Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 29 free porn video

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Roquan had had a bad night. This was rare for him. Even in the middle of the crisis precipitated by the Imperial agent Yanna, he had never had serious trouble sleeping. Yet last night had been different. Everything that he had done and said in the course of the Conclave was coming back to haunt him. He had started to wonder if perhaps he indeed had Oceanus' best interests in mind from the start.

Already irritated from lack of sleep, he was in no mood to hear what his Healer was telling him.

"We're not going through this again, Vanlo," Roquan said sharply. "I refuse to accept your resignation."

"With all due respect, your Lordship, you cannot refuse it this time," Vanlo said evenly. His own voice was tired as well. Sleep had always taken time to come to him these days, but now his nights were restless, and his head hurt when he first awoke in the morning. "I have already dispatched a letter to the Guild Hall to request a replacement."

Roquan cast a stony look at the Healer. "I have final say in who is the Healer of this Manor."

"Indeed you do, your Lordship. I would expect you to interview each of the candidates that I suggested quite carefully."

"That is not what I mean. I do not intend to lose you."

"I regret to say that the decision is not yours. I refuse to continue to be the Healer of this Manor."

Roquan ran a hand through his hair in exasperation, thoroughly at a loss for words for the moment. Vanlo looked on, concern in his eyes and etched into the lines on his face. He could tell that the Overlord was not up to par, and he hated himself for having to bring Roquan this news. However, this could not wait.

"You cannot simply refuse to work!" Roquan finally blurted.

"Most of your slaves have already completed their regular physicals. There are no treatments scheduled for the next half-moon. There are several slaves with some basic training that can handle the day-to-day first aid. In the event of an emergency, I..."

"I do not want to hear this!"

Startled by the Overlord's bellow, Vanlo fell into stunned silence.

"I have enough to deal with at this Manor and this Conclave!" Roquan shouted, his hands curled into fists. "I do not need another disruption!"

Vanlo continued to remain silent, unable to think of the words to say.

The Overlord took a deep breath and let it go. When he spoke again, it was in a voice of forced calm. "Why are you doing this, Vanlo? Have I not had enough disasters befall me in the last few days? Must you add to them?"

Vanlo found the pleading tone to Roquan's voice to be worrisome. It meant that the Overlord was reaching the end of his ability to cope with the stress. In a tentative voice, he asked, "Has something happened that I am unaware of, your Lordship?"

Roquan paused for a long moment, and when he looked at Vanlo, the Healer could see the pain in the Overlord's eyes. "Nothing that you can help with," he said in a low voice.

Vanlo simply nodded slowly and let it drop. "I am very sorry," he said softly. "Both for your ill luck and my failing health."

"Is that the reason for this? I thought we had gone over this before."

"The concern has never left me, your Lordship. I simply agreed to try to ignore it for the time being. It has grown to the point where I fear I can no longer do this."

"Are you continuing to sense Portal energies?"

Vanlo shook his head. "I have sensed nothing. But I am finding that my other mental faculties are suffering. I fear that soon I will do more harm than good if I continue in this role."

Roquan simply uttered a long sigh. "Very well," he said in a tired voice.

Vanlo felt a twinge of guilt. He knew he was leaving the Overlord in something of a lurch. But he had no choice. His conscience would not let him do anything else.

"You will, at least, make yourself available for emergencies."

"Emergencies are mercifully rare at the Manor, your Lordship."

"Yes, but so were Imperial agents trying to abduct a Trainer," Roquan said sourly.

"Point noted. Yes, I will be available. I will dearly hope I will not be called on for such a thing. I do not trust myself to make decisions that could affect another's life."

Roquan looked at Vanlo. He realized that this would be the right moment to thank the Healer for his years of service. Roquan had never had a better Healer than this man, and he would consider Vanlo's absence to be a terrible loss.

But as beset as he was with his problems, and his worry over the Conclave, and his regrets over the actions he had taken that got him to this point, he could bring none of these to mind. He could only feel anger towards the Healer for bringing him yet another problem to deal with. Yes, he knew this was petty, but he had little fortitude at that moment to think otherwise.

