. “As much as you can handle.”
“I don’t think it has to be about sex, or climaxes in particular,” Nick smirked. “But it couldn’t hurt.”
“I imagine it might be more powerful,” Xo agreed, though without Nick’s amusement.
“How ... Do you think it would be stronger if it happens directly?” I asked.
They shrugged. “I imagine you won’t mind finding out,” Nick added with expected salaciousness.
We had met in Xo’s loft, which he shared, rather ascetically, with his three oldest angels. And his companion, who, much like Nick’s, appeared too old to conceive anymore. Pretty but nondescript, and quiet to the point of shyness, she tended to go unnoticed. Any musing his angels did with mortals, and his younger angels also shared a loft, must have happened at the subject’s place to gain any privacy. We returned to my loft where we tended to have communal dinners, either prepared by any one of us or brought in. Chinese take-out awaited us.
Mei, Xo’s oldest angel, deceptively petite, matching capabilities of a warrior to the much taller Salomé, immediately caught my eye. Obviously she would be first in this attempt to save the angels. I noticed her weakness for the first time, having been in her presence over several months and missing the subtle decline. Somehow the strange scar on her neck, the only one any angel had, reminding us of her near fatal decapitation, made her seem even weaker. I sat beside her.
“Should we... ?” I began.
She chuckled softly. “You should eat first. You need strength to fuck me well. You’re still mortal after all.”
Yoshie took a chair beside me. “Mind if I join you?”
“To eat.” Mei declared. When Yoshie pouted, Mei scolded, “Don’t be greedy.”
“I can help get him up again,” Yoshie offered.
“You don’t think I can manage such skills, little one?” asked the much shorter angel. “I may not be a slut like you, but I think I have a bit more experience.”
For a moment I thought about defending my lover, who matched Helen in mutual affection. And who tended to have far greater interest in intellectual things rather than physical pleasure, to the point that our first encounter, when she had been last in a weird night of me fucking every one of Xo’s angels not my wife, her gentle loving, and the connection we made because of it, had been purely experimental, even if the results of the experiment had begun our close relationship.
The moment ended when the two angels laughed.
“I’ll bring you into it,” I reminded Yoshie.
“I’d still rather be there in the flesh.” She straddled my lap and kissed me.
“Let the boy eat,” Mei chuckled.
“Don’t you think I should get him ready for you, old lady?”
“Fuck you,” Mei growled.
After another intense kiss, and grinding into my hardening cock, Yoshie hopped off and returned to her seat with a giggle. Her hand grasped the lump she had created, saying, “It’s a nice cock.”
“I know,” Mei smiled, her smaller hand also grasping the elongating roll, fingers caressing the edges and finding the glans.
“Mmm,” I moaned.
“Eat,” Mei ordered. Somehow I did.
Both ladies shared the task of keeping my hard-on sustained. When I followed them out of my loft, my condition became conspicuous. And yes, Yoshie had convinced Mei to join us.
In Mei’s bed, Mei straddled my head to get her ready to be fucked while Yoshie showed Mei how I liked to be handled, not that my cock needed it. In fact, she coaxed me to cum in her mouth. By then, I had sucked Mei to the edge of her own climax. When my orgasm became imminent, I closed my eyes and brought every angel I knew into the moment. Mei’s orgasm followed mine immediately, and the other climaxes ours caused reverberated in feedback through all of us, sustaining ours and intensifying them several fold.
Even as powerful as that became, when I recovered, and Yoshie and Mei joined forces in sucking me back to hardness, and Mei straddled my cock and Yoshie straddled my face facing away from her much older sister/angel, and I fondled Yoshie’s soft, pale, familiar breasts, and Mei angled herself for most pleasure, and her hands fondled herself where my mouth and hands fondled Yoshie, and she brought herself close with her fucking and rubbing, and I brought Yoshie close as well, and I let myself become sensitive to Mei’s hot tight pussy and we lifted into a second orgasm, I brought only Xo’s angels into the sharing of it, and even though less added their orgasms to ours, somehow it became more intense, more direct and less messy or something, and all three of us passed out, and I heard later Xo’s other angels did too.
I awoke to the sound of my name expressing concern, and my eyes saw concern in the beautiful Japanese angel. After my mind clicked into reality, I asked, “What’s wrong?”
“You,” Yoshie smiled, cheering up. “You slept for an hour. How do you feel?”
I sat up slowly. My brain felt woozy. My body felt weak. I told her.
“Try standing,” she said. I did. I felt capable of it. And walking when she guided us to the bathroom. “Snake’s Tale?” I asked her along the way.
“Do you think he’d start it without you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Has he ever without you?”
“There you go.”
The shower seemed to help. Like a morning shower often did, it cleared away the murk in my brain.
After, as we dressed, I wondered out loud, “I never reacted like that before.”
“Have you done it twice in a row before?” Yoshie asked.
“No. And it often ends an evening of sex. I’m usually sleeping afterwards.”
“But not always.”
“Master thinks it may have to do with his angels. You’re getting some of their weakening while helping to strengthen them.”
“Not just weakening,” I murmured. “Dying.”
I felt somewhat improved by the time I sat with my very pregnant wives to await the next Tale. “Are you okay?” Nick asked me from the stage.
