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Joscelyn stood cloaked in shadow, leaning against the porches towering white posts. The strong timber seemed to be part of her essence as she stood still and unflinching before the fury of the summer storm raging around her. Lightening crackled across the sky and gusts of wind blew bouts of rain onto the porch steadily drenching her but she felt none of it. Her eyes stared unseeing into the distance, these last days lived like a vice gripping her insides. She was content simply to feel the slow ebb and flow of blood within her veins and the breath soughing in and out of her chest, to invite anything else in would break her. Stretch her tattered heart any further and she would certainly break.

Jackson would be here in the morning, the time for debate and waffling was over. He was the nearest her child had to a father and he deserved to be in their life, in her life. Their petty squabbles seemed oceans away, and she’d seen him over and over the apologies falling from his lips like shining coins. His days of drinking and his many affairs were over, he’d assured her, hell she’d even been accompanying him to his shrink. Sitting in that office while Jackson poured out the massive list of apologies hadn’t made her feel any better, a fierce hatred still burning like a small flame in her. Tremulous and small as that flame may be it had been all that had kept her moving so long she wasn’t sure how she could possibly exist with out it now. A small voice echoed through her mind that he would never change and why should she even care if he did? She crushed the voice within the confines of her own mind, cowing it with sheer will.

It wasn’t a sound that alerted her that he was standing behind her. From the moment she’d met him there had been the most base of connections of between them. He was like an answering echo of her heart beat, the dance of electrical current along her skin a second after the storm spent its fury. ‘You shouldn’t be here,’ she turned and looked at him full in the face. He must have jogged here she observed disjointedly. Brandon stood before her water dripping to pool on the porch boards, his chest taking deep gulps of air as he stood matching her gaze. Hair dripped small rivulets of water down his neck he looked like an expansion of the elements come to life all harsh planes and intensity. ‘You shouldn’t be here,’ she echoed again quietly and turned on her heel walking back through the door letting it bang loudly in finality behind her and she moved into the kitchen and leaned onto the island both arms braced. She should have known he wouldn’t be dismissed that easily.

An echoing, if quieter bang from the screen door told her he had no intension of giving up so easily. She wrapped her arms around her middle protectively. Oh he’d never lay a finger on her she knew but her heart, Ah God…her heart was another matter entirely. She should hate him for it, she knew, but this weakness for him was all her own making she thought bitterly. She had to end it, had to make him understand that she’d made her decision. It wasn’t him. Marshaling her will and throwing it about herself like a mantle she turned to face him. He forged ahead before she even had a chance to open her mouth. ‘I won’t stay away. That lame ass set of excuses you fed me means nothing,’ he said savagely stalking toward her. She backed up slowly losing ground by inches. ‘If you wanna play Betty Crocker by day for him and the whore for me so be it, I’ll take what I can get till I have it all. And I will have it all, damn you. That fucking idiot you married had his chance, and if you’re too blind to see that leopards never gonna change his spots I’ll wait. But I’m not waiting in the wings. I’ll be everywhere. In your bed, at your car when you leave work, in your head…everywhere until you realize you can’t live without me,’ he finished in a rush, his next words were spoken so quietly they were almost lost in the hiss of wind outside the window, ‘just like I can’t live without you.’ He stopped his relentless stalking a mere hairsbreadth from her lips. It was just as well as there was no more ground she could give, she pressed her back against the refrigerator door a random magnet pressing into her back. Her eyes searched his, testing for a chink in his armor, something, anything that would allow her to stand resolute in her decision. His eyes gave away nothing, just matched her in challenge.

She’d met him shortly after she’d finally had enough of Jackson’s skirting around behind her back. The very day she’d sent her son to her mothers so she could tell Jackson to pack his bags and get out, she’d seen him at the construction site she’d passed near the office building she worked in. Stopped at a red light it seemed almost surreal when she glanced over to see him staring at her without one ounce of shame. She stared back, even looking over her shoulder sure that he must be staring at some traffic accident or Hooter’s girl that had somehow appeared over her shoulder. Instead he had stared at her like he trying to read her story, like how men had looked at the Mona Lisa for hundreds of years searching for the secret behind her smile. A horn blared behind her startling her out of her reverie, she saw traffic had moved on well ahead of her and her cheeks flamed as a short dumpy man behind her gestured rudely out his window. Sick at her mooning over a stranger she surged forward without a backwards glance, never catching the glare the man had given the rude driver behind her or the look of focused determination in his eyes had she been close enough to see.

