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I awoke confused; the bed beside me was empty, thank God! But that still didn’t explain the who of it from last night, because I know for damned sure the woman I fucked last night wasn’t my wife, although I’m pretty sure she was family.

‘Start at the beginning, ‘ I thought, let’s go over the events and see just what we can figure out.

Karen and I had been invited to a party at her parents’ house. Well, they call it a house; it’s pretty palatial by my standards with eight bedrooms, plus a separate attached dwelling or granny flat they are sometimes called. Mind you, they needed it; Karen is the oldest of six kids, with two brothers and three sisters to be exact.

Brian and Wendy, her Mum and Dad, are ‘doing well for themselves’ as they will tell anyone who asks, not that they like to brag. I get on very well with them both, despite coming from a ‘challenging’ background. My Dad abandoned my Mum when he got her pregnant and my Mum abandoned me to a drug habit that eventually took her life by the time I was seven. I spent the next ten years in council foster care, constantly being moved in the early days from one place to another as the carers struggled to cope with my attitude as well as my total resistance to being controlled. What none of them noticed was that I was completely and utterly bored as I have a genius level IQ and as a child a very limited tolerance for people who tried to treat me as a child. That was until I was placed in the care of Bill and Emily Sanders.

I pulled my usual bag of tricks on them, asserting my independence, but to my surprise they took it all in their stride and even taught me a trick or two when it came to getting their own way. It was Emily who started me reading some of what are termed the classics and not stupid storybook cartoons or thinking that kids television might just be interesting enough to keep me in one place. Emily managed to turn the key in a lock and suddenly there was an incredible world in front of me. I voraciously read every classic in her collection and started down at the local library, going through anything that took my fancy.

It was Bill and Emily who took on my school and got them to promote me towards a private scholarship at a local public school. Whilst at first I struggled with being amongst ‘toffs’, my academic achievements soon had me amongst a select group being pushed hard towards achieving the highest levels of education. I also met Karen there and, whilst not as bright as I am, she captured my heart and never let it go despite a frequently stormy relationship in which we often split, indulged in a new boyfriend/girlfriend, but always ended up back with each other.

We both took each other’s virginity at age fifteen. Went at it like rabbits for a couple of months before splitting and trying out new territories ... so to speak, before returning to give each other the benefit of our experiences and so on until after Uni when we decided to marry and put aside childish things ... such as other lovers ... I thought.

I first met Karen’s family shortly after we started having sex and although I’m damned sure her mother at least knew what we were up to, she never put any obstacles in our path, even if, ostensibly, we slept in separate rooms.

Karen’s mother and the sisters all could have come out of the same mould, blonde, blue eyed, shapely, same height, same vital statistics, though five different personalities, they may have superficially looked alike, but that’s where it ended as they reacted and acted very differently from each other.

Wendy, the mother, was (normally) cool, calm and very, very organised. She ran the household with all the skill of a military planner and nothing seemed ever to faze her, not even Karen’s over-active (at times) sex drive where we’d often enough go at it as and when we could, with no thought as to who might catch us, which Wendy occasionally did to her initial shock and later amusement. That said she did have her ditzy side and often caused hilarity at family gatherings by saying things out loud that she really ought to have kept to herself.

Jill was the next oldest, married to Neville who looks like a chinless wonder but is in truth a very funny guy to talk to. I know they are trying for a kid, but so far no luck. Jill doesn’t like me, I don’t know why and if Karen does, she’s failed to mention it. We manage OK in groups, but if it’s us two, Jill simply gets up and leaves. Our last invitation to a family get together at Jill’s only had Karen’s name on the invite. Karen said it was an oversight, I have my doubts.

Megan was the next in line, engaged to Tony for what seems like forever, but is only a couple of years if that. Of the three other sisters I like her the best, she’s smart witty and treats me like a real brother. If I hadn’t ended up with Karen, Megan is the one I’d probably go for. Tony I can take or leave, he’s a total nonentity who often enough mistakes sarcasm for humour whilst lacking a sense of humour himself as far as I can tell.

Kirstie (with an ‘ie’) is the youngest, barely eighteen and ready to take on the world. She’s loud, sassy and opinionated, typical anarcho-socialist student type. We like each other, but never discuss politics, mostly because she throws a huff if she thinks I’m mocking her (which I do) by pointing out the several flaws in anarchism as well as Marxist economics. She declares it will be a paradise, I point out it will be a colder version of Somalia. We agree to disagree, though sometimes I suspect she knows the truth and is playing a part to wind up her older brother who’s a Tory councillor, as her school grades are very impressive and she has a grasp on real politics that her brother simply doesn’t.

