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It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. Nor your wife when she is the area's leading plastic surgeon. Carol paced the living room floor waiting for the grand entrance of her husband. Finally he scurried around the hall entrance and swooped into the room with a "Ta-Dah! How do I look?" An emotional Carol responded, "Give me a twirl and let me see." "Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad we rejected the drab trouser suit and decided on that 2-piece Skirt suit, for your first day at the new job? That slate- gray Gucci neck scarf is the perfect fashion accessory. You were right dear. The red suit would have been over the top. That pale purple color is more appropriate for a clinical psychologist. It screams professional businesswoman." She hugged her husband and kissed him full on the mouth, unconcerned about disturbing his makeup. Finally she broke the kiss. She glanced at the grandfather clock standing by the door and said, "Look at the time, you better hurry. You don't want to be late on your first day." While he sat and pulled on his pumps, Carol retrieved her lover's present, a new leather shoulder purse. Carol stood at the door and watched her husband totter to his car, having trouble with his new three-inch heels. Carol thought, my, he has a magnificent tush. Once he losses the duck waddle and learns to work it, he his going to be a sex kitten. As he reached the car he turned and waved goodbye. Even in the best bra, he was still having a hard time adjusting to the fact his boobs were always a half step behind the rest of his body. A solitary tear ran down her cheek as she watched him struggled to climb into his compact car, hindered by the snug skirt. He managed to swivel his legs under the steering wheel. Carol smiled as she saw him slide the seat back to make room for his gigantic bosom. Carol stood at the open door until her husband's car disappeared up the busy street. Just as she was about to close the door, her mother arrived and parked in their driveway. Liz bound out of her car looking tanned and fit. "Mom, you're home early. You aren't due back from your round-the-world cruse for another month. Is there something wrong?" "Not really dear, your father picked up a bug in Fiji, so we flew home from there. He is fine. The doctors just want him to rest for a few days." "Dear who was that woman driving Phil's car?" At which point Carol had an emotional meltdown. She sobbed uncontrollably, "Mom I really screwed up. My marriage may be over. It certainly will never be the same." "Did that husband of yours cheat on you? I never trusted him. He was too perfect. I always felt he was hiding something. Was that his skanky floozy driving his car?" Weeping, Carol invited her mother in the house, "Mommy, let's go get a cup of tea it's a long story. The two women sat in the sunshine at the kitchen table beneath the large picture window. Her feet curled under her, Carol began her tale." "It all started a week before our 10th wedding anniversary." "Did the bum forget your anniversary?" "No Mom, he got me a gorgeous Black Onyx necklace. I just love it. It's what I got him that caused this whole thing. You remember my best friend Sue and her husband Chris?" "Yes dear the beautician, I have used her shop several times. She is very a very gifted stylist. I don't believe I ever met Chris." "It was a beautiful May morning. Sue called me and invited me over to her house for a picnic brunch. It was my first day off in weeks. Since moving to San Francisco my plastic surgery practice has been going crazy. Anyway we went to her garage find her picnic basket. We moved some boxes and inadvertently disturbed a trunk precariously balanced on top. It fell to the floor and broke open. I recognized the trunk. It was Phil's from his college days. Sue apologized profusely for the damage, but I was more concerned about why Phil's trunk was stored in her home. Sue explained that about January, Phil showed up one day with Chris and asked if he could store his trunk in their garage - something about a leak in our storage shed. Sue agreed, and was just happy that Phil and Chris had become friends." Liz sipped her tea and said "Dear, please get on with the story. I am dying of curiosity." "Right, where was I? Oh yes the trunk, the latch had broken and the contents spilled all over the concrete floor. Mom, of all things it was a woman's wardrobe, everything - house dresses, skirts, high heel shoes, blouses, cocktail dresses, even a fancy ball gown. I was in shock." "OMG Carol, is Phil one of the transvestites like on Jerry Springer?" "Let me finish mom. Sue and I sorted the contents of the trunk. In addition to the dresses there were a great hodgepodge of lingerie, panties, bras, corsets, sexy nightgowns and the most humongous set of breast forms I have ever seen. Yes I was positive I was married to a cross dresser and he had been hiding it from me." "Oh, my lord, Carol you and Phil are about the same size. Do you think Phil has been wearing your clothes in secret?" "No mom, I sincerely doubt that. With his apparent fascination with massive boobs none of my tops would fit." With her tea untouched Carol sighed and continued, "Sue helped me, I left the trunk but we loaded everything into my car and I drove home. Not only had I found out after 10 years my husband, the man I loved more than my own life was a pervert, but the discovery was made in front of my best friend. I was pissed." Liz