Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 21
- 4 years ago
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Emperor Z'haas was not a patient man by any stretch of the imagination in less eventful times, and even less so once he received word that the Conclave had started. He had given Gronnus a quarter moon, yet he found himself anxious for word of progress after only the second day.
He summoned the Overlord over Farview late that morning. There was a long pause before it was answered, Z'haas having to restrain himself from passing his hand over the pearl again and again.
"Your timing is very fortunate, Z'haas," Gronnus said as soon as his image shimmered into view before the sovereign. There was a trace of irritation in his voice. Only moments ago, he had finished returning Amanda to Roquan and shooing Freya from his quarters. The latter had been the more difficult action.
"The timing is whatever I make of it," the Emperor said haughtily. "I wish to know your progress."
"Normally, I would complain that it has not been enough time, but this is such a sure thing that I have no qualms telling you about it."
The Emperor's eyes narrowed at the Overlord's insufferable smirk. That was yet another thing to add to the long list of changes he intended to implement once the crisis was over and the power of the Overlords broken. They would soon learn to show more respect for the Imperium. "Then you will be successful in deposing Roquan?"
Gronnus' smirk faded slightly. "In only a day's time, Z'haas, I have already done several deals with various Overlords to lock Roquan out of any vote in his favor. In fact, I secured a very key vote, which is that of Overlord Trennan D'vard. Where he goes, several other Overlords follow."
Z'haas took a deep breath to keep himself calm. He folded his arms, his eyes hard. "That did not answer my question, Overlord."
"I did not answer it because it is not relevant to the Conclave proceedings."
"But it is what I want. I wish Roquan removed. Have you started this?"
Gronnus sighed. "No, I have not."
"Really, Z'haas, is this necessary? I tell you that the vote is sure to go against Roquan. He will have no allies after this. He will likely be shunned by the rest of them after this debacle!"
"As I have told you before, Gronnus, this is no longer enough to satisfy me! Yes, I wish the vote to go against him. But I wish that vote to be followed by a formal Tribunal. I want Roquan removed as a threat."
Gronnus remained silent for a long moment.
"Well, Overlord?"
"Deposing Roquan... may prove more difficult than anticipated."
Z'haas frowned deeply. "And why is this?"
"I am no longer at liberty to disclose the information about the slave Amanda."
"You are what?!" Z'haas exclaimed. "I have told you before, this is not the time to worry about keeping your pathetic little secrets!"
"That has nothing to do with it!" Gronnus declared. "Z'haas, please reconsider this, it..."
"I demand to know why you cannot proceed with this plan."
Gronnus appeared nervous for a moment. "I chose to disclose the information to a fellow Overlord," he finally said in a lower voice. "And she decided she wished to use it to her own ends."
"She? You shared this information with Freya D'yros?"
"Have you taken leave of your senses?!" Z'haas roared, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I am not an Overlord, and even I know of her wiles! She is not the person to trust with information such as this!"
"Gods damn it, Z'haas, I needed help! I needed an ally! And if you do know as much as you claim about her, you will know that she is someone you would rather have for you than against you! If that does not suit you, then cease making impossible demands of me!"
Z'haas took another deep breath. His eyes blazed anger, his face a scowl, making him look even more hawk-like than normal. "What is she doing with this information?" he finally asked in a terse voice.
Gronnus paused a moment. "I believe she wishes to use it to pursue her own deal with Roquan."
He was not about to mention that it was a deal for Amanda herself. For all he knew, the Emperor had other plans for her, and it was best that Z'haas did not know that these were thwarted as well. Gronnus had enough to deal with as it was.
"And how do you know that she is not intending to betray you and side with him?"
Gronnus laughed. "Then you truly do not know Freya as much as you think. No, Z'haas, she will not turn to him. I have seen to that."
The Emperor said nothing. He was not convinced. He was rarely convinced of anyone's plans other than his own. The key to success in his mind was to follow his commands and nothing more. He knew the situation. Everyone else did not.