Pleasantries would have to wait for another time.

"Your resignation is noted," Roquan said crisply. "You may go."

Vanlo gave the Overlord a slightly nonplussed look and hesitated a moment before leaving.

As he walked out, the Healer tried to understand Roquan's position, and his feelings. It was another burden that the man did not need. Yet at the same time, he could not help but feel a bit hurt that his work had not been acknowledged.

He tried not to let this affect his friendship towards the Overlord. It was proving to be very difficult.

Amanda could also be counted among those whose slumber had been anything but restful the night before.

It had not been through lack of basic comfort. Freya was not that cruel. Even though Amanda had slept on the floor, this had been simply because there was no other place. Copious furs and soft pillows had been provided to her, and she had been able to form a makeshift bed from this.

Yet it could do nothing to soothe her emotionally, and it was largely this that had kept sleep at bay. It mattered little to her mistress. She put the girl to work right at the crack of dawn.

Now as the sun cleared the trees past the bluff, Amanda lay writhing and quivering on the bed as her pussy was gently and maddeningly stroked to just short of release by the merciless actions of the prison within which Freya had placed it the night before. It made it harder to concentrate on her task, a task at which she knew she dared not fail.

Freya was positioned over her, naked, straddling Amanda's body. The Overlord's knees lay on either side of Amanda's head, her hips lowered until her very aroused pussy was pressed snugly against her slave's face. Amanda panted as she licked at Freya's pussy, having to tilt her head back to be able to breathe. Even then, the musk of her mistress' arousal was almost overpowering, the woman's steaming pussy making her feel as if she were suffocating anyway.

Freya was positioned over Amanda as if intending to perform the same in return, but instead she simply gazed down at the black triangle of enchanted cloth as it rippled and undulated against Amanda's sex. "Mmm, I do love watching your little pussy squirm, Amanda," Freya cooed. "I'm sure you want to cum so badly, don't you?"

Amanda uttered a soft whimper. Freya pressed her sex more tightly to Amanda's face in response.

"Satisfy me," Freya said in a sultry, lustful voice. "Satisfy me if you want to be satisfied yourself."

Amanda uttered a muffled moan, her breathing growing ragged as she licked faster. She slid her tongue quickly and firmly over the shaft of Freya's womanhood, feeling it swell further at her ministrations, until the Overlord was softly panting.

"Mmm... not bad..." Freya said. She leaned into her again, causing a muffled yelp as Amanda had to reposition her nose again to breathe. Freya grinned. "Better get used to this, Amanda... this is my favorite position..."

Amanda closed her eyes and tried desperately to block out all distractions, both the infernal thing on her pussy and her mistress' taunting words. She clamped her lips to Freya's folds and sucked, licking frantically at the same time.

"Ooo, yes... oh, yes, very nice... " Freya's eyes slid closed as well, and she began rocking her hips back and forth.

Amanda let her lips slide up and down Freya's slot. She lashed out with her tongue, and soon Freya was uttering soft, deep moans. They rose in pitch, the Overlord panting with her rising lust and pleasure. Her pussy pressed down again, but this time Amanda was ready, spearing Freya's tunnel with her tongue and then lapping madly at the tip of Freya's nub.

Freya's breath grew short and she quivered as she rose. She dipped her head, her hair spilling down and tickling Amanda's thighs, making her squirm even more. Finally, the Overlord issued a single long moan, and her body shuddered as her pussy throbbed. She panted hard as she came, much of the intense excitement of the moment generated by her complete domination of the girl.

Her lips curled into a smile. No, there simply was nothing more exciting than this.

Freya lifted her hips from her slave's face when her orgasm had faded. She paused a moment, listening to Amanda's desperate little whimpers and moans as she continued to hang short of release. She gazed down at Amanda's pussy and touched it lightly.

The stimulation slowed and stopped. Amanda uttered a despondent sigh as her head lolled to one side, her face still wet from Freya's juices.

