Herrin free porn video

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The story is completely fictional, all acts andcharacters are result of writers imagination. If you are under aged, closethis document immediately!

In advance, please forgive if my English is not good enough.



Just laying there on the table and awaiting his faith to bring him more misery,he felt coolness probing his skin and going straight to his flesh and bones.Cold, that was the only thing he felt then. Numb has he become long time ago;num and resistless to anything and everything.

She left him like that on purpose so he could recollect any memory he hadleft in his mind. She knew that after that day, even the faintest memory ofhis previous existence, of him being a man, would vanish.

And then, she would be able to do it without concerning her mind that shedid it to a sane and conscious creature.

And she was really good at it; at erasing his whole existence prior to theday they met, crushing his personality into nothing, making sure that his soulcease to exist and only the flesh and bone of his essence is kept alive. Althoughhis mind worked in a very slow and thorough way, like he was having a walkin the park on a calm and sunny day, he couldn't recollect much; it was almostall gone.


He remembered how they met a little over 15 years ago; he rememberedhow they became lovers, a couple. He remembered her introducing him tothe world of her desires and slowly taking control of both their lives.She was never shy and hesitative; she wanted to dominate him, their livesand she succeeded in it. It all began with simple and usual things, butthen, it evolved. He thought she had feelings for him, just as he had verystrong feeling for her. Those feelings made him do and give into thingsthat she desired, let her control him, even humiliate him sometimes ashe saw how good she felt later on. He wanted to please her, no matter what.

She, on the other hand, was somewhat confused; she wasn't sureif she felt any affection towards him as sometimes, she'd stop herselffrom doing certain things that she dreamt of.

She decided to continue with her little dominative games, justto see when and if he'd say 'enough…I won't do it anymore'. But,he wanted to endure all just to make her happy and that was his biggestmistake. He let her with her ways for too long and just enhanced her needsthat way; she was loosing control slowly and, that day, when he actuallysaid 'enough', she knew she'd have her way with him, all the way so, too.

She let him off the hook for a few days, she even apologized. Sheneeded a little time to prepare and to set him up; to set him up for life.All the things that crossed her mind were difficult to comprehend, evenfor her.

One night, just when he thought everything was back in place, shedrugged him. As he fell unconscious, she took him to her specially arrangedbasement, and threw him into a cage she had built for him. Once he wokeup, he couldn't believe his eyes; he was put in a cage in the middle ofdungeon-like, very well equipped, torture room. At that moment, he knewthat he didn't know anything about the woman upstairs except that she wasa complete, German origin, stranger. Off course, at first, he couldn'tbelieve what was going on and, he refused to believe it for some time.His first true concern came from the fact that, in spite of all his callsfor her, she showed up only 3 days later. He was mad and hungry like hell;he couldn't remember all that he told her that moment but he clearly rememberedhow she threw one slice of bread on the cage floor and said, "Learn tobehave!" before she turned on her heel and left. Also, clearly he rememberedcoldness of the moment and expression on her face as she was leaving. Hecalled her few times and then ceased; and that was the first step in breakinghim down. He was assured that she couldn't have her way with it; he wassure that someone, sooner or later, would report him missing to authoritiesor look him up. None of it happened.

She would come down every day with a slice of bread and glass ofwater, exactly at noon. She never said a word to all his pleas and questions,instead, she'd just leave. Just by seeing how she arranged the place, withbed, toilet and a shower and all other relevant accessories, freaked himout.

On 15 th day,she came down in the morning; without a word, she pulled one chair fromthe corner and sat down. His questions and pleas flew angrily through theair but she just sat there and watched him, silently. After, what seemedhours, she said, "Today is 15 th daythat I put you in that cage", and she stopped for a while, cleared herthroat and continued, "Each day represents a year; that's how long I intendto keep you in here, 15 years!" Her truly firm and confident voice wassomething he had heard for the first time; he didn't know if she was seriousbut, tone of her voice and the fact that he, with all his best efforts,was unable to exit that cage, made him tremble. 'She's insane' he thought,'how did I get myself into all this?' The feelings he had for her beganto fade rapidly from that moment on. Variety of thoughts flew in his mindand he heard her continue, "There is probably millions of men that wouldgladly accept imprisonment by someone like me; however, that is not whatI want. What I want is someone like you, who is reluctant to the mere thoughtof being in this situation for a week, let alone 15 years…what Iwant is to turn you into a senseless, emotionless creature that will acceptanything and everything I have to impose, without giving it a second andclear thought. Of course, this will take time and patience, and those aretwo things I have plenty of; you, on the other hand, have no choice", andas she finished the sentence, she stood up to leave. Before he managedto come out of shock and say anything, she added while climbing the stairs, "Howdifficult all this shall be, it's up to you" and she swiftly left.

That was the day his Golgotha began. As the days went by, his hopes of herletting him go began to fade; she continued her daily routine, but increasedthe amount of his meals. First time he complained she said, "I don't want youto speak unless told so or asked a question; if you disobey, I'll make youeven hungrier then you are now", he must had lost 30 pounds in first few weeks, "but,more you become obedient, more food you'll get…is that clear?" she askedhim. He wasn't responding so she said, "You should answer when asked a question." Shyly,he said yes; she came closer to the cage, looked him in the eyes and said, "Youwill start to forget my name; from now on, you'll address me as Herrin only,is that clear?" again, his answer was faint when he confirmed. Her victim wasbreaking and she knew it; she wanted to do so many things but she knew thattime is the main factor of achieving her goals so she decided to be extremelypatient.

He had to be worn down in order to have her ways with him, easily. She knewthat, first couple of times, when she lets him out of the cage, he'd resist,maybe even try to overcome her, so she had to make him weak in his body aswell as in his mind. To him, her behavior was strange; she had him in a cage,down in her basement, like an animal and still, her appearance, tone of hervoice remained always calm. She acted like she'd done this a thousand timesbefore, never showing any sign of excitement or any other emotion in an elevatedstate. She stood firm and seemed tranquil in, whatever her intentions, were.His living necessities were replenished on regular basis by her; the routinewas neatly pre-calculated for each day. And every day, she'd introduce somethingnew to him; in the beginning and for the quite a long time, her prioritieswere playing mind games with him. At first, she made it clear to him how shenever really loved him or had any other similar feelings for him; by that,she wanted him to know that, in time that was about to come, there would benothing that would stop her from doing what she intended to do and accomplish.Each day, she'd give him a little from her mind, just to keep him thinkingabout it for the rest of the day. That way, she was focusing his mind to thepresent and to the future and kept his thoughts off of the past.

"I am not some crazy, feministic dominatrix bitch or whatever they call it;I do not hate male kin in general but, what I am about to do with you, I couldnever do with another woman. I picked you because you were a convenient subjectat the time; you are weak and you were ready to do anything for me, that'swhy I didn't need to look any further", she'd fed his mind with statementslike that for long time. "This is going to be a two-way experiment, a verylong one, too; I will take you to all your limits just to find out where theyare and also, find out how exactly, my own dark side and my fantasies looklike when brought to light. This will be no ordinary Dom/sub relationship;in those, subs get some kind of satisfaction, too, whether sexual or other.The only one to get any kind of satisfaction shall be me, you will be allowedto ease yourself on your own twice a month but I sincerely doubt you'll feellike it."