“A little better,” I shrugged. “You?”
“I finally know what an old man feels like. Muscles and joints no longer work the way they should, the way I have always expected.”
“And your mind?”
“Completely lucid. Nothing like dementia has set in. Xo thinks it’s another kind of transference than telepathy. We’re giving our heirs the peculiar sparks of life, like voluntary and involuntary muscle control from mind to body specific to us wanderers which brings forth the chemistry of immortality. Or they’re sucking it in from us to make them like us.”
“A sort of life force?”
“I suppose it is.”
“And what about your angels? You’re not giving it to them.”
“You are,” said Xo from the audience. “We were the ones who gave them their immortality. Unlike what we are giving our heirs, it never weakened us. That ability is being transferred. Doesn’t that flow you use to connect minds pass through your unborn children?”
“Yes. And in fact, the second time today, when I chose your angels specifically and channeled only through the child in Zhenzhen’s womb, it seemed to be stronger. Less diffuse I guess.” Nods told of future plans.
Snake looked around the auditorium, seeing the audience settle into place, and smiled. “Let’s begin.” The auditorium darkened, readying for the images projected behind him to be seen.
“As I said before, I spent generations headquartered in Valencia, often traveling by sea away from there, becoming a well trusted seaman, so to speak. My skin color kept me from command or even first or second mate, but that and my great strength had me doing the heavy work, sails and anchors and the harpoon that gave the killing blow to a whale and the work that followed such killings, and the hardcore sailors that did similar work were my command. It sent me all over the Mediterranean and along African and European coasts and eventually to the New World. But before there, I need to tell of the change in Spain, the Spanish taking it back from the Moors earlier had only just begun their turning it into a much less tolerant place.”
“Simon,” Lindy muttered.
“Exactly,” Nick frowned.
“Things are changing,” Hestia murmurs, lying beside Nick, their second child heavy in her womb. Despite the pregnancy, or maybe because of it, she enjoys a long fuck, and a hard one by its end, and she basks in the warmth following their latest intense romp. A beautiful mix of Semitic and Spanish blood, her mother, the daughter of a longtime wealthy and aristocratic family from Barcelona, falling in love with the son of a trader from Palestine, a controversial choice because the Moors had lost Spain, but less so because of the wealth of the Palestinian family, her beauty has become accentuated by both the glow of pregnancy and the post orgasm glow. The thought intrudes on the last remnants of bliss.
“When they executed my husband,” she continues, “instead of giving him to a reasonable court to mete out a much lesser punishment for his transgression against me, it gave power to the locals. It became about a worse transgression to them, of a Muslim fucking an innocent Spanish Christian girl. To allow such a thing to happen showed weakness in power.”
“But he was strung up by a mob,” Nick reminds her.
“And did any legislature do anything about it? Disperse the mob before it could happen, or punish them for harming a respected businessman? No, they appeased the mob, fearing escalation. They knew an insurgency had been building and tried not to incite a riot. But wouldn’t it have been a lesson? That a man is a man whatever he believes? It showed weakness.”
Nick laughs. Despite her maternal heritage, his companion might has well been fully Moor. “I can see you leading the charge to free your cheating husband against your brethren.”
“First, I should have been the one to cut off his betraying balls. And second, even if my faith in the Koran has lessened, no thanks to you and your unassailable seductiveness, I still feel that the blessed Mohamad’s god to be a much more forgiving one than the Christian one, despite Christ’s words.”
“Even though Muslims have much stricter moral laws than Christians?”
“Yes. Even so. How are your Jewish minions fairing?”
“Not well in the east and the villages surrounding Madrid,” Nick admits. “Those that have not changed faith to protect their family and their well-being have been stripped of possessions.”
“Because they can’t be accepted as in allegiance with the Christian insurgency.”
“While the Moors had always left the infidels to their faith.”
“Even the Christians who now murder them.”
“To ensure the country has one main faith.”
“At what expense?”
“I believe at a terrible expense,” Nick sighs. “I do not know those who lead the fanatics, nor the bishops who bless them. But I do know of their cruelty and xenophobia and exclusivity. These are Simon’s minions.”
“My opposite. Like me but completely different. He believes only in himself, and expects all others to only believe in him.”
“He thinks he’s a god?”
“He wishes he were. We cannot move mountains, only people’s minds. And even then not as completely as he wishes. We make suggestions. Compulsions really. But they can be fought or even ignored if otherwise convinced. They would not be in this situation, taking back land from the unbelievers. It would be a religious cause, and the righteousness would destroy any who didn’t worship Jesus. You are right, my love. Things will become terrible for not just the Moors and the Jews, but anyone who challenge the sanctimonious assholes who take power.”
“I understand why you have not told me of this Simon. You have protected me from fear. How long before I must flee?”
“Not long enough. We live in the last accepting place for the Moors, but it will topple, from within and then from without eventually.”
“Then help me forget in the best way possible,” she says, kissing him.
