Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 8 free porn video

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They were as they had been when they started, walking slowly around the periphery of the audience chamber. The Emperor was no less agitated now than he had been then.

"I am telling you, Z'haas, there is little to worry about from Freya," Gronnus declared. "I have already spoken with her."

The Emperor cast a dubious gaze at the Overlord. "From what I have heard, 'talking' is not a means by which she obtains what she wants from other Overlords."

Gronnus allowed himself a sly smile. "Well, I will admit... having her attempt to use her other means of persuasion on a man gives her an advantage over the other Overlords. But I daresay that I handled myself with..."

"I do not wish to hear the details of your sexual prowess, Overlord," Z'haas said in a disdainful voice. "Get to the point."

Gronnus frowned deeply at the Emperor, but moved on. "Anyway, it was as I had suspected. She simply wants something from Roquan, and does not necessarily believe in his cause."

"And what does she want?"

"Likely the same thing she always wants from an Overlord. A sweet deal. A trade or purchase of slaves."

"So what makes you think she will side with you rather than Roquan?"

Gronnus laughed. "Your little trade agreement cancellation has placed him in dire straits financially. Roquan cannot even begin to offer her what the other Overlords could. Why, I alone could give her six choice slaves and still have enough good ones to contract to my own clients."

The Emperor sneered. He despised hearing an Overlord boast about his slaves. It was not that he found slavery itself distasteful; indeed, the practice went back centuries, even before there were Overlords. It was simply another reminder to him of how powerful and influential the Overlords were. No group, no matter what their business, should be that powerful.

The only other Guild that had approached the power of the Overlords was the Mages' Guild, and the Emperor had succeeded in taming them. Witness the ease at which Z'haas had managed to recruit one of them for his cause. It had been Q'yros himself, the best Mage in Oceanus, that had willingly adjusted Roquan's Portal to bring Sirinna to the palace.

It had helped that the Mages' Guild had little use for another power in Narlass attempting to devise new weapons of war. If there was one thing the Mages' Guild liked above all else, it was the status quo, which they ruthlessly maintained with cold and calculating precision. It was little wonder there had been no serious technological advance in a century. The Mage Guilds across the world would debate endlessly about each one before finally accepting it. By that time, they had imposed so many restrictions on its use that it might not have been invented in the first place.

"What of the other Overlords, Gronnus?" demanded the Emperor. "My intelligence has had little to say of them."

Gronnus allowed himself a small, smug smile. Despite his allegiance with the Emperor, he did not take kindly to Imperial spying. He had quietly warned many of the other Overlords he had met, and they had unobtrusively increased the security around their Manor and surrounding lands. That, he hoped, would be a sign to Z'haas that he should not meddle with the balance of power between the Imperium and the Overlords.

"A fair number will side with me," he said simply.

The Emperor gave him a sharp look and stopped walking. "A fair number? And just how many is that?"

"At least five."

Z'haas' eyes burned. "That is not even half!"

Gronnus sighed. "Z'haas, realize that an Overlord tends to play his cards close to the vest at all times. The fact that I could get five to openly cast their lot behind me before we even arrive at the Conclave is nothing short of an amazing show of support for our cause!"

The Emperor did not look the least bit mollified. "This Conclave worries me, Gronnus."

Gronnus was taken aback. That was the first time he had heard Z'haas ever openly admit something like this. "Does it?"

"Several times I have considered abandoning this plan and going with my alternate idea."

The Overlord looked alarmed. "Is that your 'more permanent' solution, Z'haas?"

"Yes, it is."

"You had better not mean assassination!"

The Emperor said nothing. The intense look in his narrowed eyes was answer enough.

"Do not be a fool, Z'haas!"

Z'haas bristled. "And do not think you are protected by your association with me. You will not resort to open insults against your sovereign."

"If you do such a thing, you will bring about what you fear most! Murdering an Overlord by Imperial order will bring about civil war!"

"Not if it is made to look that the Imperium had no hand in it."

Gronnus stared at the Emperor. "You intend to frame another for it? Exactly who?"

"That is not your concern."

"I cannot even conceive of how you would manage to infiltrate... !"

"That is not your concern, either, nor a problem," said the Emperor with a trace of pride in his voice. "The infiltration has been handled most satisfactorily."

"Hellfire, Z'haas, you can't... !"

"It is time you stop informing me what I cannot do and focus on what you can do!" the Emperor thundered. "If you do not wish me to take this course of action, then you will insure that the Conclave goes as desired."