Even though she scorned herself, she couldn’t seem to fight the urge to bury her troubles in a bottle of beer. Like every lousy country song she’d ever heard, she quickly found herself at a local pub around ten thirty that night. She sat morosely at the bar nursing a beer while men hollered loudly around her watching and pointing animatedly at the bar’s single television showing the highlights from the Steelers first game since winning the Superbowl. She couldn’t help the snort of derision and more than one of them gave her a foul look but she simply looked back and smiled sweetly. Unnerved at her cheek they went back to their highlights without a word.

He found her sitting at the bar as the bartender handed her a second beer, condensation from her previous beer leaving a ringed chain across the countertop. Her attention focused on her beer he sauntered over to her, ‘You look like you just walked out of a country song.’ The words weren’t said unkindly but the idea still rankled her and she looked up to the speaker ready to fire off a acidic statement sure to put him in his place, which as far as she was concerned was as far from her as possible. Before the words could fall from her tongue she found herself staring into a pair of startling green eyes, and though she hadn’t known their color before she definitely recognized their owner. Somehow providence had placed her in the path of the construction worker from earlier today. She had time enough to gape at his good looks before it hit her like a truck how she’d made a complete ass of herself earlier blocking traffic while she ogled him. Embarrassment colored her cheeks and she hastily looked away her heart skipping along merrily somewhere to the vicinity of her navel and took up residence.

Searching for something witty to say she blurted the first thing that came to her mind, ‘Well I feel like I just walked out of a Hank Williams Jr. song, so I guess I’m doin okay then.’ Looking up with a sardonic grin she met his gaze and barely kept herself from swooning like some bubble-headed heroine when her shining knight arrived on the scene. What in the hell was wrong with her, she eyed her beer suspiciously as if it had suddenly sprouted a head and began teaching her calculus. It should take a lot more than one beer before calculus should be coming into play, she sat the beer down with a deliberate motion.

‘Are you okay?’ He raised an eyebrow in mirth watching the by play between h
er and her beverage as if he was also in on the joke.

‘Yeah I’m fine,’ she managed to get out with a grin, ‘just a rough day is all.’ He nodded in understanding his eyes never leaving her and she almost found herself wanting him to join the football nuts that had retired to a back table with a few pitchers. This intensity of his gaze unnerved her sending chills down her back like a small electrical current. He didn’t seem dangerous, or at least dangerous to her. Men like him seemed to carry an innate cloak of it around them, and she always did have a yen for that kind of aura. There wasn’t anything quite as appealing as a man with barely leashed testosterone but she’d given up that jones a long time ago. She’d been lucky if Jackson could find his balls, not that he hadn’t had numerous secretaries at his office building helping him with that in the literal sense she thought sardonically.

‘My name’s Brandon,’ he said extending his hand after hastily wiping the condensation from his beer off one jean clad thigh.

Joscelyn took in the hard calluses on his hands and the myriad of nicks and scars across his fingers, the badges of battle against wood, metal and mortar. She shook his hand and was surprised at the warmth of it, ‘my names Joscelyn.’ He grinned and her with that Cheshire cat grin and she’d been caught in that web ever since. They’d ended up talking all night, and during some part of that long night he’d managed to drag from her how she’d kicked Jackson out and admitted his surprise at her lack of harpy like anger most women would have portrayed. Of course he’d phrased it much more politely than that, she remembered with amusement. What hadn’t surprised him was her answer, ‘Jackson’s been sticking it in anything that was willing to stand still long enough for what has to be almost five years now. Those first two years were hellish, I played the part of the wronged wife and turned into the shrew you always read about but it was the toll it was taking on my son more than anything that made me stop. Jackson had always been good to my son even if Eric wasn’t his and how do you explain that kind of thing to a ten year old? I started to cover it all up, if I couldn’t stop it I could at least make him be more discreet about his…indiscretions,’ she managed to spit the word out with a grimace.

Brandon had been at her side ever since, that intensity that was wholly a part of him seeped into ever aspect of their relationship. It was not surprise that when Eric had met him, the boy decided Brandon was the moon, stars and Wonder bread all rolled into one. The fact the man was far too easy on the eyes, had the uncanny knack of reading her like his own private novel and the most astounding lover she’s ever encountered didn’t help. And here he was, now, here in her kitchen, in the middle of the night and she didn’t have the will to hurt him. The will to break herself…she felt like she’d been dashing herself against jagged rocks trying to do what she thought was right versus what she felt was right. He watched her intently and the moment she capitulated seemed to echo in the very air around her and he let go of a ragged breath the tension ebbing from him in slow degrees only to be replaced by a different tension.