Freya rose to her feet and looked back down at Amanda. "That was actually not bad," she said, her voice still a little breathless. "But we will wait a little longer on your reward."

She detached the end of the chain from a bedpost and gave it a hard snap. Amanda immediately rose from the bed, her pussy uncomfortably aching and swollen.

"Let's get you bathed, get you some breakfast, and then we'll show you off to the other Overlords so they can see my new acquisition," Freya said with a sly smile. She raised a finger and held it warningly before Amanda's face. "Now, you will be a good girl for me. You will behave yourself in front of the others." She lowered her finger and gave one of Amanda's nipples a hard flick, making her jump. "Understand me?"

"Yes, mistress," Amanda said at once.

"And what is it you said you would do for me, Amanda?"

"Obey you, mistress."

"Very good. See that you remember that. And if you do, just maybe I'll let you cum later. Would you like that, Amanda?"

Amanda nodded quickly. "Yes, mistress, I... oh!"

Freya had given the chain a sharp yank.

"Wrong answer. Try again."

Amanda swallowed, looking up fearfully at the Overlord and struggling to remember what she was supposed to say. Just when it looked like Freya would flick at her nipple again, she blurted out, "It's whatever you would like, mistress!"

Freya slowly smiled. "Better. Yes, exactly. It is whatever I like. What you would like is irrelevant."

Amanda said nothing in response, as she had not been asked a direct question that time. Freya looked at her for a few moments, looking vaguely disappointed, as if wanting to catch her again violating some minor point of protocol.

Freya snapped the chain again and let her charge lead her into the sanitary and the bathing room beyond it. Amanda uttered a small sigh of resignation to herself. She blinked her eyes to wash away the tears that threatened to well up again.

For the first time in a long while, Doran was a very happy man.

Unlike many of the others, he slept like a baby, and awoke feeling as bright as the morning. Things were finally taking a turn for the better, and they became even more so as he mingled with the other Overlords that morning in the merchants' bazaar. Rarely could anyone not hear him laughing or see him smiling as he spoke with the others.

He even got into a conversation with Freya that did not force him to quell thoughts of how she would care to be bound and helpless like a common slave. Or like Amanda, who trotted along beside her mistress, her wrists bound behind her with cuffs that held her wrists more tightly than the ones Sirinna had used.

Just as Doran was leaving the bazaar, he ran into Roquan at the gate to the Manor. Doran beamed at him. "Ah, Roquan, I have the most wonderful news! It would appear..."

Roquan was not listening to him, but instead was looking over his shoulder towards the bazaar. "Look at that infernal woman."

Doran was startled by the venom in Roquan's voice and the icy fury in his eyes. Doran felt forced to turn and look with him. "What, you mean Freya?"

Roquan sneered. "Look at how she parades Amanda around. Look how she shows the girl off like a piece of jewelry."

Freya had stopped before two merchants. The two men were obviously ogling Amanda, looking her over lasciviously. Freya gestured towards Amanda's body as she spoke. One of the men grasped Amanda's breasts and kneaded them, Freya looking on with a wry grin.

Roquan's eyes narrowed and his hands curled into fists.

"While I admit, Freya is... flaunting her acquisition a bit..."

"That is not flaunting. That is abuse, plain and simple. She should not be an Overlord."

"Roquan!" Doran hissed and pushed Roquan back a few steps from the gate. It was like trying to move a stone wall. "Do not let anyone hear you say such things! Not this close to victory!"

Roquan blinked and shifted his gaze to Doran. "Victory?"

"Yes, Roquan, victory. Assuming you have those last deals sewn up..."

"I do," Roquan said tonelessly.

"... then all it took was a little persuasive talk from me, a reminder of your generosity towards those that support you, and I have your remaining votes! You are now virtually guaranteed the ten votes you need." He clapped a hand on Roquan's shoulder. "We did it, Roquan!"

"Did what?"

Both Overlords turned at the sound of the voice. "The vote, it would appear, Rennis," Roquan said quietly.