"Since it appears you wish to receive constant reports from me, Z'haas," Gronnus said. The Emperor caught the slight tone of disdain in the Overlord's voice. "Perhaps we should agree on a time of day so I can be sure to be available."
"There will be no need, Overlord," Z'haas said stiffly. "Proceed as you have been."
Without waiting for acknowledgment, the Emperor waved his hand over the pearl and terminated the conversation, the Overlord's form vanishing into nothing.
Z'haas picked up the pearl and gripped it in his hand tightly, as if imagining crushing Gronnus himself in his fingers. He realized now he should never have bothered with the Overlord in the first place. It came down to this: if Roquan were out of the picture entirely -- if he were dead -- there would be no need for a vote.
He placed the pearl back into its case and proceeded to the audience chamber. There he found the Mage waiting patiently for him, his hands folded over the top of his staff.
"Good morning, my Emperor," Q'yros said, bowing his head.
The Emperor returned the greeting with nothing more than a curt nod, though inwardly he was grateful for the gesture. At least the Mages knew how pay proper respect to the Imperium. "Tell me something, Q'yros."
"The Overlord Freya D'yros. She is of the same Clan as you?"
Q'yros' face hardened. "If I am forced to admit such a thing, yes," he said tonelessly. "She is my granddaughter."
"I must manage your expectations now, my Emperor. If you believe that this means I have even a modicum of influence over the accursed girl, you are sadly mistaken."
"From what I know of her, it is doubtful anyone has influence over her."
"She did not listen when others told her she would be best suited for Magery. Instead, she chose to replace her father at the D'yros Manor. A female Overlord. Bah! I am embarrassed to claim her as my blood kin."
"Oh? She has magical ability?"
"Yes. Never developed it properly. That's not to say it doesn't manifest. Or do you believe her charms are from her beauty and wit alone?"
Z'haas raised an eyebrow. He would file that bit of information away for later. At the moment, he had more pressing concerns. "Have you completed the work on the wards?"
"Aye, my Emperor," Q'yros said. "They are as strong as they can be."
"And there is no chance of unwanted intrusion?"
"None at all."
What Q'yros did not say was that there had been no chance of it before, either. The power on the wards only went so far before there came a point of diminishing returns. Simply put, no one could possibly bring a Portal Focus anywhere near or inside the Imperial Palace without it triggering one or more of the wards. The person would be struck dead by a guard or marksman before he could activate the Portal.
But try telling this to the likes of the Emperor! Q'yros thought it best to play along with Z'haas' paranoia to satisfy the sovereign and earn himself some platinum to boot. He was very tempted to offer the sovereign some "extra" protections, which really would be overkill, but did not wish to press his luck.
Yes, there was always a small danger. Were someone to disable a ward somehow, one could conceivably gain enough time before the ward deactivation was detected in order to open the Portal. No magic on Narlass could actually stop a Portal itself; it could only detect or disable the focus used to summon it.
"Is the Guild continuing to monitor the D'ronstaq Manor?" Z'haas asked.
"We have detected no new Portals in the vicinity."
"You will inform me if they do."
"Of course."
Z'haas looked away and sighed. "I fear something is being planned, Q'yros. I fear that we are not doing what we need to stop it."
"We are doing our best, my Emperor," Q'yros said smoothly.
Inwardly, he sighed. He realized as well as the Guild did that something was happening in the Far West, but he sincerely doubted their reach into Oceanus. Yes, there was a problem. Yes, they may have transported something to Roquan's island. But he was also growing increasingly convinced that the Emperor was jumping at mere shadows.
Sirinna could tell that something was bothering Amanda. She was very quiet and reserved when they came to the Circle for the midday meal, and now that it was Amanda's turn to eat, she ate slowly and without much enthusiasm.
Finally Sirinna reached out and gently cupped her fingers under Amanda's chin, lifting her lover's eyes to her own.
"Yes, mistress?" Amanda asked automatically.
Sirinna sighed. For once she actually wished she could let Amanda call her by name despite where they were. Suddenly "mistress" sounded so cold. "Are you all right?" she asked softly.