After two months of such, daily routine mind plays, she began to be morespecific about her intentions; she clearly let him know that pain on dailybasis will be one of the main factors in this experiment. "As you can see,I got this basement well equipped and I intend to use every piece of thesevarious accessories, many times." He felt he was loosing his mind already,just by listening to her horrific intentions, "after some time, I do not intendto use toilet bowls in this house, ever; for that purpose, I intend to useyou, full service, every day. You do not need to like it but you will be goodat it and I'll do my best not to poison you to death with my excrement." Afterweeks of such verbal torment and abuse, he knew that she had no intentionsof letting him go, ever. For so long, she just fed him with information butdid nothing; he began to think that she'd never do anything for real, insteadjust keep talking about it, but he was wrong. Soon enough, his worst nightmarescame to life.


She was much proud of what she accomplished in last 3 years; every time she'dwalk in that basement, she'd remembered how, for the first few times she lethim out of the cage; he tried to resist her, even overcome her once. But, ashe was too weak and slightly drugged those several times, she had no problemin overpowering him and making him do and take whatever she wanted. But now,it was completely different; it has been almost two years that such attemptsof his ceased. He was obeying her every command without slightest defianceleft in him; she knew he was already broken, his soul extinguished but, shewanted more. She knew there was always something more left to kill in him,even then when he already seemed dead inside.

Although, there was almost nothing left that he haven't already experienced,every time, when he'd hear her heels clicking on the basement stairs, fear,the only emotion left in him, would evoke and make him tremble with high magnitude.He wasn't afraid of anything new she might come up with; he was terrified ofall the things she just might repeat.

"Have you being masturbating? Did you relieve yourself last night?" she askedalthough she already knew his answer, "No Herrin" he replied. She watched himfor a while and said, "Come out of the cage, creature." Once he was out, hewas ordered to undress and lay in the square drawn on the floor with red paint.As his body began to reveal under the clothes, it seemed that there wasn'tan inch left of his skin without old or fresh scar, bruise or any other damagemarks. To an ordinary eye, the sight was horrible; to her, it was a masterpiecein art of sadism and of keeping one alive when, by all the rules of nature,he'd be dead. He laid on the floor in that square which was bigger then he,but, once his legs and arms were stretched towards the corners, just big enough.Each corner had an iron shackle secured to the floor so he could be immobilizedin such stretched way and left to her mercy. He was in that position many timesso he couldn't have any idea of what her intentions were; soon enough, he'dalways find out.

She circled around him for a while then went for the closet on the otherend of basement; he began to guess what kind of treatment she had in mind ashe knew what was in that particular closet. She opened it and watched manypairs of different kinds of footwear, for a while; there was boots, sandals,pumps, all with heels, sharp or chunky ones, some regular, some extremely highor nail-sharp. Just a few pairs of shoes or boots had "normal" appearance,such that a woman could wear out in public without everyone starring weirdlyat her legs. The rest of the footwear was pretty unusual looking and for "in-house" use,only. She took out 6 pairs of different footwear, brought them close to wherehe was laying, and placed them on the floor beside him. For most of the thingsshe did to him, she'd always make him choose what she'd do to him; it was apowerful mind-messing thing as he had to choose his own pain, every time. Thegame was not new so she just asked, "Balls or other?" her voice was low andfirm. The choice given was not really a choice; she knew well how to make himregret his choices every time so he didn't really gave it a thought, instead,he simply replied, "other".

She sat on the chair, took off the shoes that she came in with and put onpair of knee-high PVC boots. Boot soles were hard and 2" thick, heels werehigh and chunky, almost square shaped. He watched her slowly zip those bootsand, as she rose from the chair, rock her legs to see how the boots fit. Usually,boots like these wouldn't make too much damage as there was no sharp placeon them. However, they had a different effect on someone who weighted only140 pounds, whose bones were clearly visible and whose skin seemed all tensed,once stretched in such position on the floor. Aside of the fact that she knewhow to use them in much more devious way then someone else would.

She grabbed the metal bar that was attached to the ceiling so she could balanceherself better, placed one boot on his temple and pushed his head to the floor,sideways. Then she lifted her other leg and stood on his head with her fullweight. Patience was one of her best virtues; she'd spend hours standing onhis head like that until, sometimes, he'd faint. Her 150 pounds pressing hishead like that for an hour or two was an agony. She'd never let him see touchherself if she'd become aroused and this was one of the things where she coulddo it without being concerned that he'd notice. To her, it was important thathe remained ignorant of the fact that, most of the things she did to him, hada strong sexual stimulus on her and that she could reach orgasms several timesduring those session, if she only wouldn't holding herself back from it. Atthe end, she'd always have at least one, someway on his account, of course;that way, she'd let him know that, in spite of all, it wasn't only about gettingher sadistic needs, fulfilled.

"Make sure you take the pills" she said and, swiftly, left the basement.



After so many years, she never thought she'd do something like that withhim again. But, that day, she just felt like it and she needed to get some.She wanted a cock. Although his penis wasn't even close to what she'd calla really good dick, it was the closest next thing available. She woke up witha strong urge to fuck someone and that was the first time in years that shefelt impatient and restless. She rushed down to the basement even earlier thenusual; he didn't even notice her as he was cleaning himself in the shower.She felt content to know that he just cleaned himself up; she sat on the chairand waited for him to get out. Once he was out, he was surprised to see hersitting there so early and without a sound; usually, she'd always call himif he wasn't instantly available for her. "Good morning Herrin" he said silently;all this seemed new to him and he was scared of it. Every time something newwould happen, it was never good. On the contrary, her new inventions were alwaysmore agonizing then the previous ones.

"Take all of your clothes off and lay on your back on that bench" she pointedat a wooden bench which top was covered with small pieces of plastic stuckinto some kind of glue. The surface was very rugged and she used to make himkneel on that bench for hours until his knees would start to bleed. As therewas nothing to help him balance, usually after couple of hours, he'd felt onthe floor just to meet her boots with his torso or her whip across his back.

He obeyed as usually and she stood up from the chair and walked over; shetook one rope from the wall and tied up his hands and legs to the bench stages.Then she brought a ball-gag and showed it in his mouth; she went over to thecloset and took out a long and thick leather whip. She brought it over andsaw horror in his eyes, "It is not what you think it is" and she dropped thewhip on the floor "this is just in case you fail me" she continued. She pulleddown the zipper on her skirt and it fell on the floor. As usual, she wasn'twearing any underwear and her pussy shone in its whole glory right beside hishead. She straddled his head and said, "Believe it or not, this is your verylucky day; today, you get to be fucked." She sat down right on his face andbegan to grind her cunt all over his face; she couldn't get any tongue actionfrom him as that gag prevented it but, it was not important. She was hornylike hell, anyway.

