Who Is Ch. 02 free porn video

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So was all of this just to ‘get back at daddy’?

No! I was not bitter about what they did or how they treated me… I was just sad. At the time I felt as though my family hated me and anyone that I tried to form lasting relationships with treated me like shit.

So you don’t regret that those things happened to you?

Not at all. Those experiences made me who I am today. I am grateful for everything my family has ever done for me. I loved them then and I still love them now.

Yeah? And who are you today?

Not sure yet.

Not sure? You spoke confidently before about how your experiences make you who you are today and now you say that you don’t know?

One doesn’t find themselves overnight. Just because I don’t know, fully, who I am doesn’t mean I can’t like who I am so far. I have new experiences everyday and I cannot wait for what experiences await me in the future.

I’ve pored over these case files and I have to say, I’m a little more than shocked.

Why is that?

I’m trying to figure out how someone goes from an innocent girl straight out of high school to… to this.

It didn’t happen over night.

What didn’t?

You will have to be more specific.

Well… no one just does these things without knowing they have a bit of a dark side in them.

No, they do not.

What do you mean by that?

I have always looked at life differently than how I was raised. It is similar to my curiosity being piqued by sex solely because my parents made it out to be this huge secretive thing that I should never do. They taught me the same way about how to treat others. They burned it into my memory that you treat people how you want to be treated. This piqued my curiosity once again because a true bully treats you awful, regardless of how you treat them. I learned later on how true this is. You have to treat bully’s how they treat you and go as far as they will… otherwise it will never end.

But what if they don’t stop. How do you know when you’ve gone too far.

When it comes down to it, there is no ‘too far’. There is only ‘far enough’. It is the only way you can come out on top.


The first few weeks of college were spent alone in my dorm room crying and wishing I was dead, barely getting out of the house for class once or twice a week. I went from valedictorian to flunking all my classes in less than a month. It was not all bad though… it was at college that I learned who I was and lived up to my full potential.

I thought about what Scott and Graham had done constantly. I hated them for what they had done to me and wanted them to hurt just as much as I have. My parents’ teachings, regarding treating others with kindness regardless of how they treated you, were always in my mind and I hated that too.

It was week six when I forced myself to leave the house for something other than school. I was determined to cheer myself up. I walked to the closest coffee shop and ordered a large Lavender Chai Late with four shots of dark espresso. I probably would have had a good time if I weren’t feeling so awful but life is what it is. It was 4:30 and the place was packed. I only saw one person there who looked like they weren’t in college and everyone else was either my age or just a little older. They formed little cliques and groups, pushing tables and chairs together. A few boys pulled out guitars and played horribly in attempts of impressing the girls around them. But it was fun. Even though I reverted back to my thoughts of high school and secluded myself in the furthest corner, it was nice to be around other people who did not have the same problems as myself. Even in the midst of all these people I still felt lonely. I pulled out my phone and text my old friend from high school, Spencer.

-Hey what are you doing?-

I have not talked to him since graduation but I did not have anyone else to turn to. Spencer decided not to take the college route and instead went to the police academy. Since he was so young and inexperienced the only job he could find was with campus security here at Stanford. We have known each other since we were both ten and in the same Sunday school class. He has had a crush on me since we first met, that was why I had not called him until now. I did not want him to think I was giving him another chance but god knows he deserves it. He’s a good person and a good friend.

I watched everyone around me but it was still too much to forget about Gram. I started to cry and everyone turned to look at me. Just as I was about to run out, as I always had before, a girl took a seat across the table from me. I figured she just needed a place to sit so I turned my head to hide as I sniffled quietly to myself. Everyone was having such a good time, I didn’t want to kill the mood for her or anyone else. This made me more embarrassed and I cried even harder.

‘Are you okay’? I heard her voice quietly from across the table. For a moment I didn’t realize that she was talking to me. When I finally turned to her, she was looking at me with empathetic eyes, holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

I stuttered a reply through the sobs, ‘Wha… what? Uh… yeah, I… Sorry, I’m just having a bad day’.

