Homelands Pt 1 Ch 08 free porn video

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Sure enough, it had been Brianna whohad prevailed.

The ceremony began with a parade. We marched a mile through the bucolic countryside into the royal palace. A very brief ceremony in the throne room followed.

Predictably enough, the ceremony quickly devolved into a giant orgy. Every guy in the hall had a turn with Brianna before she donned the crown. That included not just the five men to which she was related, but the cousins from my father's side, and many others besides. Some of these other men were from noble houses in our court. Lesser houses. Houses that hadn't held the throne in generations, if they ever had at all. But others were dignitaries and ambassadors from other courts.

Much was made of the fact that the throne had passed once again from the Farriers, which was apparently my father's House, to the Orwins, the House of my mother. I tried to share in the enthusiasm being expressed all around me, but it meant little to me. Apparently many of the nobles had felt they'd suffered great injustices at the hand of the previous queen, my paternal grandmother, who was of House Farrier. But how many nobles were sitting in the homes rather than here in the palace, dreading the treatment they'd receive as payment for their loyalty to my grandmother now that an Orwin sat the throne again?

I realized too that my mother, despite being an Orwin herself, had sought to help me win the throne as much out of a desire to limit tension between the two houses and their supporters as much as anything else. And the same was likely true of Aunt Liz, though she had no connection to House Farrier, be it through marriage or otherwise. It seemed the sensible thing to hope for, and my aunt was not the type to lose sight of that.

But these were thoughts for another day.

The celebratory orgy lasted for what felt like a lifetime. No one ever tired or became unable to perform. We just fucked and fucked and fucked, then fucked some more.

Brianna was already glowing when it all began. By the end, you could feel the warmth radiating off of her, and she was difficult to look at straight on.


In the days that followed, I'd thought I might learn more about the politics of the realm my cousin now ruled. Might get a better sense of what kind of queen Grandma Kaitlin had been, and what exactly it was that she'd done to make some of the lesser nobles hate her so, and whether I'd been right to guess that there had to be another group of nobles who lamented her decision to step down. I even hoped to learn why she'd chosen to abdicate the throne so suddenly. No one seemed to know what her reason was. Nor to care.

Obviously, it wasn't because she was old and infirm. If there was any meaningful sense in which our kind aged, it was sufficiently dissimilar from the process mortals experienced that it couldn't have accounted for her decision. Though I had never seen my grandmother's true appearance, the fact that Mom, Aunt Liz and Aunt Cindy all had the bodies of women in their twenties suggested that when and if I did see what Grandma Kaitlin really looked like, I might not even recognize her.

And if it was such a big deal that power had changed not only hands, but houses, it seemed to me that Grandma had to have had a pretty good reason. She hadn't even named her son or daughter as chosen successor, though that had been within her rights. Apparently it wasn't exactly uncommon for a regent to step down without naming a successor, but neither was it the norm to require a succession ritual such as the one we'd just completed.

I'd hoped to learn such things, and more. But it turned out that I was not allowed to spend much time in the court. Brianna allowed Dom to come and go as he pleased, but the rest of us were largely kept at a distance. I say largely because she did visit most of us in private from time to time. When she did, she would fuck us into zombies, sucking every bit of energy that she could out of us, and call it paying tribute.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I was pretty sure she was going out of her way to keep us from spending too much time together. It was hard to tell for sure, because she'd hardly issued any official proclamations to that effect, but she frequently asked us to entertain what I was sure were very minor foreign dignitaries, and it was hard to believe the primary purpose of this was to engender good will with other courts.

I quickly came to view the Homelands as more of a prison than a paradise.

Thankfully, after less than a week, Brianna announced that she was going to have us all return to the mortal world. I wasn't sure if that included her and Dom as well, but it sounded like it might. Perhaps she intended to move back and forth between the worlds frequently. As with so many other things, though, I simply couldn't have said.

At any rate, though I rather doubted she was sending the rest of us back out of kindness, I couldn't help being excited to be returning to the mortal world. There, I could fuck pretty much whomever I wanted, whenever I wanted. There was no one to tell me I couldn't fuck my mother if I wanted to, or that it was in the interests of the realm that I fuck some woman I'd never met before. In the Homelands, I was a member of not one but two powerful Houses, with the blood of countless kings and queens coursing through my veins. But it was in the mortal world, where I was no one, that I was free to do as I pleased.

I did, however, resent that Brianna was not only going to place a veil of ignorance over us first, but also told us to expect it to be restored from time to time. Ostensibly, that was so that there'd be no limit to the number of first times we could share with one another.


Certainly had nothing to do with the fact that while Brianna needed us to be acquiring more energy, so that she could take it from us, she also wanted to make sure none of us would have any hope of overthrowing her. If it happened to work out that it would be almost impossible for any of us to do that from another world, and with our minds cloudy half the time, well, that was just a coincidence.

But I didn't try to resist the veil. I'd either have failed or she'd have noticed anyway.

I did, however, pour a lot of energy into poking holes in it, in the hope that it would at least disintegrate that much faster. What exactly that would buy me, I wasn't sure. But, if nothing else, it allowed me to smile sincerely when thanking her grace for the gift of innocence that she was giving us.


The fact that I was half certain that just last week, I'd been surveying the landscape around our manor house, admiring the fall foliage, struck me as just a bit odd. It wasn't fall, and we didn't have a manor house. It was mid July, and we were in the midst of a heat wave. Moreover, we lived on a postage stamp plot in the suburbs, with so few trees around that there'd have been little enough foliage to admire even if it were October.

But then, I knew I wasn't normal.

I'd come to accept that, sometimes, truly impossible things were, for me at least, perfectly straightforward. I had the power to change things. About myself. About others. And about the world around me. The way things looked, and smelled, and the way they felt. It took some effort, and it tired me out, but it wasn't particularly difficult.

Maybe recently I'd made the leaves change color, if only temporarily, just to amuse myself. And then forgotten about it. Stranger things had happened.

I'd spent half the summer using that power to seduce most of the women I'd ever fantasized about. I'd been doing so for years, in fact. But especially now that it was summer vacation and I didn't have anything to worry about but life-guarding, working out, and getting laid, I'd been putting those talents to especially good use.

Maybe that was why when I turned on the TV in the Den one early morning and found that whoever had used the TV last had been watching a DVD, my mind went straight to the gutter. It basically never left.

