Wish Shift: Home, Sweet Home free porn video

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Wish Shift: Chapter Four Home, Sweet Home Year 1 A.S. Day 41 Jenny shifted a little on the new fabric. She was still not used to the truck's new seats. It had taken some effort to find a body shop that was open, but it wasn't impossible. One of the guys that dad used to work with at her shop had started his own place after he left and they threw each other work from time to time. The smell of the new upholstery flavored the interior of the cab now, giving it a whiff of new car smell. She had thought that she would have to go with a set of bucket seats when she went in to get the truck modified, but she ended up having a split bench seat installed instead. They had also been able to rig it to elevate a couple of inches which made her more comfortable while driving. The lower step and vertical handrails outside the doors were also new, but unless she was going to give in and buy something else this was the best she could do for right now. Her last minute excursion with mom hadn't really done anything negative to her plans. She was already set to go down a few days early, so losing a day for that didn't have too much of an impact. Kira was still off work for now and Dianne pretty much set her own hours even before the Shift, so the change in plans didn't put them out. Jenny had initially decided to just go to an RV park, but after looking around a bit she found a mobile home park that was closer to where she needed to be. The lot was also big enough for Kira and Dianne's pop up camper so they agreed to leave it with Jenny for the time being. Jenny was going to drive down the whole way herself, but Kira insisted on taking at least the first leg. She thought Jenny should hold off a bit until she was more used to handling the big truck the way she was now. As much as she would like to have argued the point with Kira, Dad pretty much settled the discussion when she asked Jenny if she would have been comfortable letting Sonya do anything like this, especially in her condition. Jenny hated admitting it, but she knew that while she would have let her just drive the truck if she wanted to, she would also have balked at the idea of Sonya behind the wheel with a heavy tow. The reminder of her condition put to her in this way also rubbed her face in limitations she would not have considered before. She did remind Dad that she was not that far along, but she reluctantly agreed to hold off on driving while they were towing for now. The trip would not take that long, it was only about a three hour drive if they pushed it, not that either her or Kira were in the mood to do that. They had to take a couple of state highways to reach the interstate, but even in normal times that never really took more than an hour even on the narrow roads they would be hauling on. They stopped in Taylor about halfway to I-126. The town wasn't much, but they did have a great hamburger shack that they usually got something at whenever either of them passed that way. Two double anaconda specials later Jenny felt like she might have to be rolled back into the truck's cab, but in her opinion it was still worth it. Kira asked her if she was trying to become a balloon when she finished her second burger. Jenny looked her in the eye and told her that when Kira got pregnant she could tell Jenny how to eat. After she said it she realized that it sounded a bit harsher than she intended it be and apologized. Kira told her it was alright and asked Jenny if she was ready. Jenny said she was and after a pit stop on the way out she hauled herself up into the passenger side of the big truck and settled in for the next leg of the trip. Jenny watched Kira. Unlike herself Kira still dressed for the most part as she had before the Shift when she didn't have to wear business attire. But unlike Jake she seemed to be doing it more for familiarity and comfort rather than as a defense. Kira's curly hair wasn't very long and from what Jenny guessed it was the same as it was when the original owner of the body had it. She was still getting used to Kira towering over her when they stood beside each other. Before the Switch they had been about the same height and Kira was shorter than she had been by about three or four inches, but it was nothing like Jenny's change. She had gone from 6'3" to 5'4" in a flash. Kira's 5'10' towering over her was more than a bit unsettling. Kira was also much more voluptuous than Jenny. Her breasts were easily a C cup and with her much wider hips and larger rump Jenny was sure that the assortment of shorts that she had seen Kira wearing most of the time were new. The T-shirt she was wearing now wasn't loose but it hugged her curves nicely. She had a skin color like coffee with a touch of mocha. Her nose was much wider now and she had prominent cheekbones and a generous mouth and thin lips. Jenny contrasted her sister's appearance with her own and couldn't have imagined that they could have been more different. The fact is that before, Kira would have attracted James in an instant. Now looking her over she discovered that other than noting the differences between each of their changes Jenny felt no desire for her at all. In fact since the first time she had switched she had not really had any sexual feelings in a little over a month since she became Jenny. It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed her brief taste of sex as a woman. For the first week at the embassy dealing with how the sensations she had experienced made her feel had left her disoriented and adrift. Since then she had actively suppressed any twinge of desire that she may have felt out of guilt and to no small degree shame. "I'm straight," she said. Kira looked back at her one eyebrow cocked up at the statement that had just come from nowhere. "And what does that have to do with taking George to pick up where we left off on the Appalachian trail?" she asked. A reasonable question since for most of the trip so far Kira had been bouncing ideas off of Jenny for how they should make that trip happen when she got everything settled and came back home for good. "Nothing, I just really realized it is all," she said. Kira