L’Affaire free porn video

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Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her voice was teasing but his eyes were serious, green pools of intensity drilling into her.

He quickly made his way to her and grabbed her by the waistband of her jeans, pulling her close. ‘Not protective, babe. Jealous. You should really start to recognize when your man is jealous, it’s a good skill to have.’

‘You’re kidding right? You? Jealous?’ She worked at stilling her heart. Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her voice was teasing but his eyes were serious, green pools of intensity drilling into her.

He quickly made his way to her and grabbed her by the waistband of her jeans, pulling her close. ‘Not protective, babe. Jealous. You should really start to recognize when your man is jealous, it’s a good skill to have.’

‘You’re kidding right? You? Jealous?’ She worked at stilling her heart. Your man. A figure of speech, that’s all it was. She was in his bed, that was enough.

His hands were under her sweater, tugging it up. She instinctively lifted her arms as he pulled it over her head. ‘You’re not wearing that shirt.’ His eyes fell to her chest and the lacy pink bra she wore. ‘Why are you wearing that bra? That bra is for me. I don’t need you prancing around a bar with that flimsy thing under your clothes. What panties are you wearing?’

Ally laughed out loud and Jack gave her a dark look. He reached for the front of her jeans again and Ally stepped back, scooping her sweater off the floor and turning it right side out. ‘Are you kidding me? What is going on with you?’

He moved like a cat, his hand shooting out and making contact with her waistband. Before she knew what was happening Jack had the button open and the zipper down, exposing a swatch of pink lace. ‘The thong?’ He was incredulous. ‘No. You’re not leaving until you’re wearing something appropriate.’

Ally’s hands lid up under his T-shirt, feeling hot, smooth skin that immediately made her want to kiss her way down his chest. ‘No one is going to see. And I wear these all the time.’

‘I’ll know. I won’t get any work done if you’re out in your sex bra. And sure you wear them but not out drinking at whatever meat-market Nicki drags you to tonight.’

She slid her hands along his waist and up his back, stepping closer to him. She could feel him hard against her stomach and smiled when she heard him emit a soft groan. ‘Don’t you trust me?’ She stood on her toes and pressed her hips to his, letting her lips brush the smooth line of his jaw. He was freshly shaved.

Jack pushed her jeans down her hips, cupping the bare skin of her ass in his hands. Squeezing, he said, ‘This. Is. Mine.’

‘I wasn’t planning on giving it away.’

His fingers found their way along the lace of her thong, tracing the line if her ass, pausing and putting slightly more pressure on her tight little hole before making his way further, where her pussy waited for his touch. Ally let her head fall back as first one, then two fingers slid inside her, unable to concentrate on anything other than the sensations, the feel of him inside her. She couldn’t remember what they’d been talking about, didn’t care. Jack’s fingers had found a rhythm and she was cooing and rocking her hips into his hand, trying to give him better access.

‘And this is mine,’ he said huskily, increasing his speed and probing deeper. ‘And you’re not leaving this house dressed for picking up men.’

Ally heard the words but couldn’t put them together in a way that made sense. The only thing that made sense was the way his fingers pushed into her, the movements getting faster. Harder.


Jack obliged. ‘You have a man.’ Another finger swept over her clit and a chill went through her. Her whole body trembled and she let out a soft cry, as if from pain.

‘Don’t you?’ he asked. His voice was intoxicating in her ear. He’d slowed his pace, lightened the pressure and suddenly she could think again.

‘Don’t stop.’

‘You have a man. Don’t you?’ Jack pulled his fingers out of her pussy and started tracing lazy circles around her clit, never quite making contact.

Ally’s knees buckled but somewhere in all this he’d snaked his hand around her waist and she was able to lean against him, dig her nails into the skin of his back as she tried to hold on. ‘Yes.’ Her voice was throaty and hoarse. She wanted to melt into him, to fuse their bodies where they stood and stay like this, trapped in time.