His kisses on her mouth and the ones that follow, on other flesh responsive to them, from ears to neck to nipples and eventually to another set of lips, swollen and wet with desire, while her mouth grips his manhood, making it even more turgid, dissolve all worries. And when he removes his cock from her oral attention and pushes the long thick flesh into her needy cunt, her legs pulled up and open, his torso remaining almost upright so as not to put pressure on her abdomen, his legs curled beneath her supporting both of them, and his hands gripping her heavy breasts, their eyes remain connected, seeing the love there and the faces around the eyes expressing pleasure each gives to the other.
Only a year after giving birth to her daughter, it becomes necessary for her to flee her home. A man meets them on the boat that gives her her escape. Shades lighter than Nick, he still shows some trace of Black Africa. The two pretend to be married. Luckily they like each other, though not equally.
The man, the same age as Nick’s companion, has been a devout bachelor and a womanizer. Though impelled by Nick to meet them on the boat with the specific purpose of becoming the woman’s mate, he finds himself overwhelmed by her beauty, grace and charm, her feistiness and her intelligence, and can’t help falling in love with her to the point his ever wandering eye becomes fixated only on her.
To her, he becomes a lesser substitute for the only man she has truly loved. Even her first husband had become a hot flame of desire almost extinguished over the years, especially when she realized what a cad he was, not to mention how cool his attention to her had become. It may be ironic that the man she loved most, or even exclusively, could be considered the essential cad, fucking women as a purpose in life. But his devotion to her, and hers to him, had never flickered. His every homecoming after fucking several women never ceased to be joyous and exquisitely pleasurable.
And this difference of affection, fully revealed when Nick says goodbye to his companion, leaving her in the safe home of her pretend husband in Mecca, her father’s homeland now hers, and she sobs and collapses in Nick’s arms, never wanting to leave them, and her faux husband witnesses this display, becomes the husband’s burden. He must accept being always second in his wife’s heart. It becomes his duty to comfort her after the heartbreaking departure. His pleasure, holding this beautiful, amazing woman in his arms. His pleasure, later, when she needs him to make love to her, her lips, soft and heated by emotion creating the greatest kiss he has experienced, further enflaming his already demanding libido. Her body, at last revealed, only improves in its motherhood with heavier breasts and wider hips, otherwise firm yet soft and giving, and having the smoothest skin he has ever felt. And she’s the most responsive woman he has ever enjoyed. Even the boldness she displays, telling him what works for her and what doesn’t, something few women in his past have done, and those that did, unlike her, have almost been cruel in their advice, as if he should read their minds, until his pleasuring distracted them, he finds in her to be even more enticing, expressing her intelligence, to enable greater pleasure for her and for him to give her that pleasure. He only hopes that this first fuck, being specific in its intent to help her recover from her loss, will not be unique in its intensity. Or its length for that matter, and the incredible cocksucking she gives him to continue it, including her insistence that he guide her as she has guided him. And though her lips never have the heat of emotion to them as they have the first time he enjoys them except, to a lesser extent, after she receives her first orgasm, he soon finds out whenever they join together, which occurs more often than he can have hoped, that the first time has not been an anomaly. And in fact, as they get to know each other’s bodies over the years, it actually gets better. Her love for him grows as well, while his remains at a high peak. Even still, hers remains less than her love for Nick. He knows this because he can see her remember those times with her immortal lover, and he draws them out of her, and he becomes Nick’s substitute, lesser yet accepted. More than that. Appreciated. Enjoyed. Thoroughly. Remembered ecstasy becomes actual.
Occasionally he wonders if his departure from this world will affect her as much as Nick’s had. Would she feel bereft without him as she did without Nick, needing his comfort to help her survive it? He knows she misses him and worries about him when he leaves on business, and welcomes him back home lovingly as only she and her passionate nature can. At some point during the homecoming, she inevitably asks him if he fucked around during his travels. Her disappointment at his lack of conquest at first surprises him, but they do bring memories of his past womanizing as part of their sex play. She appreciates his explanation that he has no interest in any woman except her, but reminds him every time he leaves that he can indulge his lust as long as he tells her all the details. When he crosses paths in his travels with a particularly sexy lady, and remembering his permission pursues the mutual interest, after a bit of kissing and groping, he finds neither his mind nor his cock in the least bit responsive. Escaping her embrace, her curses and abuses heard as he rushes out of her house make him happier about his decision. After that, his wife accepts his exclusive devotion to her, and they begin inventing indiscretions. Both of them. Her vividness makes him worry about being cuckolded, but he decides not only to trust her about their manufacture, but not worry if they might be true except to worry for any other to catch her and punish her, because, in the end, when home, he has her every night.
It ends up being him left bereft. Still loving after many years, fawning over grandchildren from both Nick’s children and his, and even witnessing the birth of the first child of the first child, her wondrous heart gives out. As if his attaches to hers and hers give his sustenance, he soon follows her into the afterlife, her name the last thing on his lips as if greeting her there.
With Spain once more under complete Catholoc control, retribution rears its ugly head. All those not Catholic suffer greatly. Savonarola and the auto-de fe become a cruel exclusionary force. A blackamoor finds no welcome, to say the least, on Spanish land.