sipped her tea and sat spellbound at the tale her daughter was weaving. "Well I got home my initial reaction I was going to throw it all away. Giving it some more thought I decided to store it in the spare bedroom. At the appropriate time I would make Phil explain it all to me. I unpacked everything. I almost lost it when I opened his makeup bag. My lord, he had nothing but the top of the line cosmetics, most of it brand-new. As I sorted everything I found a notebook with about 50 pages of typed notes. I skimmed the first few pages and realized it was some sort of diary. As mad as I was, it seem improper to read something so personal. So I put it down. I hung the dresses in the closet, and stuffed his underwear in the spare dresser. He had spent a fortune in lingerie. Most of it was from Victoria Secret or Frederic's. My temper got the best of me. I ran crying to our home office. I called the alarm company and had our access code changed. Then I phoned a locksmith to come and change all the locks. That depraved man was never getting into my house again. There sitting on the desk was Phil's computer. I wickedly opened it, determined to find what else he had been hiding from me." Liz got up and walked behind her daughter and massaged her neck, and replied, "Don't worry dear your father, and I will be here for you. If that man hurts you I will cut his nuts off!" Carol laughed nervously, "Mom, trust me that will not be necessary. Let me go on. I hacked into Phil's computer. It took all of 5 minutes to find his logon password, he had used my name. I thought that was sweet but not very imaginative." With a heavy sigh, Carol continued, "A quick search of his favorites and recent website history floored me. He had visited dozens of transvestite, transgender, and crossdressing sites. Oh, mommy I was tormented. How could I have been so blind all those years?" Liz found a half empty box of Kleenex on the counter and handed them to her distraught daughter. "While the man worked to change the locks, I went and retrieved the journal - to hell with privacy. The more I read the more distressed I became. Here was the man I loved, pouring out his heart to some blank pages. I had no clue how tormented he was his entire life. There was even a section about how he contemplated suicide." Liz interrupted, "The coward should have killed himself. That would have been better than the pain, he caused you." "Mother, please let me finish! Dispersed among all the pages of self- loathing, agony and heartbreak were passages of beautiful sentiments of how much he loved his wife. His sonnets of devotion made me swoon. It was more romantic than Byron's poetry." "I was so touched about what he had lived with, I decided to help." Liz smirked, "What did you do, take him shoe shopping?" "Mother believe me, he has more shoes than I do. No my help, was much more dramatic. Let me explain." "I pretended like nothing had happened. We went out for our normal anniversary dinner, Phil had called ahead and our table centerpiece consisted of a dozen long stem roses. It was a very romantic evening we had a great time. I encouraged Phil to drink too much and finally slipped him a strong sedative in his last drink. As we left the restaurant and headed to our car, I promised Phil a great big surprise for his anniversary gift. He passed out in the car. I drove us to my clinic for his present." Liz stood, stretched and said, "Honey, let's go into the living room. I need something stronger than tea, what do you have?" "Mom I have Scotch, vodka, and brandy, which would you prefer?" "I could use a little of each." Carol laughed and despite the hour poured each of them a double Scotch. After taking a long pull on her drink Carol continued, "Mommy, I called in some favors and had a large team of doctors assembled. We performed several surgeries on my loving husband. Afterward with some help from my staff I got Phil into bed in the spare bedroom which I had set up as a recovery room." "I didn't want him to experience any discomfort so I kept him out for five weeks. On a warm Sunday I adjusted his meds to allow him to regain consciousness. I had planned this moment in excruciating detail. I woke him with a soft kiss on the lips." "I lovingly said 'Good morning sleeping beauty.'" His eyes slowly opened and looked very confused. Before he could speak I started my prepare speech. 'Honey, you have had surgery on your vocal cords. If you try to speak it will permanently damage them. Not a single word from you until I say. Do you understand?'" "He groggily nodded in acknowledgement." "I sat on the bed and held his hand then continued; 'Now dear I am sure you have a million questions, I will try and explain what happened. I was at Sue's and discovered your trunk.' He vigorously shook his head no." "I stoked his hand and calmly spoke, 'Relax honey, at first I was mad when I found all your hidden girly things, but then I discovered your journal. That explained everything.'" "Now he shook his head violently back and forth. I thought he was having a convulsion at first." 'I know honey, diaries are confidential, but it was an eye-opener for me. I read all your deepest secrets, those things you could never tell me. I love you so much I just had to help. I had to try to take away your pain.' "It took me some time to calm Phil down. Eventually I was able to go on." "I told him, 'Honey, the first thing that jumped out at me was your obsession with wanting your own breasts. It broke my heart to realize that it has been your fondest dream since you were a small child. No that's not right, if I remember right, your exact words were, you wanted a set of hooters, big porn-star sized ones.'" "Mom with a flourish I pulled away the covers and revealed my gift to him. