Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 14 free porn video

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The three Overlords -- Roquan, Rennis, and Doran -- emerged onto a low bluff at the northwest corner of the mansion, overlooking a wide expanse of beach through the trees. Rising up from the center was a wide, circular structure.

It was built similar in design to living quarters. Solid wood poles were spaced evenly about the circumference of the structure, buttresses holding up a pointed, sloped roof. The thatch-and-wood walls, however, rose only to waist-height, and one was missing entirely to provide an entrance. It looked very similar to a rather large gazebo.

All three Overlords were resplendent in their best attire for the occasion and the climate. Doran was a little more formal than the other two, as was his style, though he would be less comfortable from the heavier clothes.

Doran stepped forward with a critical eye. A cool breeze blew off the ocean, the entirety of the beach shaded from the morning sun that rose over the other side of the Manor. He glanced down the path that wound along the edge of the trees and down the more gently sloped side of the bluff. The path followed the curve along one side, towards a group of more wood-pole-and-thatch dwellings closer to the beach. These were smaller and enclosed, and obviously intended as living quarters.

He heaved a sigh as he turned to look back at the other Overlords. "It will do," he said in a disappointed voice.

Roquan raised an eyebrow and gave him an indignant look. "Do? You realize how much I had to pay in platinum for Guild artisans to come and construct these? I was fortunate to get this."

"This is a Conclave, Roquan. For some of them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! They expect a bit of pomp and circumstance. They expect to be treated, well, royally."

"Well, there's little that can be done to change anything now," commented Rennis.

"I have made sure that the Overlords will have everything they need for their comfort," Roquan said tonelessly. "That includes the use of any of my slaves."

"You're not going to have to worry about that one," Doran said sourly. "And we have Gronnus to thank for that as well."

Roquan sighed. "Now what?"

"He has seen to it that when most of the Overlords make their wishes in that area known, they will all have Amanda's name on their lips."

"Now I know I don't like the sound of this!" Rennis said, stepping forward.

"Roquan, if there is something about that slave that you need to tell me..."

Roquan paused a long moment, glancing over to Rennis briefly. "No. Nothing."

Doran sighed and shook his head. "It is a complete mystery to me why he is so fixated on her, and frankly, I do not care for mysteries!"

"I am within my rights to refuse their request."

Doran leveled a serious look at his fellow Overlord. "I would not advise that. You can't show yourself as being anything less than completely accommodating to them. If they want Amanda, they will have her."

"She is not experienced enough."

"Roquan, these are Overlords. It is their business to know these things and act accordingly!"

Roquan remained silent.

"Sirinna trained her," Rennis said simply.

Roquan ignored this, but decided to let the matter drop. "Doran, you said we may not start until the afternoon?"

"Well into the afternoon, most likely."

"I may need to have some shading set up. I had placed the meeting area here specifically to shade it from the morning sun."

"Yes, I noticed," Doran said with a humorless smirk. He raised his hands when he saw Roquan bristle. "Yes, yes, I know! You did your best and spent your platinum! We will have to concentrate on swaying them with words and deals rather than hospitality."

"When will Roquan need to Present Amanda, Doran?" Rennis asked.

"Oh, I imagine any time they wish it. Most likely right after the initial opening meeting is over."

"As I had thought," said Roquan. "I had planned to have Amanda brought to my quarters to be prepared in advance when it appeared all the Overlords had arrived."

"In that case, Roquan, you should go the gates and await them."

Roquan frowned. "To the gates? Now?"

"Yes, now! You will need to personally greet each and every one of them that come through those gates. And don't hurry them if you see them stop to peruse the wares of the merchants first. Be patient and wait for them to come to you."

Roquan sighed through his nose and carefully straightened his tunic. "This had better be worth all the effort," he rumbled.

"Few things rarely are. We can only come as close as we can."

Sirinna looked at her charge with concern in her eyes. "Love, you have to eat something."

Amanda just stared at the food on the now half-finished platter, her mistress having just pushed it across the bed towards her. She sighed softly and picked up a single apple slice and nibbled at it.

"Are you really this nervous?"

Amanda gave Sirinna a forlorn look and just nodded.