There were plenty of perfectly ordinary explanations for why someone might have watched a DVD late last night, after everyone went to bed. But I immediately assumed one of my brothers had snuck downstairs to watch some porn. If we had wireless internet like most every other household these days, there'd have been no need for that. But with just the one family desktop hooked up to the internet, us boys only had so many options.

My heart raced. Dad was at work, and everyone else was still asleep.

I turned the DVD player on. My finger hovered over that triangular button that would play the disc. Did I even want to know what kind of smut my brothers were into?

Maybe. Maybe not. But I certainly didn't have the willpower to resist my curiosity. My thumb descended, slowly and firmly pushing the button in. Play resumed from where it had been when the machine was turned off.

The remote almost fell from my hand.

A much younger, and much hotter, version of my mother was sucking a big old monster of a cock. And she was not timid about it either. She was deep-throating, working her tongue like magic, licking the man's balls while pumping his slab of meat with her fist.

A sense of deja vu hit me. Then confusion. What made me think I'd seen my mother giving head before? And if I had, wouldn't I remember it? Wouldn't a memory like that be seared into my memory, instead of bubbling up to the surface out of nowhere, and feeling distant and vague even after it came to me?

The camera panned out and I realized who the lucky man was.

It was her now deceased father, looking a good deal younger himself. Grandpa Dick had apparently been quite handsome and very fit, even in his forties. Or however old he was here. Which was hard to guess. His face was that of a distinguished gentleman, with generous silver streaks in his short reddish beard. But his body would have made even Todd jealous.

A dizzying array of emotions overcame me. Disgust. Anger. Sadness. Jealousy.

And excitement.

Not a moment later, I had my own cock in my hand.

I couldn't believe what I was watching. My mother. Looking good. Committing incest. Sure, I wished I could see more of her body, but I saw enough.

Part of me felt wretched about jerking off to it. That was just about the most odious, despicable reaction I could have had. But I couldn't help myself. It was fucking hot as hell.

Only after I shot my load into a wad of tissues did the question of what to do with the DVD come to me. I could take it, keep it for future viewing pleasure. I could have a very awkward conversation with Mom about it. The one probably implied the latter, since she'd no doubt notice it was missing. If only my parents' old PC had a DVD burner.

Alternatively, I could rewind to the point where I'd found it, turn it back off, and quite simply pretend nothing had ever happened.

Of course, I chose the latter.

I was panicked, and I wasn't sure in that moment I was willing to commit myself to a course of action that would, one way or another, result in having to talk to Mom about what I'd seen. That path was fraught with delicious possibilities. And terrifying ones.

It was, of course, all I could think about while at work. Good thing it was cold and cloudy. If it had been a nice day, my distraction could have endangered lives. Thankfully though, the place was so empty, I even managed to jerk off at work. Twice. Both times, picturing my mother committing incest. But not with her father.

From then on, I saw her in a new light.

Well, truth be told, I'm not sure it was just my perception that changed.

At first, I caught only very fleeting glimpses of an extremely shapely caricature of my mother. That made me think that my subconscious had created a fantasy version of her to go with the fantasies I was having about her.

But over the next few days, it seemed like I saw an overweight, unkempt housewife less and less when I looked at Mom and a surreal sex goddess with proportions that were literally humanly impossible more and more often.

I was able to ignore that for a time. My interactions with Mom were awkward, sure, and she certainly noticed that. But I doubt she had any idea why. She certainly sounded confused enough when she asked me, again and again, what was wrong.

But before long, I was so crippled by my intense desire for her, and my inability to determine whether what I was seeing was even real, that I basically squeaked and ran out of the room whenever I saw her.

I couldn't keep this to myself anymore. All I did with my free time was masterbate to depraved thoughts about the woman who'd given birth to me. For all I knew, I was going insane. I had to tell someone.

It might have made more sense to tell a friend. But I decided to broach the subject with Dom and Todd. I figured they were the only ones who could tell me if I was seeing things. If Mom had been replaced by a sexpot with a hip-to-waist ratio that never occurred in nature, with obvious signs of maturity but nonetheless the firm, clear skin and perfect hair of a woman half her age, I couldn't be the only one who'd noticed.

Or so I figured.

As it turns out, though, I was.

When I told them about the DVD, and about what I'd been seeing ever since, they both laughed. Heartily. Dismissively. Then accused me of trying to put something over on them.

But when they saw I wasn't kidding, the laughter turned to concern.

At first, it was faint concern. But especially when my story hadn't changed a day later, Dom in particular seemed truly worried about me.

On a certain level that seemed like further evidence of my insanity. But as much as I didn't like admitting it, that was actually perfectly in keeping with his character. Dom could be a huge dick at times. Capable of stunning cruelty, and infinite amusement at the cleverness with which he devised ways to torture his brothers. Todd, on the other hand, had never shown any such tendency.

But as incapable of genuine cruelty as my younger brother was, he was also equally incapable of picking up on other people's feelings. Todd never went out of his way to hurt anyone, yet neither did he go out of his way to comfort them when others had hurt them.

Dom might not always care about people's feelings, but he wasn't blind to them.

I often thought that it was only the flashes of this nobler side of her son that my mother chose to see. That might well have been true. But sometimes I had a hard time admitting to myself that I sometimes only saw the side of Dom that fit into my chosen narrative. It was easier to focus on the special treatment he'd always received from Mom, the way his maturity level sometimes didn't seem to have progressed in a decade, and forget that in those rare cases where I found myself needing help, he was often the first to offer it.

It would have been weird if they continued to think I really was just trying to sell a story about a sex tape. We did sometimes play some elaborate jokes on one another. But even Dom, who always went a step further, would have had a hard time faking fears of mounting insanity for this long just for the laugh he'd get in the end. So even though neither of them had caught so much as a glimpse of this mythical, super-sexualized version of Mom, they both seemed a bit more willing to believe at least the first part of my story.

But the fact that they believed that part didn't offer much reassurance, because it only meant they too believed that I was going insane. Dom speculated that I was suffering from hallucinations brought on by an inability to cope with what I'd seen.

"Dude, maybe you should just talk to her," Todd said at one point.

I burst out laughing hysterically.

