Push Me Ch. 04 free porn video

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** Author’s note: This is part four of a series. I recommend you read the first three parts first. Special editing thanks to SlySubmissive.


I awoke to find Moira’s nude form draped across the bed facedown, that succulent ass pointing right at me. I leaned down and nipped it gently with my teeth. She flinched slightly, but didn’t wake, so I did it again, a little harder. She jumped, sat up, spun around wild-eyed, and flung herself against the headboard. Then her eyes focused on me, and she sagged in relief.

‘Are you OK?’ I asked.

‘I was dreaming I was a happy, floating ball of cotton candy,’ she said distantly. She turned a dark look on me, and, in an equally dark voice said, ‘Then someone bit me.’ I clamped my lips tight, doing everything I could not to burst out laughing. She slid down the bed, right up against me. ‘Careful,’ she said with a smoky, sexy look, ‘I bite back.’ I gave her an insolent grin, and she pounced. I enjoyed how strong she was. I had always been a little reserved when it came to aggressive physical contact with women — concerned that, either they were more delicate, or I was stronger than I realized. Between dancing with Moira, and feeling how her body responded to my touch, I was confident I could be strong with her without hurting her.

For now, I let her win, since there wasn’t really an outcome in which I didn’t win. She straddled my hips, and my breath caught. She was a flawless sculpture of woman. Her firm, toned thighs gripped my mid-section. They led to full, round hips and a wonderfully, squeezably full butt — muscular without being hard. Her narrow waist emphasized her high breasts, perfect hand-fulls capped with milk-chocolate nipples. Her lush lips spread in a smile below her dark, almond eyes.

I ran my hands up the silken, olive skin of her thighs to her hips, and then cupped her butt with both hands, kneading it gently. She lowered herself slowly to lie on my chest as she brought her lips to mine. We kissed leisurely, in no hurry to do anything more. She felt so perfect against me.

When Moira sat back, she wore a look of amazed contentment. ‘Thank you for last night, for knowing how to make me unafraid, for being so gentle.’ She brought her mouth back to mine for a long, sensual kiss, capped by her pulling away and taking my bottom lip with her. She dragged her nipples up my chest as she kissed her way to my ear.

‘Now, fuck me,’ she whispered, biting my ear lobe.

A hoarse, ‘Ahhh!’ shot from my convulsing chest. The earlobe thing has always driven me wild. My hands clenched on her smooth butt. I rolled us over and attacked her mouth with mine. We desperately tried to devour each other. Lips and tongues fought for dominance as I ground my hips against hers. She whimpered into my mouth as my hardness pressed against her clit, and then she renewed her attack.

I broke free, placed a few kisses on her chest, and then dove straight for a hard nipple. Still with one hand on her ass, I moved the other to her unoccupied breast and cupped it firmly. Moira wrapped her hands around my head and pressed her chest against me. The cutest, ‘ooh ooh ooh’, came from Moira as I worshiped her with my mouth and hands. I sucked and licked at both nipples, drawing them to taut peaks.

I sat back and pulled her with me, settling her into my lap with her legs around me so she could lean against me instead of pushing herself up at me. I slid the hand on her butt down to her pussy and rubbed her lips gently. She pressed herself downward against my hand and sucked in a breath through her teeth. I slipped a finger into her and found that she was soaking wet. I was rock hard, and she was ready for me.

I lifted her up slightly, and then settled her down with the head of my throbbing shaft against her lips. She gasped. I put my hands on her hips and slowly guided her downward. She was unbelievably tight, but so wet I slid in with a deliciously perfect amount of resistance.

Once I was fully embedded, she kissed me and began a slow rise and fall, pushing herself up out my lap with her thighs before relaxing and sliding back down. I recaptured her fantastic ass with both hands, marveling at the feel of her firm musculature flexing and relaxing. Her kiss became more aggressive as she sped up, until she was bouncing too fast to keep up the lip lock. She threw her head back and shuddered with a small orgasm, pressing herself firmly into my lap and grinding her clit against my pelvis.

When her orgasm subsided, she grabbed my face with both hands and locked eyes with me.

‘I said, ‘fuck me,” she reminded me.