‘You don’t need to be sorry, honey.’ The girl scooted her chair in and asked, ‘Did something happen?’

I gave her a look before I replied. She took it as if I was offended and spoke before I could say anything, ‘I’m sorry I don’t mean to pry it’s just that I’m in one of your classes and I’ve only seen you like 3 times and you’ve always looked so stressed. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay with school and everything.’

I sniffled and wipe my nose while I explain, ‘You’re fine. Something just happened right before school started. I can’t seem to get past it. I have not even gone to my other classes.’

She leaned in and set her cup to the side, ‘Oh sweetie what happened?’

‘I caught my fiancé with my best friend from high school.’ I don’t know why I spilled the beans like this. I think I was just so alone and haven’t vented to anyone about this yet. My parents look down at people for things like this and think of it as a weakness so I have not even told them what happened. I have never told my parents anything that was important to me. I have never told my sisters either, for fear of them telling my parents. The only person I have ever opened up to was Gram and I quickly learned what happens when you trust someone enough to tell them everything.

‘Oh my god,’ she blurted out. ‘That is bullshit and unacceptable. Do you want me to help you go kick his ass?’

My crying turned to a few giggles, ‘No, but thank you. The last thing I need right now is to see that jerk ever again. Even if it’s in a pool of his own blood.’ I appreciated the offer though and God knows I have thought about it. I could already tell that I liked this girl.

My phone rang, letting me know I had a new text but I knew who it was and did not want to be rude to this girl so I just put my phone in my purse.

The girl nodded and smiled, ‘I’m Stacy.’ She reached out a hand to shake mine but I had been blowing my nose into a napkin so I just showed her the tissue. She winced and pulled her hand away.

‘I’ll shake your hand later – after I wash.’ I said playfully.

Stacy smiled and replied, ‘Deal.’ She twiddled her thumbs for an awkward moment and then asked, ‘This your first time to Lavender Bean’? Referring to the coffee shop we were currently sitting in.

I sniffled once more and nodded my head.

‘It’s pretty cool,’ She started to explain. ‘Everyone here is so happy and full of energy and on their own for the first time. It’s exhilarating.’ She started bounce in her seat as she spoke.

And it was. Even while she was explaining it, I felt a rush of energy and happiness. I have not felt that in a long time.

nd every guys here is horny as hell and ready to fuck.’ Stacey turned to me, shocked and covering her mouth. I could tell right away that she had no problem with speaking her mind. It made me laugh and she smiled and apologized, ‘Sorry, I hope you’re not too offended by that kind of language.’

I smiled back at her and replied honestly, ‘Well if I had not just gone through all that crap with my fiancé, I probably would have stood up and walked away.’

Stacey thought that was weird and gave me a look accordingly, ‘Really? Why?’

‘Just how I was raised, I guess.’ I said, again, not knowing why I was telling this stranger so much about my life, but it was exciting. It was new and something that I had never done before. I grew up believing that others judge you solely by what they see and what you do: Church, service, prayers, etc. I tell this girl that I catch my fiancé cheating on me and instead of judgment and a long lecture about the wrong choices I made in life, I get acceptance and intrigue. She wants to know more and I want to tell her more. It feels good to tell someone about my life and not have to worry about the consequences afterwards.

‘well, not to be rude hon, but if you’re going to survive in the real world ya, need to get used to people using foul language.’ She paused to take a sip of her coffee before continuing, ‘There’s some filthy shit out there.’

My phone rang and I ignored it once again.

‘I know. I guess one good thing that came out of all this is that I learned that no matter how ‘good’ someone is, bad things still happen.’ Stacey nodded her head while I continued, ‘Makes me wonder what it’s all for? Did I just waste the first 19 years of my life?’

‘Look at you being an optimist,’ She said, upbeat. ‘Plus, it’s just like you said. You learned something from all this, so no, it’s not a waste.’

I liked her perspective. I had been too focused on Gram for too long. Sitting by the phone, waiting for a call from him that was never going to happen. I did not even want it to happen. I needed a change but god knows I was not going to do it myself.

