Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 01 free porn video

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Maria burst through the rear door of the hacienda and fled, barefoot and naked, down the dark street. Two horsemen spurred their steeds and gave chase to the nubile young girl. Unable to check her speed before darting down a narrow alleyway, Maria slammed into the sidewall at the alley’s entrance with a breathless grunt. Pushing away from the wall, she stumbled into the darkness of the alley, then fled toward the light at the far end.

The iron-shod hooves of one of the horsemen clopped along at the entranceway behind her, then began galloping faster, getting louder much too quickly. Reaching the far end of the alley, Maria ducked to the left just as the horseman reached down for her. The horse slipped on the wet cobblestones and stumbled at the savage wrench on its reins, but Maria slipped also. Horse, hunter and prey fell in a heap at the end of the alley.

Terrified, Maria clambered to her feet and ran smack into another horse and rider. A thump on her head and everything went black.


“Raul, my darling,” she cooed as her gloved hand caressed that magnificent shaft between her lover’s legs.

Raul hung on the wall, his arms chained wide above his head. His feet were chained to the wall, as well. There were oozing marks on his chest and stomach where he had been both whipped and burned, but that magnificent cock of his still responded to her touch.

The lady smiled and lifted her dress, intending to take full advantage of this incredible gift to womankind. As she worked his shaft up inside her, she smiled and licked at his wounds and burns.

“You were a naughty boy, my darling Raul,” she cooed lovingly. “I gave you everything you needed – your own house, servants, a coach, all the money you could use. Your loyalty to me was such a small price to pay, was it not?”

She spit on an open, oozing burn, making Raul draw in his breath with a hiss.

“Yet you could do not even that!” she snarled. “This wonderful shaft inside me was meant for MY pleasure – not the pleasure of half the putas in Madrid! Yet you could not keep this love shaft pure for me!”

She was humping his marvelous shaft as she spoke. A servant, seeming to know exactly what she wanted, brought her a lit candle. She took it and began dribbling wax over Raul’s burnt and whipped flesh, making him cry out.

“Ooh! You move so nicely inside me!” the Lady Melinda cooed, squeezing him in return.

She held the candle against his breast for a moment, causing him to jerk again in a futile effort to escape the burning pain.

“Yes! That’s it!”

She moved the candle across his chest slowly, leaving a trail of wax and scorched flesh, stopping underneath his other nipple.

This time, Raul jerked several times in his efforts to avoid the burning, torturous candle fire.

“Oh! Mi Dios!” Melinda cried out in orgasm.

“Maria Conchita Velasquez, I love you!” Raul cried out as Maria sank down, impaling herself completely on his marvelous shaft.

“How dare you!” the Lady Melinda gasped in rage.

She looked around, finding herself in a field, far from her castle walls and her adored instruments of torture. The only instrument of torture here was the hard, hot shaft that penetrated up inside her almost to her lungs.

“What’s happening?” Maria cried out, confused.

The last thing she remembered was running head-on into a mounted soldier.

The images faded away into a dull gray nothing. Both Maria and Melinda cried out in fear.

“Who are you?” the Lady Melinda demanded. “How did you bring me here? Are you a witch?”

They glared into each other’s frightened, angry eyes. “I know you! You’re that Puta Raul was with! I gave you to the General to play with. How did you get away from him?”

“You’re my sister?” Maria asked, completely confusing her antagonist, her eyes widening in triumph as she realized what had finally happened.

“Sister? What are you talking about, you demented slut?” Melinda snarled.

She tried to strike at the naked girl, but found that she couldn’t move in this strange absence of… everything!

“Listen to me!” Maria/Betty/Béla demanded. “You’re dreaming! This isn’t real! The Praetor took you! Do you remember that?”

“The Praetor?” the Lady Melinda cried out, frightened now. “No! Let me go!”

“This is a dream!” Béla insisted. “Surely you must remember! Stop fighting and think!”

“A dream?” Melinda asked, wanting to believe there was a reason behind this madness.

“Yes, now just relax,” Béla said, more quietly now. “You don’t want to attract the Praetor’s attention.”

“I remember now,” Melinda replied, awed at what was happening. “The Praetor trapped me in a ray of light, then I was inside it, somehow. There are others here, trapped like me!”

“Yes!” Béla exclaimed, happy to have finally broken the spell. “We have to wake them and find a way out!”

“There is no way out,” Melinda replied mournfully. “I remember trying to escape when I was brought here. My body is gone. The Praetor made me watch as it was burned into ashes.”

“My body was burned up, also,” Béla replied. “But I don’t know if the Praetor did that. My car exploded and caught on fire. I was strapped inside, trapped.”

“The Praetor told me that I couldn’t survive outside,” Melinda told her new friend. “I would just evaporate into nothing and die.”

“That might not be true,” Béla said, thoughtfully. “I was outside my body for a time before I was drawn in by the Praetor. I didn’t feel like I was evaporating. In fact, my senses at the time were very sharp and clear. I could even see in the dark!”

“Really?” Melinda asked. “That’s fascinating! But, how did you… Why would the Praetor be interested in you? You were just a whore that distracted my concubine.”

“We have the same father,” Béla explained. “Do you remember when you arrived here? On earth, I mean?”

“I think so,” Melinda replied. “It was so long ago…”

“It was a long time ago for me, too,” Béla told her. “I’ve lived for thousands of years. You probably have, too.”


“My father told me, after he hunted me down, that I was the last one,” Béla told her. “All the others, you and my other sisters, were already… Well, I thought he’d killed all of you. I didn’t know about this artificial world inside the Praetor. I’ve been trying to get someone’s attention, like, forever! You were the only one who ever crossed paths with me. I could only enter your vision where I was present. I had to wait until our life-dreams coincided.”

“When I came to reclaim my Raul, you mean?” Melinda asked, sounding a little superior.

“Yes,” Béla said, her voice sounding a little unfriendly, as well. “I remember when you set Raul on fire and burned him alive.”

“Yet you’re willing to help me now?” Melinda asked, not trusting this little Puta.

“You are the only one whose dream I was able to break into,” Béla replied. “I never met any of my other sisters in real life.”

“I had a sister in Rumania, fifty years before I ever laid eyes on you,” Melinda replied haughtily. “Her name was Elisabeta.”

