Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 32 free porn video

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Vanlo uttered a long sigh. He cast his tired eyes down at his patient.

The bolt was out. The wound was closed and starting to knit. He applied more of the salve to it now that she could stand it, now that there was no longer raw muscle and tendon exposed, and it would start to knit a little faster.

But the girl's skin was still deathly pale. The bolt had gone deep and nicked the major artery. Before they got her to Vanlo, she had bled profusely. Her breathing had been very shallow. She was better now, but she still had far less blood in her body than she ought.

She needed a restorative draught, one that would accelerate her blood replacement.

Vanlo stood back. He was alone in the treatment room with Amanda. He had forcibly cleared everyone out, including the Overlord. He could not work on such a critical case with a great many people about.

Making restoratives was the supreme test of a Healer's ability. It required a great deal of attention to detail, timing, and -- most of all -- confidence in one's abilities.

He had everything but the last.

He contemplated asking the Overlord to power the Portal to bring a proper Healer from the Guild Hall faster, but it would take half a day at least for even just a local trip across Narlass. He was not sure Amanda had that long. He spent a good deal of time wracking his brains coming up with an alternative. He came up with nothing.

Nothing except himself.

He looked back down at Amanda. If he did nothing, she might die. She might also recover on her own. If he made the restorative, and it was wrong, she might die. Or she might not.

Vanlo sighed. He was not even given the luxury of an assurance that she would die if he did nothing.

Finally he turned away from Amanda's still body. He went over to the shelves and began to gather the ingredients he needed.

News of the incident spread quickly. It was Rennis that had first noticed something wrong. First the shade had suddenly come down, then there was the commotion and finally loud shouts. It was when Roquan had bellowed Amanda's name that finally had alerted him that something was wrong.

At first, the other Overlords looked on only curiously, thinking that it had been a case of a debate that had turned to fisticuffs. It was only when Amanda had been carried out, the crossbow bolt spearing her calf and leaving a bright red trail of blood as they carried her from the bluff, had a sudden, shocked silence fallen on the others.

Doran had been the first to venture into Gronnus' quarters after the Overlord had staggered out, pale and ill. Then Doran had looked inside and had become ill as well when his gaze had fallen on the body of the merchant, a pool of blood under him, a dagger lodged in his neck.

Rennis had taken Doran to Roquan's quarters at this point, expecting that Roquan would meet them there once he got Amanda to the Healer. Gronnus had tagged along, not knowing what else to do, and not wanting to be alone at this point to face the rest of the Conclave.

All three of them were trying to calm their nerves with some of Roquan's wine when the Overlord returned to his quarters. Rennis surged forward immediately. "Roquan! How is she? Will she be... ?"

Roquan ignored him. His eyes were fixed on Gronnus. Rennis stopped when he saw the blazing, raw fury in them. Roquan pushed past Rennis, grabbed the surprised Gronnus by his shirt and slammed his back into one of the wooden support poles, causing his goblet to fly from his hand and spill red wine over the floor.

"Roquan! Roquan, what are you... !" Doran shouted in warning, stepping forward. Rennis grabbed his arm and held him back, giving Doran a meaningful look and shaking his head.

"Make no mistake about this, Gronnus," Roquan snarled. "If Amanda dies, I place the blame at your feet. If she dies, you are through as an Overlord. If the Conclave won't depose you, I will kill you myself."

Gronnus was too scared to speak for a moment. His mouth worked with no sound coming out. Finally he managed to croak, "R-Roquan, p-please... I didn't... I d-didn't mean for her to..."

"Just like you did not mean to collude with the Emperor in the first place?!" Roquan thundered.

Doran's eyes became saucers. "What?!"

"Roquan! I-I didn't understand! I d-didn't know your position! Please, be reasonable!... I-I thought I was doing what was best for the Overlords! For Oceanus! Please!"

Roquan paused for a moment, then let go of the Overlord's shirt, taking a step back.

Gronnus let go a sigh of relief. It was short-lived. The next moment his head whipped to one side as Roquan's fist struck home, sending him crashing to the floor. A trickle of blood oozed from one corner of his mouth.