On sea is a different matter. Strength and experience outweigh prejudice. And a Spanish captain even knows to consult Nick, if secretly, on everything from the welfare of his crew to negotiating treacherous channels. The tough sailors under Nick’s command learn to trust him and respect him or suffer grave consequences, their grave being the sea. The captain’s mates treat him with disgust, and the captain hides his admiration. The conquistadors on board on Nick’s last Spanish ship which heads to the New World have an even more complicated relationship with the large, mysterious and dangerous black man.
The proud leader of the conquistadors stands beside the captain watching the weird events on the deck below. A display of combat, two soldiers against one man, swords against a small knife. The captain laughs, asking the officer, “How did your men get into this mess?” even though he knows the answer. Nick has asked him if he could respond to some of the soldiers’ taunting.
“What do you mean?” asks the leader.
Nick knocks out the two challengers without harming them otherwise. “That,” says the captain.
“Who is he?”
“A valuable person on this ship. I prefer him not to be harmed, but I’m not worried.”
“You trust that blackamoor?”
“Enough for him to be in charge of the harder working seamen on this ship. He has proved his worth many times. It seems your soldiers might learn something from him.”
They watch three soldiers challenge Nick, one even scoring a wound on his leg which doesn’t seem to affect him, before they too get knocked down and knocked out.
“Enough!” their leader shouts over the noise below. “Who are you, Blackamoor?”
“Nick,” Nick shouts.
“You will address me as sir.”
“Why? I am not under your command, nor would you let me be.”
The leader sighs and takes several breathes to calm his anger. “Will you show my men how you defend yourself?”
“I will if your men will listen.”
“You will learn from this blackamoor,” their leader orders.
“Yes commander,” they return as one. Discipline in not their weakness.
“You should take care of your wound,” says the captain.
“Yes, Captain.” Somehow Nick has kept the wound open, letting it bleed, though not profusely. A bandage will hide the lack of wound soon, and Nick will project a scar there joining others appropriate to the rough life of a sailor and a former warrior.
Arriving in Panama, where the Spanish have established an enclave much to the detriment of the natives, the commander and his men rest just long enough to get their land legs back before heading south to look for gold and to encounter the newly discovered Incas in far off Peru. Seeing the condescension towards the natives, Nick worries about any encounter with a people with a proud and well established civilization which the Incas sound like they have created.
Nick, having proved his worth training the soldiers, even more on open land, leaves his old career and his old friend, the captain, behind to travel with the conquistadors. But, as his wont, and the soldiers actually prefer it, he keeps himself at the edge of their camps. This makes it easier to slip away and meet with natives unobserved.
He has made contact with these people via a minion. As a young man of prodigious intelligence and apparent religious zeal, Francisco has come to the Americas to proselytize and convert the savages to save their souls, except they convert him. They fascinate him, like an early anthropologist becoming immersed in his subject. He learns their languages, and he in turn teaches Spanish to the cleverest of them so they can serve as translators. He also brings them knowledge of his people. What can be trusted with them, which is little. And to gain their trust, he gives them certain technological advances the Spanish have over them, as well as insight into the way his people think and act and strategize.
It isn’t until the conquistadors arrive on the South American continent that Nick meets with Francisco and his family. By then Francisco has five wives from five different tribes, gifts for his gifts, and many children from these wives, and children from these children. He has become the patriarch of his own tribe; a tribe of diplomats; a nomadic tribe. This tribe, well-schooled in hiding, secretly follows the path of the conquistadors. They aide the native who serves the conquistadors as guide and scout and negotiator for trade in foodstuffs along the way, helping avoid confrontations which could threaten an entire tribe. Negotiators in these encounters are given the proper obsequiousness expected from the proud and prejudiced Spanish warriors. The Europeans rarely see youth and beauty amongst the natives they meet, and never female youth and beauty. A large group of warriors of any race can do terrible things to such creatures, especially the strange and of a far lower caste.
Of course Nick has no such limitation. Through Francisco, his family and his connections, Nick can do his breeding. He also gains five companions, young daughters of Francisco’s five wives, each of a different tribe. The daughters, of the temperament and intelligence Nick prefers, not only give him their wombs to fill, but also serve to bring him their different languages, often more patois of a similar language.
Francisco meets with Nick in a small fern grotto, a temporary home of particular beauty for Nick’s companions. “The Spanish grow restless,” Nick tells his friend. “Even the old crones they meet for trade have taken on some allure. And I think their blades have become just as restless, starving for the taste of blood.”
“They understand raping and pillaging a village will make it difficult to continue getting food along the way, don’t they?” Francisco asks.
“A better question than stirring the natives to attack,” Nick chuckles sadly. “That they would scoff at. I think most would have preferred taking things all along. In the way they think, in their extreme nationalist, racist and religious pride, they have been designed for such terrible endeavors. And your efforts keeping it from them only makes them more eager for release.”
Francisco sighs. “Have their native guide move them in an eastern direction. A detour which can be explained leads to a better path to their destination. Have him warn them of a tribe far more interested in taking than trading, and with a great amount of success at it.”
“A conquering tribe?”
“Yes, with too much success. They threaten the tentative peace of tribes north and west of them. No, not threaten but embrace the tentativeness. From what I have heard, they use antipathy between tribes in a sort of blood sport, as if battle were ever a game.”
“It was in Rome,” I remind him.