I let my inner vampire loose, latching onto her neck as I pushed her backwards. Kissing and licking at her neck, shoulders and face, I began thrusting into her with firm deep strokes. Moira dug her nails into my back and began arching her hips up to meet me. Every stroke was a jolt of electricity into each of us. We were a cacophony of ‘mmm’s, ‘ohh’s and ‘ahh’s — mindless sounds provided by blood-deprived brains and given life by convulsing diaphragms. I sped up, and we both got louder. She wrapped her legs around me, and I pressed her into the mattress with every downward thrust. I crushed her into the bed and buried my cock to the hilt, grinding my pelvic bone into her clit, making small circles with my hips. Moira’s nails scored my back with deep furrows as she screamed through another climax. Her clenching muscles gripped me and coaxed out my approaching orgasm. I pressed myself into her as deeply as possible as every muscle in my body locked, and I unloaded inside her with a series of animalistic grunts.

I collapsed on top of her, still holding myself up slightly to keep from crushing her. She pulled me tighter, cooing happily into my shoulder. After a moment of recovery, I moved to roll to the side, but Moira clutched me to her.

‘I like the feel of you on top of me,’ she told me plaintively.

‘Well, far be it for me to disappoint you.’ I kissed her nose then pressed us tightly together, my mind short-circuiting at the feel of her bare skin against mine.

After a short rest, I carried Moira to the shower, where we spent more than enough time to get extremely wrinkly while we leisurely explored each other’s bodies. We cleaned each other gently, memorizing every inch. Moira had a small white scar on her hip I’d never noticed before.

‘I fell out of a truck bed when I was seven and landed on a piece of glass,’ she explained. She chuckled at the fish-shaped birthmark high on the outside of my right thigh, it was just an oval and a triangular shape. I’d never thought of it as a fish until she described it that way, but it did look like one. I spent several minutes washing her breasts while standing behind her.

‘I think they’re clean now,’ she said.

‘Ah, but are they equivalent?’


‘I’m just trying to figure out if one is bigger than the other. There’s a difference, but it’s very small.’ She immediately palmed both her breasts and weighed them in her hands.

‘You’re right,’ she said, surprised at herself. ‘The right one is bigger, just a bit, but it is.’

‘Told you so.’ I stuck out my tongue at her as payback for her previous disbelief.

‘If your tongue is bored, I can think of something for it to do,’ she said, with a mocking tone. It sounded like a good idea to me. I put my hands on her arms and pushed her toward the wall of the shower gently but firmly. She gasped as her nude body, warm from the water, came in contact with cold stone. She jumped away from it, but I immediately pinned her back up against it. I leaned in to tower over her, my face deadly serious, my eyes wide with hunger for her. I held her immobile while I devoured her with my eyes.

‘Are you afraid?’ I asked in a deep husk.

‘A little.’ Her voice was meek, but her eyes never left mine. ‘I know if you wanted to completely overpower me, you could, but I know you won’t h
urt me, and you’d never force me. It freaks me out a little to think that there’s not much I could do physically to stop you from doing anything you wanted, but it turns me on to know that you’d listen to me and to know that if I surrender control, I can take it back at any time just by saying so.’

‘Oh, I don’t know about ANY time.’ Her eyes widened in surprise as my mouth descended on hers. A squeaky moan resonated in the back of her throat as a shudder shot through her. She lifted her hands to put them around me, but I captured her wrists and held them at her sides, never breaking the kiss. I didn’t use any force to hold them there, but my hands on her arms kept her from moving them. She whimpered into my mouth, but kissed me harder.

She began to writhe in my grip, rubbing her body against mine however she could. I had my ankles against hers, and my knees against her thighs as well. She couldn’t move her legs any more than she could her arms. Still I just kissed her. My rampant erection was stabbing her in the stomach, and she began to twist her hips back and forth to rub her shower-slick skin against the sensitive underside of my cock. A deep rumble issued from my throat, and I felt her shiver in my grasp.

I wanted to do so many things to her, I went into a temporary overload. I didn’t function well in most situations without a plan, an agenda, bullet points to check off, or some sort of stated end goal, preferable with clearly defined way-points. Right then, I wanted everything, and I wanted it all at the same time. I wanted my hands to be everywhere. I wanted my mouth to be everywhere. I wanted her in every position. I wanted to be fucking her at every imaginable speed, with every conceivable rhythm. I started to shut down, to totally freeze up. I couldn’t decide a next step. I lost any ability to prioritize. So I gave up, and I let the part of my brain that had all these big ideas work out how to get there by itself.

