Mysterious Ways Ways free porn video

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Nat west 1 lots of tele lovely wife maybe sister 3 bastards just a good rape story like evil crew


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??????????????? Another story by Pagan;



????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Mysterious ways


Thursday P M.

The man stood, paper clasped in his hand, the wind blew some of his hair around his forehead. A man of big business and wealth, that was obvious for all to see, the suit he was wearing was worth at least four hundred, the house behind him a cool million and the stunningly beautiful women beside him, priceless.


Luther house was an old asylum, big, foreboding and secure, it housed the rehabilitants wing for the help of the criminally retarded; Jack and Frank Dobson sat on their respective bunks watching the television, the man in the expensive suit was reading from his bit of paper, Jack Dobson grabbed at the crotch of his trousers, ?She?s nice, very nice, good legs, nice trim little waist, good size tits and pretty, oh yes very pretty, its amazing what money can buy you, yeah, nice tits.?


His brother snorted, ?Fuck like that would cost you, still looks like he?s got it,?

Jack sniggered, ?And he?s got her at night, nice, very nice tits.?


Frank growled, ?Yeah, she looks at the world like we are all shit, fucking high class totty that?s all she is, just needs a hard banging with a fucking big boner, he looks like he ain?t got nothing special.?


The man on the television carried on, ?I must protest at the way this whole thing has been arranged, its obviously a political move by our government, my extradition is completely false, my involvement with the U S firm was just on an advisory level, I had know idea they were going to merge and that the profits would be of such value.?


He turned and looked at the beauty beside him, she smiled, her face lit up, Frank snorted again, ?Fucking beauty, bet he don?t sleep for long, fuck me, I?d never have my dick out of her, fucking gorgeous.?


The television droned on, his voice pompous and official, ?I will go, I have no option, they will keep me in jail, I have no fear and I will prove my innocence, I have no doubt; my wonderful wife will be here she is brave and we will see this through together and I ask the press to give her the privacy she requires to see this terrible miscarriage of justice to a just and rightful end, now ladies and gentlemen under instruction of my solicitors that is all I have to say, thank you.?


Jack laughed, ?Stupid dick he should pull the wool over their eyes, we could give him a few lessons, a Frank, we got this lot believing we are good boys again, gona let us out, because we found God, stupid fucks, swallow anything, they-----,? Frank shut him up.


Frank snapped his fingers at the screen, ?Their fucking house is close to here, I remember seeing it when we was on an outing, fuck me, its less then three miles away, sure,? his voice trailed off, ?I remember.?


The camera panned back, showing them as they turned in to the house, she looked even more delectable, the cream two-piece with a red scarf and matching high ankle strapped red shoes, Frank snapped his fingers again, ?That?s the place,? Jack just kept looking at the screen, ?Nice shoes, I like red shoes, nice shoes, nice tits.?


Frank snapped his fingers again, ?Yeah, high class totty, you know what they say, red shoes no knickers, told you she don?t give a shit about common fuckers, bet she stood there with her gash open and naked, in front of them people and millions on the tele, laughing at us she were laughing at us common shit, fucking totty.?


Jack?s eyes never moved from the television, ?Nice shoes, I like red shoes, nice tit?s?.

Frank grunted, ?Yeah I bet she got big nipples too, long and thick, the kind you chew on for hours, yeah my guess is they are long and thick.?


There were footsteps, Frank heard them he shook Jack, ?Get the bible, I?ll turn the tele off, get on your bunk and read the crap, remember to recite what I told you and look like a fucking innocent choir boy, you should know what they look like you fucked those two kids in the arse and mouth plenty of times while we had them as our friends.?


Friday P M.

The soppy look on the man in the grey suit made Frank think, ?What a prat,? as he looked so sincere at the dog-collared bespectacled man, smiling, nodding at the three people as they asked questions of him and Jack, words like faith, respect for you fellow man, values, regret, atonement, forgiveness; Jack and Frank had practiced answers for hours, able to quote lines from the bible that corresponded with all they needed to explain how they had changed their sinful ways, they no longer needed friends they had God.


Both men walked back, heads bowed in servitude, thanking their guards for their kindness before the door clanged shut, both men waited, the footsteps reseeded, Frank punched the air, ?Three fucking days, out in three fucking days, stupid cunts, and you Jack, a master stroke, we don?t need drugs anymore, are bodies are clean, are minds are pure, the lord shows us they way, fucking bril bruv and now their letting us back in to society, us, fucking hell we did it.?


Jack grinned, ?Gona be good, we been five years out of it, got to find us some where to live, get some money, you told them we had things sorted, you better have.?

Frank grinned back, ?Oh we will, as you say we got to get some where and some money, I reckon cousin Norm will help out, just short term and I hope he can get us something to fuck, five years is long time, pumping my own cock thinking of those cute kids we raped was no fun.?


They sat on their bunks, Frank smoked; Jack picked his nose as the television news brought today?s developments up to date. Pictures of the man from yesterday made Jack look, he was being taken away, the announcer spoke of the flight to America, a trail, ?200,000 unaccounted for, but all Jack saw was the attractive woman in red shoes.


Monday P M.

At the designated time the panel had agreed the huge wooden door rattled and closed. The vicar stood shaking Frank and Jack?s hand, he offered a ride in to town, but Frank bowed his head and told him, after their dreadful past a walk through Gods landscape would be more humbling then a cheap ride.


The vicar blessed them both, reminded them they had to report to a police station once a week and that God would protect them now they had found him and turned back to the door, Frank winked at Jack as they turned and headed away from the place that had incarcerated them for the past five years.


Two hours later the car pulled up outside the wrought iron security gates, the car door opened and a shapely pair of ankles slipped out. The woman moved to the gate and slotted a card into the black box, the gates swung open, she returned to the car, with her back turned she didn?t notice the two men slip in, they quickly dropped to the ground and rolled in to the undergrowth. They could see those ankles move back to the car, the woman slipped back on to her seat before she swung her shapely legs back in, Jack blinked as the red shoes disappeared from view.


Jack watched as the car drove up the short drive to the house, he stifled a giggle, ?Great idea, somewhere to stay, maybe pick up some left over grub,? he looked at Frank, ?You reckon there?s a shed were we can wait until Norm can sort things out??

Frank slowly nodded, ?Got to be, she wants quiet so do we, there will be an outhouse, place this size must have.?


They waited about ten minutes before moving, all was silent, they skirted the house, it looked all quiet, she was nowhere to be seen but upstairs a curtain was drawn, a chink in the drapes showed there was a light on in that one room.


They found a barn; side door didn?t fit properly so it was easy to force.

The only noise in the whole night was that of the horse in the stable opposite. The men had smoked the last of the packet, drunk only water, Frank laughed when he said, ?Remember we said the first night out we would get pissed out of our sculls, shit that one up didn?t we??


Jack made himself as comfortable as he could, lay back and said, ?Then tomorrow should be a fucking site better, night bruv.?

Frank snorted, ?Yeah, what ever,? pulled his jacket over his shoulders and lay back on what was left of an old cardboard box.


Tuesday A M.

The sound of feet on the cobbled stones forced Frank to open one eye, he looked at the shaft of light coming through the door, crouched half way down was Jack, Frank stirred, ?What the fuck??


Jack turned and whispered, ?Shut the fuck up, its her.?

Frank shuffled over to the crack and peered out just as this firm round bottom tightly clad in riding jompers swung over in to a saddle; as the reins on the bridle pulled tight the horse?s head swung to left, the words, ?Come on girl lets ride,? filled the small courtyard before the horse and rider were gone.


The two men straightened, Frank arched his back and stretched, ?Fine piece of ass, that,? Jack scratched his head, ?You didn?t tell me you had rung Norm, did you??


Frank stopped in mid yawn, ?I told you I rung him from the joint, he?s getting things sorted, I said I?d ring again, either today or tomorrow, don?t worry, he?ll sort, now I?m hungry, lets go look for breakfast.?


A life time on the wrong side of the law made it easy to clip a window, she hadn?t activated any alarms, Jack laughed, ?Bloody stupid female, early morning ride, thinks no ones about, stupid cunt,? he flicked the window back.


Jack grinned as he saw the window open and Frank slip through, ?There?s only one early morning ride she wants,? Frank held the window back for him, ?You?re right there bruv, but I want to eat something to fill the inner man, come on I?m starving.?


Both men headed for the kitchen, it was a big house but the smell of left over toast made it easy to home in on what they were looking for; soon they were gorging on the contents of the fridge, Frank laughed, ?Fucking great, bread, salmon and chilled wine for breakfast, fucking great, beats the shit from last week.?


Frank was in to his second bottle of wine, ?Yeah Jacky boy, this is great, Jack, Jack,? he looked around; Jack was know-where to be seen.


Frank jumped up, ?Where the fuck, Jack?? he rushed out in to the hall, then one room, then another, it was as he pasted the stairs he thought, shoes, he ran up the big staircase taking three steps at a time.

It didn?t take rocket science to spot the huge master bedroom, the door was wide open, Frank took a deep breath, the room smelt of pure opulence. Jack was sat on the floor, the base of the huge wardrobe was open, shoes were scattered all around him, the red ones in his hand.


Frank shook his head, ?Jack what the fuck are you doing up here?? Jack grinned at him, then put the shoe under his nose, ?Red shoes, I like red shoes.?


?Yeah, yeah and I like pants but you don?t see--,? he stopped as his grinning brother nodded towards a very smart marble bathroom, ?In the basket.?


Frank smiled, ?Yeah but we ain?t got time for that,? Jack still grinned, ?They smell real sweet.?

Even as Frank fought for an answer he was walking towards the door, Jack went back to sniffing the shoes, Frank muttered, ?Just a second, won?t take a second, five years is a long time with out pussy, just a second,? he slid in to the bathroom.


He saw them lying where Jack had left them, little, neat, palest peach and a little dark stain in the crotch, Frank smile, ?That ain?t hers that?s Jacks tongue, hope he ain?t taken all the smell, he picked them up and put them to his nose, he couldn?t help it, he whispered to himself, ?Ain?t smelt something that good before five years let alone during.?


He looked in the basket, his hand delved in and pulled out a matching bra, he held it up, ?Nice tits, must be a good size to fill these,? he mockingly squeezed at the material, ?Wonder how big her nips are?? he snorted, ?And how tasty??


He was lost in his thoughts when the sound of a horse?s nay brought him back to reality, ?Shit move, put them fucking shoes back, the kitchens a fucking mess, you sort out here, I?ll go down, above all stay hidden,? he was out the door and running down the stairs.


She took time sorting and stabling the horse, time for the brothers to straighten up. Frank was just about to get Jack when she came in. She threw the riding crop on the table, pulled her head band off, and aimed for the stairs, running up the stairs Frank watched as she pushed her fingers in to her hair and tussled it loose, his eyes dropped to her arse as it moved inside the tight riding breeches, he waited for the scream.


Nothing, after about five minutes he ventured up the stairs, moving towards the bedroom, nothing, her clothes were all over the big queen sized bed, where was Jack, slowly he crept in, he could hear the shower.


He looked everywhere, under the bed, behind the door; he heard the shower stop, he was panicking now, then the hairdryer, he went to the other rooms, nothing, where the fuck was he, back in the bedroom, the huge closet door moved.


Frank opened the door, Jack stood amongst her clothes the red shoes clasped in his hands, Frank snorted, ?Get the fuck out of there you dumb fuck,? the hairdryer stopped, ?Shit get back,? Frank rammed him back and closed the door.


Franks eyes darted around, there was a long, wide, full length mirror in the corner of the room, he leapt behind it just as the door opened, almost gagging on silencing his breathing he dared a peek around the edge.


She was in the same pose, her fingers shaking her long auburn hair but this time her arse swayed in a very different outfit; a black bra and panty set, and hold up stocking, Frank almost chocked as she lent across the bed, with her firm round arse in the air and her left leg out, Frank could see the indentation of a deep long slit in the crotch of the pants, he bit his lips as she picked up a silk ivory robe. With one sweep she swept it up around her shoulders, slid her arms in to it and pulled the belt tight around her trim waist, it only came to just above her knee, the pale ivory against the smoke dark stocking look unbelievable, Frank swallowed hard.


Before he could do anything she moved to the wardrobe door, flinging it open she reached for a dress, a shrill squeal filled the room as Jack grabbed her hand, ?Take the pretty shoe, I want to see you wearing them, take them,? she broke free and staggered back.


Frank had moved, her three paces back and his three forward meant she slammed in to him, years of practice at silencing people meant Frank had the advantage, one hand across her mouth, the other closed off her nostrils and he bent forward, forcing her head down, she sank under his weight, his knees locked either side of her bent torso and he held her.


If the bodies not prepared for oxygen starvation it only takes seconds for it to switch off, she was no exception, her futile struggles lasted no more then fifteen seconds before Frank felt her go limp, he let go, a quick shake of her body and it automatically started up again, her body may have but her brain would take longer, long enough for Frank to move.


In an instant, Jack was out of the closet, Frank opened the other side, her husbands side, her grabbed five belts, a handkerchief, then moved to her side for a scarf, he took time for a small as he grabbed the red one he had seen on the television not three days ago, mean-time Jack had slung her on the bed.


Three turns of a belt secured her ankles, two turns her thighs, four turns her wrists and three turns her elbows, sliding the other belt under her one turn secured her arms to her body, the handkerchief pushed between her soft lips and the scarf wrapped around her head secured that in place, panting he stood back.


Jack still had the shoes in his hand, Frank rested his hand on his brother?s shoulder, both men drank in the sight on the bed.


She lay face down, her hair held tight to her head by the scarf, one shoulder bare, her arms pinned together and tightly to her body; those thighs squashed together, her shapely calves pressed together, straps holding those neat ankles, Frank chuckled, ?Nice very nice, but I think a blindfold is missing.?


The closet door opened as Frank picked another scarf, she stirred but not quick enough to stop Frank from covering her eyes, he stayed, sat on the bed until he enjoyed the panic in her movements.


Frank enjoyed pulling wings off butterflies, he whispered to her, ?Hello totty, no point in you fightin, we got you tied up real tight, you only goin where we say your goin and right now you?re goin know-where but if you like you can struggle a bit, your arse looks great wigglin about on the bed.?


He looked over at a smiling Jack, ?You want her to put they shoes on, don?t you?? Jack nodded, ?In a bit then but first you go down and uncork some more of them fancy bottles of wine, then you bring them up here, we could be up here for a while and we may get thirsty.?


The woman went rigid as she felt Frank grab her wrist and lift them, his other hand lay on her arse and squeezed, ?My brother shouldn?t drink, he gets uncontrollable when he drinks and he gets real randy,? she moaned.


As Jack left the room he carried on, ?My you got a firm arse, all that horse riding, good for the buttocks is it and from what I seen earlier you got great buttocks,? his hand slid down her leg until it got to the hem of her robe.


His fingers curled around the hem and slowly drew the silky material up the back of her thighs, Oh yes, you got great everything, its been a long time since I were near nice legs like these,? she moaned as she felt the hem pass her stocking tops, the air on the back of her naked thighs made her shudder, ?The last time we had legs like these they was tied too.?


The woman squealed louder, Frank snorted, ?Things don?t change, she squealed a lot, she was always squealin, she was pretty but not as pretty as you, I like it when they squeal, she squealed for most of the days we kept her as our friend.?


She was really moaning now; Frank just kept humming and running his fingers over the naked flesh at the back of her thighs; not going down to the stocking tops nor going up to her pants, just running his finger in a figure of eight first over one thigh then the other.


Jack could be heard coming back up the stairs; Frank snorted again, ?Good, some drink, now the party can begin.?


Jack barged through the door, the bottles clanked together, ?Here you are, I finished your bottle, here?s two fresh ones,? he rushed up to the bed, ?I see you have been entertaining the lady, she?s nice, can I put the shoes on her now??


Frank took the bottle and nodded. She squealed and struggled as jack put one on then the second, gently buckling them around her ankle, ?Pretty, very pretty, I like red shoes.?


Frank wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, ?Sure is pretty bruv, want to see her stood in them?? Jack giggled as he excitedly nodded. Frank put the bottle down, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the edge of the bed.


As soon as he got her in to that position he grabbed her ankles and pulled her down, off the bed, then with his strength he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her in to standing in front of the bed, then his arms around her he turned her to face the long mirror.


Frank and Jack stood either side of her and stared at their own reflection in the mirror. Both men?s eyes went to the red shoes, Jack just looked at them but Franks eyes travelled slowly up.


Slowly up, past the belt that held her ankles, the brown of the belt mixing with the red of the ankle straps, up the nylon clad firm calf muscles, over her knees, the robe had parted, he could see the tight strapping of the next belt tight across her thighs, the top of the stocking pattern just visible, the white of her thighs and then just a hint on the crotch of the black panties before the ivory robe held to her waist.


Up to the swell of her breasts, one cup of the bra fully visible, the robe completely off and hanging around the belt on her elbows the other on her shoulder, moving as she trembled between them.


Frank breathed slowly out, ?Nice, very nice, from the nice shoes to the nice tits, Bruv was right, you?re very nice,? he turned his head and whispered in her ear, ?Will you be our friend??


Frank put his hand on her naked shoulder, she shuddered as his head moved closer to her, several muffled grunts came from behind the gag, as he started to lick her face, ?mmmm you taste nice too, your bath perfume smells good,? she could smell his foul breath as his tongue worked towards her nose, ?Do you smell good all over??