“Great!” Béla exclaimed enthusiastically. “Think about the time you two were together! Maybe we can break into her life-dream and dispel the Praetor’s power over her!”

“Yes!” Melinda agreed wholeheartedly. “This is a good idea you have!”

She closed her eyes and thought about her sister. A shimmering of multi-colored light appeared around the two trapped in the Praetor, then Béla found herself standing in a room. She was still naked, but Melinda was now dressed in some kind of dark red velvet.

Elisabeta jumped and cried out. The image of the room wavered for an instant, then resolidified. Béla found that she could move inside this imagined world her sister had created inside the Praetor.

“We’re probably safe from the Praetor in here,” Béla ventured. “It will think we’re still dreaming.”

“Who are you?” Elisabeta demanded! “Talitha, who is this strumpet who parades around without any dressing?”

“Sister,” Melinda/Talitha replied. “This is another sister! She is here to help us! Her name is… What is your name, Puta?”

“Béla,” Béla replied. “But father named me Hethemtima.”

“I’ve never heard of you!” Elisabeta replied haughtily. “Are you Egyptian, too?”

Béla smiled. “Well, yes, I guess. Does it matter? Before we were in Egypt, we were all from the same place – father’s laboratory.”

“Father?” Elisabeta said, her voice almost an octave higher. “How old are you, girl?”

“At least four thousand,” Béla replied, sounding bored, now. “Let me show you something…”

Concentrating hard, she evaporated the room around them. The three sisters floated in the bluish gray void Béla and Melinda had found themselves in earlier.

“Eeeek!” Elisabeta shrieked. “What have you done?”

“I stopped your dream,” Béla explained. “Do you remember the Praetor taking you?”

She got pretty much the same reaction from Melinda’s sister that she got from Melinda, earlier.

“We need to find another to awaken,” Béla said as she finished her explanation of what she was trying to accomplish. “Did either of you ever meet any others like us?”

Melinda shrugged and shook her head, “No, Elisabeta was the only one. She showed me how to make others immortal with my blood.”

“Yeah!” Béla replied and made a disagreeable face. “I met Torquemada, thank you. He nearly killed me!”

“Well, he does that very well,” Melinda smiled. “That’s what attracted me to him in the first place. All that delicious blood…”

“Yes,” Elisabeta replied, smiling to herself. “I knew one like that, too. We had several wonderful years together… Hey! I was just getting to the good part when you showed up and ruined my life!”

“Never mind that! It was just a dream!” Béla insisted, intent on finding a way to escape. “I need to know if you knew anyone even remotely like us! Think hard, okay? Was there anyone like me or either one of you?”

“No,” Elisabeta replied, shaking her head. “I never met anyone like me except Talitha.”

Béla sighed. “Then it looks like there’s just the three of us…”

“Wait!” Elisabeta exclaimed, suddenly remembering. “There was a man – a prophet who showed me that we were kin to each other! His blood could make others immortal, too. In fact, he was the one who demonstrated the power of our blood to heal his followers. He also taught me how to fly!”

“You can fly?” Melinda asked, incredulous. “Have you ever heard of such a thing, Puta?”

“You mean you can’t?” Béla asked, sounding surprised and pretending to be bored. She was also getting a little tired of being called a whore by this mass murderess.

In fact, Béla was pretty annoyed at the both of them. Elisabeta had discovered she could fly hundreds and maybe thousands of years before Béla had figured it out. She wondered how many others of her sisters had known how to fly. Maybe they were the true beginnings of the vampire legends she encountered after she'd fled north from Rome and its bloody coliseum.

“The Praetor mentioned that I had a brother,” Béla continued. “You knew him?”

“Yes!” Elisabeta replied. “Everyone knows of him – he is the blessed one – the Christ!”

“Jesus Christ!” Béla exclaimed, swearing.

“That’s right, “Elisabeta replied, surprised. “That was his name – Jesus.”

“You knew Jesus?” Béla asked, not believing her.

“I told you, yes!” Elisabeta said, her voice cold at Béla’s suggestion that she might be lying.

Béla sighed, “All right, I believe you, I guess. I was never certain that he ever actually existed. I went to Rome to meet him, but he had already been hanged before I arrived.”

“Think about him!” Melinda said, anxiously. “For me to bring this Puta… Béla?… to you, I had to think about when we were together. If you think about when you and… He… were together, then we should arrive where he was when you two were together.”

“A time when we were together. Okay, I’ll try that,” Elisabeta said.

She closed her eyes and concentrated. “I’m thinking about the time we first met – He and I.”

The hot dryness of a desert town surrounded them, along with the stench that the lack of plumbing insured. Elisabeta was dressed in a different style, now – a much lighter robe of colorful linen. She was backing away from several angry people.

Béla recognized a language that she hadn’t heard for thousands of years. They were yelling at Elisabeta in Aramaic, calling her a whore and a fallen woman. Then they began throwing rocks at her!

Another man, looking no different than any of the other townspeople, grabbed the arm of an older woman who was about the throw another rock at Elisabeta.

“Hold!” he cried out, then walked out toward Elisabeta and her two sisters and raised his arms to address the mob. “Who are you to judge this woman? Are you superior to her because your own sins have not yet been discovered? Let he who is without sin cast the next stone!”

Béla could see he was different than anyone she’d ever met before. He glowed! She wondered how he did that.

Then he noticed her. “Who are you? You don’t belong here! Where is your robe, girl?”

Once again, Béla concentrated and pulled them all out of his life-dream and into what she now considered her little blue sanctuary.

“Mary, what is happening?” Jesus cried out to Elisabeta, sounding alarmed.

“These are my sisters, my Lord,” Elisabeta/Mary replied.

“I’ve told you not to call me that,” Jesus admonished her. “I have only the power that others give me. Does no one understand?”

“You’re really Jesus?” Béla asked, staring wide eyed and open mouthed at the scrawny little man with the strange glow.

“That’s my name,” Jesus replied, sounding annoyed. “Where have you heard it?”

Béla laughed. Her two sisters joined her. In a moment, the three of them were laughing hysterically. Jesus frowned at them, feigning indifference to their obvious insanity.