slowed the truck down and looked her over in quick glances. Today Jenny was wearing a knee length blue skirt and a loose white blouse with small red, yellow and blue flowers embroidered in a winding pattern across the padded bra she had inherited from Sonya. She had gotten Mom's help with the little makeup she was wearing today and mom had also loaned her a set of delicate gold studs for her ears after Jenny had gotten up the courage to ask her help with that. Her new glasses did nothing to hide her eyes the way the heavy dark frames had before. With her hair hanging loosely, one side a couple of inches longer than the other she looked very different from the woman that had stepped off of the plane a few days before. "Mom had a talk with you didn't he?" Kira said turning her attention back to the road and speeding up a little. "Day before yesterday," Jenny answered. "I thought as much when you both came back and you had new glasses and a fresh trip to the salon." Kira reached over and turned down the radio a bit. "He did the same thing with me about a week before you got back," she said. "Was it as uncomfortable for you?" Jenny asked. "Probably not as much as your talk was. I'm not pregnant." "But you are married," Jenny said thinking of Sonya. "So is Kim," Kira said. "Kim has bigger problems than I do right now," Jenny replied quickly. "I don't know about bigger yet, but definitely different," Kira said after a minute. "She's got a brand new wife that thinks nothing has changed and is doing the best she can to ignore it even happened. She has a four year old son who's wrecked about losing his sex and his boyfriend disappearing and a twenty-two year old son who is about the only one in her household who is enjoying this." "You're Chinese and pregnant with what probably is your girlfriend" she continued, "I'm a black woman in a lesbian marriage with a stripper. And that's not even getting into grandma, George or mom and dad." "I think we all got a full load of problems to deal with," she said. "I wish Jake and Kim were taking it as well as mom and dad. Kim doesn't need this shit," Jenny said and then laughed softly. "How is that funny?" Kira asked. "Not that, the wish thing," Jenny answered. "I don't get it," Kira said. Jenny was planning on filling Kira in with some of the details sometime while it was just them on this trip. She was definitely not going to go into the detail that she was forced to recount at the embassy, but she had known that she had to tell someone in the family about it and she had always been close with Kira. "When it happened I thought it was because of a wish," she said, waiting for Kira to react. Kira immediately slowed down and pulled the truck over onto the shoulder of the highway. "Whoa, are you trying to tell me that you wished you were a girl?" She said looking at Jenny in surprise. "No, nothing like that," she said quickly. "Then what? What kind of wish could you make that would make you think that it was responsible for suddenly turning you into a woman?" A couple of cars went past them, the wind from their passage buffeted the truck. Jenny looked at Kira. "Because when it happened Sonya and I were having sex and I wished she could know just how good it felt." There it was out now and with her saying it, Jenny felt part of the weight on her mentally slip off. "Holy shit," Kira said slowly drawing out the syllables. "No wonder you switched the way you did." She shook her head. "I was wondering why they were so sure about her being in you like that. This makes a whole lot more sense now." "They're still guessing about that, but I'd say they're about ninety- something percent sure." "Goddamn, I can see why you thought it was a wish, I'd have done the same damn thing." Kira started laughing a little. "At least you had some idea about why it happened, even if it was wrong." She leaned over. "Don't let it bug you sis," she said conspiratorially, "I don't know how many times I've had that thought with Dianne, let alone anyone I was with before her." Kira put the truck in gear and checked the highway before speeding up to pull back on. "At least it was good enough for you to want to make that wish." "The woman I switched with lived thirty miles away," she said after they got back up to speed. "No shit?" Jenny said. "I'm glad that didn't happen to me." "Really," she said. "One minute I'm at work talking with a customer about a business loan and the next minute I'm in some stranger's kitchen and there are three kids going crazy around me. None of us know what is going on and the only one who was not upset by it was the two year old. She was just upset because everyone else was I think. The other two were about five and it looked like six, but they were screaming at me to change them back. By the time we all got calmed down enough to deal with what happened without shouting it was already past sunset." "So what did you do?" Jenny asked. "I didn't get any answer from Dianne, so I called dad at the shop. When he picked up I thought at first nothing had happened and it was just us. When I was trying to explain what happened to dad is when I found out it was mom I was talking with. She had come by from the school to get her oil changed and was in the office with him." Kira got an evil look on her face. "You don't suppose they were having a quickie in there do you? You know...considering how you changed." I don't know if they were then, but I know they have since then," Jenny said, leering back at her sister. "Whoa. Back up," Kira said. "And just how the hell do you know that?" "Let's just say mom made a real strong hint about it on the way back from the salon." Kira saw a rest stop and pulled over. After she parked and killed the engine, she turned and looked over to Jenny. "Spill," she said. "He didn't give me any details mind you," Jenny said. "Yeah?" "But he did mention something about changing cologne." "I know about that, it's been distracting as hell when I come over there." Kira gulped. "It must be more than that for dad, cause when we were coming up the drive he started whistling that song." Kira started cackling, her head thumped against the headrest several times before she settled down. "Oh god, I can't breathe," she said. "I knew