"It will, Z'haas! I can guarantee you of that! We will have Freya on our side. Doran is no match for that."

"You had better be right about that. You will not have much time."

Gronnus frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

Emperor Z'haas turned more fully towards the Overlord. "I give you a half-moon from this point in time before I proceed with my alternate plan."

"From today?! But the Conclave is in another quarter-moon!"

"The remaining quarter-moon should be enough time."

"Not at a Conclave it isn't! You obviously have no concept of them. We spend a quarter-moon just sizing each other up, weighing the initial issues, and making deals."

"You will not have that luxury this time," the Emperor stated blandly. "You must hurry the Conclave to a decision."

Gronnus huffed. "You again ask for the impossible!"

"Even so. This is what you must do. Now, I must ask you to leave. I must begin planning for the aftermath of the Conclave."

Gronnus uttered a long and tired sigh. "It would help, Z'haas, if perhaps you would give me some more insight into exactly what it is you are worried about from the west. I still see no overt threat!"

The Emperor drew in his breath and let it go as a slow sigh through his nose. His eyes took on a momentarily distant look. "I may tell you after the Conclave is concluded."

"If the Conclave goes as planned, you might as well forget it then. Keep your little secrets, Z'haas, if they comfort you!"

Gronnus turned and stormed off without waiting for leave by the Emperor.

Emperor Z'haas watched the Overlord depart, not moving or altering the expression on his face one iota until he was alone. Then his eyes narrowed and a sneer came over his face.

He hoped that Gronnus would fail. He hoped that he would have to activate his field agent from among the merchants. It would be a pleasure to bring down two Overlords at once. For if Roquan was to die, Gronnus would as well. Kill the two of them, and make it look as if Gronnus had chosen to kill Roquan, and the two had instead killed each other. The threat would be ended, and the Imperium would be safe for a time.

And without proof of the Emperor's involvement, there would be no civil war.

The golden column of energy filled the center of the chamber, held in place magically by the polished mirrors on floor and ceiling. It cast an undulating radiance as slow pulses rippled along the surface of the column from the crystal cage suspended at its center. The light was mixed with crimson from the blood-red jewel that lay inside the cage.

Before the column stood the slightly stooped form of the Mage Q'yros. A small smile played on his cracked lips -- one part joy for his work, one part smug satisfaction -- as he examined the gem within the cage. His dark blue eyes were as sharp as needles as they focused on his task. He raised an aged, bony hand and waved it before the cage. It slowly came to a stop and opened for him, the golden energies growing quiescent.

His form and his advanced age belied his strength; as one of the most powerful Mages in Oceanus, anyone who dared to attempt to sneak up to him would either live to regret it, or simply not live, depending on the Mage's mood.

Nothing, however, could protect him from the glowering looks of the Overlord behind him.

Roquan stood close behind the wizard, his arms folded across his chest, observing the Mage intently. He had no knowledge of magic, at least not this advanced. He knew how to operate the Portal, and that was it. Yet he hoped that his presence would remove the temptation for Q'yros to do what he had done before. It was this Mage, Roquan believed, that had "adjusted" his Portal to allow the Imperial agent to take Sirinna from the Manor. Roquan had vowed never to let the Mage back into his Manor again.

Yet Q'yros had said that if the Manor ever needed a Mage again, and the Guild decreed it to be Q'yros, then Q'yros it would be. This had come to pass, and was the reason for the smug grin on his lined face.

The Mage had no intent for mischief today. The Emperor had bid him no further tasks. He would do what he had come to do, which was maintain the Portal. Oh, but there was one additional matter, and he took care of it with a mere flick of a hand and a single mumbled incantation. The jewel flashed dimly once, causing Roquan to glance over the Mage's shoulder suspiciously, but the deed was done. The adjustment that allowed the Portal to open to the Imperial palace had been removed.

"Maintenance only, Q'yros," Roquan rumbled.

The Mage smiled to himself, the lines on his face multiplying. Not that the cretin would know if I had done anything, he thought to himself. "That is what you wished of me, is it not?" he asked in an gravelly voice.

"See to it that it stays as such."

"Do you always insult the skilled artisans that come to your Manor, hmm?"

"Do not play games. I know what you had done."

Q'yros pretended to study the jewel more closely, tapping his staff absently against the floor. "Done? Ah, yes, I have heard of your accusations leveled towards me. Quite amusing."

