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Wish Shift: Chapter Eight Pathways Year 1 A.S. Day 46 Jenny heard the car pull into her lot in the dim glow of light just before dawn. She had been up until almost midnight the night before and had needed to rush to the toilet sometime in the early morning hours to deal with a bout of morning sickness. Those had been coming less frequently this last week and she was starting to hope that she may be close to parting ways with this particular aspect of being a woman soon. Leaning over the toilet with vomit fouling her hair she wished it would hurry up and do that. After it was over she cleaned herself and quickly sank back into sleep. She looked over at the small clock and saw it was just before seven A.M. just as the dawn was creeping through the small window. She had slept later than normal today. Usually her internal clock woke her up between five thirty and a little after six. Just like dad she had remained an early riser. She heard the car doors close, steps coming closer and then a gentle knock on the door. She opened the door and was not surprised that it was both mom and dad. Kira had said they were coming in the morning and they must have either driven very fast or gotten up sometime around four A.M. to have gotten here by now. A few minutes after they had come in, the door opened and Kira and Dianne followed them in. Jenny reassured them that she felt much better this morning and that, while it had been a shock to find out about the twins. The conversations she had with both Kira and Dr. Warren had given her some foundation afterward and she was starting to feel much less anxious. She could see her mom visibly relax as she was telling them this. The tension in his brow and in his shoulders started to lessen. Her father seemed even more visibly relieved, which was a mark of how worried she was to Jenny. She usually had a much harder time being sure when dad really was worried about something. Dad said that maybe they should just all go and get something to eat since everyone was up now and it was a little cramped with all of them gathering in the small common room of Jenny's trailer. She asked if there was an open place nearby and Jenny told them that they could go to Bob's. It was already open and she could go from there to her morning appointment at nine pretty quickly. Dad said that they would just wait in here while the rest of them finished getting dressed to go out. Jenny was already in her small room and shuffling through her clothes when she realized that it was the first time she had seen dad wearing a dress. She made another mental note to discretely compliment her on how she looked sometime later and to also warn Kira not to open her mouth about it, if Dianne hadn't already. She was having more and more difficulty in finding things that she could wear the last few days. Except for one or two pairs, every pair of pants or shorts that she owned could no longer close and if they did, they were too uncomfortable to wear for long. Several of her dresses were now starting to feel too tight in her mid-section and one was too small to wear outright. She sadly began throwing them into the corner with the growing pile of unwearable clothing that seemed to be getting larger each day. She finally settled on a short black skirt she hadn't worn yet that was still loose. It went down to her mid thigh, but was still shorter than anything she had worn before. With a short white shirt that left a few inches of her belly exposed between the top of the skirt and the bottom of the blouse she felt she was good for today. She knew that Sonya usually wore stockings with this sort of outfit, so she rooted around in a drawer until she found where she had put them and found a pair that matched what she had on fairly well. She started to put on her bra and found out that this morning, it too was starting to become too tight. She sighed and tossed it in the pile and started cycling through all of her bras until she found one that still fit her somewhat comfortably. She looked in the mirror and she didn't know why she should have been, but she was surprised to see that her breasts were now visibly larger. She finished dressing, put on her glasses again and looked herself over in the mirror before stepping out. For a moment it felt like her heart stopped. She remembered when Sonya had bought this outfit and seeing herself in the mirror like this brought her absence rushing back to her. Her hands shifted down without thought to cradle the slightly visible curve of her belly that showed so much easier in this outfit. She murmured Sonya's name to herself and sat down to let the shaky feeling she had pass before she went out. Her mom knocked on the sliding door a few minutes later and she told him she was just finishing up and would be out in a few minutes. She picked up the broad floppy sun hat she had bought for Sonya the first time they visited the beach and carried it out with her. She had lipstick in her murse already and after they finished eating she would at least put that on today. "What took you so long?" Kira asked her. Both her and Dianne were already finished and waiting. Then Kira took a double take when she realized what Jenny was wearing. "Damn sis, I think that's the sexiest thing I've seen you wear so far," she said. Jenny felt her cheeks heat up a little, but not as much as she might have thought they would. "Kira's right," Dianne said. "You're looking pretty hot this morning." Jenny realized inadvertently that she had managed to completely divert attention from dad coming to see them wearing a dress. "I think I have to face getting some new clothes in the next week or so," she said. I think I'm getting down to my last few things and now most of my bras are getting too tight to wear." Danny nodded knowingly. "I remember that happening to me the first time. I was wondering just how long you would be able to go before it would start being an issue for you," he said. "Do you have enough clothing left or do you want to go get some things this afternoon?" he asked. "I think I can go a few days before it's a real issue," she answered. "Do you want to see about finding some things when I come back next week?" he said. "Yeah, let's do that then," Jenny said, nodding and reaching for her purse and keys. He smiled slyly at Jenny. "I told you your little figure wouldn't get out of this alive." Jenny rolled her eyes."Don't remind me," she said and followed Kira's snickering form out the trailer door to the car. She rode with