Neither Rennis nor Doran made any effort to help the fallen Overlord.

Roquan took a single, long, deep breath and let it go. He turned crisply to face the others.

"Amanda is in grave condition at the moment, but Vanlo is tending to her," he said calmly. He glanced at Gronnus as the Overlord struggled to sit up. "The assassin is dead, unfortunately."

"Unfortunately?" Rennis asked dubiously.

"He could have told us more about what the Emperor is planning." Roquan turned his head back towards Gronnus. "Perhaps that was the true reason you were so adamant about taking the dagger while I was struggling with the merchant."

Doran slowly sank into a chair. "Great gods..."

"I hate to be the practical one at this point, Roquan," Rennis said somberly. "But there's no question about where the Conclave vote will go now. Not once they learn about this."

"Yes, and it had to take a trail of blood in the sands and a dead body for them to realize it. Pathetic."

Gronnus staggered to his feet.

Doran looked coldly at him. "And this one?" he said, gesturing as if the man were just one of his slaves. "What of him?"

The others turned and looked at Gronnus.

The man swallowed and swiped at the blood at the corner of his mouth with the back of one hand. His cheek and eye were already purpling. "I didn't know he would go this far," he rasped, his eyes wild. "I never wanted him to go this far! I told him, trying to assassinate an Overlord would bring civil war!"

Roquan fixed an icy stare on him. "That does not excuse you from your collusion with him in the first place. Give me a reason why I should not have the Conclave hold a tribunal for your actions."

Gronnus looked on fearfully for a few moments, then slowly relaxed. "Because, Roquan, they'll have to hold two of them. One for me, and then one for you, and how you trained a Draughtless Captive!"

"You foul-mouthed, lying bastard!" Doran shouted, jumping out of his seat. "How dare you try to impugn another Overlord by even suggesting... !"

"Doran! Enough!" Roquan declared.

"Roquan, are you going to let him stand there and tell these lies about you? Are you... ?"

Roquan gave him a meaningful look.

Doran subsided. His look of indignation turned to one of astonishment. He looked over to Rennis, who gazed back fixedly. "You are not serious," Doran said in a small voice.

Rennis simply looked at Roquan.

"It is true," said Roquan.

Doran looked aghast. "Not... Amanda?"

"Yes. She has not had the Draught."

Doran looked beside himself. He was at a complete loss for words.

"I have already had this out with him, Doran," said Rennis. "Nothing you can add to this would help. Or change things."

"Let me guess," Doran said flatly. "Freya knows as well. That's why Roquan gave Amanda to her. To avoid exposure. Oh, this gets better all the time!"

"Now is not the time to discuss this," Roquan said. "My only concern now is Amanda's condition."

"I do not want to see her die, either!" Doran thundered. "But the Conclave! You cannot let this get out!"

"It will not. Not unless Gronnus wishes the others to learn of his duplicity."

"And Freya?"

Gronnus gave a bark of humorless laughter. "Like she cares. Her only concern is for herself, and what she could gain. She doesn't care about Roquan's little indiscretion past that."

"You sound almost disappointed," Rennis said coldly.

Gronnus glared at him. "Do not start with me on that. Do you want me to formally declare my vote for Roquan? Fine! This is what I do! You have it! I will not deal with an Emperor that resorts to assassination!"

"No, you do it just when it's in your best interests."

"I'll remind you, I did not hesitate to kill the assassin while Roquan had him distracted!"

"Yes, but perhaps Roquan is right, and you killed him to prevent him from revealing more of your dealings with the Emperor!"

"Enough," said Roquan. "This is useless. We all know each other's transgressions. That is not what is important now. As Doran has said on numerous occasions, the Conclave is what is important. And now they know how treacherous Z'haas has become."

"The sooner he is off the throne, the better," Doran declared. "He is a madman. First he tries to train his own slaves, now he sends agents among the other Guilds." He threw up his arms dramatically. "Do we all need to watch our backs now amongst our own slaves? Do we need to avoid letting them leave our Manors? Do we need to watch them every moment? Hmph. If half of what you accuse Freya of is true, Roquan, she's damn lucky she didn't have the Imperial agent in her Manor instead of yours!"

