Jake's Magic Remote VIII - Oh Baby, Baby free porn video

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NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.
Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.
Breakfast Sunday morning was a lot less awkward than Jake had expected. He woke up feeling rested, refreshed, and ten years younger. Petra and Sarah were already up, having let him sleep in - a rare pleasure - and when he got downstairs they’d already prepared bacon and eggs.
“Our daughter has been very helpful this morning,” Sarah commented, setting out a plate for Jake. “It’s a nice change.”
“Is that so.”
Petra smiled at him across the corner of the table. “Well, I had a wonderful dream last night, and woke up feeling like everything was awesome, so here we are.”
Jake smiled back. The cheeriness was downright infectious. “Here we are indeed,” he said, picking up his fork. “What was the dream about?”
Petra flushed in the cheeks a little. Under the table, unseen, she ran her sock-clad foot along Jake’s ankle affectionately. “It was about a man,” she said, looking him right in the eyes. “We were together and happy, and I wanted to stay with him forever.”
Sarah sat down across from Jake and grinned. “Ooh, sounds like someone I’d like to meet,” she said. “What was he like?”
Petra giggled. “He was a little older, but gentle and passionate, and when he held me I felt totally completely safe.”
Jake chewed his eggs contemplatively. “He sounds like a pretty swell guy,” he said. “Anyone I know?”
Petra reached over and smacked his arm. “Daddy, shoosh! It was a dream.” She bit her lip. “I sure do hope it happens again, though.”
Sarah reached over and patted Petra’s other hand. “Keep him in your thoughts today, and it probably will,” she said. “Write it down too, that helps.”
“Thanks Mom,” Petra said, squeezing Sarah’s fingers. “I’ll do that.”

After breakfast, Jake was relaxing with a book when the doorbell rang. He got up and opened it, finding his neighbor, Saul Wexler. Saul waved. “Morning, neighbor. How’s tricks?”
Jake smirked. “50 gets you the basics, 200 for around-the-world.”
Saul got a chuckle out of that. Jake really liked Saul. He was a pretty relaxed guy. He had to be; his accounting firm moved millions of dollars around during the week. If Saul had been uptight on his downtime, the little guy probably would have exploded.
“Anyway man,” Saul said, “The missus and I were thinking of having a barbeque today. Thought you might like to make an appearance, since the smell will be wafting over anyway.”
Jake smiled at his friend. “That sounds great. Evening? I’ll bring some meat along.”
“Late afternoon, don’t wanna be out too late. Nat has, eh… business to take care of tonight, if you get my meaning.”
Jake laughed and nodded. “Oh, I get it.” Saul and Natalia had been trying to conceive for a while now. The doctors had apparently given them pretty low odds, so Saul was trying pretty much every trick, remedy and old wives’ trick for raising sperm count. He and Jake would sometimes discuss it over drinks, once they’d had a few. Jake had warned him that most of those remedies were bunk, but it never hurts to try everything.
“Thanks, man,” Saul said. “I gotta go out and refill the propane tank. See you later.”
That of course left Jake with a whole morning to kill…