mom and dad to Bob's. Kira and Dianne were following behind them in their car. There were a few people in Bob's when they got there, but they didn't have any trouble finding a table and in the conversation over breakfast the three of them brought Danny and Sam up to speed as far as they knew. Danny shook his head when they told him about how Dr. Waverly couldn't get the baby to give her a good chance to find out if it was a boy or a girl. "That one will either be really shy or stubborn as hell," he said. "Either way you may have to keep an eye on them both," Dad snorted a little and looked across to Kira and Jenny. "I think we both know which one it is," Sam said to Danny. Mom and dad said that they would go and get a hotel room for the night and leave sometime the next day. Dad needed to get back. Her forewoman had opened up for her today, but she felt that now, having made certain that Jenny was fine, she needed to get back to work. Mom, Kira and Dianne said they would go with Jenny to the institute this morning while Sam took the other car and took care of that. As she was putting on her lipstick in the bathroom, Jenny noticed that with a full stomach, the three month curve of her belly was much more apparent. She idly wondered how much larger she would become by the end of the next six months and promptly shuddered, even as she tried and failed to imagine it. She couldn't match what she had seen other women look like with the woman facing her in the mirror. "Your sister is looking much better today," said Bob when Kira went up to pay the check. "Pretty damned cute too this morning, I don't think you could have kept me off of her in my younger days." "Yeah, she's feeling a lot better this morning." She looked back at Jenny walking out the door with mom, dad and Dianne. "And yes she is. I'd have had a hard time staying away myself back in the day," she admitted. He handed Kira her change. "You tell her to take care of herself and those little ones," he said. Kira thanked him and went outside to join everyone else waiting in the cars. --------------------------------------------------------------- Year 1 A.S. Day 46 The institute was a large low building made from white painted cinder block and concrete. What it had been before they turned it to this particular use Jenny couldn't tell. It was large enough to have had any number of uses she thought. They walked quietly into the hall leading to the central atrium and let the reception desk know that she had arrived. The man at the desk pointed mom, Kira and Dianne to the waiting area when the woman they sent for Jenny arrived to escort her. They went up to the third floor and after passing through a couple of turns in the hallway arrived at a small conference room. The two doctors she was supposed to meet were already waiting for her and both of them rose and walked around the table to greet her when she entered. Her escort went back through the door closing it behind her. The taller doctor was an extremely thin black woman whose hair was in braids that hung loosely down both sides of her face. She introduced herself as Dr. Min Luo of Renmin university in Beijing. She explained that she was researching long term memory and if it was possible for those who had switched to access it. Dr. Min had been male researcher who had switched with a Congolese woman who was studying in Beijing. The second doctor introduced herself as Mika Nakamura. She too had been male and was the great-grandson of a Nisei member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in World War Two. She was now about thirty-two years old with extremely pale white skin and short curly red hair from her new Irish heritage. She was also a dwarf and only stood as high as Jenny's chest. It was a strange sensation for Jenny to actually be taller than someone for a change and she already felt a strong upwelling of sympathy and solidarity toward Dr. Nakamura. She told Jenny that she was the head researcher for this part of the team and that her field of study was behavioral psychology. Jenny hoped that she would have a good relationship with these two doctors as she had so far with the others, especially since she would be seeing them almost daily for the next few months. "Ms. Minton, we would like to start with a simple test this morning if you feel up to it," Dr. Nakamura said. Jenny nodded and said that she was. "I understand that you have a limited understanding of spoken Mandarin. Is that correct?" Dr. Min asked her. Jenny answered that is was. "How limited would you estimate that you are?" Dr. Min asked. "I know a few basic things and I've picked up some others here and there while I was living in China," Jenny answered. Dr. Min picked up some cards from in front of her. "I'd like you to answer in Chinese the correct word if you know it. Just answer if you do and don't worry if you don't," she said in melodious, barely accented English. She dropped the first card and Jenny automatically said "Huang" seeing the yellow card behind it. She dropped the next card. Jenny looked at it. "Shan," she said at the image of a mountain. The next card was red and she answered, "Hong," quickly and then, "Yu mi," at the next one of corn. They quickly shifted through the remaining cards. Jenny couldn't answer more than half of them, but she was moderately pleased that she had remembered as much as she did. From the choices she presented to her, Dr. Min had selected the most probable simple vocabulary that a foreigner was most likely to know. Dr. Min was also looking somewhat pleased and looked over to Dr. Nakamura to explain. "Thank you Ms. Minton. You have already helped us confirm something that we suspected." "That my knowledge of Chinese is atrocious?" she joked. Both of the doctor's snickered at her self-depreciating effort. "That too," Dr. Min said smiling. "But even with your limited vocabulary, you may not be aware of it, but you were using perfect pronunciation of the words that you did know," Dr. Nakamura continued. "Moreover," Dr. Min said, "Even with such limited vocabulary I could hear strong traces of a Hunan accent in your Chinese." "I'm not sure what you mean by that," Jenny said. " I learned most of my Chinese from Sonya and she was from Hunan." "That's one of the things, that we are interested in finding out Ms. Minton," Dr. Nakamura said. "One of the questions that has plagued us since the extent of the Shift was understood was the vast number of people who found themselves transported mentally and housed in bodies not their own. One of the most