He gripped her hair in one hand tipping her head back slowly as he ran the other hand down her cheek, his thumb caressing across her lips and gently applied pressure to her chin opening her mouth to receive his kiss. He crowded her against the fridge partially supporting her as she sagged in surrender against him. Her eyes fluttered shut and a throaty moan escaped her as he skimmed his lips across hers, his breath hot against her lips. His hips shifted longingly against her and she could almost swear she could feel him throbbing against her, matching the rapid thud of his heart against her palm. She moved restlessly against him silently beckoning him to deepen the kiss, and she wasn’t disappointed. His tongue thrust the same moment as his hips surged against her seeking that hidden fire and she cried out at the massive influx of sensation. Her hands flew up cupping either side of his face as the kiss deepened a sensual feast of tongue and teeth, and his breath hitched in his chest as a low moan broke from him. Trailing kisses down the column of her throat he kept one hand around her slender neck keeping her bared to the ministrations of his mouth and she reveled in the threat of power those hands held, immeasurably strong yet gentle against her skin. He tugged the robe down from her shoulders tugging her forward long enough for the cloth so fall in a pool of sodden twilight blue at her feet.

She gritted her teeth holding back a moan as his mouth moved lower, his rough hands dragging back and forth across her nipple tightening it to hardness while his mouth feasted on the other. She shuddered beneath his mouth and her chest heaved in panting gasps and he leaned lower yet hooking his arms behind her thighs and raised her upward. She squealed in fear clutching at his head, understanding what he wanted once he had her sex level with his face. She watched the muscles playing across his back admirably before she wove her fingers through his hair grasping rhythmically as he began devouring her with his mouth. She leaned back against the top of the refrigerator her head thrown back in abandon trusting in the strength of his muscles flexing beneath her thighs as he clutched her to him. She felt him shudder against her his breath coming in gasps against the slick heat of her core. He lapped at her clit, sucking at it, the edge of his teeth leaving the thrill of danger in its wake. Crying out as an orgasm rippled thru her sex he let his arms lower slowly letting her slid down his body as he used the fridge to guide her descent. He bent his knees to keep her from dropped to the floor and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he changed his grip to her backside gripping it hard and began to kneed the soft flesh in his hands.

He kissed her hard and she tasted herself on his tongue, a hint of spiced musk and she sucked his tongue wringing another moan from his chest. He slung her hips harder against him, the hardness between them a throbbing testament of his desires. She made a low keening sound her breathing still coming in gasps as she slowly drifted back into her own skin. He leaned his forehead against hers, his chest still heaving like he was running a marathon. Brandon managed by sheer willpower to still his body until his hips stilled against hers only giving brief twitches. She ran her fingers thru his damp hair hoping to soothe him while he battled to bring his body under his control. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, Eric…’ She placed one finger gently against his lips stopping him.

‘Eric’s spending the weekend at my mothers, I thought it best while I got things…arranged,’ she ended lamely looking at the floor, unwilling to meet his eyes.

‘God dammit Jos, what do you want from me? What more do you need?’ He backed away from her arms outstretched in challenge. ‘I’m sure as hell not giving up on this, on us, so just tell me what it is you need! I refuse to accept that you’re stupid enough to let that bastard back into your life,’ her face rose angrily at that taunt but he plowed on, ‘and have you even thought of Eric? He’s a smart kid, how long do you think it’ll take for him to catch on that his step dad is going behind his mom’s back? Is that the kind of man you even want to raise your son? And don’t try to tell me he’s ‘turned a new leaf’, that bullshit just won’t fly with me. The man’s a snake and no matter how many time he sheds his skin he’s still a damn snake!’ His voice had risen and she was grateful now that Eric was safely tucked away at her mothers, he didn’t need to hear this. The arguing with Jackson had been bad enough, and with the man he so clearly worshipped…

‘Brandon, do you realize this is the first time you’ve so much as mentioned that you want me…’ he looked at her bared skin with a look of incredulous dis
belief, ‘and not like that and you know it!’ Her forehead furrowed angrily, how dare he act like some martyr now that she cast her vote. ‘You knew from the start Jackson and I had both agreed to see other people while we were separated—’

‘Don’t you mean he would continue to cheat on you—,’ he sputtered angrily

‘And you knew we were still trying to see if we could work it out!’ She raised her voice to override his rebuttal. ‘I love you, God knows I do but what the hell is it that you expect.’ Her voice began to hitch with emotion and she stove to suppress before it led to her undoing. If he knew how much this was breaking her inside, if he could see past her façade…the house of cards would be round her ears before she could blink.