Dom put a soothing hand on my shoulder. My laughter subsided. "Actually, I agree with Todd. I know how weird that's going to be, and I wouldn't look forward to it either if I were you, but you need help, man. We're really worried about you. Maybe hearing whatever she has to say will help you make some peace with this. Help with the visions. It's that, or we need to start talking about getting you to a professional."

He didn't say that they probably would have to anyway, but it was in his face.

Maybe he was right.

It almost made sense, at least to my extremely inexpert mind. If I was having a psychotic episode induced by the traumatic experience of witnessing my mother commit one of the most depraved acts known to man, it couldn't hurt to at least hear her side of the story. Even if it wouldn't help, I supposed I owed it to her.

The mere thought of it made my stomach heave though. "I get what you're saying. But you don't understand. Lately, being around Mom is so hard for me. She asked me this morning what I thought she should make for dinner, and I almost couldn't answer."

I was about to confess that I'd very nearly answered by saying, "Your pussy." But it was bad enough that I'd already admitted to as much as I had.

Of course, I realized that my brothers had probably assumed that the visions I was having were affecting me in that way. It was only logical, given what I'd described. But I hadn't actually told them I was now overcome with lust for Mom. I was clinging to the possibility that they thought I was just traumatized by the whole thing, not turned on by it.

Todd stifled a snicker even just at what little I'd confessed. And that further persuaded me I'd made the right call not to tell them what I'd very nearly said to Mom.

Dom flashed him a reproachful look. "Okay, I'll talk to her for you. See if I can't convince her to have a talk with you. Hopefully, that way, she'll be less defensive. Having had a chance to get her initial reaction out of the way and all."

I nodded slowly. "That would help a lot, yeah." I drew a deep breath. My hands started fidgeting more erratically again. "But maybe we could just, you know. Forget about it. I mean, the hallucinations aren't so bad. It's more the abject fear of telling Mom that I saw what I saw that's got me shaking like this."

"Don't be a jack-ass," Todd said. "Dom's offering to do the worst of it-"

"We," Dom corrected.

Todd looked at him, brow furrowed. "Say what?"

"We're offering to do the worst of it for him. You and me both, buddy."

Todd held up his hands in protest. "Now wait just a goddamn-"

"Our brother's suffering here. Man up. Or I'll have to kick your ass."

"Like to see you try," Todd said. His gaze was steady, but no doubt Dom noticed the way our younger brother's voice cracked just a bit, or how his upraised fists wavered.

These days, Todd probably could take either me or Dom in a fight. He was taller and more athletic, though both Dom and I were densely packed with muscle.

But he and I had more than our share of painful memories of when that wasn't the case.

Before Dom could even reply, Todd submitted. "Yeah, okay. Fine." He turned to me. "But you owe me a few six packs. And not cheap shit."


They agreed to do it on Saturday. Dad was out of town on business. Natalie was working a double-shift tending bar, and I would be at the pool until eight. But neither Todd, who was also life-guarding but generally worked different shifts, nor Dom, who was interning at an engineering firm, had to work. So it was perfect timing.

When I got to work, I grew a bit nervous though. There were dark clouds in the sky. It looked like we were due for a serious thunderstorm. I texted Dom and told him I might be coming home early after all, due to the weather. An hour later, he texted back and said not to worry, they were going to talk to her now.

My heart raced for twenty minutes after that before calming down again. I was just starting to freak out all over again as it got to be close to an hour since he said he was going to talk to her when my phone buzzed.

Thankfully, it was him. We exchanged a few quick messages. He said Mom had freaked out at first, so it was good they went to her before I did, but after she calmed down, everything went fine, and I shouldn't be worried about talking to her anymore. He didn't want to steal her thunder, so he didn't really say anything about what she had to say, but he assured me that she'd be very conscious of my feelings when the two of us spoke.

That was especially relieving because just twenty minutes later, I heard the first thunderclap. And sure enough, within fifteen minutes, my manager told me we were closing the pool until further notice, and that they'd call me if they were going to reopen.

I texted Dom to let him know that, and thanking him for taking care of things, since, otherwise, I wouldn't feel comfortable coming home.

This time, I didn't get a response. So I texted Todd. He didn't reply either.

That was a little strange. Not much more than a half hour ago, Dom had been replying to my messages more or less instantly. But then, from his perspective, his task was done. The two of them could be working out together or something. Wouldn't be the first time. So I tried not to make too much of it. But it did make me think twice about going home. What if the conversation wasn't over after all? Did I want to walk in on that?

The working out hypothesis was confirmed before I got out of my car. As I pulled up the driveway, I saw them in the garage. Dom was spotting Todd while he benched a truly scary amount of weight. The barbell was slightly bowed.

That's nothing, a voice in the back of my head whispered. If I called upon my otherworldly talents, I could buff up to the point that I could put Todd to shame.

"Figured you'd be coming back," Dom yelled, his voice almost drowned out by the rain.

I nodded, pulled my tank top up over my head, waved hi and bye, and ran down the cement walk to the front door.

And nearly bumped into Mom as I came in.

"Oh! Sorry, Frank," she said. "Didn't even hear the door opening." She looked me up and down. Surveying the damage, no doubt. If I caught a slight grin, it must have been my imagination. "It's really coming down out there, huh?"

"Cats and dogs," I said. "Gonna go change." And with that, I bounded up the stairs to my room, hoping Mom hadn't noticed that over the course of that ridiculously brief interaction, I'd gotten an erection.

Figuring I wasn't likely to be headed back to work, I took a quick shower. I was already soaking wet, and I wanted to get rid of the smell of suntan lotion and chlorine.

I'd just finished slipping a fresh, dry, set of clothes on when a knock came at my door.

"Frank? Honey? Can I come in?" Mom asked.

My stomach clenched, and my heart raced.

"Sure," I said, tucking my erection up under my waistband and taking a seat at my desk.

The door eased open slowly. Mom stuck her head in, smiled awkwardly, chuckled, then drifted the rest of the way into my room.

As was apparently always the case now, she looked good enough to eat. And then some. She wore a pair of blue socks with fuzzy pink trim, pink panties, and a skimpy blue camisole with pink ribbons at the center and the corners of the two flimsy panels. It didn't even reach her hips. In fact, it covered only a little bit more than her areolas.

