Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 01 free porn video

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Maria burst through the rear door of the hacienda and fled, barefoot and naked, down the dark street. Two horsemen spurred their steeds and gave chase to the nubile young girl. Unable to check her speed before darting down a narrow alleyway, Maria slammed into the sidewall at the alley’s entrance with a breathless grunt. Pushing away from the wall, she stumbled into the darkness of the alley, then fled toward the light at the far end.

The iron-shod hooves of one of the horsemen clopped along at the entranceway behind her, then began galloping faster, getting louder much too quickly. Reaching the far end of the alley, Maria ducked to the left just as the horseman reached down for her. The horse slipped on the wet cobblestones and stumbled at the savage wrench on its reins, but Maria slipped also. Horse, hunter and prey fell in a heap at the end of the alley.

Terrified, Maria clambered to her feet and ran smack into another horse and rider. A thump on her head and everything went black.


“Raul, my darling,” she cooed as her gloved hand caressed that magnificent shaft between her lover’s legs.

Raul hung on the wall, his arms chained wide above his head. His feet were chained to the wall, as well. There were oozing marks on his chest and stomach where he had been both whipped and burned, but that magnificent cock of his still responded to her touch.

The lady smiled and lifted her dress, intending to take full advantage of this incredible gift to womankind. As she worked his shaft up inside her, she smiled and licked at his wounds and burns.

“You were a naughty boy, my darling Raul,” she cooed lovingly. “I gave you everything you needed – your own house, servants, a coach, all the money you could use. Your loyalty to me was such a small price to pay, was it not?”

She spit on an open, oozing burn, making Raul draw in his breath with a hiss.

“Yet you could do not even that!” she snarled. “This wonderful shaft inside me was meant for MY pleasure – not the pleasure of half the putas in Madrid! Yet you could not keep this love shaft pure for me!”

She was humping his marvelous shaft as she spoke. A servant, seeming to know exactly what she wanted, brought her a lit candle. She took it and began dribbling wax over Raul’s burnt and whipped flesh, making him cry out.

“Ooh! You move so nicely inside me!” the Lady Melinda cooed, squeezing him in return.

She held the candle against his breast for a moment, causing him to jerk again in a futile effort to escape the burning pain.

“Yes! That’s it!”

She moved the candle across his chest slowly, leaving a trail of wax and scorched flesh, stopping underneath his other nipple.

This time, Raul jerked several times in his efforts to avoid the burning, torturous candle fire.

“Oh! Mi Dios!” Melinda cried out in orgasm.

“Maria Conchita Velasquez, I love you!” Raul cried out as Maria sank down, impaling herself completely on his marvelous shaft.

“How dare you!” the Lady Melinda gasped in rage.

She looked around, finding herself in a field, far from her castle walls and her adored instruments of torture. The only instrument of torture here was the hard, hot shaft that penetrated up inside her almost to her lungs.

“What’s happening?” Maria cried out, confused.

The last thing she remembered was running head-on into a mounted soldier.

The images faded away into a dull gray nothing. Both Maria and Melinda cried out in fear.

“Who are you?” the Lady Melinda demanded. “How did you bring me here? Are you a witch?”

They glared into each other’s frightened, angry eyes. “I know you! You’re that Puta Raul was with! I gave you to the General to play with. How did you get away from him?”

“You’re my sister?” Maria asked, completely confusing her antagonist, her eyes widening in triumph as she realized what had finally happened.

“Sister? What are you talking about, you demented slut?” Melinda snarled.

She tried to strike at the naked girl, but found that she couldn’t move in this strange absence of… everything!

“Listen to me!” Maria/Betty/Béla demanded. “You’re dreaming! This isn’t real! The Praetor took you! Do you remember that?”

“The Praetor?” the Lady Melinda cried out, frightened now. “No! Let me go!”

“This is a dream!” Béla insisted. “Surely you must remember! Stop fighting and think!”

“A dream?” Melinda asked, wanting to believe there was a reason behind this madness.

“Yes, now just relax,” Béla said, more quietly now. “You don’t want to attract the Praetor’s attention.”

“I remember now,” Melinda replied, awed at what was happening. “The Praetor trapped me in a ray of light, then I was inside it, somehow. There are others here, trapped like me!”

“Yes!” Béla exclaimed, happy to have finally broken the spell. “We have to wake them and find a way out!”

“There is no way out,” Melinda replied mournfully. “I remember trying to escape when I was brought here. My body is gone. The Praetor made me watch as it was burned into ashes.”

“My body was burned up, also,” Béla replied. “But I don’t know if the Praetor did that. My car exploded and caught on fire. I was strapped inside, trapped.”

“The Praetor told me that I couldn’t survive outside,” Melinda told her new friend. “I would just evaporate into nothing and die.”

“That might not be true,” Béla said, thoughtfully. “I was outside my body for a time before I was drawn in by the Praetor. I didn’t feel like I was evaporating. In fact, my senses at the time were very sharp and clear. I could even see in the dark!”

“Really?” Melinda asked. “That’s fascinating! But, how did you… Why would the Praetor be interested in you? You were just a whore that distracted my concubine.”

“We have the same father,” Béla explained. “Do you remember when you arrived here? On earth, I mean?”

“I think so,” Melinda replied. “It was so long ago…”

“It was a long time ago for me, too,” Béla told her. “I’ve lived for thousands of years. You probably have, too.”


“My father told me, after he hunted me down, that I was the last one,” Béla told her. “All the others, you and my other sisters, were already… Well, I thought he’d killed all of you. I didn’t know about this artificial world inside the Praetor. I’ve been trying to get someone’s attention, like, forever! You were the only one who ever crossed paths with me. I could only enter your vision where I was present. I had to wait until our life-dreams coincided.”

“When I came to reclaim my Raul, you mean?” Melinda asked, sounding a little superior.

“Yes,” Béla said, her voice sounding a little unfriendly, as well. “I remember when you set Raul on fire and burned him alive.”