Petra sat at her desk, staring at the pages of her notebook. In theory she was studying for a quiz on Monday, but it seemed like every time she tried to read a line of the notes, her mind would wander and the lines would just fall out of her head. It was like she was reading a foreign language.
She glanced back over her shoulder at the bed. Right there, she thought, looking at the place where her nightie was sitting. It was covering up a bloodstain that she’d be washing out later when nobody was around. Right there was the place where her Daddy had fucked her.
No, not even fucked. Made love. This was so much more than the fucking that her friend cynthia had described in the back of some jock’s shitty station wagon. What she’d done was a whole other level of intimacy, and she couldn’t stop smiling and remembering it.
She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered once. She could still feel his arms around her, his lips on hers, and his dick sliding into her… that sudden feeling that she was finally complete as she parted around him.
“Focus, dummy,” she said, “You’re not one of those silly girls who fail tests.”
Still she couldn’t shake the memory of his feel, his warmth, his smell…
Suddenly a wave of pleasure rolled through her, starting between her legs and tingling everything along her spine until her scalp felt like it was dancing. Petra moaned and squirmed in her seat, then looked around. She was still at her desk, still alone, but something felt different… she felt herself blushing as she realized that under the fleece pajama bottoms she wore, her panties had disappeared!
“Daddy?” she called softly.
There was a rustling, this time higher up. Her breasts pushed out and rubbed the thin fabric of her tank top, and her nipples were on fire with sudden sensations. It was like a million kisses all at once.
Petra’s nipples had always been very sensitive, ever since she “blossomed” boobwise, to use her mother’s term. It almost made her cum right there, and now she finally understood just what had happened on the couch when she’d been watching that movie. She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her moan and whispered, “Oh Daddy, don’t stop…”
There was a disorienting shift and suddenly she found herself on her bed. Her pants and tank were gone, and she was wearing what she secretly thought of as her sluttiest underwear, a black lacey bra and panty set that she’d bought at a Victoria’s Secret store on a dare. Her hand was down her panties and two of her fingers were curled up inside herself. She barely registered any of this consciously, however, because she suddenly found herself in the middle of an intense orgasm.
She arched her back and cried out, only to find her panties suddenly in her mouth stifling the sound. There was another wave of pleasure and she started thrusting her fingers into herself as she rode it out. Her hand and thighs were soaked, and then they weren’t, and yet another intense wave of pleasure slammed into her as what had to be her father’s tongue instantly cleaned her up.
She squealed into the gag and arched further, lifting her torso off the bed before the feeling broke and she fell down on the bed again, panting for breath. “Oh god,” she breathed as the gag vanished, “Daddy, please fuck me.”
“That’s all you had to say,” her father whispered in her ear. There was another sudden shift and Petra found herself on her hands and knees, pussy stretched tight around all nine inches of her Daddy’s glorious cock.
Petra slapped her mand over her mouth to contain her moan, but he pulled it away. “Nobody can hear you, Pet,” he said as he started to move inside her. “You can scream if you want to.”
And then he started fucking her. There was no gentle warm-up, no slow acceleration. Petra cried aloud as her father’s cock pulled back and thrust into her over and over again, gripping her waist and pulling her back into him. He groaned and pushed her shoulders down, and she found herself gasping as he somehow found his way deeper inside her.
“Oh yeah, that’s my baby girl,” he moaned as he drove into her. With each thrust, the slap of his hips on her ass filled the room. His balls kept tapping her clit and she was cumming again around him before she knew it was approaching, until she’d almost lost track of where one orgasm ended and another began.
For two minutes or two hours, he fucked her. Time really lost meaning for her. Finally though she felt him grip her hips and slam harder against her and she knew that he was close. She clenched tight around him and he groaned in pure pleasure, hammering into her mercilessly as his cum spurted up inside her.
This feeling! The soreness, the pleasure, the heat shooting up into her core! she wanted to have this all the time. She loved it, even rough and fast like this, loved how he’d teased her and then used her to get himself off. She shivered all over as her Daddy finally stopped moving, throbbing inside her tight-stretched tunnel.
“D-daddy,” she whispered.
“Shh,” he said, stroking her hair. He ran his hands up and down her thighs slowly, and she savored the moment.
There was another weird dshift, turning her stomach over, and suddenly Petra was sitting at her desk again. She was wearing her pajama pants and tank top again, and she felt a sudden emptiness as her pussy clamped shut around the two fingers she had down her pants and inside herself. She let out a whining little moan, wishing the “dream” had gone on forever, and withdrew her hand from herself. Looking around, she saw no evidence of what had happened.
Except that wasn’t really true. she reached in the pocket of her pants and drew out something soft and wet. It was the pair of panties she’d originally been wearing, wadded into a ball. She unfolded them and giggled.
The crotch was soaked and slimy with a mixture of her own fluids and what looked like her Daddy’s cum. He must have used them to clean her up. Petra smiled, shoving them back into her pocket. she’d have to do her own laundry for a while, it seemed, but for this… it was worth it.

Saul’s barbeque turned out to be a pretty big party. He’d invited a bunch of his clients as well, and everyone had brought a little something. Luckily, Saul had some extra card tables in his garage, because by the time burgers started coming off the grill, there were enough sides and desserts to feed a small army.
Sarah immediately peeled off and went to visit with her friends from the neighborhood, promising to “catch up later,” but Petra stayed close to Jake.
“You know, Pet, you don’t have to hang around me all day. I don’t mind if you go find something fun to do.”
Petra made a face at him. “Implying I’m not having fun now,” she retorted.
“Well okay, I am awesome,” Jake said with a chuckle, “but still. I mean, look at poor Jeremy over there, he’s been eyeballing you all afternoon and you haven’t even gone and said hi to him, poor k**.”
Jeremy was the Smiths’ son, from the house on the other side of Jake’s. Jake had noticed him skulking about with binoculars on more than one occasion, particularly in the summer when Petra liked to dress the way she was dressed today: sneakers, denim shorts and a crop top. Being as fair as she was, the usually spent a long time in the bathroom with a bottle of expensive sunblock to pay for the privilege of showing that much skin.
Petra rolled her eyes. “Jeremy is weird. I think he thinks I should fall in love with him just because we’re neighbors and he’s close to my age. And I know about his binoculars.”
Jake smirked. “I wasn’t gonna say anything. Boys are like that, always looking for something to imagine. You should feel complimented.”
Petra rolled her eyes. “Were you ever like that?”
“Still am.”
“Oh really?”
“Well… up until very recently,” Jake said more quietly. “I have what I really want, now.”
Petra leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Daddy. You always make me smile.”
“Well hey now, you two,” Saul said, walking up to them. “You having a good time, or just whispering secrets about me?”
“We’re having a great time, Mr. Wexler,” Petra said, smiling broadly. “How’s Mrs. Wexler?”
“Ask her yourself! Hey Nat,” he called, “C’mere a second!”
Natalia Wexler turned and smiled, walking over to them. “Yes, my love?” she asked, taking Saul’s hand and giving it a squeeze.
How a guy like Saul Wexler ever landed a knockout like Natalia was a mystery to Jake. She didn’t seem to care about his money, and was affectionate enough that he genuinely believed in the love between them. At the same time, they couldn’t have been more different.
Saul was short, a little round, and balding. Nat was tall - almost as tall as Jake - and had long, dark hair and emerald-green eyes. She couldn’t have weighed more than 140 pounds, but a lot of that was concentrated in her chest, a fact that was especially evident today.
Jake took a moment to appreciate the sight of her. She was wearing sandals and a tight pair of jeans with a belt that drew the eye directly to her narrow waist, which was no mean feat considering the fact the only thing she had on above that was a black bikini top. Not a very big one, either. Nat was definitely at least a “D” cup, but if those were fake Jake couldn’t tell.
“I just thought you’d like to say hi to Jake,” Saul said, “and you remember little Petra.”
Natalia smiled, flashing a perfect set of white teeth that only added to the wonder of her marriage to Saul. “Of course I do,” she said. “Who could forget that lanky k** who used to climb over the fence to steal my raspberries?”
“Heh… I guess you knew about that?” Petra was blushing pretty hard.
“Sweetie, your hair is like a beacon. Hard to miss.” She looked Petra up and down. “Not so lanky anymore though, are you? I bet the boys have trouble leaving you alone. You seeing anyone special?”
“Oh, well… yeah, I am. Someone really special.”
“Well good for you, sweetie.” She lifted Saul’s hand and kissed his fingers. “Put your all into it. When you find ‘the one’, you gotta grab on tight.”
“Yes ma’am,” Petra said, grinning.