Jack broke contact, pushing her away from him. Ally’s eyes followed him as he backed away toward the couch. He sat and crooked a finger for her to follow. She went. He leaned back into the couch and opened his legs, making room for her in between them. Ally kneeled in front of him and looked up at him. She saw desire, but she saw something else, too–something hiding behind it, as if embarrassed to be seen. Need?

The flannel pajama bottoms opened the way boxers did, and she didn’t have to pull them down to expose his erection. His hand cupped her cheek, and she could feel where his fingers were still damp, could smell herself on him. ‘Ally.’

She bent down, into his lap, letting the head of his cock rest on her lips. She moved her face back and forth to spread his pre-cum as if she were putting on lip-gloss and Jack watched, entranced. Her tongue darted out and he felt his body react to the sight of her, on her knees in front of him. His dick throbbed. She was beautiful. Who knew they came this beautiful? And every day she came home to him. The knowledge of it thrilled him. There’d never been a woman with this much pull on him, this much power over him. He thought about her all the time, while driving, on business lunches, in conference rooms, sitting in his office staring at his computer screen just thinking of her. Ally.

But she held herself at a distance and it perplexed and infuriated him. He’d spent every night for three weeks before she’d relented and given him a key and some space in her closet. And she still refused to tell her friends they were together. Why? Was it so embarrassing, being with him? Was it so shameful? He had a good job. A nice car. A house (true, it was barely furnished, but it was still a house). Did she just hate lawyers? She was like no other woman he’d ever dated but everything he’d tried to stay away from.

He needed to focus on his career. He needed to be dating blond social-climbers who got pedicures, not feisty red-heads who give pedicures. He shouldn’t be so involved, so wrapped up in someone. But here she was, his angel, with her mouth around his cock.

Her lips closed around him and Jack lost his train of thought. She sucked at him while her tongue slid up and down his cock, adding to the sensations and sending heat flooding to his crotch. He lifted his hips, rocking back and forth slightly while she sucked him deeper into his mouth. He felt the roof of her mouth, way in the back, as his cock started to meet resistance. Her cheeks were sunken and her nostrils flared as she tried to keep filling her lungs. He couldn’t take his e
yes off her.

She pulled away and smiled up at him, teasingly dragging her tongue up the length of his cock from base to tip as their eyes met and held.

‘Tonight, Ally,’ he said, suddenly sure. ‘I want you to tell her about us. I want you to do it tonight.’

Ally froze, her eyes suddenly wide, and frightened, a deer caught in headlights. He saw her throat move as she swallowed and searched her face for signs of a positive reaction underneath the negative. Ally leaned back on her heels, away from him. Her hair was disheveled, her lipstick worn away, probably smeared all over his groin. She shook her head.


‘No!’ It came out as a strangled sob, and she quickly fought the surge of emotion and steadied herself. ‘Not tonight,’ she said, more calmly now. ‘Please, Jack, not tonight. I just need more time before I—’

‘What is so wrong about us, Ally, that you can’t even tell your best friend?’ He was angry now, and they both saw it, recognized the path they were traveling. Ally dipped her head to pull him into her mouth again and started bobbing up and down, so far down his dick hit the back of her mouth and started the journey into her throat. She’d never throated him before and it was heaven. He didn’t want the feeling to stop but he pulled her head up and off of him.

‘Not tonight. Just—just not tonight. Let me make it up to you, I just can’t say anything tonight.’

‘Make it up to me? And how do you want to make it up to me? You wanna keep sucking my cock and pretend that I’m not asking you for more?’ Ally winced. She’d never seen him act like this, lash out like this. The silence that passed while he waited for an answer was filled with tension.

‘What?’ Ally said, a pleading in her voice that she wished didn’t betray her feelings. ‘What do you want?’

Jack motioned to his lap. ‘Go ahead. Make it up to me.’ His voice was like ice, like he was a different person, and Ally felt panic rise in her chest. She didn’t want to lose him, not like this. She didn’t want them to end on a bad note.

‘Jack,’ Ally whispered. She ached to hold him, to make things right again, but she didn’t know how.

