- 4 years ago
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Based on real people and events, but in a fictionalized form.
It was just before our eighth anniversary when my first marriage fell apart, though neither of us knew it, not precisely, not then.
Glennie and I had been married following a protracted courtship and engagement. Hindsight being what it is and all, I'd have to say she seemed desperately unenthusiastic about marrying-- about marrying me, anyway -- but she was getting up there, feeling like a spinster at the ripe old age of twenty-eight, and I was but a pup of twenty-six.
Again with the hindsight, I think she felt inadequate, as if she needed to latch onto the first man who didn't run screaming from her. I appear to have been that one, though I also believe her perceptions were skewed. She was not unattractive, though not a beauty in any classic sense.
I came to discover, later, my suspicions were correct. Her father turned out to be an abusive lout, verbally if not physically; her mother never stood up to the man, never protected her only child from his contumely.
(As an aside: I believe the old man respected me. The first time we met, he tried that shit with me; I handed it back to him in spades and walked out the door. Next time we met, he was far nicer.)
In any event, we finally married, and settled into something like a home life.
The wedding night was unpleasant, not to say a disaster; Glennie was a virgin, and while I'm no John Holmes, she was unprepared for my presence in her body. Her maidenhead was thick, and tore with some considerable pain. We didn't make love again for three nights, and after that things got a little better, though she never really enjoyed sex.
We were substantially older than most first-time newlyweds, and more responsible; and so we were relatively flush with cash. Our student loans had been paid off, we owned our cars, and neither of us had fallen into the credit-card trap. We had the money to afford a house outright, and we jumped at the opportunity to move into a new development shortly after the wedding.
We were never blessed with children. She became pregnant three times, and each spontaneously aborted within the first trimester. I wonder, now, years later, whether things might have been sweeter for her had she been able to deliver a child.
Sex became an issue. She tolerated it, mostly to placate me, but was never willing (or perhaps able) to abandon herself to my attempts to induce pleasure. Her most common bedroom phrase, uttered only when I attempted to initiate lovemaking, was, "How about just a quickie?"
Many men would have enjoyed a setup like that; most, I think, would eventually grow weary of such pro forma intimacy. I certainly did, mostly because I really, truly loved Glennie, and I wanted her, and I wanted her to want me.
I finally accepted such would never be the case. Our relationship reduced to a simmer; we both worked, and enjoyed some of life's finer things, and for the most part kept a respectable distance.
And life went on.
I don't want to give the impression life was all sour. There were plenty of good times. Our neighbors to the left, Tom and Martha Pender, were perhaps our best friends. They were significantly older, early fifties when we moved in next to them, but we developed an over-the-fence relationship quickly. They made us part of their extended family; cook-outs and picnics, card games and birthday parties and New Year's Eve celebrations, a family to love and nurture and stand in for the ones we did not have.
Work was good, as well. Glennie and I worked our respective ways up our respective corporate ladders. If money had never been an issue, it wasn't even on the radar by this point.
Conservative as we were, never prone to excesses, we failed to indulge in new cars and furniture, things like that. Our savings were substantial; the prospect of early retirement came up, even as we were only in our early thirties. We even discussed setting a goal of retirement by age forty-five.
Life took a few turns, though.
One evening I had to stop by the pharmacy on the way home, and so arrived a little later than usual. I knew, from the sight of the ambulance in the Pender's driveway, all was not well.
Glennie was standing on our front stoop, weeping. Tom had had a heart attack, she told me as best she could; the paramedics had just gotten there before I arrived, and it didn't look good.
We watched the ambulance pull away, and there was Martha, trying to get into her car to follow, looking dazed and having trouble with the keys. Glennie called to her; we bundled her into my car, and the three of us drove, as quickly as safely possible, to the hospital.
Tom was gone before we arrived.
The next weeks and months were difficult, mostly for Martha but of course for us as well. We offered assistance, and soul of practicality that she was, she accepted. None of your typical I'm-fine-on-my-own bullshit from that lady, let me tell you.
Still, all the help we could give, all the love and support the neighborhood offered, were ultimately not enough. Martha succumbed to the call of her oldest son, to come and live with his family. He and his wife had four young children, and lived not too far away.