there was a reason you got out of the car the way you did when you got back. I couldn't figure out why you jetted into the trailer so fast, but now I can," she finished up her laughing fit and wiped some tears from her eye. Since they were stopped, they took the opportunity for a pit stop. Jenny sent mom a text letting him know where they were and climbed back into the cab. She had seen a couple of the men at the rest stop looking her over on the way back to the truck. She remembered for a second what mom had told her when they were talking and realized that she had no idea how long men had been looking her over in passing. She had been too wrapped up in herself to notice it before, but now she was starting to see it when it happened. When Kira climbed back into the truck and started it up, Jenny told her that she had sent the text. She nodded and started back onto the highway. "What did you mean by married to a stripper?" Jenny asked when they got on the road again. "The implants are a little on the large size, but that doesn't make her automatically a stripper." "Dianne switched with a woman who worked at Ho-ho's," Kira said. Ho-ho's was a strip bar that both Jenny and Kira had frequented when they were male. The sign for it was a dirty old man wearing a Santa Claus hat with a big white beard. Actually it was a picture of the original owner and the new owner had kept it when he bought the place about ten years ago. It wasn't what you could say was a sleazy place but it wasn't trying to pretend to be something else either. What Jenny found interesting about Kira telling her this was that he had met Dianne there when she was working as a bartender in college, just before she started law school. Dianne had said that if she had been willing to do it she could have been on stage and made a lot more than she did tending bar. She didn't feel comfortable doing that though and she made enough already that she never did give it a try. "Did she know her?" Jenny asked. She knew that Dianne had kept in contact with a few of the people that she knew from working there. "No, she was a feature for the week. Dianne said that she must have just got there and was getting ready when she switched into her." "So now you have met both of your wives at Ho-ho's" Jenny said to her. "You know if you don't want to go back to teaching you could probably get a slot there yourself," Kira said. "Not many Asian girls around here. You'd definitely get noticed." "How about you go give it a try first?" she answered. "I don't think I'd stand out enough to do more than average," Kira dismissed. "You on the other hand, you'd stand out." Jenny didn't say anything. "You might want to get some implants yourself though." "Get ben , Greg," she said quietly. "Maybe not though, you give it a couple of months and you could probably do real nicely with guys who have a preggo fetish. You.." "Knock it the fuck off, Greg!" she snapped angrily. Kira shut up instantly. She knew that her little joke had gone too far. When Jenny had an outburst like that she knew that she needed to drop it and back water. She concentrated on the road while Jenny seethed next to her. Sometimes her jokes backfired. It didn't happen often, she usually had better notions of when to drop it before it stopped being funny. They didn't say anything for the better part of the next thirty miles. The turned down volume on the radio was suddenly loud in the silence. They both did their best to keep quiet while the music alternated between classic rock, commercials and the occasional news blurb. After one blurb about an ongoing trial Kira felt that they needed to start talking again. "I'm worried Jake's going to end up like that," she said quietly. "Like what?" Jenny said, her voice still a little frosty. "Like Darren Phillips," she said. "Did you hear about that over in China?" "Not really, they had enough going on that they only really covered the big things on the English broadcast when it came to international news," Jenny's tone was a little less hostile, but not much. "It's a mess and a half," Kira said. Jenny asked her about it. Darren Phillips it turned out was a white supremacist. He also had been beating his wife regularly for years. When the Shift happened, he had been one of the ones who remained the same. His wife had ended up shifting with a black man. Whoever it was that she traded with had just ran out of the house and left the door open behind her. Darren had come home when things had gotten crazy the first few hours afterward. He was home when his wife came back as a black man. At first he refused to believe what she said and accused her of coming to his house to loot the place. After she wouldn't leave he started beating her with a tire iron. Some of the witnesses who saw the last bit said that she hadn't fought back and was begging him to believe her. She must have said something that convinced him, because he finally just lost it and started shouting he was going to set her free just before he killed her. After that he left the house loaded up with weapons and ammo. Somehow he tracked down his wife's body and shot her a dozen times. She had been screaming that she was another woman when he did that and she didn't know him. It had been in a public place when he opened fire and he just kept shooting any non-white who came into range after that while screaming about conspiracies. Somebody had gotten a shot at him and put him in the hospital. His trial was supposed to be starting next week. It was a formality really; there were too many witnesses and camera footage and the D.A. had already said she would be asking for the death penalty. There was little objection from the public at large, especially since there had been other reports across the country of unshifted people attacking those who had changed. As Kira went over the details, Jenny made a mental note to pull her Beretta out of the safe later and keep it close by. After Kira finished bringing her up to speed, Jenny said that she hadn't heard about that at all and it seemed that Kira telling her about it had drained off some of the anger she had touched off. "I'm worried that Jake is losing it like that," she said. "You know what she's like normally." "She can be a real