Adam is the older of the two brothers and is sandwiched between Karen and Jill. He’s the councillor and is so far up his own arse when it comes to party politics, it isn’t funny. He’s married to Fiona and I wonder if Wendy and Brian keep a whole lot of Karen type clones ready to unwrap as Fiona could almost be a twin of the girls. I also suspect she’s the brains of the outfit and I’m also pretty sure she eggs Kirstie on too.

Ben is between Megan and Kirstie, shy, but a nice young man once you get to know him, his girlfriend Donna (another Karen clone) is with him. Wendy totally embarrassed him by asking if they wanted to share a bed. It was Donna who said yes, much to his shock and gratification.

So there we are, one house, seven women, one of them my wife, and another of them walking around with a little bit of me nestling inside of them, yet I hadn’t a clue as to which one ... or why come to that.

At this point I decided that mulling over events wasn’t getting me out of needing to go to the loo and I was also hungry, though fortunately not hung over. Once my ablutions were out of the way I headed downstairs quietly as the house was still in silence. In the kitchen I found a tired if cheerful Wendy loading the dishwasher, dressed in a pink fluffy robe complete with a serious case of bed head.

“Morning, Peter. Your wife is asleep on the couch where she passed out last night,” she chuckled if slightly disapprovingly.

“I did offer to carry her up, but Brian said not to disturb her, after the power went out” I replied.

“I know, I suspect he’s the one who put the moustache on her with marker pen too,” Wendy giggled.

“I’ll catch hell for that,” I chuckled.

“Serves her right for not beating a retreat when she over indulged,” Wendy replied.

“She rarely does except, when with family,” I said defensively.

“Peter, you don’t have to defend her, she’s a good girl and you keep her on the straight and narrow,” Wendy chuckled. “I dread to think how she’d have ended up without you in her life; she was quite the wild child.”

“Well, it’s been a bumpy ride at times for both of us,” I reminisced with a smile.

“Yes, but it was obvious you were made for each other. After all you always got back together, a lot of us admire you for that,” she said with a smile as I boiled the kettle. “Oh and yes please,” she added pointing towards the coffee tin.

“Yes, Mum,” I chuckled as I poured the coffees.

“Call me Wendy!” she admonished as our running name joke was started again.

“Yes, Mum,” I replied and dodged into the living room to see how Karen was doing.

She was pretty much in the same position I’d put her into after she fell asleep after drinking a little too much at the end of a long journey and heavy meal. She did look quite adorable even with the bright green moustache some kind soul had adorned her with in jest.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I said gently when her eyes flickered open.

“Oh fuck, my head!” she moaned.

Wendy came through with water and painkillers and handed them over silently, though her eyes were twinkling in mirth. Karen sat up, wobbled slightly and then knocked the pills back with a sigh.

“Sorry, hun,” she apologised somewhat sheepishly.

“It’s OK, but you were got at while you were asleep,” I chuckled.

“Oh no!” she moaned as Wendy handed her a small vanity mirror. “Dad!”

“Could have been worse,” I chuckled.

“True, I still have all my clothes on so he didn’t decorate my bum cheeks,” Karen moaned.

“He has?” I asked.

“She was seven and fell asleep after school,” Wendy chuckled.

“Never did that again ... well until now,” Karen sighed.

“Missed you last night,” I said.

“I doubt we’d have gotten up to anything,” she giggled. “Unless you’re going to get into doing me comatose.”

“Nah, I prefer active and enjoying,” I chuckled, glancing surreptitiously at Wendy when I said it.

I couldn’t be sure, but I did think for a second that there was a little pink glow to her cheeks, but I might have been wrong, although Karen and I discussing sex never really bothered her as much as her replies bothered Karen when Wendy went into her own details by way of revenge.

At this point we were joined by Jill and Neville who simply gave their ‘mornings’ from the kitchen before Neville joined us and burst out laughing at Karen.

“Yeah, yeah,” Karen chuckled. “Teach me to fall asleep around my Dad.”

“Well, you weren’t the only one staying down here late. Jill didn’t come up till late,” Neville chuckled.

“Well, some of us hold their drink better,” Jill replied. “Though I hope you’d look after me better than Peter does Karen,” she sniffed dismissively.