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head." "I proudly informed him, 'Sugar you are now the proud owner of 40 FFF boobs.'" "He started to cry. I dried his tears and said, 'Don't cry sweetheart I know they are not as large as you wanted. At 600cc's those are the largest implants on the market. I had a heck of a time fitting them in your chest. But trust me I have taken steps to correct there relative diminutive size.'" "Mom, I thought he was going to come right out of the bed, he was so upset." "I tried to comfort him with, 'Dear, I read where you have always detested those nasty nuts dangling between your legs. So I cut them off.'" "Mother, I though Phil was going to hurt himself he violently thrashed around. Luckily I had him firmly restrained." "Wait a minute dear, you removed his gonads! But you have always wanted children." Carol took another tissue and dried her tears she said, "Yes mom, I castrated my husband. Children have always been a dream of mine. I was very conflicted, that damn Hippocratic Oath thing and all, but this was personal. I love my husband so much. His happiness is more important than mine." "Once he had calmed down I continued, 'Dear I have replaced those nasty testosterone producing glands with slow release female hormone inplants. Those combined with the massive amounts of estrogen in your IV will cause a drastic redistribution of your body fat. By your birthday I am confident you will be a full G cup, maybe even a little larger, isn't that wonderful?'" "At that point his face turned purple as he fought his restraints." "He continued the thrash. I told him, 'Honey calm down or you are going to hurt yourself. I have you firmly secured to the bed so you won't pull out your IV or catheter.'" "That got a raised eyebrow." "'Yes dear, I said catheter; you still have your boytoy. It will get smaller over time so eventually you will have that smooth crotch you have always dreamed of. Now relax.'" "At that point his blood pressure and heart rate monitors spiked. So I adjusted his medication and put him back to sleep." "Good heavens Carol, do you still have him on massive doses of hormones?" "No mom, I will admit that I lost objectivity for awhile. When he started to lactate I realized that as a medical professional I had gone too far. He is now on a purely maintenance dosage." "Aren't there some long-term side effects?" "Oh, yes we have discussed those in detail. But with all the permanent changes, they are insignificant. Besides, I think he really enjoys his newfound nipple sensitivity. I have caught him several times playing solitaire with his new fun bags." "OMG, are you telling me that was Phil I saw driving away?" "Well sort of, let me finish there is more and it gets worst." "I was having all his body hair removed by electrolysis and wanted to keep him comfortable during the procedure. So it was three weeks later before I again revived him. 'Wake up honey. It's time we talked again.'" "Oh mommy, He made such a funny face. 'Sweetheart, are you with me?'" "He opened his eyes and gave me a pitiful puppy dog look. 'Are you in pain dear?' He nodded yes. 'Does your throat hurt?' Again he nodded yes." I informed him that, 'I was sorry but there has been a major complication with your vocal cords. Please don't talk.' 'Aside from your sore throat I bet your lips feel funny right?'" "Again the head bob, 'That dear is from the collagen injections. You now have the large plump pillow lips you fantasized about. They are still a little swollen. Your tongue may also be a little sore. That is from the piercing and dumbbell bar insert. I had the lady from the tattoo shop do most of the piercings you wanted. The tongue, three studs in each ear and I even had the nostril piercing. I wasn't so sure about that at first, I thought you were a little old for that kind of thing. But I must admit it has grown on me. The small diamond stud is just adorable. It is a present from Sue by the way. I even got you a bellybutton ring you wanted but I am sorry I just refused to have your nipples pierced. I understand that has always been one of your dreams, it is just too trashy for my tastes. Once you are up and about if you still want them done I will make the arrangements. Is your face tender?'" "Mom he didn't look as pleased as I had expected, but again he gave a positive response." "So I continued, 'Honey let me explain, the tenderness is from the electrolysis and tattoos. They finished on your face yesterday. You will be happy to know you don't have a hair anywhere on your body below your eyelashes. Please stop looking so glum. Your face may be a bit sensitive for a few days as a result of the tattoos. By the way, your pencil thin eyebrows came out superbly.'" "Mother I laughed at the face he made." With her drink hardly touched Carol continued, 'Oh dear, what a quizzical expression. Let me explain. I read where you were never satisfied with your makeup abilities. So I had your makeup tattooed on your face. You will forever have fire engine red lips, smoky gray eye shadow and I even had the heavy thick black eyeliner applied, top and bottom. I think it makes you look like Elisabeth Taylor in Cleopatra but that was your desire. I love you so much I will just have to learn