Whoops free porn video

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It started out as a quiet, normal Friday evening, I'd come home from work to find my dinner in the oven and Janice, my wife, out at the bingo, I'd eaten my dried out meal quickly, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and put a mucky video in the player, which was the nearest I came to sex these days. Upstairs I could hear Sara's, my eighteen year old daughter, stereo playing though not loudly enough to be disturbing as I settled back to enjoy the tape.

"Bollocks." I swore as the player made a grinding noise.

Jumping out of my seat I ejected the tape and checked to see if it was damaged, thankfully it wasn't, next I put a tape on which I had recorded a film off the telly into the machine, the film was crap and I didn't mind if it got screwed. Starting the player I heard the same grinding noise, all that appeared on screen was static and I swore a few times under my breath as I pressed every button in sight in an effort to clear the problem, the problem cleared all right, with a grinding thump the whole video went dead.

"Shit!" I said with meaning.

It was the fifth time the video player had gone wrong, it had already cost me more in repair bills than if I had bought a new one and this time I decided that enough was enough, I'd go out in the morning and get a new video. Knowing that I'd need help with this as I was totally ignorant where these things are concerned, believe it or not Janice was worse, I made my upstairs to ask Sara if she would be free to come to the shops in the morning.

Outside her door I listened for a moment to her music playing away then knocked on the door, there was no answer so I knocked again, deciding that she hadn't heard my knock over the noise of her stereo I opened the door. In the space of a heartbeat my cock went hard in the confines of my clothes, I know I should have backed out of there rather quickly, instead I stood in the doorway wide eyed and open mouthed staring at the sight of my daughter with a vibrator in her pussy, a tit in her hand and groan in her throat as she wanked herself. Even as I watched Sara shuddered, her body arching on the bed as she climaxed then flopping down as her peak faded, the hand holding the vibrator moved, I stared at her pussy then raised my eyes as she sat up on the bed.

"Daddy!" Sara gasped seeing me for the first time.

"I did knock." I said lamely.

What I should have felt was ashamed for watching her, what I actually felt was aroused as I stood there staring at Sara's young, naked body, I'd always know she was pretty, but seeing her like this brought home how beautiful she was. Pulling myself together I averted my eyes and went to back out of the room, Sara suddenly laughed which attracted my attention to her again.

"You may as well come in daddy," she grinned at me "I've nothing left to hide now."

Feeling like a little school boy I entered the room, sitting on the edge of the bed I looked at my daughter's face and grinned weakly.

"Sorry love," I said in a low embarrassed voice "I thought you hadn't heard me knock and well..."

"Don't worry about it dad," Sara grinned "I should have remembered to lock the door. What was it you wanted anyway."

Gulping and tearing my eyes away from her ripe young body I told her why I had come to her room.

"I'd love to help you pick a new video." she beamed "So what are you going to do now?"

"I hadn't given it a thought," I sighed trying to control my eyes "I suppose I'll have to watch telly or something."

Rising from the bed I headed for the door.

"Hang on dad and I'll keep you company." Sara called to me.

Glancing over my shoulder I saw her jump off the bed, grab a wrap and put it on, on the bed the vibrator lay glistening with her juices and I found myself wondering how they would taste and smell. Chiding myself for my thoughts I headed downstairs with Sara a couple of steps behind me, I flopped on the couch and grabbed my bottle of scotch while Sara poured herself a small gin and tonic. As she crossed the room towards an armchair she looked down at the floor, there lay the porno tape I had been going to watch, bending she picked it up while I cursed my own forgetfulness, Sara grinned as she read the label on the cassette box.

"This sounds like fun," she commented as she changed course and came to sit beside me on the couch "it says here that it's a tale of i****tuous lust in the deep south. Is it any good?"

"I don't know," I replied taking the box from her and putting it on the table "I was going to watch it tonight."

Pouring myself a stiff drink I swallowed it in one go, my cock was still hard from having seen Sara at play and I wished that she would leave me alone for a while so that I could relieve my frustration. Sara shuffled closer and pressed against my arm, I was all too aware of her tit pressing against my arm, only a thin wrap hiding her charms, pouring another scotch I gulped it down.