If someone would watch that action from a side, it would be a pretty strangesight; by then, she was almost double his size. She was built excellently,her figure was in great shape but she was also very tall and strong. He, onthe other hand was all bones; by then he weighted only 120 pounds and she hadat least 160, aside the fact that he was constantly weakened by her, on purpose.It looked like she could easily break him in half and now, while she sat onhis head, it was like one third of him disappeared beneath her, completely.As she increased the riding pace, she said, "I will fuck you now and it isall about me and not about you" her juices began to soak his face. "If by anychance you fail me, which means, if you cannot get it big and hard enough forme to have couple of orgasms or, if by any chance you come before me, I'lldo my best to remove that useless piece of meat you have there and I'll doit with this whip…I'll whip it off of you!" She turned around to seeif he had it up already and he did so; she stood up and moved down to his groin.She took his dick in her hand, stroked it couple of times and placed its tipat her pussy. Slowly, she slid on it and it disappeared in her, completely.She knew he'd be able to have a hard-on but she wasn't sure if he'd managenot to come. That same thought freaked him out; it was so long that he fuckedor was fucked and now, he simply forgot how to control himself. She began toride him, slowly at first; not that she cared if she would have to whip himor not, but, she wanted those orgasms. So, she decided to help him not to come;after a couple of minutes of her fucking him, she noticed that he just mightcome and, without a word, she slapped him across his face, hard. It surprisedhim so he lost it; her moving up and down and in circles, increasing the paceand pounding hard on him with her bottom, began to make him feel those littlepieces of plastic attached to the bench surface. It was slowly removing layersof his back skin like a sanding paper. She slapped him a couple times morein regular intervals and, as she began to feel her first orgasm coming, thoseslaps become very frequent and much stronger. She placed her left hand on hischest to keep her balance, leaned a little forward and, while still ridinghim hard, slapped his face ten times, furiously. As she rocked her body inan intense orgasm, her nails dug right into his chest skin and made coupleof nasty bruises.

She needed a couple of moment to gather her senses and come out of daze causedby a very strong orgasm; she looked down at her fuck toy and saw how his chestand his mouth were bleeding. Gently, she collected a little blood from hisface with her forefinger and licked it; she smiled at him and then spat itall back in his face, together with her saliva.

"Tastes like shit!" she said and climbed off of him; he still had an erectionand she seemed content about it. She pulled that chair closer, sat on it andlit a cigarette. After a while, she talked, "This was good, very good; I amhappy but not happy enough." After a few thoughts, she continued, "This iswhat we'll do; I am going to fuck you again and again until I am completelyhappy. And then, I am going to whip you anyway because I want to and I likewhipping you; in the mean time, between fucks, I'll need to pee and you knowhow that works, don't you?" She stopped and waited for his answer, "Yes Herrin" hereplied with low voice. "Good! And then, I'll make sure you have your blue-ballsuntil the rest of the day, later I'll let you relieve yourself, if you'll stillfeel like it." Just as they both thought it was all about her scheme, she said, "Oh,one more thing…I just might need to take a dump later today and we knowhow that works, too, don't we?" Again she waited, "Yes Herrin" and he repliedone more time. "Tell me what you will do for me; you know how much I like hearingit…come on!" More or less, it was the only thing she allowed him tosay and, of course, he hated it like hell, "Yes Herrin, I shall service youas your toilet." "That's so nice but, that's not how I wanted to hear it…youcan do better, can't you?" She waited a little as she knew it was pretty difficultfor him to say these words, "Yes Herrin, I will eat all of your shit and drinkall of your urine…and I'll be glad to oblige, Herrin." She barely managedto hold her laughs; instead, she stood up, threw the stub on the floor andsaid, "Good! Now, lets continue…this is going to be a huge fun for me,creature."


"Come on creature! Run!" she was now yelling at him as he was trying to crawlto some kind of shelter; her whip flew thru the air and landed on his back.He lost his balance, both from his knees and his hands, and fell on the floor.Her whip flew again and caught the back of his neck. He crept around the floortrying to get away but he just couldn't do it swiftly enough. "Sometimes Ithink you like all of this…do you like it, creep…ha?" she wasstill yelling at him. Barely, he managed to say, "No Herrin…no." "No!Then run, bitch…why don't you run, ha?" He used all what was left inhim and tried to lift himself up, back on his all fours. Just as he thoughtthat, perhaps, she'd let him move away, her big, leather boot came from nowhereand collided forcefully with his side. He tumbled in the air and fell on hisback; he was so worn and weak, his body all light a woundable and each of suchblows could have damaged him permanently.

"Look at yourself, look at your pathetic little ass; and you were callingyourself a man, once!"She yelled again. From couple of yards away, where shewas standing, she nipped in, jumped a little and landed on his chest with bothof her legs and her full weight. This time she really felt it; she felt asshe was completely capable of finishing him off, that time. She could havedone it so easily in many ways; at that moment, while she stood on him likethat, she wasn't clear of whether she was going all the way or not.

So many times she imagined finishing him off in different ways. It made hertremble with excitement but, she had second thoughts. Not that she cared andnot that she was afraid someone would find out; she was only afraid that, onceshe does it, she wouldn't be able to stop herself. Life would become so dulland she'd have to find another victim.

But then it hit her; 'why not just play the fantasy out and see what happens.'Quickly, she stepped down off of his, already unconscious, body and went toprepare her favorite thing, the gallows.

It was quite easy as she had all the accessories ready at hand; a bar atthe ceiling, a stool and a rope, already with the noose on one end and anotherrope she intended to pull the stool away, with. She threw the rope over thebar and placed the stool beneath it. The other end she planned to secure toa shackle on the floor but not before the length was adjusted. For that, sheneeded him. She looked at him as he still, unconsciously, lay on the floor.She came to him and squatted down between him and the gallows as she didn'twant that to be the first sight once he opens his eyes. It took her a whileto gently bring him out of his unconsciousness.

As he opened his eyes, her red shiny hair blinded him; she had a differentexpression on her face, a new sight for him.