Suddenly Jack spoke, he was watching them through the mirror, ?I bet she does, I smelt them red shoes and her panties, they smelt good, you said they smelt good, I think we should have a little game with our friend.?

Her head shook but she was in a hopeless position, Frank sniggered, ?I bet I knew what sort of game you got in mind,? Jack laughed, ?And I?d bet you?d be right.?


Frank licked her again, ?This is a great game but we got to get some tape first, get you all looking pretty,? she jumped as he snapped, ?Pretty enough to fuck.?


Her head shook violently as jack said, ?I?ll go look bruv, I get some more stuff, we gona keep her real quite while we make sure she plays,? he was out the door and gone.


As they heard him going down the stairs, Frank put his arm around the terrified woman, ?We like to play with our friends; we know we shouldn?t but are new friend God seems to be out today, so you will have to do.?


She tried to move, wiggling in fear of her life, Frank slapped her arse, ?Oh come on, don?t be a spoil sport, your husbands gone away for a while, maybe a long while, we just need some funnin, a good lookin woman like you going to waste, don?t seem right,? with one heave he picked her up and threw her back on the bed, ?Don?t seem right you ain?t laid on a bed,? he snorted as he pulled off his jacket, ?Getting laid.?


He dragged her to the middle of the bed, holding her still with one hand he straddled her chest pinning her to the bed, she shook her head, muffled moans filled the room, Frank watched the pretty woman?s struggle as he unbuttoned his shirt, took it off and threw it to the floor, he picked up her discarded panties.


Holding them above her head he let them drop over her face, not knowing what was happening she stopped moving, Frank giggled, ?My bruv told you we had a smell of your pants, that?s what you got lady, your sweaty panties, fresh from all that ridin, smell good don?t they, all hot and horny, still wet are they, you cum when you go ridin, you like somethin big between them fine shapely thighs of yours, somethin you can bounce on, how about me and my bruver spend a few days with you findin out??


He was rubbing her soiled panties all over her nose as Jack came in, he held his hands out, Frank grinned, two long and three short coils of rope from the stable, and three full rolls of silver duck tape, Frank nodded his approval, ?Well done bruv, all the things we need to keep this lady in a co-operative and helpless state, bring em over here.?


Jack grunted, ?Just like we like to have all our friends.?

Frank rubbed the panties over her nose, ?like the smell, hot and horny, that?s how they taste, now your gona do as your told, or we hurt you,? he slapped her hard, once, twice and a third, ?You see saying one thing and lettin you know we mean it is important to you, now this gag is coming off, don?t speak, every word gets a slap, so keep silent, there will be time for squealing later.?


Jack grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, Frank untied the scarf and pulled it off, then he pushed his fingers in to her mouth and dragged out the clean handkerchief, she coughed but that was soon silenced by her pants, rammed in her mouth, first one strip of tape sealed across her lips then another two making a cross over the first piece then a forth made sure her mouth was completely sealed.


?Close your eyes, best you don?t see us and it will fuckin hurt if a seal them open,? the blindfold became two square pieces of tape. Pleased with his work Frank got off her, then they dragged her up in to the middle of the bed, her curly hair splade over the pillow, Frank and Jack took their clothes off before scrambling on to the bed and lying each side of the helpless woman.


Frank started caressing her shoulder, slowly pulling the robe further down her bound arms, Jack giggled as he copied him. Frank moved to her waist dragging the silk material sideways under the tight belt, Jack copied him until her bra showed black and lacy against her fine pale skin.


Frank?s smile never left his face as his hand moved to her thigh, his fingers gathering the silk as he pulled it away from her crotch. Jack moved down stopping to stick his finger in to her navel, her chest heaved as she tried to control her fear as Jack moved down to copy his brother, totally unveiling the most sensual parts of the beautiful body to their gaze.


Frank crooked his elbow and rested his head on the palm of his hand as he looked up and down his helpless captive; Jack did the same, starting again from the red shoes on her dainty feet. With the belts holding her completely immobile, all she could do was flinch as she felt the touch of Frank?s hand starting to stroke her hair.


Frank talked in a menacing whisper, ?She?s got lovely brown curly hair,? then he sniggered as if he knew the reply, Jack obliged, ?I wonder if it?s all curly??

Franks laugh got louder, ?You mean short and curly??


Both men were now giggling, jack nearly chocked when he said,? ?Oh yes I like short and curly brown hair, I like it when it gets up my nose,? Frank tugged at the woman?s hair, ?Hear that lady, he likes sniffing shoes, pants and now the thing that goes in them, boy are you in for a good time, you?ll be glad we picked you for our friend.?


She shook her head; the noise from her mouth was almost non-existent, Frank tapped her nose, she froze, ?There, there, you must have known what we are going to do, yes, no, well let me explain,? Frank let his hand drop to her bra, he squeezed her plump breast,? ?You see we have been away for a while, and we?ve been lonely, understand?? the woman lay still, Jack grabbed her other breast and squeezed, she squirmed, ?We will settle for a nod,? sniffling she slowly nodded her head.


Franks voice changed there was now a malicious evil tone etched in to every word, ?When your lonely you have to think of what you would like to do, you have to watch television to see women and girls, read papers and hope for a pretty topless shag piece, and when you find them you just have to get your fat, hard throbin cock out and you pump it, you understand??


Again she slowly nodded, ?There your beginning to catch on, now where was I, oh yes pretty women, so there we were watching television,? Frank and Jack were now needing and squeezing her breast?s, Franks voice was low, menacing, the woman moaned as she felt them push their hips forward, their fat hard cocks sticky with pre-juice touching the naked skin between her stockings and panties.


?When there you were, all prettied up, that nice outfit showing your fine body off to the world, pretty scarf around that slender neck, your big tits sticking out,? he giggled in her ear, ?You?ll never fall flat on your face, not with these,? he squeezed hard on her tender mound, ?Trim little waist, no kids yet??


Jack mauled her breast, ?Not yet, but that may not be long,? his snigger was childish.

Frank giggled again, ?And that cute round bum, looked real good in that skirt, pity it weren?t shorter, would like to have wanked over a bit more leg and then them shoes, my brother loves shoes especially red ones.?


Jack echoed, ?Nice red shoes.?

Franks hand slid to her naval, ?Oh they really turned him on, in-fact you turned us both on, bet you didn?t know that while you were standing there with that dickhead of a husband you had two admires, jerking their meat, thinking of what you looked like without all them fancy clothes and here we are about to find out what are new friend really does look like,? he moved closer to her ear, ?Naked.?


Jack squeezed her breast, ?How long before we see Cous?? Franks fingers were now toying with the elastic on the waistband of her panties, ?Oh I will use our friend phone to call him in the morning, lets not spoil today with the thoughts of leaving here, not now we have our friend to play with.?


Every thing the woman heard scared her, she moaned, she could feel Franks fingers now skirting the top of her curly pubic hair, ?Feels short and curly to me, is that right lady, you let it grow wild, not even a little bikini line trim, old man not in to shaved cunts,? his filthy talk made her moan, he laughed, ?What?s the matter lady, you getting excited, all this talk of cunts and having your tits played with, you just wait until my brother has a look at where I got my fingers.


Frank tugged at the brown curly hair, pulling until she squealed, ?That?s it love you enjoy it, he will, myself I like it bald, we may have to have the best of both worlds before we are finished with you.?


Her muffled cry was long as she tried to move, he tried to stretch, anything to loosen her binding, Frank snorted again, ?No point in you fightin it, you ain?t goin nowhere until we finished being friends and that could be a while yet.?


She tried to bring her knees up but the belt bit in to her thighs and Frank let his fingers drop to the hood of her slit, with a loud muffled squeal she dropped her knees fast, Jack laughed at her pathetic attempts, Frank tugged her cunt hair again, ?You better get used to us bein around, we are gona be here a while, have to be with what we got planned for you my friend.?


Jack curled his hand around the bra cup letting the back of his fingers rub against the nipple, he let his fingers open and close trapping the nipple between them, ?Thick, they are long and thick, you was right, you guessed they would be, you was right.?


Frank was now rubbing himself on her naked thigh, his hand tickling around her curly bush, his fingers darting down to her slit, ?Seems like you got all the right things in all the right place?s, hot totty, your dickhead of a husband have to rob the bank to keep you, keep you all to himself, scared you?d run off and get your fuckin else where, what is it, big money, small dick, well it suit?s us, we like a tight cunt.?


The panic was building in her now, sobs and grunts in between a short panting of breath all seem to emanate from her nose, Frank was loving it, this is how he worked, ?What?s the matter totty, don?t want to play, don?t want to be our friend, we are supposed to have a friend in this God chap, he says he who believes in me has a happy and fulfilled life, well I bet you?re gona make me happy and you sure are gona by filled.?


Jack took his hand away, ?If we are gona be filling had better get a piss, reckon my boner gona be busy for the rest of the day.?

Frank watched his brother?s naked arse as it disappeared in to the bathroom, he turned back to her, his mouth close to her ear again, ?Gona have some fun with you, you?re our bit of totty now, and will be all day and all night until we?re done, you may have guessed what we are gona do to you but just in case there?s any doubt, five years is a long time, a long time thinking about totty and now we got one, and you?re alone and helpless, so just listen to this.?


He pushed to fingers in to the top of her slit and then spread them opening the folds with them, ?Feels like a nice cunt, well this nice cunt of yours is going to be kept very busy, very busy indeed.?


Even though her legs were trapped shut Frank could still wiggle his finger in to her slit, he licked the side of her face, he felt her shudder, he was loving his torment, ?Enjoy having your legs closed because, my pretty, very soon there going to be open and staying open while we fuck you, not just the once but over and over again, we both got five years of fucking to use up, and it may take us a couple of days to do it.?


Her panting became frantic; her head shook, Frank was in his element as his fingers pushed between her cunt lips, ?You listen then, yeah you?re listen all right, listen to how we?ll be fuckin you,? his finger was now really between the trapped thighs.


?Me and my bruver gona open your long legs nice and wide so we can fuck your cunt real deep a few times, then we are gona bend you over and hump you from behind, give you a real shagging, doggy style, then we will tie you so its easy to fuck that tight ass you got, bet you never had a cock up your ass, bet you never knew it was for fuckin which means you ain?t never been sandwiched, fucked in your cunt and ass at the same time, don?t that sound like fun?


?These tits looked big enough to fuck off between and as for that cute mouth, when I seen you on the T V I thought my cock would look great between your lips, well me and him are gona find out just how great by rammin our cocks down your throat again and again.?


She was sobbing as Frank tickled between her legs, ?We will need to stay real hard for a hot totty like you so in between fucking you, you got a nice big barn downstairs and that?s where we will be takin you, you wana know why, because its got real strong beams, strong enough to tie you high so we can do a bit of spanking of that cute ass and that?s turns us on so maybe a swing fuck or two with that cute ass before we have you back up here.?


He pulled his hand out of her pants and sniffed his fingers, ?Smells nice but you ain?t wet, we are going to have to change all that, after you?ve visited the barn once you won?t want to go back, its like the slapping you had earlier, if you know what pain is you will do as you are told and I can?t wait to have you tied up and obedient, believe me you will do the most disgusting things to me and my bruver, trust me, I know.?


Frank licked her face like some mad dog, giggling at her, Jack came back just as Frank rammed his hand back down in to her pants, ?Hello God, thank you for this, you stupid cunt but what an excuse, they really bought all that religious crap and now this little lady gets to get the fucking of her life, listen God we are really going to enjoy fucking her, you wana watch??


Jack danced around the bottom of the bed, his long, fat, semi erect cock waggled around like a crazed trunk, ?We?re gona fuck you, we?re gona fuck you, your cunt, mouth and asshole, we?re gona fuck them all.?


Franks hand was rubbing her cunt furiously, ?Hear him, he gets like that,? he giggled, ?And when he?s like that he can fuck you for days, and if he ain?t fuckin you he?ll have your legs wide open attacking your cunt with his mouth, you lucky girl.?


Jack was still hopping around, ?Come on bruv lets fuck her, get those panties off, lets tie her legs real wide, I like it when our friends have their legs tied open, lets me fuck em good, gives me a lot of room.?


Frank could feel her moving under his searching hand, her moans told of her fear and he loved it, ? Hear that lady, shall I let him fuck you, shall we have these panties off and your legs tied real wide, why not, what you gona do to stop us, nothing, you can?t stop us shagging you, not now not later so we may as well start fucking your cunt now, I really want to see you take my bruvers big cock, I bet you ain?t never had anything that big between your legs and when he?s finished fucking you I get to shag you, thank you God for this long day of shagging, hope your up there to watch us both fuck this bitch, come on bruv, lets get started on her, pass the rope.?


The woman felt Frank move, she immediately started to struggle, but all she could do was rock from side to side. She groaned as she heard the voices, ?Pass the rope under the bed,? ?Yeah I got it,? ?You unbuckle her legs, I?ll get scissors to cut the rest of her clothes off,? ?You gona let me fuck her first?? ?Yeah, yeah of course, that?s what brothers are for, but I get the first blow-job, don?t reckon she used her mouth much,? ?You?ll teach her all about throat fuckin, I remember the last one, got the scissors??


She squealed as she felt fingers on her legs, hands pulling the belts off her thighs, then her ankles, she tried to escape but each ankle was held by different hands, then Frank giggled, ?Make a wish,? and she felt her legs stretched open. Wider and wider, she grunted with pain until ropes held them wide, she heard Jack, ?Mind the shoes, I like red shoes,? Frank laughed, ?Yeah and I like the sound of these,? the sound of scissors opening and closing close to her neck stopped her movement.


She felt the cold steel of the scissors on her left shoulder, a silly voice giggled, ?One,? her bra strap was cut, the steel moved to the other shoulder, ?Two,? that strap was cut, then she felt the cold edge go between her breasts and slice through the thin joining material, ?Three and out they pop just for me.?


Her full breasts pushed out from the torn cups, ?Oh yes, as we said, nice tits, and suckable big nipples,? he got hold of one and squeezed it, her body arched in pain, ?Oh yes don?t you worry yourself little totty we are going to play with these for hours.?


The cutting continued as he slit the silk robe in to piece?s dragging the strands of material from under the belt until she heard, ?And now we get rid of the panties,? she jumped as he spoke close to her ear, ?Then you?ll be good and ready for a long, hard fuck-a-thon.?


The moan was long as her panties were snipped away from her body; she lay there, her long wavy brown hair tussled around the pretty face spoilt only by the silver duck tape, her arms bound tightly to her body, her large breasts round and firm with the long thick pink nipples pointing up at five to one. Her long slender nylon covered legs looked grotesque held wide with the red shoes pointing either side of the bed, her cunt, though neat still gapped open, the brown short triangle of hair didn?t do anything to cover the beautifully formed hood that crowned the pink flesh, as both men stared at their pinned butterfly they drooled, saliva dribbled down their chins.


Franks voice was a low rasp, ?God look at them tits, unbelievable, she so slim, but they look fantastic, we?re gona fuck off between them, bet the wobble great when she being fucked, you want me to make her wet so we can find out?? Jack giggled like a child, ?Yeah, yeah suck her cunt, you give it a good lickin so I can give it a good fuckin,? Franks laugh was evil, ?My pleasure.?


Jack watched his brother crawl back on the bed, his semi-erect cock swung between his legs as he bent towards her ankle. With her legs tied really wide the underside of her legs made an easy target for Franks tongue. Slowly he licked at her calf muscle then behind her knee, her head rolled, low sobbing moans accompanied the slurping noises Frank deliberately made as he worked further up the back of her thighs.


He started kissing her flesh as well as licking he couldn?t help but laugh as he spoke to Jack, ?I smell something, its getting better as it gets closer, it smells like sweet cunt, wet cunt and a soon to be sore, well fucked cunt,? to a shrill muffled squeal he planted a wet kiss on to the gapping slit.


With long loud, ?MMMMMMMMMM?, sounds he slavered, licked, kissed and tongued at the long slit, he giggled as her arse squirmed to his licking, both of them knew she couldn?t move but he was enjoying the futility of her efforts. He blew in to her, pushing his mouth all over her cunt and blowing, making silly noise?s as the trapped air escaped past his cheeks, then again and again shaking his head as he blew.


His face was wet from his own saliva as he turned to Jack, ?That?s my blow job can?t wait for her to return the favour.? Jack laughed, ?What for as long as that?? Franks giggled, ?No for every second I have my tongue up her slit she?ll have my cock fucking her mouth for an hour.? Then he turned back, looking at her he gloated, ?You?ll like that won?t you totty, me shoving my cock in your pretty mouth for hours,? he bent and started again, his mouth on her cunt, his hands travelling up her body as he blindly went in search of her tits.


His hands clawed over the fine firm mounds, squeezing hard until moans echoed around the room. He slurped and slavered all over her cunt, interjecting words, ?MMMM tasty cunt,? ?MMMMM better get as much of this before cream pie,? ?MMMMM tastes like------,? the phone rang, she started to moan and struggle, though he soon stopped her movement with more hard squeeze?s of her tits, the answer phone cut in, ?Your call will not be taken, please leave a message,? a young excited voice suddenly started, ?Hello Mrs Falconer yes I know your not taking calls but its Justin from the local Evening News, I thought you would like to know that the American court has decided your husband is a flight risk and is therefore keeping him in jail, I believe you will be informed pending his next hearing, we wish you well in this lonely time, thank you,? the line went dead.