""What made you buy that tape?" Sara asked quietly.

Feeling like the lad caught with his hand in the sweet jar I muttered an explanation, but the truth was that I had chosen it because I'd been excited by the subject matter, it didn't take Sara long to wheedle this out of me either.

"When do you watch these videos?" she asked.

"Whenever your mother is out at her bingo club," I grinned "she's usually gone until about midnight."

"Doesn't she ever wonder why you are so randy when she gets home?" she asked.

"She never bloody notices." I replied bitterly without thinking.

Realising what I'd said I looked at Sara, she smiled sadly at me then finished her drink, rising to her feet she got herself another drink and sat down again at my side. It was a strange situation altogether, talking about my non-existent sex life with my young daughter was both an embarrassment and a turn on.

"Poor daddy," Sara sighed "no nookie and no video or should that be the other way around?"

"Look Sara," I sighed "this really isn't the sort of thing we should be talking about."

"Why not?" she asked "Does it embarrass you talking about sex with me?"

"No, well, yes, a little." I replied "It's just that, well, your mother and I have our problems."

"Yeah," Sara agreed quietly "like mum not liking sex. You really didn't need to tell me you know, mum has already told me time and again how dirty sex is. Of course, she's wrong, something so nice can't be dirty."

I was a little shocked as her words indicated that my little girl was no longer a virgin, quite why this shocked me I don't know, but it did, it also excited me and I wondered who had been the first with her. Then Sara began talking about the film I had been going to watch, she seemed as fascinated with the subject as I had been when I had read the precise on the box.

"Do things like that really happen?" Sara asked after a while "i****t I mean."

"Quite frequently from what I understand." I replied "Usually between father and daughter and usually without the daughter's consent."

"Still," she grinned "there are some who agree."

"I suppose so." I replied.

"Did catching me, you know, turn you on daddy?" Sara asked suddenly.

"Yes." I admitted after a long hesitation.

My face burned as I blushed bright crimson at my admission, it seemed strange that my daughter, twenty-four years younger than me, was handling the situation much better than I was, she didn't even seem concerned by my unnatural arousal. Nodding Sara smiled at me, I was aware of her wrap slipping a little off one shoulder to expose more of her creamy white skin, forcing my attention to her face I waited for her to speak again, expecting to be reviled for my lusts. Sara's eyes flicked to the shoulder I had been gazing at, her lips curved as her smile grew broader, my blush grew deeper as I realised that she was more than aware of what I had been staring at.

"I like that." she smiled hugely, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Eh?" I gaped intelligently.

"I like the idea that you find me a turn on daddy." she laughed "It may sound strange, but I fantasise about you when I, you know."

Despite my shock at her words I found it amusing that Sara, for all her worldliness, seemed unable to bring herself to say either wanking or masturbating when referring to what I had caught her doing. I also felt aroused at her declaration that she fantasised about me while wanking, I had no idea whether it was common or not for a girl to have fantasies about her father.

"Sara, I think we should drop the matter." I said pouring myself another large scotch.

As I gulped down the fiery liquid Sara smiled sweetly then shrugged the wrap from her shoulders to reveal her naked young body, I sucked in a breath and stared at her as the scotch burnt a path down my throat. My mouth went dry as my daughter put her hands under her tits then lifted them as though for inspection, licking my lips I tore my eyes from her tits and stared at her face.

"Don't you think I'm pretty?" she asked rising to her feet.

The wrap remained on the couch as my daughter stood and struck a pose that revealed her fully to my startled, hungry gaze, my eyes lingered for a while on her ripe tits and her nipples which looked hard and aroused, then my gaze slid downwards to the tidy little 'V' of golden curls surrounding her pussy. My cock began to ache with the need for relief, all I could think of was how nice it would be to lay my daughter down and fuck her, shame and guilt had no place in my thoughts at all at that moment I'm afraid.

"You are beautiful!" I breathed at long last "Sara, you have no idea what you are doing to me."