The rest of the afternoon and early evening were enjoyable, but uneventful. Petra got a kick out of abusing Jake’s powers to play pranks on Jeremy, disappearing from around corners and making sure he had an uncomfortable wedgie situation for most of the event. Jake wanted to chide her for it, but he had to admit the k** was in rare creep form today, stalking about and staring at his daughter like some sort of hyena waiting to steal meat from a lion. Besides, it gave him a chance to practice stopping and starting without the remote. He almost had it to a reliable point, a prospect that really excited him. If the remote had unlocked something in him, and it was a skill that could be improved upon, then just how far could it go?

Around 7 or 8, people started to head out. The party got a little more subdued, a few drinks were had, and eventually only Saul, Nat and Jake’s family remained, gathered on lawn chairs.
“Well,” Jake said, patting his wife and his daughter each on the thigh, “We should turn in, leave you to it. You sure you don’t want help cleaning up?”
“No worries, man. I got it.”
“Alright. Thanks for having us, Saul. Nat.”
The three showed themselves out via the back, crossing into their own fenced yard. “Whew,” Sarah said, “I need a shower. I’m all sweaty and I think the mosquitoes live on me now.”
Jake chuckled. “Need a hang in there?”
“No thanks, I got a system.”
As soon as the shower came on, Petra grabbed Jake’s arm, pulling him into the kitchen. “Okay, seriously,” she said, “After a whole afternoon around that… that avatar of sexiness, how can she not want you up there?”
“Mom! What is she, frigid? Holy shit. There’s so many pheromones in the air I can barely breathe.”
“Petra, humans don’t have pheromones.”
“Details. Leave your logic and facts out of this. The fact is, Mom should be begging you to fuck her up against the wall of that shower right now, and instead you’re down here with me. i dunno about you, but I can’t get the image out of my head of what’s going to be happening next door in about 20 minutes.”
Jake raised a brow. “This is certainly a new side of you. I think I like it.”
Petra glanced toward the stairs, then shoved her hand down Jake’s cargo shorts and grabbed his cock. She looked up at him mischievously. “I know you like it, Daddy. I can see this thing through your clothes.” She blinked. “Hey… can we sneak over there?”
“Sneak where now?”
“Saul! Natalia! Can we go over there and, uh, help them along?”
It was Jake’s turn to blink. “What do you mean, help them along?”
“You know… like you helped me on the couch the other day. Come ooonnnn, Daddy, let’s go make their eyes roll back!”
Jake smirked. “You, my dearest girl, are a terrible influence on me.”
Perta grinned. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, my little agent of Chaos, we can go, but it only goes as far as I say it does, alright?”
“Yay!” Petra jumped up and wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck, kissing him. “Should we wait? Or go now?”
Jake chuckled. “Give it a few. It’s still early. But if I know your mother, she’ll take a night-time allergy pill after her shower and turn in early tonight, and then…”
“And then we play,” Petra said with a grin.