“Yet you’re willing to help me now?” Melinda asked, not trusting this little Puta.

“You are the only one whose dream I was able to break into,” Béla replied. “I never met any of my other sisters in real life.”

“I had a sister in Rumania, fifty years before I ever laid eyes on you,” Melinda replied haughtily. “Her name was Elisabeta.”

“Great!” Béla exclaimed enthusiastically. “Think about the time you two were together! Maybe we can break into her life-dream and dispel the Praetor’s power over her!”

“Yes!” Melinda agreed wholeheartedly. “This is a good idea you have!”

She closed her eyes and thought about her sister. A shimmering of multi-colored light appeared around the two trapped in the Praetor, then Béla found herself standing in a room. She was still naked, but Melinda was now dressed in some kind of dark red velvet.

Elisabeta jumped and cried out. The image of the room wavered for an instant, then resolidified. Béla found that she could move inside this imagined world her sister had created inside the Praetor.

“We’re probably safe from the Praetor in here,” Béla ventured. “It will think we’re still dreaming.”

“Who are you?” Elisabeta demanded! “Talitha, who is this strumpet who parades around without any dressing?”

“Sister,” Melinda/Talitha replied. “This is another sister! She is here to help us! Her name is… What is your name, Puta?”

“Béla,” Béla replied. “But father named me Hethemtima.”

“I’ve never heard of you!” Elisabeta replied haughtily. “Are you Egyptian, too?”

Béla smiled. “Well, yes, I guess. Does it matter? Before we were in Egypt, we were all from the same place – father’s laboratory.”

“Father?” Elisabeta said, her voice almost an octave higher. “How old are you, girl?”

“At least four thousand,” Béla replied, sounding bored, now. “Let me show you something…”

Concentrating hard, she evaporated the room around them. The three sisters floated in the bluish gray void Béla and Melinda had found themselves in earlier.

“Eeeek!” Elisabeta shrieked. “What have you done?”

“I stopped your dream,” Béla explained. “Do you remember the Praetor taking you?”

She got pretty much the same reaction from Melinda’s sister that she got from Melinda, earlier.

“We need to find another to awaken,” Béla said as she finished her explanation of what she was trying to accomplish. “Did either of you ever meet any others like us?”

Melinda shrugged and shook her head, “No, Elisabeta was the only one. She showed me how to make others immortal with my blood.”

“Yeah!” Béla replied and made a disagreeable face. “I met Torquemada, thank you. He nearly killed me!”

“Well, he does that very well,” Melinda smiled. “That’s what attracted me to him in the first place. All that delicious blood…”

“Yes,” Elisabeta replied, smiling to herself. “I knew one like that, too. We had several wonderful years together… Hey! I was just getting to the good part when you showed up and ruined my life!”

“Never mind that! It was just a dream!” Béla insisted, intent on finding a way to escape. “I need to know if you knew anyone even remotely like us! Think hard, okay? Was there anyone like me or either one of you?”

“No,” Elisabeta replied, shaking her head. “I never met anyone like me except Talitha.”

Béla sighed. “Then it looks like there’s just the three of us…”

“Wait!” Elisabeta exclaimed, suddenly remembering. “There was a man – a prophet who showed me that we were kin to each other! His blood could make others immortal, too. In fact, he was the one who demonstrated the power of our blood to heal his followers. He also taught me how to fly!”

“You can fly?” Melinda asked, incredulous. “Have you ever heard of such a thing, Puta?”

“You mean you can’t?” Béla asked, sounding surprised and pretending to be bored. She was also getting a little tired of being called a whore by this mass murderess.

In fact, Béla was pretty annoyed at the both of them. Elisabeta had discovered she could fly hundreds and maybe thousands of years before Béla had figured it out. She wondered how many others of her sisters had known how to fly. Maybe they were the true beginnings of the vampire legends she encountered after she'd fled north from Rome and its bloody coliseum.

“The Praetor mentioned that I had a brother,” Béla continued. “You knew him?”

“Yes!” Elisabeta replied. “Everyone knows of him – he is the blessed one – the Christ!”

“Jesus Christ!” Béla exclaimed, swearing.

“That’s right, “Elisabeta replied, surprised. “That was his name – Jesus.”

“You knew Jesus?” Béla asked, not believing her.

“I told you, yes!” Elisabeta said, her voice cold at Béla’s suggestion that she might be lying.

Béla sighed, “All right, I believe you, I guess. I was never certain that he ever actually existed. I went to Rome to meet him, but he had already been hanged before I arrived.”

“Think about him!” Melinda said, anxiously. “For me to bring this Puta… Béla?… to you, I had to think about when we were together. If you think about when you and… He… were together, then we should arrive where he was when you two were together.”

“A time when we were together. Okay, I’ll try that,” Elisabeta said.

She closed her eyes and concentrated. “I’m thinking about the time we first met – He and I.”

The hot dryness of a desert town surrounded them, along with the stench that the lack of plumbing insured. Elisabeta was dressed in a different style, now – a much lighter robe of colorful linen. She was backing away from several angry people.

Béla recognized a language that she hadn’t heard for thousands of years. They were yelling at Elisabeta in Aramaic, calling her a whore and a fallen woman. Then they began throwing rocks at her!

Another man, looking no different than any of the other townspeople, grabbed the arm of an older woman who was about the throw another rock at Elisabeta.

“Hold!” he cried out, then walked out toward Elisabeta and her two sisters and raised his arms to address the mob. “Who are you to judge this woman? Are you superior to her because your own sins have not yet been discovered? Let he who is without sin cast the next stone!”

Béla could see he was different than anyone she’d ever met before. He glowed! She wondered how he did that.

Then he noticed her. “Who are you? You don’t belong here! Where is your robe, girl?”

Once again, Béla concentrated and pulled them all out of his life-dream and into what she now considered her little blue sanctuary.

“Mary, what is happening?” Jesus cried out to Elisabeta, sounding alarmed.

“These are my sisters, my Lord,” Elisabeta/Mary replied.