And so it was with great trepidation that we watched the moving van pull up to the house we still thought of as the Penders', and the moving men transferring the contents into the house. Trepidation because the Penders were a known quantity; the new neighbors were a mystery yet to be unraveled.
The new neighbors turned out to be a single woman, about our age, a young widow (it turned out) named Sophie. She was attractive but unglamorous, polite if a bit cool, though we wrote that off to being uncomfortable around new neighbors.
Eventually, of course, we began to get to know her. She was quite nice, but maintained a remoteness Tom and Martha never evidenced.
I remember the evening it all started. Our eighth anniversary was approaching; it was April, unseasonably cool and just right for leaving the windows open. Glennie and I had not made love in quite a while, several weeks in fact, and I thought I was due.
As soon as I brought up the subject, I wished I had not.
"Sex, sex, sex," she grumbled. "That's all you ever think about."
"No," I shot back, "you have it backwards. All I ever do about sex is think. I'm sure as hell not getting any."
She threw down the magazine she'd been reading. "When will you GROW UP?" she barked. "You're not eighteen anymore! You don't need sex every day!"
"Married people make love, Glennie," I said, more calmly than I felt. "I can't help it. I'm reasonably young, and I have a libido. I'm married to a desirable woman. This is not just me rutting, this is natural. Living the way we do is unnatural."
We went back and forth on the subject, trading a few more barbs. Finally, she'd had enough.
"Bitch, bitch, bitch!" she spat, and stormed out of the room. She locked herself in the guest room."
I stood there for a moment, feeling simultaneously frustrated and confused. I didn't know how to solve the problem. Maybe, I thought, there was no solution. No viable solution, anyway.
I went to bed alone that night. Sleep was a long time coming.
The next morning, I awoke a little later than normal, but by no means had I overslept. My normal habit is to hit the treadmill for a brief workout prior to my morning ablutions; it would have to take a rest today.
I realized soon enough Glennie had gone to work early. She had left me no note of acknowledgment, apology, or anything else. I sat at the table, fuming, trying to get my head into the day, when it occurred to me I had tons of personal time built up and absolutely nothing pressing on the calendar for that day.
I called Ben, my boss -- he was always in early -- and allowed how I had some things to tend to, household items which had piled up and simply needed attention. He told me I needed to take time off, and gave me his blessing to play hooky. I think he suspected something, but he never let on.
My date with the treadmill was back on.
Fifteen minutes of steady plodding turned into thirty minutes of pushing myself forward, and that into forty-five minutes of motion, all told, including a little jogging and some cooling down. It felt good to release some of my pent-up tension.
I was nasty, in need of a shower in the worst way. Then I realized: there really were things around the house I needed to do, starting with tending the shrubs. That gave way, after an hour or so, to bagging the detritus, and that in turn to raking up the leaves and bagging them as well.
I looked around, pleased with what I had accomplished; but I am a creature of habit, and not getting a shower in the morning is simply anathema. I had more to do, but I figured, if I had to get another shower later, to hell with it; I'd just get another shower later.
So, around ten-thirty, I walked out into the back yard, wearing a clean a-shirt and Bermudas, trying out my new summer sandals, and examined my handiwork. I sighed: if only my marriage could be made to pass inspection with just the application of some good, honest effort.
A voice interrupted my reverie. "Jeff!" I heard the voice say, from somewhere on my left. I looked in that general direction, and noticed Sophie standing there, leaning over the fence. I waved in return.
"So what's Mr Industrious doing at home on a non-holiday like this?" she asked cheerfully.
"I took a personal day off," I answered, not elaborating. "Things to do, you know."
"Had breakfast yet?" she asked.
It struck me: no, I had not. "Actually, I think I got so busy I just forgot," I replied a little sheepishly."
"I have some fresh coffee and croissants for brunch, and I could sure use some company," she said, smiling enticingly.
I thought for a moment. "Okay," I replied, and crossed through the two gates separating our yards.
For the first time, I was able to take stock of her in a very informal setting. Glennie and I had been in her house, briefly, when she first moved in, welcoming her to the neighborhood. She was always well-dressed, her home immaculate.