Frank blew into her cunt again, ?No Justin, Mrs Falconer is not lonely, she has company, two hard dicks that are going to get to know her well,? he licked slowly up her body, both men giggled as they made out sobbing noises from behind the gag, Frank lay across her, he licked her face moving around to her ear.


His whispered voice full of menace, ?Hear that Mrs Totty Falconer, hubby?s not coming home yet, your all ours, no-one will be here to stop us fucking you, we are going to have your holes for hours maybe days, do you like the idea of that? You have a big house, room up on room to shag you in, your all ours, we will be friends, you and us and you will look after our every need, with your cunt, your arse, your mouth, your hands, your tits, you will feed us food as well as your tasty cunt, I?m really gona enjoy getting to know you intimately but first of all my brother needs to shag you, I hope your ready for this,? he turned at looked at Jack standing at the bottom of the bed, his huge fat cock standing rigid, he turned back, ?And from where I am, I can see he is,? he rolled off her, ?Go on bruv give her one.?


Like a wild animal Jack scooted on to the bed, no foreplay, he just got between her spread legs and started shoving, her muffled squeals meant nothing she was helpless, she could do nothing to save herself as inch by inch the huge length of male meat opened her up.?


The uumph, uumph, noises were forced through her nose as Jack hammered in to her, his arse drove up and back as he jabbed his huge cock all the way up her, he grunted to Frank what a tight cunt she had and how she was a great shag, Frank watched his brothers brutal rape of the defenceless woman, tormenting her as he called back, ?Enjoy it while you can, her cunt won?t be so tight when we?ve finished fucking it and neither will her ass-hole, gona fuck this bitch for hours and then some more.?


The woman grunted and umphed as she was viciously fucked, Jack just kept going, Frank watched for a while, he called, ?Leave some for me,? as he went down the stairs.


He checked out the house, then, finding the car keys moved the big 4X4 out of sight. He took time to make sure the place looked empty, smiling to himself as he moved her jacket from view, ?Don?t need any unwelcome visitors to spoil our fun,? his eyes fell on the riding crop, he soon found other things in the stable, other things to make his unwilling victim, willing, he fed and watered the horse, checked his handy work and returned to the bedroom.


Jack was still hammering in to her, Frank laughed, ?Are you dumping your second or third load up her?? Jack stopped chewing her nipples, ?Third, she?s so fucking tight her cunt sucking it out of me, my old cock won?t go down,? he immediately went back to sucking her nipples, Frank made sure the woman heard him, ?Pity she didn?t know, hay Mrs Totty I?ve seen him jerk off seven times with out stopping and boy does he love tits, could never get enough of his mothers milk.?


Jack hammered his cock into the helpless woman continually; Frank waited until her heard Jack grunt and moan as he filled her again. He lay there, Frank saw his hips moving, ?Come on bruv, get off, let me have a few goes at her, then we will try a few more positions, I just want to get rid of a few loads so as fucking her arse will be a long and enjoyable experience, well at least for me,? Jack muttered as he pulled his cock out of her and moved away.


She was still panting from her last exertion as Frank climbed between her legs; he lined his cock up to her sore, abused hole and slowly started to push in. Gloating down at her he goaded her, ?We was only gona rob you but being as you were here we thought why not shag her for a few days, bet when you was riding that fucking horse this morning you didn?t think that you?d end up be fuckin ridin for hours on end, did you??


Frank pushed in her, ?Very good, still tight after a few, your old man not got a lot, not much tackle, I see we?re gona have to work on you, see if you appreciate what a good fuckin and cumin means, lets start now.?


Frank started on her, he was the same as Jack, hammering at her, grunting as he ploughed in to her delicate body, enjoying the sounds he forced from her, degrading her, ?Come on Mrs fucking Falconer, fuck me back, you know your loving it, legs wide enough, getting it all are we, nice to have something big and hard up this cunt of yours, go on take it and get used to it because if we ain?t up this hole we will be in another, go on take it all,? he rammed as hard as he could, even tied the way she was, her body moved to his poundings.


He came, with out stopping he carried on, cuming a further twice before laying on top of her sucking her tits and breathing heavily, ?Enjoy that, given me an appetite, I fancy some food, tell you what Mrs Totty lets go have lunch.?


They untied her legs and dragged her up again, they had abused her so much that she couldn?t stand, Jack held her as Frank took the belt off her wrists and retied them with rope, then did the same with her elbows, never once undoing the big belt that encircled her, trapping her arms to her body. Still in her red shoes they moved her, fondling her arse, cunt and tits as they led the helpless woman out of the bedroom towards and down the stairs.


Each step down the long ornate staircase was a chance to add more fear, sometimes a little push, then a finger invaded her arse or cunt, nipples were pulled and all the time Franks voice goaded her, ?Enjoying your shagging Totty, like a couple of nice big cocks up this posh cunt of yours, your arse-hole feels real tight you gona straggle my cock with it.?


The terrified woman squealed to their touch, ?Got something nice to eat, gona eat it out your cunt, gona lay you on that big table and stuff our lunch up your cunt and eat you, hope you got thick cream for our mouths because we got thick cream for yours, you hungry??


Frank was first down the stairs his eyes wild with lust. As she put her foot on the floor he drove his fingers up her cunt and held on, she squirmed and squealed but he just started pulling, he dragged her towards the kitchen, ?Before we eat we need entertainment, your gona dance and when you?ve finished, I have a feeling you will do what ever we want, come on bruv lets have some real fun with this cute totty.?


Monday P M.

The woman lay spread eagle on the big kitchen, her ankles tied to the bottom two legs, her arms still strapped painfully behind her back, the base of her tits, her thighs, her buttocks and her cunt were covered in red blotches, the two riding crops lay on the floor where the men had dropped them.


The rooted through the large fridge, Jack giggled as he jabbered on to his brother, ?Didn?t she dance, specially when we slapped her tits, her couldn?t see, just kept jumpin and wigglin while we spanked her, I loved slappin them tits, did I do right, kept her moving so you could slap her cunt, makes it sore for when we fuck her next, are we gona fuck her again soon??


Frank picked up the tub of thick organic yoghurt, smiling as he remembered the last hour?s fun. Both of them had nice whippy ridding crops, they had chased the terrified, bound, gagged and blind folded woman around the kitchen, as she moved one way she offered a nice exposed target, either her arse or cunt or tits, to escape the stinging slaps she would turn offering the other pervert his chance to inflict pain. They had sting her in to submission, she had knelt before both of them and nodded in servitude she would let them do what ever they liked, she would obey with out question and most of all she would be their friend.


Frank turned and stared at the helpless beauty, her legs tied wide open, the red shoes still showing off the nylon covered shapely legs; with a stupid smirk on his face he walked back to the table, ?There, there how?s our new friend, still a little sore, time for her friends to make her better,? he scooped a handful of the creamy yoghurt from the tub and slapped it down between her open legs, she jumped then he splat more on her tits until he let the last drops drizzle down all over her stomach, he looked at Jack, ?Lunch is served.?


Both men slurp and giggled as they licked and sucked the creamy substance from her body, Jack slavering all over her tits and nipples while Franks face was buried between her legs, Frank was the worst, he had a banana and rammed it up her before chewing on it, laughing hysterically as he shouted, ?Complements to the chef.??


They both stood, wiping their faces and grinning, Frank nudged Jack and shouted, ?Hey totty, you gona eat?? she moaned but knowing what would happen if she didn?t do as she was told, she nodded, Frank laughed, ?Good girl and I know you?ll swallow, come bruv, lets take her again.?


Her feet were released and the retied her at the knees; dragging her from the table until she stood trembling before them, she moaned as she felt the first strip of tape pulled from her face, then the second, third and forth, ?Open your mouth, lets have those panties out and that?s the only thing coming out of your mouth, the next thing is cuming in your mouth, on your knees totty and give the best head you have ever given or we will make the last slapping like a picnic compared to what we can do to you.?


The woman?s head moved around, her mouth open, searching for the foul meat she had to suck, Frank grinned at her pathetic attempt, ?You every given head, you know what giving a fucking blow job is?? her head shook and nodded, her mouth stayed open, ?Frank snapped, ?Is that no for head and yes you know what I fucking mean?? she nodded.


Frank grabbed her hair, ?I?ll give you a little advice, my cock hairs go up your fucking nose while my cock goes down your throat,? he giggled at Jack, ?This is gona be a fucking good learning curve for Mrs fucking totty here,? he shook her head, ?Suck bitch, use your tongue on it and swallow every fucking drop, then you get my bruvers cock in your mouth, who?s a lucky girl, now suck.?

It was obvious the woman hadn?t done anything like this before; she must have thought it was going to be easy as she attentively took the tip in to her mouth. Frank grabbed the woman?s head and pushed, pushing until he felt it sink in to her throat, unable to breath she immediately panicked, Frank pulled back, ?There, that?s how far it goes, as we say in the raping trade, all the fucking way, now you better learn fucking quick or I?m gona be fucking the throat of a fucking corpse, suck.?


Fear has its own master, she rammed her face forward, gagging and choking, trying to breath in precious air as she pulled back then rammed herself forward, forcing the rigid long meat in to her gullet.


Tears lay trapped behind the tape as she worked on his cock, her brain told her the faster she worked the faster it would be over, her reward to do it all over again to the other perverted invader.


The woman was terrified but intelligent, she sucked him to the back of her throat then spent as much time as she dared catching her breath while licking and tickling his cock head before working on it again, her intelligence left her wide open to humiliating ridicule and a new unspeakable fear.


It was Frank who caused that fear, ?If she ain?t sucked cock before then she?s a fucking natural or maybe its just she likes a fat piece of meat in her mouth, good cock-suckers are worth their weight in gold,

Reckon we should take her with us, keep her for a while, reckon she could suck half the county, make a small fortune with this little fuck totty, what you reckon bruv, shall we keep her??


Jack was knelt beside her, his hands fondling her breasts, pulling at the nipple as he rolled it between his fingers, his other hand stroked and caressed her arse, occasionally slipping between bound legs to tickle her cunt, he giggled, ?Yeah, she?d make a nice friend to play with, could she stay in my bed, we could play fucking all night.?


Frank went to answer but felt his cock about to burst, shoving hard in to her throat he held her still while more of his filth entered the helpless woman?s body, breathing hard through her nose she was forced to allow the juice to slide in to her stomach, eventuality he pulled out, she fell side ways coughing and choking on the last bits of juice still in her throat.


Frank just turned to Jack, ?Give her a second or two then you have some mouth, she?s good but needs a lot more mouth fucking to get it right,? as he turned back to the fridge he sniggered, ?And we will oblige.?


Jack bent and dragged up the chocking woman, Frank looked back, ?That?s it bruv, fuck her mouth for a while, I?ll ring him, arrange transport, but not until tomorrow, I?m gona have a lot more fun with our hot totty?s holes for at least another day.?


When Frank returned Jack was sat on the table, he had turned the woman who was now kneeling between his legs licking and kissing his wet, sticky, cum covered cock, ?She sucked good, she really got it down her throat, can we keep her, a, can we?? She couldn?t help but groan, Frank ignored it, ?Duno bruv, maybe, tomorrow should be okay, he?s coming but he?s not got a motor, so some-ones dropping him here while they go and do a job close by, then he?ll come back and pick us all up, he?ll take us to the safe house, maybe he will have a boot big enough for her or maybe by the way my cock feels right now we?ll just fuck her to death tonight, who knows??


Frank and Jack didn?t know the meaning of the word mercy and that night was no exception. Frank grabbed her hair and dragged her up away from his brothers cock, moving him he bent her over the table, the only lubricant was two mouthfuls of saliva as he ploughed his cock up her virgin arse, she grunted and moaned, bit her lip as each thrust drove deeper, she knew this evil man just wanted one excuse to hurt her and speaking had already been threatened with a thrashing.


Frank pummelled her, each thrust forcing groans from the defenceless woman, Franks face flushed with excitement he revelled in it, ?God, this woman?s got the greatest arse your ever invented, tops for fucking and boy are we gona fuck it, you listen God, not just once but over and over again for hours are we gona fuck this high class totty, and you dropped her right in to our fucking lap or should I say on the end of our fuckin cocks, thanks mate we will use her for what she was created for, hard relentless shagging.?


Harder and harder Frank banged in to her, ?Hear that Mrs fucking totty, we are gona fuck you all night, we are gona have non stop fun with your gorgeous body, if we ain?t doin this to your body,? he thrust his cock up her arse to the hilt, ?I?m gona be spanking it, five years we?ve waited for a body to fuck, five years of learning the fucking bible just to get out and fuck something real nice, well guess what, you?re real nice.?


To her groans he shot his load up her arse, ramming hard to empty his balls, he moved back, ?God that was some fuck, here bruv give her arse a shag, I?ve got things to do, I?ll catch you later,? he slapped her cheeks, ?Just stay bent over, my bruv wants to sample your cute arse and wiggle it, I?ll be back soon and I don?t want to hear you ain?t been shaking that arse or you won?t want to see me back, here you go bruv, she?s all yours, enjoy her.?


As Frank put on his trousers he watched Jack ramming his cock up the woman?s abused hole, giving his brothers arse a playful slap he went out the back door towards the stable.


It took Frank about forty minutes to sort his ideas out in the stable, evening was drawing in as he walked back across the courtyard, black clouds filled the sky, he thought bee a storm sooner or later. He entered the house straight in to the kitchen, the woman lay on her back on the floor, her legs up and Jack stroking the red shoes, his tongue licking over the long thin heel, he smiled at Frank, ?Nice shoes, I like red shoes.?


Frank smiled at his brother, ?Yeah and I like a red arse, come on lets have some fun with her, make sure she does all we want tonight and you know how playing with our friends always gives us a good long hard on.?


Still with her knees bound and her arms painfully strapped back and to her body, they dragged the blindfolded women up and forced her to waddle out in to the humid evening air, she stumbled and whimpered between the two men along to the stable.


Jack giggled at the array of ropes hanging from different beams as they forced the woman under them.


Frank tied a rope end to her wrists and pulled up bending her, her feet struggled to stay on the floor as her hair touched the floor, she struggled not to cry out as Franks hand slid over her raised cheeks, ?Now that?s a nice sight, eh bruv, see that long handled whip on the wall, pass it here, lets see how good a shot I am with it,? there was a sob from the bound beauty all most drowned out by the laughter from Jack.


Frank took four paces back, his hand raised, a flick of his wrist and the whip sang through the air, it hit nothing, Frank shuffled forward, sobbing noise?s filled the stable, his hand raised another flick, this time the sing ended in a slap, the sobbing changed to a loud aaahhhhpphh, Frank chuckled, ?MMMMM better, three more just to check it wasn?t beginners luck,? snap, snap, snap, the woman?s voice almost rasped from her throat, ?Will you look at that bruv, four little lines of blood, you want to try??


Jack missed on all his try?s and gave up, handing the whip back he snapped, ?I?d rather fuck her,? Frank laughed as he took the black handle back, ?You will but let me have my fun, if I hit her cunt twice then you get to fuck her mouth again, watch this.?


He moved back to the sobbing woman, bent and took the rope off her legs, then tied one length to her ankle, he grabbed another hanging rope and pulled her up on one leg, she struggled to stay upright her left leg tied high, her cunt open and vulnerable, he stepped back.


The first caught her above the knee, the second on the inside of her thigh, the third and forth on her cheeks again the fifth struck home, the sixth and seventh on her thigh the eighth struck her between her cunt and arsehole, the scream was pitiful, Frank threw the whip against the wall, ?I win the teddy bear or should it be pussy??


He walked around in front of the bent woman, the sarcasm in his voice was one of complete power, ?You want to be fucked or shall I continue??

A pathetic whimper blubbered past sobs, ?I, I want, t,t be fucked, please for god sake just fuck me.?


Frank roared with laughter, ?God ain?t here but I?m sure he?d fuck you, but as I said before, he ain?t I am, you do us all night or your back down here, do you understand??

Her head nodded, he looked at Jack, ?Then we will start right here, she seems to be in a good position, you want back or front?? Jack smiled, ?Oh I?ll take her cunt.?


The stable now echoed to grunts, grunts of pain as the woman?s sore body was battered from behind then in front, her bound leg still high, her hair tied high dragging her face up to Franks crotch; the other grunts were the pleasures of two men as they drove there hard cocks in to the defenceless woman?s abused cunt and mouth.


Both Frank and Jack took the cocks out before they came, shooting their loads over the floor. Frank moved and untied the woman from the beams, in pain she dropped to her knees which was exactly what Frank wanted, ?Lick our cum off the floor and don?t miss a bit.?


In fear of her life the woman started to lick the floor, blindfolded she couldn?t see, both Frank and Jack chuckled as there were a lots of horse shit marks all around, they knew she had to lick some, they weren?t wrong.


Great roars of laughter filled the stable as time and time again her tongue slid over the dark patch?s of dug, she couldn?t stop, she daren?t, but they soon tired of it and picked her up, ?Better clean you up, Mrs fucking totty is going to be spending a lot of time in nice clean sheets, well clean, all apart from the cum stains, your cum stains, upstairs, its bath time.?


Monday Night.

They dragged the bruised and battered woman from the stables, she was completely broken; she had never been treated like this and her brain had refused to accept reality. She was putty in their hands. First the humiliation of being thrown in a shower, cold then hot water forced screams from her, still in her shoes and nylons she stood there unable to defend herself, the men amusing themselves with her abused body, prodding and pinching, forcing their fingers in to her, taking the shower head off and shoving the end of the shower up her arse and cunt, laughing as she squealed to the cold water that chilled her inside or made her nipples stand hard before dragging her out and slapping her as she tried to escape them in the confines of the ornate bathroom.