"I think I do," she grinned sliding a hand down to her pussy "I think I'm getting you horny."

"Damn right!" I sighed as her fingers began to play with her clit.

"Can I see you daddy." Sara asked in a little girl voice that send a shiver of excitement up my spine.

What she was asking seemed only fair after my gazing at her body, but what would it lead to? Fearing an answer to my mental question I stood up and slowly began to undress, Sara's eyes following every move of my hands as they worked at the fastening of my clothes until at last I was as naked as she.

"Oh daddy," she sighed "what a gorgeous cock. May I touch him?"

Stunned at her adoring words I was struck dumb, without realising it I was nodding to her to proceed, she laughed and stepped towards me and I could smell the faint odour of her perfume, almost shyly she reached out a hand towards me. I gasped when her hand closed gently around my shaft, Sara looked down and began to slowly rub her hand up and down the length of my cock, her tongue flicking across her lips as she did so.

"You can touch me daddy." she breathed looking into my eyes.

What I saw in her eyes surprised and inflamed me, it was desire pure and simple, there was no doubt in my mind as to what my daughter wanted and the movement of her hand on my cock only confirmed this the more. Feeling like a hesitant virgin I reached out and pulled Sara to me, gently I placed my lips on hers and kissed her, the response she gave was hungry and demanding, feelings I was soon returning. Raising a hand to her tits I began to play with her young globes and pert little nipples while at the same time sliding my other hand down her body to her pussy and as my fingers slid into her tight little hole Sara gave a moan of sheer enjoyment, her body pushing down all the tighter onto my probing fingers as my thumb rubbed her clit.

The sensations running through me as we played with each others bodies were both powerful and tender, it had been many months since I had even kissed a woman and that but a brief peck, my whole body began to ache with desire for my own daughter and I didn't give a damn, to me she was a woman, a woman that was willing and eager to share my lust. Sara pulled her head back parting our lips as she cried out her ecstasy at what I was doing to her, I groaned with the bliss her hand caused as it moved on my shaft and I knew that I could not wait any longer, I had to take her now or not at all. forcefully I pushed my daughter down to the floor, lay over her young body, pushed open her legs and thrust my cock at her pussy, like a wire guided missile my cock surged into her pussy making Sara's cries grow louder and my pleasure even greater.

"OH GOD YES DADDY!" Sara was shouting "DO IT! DO IT TO ME HARD!"

The force of my pent up passion meant that I would have 'done it' to her hard in any case, with a cry of a****l lust I began to fuck my daughter with thrust that were both fast and furious, our bodies crashing together as she rose to meet each stroke. Her cries rose to a strangled, gasping scream as her body bucked and writhed beneath me in orgasm, her already tight pussy getting even tighter as her muscles contracted with pleasure.

"OH JESUS SARA!" I cried leaning my head on her shoulder "I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING!"


With a force that made the blood roar in my ears my seed exploded into her depths as I thrust into her one last time, her hips rising to meet me as her scream became a gurgle of delight and for a moment we lay taut and still, lost in overwhelming ecstasy. Then Sara gasped, her body relaxing then bucking beneath me as I began to move in her again, the whole situation more erotic than anything I had ever experienced before and to my delight my cock stayed hard inside her grasping pussy. Suddenly Sara was pushing at me in desperation.


Her pushes were explained and in a blur of motion we changed position, Sara on her hands knees with me pushing my cock into her from behind and reaching around her trembling body to grasp her tits and play with her clit. With a cry she pushed back against me, my cock gliding into her in a single motion, as I began to fuck her again my daughter moved in time to my thrusts with an abandon that would have been shocking if I had thought about it, but all my thoughts were focused on the pleasure her tight pussy was giving me.

Minutes later Sara gasped then began to shake as an orgasm ran through her, her head tossed from side to side as she cried out her ecstasy and her cries of passion excited me all the more. Faster and harder I fucked her, her buttocks slapping against my belly as I thrust into her, her cries filling my ears, driving me on to new heights, new efforts until once again I felt the rush of my climax burning up my shaft. With a loud groan I pushed deep into her pussy to send my seed jetting into her very womb, Sara threw back her head and screamed then her arms collapsed and her shoulders fell to the floor, but her pussy was impaled on my cock and in that position I continued to fuck her for a few minutes longer.