Amanda was not all right. Her pussy still ached. Despite the fact that the next Overlord to whom she had been delivered had been interested only in what she could do with her mouth, she didn't feel any better from Freya's treatment. She knew that she would be granted a trip to the Healer's office if she asked, but she felt that would be a sign of weakness on her part.
This was even more so after remembering what Freya had said. A normal slave would have enjoyed a continuous orgasm like that, regardless of what it made her feel like afterward. It just reinforced the notion that something was wrong with her. She did not want anyone else to find out.
What really disturbed her, however, was the fact that it was as if Freya somehow knew that Amanda was deficient in some way, and was determined to prove it.
"I'm fine, mistress," Amanda said, lowering her eyes.
"No, you're not."
Amanda's gaze snapped back up again.
"Amanda, what's wrong?"
Amanda sighed. "What difference does it make? You're just going to tell me I need to behave like a proper slave."
Sirinna was taken aback by the bitterness in her charge's voice.
"I'm sorry, mistress," Amanda said defeatedly. "You can punish me later for that."
"Are you having trouble with the Presenting?"
Amanda paused a moment. "I thought it was only supposed to run for a day. This is the second day. And I have to go back after this."
Sirinna nodded. "I know. It's... unusual."
Amanda's eyes flashed anger. "Unusual? That's all you can say?"
"Did you have trouble with another Overlord?"
"With the same Overlord," Amanda muttered darkly.
Sirinna looked confused. "The same? But you're not supposed to be given to the same Overlord twice."
"Wait... I'm not?"
"No. Not usually, anyway. But... but if Master Roquan felt..."
Amanda could not stop herself. She rolled her eyes. "So anything is okay as long as Master Roquan says it is, right?"
"Yes, I know. Show respect for the Overlord. Sorry, mistress. I'll be good, mistress."
"Amanda!" Sirinna hissed. She glanced around for a moment and slid closer. "I just wanted you to lower your voice, that's all. You're obviously quite upset about something or you wouldn't be acting this way. Now what is it, love?"
Amanda paused. That was the first time she had heard Sirinna use a term of endearment for the past two days. And she had never used it outside of their quarters before. "So you do still care," Amanda said softly.
Sirinna smiled. "I never stopped."
"It's... it's just been hard to tell."
"I know. We haven't had time together..."
"I don't mean just that. I mean you were more concerned about how I was acting as a slave rather than as your... " Amanda lowered her voice to a whisper. "... your lover."
"I was just proud of you, Amanda, for everything you've accomplished."
"I know. But... but it's not good enough. Not for Mistress Freya, anyway."
Sirinna looked surprised. "Was she the one you were taken to again?"
"Yes. Only I don't think Master Roquan meant it that way."
"I don't understand."
"I was given to another one. Master Gronnus, I think his name was. But when we got into his quarters, he gave me to Freya. Is he supposed to do that, mistress?"
Sirinna hated questions like this. They set her love for Amanda in direct conflict to her loyalty to Master Roquan and Overlords in general. She knew what the "right" answer was, but she knew that Amanda was not looking for that now. She had to be Amanda's lover right now and not her Trainer. "No, Amanda," she said in a very low voice. "That was... a... a breach of protocol."
Amanda blinked in surprise. Sirinna had just come out and admitted that an Overlord did something wrong.
She was about to ask why Gronnus did this, but she thought she already knew why. The female Overlord was up to something. She had specifically planned this with Gronnus. It did not seem plausible that she just happened to be there. It explained why Gronnus had met Roquan halfway. He had been the only Overlord that had done that. For all the others, Roquan had to deliver her right to the door.
But to what end? Just to show how "bad" a slave she was?
And then there was yesterday, asking questions as if trying to trick her into revealing she never had the Draught. Were the two connected?
"Should I tell Master Roquan, mistress?" Amanda asked.
Another hard question to answer. Sirinna knew that slaves were told to quietly report to their Overlord any incidents of abuse from a client. Yet did this constitute abuse? Amanda was not obviously injured or bruised.