jackass sometimes, but even with that we both know she never laid a hand on Kim or the kids in anger," Jenny said. "That was before she became Kim," Kira said. "You just got here a few days ago, you haven't seen some of the shit she's pulled since the Switch, especially with Kim and Mattie." "Mom said she was worried too," Jenny said. "But she didn't give any details. We had other things to talk about." "You see how she dresses?" Kira said. "I did," she said "And I've seen more than a few others like that." "It's not just the clothes," Kira said. "I don't think that she has bathed more than a couple of times since it happened. Kim told me Jake is disgusted just going to the bathroom. He came over to my place a couple of weeks ago spouting some bullshit he probably got off one of his nut job internet sites about the Shift being caused by gays to try to make everyone gay." "Now that is some major league horseshit," Jenny replied more than a little shocked at hearing this. "Well he eats it up, especially now," Kira said. "Kim told me that she has insisted that Kim do exactly what he did before the Switch. She insists that Kim should never forget he is still a woman and when they find out how to reverse this he needs to be ready for things to go back to normal." "I'm losing respect for Jake by the microsecond," Jenny said "I was just thinking that they would probably end up getting a divorce and Jake would become a super bull dyke." "I wish that would happen," Kira said. "It would make things a lot easier on Kim and the kids. But the big problem is that Jake knows she's straight. I think she looks at Kim when she is not angry and it horrifies her that she wants Kim to fuck her. So she lashes out like she does. Dianne has already told Kim to leave her and I told Jake to go find a good shrink." "I don't think that ended well," Jenny said. "She called me a stupid bitch and told me to keep my nigger mouth shut," Kira said in a stony tone. "That was the first and last time she did that. I kicked the shit out of her and told her that the only reason I stopped was that she was wearing my sister's face. I'd watch out for her if I were you, you being so small she's liable to pull some kind of shit with you too." "She will really wish she didn't, that's all I'm going to say," Jenny said grimly. Mattie gets the worst of it. Kim runs a lot of interference between them, but when Jake's not howling about what they need to do when they get back to normal, she's dog piling Mattie about how he is a boy now and he is going to learn to be a proper man. She get furious if she catches Mattie crying about Kyle." "Kyle's her missing boyfriend?" Jenny asked. "Yeah," Kira said. "Sometimes..." Kira started to say, but hesitated a minute before continuing. "And I really hate to have to say this but I'm gonna. Sometimes I think the best thing for Kim to do if he won't leave her is to absolutely beat the living shit out of Jake and then fuck her every night for about a week. That might rock her out of this nasty behavior she's been dishing out." "Kim wouldn't do that, it's not in him," Jenny said. "I know, that's why I hope he just leaves, even for just a little while. That might blow some of the shit clogging her mind out if Jake realizes how close she is to losing everything." Kira's voice turned hard again. "And then I think about Darren Phillips and when I do I see Jake heading that way at warp speed and I hope it doesn't get that far. Because if it does I'll be the one going to prison not her." "She does that, I might get to her first," Jenny said. "But maybe you're right and all she needs is accept that she wants Kim to fuck her." "Maybe," Kira said. "Jake and you aren't the only ones that are straight," Kira said shifting the subject. "Both Dianne and I are too." "I thought you said you were lesbians?" Jenny said. "No, I said I have a lesbian marriage," Kira said. "I look at her now and I have zero desire for her and she is feeling the same way about me. I can tell." "What are you going to do?" Jenny said. "Fucked if I know," Kira said. "The only thing holding us together now is how we feel about each other. But since the Shift we haven't touched each other sexually really. We started to once, but we were both forcing it and we didn't get too far." "But you both still love each other," Jenny said. "God yes," Kira said quickly. "We just don't desire each other. And I don't know about her, but I've had a couple times coming home with my panties wet from seeing a good looking guy and I just can't face her when that happens." "Has she? Jenny asked cautiously. "Probably," Kira said sadly. "If one of us had switched into a man, I think we might be alright. As it is..." Kira trailed off without finishing. "Is there anything you can do?" Jenny asked, really not knowing what else she could say. "I'm afraid we're headed for a divorce," Kira said. "And the only reason why is that we're both straight. We might even stay friends. Who can tell?" "I hope it doesn't come to that," Jenny said reaching over to pat Kira on the shoulder. "Me too," Kira said. "Who could have guessed that George and Grandma would be the lucky ones? They had hit the Columbia city limits a little while ago. Kira slowed down when the speed limit dropped and asked Jenny where they were going now. She read out the directions and they managed to find the place without too much trouble. The park office wouldn't close for a couple more hours so they filled out the rental agreement and finished up everything fairly quickly. After they got the trailer backed into the lot and the power, water and sewage lines hooked up, they unhooked the truck and unloaded what they had thrown in the truck bed. Kira pulled it out into the road and parked it. After they got everything straightened out as well as could be done, Kira tossed her the keys and asked if she felt up to driving to the store to get some supplies. Jenny told her she was and they both climbed back into the truck. Jenny adjusted the seat and started to pull away. She glanced back into the rear view mirror at the trailer growing smaller behind them. "Home, sweet home," she said in a chirpy voice that made Kira laugh for the first time since the conversation had gotten serious.