to live with it.'" "I told him, 'Now all you need every day is a little lip-gloss and some mascara and badda bing, you are good to go. Sweetheart, I have been a busy little bee lately. You may also feel some discomfort in your sides. That is from the liposuction. I was extremely aggressive and took almost 5 inches off your waist, and reinserted the fat into your hips and butt. I am sure you are going to love your new silhouette.'" "As the tears flowed down his cheeks I went on, 'Oh my, there are the tears again. I am sure this time they are from happiness. Oh look at those monitors going crazy again. So it's time for another nap.'" "Carol you make it sound like Phil looks like a real tramp." "Yes mother if he isn't careful he could come across that way. He will have to learn to tone it down a bit for work and daytime activities." Liz went to the liquor cabinet and refilled her glass. "Please go on, I am dying to hear the rest." "Well it was again several weeks later. He awoke on his own. I rushed in as he was thrashing about trying to get more comfortable. I fluffed his pillow." "Mom, I tried to comfort him as I said, 'I am sorry honey, sleeping in curlers is very irritating. We can take them out soon. I now understand why you had always insisted on having long hair and that silly hippie ponytail. Sue is on her way over to give you a beautiful bouffant doo. Don't get nervous, Look your heart rate is up again. Sue has seen you lots of times. Over the past few weeks, she has been the one that has gotten me through all the rough times. She was here yesterday and gave you a pedicure and attached those lovely permanent acrylic nails. I think one inch beyond your finger tips is extreme but your journal said that was your wish. They are colored bright red to match your lips, but they can be changed with just a coat of polish.' 'Oh dear, I think I hear her car in the driveway. Before she arrives I have some more wonderful news. I read where you always hated having a boy's name, so I talked to a lawyer and had all your records changed. Philip David Brown no longer exists. I hope you like the name I selected because you are now and forever, legally Phyllis Darlene Brown. I had your school diploma and professional license change, to reflect your new status. I have been in constant contact with your office. I told them you are transitioning. Being San Francisco, they said that was fine. But under you current condition they insisted that you switch from dealing with teen depression to specializing in gender dysphoria.'" "Mother at that point he gave me the icy stare of death. Despite my dire warnings he spoke. He repeatedly said 'NO...no...no'. I am sure he was trying to sound all authoritative. But it came out it in a high girly squeaky soprano. I am ashamed to say that I giggled, it sound like a 13 year old girl throwing a temper tantrum. Phyllis was really pissed. I kissed her on the month to shut her up." "At that point Sue knocked on the door and asked if she could speak to us." I said "Of course, what's up?" "Carol I brought Chris along he has something to tell both you and Phil." "I covered up Phyllis, to protect her modesty and invited them in. A really angry Sue hauled her husband into the room by his ear." "Chris rubbed his ear and started at the floor and meekly said 'I am so very sorry. Sue just told me what you have done to Phil." "That trunk you discovered was Phil's, but the contents were all mine. I have been seeing Phil as a patient for six months. I was terrified of Sue finding out I am a transsexual, so I came up with the idea of hiding my stuff in his trunk. Phil was kind enough to let me keep my things in his trunk. I figured that would provide me a degree of security." "What about the ledger?" "As part of my treatment Phil had me write down everything I thought and felt, so the journal belongs to me." "But there were all those searches on his computer?" "Well, that's on me too. He tried to hide it, but I could tell Phil was revolted by the whole crossdressing thing. Those were merely research trying to understand my condition." "Mom at that point I completely broke down, I told Sue and Chris to get out of our home. I realized what I had done to the love of my life." Mother, "He looked at me with pleading eyes. All I could think of to say was, 'Whoops, I guess I screwed up. Can you forgive me?'" "I threw myself on top of Phyllis and we both cried ourselves to sleep." "That was a month ago, I have been working with Phyllis on her feminine persona ever since. Today is her first day out as a woman on her own." "You keep referring to Phil as her. Are you still a married couple?" Carol blushed, a bright red and answered, "Legally yes. But if you asking me, do we still have marital relations? The answer is we still share the same bed but sex hasn't come up." "Well Carol, let me be direct then, does his man part still work?" "I don't know. If it does it won't for long. Phyllis hasn't shown any interest. She won't even snuggle in bed. It has been like living with an estranged sister." "Carol I may be a meddling old fool, but if you still love each other, shouldn't you fight for your marriage. If he won't do it, you need to make the first move. Take advantage of it while you can." "Mom you are brilliant, Phyllis has this adorable pink see-through peignoir set. I am going to met her at the door wearing it and a smile. I am going ride that filly until she drops from exhaustion." The end for now. All comments welcomed. [email protected]