Like she was reading my mind, Stacy grabbed my arm and asked in a very serious tone, ‘Do you want to go do something? It’ll get your mind off things.’

‘But I don’t know you.’ I replied hesitantly. ‘Won’t it be weird?’ I immediately regretted what I just said. I must have sounded foolish. But not to Stacey. She is too happy-go-lucky and care free to worry about things like that. I had a lot to learn from her.

Instead of being upset, Stacey replied with, ‘What? Why would that be weird?’ She smiled and continued, ‘This is college, nobody knows anybody here.’ She looked into the coffee shop, and took notice of a couple kissing. The boy reached down and squeezed the girl’s ass. Stacy looked back at me and continued, ‘Well… at least not at first.’

She made a good point. I giggled and asked, ‘Well, what do you want to do?’

Stacey sat back on her chair and sighed, ‘Well, when I get all depressed and shitty, I find a horny guy to make all my problems just disappear.’

My giggle turns into a laugh. I blush at what she said. Things like sex still made me feel uncomfortable. It made me think though. I have always looked at sex as this untouchable thing that only those privileged enough to get married were able experience.

I thought that I had felt the same way as my family did but I have been questioning everything more and more since I had been on my own. Stacey kept talking but I tuned her out to think about other things. Like the fact that this girl is so happy even though she had sex on a regular basis, used ‘offensive’ language, and wore tight and revealing clothes.

She had her light brown hair with blond highlights tied in a loose pony tail. She was wearing short cutoff jean shorts, a baggy low V cut T-shirt and turquois cowboy boots. She had two long chain, gold necklaces and a slew of bracelets both wrists. Her skin was tan and blemish free. You could clearly see that she was not wearing a bra but she did not seem to care. She carried herself with confidence and I could not blame her. She was gorgeous. She had a slender frame, with long, beautiful legs and larger than average breasts. I found myself wishing I was her.

Just then, Spencer walked up behind Stacey with a smile on his face. He was dressed in his campus security uniform. He greeted me with a cheerful, ‘Hey!’

My feelings were mixed. On the one hand I really like talking to him and he is a good friend but on the other, I really do not want him to ask me out again.

I reach up a hand and wave, ‘Hey Spence. What are you doing here?’

‘Just patrolling the streets for crime.’ He replied with a smile. ‘After all the kidnappings in the area, the college decided to double the security.’

The news was full of stories about the highest number of kidnappings and abductions in California and giving warnings for all girls between the ages of 13 to 20. I was about to ask more about it but Stacey turned to me and asked, ‘Who’s this?’

Spencer takes a seat between Stacey and I.

‘This is Spencer. We went to high school together.’

Stacey turned to him and shook his hand, ‘I’m Stacey.’

Spencer replied, ‘Spencer. Nice to meet you.’

Stacey gushed as she turned to me and whispered loud enough for him to hear, ‘He’s cute.’

Spencer smiled but did not react to what she said. Instead, he turned to me and asked, ‘I text ya back, what’s up?’

‘I was just having a hard time. I needed someone to talk to.’

He was sympathetic, ‘Oh, I know. I heard. I’m so sorry.’

‘Oh, it… is just fine.’

He saw through my lies, ‘Clearly, you’re not just fine.’

Stacey giggled and pointed to Spencer, ‘I like this guy.’

Spencer finally paid attention to Stacey. He gave her a smile before he turned to me and asked, ‘So what do we need to do to cheer you up?

That was all Stacey needed to hear. While she couldn’t talk me into shacking up with some stranger, Stacey and Spencer did manage to cheer me up that night.

We all shared a quiet moment until Stacey blurted out, excited, ‘Bowling.’

Spencer and I both gave her a look.

‘What?’ She shook her head. ‘Come on, Bowling’s awesome… plus they serve alcohol so it’ll be all good.’

Spencer and I gave her another look. Spencer stammered, ‘uh I… I don’t… drink.’

‘Yeah, me neither’ I spoke quietly.