This particular morning, she looked fresh-scrubbed and shiny, wearing culottes, flipflops, and a t-shirt; and unless it was so thin as to be undetectable, she wasn't wearing a bra. Her breasts, respectable B-cups to my eye, were firm and proud with no assistance. I tried not to stare, but I'm a breast man, and it had been a while since I'd seen a pair. Real ones, anyway.
She had ducked into the house through the patio door to grab an extra coffee cup and saucer. She emerged, motioned for me to sit, and as I complied she put a couple of very hot croissants on a small plate and placed it in front of me. She proffered jam, honey and butter; I declined all three, mostly because I just prefer plain bread, especially when it's fresh.
We talked about this and that, how she was settling into the neighborhood, how she liked the town, where she had lived before. She discussed the few, brief years of happiness when she and her husband, Frank, were married.
"After my Frank passed on," she said, "I had to get away from everything. I couldn't stay where we had lived."
"Why?" I asked.
"My in-laws," she said crisply. "They think I somehow arranged his death. He died of an aortic dissection. You understand what that is?"
I nodded. "It's sorta like an aneurysm. Quick, painless, usually a congenital defect, if I recall my biology class."
She smiled. "Most people wouldn't have known that."
"I had this nasty habit in school," I replied. "I studied."
She laughed, a tinkly little sound. "Anyway, I tried to remain part of the family, but they weren't having any of it. I think it chapped their asses when I was the beneficiary of his life insurance."
"Shit," I muttered, "it's always about the money with some people."
"So," she continued, "I pulled up stakes, and here we are, you and me, having brunch."
"You seem to have gotten over ... well, the situation ... uh," I trailed off.
Her smile never faltered. "You mean I'm acting like some sort of merry widow?"
I nodded, and she continued, "My Frank was the love of my life. I loved that man with all my heart, and now he's gone. I mourned for him. I'm done. There's no contradiction. I feel no guilt whatsoever about it."
I smiled to match hers. "That's great to hear. So it was a happy marriage."
She nodded. "Far from perfect, but very happy. The only bone of contention, you should pardon the expression, was Frank's sex drive. He was ... hmm, how to say ... not impotent, but he had a low libido. I, on the other hand, have a much higher drive. He tried his best to please me, and that was enough. Does that make any sense to you?"
I sighed. "Yes, it actually does. My wife and I are ... shall we say, at odds right now."
"Yeah," she said, "I know about that."
My eyebrows rose. "Come again?"
She leaned forward on both elbows, and said, "Jeff, I don't want to embarrass you, but your windows were open last night."
"Oh, shit," I muttered. "I'll bet the whole neighborhood heard us. Shit..."
She patted my hand, laughing lightly. "I don't think so," she said soothingly. "Your window," she pointed, "opens on this side of my house. I could hear what was being said, but not completely clearly, and I was not inclined to eavesdrop. I doubt if anyone else heard anything."
That took some of the initial sting out of it, but I kicked myself mentally.
"So tell me," she said, "has she always been like this? I mean, thinking sex was a duty to be performed?"
I looked away, then back at her; I sighed heavily, and said, "Yeeeeeah, pretty much." For reasons I didn't understand at the time, the story began to tumble out of me; the long engagement, the wedding night, the miscarriages. I talked nonstop for ten minutes. She nodded sympathetically at key points, asking a couple of insightful questions along the way.
Finally I was done. I felt drained, liberated, like I had gone to confession for the first time in years. Sophie sat, looking at me intently, smiling slightly, non-judgmentally.
She abruptly changed the subject. "So you're having a goof-off day to relieve your frustrations, are you?"
"Yeah," I said. "I can always find something needs doing around the house."
She began to clear the dishes; I grabbed some of them and followed her into the house. "How'd you like to help me a little?" she asked. "I have some things that have gone untended to, not having a man around and all."
"Somehow, you don't strike me as being dependent on a man," I quipped, and she giggled.
"Okay, that was sexist," she allowed. "I mean, another pair of hands, a strong back, a different perspective. Like that."
"Gotcha," I said. We loaded the dishes in the dishwasher and tidied the kitchen.
Afterward, she said, "I was sorta joking, but if you'd hang around, I'd really be grateful."
"Lead on, m'lady," I replied.