"I found nothing at all funny about it."

Q'yros waved a hand. The cage closed and began to turn. The energies flowed again through the column, filling the room with its low thrumming. He turned to face the Overlord. "Is this where I am supposed to say 'why, Overlord, I have no idea what you are talking about'?"

Roquan's eyes narrowed, and he said nothing.

"Rest assured, Overlord, the Portal will cease to trouble you no more in that regard."

Roquan looked askance at the Mage, who looked back with a serene smile. "Are you saying you have removed your 'adjustment' just now?"

"I have removed what appeared to be an aberration in the matrix, yes."

"Then you admit to your treachery!"

Q'yros laughed and shook his head. "I admit no such thing. You had an aberration, I removed it. It is very true that such things can accidentally open local Portals. You are fortunate no one was hurt."

Roquan's eyes flashed with anger. "And you claim no knowledge of how it got there?"

"Oh, I know how it got there. You are so lax in the maintenance of your Portal, Overlord."

"Portals do not spontaneously produce new endpoints!"

There was not a modicum of alteration in the Mage's smile.

"You're taking me for a fool, and I will have no more of it," Roquan said dismissively. "If you have completed your work, I will pay you and you can leave."

"I have indeed finished, your Lordship."

"It will cease to leak energy then?"

Q'yros paused. "I beg your pardon?"

"That is why I have called you here. Surely you saw that for yourself when you examined it."

The Mage wrinkled his brow. He turned and looked back at the glowing column. He opened his Mage senses to it again, then slowly shook his head. "No energy leaks," he stated flatly. "Not before and not now. This type of Portal cannot 'leak'."

Roquan sighed through his nose. He could not tell if the Mage was lying to him or not. Q'yros could very well be covering for a poorly constructed Portal. It had been the Mage Guild under his auspices, when Q'yros had been Guild Master before his retirement from that post, that had built the Portal for Roquan about ten years ago, when the old one had finally failed.

"I am curious," Q'yros said, draping both knobbly hands over the end of his staff. "Why would you believe this Portal would leak?"

"My healer, Vanlo G'tort, is sensitive to Portal energies."

"Ah, yes, I recall that now." The Mage quickly quelled an epithet in his head. It was that infernal Healer that had led to the situation they were in now. True, it had been Amanda that had foiled the plot to kidnap Sirinna for the Emperor, but it had been Vanlo's ability to sense that the Portal had been activated that saved Sirinna's life. Had she died, they would have had only the outworlder girl's story, and the case against the Emperor's involvement may not have been strong enough to convene a Conclave in the first place.

But the Healer was still no expert in Portals, and he found it amusing that this was the basis for the Overlord's desire to have the Portal serviced. "You must have great faith in his Portal knowledge, hmm?" said Q'yros.

Roquan bristled at the dismissive attitude towards his Healer. "A leak was the most probable reason for what he was sensing. The only other one was implausible, that other Portals have been opened close to the Manor."

Mage Q'yros' fingers tensed around the end of the staff. "That is impossible."

The Overlord detected the anxiety in the Mage's voice. "Is it?"

"Yes. A preposterous notion! He is a fool for suggesting it."

"And why is this?"

Q'yros heaved an exasperated sigh. Damn this Overlord. Others simply accepted the word of a Mage and let it go. They did not question such things. He did not want to create explanations for this one. "Simply because the Mage Guild tracks all Portals operated within its auspices, my dear Overlord," Q'yros said, a sarcastic edge to his voice.

"Yet you cannot control incoming Portals, can you?"

Q'yros frowned. "You of all people should know what is needed to open a Portal locally with such pinpoint accuracy!"

Roquan, of course, did, but he was rather curious about the reaction of the Mage to this line of discussion.

Portals by their nature needed to be anchored. Where the Portal energies were generated was one such anchor, and did not move. The other end was projected towards the point of egress, but without an anchor at that end, the endpoint could vary as far as fifty miles from the targeted spot. This was adequate for sending a Slaver to a new world, but inadequate for retrieving her and any Captives she may have secured.

Thus another use of the ubiquitous magical energy focus, the blue pearl. A special spell upon such a pearl allowed it to be used as a homing beacon of sorts. The Portal energies could detect this and focus on it, opening the Portal within mere feet of the one holding it. Its limitation, naturally, was that it required a person at that end to be carrying such a thing.