Jack reached out to her, grabbing the back of her head and leading her face down to his lap. ‘Is this what you want? Just sex? Then get to work.’

With his other hand he grabbed his dick and put it between her lips, pushing down on the back of her head until he filled her mouth. Ally was frozen, not sure of what to do, how to react. Is this what he would be satisfied with? Being able to order her around as if she were a prostitute in exchange for his silence?

He closed a fist around a handful of hair and Ally winced in pain. Jack noticed and immediately loosened his grip, but his voice didn’t warm. ‘Suck my cock and pretend you aren’t embarrassed to be fucking me.’ She froze, tried to pull away, but he held her head down. Is that what he thought? That she was embarrassed? It was such a ridiculous notion that it never occurred to her that that’s what he might believe. What other reason would she possibly have for keeping their relationship a secret from her friends? She wasn’t sure if it was her heart in her throat or just his dick as he held her in place.

‘Suck it!’ he suddenly shouted and Ally complied, she didn’t know how else to react and couldn’t lift her head anyway. Her heart was racing and she thought it might burst if she didn’t tell him soon. She couldn’t bare the thought of him thinking she was ashamed to be with him. Why would he think that? Is he insane? Did he not realize he was the perfect man?

She resumed bobbing up and down over his erection and Jack released his grip on her head, but let his hand rest on top of her head. In case she changed her mind? Ally couldn’t very well tell him she had fallen stupidly in love with him but she could at least show him she wanted to please him. She closed her mouth around the tip of his cock and lapped at his head with her tongue, letting the tip of her tongue linger over the tiny hole, trying to get an advance taste of him. He strained into her. ‘That’s right,’ Jack muttered, letting his head fall back against the cushions. ‘That’s it.’

Ally increased her suction and started feeding him, inch by inch, deeper into her mouth until she thought she would gag. The way he groaned in response made her push onward, slowly taking more of him on, her breathing ragged. Surely people weren’t expected to breathe through their noses, she couldn’t get enough air. She pressed forward, as if she had something to prove. Jack’s hips bucked in response and his hands settled on either side of her head.

Jack worked at controlling himself. He was angry and he knew it showed. He didn’t want to hurt her but her throat felt so tight and hot around him that he couldn’t resist rocking into her face, as if fucking her mouth. She was struggling for air and he knew he had to finish soon or she’d pass off. He let out a grunt as his groin exploded and he felt cum gush from cock to spill down her throat. He shook and bucked as wave after wave of his orgasm lapped at him and he was just coming back to earth when he heard a knock on the door.

Jack released her head and his softening cock slipped from her lips, which looked puffy and red and generally like she’d just been fucked in the mouth. ‘I thought you told her to park outside and honk. Why risk letting her know you’re hiding the hunchback of Notre Dame in the apartment?’

Jack stood and stepped over her as if she were just a piece of furniture in the way and her throat swelled as her eyes filled with tears. ‘Jack,’ she said softly, scrambling to her feet. He kept walking. ‘Jack.’ This time she said it loudly, loudly enough for someone standing on the other side of the door to hear. He stopped walking but didn’t turn around. Ally was shakey on her feet. Her knees were protesting the extended time on the hard-wood floor in the living room and she felt short of breath in general.

‘I’m not embarrassed. I—I just don’t want her pity when you find someone else, someone your type. She’s my best friend and I don’t want to be uncomfortable around her when you move on.’ It was a relief to put it into words, to let him know her biggest insecurity. As the silence stretched between them she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. She’d said too much. She’d scared him away.

Suddenly he was a like cat again, had turned and was stalking toward her swiftly, a fierce pained look on his face. ‘What the fuck are you babbling about, Ally? Someone more my type? And just what is my type?’

The doorbell rang. Ally swallowed hard. She wasn’t going to cry. ‘Look, we both know I’m not exactly destined to be a lawyer’s wife. We both know we can’t play house indefinitely.’

Jack looked genuinely perplexed, and, what was it this time? Sad? God, she didn’t want his pity.