It turns out it was up to the task. Conscious thought left me, and, for the first time in my life, I just…let go.

I spun Moira around, aggressively, but as gently as I could at this point, put her hands against the shower wall at shoulder height, and wrapped my arms around her. I cupped her pussy and pressed my palm against her clit while the other hand went to her breasts. Moira pressed her perfect ass against me. I molded every inch of her to me. I pinched and tugged at her nipples as I slipped a finger into her.

‘Oh fuck, fuck yes.’ Moira whimpered, pressing her butt against me. I grasped my shaft and sunk myself fully into her in one slow push. The feel of her slick walls wrapped around me was delirium. I moved slowly in and out in long strokes for several minutes, just enjoying the sensation of her smooth channel gripping me. I lost myself in that action — in and out, back and forth. I varied the speed and the depths of my stoke. I held her ass with both hands, then her hips, then her breasts. I think she came twice while I buried myself in her over and over. I put my hands on her shoulders as I began to pump harder and faster and she leaned forward to take me as deeply as possible. With no worries about what I had accomplished, and how things should end, my subsequent orgasm was a glorious release.

Still breathing roughly, we quickly rinsed and toweled off, and then stumbled to the bed. I flopped on my back and she nestled into the crook of my arm.

‘That was amazing,’ Moira said after a few moments. ‘You just…took everything you wanted, and I could feel it. I could feel how much you wanted me.’



‘I’ve… I’ve never done that before. There was so much I wanted to do to you, so much I wanted to experience, that I couldn’t think at all. I had to stop caring about the destination and focus on the journey.’ I frowned. ‘I never really understood that expression before, but now it makes perfect sense. I guess maybe I haven’t had many pleasant journeys.’ Moira gave me a sad look. I stroked her cheek, and I smiled. ‘But this one… Best… trip… ever. It’s so amazing, I don’t even care about a destination. Every second with you is a mission accomplished, and perfect in its own way. I love you, Moira.’

‘I love you too, Craig.’ She dropped her head against my shoulder, and we slept.

After a wonderful nap, we woke famished. I ordered room service, which we enjoyed thoroughly. Then I remembered a forgotten portion of last night’s plan.

‘I believe you promised to be dessert last night,’ I reminded Moira.

‘Oh? I thought that had already happened.’

‘Well, while I did enjoy my complete consumption of you, I had something else in mind.’

‘Really?’ Moira asked excitedly. She stood and slowly began to untie the robe she was wearing. ‘I was hoping you had some plans for the hotel, because, as you can see…,’ she finished untying the belt to her robe and dropped it to the floor, ‘I can’t go anywhere, since I’m naked.’

‘Well, I believe the agenda for today mentions copious amount of ‘naked time’, so that won’t be a problem.’ I went to her and kissed her tenderly, my hands on her hips. ‘Go lay down on the bed.’ I watched her sweet, swaying ass as she walked. She laid down on her side, one arm draped over her hip, the other propping up her head. ‘Nuh uh, no peaking. On your back, eyes closed,’ I told her. She gave me a cripplingly sexy, pouty look, but complied.

I shed my robe, and then took a dozen chocolate-covered strawberries on long sticks in a vase from the room fridge. Then, making my way to the bed, I cupped a strawberry in my hands, still on the stick, and huffed warm air onto it. I wanted cool, not cold, for now.

‘Remember, eyes closed,’ I told Moira. I caressed her lips with the blunt, chocolate-covered end of a strawberry. After a few passes, I leaned down until my face was right above hers. I pressed my lips flat to hers to spread the chocolate, and then kissed her messily. She ‘mmm’ed into my mouth, her tongue dancing aggressively against my lips. Once the chocolate taste had abated, I pressed the strawberry slowly between her lips, letting her suck and lick it. Once her lips were coated again, I dove in for another kiss, pressing myself against her as I did. She kissed me back wildly, throwing her arms around my neck.

I basked in the kiss and the feel of her skin against mine for a moment, and then backed away. I slid the strawberry along her parted lips, against her tongue, and she took a bite.