“Brian insisted,” I replied. “Then we had the power cut so there was no way I was carrying an unconscious woman around a very dark house.”

“Quite right,” said Wendy giving Jill what I can only call ‘a look’.

“Even so, you could have stayed with her,” Jill went on ignoring the warning signs.

“Dunno, I’d have left you here if you’d passed out too,” Neville interjected with a grin. “As it was I went up and left you partying because I was dropping off myself.”

I could tell Jill wasn’t too happy, but Neville had quite taken the wind out of her sails so she just huffed a little and went back to her coffee. Karen then headed upstairs to sort herself out whilst I helped Wendy to sort out the bits for a breakfast.

Soon we were joined by Megan and Fiona, both of whom started chattering away, helping themselves to coffee and generally getting in the way until Wendy shooed them out of the kitchen.

“Good party though, haven’t laughed like that for ages,” Megan said with a grin from the doorway.

“Well, Brian’s tales of misadventure are always good for a laugh,” I chuckled.

“Yeah, he knows some corkers. But I loved your story on how you were responsible for shutting down the BBC for an hour or so,” she giggled.

“Ah hell, I was only removing some spare cabling. I didn’t realise that part of it was the main outfeed to the antenna,” I chuckled.

“But Peter, you’re the software engineer contracted to rebuild their network, not a cable monkey,” she chuckled.

“One helps where one can.” I replied with a grin.

“If it had been me I’d have sacked you,” Jill commented.

“Good job you never will be in that position, Jill,” I replied calmly with a wink at Megan that Jill couldn’t fail to miss.

“Yeah, but it was all the celebs rushing down to help despite the fact that they didn’t know what they were doing,” giggled Megan with a wink of her own as she’s aware of Jill’s antipathy towards me, although doesn’t know why.

“Human nature,” I chuckled. “I got away with it as whilst everyone was milling about I reconnected the link and it came up with a software error that I was paid to fix.”

“You should have done it for nothing,” Jill said snootily.

“Why? The fault would have happened when the real cable monkeys came along to remove the mess and would have taken a hell of a lot longer to find,” I replied with a grin.

“But you caused it!” Jill stated.

“No, I found it, there’s a difference. The fault was always there. I just discovered it,” I replied, my grin getting larger.

“Give it a rest, Jilly,” Megan added, using Jill’s diminutive kid’s name. “We all know you’ve a cob on for Peter even if you won’t say why, but you’re just being petty and it’s too early for petty.”

“I do not have a ‘cob’ on for anyone,” Jill retorted before turning her back and walking off.

We were then joined by Tony and Ben, Tony immediately placing his arm possessively around Megan as he usually did in my presence; I think I make him insecure for some reason or another though I’d never put a move on Megan ... well, not knowingly.

“Where did you go last night babe?” he asked her.

“You were snoring. I went to the flat to sleep, as Karen,” she said with a giggle, “was occupying the comfy sofa.”

“I don’t snore!” he snapped.

“Next time I’ll record you,” she giggled.

“There won’t be a next time,” he replied and stalked off.

“He just dump you, Megs?” I asked.

“Dunno, we’ll see later. I’m thinking of calling it off anyway,” she said quietly. “I want kids, but I’m not planning on marrying one.”

“We’ll be there for you, come what may,” I replied.

“I know bro,” she replied with a smile as Brian came into the kitchen looking for Karen.

“She’s cleaning her face,” I chuckled.

“Damn, I knew I should have got a picture,” he replied with a grin.

“She might not have forgiven you for that,” I chuckled as Kirstie and Adam arrived bickering as usual, followed by Donna who was shaking her head at the pantomime performances going on in front of her.

“Adam, behave and grab some coffee,” Fiona ordered as Wendy started serving up orange juice as well as getting the grill underway for sausages and bacon.

“Yes, dear,” Adam sighed and broke away from a discussion of Keynesian economics that told me he hadn’t a clue about them.

“Morning, capitalist swine,” Kirstie greeted me.

“Morning, bolshie tart,” I replied with a grin matched by her own as she came up and gave me an unexpected hug.

“God, you smell nice,” she said before heading off to grab some juice.

“Can I help with anything?” Fiona asked.

“Keep Adam from rising to Kirstie’s bait,” I chuckled.

“No way, it’s part of the joy of coming to the family parties,” she giggled. “You went to bed early last night.”

“Sitting in the dark doesn’t do anything for me,” I chuckled. “Particularly as my wife was out of it.”