"I have something to offer to you" she said softly and continued, "How wouldyou like if all this would stop, ha? Would you like that?" He couldn't believehis ears; it had to be some kind of trick, he thought, so he didn't reply atfirst. "Well? I am offering you and exit from all this; end of all your sufferingfor all times, beginning now. The only thing you have to do is say 'yes' andconvince me how badly you want it all to stop." Her face drew a slight smileas she waited for any kind of answer. After a minute or so he tried to talk, "Please…Herrin,I…" but he just couldn't finish it so she encouraged him, "Go on, don'tbe afraid; tell me whatever you want and I promise, no punishment will follow,no matter what you say. Be free to speak." It did help so he said, "Yes, yes…please,let me go, I want it all to stop…please…thank you…Herrin." Herface got and evil smiley on it as she said, "Very good, then; I am going tofinish all of your suffering but, I'll do it my way." She saw how confusedhe was while she rose and stood up in front of him assuming that same superior,cold appearance. She leaned forward, grabbed him by his hair and began to pullhim towards the gallows. By a glance, he saw what she had prepared for him;instantly he freaked out and tried to wrestle away but he was too weak forher. Once she tugged him to a yard away from the gallows, she let him fallon the floor and said, "I want to see you climb on that stool by yourself!" "No,please…no, Herrin…don't kill me…" he pleaded for mercy.She looked down at him and said, "Well, you said you wanted a way out and thisis it; I am not going to hang you if that is what you wish, but remember, ifyou don't take this exit now, it will be minimum 3 more years for you and Ipromise, it will be like nothing you have ever seen, before." His head felldown once he realized that he was in an unbearable situation; he didn't wantto die but, more he thought about it, more it seemed easier then spending another3 years in her basement. Let alone that there was no guarantee that she wouldn'tkill him then or during those 3 years. Suddenly, something flicked in his headand he began to crawl rapidly towards the stool. Although, she was pretty surprisedshe managed to keep her cool appearance and she just said, "Good choice! Maybe,there is some of that 'man' left in you, after all." She watched him climbslowly on that stool and straighten up on his feet; once he stood on it, shesaid, "Put the noose around your neck." He obeyed instantly, took the nooseand put it over his head and around his neck. She came behind him to put apair of handcuffs on his wrist; once she took his hands behind him, she felthis hands were ice cold and he was all trembling. "I must admit I appreciateyour choice" she began and, while adjusting the noose behind him, she continued, "Youshowed bravery for doing this and also…" she went in front of him tosee tears slowly dripping down his cheeks, "I appreciate it because I reallywant to see you die for me." She stopped, looked directly in his eyes and said, "Itmakes me go nuts with lust and excitement."

She then went to the other end of the rope, put it through the ring shackleon the floor and pulled it until it got tight enough. She had to make surehis neck wouldn't snap once he was hanged. She adjusted it a little more, andthen made it fast with a good knot. It was all ready; the only thing left wasto kick the stool beneath him.

She came back in front of him and looked up; surprisingly, he appeared muchcalmer then she expected. "Well, this is it; if there is anything more youwant to say, now is the time." She squatted down, took the other rope she broughtbefore and wrapped it around the stool; she walked back, pulled the chair andsat on it, still holding that rope in her hands. With her other hand, she unbuttonedher shirt and exposed her firm breasts at him; then, she lifted her bottomup a little just to pull her skirt up and expose her shiny pussy. "I intendto enjoy all this to the most, if you don't mind" she said, began to massageher breast and continued, "Well, after all these years, isn't there anythingyou'd like to say? Feel free to speak your mind as this is your last chanceto say anything." His mind was a mess and he had no clear thoughts; his mindwas already set for this and he just wanted it all to end so he said, "No…justpull that rope", his voice was somewhat stronger this time. Her hand was alreadyat her cunt and, just by focusing her sight at him she felt her orgasm eruptinginside her. She was so close to her best ecstasy ever so she pulled the ropewith force; as the stool flew away below him, he remained hanging in the airby his neck. A restrained hiss filled the air as the noose tightened aroundhis neck and his face got distorted. That was it, he was about to die and shewas about to have her greatest orgasm, ever. Soon, she accomplished hers; asshe reached her top her body went spasmodic and she let out a loud scream.He, on the other hand was suffocating slowly on that rope; his whole life passedby his eyes in few seconds and, all that he remembered were past 12 years andall kinds of devious things he was submitted to.

His heart beat got slower and soon, he began to loose sight and his consciousness.He wasn't scared anymore; he felt relieved.

In time, she got out of the haze caused by an intense orgasm; she saw howhis body was hanging loose from the rope and she thought it was all over; shethought he was dead. She stood up, walked over to the gallows and reached upto check his pulse. To her big surprise, he was still alive; swiftly, she wentto the rope end and untied the knot. He fell down across the stool and on thefloor with a slight bounce. She was more then satisfied; she did what she alwayswanted to do, hang him, and still had him alive for her future desires. Shetugged him to the cage and placed him on the bed. Silently, she said, "Sweetdreams…tomorrow, you'll hang again."


Just laying there on the table and awaiting his faith to bring him more misery,he felt coolness probing his skin and going straight to his flesh and bones.Cold, that was the only thing he felt then. Numb has he become long time ago;num and resistless to anything and everything.

She left him like that on purpose so he could recollect any memory he hadleft in his mind. She knew that after that day, even the faintest memory ofhis previous existence, of him being a man, would vanish.

And then, she would be able to do it without concerning her mind that shedid it to a sane and conscious creature.

And she was really good at it; at erasing his whole existence prior to theday they met, crushing his personality into nothing, making sure that his soulceased to exist and only the flesh and bone of his essence is kept alive. Althoughhis mind worked in a very slow and thorough way, like he was having a walkin the park on a calm and sunny day, he couldn't recollect much; it was almostall gone.

The slow and long process of bringing down his metabolism as well as hisstate of mind, poisoning him with her excrements for so long, did their deed.Pale color of his scared skin, his slim and weak figure gave and ill appearance.Finally yesterday, he didn't pass 'the test'; like it was all so neatly pre-calculatedas it was only five days until his imprisonment by her would reach full 15years. He had lost the count long ago but she reminded him of it, just yesterday.And yesterday, even the nice and sweet smell and taste of her pussy, even herhelping him to achieve an erection with her hands, didn't help; he wasn't ableto get it up. She was making some preparations just beside him but his mindwas somewhere else; he wished that she'd let him die that first time she hangedhim, 3 years ago. He couldn't even remember how many times after that, shebrought him so close to the end in many different ways but would always, atthe last moment, spare his life just so she could play with it again and again.He wanted to go but she wouldn't let him go; instead, he spent another 3 yearsliving someone's worst nightmares.

She was getting ready to make her promise come thru; she was preparing tocastrate him. Many times she though of the way how to do it; she consideredsome type of small guillotine and some other methods but, finally, she realizedthat the only way that would make her content is to simply cut his testiclesoff and her hand had to be the main tool.

His legs were spread apart on that table and firmly secured to the stagebelow, as well as his hands; a ball gag was secured in his mouth and a coupleof leather belts held his torso and his hips, firmly to the table. The onlything he was able to move was his head; she left it loose on purpose as sheknew he wouldn't be able to resist his curiosity and take a look. On a smalltable beside, she had plenty of medical accessories as she didn't want to makea mess or have him bleed to death. She still wanted him alive, at least forthe next five days; still, she wasn't quite sure what she'll do after oncehis imprisonment reaches full fifteen years.

She came closer and stood in between his legs; she placed a noose of a verythin rope around his testicles and made it tight. Then, she put the other endof the rope thru a small ring screwed in the table edge, just two feet awayfrom the noose. Slowly, she pulled the rope to make it tight and to stretchhis ball sack and then, tied the other end of the rope to the ring. "I hearthere is nothing to it, no pain at all; it looks like this one will be funonly for me" she said and continued to prepare him for the emasculation. Aroundthe upper part of his ball sack, she tightened a slim rubber strap to stopthe blood coming any further then that. She placed some kind of metal pot underhis balls to collect whatever there was to collect.

Then, she moved away to the small table, took one knife with a 5 inch thinblade and a sharpening tool.