Roquan was about to reply when he paused. One corner of his mouth turned upwards slightly.

Rennis noticed this and looked to him questioningly. Roquan shook his head. "It is nothing. A stray thought about something else."

Rennis nodded. "By the way, has anyone told Uridon about this yet?"

"I suspect he knows by now." Roquan paused. "I will speak with him later. I want to make sure he understands that the honor of his Clan is intact. I do not hold them responsible for this."

Vanlo sat in patient concentration as he peered through the lens of a contraption that looked like a large magnifying glass attached to a metal arm bolted to a rolling table. It was, of course, more than it appeared. The mechanism was enchanted, and when he looked into the lens, depending on how he set the controls, he could see through skin, muscle, and bone.

He once used this on Amanda to help heal a broken bone when she had first arrived on Narlass, the result of a large hailstone from a storm from which she had been rescued on Earth. Now he peered at her injured leg. He was pleased with what he saw.

The artery that had been torn appeared as if nothing had ever happened to it. Muscle and tendon had reformed. Some of the former was a little weak. She would limp a bit for about a half moon before it healed completely. The bone had been missed by the bolt, which was fortunate. That much damage might have been too catastrophic for his talents.

The only difficulty he was having was the skin.

Skin was harder to manage than muscle or even bone. Getting it to come together and work correctly was one thing; getting it to do so and retain its proper appearance was another. When the appearance of a slave is as important as her sexual skills, it was crucial he get this right.

He appeared to be having success. Where the skin had knitted completely, it was smooth and blemish free. It was only slightly discolored from swelling, but this would pass. It would get trickier as the healing approached the center of the wound.

He reached forward with a small probe and teased away some more scar tissue as it crumbled in the wake of the restoration. So far, so good.

He sighed and leaned back, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was starting to feel fatigued again. Yet he could not afford to be fatigued, not now.

Vanlo turned the machine off and headed into his inner chamber. In the corner, the apparatus steamed and gurgled as the ingredients of the restorative trickled through it. Fortunately, he had all the ingredients he needed. He felt a little better that he had done it right, as everything appeared in the apparatus as it should. Everything was the right color, consistency, and moved along at the proper speed. The flask at the end was already at half the amount he needed.

He returned to his patient and placed a hand tenderly on her forehead. Her eyelids twitched slightly. She was still very much among the land of the living and still stable. If she could hold on a little longer, he would have the draught ready.

He withdrew his hand and smiled slightly. He hoped to have Amanda better by the following morning. He was most anxious to go back to his inventory. It was quite interesting. Now he was finding other ingredients that he had less of than he ought.

In his tent, Clan Leader Uridon's hand shook so badly that he had to hold the glass with two hands to bring it to his lips. He took a long draw of his brandy, sending a fiery trail down his throat. He leaned back in his chair, feeling lightheaded. He closed his eyes.

After a few long, uneasy moments, and without opening his eyes, Uridon finally spoke.

"All the platinum that has been spent by you and the Conclave will be returned."

Roquan was too nonplussed to speak.

Uridon tried to take another drink and gave up, putting his glass down, splashing brandy over the small table. He covered his face with his hands.

"You do not have to do this, Clan Leader," Roquan said respectfully. "You have earned that platinum. This has..."

"I cannot accept your money! Not after this! Not after this... disgrace!"

"Your Clan is not at fault. I cannot emphasize this any more than I have. No one holds you or anyone else responsible."

Uridon shot out of his seat, his face livid. "Herdon was my responsibility!" he bellowed. "Mine alone! And I let him do this!"

"You did not let him do anything. He did not do this for you or the Clan. He did it for the Emperor."

"But I should have seen this!"

Roquan remained silent. The look in Uridon's eyes was something he had never seen before in the Clan Leader.

"Roquan, I knew that he had been a soldier for the Imperium. I knew that he had done things that he would not tell me about. I knew he had become... political. I should never have trusted him with any duties whatsoever. He even suggested he knew of plots against Overlords!"