Blue pearls so imbued were very easy to detect with magical wards, as they pulsed with powerful energy at all times. Thus it was a very simple matter to prevent someone from opening a Portal into a location where it was not desired. The Manor had such a ward, for example, as did all the keeps of the Nobility, and the Imperial palace. Portals were so prohibitively cumbersome to operate, often requiring a full day's time to energize sufficiently, that this also prevented its use as casual transportation, clandestine or otherwise.

"And you control who has pearls for this purpose?" Roquan asked in an even voice.

"No, we do not. But such things command a high price. It is beyond the means of anyone but Overlords, Nobility, and the Imperium." He gave the Overlord a wry smile. "Unless you are suggesting there are Overlords, Nobles, or Imperial agents running amok in the forests outside your Manor, or the nearby islands."

Roquan would not put it past the Imperium to have agents doing just this, but he held his tongue. Yet if it were not this, why was the Mage anxious when he heard that Vanlo was detecting such things?

The only conclusion he could come to was that the Emperor was playing games with him, possibly to affect the Conclave. So be it. He would refuse to play.

"Understand this, Q'yros," Roquan said, raising an admonishing finger to the Mage as if he were one of the Overlord's slaves. The Mage bristled and frowned deeply. "I will not tolerate any further interference with this Manor, or with the Overlords in general. Too many have overstepped their bounds lately, and this will stop."

Q'yros' eyes became ice. "Then, perhaps, Overlord, you should direct your comments to someone more appropriate. The Mages shall have no part of your delusions."

Roquan fumed silently. He reached into a pocket in his tunic and yanked out a leather bag. "I will pay your price and you will get out of my Manor."

"Most happily, your Lordship. One hundred platinum."

Normally, the Overlord would balk at this price, but decided it was better worth his time to be rid of this loathsome person. He counted out ten coins into the outstretched claw of the Mage. Q'yros snatched it away as soon as the tenth fell into his palm and quickly made them disappear on his person.

The two of them exchanged one last spiteful look before parting.

The Mage hurried back up the path, moving as fast as his aged frame could carry him. His face was creased with anger and worry both. He quickly made his way to the outer gates of the Manor, where his coach waited to take him to the docks for his trip back to the Guild Hall.

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I stood right behind my closed bedroom door naked with a racing heart as the clock struck noon on a Saturday afternoon. I bit my bottom lip as my right hand grabbed the door knob. I opened the door calmly and stepped out. Sweat flowed down every part of my body as I tip toed to the bathroom through the hallway. "Fuck, that's no foul!" my dad yelled. My dad and step mom were a mere twenty feet away in the living room and I tried to not make the floor creak on my way to the bathroom. It was the...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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I Love Sucking CockChapter 5 Mother Loves Sucking Cock

As their teacher walked into the classroom, one of Harry’s classmates let out a wolf-whistle. “All right,” Mrs Jenkins said. “None of that now.” Despite her harsh tone, Harry noticed the hint of a smile in the corner of her mouth. It seemed that his favorite teacher was starting to enjoy the attention. Aside from the view, there was very little enjoyable about Mrs Jenkins’ class, and Harry found himself instinctively reaching underneath his chair, hoping to strike gold twice. There was...

2 years ago
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Lynn finds a Boyfriend Part I

The holiday season is in full swing with the usual festive gatherings. My wife, Lynn, and I are at a party hosted by one of her friends. We have been married for about 8 years and are in our late fifties. Lynn still looks very good as a result of her attention to her diet and regular workouts. We make the rounds at the party greeting old friends and meeting some new people. After awhile we get separated as we each find people that we have some common interests with. Eventually, I figure that I...

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The Death of Love

One cold autumn evening there was a heavy knocking at the door which reverberated throughout the house. Rising from my chair, the sound shook my entire body as the air became bitter cold in an instant. The walk to the door seemed like an eternity as the sound became louder and more frequent with the walls and floor now visibly vibrating with each knock on the door. The sound continued to reverberate throughout the house. Before I could reach the door, it swung open and the coldest air I...

1 year ago
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I love being looked at; I absolutely adore it when men look at my body with admiration and desire. I first experienced this sensation about 20 years ago during my first visit to a clothing optional beach. My husband (D) and I, in our first year of marriage, discovered that a legal CO beach was in the town we were vacationing in. It was he that suggested we go, and I readily agreed, feeling comfort in numbers and D's support. We arrived at the beach, and I noticed that it was quite crowded, with...