“Of course. And they use it not to find a champion, which only meant survival and perhaps renown in those times for those slaves, but to add to their stock of warriors. And the warriors get rewarded by choices of female slaves. In fact, enslaving young women seems to be their chief enterprise. It is said they trade them to the Incas. Young men too, for that matter. Those not chosen for elevation into warriors.”
“Worthy adversaries for these proud conquistadors.”
“Ever stronger parasites threatening the host,” Francisco shakes his head.
“And the raping after the defeat?”
“More raping of the raped, but perhaps freedom afterwards? If the conquistadors can be persuaded to leave them alive?”
“This village, is it central to this malevolent little empire?”
“A front edge to it, but being built up to create a surge into the most difficult territory: the jungle.”
“Your knowledge?”
“Spies. Observers only. No interest in infiltrating. A few refugees. Too few.”
“Would tribes give up warriors to create a band to defeat this threat? Is it that threatening?”
“You would change focus from your conquistador friends to my friends?”
“Those haughty white men have never been my friends. Because of you, I have only native friends, and companions.”
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Live Latina Sex CamsAshley hangs over the metal bar in her restraints. The room is cool and dim but Ashley is only aware of her trembling lips. Mistress' fingers sit gently against them, trying to calm her tension and worry. But the taste of Ashley's own pussy against her mouth, keeps her viciously present in the moment. The sweltering pressure between Ashley's legs is growing. Several hours have passed since being on the verge of cumming whilst worshiping Tessa's unbearably sweet pussy. In that time, she's been...
BDSMIt was the strangest dream. I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club. I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance. We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment, we all sat right at the edge of the dance floor....
She pulled me forward and I followed as she led me, trembling with anticipation, around the chair. As I rounded the corner something caught my eye on the seat of the chair. I looked down to see a realistic dildo jutting up from its suction cup base. I mean, I knew it was a dildo, not that I own one. It was fat and pink and long and I knew it wasn't real, but my body didn't care. My already dripping cunt pulsed at the sight of the toy. Silent and eager, my eye measured the size and my brain...
ReluctanceArtOfZoo - Janet Gets Lucky - a****l sex with women It was spring break. Janet’s husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle. The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the covers and...
After we returned from the beach, Joanne was so hornet again that she demanded me to fuck her ass really hard. We slipped into our apartment and got naked. Her hole was still well oil so that I dint have a problem to enter her ass with my rock hard dick. I pumped her asshole hard, pulled out and sprayed all over her ass right when she climaxed and squirted really hard.The next morning we got ready for the beach again. We both shaved and put on our swim wear. This time Joanne put a one piece...
“I hate snow!” I muttered to myself as I walked up the steps to my apartment building, placing the key in the door lock and letting myself in.As I walked up the three flights of stairs, the lights began to flicker. “Great, this is all I fuckin need,” I yelled, not caring who heard. I placed my briefcase on the floor in front of my door, and unlocked the door and deadbolt. I walked in, tossed my bag and briefcase on the couch, and headed for the kitchen.I picked up the evening paper off of the...
ReluctanceThe next morning Rachel had breakfast set; pancakes, eggs, grits, and turkey bacon. She even had multiple beverages to choose from as well; orange juice, apple juice, milk and water. Coach came and got me from the back house but as we were headed to the kitchen he said he was going to wash up first so I ended up being the first one to the table. Rachel had just come to the dining table as I had just sat down. "Good morning sweetie" Rachel said. She sounded so soothing at that moment. I looked...
Hi, pornasaxena again brings u another didi story the idea was shared by the experienced writer prasha, with my modifications. And om wanted to be a hero in my story, so this story all goes for u 2 guys. Usdin bhi mai aur om college se uski car me laut rahe the, wo mere college ka dost tha, maine naya naya college join kiya tha, jab mai aur meri didi pehli bar mere admission ke liye gaye the, om ne hi hume principal se milwaya tha. Wo waha ke mla ka bhai hi nahi balki college students union ka...
Vögel fliegen im Winter nach Süden, Schlangen häuten sich, Bären gehen in den Winterschlaf. So ähnlich ist es auch mit überarbeiteten Anwälten. Irgendwann erreichte ich einen Punkt, an dem das Streben nach Reichtum und Gerechtigkeit mehr von mir verlangte, als ich zu geben bereit war. Viele andere arbeiten einfach weiter, manche tauschen den täglichen Arbeitskampf gegen ein Leben im Wald - mit Internetanschluss und Laptop. Hinfort ist die langweilige Bürde, Dinge für andere schreiben zu müssen,...
How I Became a Cuckolded Sissy: Part 1 By willow619 Allie and I had been married for three years. Our sex life had become bland, routine, and, frankly, I preferred masturbation to the work it took to cum by intercourse. I was pretty sure that Allie felt that way, too. You see, my cock is, at best, 5 inches. My touch, or my tongue, on her clit seemed to be much better received than my cock in her cunt. I've always been a crossdresser. I can remember being in first grade and...
Stacy laid in her bed staring at the blinking numbers on her alarm clock. According to the clock it was 1:42 in the morning, but Stacy knew that it was wrong. The power must have gone out for a bit while she was asleep because it was actually closer to 4 a.m. according to her wrist watch. Stacy sighed as she closed her eyes to try to force herself to sleep.It wasn"t working. The ceiling fan was suddenly whirring too loudly, the room was too stuffy, and her mom"s cat Whitney seemed to be...