“True, Adam went soon after too,” she replied.

“You weren’t far off after him,” Wendy added.

“I went up but sat on the balcony and watched the stars, with the power out they were brilliant,” Fiona replied.

“Wish I’d thought of that, but I stayed down to tidy up,” Wendy added.

“Ben went out like a light,” Donna commented. “Wish I’d thought of that too.”

“All that effort into sharing a room and he falls asleep on you?” I chuckled.

“Yeah tell me about it,” she giggled as Ben blushed like mad.

“Tonight,” he murmured as we all laughed.

“Promise?” she giggled.

“I promise,” he replied as Kirstie started singing ‘Ben’s on a promise’.

“At least I’m getting some,” he chuckled.

“Ooh, low blow,” I said with a laugh as Kirstie slapped his head followed by Donna.

“I get mine too, it’s just I haven’t decided on a significant other yet,” Kirstie giggled.

“Doubt any of those hairy trots you hang out with are worth the time,” Neville chuckled.

“Ah, you got me there, Nev,” she giggled. “Politics match, but talk about it being strange bedfellows if I went there.”

“One day my apparatchik will come,” I serenaded her paraphrasing the Snow White song and getting a slap across the head off her in return, though quite a gentle one.

“OK, everyone sit down and I’ll serve up,” Wendy announced as a cleaned up Karen appeared.

We all sat and passed around plates as well as toast and butter and the conversation turned to the power cut we had last night.

“Bloody good job I had my phone for a light or I might just have wandered into the wrong room,” I chuckled.

“Does get a bit dark,” Brian commented.

“A bit dark, Dad?” Kirstie chuckled. “More like the black hole of Calcutta.”

“We have candles,” he said defensively.

“Hard to find in the dark, Dad,” Adam replied.

“You all managed,” he replied with a grin. “Even if you stayed down here to chat.”

“We all turned in about the same time,” Wendy said. “Didn’t like to disturb Karen.”

“Party pooper,” Megan joked at her sister.

“I was wrecked from work and the journey,” Karen replied with a wry smile.

“More like the booze,” joked Fiona.

“That too,” giggled Karen.

“Your husband should have stopped you,” Jill said maliciously.

“He has a name, Jill, and he isn’t a control freak like you,” Karen hit back bitingly.

“No, he’s just a cheating man with all the morals of a tomcat!” Jill snarled.

“I beg your pardon?” I said my stomach going cold.

“You were always breaking up with Karen so you could go fucking tarts,” she said angrily, relieving my tension as she did not drop me in it over last night, assuming it was her, which seemed unlikely.

“You fucking liar!” Karen erupted angrily. “You know nothing about our relationship save only what you make up in your head. Peter never broke up with me for sex ... unlike me, often to my regret.”

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Naked with Sister

Note : Completely fictional, just so ya know. So I grew up on a farm with my twin sister and both my parents. The farmhouse is a nice big cottage in the middle of big open fields and woods that are miles in every direction. Back in the woods is a great big pond that nobody knows about and sometimes when we were younger my sister and I would sneak off and go skinny dipping in it. There was nothing sexual about it. We both just liked the feeling of being naked outside and swimming. We are very...

3 years ago
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The Dress Part 2 of a series

The Dress II (A shopping date) by Diann First, please allow me to recap a bit from the last part. I'm a thirty-year- old transvestite (living with my mother, helping her cope with severe arthritis) who found a magical dress in a second hand shop. The magic changes whoever wears it into a beautiful woman when they put it on, and the change reverses once the person is totally naked. After taking a few minutes to get used to the new me, I went to the nearby mall and made a couple...

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The WolvesChapter 20

The Moon Spectre Moon Base August 14, 2019 16:48 EDT “ ... we’ll load up all the supplies you want to take with you and put them in Abi’s dimensional storage first. After that, we’ll load the shipping containers one by one. Now, as you said earlier, Black dragons can lift their own weight using telekinesis, right? We were thinking the best way to load the shipping containers would be to have a Black dragon lift them into place.” “How heavy do you estimate the shipping containers will be...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Emily Willis Gigantic Dicks Inside Her Pink

When Chad White catches his girlfriend Emily Willis in the act, he gets quite upset but soon decides to join in for a threesome as today’s Hands on Hardcore XXX porn episode by the DDF Network unfolds. Alex Jones hurries to get dressed after having his dick sucked by that young American Latina. He simply couldn’t resist that curvy small ass, those small natural teen titties, and her gorgeous big brown eyes. This young lady is a horny little slut and can’t wait to get her wet...