Sirinna could only push things so far in her own mind. "If he asks, yes."
Amanda just nodded, but inwardly sighed. It was probably asking too much for Sirinna to tell her "yes". However, she had heard enough at least to know that perhaps some of this was not her fault.
"Mistress, I would like to visit Master Vanlo before you take me back to Master Roquan," she said evenly. "My pussy feels a little sore."
Sirinna nodded. "Of course, love." She had noticed that Amanda's labia looked a bit red. "He'll be able to give you something that will make it feel better right away."
"Thank you, mistress."
As Doran had predicted, the other Overlords showed little interest in maintaining a strict attendance record for the Conclave.
When Rennis stood before the others to make his statements of support for Roquan's cause, there were barely half the Overlords present. Most were off at the bazaar outside the Manor gates, the merchants plying their wares to them. Like Roquan and Doran before him, he kept his speech short and to the point. Roquan could at least be content that most of the Overlords that were present appeared at least mildly interested.
It was also possible that they were simply waiting their turn at Amanda.
Amanda stood off to the side, her wrists in restraints and her chain in Roquan's hand as Rennis spoke. She was feeling a little better now, at least physically. The salve that Vanlo had given her had worked very well indeed, leaving only a very small residual ache. The Healer had examined her and found no damage of any kind.
Gronnus stepped away from the gazebo. He had to pause a moment halfway down the path to catch his breath and stop his heart from hammering in his chest. He glanced over towards the west. The afternoon sun had disappeared behind a storm blowing in from the ocean. The breeze had stirred, bringing with it a promise of rain. Until it delivered, the air was still muggy and oppressive. He turned again down the path, Overlord Freya far ahead of him. She disappeared into her quarters just as Gronnus...
Roquan politely but firmly turned away both Rennis and Doran when they came to his quarters early in the morning. He did not offer them any excuse whatsoever despite their puzzled looks. This was his Manor. It was time he began to assert some more control over it. He had no need to justify his actions. He had Amanda summoned to him, as he had the previous two mornings. For the first time in his memory, he actually felt anxious about meeting with one of his slaves. Amanda arrived, escorted...
Vanlo uttered a long sigh. He cast his tired eyes down at his patient. The bolt was out. The wound was closed and starting to knit. He applied more of the salve to it now that she could stand it, now that there was no longer raw muscle and tendon exposed, and it would start to knit a little faster. But the girl's skin was still deathly pale. The bolt had gone deep and nicked the major artery. Before they got her to Vanlo, she had bled profusely. Her breathing had been very shallow. She was...
"I am quite pleased you are here again, Rennis. I had not expected to see you again in person until the Conclave gathered." Overlord Rennis D'glounaas was rather pleased himself as he accepted the proffered goblet of wine from his host. It was good to see Roquan acting so warmly towards him again. Despite the fact that he knew the animosity between them was water under the bridge in the wake of the Emperor's treachery, it was one thing to see it over Farview and quite another to see it...
The merchants arrived at the Manor at dawn to little fanfare. To them, this was business as usual. Yes, there was the anticipation of additional riches from the affluent Overlords that would arrive the next day, and the usual excitement that accompanied the prospect of female companionship, as it did at any Manor they visited. The merchants dutifully set up their tents and their wares alongside the wide road just outside the gates of the Manor. Only once the sun had risen did the Overlord...
Doran was not to be deterred. He did not care what Roquan said to him. He did not care what Roquan was doing at the moment, even if he were in bed with one of his slaves. There was too much to talk about and too much to be done. He would not be turned away. He dutifully gave Roquan until the sun had risen fully above the eastern horizon. That would certainly give him enough time to have his morning meal and do whatever urgent Manor business needed his attention. He knew that there had been...
Overlord Weton D'honna was a dapper young man, the youngest of the Overlords present save for Freya. Supposedly this man already leaned in Roquan's direction, but Roquan was not sure what this was buying them. Where the other Overlords tended to be prejudicial in terms of Clan longevity, Roquan was in a similar way with age. He did not see this man, having been an Overlord for only five years, as very credible for his cause. Yet a vote was a vote, and beggars could not be choosers. Weton...