"There was no way you could have known. No Emperor before this has ever stooped to such treachery as this. This is unprecedented. When is it normal for someone who was a mere soldier to become an assassin for the Emperor?"

Uridon paled at the word "assassin" and had to sit down again.

"Unless there is something else about him that you know?"

The Clan Leader paused and shook his head. "He rarely gave me details about those years in the Imperial Guard. When he did, it was only to tell me of the prowess he had with multiple weapons." He frowned. "And his political views. I could have done without that."

Roquan considered for a long moment. "Uridon, I do not want to see you give up the platinum you have earned. You will be doing your Clan a disservice. No, let me finish, Clan Leader," the Overlord said sharply when Uridon looked about to protest. "If you wish to do something to... to 'atone' for this... then I ask you to become an ally."

Uridon stared at Roquan. "An ally? I don't understand."

"I fear that dangerous times are upon us, Clan Leader. While Conclaves have in the past deposed Emperors, this will be the first time that an Emperor may be arming against us."

Uridon looked alarmed. "Arming?! Are you quite sure?"

"Not entirely. But the signs are there."

"He would be mad to do so!"

"And what of late has happened to convince you that he is not mad?"

Uridon paused and nodded. "Point made, Overlord." He sighed. "What would you wish of me and the Clan?"

"Information. We will need to know if Z'haas is moving to strike. Or if he is attempting to rally the Nobility. It will not be long before he knows of the failed attempt on my life. He will not wait for the Overlords to act. I need information. I need it quickly." He paused. "And I need it free of charge."

Uridon set his face hard and stood. He clasped the Overlord's hand and shook it once. "Deal. You will have whatever information we can find."

"I will give you a Farviewing pearl before you leave the Manor. You can use it to contact me directly. We cannot risk sending couriers."

Uridon nodded. "Yes, understandable. Wait, there may be something else I can offer you."


"If things break down... if the worst occurs and there is war... you will need supplies. Possibly weapons to arm the workers of your Manor's lands. You will need a tradesman."

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"So 'Jan'," Kelly said, caressing her newest lover's thigh, "any regrets about last night ... and this morning ... and a few minutes ago?" Gianetta Bruno smiled as she stretched like a cat lying in the sun. "Just one – I wish one of the men that were in attendance last night had come back with us." She kissed Kelly's cheek. "You're lovely, and very talented, and I had a wonderful evening..." "But yeah, a dick would've been nice," Kelly finished. She got out of bed, naked...

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Recovering from Heartbreak

I was sitting in a hotel room on a Saturday morning. I could have easily picked up someone to spend time with that evening, but I was seeing someone back home whom I cared about. The more I sat there thinking about it, the more I realized that I did not want to live without her. My name is Mike Carter. I'm 25 years old and I live in Atlanta. I work for a company that has offices in many cities around the country. About four times a year, they send me to a few of them to make certain that the...

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New acolyte in the CBBC

New Acolyte in the Church of Big Black Cockby OldCuck54I was doing oral practice when Bishop Washington walked into the room and said ?Come.? As I was the only acolyte in the training facility, I dropped to my knees and quickly began crawling toward him. My breasts were sore from the whipping they’d received earlier in the morning, but that had been my own fault. My large breasts had been designated ?cow? size the day I’d come to the mission. As such, I’d been instructed very clearly about the...

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Sarah Palin Femdom 2

Sara Palin dominatrix part 2by *lilguy31Liberal beat down 2 - Sarah Palin attacks Tina FeyBy lilguy [email protected] Palin gets her revengeAuthor note- This is a politcal stance. Actully did another one for both sides of politicsTina Fey gasp as she dropped her pocket book. Sarah was still naked, breastglisten with sweat. Her muscles were tone for a woman of her age, heck anyage. Her breast was nice and firm and hard as diamonds.She had an evil smirk as she continued to...