2 years ago
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Hear No Evil Part 2

Rinko decides to follow Mr Kobaiyoshi off the train and back to his office. Along the way she revealed to him that she was deaf and was delighted that unlike everybody else, he wasn't put off in the slightest. Once they get there Mr Kobaiyoshi locked the door, Rinko was drawn to the window, observing the outside world and contemplating her decision to follow a complete stranger who had just m*****ed her on a train.Suddenly Mr Kobaiyoshi is behind Rinko, awakening her from trance like state,...

4 years ago
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Hoiday in France Wifes Story

She and her brother had after Madges' intervention and instruction been fucking since the weekend her parents when to a wedding leaving Madge in charge. Madge moved out soon after and left the k**s to it, my wife's new favourite thing and a new way of draining her brother balls of cum. The only disappointment was that she rarely got to taste his cum pure as it got mixed up with her pussy juice. Anyway, the annual holiday to France was planned and the weeks before gave the k**s plenty of chances...

4 years ago
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An Undeniable Passion Ch 19

The next day Billy took Elizabeth out for lunch and told her everything. She sat wide eyed throughout it all, her lunch sitting before her untouched. When he had finished she sat silent for several minutes, trying to absorb it all. Finally she said slowly, ‘You mean, you and Ginny, aren’t cousins? You barely even knew each other before you began sharing a house together?’ she asked fearfully. He nodded wordlessly. Seeing the look on her face he said quickly, ‘I’m so sorry for lying to you...

3 years ago
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Landlady Still In Service Chapter 3

Time had passed quickly and nineteen-year-old Lucy was now firmly in charge of forty-one-year-old Jackie. It didn’t matter that Jackie was the landlady and that Lucy was renting a room in her house from her because Jackie relished being subservient to Miss Lucy and very happy that the teenager was making all of the decisions for her, and imposing pain-filled disciplinary measures for even the slightest failure to do as she was told. More recently, Jackie would ask Miss Lucy in the morning if...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 52 Mrs Ford and Colleen

Orville came to work early on Monday so he could run with us. For a big man, he was light on his feet and comfortable running at the pace I set for Josh. I could tell that Orville thought I was being too rough on Josh. "Cromwell is a football school. We only practice two hours per day but the other twenty-two hours we eat, sleep and dream about football. First and foremost, Cromwell is a military school. Josh is going to get more crap thrown at him during his first two weeks than you can...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 23 BJ Bonnie Janey

Brother John returned late in the evening, three days later. By now he had recovered from his delightful though exhausting sessions with the pulchritudinous females and was ready for more of the same. After a night on the bus, however, he needed sleep so, without telling anyone he was back, he went to the empty gardener's cottage to sleep. The gardener's cottage now had a special significance to the fifteen year old Bonny. This was where her cherry had been broken. Each night since then...

4 years ago
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Muscleman Ball Bash

Muscleman Ball BashThey were holding his flexing massive right arm, Matt Mendenhallgrabbing onto that giant corded left arm, Luis Freitas wrappedaround Strydom's huge right thigh and calf, Bob Paris grinding his oversized cock against the South African heavyweight's kicking left leg, spreading him wide and holding on, opening his cock and family jewels to extensive work by Scott Wilson.All of them ripped, all of them pumped, all of them naked and all of them hard. Get them to work on Strydom...

2 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend in Vegas Chapter 3 of 7

Friday Evening Brenda held her Master’s arm as they walked through the casino. She noticed people looking at them. She felt wonderful wearing her new clothes. The tight dress over the garter belt and stockings made her feel sophisticated, feminine and sexy all at the same time. She imagined men looking at her back-seam stockings and it made her sway her hips a little more while she walked. She was so happy her Master had made this evening happen. Brenda was surprised when Master guided her to...

2 years ago
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Sold my husbands golf clubs

Introduction: He told me to do whatever it takes and I took it all. When I woke up on Saturday morning I found myself breathing very hard. I rolled over and reached for my husband but he wasnt there. I then heard him from downstairs say Pat, Im going golfing. If anybody calls about my old golf clubs, do whatever you can to sell them. Huh? I thought. I was groggy and realized that I must have been dreaming and had woke up as horny as hell. I wanted my husband. I wanted him bad. I laid back and...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 43 The Meaning of Fear

Okay, now I'm scared. I know what you're thinking, everybody says that, and you're right. I mean I've been scared before; several times in fact. Like when Brad and his goons ambushed me outside the mall. Skinny little freshman me against three football players, hell yes I was scared. Even before that, when I confronted Brad in the locker room because he was talking shit about Angela. If our star running back, Pat Nesky, hadn't been there I probably would have gotten my ass kicked. Both...