‘I promised the man forever, and I meant it. So he doesn’t deserve it,’ her voice caught and she stopped mid-sentence, her chin trembled as she fought back tears staring at the floor. She heard the floor creak as he stepped towards her in concern and she held one hand out in front of her stopping him in his tracks. She wrapped her other arm around her middle, trying to hold it together, trying to hold her together.

‘Why,’ she started gruffly, tears clogging her throat making a mockery of her control, ‘why didn’t you say you wanted me. Not my body…me. Why did you wait so long to tell me you can’t live without me? Can you even imagine what it feels like to have someone treat me like you do? You ride into my life like some shining knight when I need someone most and all I can do is wait for the other shoe to drop. I sit there in therapy with that asshole I was stupid enough to marry and listen to him say how much he wants me and I have to answer that stupid shrink when she asks if you and I have any commitments together for the future and I have to say ‘no’? Do you know how it feels to know all I’m good enough for is someone who will drop me in a New York minute the first time some short skirt starts working in his office. The next time some intern wants to get a leg up in his business and suddenly I’m so much damn garbage? Do you!’ Tears streamed down her face but she faced him down.

He padded toward her softly and she raised her hands to ward him off until they rested against the dampness of his t-shirt. Her hands clenched the cloth, curled into fists she fought to battle to both pull him nearer and push him away. ‘I’m so sorry Jos,’ she raised her face to look at him surprised to see the shining emotion in his own eyes, ‘I’ve heard you say so many times that Jackson was all talk and no walk. I’ve tried, ‘ he caught one small fist in his hand as she tried to pummel him. To ward off the words that would break her resolve. He grabbed her bodily and clutched her against his chest until her struggled quieted, he stroked her back soothingly muttering endearments into her hair, ‘Ah baby, I’ve tried so hard to show you in every way what you mean to me. And I’m sorry, I’m so damn sorry I didn’t tell you. Its my mistake not yours, I know that man put you thru hell. I didn’t realize how badly you felt, how badly I made you feel by not telling you that you’re my world. I feel like I’ve been living in hell since you told me you couldn’t see me anymore. I miss you…I miss you and Eric both. I’ve never known what it was like to be a father, you gave me that and I can’t tell you how privileged I am that you shared him with me.’ His hand stilled against her back and he steeled himself, ‘I know I never really had much of a family to speak of so I know how precious you and Eric are to me. I should have told you,’ he muttered this roughly tucking her head under his chin and she felt his throat working convulsively, ‘I love you Jos, please, please, don’t tell me it’s too late for us. Please don’t tell me I was too stupid to say the words and that we’re over.’ He sank down to his knees in front of her burying his head into the soft flesh of her stomach.

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Virtually the entire tribe of Celestialites came out to the open ground in front of the temple to welcome home Scott and his squad. Most were surprised to see them back so soon and even more surprised to see the strangely dressed man they had with them. David and Beckie made their way to the front of the crowd and greeted the squad. "It's good to see that you're still in one piece all of you. We didn't expect you back for a while yet. Come on, tell everybody what you have achieved!"...

2 years ago
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Closing the Deal

Friday afternoon when I arrived home, hubby was already there. He told me we had some celebrating to do and were going out with his clients to close a deal he’d been working on. He asked me to dress really nice for an expensive evening, and that he’d told them how sexy I was, so to really do myself up right. I got a party dress out of the closet, a little black one that he really likes and laid it out on the bed. When I got out of the shower, I noticed he had laid out my sexy black...

2 years ago
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Losing my virginity at last

Maybe she was turned on by taking a virgin, maybe she never guessed I was virgin – I’ll never know.  Either way, we both had our fun and I had a great introduction to sex. Having left public school, I joined Uni not having done anything other than a bit of a snog.  Hormones were raging and mild acne had held back my confidence I had.  So it wasn’t until the end of my fresher year that I finally lost my L plates.  J was your 7 out of 10 girl.  Not a knock out but good looking, slim, lovely hair...