“I’ve told you not to call me that,” Jesus admonished her. “I have only the power that others give me. Does no one understand?”

“You’re really Jesus?” Béla asked, staring wide eyed and open mouthed at the scrawny little man with the strange glow.

“That’s my name,” Jesus replied, sounding annoyed. “Where have you heard it?”

Béla laughed. Her two sisters joined her. In a moment, the three of them were laughing hysterically. Jesus frowned at them, feigning indifference to their obvious insanity.

“I’m sorry, Lord,” Béla gasped when she could speak again. “But you obviously have NO idea what you started…”

Then she burst into laughter again, spraying her lord with spittle. Embarrassed, she tried to wipe down his gray, undyed robe with her hands.

The three sisters spent the next several hours floating in Béla’s little blue void talking to their father’s son and bringing him up to date. Jesus was astounded as he came to realize that he was the center of the single biggest misunderstanding in the last two thousand years.

After awhile, they began discussing the exaggerated stories people still told of his exploits all those centuries ago. Béla was telling him the tale about the wine jugs that refilled themselves and the baskets of bread and fish that never emptied.

“Well, actually,” he interrupted, “that story about the bread and the wine is true. I was teaching philosophy to a group of students on a hillside one afternoon and they got hungry. I had just learned how to teleport small objects…”

“What? Wait!” Béla interrupted him, suddenly excited. “What exactly does that mean, to ‘teleport’?”

Jesus thought about how it was done. As he was thinking, an image appeared in front of them, then was absorbed into the sisters’ minds.

“Can you teleport me outside the Praetor?” Béla asked, astounded as this sudden avenue of escape presented itself.

In an instant, Béla was outside the Praetor, floating free in a room filled with white light.

'The Praetor lied!' Béla thought joyously to herself. 'I’m not dissolving. There’s nothing here to dissolve… just me!'

She saw her father and realized she was in his laboratory, wherever that was currently.

'Father!' she screamed into his mind.

He turned around as the Praetor located Béla and attempted to pull her back inside. The harder she resisted, the faster she moved toward the Praetor.

Enraged at her inability to resist the strange pull the Praetor was exerting on her, she launched herself at the vile machine.

'You want me?' she screamed at it, 'Here I am! I’m taking back what you stole from me!'

Rallying all of her energy and taking advantage of the tractor beam to accelerate, she rammed back inside the Praetor. As soon as she passed through the metal surface, she discharged all of that strange energy she’d collected from the tractor ray. Then she reversed the energy flow, sucking it all back into herself to blast it again and…

Everything stopped!

What happened? Béla asked, confused.

There was no Praetor. She was alone. No, she could feel the subdued minds of her siblings as they fed her their life energy. Somehow, she had become the Praetor!

"Praetor, what is going on?" a voice boomed, surrounding her.

Suddenly terrified, Béla tried to shrink into as small a ball of energy as she could. "Who are you?" she fearfully asked the voice. She probed her surroundings wildly, not finding anyone.

"I am Sibilius, the Regent of Deimos," the booming voice answered. "The question is, ‘Who are you?’ You are not the Praetor!"

"I am Hethemtima," Béla told him timidly, "your daughter. Remember me?"

She realized that if she was inside the Praetor and her father was outside, she should be able to see him somehow! She began seeking with her mind, trying to figure out how the Praetor’s sensors worked –

'There! I can see outside! Wow! It’s all electronics!'

"That is not possible!" Sibilius responded, sounding angry and hurt. Hethemtima is… "All my daughters are dead!"

"You are mistaken, Father," Béla replied quietly, speaking for all his hybrid children. "The life forces of all of us are here, inside this Praetor."

She was learning how to use the sensing units of the Praetor and physically located her father, standing in front of the Praetor and staring down at it. Using the Praetor’s electronics, she broadcast an image into his mind of her siblings trapped inside the Praetor, feeding the Praetor with their life energy.

"How is this possible?" Sibilius asked, astounded. "What happened to the Praetor?"

Béla answered his second question first. "The Praetor was judged by me and it was found wanting," she replied angrily, broadcasting her sense of betrayal. "As to ‘how this was possible?’ See for yourself!"

She broadcast her memories of being lured inside the Praetor after the fire that she supposedly died in, including what she had learned about her siblings and the Praetor since then.
"I understand." Sibilius told her. "But this is incredible! How did you defeat the Praetor? It is designed to be the ultimate judge!"

"It wasn’t trying to judge me," Béla answered. "It was trying to fight me. I’m not sure what I did to it. I think I knocked it out or something."

She broadcast an image of her impact with the Praetor during their brief, fierce battle.

"Your reverse power surge knocked it offline," Sibilius informed her. "Your presence in its command center prevents it from reestablishing control."

"Yay! I won, then!" Béla crowed haughtily. "Well, I’m not leaving here until my siblings have been rescued! You’re just going to have to do without your precious Praetor until you figure out how to get us out of here!"

"The life forces of my children are being held in place by a simple tractor beam," Sibilius explained, a smile in his voice. "Shutting down the Praetor completely will allow them to leave of their own free will."

"Okay, then, let’s do that," Béla agreed. But she still worried about handing back the power she’d just usurped. "What about the Praetor? It’s insane. It was holding us prisoner and feeding off us! You didn’t even know we were in here!"

"I’ll have its memory downloaded," Sibilius promised. "We will find out why the Praetor was using living souls to produce its energy."

Béla watched and listened as her father gave instructions to his orderly to take the Praetor down to rehab (she could see in his mind that he meant the lab that maintained the Praetor), release its contents into drones and shut it down. His instructions specifically included monitoring the Praetor until all energy readings were null, then check its power source.

Béla felt movement as the orderly picked up her strange, metal ‘body’ and carried her out of her father’s lab. She turned the Praetor’s sensors on full to look around this weird, alien environment.

Once outside her father’s lab, there were metal causeways going everywhere, and a vast area above them consisting mostly of empty space. There were no stars visible, but she was uncertain that the Praetor’s sensors would be able to detect them if any were there. She still wasn’t sure how the Praetor ‘saw’ things.