common things we found is that, unless you are very old, very young or damaged in your brain in some way, after the Shift we still were able to access memories, skills, abilities that were mentally dependant and so forth. For many of the world's religions this is conclusive proof of the existence of a soul and there are few in the scientific community now who would venture to disagree with that." "Now take yourself for instance. You had a long list of things that you learned to do during the course of your life. Yet, now you are in a younger, female body and you find that the things you know are still intact, there are no gaps in your memory. If you played, say the guitar, you would still know how to do that. You may have to build callus on your fingertips and adjust to the differences in how your fingers are now in relation to how they were before, but you could still play." "The thing about memory is that a lot of it is forged in the physical spaces as well. Some people have compared the exchange between two people caught in the Shift as switching their hard drives, but we think that it may be deeper than that. Now Ms. Feng had spent just as much of her lifetime forging certain mental connections as you have, the difference is in some primary ways what was being connected." "Since language is one of the first and most deeply engraved skills almost every person learns, we want to see if you can benefit from Ms. Feng's knowledge of Chinese and if you can access it. We want to measure the rate of the level of learning that you display in learning to speak Mandarin Chinese in a casual context. Our idea is that when you are learning your first language, connections are made physically in your brain. As you use them and add to them they connect more quickly and you use them with less effort. The pathways form a more efficient network and more can be connected until you achieve mastery of your language. This is all connected to the Broca's Area in everyone's brain." "We believe that those pathways are still present in your physical mind and that it may be possible for you to access them. Kind of like how the first person into the wilderness blazes a trail and used it until it becomes a road. Once the road has been created anyone can use it. If we can provide evidence that it can be done we may be able to develop rapid learning techniques that can be applied to every shifted person. And in the case of those like your son, create a means of helping them develop and use the pathways already created by, in this case, yourself, rather than wait for them to try to connect new pathways in the reduced lifespan that they have." "Right now the rest of our team is monitoring your son and providing the usual stimulation that a newborn would receive and from what we have been able to see so far. Your son's development and response is what we could reasonably expect. But already we are seeing independent actions taken by him that indicates that he is far ahead of a similar newborn who did not switch. Within days of his arrival here, his hand and leg movements began to show signs of purposeful direction and his eyes showed similar response. If I were to estimate a developmental rate with a similar newborn I would say your son is currently about 4 months old and that is just in the last 6 weeks," she said. "We have reason to believe that your son's learning curve is also accelerating from what we have been able to observe," Dr. Min added quietly. Jenny was flabbergasted. "What does this mean for him?" she said slowly, not even sure that it was the right question to ask as well as feeling some mild uneasiness at hearing others refer to her body as her son, even though she knew that's what he was. "That's what we're hoping to find out," Dr. Min answered. "The thing is when you are born you go through stages of cognitive development. Your son has been placed in a body where the brain has matured long before the consciousness has. If we can find some way to assist that consciousness to make use of what it has at its disposal, we may be able to help your son and those like him to successfully use what they have. If we can't we may see the mental equivalent of setting a ten year old behind the wheel of a grand prix racer and telling them to push as hard as they can on the pedal so we can watch them crash." "If we can figure out how to help them, your son may be able to live an independent life in as little as ten years, perhaps sooner. But we need the help of you and the few like you to determine if that is even possible," Dr. Min concluded. "That's...that's a lot to ask," she said feeling the pressure inside her increase as she processed just what it was they were asking her to do and what could depend on it. "But will you do it?" Dr. Nakamura asked her. "I'll try," she said after she considered it for a minute. "Let's get started then," Dr. Min said, reaching for the pile of cards that she could not answer. Dr. Min took her over the cards three times. The first time she only got a couple of them right, the second time most of them and with the third attempt she was at around ninety-five percent correct. She put them away and said that she would ask her to identify them again at some point in the future and not to study any of the words before that time. She repeated the exercise with a new set of vocabulary and by the time that Jenny left for the day she was already scoring seventy-five to eighty percent correct. They decided to halt then and asked her to come in at the same time tomorrow. She went out to where the family was waiting. Kira was waiting for her, but Dianne and mom were gone. "I took them to Java Jolts," she said, naming the coffee shop near Bob's. They said that you would probably be in there for a while, so I said I'd wait for you." Jenny said that it was fine and they left to pick them up. Even though Dr. Min had told her not to review or to try to remember the words they went over. Jenny still would occasionally find the Chinese words bubble up in her thoughts the rest of the day. She spent the evening just talking with her mom. When he asked her what they were interested in, she kept it somewhat quiet. She only said that they were wanting to see how quickly she learned Chinese, but she didn't say why it was important to them. Mom got a puzzled look for a moment and then decided that it was something that could wait for later to talk about. Jenny went to sleep fairly early that night and she fell asleep quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------ Year 1 A.S. Day 