Luckily, Saul’s back door wasn’t locked. Jake was careful not to close it too hard as he and Petra snuck into their house. They’d waited until the only light on was in the bedroom, behind closed shades, before stopping time to come over and check things out.
They made their way upstairs and were disappointed when they got to the bedroom. “Aww,” Petra complained, “What’s this? They’re reading in bed?”
Jake shrugged. “It was quite a party, maybe they’re tired after all that cleanup.”
Petra rolled her eyes. “Come on, Dad. If you had a woman who looked like that you’d take her every chance. I know I would.”
Jake chuckled and gave Petra’s ass a little squeeze. She was wearing those comfy pajama pants again. “I do have one,” he said, “and I intend to, believe me.” He cocked his head toward his daughter. “I didn’t know you liked the ladies, though.”
Petra smirked at him, wiggling into his hand. “Come on, everybody is at least a little gay these days.”
“I suppose that’s true. So, what- hey, what are you doing?”
Petra had crossed the room to the side of the huge four-post bed. Saul certainly knew how to keep a woman comfortable, at least. “Just getting a better look,” she said, pulling down the blanket and exposing the couple. “Let’s see what we’re working with.”
Natalia was every bit as lovely as ever, even without the subtle makeup or tight bikini top. She was wearing a fur-trimmed yellow nightie that was thin enough to betray darker circles where her nipples were and the outline of a pair of panties. Her breasts were firm enough to be beautiful in shape even without support as she leaned back on a stack of pillows, but they were definitely real, that much was obvious in their teardrop-shaped reaction to gravity.
Saul was wearing a white undershirt and a loose pair of boxers. Not exactly a flattering ensemble, but then Saul wasn’t a man known for visual appeal.
“I’ve always wondered about him,” Petra said, reaching to unbutton his boxers. “I figure he must be huge to keep her happy.” She leaned over and peeked inside. “Huh.”
Jake moved closer to her, suddenly curious. “What?”
Petra giggled, carefully pulling Saul’s cock free. “Look at this! He’s just… average, I guess? Nothing like what you’ve got.”
Indeed, Saul didn’t look too impressive down there. Then again, maybe he was a grower, not a shower. “You know he’s going to feel that,” Jake said. “Careful what you-”
Petra grinned wickedly. “This is what we came to do, right?” She leaned over and wrapped her mouth around Saul’s dick, all the way to the base.
Jake stared at his daughter as she went to work. Her cheeks pulled inward from suction, and it looked like she was rolling her tongue all around him. Then she slowly pulled back while sucking, until he was free of her mouth once more.
The lack of gravity made Saul’s dick stand at an angle, pointing toward her. She giggled. “I bet that gets him hard enough,” she said, running a finger along the moistened length. “You wanna get her started?”
Jake considered Natalia, letting his eyes roam her body. “I really do.” He looked over at Petra. “This isn’t awkward for you at all?”
Petra scoffed. “Daddy, you’ve been inside me while time was stopped. It doesn’t get more intimate than that. I don’t think I’ll ever be awkward around you. Not anymore.”
Jake nodded. The girl had a point. He walked around the other side of the bed and slid the nightie’s spaghetti-straps off of Nat’s shoulders, then pushed the garment down and exposed her breasts.
“Wow,” Petra said, looking over at her. “Those look really great.”
“Yeah,” Jake said, taking in the sight. Natalia’s breasts were flawless. Her skin was smooth and healthy-looking, with the faintest tan lines from the bikini. Jake was guessing that by the time summer was in full swing, those lines would be much more pronounced. Her nipples were a dark pink with wider areolae than he’d imagined. It was like a sexy secret that only she and Saul - and now Jake and Petra - knew about.
Jake leaned in closer, taking Nat’s breasts in his hands and squeezing them. “Check this out,” he said, showing Petra how they held the handprints when he pulled away.
Petra giggled girlishly. “That’s awesome! I love this.”
Jake chuckled, leaning down to lick and suck and each of Natalia’s nipples. He looked over and saw Petra, staring right at him, slowly moving her lips down and up around Saul’s dick once more.
Jake stared for a few seconds, then held up a hand. She looked incredible doing that, but it couldn’t go on too long. “Careful,” he warned. “I haven’t tested how much guys feel, you don’t want to make him blow it early.”
Petra nodded. “Well then maybe you should get her panties off. I wanna see what happens when we unfreeze them.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “You know I stopped time, right? There’s no rush.” Still, he moved down and pushed up the bottom of Natalia’s nightie, lifting her hips off the bed a little so he could slide it up to her waist and pull her panties down off her hips.
To describe Natalia as “well-groomed” would have been an understatement. She didn’t just have a “well-trimmed triangle”. She had actually shaved herself a vertical line, exposing more smooth, healthy-looking skin but without creating the “pre-pubescent look” that seemed so popular lately. Her hair was the same dark shade as that on her head, and trimmed to a length that made it look like a soft patch of felt.
Petra blinked. “Either she spends a lot of time on that, or I’m using razors wrong,” she said. “What are you gonna do?”
“I hadn’t really planned this out,” Jake admitted, sliding his fingers up the insides of Natalia’s thighs. “I usually just sort of make it up as I go along.”
Jake slid his fingers along the length of Nat’s slit, gently easing her lips apart. Petra seemed fascinated. “So it just stays open?”
“Nothing moves until we move it,” he said, circling her clitoris with his fingertips and pinching it gently. “But they’ll feel it all at once.”
Petra grinned as she watched two of her father’s fingers slip inside the older woman. “I hope we get them pregnant,” she said. “They want it so bad.”
Jake sighed. “Yeah… that’s not gonna happen though.” He drew back his hand. “Saul’s sterile. It’s like a one in a million chance.”
Petra frowned. “Well… then…” She bit her lip. “Maybe we should help with that, too.”
Jake blinked. “What?”