Her luscious black hair was held back by a pink ribbon that matched the ones on her cami, save for two locks falling just to the sides of her beautiful brown eyes. Her lipstick was the exact same shade of pink. As if anyone would fail to notice those ripe beauties anyway. Thick circles of black kohl framed her eyes, contrasting sharply with her porcelain skin. Her thick yet neat brows did so as well. As did her unbelievably long and full eyelashes.

My breath caught. For a moment, I simply couldn't think. Her nose was a touch broad, and her face a bit soft. As was her stomach, especially as she took a seat on the edge of my bed. Crows' feet were etched into her otherwise flawless skin at the corners of her eyes. If you looked closely enough, you could see just a few stray gray hairs here and there intermingled with her raven tresses. She wasn't perfect, even in the eyes of a guy who could appreciate her extreme curves. But she was awful damn close.

Mom crossed her legs and folded both hands over her upraised knee as she leaned forward. Her posture was intimate but composed. Because, of course, everything was fine. She wasn't making any advances. Why would anyone even think that? Just a mother and son having a talk about what was bothering him. Perfectly normal.

"Is this an okay time?" she asked in a soft voice.

"As good as any, I suppose," I said.

There was no need to ask what for.

She drew a deep breath. "So I'm sure your brothers told you that we spoke earlier."

I nodded.

She suddenly got up from the bed, turned her back to me, and walked over to the mirrored closet. I forced myself not to stare at her glorious ass, certain that she'd notice see me doing so through my reflection in the mirror. It was awfully hard to resist though. It was so big, so round, so out of proportion to her relatively small waist.

Mom crossed her arms under her heavy breasts. "I'd almost managed to suppress the memory of it. But, as you know, your father has been slowly cleaning out the attic, making room for all the things we're taking from Grandma's place."

It had been months since Grandma Kaitlin's funeral. I'd almost forgotten about it.

Letting Grandma slip from my memory made me feel shitty, but didn't induce anywhere near as much guilt as the thoughts I was having about my mother more or less every second that I was awake of late.

"My father...made me do things."

If she'd been acting under duress, it sure hadn't shown.

She turned back around, paced back towards the bed, but didn't sit down. "For a while, after he first discovered that tape, your father tried to talk me into bringing charges. But I just couldn't. I never forgave him, but the last thing I wanted was to relive it all."

But it wasn't even a tape. It was a DVD. They didn't have DVDs when Mom and Grandpa were as young as they were in the video.

And Mom and Grandpa had been very close up until he passed away a few years ago.

Not to mention, Grandma Kaitlin was dad's mother, not hers. Why would a tape of her and her father be in Grandma Kaitlin's attic? And why did it feel like it had taken actual work on my part to remember that details? I could almost feel the heavy curtain in my mind, hiding certain memories from me.

She came a bit closer, laid a hand gently atop my head. "Sweetie, I know how hard that must have been for you to watch. But please understand that I had no choice."

It all sounded more or less like what the truth should have been. But it simply wasn't adding up. Not even a little. It was like she was sketching the outlines of the story I'd expect to hear if I hadn't started poking around at the curtain in my head. And maybe if I hadn't, that would have been enough.

Would I have preferred that?

Still, I nodded. I stood up, tears I didn't know I had the ability to produce on demand rolling down my cheeks.

We embraced, long and tight, without speaking another word about it.


As certain as I was that Mom's story was bullshit, I wasn't sure whether she herself believed it. And I had no reason to doubt that Dom and Todd had bought it.

So you can imagine my surprise when I came downstairs later that afternoon to find that, right there, in the living room, my two brothers were double-teaming the younger, slimmer, absurdly curvaceous version of our mother.

Todd sat on the coffee table, holding Mom's gorgeous black hair up while she knelt before him on all fours and bobbed up and down on his cock. Meanwhile, Dom knelt behind Mom. The hem of her loose sundress was bunched up above her waist, and Dom held her wide hips tight in he hands while he slammed his cock into her.

"Oh, shit," Todd said, looking up. He tapped the back of Mom's head and she let him slip from her mouth with a soft pop. For his part, Dom rammed it all home one more time then, still deep inside our mother, deep inside the very womb through which he'd entered this world, he turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry, honey. We thought you were taking a nap," Mom said. She made no sign to get up, or to indicate that Dom and Todd should give her room to do so.

What the hell kind of answer was that?

My cheeks flushed with rage. And indignation. And disgust. I should have been angry, yes. But not that they hadn't waited for me.

Still, the one reaction that trumped all the others was intense arousal. Even the anger and jealousy that they would have been glad to leave me out if I was in fact stuck at work all day or taking a nap or whatever was fading fast. "Forget it. I'm just going to join in, and that's the last any of us needs to say about it."

Todd laughed and, without giving her a chance to respond, grabbed Mom by the back of the head and guided his cock back inside her mouth. Her exceptionally full lips looked glorious wrapped around her son's dick.

Dom resumed pumping away furiously at our mother's pussy. Without looking at me, he said, "Almost done. You can take over in a sec."

True to his word, he shortly thereafter pulled out, pushed Mom's dress farther up her back, and jerked his cum onto her fat ass. The sight of those huge, shapely globes painted in her son's jizz was almost enough to get me off right there. I didn't even bother taking my clothes off before dropping to my knees for some sloppy seconds.

I eased my hard cock into my mother's wet snatch, gasping as I pushed past her tight entrance. There was no way a mother of four could be this tight.

I lasted all of two minutes before I too pulled out and added my own contribution to the pool of sticky cum on her ass. It was over so fast, I could hardly even have said what it felt like. Good. Damn good. Warm. Moist. That's about all I remembered.

After Mom swallowed every last drop of Todd's cum, she stood up, blushing, and told us she was just going to clean up and then she'd be back for more.

"Sorry, man. You were totally right," Todd said. "But seriously. You can't blame us for having been skeptical. I mean, this is pretty unreal. And apparently Brianna had us under a pretty damned good veil. I knew she was powerful, but damn."


"Wait, are you being serious?" Dom asked. "You're not fucking with us, are you? Like as payback for thinking you were the first time?"

"No, seriously, what the fuck is Todd talking about?" I asked. Except I knew. I wasn't sure how I knew. But hadn't I already thought to myself that it felt like a heavy curtain had been draped over certain parts of my mind? Still, how did Todd know our cousin had done this to us? How was it that a few hours ago, everyone thought I was insane for seeing things that they now took completely for granted?