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PornMegaLoad Annabel Redd Gymnastic Sex Doll

Annabel Redd is a sexy, perky, pretty, young red-head with green eyes, a trimmed bush, braces and 30E naturals. She becomes a sex-doll under JMac’s control. They get it on in enough amazing feats of fucking and sucking to fill a sex manual, including the seashell position. To do that flexible fuck, Annabel has to lay on her back and put her ankles behind her head. While Annabel is getting the ramrod in that position, she even sucks on her nipples. Laying back on top of JMac after getting...

1 year ago
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Aunty Ne Dunia Badal Dhi

Hai mera naaam Ali hai main karnataka se hu..main 25 saal ka ladka hu…mera height 5’10 hai aur average body hai agar apko meri story pasand aye tho mujhe replay kijia par….karnataka ki kisi be kone me main available hu…. Chalo ab story pe athe hai…a story mere aur ek aunty ke story hai jisne mera life hi badal dala…a 2 saal purHai mera naaam Ali hai main karnataka se hu..main 25 saal ka ladka hu…mera height 5’10 hai aur average body hai agar apko meri story pasand aye tho mujhe replay kijia ...

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This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their...

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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories In November 2020

Dear Readers, you have enjoyed a lot of Indian xxx stories written by our great authors. Here are the 10 best Indian sex stories from the month of November 2020. By: After fingering his mom, Abishek can’t control his urge. Even after this Indian housewife offered him sex, he feels it’s wrong. But he has an alternative. “Then I thought of something. “Can you stroke it for me?” I asked. She smiled naughtily and came near me. She leaned on the wall in my side and put her left hand over my...

3 years ago
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Straight No More Youre a faggot Gay

I've read a lot of stories about a straight man turned gay. In most of them, it's obvious that the 'straight' guy was always gay in the first place. But that's not my story. Mine is about the fact that I was convinced I was straight. 100% straight. Until my friend intentionally turned me into a cocksucking faggot. Over the course of a few years. And he admitted to purposely orchestrating every step of this story.It all started when I was 25 years old. I was enjoying my youth. I fucked a lot of...

1 year ago
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Honey Love Becomes A Kept Pet

I am naked, freezing, my nipples are hard, cum is crusted on my body, all over my tits, my back, in my hair and between my thighs, on the bathroom floor. I can’t stand up, and I cant quite reach the bathtub. My leash is attached to the pipe behind the toilet, with just enough room for me to manage to crouch over it. I’m still horny. But my master has locked me in the bathroom, because he had to go to work. He left me a plate of food on the floor, and patted me on the head. Telling me to be a...

1 year ago
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Nap time

Here I am once again @ the local fishing ponds, and no-one else is here. (I always come prepared with my box of play toys because u never know when u may be in the mood to play!) It's a beautiful 75 degrees and sunny with a light cool breeze. I set up 2 of my fishing poles, take out a blanket and lie on top of the picnic table in the shade. The cool breeze blowing through my long blonde hair. I start to doze off. I can feel the breeze blowing up shorts and across my pussy lips making me wet and...

3 years ago
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My AI Dungeon

This first page will be more like my table of content page. It’s do to change frequently as I add new stories. The first chapter will be decided to a story I generated about you being stranded on an island. On this island will hopefully have many adventures to enjoy as I continue writing within the Ai dungeon engine. Mind you I will have to do some minor edits to the engine’s generated parts so that it sounds smoother as a whole. If you ever used the engine before you may know that it can be a...

1 year ago
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Morning Delights

Yes I'm a horny 51 year old single guy, with what some call a huge piece of meat. This is a story that happened to me a few years ago. It was early one morning when I was coming home with the paper. There was a woman who had her unit on the market. I asked her if she minded telling me what she was asking for it. The woman told me the asking price and asked if I'd like to see it. I said yes and thanked her for the offer. Karen was wearing a short light blue cotton skirt and light blue shirt. Her...

2 years ago
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Surprise dare with an unexpected result part 3

After breakfast Satin heads back to her place and I head for mine. When I arrive and sit down on the couch, I open my laptop and see’ “Truth or Dare?” Dammit, not what I want to see right now. The hell with it, I’m in a good mood. “Dare.” I wait what seems like hours for a response. “Come over now.” She must have written the email last night because of how long it took her to reply. I started getting excited all over again in anticipation of what’s to come. After a quick shower I grab my keys...