‘That’s almost as good as sex,’ she moaned.

‘Feeling a little ‘disappointing’ over here,’ I said, with mock frustration. She giggled, and I took a bite. Smooth, unctuous, dark chocolate melted in my mouth and mixed with a flood of incredibly sweet, fruity juice. ‘OK, yeah those are really fucking good.’ I fed Moira another bite, and then downed the last bite myself. Not only were these strawberries delicious, they were enormous.

‘I’m glad I can trust you to keep your eyes closed,’ I said as I took another strawberry from the vase. A thin layer of condensation covered it. I began to draw slow circles around one of Moira’s nipples. She flinched as she gasped, and then shivered as her nipple rapidly tightened. I took a second strawberry and began to give the other nipple the same treatment. Moira sucked in several ragged breaths.

I teased Moira until her milk-chocolate nipples were a much darker shade. She whimpered when I stopped, and then gasped and arched her back off the bed as I took one into my warm mouth. Her hands clamped down on the back of my head and one of my wrists. The wispy, squeaky ‘oohh’s that I loved crawled from her mouth. I sucked her nipple clean before moving to the other one. Moira began to moan and whimper louder as I flicked my tongue repeatedly through it’s chocolate glaze before sucking her entire breast into my mouth and bathing it with my tongue.

With both nipples clean, I pulled free of Moira’s insistent grasp. Using one of the half-melted strawb
erries, I began to draw a line of chocolate from her bottom lip slowly down her body. I crested her chin, traced down her neck, slightly off-center, over her collar bone, between her breasts, right over her cute little belly button, and stopped right above her slit. My work of edible art complete, I fed her half of the strawberry, and then squeezed some juice onto her lips. I planted fluttering kisses all around her mouth, while her lips begged me silently. Content with my ministrations, I kissed her, the earthy, nutty chocolate flavors and berry sweetness enhancing the taste of her.

Then I destroyed some art. I started with sucking kisses on her chin and neck, finishing them with a lick. When I got to her chest, I spun to face down her body, and began to remove the chocolate in long licks. When I began to swirl my tongue in her navel, Moira giggled, and reached up to grasp my erection. She started stroking me slowly. I was glad to feel she wasn’t in a hurry, I had plans, and, sometimes, plans are good things.

I finished licking off the chocolate between her belly button and her pubic mound, being careful not to get too close to her slightly-parted lips. Her abs clenched when I dragged my tongue over recently shaved skin, and her delicate fingers tightened their grip on my shaft.

New strawberry in hand, I licked the chocolate to melt it before drawing a long, thin line on each of Moira’s inner thighs. They quivered as I removed the sweet lines with a sweeping tongue. With all the chocolate removed, I slowly slid my tongue between her swollen lips. She gasped loudly as I tasted her, mixing her musky, spicy flavor with the chocolate still on my palate. I slid a finger gently into her, and she moaned, urging me deeper. I used my finger to smear her juices on the strawberry. I crawled up her and, with my face right over hers, said, ‘Open,’ as I tapped her lips. She slowly parted them and presented her tongue, resting it on her bottom lip. I placed the strawberry on her tongue. When she drew it into her mouth, her eyes shot open in surprise, and then narrowed to a smokey stare. She chewed languidly, never taking her eyes from mine. As soon as she swallowed, I kissed her hungrily.

I backed away from the kiss and said, ‘There are still six more strawberries. I thought maybe I would let you wield them.’ No further encouragement was necessary. She shoved me onto my back and leaped off the bed.

‘Mwuhaha,’ she intoned. I barked a laugh. She plucked two strawberry-capped sticks from the foam block in the vase. Her narrowed-eyed gazed locked onto me. ‘Eyes closed, and keep them that way, mister.’

‘Yes, ma’am,’ I replied, laying back and closing my eyes.

I felt the bed sink as she climbed on and straddled one of my thighs. A blossom of cold erupted in the middle of the right side of my chest, and a terse ‘Oh!’ escaped my mouth in surprise. She proceeded to leave cold streaks of chocolate all over my arms, torso and legs in a random pattern — each one eliciting a gasp or shiver from me as the cool coating of the sweet fruit left unanticipated frigid smears. Cool daubs were quickly replaced by a warm tongue as Moira licked me clean. I fought back the urge to grab her and take her. I felt like a hypocrite after counseling patients last night, but I yearned for her so deeply my head pounded and my chest ached.