Sirinna smiled gently. "You'll be just fine. The Presenting will not last long."

"What about what comes after it?"

"If you are taken by one of the Overlords, just do as you did with Master Jollis last night."

Amanda sincerely doubted she would be able to do that. She had not told Sirinna what had happened. Sirinna had simply heard her soft moans of pleasure and assumed she had done her duty. Now she wished that Jollis had taken her. It might have at least given her some practice.

Admittedly, she knew it was the highborn status of the Overlords that was getting to her. Sex with them would likely be little different from what she had already experienced. Everything she did would reflect back on Roquan and perhaps even Sirinna. She was not being Presented as herself but as one of Roquan's commodities. She might have resented that had she not been so nervous.

"The Presenting will likely last only today, love. That's all. Then your part is done and things will get back to normal."

Amanda nodded absently and forced herself to finish the apple. She did not dare think the same as Sirinna. Each time she did, something happened to change everything again. She intended to simply do as she was told, and get through this as best as she could.

Roquan quickly decided that waiting for Overlords to arrive at the gate was the worst possible task of this entire Conclave. For a man who prided himself on taking action, to simply stand in wait for long periods of time was quite unnatural to him.

Nevertheless, he dared not show his discomfort. A dozen or so of his slaves were standing close by, consigned to the task of escorting the Overlords as they arrived and seeing to any needs they had. He would sooner look anything less than resilient to the Overlords than his own slaves.

It was fortunate for him that Narlassi custom dictated that the arriving visitor announce himself at the gate. Roquan did not remember the names of half the Overlords, though some he recognized by appearance, having Farviewed with them at some point.

However, it was quite clear to him when Freya D'yros arrived.

She was an Overlord that Roquan had never seen before this, yet it was quite clear that some of the things he had heard about her were true. She was indeed a beauty, more so than perhaps some of Roquan's own slaves. He let his eyes linger on her form, clad in its thin, clingy dress, long legs sliding out from under it constantly through the slits on either side as she strolled about the merchants' stands.

Roquan allowed himself a small measure of satisfaction. Yes, she was quite attractive, but he felt no compunction to bed her by her looks alone. She would have to do better than that if she wished to see the inside of his bedchamber.

And the Overlord that accompanied her could only be Gronnus D'yoran.

This was the first time that Roquan had seen the man. As opposed as they were in all things, they had avoided Farviewing each other. Gronnus looked a lot like Roquan had pictured him: roughly-hewn and overbearing. He could see the man's harsh attitude in the way he practically browbeat the merchants with whom he negotiated a price for some bauble or trinket that was hardly worth arguing over in the first place.

Roquan remained outwardly as patient as possible as the two of them meandered towards the gate. Occasionally, Freya would look up and flash a quick but sultry smile at Roquan, and then urge Gronnus to look at something. It was as if she were purposely delaying their arrival in order to get a reaction out of Roquan.

If this were the case, Roquan sorely disappointed them, retaining a cool and stony face towards them.

Finally, the two of them left the last of the merchant stands, and headed to the gate. Roquan paused until they were at the threshold, and then stepped forward.

"Overlord Gronnus D'yoran," Gronnus rumbled, placing a faint emphasis on his clan name with a tiny, sly smile.

"Overlord Freya D'yros," said Freya, her voice slightly husky, the sultry smile returning to her ruby lips. She let her eyes flick down and back up once over Roquan's form, her smile widening a touch.

Roquan met this with a slow intake of breath, letting it go in his greeting. "Recognized and accepted. Welcome to the D'ronstaq Manor. It is honored by your presence."

"Shame on you for waiting for such a formal occasion to invite us," Freya said.

Roquan had not expected so casual a statement from her, giving him momentary pause. His calm and steady expression did not change. "An oversight on my part, surely."

"Indeed. One would think you had something to hide from us."

Gronnus uttered a small cough and glanced sharply at his companion. Freya's eyes never left Roquan.

Roquan forced a tiny, polite smile. "We all have something to hide, do we not? It is what makes us successful in the market."

"Oh, but you play that role well, now, certainly."

"It is my intent, yes. When all is said and done, we are all, essentially, competitors."

"But not now, eh, Roquan?" Gronnus said with a smirk. "Or certainly that is what you are hoping for, hmm?"