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Daddys Little Princecess

Daddy's Little Prince-cess ? by: Dee Eon Very sparingly I brushed a pale coral gloss across my lips just the way Janie Evans next door taught me before we moved away last week because of Daddy's new job. I already had enough sense to know I really didn't want to come out looking like some over-painted Bozos like most did with Barbie makeup kits. Happily, Janie had years of kid pageant experience behind her and had my undivided attention showing how to groom and do makeup slow...

1 year ago
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Trust the Science

The Brigadier wasn't pleased with my question, posed during our final briefing. "Never mind the goddamned metaphysics, Lieutenant. We're talking physics here!" His tone became somewhat milder: "Just ... trust the science," he said. "You signed up for this with your eyes wide open." Well, he was right about that. I'd wanted to be a part of the Outer Planets Project since boyhood. I had followed with rapt attention the reports of all the manned flights to Mars and to the moons of...

2 years ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 10 Sunday at Old Chicago

The day had started out great. It was going to continue to be a good one. Today they were going to Old Chicago. It was the world's only indoor amusement park. And it was right there in his hometown of Bolingbrook Illinois! The village was to decide between a shopping mall or the amusement park. To his delight and every other kid in town, they chose the amusement park. His parents chose Sunday because the crowds were lighter. The day was what you would expect at an amusement park. There were...

4 years ago
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InitiationChapter 7

Clint's ceremony was a nice one. The minister said a few words; the team was in dress blues and saluted as his mother set the flowers on his casket. Ell-tee stepped up and gave her a folded flag and told her that on behalf of a grateful nation and the years of service her son had given, it was an honor to give her this symbol of his service. He stepped back came to attention and snapped off a crisp salute. She returned to her seat, located between Karen and Tiffany. I was in a nice suit and...

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A Marvellous Sexcapade

“I did it!” Gwenpool yelled as she triumphantly held up Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet. “I beat Thanos just like Squirrel Girl did that one time! Or wait...did she beat a clone?” Gwen pondered that thought for a moment and she took of her mask to reveal her blonde hair with the tips dyed pink, her hair brushed her mid back while she walked towards the superheroes and villains who had all united to fight against Thanos. “Soooo, why had you guys never thought of cutting off his arm before? Like, it’s...

3 years ago
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Football Fantasy Part 1

This was my fantasy during my freshman year. (BTW, names are changed) It's the 4th quarter, 30 seconds left on the clock, no time outs, and we had the ball. We were playing Lynden, our school rivals, the score was 0-0. I, playing center, snapped the ball to the quarterback. He launched the ball to our Runningback, Tanner. Tanner was the sexiest boy in school. He was buff, and he weighed 180 lbs. at 5' 9''. He had the tannest body I had ever seen. I had the lucky honor...

4 years ago
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Following her pickup of a handsome, young Black Man at the Scarlet Tree Bar and Grill, Joani took him to her house where they both drank far too much champagne. One thing led to another, and after much suggestive talk Joani found herself wearing only a g-string, black thigh high stay-up stockings and black high heels. She then coached her young Black Man how to suspend her by her cuffed wrists from her bedroom's ceiling hook so that her feet just touched the floor. Once this task had been...

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Underwear Drawer

Underwear Drawer A drabble by RH Music One day I found a pair of hi-cut, white cotton panties in my underwear drawer. Feeling ornery, I put them on. They fit! I wore them all day and returned them to the hamper. From then on, about once a month, a pair of panties would appear. Occasionally pink. Once, a pair of pantyhose. My wife and I never talk about my desire for women?s clothing. She knows, of course, but it makes her uncomfortable. Apparently this was her way of...

1 year ago
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Priya My Hot Sexy Neighbor

Hello, guys, I am Priyesh living in Kolkata. The story which I am going to tell you had occurred during my recent vacation. This was the time when my vacation got started. I was all set to go to my native village after a long time. I reached my village around 10 in the morning.  In the village, I stayed with my grandparents. They were very happy because of my arrival. We have a large vegetable farm in which there are many laborers are working and my grandfather looks after the vegetable farm. I...