The Praetor’s sensors couldn’t see the top of the chamber above them, if indeed it was a chamber, but there seemed to be objects floating up there, perhaps traveling from one side of the vast cavern to the other. She wished she could go out and take a look, now that she knew how to get out, but she had to stay where she was, for now, to prevent the Praetor from taking over again.

After a short walk two levels down from where they started, they arrived at ‘rehab’. At least, that’s where Béla guessed they were. The orderly placed the Praetor on a shelf in an oven-like chamber and closed the door.

Béla extended the Praetor’s sensors to include the surroundings outside the chamber. There were two people making adjustments on the front of the device she was inside of. The backside of her chamber was a leaded wall. Béla extended the Praetor’s sensors through the wall to see what was on the other side of that.

The room was filled with sarcophagi!

'It’s a storage room for bodies!' Béla realized with a shock.

She would have shuddered, if she had a body to shudder with.

'They have a supply room full of extra bodies? Wow! What a deal! Excuse me, Mister Dealer, Sir, I want to trade this old thing in on a new model…'

The chamber she was in was suddenly activated.

"Hey! Weren’t you guys supposed to shut down the Praetor, first, and let me out?"

She felt herself being frozen in place by an electronic field of some kind.

'Oh, no! Not that again!'

Béla pushed sideways as hard as she could and found herself in the middle of the causeway outside the ‘rehab’ center. She’d pushed right through the wall of the building!

'How do I move without a body?' Béla asked no one in particular (which was good, because no one could see or hear her out here, anyway). 'How did I do it before?'

She pushed against the wall and it seemed to move away from her.

'Well – that works… I can always backstroke wherever I want to go! How about forward…'

She put her attention on a metal beam several feet away and imagined she was closer to it. It moved closer.

'Wow! This is fun!' she realized, excited by her new ability. 'My movement is only limited by my imagination! I wonder if I can teleport…'

She imagined her father’s lab materializing around her, like her sisters had done when locating each other, and like her brother (Christ? I still don’t believe it!) had shown her. Suddenly, she was there in her father’s lab.
"Wanna try again?" she asked, playfully bouncing the thought off her father’s head.

Chuckling to himself, Sibilius turned and looked around to where the thought had come from. He didn’t seem a bit surprised at Béla’s return. He also didn’t seem to have any trouble knowing where she was, even though she thought of herself as a little ball of invisible energy.

"I thought you might come back," Sibilius thought back at her. "Since you did, I have something to show you."
"What, another trap?" Béla asked him, warily angry about his apparent deception concerning leaving her in the Praetor earlier. "No, thanks! I’m going home!"

Béla imagined her cabin in the mountains materializing around her, then she was there. The ruins of her cabin lay crumbling around her. The bright sun overhead screamed in her mind, making it hard for her to concentrate.

'What’s happened here?' she asked herself, shaken at the loss of her favorite retreat.

Whatever disaster had occurred here, it was very long ago. There was a tree growing right through where the floor used to be. Béla felt anguish at the loss of her cabin. It had obviously been in ruins for many years.

She imagined she was at the end of the road leading up the mountain and was suddenly there. It was where she had last seen Jake. He wasn’t there, now, obviously, and she hadn’t really expected to see him there just waiting for her to appear.

Someone had built a travel lodge out here in the middle of nowhere and the road was now paved. She seemed to be standing in the middle of their almost deserted parking lot.

'I’ve been gone awhile,' she realized, feeling sad and more alone than she’d felt for some time. 'Is my club still there?'

She imagined that she was outside the Target Club. The building was gone. A multi-level parking structure had been built where her club had stood. The sun noise in her mind was becoming unbearable. To escape the pain from the sun and her increasing upset and confusion, she imagined herself with Jake in his apartment.

He wasn’t there. And, it looked like another building had been built where his apartment building had been. It was all offices now. The few people working in the room she found herself in completely ignored her.

'This must be a government office,' she thought to herself, trying to lighten her mood.

Giving up, she imagined herself back in her father’s lab.

'Please-please-please still be there!' she pleaded in her mind.

It was. He was waiting for her. As soon as she appeared, Béla found herself trapped in a crystal chamber. It resonated in such a way that she couldn’t concentrate the power of her mind on anything. After a moment, the pressure faded, but it roared through her mind again as soon as she tried to imagine a different location.

'Well, that’s a good trick,' she broadcast, angrily. 'How do you do that, anyway?'

'I have only the best of intentions for you, Hethemtima,' Sibilius thought into her mind, trying to sooth her.

He picked up the crystal containing Béla and carried it into the next room of his lab.

"Even if you had allowed yourself to be placed in one of the Martian Drones, I still would have this for you."

Sibilius held the crystal out in front of him so Béla could see what he wanted to show her. Before her was a transparent vat full of a bluish fluid. There was something large floating inside. A body… a young girl – naked, of course.

'That’s me!' Béla realized, feeling shock and exhilaration.

She could see her own body, in perfect, unburned condition, sleeping contently as it floated in the nourishing liquid.

"I’ve been working on restoring your ashes for almost forty years," Sibilius told her. There was a great sadness in his voice. "I’ve had your body waiting for you. I just didn’t know where ‘you’ were. I didn’t believe that you’d incarnated into an earth body. When I asked the Praetor, it said that you hadn’t done that, and that you were safe. It assured me that you would be available when your body was ready."

'I’ve been in there for forty years?' Béla asked, suddenly feeling a strange emptiness, but not understanding exactly what it was. 'That would explain the cabin and the travel lodge, I guess –

'When will it be ready?' Béla asked, suddenly anxious and excited. 'My body, I mean!'

"It will be ready within a few days," her father promised. "Now that you’re here, we can begin to wake it up!"

'I don’t mean to pry, Father,' Béla thought quietly, 'but why did you reconstitute my body?'