Roquan refused to be baited, despite his already growing loathing for this man. He gave the answer that protocol dictated. "I hope for a fair hearing and for the will of the Conclave to be known."

"Oh, very good, Roquan!" said Freya with a chuckle. "You have improved."

And at this, he could not help but bristle. Freya acknowledged her victory in the first round with a smile and a wink.

Roquan stood to one side and gestured down the path. On this cue, several slaves stepped forward. When he spoke, his voice was a bit stiff. "You will be shown to your accommodations, and your needs will be be met. This is now your Manor as well as mine."

The two walked past him, Freya casting a lingering gaze at the Overlord, and putting an extra wiggle in her step as she passed. Roquan's gaze followed, darting down to the curve of her ass as she receded.

Roquan took a deep breath and let it go. He felt he had passed the first test. He had resisted the charms of the female Overlord. In his mind, he was unaffected by her wiles.

The stirring in his nether regions said otherwise.

Amanda did not have her normal training that morning, as she was to remain available for when she was called. She was told that she would be "properly prepared" before bringing her before the Overlords, but she had not wanted to ask what that meant. She did not want to give herself something else to worry about.

Sirinna did manage to keep her distracted by going over points of protocol and giving her another reminder about loyalty. She also replayed in her mind over and over again what Roquan had told her. She had to remember that she was to act as if she had had the Draught of Forgetfulness. She had thought this the easier of her tasks, but after thinking about it, she was more nervous about this than anything else.

Her reasoning was this: Roquan would not have told her to do this if he were not worried about it being revealed. And if that were the case, then perhaps he suspected someone would try to trick her into admitting it rather than coming right out and asking about it.

So now she had to be wary for any attempts to ask her about her past. She had to give the standard answer that she did not remember anything before waking up in Narlass.

The morning came and went and there was no word. At least she was able to eat at the midday meal. Having had little for breakfast allowed her to have an appetite despite her anxiety.

It was right after the meal, just as Sirinna was restraining Amanda again for her trip back to their quarters, when another slave came up to them and said, "Master Roquan wishes Amanda prepared for her Presenting."

Amanda's heart thumped. Sirinna smiled and nodded. "Thank you. We're on our way now." She snapped the chain lightly. "We need to go to Master Roquan's quarters, Amanda."

Amanda paused and swallowed. "Yes, mistress," she said in a quavering voice as she started out.

Suddenly it again felt like the first day, when she was to be deflowered. She wondered if this would be her life, a series of anxious thresholds to cross, each one a test, each one more important than the last. And each one harder than the last.

To her surprise, Roquan was not present when she was brought inside. Instead, there were three of Roquan's slaves, all of which Amanda recognized as ones that had participated in her training at one point or another.

Sirinna released her from her restraints, her chain, and her collar. The feeling of it being pulled away from her neck was so unexpected that she nearly grabbed at it as if to prevent it from being taken from her. There was only one thing for which her collar was removed, and it gave her an idea now as to exactly how she was to be prepared, and it made her relax somewhat.

"She is yours," Sirinna said with a small smile. "Prepare her in time for Master Roquan's return from the Conclave."

Amanda blinked. The Conclave! So it was about to start, or it had started already. All the Overlords from Oceanus were here, in this Manor, not far from those quarters. The thought of that made her shiver.

The three slave girls smiled at Amanda, saying a few encouraging words to her as they escorted her into the Overlord's bedchamber, and then into his bath.

The memories of her deflowering came back to her in a rush as she was gently helped into the steaming waters. The rush of heat around her body made all of it flash vividly through her mind. She remembered how she had felt, both emotionally before he had begun breaking down her defenses, and physically when he had finally laid bare her desires.

Two of the other slaves slid into the water with her, one on each side of her. The third remained seated at the edge, her legs splayed around Amanda. The two in the water scooped up water in their hands and poured it slowly over her head, wetting her hair. Amanda's body grew warm, both from the heat of the water and the simple pleasure of being bathed. She even smiled. Someone was waiting on her for a change, seeing to her needs, instead of the other way around.