46 The pretty Chinese girl came around again he saw. This time she came from that big complex at the edge of the medical park. She came into the coffee shop and spent about an hour speaking with the two women he'd seen her with before and an older man he hadn't seen before. While they were talking, he overheard them talking about some tests that she was taking part in tomorrow. He watched her leave in the sexy short black skirt and the short white top. She had a little bit of a belly, but she looked gorgeous to him today, particularly the way that black skirt framed her perfect little ass as she walked away. She didn't have much up top, like her friends did, but that ass was spectacular. He was definitely going to keep an eye out for her. From what it sounded like she would be here every day for the next few weeks. He'd have to try to get hold of the guy he was thinking of yesterday again. He still hadn't gotten back to him. He watched her firm, petite ass sway all the way to the car and he knew he'd definitely be looking out for her tomorrow. ----------------------------------------------------------- SIX MINUTES! The warning made me jolt and blink my eyes rapidly a few times. The vibrations from the engines and the bucking from turbulence shook me wide awake with recognition. How did I get on a dirty Herc? I had a moment to wonder before the deck of the C-130 bucked against my boots again. The stink of the plane crawled all around me. That unholy mixture of sweat, aviation fuel, old vomit, fear and stress that infested every Air Force transport plane I have ever set foot on. The equipment strapped to my body and the confining weight of the parachute I could feel behind me. I shook my head and recognized the familiar weight of my Kevlar. Outboard personnel STAND UP! The order cracked through the droning of the big engines. The men on the other side of me start shuffling and shrugging their way to their feet. The man across from me reached out his hand and I clasped it to hold him steady while he got to his feet. Inboard personnel STAND UP! The men to my right and left began struggling to their feet. The man I had helped to his feet helped pull me to mine. We turned briefly and flipped up the folding seats so they would be out of the way. HOOK UP! I reached over for the heavy clip attached to the thick yellow static line that snakes over my shoulder and is clipped to my chest harness. No reserve I noticed. We never jump without a reserve. The only time I did that was...I know where I am now. I raise the clasp and snap it onto the cable overhead that runs the length of the cargo plane's interior. I snap it shut and run the thin wire through the tiny hole at the base so it stays closed. CHECK STATIC LINE! I look up and make sure that the metal hook has locked onto the steel cable. The wire is through the hole. The yellow nylon line is running over my bent elbow. The six inch loop is clasped in my hand. All good. CHECK EQUIPMENT The order floats back and is echoed by everyone. Even as I am saying the words my hands are moving over my body. Chin and Velcro straps on the helmet, check. Harness clasps tight and locked, check, rucksack and weapons case, check. Static line over my arm with a six inch loop in my hand check. I look over the pack tray of the man in front of me. Everything looks good. It can't be this jump I thought, it already happened, it's over. SOUND OFF FOR EQUIPMENT CHECK! I hear a rolling chant of ok coming closer to me from behind. Abruptly I feel a hard slap on my shoulder and the man behind me shouts OK. My free hand snaps forward to the shoulder of the man in front of me, Ok barks out of my mouth. It's my voice I thought, my real voice. What's happening. Was the Shift a dream? Was Sonya? Did I dream it on the way to this drop zone? Far in front of me I can hear the man in the front shouting all ok jumpmaster. And now we wait. I hear the rumbling thudding sound of the doors being rolled up and feel the icy blast of fresh air banish the stale stink of the plane temporarily. It feels so good. It always feels so good. The overhead cable starts shaking up and down as static lines are jangled against it. I hear a few of the guys cry "GET SOME!" in the roaring air. The minute crawls by. ONE MINUTE! I tense, I already hear a different rumbling outside of the plane. An angry, snapping, snarling rumble. It is that jump, I think to myself. STAND IN THE DOOR! We start to push forward a few inches, tensing, the plane is bucking even more and we are bounced against each other, our hands holding the line to keep us upright. The angry snarling outside the plane is louder. GREEN LIGHT GO! The men in front of me start moving forward, waddling with the weight of everything we carry. I feel myself doing the same thing. The weapons case bangs against my leg, the heavy upside down ruck thumps against my knees. I hear the jumpmaster repeating the word go over and over as he send each man in front of me out. My turn. My hand shoots forward and he takes my static line, I turn into the door and place my hands where the reserve would normally be. The blast of wind makes my dress fly up around me as I step off of the plane. I start the four second count automatically and reach three before I see that it's just me. Jenny and I'm falling. The rushing wind is driving the fabric of my dress up to wrap around me. I can feel the cold bite of the air lashing my thin panties. My hair is flowing above me, a raven banner against the night sky. I open my mouth and scream, but no one hears me. The triple A lights the sky, the planes drone overhead I see the round shapes of deployed parachutes, but I don't have one. I flail my naked arms and legs against the rushing wind. My throat is raw already and it's only been seconds in the air. There are patches of flame and shadow on the ground below me. The ground is coming! It's coming! It's... Jenny's scream echoed in the small room. It echoed around as more screams stuttered from her throat in a hysterical, constant sobbing. She had bolted upright and her hands were clutched around her belly. Her eyes were wide open unseeing. The blood drained from her face in her terror. The sliding door was thrown back and Dianne and Kira tumbled over each other trying to get in first. "Jenny, Jenny what's wrong?" they both were saying over and over, but the only sound Jenny was making was the hysterical screaming that rose and fell with each ragged breath. They sat on both sides of her and held her tight against them until the screaming slowed and stopped.