She grinned and led me to the attic entrance, your typical trap-door in the hall ceiling. She explained there were some boxes in the attic, more like a crawl-space, that contained items she needed, and some boxes she'd prepared downstairs that needed to be placed in the attic. I could see it wasn't going to be a terribly difficult job, unless attempted solo.
We worked for about an hour; she brought boxes to me, which I carried upstairs, and took the boxes which I handed her. She was no shrinking violet, that was certain; she was matching me, effort for effort, and while the day was coolish, we worked up a sweat.
I began to notice telltale signs of wet areas between her breasts, which grew and eventually accentuated her nipples. I struggled to keep my own libido in check.
Eventually we finished, and took a break. I stole a few glances at her wet-t-shirt impression, as we sat and drank cold water. She prepared cucumber sandwiches -- by this time, it was after noon -- and we munched the light repast, punctuating the meal with small talk.
We let lunch settle, then got back to work, attacking the garage with fervor equal to the morning's. By two-thirty or so, we'd done quite a lot. "Enough for one day," she declared.
We retired to the comfort of her sitting room. She turned on the fan -- it was too cool for the a/c -- and we sat in comfort for a few moments, the only sound the soft hum of the fan.
I was sneaking surreptitious glances at her breasts, showing nicely beneath the sweat-soaked t-shirt. Turned out I was not nearly as sly as I thought; she leaned forward, chest thrust outward, in an exaggerated stretch, and then in one quick motion removed the garment. She sat there bare-breasted, grinning at me.
After a moment, I said, "Uhm, Sophie... ?"
She maintained the grin. "Like what you see? Come on, I've seen you peeking at me." I must have blushed, because she laughed lightly and said, "Oh, not to worry. I won't tattle. Besides, it's my house, and if I want to sit here topless, that's my business."
I found my voice. "Well, it's a nice sight, I must admit."
She stood, walked over to my seat, and plopped down in my lap, straddling my legs. She looked directly into my eyes for a moment; then she took my face in her hands, leaned in close, and kissed me.
It was erotic and passionate without being too physical. There was no great moaning, no writhing, no grinding of crotches; just an intense and very enjoyable kiss. After a few moments, she broke the kiss, took my hands and pressed them to her breasts.
I smiled, kneading her orbs gently, gently; and she returned the smile and said, "You know what? I think you'd enjoy this a lot more if they were nice and clean. If we were all clean. Don't you?'
I looked up into her eyes, feeling slightly surreal, and nodded. She smiled, dismounted and extended a hand, which I took. I stood, let her lead me down the hallway to the bathroom.
She slipped off her culottes, then turned to disrobe me. She reached into a closet and retrieved bath cloths and towels. We stepped into the shower stall; she turned the water on a nicely hot setting, and we began the very romantic process of washing one another.
It was one of the most erotic events of my life. Glennie had never consented to such a thing, much less initiated. As I ran my hands over Sophie's soap-slicked breasts, as she leaned into my hands, I felt urges I had all but forgotten. I got on my knees and gently washed her mons; then, as I ran clean water over her mound, eliminating the soap, I gave in to the urge to run my tongue along her pussy lips.
She took my head in her hands, opened her legs a bit, and shuddered as I tasted her freshly clean woman-scent. After a moment, she stopped me. I stood, we completed the shower -- she took a moment to stroke my penis, but only briefly; I believe she knew what would happen otherwise -- and stepped out, drying ourselves and one another.
We kissed our way into the bedroom. I picked her up and placed her on the bed, joining her as we resumed our kissing.
I kissed my way down her torso, lapping at each breast, sucking, lightly nipping her nips, kissing the underside of each of her bosoms -- I learned long ago many women consider that a neglected region -- and worked my way down, once again, and in better position, to her grotto.
I'd eaten pussy before, in my younger days, but none so exquisite as this. I inserted my tongue as deeply as I could, extracting the nectar from her walls; she rewarded me with vocal appreciations of what she was experiencing.
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Moroccoby OttoRank©I am thinking about that time in Morocco. It was a dangerous time in 1930. You and I went to visit Alexis and her lover Pytor in the lower side of Tangier. We had a wonderful afternoon strolling the long narrow alleyways browsing for nicks and knacks. The streets were filled with cinnamon and oranges. Small boys rushed about in bandit ways. It was a bustling African port city. Women dressed in Muslim fashion glanced out of black dress. Small boys ran in and out playing games...