Stacey gasped lurches from her seat to stand above us, ‘What are you Mormon? How can you not drink? You’re in college for god sake.’

‘Doesn’t matter anyway.’ Spencer pointed out, ‘We’re only 19.’

‘So am I.’ Stacey countered. ‘Hasn’t stopped me. Plus I know the guy that serves the beer there and he doesn’t care.’

‘Can’t he get in trouble for that?’ I asked.

‘Well, yeah but I’m not going to rat him out.’ She turned to Spencer, ‘And you’re not going to rat him out either right? Me. Big time police-y man.’

Spencer smiled, ‘Don’t worry.’

A look of curiosity washed over Stacey and she ask both of us, ‘So you really have never tried it before?’

I answer with a giggle, ‘Nope.’

Stacey looked at Spencer and asked, ‘What about you? Have you ever had alcohol?’

‘I don’t drink.’ Spencer spoke cryptically.

Stacey and I smiled at each other. I leaned forward in my chair and probed, ‘That’s not what she asked.’

Stacey asked her own question, ‘Yeah, have you ever had a drink?’

Spencer hesitated and averted his eyes from mine. I have known him long enough to know what that means. I gasped and call him out on it, ‘You have!’ I take a deep breath, ‘When?’

Spencer looked shocked and glanced around to see who could hear or see us, as though he was a secret agent. He waved his hands at me, ‘No no no, you cannot tell anyone.’

He was just as worried as I was about my parents findin
g out about other things. Stacey gave him a look of confusion as to why he would be so worried about something so trivial as drinking – trivial to her anyway.

I interrupted Spencer, ‘Look, don’t worry. I can’t tell my parents anything… or anyone else back home so I’m not going to say anything about you.’

‘Why not?’ He asked.

‘For the same reason you’re freaking out about anyone knowing you drink.’

Spencer tilted his head to the side in thought and then nodded in agreement.

‘Man, you guys are like… way too worried about this. Who the hell raised you?’ She took a sip of her coffee. ‘You guys need to lighten up… maybe a few drinks.’ Hint taken.

Spencer turned his car off and we all piled out in front of the Rocket Lanes bowling alley. Spencer and I hesitated to go inside but Stacey jumped up and down with enthusiasm and skipped toward the main entrance. She yells, ‘Come on! Happiness awaits!’

Her energy was intoxicating and I could not help but to join in the skipping. Spencer shook his head and then said, ‘Fuck it’ as he followed suite. I glanced behind me to see Spencer skipping and waving his arms and then back in front of me to see the one who started it all. I began to laugh as I realized that I have not thought of Gram all afternoon.

At the counter Stacey got three pairs of shoes, paid for the three of us and a pitcher of beer. I tried to interject but she shewed me away with, ‘Nope, I got the first round, you guys go get your balls.’

Spencer snickered, ‘I already have mine.’

I slapped him on the arm and giggle, ‘Gross.’

We sat down at the table near our lanes. Spencer and I slipped our shoes on as Stacey walked back from the front counter. She sat a large picture in the middle of the table. I could only stare at it. Much like sex, alcohol has been an untouchable thing and anyone who does is ‘evil’. But through my experiences at home, not being able to trust my parents with anything, and watching Stacey who does all of those ‘evil’ things, I realized something. She is not evil. She is nice. I do not know why my parents are so quick to judge the billions of people on the planet just because they drink, or have premarital sex or most commonly, because they are not of the same religion. It seems short sighted to me as well as narrow minded.

I did not know everything about this girl but the only thing that she had shown me, in the short time I have known her, was kindness and respect. She did not have a problem with who I am – at least not yet.

Stacey saw me staring at the beer and sat three glasses down beside it. ‘It’s not gonna bite you. I’ve never seen anyone so new the world of beer.’

I gave Stacey a smirk and stuttered, ‘Well, no… I… I’m not new…’

She cut me off with a laugh, ‘Ha, you can’t fool me.’

I could not say anything else, I just laughed with her and slowly moved my eyes back to look at the beer.

Stacey took notice and asked, ‘You want some?’