2 years ago
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You can look but you cant touch

I would be animalistic with the way I kissed him. It would be passionate. Our tongues would be dancing as fluidly and sensually as it can happen. I’d bite his lower lip and run my tongue across it. He would grab me and throw me against the wall. His hands would be all over me. His hands were even sexy to me. Big and strong. Grabbing me all over; squeezing my boobs and roaming all over my ass. I’d be moaning quietly, biting my lip and holding back the scream of pleasure that was building...

2 years ago
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Girl proving she can be naughty as well as nice

About 6 years ago I was just getting out of a long relationship. We had been together for four years and although it was obviously sad I had seen it coming for months and to be honest I was quite relieved when it finally ended. I went back to university after that summer for the new term with a feeling of adventure and freedom, I went out more, had more fun, and felt happier than I had for a long time. With me for this fun were my university mates and a very close friend I used to share a house...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ki Gaand Aur Unki Behen Ki Chut Ka Rahasya

Hello friends, I am back with my latest sex story. I hope aap logo ko mera pehla story pasand aaya hoga.Aaj mai apni ek dusri real story batane ja raha hun.Mai 33 yrs old hun aur bangalore ka rehne wala hun. Mein profession se banker hun. Koi bhi mujhse chat kaarna chahe to mujhe mail kar sakta hai Jaise ki maine bataya tha last story mein about my bhabhi figure jo ki 36-34-36 hai aur ye jo bhi size hai issme mera hi haath hai,mein meri bhabi ko chod chod ke boobs daba daba ke,gaand maar maar...

4 years ago
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Just Another ConferenceChapter 2

The sun was barely over the horizon and she was all over me again, a repeat of last night. Without the wine clouding my senses, I was able to out last her, bringing her to at least three significant vaginal orgasms before I blew my load deep within her. This morning, however, she didn't want to waste time with any cleanup. As I pulled out of her, and while I was still hard, she threw her legs up even higher and told me she wanted to be able to watch me take her there as well. I obliged, and...

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Bengali aunty

This encounter happened between my very sexy neighbor, Geetha; I was staying in Chennai doing my pg and was staying in a rented house, which was on the 3rd floor with a terrace next to it. I was the only bachelor boy (age 22) there and our building had families from all sects, Rajasthan, Tamil, Kannada, etc, Geetha (age 28) was a Bengali from Calcutta and her husband was a scientist for a space research organization. They were 4 in their family, her mother in law, son, she and hubby. Her mother...

3 years ago
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How I got caught

I had a day off and I was on my computer looking to see if anyone was on to chat with. I didn't see anyone and was about to close the page when a message notice flashed "Do you want to chat?" I said sure I would love to. The first thing he said was I have been watching you when you use your web cam I am very interested in a private veiwing!I was not sure how to respond to such a quick demand. I had never had anyone respond back when I have been using my cam.The question now was what do I say or...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Roxie Sinner Roxie8217s Fantasy Cum True

Roxie and Nicky are out making deliveries when they pull into a luxurious neighborhood. The customer they are delivering to isn’t home, but there is a note on the door inviting them to leave the delivery inside. While inside, Roxie expresses her wildest fantasy about getting fucked and cream pied in a stranger’s home. She’s getting wet and excited just thinking about the prospect and makes a move on Nicky. He isn’t sure about fucking in someone else’s house, but he can’t resist the busty...

2 years ago
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DiscountenanceBy Brewt.BlacklistSeptember 2012THE SUBMISSIVES I have encountered have all been quite delicate creatures, easy to frighten, easy to offend. Mouthy as hell.When they are not on their knees, of course.Indeed. It's as though they save all their strength for then.Probably a defensive mechanism. I suspect the verbal attacks are that, too.Possibly. Take this one, for example.My Lord, I . . .Shut up. Don't interrupt me. God damn it, what was I saying? Oh, yes. When this one isn't here...

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Practice Makes Perfect

The door slammed at about 10 pm. A little early for Heather to be home on a non-school night. Other than the shout from Dad about not slamming the door the only sound was Heather's feet stomping up the stairs. She glared at me as she walked by my bedroom. This was odd, too. Heather never glared at me. She was usually nice to me, or ignored me. Something was up. I wondered if I should ask. Maybe I was better off minding my business. When I heard slamming drawers and shoes flying next door I...