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Wish Shift Adjustments

Wish Shift: Adjustments 1 A.S. Day 147 When Derek got out of the shower, he was still half in amazement at Jenny. He toweled himself dry and wrapped the damp towel around himself. He figured he might as well make the bed after he put some clothes on. He really wanted to do something nice for Jenny today, but right now he couldn't think of what it should be. He found himself thinking about what she had told him about Sonya and that brought him back to last night and what she said to...

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Wish Shift Tabula Rasa

Wish Shift : Chapter Ten Tabula Rasa Year 1 A.S. Day 56 Before they went to Dr. Waverly's, Kira and Dianne took her to get a couple of new sets of clothes. Jenny had already apologized to them for being angry with how they reacted to her risking herself and the twins, but there were still some dark feelings swimming around them. She was still out of sorts herself as well. She was wearing the last of her inherited bras and in the last couple of days it had been much too tight for...

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Wish Shift Template

Wish shift: Chapter Six Template Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Danny had just finished sliding the last of the cubed potatoes off of the cutting board into the pot of boiling water. She glanced across the kitchen at Sam. She was slicing tomatoes and laying them out on the split loaf of Italian bread over the lettuce. Danny reached for an onion and started dicing it. Danny was more than a little proud of Sam the last couple of weeks. Jenny coming home had been a good influence on her in some...

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Wish Shift Revelations

Wish Shift: Chapter Twelve Revelations Year 1 A.S. Day 65 Sam looked around the outside dining area at Java Jolts. "You know I don't usually go to places like this," she said. The outside area was pretty simple, just some small white painted metal tables with some white wicker chairs around them. The tables were pulled up close to the plate glass of the front window and on the edge of the sidewalk there were some planters with greenery spilling over the concrete sides. "I know,"...

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Wish Shift Two By Moonlight

Wish Shift: Chapter Eighteen Two By Moonlight Year 1 A.S. Day 92 Jenny slowed the truck down and stopped. The little ticket booth at the gate had peeling white paint on its wooden walls and there were a few scattered weeds growing at the base of the small building. Jenny leaned out of the window slightly and handed over the twenty-five dollar admission to the sixty year old man who was bouncing up and down to whatever was on his I phone between cars. He took her money and she...

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Wish Shift You Cant Outrun A Shadow

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Six You Can't Outrun A Shadow Year 1 A.S. Day 187 Day 232 of Jenny's Pregnancy Brother Paul disconnected the phone and turned his efforts back towards getting ready to depart. He was greatly satisfied with the work he had done already. The little mud woman had finally reached a stage that he could start encouraging her growing love of the Lord's righteousness and Derek would be coming back to them today, albeit only for services. With her now properly...