All I could do was smile as I stared at the beer so Spencer replied for me as he chuckled, ‘Yes she wants some.’ He took the pitcher and poured an even amount in all three glasses.

I picked up a glass and then looked at Spencer, ‘You promise you’re not going to tell anyone about this.’

He picked up a glass and replied, ‘I got as much riding on this as you do.’ He took a sip of beer and continued, ‘Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you don’t.’

Stacey’s impatience was growing, ‘Nobody’s gonna tattle, Great. Just drink your goddam beer.’

I put the glass to my lips and for an instance, I feel like I was betraying my family and my beliefs and that I should do ‘the right thing’ and put the glass down but then I was struck with a thought, I had never been happy when I made ‘the right choice’ in the past. So why should I continue to do so?

I tilted the glass towards my lips and took a big gulp. Stacey and Spencer waited to take a drink until I had my first. It was not the best tasting thing in the world but it was definitely not the worst. I took another drink and Spencer’s eyes open wide. ‘You’d better be careful, you’re new to this.’ He cautioned.

I nodded my head licked my top lip that was covered in thick foam. Disregarding his advice, I took four more big swallows, sat the glass down and smiled at them both with satisfaction.

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Nikki slouched low in the chair. The impudent shape of her pussy shoved conspicuously against the seam of her jeans. They were skintight, with frayed cutouts all over, exposing almost as much of her almond complexion as they covered. Her body had a way of looking relaxed, yet like it was bursting out of itself at the same time. Her skin looked so smooth Stone could almost feel the texture under his fingers. He kept his hands in plain sight and feigned interest in the mess of papers spread...

Oral Sex
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Introduction: I always get what I want. Thats just how it works, its how it has always worked. I always get what I want. Thats just how it works, its how it has always worked. I love using my power for bad, its just too naughty. It feel too good to refuse, it excites me beyond anything Ive ever felt. Even thinking about it right now makes me want to push my fingers into my dripping pussy. I guess I just know what a man wants, I know what I want and I know how to get it. Power lies with whoever...

3 years ago
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I awoke confused; the bed beside me was empty, thank God! But that still didn’t explain the who of it from last night, because I know for damned sure the woman I fucked last night wasn’t my wife, although I’m pretty sure she was family. ‘Start at the beginning, ‘ I thought, let’s go over the events and see just what we can figure out. Karen and I had been invited to a party at her parents’ house. Well, they call it a house; it’s pretty palatial by my standards with eight bedrooms, plus a...

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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...

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I gave him birth, I shared his berth by Oediplex 8==3~ She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of incest. I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near...

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Nina Was Her NameChapter 10

Capt. Scruggs departed as soon as possible, taking Cookie with him. Oh, well, Jeb had turned out to be almost as good a cook as Cookie, so I supposed that I could live for a week without Cookie’s masterpieces. At least, Nina and I were together, so it was not all bad. Among other things, we spent some time practicing with our new guns. I was anxious to see how well the new revolvers showed themselves versus the shotguns. Actually, that was a crucial question. We headed back toward the route...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 344

The Prison Planet As usual, Morales awoke with the dawn. Cupping a hand over his side and grabbing his stick, he made his way to his feet. The pain is always worse in the mornings, but then again, it's just been three days, so I guess I'm doing okay. After turning the lantern on, he took a quick peek under the bandage to assure himself that the wound hadn't developed any red streaks running from it. Hmmm, the swelling seems to have gone down more, but it looks as if my stitching was a bit...

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First time in swinging for a married couple

This happened 4 years ago when we first started sharing. I was 38 at the time and my wife a 37. We have good friends who have been in the lifestyle for years and until now I had never really been interested in sharing. I was always a little jealous when the wife wife would flirt. Although when she drinks she tends to show off her 40D breasts. This always turned me on though I would never admit it.It was the halloween party for a local swinger club and we got invited to go. We thought what the...