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Wish Shift : Chapter Ten Tabula Rasa Year 1 A.S. Day 56 Before they went to Dr. Waverly's, Kira and Dianne took her to get a couple of new sets of clothes. Jenny had already apologized to them for being angry with how they reacted to her risking herself and the twins, but there were still some dark feelings swimming around them. She was still out of sorts herself as well. She was wearing the last of her inherited bras and in the last couple of days it had been much too tight for...

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Wish Shift Template

Wish shift: Chapter Six Template Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Danny had just finished sliding the last of the cubed potatoes off of the cutting board into the pot of boiling water. She glanced across the kitchen at Sam. She was slicing tomatoes and laying them out on the split loaf of Italian bread over the lettuce. Danny reached for an onion and started dicing it. Danny was more than a little proud of Sam the last couple of weeks. Jenny coming home had been a good influence on her in some...

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Wish Shift Revelations

Wish Shift: Chapter Twelve Revelations Year 1 A.S. Day 65 Sam looked around the outside dining area at Java Jolts. "You know I don't usually go to places like this," she said. The outside area was pretty simple, just some small white painted metal tables with some white wicker chairs around them. The tables were pulled up close to the plate glass of the front window and on the edge of the sidewalk there were some planters with greenery spilling over the concrete sides. "I know,"...

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Wish Shift Two By Moonlight

Wish Shift: Chapter Eighteen Two By Moonlight Year 1 A.S. Day 92 Jenny slowed the truck down and stopped. The little ticket booth at the gate had peeling white paint on its wooden walls and there were a few scattered weeds growing at the base of the small building. Jenny leaned out of the window slightly and handed over the twenty-five dollar admission to the sixty year old man who was bouncing up and down to whatever was on his I phone between cars. He took her money and she...

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Wish Shift You Cant Outrun A Shadow

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Six You Can't Outrun A Shadow Year 1 A.S. Day 187 Day 232 of Jenny's Pregnancy Brother Paul disconnected the phone and turned his efforts back towards getting ready to depart. He was greatly satisfied with the work he had done already. The little mud woman had finally reached a stage that he could start encouraging her growing love of the Lord's righteousness and Derek would be coming back to them today, albeit only for services. With her now properly...

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Wish Shift The Fire That Burns You

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Nine The Fire That Burns You Year 1 A.S. Day 209 Day 254 of Jenny's pregnancy Sleep was constantly avoiding coming to her. Between her now frequent trips to the bathroom, the movement of the twins and the pain from the various parts of her body, it was a wonder that she got any sleep at all. And that was before she even factored in the emotional toll of the last few days. The rage that had been released when the full scope of what had been done to...

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Wish Shift Reunion

Part One The Winter of her Heart Wish Shift: Chapter One Reunions 1 A.S. Day 32 She was still trying to sleep. It wasn't her first international trip. The problem was, even with all of the shades down on the windows, you could still see the outline of daylight around them. This made it difficult for her to get relaxed even in ordinary circumstances. Her only consolation this trip was that, for once, the seat was roomy enough. But considering what made that extra room...