Rennis stopped near them, but kept a respectable distance. His arms were folded and his face was set hard. "Oh, the vote," he said listlessly.

Doran looked at him oddly. "Are you quite all right, Rennis? One would think you would be more enthusiastic about this. Roquan is your friend, after all."

Rennis and Roquan looked at each other. Their shared gaze was cool. Roquan's was more pleading.

"Didn't cost much, did it?" Rennis commented, a slight acid sting to his voice.

Doran sighed. "Please do not tell me you are going to go on again about Amanda as well! Never have I seen such a simple slave transaction been agonized over to such a degree! Hmph. One would think it was Sirinna that was being offered."

"I do not believe he is speaking about Amanda," said Roquan. "Are you?"

Rennis paused, and then shook his head. "No, I suppose I'm not. Not directly."

"I did as I needed to do. As I felt I had to."

"I'm sure that's what you thought at the time."

"Would you have me say I would do things differently had I to do it over again?" There was a small sarcastic edge to Roquan's voice, yet at the same time there was a forlorn and almost wistful look in his eyes.

"You could say that. I doubt I would believe you." Rennis paused. In a softer and more yielding tone, he said as he unfolded his arms, "But then if you did do things differently, you wouldn't be Roquan, now, would you?"

Roquan just gave a small nod of his head. Rennis cast a somewhat warmer look at Roquan before turning and walking off.

Doran made a face. "Now what was that all about?"

Roquan watched Rennis leave before turning back to Doran. "A friendship."

Doran gave Roquan a nonplussed look.

"A friendship that may be salvaged."

Doran continued to stare for a few more moments before finally rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Every time I talk to you, Roquan, I understand you even less. No matter. This Conclave will not last much longer."

"Are you saying we should call the Full Conclave soon?"

"Not yet. Let things settle for another day. But we won't wait too long. I believe we've given Gronnus a bit of a blow. I have not seen him very active this morning."

"Perhaps he is admitting defeat."

"Or he is planning something," Doran said darkly.

Roquan frowned. "What could he possibly offer? I have managed to counter all the deals he could possibly make with the Overlords. It is now his word against mine. I have the upper hand there."

"I certainly hope the other Overlords continue to see it that way! Which is why we shall not wait long. I have them primed. Unless Gronnus insists on carrying on a debate, we will see an end to this."

Roquan nodded. "And an end to the Emperor's meddling."

Doran's expression became more serious. "Yes, well, the details of that will have to wait. There will be much to work out with regards to that." Doran clapped Roquan on the shoulder once more before heading off.

Roquan looked back towards the bazaar. He could no longer see Freya or Amanda through the crowd.

There had to be a way to get Amanda back. He could not let Freya leave the Manor with her. He would never get her back after that.

Yet he had to do it in a way that would not jeopardize the vote. Whatever he did, it would have to be after the Conclave had concluded and before Freya left. It was a slim window.

He took a deep breath. He knew he should be focusing on making sure all his deals would be concluded smoothly. Instead, he chose to trust that once things had been set in motion, Gronnus could do little to stop it. He needed time to think. And the only way he could do this is someplace without distractions, such as his quarters.

He took one last look towards the bazaar and started away from the gate.

Gronnus was a nervous wreck.

Much of the night, he had been plagued by bad dreams. First they were of the conversation with Herdon. Then they pictured Herdon doing the deed, Roquan lying dead, bright red blood staining the floor. Then he imagined himself dead along with him, killed by the Emperor himself.

By the time he managed to get up that morning and steady his nerves with some brandy, he came to a realization. He could not let this happen.

It had nothing to do with whether Roquan was in the right or not. This was beyond that. It no longer mattered. The simple fact was that you do not murder an Overlord! In light of this, the whole debate was almost a petty, meaningless squabble.

But as Gronnus sat in his quarters, still trembling despite the brandy, he wondered now if maybe Roquan had been right all along. The Emperor had taken things too far. He remembered the revelation that the Emperor had indeed been training his own slaves. He still balked at that! There was no disputing Roquan's arguments here. Only Overlords train and own slaves!