‘Moira, I want you so badly right now. I don’t know how much more I can take.’

She froze, and then sat back on her heels, motionless for a moment. She climbed off the bed, and I flinched when her sweet, warm breath caressed my ear and cheek.

‘If you want me, you could just ask.’

I froze. I knew what I wanted to say, but some stupid quasi-gender role bullshit put the kibosh on it at first. Why did it seem so awkward? It took me a mental moment to realize that, for some reason, it felt like admitting a weakness. It was something she had said just last night — something that had changed my life — and it didn’t imply any weakness to me then. From her lips, it wielded immense power. So why was it so hard to accept that I could say the same thing without a negative connotation?

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I will see you in my dreams

It´s Late at night, and I should be going to bed. However, after talking to you all night long, I can not do that; I can not drag myself to climb into the bed, alone yet again. I miss having someone there, holding me, kissing me, loving me, and making me feel so good inside and out. You were always there, and now due to certain circumstances you are no longer in my bed. You´re in a bed, all alone, in a hotel room, time zones away. Is it too much to ask, to have you back in my bed, just for this...

2 years ago
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Jamie had a happy early childhood despite the unusual circumstances surrounding his/her gender. As the title of this story implies, Jamie was a boy who was born with a vagina.After a difficult pregnancy, Jamie’s mother happily welcomed her new-born baby girl into the world. Jamie’s mother, however, conclusively made up her mind that this would be her only child. After months of painful retching, she was determined never to put herself through an ordeal like this again.By the time Jamie was four...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi ke saath maze

Hi! Iss readers this is Ilyas from Hyderabad. Firstly I want to introduce myself I am fair, tall enough with a very sexually appealing personality. This is a story of my real experience with my bhabhi. Maine bhabhi ko pehli baar tab dekha tha jab hum sab ladke wale dulhan(bhabhi) ke yahaa pehli baar milne keliye gaye the. Jab maine bhabhi ko pehli baar dekha tab mai to pagal sa ho gaya tha. Mai tab hi imagine karne laga ki bhaiyya ise najane kin kin tareeqon se chodenge. Kya mast lag rahi aye...

2 years ago
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I had a blast being The Girls' RA for the rest of my freshman year. The school was eager to accept my donation of a new house on campus, but administrators were wary of allowing me to bypass the housing selection process and do my own room assignments. I persevered and, with some assistance from the Institute's property development team, everything was ready for The Girls and me to move in before classes started in the fall. Steph moved into my old room and had a near perfect transition...

2 years ago
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You wake up

You wake up in the morning, as if it was just any other day... However something just seems a bit... Odd... Different. It's hard to put your finger on it. Perhaps you should do a quick one over of yourself to see if everything is as it should be.

4 years ago
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Jimmy P3

So a bit later than i wanted to be, i finally made it out of the house and soon caught up with my mates down the pub.I could feel it was going to be a good night, the beer was flowing the banter was funny and everyone was up for a session.Then part way through the evening i glanced across the bar, and stared in amazement when i saw someone i hadn't seen since school."Emily fucking Wyatt" i exclaimed as i saw a beautiful short haired blonde in a pink stripy top and jeans, sat with a few female...

3 years ago
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To Be or Not to Be MaybeChapter 2

I am X-001, this begins my log of the ‘mission to the stars’ as my creator has called it, where we are to terminate. Something like this, a journey that has never be done before has inherent risks to it. My creator has told me what often happens to even the best-made plan, the gods laugh. So our marvelous venture ‘must have them rolling in the aisles’.(Not certain what they meant by that) Not that meaning, my use of terminate means where we hope to end up, not that we all will ......

3 years ago
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Cottaging Days

The one thing I love about Edinburgh is the great bus service they have, buy a day ticket and you can get all round the city and it's outskirts, I knew all the routes and all the cottages, one of my favourite was at Juniper Green, a village on the western outskirts.The toilets were on the main street, a simple block, urinals on the left, a sink and three cubicles opposite, you sometimes found porn mags, usually straight, on the cistern above the loos, there was always plenty writing and...