IncestNoah Masters groaned as the light of the morning sun tore through his bedroom window and landed against his face. He would have normally already been up by this time but yesterday was his twenty-first birthday and his friends had made sure that he didn’t get in until late. He hadn’t really minded then but now he was hating himself as he slowly sat up and fought the urge to just lie back down and go back to sleep. If he slept in then he wouldn’t get to bed at a decent hour tonight and he would...
IncestEli knew he had to get over to the women as soon as he could. He saw them laughing and talking with Analisa, pointing now and then toward where he stood. Even Sissy, Miranda, and Grandmother were huddled with the young Mexican woman, whispering and laughing. When Catt and Eva pulled her aside, they were laughing aloud and Eli knew it was time to go. “I see all of you have met Analisa. I hope you’ll make her welcome. I’ve asked her to work for us when we get back to Tulsa,” Eli told them when...
My mom had been out of town for two days and things were getting out of hand. I was sitting on my half-brother’s long black dick as I took a hit off of a bong he had stolen from Shawn’s house. He had also taken a big bag of weed that was laced with the same stuff I had smoked on the night that I had fucked him, his dad and three other guys. It had made me so horny and now I was dripping down my little brother’s thick ebony shaft as I rode him. Neither of us could believe what we were doing, but...
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance is coincidental. It was a beautiful trip so far; my friends and me had been out for over a week. Traveling all the way from Mumbai to Jammu, Delhi and Agra. One of my friend who is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna suggested we go visit Mathura before we return home. Also it would be shame being so close to Mathura; Agra, we didn’t visit the Lords birthplace. The following day we went to Mathura, we visited Gokul and the Shree Krishna Temple....
I was paired up with Laura who had the most voluptuous figure of the four which promised a fun three hours. "I'm glad we got put together, John, yours is the only cock I haven't seen and I'm really eager to get it out and have some fun with it. This is your first swap, right?" "Yeah, I just never thought Karen would go for it, just never." "Well, shows you what holding three nice, new cocks in your hand will do for a woman." "I think you're right. I hope it goes well for her." "She's with Jeff,...
Group SexThe sign read "Harpersville – 1 mile" and just beyond it another sign listed the restaurants and other services available at the exit. I needed gas and there was a Conoco station at the exit and I had a Conoco card so I pulled into the right lane and slowed for the exit. As I filled the tank I looked around and saw that there was a restaurant across the street. It was a little early for supper, but what the hell, I was already stopped. After I topped off I drove over to the restaurant and...
This is the third in a three part presentation of a novel. You should go back and read Victorian Dreams Ch 01 and Pt 2 to gain context before reading this third piece. This part, as well, as the two parts that preceed it are Copyright 2003, 2004 by Charles F. Johnson and all rights are reserved and protected under the Copyright laws of the United stats and other countries. Chapter 57 There was only one problem. Though their hooved feet and strong muscular legs made them speedy outside where...
My name is Lynlee. I love writing stores about my true experiences, though I like to add a few things here and there to make the stories more naughty, for the most part it's real.My father in law, Eric. and I had been having sexual encounters for about 6 months. It all started when he caught me half naked in our shared laundry room and we ended up fucking on the washing machine. Then things got more intense after our second foray when we both learned that each was up for doing more. After our...
I have read so many stories on the net and now that I too have enjoyed so much I want to give back some. It is not that I am a nympho but when the husband doesn’t satisfy one has to look out of the marriage. Men tend to think everything is going on fine if they fuck once every week for 5 minutes till they have shagged in the women. I was once the cum dustbin for such a man. I was married 10 years ago to a consultant engineer who would be traveling all the time making the money for us. The time...
Maria burst through the rear door of the hacienda and fled, barefoot and naked, down the dark street. Two horsemen spurred their steeds and gave chase to the nubile young girl. Unable to check her speed before darting down a narrow alleyway, Maria slammed into the sidewall at the alley’s entrance with a breathless grunt. Pushing away from the wall, she stumbled into the darkness of the alley, then fled toward the light at the far end. The iron-shod hooves of one of the horsemen clopped...
“Ugh, the customary work Christmas party,” I said as I opened my car door to the cold winter night. ‘I hate this,’ I thought as I trudged through the snow. ‘This is so wrong. I don’t even like these people when I get paid to be around them and now I have to be nice when I’m not getting paid.’ The cheaply decorated room with its paper ornaments and awful red and green tablecloths didn’t improve my mood. I set my gift on the table with hope that it was my boss that picked it since it was an old...
Quickie SexHot Sex with "Hot Chick"Back when I was in college I had this Spring Fling and it has been 9 years and I still think about it. I was a junior and she was a freshman, she was taking some courses in the same major I was and we were in 4 of the same classes. I never knew her name but I referred her to as Hot Chick… She had a tight fit body with a sexy face. I could sleep sometimes cause she was in my head. Well before you knew it she was put into our project group by our teacher. She was the only...