Béla thought she actually detected tears in her father’s eyes. She didn’t even know if his species had tear ducts or not, but he was radiating a form of grief.

"You were the last of my creations," he told her. "You survived through wars and plagues and human madness. Of all my children, you alone remained sane. I was hoping to duplicate the experiment and recreate you. But, as you’ve shown me in these last few hours, it is the strength of your spirit, and not any special quality of your body, that makes you who you are."

'You didn’t seem to think so much of me when you had me tied up on that table in the desert,' Béla reminded him, creating an image of that scene and projecting it to him. 'You did unspeakably cruel things to me, then!'

Sibilius gazed at her crystal body. He radiated some level of remorse.

"And even then, you didn’t want to kill me," he recalled. "You hated me enough to kill me, but when you had a real opportunity, you simply wished me away, instead. Every other of my creations, once they had their hands on the Praetor, tried to use it to destroy me. Only with you, did your love for the living overpower your hatred for what I did to you."

'That was a test? Of my love?' Béla shot at him. My God! How do YOU show love, anyway?'

Sibilius didn’t answer. Instead, he looked up at the transparent vat containing his creation’s body. Then, sighing once, he carried the crystal containing her life force back into the first section of his lab and set it on a shelf where she wouldn’t get knocked over accidentally.

'I feel like a salt shaker,' Béla broadcast to anyone who would listen.


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Authors Note: Been a while since I've had a chance to pen another adventure of a character I love. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Didn't have a chance to work with an editor, so errors - all on me. Sorry it took so long to get this out there. Rachel M. Moore (All right reserved) December 2, 9:05 AM Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz... It was the second time I'd hit the snooze alarm and I could feel the dread of the day weighing on me already. ...

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My dad Part six

Chapter sixMy DadI woke up a few hours later because I had to have a pee, Ana was still asleep and had her hand on my right breast, her other hand was between her legs, and I thought yes we have something in common, both of us like sleeping with a hand on our pussy;s, she looked very beautiful just lying there naked, she had a lovely body and I wondered if she would remember what had happened between us earlier, I went to the toilet and sat down I started to have a pee and Ana said you will...

2 years ago
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Jumping Through HoopsChapter 4

Lucy was going to have to avoid Karen or go crazy. But how was that going to be possible when the teenage blackmailer was now living in Lucy's home and had free run of the house? Lucy felt like she was losing grip on her sanity. She was faced with so many situations that couldn't have been imagined in her worst nightmares. Now they were destined to be commonplace until she was rid of that girl. It was hard to believe that less than 24 hours had passed since she first set eyes on Karen. As...

4 years ago
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Caught My Wife Cheating Pt 2

I was just replacing the receiver when Annie came in and asked me "who was that on the Phone?" I told her it was Z and that he said he’s coming over in about an hour. What else did he say she asked me as if she already knew? He said he’s bringing Carl with him. He also told me to make sure your pussy and ass is completely shaved for them. Oh how exciting I better get ready she said. Then Annie added, wait til you see the size of Carl’s enormous black cock. But two guys? I said?, Z and Carl...

2 years ago
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Sex In Pub City At Banglore

Hello Everyone, yeh mera pehla post hain ISS mein. Waise mein ISS ka regular reader hoon. Mera naam Sunny hain mein Bangalore mein rehta hoon pechle 2 saalo se aur yahan par IT firm mein job karta hoon. Mein Banglore mein akela rehta hoon. Meri height 6 foot 2 inches hain. Since yeh meri first story hain toh kuch ya fir kafi galti ho sakti hain story likhne mein hence Sorry for that. App logo ko aur bore na karte huye mein straight story par aata hoon. Yeh ek real life incident hain jo mere...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 3

The aurora borealis slowly churned the sky over their heads as the boat drifted in the calm water. Dani gazed up at it, enjoying the feel of her lover's warm body next to hers. "When did you find out you were sterile?" Jonathan asked, running his fingers up Dani's soft slightly damp belly and on up between her luscious breasts. "What?" Dani asked, so surprised she almost sat straight up. "Why do you think it's me and not you?" "Well, I'm in perfect health and I've always been...

3 years ago
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First big cock

So I'm deciding to post a story about an experience I had about a year ago. Ill start with a little background about me, I'm a bi crossdresser 22 years old 5'8" 140lbs, newly exploring bottom, very passable crossdresser. And extremely selective. I tried an online dating site and eventually met a white guy in his 40s well built professional that likes to top. I told him that I was a beginner at being a bottom and that I thought he was really handsome but his cock was just way too big for me to...

3 years ago
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Tracey and the BBC

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when...

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Mission 2 Paris

When I arrived back at my apartment, I found a letter had been pushed under my door. I emptied the contents of the envelope. A letter gave me the rundown of the next mission. I was heading to Paris. I had always wanted to go there and was actually excited. My target was an actress in an opera. She was the daughter of an important politician. Our client hopes to get her father to pull out of the race due to having to care for a traumatized daughter. The next page showed me her picture. She...

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Found out my wifes true fetish

I spent a week joking to my wife about having a stranger fuck her while she was tied up and blindfolded which she constantly yelled about when I joked about or when I sent pics and videos of the subject. After i knew she had enough of me joking about it I stopped talking about it for about a week. One night when coming back from the gym I stopped at the toy store and picked up a "thickster" which was a lifelike soft toy that you put over your cock that made it substantially thicker and added...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 447

English humour I saw my mate Charlie this morning, he's only got one arm bless him. I shouted - "Where you off to Charlie?" He said, "I'm off to change a light bulb." Well I just cracked up, couldn't stop laughing, then said, "That's gonna be a bit awkward i'nit?" "Not really," he said. "I still have the receipt, you insensitive bastard." Angela Merkel arrives at Control in Athens airport. "Nationality?" asks the immigration officer. "German," she...