3 years ago
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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 7 the Trio

For Steve and Dana, the rest of the drive back home from the pool hall was made in silence. Steve was busted by Dana for having compromising photos on his phone of Peggy from the basketball court. Dana did not say that she was shocked to see her mother in such a situation, but she was a bit surprised she would let anyone photograph her while she was sucking those boy’s dicks. It made Dana realize that her mom was more adventurous than she thought. Steve and Dana arrived back home much earlier...

2 years ago
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my wife gets lucky

interns last day. I asked if JIM the intern who kept hitting on her was going. She said yeah, do I mind if she goes. I told her not at all, i even sugessted she wear a shorter & tighter dress to work today to give him a "peak'. well, when Brandy came out of the room dressed for work I almost fell over. she looked like a hooker, 4" black heels, black thi highs very short and tight black dress with lace across the top.she looked sexy as hell. When i got home from work I ate...

2 years ago
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There Was Confusion

I posted this elsewhere several years ago and I’ve not had time to take the comments and suggestions and edit it. I take full responsibility for the content and writing. I do not consider myself a writer but I found writing this story to be satisfying. One of the biggest complaints I received was the coincidence in this story. Sorry if that offends you. After reading it again as I went through to edit it I am still proud of the decisions I made. It was not my intent to make it as long as it...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

2 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 03

Chapter 3 Time seemed to stand still as Aoife embraced Michael. Standing there, wrapped in a golden leathery cocoon, Michael was tense, his muscles flexing, ready to endure what was to come. Aoife felt the tension coming off Michael in waves. ‘Be calm Michael, there is nothing painful in this. It will be a sensation the likes of which you have never known, but it does not cause pain.’ Aoife’s calm, safe tone reassured Michael. He relaxed into her embrace, still pensive but resolute with his...

3 years ago
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The New Years Eve Dance I Will Survive

Never forget the music that is the soundtrack of our lives, for if we let the music die, something inside us dies along with it…for Mary… Bill hated this time of year. He kept thinking about how much he hated it as he got himself ready for the dance that evening. It would do him good to get out though. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a dance. It was his friend Sam who had talked him into going out tonight.. There was a New Year's Eve singles dance tonight at a local Sheraton...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Legal ProfessionChapter 6

Rachel called her parents to tell them her vocational news. Then we called mine. Then Rachel called Al. And then we went out for dinner – to Splash on King Street. Thursday I got Rachel to go to the Gallery and thank Winnie (she ended up taking her to lunch). I went to the library in the Museum and tried to find out when and by whom the parks had been laid out. It was far tougher than I thought it would be. I realized that as the whole continent had been viewed as "unoccupied," lines could...

4 years ago
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BreakdownChapter 14 Monday November 19th 2012 615 PM

Bill and Jimmy were on a quad right at dusk. Jimmy hadn't seen movement and no more bandits had shown up to investigate their missing comrades. Susan and Mary stayed in the lookout point to provide covering fire if Bill and Jimmy had to run for it. Bill smiled to himself at the sight of Mary touching Jimmy's arm and telling him to be careful. Jimmy's chest had puffed out and he stood a little straighter but he didn't say anything. He only nodded and patted her hand on his arm before...

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Made Arrangement For My Stuff

Hello, people, this is Rajesh from Hyderabad. Once I met this guy through online we chatted for some days exchanged our interests, hobbies etc… And finally, on a fine day, we met each other at some private place. He texted me the details of the place and I was waiting there for him. After some time a car came and stopped there the guy lowered the window and said Rajesh? By looking at me. I said yes then he opened the door and called me inside the car we greeted each other. He: shall we have...

Gay Male
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Rendezvous IIChapter 44

Karen By 7:00 am Saturday, there were two thousand contestants and visitors ... and they kept coming. The last lodge went up at midnight The paper shooters were done at noon. There was a break for lunch ... and other activities. The “Ringers” were scheduled for 2:30. Lunch was catch as catch can. Because of the late advertising of the Mountain Man Run, the few scheduled food vendors had become the many mobile “lunch on wheels” vans and old bread trucks. Mexican was just beginning but the...