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Embarcadero StationChapter 3

"What a wonderful surprise. Thank you Nicole." Sarah hugged her daughter as she looked around her living room. Somehow Nicole had managed to unpack many of her belongings and put the house into livable condition. There were fresh flowers in vases in the living room and on the dining room table. The large sofa was in the exact spot Sarah had envisioned. It was facing San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The view was spectacular and on this perfect summer day it stretched from the...

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The Reset ManifestoChapter 3

Rebecca said, “Peter always had such an eclectic group of people around him.” “What do you mean?” George asked. Peter was his older brother, but they had never been all that close after leaving home. After Peter had gone off to the university, the only times he returned home were holidays. Once Peter had a full time job, even the holiday visits came to an end. Of course, George had been busy as well. First it was a law school, then years spent as a clerk, time spent developing a reputation...

1 year ago
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Ek Jijju 3 Sali

Me aapko apna exprience batane ja raha hu lekin batane se pahale me aapko ye bata du ki ye story 100% sacchi story hai so es story ke nam sare duplicate honge. Ye story hai 3 bahano ki jinki me chudai kar chuka hu.hai na great exprience. Ok ab me aapko apna nam bata du mera nam hai kumar umar es time 31 sal.weight 52 kg 5.7 long lund ki lambai normal 7 inch jyada mota nahi hai par theek hai.meri saadhi feb 2000 me hui time 1 bacche ka bap bhi hu patni smart hai aur puri tarah se sex life...

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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

2 years ago
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The Beauty Of Japan fragile and innocent

Introduction: day 1 of 7. my time spent in japan. The Beauty Of Japan: fragile and innocent Its winter here in Korea. If you look out the big picture window in the loft area you see a blanket of snow covering the ground. The smell of hot chocolate and pine fill the house. My daughter loves Christmas. We celebrate it every year together. It doesnt snow much here and shes excited. But this year i have to go to japan on a business trip. Shes upset that she has to spend Christmas with the elderly...

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The slut exwife

It began innocently enough. Tara had been going to aerobics religiously three times a week, to improve her figure. She had never quite lost all the weight from her two pregnancies. For a long time she had put off getting involved in a fitness program, using her long work hours and her kids as an excuse. Finally one day, two years to the day since her divorce had become final, she had vowed to take charge. A few weeks later she was renting in a nice new apartment, had found a new job she...

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101 Ways to Repel Dicks

101 Ways to "Repel" Dicks, apparently a collect of stories about women dealing with sexist, douche-baggy men. Seems like an interesting read, if the contents may be a little... dirty. (This basically going to act as a hub for a recent idea I wanted to pursue on CHYOA but couldn't find much on the topic. This story will be a collection of misadventures of women dealing with sexist pigs that are determined to fuck them. Adders welcome to bring about there ideas.) (Disclaimer: None of the themes...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Epilogue

Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++ Epilogue: ++++++++++++++++++ FRIDAY MORNING, I found myself having a much earlier nursing session and breakfast than normal. We were up super early so that Hannah and I could get to Venus, Inc's studio for my first modeling job. Hannah had dressed me in a simple set of elasticized jeans and a pink sweatshirt with Olaf on it that said, 'Some People Are Worth Melting For' on it. I had nixed Hannah's idea of holiday dresses based on a conversation...

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Who The Hell Is BOBChapter 2

The next night, just like always, they got done with work and gathered around the computer. And, as usual they tittered and moaned. "Dirk!" yelled Linda. "Don't you want to read with us tonight Dirk?" I had a feeling that Julie had been less than discretionary with her two co-workers, concerning our little tryst. Boy, was I wrong. But then, I wouldn't know that until later. Anyway, I almost put a wrench in the spokes without even knowing it when I said "Naw, I don't think so."...

2 years ago
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Dark TownChapter 11

THAT SAME WEEK MONDAY NIGHT — AISHA'S BEDROOM Aisha was sleeping all by herself in her bedroom. Her mom went to meet a friend and said she was going to spend the night there and perhaps for the rest of the week. As Aisha slept she had been having a very wonderful dream. In her dream she was in bed with her teacher Carlos Sanchez. They were naked and having sex. She laid on her back while Sanchez took her from the top. In Islam the man must always be on top, not the woman. "Yeesss Mr...