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Wish Shift Examinations

Wish Shift: Chapter Five Examinations Year 1 A.S. Day 43 Dianne didn't arrive the next day, but she did show up the day after that. Sometime after four p.m., when Kira and Jenny were lighting the charcoal in the small portable grill, Kira's phone started ringing. While Jenny busied herself with using the hand cranked fan to get the coal bed well fired, Kira answered it and started laying out the directions to where they were. After they finished talking Kira told Jenny that...

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Wish Shift Intake

Wish Shift: Chapter Fifteen Intake Year 1 A.S. Day 86 Brother Paul sat in the comfortable leather chair in his office. He had striven for the impression of a manager's office rather than something more exalted like the head of a corporation. He told the others that it was right and proper that, as leader's in the Lord's organization that they be reminded that they too were workers in the vineyard of the Lord and not masters of it. He did have some sparse decoration, but...

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Wish Shift Spreading Her Broken Wings

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-One Spreading Her Broken Wings Year 1 A.S. Day 173 The sound of the washing machine rumbled through the kitchen. Jenny had just turned it on after loading it and walked into the dining room. She needed to sit down. The effort of loading the bedding had made her a little dizzy. She saw Derek at the table. He had his laptop open and was writing down some notes occasionally on a scrap piece of paper. He flipped between the open tabs and frowned before writing...

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Wish Shift Seed

Wish Shift: Chapter Seventeen Seed Year 1 A.S. Day 91 Grandma sauntered out of the trailer wearing a red and white bikini. She had her auburn hair pulled back and she was wearing a pair of oversize sunglasses. She lay down on the folding lawn chair and started rubbing tanning lotion into her skin. Jenny giggled to herself and tried to imagine her as she was before wearing that bikini and just couldn't picture it. She turned back to cranking the blower on the coals to get them...

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Wish Shift Walk the Line

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Eight Walk The Line I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time I keep the ends out for the tie that binds Because you're mine, I walk the line- Johnny Cash Year 1 A.S. Day 158 Trisha still was unconscious most of the day, but in the evening he started to truly come out of it. He was still under heavy pain meds, but the doctors were expressing much more confidence about his condition now. That was a tremendous...

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Wish Shift The Ashes Of Empire

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Eight The Ashes of Empire Year 1 A.S. Day 193 0920 Hours Amy opened the door. There were two men standing there, both of them were dressed in dark suits. She thought for a moment that they might have been someone sent from the church and asked the two men what they wanted. The shorter one, a stocky black man told her that they needed to speak with her and her husband immediately. When she nodded agreeably and opened the door for them the taller of the...

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Wish Shift The Things That Bind You

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Seven The Things That Bind You Year 1 A.S. Day 157 Jenny looked up when Derek opened the front door. She was in the kitchen going over some of what she wanted to do with him during the next week. She put down the pad of paper that she had been writing ideas on down on the counter and walked into the living room to see why he was back so early today. She had been busy over the last few days. In fact she had only really left the house when she had to. As...

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Wish Shift The First Kiss of Dawn

Wish Shift: Chapter Forty-Two The First Kiss of Dawn Year 1 A.S. Day 228 Day 273 of Jenny's Pregnancy 8:30 A.M. One hundred and sixty pounds. That was about how much her ruck had weighed after she had crammed gear, twenty-four MRE's, an anti-tank mine, a thousand rounds for her SAW and an M-72 anti-tank rocket into it when she climbed onto a UH-60 Blackhawk and they sent her against the Iraqi army. One hundred and fifty pounds was what she had used as her average set when...

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Wish Shift Deflection

Wish Shift: Chapter Two Deflection Year 1 A.S. Day 32 No one laughed when Kira said that to her. Not that it wasn't just like something she would say and that it wasn't amusing in its own way. Jenny was mostly sure it was because none of them really knew what to say. Like her mom had said to her in the restroom, it was just something that he never expected to hear from her son, even if her son was now her daughter. She supposed that it also brought home to her sister Kira and...

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What Happened After The Great Shift True Stories of BodyShifted Survivors

The following is a work of fiction. It is Copyrighted to the author Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved. It may be archives at Robo's site and the new Fictionmania II. Others please ask before archiving my work. I like to know where my stories take root. Since I write this for no pay, no one may profit by charging prior to this story being accessed and/or read on the Internet or at a pay site. And now..... What Happened After The Great Shift... (True Stories of...

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Wish Shift Confessions

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirteen Confessions Year 1 A.S. Day 76 "I'm sorry to hear that," Derek said. "Is she one of your friends? I've heard you and your family mention the name from time to time, but I don't think I've met her." Derek was trying to be polite she realized. She realized also that she needed to tell someone about it now, so she asked him if he had time to sit down for a bit. When he asked her why she told him that if he really wanted to know that then he should sit,...