3 years ago
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Trading Up

As I turned the corner of the shelves, I had to stop short to avoid running into the short plump woman in the charcoal suit and green silk top, mile-deep cleavage meeting the V of the blouse to make down-pointing arrow framed by the jacket fit snugly around and under the hills within, and out of politeness glanced immediately a bit further up to the brown eyes staring at me more than a head length below my eyes. After a second, I gasped and said, “Mrs. Pan, how the hell are you?”She grinned...

4 years ago
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Slut wife chronicles 1 Lisa

On Thursday, July 13, 2001 I boarded Amtrak train 89 headed for Miami, Florida. I take a couple of vacations each year and I normally fly or drive to my destinations. But, on occasion I have taken an Amtrak train. Traveling by train is not only fun, but highly exciting most times; I get to meet a lot of people that I would never meet otherwise and this type of traveling provides ample time, the atmosphere and accommodations to have unsurpassed fun if you set the stage properly.At daytime you...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole Danger

Many years ago I was working at this place where I was stocking shelves. I was maybe the youngest and so I got to hear a lot of big brother/ big sister kind of stuff. Most of them were nice to me, and I took it in stride. This one day a bunch of us were on break and the subject of Sex, Porn shops, and what not came up. This was back in the day before people watched what was said in the work place. Pretty soon many of the guys and some of the women were discussing some of the finer places to...

2 years ago
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maverick31 wants to drink my cum juice

maverick31SO thats how you looks above those amazing tits of urs very beautifulsid fucking Destroy you babes if i was there know with u xxxid lov to 2 b there u b wearin one ur sexy tight skirts an tights so i could tear d fucking gusset out of them an burrie my face so deeps in to ur sexy wet juicy CUNT !!!!an totally tongue fucks her then blow on ur swollen clit with my lips real fast like a vibe an finger fucking an same time hitting ur magic spot amking ur wet cunt squirt al over my face an...

1 year ago
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Caught Stealing Again

It was Tuesday and my favorite employee had suddenly disappeared from the previous night. To say I was stressed was a minor statement as to how I really felt, I had to fill out a missing person police report and then start working on the floors. The only thing I actually looked forward to was hopefully snatching some candy left out by the clients in the various candy bowls left out. I wasn't going through desks for the goods so it was only fair. After I finished up the police report I...

3 years ago
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Just us two

Standing in front of you... inches from your face, I waved my thick, half-erect cock tantalizingly close to your patient lips.... teasing you to touch it with your tongue. You tried. Your mouth and tongue looked as though they were trying to catch raindrops from the billowy clouds, but was desperately disappointed when when one gently touched your chin instead... or your cheek... or nose. You laughed in frustration; I just smiled like an ornery little boy. You wanted to taste me, my cock...

3 years ago
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The Cosca Episode 3 Keeping PromisesChapter 2

The Fanelli women were uncharacteristically silent as they left the Martelli residence, and took their seats in their car. That condition lasted almost until they arrived home, at which point Maria gave Joe a serious look, and said: "You know, don't you, that you are headed for trouble with the cosca over the issue of continuing the Martelli line..." "Yes," he sighed. "It is no secret that we promised to perpetuate our pilots' genes if they fell in the line of duty. Cris's final...

4 years ago
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Intriguing Marshall PT3

He felt good. Yes he did. Smiling as he rode away he knew he felt very good indeed. All his body felt good as saw her beneath him as he “wailed” away at the woman and saw her screaming for more and more. That is until both came. Yes, that is until both came, and he knew she had seeing as her body shook and countered multiple times as it never once repulsed as the two unfamiliar parties fornicated dramatically until the very end. As he rode away he could “feel” her all over him. As he rode away...

2 years ago
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Fucked Our Maid Lakshmi After A Shower

This was a few years ago when we needed a full time maid to stay at home. My parents would leave to go to work, I was in college at the time, and my younger sister would go to school. Our previous maid left because her family was moving to another village and she had to go with them. Mom got in touch with someone and this young eighteen year old girl became our maid. She wasn’t ugly; plain looking actually. But, surprisingly, she had managed to stay slim. Great ass, great tits, and very shy....