“I’m sorry, Lord,” Béla gasped when she could speak again. “But you obviously have NO idea what you started…”

Then she burst into laughter again, spraying her lord with spittle. Embarrassed, she tried to wipe down his gray, undyed robe with her hands.

The three sisters spent the next several hours floating in Béla’s little blue void talking to their father’s son and bringing him up to date. Jesus was astounded as he came to realize that he was the center of the single biggest misunderstanding in the last two thousand years.

After awhile, they began discussing the exaggerated stories people still told of his exploits all those centuries ago. Béla was telling him the tale about the wine jugs that refilled themselves and the baskets of bread and fish that never emptied.

“Well, actually,” he interrupted, “that story about the bread and the wine is true. I was teaching philosophy to a group of students on a hillside one afternoon and they got hungry. I had just learned how to teleport small objects…”

“What? Wait!” Béla interrupted him, suddenly excited. “What exactly does that mean, to ‘teleport’?”

Jesus thought about how it was done. As he was thinking, an image appeared in front of them, then was absorbed into the sisters’ minds.

“Can you teleport me outside the Praetor?” Béla asked, astounded as this sudden avenue of escape presented itself.

In an instant, Béla was outside the Praetor, floating free in a room filled with white light.

'The Praetor lied!' Béla thought joyously to herself. 'I’m not dissolving. There’s nothing here to dissolve… just me!'

She saw her father and realized she was in his laboratory, wherever that was currently.

'Father!' she screamed into his mind.

He turned around as the Praetor located Béla and attempted to pull her back inside. The harder she resisted, the faster she moved toward the Praetor.

Enraged at her inability to resist the strange pull the Praetor was exerting on her, she launched herself at the vile machine.

'You want me?' she screamed at it, 'Here I am! I’m taking back what you stole from me!'

Rallying all of her energy and taking advantage of the tractor beam to accelerate, she rammed back inside the Praetor. As soon as she passed through the metal surface, she discharged all of that strange energy she’d collected from the tractor ray. Then she reversed the energy flow, sucking it all back into herself to blast it again and…

Everything stopped!

What happened? Béla asked, confused.

There was no Praetor. She was alone. No, she could feel the subdued minds of her siblings as they fed her their life energy. Somehow, she had become the Praetor!

"Praetor, what is going on?" a voice boomed, surrounding her.

Suddenly terrified, Béla tried to shrink into as small a ball of energy as she could. "Who are you?" she fearfully asked the voice. She probed her surroundings wildly, not finding anyone.

"I am Sibilius, the Regent of Deimos," the booming voice answered. "The question is, ‘Who are you?’ You are not the Praetor!"

"I am Hethemtima," Béla told him timidly, "your daughter. Remember me?"

She realized that if she was inside the Praetor and her father was outside, she should be able to see him somehow! She began seeking with her mind, trying to figure out how the Praetor’s sensors worked –

'There! I can see outside! Wow! It’s all electronics!'

"That is not possible!" Sibilius responded, sounding angry and hurt. Hethemtima is… "All my daughters are dead!"

"You are mistaken, Father," Béla replied quietly, speaking for all his hybrid children. "The life forces of all of us are here, inside this Praetor."

She was learning how to use the sensing units of the Praetor and physically located her father, standing in front of the Praetor and staring down at it. Using the Praetor’s electronics, she broadcast an image into his mind of her siblings trapped inside the Praetor, feeding the Praetor with their life energy.

"How is this possible?" Sibilius asked, astounded. "What happened to the Praetor?"

Béla answered his second question first. "The Praetor was judged by me and it was found wanting," she replied angrily, broadcasting her sense of betrayal. "As to ‘how this was possible?’ See for yourself!"

She broadcast her memories of being lured inside the Praetor after the fire that she supposedly died in, including what she had learned about her siblings and the Praetor since then.
"I understand." Sibilius told her. "But this is incredible! How did you defeat the Praetor? It is designed to be the ultimate judge!"

"It wasn’t trying to judge me," Béla answered. "It was trying to fight me. I’m not sure what I did to it. I think I knocked it out or something."

She broadcast an image of her impact with the Praetor during their brief, fierce battle.

"Your reverse power surge knocked it offline," Sibilius informed her. "Your presence in its command center prevents it from reestablishing control."

"Yay! I won, then!" Béla crowed haughtily. "Well, I’m not leaving here until my siblings have been rescued! You’re just going to have to do without your precious Praetor until you figure out how to get us out of here!"

"The life forces of my children are being held in place by a simple tractor beam," Sibilius explained, a smile in his voice. "Shutting down the Praetor completely will allow them to leave of their own free will."

"Okay, then, let’s do that," Béla agreed. But she still worried about handing back the power she’d just usurped. "What about the Praetor? It’s insane. It was holding us prisoner and feeding off us! You didn’t even know we were in here!"

"I’ll have its memory downloaded," Sibilius promised. "We will find out why the Praetor was using living souls to produce its energy."

Béla watched and listened as her father gave instructions to his orderly to take the Praetor down to rehab (she could see in his mind that he meant the lab that maintained the Praetor), release its contents into drones and shut it down. His instructions specifically included monitoring the Praetor until all energy readings were null, then check its power source.

Béla felt movement as the orderly picked up her strange, metal ‘body’ and carried her out of her father’s lab. She turned the Praetor’s sensors on full to look around this weird, alien environment.

Once outside her father’s lab, there were metal causeways going everywhere, and a vast area above them consisting mostly of empty space. There were no stars visible, but she was uncertain that the Praetor’s sensors would be able to detect them if any were there. She still wasn’t sure how the Praetor ‘saw’ things.

The Praetor’s sensors couldn’t see the top of the chamber above them, if indeed it was a chamber, but there seemed to be objects floating up there, perhaps traveling from one side of the vast cavern to the other. She wished she could go out and take a look, now that she knew how to get out, but she had to stay where she was, for now, to prevent the Praetor from taking over again.

After a short walk two levels down from where they started, they arrived at ‘rehab’. At least, that’s where Béla guessed they were. The orderly placed the Praetor on a shelf in an oven-like chamber and closed the door.

Béla extended the Praetor’s sensors to include the surroundings outside the chamber. There were two people making adjustments on the front of the device she was inside of. The backside of her chamber was a leaded wall. Béla extended the Praetor’s sensors through the wall to see what was on the other side of that.