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I Love Creampies and Cock

It was a rainy summer day in the early 90's and with it raining there wasn't much to do outside so I was over at a friends house named Steve. Both Steve's parents worked during the day and didn't get home until about 5 Pm. We were hanging out playing bumper pool because it was going to rain all day and after some time we got bored and Steve had 2 brothers, Steve was my age (18) and Harry was almost 20 and Phil was a couple years older and some how we started playing truth or dare. It all...

3 years ago
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Amie dose it for hubby part1

My pretty blond wife Amie I have been married for 9 years and I am writing this story to tell you about an adventure we had a few years ago. Let me start by describing my wife, she is 30 years old, 5' 2", 112 lbs, and her measurements are 34c-24-34, Her blond hair has natural curls that cascade over her smooth shoulders. She has stunningly pretty blue eyes and she turns many a man's head.Our adventure started with her telling me about how she had some black lovers before she met me. For some...

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The GirlsChapter 4

After our latest garage attic adventure, I didn’t sleep particularly well that night. I kept thinking about Lorelei’s vagina hovered over my face, and her reaction to my invasion of her butt with my finger. I have heard that some people, both men and women, find that they actually like their butt to be played with, but until I saw Lorelei’s very enthusiastic reaction, I really wasn’t sure I believed that. The next morning, the dynamic duo (Jane and Sandy) arrived, towels and beach bags in...

1 year ago
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Stranger with sexy Cindy BBW

I start texting you and talking dirty knowing you are heading to work. I tell you I'm going to leave the office early today and you should stop by before going work. You agree so I tell you I'm going to leave my apartment door unlock. Your pussy is on fire and dripping wet thinking about what's going to happen. You finally get to my place and let yourself in locking the door behind you.
You hear the shower running so you strip out of your clothes as quickly as you can. You noticed that your...

2 years ago
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With My Little Eye

For the next few days I was much more my old self and none of our friends at school seemed to notice anything different between me and Mel. We shared the occasional conspiratorial smile and probably walked along arm in arm more often than we had before but even though I didn’t feel I was any nearer to achieving that teenage goal of losing my virginity I was still in a very happy mood. I had also refrained from spying on my sister, the camera still remained strapped against the grille in her...

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Holidays at the Farm Part 3

Elaine and I finished our shower together. Earlier in the afternoon, we were part of a threesome with Sarah’s mom. Sarah’s mom acted strangely after she caught us naked in my bed. I stayed with Sarah’s parents while on Christmas and semester break from college. Elaine and I started having sex since the summer visit to Elaine’s home. Sarah, Elaine and I shared our bodies on my summer visit and every visit since then. Elaine loved me and I returned my love to her. What made Sarah’s mom seem...

4 years ago
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Stepdaughter moves back in

Its been awhile since she last lived with my wife and I.When wife told me she needed to stay for awhile I wasnt too happy because of the loss of privacy.Little did I know the fun that would come with it. Shes in her thirties and a little thick in ass and thighs,but a very cute face.About a week into her stay there I had a day off and decided to snoop in her things.I found her bra drawer,nice padded bras 34c.Then I went in her panty drawer and MMMMMMMM.Most were t backs or thongs. I couldnt...

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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 16

James and Dusty enjoyed some alone time. With their AIs monitoring space for them, once they turned on the autopilot they didn’t ready have to stay on the bridge. They spent some time mapping the system, as they left it. Dusty released a probe on the outer edge to monitor the route that the navigation beacons directed the ships to enter and leave the Ono System. Any ship entering or leaving would be in sub-light speed when they passed what they thought was a normal, innocuous beacon. The...

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Spizoo Megan Hughes Sexy Brunette Hardcore POV

Enjoy watching the spectacular body of this beautiful brunette Megan Hughes wearing a provocative black lingerie, showing her big ass and her beautiful natural tits and her fleshy pussy, now she wants to have your cock in her pussy and sits on that white sofa in doggy position so you can insert your cock deep down, then she licks and sucks your cock, she is very excited to licks your balls also, now it’s time to put this babe on the sofa to continue penetrating very deep for a long time,...

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Back in my early age it seemed older men were attr

I was only about 16 years old at this time. My mom, me and 3 sisters moved over to the east end of this city. It was sort of a welfare building, your normal row housing. On welfare, you can't afford that much, especially with a lot of mouths to feed.I wasn't doing to good in school at this end of town. I had a bad habit of playing hookie from school. Naturally I was skinny and had very little clothing that fit me properly. I just couldn't consintrate in class, with my stomach rumbling all the...