‘You’re right, Ally. You’re not exactly destined to be the lawyer’s wife.’ Great. Why didn’t he just punch her in the stomach? The doorbell rang and she heard Nicki pound on the door. ‘Al?’ Nicki yelled, still banging. Jack had her face in his hands now and he was forcing her to look into his eyes. He looked so sincere. ‘You’re destined to be my wife.’

Ally held her breath. Had he just said—

‘I’ve never been with anyone like you Ally, I know that if you look at the women I’ve been with something doesn’t quite fit. But it’s not you that doesn’t fit, Ally. It’s them. They were wrong all along.’

‘Don’t make me get the super to wake your ass up!’ Nicki’s voice came through the wall. Jack gave the door a sour look. ‘Jesus, she’s still a pest.’

Ally stepped out of his arms, reached for the button on her jeans and pulled the zipper up. Jack watched in interest as she pulled the tight pink cashmere top over her head and worked at straightening her hair. Jack’s heart felt like it would burst as she walked toward the door. She was going to open it. She was going to tell Nicki abou
t them.

Ally threw one last glance over her shoulder and the look of hope and pride on Jack’s face made her want to dance. She was his, because he wanted her to be. She swung the door open and revealed Nicki, who stood waiting in a black suede pants and a white button down blouse. Once again, Ally had lost the best-friends-outdressing-one-another competition, but she didn’t care. Nicki narrowed her eyes and looked suspiciously at Ally, as if she were afraid to come in.

‘What?’ Nicki asked. ‘What is if? What’s with the goofy grin? And what the hell happened to your make-up.’

‘I’m in love with your brother,’ Ally said simply.

Nicki rolled her eyes and walked past her into the apartment, throwing a rueful glance at Jack. ‘Uh, yeah. What? Am I retarded? Like it’s a coincidence every time I come to pick her up there’s a black Porsche Carrera parked down the block?’

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He lay very still and watched an ugly, rat looking creature scurry across the ground and through tufts of dark, serrated grass. Every few feet, it stopped and reared up on hind legs to test the air for any scent of threat. It moved from shadow to shadow in quick bursts, hunting for food, and unknowingly being hunted in turn. Something stirred in Logan’s mind as he lay watching. Soft leaves brush against my bare cheek and fill my nose with the green scent of Mesquite trees. The grass bends...

1 year ago
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Florida Rainy Day

It was a rainy day like any other in Florida when we met. Having stopped by his house not knowing he would be the one who was home, we stopped to have my car fixed. Jesse – my current friend who knew the home owner as she had dated his brother and wanted to sleep with him as she did everyone else recommended we stop by to get help. We ran to the door to get out of the rain, we knocked and waited as the front door opened and a tall sexy man with dark hair and the most beautiful green eyes you...

2 years ago
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A Young Tween

A Young Tween I was always dragged along to go shopping with my mother and older sister. I hated it. One time my sister caught me looking at her "things," so I was never left alone in the house again! Sara, 16, my only sister, was a real "hottie." Cute, sexy, and with an attitude. Little me, 14, was small in every way: body size, demure, and "equipment," if you know what I mean. "Come on Alan, keep up with us. We have a lot of shopping to do today," echoed my mom as I...

2 years ago
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The Only Woman for Me Part Five

      I can’t believe it but the day has finally arrived. Elaine is back in town.   She is moving in to her home right now. I am getting ready to head over there and help her unpack everything. Mike offered to help as well and I couldn’t think of a good enough reason to turn down more assistance so he is coming with me. I am standing in the mirror giving myself on finally look over, as nervous as if this was a first date or something. I am so excited to finally see her again I am...

3 years ago
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risky toolshed sex with the chavs

well last night i was watching football when i get a knock at the window. its the chav crew. its jason, nicky and jamie. anyway they want to come in. the house was empty so i let them in They want a shag off me so i said ok, anyway the car comes up the drive its the family so i quicky get them out of the house through the window. anyway as i do that jamie and nicky leg it over the wall. jason however just hides. i go to door open it and then go see family into house. i say im just getting a...