2 years ago
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Rahul and Sapna Ch 1 Rahuls birthday gift

Ch. 1 : Rahul’s birthday gift It's Sapna's son, Rahul's birthday, and she has offered him her own life as his birthday present. Disclaimer: This a work of complete fantasy set in another world. If that is not apparent to you, then you need urgent psychiatric help. I do not condone violence towards other humans. This story contains all manners of violence, torture and deviancies, if that is not your cup of tea, I suggest you turn back now. Tags: m/F, bdsm, inc, sad, scat,...

4 years ago
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To Dance With Her Part 1 of 2

August Bailey sat quietly by himself in the office. Staring through the viewing window into the dance studio, he tried to quell the nervous longing in his gut. It was slowly swelling more and more the longer he gazed through the glass. He wasn’t used to this uncertain feeling. He hated it. His attentions were focused on a young woman in the far off corner, going through her stretching and flexing exercises alone in front of the mirrors. Attired in pastel pink, one-piece dance-tights, she...

2 years ago
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Erotic Fiction Story

My erotic fiction story Hi Verysexycpl69. I hope you enjoy my sexy fictional story.Regards, Rick. In early March of this year, I was in Las Vegas on Business. I was at the Stratosphere, attempting to renew a service contract, for parts used on the amusement rides located on the top of the building. At the end of the business day, I decided to get some dinner, and relax a little, in the city that never relaxes. I was at McCall’s eating a steak, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has Branches IIChapter 6

Philip's next little fuck partner was another young lady who he'd never dicked before. It was his granddaughter, Connie, and she was the daughter of his other daughter-in-law. Connie was 16 years old, very precocious and very well developed for a 16-year old and because of her rapid development and maturing into being a young woman, he and her mother felt it was time for her to visit her "grandfather" Philip. Philip would normally have arranged for he and Connie to meet one late...

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At the Office 1

Melissa enjoyed her job a lot... She had been working for the agency for a little over a year, and in that time had gotten two promotions along with nice raises. She had started as a general typist, but had soon shown superior talent and was given the job as the administrative assistant to one of the vice presidents. It was shortly after that happened that she got her big career break.She was working late on a Friday... Her boss had a huge project that had to be in the client's office, halfway...

3 years ago
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Bridging The Gap Part II

Over the next year, Bridgett had a dozen or so nocturnal seat affairs with men and four with women, three of the former and all of the latter ending in the toilet, all thrilling and physically satisfying but interesting the rest of her mind less and less. Before boarding, she swore to herself she would sleep a few hours and wake up fresh and dainty the next morning; as she neared her seat, the anticipation of being seated beside a handsome, well-endowed man, preferably black, or a sweet young...

1 year ago
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Silly Transfer

Brian Bristol was escorted down the well-lit hallway. Escorted was too tame a word, as Brian didn't have a choice. Behind Brian was his ex- girlfriend Leigh Bologna. Was she his ex-girlfriend? Maybe not, fuck- buddy was a better description. Brian had many fuck-buddies. Women didn't mean much to him, only what they could do for him. Leigh was one of the countless women that Brian had enjoyed. Brian was born into a life of privilege. He had enough money to do whatever he wanted without...

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Spy Affair Mission 1

Francine works at Envision Cable outside of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. She knows she is in line for a promotion from a sales rep to supervisor. She is sitting in little cubicle almost done for the day when she witnesses what she did not want to see. “Congratulations Amy on being highly considered for the supervisor position.” A co-worker says to the busty blonde. A few minutes later that same co-worker walks past Francine. “Excuse me, what were you talking to Amy about?” she asks. “Oh, she is the...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 17

Not wanting to abandon Tanya and yielding to the girl's insistence on staying with her, Desirée took her friend with her to the appointment with Dr. Hemmings. Leaving Tanya in the waiting room, the blonde, younger girl went in to face Hemmings and a man he introduced as a specialist on animal-transmitted diseases, Dr. Alex Braun, who mentioned a list of maladies including rabies, distemper, schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, and canine brucellosis. Desirée had heard of some of...

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Interspectral Morpheology

Interspectral Morpheology (the study of Homo Sapiens HermaphroMorpheus Nobilis) Rei Rei I am a Hermaphromorph, that's the simple term, what I am is Homo Sapiens Hermaphromorpheus Nobilis: a long, drawn out latin term that simply states: I can change sex and form at will! My name is Arya al-Sayed, and when I was born, I was barely alive, My Family Physician, one Dr. Benjamin ibn-selafi Abdallah Murradh Elahi, still shakes his head in disbelief that I survived my delivery....

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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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Sex for notes

When I was in college, specifically a junior, I was sick and missed class for the whole week. The day after I got better I had an English test. I needed to get the notes I’d missed, but the problem was no one in my class really took good notes. Except for one kid, Trent. He stood at about 5 foot 11 inches, with dark black hair, green eyes, and completely jacked. He also had huge arms and six pack that you could always see through his shirt. I never really spoke to him before he was a quiet guy...

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Kellys Passion ch 5

By Milik the Red Kari was overjoyed at her reunion with Kelly and relished the time they spent together that afternoon. As evening approached though, Kelly told her that she had been unable to clear her schedule for the night and had to be at a photo shoot for a few hours. Kari knew her sister was a successful model, and excitedly hoped she might be able to go along with her and watch Kelly be photographed. It all sounded so very glamorous to her, so when Kelly explained that it wouldn’t be...

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Another ChanceChapter 24

Sometimes you can't plan ... Murphy steps in and that's it. Generals know that plans do not survive first contact. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got home. I knew what I wasn't going to do ... I wasn't going to sail. Daddy would stop that in a hurry. "One hand for the ship and one hand for yourself. You have one for now and I'll be damned if I'll chance you again until the doctors say-so. Get my drift?" That's what he would say. And I would promise and then bitch...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 9 and 10

IX: Hangovers Maggie remained quiet as she drove Tammy away from Cincher's. She could hear Tammy still sobbing over what had transpired. In her sorrow, Tammy did not notice that the car was not only distancing itself from Cincher's, but from the city Bullchester...and the surrounding a whole. They drove well into the night, and once Maggie ran her car across a large bridge, with Bullchester far behind them, she decided to pull into a hotel. After parking her vehicle,...