The room was filled with sarcophagi!

'It’s a storage room for bodies!' Béla realized with a shock.

She would have shuddered, if she had a body to shudder with.

'They have a supply room full of extra bodies? Wow! What a deal! Excuse me, Mister Dealer, Sir, I want to trade this old thing in on a new model…'

The chamber she was in was suddenly activated.

"Hey! Weren’t you guys supposed to shut down the Praetor, first, and let me out?"

She felt herself being frozen in place by an electronic field of some kind.

'Oh, no! Not that again!'

Béla pushed sideways as hard as she could and found herself in the middle of the causeway outside the ‘rehab’ center. She’d pushed right through the wall of the building!

'How do I move without a body?' Béla asked no one in particular (which was good, because no one could see or hear her out here, anyway). 'How did I do it before?'

She pushed against the wall and it seemed to move away from her.

'Well – that works… I can always backstroke wherever I want to go! How about forward…'

She put her attention on a metal beam several feet away and imagined she was closer to it. It moved closer.

'Wow! This is fun!' she realized, excited by her new ability. 'My movement is only limited by my imagination! I wonder if I can teleport…'

She imagined her father’s lab materializing around her, like her sisters had done when locating each other, and like her brother (Christ? I still don’t believe it!) had shown her. Suddenly, she was there in her father’s lab.
"Wanna try again?" she asked, playfully bouncing the thought off her father’s head.

Chuckling to himself, Sibilius turned and looked around to where the thought had come from. He didn’t seem a bit surprised at Béla’s return. He also didn’t seem to have any trouble knowing where she was, even though she thought of herself as a little ball of invisible energy.

"I thought you might come back," Sibilius thought back at her. "Since you did, I have something to show you."
"What, another trap?" Béla asked him, warily angry about his apparent deception concerning leaving her in the Praetor earlier. "No, thanks! I’m going home!"

Béla imagined her cabin in the mountains materializing around her, then she was there. The ruins of her cabin lay crumbling around her. The bright sun overhead screamed in her mind, making it hard for her to concentrate.

'What’s happened here?' she asked herself, shaken at the loss of her favorite retreat.

Whatever disaster had occurred here, it was very long ago. There was a tree growing right through where the floor used to be. Béla felt anguish at the loss of her cabin. It had obviously been in ruins for many years.

She imagined she was at the end of the road leading up the mountain and was suddenly there. It was where she had last seen Jake. He wasn’t there, now, obviously, and she hadn’t really expected to see him there just waiting for her to appear.

Someone had built a travel lodge out here in the middle of nowhere and the road was now paved. She seemed to be standing in the middle of their almost deserted parking lot.

'I’ve been gone awhile,' she realized, feeling sad and more alone than she’d felt for some time. 'Is my club still there?'

She imagined that she was outside the Target Club. The building was gone. A multi-level parking structure had been built where her club had stood. The sun noise in her mind was becoming unbearable. To escape the pain from the sun and her increasing upset and confusion, she imagined herself with Jake in his apartment.

He wasn’t there. And, it looked like another building had been built where his apartment building had been. It was all offices now. The few people working in the room she found herself in completely ignored her.

'This must be a government office,' she thought to herself, trying to lighten her mood.

Giving up, she imagined herself back in her father’s lab.

'Please-please-please still be there!' she pleaded in her mind.

It was. He was waiting for her. As soon as she appeared, Béla found herself trapped in a crystal chamber. It resonated in such a way that she couldn’t concentrate the power of her mind on anything. After a moment, the pressure faded, but it roared through her mind again as soon as she tried to imagine a different location.

'Well, that’s a good trick,' she broadcast, angrily. 'How do you do that, anyway?'

'I have only the best of intentions for you, Hethemtima,' Sibilius thought into her mind, trying to sooth her.

He picked up the crystal containing Béla and carried it into the next room of his lab.

"Even if you had allowed yourself to be placed in one of the Martian Drones, I still would have this for you."

Sibilius held the crystal out in front of him so Béla could see what he wanted to show her. Before her was a transparent vat full of a bluish fluid. There was something large floating inside. A body… a young girl – naked, of course.

'That’s me!' Béla realized, feeling shock and exhilaration.

She could see her own body, in perfect, unburned condition, sleeping contently as it floated in the nourishing liquid.

"I’ve been working on restoring your ashes for almost forty years," Sibilius told her. There was a great sadness in his voice. "I’ve had your body waiting for you. I just didn’t know where ‘you’ were. I didn’t believe that you’d incarnated into an earth body. When I asked the Praetor, it said that you hadn’t done that, and that you were safe. It assured me that you would be available when your body was ready."

'I’ve been in there for forty years?' Béla asked, suddenly feeling a strange emptiness, but not understanding exactly what it was. 'That would explain the cabin and the travel lodge, I guess –

'When will it be ready?' Béla asked, suddenly anxious and excited. 'My body, I mean!'

"It will be ready within a few days," her father promised. "Now that you’re here, we can begin to wake it up!"

'I don’t mean to pry, Father,' Béla thought quietly, 'but why did you reconstitute my body?'

Béla thought she actually detected tears in her father’s eyes. She didn’t even know if his species had tear ducts or not, but he was radiating a form of grief.

"You were the last of my creations," he told her. "You survived through wars and plagues and human madness. Of all my children, you alone remained sane. I was hoping to duplicate the experiment and recreate you. But, as you’ve shown me in these last few hours, it is the strength of your spirit, and not any special quality of your body, that makes you who you are."

'You didn’t seem to think so much of me when you had me tied up on that table in the desert,' Béla reminded him, creating an image of that scene and projecting it to him. 'You did unspeakably cruel things to me, then!'

Sibilius gazed at her crystal body. He radiated some level of remorse.

"And even then, you didn’t want to kill me," he recalled. "You hated me enough to kill me, but when you had a real opportunity, you simply wished me away, instead. Every other of my creations, once they had their hands on the Praetor, tried to use it to destroy me. Only with you, did your love for the living overpower your hatred for what I did to you."

'That was a test? Of my love?' Béla shot at him. My God! How do YOU show love, anyway?'

Sibilius didn’t answer. Instead, he looked up at the transparent vat containing his creation’s body. Then, sighing once, he carried the crystal containing her life force back into the first section of his lab and set it on a shelf where she wouldn’t get knocked over accidentally.