One of the girls dropped some powder into the water, and soon the entire pool was churning with soft suds. The girl behind her slowly worked it into Amanda's hair, while the other two soaped down Amanda's body.

Amanda let her breath go as a soft sigh. The touch of the other slave girls was both soothing and sensuous. As their hands slid over her skin, she was again reminded of Roquan's touch, and how it had affected her. As if in time to her thoughts, the two slaves flanking her each lifted a hand to a breast, slowly soaping it, running her fingers slowly in and around it.

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Gay Pig Transformation

Gay Pig Transformation - Part 1-----------------------------------------------It was dark when I woke, and I had a splitting headache. Where the hell was I? I was groggy but tried to look around the room, some kind of workshop apparently. I lay there confused, trying to remember how I ended up here and where 'here' was. My head was still swimming as I tried to sit up, only to have a shooting pain in my ass that almost made me want to throw up. I tried to roll over but found my hands and feet...

1 year ago
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Cumming in the mirror

I enjoy swimming and start to go to my local pool on my day off for a swim. One week after finishing my swim I sit on the bench in the cubicle drying myself and reach down between my legs and begin to rub my swollen throbbing pussy. I put one foot on the bench to spread my legs wider and rub myself vigorously until I cum all the time hyper aware of what is going on in the cubicles around me and trying to keep myself from making any noise as I cum. I find myself biting down on the corner of my...

2 years ago
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The Replacement Maid Ch03

.I woke the next morning feeling just a little jaded but was pleasantly surprised by the sound of activity from the kitchen. Looking at the clock told me there were ten minutes before my morning tea was due so I snuggled back under the covers. Beside me Sophia grunted and moulded herself into me. It wasn’t long before I detected movement by the bed and looked up to see jasmine holding my customary tray. Thoughtfully this time she had included extra cups. I gently sat up trying not to disturb...

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I had an ache in my pussy and my beautiful next door neighbor solved the problem for me

I’m a nineteen year old red headed female with a problem that developed when I got my first period, I started getting very horny three days before my period and the older I got, the more hornier I was getting. I managed to make it through high school without anyone finding out, but like I said, it got progressively harder to keep it under control and now at nineteen, a touch on my arm will set my pussy off. I started using a banana and cucumber on my pussy since I was about fourteen and...

1 year ago
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there are much or many more lon chaneys around th

this one particular werewolf for the likes of riff-raff of his kind was looking like as hungry as a bugah-boo, & he himself was not accepting no for an answer.whereas he himself being of one of the much more, or most notorious of werewolves was game to get some, or such firballs in his mouth, & upon his lap by that being of practically, &/or possibly any means necessary.& so whereas he himself had gotten behind that being of the steering wheel of his van being of an automobile,...

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The voucher parts 1 2

1For the last several months, they had been taking the same bus home from work, and had usually been sitting next to each other. Had started chatting; that is, Anja had done most of the talking. She had slowly told him more than strictly necessary. That she was a trainee and didn´t make much money and that she had a tiny two room apartment. That she had plans about one day opening her own bed and breakfast, that she had broken up with her boyfriend because he was seeing an older woman. That she...

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Train Ki Class 8211 2

xnilux FSI member Train ki class – 2 hello friends… I have got lot of comments on my story. infact, my inbox flooded by that. I am happy that so many members like my story.. I got mail from all over the country. It means ISS is very popular everywhere. Your mails encouraging me to continue with my story.. ok lets continue…………….. Last story khatam hui thi…. Isi tarah hamara roj ka safar hone laga.. Roj koi na koi mil he jata tha.. Ek din zeni ne kaha mouka mile to wo ek din apni chudayi bhi...

1 year ago
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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 2

Delon got to his feet and stood behind me. I stared into the camera as he wrapped his arms around me and grasped a breast in each hand. He pressed his body against mine. I felt his hard cock pressing against my lower back and I shuddered again. It feels huge. I can’t tell how large it is. But there isn’t any doubt it’s larger than my husband’s more than adequate six-inch cock. He bent down and kissed the back of my neck before whispering, “I’ve noticed you’ve spent a lot of time staring out...