4 years ago
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The joy of deserted coast paths and beaches

We went for a beautiful coastal walk over the weekend, one of two adventures on the Dorset to Cornwall coast. We had two hours and K suggested the amazing walk from the Cornish fishing village we were staying at. The coastal path snakes along the edge of the cliff and after a while comes out into an open valley – a long slope of path down 400 yards of grass, and a low point close to the sea, before rising a further 400 yards distance…a great view…exposed, and clear views. At the bottom of the...

4 years ago
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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent:  Chapter 1:  Captured        So, this is how it all started.  Friday on homecoming weekend, and with the entire school in full spirit week frenzy for the football game tonight.  Naturally, I wasn’t participating in toga day? seeing all those preppy idiots walking around in bed sheets made me laugh.  I was wearing a fishnet body stocking, a black skirt that went down to my knees, and a corset with black and red coloring.  Then I was wearing these combat boots that...

2 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 8 The Replacement

Chapter 8: The Replacement I couldn't deny it anymore, I had boobs. I adjusted my brand new pink sports bra from Victoria's Secret and stared down at my chest. Another three weeks had past and they had grown quite significantly, now fully filling my A cups, meaning soon I would have to upgrade to the B cups I had thankfully already purchased. I wriggled a little back and forth, feeling them jiggle despite the confines of the sport bra. They actually stuck out far enough to...

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9 July 2008Chapter 2

The following night brought the next eight performers into the spotlight. Abby was really into the excitement of performing each week and secretly confessed to Brad that she felt either one of them was good enough to win. “Next up to try and win your votes singing, American Idol’s very first winner, Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Breakaway’ is Abby Kendall.” The beat of the song was slightly quickened and several lines omitted. Abby knew she’d be flirting with the allotted time and hoped her performance...

3 years ago
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Masseur Available For Sex

Hi readers, this is just not a story, but also a description of my experience. let me desribe my self, i’m Akshay,a 29 year old man, well built and very atheletic. living in kolkata, i am a business professional, and thats what i mainy do. but 2 years back i had this inhibition of meeting more and more woman around so that i could meet them , talk to them and satisfy certain physical needs of theirs. I’m a great fan of ISS and thud wanted to share my experience with you as this is a very...

1 year ago
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BOBBIE Oh Lord, here he is, drunk, falling down drunk, Anna thought. She heard her husband of thirty years come home in his usual state. He spend all his days in the pool hall and his evenings at Maloney's Bar. The fact that he could afford it was not the point. Ever since they won the lottery and he gave up working he spend his days drinking. Half past seven and he could barely walk. He started early. She had attempted to get him help but he was not interested. His...

1 year ago
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The Beach6

Daddy had a car pick you up and bring you to the airport. The flight was a little boring, but your excitement was building as the plane neared its destination. Finally you landed, it was early in the afternoon, the sun was shining and bright. Daddy said there would be a car waiting for you. You got your bag, and there he was, a driver holding a sign reading "Baby". You noticed how hot it was as you followed the driver to your car, the palm trees and sunshine just made you smile. A...

4 years ago
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HalalChapter 8

When Tori arrived home, Debra was waiting for her. "Where were you... ? You're supposed to be with Chef Jacques." "At a meeting at the warehouse ... It took longer than I anticipated. I'm sorry." "What was it about? We didn't have any kids here at all except for the day-care set." "Oh, that's right ... you weren't here last weekend. You gotta hear this. Let me go to the kitchen and I'll fill you in after supper." In the kitchen, Tori told Chef Jacques "Sorry I'm late,...

2 years ago
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Huggles Intl

HUGGLES Intl by QModo Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? Edited by Rosemary. At fifty-five, Fred had no home. There was an address where his bills and other correspondence were coming. But the address wasn't his home. He had no family, either. Some people thought they were his family, but they weren't. He hadn't had...