Cheer Squad Try outs My name is Samantha Claire Collins. I was 14 years old, quiet and shy but I loved to dance and I cheered back when I was a young girl. I was still pretty much flat chested but I had a cute butt or so I was told. I left my hair down most the time but this specific time I did it in pigtail with red and white rubber bands to match the schools colors. I had brown kind of drab hair. I had pretty blue eyes and I was told they captivated a lot of people. I was only five feet tall...
Janice stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself. She had turned twenty yesterday and her mother had bought her a new blouse and skirt. She turned around and around, smiling at her reflection. She looked beautiful. She looked healthy. She looked perfect. ‘Still too fat.’ She looked around, wondering where the voice had come from. A look into the mirror provided the answer. Her reflection stood staring at her, hands crossed across its chest and one foot tapping impatiently. Janice just...
Hello guys pichli kahania aap ne padhi hi hogi, nahi padhi toh padhlo. Bohot maja aayega aapko. Kaise meri wife ki gand ki seal mere samne tut gayi. Aur kaise maine uske ander ki randi ko dekha. Ab aage meri wife aur mera rishta ab jyada khul chuka tha. I mean ham har baate share karte. Mai usko bolta ki muje wo ladki pasand hai, kis ke baare me kya sochta hu. Aur wo bhi share karti ki kiska pasand hai lund and all. Ab ye kahani hai kaise saloon me meri wife ki thukhayi hoti hai aur uske baad...
Author's note : For all the readers who have been reading my story, please know that I'm sorry I haven't poseted a story more than a month. But here is the new chapter. It is my humble request to please let me know what you think about the story by leaving reviews/comments. I'd really appreaciate it. CHAPTER 6 Her body couldn't move. She froze at the sight of the person approaching her. The real Ivy hasn't seen her doppelganger yet. Max had promised he wouldn't take her face and...
Commander Tuan Nguyen was livid for being classified as "nonessential personnel" and ordered to board Bon Secours. He tried to bully his way onto Sir Galahad to complain to Admiral Grayson in person, but the marines guarding the transporter had no sense of humor and no time for sad stories. Most importantly, they were bigger and better armed than Commander Nguyen. Nguyen did manage to get in touch with Colonel Bryant when he returned to Veracruz as the final assault was being mounted on...
Freewill 504: Roadside AssistanceBy: Chris AI stood, arms folded across my chest in disbelief. I felt so stupid as I watched the traffic slowly move past me and my stricken car. The sun was low on the horizon and as I looked back over the mile of traffic that I could see, all the cars were lost in a shimmering haze. I couldn't believe how fast a traffic jam of these proportions started. I really didn't know what to do since I had never been in a situation like this before. I figured before to...
Kylie and I have immediate chemistry together and wanted to indulge in every part of each other. We make out and look in each others eyes as I go down on her, licking her pussy and asshole. We fuck and I use a hitachi on her clit multiple times throughout the scene helping her orgasm. She gives me an incredible blowjob and rides me while shot in POV. The scene ends with us fucking in missionary until I have an intense orgasm deep inside of her and there’s a close up of the cum dripping...
xmoviesforyouI waited for the door to slam. Finally they were gone. I grabbed my laptop and quickly switched it on. Im 19 and still living at home, i didnt want to risk them finding out i was a bdsm freak.It was my dream to have a master one day. I wanted to be controlled. So far i had only tried things out on my self. It wasnt as much fun as i hoped being punished by master would be. I watched a few videos on my laptop till i was very turned on. I took my clothes off and went down stairs. I was aware that...
Before Clara and I declared lockdown, the President of the United States assigned a Division of Army Rangers and portions of two Groups of Navy Seals to the Ark, on detached duty. The Rangers and Seals were on loan to me, so I put them under the Ark’s External Security Department. Later, the President created The Consolidated Military Forces of the United States, the CMF, by combining selected Special Operations Groups with existing Army, Navy, and Marine forces. The majority of the...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 71Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
Charlie Owens walked past the reception desk in the lobby of Tyler, Dallas and Harrison, trying to look as nonchalant as he could. If the fair-haired twenty-one year old was lucky, anyone would assume he was just back from a coffee break, and not coming in two hours late. He had just about made it when Brenda Peters, the law firm’s receptionist, looked up from the papers she had been reading and called out his name. “Shit, I am so busted,” the clerk thought as he came to a sudden...