3 years ago
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My Date With Emily

Let me tell you, getting diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor three weeks before my eighteenth birthday was one of the worst things that could have ever happened to me. Tonight though would be one of the best nights, if not the last night I had a chance to go out and enjoy myself. I was given around nine months to live, and already three of those had passed. My body starting to feel the effects of the drugs they put me on just to try and keep me from suffering, doctors said I didn't have...

4 years ago
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My Wife Fucked Me

Neha, my wife , is a very beautiful and dominative personality. She is 5’5” with vital stats of 35-28-38. We had married just 6 months ago. Back to past , around 3 years ago me and Neha met in college. It was a college tour when we became friends. Gradually the friendship turned into love. She told me that she had two past relationship in her school time but i was kind of okay with that. As we dated , she was the one who always decide where to go and where not. In the mean time i also...

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“Cine Dumnezeu m-a pus sa las masina acasa…trenul…futu-i trenu’ vietii sa-i fut”.Ganduri ce-mi treceau prin minte pe masura ce Rapidul inainta ca un melc printre troienele cat casa. E prima zi de Craciun si in loc sa fiu acasa, cu o bautura in mana la caldura, sunt intr-un compartiment nenorocit, intr-un tren pe trei sferturi gol, pe jumatate mort de frig, asteptand un drum de 10 ore( pe vreme frumoasa) care traverseaza tara de-a latul. In primele doua ore de cand am pornit la drum nu s-au...

3 years ago
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How I met my slave Martina the first time and had

How I met my slave Martina the first time and had her fist me on the toilet and later abused her holes outdoors. by AnnaSicilianaTrue Story, Anal, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Female/Female, Fisting, Lesbian, Water Sports/Pissing, Written by womenPosted Tue 10th of March 2015Introduction:Martina is a slave I met online and at our first real meeting she drank my pee and fisted my pussy in a bathroom and later at a secluded spot outdoors I stretched her holes to the extremes until she...

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Student Days The Laundry Room

My name is Mel. I made the decision to experiment and become as promiscuous as I could when I left my religious home for University across the country. This a story about my first orgasm in the laundry room. - It was dark and late after midnight, but I couldn't be sure. I was still settling into the uni lifestyle and was yet to get round to buying a clock for my room, and my phone was still in my rucksack, dead. So what better time to do my laundry than now? I gathered up my ever increasing...

3 years ago
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Enjoying By Satisfying My Friend Ankita In Pune

So, my name is Saurabh kapoor, residing in pune. Your feedbacks are highly welcomed on About me I am Saurabh here in Pune because of college purpose I am 5 ft 11 in tall and 7.5 inch hard rock and the heroine here is 32d, fair,rest I didn’t care to ask, neither did I measure because she looked perfect. Let’s not keep you people waiting, lemme come to the sex story. This happened before one or two months before our end semester exams our whole class was struggling for to complete our...

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A Room With A View

“Look, Claire, there he is!”“Ooo, I see what you mean, Annie. He is rather gorgeous. And you say he often walks around like that in his flat? In just his boxer shorts?”“Yes, and he must know that anyone of us in these flats across the road can see him.”“Has he seen you watching?”“I don’t know. Maybe. I usually stay behind the curtain. I don’t want him to think I’m spying on him.”“But you are spying," you say. "Maybe you just don’t want him to see you and so you close the curtains.”I blush....

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 27 Happy Eighteenth Birthday Squirt

March, 1985, Milford, Ohio “You look like you had a good time!” Bethany said, as I came in the front door. “I did. I need a shower,” I grinned. “It’s time for bed anyway. Come on upstairs.” We went up to her bathroom and she helped me wash up. When we finished, we wrapped towels around ourselves and walked across the hall to Bethany’s room, then climbed into bed naked together. “How was your evening?” I asked. “Quiet. I watched TV with my parents until about twenty minutes ago. I was...

4 years ago
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Playing with fire My wife and BBC

*disclaimer* as of this writing this is a fictional story. It is my most raging fantasy and hopefully one day becomes reality.My wife and I have been together for 12 years, married for 2. She is a gorgeous 5'6 145 lb with long hair and 34d tits. We have the best sex together and she is open to everything. She is hot, and a slut in the bedroom. It seems like forever ago at some point we started talking about adding another someone to our sexual adventures. Couples, women, men, we talked about it...