Then, she walked up to where his head was and began to sharpen the knifelike a butcher while preparing to slice a thicker piece of meat. "Well, I amsorry you weren't able to pass the test but now I have to do this; rules arerules, don't you think so? Anyway, you don't need them anymore since you canno longer perform sexually, so it is not that big a deal", she stopped sharpeningher knife, leaned a little closer and almost whispered, "I'll make it niceand clean cut, don't worry." He was like in some kind of trance so he nevernoticed how excited she really was; it was strange how, in the beginning, 15years ago, she looked at all this like at an experiment in which, she'd exploreand live out her darkest fantasies and see where a man's limits where. Butlater it evolved; the amount of sexual excitement would build up enormouslywith every single performance she'd invent, new. She felt that, just standingthere with a knife in her hands, seeing him like that and thinking of whatwas about to happen, could bring her to an orgasm. It was strange but verywonderful, too…for her, off course.

The upper part of his ball sack began to get some kind of heavy purple color;with that, she knew she stopped the blood going in lower parts, so it was allready. One thing wasn't in place; she wanted to see him freak out but instead,he laid there with his mind drifting who knows where. She walked slowly tothe bottom of the table and stood by its end; the knife in her hand shone withsharpness as she lifted it up in the air hoping that he would start noticingwhat was about to happen. She grabbed his ball sack with her left hand andsqueezed it; the discomfort he felt made him let go of his thoughts. She placedthe knife below the stretched ball sack and in between two grips; slowly, shetouched his flesh with the knife and moved it from left to right. It made avery neat and thin cut on his skin and he felt it good. Sharp kind of painflew thru his head and he lifted it up and looked down, with his eyes wideopen. He saw her wicked smile as she looked at him with a crafty glance andsaid, "Your balls are no longer yours; now, they are mine." With that, shebegan to slowly cut thru his flesh with her knife; she could have done it inan instant but instead, she took her time. As the skin and the flesh was parting,her hand slowed down the pace and the knife just saw thru his ball sack slowly.She felt the warmth on her hands coming from the blood and his inner temperaturespreading around them. Although, there was considerable amount of pain involved,a different feeling took over him. He felt like his soul, his essence was removedfrom him. He managed to lift his head up and he looked straight at her. Henoticed that she was somewhere else at the moment; even if he tried to makesome kind of gesture with his head, she wouldn't have noticed it. She was sawingthru his flesh slowly, enjoying each second of it. For her, this was more thenfascinating. At that moment, she knew that she would eventually execute himin order to reach and fulfill all of her fantasies. But there was one morelast play to do.

When she was done, she stretched her hand out victoriously, while holdinghis testicles at her palm and showed them to him, "Have you ever imagine thatsomething like this could possibly happen to you? Don't think so…"


For the last five days, she brought down the intensity of her daily routineacts with him; she let him off the hook for the five-day period. His mealsgot much better, even some new clothes she provided for him. Thru all the numbnesshe felt or didn't feel, he sensed that she was preparing some kind of finalact. He didn't care much as he convinced himself, long ago, that even after15 years confinement, she wouldn't let him go just like that. He knew thatending his life would be much easier as an escape for him then spending anothersingle day in her basement; he even hoped she'd finally do it for real so hismisery would finally end.

On the last day of his 15 year long confinement, she came down in the morning,carrying some new clothes and some other stuff in a small hand bag. "I mustcongratulate you for managing these 15 years, one way or another; the experimentis done." With that, she handed him those clothes, told him to dress up andthat she'll be back very soon. He was a little confused; 'what did she wantwith the clothes and all?' he asked him self but, the thought, as any other,vanished soon and he just obeyed, like always. Although, those clothes werejust hanging on his worn figure, he did look at least a little more human.He sat and waited for his fate to come.

After and hour or so, she came back carrying a little bigger hand bag thenbefore; she unlocked the cage lock for who knows which time and said, "Comeout now." Again, he obeyed instantly, came out and followed her as she instructedhim to do so. It took him couple of moments to realize that she was takinghim up the stairs to the basement door; he hesitated so he stopped at the secondstep. She noticed it, turned around and said, "You don't want to start disobeyingme now? Come up the stairs." Whatever he felt was extraordinarily strange;he was actually afraid to go thru the door that he passed only once, 15 yearsago. It felt strange to follow her orders without a leash around his neck orhearing her whip ripping the air and bouncing off of his back. His thoughtswere all messed up but still, he continued to climb those stairs, slowly. She,on the other hand, acted completely calm like it was just yesterday that sheimprisoned him in her basement. As he went thru those doors, he stopped; daylight,which he was denied for, for 15 years, got his eyes to hurt. Once his eyesadjusted he looked around; nothing that he saw had a place in his memory likehe was there for the first time in his life. Again, she commanded him to followher and he did; she went straight to the main entrance door and opened them.Then, she came back to him and said, "Take this now" and she placed the bagthat she carried around, in his hand. He took it still completely confusedand looked outside; she took his hand and led him straight thru the door, outon her porch. "You are free now; in that bag, there are some things you'llneed to get you started. Go now." She stood behind him for a second, turnedaround and got back in the house; the door closed behind him.

In an instant, thousands of unclear thoughts rushed thru his head; none ofit had any sense and none of it went beyond that day his Golgotha began. Hestarted to tremble and began to sweat; he realized that there was no free worldfor him. He couldn't remember anything; who he is or who he was, where didhe come from, what he was doing before…it was all gone; hundreds ofquestions without a single and clear answer. The only thing he knew well washer dungeon.

He took one step forward and stopped again; just after few seconds, he tookanother two steps back, then another two until his back leaned on the door.Slowly, he just slid and sat on the floor.

Whole day passed by his sight and night began to fall; if, by that moment,there was anything left in him, it all disappeared, completely. Slowly, heturned around and, while still down on the floor, he discreetly knocked onthe door. After a few minutes passed without reply, he knocked again with alittle more force. In few seconds, the door slowly opened and he saw her blackpumps a foot away from his face. He was so broken that he didn't dare to lookup; after a minute of silence he spoke, "Please…" but that was all hemanaged to say. She squatted down near him and said calmly, "If I let you goback, it will be for life; this was your chance of getting away and if youdo not take it I will lock you up for the rest of your time. To die will bethe only way left for you to leave and you will have to beg me for it." Withthat, she stood up, turned around and went to open the door to her basement.She left the front door open, too.

Almost with no hesitation, he crawled back in and went straight to the basementdoor, never even trying to stand up.

She stood right beside the open door and watched him crawl in front of her;as he entered the basement and crawled down the stairs, she closed and lockedthe door behind him. Once in his cage, he felt safe; safe from the world hedidn't know at all.

She went to collect the bag he left outside, went back in and closed thedoor. She sat on the sofa in her living room and smiled. She felt very satisfiedas she anticipated exactly what would happen once she offers him a way out.There was only one thing left to do and that was to patiently wait and makehim beg her to kill him and put him out of his misery.


She circled around him slowly as he stood on his all-fours in the middleof the cold basement floor. She was enhancing her growing excitement just bythinking of what she was about to do to him.