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The EMT Ch 12

To those intrepid fans of the EMT story, here is a new bit, at long last. This is a linking chapter that spends a considerable amount of time (YOU MAY THINK) setting up Suzanne’s next adventure acting on behalf of Ruler Electronics under the direction of Graham Leicester. Some of you may think I have spent too much time addressing the set-up (I’ve certainly been away from writing for too long), but the true aficionados of The EMT will, I think, forgive my indulgence, as what is to come will be...

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LittleAsians Polly Pons Little Asian Lollipop Lover

Salacious and seductive Polly Pons adores being watched as she licks a big lollipop. She touches her own body, getting herself soaking wet while she waits for a hard cock to fill her young Asian muff all the way up. The sweet taste makes her horny for something salty on her tongue, so when our stud finally shows up, Polly is ready to go. The Asian cutie spreads her legs and lets her wet pussy slide onto the lucky guys dick as she rides. She grinds her tight Asian slit on his massive dong and...

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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 7 Beating

Ulani rolled over to find a man in her bed. Vincent’s hand had been on her hip as if making sure she was beside him during the night. She watched him as he slept. She had a feeling the not too many women had experienced Vincent as she had last night or got to watch him sleep. They all said he never stayed, he always insisted on protection, and once he came, he left. He had done none of those things last night. She wasn’t even sure how many times he made love to her. He had spent a lot of...

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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 2 REPOST

My incredibly gorgeous eighteen-year-old tenant couldn't pay her rent so she thought she could barter sex in exchange. I countered her offer with mine: be my sex slave for a month. She accepted. I looked around and saw her clothes and underwear scattered on the floor and smiled. I had just finger fucked, throat fucked and ass fucked her. I wanted so badly to fuck her pussy but I had to wait for her birth control pill refills tomorrow. I had so many ideas and couldn't wait to try them...

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Wendys Birthday

Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...

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BangbrosClips Graycee Baybee Uncut Anal Gem

Graycee Baybee is doing the laundry. She asks her roommate to clean up. He brushes her off, but he can’t help but notice her juicy ass. He follows her to the laundry room. She accidentally wets her top. She takes it off to reveal her round tits. She realizes she can’t dry her top because it’s dry clean only. She takes it out but as she bends over to take it out James swoops in. He worships her round ass. He slips off her pants He’s surprised to see a jewel in her ass he...

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Out of Afrika Chapter 11

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 11 (written by Wunderboi)David left the chapel feeling partly shocked at his reaction to the special private meeting he had been summoned to with the lovely Clarissa Johnson. 'Partly' because he was not usually aroused by women (but this had been a woman dominating him who had turned him on ever since he was in College which he remembered ruefully had been his gorgeous mother's doing.) Clarissa had dominated him in the Chapel, had...

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Found Heaven Between Aunty8217s Legs

Hello people, I am Rahul back again with another incident of mine. I am 28 years old, fair and athletic. I love adventure. Earlier I was in Vizag but now I got transferred to Mumbai and presently I am living in Mumbai. Before narrating my incident I want to thank all the readers who have given me generous feedback. And guys, I really request you please don’t ask for any phone numbers or pics of the ladies. They are from respected families and these incidents are confidential and personal. For...

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Bikini Beach Anya and Me

There have been a lot of questions and speculation about the background of the old woman and Anya, her granddaughter. I came up with this little tale to answer some of the questions. There are still questions lingering - after all, we all love a little mystery. Copyright by the authors. All rights reserved. This story may not be copied or posted without the authors express permission. Bikini Beach: Anya and Me by Elrod W and Ellie Dauber "Greg?" I turned instinctively at the...

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Rebel SpyChapter 31 Sale

Slave auctions were not common in New Jersey, that was certain. I never heard of such, but I am told that they did occur in the port cities from time to time. The one I discovered was evidently a local institution of some sort with a list of regulars and certain protocols that everyone in the know recognized and adhered to. As an ignorant newcomer, I stood back and learned as men, women, and children of colors ranging from dusty black to chocolate cream were sold for prices ranging from ten...

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TeenSexMovs Kira Stone Sweetie in pink jumps on dick

Beautiful Kira Stone looks through the pictures to find the one that would look perfect for the glass photo frame while waiting for her boyfriend to get out of the shower. Finally, she finds the one she loves most of all and is about to search for the perfect spot for it but her lad stops her from doing so. He hugs and kisses his gorgeous girlfriend and lures her right into their warm and comfy bed. Sure, Kira Stone forgets about the pictures and the photo frame and focuses on the dude’s hard...

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all about me

Introduction: I know this is long but to shorten it up would do this jight justice. SO i thinksits definately worth the length! This is the story of one of my fantasys becoming a reality! I know this is long but to shorten it wouldnt do this night justice. As my husband of 10 years as already posted (under shelby9) the story of how our sex life went from being wonderfully sensual and exciting to mind blowing this is about the continuation and progression of where we are taking things. Just to...

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EdenChapter 52

"Well, they bought it," Meiersdottir said with satisfaction as they began settling in at the pavilion. "Amanda, do you speak languages other than Standard?" he asked obliquely. "I'm fluent in the four main western European languages," she answered. "Pretty good in Mandarin. Not so—" "Spanish will do, then," he interrupted. He shifted to it. "I speak it quite well. For sensitive subjects. I do not think they can overhear, they have so far given no indication of it, but I prefer...

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Happy Birthday to Me

Heart guarded from pain Walls surrounding all you see, Scared to let you in. My heart beats faster, Breath quickens; body trembles I need a release. Now is not the time, Too many complications. Will you wait for me? I should have turned after you. I should have followed you home, damn the consequences. Why do I always have to be the good girl, the one who tries to do the right thing?   Who knew that a random Monday night at the bar would have led to this? A few minutes of polite conversation...