3 years ago
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The Best Birthday Party

Okay, so this is my first sex story here Please share reviews/contact/hookup on: A little about myself: I’m just an 18-year-old kinda attractive guy from the capital who is managing to swim through his raging hormones. It was summer 2016, yep last year. My friend was throwing his birthday party at a fancy pub in the NCR region. I was excited because that area is filled with hot guys (yes, hot in caps), all his friends from school, college and elsewhere came. It was fun. We all were dancing and...

Gay Male
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Gramathu Ilam Velaikariyai Matter Aditha Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathail en sontha oor gramathu velaikaariyai eppadi usar seithu oothen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ruban vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Salem gramthil thaan en paati veedu irukirathu angu naan siru vayathaaga irukum pozhuthu thaan sendru irukiren. 10 varudathirku munbu thaan naan angu sendru irukiren, atho chennai vanthu viten ipozhuthu chennaiyil irunthu engal sontha ooruku thiruvizha endru appa amma ennai...

1 year ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 4 Next Door Sex

Ginger and I both awoke on the early side. I think adrenalin still raced through both our bodies from the sex we’d had with our neighbors the night before. Ginger took my face in both of her hands and kissed me. “I love you. I will always love you. Last night was fabulous, but being married to you and your attitude about what happened was and is spectacular. Thank you.” I grinned, “I wasn’t exactly a passive spectator, you know. And I love you, too. I think we both had fun, and even got a...

2 years ago
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After School Math HelpSessions 1 21

At first it looked like not very many parents and staff would show up to the monthly school Board meeting, but as it got closer to 7:30, the seats began to fill up. Carl Johnson was there with his son, who had been invited to attend because he had done so well in a math competition at his middle school. Mike was a very bright 16-year-old who had just started to notice the young ladies. His dad was looking at his watch, curious about how long he would have to wait before he could go home and...

1 year ago
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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Chapter 11

I had left Khrystiana’s place around 11:00 after having witnessed a totally unexpected turn of events after the dinner with Khrys and Klara, Khrys’ younger sister.  Klara had been very hurt by Khrys’ lack of confidence in her when she arrived at the beginning of the summer.  Klara decided, in front of me, to give her sister a very thorough and intense spanking.Some background information would probably be useful.  Khrys had moved to the United States a couple of years ago after taking a job...

4 years ago
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Mistress Karen chapter 1

I got the text at about 1.30 pm, it said: My place 7.30, don’t be late… or else. Karen. Nothing odd about a text, but it was a bit cryptic. Knowing what Karen was like and how she had come out of her shell in the last few months was intriguing and I spent the rest of the day wondering what she had in mind, leaving me with a semi hard-on all afternoon. I got to her flat bang on 7:30 and let myself in. I closed the door behind me and heard her in the hallway. As I turned around I got a very...

1 year ago
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Office Elf Isekai

Hello. I haven't posted here in a long ass time. I've been making captions off and on for a few months now and a few of them have become short stories. Like this one. if you go to my blogger you can see an anime picture associated with the story. Thanks and enjoy. https://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.com/ I still remember the first time I landed in this strange bizzare world. A magical portal opened up and swallowed me as I was walking home. I thought I could outrun it, but...

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LiveJasmin Latina

You already know about LiveJasmin. You don’t need me to tell you that they’re one of the best places on the web to feast your eyes on some of the hottest pussy on this side of the Andromeda galaxy. I don’t know how they do it. They manage to rope in the best babes on the web. Their only competition right now is OnlyFans, but that place has way too many amateurs for my taste. Yeah, there are some amazing hotties on there, but half of them don’t know how to shut up and shove that dildo where the...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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The longest 2 hours

I was 17 at the time and attending an all boys school. It was a monday morning, the beginning of another long week at school, when I drove through the gates on my bike and made my way to the parking area next to the athletics track. As I parked my bike, I realised how late I was for class so I quickly made my way around the back towards a shortcut I sometimes made use of. When I was late I would usuallt sneak through the back door of Mrs Keys' classroom, which at that time of the morning was...

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Selena Trapped By Shiva

Hello readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of .  I want to thank this community for the overwhelming response to my series. I was held up since my last post, so that I couldn’t post new updates. Let’s continue from where I left. In the last part, Shiva put me into my nightwear, switched off the lights, and left my home. Early morning Javed and Ali left the place, and Shiva thanked them. Shiva told them he would share the video of the great fuck he had yesterday night. Daniel...