1 year ago
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Private Vinna Reed Takes Two

There’s nothing that Vinna Reed loves more than being filmed and today in Private Gold, Private Beauty this stunning brunette catches Charlie Deen and Nick Ross peeping through her window with a camera. To their surprise Vinna gets horny and starts stripping to entice them in and soon she’s getting exactly what she wants, a mouthful of two cocks before a hardcore threesome. Watch Vinna as she gets blasted in some great anal and DP action that has her moaning and screaming all the way to two cum...

3 years ago
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I had No Choice 4

Introduction: My wife and my student, I love them both. I Had No Choice pt.4 By EFon So things were great. My wife had just given birth to the two most beautiful girls in the world, twins named Kristine and Katherine. She had invited her friend Judy over for a threesome to release my supposed pent up sexual frustration. What she didnt know was that a few weeks earlier Judys teenage daughter Becky, who was also my student still in High School, seduced me into introducing her the ways of...

2 years ago
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My house

I am a white chubby guy who likes to play with cocks and wear panties and tight leggings. I one day I thought I try something new and invite someone over. I went on line and I eventually found someone he was young black k** about 19 years old and he wanted to have his dick sucked really bad. He was skinny and had an average size cock. He arrived to my house and I let him in I was wearing a pair of black Bikini panties and a black shirt with a pair of black leggings. He was wearing a lose blue T...

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Kamini Bhabhi K Saath Pehla Sex Experience 8211 Part II

Dosto ye kahani ka second part h agr aapko puro story padni h to mera first part panda hoga…… to kahani aage badhata hu. Aunty mere seene se lipat gyi thi.us waqt aunty kaafi emotional ho gyi thi(dosto ladki ko patane k liye use emotional krna padta h.agr aap use emotional kr dete h to wo aapko bhula nahi paati aasaani se). us k baad maine aunty ko apni baahon mey uthaya aur bed pe le aaya .hum dono nange hi bed pe let gye.aunty 10 minute tak mere seene pe sir rakh kr leti rhi fir aachanak se...

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Horny Wife Fucks At A Wedding

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends. This is Rocky, 29-year-old, a fitness trainer from Delhi. I am 5’11”, muscular guy. I chose to become a fitness trainer out of passion. I want to share a hot encounter I had at a friend’s wedding. He was my childhood buddy and has settled down in Delhi. It was a Punjabi wedding on a Friday night. Luckily my parents have provided me with sufficient treasure and I earn enough to lead a healthy and luxurious life. I wore a designer black sherwani with a red...

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Dontrust The review

Dontrust : The Review Finally home from work, another day another $1.25. Tossing the Covid-19 mask onto the desk and getting rid of his jacket, a chance to relax. The last of the days sunlight filtering through the curtains, and once again home alone, to peace and quiet. At least he had been able to skip the need for quarantine, and his job was still safe, for now. However he had been unable to have a social life in months, no pub hopping, no dating, had not even been able to meet...

1 year ago
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Asking for a raise

So it was a Monday and I was at work, I walk to my bosses office and walk inside, he was sitting at his desk working on some paperwork. My boss is a huge black guy who's bald but very sexy. Did I mention he was sexy? So I walk up to him and ask for a raise. Then my boss gets up and closes the door and locks it, well if you want a raise you gotta earn it. I have iv been working my ass For months, that's exactly what I want your ass. Suddenly my black boss walks up and dips his hands in my pants...

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Moms leaving daddy

A few days have passed, when I finally got some time to be with mom. I had asked her to meet me at the park, so we can talk in private. I had stopped at the deli and got us a sandwich and some sodas.When mom found me at the picnic table, she came over and sat down. We began talking about her day. I had asked her what was going on with her and daddy. She said ever since, I got her to dress sexier, for work and for daddy, she has never felt so much urge in between her legs. She told me how...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 35 Enraged Father

Andrea continued to try to protest against me going in alone. Even with my abilities and the anticipation that my family would probably try to hurt me while I was trying to help them, she only saw worst-case scenarios. "I'm not going in expecting any of this to be easy. I'm not really fighting Randal. I'll be working against their deepest, darkest impulses amplified to the point of insanity. I'm not going to try to reason with them, this will be completely by force." "Do you really...