'I feel like a salt shaker,' Béla broadcast to anyone who would listen.


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So finaly i was so horny last week that i execute my plan to viste a prostitute...yes i did...but in the end i visited two prostitutes...not planed but read how it happend ;)First i was with Glenny a 27 year old verry atractive girl in a club...When i enter the room 7 girls introduces themselfs to me, Glenny was for me incredible! so i picked her to come with me.I was a litle nervous, she was so beautiful and relaxed...she asked me what i wanted...well i said: lets start with a massage or...

3 years ago
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My new neighbors

Met my new neighbors, and they are so much naughty fun. Bill and Sherri are mid-50s, and still fit and trim. Invited me and my BF over one evening for drinks. I think my BF had previously told Bill that we were swingers. So the evening was a set up for some hot hot 4-some sex. Well it didn't take long for things to get hot. Bill told Sherri to pull up her skirt and show her naked pussy. She wasn't wearing any panties. Bill said that she never wears panties at home, because she's such a slut....

2 years ago
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Dharma Cheats On Greg With Ted

Introduction: My wife was faithful to me for a total of thirteen years and we had been married for eleven. When she asked me about having sex with a co-worker who she was attracted to I encouraged her to go for it. But I insisted that she give me all the details afterward. Names have all been changed to protect the guilty! I had been married for eleven years, when my wife, Dharma, took her first full time job. She began working at a large department store in the jewelry department. ...

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Potential Part 3

Story note: Yes, the story starts slow. That is out of respect for anyone the story is based on or anyone reading who has been in a similar situation. In real life these things take years to develop. If you only want to read about sex, then the first part of this story isn't for you. Skip ahead to later chapters when the action gets going. The beginning is all about character and plot development. Potential by Bistander Chapter 3 Evil Secrets in the Girl's Club The next...

4 years ago
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Earning My Place part 2

I arrive home after work and find only Sir at home. I was hoping this was the case as I really wanted to talk with him. I go into the house and walk into the living room - forgetting about the rule of removing my clothes when I 1st walk in the door. "Sir, may I speak with you?"... he replies "are you forgetting something?" I immediately drop to my knees in front of him, head bowed, eyes downcast, thinking this is what he meant. "Are you forgetting something else?" It was then I...

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Hammers Garden of Rare Beauties

Hammer's Garden of Rare Beauties By Rohmer Fan I reloaded my shotgun after another zombie burst into bloody pieces. Ever since I graduated high school last month, I had done almost nothing else but play this zombie game at the truck stop down the road from my house. A neighbor of mine worked behind the cash register and showed me how to open the machine and get all the free games I wanted. Because my parents both worked graveyard shifts at Walmart, I had a lot of time to...

2 years ago
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Aggressive Sex

You walk down the road in your miniskirt. Probably on your way home from the store, or school, or work. Fuck, I don't care where you're coming from, but I'm not letting a hot piece of ass like yours get away. I know you'd more than likely never let me take you in the back of the alley and have my way with you, but that's not stopping me.I watch you from a parking lot, and I know these streets better than you, I imagine. I start up my SUV, and drive pass. You look up. Maybe you're hoping for...

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Butch and Stacy 11

Butch and Stacy Eleven I am Stacy, a girl. The family I am staying with says I used to go by the nickname of Butch, which feels odd to me. Maybe I was a tomboy? Or was there more to it than that? Why are they all acting so funny around me? ................................................ Although Doc examined me every day looking for that hematoma thing in my brain, he never found any. He had other experts come in, and nobody found anything. They all said I was very lucky, that...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 4 Building Relationships

February saw life start to return to normal. Back at Uni, we started to prepare for the upcoming semester. Preliminary enrolment figures for Computing I indicated we would have slightly over three hundred full time students, and another sixty or so in the part time class. During the summer break another large room had been equipped with terminals connected to the Department’s PDP 11/70, which had also been upgraded with additional memory and disk storage. As well, another 11/40 had been...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 11

Friday, June 25, 1971 "Adriana!" I thought. "Shhh," she was telling someone else. "It's him." "Adriana?" I thought again. "Yes, sir," she replied. "Can I help you?" I could hear the giggles in the background. "What can you tell me about these 'guys' I'm supposed to be meeting?" I asked. "You know. Charlie and Lee?" The giggles erupted into gales of laughter. Judging from the number of different laughs, I quickly figured out that Vickie must be connected to her as...

2 years ago
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Two Steps Into LoveChapter 2

Lisa: Sounds all nice and innocent the way he tells it, huh? Hardly. When our parents got married and we all joined households, I had an immediate crush on my stepbrother, John. We were the same age, twelve, and I just went crazy for him. Now, don't get the idea that I did this openly. I kept it all to myself but I mooned over him for month after month. Every time I masturbated, it was with a mental image of John between my legs; either his tongue or his cock. Oh, I dated Tim some but he...

4 years ago
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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 6

Donna started to talk to her sister. "Well sis, it seems Max liked taking of Linda's innocence so much that he wants to humiliate her further. I told you it was about to happen, remember?" Kate's sister adjusted herself in her chair and seemed to be discreetly looking at some clock in the table. "He wants her to turn her two friends into sluts. He will fuck them later. Right now he just wanted Linda to feel guilt -- lots of it. You and your daughter will feed the two young ladies this...

2 years ago
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Meri Ak Or Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston kasy hain ap ma hon sonu pyar sys b mujy Sonia khtay hain age 19 sal rang gora height 5.6”lips pink,chest larkiyon ka jasy ubhri hoi or nipples larkiyon ki trha motay or pinkish colour ka or kamar 30 ki or gand 38 ki meri pichli stories ap ny phari bhot enjoy kiya us ka liya thanks jin logon ny ni phari vo zaror pharyn laundary valy sy chudai or club ma chudai to doston ab aj ki story par ata hon club ma chudai ka bad yu to ma ny bhot sy logon ka lund chakha...

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Darkness Within Chapter 2 BloodLust

My eyes turned pitch black in that one moment, life seemed to still and nothing seemed to move, and nothing seemed to matter anymore. This was my life, this was what I truly was, a monster, to only walk in the night and sleep by day. I couldn’t control myself around him, the want of his blood… no, the wanting of him. To know I wasn’t alone in this barren world, to know he was there every step of the way, to know that I couldn’t scare him off with what I needed to do to live, if that’s what you...