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Wish Shift Pebble

Wish Shift: Chapter Fourteen Pebble Year 1 A.S. Day 85 Kirby's little shop sat off to the side of an old drive-in that had been built here when this was the edge of town some fifty years before. Surprisingly to Jenny the sign out in front of the old drive-in said that they were still in business on the weekends. She looked at it casually out of the truck window as she drove past and considered going there sometime, if it was really still in business. The posts holding...

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Wish Shift Breaking Point

Wish Shift: Chapter Sixteen Breaking Point Year 1 A.S. Day 91 After leaving Dr. Waverly's office Jenny asked them if they would stop at Java Jolts on the way to the grocery store. She said she wanted to get a tea and return the book that Derek had loaned her. Mom and Amelia both said it was fine and exchanged a quick look between themselves that Jenny didn't catch from the back seat. Danny didn't really have an opinion about whatever Jenny's interest in Derek was yet. Sam had, of...

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Wish Shift What Cant Be Unseen

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Four What Can't Be Unseen Year 1 A.S. Day 185 "He said what to you?" Danny asked L.J. "He said that both of us needed to be ready to leave school soon," L.J. said. "Do we really have to leave school now grandma?" he asked. "It just started up again and I don't need any more breaks if I am going to graduate with the rest of the class next year." The school's summer break had been shorter this year because of making up for the chaos that the Shift had...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 5

It was 4 pm when I woke up. My Sleeping Beauty was looking so cute, that I didn't want to wake him up. Besides, I had some preparations to make, and Peaches was sleeping for good. I gently lifted him off my chest and laid him on a deewan. The Mantra of my life has been one- live your young life at the fullest, and I was going to prepare for that. I took my wallet and car keys to go shopping for tonight, but then stopped on my track. The shadow that appeared in the hospital ward. I...

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Wish Shift Confrontation

Wish Shift: Chapter Nine Confrontation Year 1 A.S. Day 47 Kira and Dianne held Jenny and rocked her as her screams ebbed and faded into sobs then into soft painful moans. The entire time Dianne was stroking her hair and making soothing sounds and telling Jenny that they were here for her. When she mostly stopped shaking, Dianne asked Kira to go into the little kitchen and brew her some tea. She continued holding her as the color slowly returned to her face and the trembling...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 4

Why it had to happen this way? I had to confess my feelings for Tanuj some day or other. But as Thammi used to say, we realise the importance of people when they are taken away from us. Maybe to teach me a lesson, The Mother Goddess devised the turn of events. But because of me, Peaches is in danger. Oh Mother Goddess! I have already harmed my innocent brother. How many crimes will you make me do? I beg you my true love's life and well being. Please save him! I have worshiped you all my...

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Wish Shift And the Fruit it Bears

Wish Shift: And The Fruit It Bears 1 A.S. Day 146 Jenny looked at her face in the small mirror on the counter. She ran a quick check on what she saw reflected there. The lessons she had been getting from mom when he came down to visit and all the practice she had recently was starting to really pay off. Blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, all of it looked just exactly the way she wanted it to look. Her hair on the longer side she had used a curling iron on, to make it...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 6

I pulled off the messed up sheet and prepared our bed while he arranged the tub. As I got into the bathroom, I realised that it was not just a bath tub, but a Hamam with aromatic oils, candles and fragrant potions arranged in a neat line. Three steps led to the edge of the circular Hamam. Did Sweetpea plan to spoil me tonight? The tub was filled with scented water, petals of flowers floating in it. As I stepped into it, warm water touched my feet. Sweetpea was sitting in a corner, as he...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 2

We wrapped up the shooting of 'The Night of death'. As planned earlier, my show Suspense Nights was a weekly show, that was set to be aired sat-sun, 8 pm. I wanted to be with my family for the grand premier of the show, and took the first flight to New Delhi. My parents are the highest Rank holders of IAS and IPS services and both their official residences are in New Delhi. Usually I pay visit to my home once in a year during the annual festival in The Mother Goddess's honour. So my...

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Wish Shift The Chrysalis Left Behind You

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty-Nine The Chrysalis Left Behind You Year 1 A.S. Day 164 She woke up naked in their bed and stretched. His arm was around her still and she had to shift him a bit to finish stretching before slipping out from under the light blanket that was around her feet where she had kicked it in her sleep. Her pussy had a pleasant achy feeling of having been well used from the previous evening and she was just basking in how good it still felt to her right now. She...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 3

After discharge, Sweetpea took me to his apartment. The Sinhas had a smaller apartment in an adjacent tower of the same complex, and it was decided that they will rent it to me. For the first time I felt secured in Mumbai. I had a job, I had a place to live, and now I could think of bringing Aai from Nagpur. But first I had to talk to Mr. & Mrs. Sinha, who had invited me for lunch. As I stepped into their apartment, I realised it's not an apartment, but a penthouse on the 36th floor. As I...