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Me and Puffy AmiYumi

Hello to who reads this. I am Kigen of the Glenburn chronicle newspaper. To picture me I am 19, yellow hair and I usually wear sunglasses for no reason kinda like Bono from U2. I am known as the best at stories of todays entertainment. My best talent is getting the real truth behind today's biggest superstars. I am a real sneaky one. I personally sneak into their homes or whatever and uncover secrets for the newspaper and never get caught. But of course there was a dark side to this. Sometimes...

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The Impossible

‘Great. Now what am I going to do?’ Jeannie said to herself. It was a hot and very humid July morning and she was stranded on the side of the road. Her car had overheated and wasn’t moving anytime soon. She had tried to call a tow truck, but being on a small road in the middle of nowhere, there was no phone service. Jeannie was just thinking of walking home when a very expensive looking red Mercedes convertible stopped next to her. ‘Need a ride?’ a voice from inside said. Jeannie’s breath...

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PornstarPlatinum Anna Nicole West Hot For Tutor

I’ll be the first to say that I am not the best math tutor. The only time I’m ever using math is when I’m counting hundred dollar bills. But I do love to help people. Like Alex Jett here. I can see he doesn’t know what he’s doing & I’m not mathematician but I do have a big set of tits, 1 plus 1 equals two! Oh and one wet pussy. And Alex seems a little distracted buy my bouncing cleavage. You know what the truth is, you’re not gonna to use all this crazy math,...

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Belles Bountiful Boobs

Yeah, they were big hangers, alright. And they were soft and sagged and flopped around if unrestrained. They were a nuisance, sometimes, but sure were fun when an appreciative guy got his hands, mouth, dick, or any other body part up against them. And that happened pretty often. Belle had no shortage of male admirers since puberty arrived at age 12. She needed D cups at 13 and her mother put her on birth control not long after, remembering her own urges at that age. Belle actually stayed a...

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Zelten 01Ich war mit Julia und Johanna zum Zelten gefahren. Dass Beide zugesagt hatten, hatte mich sehr gefreut, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass wir noch einmal die Gelegenheit bekämen. Eigentlich verwunderte es mich sogar sehr, denn wir hatten nie viel miteinander zu tun gehabt. Wir besuchten dieselbe Schule ja, ich machte dieses Jahr Abitur, die beiden Mädchen waren eine Stufe unter mir. Ich hatte es eher als Scherz gemeint, als ich die Beiden nach ihren Plänen für Pfingsten fragte, und dann...

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Wifes Crossdressing Fantasy

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons or incidents is coincidental. My adventure began while I was a senior in high school. My mother took me to the dentist. It was late afternoon and shortly after I was called into the examination room the receptionist and assistant went home. The dentist then closed the door of the room we were in. He walked over to me and started making small talk… I guess to make me feel at ease. We talked about many things. He told me I was cute and that...

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Coachs Corner

They say that being the coach of a girl's senior High School AAA team is great, all these cute barely legal girls in shorts that leave not much to the imagination. Fit, firm, and forbidden fruit you can't touch, not without risking 15-20 and a sex offender registration at the end. What they don't tell you is that being the coach of a Junior Varsity team is even better. The girls are still young, fit, and firm, and yeah it could still result in a harassment suit, but words like 'jail bait',...

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Massage in unexpected places

I walk out into the waiting room to find you as my next client. I smile and call you into the room. “Well you know the routine, strip and lay face down on the table with the towel.” I told you with a smile. You smiled back as I left the room so that you can change. When I return to the room, I see you sitting up on your elbows waiting for me to come back in. I turn on some soft music and get my favorite lotion out of the cabinet. I look over my shoulder to find you staring at my ass. I walk...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The BlemsChapter 4

Ray was speechless they were both in there? They couldn't be! What they were describing would mean the death of one of them! Ray turned to say so when she spoke, "No Ray, neither of us will die. You might say we are one being now, I, Nali, used almost all my life force to protect you the last time we were back on home plane. I, Elizabeth, have had a love of you for many years, though you always seemed too busy to notice me. I didn't have the courage to approach you, that first time, I...

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Lanie was my next door neighbor. I was enamored of her since she moved in as a brand-new bride. I was 13, and she was 20 years old. Tall, blonde, with B cup breasts, and a beautiful set of blue eyes. I thought that she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Many nights were spent masturbating, and dreaming of her. Now she was 25 and I was 18 not much had changed. Then her husband left her. She came in to see my mother, and you could see that she had been crying. She told mom that she was...

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