Frank stopped, the blindfolded woman stood shaking in the corner, Frank moved toward her, ?Okay totty, this is it, walk forward,? fear if she didn?t fear if she did slowly she moved forward. Jack had rope, Frank moved behind her, she jumped as he grabbed the buckle, he removed the belt then untied her elbows and wrists, her arms hung useless at her side.

With in a minute her elbows were tied with a two foot gap from elbow to elbow, her wrist were tied in front by the same pinning her arms and wrists to her side, Frank whispered in her ear, ?Okay totty, you may not be able to see but you can feel, you need to feel me and my bruvers cocks hard all night, either up you, in your mouth, between your tits or in your hands but if we go soft, need I remind you how hard they were in the stable, need I say more, come on, let the fun begin there?s room for three on your big bed.?


Tuesday A M

It was eight fifteen in the morning, all three woke to a loud banging on the door, she lay in the middle of the two brothers, her body covered in sticky drying cum, her tits, mouth arse and cunt oozed their filth, her lips red and bruised from continually sucking cock, being forced to ram their full lengths down her throat; her arse and cunt swollen from hours of fucking, either one at a time, double ended, a sixty nine or a sandwiched and her tits raw from the amount of times she had let them fuck off between them not to mention her swollen bruised and chewed nipples.


Frank shouted, ?Jack, Jack wake up trouble, shut her up and get a knife,? as he moved to the window Jacks hand slammed across the woman?s sore mouth, she hadn?t the strength to fight, she lay, naked, bound and blindfolded awaiting her fate when Frank yelled, ?Oh fuck, it?s cool he?s here.?


Frank went down and opened the door to Norman; the two men embraced before Frank took him inside, Norman looked at the kitchen, rope and belts littered the floor, the riding crops sat on the table, he smiled, ?Partying are we, found a new friend?? his voice etched in sarcasm.?


Frank moved him towards the stair case, ?Fuck you stink, where you been and mores the point where?s the fucking car, how long before we can get out of here??

Norman?s eyes flicked around the house, ?Later, later I see we?ve got some nice stuff, think some of it can come with us, that vase, that picture, good audio kit, yeah worth a few bob this lot.?


The two men reached the bedroom, Jack still lay on the bed, she was beside him, he looked up from sucking her fat, red swollen nipple, ?Eh cous how you doin,? they had learnt not to use names.


Norman stopped looking at the belongings and took in the beauty on the bed, ?Nice, very nice, so this is your new friend, bit messy but after a night with you two what would I expect but she?s a looker, great tits oh yes she?s a looker all right.?


Frank slapped him on the back, ?Then lets kill two birds with one stone, the showers in there, take her and both of you can get cleaned up, you can have some fun with her while you do, sucks a mean cock,? he pushed him forward, ?Well she does now.?


Jack dragged the exhausted woman up and threw her in to the passing Normans grip, ?Come on lady, lets fuck you a couple of time, looks to me like you?ve had enough practice to give a man enjoyment,? he shoved her blindly in to the bathroom.


Jack and Frank went downstairs to check for food, leaving her with Norman; Norman stood in the shower, the water splashed his face as he rubbed the expensive shampoo in to his filthy hair. The water cascaded down over the woman?s head.

She knelt in front of him, her bruised lips wrapped around his fat cock as she used them to wank him off in to her mouth, her knees ached, the high heeled red shoes marking the marble tiles as she crammed herself in to the confines of the cubical.


Bread, cheese, marmalade and cups in between the riding crops littered the neat table, Frank and Jack, their mouths full of food looked up as Norman marched the woman in, ?Needed a good blow job, she ain?t bad, can?t wait to try out the rest of her, but that?s later for now I?m hungry.?


He sat her down and sat himself, he grabbed food in his hands and shovelled it in to his mouth, he looked at her, took another handful and rammed it in her mouth, she took it, she hadn?t eaten for hours and her strength was ebbing.


The cups were filled with expensive wine, they made her drink as they gorged themselves, Norman let out a long, loud belch, ?That?s better, good food, good wine and now a good fuck, come on lady lets take you back upstairs, I want to fuck you for an hour or two, you boys want to come up in a bit, we can give this beauty a good three way fucking this afternoon while we wait for the transport.?


As she felt his hand grip her arm, she whimpered but still stayed silent, Norman looked at the brothers, ?You made her cum yet?? Frank looked at him, ?Don?t know been fucking her to hard to notice,? Norman laughed and dragged up out of the seat, ?Well rich lady, gona make you cum, gona play with your cunt real good then fuck you until you can?t help but climax,? his laugh was evil, ?You can tell your posh friends how you were fucked and fucked and fucked by an ex-con until you spurted your juice for him, that will make a dinner party go with a swing,? he laughed as he dragged her towards the stairs.


The two brothers smiled to each other, they heard the sound of her high heeled shoes on the stairs as she was taken back upstairs, ?Give Norm an hour to have his fun with her then we will go back up there and fuck her some more, we will use the time to see what we can take, we will need money and as Norm said, there?s some valuable stuff in this house, lets check it out.?


While Jack and Frank piled the good quality antiques by the back door, Norman had the beautiful, helpless women on her back on the bed, his tongue playing gently over the fat swollen lips of her cunt, his fingers rubbed delicately over the her now sensitive nipple. He knew her cunt lips were full and she would be forced to become aroused, and the beauty of it was she couldn?t see the evil smile that meant he had done this many times before, there was going to be no escape, he was going to have her, he was going to make her humiliate herself.


He knew just where to lick her, soon his tongue danced over the swollen nub, after hours of vicious fucking the sudden feeling of gently caressing made her hips move. Fingers that had simulated her nipples now tickled her; her own lubrication allowed them to slip and tantalizingly slide over her inner lips.


She shook her head, the fact that she couldn?t see what was happening to her heighten the sensitivity, her hips rolled on the bed, the tongue worked faster, the fingers searched inside, looking for her erogenous place, Norman knew as soon as he found it he would be able to play with her, he wanted to destroy her pride.


He stifled a snigger as he touched a spot and her hips jumped, he felt a shudder run through her, again he touched this time he licked her nub, his tongue flicking over the end, she moved again.?


She was now moving, little stifled grunts came from her; Norman was a master at arousing women as long as they were helpless, bound and at his mercy, like Frank and his tormenting this was his game.


He now had two fingers inside her, rubbing just over the spot, his tongue slid and slurped over her cunt, she jumped her head jerked up, little words spluttered from her mouth, ?Please no stop, please stop, I, ah, I, can?t do this, pl, aahhh, nnoooaahh.?


Norman felt his fingers getting wetter, they slipped easily over her inner walls, making her cum, now was his favourite time. He let her subside just a little then he started again, really working on her, until, bound as she was she still couldn?t stop bucking and writhing on the bed, Norman stopped.


The words he knew he would hear were still music, ?Please no don?t, no stop, I can?t, I ahh need to stop no finish, pl,? pleahhh, please.?

Norman slid quickly up her body, his tongue started flicking over her hyper sensitive nipple, ?Ask me to fuck you.?


Jack and Frank lent against the bedroom door and watched as the woman straddled his hips thrusting her aroused body up and down Normans shaft, she moaned and grunted, her humiliation complete as she fucked and came with her own rapist.


Norman saw them, ?Her old man in prison, what would he think here she being friendly with three complete strangers, fucking them and even asking for it,? he slid his hand forward and rubbed her clit, ?That?s it bitch you jump, you love it, you ride well,? Frank laughed, ?She rides alright but not as hard as we are going to make her,? Norman?s other hand squeezed her tits, ?Fancy a gallop lady??


The two brothers roared with laughter as Norman thrust his hips quickly moving his cock franticly in and out of the confused woman?s cunt, he grinned up at her,? ?And as you seem to be all tied up and alone with us may I suggest more of riding this and a couple of others will be the order of the afternoon.?


With in seconds of her being forced to cum on the end of Normans cock, she was bent over and being fucked by Jack, the men giggled as Norman had his hand between her legs tickling her nub while showing Jack the way to fuck her, forcing yet more humiliation, making sure he fucked her slowly and in which direction to force his cock end so that it rubbed on the part he had found stimulated her the most, then rapidly, forcing grunts from her, the three of them cheered as Jack made her cum.


Giving her pleasure was soon forgotten as they spent the afternoon taking her time and time again, the fucking got worse, two of them at once most of the time but several three way fucks and a lot of blow jobs saw the poor woman degraded over and over again.


It was evening, the three of them were still using her when the car turned up, the man hit the horn three times which was the signal to move. While the three men loaded the car with the stuff they had chosen to steal they took the driver up to the bedroom and forced her to give him a blow job, before leaving her exhausted on the bed, hogtied, gagged and helpless.


Tuesday Night

?Look just get in the fucking car,? they could see Jack was agitated, ?Can I go get the red shoes, can I?? Norman still wouldn?t move, the three of them just stood in the middle of the courtyard, the man in the car shouted again, ?Look its pissing down with rain and I got to get this car back, now come on.?


Norman looked at Frank, ?Remember what they said on T V, ?200,000 that?s what?s missing, its in that house somewhere, we?ve raped her enough times she?s knows we mean business, lets torture her until she tells us where it is then we?ll slit her throat, come on, God knows nobody will care if we kill her, must be something in that fucking stupid bible you been reading about helping yourself, no-one will know it was us, lets kill her who the fucks listening anyway??


The whole area lit up in a flash, a lighting bolt hit the floor right in the middle of their huddle, the man in the car was blinded, he leapt from the drivers side and ran screaming in pain until he abruptly fell head long over the three charred bodies.


Wednesday AM

The police officer smiled at the worried vicar, ?Sorry to be the bearer of such news but they were most certainly two from here, brothers, you let them out last week,? the vicar shook his bowed head, ?Yes, yes it was the Dobson brothers, they told me they were changed men, oh what a fool.?


The police officer hid a snigger, ?Yes it would seem you failed, lot of nonsense if you ask me, religion I mean, all powerful being and that, still each to his own.?

?The woman is safe, she?s going to be alright I mean??

The officer nodded, ?No thanks to you but she?s going to be alright, funny thing is the husband, the charges have been dropped, it made the woman?s recovery much easier, she said it was a miracle.?


The vicar stopped for a moment, a little smile etched on his lips, he looked from under his glasses, ?The criminal eyewitness, said they were about to kill the woman??

The officer said, ?Yes.?

?Did he not say their last words were, who?s listening??

The officer nodded, ?I believe so.?

?And a thunderbolt hit them, killing them instantly??

?Yes sir it did.?

The vicar nodded, ?God moves in mysteries ways, my son, sometimes, very mysterious ways.?


?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????Pagan.



Copyright, [email protected]


??????????????? Another story by Pagan;



????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Mysterious ways


Thursday P M.

The man stood, paper clasped in his hand, the wind blew some of his hair around his forehead. A man of big business and wealth, that was obvious for all to see, the suit he was wearing was worth at least four hundred, the house behind him a cool million and the stunningly beautiful women beside him, priceless.


Luther house was an old asylum, big, foreboding and secure, it housed the rehabilitants wing for the help of the criminally retarded; Jack and Frank Dobson sat on their respective bunks watching the television, the man in the expensive suit was reading from his bit of paper, Jack Dobson grabbed at the crotch of his trousers, ?She?s nice, very nice, good legs, nice trim little waist, good size tits and pretty, oh yes very pretty, its amazing what money can buy you, yeah, nice tits.?


His brother snorted, ?Fuck like that would cost you, still looks like he?s got it,?

Jack sniggered, ?And he?s got her at night, nice, very nice tits.?


Frank growled, ?Yeah, she looks at the world like we are all shit, fucking high class totty that?s all she is, just needs a hard banging with a fucking big boner, he looks like he ain?t got nothing special.?


The man on the television carried on, ?I must protest at the way this whole thing has been arranged, its obviously a political move by our government, my extradition is completely false, my involvement with the U S firm was just on an advisory level, I had know idea they were going to merge and that the profits would be of such value.?


He turned and looked at the beauty beside him, she smiled, her face lit up, Frank snorted again, ?Fucking beauty, bet he don?t sleep for long, fuck me, I?d never have my dick out of her, fucking gorgeous.?


The television droned on, his voice pompous and official, ?I will go, I have no option, they will keep me in jail, I have no fear and I will prove my innocence, I have no doubt; my wonderful wife will be here she is brave and we will see this through together and I ask the press to give her the privacy she requires to see this terrible miscarriage of justice to a just and rightful end, now ladies and gentlemen under instruction of my solicitors that is all I have to say, thank you.?


Jack laughed, ?Stupid dick he should pull the wool over their eyes, we could give him a few lessons, a Frank, we got this lot believing we are good boys again, gona let us out, because we found God, stupid fucks, swallow anything, they-----,? Frank shut him up.


Frank snapped his fingers at the screen, ?Their fucking house is close to here, I remember seeing it when we was on an outing, fuck me, its less then three miles away, sure,? his voice trailed off, ?I remember.?


The camera panned back, showing them as they turned in to the house, she looked even more delectable, the cream two-piece with a red scarf and matching high ankle strapped red shoes, Frank snapped his fingers again, ?That?s the place,? Jack just kept looking at the screen, ?Nice shoes, I like red shoes, nice shoes, nice tits.?


Frank snapped his fingers again, ?Yeah, high class totty, you know what they say, red shoes no knickers, told you she don?t give a shit about common fuckers, bet she stood there with her gash open and naked, in front of them people and millions on the tele, laughing at us she were laughing at us common shit, fucking totty.?


Jack?s eyes never moved from the television, ?Nice shoes, I like red shoes, nice tit?s?.

Frank grunted, ?Yeah I bet she got big nipples too, long and thick, the kind you chew on for hours, yeah my guess is they are long and thick.?


There were footsteps, Frank heard them he shook Jack, ?Get the bible, I?ll turn the tele off, get on your bunk and read the crap, remember to recite what I told you and look like a fucking innocent choir boy, you should know what they look like you fucked those two kids in the arse and mouth plenty of times while we had them as our friends.?


Friday P M.

The soppy look on the man in the grey suit made Frank think, ?What a prat,? as he looked so sincere at the dog-collared bespectacled man, smiling, nodding at the three people as they asked questions of him and Jack, words like faith, respect for you fellow man, values, regret, atonement, forgiveness; Jack and Frank had practiced answers for hours, able to quote lines from the bible that corresponded with all they needed to explain how they had changed their sinful ways, they no longer needed friends they had God.


Both men walked back, heads bowed in servitude, thanking their guards for their kindness before the door clanged shut, both men waited, the footsteps reseeded, Frank punched the air, ?Three fucking days, out in three fucking days, stupid cunts, and you Jack, a master stroke, we don?t need drugs anymore, are bodies are clean, are minds are pure, the lord shows us they way, fucking bril bruv and now their letting us back in to society, us, fucking hell we did it.?


Jack grinned, ?Gona be good, we been five years out of it, got to find us some where to live, get some money, you told them we had things sorted, you better have.?

Frank grinned back, ?Oh we will, as you say we got to get some where and some money, I reckon cousin Norm will help out, just short term and I hope he can get us something to fuck, five years is long time, pumping my own cock thinking of those cute kids we raped was no fun.?


They sat on their bunks, Frank smoked; Jack picked his nose as the television news brought today?s developments up to date. Pictures of the man from yesterday made Jack look, he was being taken away, the announcer spoke of the flight to America, a trail, ?200,000 unaccounted for, but all Jack saw was the attractive woman in red shoes.


Monday P M.

At the designated time the panel had agreed the huge wooden door rattled and closed. The vicar stood shaking Frank and Jack?s hand, he offered a ride in to town, but Frank bowed his head and told him, after their dreadful past a walk through Gods landscape would be more humbling then a cheap ride.


The vicar blessed them both, reminded them they had to report to a police station once a week and that God would protect them now they had found him and turned back to the door, Frank winked at Jack as they turned and headed away from the place that had incarcerated them for the past five years.


Two hours later the car pulled up outside the wrought iron security gates, the car door opened and a shapely pair of ankles slipped out. The woman moved to the gate and slotted a card into the black box, the gates swung open, she returned to the car, with her back turned she didn?t notice the two men slip in, they quickly dropped to the ground and rolled in to the undergrowth. They could see those ankles move back to the car, the woman slipped back on to her seat before she swung her shapely legs back in, Jack blinked as the red shoes disappeared from view.


Jack watched as the car drove up the short drive to the house, he stifled a giggle, ?Great idea, somewhere to stay, maybe pick up some left over grub,? he looked at Frank, ?You reckon there?s a shed were we can wait until Norm can sort things out??

Frank slowly nodded, ?Got to be, she wants quiet so do we, there will be an outhouse, place this size must have.?


They waited about ten minutes before moving, all was silent, they skirted the house, it looked all quiet, she was nowhere to be seen but upstairs a curtain was drawn, a chink in the drapes showed there was a light on in that one room.


They found a barn; side door didn?t fit properly so it was easy to force.

The only noise in the whole night was that of the horse in the stable opposite. The men had smoked the last of the packet, drunk only water, Frank laughed when he said, ?Remember we said the first night out we would get pissed out of our sculls, shit that one up didn?t we??


Jack made himself as comfortable as he could, lay back and said, ?Then tomorrow should be a fucking site better, night bruv.?