Petra crawled up and across the bed. “Think about it, Dad! You have excellent genes, and how long did it take to make me? Mom says it was barely any trying at all! You could help them and they’d never know!”
“Petra. Are you seriously suggesting I **** our neighbor?”
“What would you call what we already did?”
“Uh… m*****ation?”
“Pfft. Close enough. Morally it’s just as bad. And think how happy they might be if it works!”
Jake sighed. She was right, technically. And it was really hard to say no to her. Even before he was in love with her, it had always been hard to say no to her.
He looked down at Natalia’s exposed body. His cock twitched on reflex. “Alright, you’re right,” he said. “The only way this woman is getting pregnant is if someone else helps.” He pulled her panties back up, righted her nightgown and eased her back onto the bed. “Put his dick away and let’s fix the blanket so they don’t notice anything.”
Petra grinned at him. “I knew you’d see it my way,” she said, fixing the covers. “Go ahead! Start it up!”
Jake smirked. “Oh hey, Saul, Nat, how’s it goin’? Just thought we’d teleport into your bedroom.”
Petra giggled. “Good point. Where-”
“The closet. Come on.”
Natalia’s walk-in closet was more than roomy enough for the two of them. Jake pulled the doors closed, leaving about an inch to look through. Petra knelt down beside him and the watched as Jake started time, again without using the remote in his pocket.
Natalia reacted first. Her eyelids fluttered and she gave a little gasp, squirming in the bed. Saul seemed to notice too, clearing his throat loudly to avoid moaning at the sudden sensation of an instant blowjob. Petra stifled a giggle at that.
The couple looked around for a few seconds. “Did you just feel-” Saul started to say.
“I’m not sure. Something weird.” Natalia shrugged. “Just the wind, as it were.”
Jake froze everything but Petra once more. He was pretty proud of how quickly he was getting good at that.
“They’re not gonna do it,” Petra grumbled. “We need to do more.”
Jake opened the closet door and Petra pulled off the blanket again. “Well, someone certainly responded!”
Saul wasn’t much of a grower either, it seemed. His dick had popped out of the front of his boxers and grown to a respectable five inches. It was about half Jake’s in girth as well.
Jake raised a brow. “Maybe he’s just really good with it.” He ran his fingers across Natalia’s breasts. “Someone’s perky here, too,” he said, noting the way her nipples stood up. “It shouldn’t take too much to get her going.”
Petra and Jake repeated their actions, each teasing one of the frozen neighbors’ bodies and then retreating into the closet. Jake started things up again, and again they both squirmed and stifled moans.
They looked at one another, then shrugged. Saul got up, went into the washroom to pee, then returned. Natalia turned out the bedside lamp, leaving the room lit only by filtered moonlight and the streetlamps outside, and they rolled away from one another.
Jake paused time once more.
Petra growled under her breath. “It’s almost like they don’t want to do this,” she said.
Jake shrugged. “Maybe we should just leave them to it then.”
“One more try, okay? You got mom to jump you before… what did you do then?”
“You mean aside from what we’ve already done? What pushed her over was when I went inside her.”
Petra grabbed his hand. “Come on then! We’ll do that and it’ll get her going for sure!”
She dragged Jake over to the bedside and threw back the covers. Natalia was laying on her side, eyes closed. Petra lifted her hips off the mattress and slid her panties down and off of her. “She’s really light,” she remarked.
“Gravity is tied to time,” Jake said. “All you’re fighting is inertia.”
“Cool. Take off your pants.”
“Yes, Fraulein.”
Petra giggled and grabbed at Jake’s crotch possessively. “Ve haff vays ov makeeng joo fuck.”
Jake chuckled, sliding out of his clothes. With all this focusing on the task, he wasn’t really hard, but Petra clearly had a plan for that too because she dropped to her knees and immediately started sucking on him.
Jake moaned, reaching down and tangling his hand in her hair. His daughter gazed up at him, her upturned face ghostly-pale in the dim light, locking eyes with him. She took his free hand and guided it over to the bed and to Natalia’s body, to begin softly playing with her breast.
It occurred to Jake that this was technically his first three-way, although one of the participants didn’t know about it. Hell, in a minute it would be a four-way, if this worked.
It didn’t take long for Jake to get rock-hard under Petra’s urgent attentions. She licked and sucked like she had a train to catch, and once he was fully erect she pulled back, smiling up at him while her fingers smeared her saliva down and up his shaft. “Can I put you into her?” Petra asked sweetly. “Please? I want it to be me.”
Jake nodded. “As you like, princess.”
Petra stood and pulled Natalia’s panties down once more. She carefully turned the older woman onto her back, with her head by her husband’s leg and her ass near the edge of the bed, then spread her legs open.
Jake moved to stand between Nat’s legs, his cock throbbing and ready, only inches away from her folds. Petra reached in from the side, gently grasping him and guiding him forward, rubbing the head of his member into Natalia’s pussy until she found the opening and slipping him inside.
Jake groaned as he felt Natalia’s labia part around him. He slid in until the head of his dick disappeared, then looked at Petra. Clearly, she was running the show here.
Petra had one hand down the front of her pants, and was clearly slowly rubbing herself. “Mmh, Daddy,” she said, “Keep going…”
Jake kept going. He held Natalia’s hips in his hands and pressed forward slowly. Petra gazed in fascination as her father’s dick gradually vanished inside their neighbor’s wife, finally stopping when he felt the back of her passage. “Any more than this,” Jake said, “and she might hurt. She won’t be used to more.”
Petra nodded, biting her lip. “I know… the last bit hurt me too at first. It’s the best, but she won’t be able to take it.” She looked up at him. “You should… move a little.”
Jake chuckled as he moved back, starting to slowly fuck Natalia’s frozen body. “Jealous, Pet?”