2 years ago
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Sober Second ThoughtChapter 2

I was fucked. I turned up the wiper blades, to fight the constant splatter of snowflakes onto the windshield, and cursed my indecision, weakness and my constant foot-dragging. The weather had been fine back in the Apple, and traffic wasn't bad on that late Tuesday morning, but still I'd taken one of the slowest departures from that city. Every traffic light found me lost in thought, fighting with myself to turn around and go back to Carla and throw our plan of a clean break to the four...

3 years ago
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leeping in on Sunday mornings has always been one of my favorite things. I get the house to myself for at least three hours as my wife, Eve, goes off to church. I would go with her except she has to teach Sunday school and attends various parish meetings and all of that is just too much for me.Now, Eve is one of the most erotic women I know and certainly treats me right sexually. Having sex is her idea at least as often as it is mine and almost nothing is off limits. Now, I wouldn't say she is...

2 years ago
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April fools

Wally speeds down the hallway to M'gann's room, every year he trickd her into letting him fuck her. Condoms in hand he locks the door and gets ready, taking off everything but his boxers Wally jumps into bed. Then he hears the usual four knocks, M'gann fased through the door and discarded her clothes. "Hey beautiful, happy April 1st." "Happy April 1st Wally..." biting her nail nervously she said: "I thought we could try something new this year, woukd that be alright?" "Depends, what is...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Kate Kennedy Harmony Wonder Turning Tricks

When Harmony Wonder and Kate Kennedy hit eighteen, they decide they want to leave their dads houses and try to make it on their own. But with no money and no jobs, they are surely in for a hard time. A few months after they leave, their dads go out on the town looking for a good time with some hookers. mMuch to their dismay, they find their sweet daughters selling their pussies on the street! They take the chicks home and tell them they need to move back in. They can continue whoring, but under...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Brother Fuck My Real Sister And Baad Me Mene Bhi Choda

Hey Guys and Girls, I am Raj and I am from Mumbai and 18 year old.Ye story meri real sister name Nidhi and cousin brother Viraj age 21 ke bich ki hai Nidhi meri sis ki age 21 hai and maa kassaam she is really hot agar aap dekhlo 100% muth maroge ghar jake ushke boobs 32 kama 28 and ass 34 i think To ye kahani around 7 months pehle ki hai tab mera cousin bro viraj hamare ghar pe aaya hua tha 3 week ke liye because ushke parents out of country gaye hue the to vo hamare ghar ruka tha vese me...

3 years ago
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Coquette and her cuckold Part 1with paragraphs

Part 1 I had already experienced a number of threesomes in the past with my wife, about four I think. They had always excited me, I’d always got harder and lasted longer than at any other time we had sex together. I never analysed it very much at the time, about why it turned me on so much. I just knew it was going to be one of the most arousing nights of sex I was likely to enjoy – apart from one time when Julie seemed to be interested only in the guy we were with and I felt very much...

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caught wanking after night shift

id just finished work and was driving home at about 6.20am after my last nightshift of week about 6.20am, id been horny all night but just worked through on trip home i had a bulge in my pants and couldnt wait to get home so coming upto to my roundabout i took a turn off up a country road(which was covered by trees) instead of my turn off.i stopped near the top which wasnt very far up but my car couldnt be seen. i wound window down to about half way so windows didnt get steamed. It was just...

1 year ago
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A Dream

I had a dream about you last night. I was alone in the night, in the dark hooded basement of my carnal world. All I had were the creature comforts of the soft embroidered pillows you had left for me to lie in. And so I lay, waiting for you to come to me, in the soft, sensuous, perfumed underworld of my mind. And then, there you were. You emerged from the shadows, stepping into the pool of moonlight streaming through to the center. You walked with a slow sexual strut, your skin bare to my eyes,...