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Grandma Suzy

Well I just turned 18, I was your typical teen. A bit shy, kind of a loner, grew up in shitty lifestyle. My dad was out of the picture, my mom, well my mom should not have been a mother. She basically let me raise myself while she was out drinking, using d**gs, sucking and fucking anything with a dick. Good times! But because of being raised like that I grew up fast and became interested in thing most teens wouldn’t. I use to spy on my my mom when she would bring guys home. Loved watching her...

3 years ago
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My story The middle half THE TRIP TO LESBOLAND

Sorry, my story is longer than I thought it was gonna be.... so here is the next part:When we left off I was telling you about the nude beach and my friend Ed and 'Little ED'I hope this next part makes sense.......I tried to upload this part a couple times but I am a clutz..and heavy drinking, no computer savvy and habitual horneyness always seems to get in my way. Anyhow, let's give the next part a go. If it works ..HOOORAA, if not, fuck it@!Over the next ten years life went on for me like...

2 years ago
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Old Habits

We broke up. I didn’t bother trying to make it work anymore- I knew it wasn’t going to. He was already gone from me, we were gone from each other. But I decided not to throw away ten years of a relationship. If we couldn’t make it as lovers, maybe we could make it as friends. I pulled up in front of his apartment around seven. I told him I’d be there at six but just couldn’t find the nerve to get ready on time. When I rang the doorbell he opened slowly, as if he wasn’t sure who he saw through...

2 years ago
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To Inherit a Factory

Chapter 1 When Arthur Olsen and his beautiful wife were killed in an auto crash, quite a few people were sad but nobody was surprised. Arthur could best be described as a 'bon vivant' who had shown great skill and fortune, building and expanding a margarine factory. He was a very wealthy man. His love for pretty women and fast cars was well known, so only a few were surprised that he was killed in a crash. A few days after the funeral his two sons were called to the family lawyer's office...

3 years ago
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lifes getting bad good lol

My g/f Sue and Jill was telling me of another party that was to take place a week Saturday. The last one was very wild and was a games theme night. Jill laughed telling me that this one would be even better. She hinted that the necessary props were already being made. I couldn't get anymore out of either of them. What I did get was a long slow blow job.My g/f made no effort to dress sexy for the party and suggested that I just wear shorts and a tee shirt. Dressed as suggested we arrived at the...

2 years ago
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SummerChapter 13 Out of the Dark

It was circumstance that decided it for them. The Grange was closed, in the height of summer, because of reparations to the roof of the old stately home in the gardens. It was too nice a day to go back to Sera's and the boy suddenly decided he wanted to see Thomas's house. They walked the four miles from the town to the large village where Thomas lived. Buses were slow and hot and it only took them an hour at an easy pace. The fields all around were bright yellow with rapeseed and the sun...

4 years ago
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The Fortunate Jepordy 4

The Fortunate Jeopardy - Part 4 by Sissie Maid Cuckold Steve's strong hands dropped from Laura's waist to her ass and he grabbed hold of her cheeks and pulled her to him. Laura's right hand fell from Steve's shoulder to his pants and squeezed a massive hidden cock as they re-embraced. The two love birds kissed for some time. It was a steamy kiss with their hands and bodies intertwining. Clearly they both wanted each other and were too far into it to stop the process. Finally...

3 years ago
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Indian bhabhi gets drilled by a young guy

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can . Savita was wet and naked, sandwiched between Alex and Ashok. Last night’s threesome had made her tired. Savita turned towards Alex. She wanted him inside her again. Making sure she doesn’t wake up Ashok, she slithered between sleeping Alex’s legs. She kissed his limp cock and licked his balls. She took his cock inside her mouth and sucked it a few times to make it rock hard. Alex woke up staring at Savita, sucking his...

4 years ago
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Traveling the Old Route 66

The story until nowSue, my wife, had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful. I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the West. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me, then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another...