Petra moaned needily. “Oh Daddy you have no fucking idea.” She watched him stroke into Nat a few times, then put a shaky hand on his chest. “Okay… okay, stop. That’s enough.” She knelt down and gazed in awe at the wide-open vagina. “Next time I wanna bring a flashlight, this is so weird.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s put her back.”
Jake and Petra put Natalia back where she’d been. Petra stroked Saul’s dick a few more times - something Jake both loved and hated watching, he realized - and then they retreated once more to the closet to watch what happened.
From where they were, they could just see Natalia’s face in the moonlight. As Jake started time back up, her eyes opened wide. No doubt she’d just felt the stimulation of Jake’s slow fucking all at once, followed by the sudden emptiness as her passage clamped shut. She bit into her pillow and shook for a few moments, then reached one hand down between her legs. She seemed almost surprised to feel how wet she was.
Natalia’s arm moved a little and Jake realized she was touching herself.It proved not to be enough, however, and she soon turned over in the bed. She put a hand on her husband’s shoulder, turning him enough to kiss him, and reached down between his legs.
Finding Saul hard, Natalia wasted no time at all. She pulled him over onto his back, lip-locked to him the entire time as she straddled his hips. She pulled her panties to the side and lifted herself, then sank down onto her husband’s cock with practiced ease, moaning into his mouth as she took him to the hilt.
Saul likewise groaned in pleasure, bringing his hands up under Natalia’s nightie to grasp at her ass, pulling her in tighter. The couple began a synchronized grinding rhythm, moving their hips together and apart. From the side, Natalia’s thigh was in the way, but Jake was sure that Saul’s cock was plunging up into his wife with each movement.
Jake gasped softly, feeling intense pleasure of his own. He looked down and realized that Petra was once again sucking on his dick. She was going slowly, rocking back and forth on her knees with one hand down the front of her pants again, and her eyes were glued to Saul and Natalia.
Jake shivered, trying not to make a sound as he watched his daughter suck his cock and she watched their neighbors fucking. The girl was good at it, too. She may be new to sex, but she’d clearly learned how to pleasure a guy with her lips and tongue. She kept Jake at the edge without pushing him too far into pleasure that he would lose control.
She pulled back after a while, stroking with her fingers, and whispered “Get ready.” Jake glanced over at the bed. Saul was groaning and Natalia was whining in pleasure, pushing down hard on him. Apparently she was noticing the size difference.
Jake waited for the perfect moment. When he saw it, he tried to stop right on top of it: the moment Saul threw his head back and started cumming inside his wife. Petra grinned up at Jake. “Ready to make a baby?”
They carefully lifted Natalia off of Saul, turning her over in the air and laying her on her back again at the edge of the bed. “It’ll be easier to reach this way,” Petra said, moving Nat’s legs outward to allow her father access.
Jake started to step between Natalia’s legs again, but Petra stopped him. “Daddy,” she said quietly, “It’s my turn first.”
Jake nodded, stepping back a little. Petra moved in between Natalia’s legs, bending over the bed and laying on top of her. Jake could see the moist shine of their slits pressed close together in the moonlight.
He moved forward until the head of his dick was touching them both, running his hands up his daughter’s beautiful thighs to grasp her waist.
Petra mewled softly, squirming back against him, so he stopped teasing her and pushed up inside her.
It was the third time he’d fucked his daughter, but it felt like the first all over again. She was tight and wet and so hot it felt almost like burning as he slid in deeper. Petra moaned out loud and clamped down on him, making him groan and stop. “Listen, Pet,” he said between slow breaths, “If you want me to do this for more than two seconds… you need to relax.”
“Sorry, Daddy,” Petra said, relaxing her pelvis. “I just… you have no idea how good it feels.”
“Yes I do,” Jake said, continuing his slow, steady movement. “Believe me, I do.”
He began rocking back and forth slowly. Looking down, he had to chuckle at the scene. His daughter, wearing only a tank top which she’d pushed up under her arms, was laid across their neighbor’s gorgeous wife, and Jake was looking down on them while sliding his dick in and out of the tightest, hottest pussy he’d ever felt. It was so much beauty, so much sexiness, so much pleasure, that he already felt a long-teased orgasm building.
Petra curved her back and pushed back against him a little, taking him deeper. She leaned down and started sucking one of Natalia’s nipples while groping her other breast and moaning. Jake groaned. “Fuck,” he growled through clenched teeth, “I’m gonna explode...:”
Petra shifted forward at the end of his back-thrust, letting him pull free, and Jake immediately shoved his cock deep inside Natalia’s cunt. She’d been frozen at the height of arousal, and her vagina had stretched deeper; this time, when Jake bumped into her cervix, he was nearly balls deep inside her. He groaned and, still holding Petra’s hips, started thrusting again.
Jake left control and kindness behind as he used Natalia. He pulled himself in hard and fast again and again, banging with each stroke against the entrance to her womb and slapping his abs against Petra’s ass. “Yes, Daddy,” she called out, snaking a hand down between her legs and rubbing herself, “Fuck us!”
Jake practically roared as he hammered down, over and over, feeling the tightness building in his balls. He slammed into Natalia one final time, the head of his dick penetrating her womb, and held himself there as he felt shot after shot of his cum driving up into her.
Panting, he pulled back and thrust once more, enjoying a shiver of aftershock, before collapsing atop his daughter. “Oh fuck,” he whispered, kissing her shoulder, “That was fucking incredible.”
Petra purred - actually purred - beneath him. “Mmm, Daddy,” she said, “That was... amazing.”
There was a shifting and Jake realized that Petra was still rubbing her pussy beneath him. He lifted himself up and slid a hand along her thigh. “Does my babygirl need a little help to finish?”
Petra nodded. “I just wish I could have what she got…”