But what could he do?

Gronnus finished off the last of his brandy in one gulp, groaning as it blazed a bright trail down his gullet and burned like a coal in his stomach. He took a few deep breaths, trying to clear his mind. He had nobody to turn to. Except perhaps...

He leaned back in his seat, his eyes slightly glazed, partially from the alcohol and partially from the thought he just had.

He would think Gronnus mad. Or he would think it some kind of lie or a trick. No matter. If nothing else, it would ease his conscience in the end. He could at least live with himself after that. Maybe.

Gronnus stood up and straightened his clothing. He tried to arrange his hair a little neater, but he grew too flustered and just let it be. It really didn't matter any more. He had no plans to try to get any votes. There was no point.

He walked out into the morning sun. The already oppressively humid air hit him full force, making him stagger with his brandy-dulled senses. There was no breeze to stir the sodden air around him, and he broke into a profuse sweat by the time he had walked up and over the bluff. Admittedly, not all of it was from the heat.

Gronnus' breathing became labored as he started down the path along the north end of the Manor. It took a few moments for him to realize that he had quickened his pace, as if the urgency of his task had suddenly become greater.

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 28

The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change. He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 2

In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless. Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt. It...

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My wife a sex slave

I meet my wife Sophia when she was 19 years old, beautiful and perfect body. I see her using only long dresses.One time I start a conversation with her and invite her to the movie theater. She say you need first to ask authorization from my Dad and Mom.So I went to talk to them and ask them if they can let Sophia to the movie theater with me.The Dad ask me, Are you going to respect Sophia or you going to try to touch her in the movie theater? I told him, I will respect her. Then the Dad and Mom...

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Maa ki chudai

Aaj mai aapko aaj maa ki tau ji se chudai ki bilkul hi taji kahani sunane jaa raha hu jo aaj raat ki hai.sabse pahle mai aapko maa aur mere tauji ka parichay karadu. Meri maa jinki umar 50 saal hai, ek gori lambi aur sundar aurat hai. Tauji bhi jinki umar athatar saal ke hai, lambe aur healthy aur sundar hai. Mai surat me akele do room ke flate me rahta hu. Meri maa in dino mere paas aayi hui hai. Yah kahani aaj raat ki hai. Mere tau ji apne kisi kam se yaha aye huye the.raat me jab taau ji...

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A wife is gangbanged while her husband has to watch

It had been a long day for George and Judy. The trip from Boulder to Salt Lake had gotten off to a poor start and had gone downhill from there. The harder they tried to make good time, the more delays they encountered. First there was the seemingly never-ending construction along US40. Judy had even gone along with George’s decision to run the stupid single lane, by passing in the construction equipment lane, which they could see had nothing in it. The girl holding the stop sign...

1 year ago
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My First Landlady

It's almost all true, there are just a few changes to protect the guilty ;) =================================================================================== My First Landlady I’m celebrating my 54th birthday next week; is it an achievement? Does it really matter? Well no on both counts, but for those capable of basic mathematics it means I was born in 1955 and the world was a very different place. Nice girls didn’t do anything and even the bad girls didn’t do much, so whereas now we’re...

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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 3

When My Dreams Came True. Written and posted by hard93 Chapter 3. Learning to be the Couple we always wanted to be: There is more story than sex if that not what youre look for, sorry but try a another writer. In the previous chapter Andy found out he won the lottery. Rachel his longtime crush, the girl Andy dreamed of as long as hes known her also had a crush on him. From their second kiss on their crush become love and Rachel insisted all she really cared about was Andys love. Andy is not...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 37 Goddess of Inspiration

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “You need to ... keep them alive,” I panted to Greta, my face flushed. I lowered Sven’s shoulders to the ground, holding his right side, my bedmaid the left. Her youthful face glanced up at me. “What? Are you ... going somewhere?” I sucked in a deep breath, my heart racing from dragging Sven back to the fire where the others lay trembling and quivering, the poison raging through...

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Genmanipulation Teil 2

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...