1 year ago
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A Visit to a Fan Ch 03

It was two days before he could return to reading more from the site. His brother dropped by for a visit and they made merry before he flew back to Georgia. Gale was pleased for the visit, not just because it offered him the chance to see his younger sibling but because it kept VelvetPie off of his mind. It made him rethink the crazy idea that he’d been toying with but only for a moment. He wanted to find her, he needed to find her. He couldn’t explain why but he wanted to see her, to talk with...

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Another Life on Consolidated Planets

~ National City - Earth-38 "There's so many more ways to harm your kind than to simply weaken you." Kara bit the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to remain level headed, despite the burning urge to do... something. Queen Rhea of Daxam had just used Silver Kryptonite to convince Superman that Supergirl, his cousin, was his worst enemy. Rhea was still talking about how amazing her plan was, but Kara could barely hear it through the hazy panic taking over her mind. "Kal," she called, trying to...

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hands and kisses

I find it amazing what i have achieved with only my hands and kisses.Blindfolded and hands tied, she knows i am near as Mandy waits barely covered by nothing mare than a large shear scarf that does nothing to hide her form. The first thing she feels is a soft rush of breath on her neck. Then a gentle nibble on her ear. I know how it sends tingles all over her. Then i kiss her mid riff. She’s a bit ticklish but all she can do is wriggle as her hands are bound. soft kisses move to her navel then...

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Telugu sex story1

Hi telugu kathalu kosam moham masina andariki gud news this is a real story ..anduke masala add cheyyakunda vunnadi vunnattu rastunna…njoy cheyyandi..hi..This is sexy guy from hyderabad…i am goig to describe u an incident which happened in june,2007..I am 5″9″ fair and handsome with well built structure..working as a software engineer….maa kinda portion lo appude kottaga oka couple vaccharu…ataniki around 30 years vuntayi…software engineer…sruthi ki ade ee incident lo na heroine ki around 26...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 13 Hendars Binder Formation

Though mournful for his nephew's death and resentful toward his killer, Dinar did not let his heart waver. He and the hundreds men and women beside him, who waited together for the threatening Core Masters to arrive, have formulated a plan days ago and by letting them encircle him, Zax was already inside the scope of their formation. Jumping a step back behind the line of armed Core Breakers after Zax's response, Dinar bawled. "First step ON!" His commanding family head's tone resonated...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable With My Aunt

Hi to everyone. My name is Punith m 26 year old male staying near Mumbai. I have read hundreds of stories in ISS which inspired me to write this one. Since for the first time m narrating my story pls forgive my mistakes. It happened 9 years back when I was 18 year old and I was in my 14th. We are a family of four me my father, my mother and my younger sister. My aunt (mothers sister) stayed in our house for 4 years for study purpose when I was in my primary school days. She was good looking...

1 year ago
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Julia my darling Chapter 2

Preface: In Chapter 1, I described how John enjoyed sex with Julia, his dream lady. I hope readers have enjoyed this chapter of my story. In this Chapter 2, I am describing John’s sexual enjoyment with another girl Pamela who is the cousin sister of Julia. My aim of writing this story is not only to present a good erotic story to the readers but also to educate the art of sex to those young boys and girls who have little experience on it. I, therefore, tried to give vivid description of art of...

2 years ago
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Rhondas Fantasy Cruise Goes Live

 Rhonda Morton’s weeks of excitement were about to be satisfied as, arm in arm with her friend Sally, they made their way towards the dock where the liner was berthed. Could this be the start of her recurring fantasy turned real? Sally was obviously just as excited, as the whole way through the security area, she had gabbled about the things they might do on board.“The cabin has a balcony, hasn’t it? We could sunbathe naked out there. And I’m dying to have a go in the casino--"Sally went on and...

Straight Sex
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WildOnCam Graycee Baybee Blonde And Naughty Graycee Baybee Cumming LIVE

Horny sweetheart Graycee Baybee loves to show off her baby blue lingerie for you with her long legs encased in sexy soft white stockings! She can’t wait to get more naked and comfortable so you can see how she likes to cum. She is not bashful in the least letting you get nice and close to her trimmed pussy while she masturbates with her dildo. How badly do you want to taste those sweet juices or make her moan when your big cock penetrates her tight little hole. Graycee would love it....


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