Breathless and satisfied for the first time in I knew not how long I fell away from my daughters quivering body, she fell sideways to lie shaking and groaning on the carpet while I sat back on my heels sucking in great lungfuls of air. Eventually our bodies calmed. Sara twisted around and sat up, my seed beginning to trickle from her pussy onto the carpet as she smiled shakily at me.

"God," she gasped "mum must be mad to turn you down."

"For God's sake," I gasped back with a grin "don't let her hear you talk like that."

"It will be our little secret daddy." she smiled "Ooh I feel knackered. Thank you daddy."

"You're welcome daughter." I laughed while wondering why I felt no guilt.

Glancing at the clock I saw that the time was after eleven, reluctantly we dressed and with a last cheeky kiss Sara trotted off to bed while I sat up to wait for my wife's return, she may not like sex, but boy did Janice get the hump if I wasn't there to greet her when she came home from bingo.

Bright and early the next day Sara and I went to the shops to get the new video, I left the choice entirely up to her as she seemed to know exactly what all the jargon meant. When we got home she helped me to set the new video up, I needed her help, Janice was still out doing her own shopping and as we sat up from the video Sara leant over and kissed me.

"When does mum go to bingo again?" Sara asked as our lips parted.

"You know as well as I do that she goes every night." I grinned at her.

"Which means we can watch that film together tonight." Sara grinned "I'll sit on your lap like I did when I was a little girl, only this little girl is going to have a great big cock in her fanny while she watches the film."

The mere thought of what she was proposing made me wild with desire and I hoped that I could keep my hands off her until that evening as she laughed and bounced off to her bedroom.

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Big Cat Leggings Ch 3

by Fidget Chapter 3: Liger Two days later, Amy's first shipment of Big Cat Leggings was sitting in a box on the floor of her living room. Since it was her first order, she had only been able to get various housecat patterns to sell. She opened a pair of Tabby leggings and rubbed the smooth material in her hands, mildly disappointed to not feel any of the tingling sensation she craved, but that was to be expected. She would have to earn her right to stronger doses of the leggings' addictive...

2 years ago
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1. PreselectionYou must be desired by other women. This can be called pre-selection. If you are seen as attractive for other women, say your "quote on the market" will rise. Women like guys who are coveted by other women.They think, "If he is courted by others, surely he must have some attractive thing." Preselection is evident when you are always surrounded by women in a social environment. Another way is through some value demonstration stories.2. LeadershipYou must demonstrate leadership....

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The DrifterChapter 12

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... We never went to bed that night. The only sleep I got was when I wore them down. We slept in the barn on a blanket spread over some hay with another blanket covering us. That was the way we awoke at daylight. I was ready for some more, but Ruby, Jonnie and Jamie were too sore to go again. I showed them more about how I was taught to caress a woman’s body and touch her in places to make her enjoy our lovemaking...

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RunnerChapter 5

Beaumont, Mississippi; 2:35 PM CodieAnn I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned, leveled the pistol, and fired. My bullets caught Teddy right in his chest, and he staggered back. I quickly fired twice more, and he flipped over the rail. I walked over and looked down at Teddy and saw he was still alive. With a snarl, I remembered all the rapes he had done to me and Katie, and I fired twice more. His body jumped twice as the rounds hit him. I snarled out at him, "That's for...

3 years ago
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Me And My Girlfriend

Hey, guys. this is Rohan 26 years old, I am here to tell you a story about a night which happened a few years back. I have read a couple of stories here and thought of sharing my sex story with you all. So this is the story is between me and a girl who I was dating at that time Priya. We both used to go out on dates a lot and get drunk. One time after attending a concert we both went to Priya’s place to spend the night we both had like 4 large pegs of scotch. I wasn’t planning anything so...