Man I hated coming to these corporate functions. It was our annual holiday party, and most of the people in attendance were already feeling quite good. I was already tired of the let’s be polite and ask how things are going. I have never been into small talk. I wasn’t looking forward to the 90 minute drive home, and was wondering if I had been here long enough so that I could make my getaway? I decided that I had. I stood up and said my goodbyes to the others at my table, wishing them all a...
Bucket List I'm 52 and I've been a closet crossdresser for over 30 years starting with my mother's underwear and women's underwear I stole from local washing lines. When I got married my crossdressing took something of a back seat although I did try and get my wife interested by buying her underwear I could also wear. We were much the same size back then. But she did not want to know and whilst I wore the underwear I had bought when she was out she threw it out quite quickly. Over the...
Summer I married not only the girl of my dreams, but also the dream girl of just about every guy in town. She was beautiful without being stuck-up, sexy without being a show off and a personality that would win her Miss Congeniality in any beauty contest. She had long blond hair, perky breasts and a cute ass. All the guys in school wanted to have sex with her and I bet more than one girl would like to spend the night with her too. So how come I got so lucky? I think partly because I was laid...
There is a thing with mature women that I am sure we can all agree with. They are all grown in a ridiculously sexy way, and they fucking know what ticks for them as well as how to get it ticking. In fact, I must admit that those who are into the MILF kind of porn are mostly freaky assholes who want something close to real. Also, there is the fun in seeing some massive load of porn experience thrown into the mix.From the handjobs, blowjobs all the way to lengthy cock rides. It'sIt's almost as if...
Mature Porn Sites"Darling, please don't do anything else to me," she pleaded, waiting dully for her husband's voice to break the silence of the room. "I'll leave if you want me to, but... I can't take anything else right now. Wolf... I can't say anything to make you believe me, but, it did, it did happen that way!" Diane braced herself for the blistering sarcastic reply that she was certain would soon come directly as a result of her husband's injured pride. Naturally he would make her pay for what...
A year or so ago, somebody wrote a story called "The Novitiates" about an adventure of Anya (Bikini Beach), Dannie (SRU), and Erin (Bad Wishes). I liked the idea, and got about a third of the way into a story. I came across the thing lately and decided to get it off the "To Do" list. The Novitiates: Twin Problems By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 "So this is Bikini Beach." Deke Taggert looked at the park entrance as he pulled his Vette into the lot. There were a few older...
Welcome to Honey Select, the premiere 3D sex simulator where you build your ultimate girl from scratch, and then have her in all kinds of sex positions where she’ll do anything you want.In Honey Select, you get one of the most detailed character creation kits I’ve seen in all of gaming. From basic things like her outfit and hair, to details such as her pubic hair and fingernails, every inch of her body can be constructed for maximum boner action.The game isn’t limited to girls either. Honey...
Free Sex GamesValerie told Robby to go to bed. She was tired too, and relaxed from her bathroom masturbatory session. When she got to bed herself, she surrendered again and allowed herself one more orgasm, achieved more slowly. It was painfully sweet. The harder she tried to block it out, the more clearly she imagined her little boy's not-so-little penis while she came. Two rooms away, Robby's fist flogged his cock frantically, the vision of his mother's open robe and pooching pussy lips clearly in...
I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned it to my girlfriend and she didn’t object to the idea and so it was one Thursday afternoon that I pushed open the door of the tattoo parlour and walked nervously up to the empty counter. I heard a female voice call from the back of the shop “I’ll be with you in a minute.” “No...
Oral SexZone Dreams My mind was still reeling from your erotic visit of the night before. I showered and climbed into bed snuggling into the soft pillows and pulling my duvet snuggly around me. I couldn’t sleep – I was thinking about what you said. You begged me to trust you, to follow where you led and to obey with out question. My body had still been tingling with the pleasure you had given me and I agreed to whatever you said and to whatever it might bring me. I wasn’t frightened then and gave no...
I was at the bar for the night. relaxing, putting down a couple drinks. I had started talking to another guy at the bar. we had a lot in common. after a good couple of laughs, a woman came up and joined in. we were suprised, she was really hot! we sat around for a cpl minutes, talking and laughing. as the bar was closing, me and my buddy needed to find cabs to get home. the woman offered to give us a lift, and we saw no problem, and agreed. on our way back, she said she wanted to drink more,...
Jean watched the teenage girl licking her hand. The hand that minutes before had been wrist deep inside her now satisfied cunt. Although her own sexual appetite was, for the moment, placated, she could see by the state of her son Rory's raging hard on that his was far from it. She also knew as soon as the two teenagers started to fuck she would be getting aroused again.“Time for that cock of yours to find its way into a pussy other than mine. So, Becky, how about you slide a condom over that...
IncestIt only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...
Harper was standing by "Dilly" Dalrymple, an impossibly fit looking young man dressed all in black. He had enough crap hanging off of his body that it would fill a wheelbarrow. Harper didn't say anything, though. Dilly and his team were good at what they did, and right now Harper was just so much excess baggage. Jim heard Dilly's earpiece crackle and saw the man say something into the microphone clipped to his sleeve. He turned to Harper. "We're ready," he said simply. "Let's do...