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The Coin

THE COIN.By  Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult drama in three parts in which women of strong temperament and passions play a vital part.Act IReign Of Irene, Empress Of The Byzantine Empire.Byzantium Late 797 AD. The island of Principo, Convent of St. George.Act IIReign Of Catherine The Great Of The Russian EmpireThe Russian Empire Summer 1750 AD. The palace of the Kremlin. Moscow.Act IIIIn The Midst Of The Russian Revolution.Revolutionary Russia Autumn 1919 AD. Lubyanka Prison, Lubyanka Square in...

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Sex Studio Secrets 23 Nikita1

Nice Nikita has a hot history with me, first her client only, later an intimate best friend to mate.She is a slender blonde beauty and her only hobby is her horse. Once she invited me to watch her ride.No pants, no saddle. A sexy sight which easily excites me, so she invites me to sit right behind her.After our first fuck at foot-pace the scene gets unexpedly hotter: we watch her mare mate a stallion.Nikita is a nice slender sensual blonde beauty in her early thirties. She runs several tobacco...

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Adventurous Sex In Library With An ISS Reader

Hi readers, I am back with a new experience. For those who do not know me, I’m Sai, 24, a student from NIT Trichy. I posted my experiences but it took some time to get uploaded in the site. Once they got uploaded, readers started liking it and I got some emails as a response to the stories I posted. A reader, Lakshmi liked my story and messaged me. She is of my age nearly, 26 and loved my story. We started to chat for some days and the conversation went like this L: Hi Sai, I really liked your...

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The Miracle of Massive Vaginas

TRUE STORYHi, my name is Dick Biggs- that's actually my name! My parents named me that because apparently when I was born, the doctor thought he saw the head coming out but it was actually the large tip of my baby cock. It was in the newspapers. Anyway, you'd probably think that having a huge penis(I'm talking 3 pringles cans stacked together, I'm talking a lamp with a lampshade, like an elephant trunk) is a blessing- that I would be the envy of all my friends. Turns out, it's more of a curse-...

4 years ago
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Tammy Goes Black After the Prom Part III

Tammy Goes Black After the Prom... Part IIII was so lost in lust for James big black cock. The sensations it was giving me and my once faithful married white pussy. My emotions had overwhelmed me; my first tryst at being unfaithful even though my husband had encouraged and set the wheels in motion, my discovery that the sexual satisfaction my body/pussy had longed for and craved was now being fulfilled. What seemed like new sensations coursing through my sexually charged body with each stroke...

3 years ago
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Spicing Up My Wifes Sex Life

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. ‘I need more,’ thought Adam Williams, ‘my wife needs to be more kinky. I need more than the vanilla sex we have.’ Adam had become bored with his sex life, his wife Beth is a beautiful woman, 32, a figure to make heads turn and he loved her unconditionally. Her only problem was her sexual libido, she had none. They had been married for...

1 year ago
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Marriage Counseling Part 1

Sara had not always been like this… this extreme and I new her lust for more had outgrown mine. We both new that. And yet I could not let her go. I had to see were she was going, what she would end up doing next. Just thinking about it filled me with a raging, jealousy-spiked high. She was my drug and I just had to have that next fix. So here I was, lying next my passed-out slave of a wife, that exhausted ball of filth, covered in flaky streaks of cum, blackening bruises, scaby bitemarks and...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 12

“Wake up, wake up!” I heard Anne jerk me awake, and not in a good way, either. “What’s up?” I asked groggily as I tried to shake myself out of that state. “We gotta bustle, man! Time to relocate! Nicer place this time. Whole bloody, motherfucking street requisitioned for hospitals and quarters!” Anne told me, “evidently, that barrage was the last of their heavy munitions and they used it up trying for a breakout from the growing, alarming encirclement of their forces.” “So, where are...

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The Unexpected Encounter

Hi I am “xyz” Presently living in Bangalore and would like to share my experience. You can also send in your appreciations/feedback’s to depending on the feedback I will post many other stories. And guys if you want me to send the pics of the girls involved in this story, please don’t bother mailing me and wasting my time. Anyways coming back to the story… This incident happened when I joined an IT firm in Bangalore. Had a lot of friends here, every weekend we all guys and girls used to go...