My brothers looked at one another incredulously then back at me. "I figured since you were the first to see through it, you'd be ahead of us in getting your memories back."

They explained to me who we were. It sounded ridiculous. I knew I had special powers that enabled me to live out my wildest fantasies. But the whole family?

But it was also entirely too ridiculous to make up. And it resonated on a certain level.

Like the first time I'd learned about imaginary numbers. It seemed laughable at first, but it explained too much, was entirely too useful a concept, to dismiss out of hand.

Fuck, what was wrong with me? Why hadn't I freaked out when I saw that horrible tableau unfolding before me? What had made me join in? And how could I be reacting so calmly to it, with a detached intellectual curiosity. Metaphors from math class? Really?

Because I'd already gone through all this. Already made my peace with what a sick fuck I was. Had already torturedTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Where shall I begin?I guess with my mother, who through no fault of her own became the main character of my little story of woe and exultation.Mom's name is Myrna. She's an optometrist and has her own business. I guess that the first word that would come to if you just met her would be standoffish, but she really isn't. She just likes to keep her distance until she gets to know someone. Mom and I don't have one of those touchy-feely kind of mom-son relationships, but she's always been there for...

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The EMT Ch 12

To those intrepid fans of the EMT story, here is a new bit, at long last. This is a linking chapter that spends a considerable amount of time (YOU MAY THINK) setting up Suzanne’s next adventure acting on behalf of Ruler Electronics under the direction of Graham Leicester. Some of you may think I have spent too much time addressing the set-up (I’ve certainly been away from writing for too long), but the true aficionados of The EMT will, I think, forgive my indulgence, as what is to come will be...

3 years ago
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Victoria Justice Photoshoot Fun

I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I dedicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day.I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently Kode magazine got a hold of my portfolio and they were impressed . They got into contact with me and told me that...

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The Cup Of Milk On First Night

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai again. This story is my cousin’s, his first night story. His name is Sandeep and his newly wed wife is Gokila. It was an arranged marriage and the marriage had happened within a month from their first meeting, that they had rarely talked to each and had no clue what to expect out of that relationship. So, when they sent her in a red Saree with a cup of milk inside their first night room, he was all in anxiety. Describing Gokila, she was of a wheatish complexion,...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 76 Progress of Cavalcanti the Younger

Meanwhile M. Cavalcanti the elder had returned to his service, not in the army of his majesty the Emperor of Austria, but at the gaming-table of the baths of Lucca, of which he was one of the most assiduous courtiers. He had spent every farthing that had been allowed for his journey as a reward for the majestic and solemn manner in which he had maintained his assumed character of father. M. Andrea at his departure inherited all the papers which proved that he had indeed the honor of being the...

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The Cousin Trilogy Part One

The following story is 100% true, as I remember it. There is no embellishment whatsoever. This all happened. Jill is my oldest cousin, clocking in at 14 years older than me. She's on the shorter side, being only 5'4. However, she's by no means petite. I don't mean to say she's fat. In fact she's always been in damn good shape. She just has larger-than-average breasts (36DD), and a larger-than-average butt. She has a perfect smile and gorgeous eyes. Everything about her is just...

1 year ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Eight

While Jim and I had been getting dressed and ready for dinner, I had heard sounds coming from the guest bedroom where Judy and Diane were engaged in the same occupation Jim and I had been enjoying. I think the sound that I heard were the moans of a teen age girl being laced into what was probably her first corset. 15 was such a wonderful year to start serious corset training. I had missed that by one year with Jim. I could easily rectify that error this summer. There was so much Jim and...

3 years ago
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Punished for teasing Master

I was still wearing my swishy black cocktail dress from dinner, with the high strappy heels showing off my muscular legs, just like you like. You had already made me take off my lacey black thong in the car, on the way home, and I could feel the cool air washing over my wet pussy. I was blindfolded at the edge of the bed, my arms tied behind me with a soft rope just above my elbows, which was fastened to the upper crossbar of your fourposter bed, forcing me to lean slightly over the bed. I...

4 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 43

Karen Traipsing; to amble on foot ... but it’s more than that. We were having a look-see, a stroll, a promenade without the strut ... not yet a lumber or a plod or even a trudge ... we were roaming ... spring in our step. Not necessarily marching, parading or prancing, we were taking a tour ... traipsing. We were gussied up. A guaranteed, warranted, and authorized pair of teenagers. The elders said we passed our authenticity test. We were pre 1823 and looked it. Slightly smudged, a little...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Kinuski BDSM DP Domination Session

Horny Finnish babe Kinuski is pleasuring herself in her convertible sports car when she’s caught red-handed by Kristof Cale and Vince Karter. Vince, being the clever stud that he is, takes the opportunity to lure Kinuski back to his place, where he’s got a cache of BDSM toys. He quickly convinces Kinuski to give the toys a try, and within minutes, her hands bound and she has Vince’s cock stuffed in her mouth. Shortly thereafter, Kristof joins the fun and the pair give Kinuski a proper DP...

4 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 11

I had no idea where we were, and the name on the sign in the terminal didn't help. "Welcome!" That was eal informative. We were definitely in a tropical climate. In the early evening I could see palm trees, people in shorts and tees, and the women were in sandals. I couldn't smell much, just hot asphalt, slightly scorched rubber, and jet fuel. Maybe those are the smells of the tropics. There was a woman standing in a corner. Dad asked her something and we were directed to a open air bus...

1 year ago
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AWOL Part One

Dappled light escaped through the cream coloured muslin curtains. In front of large bay windows, and fell across Charlotte’s cute freckled face. Her smudged rouge lipstick shone, trailing along the portion of my shiny semi- hard cock submerged down the back of her throat. Bubbles of glistening spittle slowly streaked its way down to my pubic hairs, her head moved slowly toward it twisting in a corkscrew motion. A faint groan, and her mouth widened then spluttered, she coughed, gagging. She...

She Males
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Craig Gets Cucked Part 2

Over the next couple of weeks, Penny and Kris met twice for drinks and one time for dinner. Craig had started asking if she was seeing another guy, but she could honestly answer no to that. She did, however, make a snide remark about how maybe she should find another guy and let him watch to remind him how it was done. Surprisingly, he did not respond to that the way she thought he would. Talking all this time with Kris was changing her, though she had not realized it until now.Penny decided...