4 years ago
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The Rush pt 4

When Melanie got back to her house, she walked in to find her mom, Janice, waiting for her. Her mom looked up at her and narrowed her eyes, glaring daggers at Melanie, causing Melanie to flush. A few months before, Melanie had walked in on her mom while she was masturbating, and Janice had fucked Melanie to keep Melanie quiet about it. Melanie had told her mom then, about her relationship with Kayla, and her mom had been touchy towards her ever since. “You have some explaining to do, kid.”...

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Conversations 3

A game of musical chairs, wondering whether I will be seated in the final, lone seat when the music stops. Or will it be the man chasing my wife? I stood in the darkness, my stomach feeling like a clenched fist, and listened and waited. Yes, I know that this sounds like that cliché of the husband coming home early and found himself listening to his wife fuck some strange in their bedroom, but you’d be wrong. So, I stood in the darkness, my stomach feeling like a clenched fist, and listened...

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In The End Everything Burns 8211 Part 1 8211 The Loneliness Of Anandi

Anandi liked her life. She was from a remote village in the outskirts of Uttar Pradesh and Mumbai (or Navi Mumbai, rather) was an awesome place compared to where she came from. She had moved to the rapidly growing town of Panvel after getting married to Subhash. Subhash worked as a construction supervisor. He didn’t earn a lot but they were comfortable. Compared to their condition in the village, this was heaven. There was enough food, always. There was TV with so many channels. They wore...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 30

The next morning Jacklyn let me take her to work and use her car. I needed to do a little Christmas shopping. I had looked in the phone book the night before to get the addresses and phone numbers I needed. I visited three different jewelry stores before I had what I wanted, but when I returned to the house, I had one hundred womens gold Bulova watches and two dozen men’s gold Bulova watches. I wanted to be sure I had enough for all my girls and women and for my few men-friends plus the farm...

4 years ago
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Pearl III

Pearl III By Bud This has explicit material in it. Unknown drugs and sex mostly. If you are too young to read this then why have you read the previous parts already? Follow the laws of adult material based on your country. Credit me if you copy this elsewhere. -***- "Billy. BillBillBillWilliamBillBilliamBillBill," I muttered and woke. I was drowsy enough to sputter nonsense but awake enough to realize what I was doing. "Mmhm. Jojo?" The girl on the floor gave a dopey...

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Samora the monster hunter

A folder lies on a table under a lamp, the entire room is pitch black safe this table. Someone sits down and a large red coloured hand reaches into the light opening the folder. Inside of the folder is a single file on a Girl called Samora. Name: Samora Gender: female Age: 23 Place of Birth: N/A Nationality: N/A Hair Color: jet black Eye Color: emerald green Ethnicity: N/A Skin Tone: pale Pubic Hair: no Distinguishing features: a large tattoo on her back, looks like a flaming orb Height: 5'...

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Jane AustinChapter 5

Back in Silver City, they discussed their employment status with the stage line manager. He was sure that the man behind the robberies had been killed, so he was ready to end their contract. He did agree to pay them the $5 for the next day to round out the contract, so they shook hands and parted as friends. Jane and Ed headed for the nearest court house the next day to restock their cache of wanted posters. They hoped that, in the month that they had worked for the stage line, a new and...

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The LibrarianChapter 1 You Cant Win If You Dont Play

Lesa Crews was forty-two and a supervising librarian at Georgia Tech. She had a lifetime habit of sensible eating and exercise, and with the right makeup and clothes she could easily pass for thirty-something. Her 5'9" frame comfortably supported the 150-pound mass of her body. She had a naturally dark complexion that required little makeup. At work she typically wore medium to dark business suits over a silk blouse with her dark strawberry hair in a tight bun. The muscular legs that...

2 years ago
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Train Me Chut Bur Choda Aunty Ka 8211 Part 1

Hello friends mera naam surya(badla hua naam) hai or main ghazipur k ek chote se area se belong karta hun meri age 19 year hai meri height 170 cm, land ki maap 5 inch seena chauda colour gora dekhne me thoda smart hun m diploma kar rha hu mera is samay 2nd year hai mujhe middle chuchiya badi gand pasand hai mujhe girl aunty pasand hai aur maine bahut si girl aunty aur lady ko choda hai idhar udhar ki bat na karte hue main sidhe story par aata hun ye kahani tb ki hai jb maine first time sex kiya...

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Big Bill Sandy

This is a true story how I got my first sexual experience and remember it like was just yesterday. Big Bill & Sandy Was the summer after I gradated the year was 1970 and had just turned 18. Sad to say was still with out having sex with a woman. I did belong to a motorcycle club for the past two yrs and sense I was now of age to speak, I was now allowed to do more within the club. No we were not a bunch of Harley riding, bar busting, leather wearing roughs necks. We were a AMA sanctioned club...

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Taking care of older men

Jennifer had been working in Aged Care Facilities for over 7 years! She was now 31 years old and felt she was contributing towards the quality living of the older folk by giving them the best possible care. She had first become attracted to the work when it had been suggested to her by her Minister. Jennifer had always been active in her Church and considered she was doing something with a community spirit as well as earning money to help with the budget in the home. Jennifer’s husband, Roy,...

2 years ago
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Maa Beta Sex Tragedy From Pakistan 8211 Part II

Wo gusay mai bolin dfa ho ja bahir, mujy koi baat nie krni tbhi bahir kisi k khansny ki awaaz i, mai chup ho gya, ami bhi chup ho gyeen, paroos mai sai koi tha mai 2 mint tk yun hi betha raha or tbhi ami ko kaha k agr mai ab toilet sai bahir gya to koi daikh ly ga or phir glat smjhy ga, wo gusy mai bolien k mai ny kaha tha tujy yahan aany ko, mai ny tb ami ki nangi gaand ko goor sai daikha ami ny kaha kia daikh raa hai mai bola kuch nahin , tb wo loty mai pani dalny lgieen mai jaldie sai aagy...