The sun was still shining in through the wall of windows as I waited at the carousel in baggage claim at DFW.The click-clack of purposeful strides in high heels rang across the terrazzo floor behind me. I had to look; coming toward me was a statuesque beauty. Her skirt was mid-calf length and split up the front allowing brief glimpses of nylon-encased, tanned and toned legs leading to what, I am sure, was heaven. Her blouse was a white silk button-style with a tailored jacket. The front of the...
Oral SexBlack Widow by Laura303 My head was spinning as the elevator doors closed. The sudden acceleration as the car started upwards up was enough to cause me to grab onto the handrail at the back of the car. The flowery scent of her perfume was magnified by the close quarters, and for the umpteenth time that evening I wondered how I could be so lucky. It had been just a regular Friday Afterwork Club night. I'd gone to a local bar with a few of the girls from work, and knocked...
James was quiet during the ride to the station and took me straight to my father’s office. After seeing me in, James left at my father’s nod. I presented myself to my father, and then he introduced me to his two visitors, Major John Carmichael and his aide, Lieutenant Warren Rogers. After the brief pleasantries, the Major said, “Constable Mc Gee, are you aware of the contents of the crates that were in the lorry?” “No sir, the warehouses are on my beat, but I have never entered the...
Part 1 – Becoming a Cock Lover Nadia knew she was a nymphomaniac by the tender age of 12. She developed faster than other girls her age, with more than a generous handful of tits by middle school, her hips widening and her ass getting rounder. At age 12, she was 57 and a middle school cheerleader, her body toned and flexible. Her interest in her own sexuality had ignited with puberty, and she often masturbated herself to sleep after she discovered the pleasures of her sexy, developing body....
Elsa Jean is a young white female criminal who has a bounty on her head by the local police department. Every officer and their mother was looking for her. Our boy Jax found her on patrol and had to move quick before she could get away. He pulled up on her swiftly and got her into custody. Elsa would not last a day in prison, so she offered Jax a favor if he could do her the favor of letting her go. Elsa used her luscious mouth to engulf Jax’s cock. Then she was laid out on the bed while he...
xmoviesforyouHere I am once again @ the local fishing ponds, and no-one else is here. (I always come prepared with my box of play toys because u never know when u may be in the mood to play!) It's a beautiful 75 degrees and sunny with a light cool breeze. I set up 2 of my fishing poles, take out a blanket and lie on top of the picnic table in the shade. The cool breeze blowing through my long blonde hair. I start to doze off. I can feel the breeze blowing up shorts and across my pussy lips making me wet and...
EroticLots of last minute changed before the ceremony. Brian and Zoe did it with us!!So 2 siblings from Ohio marry 2 siblings from Ghana. All it took was Zoe letting her close friends know so they could show up. Everyone else significant to us was there.Bermuda is fabulously British. A super week. Nothing low end on the island.Now we are on to producing light skinned babies. Zoe is officially knocked up. My cycle kicked on the day before the wedding. I suspected with heavy chest and all. ...
"Someday..." he thought to himself, referring to someday being in charge of he could stop working so much like a damned slave. Martin tugged at his tie, letting it hang loosely from his neck as he ran his fingers through his hair, yawning off the days work, headed to the coffee machine to get himself a mug of the good stuff before Adrianne got home from school. His eyes caught the picture stuck to the fridge...him and his little girl had been at it on their own for the last 5...
Chapter Four: The room was quite large and well lit, with the walls made of yellow marble and the floors decorated with intricate tiles. Adrian was sitting on a bench on one side of the room, facing a maze of velvet rope walkways, leading to a series of counters. The room was filled with people, but only a fraction of them were talking. Adrian assumed the building was a bank, but that was all he could do, because he did not know how he got there. He couldn't remember how he had...