Wife Lovers
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Only a few birds were audible in the small forest as suddenly the wind intensified. It gave a loud bang and a moment later, a man stepped out of the undergrowth and looked around for a moment. Loki Laufeyson nodded satisfied about his landing place in Midgard. Nobody had noticed his arrival here and he was intended to keep it that way. He quickly pulled a magical map from his coat, checking the direction to the capital city, which was several kilometers away. Although it was too far to walk,...

Mind Control
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NubileFilms Angel Smalls Put On A Show

Brick Danger is in the midst of a call when Angel Smalls decides that her boyfriend should have other things on his mind. Decked out a sheer bra and thong, Angel struts into the room and relieves Brick of the phone. Crawling into his lap, she drops a kiss on his lips and then takes his hand to lead him to the bathroom. Once she has Brick right where she wants him, she takes her time stripping. Her show starts with a full view of her small breasts with their sweet pale nipples. Then she peels...

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My Sister JeanChapter 20 A Resolution of Sorts Little Cayman

A sudden knock on the loose-fitting screen door sounded like a gun shot, loud and jarringly unexpected. With a faintly British accent, a young man's voice called out, "There's a phone call for Billy or Jean." And in another moment, "Anyone there?" Jean and I looked at each other. I lifted an eyebrow that asked, 'Do you know?' She shrugged her shoulders as if to say, 'Beat's me.' A naked Margi had slumped to her knees, one hand thrust between her thighs and the other...

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Tears in a Dry Land Ch 02

The journey was not fast, but it was relentless. Hours before sunrise, Sofia was roused from deep sleep to dress in boy’s clothes, her long hair hidden inside a silk cap and wound around with cloth to protect against the wind and dust. Four magnificent horses stood in the courtyard, laden with food bags and bedrolls, but harnessed only with the finest leather and light, racing saddles. Once mounted, they left the city as quietly as they could, the small postern gate easily opened and shut...

2 years ago
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Golden Mind Control Orb

It was a plain old ordinary day. Certainly not a day where you would expect to find something that would change your life. But while walking you tripped face first and landed on the floor. You didn't like tripping but at least you didn't hurt yourself. On the ground, you saw a shiny round object. Curious you picked it up. The moment you did you instantaneously knew all about it. You knew that it was called The Golden Mind Control Orb and that it gave you the power to manipulate...

2 years ago
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Flirting with the wrong Guy Part 1

Charlotte was away on business for a week in London, attending a conference at a swanky hotel. She had arrived early and had gone straight to her room to shower. It was a hot sweaty journey and it was nice to step out of the shower and let the cool air dry her skin. She stood before the full length mirror. She was tanned and latin looking. With long curly brown hair and even longer legs. She wasnt skinny but she was by no means fat either. Just curvy in the right places. Since she had given...

1 year ago
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PerfectFuckingStrangers Jenna Presley 26002

The man from the moving company came over to size up everything that needs to be transported to my new home, but little did he know that I was sizing him up, too. While he was doing his thing, I peeled off my shorts and panties and then walked back up to him to show him what I really wanted him to do. He didn’t hesitate at all, pulling out my big tits and letting me suck his hard cock right away. I let him cum in my mouth after the hot sex we had, and then he got back to the other job he...

1 year ago
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Raped at Home

You enter your darkened home; unaware that someone has gained entry before you. As you take off your coat you strangely begin to feel randy, but you can't explain why. A sudden urge to go to your bedroom to fuck yourself with your favourite toy comes over you. Once in the bedroom, you decide on a slow strip, teasing yourself as you go. You slip off your blouse, running your hands over your swelling breasts; your nipples harden without being directly touched. You reach behind you and unzip the...

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Hiking Trips 1

Introduction: Two best friends discover new things On a warm sunny day two best friends named Tami and Greta trekked through the valley. Both girls lived out in the country and unlike most girls their age they loved to explore the valley. It was nothing but grassy fields and occasional trees for miles. At the age of 18 the two girls could be mistaken for sisters, both had heart shaped faces, were 58, had beautiful c-cup breasts, and perfect perky asses. What set them apart was the fact that...

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