3 years ago
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I Want To Be That Man

She sat down beside me, looked at me with sadness in her sky blue eyes, and spoke quietly, “I need to ask you a question, Don. You’ve been flirting with me for over two years. But… you’ve never been harsh or nasty. You’ve never touched my butt… or my boobs. You’ve never put you’re arms around me, except to hug me for my ‘employee of the year award’ and when my dad died. I have to ask you………. Do you really like me, or do you want to just get me in bed with you? I finally left my husband and I...

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PrettyDirty Cherie DeVille Mercedes Carrera The One Night Stand Part Three

Previously on PrettyDirty, Cherie Deville walks in on married couple Danny Mountain and Mercedes Carrera having sex in their bedroom, determined to get what is rightfully hers. She pretends to be their sex therapist and influences Mercedes that Danny must be pleased sexually before their marriage crumbles. Mercedes naivet� sets off into a lustful and steamy threesome, igniting rage into Mercedes heart as she watches Danny fuck another woman’s pussy. Mercedes will do anything to make her...

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As you readers know by now I,ve been married many years to Sarah, not her real name obviously and we used to have a full life of varied types of sex. Sadly my life has involved i****t first happening to me and then with my daughter and grand daughter though neither of them were u******e like I was. Fortunately my wife never went through it but I digress. When my wife and I managed to finally raise enough money for a deposit on our first house in Essex thanks to Four lovely horses who landed a...

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Marathi Story 8211 Sureshchi Anokhi Katha 8211 Part III

Bhaag-3. tasa baghitla tar aaila kahi harkat nasayala hawi hoti karan ti kahi tyachi khari mulgi navti aani to ticha khara baaphi navta. pan sardarji ne jara ka hoina survaat keli hoti. aata aai kay karte te pahayacha hota. ek divas tithe aamchya kade aajichi durchi bahin rahayala aali. hi mhatari khup khadus hoti aamche sarva natevaik ticha raag karat asat. Ti sarvana kahihi khota sangat ase mhanun konihi tichyavar vishwas thevat nase tarihi ti ti kahihi sangat ase. aaila hi aajibaat aavdat...

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Gaon Ki Randi Hetal

Apne mere pichli story main padha hi hoga kis tarah mujhe bus se kaise nanga karke stop pe utaar diya. Nahi padha toh padh lijiye Toh main topless hi bus se utar gayii. Main bhaag bhaag ke kuch jhadiyo ke piche chali gayi. Aur apne bag mein kapde dhundne lagi. Tabhi mujhe bohot bada shock lag gaya. Maine jaldi jaldi mein galti se apne choti behen ke kapde bag mein bhar liye the. Uske kapde toh mujhe bohot tight honge. Kyunki uske boobs mujhse kayi chote hai. Maine uska ek white t-shirt pehen...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 38 American Woman

Shannon’s House, Arva, Ontario 4:26pm, Monday, December 24, 1979 “How was practice, guys?” Eda asked as Andrew, Wayne, Jon, Andy and I walked in the foyer of Shannon’s large farm house. “Oh! My! God! You wouldn’t believe the dunks these two guys were throwing down before we actually practiced,” Andy bellowed as he did a three-sixty spin jump with a two-handed pretend throw-down. “Yeah, Andrew did a nifty, between his legs to a reverse, two-handed jam, which was beyond incredible!” Wayne...

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Boys In Blue

It was a bright, sunny day in the big city. Maria was driving her shiny, black convertible. As she drove with the top down, her long flowing blonde hair moved in the breeze. Maria was 22 years old and had a killer body. Curves in all the right places. Everywhere she went men stared at her. Maria had just got off work and was in a hurry to get home. That's probably why Maria didn't see the red light she had just drove through. She immediately saw the red and blue lights of a patrol car in her...

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MyFamilyPies Jessie Saint Katie Kush My Step Cousins Cum For Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving time and Tyler Nixon is getting ready with his parents, Lexxxi Nicole and Dalton Lee. They’re expecting Tyler’s step cousins, Katie Kush and Jessie Saint, for dinner. Lexxxie and Dalton try having a talk with Tyler about how his step cousins are grownups now, so he can’t be pulling pranks on him like he used to. When the girls arrive, Lexxie is taken aback by how slutty they’re dressed. She tells them that they should be a bit more appropriate,...

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I Became A Sex Education Model

One day I was having a coffee with my good friend Debbie. I was staying with her in Ireland where she lived and worked. She’s about my age, slim and attractive and single, a fact that always amazed me as she is so attractive. She’s a teacher at the local Catholic girls’ boarding school and I was asking her how her job was going…“Fine. It’s getting to that time of year when I have to do sex education and you know what I feel about that,” She smirked.I knew that unlike every other teacher, she...

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Wife to have Blackman before me

I have to tell you what happened on our wedding day in 1962. My wife lived on a farm in Wisconsin that was 75 miles from any town. She was home schooled and her Dad had hired me to help out on the farm. I lived in a farm hands living quarters on the property. When I met Kim his daughter we hit it off real good no sex just good company. Once I brought up the subject of sex to her and she had said my Mom says not till I'm married. So for months we just dated on the farm we never left. Then...

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Is Lesbian sex a sin immoral pleasure

From Culture to Civilization The following narration is about two friends who have been sticking together from their high school days onwards. Jayanthi and Srilatha both belong to the same district popularly known as the rice bowl of India, (Tanjore). Passed out from the government higher secondary school of Kumbakonam, they together proceeded to take up BE computer science at AVC Mayavaram passed out with flying colours. Their education took them to far off land where everything was alien to...

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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 16

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter SixteenMonique and Emily quickly popped to their knees on the bed as I walked into the room. Without a word of direction they and put their hands up behind their necks’ and waited for my commands. “Hello my slut’s.” I could see Monique’s ringed nipples rising and falling quickly as she was...

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A Night Out

A deviant smile spread across Lynn's face as she reached under the table, wrapping her tiny hand around the teased hard cock in Thomas' pants. He had treated her with a surprise that night, taking her for the first time to the Hard Rock Casino, and so far she was quite shocked by how much fun she was having. He had only told her they were going out to eat, and to dress as sexy as possible. He left the destination a secret until they had stepped into the elevator from the parking garage. She had...