A month passed from that day that she offered him to leave and he didn'ttake that opportunity. Since that day, her viciousness grew every day; variousways of tormenting him escalated to the point where he actually pleaded forhis end. Just yesterday, after six hours of merciless whipping and beating,she took an, red-hot iron signet that she head specially made for the occasion,with only "HERRIN" on it and made a sear on his chest. And just as he thoughtthat paint could not get any worst then what he already had experienced, hefound out how wrong he was. In the haze caused by pain, he saw no other wayout but to plea for his end. And that was exactly what she waited for; although,she had many ecstasies from bringing him close to his end, his words made anenormous burst of excitement for her. "Ask me again" she said calmly, "I wantto hear it again and make it sound clear." He wasn't hesitating much; instead,he repeated, "Please Herrin, put an end to all this…I cannot take itanymore…put me out of my misery." For her, that wasn't good enough;she came closer to where he was hanging from the ceiling by his wrists, grabbedhis chin and said, "No! Look me in the eyes and say it properly; beg for it,tell me exactly what you want me to do!" her voice was louder. He opened hiseyes and looked at her, "Please…I want you to kill me…I cannotstand it anymore…kill me…please…end my life…I ambegging you."

"That's what I wanted to hear" she said and continued, "However, if I amto be so merciful and put you out of your misery, I will be the one to choosethe way. Now, you have to agree on that, otherwise, I'll just continue keepingyou in here and you know what that means." "Yes Herrin, whatever you wish" hesaid and just limped in those restraints.

Her right leg flew thru the air and her heavy boot collided with his side;instantly he lost his balance and fell to the floor. It had to be the firsttime that he was completely naked; there wasn't a single piece of any accessoryattached to him, no restraints, not even a gag. As he just lay there she said, "Getup!" just as he tried to get back, she lifted her leg two feet above the groundand hit back of his head hard, slamming it to the floor. Blood came out fromsome place on his face and he just remained on the floor. Again she commandedhim to stand up; he probably knew that he wouldn't be allowed to do so, buthe obeyed. She moved few feet towards his head and waited until his head wasa little away from the floor. Again, her heavy boot flew thru the air and itstip hit his face, " CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT I AM ACTUALLY KILLING YOU WITH MYLEGS…WITH MY FOOTWEAR ?" her voice was loud and a little shaky fromexcitement. " I BET YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE MUCH SIMPLER TO GO, HA ?" Shemoved back down to his other side and hit him once at it; then, her right legbegan to inflict strong and rapid blows to where his ribs were. She actuallyfelt those bending and cracking at each contact with her boots. She climbedup on his back and grabbed that bar at the ceiling; with such balance, shelifted her right leg in the air and slammed it at his head for several times.He lay on the floor completely limp and probably unconscious; he didn't evenfeel those blows anymore but she was in trance and wasn't stopping.

After some time, she lost her breath a bit and stepped down off of him; shesquatted down to see if he was still alive. To her satisfaction, he was; unconscious,but alive. 'Good' she thought and stood up; she went to that closet where herfootwear was and opened it. One other pair of knee-high boots she took andwent to the chair. These boots had a thin sole but the heels were 6 inch high,made of steel and extremely sharp. She put them on and prepared herself forthe final blow. Sharpness of her heels made it pretty difficult to walk onconcrete but she managed to get beside him. He was still unconscious and shewanted him awake so she waited, patiently. While she waited, she thought aboutwhat was going to happen. Every single thought got her aroused except one;she was about to end all this and then what?

She looked down at his unconscious body; she knew he was useless and barelyalive at all. All that she wanted to do, she already did and lately, she sortof ran out of new ideas. He began to wake up and open his eyes; he looked aroundand saw her standing exactly above him, her legs beside each side of his head.He noticed the new footwear she had and knew that those would probably be thelast ones she'd use; with those heels, she'd be able to kill a bear, let alonehis deteriorated self. Her right leg found its way atop of his chest, first;then, she stepped on him with her other leg and both heels sunk deep into hisflesh. Before he managed to make a single sound, she turned around in spot,making more damage to his torso. She placed one leg on his shoulder and leanedon it until the heel went deep in; again, she grabbed that bar at the ceilingand lifted her other leg above his head. All the beating and pain, all theweariness in general, made him close his eyes; he was loosing his consciousnessagain. She noticed it so she yelled, " LOOK AT ME!" Her words kind of refreshedhim so he opened his eyes just to see her heel positioned an inch above hisright eye. As he wasn't thinking straight, he never realized her intention;slowly, her heel touched his eyeball and it was too late for him to close itand try to prevent it. Just as he again thought that there couldn't be anygreater pain, he felt like someone was twisting a needle right in his brain.Instead, she was digging around his orbit with her heel; once she was surehis eye was destroyed, she stopped. The pain threw him into darkness again;he was unconscious. "STUPID FUCK!" she said once she realized he was no longerawake. The sight of him was horrible; horrible to anyone but her, that is.

She had to reach for her patience again; she waited, this time a little longer,for him to wake up. Once he began to move his scared lips, she moved closer.The horror he felt was enormous once he realized his right eye was gone. Hefelt the end was coming and he was aware of it all, much more then before. " THISIS IT " she said and, with the tip of her right boot, she pushed his chin upto expose his neck. Her whole body was in shivers produced by the growing excitement, " KEEPYOUR HEAD LIKE THAT, DON'T LET IT FALL DOWN ." Even after all this time, shewas somewhat amazed by the level of his obedience; even at that moment in whichhe was aware that she was about to execute him, he obeyed her commands, unconditionally.Among all the mixed feelings of excitement and arousal, she felt proud; proudof her work for the last 15 years.

Again, she grabbed that bar to get more balance and placed the tip of herheel on his exposed neck. " IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU WISH TO SAY, SAY IT NOW…THISIS YOUR LAST MOMENT " she said and looked down at his mutilated face. He wassilent so she repeated, " WELL…ANYTHING? I AM ABOUT TO KILL YOU, SO… " Therewas nothing he could or wanted to say; he was simply waiting for it. He feltpressure on his larynx and her heel began to penetrate in; she felt some smallbones breaking under her heel and it made her press harder. Soon, her heeldisappeared in his throat, completely. Blood was erupting from below her bootand she heard him make hissing noises thru his mouth and nose. Quickly, shepulled out her heel and looked down; he was dying, suffocating from lack ofair and from all the blood that filled his throat and lungs. The sensationshe felt was beyond anything she imagined before. Although, he was almost dead,like in trance, she lifted her leg in the air and began to inflict rapid blowson his throat, crushing to pulp whatever was still in one piece. Her otherhand was squeezing the flesh between her thighs, soaked in her own juices.As the orgasms passed by, one after another, she become completely exhausted;she stopped what she was doing and went for the chair. She limped in it completelyand it took her 5 minutes to open her eyes. She glanced at the mess on thefloor done by her legs and stood up; she walked away from the scene thinkingof how to handle things further.

Just as she passed by the mirror on the wall, she stopped and looked at herreflection. Like that, she stood for a while without any thoughts in her mind.After a minute or two, her lips stretched in a thin wicked smile and she, silently,said, "There'll be more, I promise you."