Frank snorted, ?Yeah, what ever,? pulled his jacket over his shoulders and lay back on what was left of an old cardboard box.


Tuesday A M.

The sound of feet on the cobbled stones forced Frank to open one eye, he looked at the shaft of light coming through the door, crouched half way down was Jack, Frank stirred, ?What the fuck??


Jack turned and whispered, ?Shut the fuck up, its her.?

Frank shuffled over to the crack and peered out just as this firm round bottom tightly clad in riding jompers swung over in to a saddle; as the reins on the bridle pulled tight the horse?s head swung to left, the words, ?Come on girl lets ride,? filled the small courtyard before the horse and rider were gone.


The two men straightened, Frank arched his back and stretched, ?Fine piece of ass, that,? Jack scratched his head, ?You didn?t tell me you had rung Norm, did you??


Frank stopped in mid yawn, ?I told you I rung him from the joint, he?s getting things sorted, I said I?d ring again, either today or tomorrow, don?t worry, he?ll sort, now I?m hungry, lets go look for breakfast.?


A life time on the wrong side of the law made it easy to clip a window, she hadn?t activated any alarms, Jack laughed, ?Bloody stupid female, early morning ride, thinks no ones about, stupid cunt,? he flicked the window back.


Jack grinned as he saw the window open and Frank slip through, ?There?s only one early morning ride she wants,? Frank held the window back for him, ?You?re right there bruv, but I want to eat something to fill the inner man, come on I?m starving.?


Both men headed for the kitchen, it was a big house but the smell of left over toast made it easy to home in on what they were looking for; soon they were gorging on the contents of the fridge, Frank laughed, ?Fucking great, bread, salmon and chilled wine for breakfast, fucking great, beats the shit from last week.?


Frank was in to his second bottle of wine, ?Yeah Jacky boy, this is great, Jack, Jack,? he looked around; Jack was know-where to be seen.


Frank jumped up, ?Where the fuck, Jack?? he rushed out in to the hall, then one room, then another, it was as he pasted the stairs he thought, shoes, he ran up the big staircase taking three steps at a time.

It didn?t take rocket science to spot the huge master bedroom, the door was wide open, Frank took a deep breath, the room smelt of pure opulence. Jack was sat on the floor, the base of the huge wardrobe was open, shoes were scattered all around him, the red ones in his hand.


Frank shook his head, ?Jack what the fuck are you doing up here?? Jack grinned at him, then put the shoe under his nose, ?Red shoes, I like red shoes.?


?Yeah, yeah and I like pants but you don?t see--,? he stopped as his grinning brother nodded towards a very smart marble bathroom, ?In the basket.?


Frank smiled, ?Yeah but we ain?t got time for that,? Jack still grinned, ?They smell real sweet.?

Even as Frank fought for an answer he was walking towards the door, Jack went back to sniffing the shoes, Frank muttered, ?Just a second, won?t take a second, five years is a long time with out pussy, just a second,? he slid in to the bathroom.


He saw them lying where Jack had left them, little, neat, palest peach and a little dark stain in the crotch, Frank smile, ?That ain?t hers that?s Jacks tongue, hope he ain?t taken all the smell, he picked them up and put them to his nose, he couldn?t help it, he whispered to himself, ?Ain?t smelt something that good before five years let alone during.?


He looked in the basket, his hand delved in and pulled out a matching bra, he held it up, ?Nice tits, must be a good size to fill these,? he mockingly squeezed at the material, ?Wonder how big her nips are?? he snorted, ?And how tasty??


He was lost in his thoughts when the sound of a horse?s nay brought him back to reality, ?Shit move, put them fucking shoes back, the kitchens a fucking mess, you sort out here, I?ll go down, above all stay hidden,? he was out the door and running down the stairs.


She took time sorting and stabling the horse, time for the brothers to straighten up. Frank was just about to get Jack when she came in. She threw the riding crop on the table, pulled her head band off, and aimed for the stairs, running up the stairs Frank watched as she pushed her fingers in to her hair and tussled it loose, his eyes dropped to her arse as it moved inside the tight riding breeches, he waited for the scream.


Nothing, after about five minutes he ventured up the stairs, moving towards the bedroom, nothing, her clothes were all over the big queen sized bed, where was Jack, slowly he crept in, he could hear the shower.


He looked everywhere, under the bed, behind the door; he heard the shower stop, he was panicking now, then the hairdryer, he went to the other rooms, nothing, where the fuck was he, back in the bedroom, the huge closet door moved.


Frank opened the door, Jack stood amongst her clothes the red shoes clasped in his hands, Frank snorted, ?Get the fuck out of there you dumb fuck,? the hairdryer stopped, ?Shit get back,? Frank rammed him back and closed the door.


Franks eyes darted around, there was a long, wide, full length mirror in the corner of the room, he leapt behind it just as the door opened, almost gagging on silencing his breathing he dared a peek around the edge.


She was in the same pose, her fingers shaking her long auburn hair but this time her arse swayed in a very different outfit; a black bra and panty set, and hold up stocking, Frank almost chocked as she lent across the bed, with her firm round arse in the air and her left leg out, Frank could see the indentation of a deep long slit in the crotch of the pants, he bit his lips as she picked up a silk ivory robe. With one sweep she swept it up around her shoulders, slid her arms in to it and pulled the belt tight around her trim waist, it only came to just above her knee, the pale ivory against the smoke dark stocking look unbelievable, Frank swallowed hard.


Before he could do anything she moved to the wardrobe door, flinging it open she reached for a dress, a shrill squeal filled the room as Jack grabbed her hand, ?Take the pretty shoe, I want to see you wearing them, take them,? she broke free and staggered back.


Frank had moved, her three paces back and his three forward meant she slammed in to him, years of practice at silencing people meant Frank had the advantage, one hand across her mouth, the other closed off her nostrils and he bent forward, forcing her head down, she sank under his weight, his knees locked either side of her bent torso and he held her.


If the bodies not prepared for oxygen starvation it only takes seconds for it to switch off, she was no exception, her futile struggles lasted no more then fifteen seconds before Frank felt her go limp, he let go, a quick shake of her body and it automatically started up again, her body may have but her brain would take longer, long enough for Frank to move.


In an instant, Jack was out of the closet, Frank opened the other side, her husbands side, her grabbed five belts, a handkerchief, then moved to her side for a scarf, he took time for a small as he grabbed the red one he had seen on the television not three days ago, mean-time Jack had slung her on the bed.


Three turns of a belt secured her ankles, two turns her thighs, four turns her wrists and three turns her elbows, sliding the other belt under her one turn secured her arms to her body, the handkerchief pushed between her soft lips and the scarf wrapped around her head secured that in place, panting he stood back.


Jack still had the shoes in his hand, Frank rested his hand on his brother?s shoulder, both men drank in the sight on the bed.


She lay face down, her hair held tight to her head by the scarf, one shoulder bare, her arms pinned together and tightly to her body; those thighs squashed together, her shapely calves pressed together, straps holding those neat ankles, Frank chuckled, ?Nice very nice, but I think a blindfold is missing.?


The closet door opened as Frank picked another scarf, she stirred but not quick enough to stop Frank from covering her eyes, he stayed, sat on the bed until he enjoyed the panic in her movements.


Frank enjoyed pulling wings off butterflies, he whispered to her, ?Hello totty, no point in you fightin, we got you tied up real tight, you only goin where we say your goin and right now you?re goin know-where but if you like you can struggle a bit, your arse looks great wigglin about on the bed.?


He looked over at a smiling Jack, ?You want her to put they shoes on, don?t you?? Jack nodded, ?In a bit then but first you go down and uncork some more of them fancy bottles of wine, then you bring them up here, we could be up here for a while and we may get thirsty.?


The woman went rigid as she felt Frank grab her wrist and lift them, his other hand lay on her arse and squeezed, ?My brother shouldn?t drink, he gets uncontrollable when he drinks and he gets real randy,? she moaned.


As Jack left the room he carried on, ?My you got a firm arse, all that horse riding, good for the buttocks is it and from what I seen earlier you got great buttocks,? his hand slid down her leg until it got to the hem of her robe.


His fingers curled around the hem and slowly drew the silky material up the back of her thighs, Oh yes, you got great everything, its been a long time since I were near nice legs like these,? she moaned as she felt the hem pass her stocking tops, the air on the back of her naked thighs made her shudder, ?The last time we had legs like these they was tied too.?


The woman squealed louder, Frank snorted, ?Things don?t change, she squealed a lot, she was always squealin, she was pretty but not as pretty as you, I like it when they squeal, she squealed for most of the days we kept her as our friend.?


She was really moaning now; Frank just kept humming and running his fingers over the naked flesh at the back of her thighs; not going down to the stocking tops nor going up to her pants, just running his finger in a figure of eight first over one thigh then the other.


Jack could be heard coming back up the stairs; Frank snorted again, ?Good, some drink, now the party can begin.?


Jack barged through the door, the bottles clanked together, ?Here you are, I finished your bottle, here?s two fresh ones,? he rushed up to the bed, ?I see you have been entertaining the lady, she?s nice, can I put the shoes on her now??


Frank took the bottle and nodded. She squealed and struggled as jack put one on then the second, gently buckling them around her ankle, ?Pretty, very pretty, I like red shoes.?


Frank wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, ?Sure is pretty bruv, want to see her stood in them?? Jack giggled as he excitedly nodded. Frank put the bottle down, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the edge of the bed.


As soon as he got her in to that position he grabbed her ankles and pulled her down, off the bed, then with his strength he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her in to standing in front of the bed, then his arms around her he turned her to face the long mirror.


Frank and Jack stood either side of her and stared at their own reflection in the mirror. Both men?s eyes went to the red shoes, Jack just looked at them but Franks eyes travelled slowly up.


Slowly up, past the belt that held her ankles, the brown of the belt mixing with the red of the ankle straps, up the nylon clad firm calf muscles, over her knees, the robe had parted, he could see the tight strapping of the next belt tight across her thighs, the top of the stocking pattern just visible, the white of her thighs and then just a hint on the crotch of the black panties before the ivory robe held to her waist.


Up to the swell of her breasts, one cup of the bra fully visible, the robe completely off and hanging around the belt on her elbows the other on her shoulder, moving as she trembled between them.


Frank breathed slowly out, ?Nice, very nice, from the nice shoes to the nice tits, Bruv was right, you?re very nice,? he turned his head and whispered in her ear, ?Will you be our friend??


Frank put his hand on her naked shoulder, she shuddered as his head moved closer to her, several muffled grunts came from behind the gag, as he started to lick her face, ?mmmm you taste nice too, your bath perfume smells good,? she could smell his foul breath as his tongue worked towards her nose, ?Do you smell good all over??


Suddenly Jack spoke, he was watching them through the mirror, ?I bet she does, I smelt them red shoes and her panties, they smelt good, you said they smelt good, I think we should have a little game with our friend.?

Her head shook but she was in a hopeless position, Frank sniggered, ?I bet I knew what sort of game you got in mind,? Jack laughed, ?And I?d bet you?d be right.?


Frank licked her again, ?This is a great game but we got to get some tape first, get you all looking pretty,? she jumped as he snapped, ?Pretty enough to fuck.?


Her head shook violently as jack said, ?I?ll go look bruv, I get some more stuff, we gona keep her real quite while we make sure she plays,? he was out the door and gone.


As they heard him going down the stairs, Frank put his arm around the terrified woman, ?We like to play with our friends; we know we shouldn?t but are new friend God seems to be out today, so you will have to do.?


She tried to move, wiggling in fear of her life, Frank slapped her arse, ?Oh come on, don?t be a spoil sport, your husbands gone away for a while, maybe a long while, we just need some funnin, a good lookin woman like you going to waste, don?t seem right,? with one heave he picked her up and threw her back on the bed, ?Don?t seem right you ain?t laid on a bed,? he snorted as he pulled off his jacket, ?Getting laid.?


He dragged her to the middle of the bed, holding her still with one hand he straddled her chest pinning her to the bed, she shook her head, muffled moans filled the room, Frank watched the pretty woman?s struggle as he unbuttoned his shirt, took it off and threw it to the floor, he picked up her discarded panties.


Holding them above her head he let them drop over her face, not knowing what was happening she stopped moving, Frank giggled, ?My bruv told you we had a smell of your pants, that?s what you got lady, your sweaty panties, fresh from all that ridin, smell good don?t they, all hot and horny, still wet are they, you cum when you go ridin, you like somethin big between them fine shapely thighs of yours, somethin you can bounce on, how about me and my bruver spend a few days with you findin out??


He was rubbing her soiled panties all over her nose as Jack came in, he held his hands out, Frank grinned, two long and three short coils of rope from the stable, and three full rolls of silver duck tape, Frank nodded his approval, ?Well done bruv, all the things we need to keep this lady in a co-operative and helpless state, bring em over here.?


Jack grunted, ?Just like we like to have all our friends.?

Frank rubbed the panties over her nose, ?like the smell, hot and horny, that?s how they taste, now your gona do as your told, or we hurt you,? he slapped her hard, once, twice and a third, ?You see saying one thing and lettin you know we mean it is important to you, now this gag is coming off, don?t speak, every word gets a slap, so keep silent, there will be time for squealing later.?


Jack grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, Frank untied the scarf and pulled it off, then he pushed his fingers in to her mouth and dragged out the clean handkerchief, she coughed but that was soon silenced by her pants, rammed in her mouth, first one strip of tape sealed across her lips then another two making a cross over the first piece then a forth made sure her mouth was completely sealed.


?Close your eyes, best you don?t see us and it will fuckin hurt if a seal them open,? the blindfold became two square pieces of tape. Pleased with his work Frank got off her, then they dragged her up in to the middle of the bed, her curly hair splade over the pillow, Frank and Jack took their clothes off before scrambling on to the bed and lying each side of the helpless woman.


Frank started caressing her shoulder, slowly pulling the robe further down her bound arms, Jack giggled as he copied him. Frank moved to her waist dragging the silk material sideways under the tight belt, Jack copied him until her bra showed black and lacy against her fine pale skin.


Frank?s smile never left his face as his hand moved to her thigh, his fingers gathering the silk as he pulled it away from her crotch. Jack moved down stopping to stick his finger in to her navel, her chest heaved as she tried to control her fear as Jack moved down to copy his brother, totally unveiling the most sensual parts of the beautiful body to their gaze.


Frank crooked his elbow and rested his head on the palm of his hand as he looked up and down his helpless captive; Jack did the same, starting again from the red shoes on her dainty feet. With the belts holding her completely immobile, all she could do was flinch as she felt the touch of Frank?s hand starting to stroke her hair.


Frank talked in a menacing whisper, ?She?s got lovely brown curly hair,? then he sniggered as if he knew the reply, Jack obliged, ?I wonder if it?s all curly??

Franks laugh got louder, ?You mean short and curly??


Both men were now giggling, jack nearly chocked when he said,? ?Oh yes I like short and curly brown hair, I like it when it gets up my nose,? Frank tugged at the woman?s hair, ?Hear that lady, he likes sniffing shoes, pants and now the thing that goes in them, boy are you in for a good time, you?ll be glad we picked you for our friend.?


She shook her head; the noise from her mouth was almost non-existent, Frank tapped her nose, she froze, ?There, there, you must have known what we are going to do, yes, no, well let me explain,? Frank let his hand drop to her bra, he squeezed her plump breast,? ?You see we have been away for a while, and we?ve been lonely, understand?? the woman lay still, Jack grabbed her other breast and squeezed, she squirmed, ?We will settle for a nod,? sniffling she slowly nodded her head.


Franks voice changed there was now a malicious evil tone etched in to every word, ?When your lonely you have to think of what you would like to do, you have to watch television to see women and girls, read papers and hope for a pretty topless shag piece, and when you find them you just have to get your fat, hard throbin cock out and you pump it, you understand??


Again she slowly nodded, ?There your beginning to catch on, now where was I, oh yes pretty women, so there we were watching television,? Frank and Jack were now needing and squeezing her breast?s, Franks voice was low, menacing, the woman moaned as she felt them push their hips forward, their fat hard cocks sticky with pre-juice touching the naked skin between her stockings and panties.


?When there you were, all prettied up, that nice outfit showing your fine body off to the world, pretty scarf around that slender neck, your big tits sticking out,? he giggled in her ear, ?You?ll never fall flat on your face, not with these,? he squeezed hard on her tender mound, ?Trim little waist, no kids yet??


Jack mauled her breast, ?Not yet, but that may not be long,? his snigger was childish.

Frank giggled again, ?And that cute round bum, looked real good in that skirt, pity it weren?t shorter, would like to have wanked over a bit more leg and then them shoes, my brother loves shoes especially red ones.?


Jack echoed, ?Nice red shoes.?

Franks hand slid to her naval, ?Oh they really turned him on, in-fact you turned us both on, bet you didn?t know that while you were standing there with that dickhead of a husband you had two admires, jerking their meat, thinking of what you looked like without all them fancy clothes and here we are about to find out what are new friend really does look like,? he moved closer to her ear, ?Naked.?


Jack squeezed her breast, ?How long before we see Cous?? Franks fingers were now toying with the elastic on the waistband of her panties, ?Oh I will use our friend phone to call him in the morning, lets not spoil today with the thoughts of leaving here, not now we have our friend to play with.?