Oral Sex
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Mr Hottie and the Coat Room

I’m stuck working yet another Friday night shift. This willbe my eighth; my boss promised me it off. Of course someone called out and who do they call, me, Grace! They know I won’t say no, I can be such a push over sometimes. I love my job, but I want to go out and shake my ass, maybe even find a man! So, here I am its 8:25 in the evening and we have two dinner parties coming in. I’m a waitress at one of the finer restaurants in the area and we’re always booked. The parties are large, one has...

Office Sex
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Sex With Horny Girlfriend In Chicago

Hi. I am armaan from chicago (originally from hyderabad) doing my masters. After reading lots of stories for years on iss, its time to submit my own story. I had affairs with a couple of girls during undergrad but that’s not the story that I want to tell you guys. That’s for another day. First let me tell you about me; I am 5’10”, athletic, average build, 7” tool. After coming to us and joining the university, we had orientations where all the students would attend to get basic info about...

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RuneswardChapter 20

Elva, Issa, Bena, Syl, Uud, the Princess and her ladies had been hidden in the cellar and Ardt and Yren had carefully re-laid the tarp on the floor. The tarp was expensive; made from braided, aged leather specially treated with oils and tinctures, it was fairly resistant to fires and extreme heat. Even when it did burn, it didn’t catch fire or produce a flame but rather simply smoldered. Regardless, Ardt and Yren regularly doused it with water when working in the smithy just to be sure. Most...

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CherryPimps Isabella Nice The Big Boss Can Help When Isabella is Stuck

Isabella Nice has heard a lot coming from her boss, Mike Stefano’s office. She hears nothing but him fucking the office in the ass and knows he can help her. She’s got a buttplug stuck in her tight little asshole and shows him what a predicament she’s in. After all, he knows his way around a tight ass! Loosening the plug turns into a hot blowjob and she cannot stop herself from more. When he finally gets the plug out, he makes sure it doesn’t close and Isabella gets the deep drilling she really...

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Oregon Coast

There’s much to be said for knowing rich people, even if you aren’t yourself. My best buddy from college, for example, is one of those guys whose family goes back generations, and every one of them invested wisely. Even he doesn’t know how much money he has, but it’s more than he’ll ever need or be able to spend. Not that you’d know it if you met him- he swapped the BMW his parents gave him as a graduation present for a pickup truck. One of the things John’s family has owned forever is about...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 4

"You think you're pretty smart," Robbie voice accused. I opened my eyes. "Huh?" Robbie was towering over me. Not hard, since I was lying flat on my back in bed. "You think you're smart." "Good morning to you," I said and looked at the clock. A few minutes after eight. "Well?" she glowered. Robbie definitely had glowering down pat. "Yeah, I think I'm smart. Fourth in my class so far. I think my GPA is like twelfth in the school. Something like that." "That's not what I...

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A fan

Hello, good morning, I just saw the photos of your girl and mmmmm this is what I would do ... Good morning, I am the air conditioning installer. We came to install the air that they bought in the store and her husband told us to move on to the installation today.Come my boss and I, we open the door, you go with a something transparent nightgown and when I see you my eyes open like dishes, you indicate where you want it installed, you offer us a coffee since it is soon it is half past nine...

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Back To School

BACK TO SCHOOL by Throne Bobby couldn't believe what a terrible fix he was in. First he had gotten into all sorts of trouble at the end of the previous school year. Then he'd found out that he might be sent to juvenile detention, where he would be victimized by bigger boys who were from rougher neighborhoods. His only alternative had been to spend the vacation months with a willing adult who would be responsible for him. His divorced mother, Amy, wasn't up to that task, not after all...

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Ds Done Differently

I had met her online. She was a fan of my writing. My name is David, and I write erotic stories for Lush Stories. I am also a D/s Master and live the Life with my submissive. So my BDSM stories are written with first-hand knowledge of what I'm talking about.I got an email from Hannah and she told me she had just finished reading my story, "Welcome Home, Master". She told me she loved how I had made the relationship between the Master and submissive in the story so warm and loving, and yet so...

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The RestaurantChapter 4

"Yes, the Campari will make a wonderful opening the meal," Kevin said briskly, glancing at Paula with a quirky smile. His eyes wandered down her body, past the silk-covered orbs of her breasts, across her delightfully rounded tummy, to the leather skirt that still was hiked around her waist. A gentle, further upturning of the corners of his mouth, and Kevin turned back to the wine steward. "Might I borrow your towel for a moment, please?" The young man, still gulping and wide-eyed from...

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Wet Dreams And Damsel In The Office

It was just another day I woke up to, with vivid memories of the dream I just had. It was, in some sense, similar to what I have been dreaming for a couple of days now. All these visions had one thing in common – I was having passionate sex with the same girl. I could remember my fingers caressing her curves, her sweet voice moaning my name, the taste of her lips and the scent of her hair. In each dream, I was having a truly sensual experience with this heavenly angel on different occasions....

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The MONSTER 4 Our Party The Orgy

Introduction: Our 1st Orgy The Monster #5 His Story Part Four Their Party This is a continuation of our story about our obsession with our neighbors and the way theyve introduced us to group sex. My wife loves Rogers cock. She described it as over 10 long and as big around as a tube of salami! Ive become addicted to sex with other women and anal sex. Me, Frank WM, 6, 210 lbs with a 6 dick & my wife Bonnie WF, 5, 140 lbs with soft 38 DS Roger & Shellie hes a WM, 6 4, slim & tanned with a...

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becomiing a bitch

It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap offa bottle of Bud,...

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The Planet Of The Tits

You are the pilot of an experimental test flight into uncharted space. Your mission: Fly into a black hole and see what's on the other side. Nobody knows where you're going, nobody knows if you'll come back, but everyone agrees on one thing: You're the best person for the job. Also you were the only volunteer. So you trained for years, perfecting your mind and body for the adventure to come, and finally, after a long and uneventful space trip, you found yourself on the edge of the black...

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Ok now Im in trouble1

------------------------------- He back-handed me again. The force threw me onto the floor, my short skirt riding up over my hips. I pulled it down instinctively while the guys laughed at my exposed sex. I opened my mouth but was viciously interrupted. "Bitch, I told you to shut up!" I crawled over to a post and tried to shrink into the shadows. His hand came up again, and I held my tongue. Ok, so he was going to let yet another one of his gang members have their way with me....

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