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A Life in the ServiceChapter 3 Scout Recon

I had two days before the transport left heading out to the station where fifth regiment was based. During transit I wore my class C dress uniform which was more comfort than the other two. It consisted of soft dark blue pants with a thin sleeved dark blue turtle neck. On the plus side I did not have to wear my awards so everyone and their sister did not go to attention and salute me when they saw me. I walked off the shuttle with returning men and women. I was pulling my EQ and weapon’s bag...

2 years ago
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The Wheel Chair

I just got home from the hospital. I had some minor surgery on my right leg. They game me a walking cane, to use after a few days of rest. At the moment, they gave me a wheel chair to use. I wheeled myself out to the curb to get a taxi. The taxi driver let me out in my driveway. I used the garage door to get inside my house. I then opened the big doors to my basement. I used my small elevator to get to the 2nd floor of my house. I wheeled myself over to my big king size bed, and fell asleep...

1 year ago
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A Modern Divine Comedy

Just a few miles north of Cairns, on the eastern fringes of the Daintree rainforest, there are some mangrove swamps. Almost primeval in their simplicity and yet ecologically amazing in their eco-systems, they remain a memorial to the eons past where their origins first saw the light of day. They are a complex realm; brackish water for a few hours and then the turn of the tide and the salt water rushes in and all life that would survive there must evolve to cope with these varied conditions or...

3 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 6

Alan is sitting on his back patio, sipping on a scotch. As much as it would seem like he had a bad day, he didn’t. He hasn’t had a bad day in a very long time. The only bad part of his life is he didn’t have someone to share his life with. That someone in particular is Judy, or course. As he leisurely takes a sip of the drink, he casually pets Sandy’s head. He is beginning to get an erection as his thoughts move from the day’s activities, to the amazing blow job Judy had given him this...

1 year ago
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Au Pair Mdchen gesucht

Die beiden bildhübschen achtzehnjährigen Mädchen Julia und Monika leben in einem kleinen Dorf in Osteuropa in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Seit dem Ende der Schule arbeitslos melden sie sich beide auf eine Zeitungsannonce, in der von einer Agentur Arbeit als Au Pair - Mädchen in Deutschland angeboten wird. Julia ist ein großgewachsenes Mädchen mit langen braunen Haaren und gut entwickelten Brüsten, während Monika ein eher schlankes Mädchen mit langen Beinen und einem sehr süßen, knackigen Arsch...

4 years ago
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You are stirring my loins

You are stirring my loins “You are the stirring in my loins” James told me on Saturday when I had paired him in the bowling club. “It is alright until you bend over to make your bowl but then my eyes are focused on something other than how many you are going to knock down.” I thought he was having a laugh but then I saw he wasn’t laughing, it was the look in his eyes and his volatile expression that he was thinking things that I would never have realized of him. You see, I’d paired with James...

4 years ago
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Who Do You Want

My wife told me she always dreamed about me fucking one of hergirlfriends, then she made it happen.As soon as I met Donna at a party, I knew I wanted to be with her. I'mpretty tall, six-five, and she was five-eight, so we are at least in thesame part of the stratosphere. She was bubbly and fun with wavy blondhair down just past her shoulders and her body, well, she's slender andcurvy with beautiful long legs and a nice figure. Really she's got greatboobs and likes guys to notice them.Well, the...

3 years ago
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Online Master

I am not sure how we started talking on line but I met this man and he was very dominant, I was usually the more dominant person if there was one in any of my relationships, but usually it was equal and shared with my partner. They do say that the best dominant people make some of the best submissives. It started out with us just chatting with everyday things, and then he would have me touch myself while we were chatting on line not a lot just a little at a time. I think he was trying to...

2 years ago
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Morning at Home With the Daughters Pet

Fabiola sighed longingly. Even though she was sceptical at first about her daughter’s love for pets, Carolina’s Great Dane Diego finally had grown on her – especially when she discovered benefits she had not considered before. Life as a widow wasn’t easy, with a spoiled brat for a daughter, who would do anything except take care of her family or the business. And she missed Teodoro, especially in those moments when she woke from a wet dream and was dripping between the legs once again. Now she...

2 years ago
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Jamaica sun and a mature white wife

Jamaica sun and a mature white wife.The wife and I have been married for 35 years. We both in our mid fifties and the world now takes a much slower pace than before. The k**s are all grown up, married and live out of state. The wife just retire and I will be right behind her in a couple of years. Life has been good for us maybe just a little boring.The wife just got off the phone with her married sister. Her sister’s married life pretty much mirrored ours. A mature couple settled in a...

1 year ago
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train journey via ecstasy

i was catching the train to bristol and the train was packed to the brim.it was hot that day and i'm talking hot,it was like sitting in boiling water.i was sitting squashed up against the window,sitting in front of me was a woman in her forties with a rack you could hang your entire wardrobe on.i turned my head to my right and a fat woman was devouring a pork pie'would you like a bite' she asked'no thanks treacle'i replied.the train rolled on and it seemed to be getting hotter by the...

2 years ago
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Her Mom and I help her LOSE her Virginity

I had a nice house but had a small fire one day that required me to get a rental home in a really shitty trailer park here in North Georgia. The place was ok but crowed with young single parent mom's and their equally slutty trailer trash daughters that would hang around all day with no job or anything else for that matter except a welfare check every month, which they used on beer and cigarettes, and their government paid trailer homes.One good thing about it was that since I worked from home...

1 year ago
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black sex slave 1

Caroline walked down the hall in her evening gown, getting ready to shower. She was exhausted and could really use a shower. She was about to enter the restroom when she heard water running on the inside. She knew Bobby just started his shower. She got frustrated and was about to tell him to get out when she got a better idea. In her house there was a secret room that allows the person in it to see someone in the bathroom, but they can’t see you. Her husband used that room to spy on her...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come True

disclaimer: This story is for adults only. Nothing in this story is intended to defame,defraud, or slander any person, place or thing, real or imagined. Also, permissionis given to download this story for your own enjoyment, and to distribute toothers of legal age as long as the file is not altered and appropriate creditis given. (And if you post it somewhere I'd love to know about it!) *****************************************************************

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 22 Years Old E455

This beautiful soft spoken blonde is 22 and is here to make her very first adult video…she works as a waitress and is a college student so there’s those pesky student loans to pay off and using her good looks and amazing sexy body seemed like a good way to make some quick cash! She’s never done anything like this before so it’s all new experiences for her but she’s into having some fun, that’s for sure…after her introductory interview she gets on her...

2 years ago
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Widow Mom Ko Choda

Mera naam ajay he. Me apni beautiful,hot widow mom ke sath rehta hu. Mere dad ek government servent the,5 sal pehle car accident me unki death ho gayi.Dad ke death ke bad mom ko insurance aur baki bohot paise mile jis wajah se hum thik thak life gujar sakte the.Hamara mumbai me 2bhk flat he,dad ke jane ke bad ghar me sirf meri mom aur me hum dono hi rehte he. Meri mom ek well educated aurat he aur apna aur mera khayal kese rakha jaye wo acchi tarha janti he. Meri mom ki age 45 he but acchi...