2 years ago
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How I met Liz Part 3

It already was next time! I didn’t question how my cock was still rock hard. It had never happened before, usually I blew my load and quite happily fell asleep. Liz hadn’t realised that I was ready for round two because she was still lying on her back with her knees bent and legs half spread. This was the girl of not only my dreams, but the dreams of all horny college lads. I jumped on top of her, nibbling her ears, lips and nipples. She let out a loud gasp as my bulging penis pushed back into...

3 years ago
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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 06

For a few years high quality imitations of ancient jewels and famous paintings have been cropping up around the world. They’re so good many of the experts have trouble telling them from the real thing. All of the investigations by law enforcement organisations around the world lead to blank walls of false identities or dead investigators. In mid 2004 the Royal Intelligence Service (RIS) learns about a group of artists in Berana who’re making high quality forged documents. They can’t get any...

4 years ago
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The night that changed everything Chapter 1

Mark was 15, of average build and height for his age and had dark brown hair scruffy with eyes to match. He and his brother Ash had organised to go and stay over at a mutual friends house that afternoon to hang out and play games. Sean's parents were away so they could chill, play games, maybe drink a few beers all away from parental supervision, the Perfect weekend. After spending a grueling 45 minutes waking up and attempting his homework he finished up and got dressed, taking minute to...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 41 If You Remember Anything Call Us

February 6, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Well, if it isn’t my old friends Agents O’Toole and Stone,” I grinned, shaking their hands. “What can I do for you?” “We’d like to speak to you, privately,” Agent Stone said. “Are you investigating me?” I asked. Agent Stone shook his head, “No. You are not a suspect, a person of interest, nor a target.” “And by privately, you mean without Elyse or my attorney present?” “Yes, if you would. I’ll explain what we want and then you can decide,...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 2

Thursday, July 1, 1976 When I woke up, there was a young, unbelievably cute girl in my room. She was putting my lunch on a rollaway tray table. “Hello there,” I say. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Doctor Albright said you needed your rest. I was just putting your lunch over here, so it would be near when you were ready for it.” “It’s ok; I need to be awake now anyway. I think I have been asleep for long enough,” I said with a smile. “Um, yeah, you’ve been in a coma for a...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Romi Rain Romi and Joanna Fuck Prince

Romi Rain and I got invited to Prince Yahshua’s for a private show, but he didn’t seem to be enjoying himself. He described his recent heartbreak, and thought two hot goth strippers would make him happy. We’re very eager to satisfy and he paid us for the whole hour, so we asked if there was anything ELSE we could do, after using half the time to do ALL his chores because we’re sweet and have an excellent work ethic. Prince wasn’t getting the hint, so Romi and I let...

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I Love Big Boobs

Don't worry, I will always answer your so nice and hot messages... :-)))) It's only that I don't have always time to answer you immediately but be sure that you make me wet... :-PPPP Sorry but I prefer to don't tell you from which side of the world I'm writing, that was in the deal with my husband. I hope and wish that you understand. Who knows maybe one day you will suck my nipples and not only... :-))) Never say never... :-))) Yes I think so that it's tough move go into therapy with your wife...

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Jasons Story Chapter 34

Jason's Story By Kristine Roland Chapter 3 The ride home was quiet. Jason could not read his parents' expressions after they had spoken with Dr. Adams. When they got home, Jason went into his room and picked up a book to read. A short time later, his mother and father came in and sat on the bed next to him. "Jason, we need to talk to you," his mother said. "Ok, Mom." "As you know Dr. Adams has suggested that we take you to see a psychologist that specializes in...

1 year ago
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At Long Last We Do Our Hotel MMF Fantasy

If you have read our stories then you have read what we have been heading for. There is always going to be a next time. There is always going to be some new thing to try. This is a story that I (the guy) have fantasized about for a long time and have just been waiting for the right conditions. Finally, a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity. In order to do this, my wife and I needed to get far away from our own neighborhood. My wife had insisted on at least a thirty mile distance, so we...

3 years ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 16 Zoo But First

DAY THREE The plan today was visiting the zoo. I started the coffee. Rick enjoyed a nice romp in bed. And it was coffee and bagel time. I was halfway through a toasted buttered bagel when my phone rang. I almost answered with, “This had better be important.” But said, “This is Z.”... “Okay thank you, Maryann. I will take care of it.” Fran expressed our thoughts with, “Fuck. What the fuck is it this time?” “Our house in Idle Park. The sprinklers have been on all night. We need to do...