2 years ago
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Cum Pizza True Story

I was ordering pizza for the family, and had to pick it up so left right away.On the way to getting it I drive by a local Rest Stop known as a Bi/Gay hangout.I notices that there were 5 or 6 cars and no one sitting in them.So I pulled in and walked up to the Out-Door Outhouse, There was only one guy inside side the stalls so I acted like I was taking a leek. I saw the guy looking at me thru the glory-hole. I started getting hard just looking at that eye looking at my cock. I started the pull...

3 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 6

“Language, little girl, what would your mother say?” “She would have climbed up on a chair and torn down your tiles,” Tyke said, “You’re lucky I’m so small. WHERE.IS.MY.DADDY?” She was loud enough to rattle the secret doors. One of those hidden doors opened and an older woman entered the room ... Eva Caretaker Controller entered the picture. Ceiling said, “Good Day, Ma’am.” This was the ‘Good Day’ of the ‘Thank the gods you’re here’ variety ... not the ‘oh shit’ kind. “Ceiling ... what is...

4 years ago
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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 2

Part 2"Oh God....This thing is driving me nuts." Vicky was squirming in her seat at the restaurant with her new remote controlled vibrator snug in her pussy. Looking at me with a slight pout she asked, "Turn it up just a little higher, please. I want to see if I can cum right here." She was way into this. I was holding the remote control in my hand under the table, playing with the buttons and dials. Every time I tweaked the control her head would jerk back and forth in a body spasm. Her long,...

1 year ago
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Lounging for FunChapter 9 Premature teen by choice

I asked them what they thought about that, and they both as one said “Yummy!” I told then it was time for me to prepare for my part but I would need some snacks to start. They pulled out of me and for the first time I saw the bats they had stuck in themselves to keep themselves enlarged for today. As they walked they each had ball bats sticking out of both their anus and vagina’s. It was kind of funny watching them walking, almost running around. Every 10 or 20 steps they would stop and sit...

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Hacked Off

Hacked Off By Prudence Walker Sitting before his computer, the hacker stared intently at the screen and at the page title, Crystal's Story Site. 'Now,' he giggled, to the empty room, `this will teach you to reject my stories for being too violent!' His fingers moved over the keyboard, but, as he launched the intended virus bomb at the site, something peculiar started to happen. Everything in the room - his room, too - started to grow very bright... In her new secret...

2 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 7

All these years , I have wondered whether women are seduced or women allow themselves to be seduced by a man of their wish. It is very much possible that , I am the worst possible seducer . While not unexpected , the teacher had remained calm throughout the activities and afterwards too.At school her behavior was same to me as every other student.We never had a conversation of the events that happened during 2 days stay at her village. I wanted to ask her many a things. Yet I was worried about...

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Bath with Rekha aunty

This is in continuation to the earlier post about Rekha and me – for those who missed out on the first one, this is the true story about my first sexual encounters – I was about 15 then and Rekha was 26 if I remember correctly. The story happens in one of the smaller towns in India. Those details hardly matter. Some people wrote back asking me to describe her. Based on my memory her stats would be 35 – 30 – 32. Fair , with long black hair to her hips. Usually used to wear suits at home and...

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Aunt answers some questions and has fun

When I was 16 I decided I had a lot of questions about sex and related things but not enough answers and the web wasn't helping me much. I decided to turn to my aunt, a understanding lady who's around 40 but single. I called her and asked her if she could help me with some of my questions and she said sure and invited me over. Walking to her house I did not know what to expect, I felt like I was doing something horribly wrong but the curiosity of my questions didn't stop me. When I got to the...

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Having My Way Part 8

He took me hard and I came so hard for him. The water in the shower felt so good on my body as I collapsed under it. He took me in his arms and held me close. "There is more to come", he said quietly. I let the warm water roll over me as my love held me close. I didn't want this to stop. After a little while, he got up and helped me to my feet. He took a washcloth and soap and cleaned my body. He started with my neck and my back. Soap and rinse. Then my ass. I opened my legs so he could clean...

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I meet Buster

The doorbell rings and when I answer, I see him and another large black man, standing to his side. They were dressed in shorts and tanks. When I opened the door, Vinny and his friend stepped inside."Whassup Mark? This is my home boy, Brian. We all call him Buster." Vinny greeted me as we fist bumped. Vinny headed to straight to the bathroom while his friend and I became acquainted. Buster was rough looking. He was a light skinned black guy with tattoos everywhere including two full sleeves. He...

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Sex With Girlfriend Turns Into Gangbang

My name is Vikram and this story takes place two years ago. I was doing my second-year Btech at the time and I had a girlfriend, Swathy. Swathy had a best friend named Divya. Both the girls were attractive in their own rights and were in my college. Swathy was fair, a bit to the plump side with large assets while Divya was slimmer, dusky and with ample assets. Both the girls were dancers and had been for a very long time, so they had well-maintained figures. Divya had a boyfriend who was a...

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He Shoots She Yaps

Agent Stacy Meadows placed the kid in the back seat of the car, buckled her up and only just avoided slamming the door. Stacy was boiling mad. Leaning against the front of the gray base model vehicle she called the duty officer of the diplomatic protection corps. ‘Fred, it’s Stacy Meadows at the airport. I’ve picked up the Japanese Ambassador’s 8-year-old but Robyn’s a no show. The stupid bitch won’t answer her phone. What now?’ Deputy operations commander Fred Apple coughed and said, ‘Don’t...

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Perhaps LoveChapter 12

"What do you see?" His daughter, who'd been standing between his knees and staring out at the ocean with him, looked down at her surf watch. "Wave sets of six, with the wave period about twelve seconds or so." "What else?" "It's a long lull between sets – almost nine minutes." "Which means?" "I'll probably only get two –maybe three – big waves out there before time's up. So, I'll need to attack a couple inside waves after each of those, just in case." "You all...

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Gay Revenge Pt 2

“What the fuck, what the fuck…”, my head was reeling for days after Jake left, what the hell had I gotten myself involved in and how the fuck was I going to get out of it. Jake told me Terry and he were going to make sure I either do whatever the fuck they wanted to do to me OR I’d lose my cushy “free ride” with my wife. A few days later a temporary reprieve came when Carol needed to go to New York City for three weeks to manage the business and I could figure my way out of this mess, but they...