4 years ago
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Squirting Horny Chennai Housewife

Hi, guys, this is Raj again with my another experience as a call boy. A lady named Geetha mailed for my service she took my number and called me. In this incident, I’m going to narrate how I fucked her milfy plumpy wet cunt and made her beg me for intimate pleasure. You will never experience this kind of story anywhere trust me, guys. Girls get ready to grab your boobs and finger your pussy if it is not satisfied to contact me. Any unsatisfied women, divorced women, girls, and lonely needed sex...

3 years ago
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Just Another Lesson to Be Learned

The sun was about to set as Ann and I walked along the beach in front of our home. The sunsets are spectacular here in Southern California. We built our home sixteen years ago and would never live in another place. After a while of walking barefooted along the waters edge we stopped and sat down on a dune to watch the magnificent colors of pinks, red, and orange streak through the sky as though the creator painted this scene just for us. The reflection on the water of the setting sun looked...

Wife Lovers
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my Favorite

Hello people, I want to share a recent experience I had a few months ago when I met my girlfriend Neha. Hope you like it. I am 26 and work in an engineering company. Most part of my life I had little interaction with women. My virginity was a thing I soon wanted to let go and wanted some one to make love. I was too shy/ scared to go to a prostitute. Hence I was looking for a girl that I can be in a relationship with.It was a sunny day in the November of Delhi. Me and my friend were coming back...

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My slut wifes BBC blow bang

It took me years to get my conservative wife to go black.... When she finally did, she enjoyed it immensely for about 5 or 6 years.... Then it ran its course...She wasn't one to let me watch her adventures, she said it would inhibit her too much. And from what several of her black lovers have told me, she was quite the slut for black dick.She would go out alone, often locking my little dick in a cage, and return with a pussy full of black cum. She was always bare back.... she hates...

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It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...

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god yesmake it real5 kisses

...................................I have opened a fresh sealed bag of my perfumed black seamed nylons and am sliding them over my shapely tanned legs and have fixed my suspenders in place.Next are my silky black tanga panties worn over my suspenders so they are easily removed later.Finally,my 7” black patent stilettoes – strictly for the bedroom and impractical for use where much walking is required.Now,sexually attired,i am starting by gently teasing you and treating your rigid shaft as if it...

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A New Dawn Ch 05

‘Jesus, look at your tits.’ Phillip couldn’t stop himself. Lisa blushed. ‘Don’t. I feel so self-conscious. I’m not sure I can do this.’ Dawn barged Phillip to one side. ‘Ignore him, he’s been talking about this all day. Come in. You look absolutely fantastic.’ Lisa was wearing just the one piece of clothing, as promised. It was a simple yellow cotton dress, stopping midway down her thigh. The spaghetti straps were tied in bows on each shoulder and it went straight across from the front. It...

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my sexy young slut wife stacy part3 CAMERA CLUB

Introduction: the 3rd story about stacy .My sexy young slut wife stacy (PART 3) CAMERA CLUB If you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and...

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“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...

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Panties Peril of the Dark DamselChapter 7

“Welcome!” announced the Panties King as he burst thru the back door, “Welcome to the lair of the Panties King!” Behind him there followed three men. The first was an Arab in the full regalia of Middle Eastern flowing white robes. Behind him came two other men of Arabic hue, dressed in the black suits and dark sunglasses that marked them out as bodyguards. The Arab – a portly, middle-aged fellow – looked around the dirty warehouse with obvious disdain. He was about to make some disparaging...

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Running into Coverage Ch55

A light knocking on the front door interrupted the girls as they sat on the couch watching a reality show. Hadley placed her tea mug on the coffee table and dashed to answer it, figuring it was Marcus. Usually he sent a text after leaving the complex letting her know he was on his way only this time he didn’t. The door swung open swiftly, blowing her hair off of her shoulders. Marcus stood on the other side and looked just as good as he did the night before. Hadley grabbed his hand and pulled...