2 years ago
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Wife Has a Secret to Tell

My first wife and and I always had a fantasy we would play together in bed involving another man. She had a real desire to be licked and kissed and nibbled and fucked and desired by two men at the same time. She often thought about them sucking her tits together and playing with her pussy and ass at the same time. She really wanted to be overcome and dominated, but loved, by two men. Her ultimate desire was DP.We would talk about it during foreplay and even talk about who she would like it to...

3 years ago
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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Cumming of AgeChapter 9

“I need to ask you for two favors, Sir” Juliette made a peace sign with her fingers as she made a request. She slithered her mighty tongue through the fingers like a snake eating pussy playfully. “I need you to text me every hour on the hour. If I don’t answer, then you call. I am going to send you my location, and you can track my car with your phone app. Your Father always does this for me as a safety measure. If I get some weirdo that kidnaps me and I don’t like how he is beating me and...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Richelle Ryan Moms Panties

Richelle Ryan is sick her stepson Johnny going through her dirty panties. She insists that they clear the air between them. While they’re talking, Johnny swears that he’s not trying to perv on his bigtit stepmom and that he’s only into girls his age. Richelle isn’t buying it, so she puts Johnny on the spot by telling him that they’ve cleared the air and now she can get his opinion on a few outfits. Telling Johnny to close his eyes, Richelle changes into a sexy...

2 years ago
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Dream StateChapter 9

I moved out of the bathroom, and carried my delightful Polynesian goddess back into the bedroom. I placed her down like she was a priceless figurine. I moved the lace curtains on the bed aside, and sat down. Aimee was facing me. I started to unbutton her dress. The dress was exquisitely made, constructed of lace and silk and gauzy material. It was tailored perfectly to Aimee, which gave me pause. When did Debbie and Aimee have time to prepare this? I had only known them a couple of days....

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The Tenant Part 12 Jeff

That Saturday morning I had to get away, so called a friend and arranged a game of squash at the club. Anything to fill the hours until the evening's fun. As I turned out of the driveway I saw a familiar mini speeding along the road towards the house. Jenny. She was early, really early. Just what were these two cooking up?Phil and I were well matched and the game was hard and competitive, gave me the kind of workout I needed. I was out of the shower and changed before Phil; secured a corner...

3 years ago
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Mutual masturbation helped my friend walk

This is a true story a friend told me. He does not write but was so good I had to write it and share it for him. Names have been changed. I tried to pull as much detail as I could to make it more porn story like. I write it in first person for easy reading, as if it was me, but it was about him.My friend is an in-home care giver for the disabled and often must makes rounds each day of 4 to 5 homes. Although the doctors will not confirm, he and a patient, now his friend, believe it was...

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A Players Song

The cool breeze blowing through the trees caused Jamal to shiver and chill bumps to rise on his arms. The gray overcast sky added to his feeling of loneliness and depression. Eric was gone for the weekend with his father and Tracy's parents were home.There was nothing for him to do or nowhere from him to go other than home. His mother was at home and she would have nothing to say that would brighten his spirits. His only prospect was to get to his bed and sleep the miserable day away.Janice,...

2 years ago
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Most Interesting Adventure With My Maid In Pune

Hello all.. Again back with mu new experience at Pune,Kharadi with my maid. From my last experience of hyderabad I got this experience with my maid .. After my engineering at hyderabad I came to Pune for job now also living here in kharadi.. From last year I am staying here away from home and I am a bit lazy about domestic work like cleaning and wiping my flat as I live alone here… My company has provided me with 1 bhk here so it is hard to maintain.. My house owner had a maid for our...

3 years ago
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With My Sister And Her Yummy Teacher

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang back. I know I have been gone for a long time and sorry for that. For those who dont know me I am Shivang,22 from Mumbai 6’1 in height and a tool of around 6.5″. There has not been much to write about recently as nothing really has turned up so I decided to write a fantasy story just to stay connected to my readers. So the following story is imaginary but with real characters. I’ll try making the story as lively as possible such that it feels real to you...

1 year ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 7

On the first Sunday in October, I took the train to New York City. Then, after a taxi ride from Penn Station to Grand Central, I got on another train to go up along the Hudson to Poughkeepsie. I was amazed with what I saw when I emerged into the cavernous Poughkeepsie station - it was a real relic from an earlier era! I took a taxi to the Poughkeepsie Motor Inn on South Road and checked in. After an unimpressive dinner at a Howard Johnson's in front of the motel, I turned in for the...