Every thing the woman heard scared her, she moaned, she could feel Franks fingers now skirting the top of her curly pubic hair, ?Feels short and curly to me, is that right lady, you let it grow wild, not even a little bikini line trim, old man not in to shaved cunts,? his filthy talk made her moan, he laughed, ?What?s the matter lady, you getting excited, all this talk of cunts and having your tits played with, you just wait until my brother has a look at where I got my fingers.


Frank tugged at the brown curly hair, pulling until she squealed, ?That?s it love you enjoy it, he will, myself I like it bald, we may have to have the best of both worlds before we are finished with you.?


Her muffled cry was long as she tried to move, he tried to stretch, anything to loosen her binding, Frank snorted again, ?No point in you fightin it, you ain?t goin nowhere until we finished being friends and that could be a while yet.?


She tried to bring her knees up but the belt bit in to her thighs and Frank let his fingers drop to the hood of her slit, with a loud muffled squeal she dropped her knees fast, Jack laughed at her pathetic attempts, Frank tugged her cunt hair again, ?You better get used to us bein around, we are gona be here a while, have to be with what we got planned for you my friend.?


Jack curled his hand around the bra cup letting the back of his fingers rub against the nipple, he let his fingers open and close trapping the nipple between them, ?Thick, they are long and thick, you was right, you guessed they would be, you was right.?


Frank was now rubbing himself on her naked thigh, his hand tickling around her curly bush, his fingers darting down to her slit, ?Seems like you got all the right things in all the right place?s, hot totty, your dickhead of a husband have to rob the bank to keep you, keep you all to himself, scared you?d run off and get your fuckin else where, what is it, big money, small dick, well it suit?s us, we like a tight cunt.?


The panic was building in her now, sobs and grunts in between a short panting of breath all seem to emanate from her nose, Frank was loving it, this is how he worked, ?What?s the matter totty, don?t want to play, don?t want to be our friend, we are supposed to have a friend in this God chap, he says he who believes in me has a happy and fulfilled life, well I bet you?re gona make me happy and you sure are gona by filled.?


Jack took his hand away, ?If we are gona be filling had better get a piss, reckon my boner gona be busy for the rest of the day.?

Frank watched his brother?s naked arse as it disappeared in to the bathroom, he turned back to her, his mouth close to her ear again, ?Gona have some fun with you, you?re our bit of totty now, and will be all day and all night until we?re done, you may have guessed what we are gona do to you but just in case there?s any doubt, five years is a long time, a long time thinking about totty and now we got one, and you?re alone and helpless, so just listen to this.?


He pushed to fingers in to the top of her slit and then spread them opening the folds with them, ?Feels like a nice cunt, well this nice cunt of yours is going to be kept very busy, very busy indeed.?


Even though her legs were trapped shut Frank could still wiggle his finger in to her slit, he licked the side of her face, he felt her shudder, he was loving his torment, ?Enjoy having your legs closed because, my pretty, very soon there going to be open and staying open while we fuck you, not just the once but over and over again, we both got five years of fucking to use up, and it may take us a couple of days to do it.?


Her panting became frantic; her head shook, Frank was in his element as his fingers pushed between her cunt lips, ?You listen then, yeah you?re listen all right, listen to how we?ll be fuckin you,? his finger was now really between the trapped thighs.


?Me and my bruver gona open your long legs nice and wide so we can fuck your cunt real deep a few times, then we are gona bend you over and hump you from behind, give you a real shagging, doggy style, then we will tie you so its easy to fuck that tight ass you got, bet you never had a cock up your ass, bet you never knew it was for fuckin which means you ain?t never been sandwiched, fucked in your cunt and ass at the same time, don?t that sound like fun?


?These tits looked big enough to fuck off between and as for that cute mouth, when I seen you on the T V I thought my cock would look great between your lips, well me and him are gona find out just how great by rammin our cocks down your throat again and again.?


She was sobbing as Frank tickled between her legs, ?We will need to stay real hard for a hot totty like you so in between fucking you, you got a nice big barn downstairs and that?s where we will be takin you, you wana know why, because its got real strong beams, strong enough to tie you high so we can do a bit of spanking of that cute ass and that?s turns us on so maybe a swing fuck or two with that cute ass before we have you back up here.?


He pulled his hand out of her pants and sniffed his fingers, ?Smells nice but you ain?t wet, we are going to have to change all that, after you?ve visited the barn once you won?t want to go back, its like the slapping you had earlier, if you know what pain is you will do as you are told and I can?t wait to have you tied up and obedient, believe me you will do the most disgusting things to me and my bruver, trust me, I know.?


Frank licked her face like some mad dog, giggling at her, Jack came back just as Frank rammed his hand back down in to her pants, ?Hello God, thank you for this, you stupid cunt but what an excuse, they really bought all that religious crap and now this little lady gets to get the fucking of her life, listen God we are really going to enjoy fucking her, you wana watch??


Jack danced around the bottom of the bed, his long, fat, semi erect cock waggled around like a crazed trunk, ?We?re gona fuck you, we?re gona fuck you, your cunt, mouth and asshole, we?re gona fuck them all.?


Franks hand was rubbing her cunt furiously, ?Hear him, he gets like that,? he giggled, ?And when he?s like that he can fuck you for days, and if he ain?t fuckin you he?ll have your legs wide open attacking your cunt with his mouth, you lucky girl.?


Jack was still hopping around, ?Come on bruv lets fuck her, get those panties off, lets tie her legs real wide, I like it when our friends have their legs tied open, lets me fuck em good, gives me a lot of room.?


Frank could feel her moving under his searching hand, her moans told of her fear and he loved it, ? Hear that lady, shall I let him fuck you, shall we have these panties off and your legs tied real wide, why not, what you gona do to stop us, nothing, you can?t stop us shagging you, not now not later so we may as well start fucking your cunt now, I really want to see you take my bruvers big cock, I bet you ain?t never had anything that big between your legs and when he?s finished fucking you I get to shag you, thank you God for this long day of shagging, hope your up there to watch us both fuck this bitch, come on bruv, lets get started on her, pass the rope.?


The woman felt Frank move, she immediately started to struggle, but all she could do was rock from side to side. She groaned as she heard the voices, ?Pass the rope under the bed,? ?Yeah I got it,? ?You unbuckle her legs, I?ll get scissors to cut the rest of her clothes off,? ?You gona let me fuck her first?? ?Yeah, yeah of course, that?s what brothers are for, but I get the first blow-job, don?t reckon she used her mouth much,? ?You?ll teach her all about throat fuckin, I remember the last one, got the scissors??


She squealed as she felt fingers on her legs, hands pulling the belts off her thighs, then her ankles, she tried to escape but each ankle was held by different hands, then Frank giggled, ?Make a wish,? and she felt her legs stretched open. Wider and wider, she grunted with pain until ropes held them wide, she heard Jack, ?Mind the shoes, I like red shoes,? Frank laughed, ?Yeah and I like the sound of these,? the sound of scissors opening and closing close to her neck stopped her movement.


She felt the cold steel of the scissors on her left shoulder, a silly voice giggled, ?One,? her bra strap was cut, the steel moved to the other shoulder, ?Two,? that strap was cut, then she felt the cold edge go between her breasts and slice through the thin joining material, ?Three and out they pop just for me.?


Her full breasts pushed out from the torn cups, ?Oh yes, as we said, nice tits, and suckable big nipples,? he got hold of one and squeezed it, her body arched in pain, ?Oh yes don?t you worry yourself little totty we are going to play with these for hours.?


The cutting continued as he slit the silk robe in to piece?s dragging the strands of material from under the belt until she heard, ?And now we get rid of the panties,? she jumped as he spoke close to her ear, ?Then you?ll be good and ready for a long, hard fuck-a-thon.?


The moan was long as her panties were snipped away from her body; she lay there, her long wavy brown hair tussled around the pretty face spoilt only by the silver duck tape, her arms bound tightly to her body, her large breasts round and firm with the long thick pink nipples pointing up at five to one. Her long slender nylon covered legs looked grotesque held wide with the red shoes pointing either side of the bed, her cunt, though neat still gapped open, the brown short triangle of hair didn?t do anything to cover the beautifully formed hood that crowned the pink flesh, as both men stared at their pinned butterfly they drooled, saliva dribbled down their chins.


Franks voice was a low rasp, ?God look at them tits, unbelievable, she so slim, but they look fantastic, we?re gona fuck off between them, bet the wobble great when she being fucked, you want me to make her wet so we can find out?? Jack giggled like a child, ?Yeah, yeah suck her cunt, you give it a good lickin so I can give it a good fuckin,? Franks laugh was evil, ?My pleasure.?


Jack watched his brother crawl back on the bed, his semi-erect cock swung between his legs as he bent towards her ankle. With her legs tied really wide the underside of her legs made an easy target for Franks tongue. Slowly he licked at her calf muscle then behind her knee, her head rolled, low sobbing moans accompanied the slurping noises Frank deliberately made as he worked further up the back of her thighs.


He started kissing her flesh as well as licking he couldn?t help but laugh as he spoke to Jack, ?I smell something, its getting better as it gets closer, it smells like sweet cunt, wet cunt and a soon to be sore, well fucked cunt,? to a shrill muffled squeal he planted a wet kiss on to the gapping slit.


With long loud, ?MMMMMMMMMM?, sounds he slavered, licked, kissed and tongued at the long slit, he giggled as her arse squirmed to his licking, both of them knew she couldn?t move but he was enjoying the futility of her efforts. He blew in to her, pushing his mouth all over her cunt and blowing, making silly noise?s as the trapped air escaped past his cheeks, then again and again shaking his head as he blew.


His face was wet from his own saliva as he turned to Jack, ?That?s my blow job can?t wait for her to return the favour.? Jack laughed, ?What for as long as that?? Franks giggled, ?No for every second I have my tongue up her slit she?ll have my cock fucking her mouth for an hour.? Then he turned back, looking at her he gloated, ?You?ll like that won?t you totty, me shoving my cock in your pretty mouth for hours,? he bent and started again, his mouth on her cunt, his hands travelling up her body as he blindly went in search of her tits.


His hands clawed over the fine firm mounds, squeezing hard until moans echoed around the room. He slurped and slavered all over her cunt, interjecting words, ?MMMM tasty cunt,? ?MMMMM better get as much of this before cream pie,? ?MMMMM tastes like------,? the phone rang, she started to moan and struggle, though he soon stopped her movement with more hard squeeze?s of her tits, the answer phone cut in, ?Your call will not be taken, please leave a message,? a young excited voice suddenly started, ?Hello Mrs Falconer yes I know your not taking calls but its Justin from the local Evening News, I thought you would like to know that the American court has decided your husband is a flight risk and is therefore keeping him in jail, I believe you will be informed pending his next hearing, we wish you well in this lonely time, thank you,? the line went dead.


Frank blew into her cunt again, ?No Justin, Mrs Falconer is not lonely, she has company, two hard dicks that are going to get to know her well,? he licked slowly up her body, both men giggled as they made out sobbing noises from behind the gag, Frank lay across her, he licked her face moving around to her ear.


His whispered voice full of menace, ?Hear that Mrs Totty Falconer, hubby?s not coming home yet, your all ours, no-one will be here to stop us fucking you, we are going to have your holes for hours maybe days, do you like the idea of that? You have a big house, room up on room to shag you in, your all ours, we will be friends, you and us and you will look after our every need, with your cunt, your arse, your mouth, your hands, your tits, you will feed us food as well as your tasty cunt, I?m really gona enjoy getting to know you intimately but first of all my brother needs to shag you, I hope your ready for this,? he turned at looked at Jack standing at the bottom of the bed, his huge fat cock standing rigid, he turned back, ?And from where I am, I can see he is,? he rolled off her, ?Go on bruv give her one.?


Like a wild animal Jack scooted on to the bed, no foreplay, he just got between her spread legs and started shoving, her muffled squeals meant nothing she was helpless, she could do nothing to save herself as inch by inch the huge length of male meat opened her up.?


The uumph, uumph, noises were forced through her nose as Jack hammered in to her, his arse drove up and back as he jabbed his huge cock all the way up her, he grunted to Frank what a tight cunt she had and how she was a great shag, Frank watched his brothers brutal rape of the defenceless woman, tormenting her as he called back, ?Enjoy it while you can, her cunt won?t be so tight when we?ve finished fucking it and neither will her ass-hole, gona fuck this bitch for hours and then some more.?


The woman grunted and umphed as she was viciously fucked, Jack just kept going, Frank watched for a while, he called, ?Leave some for me,? as he went down the stairs.


He checked out the house, then, finding the car keys moved the big 4X4 out of sight. He took time to make sure the place looked empty, smiling to himself as he moved her jacket from view, ?Don?t need any unwelcome visitors to spoil our fun,? his eyes fell on the riding crop, he soon found other things in the stable, other things to make his unwilling victim, willing, he fed and watered the horse, checked his handy work and returned to the bedroom.


Jack was still hammering in to her, Frank laughed, ?Are you dumping your second or third load up her?? Jack stopped chewing her nipples, ?Third, she?s so fucking tight her cunt sucking it out of me, my old cock won?t go down,? he immediately went back to sucking her nipples, Frank made sure the woman heard him, ?Pity she didn?t know, hay Mrs Totty I?ve seen him jerk off seven times with out stopping and boy does he love tits, could never get enough of his mothers milk.?


Jack hammered his cock into the helpless woman continually; Frank waited until her heard Jack grunt and moan as he filled her again. He lay there, Frank saw his hips moving, ?Come on bruv, get off, let me have a few goes at her, then we will try a few more positions, I just want to get rid of a few loads so as fucking her arse will be a long and enjoyable experience, well at least for me,? Jack muttered as he pulled his cock out of her and moved away.


She was still panting from her last exertion as Frank climbed between her legs; he lined his cock up to her sore, abused hole and slowly started to push in. Gloating down at her he goaded her, ?We was only gona rob you but being as you were here we thought why not shag her for a few days, bet when you was riding that fucking horse this morning you didn?t think that you?d end up be fuckin ridin for hours on end, did you??


Frank pushed in her, ?Very good, still tight after a few, your old man not got a lot, not much tackle, I see we?re gona have to work on you, see if you appreciate what a good fuckin and cumin means, lets start now.?


Frank started on her, he was the same as Jack, hammering at her, grunting as he ploughed in to her delicate body, enjoying the sounds he forced from her, degrading her, ?Come on Mrs fucking Falconer, fuck me back, you know your loving it, legs wide enough, getting it all are we, nice to have something big and hard up this cunt of yours, go on take it and get used to it because if we ain?t up this hole we will be in another, go on take it all,? he rammed as hard as he could, even tied the way she was, her body moved to his poundings.


He came, with out stopping he carried on, cuming a further twice before laying on top of her sucking her tits and breathing heavily, ?Enjoy that, given me an appetite, I fancy some food, tell you what Mrs Totty lets go have lunch.?


They untied her legs and dragged her up again, they had abused her so much that she couldn?t stand, Jack held her as Frank took the belt off her wrists and retied them with rope, then did the same with her elbows, never once undoing the big belt that encircled her, trapping her arms to her body. Still in her red shoes they moved her, fondling her arse, cunt and tits as they led the helpless woman out of the bedroom towards and down the stairs.


Each step down the long ornate staircase was a chance to add more fear, sometimes a little push, then a finger invaded her arse or cunt, nipples were pulled and all the time Franks voice goaded her, ?Enjoying your shagging Totty, like a couple of nice big cocks up this posh cunt of yours, your arse-hole feels real tight you gona straggle my cock with it.?


The terrified woman squealed to their touch, ?Got something nice to eat, gona eat it out your cunt, gona lay you on that big table and stuff our lunch up your cunt and eat you, hope you got thick cream for our mouths because we got thick cream for yours, you hungry??


Frank was first down the stairs his eyes wild with lust. As she put her foot on the floor he drove his fingers up her cunt and held on, she squirmed and squealed but he just started pulling, he dragged her towards the kitchen, ?Before we eat we need entertainment, your gona dance and when you?ve finished, I have a feeling you will do what ever we want, come on bruv lets have some real fun with this cute totty.?


Monday P M.

The woman lay spread eagle on the big kitchen, her ankles tied to the bottom two legs, her arms still strapped painfully behind her back, the base of her tits, her thighs, her buttocks and her cunt were covered in red blotches, the two riding crops lay on the floor where the men had dropped them.


The rooted through the large fridge, Jack giggled as he jabbered on to his brother, ?Didn?t she dance, specially when we slapped her tits, her couldn?t see, just kept jumpin and wigglin while we spanked her, I loved slappin them tits, did I do right, kept her moving so you could slap her cunt, makes it sore for when we fuck her next, are we gona fuck her again soon??


Frank picked up the tub of thick organic yoghurt, smiling as he remembered the last hour?s fun. Both of them had nice whippy ridding crops, they had chased the terrified, bound, gagged and blind folded woman around the kitchen, as she moved one way she offered a nice exposed target, either her arse or cunt or tits, to escape the stinging slaps she would turn offering the other pervert his chance to inflict pain. They had sting her in to submission, she had knelt before both of them and nodded in servitude she would let them do what ever they liked, she would obey with out question and most of all she would be their friend.


Frank turned and stared at the helpless beauty, her legs tied wide open, the red shoes still showing off the nylon covered shapely legs; with a stupid smirk on his face he walked back to the table, ?There, there how?s our new friend, still a little sore, time for her friends to make her better,? he scooped a handful of the creamy yoghurt from the tub and slapped it down between her open legs, she jumped then he splat more on her tits until he let the last drops drizzle down all over her stomach, he looked at Jack, ?Lunch is served.?