Petra sighed, rubbing pushing two fingers up inside herself. She loved the feeling of her father’s body on top of her, but she couldn’ help feeling jealous of Natalia. She wanted to finish what she’d started, wanted to once more feel him blast his cum inside her. She wanted to bear his-
No, bad girl. That would be wrong. Love what you have, don’t wish for the impossible. “Please, Daddy,” she said quietly, “I need-”
There was one of those weird disorienting turns, and everything shifted around. Natalia was on top of Saul once more, as if nothing had changed. Petra was next to the couple, laying flat on her stomach. She barely had a second to realize what had happened when she felt a pressure and suddenly her pussy was stretched wide and deep as her father drove his beautiful cock down inside her.
Petra screamed in pleasure as he slammed down against her ass. She tried to squirm but could barely move; her legs were pinned shut between his thighs and his hands were on her shoulders.
He leaned down and bit her neck softly. “Just lay still, Pet,” he said, beginning to move himself within her. “Let Daddy take care of you.”

Jake pulled back and thrust down again. He could feel Petra’s body stretching around him; if she weren’t crying her pleasure to the silent world he’d have worried he was hurting her. He’d left her frozen for a couple of hours, sitting and waiting, looking at her, thinking about her, planning this moment. He knew he didn’t need to last long since she was on the edge already, so he’d edged himself a little, thinking about all the things he wanted to do to her in the future. And now that he was inside her, he wanted to destroy her.
Or at least, destroy her ability to think, and maybe to walk properly. Jake thrust into her over and over, drilling mercilessly down into her, pinning her under his body. He’d turned her head so she had to watch the frozen couple while he did it, Saul crying out in passion, Natalia with her eyes rolled back and a load of Jake’s sperm already up inside her.
He could already feel her spasm as he forced a long rolling orgasm through her. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was screaming wordlessly, pussy clamping down on him like a bear trap. The squeezing was too much and he bit down on her shoulder, once more roaring as he blasted his cum into her.
Seconds or minutes later, neither one knew which, Jake and Petra both came down from the high. He leaned down over her and kissed her, then slowly drew his cock out of her and let her up.
Up wasn’t the direction Petra went, really. She scooted toward the pillows at the head of the bed and turned over, panting, propping herself up a little and looking at him. “Daddy, I- that-”
“Heh… sorry. That’s sort of my favorite position, and I’ve never done it with someone as small as you…”
“You should do it. You should do it often. God I think I felt that in my organs.”
Jake snorted back a laugh. “Fuck, I love you, Pet. I can fuck your brains out and you still crack jokes.”
Petra winked. “Just gimme a minute to catch my breath and we’ll get out of here.”
Jake glanced over at Natalia and Saul. “You don’t want to watch them finish?”
Petra shrugged. “Ours was better. We can come back.”
Jake chuckled, laying down next to her and pulling her into his arms. “Yes,” he said, kissing her forehead. “We can always come back.”