2 years ago
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ChangesChapter 7

Caleb held Nickie in his arms as he rushed to the one place he knew would be empty this time of day, the laundry. He ran in the small building and stood Nickie on the floor. 'I need to hold and love you so bad, ' he said as tears ran down his face. 'It killed me thinking of those two fuckers hurting you like they did, ' he cried harder as Nickie hugged him to her body. She caressed his face as his arms hugged her body. 'Don't cry, ' she whispered to her man. 'Nothing they did could...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 40

“Then all I can say is enjoy, Dusty,” I said, as I threw my shorts up on the bank and swam over to the other side to where Mom and Billie were laughing and grinning. Mom saw him first, “Oh look, he’s pulling them off,” she said as Dusty threw his cut-offs up on the bank and swam over to us. His face was red, but he had a grin spread all over it. “I reckon it may take some getting used to, but it sure feels good, don’t it?” he grinned, as we all treaded water. “Pa, I’m so proud of you, I...

4 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 15

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1991 I stepped out of the shower a new man, having washed away the grime of the race shop. I was ready for a big night. I brushed my teeth, styled my hair and applied a thick coating of deodorant. I looked damn good. I got dressed and left the bathroom, heading for my room to finish up just as Beast pulled into the driveway. “Mom, I gotta go!” “Hang on a second,” mom admonished from the family room. She met me at my bedroom door. “I know it’s graduation night, so...

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Team Spanking

After a practice, if one messes up, he is tied across the exercise horse. The team would line up and pass behind striking the faulty one one his buttocks, barehanded, till all thirty members had went by. We had a immigrant student from Zimbabwe, his name was Jubilee, he had participated in one team spanking right after he arrived. I don't know if any of my fellow team mates noticed, but after he took his turn he stood to the side with the rest of us, and was sexually turned on by what...

2 years ago
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There’s a level that exists few people can reach it. To most it is unreachable as unreachable as you are to me. I slap you hard across the face, the slap born from frustration and anger at my own foolishness. Instantly I want to cry with the relief. Your eyes are no longer kind and though it’s not an immediate reflex you react consciously by slapping me back harder and meaner than I ever could. I slap you again and this time by tears start to fall, they run fast in groups as if escaping the...

4 years ago
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25 December 2006Chapter 2

Brad felt it was time to give Abby her present, and Karen smiled as Abby retrieved his gift. They sat side by side and exchanged presents. Karen had to cover her mouth, anticipating what she already knew. “You got me a necklace!” Brad cried. Then looking closer at the design, he looked to Abby. “You got me the same one I bought for you!” She remarked, revealing her gift. Karen couldn’t control her laughter as she recited the Living Liver Donor day when Brad then Abby took her along to buy...

4 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 41

For the first time in almost a year, I wake up, and it isn’t a girl trying to pleasure me. I am woken by girls moving in my bed, but it isn’t to pleasure me. Carol and Dahlia are locked in a 69 position, having fun. I get off the bed and stand at its foot. Since Dahlia is on the bottom, I pull her by the feet, dragging Carol with her until Dahlia’s ass rests on the edge of the bed. Without warning, I push Carol’s head aside and penetrate Dahlia. I need to get rid of my morning wood and...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 2

“What ... How ... Where did you get that?” Miranda cried out, as she looked at the TV screen, in absolute horror as she collapsed on the sofa with big tears rolling down her cheeks. Chase told her it wasn’t important how or where he got it, but what was important, is what he could do with it. He asked Miranda had her husband ever seen the video. Before she could answer, he told her if he hadn’t, he was absolutely sure her husband would enjoy it as much as he did. Chase was sure he already...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Nina Kayy It8217s The Size Of The Fucking Ship

We’ve got yet another “triumphant return” today, as MILF PAWG Nina Kayy ? makes her 1st Hussie?Pass appearance since June of 2018 ? and we just had to pair the self-proclaimed “size queen” up with our good friend and “size king” the one & only Brickzilla ?➕☝? After the interview portion of the program, Nina gets her motor running using her fingers and a rather large blue dong. In comes Brickzilla with some motion?lotion for Nina’s damn fine breasts and bootyful 40-inch ass ?...

3 years ago
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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for nine years. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. Due to issues in her past that she has told me about. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. It’s so sad because she is beautiful and has never learned the pleasures making love...

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(The following story is a compilation of e-mails between Lindy and her cyber daddy.)Standing naked before the full length mirror Lindy sees a sensual, petite woman of twenty.. with black curly hair and blue eyes. Her tanned skin stands in contrast to her alabaster 32 B boobs which frame her pinkish-brown nipples. They are hard and pointy as she strokes her full black pussy pelt thinking about her dominate daddy fantasy…Sitting down she spreads lotion over the soft skin of her legs and feet....

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