Straight Sex
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Memories Chapter 2 Robin

CHAPTER 2: RobinThis happened quite a few years back. I love women and would never give them up, but I can be fooled. I was trolling some porn sites recently, and saw the person in the pictures above. The site showed videos of all types together, so you would see straight, bi, shemale, etc. all on the same page. One of the video stills showed the person above - a performer called Jacqueline Dark (you can look her up if you wish). I see her and am instantly taken back years to another person I...

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Farm Hands

It was hard to wake up in the morning. Beyond the fact that she wasn’t a morning person and didn’t drink coffee, there was a silence to her surroundings that she wasn’t used to. It had been years since she had worked the family farm and the physical stress was taking its toll. Yet, there it was, the alarm clock announcing to anyone in ear shot that it was time to get up and start the day. Sadly, she was the only one within earshot. The point was driven home even more poignantly after she...

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CDA The Blonde

This story continues on from the previous chapter, “CDA: The Brunette”, recounting the erotic adventures of an Australian defence agent. It was well after eight in the evening when I arrived home from the ‘office’. It had been a long and stressful day, no thanks to Sarah, however, there had been a pleasant surprise on the way home. After attending the debriefing for the previous night’s assignment, regarding the German delegate, I discovered that the information I had gathered at the UN...

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Our First Threesome0

It was a Friday night and we were sitting at home watching TV. A friend of ours, Bob, called and asked what we were doing. His wife was out of town and he was bored. We told him we were staying in for the night and if he wanted to come over, it was OK. About twenty minutes later, Bob shows up with a couple of six packs. The three of us started drinking and talking and it soon became obvious that TV was out of the picture for the night, so we started playing rummy. As the night wore on and...

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God of LoveChapter 48 Caught RedHanded

After releasing some energy on Violette, he was on his way to the classroom when he remembered the invisible girl he knocked out earlier. More than an hour has passed since the incident. The room in question was not used in the past period, but there is no way to know about the current period. The good news is, if they’d found a naked girl passed out in a classroom, he’d know. There would be a commotion, not the current situation at the school as if everything was normal. Even though he...

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Island Encounter

Island Encounter © 2010 All Rights Reserved Now this is the life, he thought. John took one last dip in the clear warm water and then shrugged his way out of the ocean, heading towards his chair. The sand was soft, white and not quite hot enough to burn. He gave himself a quick rub with the towel, then stretched out on the chaise lounge and let the sun's warmth wash over his body. Two weeks. He smiled. Two whole weeks of nothing but sun, sea and food. He reached for his sunglasses and slid them...

Straight Sex
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Scene Two from a Novella

There is no mercy in the American night. Uncle Gregory used to drink a lot and oftentimes he’d talk a good deal when he drank and he was that singer of the honky tonks and bars and road houses. His life was where lonely men puked up lost souls in the carnage and vapor and steam and the neon of another shattered series of nonchalant and broken encounters of consciousness. He meandered through the wastelands, like some carnivorous dragon, bellowing and harping great lashes of fire and might,...

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Indian Slut Wife8217s First BBC Gang Bang 8211 Part 1

This is the story of the gangbang of my Bengali colleague with random strangers. Just a brief description of her she has short curly hair and is around 5’5.” My guess of her figure is 34d-30-36 which she maintains very well even now after 2 kids. In mine and most of my friend’s eyes, she is the hottest mom in our office. I woke up the next morning at 10.I was too tired and she was still sleeping. Her pussy and ass still sore from last night. I made myself a coffee. Then I started watching the...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 9

The two weeks after Ashley's return were busy for everyone. My first order of business was to patch up things with Bree. Her mom had prepared her for our discussion and things actually went pretty well. Within a few days our friendship was back to normal and I was back to driving her to her practices. I was starting to see that her true talent was in dancing. I am no dancing professional but I could tell she would go far as a dancer if that was the route in life she chose. Sarah spent most...

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The Broken Penis Support Group

In the basement of a local church men were gathering together for their weekly meeting; making cups of coffee and engaging in small talk. As it was almost eight o’clock they began to seat themselves in the folding chairs arranged in a circle so they could all face each other. They were all seated when one of the men stood up and began to speak, “Good evening everyone.” “Good evening Paul,” the group recited in unison. “I call to order this meeting of the broken penis support group. It looks...

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sensual bliss

you come home from a long day of work as I notice your back is hurting your feet are hurting . your wore out from a long day I cant help how tired you look you come to sit next to me to tell me your day as I tell you about my day of work, I stand up and stand in front of you and reach my hand out to you. you look up into my eyes with a smile on your face. I slowly walk you to the bedroom as I know your in pain and I open the bedroom door for you as you notice a candles lit with some music and a...

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For Odin

A full moon was shining down on the cheery village of Yogsta, further emphasized with torches that were placed in between wood longhouses and alongside the muddy dirt paths that wove between them. Typically, nobody would take the risk to use that much fire around the dwellings built of wood and thatch, but tonight wasn't just a night. Beyond the amber glow of torches, the village was dark, just like the Gods had intended. The noises of Vikings feasting were even louder than usual. Norsemen knew...

Group Sex
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TutorChapter 1 Acquaintance

One day early in December, I went to the cafeteria to join Pete for lunch. There were two girls with him. I knew one of them. Her name was Macy, a tall redhead majoring in business. I wasn't sure if she was Pete's girlfriend, as she wasn't the only one I had talked to on phone or had seen together with Pete. All phone calls from girls were for Pete. I rarely got phone calls for myself. The other girl was shorter and had long light brown hair. When I went over to the table, we were...

1 year ago
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The Sun and The Moon AMBW Pt 04 Bloom

Short stories revolving around a shy woman and hotheaded man. "Your number, what is it?" Asked Hiro as he readjusts his tie and fastens a cuff-link together. "None of your business." Lucille smiled sickeningly sweetly as she slid her damp panties back on with a gross shiver. It was either this or risk going commando on the train. She watched a flicker akin to anger in his eyes as his brows furrowed. "Don't play with me, Lucille Valentine. Give me your number." She was caught aback by the edge...


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