1 year ago
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Father is seduced by daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! When my daughter Julie was girl she got pen pall over in America, they wrote to each other once a month, to start they wrote the usual things about what they did at school, the boys they liked and disliked, they both like the same Film starts etc, etc, I knew this because she wasn’t a very good speller in her early years, and would ask me to read her letters and make any correction for her, and then she would write it out again. As she grew and could...

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First Good Experience with Work Colleague

This account is my first encounter with someone that mattered to me. I’d lost my virginity and had some dalliances, but this girl I LIKED. And she was the first one really. So I fucked things up. A LOT. But I also learnt. I met this girl; let’s call her C in work. She was clearly a bit loopy from the outset; she was energetic and touchy/flirty. I responded to this and had some fun with it as we were working together every day in the same department on a fairly quiet shop floor, we could get...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 147

King Arthur was in Merlin’s laboratory where the great wizard was showing him his latest creation. It was a chastity belt, except it had a rather large hole in the most obvious place which made it basically useless. “This is no good, Merlin!” the King exclaimed, “Look at this opening. How is this supposed to protect my lady, the Queen, when I’m on a long quest?” “Ah, sire, just observe,” said Merlin. He then selected his most worn out wand, one that he was going to discard anyway. He...

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School For Sluts Part One

It is my first day of school here at Freemont Academy. Looking down at a note I see that I am to go to the headmasters office. I walk down the hallway with my directions, pulling my way to short plaid pleated skirt down. After a few short moments I find the office and sit down on the bench. About five minutes later a tall attractive man with graying brown hair and a mustache walks in with a busty brunette trailing behind."Ah, you must be the new girl..." He looks at a sheet of paper in his...

Straight Sex
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The Way of WarChapter 52

Shaun was standing alongside Ken, who had his headphones on listening to the radio traffic on the radio, set into the side of the truck. “All the positions have reported in, Shaun,” Ken said softly. Shaun smiled and nodded; he glanced up beyond the side of the truck seeing the sun come up over the crags. The truck was facing down towards the valley floor covered in camouflage netting. Young Saul stood behind the twin 50cals, gazing at the exit of the gorge some eight hundred yards...

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Me and my Bro Part 1

Introduction: thank u for the good comments i got from the last story, and if u didnt like it im sorry but that was my first attempt at anything like this. also can u please stop posting in the comments box about how u r looking for sex. i am a bloke as well, fairly young but also have a dick so i dont want to know, thank you. leave the comments box for comments please. I woke up Saturday morning. My parents were waking my brother and I up to tell us they would be gone all day paying bills and...

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The Group 3

She could hardly muster up any words since she was in so much pain but she nodded her head in agreement. To be honest all I wanted to happen was to be fucked. The days events aroused me so much that I wouldn’t mind having orgasms right now like Mary and Kaitlyn, who were out of sight. All I could hear was their vibrators and some light moaning coming from them. “Wake up ladies time for a new day.” He turned on the lights and dumped a bucket of water on Mary and Kaitlyn. “How was...

2 years ago
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First Time With Mother

BASED ON A TRUE STORYI'm a 22 shy lad from Newcastle and unemployed and so spend alot of time wanking and I love every second of it! I'm into allsorts of porn and have always had a fantasy about having sex with my mum as she is very attractive and me and her are very close. I live with my mum and younger brother, 15 (who was staying with friends this day). My mum is 52, divorced and works as a cleaner in Newcastle. I have always loved and respected my mum, she has always been there for me and...

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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 43 Cruising Down the River

When that largish canoe had rounded its first bend and all those naked people on the shore were well and truly out of sight Keith just leaned back into his seat and pulled Gemma’s body back into his chest. He put his arms around her waist then felt up the girl’s puffy breasts with his hands. He rubbed the areolae with his fingers and gently squeezed the girl’s nipples then gently kissed Gemma’s neck and ears and the back of her head with its black, curly shoulder length hair. One hand also...