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A changing Life Resume

A Changing Life - Resume Hello to you all and especially all my friends and those that follow my stories and make it all worthwhile by commenting on them. This is a short description of a story which I wrote a few years ago, it is meant to just set the scene and explain about the characters within it. Hopefully it might also whet your appetites for me to publish it here; I would appreciate your comments. This story is about a young man, Richie, happily married and in love with...

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The ad

After having read it for the third time, Danny shoved it into the envelope and dropped it through the mail slot. For better or worse it was on it's way now. The "it" was and ad in a local swingers magazine. Danny had seen ads by women and couples wanting to meet a guy with a big cock, and Danny had that in spades, a solid ten inches long and seven inches around, more than a mouth full to be sure!!! Danny decided to put in his own ad just to see if he could get any response, but really, he had...

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Becoming a Huge Show Off Part One It Begins

I got married a few years ago, and we had one rugrat immediately. As I have heard happens in so many other relationships, my wife pretty much lost all interest in sex about two days before going into labor and has not gotten it back since.You can imagine how this is for a guy.I've been given a thousand and one excuses. One was that having a baby demanding breast milk constantly makes a woman scared of having another baby. Birth control has never been an option (and maybe a good thing, with...

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Real Horny Housewives Tales

Prologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...

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Sissy Butt Licker Ch3

After dropping Steph off at work, I went to a small lingerie shop at the other end of town. As I was picking out items, the lone clerk came up to me and asked if I was shopping for my wife, and if she could help. As per Steph's instructions, I informed her that I was actually purchasing the items for myself, at the request of my mistress. I expected her to be shocked, but instead she smiled and said that was cool, and that I could try the items on providing I did so over my existing underwear....

4 years ago
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The Internship Pt 2

Mr. Bass moaned as I used everything I had ever learned about sucking cock at once on his. His shaft was sliding in and out of my throat and I could feel the tip hitting the back of it every couple of seconds. His hands were at his hips while mine played with his balls and pulled him towards me. I was staring up at him with big dough eyes, spit falling out of my mouth along side my muffled groans of pleasure. The taste of my pussy on his cock was replaced with a mouthful of his cum as he...

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Adriana Chechik Twitter 13000 1m

How fucking sexy is Adriana Chechik? If you keep your eyes on the hottest porn stars that have made splashes over the last few years, this sexy piece of ass should be at the top of your radar. That sculpted ass that looks like fine porcelain glass is enough to make you want to take out your dick and start stroking just by thinking about her!Stop using your imagination mother fucker! When you’re reading reviews on ThePornDude, you don’t have to do that! Case in point: you can head over to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 3

Before we proceed, I need to ask my son some questions, Carol decided, some very pointed questions. "You mentioned you believed it wasn't normal for you to become sexually excited about me. If you remember, I disagreed. I think it's normal for a teenager to be curious about the opposite sex, and a parent or sibling is the handiest individual around to satisfy that curiosity as long as things don't go too far. Curiosity is one thing, but what we're doing is a giant leap from curiosity....

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Miss Elsies Housecoat

Adapted from “1942” by Jenny Wanshel Micronesia, October 26, 1942 Perhaps it was his boots that pulled him under when in crossing the reef, the surf upended the launch, but in any case, Lieutenant O’Connor vanished. Miss Elsie held back the boys who wanted to swim to the officer’s rescue. She grabbed them by the shoulders, the arms, the hair, but ultimately it was her shrieking that dissuaded them from likewise perishing. There were nine on the sand, eight boys from Palua Secondary and...

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Futa My Students My Children

There's just something wonderful about waking up in the morning and knowing, you have the best job in the world, that's how it feels for me atleast. I need to make sure i get to work on time, just like i always do. Summer's rough this year and my beloved students get to feel that in summer school, had they not messed up. Right now i actually want to get out of bed, the flat is well ventilated but damn it gets warm anyway... I swing my feet around, planting them firmly on the ground and strech,...


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