Roquan arrived in the Healer's office shortly after sunrise. He was greeted with a welcome sight: Amanda was on her own two feet and looking as if nothing had happened to her, save for one slash of faint pinkish-red on the side of one calf. Amanda actually smiled when she saw the Overlord approach. To even his own surprise, Roquan smiled back. Healer Vanlo, however, was not at all shy about his good humor. For the first time in a long while, he could say he had a good night's sleep. He...
Gronnus tried to reach Overlord Weton early in the morning just at dawn, but he overslept. In his worries over the very deal he was trying to save, he tossed and turned for a good part of the night. When he finally did fall into slumber, he was exhausted, and thus it was not until the sun had just risen above the horizon that he roused himself out of bed. By the time he reached Weton's quarters, the Overlord was already up and about, and no sooner had Gronnus left the area when he saw the...
Roquan had had a bad night. This was rare for him. Even in the middle of the crisis precipitated by the Imperial agent Yanna, he had never had serious trouble sleeping. Yet last night had been different. Everything that he had done and said in the course of the Conclave was coming back to haunt him. He had started to wonder if perhaps he indeed had Oceanus' best interests in mind from the start. Already irritated from lack of sleep, he was in no mood to hear what his Healer was telling...
The three Overlords -- Roquan, Rennis, and Doran -- emerged onto a low bluff at the northwest corner of the mansion, overlooking a wide expanse of beach through the trees. Rising up from the center was a wide, circular structure. It was built similar in design to living quarters. Solid wood poles were spaced evenly about the circumference of the structure, buttresses holding up a pointed, sloped roof. The thatch-and-wood walls, however, rose only to waist-height, and one was missing entirely...
Gronnus watched with smug satisfaction as he saw Overlord Berin D'flaar leaving Trennan's quarters. Seeing that helped offset the indignation he had felt against Freya for what she had pulled on him that morning. The gall of that woman! She was trying to take over the whole show. She had no idea what greater interests were being served here. Though he realized that if he had told her, she would more likely than not try turn it around to her advantage and his detriment. He had a short while...
At the same time Roquan contemplated the problem of his troublesome slave, on an island just to the northeast of the one upon which the D'ronstaq Manor sat, a man walked alone on a road through the dense tropical forest. He was known as the Wanderer. Indeed, his given name meant "Wandering Spirit" in his native lands, from a language few could speak fluently anymore in modern times. A terrible loss, he always felt, though he kept this to himself. His purpose was not to examine the past...
"I fear I may need to tender my resignation, your Lordship." Roquan looked up from the accounting parchment he was perusing and stared in confusion at his Healer. "Is this a joke, Vanlo?" Vanlo straightened and clasped his hands behind his back. "I wish it were. However, I feel that events of late have convinced me that I am aging past the point of usefulness to this Manor. If you wish, I can suggest a few colleagues from the Healer Guild that would serve as a...
Amanda patiently waited for her turn to eat breakfast as she lay stretched out on her stomach on her mistress' bed, her head propped up on her elbows. Her backside was still sore and pink from her paddling the day before, though it was tolerable if she did not put too much weight on it. Sirinna had again offered to take her to the Healer, but she had again refused. It wasn't all that bad now, and she felt it better to tough it out, if only to prove to herself that she could do it. Besides,...
"I am quite pleased you made it to the Manor early, Doran. I am feeling increasingly out of my element on the eve of the Conclave." Overlord Doran D'jorus breathed a windy sigh as he shook his head. He nodded his thanks as he accepted the goblet from his host. He took a long pull at it before speaking. "Not that we have all that much more time to prepare, Roquan!" He waved a beefy hand towards the door, which had been left open to admit the cooling evening breeze. "What we have now is...