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TheBus fantasy that never happened

The BusIt all started when I saw her.Waiting for the bus same as I. Complete stranger she was a Filipino beauty and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She felt my gaze so I quickly turned and looked the other way. She was around 5'4 a tight tiger print shirt that showed clinger to her body showing amazing breasts, Blue nurse pants within them a nice ass, green stripe socks and white sneakers. Her beautiful eyes and lips that seemed enticing. As I look in awe of her beauty we wait for our bus...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 46

Diana straightened the small stack of papers, and inserted them into the three-hole paper-punch. Leaning down on it, she punched the holes into the papers. She opened the project folder and inserted the sheets. After folding the metal clips to hold the papers in place, she closed the cover. Looking through the plastic front, she read the title aloud, “Personal Definition of Happiness and Goals for Diana Parker.” With a sad expression on her face, she put the folder down. Working through her...

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My Wife The Adventures Of A Slut

My wife is a pure and unadulterated slut. This however, does not bother me in the least. In fact it is good for me, as am a voyeur, that is I love watching people have sex, and I especially love watching my gorgeous wife, get her pussy rammed by some stud. I will now relate how this fantasy of mine came true. We had been married only a few months when things begin to take place, that made me think that she was seeing someone behind my back. Just about every weekend she would leave in the...

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Kim Chapter 2

Kim Chapter #2After swimming in the pool I was in need of another bottle of water and Kim and I went inside and dried off our bodies. There was not much in the fridge so she picked up her bra and panties off the floor as well as my boxers and we walked across the compound to my apartment where I had more food and beverages. We did not bother getting dressed as we both needed a shower to get the chlorine from the pool off of us. The shower was small and only one of us could fit at a time so I...

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Breaking In A New Family Part 6

The grove of trees was thick but only about 500 yards deep. Soon, they came to a gate at the end of the path. Opening it, Mr. Thompson ushered the girls and Tim through. When it closed again, Tim noticed a sign on this side saying “PRIVATE: FAMILY ORIENTATION IN PROGRESS”. This was part of the resort’s seclusion process to allow newcomers to gradually get comfortable within their family unit before exposing them to other guests. Mr. Thompson led them up to the central lodge. Climbing the...

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My Wife is Addicted to Black Cock and Im her Cuckold

Karin is respected at work and at home. She runs a tight ship at both places. She tells me when I can fuck her and how to do it. She mixes it up, but is always the boss. Sometimes she’s respectful, sometimes she’s tough. She’s always on top and always makes sure we both get off. On the rare instances when she sucks my dick, she bends at the waist and mechanically beats and sucks me to get me hard. I have never cum in her mouth. Once a year she grants me a wish on my birthday. My birthday...

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Enjoyed Second Best One Week Sex With A Married Woman

Hi, I’m Aarush 24 from Navi Mumbai, about me I’m little browny with average dick size 5″5 and I have an innocent face that no one can doubt on me that I have a dirtiest mind. I’m big fan of a rough and dirty sex and until now I fucked females for more than 20 times and every time it was rough and dirty which I will explain in this sex story. I would love to hear your comments and I can be your secret santa as well if you love dirty sex. So let’s begin the sex story, as I posted several stories...

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The Panty Wetter Part One

Chloe, at twenty-five years of age, had just ended her first serious relationship and was adrift in more ways than one. Answering her sexual needs without somebody else to stimulate her physical desires had seen her taking to the internet in search of first dating sites, and then, after despairing of the obvious fake postings, had then taken to the fetish sites.She needed something out of the ordinary to re-energise her sex drive and get her out of the slump that her post-breakup had triggered....

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The Monster 3

His Story – Part Two – His Party This is a continuation of our story It’s about our obsession with our neighbors and the way they’ve introduced us to group sex. Frank – WM, 6’, 210 lbs with a 6” dick Shellie – she’s a WF, 5’ 8”, about 140 lbs with hard 42 DD’S Kathy – she’s a WF, 5’ 11”, about 140 lbs with full, hard 40 D’S Donna – she’s a WF, 5’, about 100 lbs with 32 B’s and big nipples On Monday morning I was taking a shower and the phone rang. I grabbed a towel and...

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PurgatoryX Aidra Fox Emily Willis The Last Straw Episode 3

The following evening, both Emily (Emily Willis) and Donnie (Donnie Rock) are tending bar when Aidra (Aidra Fox) shows up just before closing. Her timing is perfect since the bar closes early Sunday nights and they now have the place all to themselves. Donnie, Emily and Aidra all want the same thing… the carnal fun of the previous two nights to continue. The two eager beavers are soon taking turns gagging on Donnie’s cock. The salacious threesome spends the rest of the night sucking and fucking...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 69

"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...

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Neighbors Care

“Honey?” I said to my wife one night. “Would you fuck another guy if you could?” “What? What do you mean?” “I mean, we’ve been married a while and I know ... it’s kind of like, well, I love cheeseburgers, but I don’t want a cheeseburger every meal. That would be boring and pretty soon I wouldn’t want another one. Being married seems kind of like that.” “So you’re bored with me, is that it?” “NO! Not at all. But, I’m talking about you. You’ve been having my cheeseburgers now for a few years....

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Justice in the end

Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or My name is Timmy. I am now eighteen but my story begins 12 years ago. My mother Wanda was a single mom who had little money and an urge to party. She didn’t like being tied down and being a mother. I, of course, thought the world of her because I didn’t know she was uninterested in me....

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08 TogetherChapter 22

Flashback – Ben and Jack – The trip to hell ... Ramadi Just when I thought things were going fairly well, there was a huge fucking explosion that ripped into the Humvee. It blew me the hell out of the gunner's position and tossed the Humvee like a toy against the far wall of the street. As I flew through the air my first thoughts were of Jack and my rifle. I smacked back first into the same wall as the destroyed Humvee and was stunned for a very brief moment, but then the rounds which the...

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another rendezvous

There’s nothing like going to work knowing in advance that your significant other and his kid are going to a Bruins game. It’s like a free pass for me to get my fuck on — if I’m in the mood.I was torn, though, as I drove to work: should I go to a repeat offender who was great and won’t be a dud, or someone new. I went to my websites to help figure that out but, of course, it really came down to my mood and what I wanted.By noon, I had narrowed it down to four guys — two I'd met and two...