2 years ago
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Dies ist die Geschichte von Sandra. Sandra ist gerade 18 geworden und besucht die 12. Klasse des Heinrich-Heine Gymnasiums in Essen. Sie ist zwar nicht unbedingt die beste Schülerin, aber durch ihr verdammt gutes aussehen und ihre verführerische Art kann sie bei ihren (männlichen) Lehren einiges gut machen. Apropos Aussesehen, Sandra ist 1,75m groß hat braune, lange Haare und ebenfalls braune Augen. Sie ist ziemlich schlank, wiegt nur 55kg, ist aber an den richtigen Stellen genau so...

1 year ago
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A Little Pussy

When the back doorbell rang it caught me off guard because no one ever goes to the backdoor. The front door goes ding-dong while the backdoor just goes ding. So after opening the front door and finding no one there the back doorbell rang again. This time I headed right for it. When I opened the door my new neighbor was standing there. She was about twenty years old, beautiful, and had gorgeous brown curly hair to her breasts. It was thick enough that I believe she could had gone topless...

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2 finding lifes partner

2 finding life`s partner Day one; Mrs Ursula Parry, a widow of 66 summers, thumbed her way, slowly through yellow pages. Her home, the huge rambling old house overlooking the bay, that she and her late husband had made their home all those years ago. It was the home they had chosen for its remoteness, a mile and a half from the village, as her husband had had a joy in her making him scream when they were newlywed. Tony her Late husband had had a `sub` streak a mile wide, not that she had...

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On the black screen of my sleepless nights

You know, that feeling of something that bothers you ....This began arriving at a neuron somewhere ... Then two ... and here continued by awakening my auditory sense ..... A faint sound familiar, but can not decide which.I know where I am. It's night; the room is in a clear dark lit only by the digital display clock; I'm in bed, lying naked curled up with her back to Chris and Vero ... Who are sleeping behind me ....Chris and Vero .... Who are sleeping behind me ....This noise so tenuous, so...

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My Son Becomes My Master Chapter 1

My name is Robin Perkins. I have to tell you a story that happened to me that completely changed my life.You see, I grew up in a normal middle-class family. My father was a banker, and my mom stayed home and took care of us kids and the house. We had the "ideal" life; a nice three bedroom/two bath home, two cars, we even had the white picket fence! You couldn't ask for a more average American family!The problem is that I didn't fit into that mold very well. I was the youngest of three kids - I...

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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 7

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER SEVEN "Alannah! What I have told you?" With a guilty start, I looked over at Shauna, who was busy pulling a beer. Then, realising I didn't know what I was supposed to be feeling guilty about, I rearranged my face into a quizzical expression. When my goddess looked round again and saw it, she rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "Nails!" Oh, right. I stopped drumming my fingers on the bar and checked my fingernails for any dents or fractures in their bright...

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The Chauffeur11Making it Great Again part two

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 As we all piled into the limos, our drivers already knew where to take the group. Jill and I believe that we have succeeded in surprising even our personal assistants, Tina and Dakota. We are peppered with question. “Where are we going?” “What hotel is the restaurant located in?” “It’s not the one from last night is it?” “Is it Steak, Seafood, or a culture restaurant, like Japanese?” “Who’s the Chef?” I saw everyone holding their phones...

1 year ago
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Eporner GangBang

Do you love watching women get gangbanged into oblivion? No, I don’t mean watching them get fucked in every hole until they are sent into the darkest pits of Hell. It was a metaphor. Chill the fuck out.So let me rephrase that. Do you love watching women get bangbanged into Hell? Fuck I messed it up again. You know what bitch? Just visit Eporner.com/Gangbang if you want to watch a wide variety of gangbang videos that will have you dripping in cum before you know it!Find searches related to...

Gangbang Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi Get Fucked

This is my second story on indian sex stories. This story is how I get to fuck and lose my virginity to hot bhabhi. It happened when I was in 2nd yr doing engineering in Jodhpur. I was living in a pg along with my friend. My landlord was married to this hot lady with awsome figure and fair colour, her age must be around 35 as she had a daughter of around 15-16 and a boy around 5-6 age. But she looked more like around 25 with a figure of 34-30-36. This happened when her husband went out of...