I'll always remember the first time we made love. I of course was very anxious. I knew she has been more than a few guys in the past. I've been with a few girls in the past as well. But will she be satisfied with me? The first time happens the day after our first date. I call her on the phone that morning and asked her if she would like to hang out at my apartment. "Hey, Melissa... How are you feeling this morning?" "Hey, babe! I feel wonderful! I really enjoyed last night so much....
Sure enough, it had been Brianna whohad prevailed. The ceremony began with a parade. We marched a mile through the bucolic countryside into the royal palace. A very brief ceremony in the throne room followed. Predictably enough, the ceremony quickly devolved into a giant orgy. Every guy in the hall had a turn with Brianna before she donned the crown. That included not just the five men to which she was related, but the cousins from my father's side, and many others besides. Some of these other...
IncestShelley made a decision at that point.She was not going to lose her virginity in a car, it was going to be in a nice bed or not at all.The husband jerked in her mouth and pumped it full of spunk.Shelley was surprised at the taste, but she found it quite palletable, and she swallowed the lot.She moved back to her seat and put her seatbelt back on."Two hundred" said Shelley"What do you mean?""If you want to fuck me it will cost you two hundred and it must be in a bed""Well you are a quick...
Hi friends this is Sandhya again. I posted fil and his friends before. Thanks for all of you who gave me comments for my story. This is my second part and i will hope that everyone likes it. In my first part my fil fucked me very hardly and gave me good satisfaction. In this part i will explain about his friends. Before my mother in law I and fil acted normal that whole day. At night we all had dinner and we went to our rooms for sleeping. My fil had a habit of watching TV for very late nights....
It had been a hard few years for me. I had lost the rest of my species to the plague (Which only I had been known to be immune to) and I had been in the ass end of the galaxy when it happened, meaning I didn’t have access to some of the better materials or ships. As luck would have it, I had been a worker at a dry dock mainly used for repairs and the only ship that was here had a broken warp core. After my first few weeks of work, I had managed to fix up a repair bot (don’t even ask why they...
Fetish"Honey, this isn't what it looks like." Mrs. West stuttered but even I, in the same position as her, found that as a feeble excuse."Mom, you're trying to fuck Jackson! And didn't think to even check if I was around!" Julie was pissed off, but she was justified in being so. But when I looked at her I was shocked by her, she went to the bathroom to clean up but she must have came out in a hurry.She wasn't wearing her shirt, letting her chest be free to see."Honey, please. I wasn't going to have...
I was recently watching an episode of The Office, where Dwight was playing a game called "second life", where he pretended to have the life he aspired to. At a certain point this concept takes a turn where Dwight's avatar creates a game within the game, called "second second life". It reminded me how a CHYOA author made a story with a character based on her, or rather, based on her avatar. I said "we can make a religion out of this", and started planning my next cool story... We are not going...
FetishAbout twelve months from the time Ki Jung first began practicing Body Cultivation, she realizes that she is about to make her first breakthrough. With this in mind, she makes arrangements to be at the dojo where Master Jamison can watch over her during the event. He agrees, and they stay after closing up the dojo that Friday evening. In that same period, Ki Jung has also opened the first Qi-Locks of each of the three Blessed Qi arts. She can feel three Dantians in her body now. One at the...
Hi My Darling Sexy Boy-Friends!!!! This is Yamuna age 23. After I got overwhelming response for my earlier four stories, I was about to write, how did my bro fucked our mom [Part-II]. But I am sorry for the delay as I was having a very busy fucking schedule. I have been receiving lots of e-mails and to the best possible I am trying to reply to all. Your every kind of e-mails gives me a new boost and zeal. Thanks a lot. After eating the cum of my bro Raj, mom lied on the bed. Spreading her legs,...
IncestYou can’t know what it’s like unless you’ve experienced it. Imagine like your whole world has narrowed to pinpoint clarity and that for a moment you can forget everything and know everything at the same time. Maybe it’s like what enlightenment is supposed to feel like, or perhaps what Eve felt when she first bit into the apple. Like Eve’s, my downfall was also delivered to me by a snake. Fat sixteen-inch snake that dwelled in the jock pouch of Aaron Black. And I wanted nothing more then to...
My heart was feeling like someone had poured lead into it as I walked to the exit to the bridge. This had been a simply training exercise and one of my crew was seriously injured. To add to that, it seemed like half of the ship was suffering from minor glitches. I exited the bridge and nearly ran over Private Ripa. The older man was standing there looking uncertain. “Sorry,” he said. “Nothing to be sorry about, but why aren’t you at your post?” I asked. “My medical pod is still down,” he...
Hello all its me rahul from pune. My id is !yahoo.comRahul ab ek haath se Neha ke mamme masalte dusre haath se Neha ki lal panty ke uppar se uski chut halke se masalte bola,”Neha jaan,aaj tare mamme chuske,teri is gulabi chut mai mera lund jo teri gaand pe ragada raha hoon usse ghusake tujhe khub chodunga.Lekin teri chudai karne ke pehle mujhe teri yeh chut chatni hai aur tujhse mera lund chuswana hai.Aaj tujhe itna chodunga ki tu aage se Amar se jyada mare lund se chudwane tarsegi aur Amar...