– She is 60yrs old fitness GILF – Figured its now or never to do her very first porn – Competed in bodybuilding since 1979 – Has a day job as a certified personal trainer – She is currently single by choice – She uses men for what she needs physically and financially – She does a little escorting and helps fulfill mens fantasies – Loves to role play during sex, into all types of scenarios – Very into public play, it makes her wet when being watched – She loves anal sex and took my cock deep in...
xmoviesforyouFirst off im 27 year old male married this is my first time cheating/pissplay/latina girl/ i was at my job i work at a hotel i was just getting done its 4am there was this collage party thing they were hosting im in fire stairway and im walking down the steeps.i hear moaning and laughing i turn the corroner theres this drunk latina girl had to be no more than 20 she was about 5-8 dark hair darkeyes lightskin skinny maby 130lbs atleast c cup tits nice round ass and a thick hairy pussy...
Hi, this is Niki, Neo’s sister. I am sure you must be looking for me after my brother posted stories about me and him, and me and my boyfriend. This one is another with my boyfriend. Let me introduce myself in physical sense. I am 17 now, slim, 5 feet 4 inch, fair, step cut hairs and….30-26-30 figure. Generally like to wear skirts, jeans, tshirt and traditional indian wear. Just entered in college few months back and enoying the college life and its freedom to fullest. This story is at the time...
"God man, ---what in the hell is going on here?" Tom emphaticallyasked as he checked out the scene of Jay, Stan and Darrell, ---all standingthere fully bare assed and naked! "Tom, when in the hell did you come in? Hey man, let me explainhere!" Jay rattlingly asked, and stated, almost all at the same time,"Tom, let me explain, let me explain!" "Hey Jay, I don't think you need to explain anything, but I am realconfused about you being here too Darrell!" Tom stated quite matter offactly, as he...
I was feeling very horny as I entered the toilet cubicle it had a lot to do with what I was wearing. I had dressed up in my sexy undies about 2 hours ago and had been playing around and looking at porn, before driving to this location. Under my street clothes I had on a bra, black and lacy, a suspender belt, matching and trimmed with some purple ribbons and bows. The garter belt held up some beautiful sheer black stockings, they felt so sexy as I walked and moved around. I also was wearing a...
Well I honestly must say, I have always loved anal sex. In porn it has always been the thing to get my cock diamond hard. Just to find a woman who was willing to say "yes shove your cock up my tight ass" just did it for me. While this has always been a must in my jerk off sessions, translating this fantasy to reality never seemed to come to fruition. I remember hinting to every girl I've ever fucked, only to have each say "eww", or "hell no, let me stick a sumthin up your ass? See how that...
Time: Friday, August 8, 2019 9:21 PM GHT The last of the evening twilight had faded from the sky by the time Emily, Aggie, and Mark came to the Green Mall lounge, almost two hours after the meeting was supposed to start. After a quick link with Fatima, Mark waved his arm to make sure he had everyone’s attention. “We have a slide presentation,” he said simply. “Would you all please join us in the multimedia room?” A few minutes later, the entire crowd was gathered at the first-floor...
The Discovery By Margaret Jeanette Tom and Kris Rhoden were happily married. He was a junior clerk and she was chief teller at a bank. She always knew he wasn't very macho. In bed she always initiated sex and led the way, but she liked it that way. Occasionally she would tell him to do something like wash the dishes or clean a window and he always did it. It was on one such occasion that she told him to scrub the kitchen floor. She hated to do any sort of house work. He...
The ‘buckle up for landing’ announcement came out over the speakers. I took a deep breath, sighed and forced myself to stop thinking about how things were developing with Hannah. And I grimaced at the thought of having to open up to Claire about it this weekend.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was just after midnight and the airport was quiet, and so I soon spotted Jason’s imposing frame as I came through customs. My heart sank when I saw no signs of Claire with him....
Wife LoversWritten by: Zelix (My original penname, but Literotica already has an author by that name.) A/N: Alright, here is the second chapter for those who found the first one interesting and are curious to read more Before proceeding I will mention one thing, these chapters may leave you with many questions but there is no need to worry, as the story progresses answers will come. That’s the type of an author I am. Lastly, I’m sorry for the long wait, I’m juggling between two and soon possibly a...