1 year ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 30 The Attack

Jack looked down the whole length of the alleyway then he looked at Susan’s would-be attackers then he looked at Susan. Susan saw Jack looking at her but Jack quickly put his finger to his lips and Susan quickly looked away just as Jack started moving quietly down the alleyway. Jack started with a slow walk that quickly became a very fast walk that broke into a slow run that soon became a full blown gallop. As Jack ran a plan formulated itself in his mind. Jack also managed to collect up a...

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threes company

grew up in new jersey ,i'm john....friend in neighborhood,had this really cute ,pretty,petite,brunette gf,later they married,we still hung out once in awhile. they were pretty open,go to the nude beach all the time.so onetime i over there place were partying..lookin at porn on hamster of course,and he says john wannaee my wife give me a blowjob,,sure of course,,she gets under the desk and starts to give him a blow job, i said is it alright if i jerk off sure go ahead. than he says john come...

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Sex With Hot Priya 8211 Part II

By : Champ_sach72 Hello ISS readers I am Sahil again from now from Noida as currently I m shifted here. This is in continuation of my early bed partner Priya. I told u that she is not satisfied from her husband who used to fuck her but satisfy her.  This actually happened on a day when Priya got one award in company function and her husband who was supposed to be there was missing again as he is busy with her girl friend. My wife was not with me due to she was not well. So coming to the point...

4 years ago
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Humiliation play for desperate slave girl

lt has been few hours since l fell asleep after our crazy fucking party last night, l was hungover and sound asleep from exhaustion and sleeping pill l took. Until l felt hot and hard cock being forced in my mouth.~Jesus, not now, l am so sleepy and tired~ l thought to myself, but did not get a chance to say a word of protest as hot stream of piss started to flow down my throat. l was not ready for it and l started to resist which made him shove his cock even deeper and making me choke. l...

1 year ago
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Aliens and CowboysThe Circus Begins

It was a basic 2 person TV crew, a cameraman and a reporter. They introduced themselves and said they had watched the live broadcast, which was going viral, with over a million views in the few hours it had been online so far. Mark just thought, “Wow, this is going to be crazy by tomorrow!” Mark, Joe, Liyana and the 5 security people were standing by the arena, as the TV crew were asking where to set up. Kat was finally able come out to meet the TV crew, saying that the phone had been...

3 years ago
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The Creek Part Three

Logan was back down at the creek. He jumped in and resurfaced, the cool water nice on his skin. He heard laughter, and he saw Maggie and Sophie looking at his groin. His shorts had come off, and his erect cock was pointing to the sky. Logan blushed and started to cover himself up; but Maggie was already wading toward him. She bent down and ran her tongue up from the base of his scrotum to the tip of his cock. Logan sighed and closed his eyes. Maggie now had her whole mouth wrapped around his...

Group Sex
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SyntheticChapter 32

Renee stumbled along the unlit street, the occasional transport whizzing past. Rain beat against her, wind sending her teeth chattering in the cold. She clutched her books to her chest, keeping the water at bay with her body and the bag. Where to go? Skyscrapers soared above, but every entrance was dark. Matthias had linked to her with a wireless connection, but she didn't know how to get it back. She needed a working terminal. None of the diner's patrons paid her any heed when she...

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Sex encounter with maid

Today I am going to narrate one of my real experience with my sexy and cute maid name Usha.First let me describe myself. I am a average looking guy with a good physic. My tool size is approx 6.5 to 7 inches and I am very fond of having sex. U can even say it is the best way to relax myself. I am married and have a k** as well. My wife loves me and like me on bed. She always says that No one can satisfy as I am. To be very honest it is one of my quality.Coming back to our story, as my wife is a...

1 year ago
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Test Driving Wendy Part Two

Returning to the living room, I saw that Mel and Sue were sharing one sofa while Steve was on another, so I distributed the beers and seated myself between the two girls. I was rewarded by my wife snuggling up to my right side and Sue snuggling into my left. We all relaxed with our beers and watched Jake do Wendy.Wendy was on her knees in the centre of the area with Jake kneeling upright in front of her feeding her his cock. She was gobbling with great relish and rubbing his balls at the same...