4 years ago
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How I became a submissive to two masters

My boyfriend Anthony and I were laying on the couch one day, watching TV together like normal, when all of a sudden, he brings up masters and slaves. I was completely thrown by his question because we had never talked about such things throughout our entire relationship. Now, we have been dating for almost six years now and living together for two. We enjoyed our vanilla sex. Sure we liked to spice things up by trying different things every now and then in the bedroom, but we had never...

2 years ago
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My Name Is Colton

It started on a regular school day. My friend Steve had been talking about a video game he got for his computer. I was kinda the poor kid in school so I did not have a computer or games. He offered to show me so I walked home with him. When we arrived at his house he let me know that his parents would not be home for a few hours so it would just be us and his younger sister, Sarah. I knew about his sister from school. She was somewhat popular for being pretty and a little skinny. She had...

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Twin Swithch Chapter 15

Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...

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It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. ‘I love hardcore sex,’ it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...

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Motheracutes big jiggly ass 1

Because of my extreme , rebellious and outgoing Personality , I turned out to be the black sheep of my Family . This is why my Dad abused the fuck out of me . His problem c***d had a stubborn mind . He just couldn´t break me . As I turned eighteen he gave up the beatings . Despite all the troubles I put my Parents through , my Mother never gave up on me . Somehow she tried to understand me . Never becoming too tired to soothe me with her consoling words . Unfortunately I had a lot of troubles...

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Double CrossChapter 8

I woke up at seven the next morning, which is unheard of for me, and I was too excited to get back to sleep. I lay in bed, smiling at the ceiling, luxuriating in my good fortune. Fifty thousand dollars, tax free. That was almost five years rent on my apartment. Seventeen years rent on my office. Twenty-five hundred lap dances. You get the idea. I got up and took a quick shower. When I was done, it was still too early to call Tina Callahan on a Sunday morning. I made myself some scrambled...

4 years ago
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Secret Moments 5

Secret Moments 5 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some...

1 year ago
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Ex Tricked Me To Threesome

Hi, I am Sibon again with another sex story. But this time I am going to narrate a threesome sex story of mine. How I got tricked into group sex (threesome). Well, this is my second group sex and I am going narrate every possible conversation I could remember. So this sex story is going to be lengthy sorry for that. Those who have not read my previous sex story let description about me. I am Sibon Limbu from Mumbai, 25 years old with 5’6” height with a plump body, this sex story is about 4 to 5...

4 years ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 11

We rode our bikes, but Mandy decided to go a different way this time. I would have to be naked longer by going this way, but didn’t argue with her. I followed behind her and realized she was taking us toward the opposite entrance to our house, which meant I would be riding naked past Mr. Smalls house. I wondered if he would be out to see me and if she would make me stop and have sex with him again. And, once we were close to his house, I noticed he was out in his yard. He stood and watched...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 626

This Compliments of Smokeyjoe Cop pulls over a car that was slowly driving along at about 20 Kph. He notices that there are 4 old ladies in the car, the 3 in the passenger seats looked terrified with pale faces. The driver asks why he stopped her and the cop says because your only doing 20Kph and holding up following traffic. “Well I as only obeying the speed limit” she explains, pointing at a street sign. “But that sign is showing the route number ‘B20’” “Oh! “ she said, “We’ve just come...

2 years ago
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Act of NecessityChapter 5 A Change in Plans

I was moving along fairly well with my correspondence studies. I had selected a number of courses that would help me gain a business degree. There was nothing that would advance my studies in psychology, so I gave up trying. I did take out some books on the subject on my weekly visit to the library. The topic still intrigued me. It was nearing the end of November when I got a surprise visitor. It was a Wednesday evening and I was busy doing my studies when the doorbell rang. I assumed it was...

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Maiden Lane

An Anniversary to Remember The harvest had given way to the last month of winter in San Francisco. A young couple walked along the old pier, a pier which is simply called the Muni pier by most locals. The fisherman cast out by the rocks which contour the shoreline area. The seagulls, wheeling and crying calling out to one another as they dove, wings skimming the surface above the foam in search of food. The chill of winter glistened with salt spray over the Pacific Ocean. “Excuse me, would...

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