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Jacks Mother Nude

Jack’s Mother Nude My friend Jack was two years older than I was so when he graduated from high school and went off to college I took over some of his duties. I mowed the lawn, took out the trash, and helped his mother around the house whenever she needed it. Of course I had my own key to the house. I always enjoyed looking for her used panties in the corner of her bedroom and smelling of them. One day I looked in her panty drawer. She had about fifty pair of the sexiest panties...

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That One Day3

I put my bag down next to the sink and sat on the side of the shower. I pulled down my shorts and my cock popped through the gap in my boxers. I started to slowly stroke it and think about everything that happened. I first thought about the fooling and fucking we did last night until I remembered what Connor said about Katie. And how hot she was now. Then suddenly, wouldn't you know it, the door bangs open and I jump, pushing my cock back into my boxers and pulling up my pants. Katie...

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My partner in crime

I'm Veronica, I'm 5'4, with red hair and just B-cup boobs. I'm 37, I've never been married, or had any kids. For the last ten years, I've been a detective. I've personally solved over 100 cases, myself. Although, last year my captain actually assigned me a partner. Honestly, I just never wanted a partner. I always worked best alone, I got the job done, and didn't have any drama to go along with it. My partner is named Steven, and he is a little younger than me, at 32. I heard he had a little...

Straight Sex
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Miss Allison goes gardening

Miss Allison goes gardeningI was in the kitchen having my morning coffee I was wearing my micro shorts really show of my big ass and had my low cut tight tshirt no bra my huge tits and thick nipples tight against the fabric and my tennis trainers I was going to do some work in the greenhouse and old bill from next door was going to give me a hand As I finished my coffee there was a knock on the back door it was old bill morning miss Allison morning bill you ready yes bill he was just wearing a...

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Dannys Dick Part 1 Too Small

Danny's Dick Part 1 - Too Small I guess that I could be the poster boy for "Size Does Matter." It's tough when you're a freshman in high school and you're not developing as fast as the other guys. Well, maybe that's not completely true. In terms of height and weight I'd guess that I'm about average. But when it comes to what's really important to a guy, I'm kind of on the small side - like my dick is only a little more than 1" long. Now it's not like I have all these girl friends so...

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Coed SlutsChapter 2

Julie quickly slipped into her pants, but left her underpants on the ground. She smiled as she picked them up and handed them to me. "Hang onto these," she said. "They can be a memento." Then she picked up her jacket and got into that. Her whole front, her chest and her gorgeous tits, was smeared with cum and oil. She left the jacket open so that her tits were just barely covered and tucked her halter top into her jacket pocket as I got into my clothes. "Let's head back to your...

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Amy Group Shared

After being married to Amy for 20 years, our sex life had become rather routine. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, Amy was a great lover, 36C natural tits, hourglass figure, everything put together nicely, but I needed something a little different. I had tried to get her swap again, as we had with another couple, but since they moved away, she did not seem interested.I had taken her to dinner one night, go her to drink about four glasses of wine, which tends to make her horny, and on the way...

4 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 3

Richard woke up early, a thing very unlike him. He'd had the most wonderful dream. He'd gotten all dressed up cutely and then spent time with some new friends and then been driven up the hill to the a beautiful princess's house and she'd given him the most enjoyable time of his life, then he'd skipped home wearing a jingly dress... He sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, and then looked down at his nightie, realizing that he'd actually done all of that. He sat there for a bit, still amazed...

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The Old Way MF bond inc rom scifi

The Old WayBy SpectreOfHell“It is time,” J'ter said to the boy. They were standing on the high balcony overlooking the empty city, the dead city. The city once filled with vibrant life where aristocrats ruled an empire spanning a thousand worlds. That was long ago. There was still life up there among the stars, but it was closed to them forever. These men, women, and the one c***d, they were all that was left of the ruling class. Superior to those genetic slaves who bred like a****ls and...

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