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Wish Shift The Fire That Burns You

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Nine The Fire That Burns You Year 1 A.S. Day 209 Day 254 of Jenny's pregnancy Sleep was constantly avoiding coming to her. Between her now frequent trips to the bathroom, the movement of the twins and the pain from the various parts of her body, it was a wonder that she got any sleep at all. And that was before she even factored in the emotional toll of the last few days. The rage that had been released when the full scope of what had been done to...

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Wish Shift Reunion

Part One The Winter of her Heart Wish Shift: Chapter One Reunions 1 A.S. Day 32 She was still trying to sleep. It wasn't her first international trip. The problem was, even with all of the shades down on the windows, you could still see the outline of daylight around them. This made it difficult for her to get relaxed even in ordinary circumstances. Her only consolation this trip was that, for once, the seat was roomy enough. But considering what made that extra room...

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Wish Shift Examinations

Wish Shift: Chapter Five Examinations Year 1 A.S. Day 43 Dianne didn't arrive the next day, but she did show up the day after that. Sometime after four p.m., when Kira and Jenny were lighting the charcoal in the small portable grill, Kira's phone started ringing. While Jenny busied herself with using the hand cranked fan to get the coal bed well fired, Kira answered it and started laying out the directions to where they were. After they finished talking Kira told Jenny that...

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Wish Shift Intake

Wish Shift: Chapter Fifteen Intake Year 1 A.S. Day 86 Brother Paul sat in the comfortable leather chair in his office. He had striven for the impression of a manager's office rather than something more exalted like the head of a corporation. He told the others that it was right and proper that, as leader's in the Lord's organization that they be reminded that they too were workers in the vineyard of the Lord and not masters of it. He did have some sparse decoration, but...

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Wish Shift Spreading Her Broken Wings

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-One Spreading Her Broken Wings Year 1 A.S. Day 173 The sound of the washing machine rumbled through the kitchen. Jenny had just turned it on after loading it and walked into the dining room. She needed to sit down. The effort of loading the bedding had made her a little dizzy. She saw Derek at the table. He had his laptop open and was writing down some notes occasionally on a scrap piece of paper. He flipped between the open tabs and frowned before writing...

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Wish Shift Seed

Wish Shift: Chapter Seventeen Seed Year 1 A.S. Day 91 Grandma sauntered out of the trailer wearing a red and white bikini. She had her auburn hair pulled back and she was wearing a pair of oversize sunglasses. She lay down on the folding lawn chair and started rubbing tanning lotion into her skin. Jenny giggled to herself and tried to imagine her as she was before wearing that bikini and just couldn't picture it. She turned back to cranking the blower on the coals to get them...

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Wish Shift Walk the Line

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Eight Walk The Line I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time I keep the ends out for the tie that binds Because you're mine, I walk the line- Johnny Cash Year 1 A.S. Day 158 Trisha still was unconscious most of the day, but in the evening he started to truly come out of it. He was still under heavy pain meds, but the doctors were expressing much more confidence about his condition now. That was a tremendous...

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Wish Shift The Ashes Of Empire

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Eight The Ashes of Empire Year 1 A.S. Day 193 0920 Hours Amy opened the door. There were two men standing there, both of them were dressed in dark suits. She thought for a moment that they might have been someone sent from the church and asked the two men what they wanted. The shorter one, a stocky black man told her that they needed to speak with her and her husband immediately. When she nodded agreeably and opened the door for them the taller of the...

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Wish Shift The Things That Bind You

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Seven The Things That Bind You Year 1 A.S. Day 157 Jenny looked up when Derek opened the front door. She was in the kitchen going over some of what she wanted to do with him during the next week. She put down the pad of paper that she had been writing ideas on down on the counter and walked into the living room to see why he was back so early today. She had been busy over the last few days. In fact she had only really left the house when she had to. As...

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Wish Shift The First Kiss of Dawn

Wish Shift: Chapter Forty-Two The First Kiss of Dawn Year 1 A.S. Day 228 Day 273 of Jenny's Pregnancy 8:30 A.M. One hundred and sixty pounds. That was about how much her ruck had weighed after she had crammed gear, twenty-four MRE's, an anti-tank mine, a thousand rounds for her SAW and an M-72 anti-tank rocket into it when she climbed onto a UH-60 Blackhawk and they sent her against the Iraqi army. One hundred and fifty pounds was what she had used as her average set when...

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Wish Shift Deflection

Wish Shift: Chapter Two Deflection Year 1 A.S. Day 32 No one laughed when Kira said that to her. Not that it wasn't just like something she would say and that it wasn't amusing in its own way. Jenny was mostly sure it was because none of them really knew what to say. Like her mom had said to her in the restroom, it was just something that he never expected to hear from her son, even if her son was now her daughter. She supposed that it also brought home to her sister Kira and...