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MonstersOfCock Tristan Summers Petite Girl Takes On A Monster Cock

Tristan Summers is a BABE! She walks up to her stepdad Jonathan Jordan asking if it’s okay to take a bath. Of course it’s okay, but Jonathan warns her that they have to save water. She says okay and strolls on by the bathroom and removes all of her clothes. She has such a nice tight body and those tits are perky. She heads inside of the bathtub and gives herself a good scrubbing. Meanwhile, Jonathan gets tired of doing nothing and decides to go spy on his stepdaughter and maybe take...

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Bhabhi Ko Kese Pata Ke Choda

Hi friends mera name Raj he me Ahmadabad ka rahne wala hu and me 3rd year b.com me study krta hu meri age 20 years he muje to nahi pata but ladkiya bolti he ke me bhot handsome hu nd me jab chodta hu to ladkiyo ko jannat ki sher kara deta hu or 1 ya 2 gante tak ladki ko 6odta nahi hu. Jab tak usko pura satisfaction nahi milta bus chode hi jata hu aaj tak jitni bhi girls ya bhabhi ya aunty ko mene kiya he vo aaj bhi muje yad kiya krte he. My penis size is 8 inch 3 inch mota he or ya ye meri 1st...

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JulesJordan Gianna Dior First Interracial

Gianna Dior takes on Dredd’s MONSTER BBC in her FIRST INTERRACIAL scene! The wait is finally over, Gianna Dior finally gets a taste of some DARK MEAT! Gianna’s looking hella hot in her white see through top with matching panties and thigh high boots as she shows off her perfect body and waits for her BBC to arrive. Dredd shows up and Gianna immediately starts rubbing his massive member through his pants and grinding her ass up against it. She gets on her knees and kisses it while it’s...

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Unexpected Stranger From novella entitled ESCAPE

Chapter One It was Friday night around ten o’clock, Lauren guessed. She wasn’t really sure, because the only thing that had her complete attention at that moment were dark brown handsome eyes boring into hers with such intensity that she couldn’t look away. She was mesmerized. The night had started out innocently enough. She and her girlfriend had come to MacAllister’s bar to celebrate her girlfriend’s birthday. The next thing she knew, her friend on the barstool to her right was laughing...

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Its Always the Quiet OnesChapter 7 Saturday

The Lamborghini Murciélago LP 670-4 was Eddie's favorite. The fact that it had a six hundred sixty horsepower V12 engine with a six-speed transmission and a top speed of two hundred thirteen miles per hour meant very little to him. It could go from zero to a hundred miles per hour in six point eight seconds, but he didn't care about that either. He did notice that his top speed would drop if he used the optional Aeropack wing, but he used it anyway because of the extra traction he got for...

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Quenching The Flame

First let me tell you about the best kept secret in Birmingham Alabama. I am married to it. Kay is a tall woman who dresses as much like a frump as she can. She wears ugly glasses with window glass lenses. She wears her hair in an old lady bun at the back of her head. Her usual clothes are baggy and not at all fashionable and they hide her figure and most of her legs. She looks and acts like a nice but plain ordinary house wife who has better than average intelligence. She is a perfect...

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Almost caught

Heather felt a tingle of excitement run through her body as she looked over the items arranged neatly on her bed. Firstly there was the clothing. From an adult store in the city she had purchased a French Maid's outfit, short, black and lacy and, for added fun, it would expose her delightfully pert breasts. To enhance the look she had stockings and a suspender belt, high, stiletto heeled shoes and, to top it all off, a wide leather collar and a rubber ball gag. Beside the clothes were a number...

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Finding myself in a steamy situation

All I could see was this big hard cock. My eyes travelled from its big knob that was steadily being coated with more pre-cum, down its 7 inch veined shaft right to its shaven base where it met up with a muscular torso and large shaven balls. As I started to move my gaze up his body, over his well defined abdominal muscles and over his pecs I woke up. I was lying in the dark in my college dorm room, my cock was rock hard and I was desperate to blow my load. I listened and heard the deep...

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I will start by saying that this is a true story. Last night, I went to the house of a Dom that I used to see semi-regularly. Jake is a straight contractor, with a great body. He has that perfect masculine build that only a lifetime of manual labor can achieve. His biggest asset is a big thick 9? cock. It really is the most beautiful cock that I have ever seen. He owns me because of this perfect cock. Well that, and the fact that he is the only Dom to ever give me what I really need.It had been...

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Wild ChildChapter 10

Juli pulled a tee shirt over her head and sat on the side of her bed watching as Darin did his wizardly tech magic with her new PC. When he turned it on, it came on with a flash of light and was instantly loaded. “You’re pulling 19.8 mbps, that is HOT, Baby.” “Good, I want to be a HOT BABY for you too.” “You are, for sure; you got a hot pussy too.” “Thanks, I want to be the best ever at fucking and sucking.” “You’re on your way, you sure sucked me dry.” “I bet you’re hard again already...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil

Introduction: Jack is rushed to the hospital while I explain to the police what happened tonight. The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil My kiss did not awaken Jack. I press his face against my shoulder as I looked up from the floor. Janet and Susan are standing over me with tears streaming down their faces. I looked to see others standing with their heads bowed as if in silent prayer. I looked into Jacks face as I said, Please Jack, come back, I need you. MISS, we will take it from...

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Alison Goes To London Chapter 16 A Jolly Good Fucker

Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday, dear Alison,Fucky Birthday to you!“Surprise!” There was a chorus of cheers, and Alison felt her blindfold being untied. She looked around and gasped at the sight of Claire’s room, decorated with bunting and banners displaying messages like “Happy 19th – to a True Whore!” and “Many Fucky Returns!” Little pink paper cocks, tits and asses, dangling from ribbons, festooned the room, which was dominated by a huge poster of a gaping asshole,...

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estim elektro

hello,last night me and my hubby used for the first time elektro estim.in the beginning i was a little bit scared to dobut we treied because we want to.my hubby first placed 2 pads on my right breast. 1 above my nipple and 1 below.then the other set by my cunt. 1 o the right and 1 on the left. just above my cunt, about 2 cm first he put gel on the spot for good connection.we smoked a joined and then we go!!we acreed that we start slow. at position one with program change pulse after 4-5...

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