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Wish Shift Slouching Towards Hades

Chapter Thirty-Two Slouching Toward Hades Year 1 A.S. Day 176 Jenny unfolded the small fan. She had bought it on her trip to Beijing with Sonya before they came back from their skiing holiday. She remembered how confusing haggling over even little things like this had been to her when she first got there. Sonya had gotten the woman selling them down to about thirty and they had bought some as gifts as well. This one she had kept for herself. It had a printed design of a...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

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Wish Shift The Blooming of the Rose

Wish Shift: The Blooming of the Rose 1 A.S Day 139 Jenny got what sleep she could. It wasn't much but somehow when she got up to start getting ready she didn't notice the lack. She was so animated that she was almost manic in her movements. While she had been lying on the bed waiting for sleep to come to her, she had been turning over all of the different ways that she could use to find out if Derek felt the same for her that she felt for him. After letting a parade of...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 2

Esme rounded on her. "Marjory, girl, you have just GOT to tell us what that was all about! It sounded so weird, what you were saying, that we must know what the other end was. It sounded like your fella was on his knees!" Marjory started to tell her sad tale, about falling for her Derek, and making love with him, in the expectation that he was the love of her life and they would get married eventually. She had had a series of shocks. It was a shock to discover how unyielding her parents...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired up...

Group Sex
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 10

He waited, then listened to a reply. "Right. Thank you. Please note that he is about to be arrested, so we don not want him leaving." He closed the call. "Thanks, Ruth, for reminding me. He will not be able to leave now. Now we just hav e to pick him up. Where will he be?" "This time of day? Probably heading out for his evening meal, either at home or in a restaurant. Do we know if he is married?" "The data we got for him does not mention any spouse, so presumably not," replied...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 6

It had been three months since that fateful encounter with the erotic truffle, which had afflicted village schoolteacher Trevor Defreitas, Annabel Montford, a former pupil of his on Earth, her two younger sisters Tracy and Dinah, and their tour guide, Amelia Cross. That accidental exposure, in a shared meal, led to a night of drug-fuelled sex between Trevor and all four girls. Afterwards, upon considerable reflection, the girls realised that apart from all three sisters losing their...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 10

George and Marina helped Georgina clear out her flat. Most of what she kept were pieces of inexpensive jewellery that she liked; her photograph albums; and mementos of Amelia’s childhood. George declared that it would be easy to copy the photos on to a digital file and keep them on a memorystick, as well as being available on her phone. They decided to deal with that on George’s computer at home. Georgina asked, “George, can we eliminate my late husband from some of the photos, when we put...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 11

"You may be right about us humans, but The Personalia have blossomed too. They have become more involved with Earth as time has gone on. They have adapted to capitalism with a vengeance. They own a number of business on Earth, and have almost entirely monopolised the audit sector of business: numbers are their forte, you see, and they have established a reputation for probity. I have heard rumours of them pursuing criminals and removing their stolen assets: much more effective than jailing...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 11

Bob Kempe, the Governor of Rehome colony, was at his office when he received an unexpected call from the Personalia. “Governor, we have been analysing some of the statistical data that is compiled in major countries on Earth, and we have observed that there is a set of trends which may interest you. The statistics on crime contain data on assaults within families, and in recent months this has begun to decline, to an extent that indicates this to be a real effect and not a statistical...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 8

"That lady who escorted you here – Ruth I think you said her name was; can she sign an affidavit that there was no such intent?" "I expect so. There were a group of ladies involved in getting me and the girls together. They called themselves Malan mothers." Mrs Mboya's eyebrows lifted. "Ah. So that is who that lady is; one of the five Malan mothers? Derek – what is your surname, boy?" "Dearden, ma'am." "Mr Dearden, you have struck lucky. These ladies recently became famous in...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 5

Annabel asked the Governor, "Do you mind if I do the phone call? I think I can handle them okay, I really do." "Perhaps, but what would you say to them on this call?" "Just that things happened here, nice things, and that we have decided to remain on Rehome for the time being." Bob glanced over at Ruth, and asked, "Ruth – are you fine with this line?" Ruth looked thoughtful, then said, "Yes, I do believe that might be effective, if Annabel keeps her call simple and to the...

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