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Deliverance Pat (Patrick) Fields, AKA Patricia; Judge Helen Cartman; Sheriff "Lim" Potts; Tim and Tom Badger (twins); Brad Blander public defender and owner of Brad's Feed and Seed; Claire Smith, owner of Claire's House of Beauty; Frank Harms, of Frank's automotive and his son Moss; Lilly May, manager and waitress of Marge's cafe. Rose Cartman, Helen's sister. Some say our fate is preordained and the path we walk is the one we are destined to walk. Others will argue that our lives...

1 year ago
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Jack and Jill

It was late afternoon when they finally had the house to themselves. The evening was getting dark with the last light of a beautiful but cold November day fading. Isobel was in the kitchen preparing dinner for them both whilst sipping a glass of wine and Peter was stoking up a huge log fire in the drawing room. Hearing him come into the kitchen behind her, Isobel turned and smiled at him whilst handing him a glass of wine. "Brrrrrrrr" he said, a wicked glint in his eye as he rubbed his hands...

2 years ago
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We Come 1

The big day has arrived, so I don't see Lorraine's dress before the wedding I was despatched back to my old room at the hotel last night. Barry is due at 1pm and we'll drive to Doncaster registry for the 2pm wedding. The reception is at a small country hotel nearby. There will just be 7 of us in total, with in addition to the four of us, Maxwell Carruthers to give away Lorraine, PC Jo Fletcher and Dayna. I have to admit that I looked mighty fine in my new suit, it wasn't black, it was a...

3 years ago
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Mother of a CheerleaderChapter 5

Julie was standing with her mom as Sarah approached. "No sense wasting money. I have a room all to myself and I just hate being alone," Sarah informed the two. It was definitely against the rules for staff to fraternize with parents, but that didn't stop Sarah. "Nothing would make me happier than if you stayed in my room." Dani desperately wanted to say no but something in Sarah's tone told her to use caution. "Well ... well I guess. Do you think it is okay, as parents aren't...

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Tadapti Bahu Chodu Sasur

Hello readers, this is one hot desi incest stoy and hope you will love it. Send your feedback at Gopi Nath ki patni Devyani ki maut 2 saal pehle ho gayi thee. Ab vo 45 saal ka ek asantusht mard tha aur apne lund ki grami nakalne ke liye kissi nayi chut ki talash mein tha. Usska ek beta Avinash aur ek beti Deepa thee. Beti ki shadi Gautam ke saath ho chuki thee jo ki fauj mein kaam karta tha. Gautam ki posting J & K main thee aur Deepa se alag rehne par mazboor tha. Deepa 19 saal ki jawan...

4 years ago
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Brandy is a Fine Girl

This one is dedicated to a fan and the special person in her life. I hope she enjoys it. ~~BrettJ ***** Brandy stood out on the deck of our new home, taking it all in. We were only just back from our honeymoon and we returned to a beautiful ocean front property I have owned for a while. It was my getaway when I need seclusion, and now it would serve as my home with this bewitching beauty I so adored. It had always been more opulent and spacious than a single man needed, but I could easily...

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MagicChapter 12

Sean was tempted to stop by Suzie's house on the way home from work, but after being in the hot kitchen at Dairy King for a couple of hours he stank. It was so bad that even he could smell it. It was a mixture of grease and sweat that would have brought tears to Superman's eyes. It wasn't a mild little odor, but a true stench that was capable of killing any mosquitoes that ventured too close to him. Upon reaching the path to Suzie's house Sean stood there thinking about the beautiful...

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The dream that woke me up

Fantasy ( the dream ) woke up with a dripping ....I heard a voice screaming my name... over and over until i saw a woman run towards me... i couldnt turn away i kept looking, the closer she got the more paralysed i felt. She took my hand and we ran towards a big building where i heard voices from woman who were giving others to people... like suck this... open wide... your ass is mine boy!!! It kinda scared me cause i knew what was going to happen if i kept following this woman... but some how...

4 years ago
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The Island Chapter 2

We stepped quickly out into the humid night air, the sound of the surf wafted through the stillness.She wrapped her arms around mine as we walked, laying her head on my shoulder.Out onto the damp sand we strolled, watching the moon as it hung over the dark ocean.We paused, kicking our shoes off to feel the damp sand."I love you," I whispered softly.The water lapped gently around our ankles as we paused. She turned slowly to me, her right arm slipping around my neck, our mouths met, full and...