1 year ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 62

Flashback – Ben – In Moscow PT was a total waste of time because it was too easy and I hated it. Because of my feelings I was certainly not my normal, perfect, patient self, instead I was the belligerent patient from hell. I gave them shit on all of the exercises except one – the one where I got to walk between the parallel bars. I pushed the hell out of myself on this exercise because the sooner I could walk, then the sooner I could run. And once I could run I could go take care of the...

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Coach and Me

This is a true story about the time one of my high school basketball coaches decided to push things past the point of appropriate during a post-practice massage session. I won’t give my specific age at the time, nor use the real name of the person involved.Some background; I played sports throughout my entire high school career and would always have problems with cramping in my hamstrings. No matter how much water I drank or how much I stretched, I couldn’t help the inevitable cramping or...

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My first time

I was living at home with my mum again having finished studies. I was the mistake child. Mum was 35 when she bore me and so she was now well into her fifties. Fifty-five but absolutely fabulous.I had always thought a lot about mum especially when I wanked. In fact I used to go in her underwear drawer when she was out, wear her leather gloves and play until I came. On more than one occasion I thought she was going to catch me. I wanted her to really.Anyway, that summer was a real hot one and I...

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Bro Fucking

Years ago I got my first apartment. I was 21. It wasn’t much but it was my place. One day a buddy of mine is over. He’s an old friend of mine from school. We’re drinking beer and watching a game on TV. The game was a blow out so we got bored. So I put on a porn video. We’re drinking beer and goofing on the chicks on the video. That didn’t stop us from getting horny, though. “Yo, dude! That chick looks like that chick you used to go out with.” I said. “You mean Natalie? Yeah, kinda, I guess....

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MyWifesHotFriend Sammie Six 24057

Logistics can be a bitch. Ryan’s wife is dying to try out a new restaurant, but their bartending friend Sammie Six still isn’t done closing up. They don’t want to miss their reservation, so Ryan’s wife leaves to snag the table, and he stays behind to help Sammie expedite the process. But it turns out that she’d rather expedite his big dick in her hot mouth! Sammie’s wanted him forever, and now that she’s alone with him, she’s gonna have him! Fuck...

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Everythings Bigger in Texas 2

Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Conner drove off dialing Mr. Porter, as he headed to the reception. "Not bad for a city boy," said Mr. Porter. "I'm stunned how well you turned out. For the record, the red dress was the best choice. I find it quite ironic that you look almost like a bond girl type on a mission." "Very funny. The stylist and Trisha made that decision," said Connor chuckling. "Wait, you saw me?" "Hey, surveillance is my...

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Yes We Let loose on the bus trip for our pleasure

  We took our car to meet other people (strangers) catching a charter bus to the casino at Lake Tahoe., figuring that it was going to take us about four hours to get there. They coach driver announced that the bus did not have a restroom (as the bus that was assigned to our group was out of service) and we were going to have to make a couple of stops to use the rest stop restrooms.On this charter bus, our contract stated they were to provide a meal and drinks, so we didn't have to worry about...

Wife Lovers
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 4 Lunchtime Call

It was the lunchtime on the following day when Allison picked up a call on her mobile. It was Cerys. “Hi-yer,” Cerrie’s greeting was cheery. Allison, trying to carry her coffee and sandwich while looking for a table and clutching the phone between her ear and her shoulder, wasn’t quite as chipper. “Hang on, Cerrie, I’m juggling lunch here.” Eventually she managed to get sat down and turned her attention back to the phone. “Sorry ‘bout that. It’s a pain trying to find a seat in here.” “You...

4 years ago
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My first experience with my Colleague

Hi ISS lovers, My name is Rubesh im 24 yrs this incident took when i was 22,this is my 1st posting, i got courage to post my experiencce by u pple itself, I am regular reader of IS4u.This is my 1st experience with my colleague at my work place. Coming to my experience Sandra(name changed)is a very beautiful woman who works me in different department, she has a perfect figure “32” “24” & “32.” she is a married 1 but i was so intrested in her because of her beauty she is very fair & my god her...

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