Both men slurp and giggled as they licked and sucked the creamy substance from her body, Jack slavering all over her tits and nipples while Franks face was buried between her legs, Frank was the worst, he had a banana and rammed it up her before chewing on it, laughing hysterically as he shouted, ?Complements to the chef.??


They both stood, wiping their faces and grinning, Frank nudged Jack and shouted, ?Hey totty, you gona eat?? she moaned but knowing what would happen if she didn?t do as she was told, she nodded, Frank laughed, ?Good girl and I know you?ll swallow, come bruv, lets take her again.?


Her feet were released and the retied her at the knees; dragging her from the table until she stood trembling before them, she moaned as she felt the first strip of tape pulled from her face, then the second, third and forth, ?Open your mouth, lets have those panties out and that?s the only thing coming out of your mouth, the next thing is cuming in your mouth, on your knees totty and give the best head you have ever given or we will make the last slapping like a picnic compared to what we can do to you.?


The woman?s head moved around, her mouth open, searching for the foul meat she had to suck, Frank grinned at her pathetic attempt, ?You every given head, you know what giving a fucking blow job is?? her head shook and nodded, her mouth stayed open, ?Frank snapped, ?Is that no for head and yes you know what I fucking mean?? she nodded.


Frank grabbed her hair, ?I?ll give you a little advice, my cock hairs go up your fucking nose while my cock goes down your throat,? he giggled at Jack, ?This is gona be a fucking good learning curve for Mrs fucking totty here,? he shook her head, ?Suck bitch, use your tongue on it and swallow every fucking drop, then you get my bruvers cock in your mouth, who?s a lucky girl, now suck.?

It was obvious the woman hadn?t done anything like this before; she must have thought it was going to be easy as she attentively took the tip in to her mouth. Frank grabbed the woman?s head and pushed, pushing until he felt it sink in to her throat, unable to breath she immediately panicked, Frank pulled back, ?There, that?s how far it goes, as we say in the raping trade, all the fucking way, now you better learn fucking quick or I?m gona be fucking the throat of a fucking corpse, suck.?


Fear has its own master, she rammed her face forward, gagging and choking, trying to breath in precious air as she pulled back then rammed herself forward, forcing the rigid long meat in to her gullet.


Tears lay trapped behind the tape as she worked on his cock, her brain told her the faster she worked the faster it would be over, her reward to do it all over again to the other perverted invader.


The woman was terrified but intelligent, she sucked him to the back of her throat then spent as much time as she dared catching her breath while licking and tickling his cock head before working on it again, her intelligence left her wide open to humiliating ridicule and a new unspeakable fear.


It was Frank who caused that fear, ?If she ain?t sucked cock before then she?s a fucking natural or maybe its just she likes a fat piece of meat in her mouth, good cock-suckers are worth their weight in gold,

Reckon we should take her with us, keep her for a while, reckon she could suck half the county, make a small fortune with this little fuck totty, what you reckon bruv, shall we keep her??


Jack was knelt beside her, his hands fondling her breasts, pulling at the nipple as he rolled it between his fingers, his other hand stroked and caressed her arse, occasionally slipping between bound legs to tickle her cunt, he giggled, ?Yeah, she?d make a nice friend to play with, could she stay in my bed, we could play fucking all night.?


Frank went to answer but felt his cock about to burst, shoving hard in to her throat he held her still while more of his filth entered the helpless woman?s body, breathing hard through her nose she was forced to allow the juice to slide in to her stomach, eventuality he pulled out, she fell side ways coughing and choking on the last bits of juice still in her throat.


Frank just turned to Jack, ?Give her a second or two then you have some mouth, she?s good but needs a lot more mouth fucking to get it right,? as he turned back to the fridge he sniggered, ?And we will oblige.?


Jack bent and dragged up the chocking woman, Frank looked back, ?That?s it bruv, fuck her mouth for a while, I?ll ring him, arrange transport, but not until tomorrow, I?m gona have a lot more fun with our hot totty?s holes for at least another day.?


When Frank returned Jack was sat on the table, he had turned the woman who was now kneeling between his legs licking and kissing his wet, sticky, cum covered cock, ?She sucked good, she really got it down her throat, can we keep her, a, can we?? She couldn?t help but groan, Frank ignored it, ?Duno bruv, maybe, tomorrow should be okay, he?s coming but he?s not got a motor, so some-ones dropping him here while they go and do a job close by, then he?ll come back and pick us all up, he?ll take us to the safe house, maybe he will have a boot big enough for her or maybe by the way my cock feels right now we?ll just fuck her to death tonight, who knows??


Frank and Jack didn?t know the meaning of the word mercy and that night was no exception. Frank grabbed her hair and dragged her up away from his brothers cock, moving him he bent her over the table, the only lubricant was two mouthfuls of saliva as he ploughed his cock up her virgin arse, she grunted and moaned, bit her lip as each thrust drove deeper, she knew this evil man just wanted one excuse to hurt her and speaking had already been threatened with a thrashing.


Frank pummelled her, each thrust forcing groans from the defenceless woman, Franks face flushed with excitement he revelled in it, ?God, this woman?s got the greatest arse your ever invented, tops for fucking and boy are we gona fuck it, you listen God, not just once but over and over again for hours are we gona fuck this high class totty, and you dropped her right in to our fucking lap or should I say on the end of our fuckin cocks, thanks mate we will use her for what she was created for, hard relentless shagging.?


Harder and harder Frank banged in to her, ?Hear that Mrs fucking totty, we are gona fuck you all night, we are gona have non stop fun with your gorgeous body, if we ain?t doin this to your body,? he thrust his cock up her arse to the hilt, ?I?m gona be spanking it, five years we?ve waited for a body to fuck, five years of learning the fucking bible just to get out and fuck something real nice, well guess what, you?re real nice.?


To her groans he shot his load up her arse, ramming hard to empty his balls, he moved back, ?God that was some fuck, here bruv give her arse a shag, I?ve got things to do, I?ll catch you later,? he slapped her cheeks, ?Just stay bent over, my bruv wants to sample your cute arse and wiggle it, I?ll be back soon and I don?t want to hear you ain?t been shaking that arse or you won?t want to see me back, here you go bruv, she?s all yours, enjoy her.?


As Frank put on his trousers he watched Jack ramming his cock up the woman?s abused hole, giving his brothers arse a playful slap he went out the back door towards the stable.


It took Frank about forty minutes to sort his ideas out in the stable, evening was drawing in as he walked back across the courtyard, black clouds filled the sky, he thought bee a storm sooner or later. He entered the house straight in to the kitchen, the woman lay on her back on the floor, her legs up and Jack stroking the red shoes, his tongue licking over the long thin heel, he smiled at Frank, ?Nice shoes, I like red shoes.?


Frank smiled at his brother, ?Yeah and I like a red arse, come on lets have some fun with her, make sure she does all we want tonight and you know how playing with our friends always gives us a good long hard on.?


Still with her knees bound and her arms painfully strapped back and to her body, they dragged the blindfolded women up and forced her to waddle out in to the humid evening air, she stumbled and whimpered between the two men along to the stable.


Jack giggled at the array of ropes hanging from different beams as they forced the woman under them.


Frank tied a rope end to her wrists and pulled up bending her, her feet struggled to stay on the floor as her hair touched the floor, she struggled not to cry out as Franks hand slid over her raised cheeks, ?Now that?s a nice sight, eh bruv, see that long handled whip on the wall, pass it here, lets see how good a shot I am with it,? there was a sob from the bound beauty all most drowned out by the laughter from Jack.


Frank took four paces back, his hand raised, a flick of his wrist and the whip sang through the air, it hit nothing, Frank shuffled forward, sobbing noise?s filled the stable, his hand raised another flick, this time the sing ended in a slap, the sobbing changed to a loud aaahhhhpphh, Frank chuckled, ?MMMMM better, three more just to check it wasn?t beginners luck,? snap, snap, snap, the woman?s voice almost rasped from her throat, ?Will you look at that bruv, four little lines of blood, you want to try??


Jack missed on all his try?s and gave up, handing the whip back he snapped, ?I?d rather fuck her,? Frank laughed as he took the black handle back, ?You will but let me have my fun, if I hit her cunt twice then you get to fuck her mouth again, watch this.?


He moved back to the sobbing woman, bent and took the rope off her legs, then tied one length to her ankle, he grabbed another hanging rope and pulled her up on one leg, she struggled to stay upright her left leg tied high, her cunt open and vulnerable, he stepped back.


The first caught her above the knee, the second on the inside of her thigh, the third and forth on her cheeks again the fifth struck home, the sixth and seventh on her thigh the eighth struck her between her cunt and arsehole, the scream was pitiful, Frank threw the whip against the wall, ?I win the teddy bear or should it be pussy??


He walked around in front of the bent woman, the sarcasm in his voice was one of complete power, ?You want to be fucked or shall I continue??

A pathetic whimper blubbered past sobs, ?I, I want, t,t be fucked, please for god sake just fuck me.?


Frank roared with laughter, ?God ain?t here but I?m sure he?d fuck you, but as I said before, he ain?t I am, you do us all night or your back down here, do you understand??

Her head nodded, he looked at Jack, ?Then we will start right here, she seems to be in a good position, you want back or front?? Jack smiled, ?Oh I?ll take her cunt.?


The stable now echoed to grunts, grunts of pain as the woman?s sore body was battered from behind then in front, her bound leg still high, her hair tied high dragging her face up to Franks crotch; the other grunts were the pleasures of two men as they drove there hard cocks in to the defenceless woman?s abused cunt and mouth.


Both Frank and Jack took the cocks out before they came, shooting their loads over the floor. Frank moved and untied the woman from the beams, in pain she dropped to her knees which was exactly what Frank wanted, ?Lick our cum off the floor and don?t miss a bit.?


In fear of her life the woman started to lick the floor, blindfolded she couldn?t see, both Frank and Jack chuckled as there were a lots of horse shit marks all around, they knew she had to lick some, they weren?t wrong.


Great roars of laughter filled the stable as time and time again her tongue slid over the dark patch?s of dug, she couldn?t stop, she daren?t, but they soon tired of it and picked her up, ?Better clean you up, Mrs fucking totty is going to be spending a lot of time in nice clean sheets, well clean, all apart from the cum stains, your cum stains, upstairs, its bath time.?


Monday Night.

They dragged the bruised and battered woman from the stables, she was completely broken; she had never been treated like this and her brain had refused to accept reality. She was putty in their hands. First the humiliation of being thrown in a shower, cold then hot water forced screams from her, still in her shoes and nylons she stood there unable to defend herself, the men amusing themselves with her abused body, prodding and pinching, forcing their fingers in to her, taking the shower head off and shoving the end of the shower up her arse and cunt, laughing as she squealed to the cold water that chilled her inside or made her nipples stand hard before dragging her out and slapping her as she tried to escape them in the confines of the ornate bathroom.


Frank stopped, the blindfolded woman stood shaking in the corner, Frank moved toward her, ?Okay totty, this is it, walk forward,? fear if she didn?t fear if she did slowly she moved forward. Jack had rope, Frank moved behind her, she jumped as he grabbed the buckle, he removed the belt then untied her elbows and wrists, her arms hung useless at her side.

With in a minute her elbows were tied with a two foot gap from elbow to elbow, her wrist were tied in front by the same pinning her arms and wrists to her side, Frank whispered in her ear, ?Okay totty, you may not be able to see but you can feel, you need to feel me and my bruvers cocks hard all night, either up you, in your mouth, between your tits or in your hands but if we go soft, need I remind you how hard they were in the stable, need I say more, come on, let the fun begin there?s room for three on your big bed.?


Tuesday A M

It was eight fifteen in the morning, all three woke to a loud banging on the door, she lay in the middle of the two brothers, her body covered in sticky drying cum, her tits, mouth arse and cunt oozed their filth, her lips red and bruised from continually sucking cock, being forced to ram their full lengths down her throat; her arse and cunt swollen from hours of fucking, either one at a time, double ended, a sixty nine or a sandwiched and her tits raw from the amount of times she had let them fuck off between them not to mention her swollen bruised and chewed nipples.


Frank shouted, ?Jack, Jack wake up trouble, shut her up and get a knife,? as he moved to the window Jacks hand slammed across the woman?s sore mouth, she hadn?t the strength to fight, she lay, naked, bound and blindfolded awaiting her fate when Frank yelled, ?Oh fuck, it?s cool he?s here.?


Frank went down and opened the door to Norman; the two men embraced before Frank took him inside, Norman looked at the kitchen, rope and belts littered the floor, the riding crops sat on the table, he smiled, ?Partying are we, found a new friend?? his voice etched in sarcasm.?


Frank moved him towards the stair case, ?Fuck you stink, where you been and mores the point where?s the fucking car, how long before we can get out of here??

Norman?s eyes flicked around the house, ?Later, later I see we?ve got some nice stuff, think some of it can come with us, that vase, that picture, good audio kit, yeah worth a few bob this lot.?


The two men reached the bedroom, Jack still lay on the bed, she was beside him, he looked up from sucking her fat, red swollen nipple, ?Eh cous how you doin,? they had learnt not to use names.


Norman stopped looking at the belongings and took in the beauty on the bed, ?Nice, very nice, so this is your new friend, bit messy but after a night with you two what would I expect but she?s a looker, great tits oh yes she?s a looker all right.?


Frank slapped him on the back, ?Then lets kill two birds with one stone, the showers in there, take her and both of you can get cleaned up, you can have some fun with her while you do, sucks a mean cock,? he pushed him forward, ?Well she does now.?


Jack dragged the exhausted woman up and threw her in to the passing Normans grip, ?Come on lady, lets fuck you a couple of time, looks to me like you?ve had enough practice to give a man enjoyment,? he shoved her blindly in to the bathroom.


Jack and Frank went downstairs to check for food, leaving her with Norman; Norman stood in the shower, the water splashed his face as he rubbed the expensive shampoo in to his filthy hair. The water cascaded down over the woman?s head.

She knelt in front of him, her bruised lips wrapped around his fat cock as she used them to wank him off in to her mouth, her knees ached, the high heeled red shoes marking the marble tiles as she crammed herself in to the confines of the cubical.


Bread, cheese, marmalade and cups in between the riding crops littered the neat table, Frank and Jack, their mouths full of food looked up as Norman marched the woman in, ?Needed a good blow job, she ain?t bad, can?t wait to try out the rest of her, but that?s later for now I?m hungry.?


He sat her down and sat himself, he grabbed food in his hands and shovelled it in to his mouth, he looked at her, took another handful and rammed it in her mouth, she took it, she hadn?t eaten for hours and her strength was ebbing.


The cups were filled with expensive wine, they made her drink as they gorged themselves, Norman let out a long, loud belch, ?That?s better, good food, good wine and now a good fuck, come on lady lets take you back upstairs, I want to fuck you for an hour or two, you boys want to come up in a bit, we can give this beauty a good three way fucking this afternoon while we wait for the transport.?


As she felt his hand grip her arm, she whimpered but still stayed silent, Norman looked at the brothers, ?You made her cum yet?? Frank looked at him, ?Don?t know been fucking her to hard to notice,? Norman laughed and dragged up out of the seat, ?Well rich lady, gona make you cum, gona play with your cunt real good then fuck you until you can?t help but climax,? his laugh was evil, ?You can tell your posh friends how you were fucked and fucked and fucked by an ex-con until you spurted your juice for him, that will make a dinner party go with a swing,? he laughed as he dragged her towards the stairs.


The two brothers smiled to each other, they heard the sound of her high heeled shoes on the stairs as she was taken back upstairs, ?Give Norm an hour to have his fun with her then we will go back up there and fuck her some more, we will use the time to see what we can take, we will need money and as Norm said, there?s some valuable stuff in this house, lets check it out.?


While Jack and Frank piled the good quality antiques by the back door, Norman had the beautiful, helpless women on her back on the bed, his tongue playing gently over the fat swollen lips of her cunt, his fingers rubbed delicately over the her now sensitive nipple. He knew her cunt lips were full and she would be forced to become aroused, and the beauty of it was she couldn?t see the evil smile that meant he had done this many times before, there was going to be no escape, he was going to have her, he was going to make her humiliate herself.


He knew just where to lick her, soon his tongue danced over the swollen nub, after hours of vicious fucking the sudden feeling of gently caressing made her hips move. Fingers that had simulated her nipples now tickled her; her own lubrication allowed them to slip and tantalizingly slide over her inner lips.


She shook her head, the fact that she couldn?t see what was happening to her heighten the sensitivity, her hips rolled on the bed, the tongue worked faster, the fingers searched inside, looking for her erogenous place, Norman knew as soon as he found it he would be able to play with her, he wanted to destroy her pride.


He stifled a snigger as he touched a spot and her hips jumped, he felt a shudder run through her, again he touched this time he licked her nub, his tongue flicking over the end, she moved again.?


She was now moving, little stifled grunts came from her; Norman was a master at arousing women as long as they were helpless, bound and at his mercy, like Frank and his tormenting this was his game.


He now had two fingers inside her, rubbing just over the spot, his tongue slid and slurped over her cunt, she jumped her head jerked up, little words spluttered from her mouth, ?Please no stop, please stop, I, ah, I, can?t do this, pl, aahhh, nnoooaahh.?


Norman felt his fingers getting wetter, they slipped easily over her inner walls, making her cum, now was his favourite time. He let her subside just a little then he started again, really working on her, until, bound as she was she still couldn?t stop bucking and writhing on the bed, Norman stopped.