Love Stories
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Dawns Path

Angel pounded her fist against the table with such force that the cherry wood veneer splintered into toothpick sized shards. Angry didn't begin to define her reaction to Kayla's news. "I can't believe you're considering this!" she shouted. Rage tinted her normally brown eyes, infusing them with flares of gold and amber. Unblinking, Kayla stood across the table from her completely unaffected by the outburst. And her reaction or rather non-reaction made Angel seethe with fury. "How stupid are...

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Initiation into being the naughty little maid

  I remember with a small satisfied smile that summer month I spent working in a bed and breakfast in Transylvania.     I had met Felix online in a chat room while feeling bored and horny one morning at home.  He opened up a private chat and soon we were chatting away and he was asking me more and more personal questions like my body measurements, then what colour panties I was wearing etc. I enjoyed every minute of it and answered his questions honestly with a """lol at the end of my sentences...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Falling for the Teacher The Beginning Part 1

Description of Characters: Megan: 4"11, 18 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes, pouty full lips. 42 C breasts and a virgin. Mr. Sam French: 6"2, buff, dark brown eyes, hair that goes past his ears, and has stubble. He also has a 8 1/2 inch cock. Ali: 4"8, brunette, skinny, and has chocolate brown eyes. Sarah: 5"2, a little plump, auburn hair, and innocent blue eyes. Chapter 1 It was Megan's first day of 12th grade, and she was so excited to see her...

2 years ago
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Exposing Cindy butterfly vibrator chapter two

Coming soon) Chapter two – back at home I had a bit more to drink at the club and had partially recovered from my very public orgasm on the dance floor when Jim shocked me by inviting Bob to come back to the house with us for another round of drinks in the our new spa.Jim teed up the conversation with, “Bob, since I am driving, I have to limit my alcohol intake here. Would you like to join Cindy and me back at our home for a few drinks where I can relax, have a few drinks and unwind myself?”...

Wife Lovers
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Ravaged Music TeacherChapter 5

If the naked, hotly curved young blonde suffered from anything, it was brassy over-confidence. She knew she could inspire a frantic lust in her teenage friend using the same cunning tactics the music teacher had wantonly used on her. But she couldn't really know how shattering an effect it would have on the innocent girl. Her blood singing wildly in her ears, Sylvia lay on top of Cindy. She showered kisses on her friend's throat while she rubbed her lush tits against Cindy's hot breasts....

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I Am Given An Opportunity To Launch A CFNM Career

Jo opens the door, and leading me by the hand, walks me to the centre of the room, and onto a small pedestal, about a metre square, and maybe twenty centimetres high. I am wearing a hospital gown, tied loosely at the back. Under this gown I am completely naked. I feel as though I am trembling a little, maybe because I am a little cold, maybe because I am nervous, and maybe because I am overcome with anticipation. I feel my cock hardening beneath the robe. I know that everyone in the room is...

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Busty Hyderabadi Aunty

Hi, My name is Srikanth (name changed) and I’m 25 and I belong to a well respected family residing in Hyderabad and my email is I recently completed my MBBS from a reputed med college and am working in a corporate hospital. The incident I am about to narrate happened a few months ago. This is the first time I’m writing about my true experience that I cannot forget for the rest of my life. One day I was busy doing my regular round in wards when I got a couple of missed calls on my cell phone. I...

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Delta OriginalChapter 25 A Clash of Wills

Monday morning came, and the War Party was packed and ready to go. They found that they also had four new members to the team. Ross, Gormán, Daigh and Onchú flew in and presented themselves to Lee. They informed her faeries were the best people to use for infiltration and scouts. They all disappeared and then reappeared a minute later to prove their point. Even Lee had trouble picking them out, and none of the others could see them at all. But the faeries assured Lee, they could see...

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My InheritanceChapter 43 Decision

When the Hermit said he wanted Lisa to suck his cock, we all froze, none of us moving an inch. Even the gentle thrusting of Lisa’s hips and her sucking of the Hermit’s thumb stopped. She popped his thumb from her mouth to stare at me. We all realized where the Hermit was going with his conversation. He would want all of them. I began to shake as the sweat oozed from my pores. My pulse accelerated, my head pounded. While Lisa enjoyed being given to others, it had always been under my orders....

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The Reunion of Paul Ellen

Author’s note: One of my earlier pieces, and still a favorite. * The Tender Spot had been closed forty minutes. Everyone else had left. The lights were out, but thin, weak rays of light eked through the blinds on the front windows from the streetlight outside. Paul glanced at the piano, fingered a few notes, before joining his hands together on his lap, thinking…. Then he said, ‘Who said anything about that?’ ‘I did,’ Ellen replied quietly, as if someone else in the room could overhear...

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