Same as Jake's Magic Remote VIII - Oh Baby, Baby Videos

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Dans le Murs Part VIII

Dans le Murs – Part VIII Synopsis: Simone has discovered Sonia and Pippa, two of her compatriot school friends, performing for JOKER and involved Colin in their education. The pair supervise filming with the teenagers and Simone persuades Colin to allow her to accompany him to the Sect. Now read on. Part 8 – Advancement Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations...

Erotic Fiction
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A Quirk of FateVIIIthe boathouseE173part1of1

"They say that at our age we have to empty our balls at least once a day and it looks like the duty is going to fall to you." Damon said. “I suppose that’s your way of asking for a hand job?” "You could suck us off instead. We’d like that better." Damon replied with a smirk. A Quirk of Fate-VIIIThe boathousePart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF slut who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy Norwood. My son Frank. And my husband...

Cheating Wife
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The Magic Remote

Samantha was an undergrad in university with the intelligence, popularity and the looks to go along with it. She breezed through most of her classes with ease hardly ever needing to study. At 5'6 with cascading brunette hair, D cup breasts and long sexy legs she easily made the cheerleader team and could have any man she wanted. Her best friend Elise was similar in figure with blonde straight hair that hung over her pert C-cup breasts. They lazily flipped through channels on the...

3 years ago
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The Magic Soap of Babylon

The Magic Soap of Babylon OBJECT: Magic Soap of Babylon USAGE (setting the form): Imagine the form that you wish the soap to "create" when next used. While holding this image in your mind, tap the soap three times and then blow on it. You will know that the new form for next use has been set when a small spark shoots out of the soap. USAGE (activation): When applied with water or moisture, the form of the user will instantly transform into that of the soap's last form...

1 year ago
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Jakes Magic Remote Part I The Accident

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of time stop, non-consent/reluctance, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.This is the first chapter of what will become (hopefully) a long story. I'm open to feedback, suggestions, and requests!---ONE---Jacob Stevens was a pretty average guy. 6 feet...

2 years ago
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Jakes Magic Remote VII Sweet Dreams

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.“And ever since then, you’ve been able to-”“Stop time, yes.”Petra blinked, staring...

3 years ago
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Magic Remote Revenge

I went to school as usual, I was in homeroom, when all of a sudden I felt my dick twitch. I look around the room till, I see a girl who’s name was Laura, with a what looked like to be a remote. She just stared at me, and smiled and then went back to her work. I then feel another twitch, I don’t even know Laura that well. Also why is that remote controlling my dick, she then makes my dick get so hard. Then I was saved by the bell, thank god I thought to myself. This isn’t over between us she...

2 years ago
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Jakes Magic Remote Part XIX Tempered in Fi

Carol held her coffee as though it was the elixir of life. It very well looked like it was, too; in the cafe’s more direct light, Jake could make out dark circles under her eyes that hadn’t been there before.“Are you alright?” Jake asked. “You look…”“...like hell,” Petra offered.Carol gave that crooked smile again. Something about it was really familiar. “I’ll be fine. It’s just… really exhausting getting here.”Jake shook his head. “I don’t get it. Getting here? From where? And why?”Carol...

3 years ago
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Jakes Magic Remote IV Home Movies

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------Jake’s mind was racing as he went through the motions of working. He’d...

2 years ago
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Moms Magic Remote

It was a normal day for me, and my Mom had called me down. Yes Mom I ask what do you want? “Oh I wanted to show you this new Remote I got,” ok what does it do I ask curious as to what it did. “Well it does this” she says as she presses a button, and I start to take off my pants. Mom that is so not cool I say how is that thing controlling me, “I’ll never tell you” she said as she made me get naked. Please stop this Mom I beg please don’t do this to me, she then made me start to jerk Of with my...

3 years ago
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Jakes Magic Remote XV Cheats and Chumps

Guys, I just wanna say thank you so much for being such great readers. I love all your PMs and comments and suggestions. It's great knowing that you enjoy my work so much.Sarah grinned up at her lover’s face. “You like that, don’t you?” she asked as she squeezed his cock between her breasts. “You like feeling my big tits around you.”“Oh yeah baby,” Jerome replied, reaching for her breast.Sarah slapped his hand away. “No touching,” she warned.Jerome raised his hands and leaned back in his chair,...

3 years ago
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Jakes Magic Remote Part II of Pranks and

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, i****t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------Jake uploaded all his work and went to lunch early....

2 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 101 Magical Lessonings

"Nessa! You weren't even trying that time!" Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle's central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron's private quarters, Bellemir stood a few steps above her. Nessa was a muscular woman with wide hips, broad shoulders, a firm stomach, small breasts, and a well-curved ass who stood a trifle less than average height. Dressed in a simple...

2 years ago
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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter VIII The One In Which There Is A Dothraki Wedding

Daenerys' wedding was the most magnificent events ever seen outside of the walls of the Free City of Pentos. Thousands of the mighty Khal's warriors gyrated and danced as the new Khaleesi, Daenerys Targaryen, and Khal Drogo sat watching upon a raised dais. The tiny platinum blonde woman's stomach fluttered with a nervousness that only grew as the festivities unfolded. It was not long until Daenerys saw the first woman fucked. Magister Illyro leaned over to her when he noticed her blushing...

3 years ago
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I Work in a Doctors Office VIII

At this writing I have had three sessions with the son. This is a report on the third one, which just took place. Prior to each session I always meet with the father to go over how the prior meeting progressed and also to get his feedback on any noticeable behavioral changes that his son might be exhibiting. “Well, Miss Kelly,” the dad began, “I can report that Jack is a totally changed boy. You have worked wonders with him. He now has an incredible level of self-confidence that he never had...

1 year ago
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An Unusual Seduction VIII

Carol had just given John a spectacular blow job and then had been cuddling with him, giving soft kisses and sweet murmuring in the afterglow of sex.  I had watched, and once the cuddling began, I had an emotional breakdown over fear of losing Carol to John.   I had been reassured by John and Carol that they did not mean to leave me out and that they loved me. I had some lingering insecurities.Carol said, "Dick, you're my husband. John is an intimate good friend.  We don't know how this will...

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A Boy and His dungeon VIII

Over the next week I settled in, getting the house in order, learning my way around the campus, and became familiar with the Land Rover. Jill all but moved in, sleeping with me most nights. Conner came up with digital copies of out text books as well as digital transcripts of the associated lectures. All of us started challenging required courses and freeing up time. I continued to challenge all my courses except for my computer courses because I wanted to keep access to the school's...

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