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What Happened After The Great Shift True Stories of BodyShifted Survivors

The following is a work of fiction. It is Copyrighted to the author Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved. It may be archives at Robo's site and the new Fictionmania II. Others please ask before archiving my work. I like to know where my stories take root. Since I write this for no pay, no one may profit by charging prior to this story being accessed and/or read on the Internet or at a pay site. And now..... What Happened After The Great Shift... (True Stories of...

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Wish Shift Confessions

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirteen Confessions Year 1 A.S. Day 76 "I'm sorry to hear that," Derek said. "Is she one of your friends? I've heard you and your family mention the name from time to time, but I don't think I've met her." Derek was trying to be polite she realized. She realized also that she needed to tell someone about it now, so she asked him if he had time to sit down for a bit. When he asked her why she told him that if he really wanted to know that then he should sit,...

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Wish Shift Pebble

Wish Shift: Chapter Fourteen Pebble Year 1 A.S. Day 85 Kirby's little shop sat off to the side of an old drive-in that had been built here when this was the edge of town some fifty years before. Surprisingly to Jenny the sign out in front of the old drive-in said that they were still in business on the weekends. She looked at it casually out of the truck window as she drove past and considered going there sometime, if it was really still in business. The posts holding...

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Wish Shift Breaking Point

Wish Shift: Chapter Sixteen Breaking Point Year 1 A.S. Day 91 After leaving Dr. Waverly's office Jenny asked them if they would stop at Java Jolts on the way to the grocery store. She said she wanted to get a tea and return the book that Derek had loaned her. Mom and Amelia both said it was fine and exchanged a quick look between themselves that Jenny didn't catch from the back seat. Danny didn't really have an opinion about whatever Jenny's interest in Derek was yet. Sam had, of...

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Wish Shift What Cant Be Unseen

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Four What Can't Be Unseen Year 1 A.S. Day 185 "He said what to you?" Danny asked L.J. "He said that both of us needed to be ready to leave school soon," L.J. said. "Do we really have to leave school now grandma?" he asked. "It just started up again and I don't need any more breaks if I am going to graduate with the rest of the class next year." The school's summer break had been shorter this year because of making up for the chaos that the Shift had...

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Wish Shift Confrontation

Wish Shift: Chapter Nine Confrontation Year 1 A.S. Day 47 Kira and Dianne held Jenny and rocked her as her screams ebbed and faded into sobs then into soft painful moans. The entire time Dianne was stroking her hair and making soothing sounds and telling Jenny that they were here for her. When she mostly stopped shaking, Dianne asked Kira to go into the little kitchen and brew her some tea. She continued holding her as the color slowly returned to her face and the trembling...

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Wish Shift And the Fruit it Bears

Wish Shift: And The Fruit It Bears 1 A.S. Day 146 Jenny looked at her face in the small mirror on the counter. She ran a quick check on what she saw reflected there. The lessons she had been getting from mom when he came down to visit and all the practice she had recently was starting to really pay off. Blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, all of it looked just exactly the way she wanted it to look. Her hair on the longer side she had used a curling iron on, to make it...

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Wish Shift The Chrysalis Left Behind You

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty-Nine The Chrysalis Left Behind You Year 1 A.S. Day 164 She woke up naked in their bed and stretched. His arm was around her still and she had to shift him a bit to finish stretching before slipping out from under the light blanket that was around her feet where she had kicked it in her sleep. Her pussy had a pleasant achy feeling of having been well used from the previous evening and she was just basking in how good it still felt to her right now. She...

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This is the hub. The story does not start here. This is a little place to explain the rules and the way the story works. A place for everyone to come in and navigate through the different storylines. The main two rules are essentially this... 1 Please do not post directly into any of the storylines that I START. Short & simple. (Comments don't count) 2 The story is led by the readers so to make the main character do something or try to do something, then tell me in the comments of this story....

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Wish Shift Slouching Towards Hades

Chapter Thirty-Two Slouching Toward Hades Year 1 A.S. Day 176 Jenny unfolded the small fan. She had bought it on her trip to Beijing with Sonya before they came back from their skiing holiday. She remembered how confusing haggling over even little things like this had been to her when she first got there. Sonya had gotten the woman selling them down to about thirty and they had bought some as gifts as well. This one she had kept for herself. It had a printed design of a...