Group Sex
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Preparatory Adventures Part 1

Kevin was the new guy at Wilson Boarding School. It was an all boy school, and it prepared the guys for college next year. Kevin didn’t know anyone. He just walked to his classes, walked to lunch and dinner, and went to his dorm, nothing else. He had his own dorm, because he was new, and there weren’t any other students in need of a dorm. Everyone else shared a dorm with one other person. But Kevin was eager to meet new people and make some friends. Since it was an all boy school, Kevin often...

2 years ago
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To See What I could See III

TO SEE WHAT I COULD SEE III I It is now late summer in Cen Cal and our family was deep into the harvest of our raisin crop, hot dirty work. It’s Saturday and we got caught thought. Mom told me to clean up first and I did and was reading the funnies when the phone rang. It had to be one of her two sisters. “Yes he’s here and done with work, you need him?” She asked. “J” she asked, “can you go over to “Auntie A’s” to help her with a dog problem because Uncle “P” is...

3 years ago
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Sucking Daughter Bucking HorseChapter 5

Patsy rushed down the stairs, her blonde hair whipping around her flushed face and her tits bouncing erotically under her summer top. "Whoa," her mother said, catching her at the kitchen door. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" "The Horse Club," Patsy bubbled. Rose took her daughter's arm and steered her toward the table. "Sit. You have time for juice." "Awww, Mom," Patsy protested. "Ellen called me last night. They're meeting at ten o'clock this morning. I don't have...

3 years ago
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Rand Ki Moti Gand

Let’s start friends, skip all the things and come to the story.   So this is a story of a girl named juuhi ( imaginary name ). She is a busty girl aur uska figure hai 36 30 38. Uski badi tarbooz jaisi chuchiya aaye haaye aur uski mast moti gaand kisi ka bhi lund todd de.   Ek baar juuhi ek shop par jati hai jha se wo hamesha bra panty leti hai. Wo wha jake uss dukaandar se bra dikhane ko kehti hai ( dukaandar thoda tharki aur 35 saal ka hai ). Wo usse size puchta hai aur uska jawab milta hai...

4 years ago
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The Farmers Daughter Chapter 10

The Farmer’s Daughter: Chapter 10 Sisyphus Sherry rested her head on my shoulder as we lay panting on the cabin floor. I loved the feeling of her warm body on top of me, her tits crushed against my chest. My jeans were open, my soft cock lying limply. After a few minutes, she lifted her head, looked into my eyes and gave me a coy, devilish smile. “Guess what?” she asked, biting her lower lip. “What?” I asked, sensing what she was going to say. “I’m still horny,” she said, straddling my thigh,...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 10 Moving and Moving On

July-August 1977 Saturday was beautiful and after breakfast, I headed to the deli. I only had to work until 2:00pm, and then I was going to play D&D at Kevin’s house. We’d order pizza and play until around 10:00pm. The deli was quiet in the morning and after a quick trip with the broom on the sidewalk, I was packing boxes for a catering order. I figured it would be relatively quiet until lunch, though since they had coffee and Danish, they did get some morning customers. I finished...

4 years ago
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ThesisChapter 15 The Garden Party

Course 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: No reason why Fifty should not be involved in today's "open day". Her basic skills are sufficient for any of the service tasks envisaged for supporting the day, rather than any of the tasks for which we will use the more experienced, second-course trainees. Everyone is set up to let the people from Clegg Enterprises to see what we're doing with their investment. Jenny's Recollections Actually, now that I come to...

2 years ago
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True story about how I let a random person take my virginity.I was going into my junior year of highschool and I was the new k** intown. Not only is it a small town but there arent that many openly gay/bi males. I ditn really give a rats ass about being the only openly bi person in my school. So not knowing the area and not having any chance of finally dating a guy I stooped pretty low. Craigslist. Yes, craigslist. It felt wierd because instantly stories of people being scammed and being lied...

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