Rennis dashed up the path to Roquan's quarters, smoothing down his hair as best he could. He cursed himself for oversleeping again. He was loathe to admit that this constant shuttling back and forth between his own Manor and Roquan's was starting to take its toll on him. It was a full day by boat and another half day over land to get from the D'glounaas Manor to the D'ronstaq Manor. He sorely wished Roquan's father had founded the Manor closer to the island's only port. When he burst...
The Wanderer stood at the threshold to his bedchamber, gazing through a small gap between the curtain and the edge of the frame. He peered at the still form of Sirinna as she lay on her bed, her sides rising and falling slowly and steadily. He had already checked on Amanda moments before and found her fast asleep as well. Carefully, the merchant slipped past the curtain, crouching as he made his way as silently as possible towards the exit. He was not concerned with Sirinna waking and seeing...
The Wanderer lived up to his name. Or at least inasmuch as it would seem to someone watching him. In reality, Jollis had his path well thought out. He knew Roquan would be quite busy that day with the opening of the Conclave. However, he wished to insure that he could catch the Overlord at some point before the man retired for the evening. It was very important for him to meet with the man, to establish a rapport with the Overlord. In effect, to build the man's trust. This would be...
"My dear Gronnus, just what was that all about?" Gronnus returned Freya's cool look with a level one of his own as the two of them stood on the path just outside the gazebo. "Why, whatever do you mean, Freya?" "Do not play coy with me," she said, a warning tone edging into her voice. "You practically challenged Roquan to a final debate and vote right then and there." "The other Overlords might have taken me up on it had not that windbag Doran droned on about tradition. What would...
The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change. He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation...
In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless. Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt. It...
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I had planned to stop by the adult bookstore around 6 p.m. , but I was so hot that I cleared my schedule by noon . I hadn't cum in five days and I needed to find a cocksucker to drain my hot cock . I got to the bookstore at 1 , wearing a t-shirt and flimsy gym shorts . The parking lot was full and their were about 20 guys browsing the magazine and video section as I approached the clerk to get singles for a video booth , my semi hard cock making a noticeable bulge in my shorts , a nice wet spot...
“If you won the lottery, would you still want me, Sylvia?” She was leaning against me, after just coming back out of the house. She went in to go to the bathroom and grab us some water. Both of us were tired after mowing and cleaning up the yard. It was really hot out. “Of course, sweetie. I saved an angel, and an angel saved me. I wouldn’t trade my angel for all the money in the world. I might buy her a ring and ask her to marry me, but I doubt she would say yes. She’s so young and pretty and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! This story is not for the faint of heart. This is my story, whether you believe it or not is strictly up to you. It all started a few years ago, I just turned 20 and moved out of my house to become more independent. My mother was divorced twice, her first marriage fell apart along time ago and her second husband died two years after their wedding day. He was a rich business man who left her everything before he passed away. For 18 years my mother had...
Incestall characters are over the age of eighteen ***ARAN*** Aran had spent the majority of his morning learning about Maralon largely by chatting to her citizens, most of whom were friendly enough, or were at least willing to have a conversation. He had learned much thus far, about the Council, the Heralds of Dawn, and the general feel of the people. Maralon was ruled by a Council of five, elected by the people to govern the city. Currently, the Council consisted of three women and two men, all...
“Are you sure about this?” I asked her. It didn’t really need to be pointed out that Johnny, her husband, had only left the room for beer, chips and dips, but I still felt the need to state the painfully obvious, “I mean…” Lisa looked up from where she’d just knelt on the floor between my legs as I sat on the sofa, my knees unresisting, as she pushed them apart, “Don’t worry, I’ll tell him you were depressed because your team are losing, and I am just being a good hostess.” She started to...
Cheating"That's right, James. Good job, you're all going to have to study hard so keep that in mind." The teacher said. James sat at his desk, a great start to first grade being the one student who got the right answer on the first question. But before he could react everything froze. The awkward classmates, his tired eyed teacher, even the fan blowing in the corner all froze. Before James could react the entire room and the people in it fell away from him out of sight. James found himself in a void of...