3 years ago
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Heavenly Night Ch 02

Joseph had to leave Miriam’s house soon after their passionate night. He headed back to Sepphoris on business for his firm. He was convinced that his betrothed, given her background, would be faithful to him in his absence. Given that probability, his own sense of fairness forbade him to use the youths of Sepphoris as he had in the past. As for Miriam, she was quite pleased to have lost her virginity, but she was also rather worried about it. All well and good for Joseph to claim that her...

1 year ago
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High Jacking

It's been more than three years and to this day I'll never know what came over me on that red-eye flight back to Baltimore. I've never done anything like it before or since. I’m not that kind of woman (or at least I didn't think I was). Sometimes it seems like I just dreamed it. But I can't forget the exhilarating, sweeping sense of power and erotic ecstasy it gave me handling that handsome stranger's huge cock -- and the dirty fun of sharing him with the flight attendant. My God! I'm cringing...

Cheating Wifes
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Debbie Sets the Tone

Debbie and I had been dating for almost eighteen months and early into our relationship had discovered a mutual fascination with spanking. We both enjoyed switching from top to bottom especially when combined with role play which kept evolving in terms of complexity. One evening when I arrived home late and slightly drunk I quickly picked up on Deb’s foul mood as she sat watching the news in the family room.  “What’s up babe?” I slurred “It’s after midnight, did you think about calling to...

1 year ago
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PhiChapter 2

"I want to ask you an intensely personal question." As I unlocked the door to my apartment. "I promise an intensely personal answer." "Fair enough." I locked the door behind her and gallantly took her huge down-filled coat and stored it in the entry closet, thereby filling said minuscule closet to bursting. The cat - Drat, who had survived her sibling - madly attempted to (a) mug my ankles, and (b) cause me to injure myself (again) in a reflexive attempt to avoid stepping on...

3 years ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 7 Showing Brandy That I Can

Brandy and I met on Tuesday, after classes. We worked up the agreement, as we understood it. Thursday night, she and I had dinner with the presidents of our sororities. They gave us their blessing to go for it, provided there were no major changes from what we wrote. That night, Brandy e-mailed the agreement to our contacts at the Kaps. We went over to the Kaps house at 2 P.M. Saturday. They took us into their study, and presented us with the finished agreement. They had already signed...

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Newhart The Made Maid

"Stephanie, I never said you weren't pretty. I just said that some men prefer, well, different types of women." Joanna grunted as she lifted a sack of potatoes from the car. "You can't expect every man to drool over you." Stephanie continued to sort through the brown grocery bags, searching for the one with lightest load. "And why not, Joanna? You don't really expect me to believe those boys were looking at you in THAT way, do you?" Joanna, a tall, slim woman of about 40, pushed a...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 10

Darcy had another week before she needed to get back and I was trying to think of somewhere fun to take her. I thought about Hawaii, but being that far away could cause a problem if someone in the business needed me. In the meantime, I helped her pack and called the travel agent. We were on the next flight to Denver and after a quick round with the irons; we went to see Dieter Klöcker play the clarinet with the Denver Symphony Orchestra. Darcy was very surprised and very pleased to hear one...

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Horny student1

Once upon a time,a college student named Jack called a particular teacher to give him suport on history.Because his parents wanted him getting good grades otherwise he wouldn't be able to travel with his friends at the end of the year and for him these travelling plans were very important.So the teacher arrived at his house she was a bbw,on the mid 50s wearing glasses,big boobs,smal curly red hair,flat ass,and not too goodloking.She was going to his house everyday after school,something around...

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Where She Wants Me

I love to write. In fact, if I could make a real living at it, that would be my preferred career choice. However, writers block, deadlines, overall motivation, and my ‘other,’ career choice, have thus far anyway prevented me from doing so. Hence at the moment anyway, it remains a hobby to be indulged in whenever the Muse strikes me. This work is one such moment. I hope those who read it will enjoy it, and be kind in critiquing it. Constructive thoughts are always welcome and appreciated. Mean...

4 years ago
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Closer to my daughter part 1

With that I roll on top of her stroke my throbbing cock a few times and then rub my cock head on her pussy lips getting it wet, I slowly push my cock head in, and as I do her back arches with her mouth making a capital “O”, I stop…slowly...

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Cala de Sirena

Don Taylor’s vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he’d be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn’t understand why she left him, or...

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