2 years ago
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Thunder at the farm

Ken, Sara and Elaine had a wonderful summer of discovery and lust. They discovered that they loved each other. They had sex for the first time. They fell in love. The voyage was coming to an end. Ken was off to University of Massachusetts Amherst to live in the Towers. Sara and Elaine were going back to finish high school together. They had been together all summer. They played together, shared long walks together, slept together and loved together. They had sex with each other. Now it was...

4 years ago
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Last Experience Of College Life

Hi guys, this is ishan again going to share with you all about my last sex experience of college life with kavya (name changed). In my last story there were some mistakes as well as misplacement of sentences too. Dont know how that happened but if you find such unintentional errors, kindly bear with me. So after my second experience, exams started and after that we all went home. I missed her a lot and was hoping to see her soon. After a long wait finally results were out and we all cleared it....

3 years ago
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Biker Gang Bang

Peter and Tracey had been married for five years. Tracey was a tall auburn haired girl with lovely 32 C breasts and Peter was a six foot mass of muscle but slighty greying of the hair. Peter had always wanted a Harley and this year his dream came true. They had saved for a long time and ordered their bike, a Harley-Davidson CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE . Peter was in heaven and they started riding every day and hanging out at the local biker bars. They seemed to fit in perfectly with a...

2 years ago
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Animal GirlChapter 3

Hawkins had made arrangements ahead to have space available at a privately-owned campground outside Soda Creek, British Columbia for the show's vehicles, as the drive necessitated a stop halfway from the Canadian border to the first show stop across the territorial line into the Yukon. This would be their only overnight rest before the show arrived, as from here on, they would simply stop individually to change drivers, sleeping in their vehicles until they reached Line Creek, where they...

3 years ago
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Family Changes Part 2

Family Changes part 2 Dave awoke to the feel of a mouth on his cock, it felt amazing he opened his eyes to see a lump in the bed bobing up and down. He lifted the sheet off himself to reveal Joanna giving him head and he loved it and was so glad he had choosen this family to make his. As she was sucking on him he imagened what was going to happen today, first after he had had breakfast he would go in to Dan's room and make some more changes to the litttle fag to be, Then he would...

3 years ago
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SilasChapter 3

The coffee was good. We both drank our coffee without additives. Sharon kicked off her shoes and sat in a big easy chair. She pointed to the sofa close to it and I sat down. "Thanks to your son and his girl friend, I probably know more about you than you would normally expect to reveal on a first date, particularly a blind one." "When did you make the connection?" "At the airport. There aren't many men named, Silas. Your card confirmed it because I knew my date was from...

2 years ago
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Fast Food

Julia walked into the McDonalds where she worked, wearing a white shirt, khakis, and tennis shoes. She was late, and her boss, the manager, was not happy. "You need to show up on time, AND IN UNIFORM!" he scolded her. Then he stormed out in a huff. Julia stuck her tongue out at the door he had left through. "One of these days, I'll get you back." Julia turned to her locker and opened it. Inside was her blue polo shirt with the McChickenPopsBell logo on it, and her matching blue visor. Then...

1 year ago
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Sinful CyndiChapter 3

Cyndi and I lounged in the huge bathtub. Cyndi was turned on her side and lying half on top of me so that her firm tits rested on my shoulder. Her face was nuzzled against my neck. She kissed me every few minutes, touching my skin with her wet lips and sensuous tongue. Her hand lay in my lap, curved absentmindedly around my cock, which was quite hard despite the fact that I'd already cum twice. Cyndi was quite the tease, though--she just barely touched my cock, letting her thumb trail gently...

1 year ago
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Blonde in the orient

Hillary Bond looked out the window as the 747 went into a slow bank lining itself up with the runway. It was 9:00PM in Tokyo and the lights of the world's largest city shown like a million diamonds, rubies, and sapphires in the clear night sky. This was her first trip to the Far East, and she felt the excitement building as the big jet settled down and taxied over to the terminal. Disembarking the plane, Hillary scanned the hundreds of Asian faces to see if anyone of them recognized her while...

3 years ago
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How Your Nerdy Crush Fell in Love With Big Cocks

11 years it'd been since you met Jane Myers. She'd known you since you were 8, becoming your best friend in an instant. You shared all these interests that many would deem "nerdy", such as anime and video games, which have led to bullying in the past. Despite all the animosity and harsh insults you've taken, Jane has stayed by your side without ever questioning your hobbies. There is not a single thing in the world that you two couldn't discuss-- except for the fact that you've wanted to date...

3 years ago
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Broken Heart Surgery

I have had a bad day at work.  A child died because of me. I couldn’t save him. I left the operating theater with my head in my hands. One drunk driver and now I had the thankless task of telling his parents I could not reattach his aorta to his heart. He literally died of heartbreak, and now his parents will too. It is moments in life like this that make me question everything. All I want to do is go home and give you a kiss to let you know how much I appreciate the small fragile time that...

3 years ago
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Make me yours

The club was hopping tonight. The rhythmic beats from the high tech sound system could be felt outside. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned against the warm concrete wall. Tonight she would give her body wholly, not just on a casual level, but on every level. Tonight she would be his. Dressed exactly as her master instructed, her latex skirt was short enough that when she bent over, her entire ass made an appearance. Jenny’s breasts were encased in a leather bra that had no cups, leaving the heavy...

2 years ago
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Picnic on a rainy day

We met accidentally on a chat site, but felt like we had known each other for years. We would talk on the phone occasionally then chat a bit on the internet and finally we decided to meet each other in person. We met at the mall, a public place, and lots of things to see and do. We agreed to meet outside of one of the department stores. We swapped pictures so we had an idea of what to expect. I waited for him, I was so impatient and a little nervous too, not knowing what to really expect. He...

4 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 2

Lana and I didn't discuss a time table for going back to Arkansas. I wanted to take the time with Lana and do some exploring along the way. Sure there had been our honeymoon after we were first married but that was more about exploring our bodies than enjoying our time together. I'm not complaining about our first honeymoon but I saw this mating up as a new life for us and every new beginning should have a honeymoon. Of course I had not mentioned this fact to Lana but I had a good idea what...

3 years ago
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What Can Brown Do For you

He Had Been watching her house for three weeks now, patiently awaiting his opportunity. The information he received was accurate: She didn't work and her husband was leaving the country on business soon...he would be gone for two months. The day after her husband left town, he dressed in a brown uniform and packed a large box with his gear. He was going to have some real fun with this bitch! The weather that day was horrendous, thunderstorms drenched the area as he pulled into her driveway....

3 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 18

A few weeks later, the contractors had been chosen and earthwork had begun. Rummy called Helen at her home office. They went over a variety of details, as the work that was beginning required careful supervision. So far, there had been no unexpected discoveries of springs or rock formations as the initial trenches were begun. The major excavation, the big hole where the machinery spaces and pools would be built, seemed at this stage to be as expected — trouble free. "Anything else, Rummy?"...

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