FantasyIt was a warm Spring afternoon and my sister and I were walking home from school together. At the time, we lived a in a fairly rural area and our ten minute journey took us through a series of quiet country lanes. It was a journey we had done hundreds of times before, but this time it turned out to be far from routine. We were about halfway home and passing one of the fancy farmhouse conversions that dotted our route. It was one of the biggest, grandest houses in the area and it was surrounded...
Mr. Kline came up to me and took my hand in both of his. “Brandee, you are by far the most talented actress that has ever graced my stage. And you’re beautiful to boot! From now on when I think of ‘Emma’, I will imagine a tall, slender goddess with dark brown hair that curls all the way to the middle of her back and a tan angelic face with big, dark eyes framed by the longest, most beautiful eyelashes. You, my dear, are the paragon of perfection!” I could feel my face flush a deep crimson as...
Brightreach had lodgings for rent the same way a solar system had planets: there were always several to choose from, but few were habitable. Bed bugs, leaky ceilings, bathtubs filled with strange, dark viscous liquids that you could never quite get to empty, and God forbid you actually probed the drain to see what might be stopping the plumbing up. Cas’ last time on Brightreach, he’d opened the door to the in-room minibar to find a varmint drunk on tiny bottles of Irish cream and creme de...
"New Amazona Spaceport South to Terran freighter, in accordance to the laws of GF trade treaties we inform you that we have six intelligent fission warheads locked on you. Please identify yourself within ten Ticks. If you do not comply you will be regarded as dangerous criminals and executed accordingly." "Nice, aren't they." The captain sniggered after the raspy voice from the microcom had delivered its message. Myron, the helmsman, managed a nervous smile in reply. The captain turned back to...
"So, Mr. Killigan, I assume you know why you are here?" I looked up at the headmaster, Professor Dawes, unsure of what to say. Maybe I could get off easy. I really didn't want to leave the university; I'd worked hard to get in for a long time. "Don't play dumb with me, Mr. Killigan. You know exactly why you are here." He pushed a piece of paper across his desk. I looked down at it and gulped. CARTER KILLIGAN was written across the top, and below it, my grades were listed, clear...
AnalThe water was still and green here in the creek that stretched for miles inland from the sea, one of many in a in a reticulating network of small arteries reaching through the marshes and islands along the Georgia coastline. For miles the uninhabited coast was cut here and there with small rivers bring nutrients into the flat expanse of marshland and forest. One could easily get lost forever in the endless mazes formed by these tide borne streams that ended miles later with brackish tones and...
MasturbationChapter ISheryl felt her heart thud madly in her chest as the panic began to overwhelm her. Desperately, the young woman with the short, bleached hair tried to kick her attackers away, but the men simply turned just a bit, taking her inneffectual kicks with muted grunts, one of them rewarding her with a backhanded slap across her face that made her stumble backwards against the wall. Immediately, one of the men threatening her was on her, his hand clamped tightly around her throat, his fist...
This is a true story of what happened to me and my husband on our holiday to Spain. We often read stories on various nude beach encounters which turned us both on but I had told John that it was never going to happen.We arrived at our apartment and got there just it time for the welcome meeting. Our rep informed us that at the end of the beach near the dunes was a nudist beach and not to go on fully clothed as sometimes you got a funny look or comment. The following day we got our things ready...
The wardroom, or officers mess, Festou informed him as they traveled back aft, was smaller than Dent had envisioned. Through an open hatch off the passageway leading to the officers' cabins it was just large enough to hold a table and eight chairs. On one side an open window allowed food to be served from a tiny galley. There was one cook and one messman who stood ready to serve. The Captain and the other officers were already seated when he stepped into the room and came to attention as...
I was 14 when this happened. Probably about 5'4” and 135lbs, 5” dick. My neighbor Justin was about 5'11” and 160lbs, and a big thick 7.5” dick. Justin had red hair and freckles. He was a pretty cute kid, but most people at school didn't like him. He always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I was pretty good looking, but by no means was I in the 'cool' crowd in school. One day I was riding the bus home with Justin and the conversation turned to porn. At that time...