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Wish Shift The Blooming of the Rose

Wish Shift: The Blooming of the Rose 1 A.S Day 139 Jenny got what sleep she could. It wasn't much but somehow when she got up to start getting ready she didn't notice the lack. She was so animated that she was almost manic in her movements. While she had been lying on the bed waiting for sleep to come to her, she had been turning over all of the different ways that she could use to find out if Derek felt the same for her that she felt for him. After letting a parade of...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

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The Great Shift Space Cadets

The Great Shift: Space Cadets By Jerrie526 Beta Quadrant, Space Station Terra 19, June 14, 12012 AD 10,000 Light years from Earth Commanders Log: It has been more than 10,000 years since the phenomenon that came to be known as The Great Shift occurred back in the late 20th Century. The event that changed Humanity for what some people felt was for the worst. But the human race had proved to be highly adaptable. The shift happened and within months, it was business as usual...

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The Great Shift Support Group

The Great Shift- Support Group By Danielle J This story is the sole property of Danielle J. Anyone who wishes to post it to any Internet site must obtain the author's permission first. My email is [email protected]. All comments are welcome. This story is dedicated to FM author Elaine who so kindly helped me edit my first attempt at TG fiction and gave me many pointers. Thank You Elaine. ********** Today was to be Anne Davidson's first day seeing patients. Anne had just...

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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

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The Great Shift Summers End

The Great Shift - Summer's End By Limbo's Mistress "Dad, I'm home," a voice from the front of the house called right before I heard the slam of the front door. I looked up from the papers spread out on the kitchen counter to see my daughter, Carrie, walk into the room. She stopped at the table and slipped the backpack off her shoulders, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs. Then she walked over to the opposite side of the counter and leaned against it, grabbing an apple from...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...

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The Wish Shift Part Four

Part Four: Her Autumn Tears Like Rain Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Five The Stromium Connection Year 1 A.S. Day 191 Danny and Sam took the drugs that Danny had taken from Amy's bathroom with them to the police as soon as they left the advocate's office. After telling Kira and Dianne what they saw, Danny didn't have much argument from her. She had noticed it a couple of times as well and just thought it was odd that they were being so agreeable. She hadn't seen them take the...

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Great Shift The Origin

* Warning, this story uses the events that happened on Sept. 11, 2001 as a loose model in trying to give a feel of the carnage that'd happens during a massive calamity. If you feel this depiction is too traumatizing in bringing up memories, or if you have PTSD issues, you may not want to read ths story.* The Great Shift (Origins) I like many have enjoyed many a story of the fun and mayhem of that fateful day that the world was turned on it's ear, and many a men had to learn...

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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside Part 1 of 2 revised

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...

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The Wish Shift Part One The Winter of Her Heart

The Wish Shift Prologue Year 1 A.S. Day 16 The office had very little decoration. A couple of framed prints on the walls of mountains that could be from anywhere in the western U.S. but existed only in the printmaker's imagination. There were no family pictures on the desk's surface so the young Chinese woman who was presently sitting in one of the two chairs facing the desk knew that this was no one's actual office. It was just an interrogation room. Small, windowless and...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 2

Once upon a time, I used to be the type of guy who firmly believed women could never get ready on time because they could never decide what to wear. I mean, what guy hasn't watched any number of sitcoms or romcoms where the husband/boyfriend continually looks at his watch, becoming more and more exasperated and impatient, while his darling dear tries on an entire wardrobe's worth of clothing? No matter how relaxed the dress code of the event they are attending, the woman has to make...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 4

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 4) by Limbo's Mistress Tyrone began to stir about three minutes before the police arrived. I noticed it first, the twitch of the fingers of his left hand. Instantly, the memory of that massive hand being slammed against my face, and the harsh way they had groped and fondled me, rushed forward, drowning out everything else. As if I were reliving it all over again. Huddled beneath the blanket, I curled tighter in on myself, and a...

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The Great Shift Summer Vacation

The Great Shift: Summer Vacation By Limbo's Mistress "We're here." I pulled the big SUV into the empty spot between the beach house's legs. The other two parking spaces were taken by a black Mercedes convertible and a bright yellow Prius. Apparently my parents and sister had beat us here. The three-story structure that would be our home for the week sat overlooking the shoreline of Myrtle Beach. Identical houses, though painted a different color, stood on either side of...

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TV Guide after the Great Shift updated Nov 2010

This issue dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and Prosper! Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of... "The TV Guide" You Are Not The Only One To Get Shifted! When the Great Switch happened, and almost all people all over the world were suddenly thrust into the bodies of random other people, everyone - including those of us here at TV Guide - were too busy adjusting to new bodies and the great mess that followed to do...

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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside part 2 of 2

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 2 The young woman opened her eyes. What she saw was all white, slowly resolving into different shades of white, and two corners. That was the extent of it: three walls. Part of it was different, yellow, that's it, with some sort of pattern--a curtain. On the other side, a door. In the corner, high, a box. A mouth, a speaker, no, a camera; a...

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