The words he knew he would hear were still music, ?Please no don?t, no stop, I can?t, I ahh need to stop no finish, pl,? pleahhh, please.?

Norman slid quickly up her body, his tongue started flicking over her hyper sensitive nipple, ?Ask me to fuck you.?


Jack and Frank lent against the bedroom door and watched as the woman straddled his hips thrusting her aroused body up and down Normans shaft, she moaned and grunted, her humiliation complete as she fucked and came with her own rapist.


Norman saw them, ?Her old man in prison, what would he think here she being friendly with three complete strangers, fucking them and even asking for it,? he slid his hand forward and rubbed her clit, ?That?s it bitch you jump, you love it, you ride well,? Frank laughed, ?She rides alright but not as hard as we are going to make her,? Norman?s other hand squeezed her tits, ?Fancy a gallop lady??


The two brothers roared with laughter as Norman thrust his hips quickly moving his cock franticly in and out of the confused woman?s cunt, he grinned up at her,? ?And as you seem to be all tied up and alone with us may I suggest more of riding this and a couple of others will be the order of the afternoon.?


With in seconds of her being forced to cum on the end of Normans cock, she was bent over and being fucked by Jack, the men giggled as Norman had his hand between her legs tickling her nub while showing Jack the way to fuck her, forcing yet more humiliation, making sure he fucked her slowly and in which direction to force his cock end so that it rubbed on the part he had found stimulated her the most, then rapidly, forcing grunts from her, the three of them cheered as Jack made her cum.


Giving her pleasure was soon forgotten as they spent the afternoon taking her time and time again, the fucking got worse, two of them at once most of the time but several three way fucks and a lot of blow jobs saw the poor woman degraded over and over again.


It was evening, the three of them were still using her when the car turned up, the man hit the horn three times which was the signal to move. While the three men loaded the car with the stuff they had chosen to steal they took the driver up to the bedroom and forced her to give him a blow job, before leaving her exhausted on the bed, hogtied, gagged and helpless.


Tuesday Night

?Look just get in the fucking car,? they could see Jack was agitated, ?Can I go get the red shoes, can I?? Norman still wouldn?t move, the three of them just stood in the middle of the courtyard, the man in the car shouted again, ?Look its pissing down with rain and I got to get this car back, now come on.?


Norman looked at Frank, ?Remember what they said on T V, ?200,000 that?s what?s missing, its in that house somewhere, we?ve raped her enough times she?s knows we mean business, lets torture her until she tells us where it is then we?ll slit her throat, come on, God knows nobody will care if we kill her, must be something in that fucking stupid bible you been reading about helping yourself, no-one will know it was us, lets kill her who the fucks listening anyway??


The whole area lit up in a flash, a lighting bolt hit the floor right in the middle of their huddle, the man in the car was blinded, he leapt from the drivers side and ran screaming in pain until he abruptly fell head long over the three charred bodies.


Wednesday AM

The police officer smiled at the worried vicar, ?Sorry to be the bearer of such news but they were most certainly two from here, brothers, you let them out last week,? the vicar shook his bowed head, ?Yes, yes it was the Dobson brothers, they told me they were changed men, oh what a fool.?


The police officer hid a snigger, ?Yes it would seem you failed, lot of nonsense if you ask me, religion I mean, all powerful being and that, still each to his own.?

?The woman is safe, she?s going to be alright I mean??

The officer nodded, ?No thanks to you but she?s going to be alright, funny thing is the husband, the charges have been dropped, it made the woman?s recovery much easier, she said it was a miracle.?


The vicar stopped for a moment, a little smile etched on his lips, he looked from under his glasses, ?The criminal eyewitness, said they were about to kill the woman??

The officer said, ?Yes.?

?Did he not say their last words were, who?s listening??

The officer nodded, ?I believe so.?

?And a thunderbolt hit them, killing them instantly??

?Yes sir it did.?

The vicar nodded, ?God moves in mysteries ways, my son, sometimes, very mysterious ways.?


?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????Pagan.



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Mysterious meenu

I guess many men must have found it difficult to know what a Woman really wants, and when. This real and genuine experience is still a Mystery to me. When I was 28 years old, and a bachelor living alone in a town in East India, I employed a full time Maid who was a very young and petite girl almost 22 years old. Meenu was a very thin girl, with small tits, but had good rounded hips, with firm buttocks. She mostly wore long skirts with T-Shirts. One day while she had gone to the market, I...

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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

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Wish Shift Pathways

Wish Shift: Chapter Eight Pathways Year 1 A.S. Day 46 Jenny heard the car pull into her lot in the dim glow of light just before dawn. She had been up until almost midnight the night before and had needed to rush to the toilet sometime in the early morning hours to deal with a bout of morning sickness. Those had been coming less frequently this last week and she was starting to hope that she may be close to parting ways with this particular aspect of being a woman soon. Leaning...

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After the Exodus Runaways

Runaways By: Malissa Madison Kitten, had grown up in an orphanage, mistreated and abused. All she really wanted in life was to be a girl. She'd discovered her desire at ten years of age right after she was orphaned. The name on her birth certificate though was Daryl Simpson. She'd watched how people fawned over the girls, and how they always got pretty things. The first ones who ever got presented to prospective adopting parents were the girls. So few of the boys ever got adopted...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 5

The sun was high in the sky when I awoke the morning after Jennifer and I had discovered our feelings for each other. I thought that perhaps it had all been a beautiful dream but there was too much evidence to the contrary. The way my body still hummed at the slightest touch to my nipples. The pair of panties on the floor that smelled of raw sex…the pile of packages that lay, unopened on the couch. There was one thing missing. Jennifer. At some time during the night or early in the morning,...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 4

With our fingers intertwined, we lay facing each other, sharing tender kisses as we gazed into each other’s eyes. ‘I guess I didn’t misunderstand your feelings about me,’ she said. ‘Not in the least,’ I said, knowing this was what I’d really wanted for a long time but couldn’t allow myself to accept it. ‘It’s all I’ve thought about ever since I first saw you naked, reaching for the sun like that. I fantasized about how you would feel next to me. When we were masturbating together, I...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 10

Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of. – 5 – The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they’d met but I didn’t think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn’t think they’d ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they...

1 year ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 7

‘You weren’t supposed to see that,’ I said, disappointed. ‘Oh baby, I’m sorry. Is it who I think it is?’ ‘Of course.’ ‘It’s going to be breathtaking,’ she said. ‘I just hope I can get it done in time.’ ‘Don’t hurry it,’ she warned, ‘or the spirits will leave you. Oh honey, I am so proud of you and it’s so sweet of you to do it.. Would you sell it to me when you’re done at school?’ It hadn’t even occurred to me that I might not be keeping it. Now, the idea seemed preposterous, but...

2 years ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 1

After an argument with her mother, Sherri Darnell accepts an offer from her Aunt Lilly of a place to stay where she can complete her art projects. It seemed to be the perfect solution, but a new neighbor presents a whole new challenge. Prelude: For those readers that are familiar with my work, it will come as no surprise that chapter one contains a limited amount of sexual activity, but is essential in setting up my characters and my story. Without it, the story would not make a lot of...

3 years ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 9

Eventually, I gave myself permission to reach out to her. I let my finger trail over her face to caress those soft lips. I was rewarded with a slick of her tongue as it tried to get rid of the pest that annoyed her. I finally moved over and buried my fingers in her hair to hold he head while I kissed her, tenderly at first, but with more insistent kisses. They weren’t in any sense sensual or sexual kisses, just kisses of a deep, enduring love. ‘Haven’t you had enough of me?’ she finally...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 2

My last stop was at an electronics store where I purchased the software to learn how to save the photos to a disc. The sales girl was very patient in helping me select some software to make it easier and I made a new friend in the process. As I sat in the car, my cell phone rang. ‘Have you seen your neighbor yet?’ Lilly asked. ‘Oh yeah,’ I replied. ‘All of her.’ ‘Oh, did I forget to tell you she loves being naked?:’ ‘Gee, I guess you did.’ ‘She’s lovely, isn’t she?’ ‘Really? I hadn’t...

2 years ago
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Mysterious Brunette

I had just started at University, the days were long and hectic. Where are the lectures in this big building? And what’s the difference between lectures and tutorials? And a seminar? What the hell does that even mean? I sighed impatiently at the back of the line, waiting to get a photo taken for The I.D Cards. I bit my bottom lip gently, a habit of mine when I got anxiety. I looked around the library. Everyone was so different at University yet all fit in at the same time in their own unique...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 11

We spent a glorious evening together and my angel made me so proud. She was the hit of the evening, and after dinner, Professor Whitworth asked her to say a few words. ‘It is an honor,’ she said, ‘to be with such a talented group. You should all be very proud of what you have done. Now, I challenge you to do even better because I will be back at the spring showing and I want each and every one of you to amaze and dazzle me. This is your senior year, and a wonderful opportunity to launch your...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 3

When Sherri opens her door to find the subject of her fantasies standing there, she is too shocked to breathe. The two women have a lot in common including a dream they unknowingly share. * For several days, I had studied, photographed, and lusted after my famous neighbor. She was, at once, artist, photographer and gifted pianist, who demanded that her privacy be protected. I’d respected that privacy wish, though I dreamt of meeting her in person. When she tanned nude, so did I. When she...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 6

I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn’t stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can’t remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she’d used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...

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Mysterious tales in japan

Dallas was not very popular, he was the one white guy in school, he was bullied somewhat subtly by many of his fellow students, a teacher or two also bullied him, he had few friends those who didn't look at him like he was second rate, he was averaging his classes but the class he was in now, he was constantly failing, History, his teacher was always mean to him, and his friends were scared to call her out on it, they'd tried once and had all been held in detention for several weeks. Dallas was...

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Mysterious Gloryhole

After high school I started attending a community college, living out of the house. Since the college has no sports teams of its own, it is standard practice to attend and support the local high school sports teams. In the same way, we "townies" also attend the homecoming party. In this town we don't do a dance anymore, instead we just all go to the richest senior's house and have a blowout bash. Every senior and community collegiate is in attendance, and alcohol flows freely. The party is a...

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Mysterious text message pt2

I woke up at 4am to get ready to go to work. My hand holding Sophia’s soft breast, my morning wood nestled between her ass cheeks. I really didn’t want to get up. Her 18 year old soft skin against me feels amazing.I slowly inch my way out of the bed without disturbing her. I shut the bedroom door on my way out. Take a piss and go get some coffee. I sit In the kitchen drinking coffee and watching the weather, praying for rain so I can stay home.I hear her little feet coming down the steps. Her...

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Mysterious text message

I work construction. My name and number is big on the side of my truck, so anyone can call me sometimes it’s a bad thing lol. One day I get a text. HiMe:HelloI just wanted to tell you I think your hot!Me:Um ok tyYour much older than me but idc I want you in me!Me:How old are you?19Me:Yeah I am much older than you lolIdcMe:Do I know you?YepMe:From where? I can’t tell you that lolMe:Well what do you look like? Pic?No I can’t you will get pissedMe:If a 19 yo girl wants to fuck me im not going to...

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Mysterious Feminisation

After a few months of my ‘relationship’ with Stefan I realised that I had irreversibly crossed over the border between being a straight guy who liked to experiment with cross-dressing into being… well, something else. I am not sure exactly when this realisation hit me. Was it when I was pulling on a pair of tight girly jeans that I would pair with high stilettos and found I was not thinking how I might look in the mirror and how the clothes felt to me, but how sexy my ass would look to him? Or...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 11

We spent a glorious evening together and my angel made me so proud. She was the hit of the evening, and after dinner, Professor Whitworth asked her to say a few words. "It is an honor," she said, "to be with such a talented group. You should all be very proud of what you have done. Now, I challenge you to do even better because I will be back at the spring showing and I want each and every one of you to amaze and dazzle me. This is your senior year, and a wonderful opportunity to launch your...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 10

Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of.- 5 - The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn't sure exactly how I'd tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they'd met but I didn't think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn't think they'd ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they react...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 9

Eventually, I gave myself permission to reach out to her. I let my finger trail over her face to caress those soft lips. I was rewarded with a slick of her tongue as it tried to get rid of the pest that annoyed her. I finally moved over and buried my fingers in her hair to hold he head while I kissed her; tenderly at first, but with more insistent kisses. They weren't in any sense sensual or sexual kisses, just kisses of a deep, enduring love. "Haven't you had enough of me?" she finally asked,...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 8

When Jennifer closed the door, I felt as though the lights went out in the world. There was such an incredible emptiness in my heart that I was sure I'd die soon. I didn't care if the projects were finished, or if I even returned to school at all. It all seemed so pointless. I never turned a light on that day and only got up to use the rest room. Food didn't appeal to me, and just the thought of drinking wine made me ill. In the middle of the night, I sat in the darkness, staring out at the...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 7

"You weren't supposed to see that," I said, disappointed. "Oh baby, I'm sorry. Is it who I think it is?" "Of course.""It's going to be breathtaking," she said. "I just hope I can get it done in time.""Don't hurry it," she warned, "or the spirits will leave you. Oh honey, I am so proud of you and it's so sweet of you to do it.. Would you sell it to me when you're done at school?"It hadn't even occurred to me that I might not be keeping it. Now, the idea seemed preposterous, but later? To sell...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 6

I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn't stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can't remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she'd used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 5

The sun was high in the sky when I awoke the morning after Jennifer and I had discovered our feelings for each other. I thought that perhaps it had all been a beautiful dream but there was too much evidence to the contrary. The way my body still hummed at the slightest touch to my nipples. The pair of panties on the floor that smelled of raw sex...the pile of packages that lay, unopened on the couch.There was one thing missing. Jennifer. At some time during the night or early in the morning,...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 4

With our fingers intertwined, we lay facing each other, sharing tender kisses as we gazed into each other's eyes. "I guess I didn't misunderstand your feelings about me," she said. "Not in the least," I said, knowing this was what I'd really wanted for a long time but couldn't allow myself to accept it. "It's all I've thought about ever since I first saw you naked, reaching for the sun like that. I fantasized about how you would feel next to me. When we were masturbating together, I climaxed to...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 3

When Sherri opens her door to find the subject of her fantasies standing there, she is too shocked to breathe. The two women have a lot in common including a dream they unknowingly share. *For several days, I had studied, photographed, and lusted after my famous neighbor. She was, at once, artist, photographer and gifted pianist, who demanded that her privacy be protected. I'd respected that privacy wish, though I dreamt of meeting her in person. When she tanned nude, so did I. When she...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 2

My last stop was at an electronics store where I purchased the software to learn how to save the photos to a disc. The sales girl was very patient in helping me select some software to make it easier and I made a new friend in the process. As I sat in the car, my cell phone rang. "Have you seen your neighbor yet?" Lilly asked."Oh yeah," I replied. "All of her.""Oh, did I forget to tell you she loves being naked?:""Gee, I guess you did.""She's lovely, isn't she?""Really? I hadn't noticed," I...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 1

After an argument with her mother, Sherri Darnell accepts an offer from her Aunt Lilly of a place to stay where she can complete her art projects. It seemed to be the perfect solution, but a new neighbor presents a whole new challenge. Prelude: For those readers that are familiar with my work, it will come as no surprise that chapter one contains a limited amount of sexual activity, but is essential in setting up my characters and my story. Without it, the story would not make a lot of...

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Mysterious Lover

Amanda was a forty four year old married woman who worked as an estate agent; usually she hardly ever left the office but occasionally she was allowed to show prospective clients around properties; there were built in safe guards ever since the now famous murder of the single female estate agent Susie Lamplou. Amanda stood five foot two inches tall medium build with extra sensitive nipples on her 36 C breasts; her black hair neat shoulder length always looked immaculate; Amanda had two...

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Kathy Flashing and Sex Traveling the Highways

Traveling the highways to different gigs, gives time for a lot of flashing. I especially like going into rest areas, waysides, and truck stops where the men get so close. Let me ask? What would you do if you seen a hot petite girl totally exposing her bare pussy, big cunt lips hanging down, juice dripping from her cunt. Would you just look or would you lose control and grope her? Well, that's the decision you would have to make if you seen me flashing. My name is Kathy, I'm a nineteen year old...

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This Story starts with guy who 35, but takes place when he's 25. The 2 girls are Jenifer (Jen) she 10-11 and Sarah who's 9-10. As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. RUNAWAYS My name is John I’m 35, I’ve always loved younger girls but I didn’t realize how young until 10 yrs ago. When I was 22 I won $100,000,000.00 from a lottery, so I’m set for life. Anyway, 10yrs ago I was...

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The Runaways

Every story must have a beginning, middle and an end; a universal rule that will seemingly never change. However, one can always control how they read a story, or rather exactly where they start. Typically you would pick the first chapter of a narrative, but perhaps you'd rather skip to the good stuff, or maybe you already read and want to start somewhere else. The Runaways is an episodic series that follows either Marty or Bethany Wright. A Brother/Sister from England who moved to the United...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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All Ways Always

My younger sister Jasmine hates being called my little sister because as she points out she is not little anymore. She likes to tease me by touching her elbows together behind her back thereby thrusting her nice tits straight out to impress anyone looking. They are impressive too. For a fifteen-year-old she has just about the biggest tits of any girl in her grade. She wears a 34-D bra. Hell half of the eighteen-year-old girls in our school don’t wear a bra that big. I’m seventeen years old...

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