Dear Freda, my best friend’s wife, was in my living room near tears. I wasn’t surprised that she came to see me. Jim had called and let me know what was going on with them. “Freda,” I said after giving her a tissue and a glass of the wine she preferred, “What can I do for you?” Sniffling a bit, “I’m sure Jim has already called you. I want you to hear my side of it directly. Can you listen for a while?” I nodded. Taking regular sips of her wine, she looked directly at me and continued, “Jim...
This is my first story written, so cut me some slack and be easy on the comments :). Criticism is welcome, but it must be constructive criticism. I have changed the names of the story for obvious reasons, but other than that the story is 100% true. I wrote this because I have read many stories here myself, and want to give back with some of my own. —————————————————————————————————————————————- Ill first describe myself: Im a 17 year old Australian guy, Im relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long...
Lydia Black burns sage, lights candles, and casts a spell. She conjures her Dom, Andre Stone to torment and fuck her. She’s bound in rope to a metal structure, standing naked when Andre delivers his hard blows with the flogger. After that he gets a huge dildo and fucks her pussy with it. In the next scene, Lydia is tied to a chair. Andre presses a vibrator against her clit and she cums hard as she pees. In the final scene, Lydia is in a full rope suspension. Andre fucks her in the ass and she...
xmoviesforyouThe real problem with being a teenage male is having two heads, and no matter what the big one is thinking, the little one has his own opinion and wants to grow up to be the big head. Making matters worse, the little head picks the absolute worst times to grow. Your math teacher is an old spinster and your classmates are immature girls that spend the hour passing notes to each other, but little head doesn’t care, he pops up and wants to turn you into a classroom freak show. But, sometimes he...
Chapter 1 - Bear's Adventure HomeThe weather is thick with rain, it's dreary and cloudy and that muggy, comfy, yet eerie feeling is in the air. Bear is racing home with excitement. He keeps having a hard time driving because his heart is pounding so hard and his attention is elsewhere.His mind is on thickly coating the deepest insides of Bee's cunt and making her squirm and moan and squeal with delight. He is fighting the clock, knowing she had a prior engagement not too long ago that may have...
This story is told in non-linear style, so please tread carefully…. 1. He lies stretched out across the bed, naked from the waist up – a brown-skinned Adonis – his finger beckoning her towards him. She stands there across the room, gazing and admiring every inch of his body – his near perfect, beautiful body – both hands clasping the handle of her handbag before her, looking every bit like a lost kindergarten schoolgirl. Her brow knots into a slight groove of deep ponder: what on earth is she...
Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.main iti krta hun.ek young lady geeta jo bahut hot thi uske saath sex ki ye satvin kahani kahani mein uski judwan sister meeta aur Geeta ko pool mein chudai ki kahani hai… subah jab aankh khuli to him teeno nange hi soye pade the.unko jgaya.wo dono jaag gai…geeta chaye bnane lagi…maine meeta ko pakad kr bed pr kheench liya..uske gaal pr kiss kr diya.. Meeta-darling….fresh hoker aati hu…fir sare din chodna..ok Usne ek kiss mere gaal pr ki aur...
I was 30 and had just divorced. MY life was in shambles and I started frequenting the nearby honky tonks.I ran into a girl that was only about 22 but very cute and eager to do almost anything.I was riding high. I had a cute little girl sucking my dick and riding my pole. My former wife never did anything for me.Eventually my new girl, Trish, asked me if I was ready for some different action?"What do you mean?"She played with my dick and held up my balls. she ran her finger around my anus."Have...
Your wife Anissa Kate is taking a bath to prep for your night out together, but she has a change of plans in mind: staying in with you! Yes, your wife is taking the French approach at a cozy night in going skin-to-skin with her man. And with that sexy accent, olive skin, and a set of big natural tits like that, how are you going to say no? WHY would you say no? Then it’s settled. Fresh from the bath Anissa will suck your cock clean and make it ready for her pussy. She’s wet and hot for you and...