Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 19 free porn video

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Emperor Z'haas was not a patient man by any stretch of the imagination in less eventful times, and even less so once he received word that the Conclave had started. He had given Gronnus a quarter moon, yet he found himself anxious for word of progress after only the second day.

He summoned the Overlord over Farview late that morning. There was a long pause before it was answered, Z'haas having to restrain himself from passing his hand over the pearl again and again.

"Your timing is very fortunate, Z'haas," Gronnus said as soon as his image shimmered into view before the sovereign. There was a trace of irritation in his voice. Only moments ago, he had finished returning Amanda to Roquan and shooing Freya from his quarters. The latter had been the more difficult action.

"The timing is whatever I make of it," the Emperor said haughtily. "I wish to know your progress."

"Normally, I would complain that it has not been enough time, but this is such a sure thing that I have no qualms telling you about it."

The Emperor's eyes narrowed at the Overlord's insufferable smirk. That was yet another thing to add to the long list of changes he intended to implement once the crisis was over and the power of the Overlords broken. They would soon learn to show more respect for the Imperium. "Then you will be successful in deposing Roquan?"

Gronnus' smirk faded slightly. "In only a day's time, Z'haas, I have already done several deals with various Overlords to lock Roquan out of any vote in his favor. In fact, I secured a very key vote, which is that of Overlord Trennan D'vard. Where he goes, several other Overlords follow."

Z'haas took a deep breath to keep himself calm. He folded his arms, his eyes hard. "That did not answer my question, Overlord."

"I did not answer it because it is not relevant to the Conclave proceedings."

"But it is what I want. I wish Roquan removed. Have you started this?"

Gronnus sighed. "No, I have not."


"Really, Z'haas, is this necessary? I tell you that the vote is sure to go against Roquan. He will have no allies after this. He will likely be shunned by the rest of them after this debacle!"

"As I have told you before, Gronnus, this is no longer enough to satisfy me! Yes, I wish the vote to go against him. But I wish that vote to be followed by a formal Tribunal. I want Roquan removed as a threat."

Gronnus remained silent for a long moment.

"Well, Overlord?"

"Deposing Roquan... may prove more difficult than anticipated."

Z'haas frowned deeply. "And why is this?"

"I am no longer at liberty to disclose the information about the slave Amanda."

"You are what?!" Z'haas exclaimed. "I have told you before, this is not the time to worry about keeping your pathetic little secrets!"

"That has nothing to do with it!" Gronnus declared. "Z'haas, please reconsider this, it..."

"I demand to know why you cannot proceed with this plan."

Gronnus appeared nervous for a moment. "I chose to disclose the information to a fellow Overlord," he finally said in a lower voice. "And she decided she wished to use it to her own ends."

"She? You shared this information with Freya D'yros?"


"Have you taken leave of your senses?!" Z'haas roared, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I am not an Overlord, and even I know of her wiles! She is not the person to trust with information such as this!"

"Gods damn it, Z'haas, I needed help! I needed an ally! And if you do know as much as you claim about her, you will know that she is someone you would rather have for you than against you! If that does not suit you, then cease making impossible demands of me!"

Z'haas took another deep breath. His eyes blazed anger, his face a scowl, making him look even more hawk-like than normal. "What is she doing with this information?" he finally asked in a terse voice.

Gronnus paused a moment. "I believe she wishes to use it to pursue her own deal with Roquan."

He was not about to mention that it was a deal for Amanda herself. For all he knew, the Emperor had other plans for her, and it was best that Z'haas did not know that these were thwarted as well. Gronnus had enough to deal with as it was.

"And how do you know that she is not intending to betray you and side with him?"

Gronnus laughed. "Then you truly do not know Freya as much as you think. No, Z'haas, she will not turn to him. I have seen to that."

The Emperor said nothing. He was not convinced. He was rarely convinced of anyone's plans other than his own. The key to success in his mind was to follow his commands and nothing more. He knew the situation. Everyone else did not.

"Since it appears you wish to receive constant reports from me, Z'haas," Gronnus said. The Emperor caught the slight tone of disdain in the Overlord's voice. "Perhaps we should agree on a time of day so I can be sure to be available."

"There will be no need, Overlord," Z'haas said stiffly. "Proceed as you have been."

Without waiting for acknowledgment, the Emperor waved his hand over the pearl and terminated the conversation, the Overlord's form vanishing into nothing.

Z'haas picked up the pearl and gripped it in his hand tightly, as if imagining crushing Gronnus himself in his fingers. He realized now he should never have bothered with the Overlord in the first place. It came down to this: if Roquan were out of the picture entirely -- if he were dead -- there would be no need for a vote.

He placed the pearl back into its case and proceeded to the audience chamber. There he found the Mage waiting patiently for him, his hands folded over the top of his staff.

"Good morning, my Emperor," Q'yros said, bowing his head.

The Emperor returned the greeting with nothing more than a curt nod, though inwardly he was grateful for the gesture. At least the Mages knew how pay proper respect to the Imperium. "Tell me something, Q'yros."


"The Overlord Freya D'yros. She is of the same Clan as you?"

Q'yros' face hardened. "If I am forced to admit such a thing, yes," he said tonelessly. "She is my granddaughter."


"I must manage your expectations now, my Emperor. If you believe that this means I have even a modicum of influence over the accursed girl, you are sadly mistaken."

"From what I know of her, it is doubtful anyone has influence over her."

"She did not listen when others told her she would be best suited for Magery. Instead, she chose to replace her father at the D'yros Manor. A female Overlord. Bah! I am embarrassed to claim her as my blood kin."

"Oh? She has magical ability?"

"Yes. Never developed it properly. That's not to say it doesn't manifest. Or do you believe her charms are from her beauty and wit alone?"

Z'haas raised an eyebrow. He would file that bit of information away for later. At the moment, he had more pressing concerns. "Have you completed the work on the wards?"

"Aye, my Emperor," Q'yros said. "They are as strong as they can be."

"And there is no chance of unwanted intrusion?"

"None at all."

What Q'yros did not say was that there had been no chance of it before, either. The power on the wards only went so far before there came a point of diminishing returns. Simply put, no one could possibly bring a Portal Focus anywhere near or inside the Imperial Palace without it triggering one or more of the wards. The person would be struck dead by a guard or marksman before he could activate the Portal.

But try telling this to the likes of the Emperor! Q'yros thought it best to play along with Z'haas' paranoia to satisfy the sovereign and earn himself some platinum to boot. He was very tempted to offer the sovereign some "extra" protections, which really would be overkill, but did not wish to press his luck.

Yes, there was always a small danger. Were someone to disable a ward somehow, one could conceivably gain enough time before the ward deactivation was detected in order to open the Portal. No magic on Narlass could actually stop a Portal itself; it could only detect or disable the focus used to summon it.

"Is the Guild continuing to monitor the D'ronstaq Manor?" Z'haas asked.

"We have detected no new Portals in the vicinity."

"You will inform me if they do."

"Of course."

Z'haas looked away and sighed. "I fear something is being planned, Q'yros. I fear that we are not doing what we need to stop it."

"We are doing our best, my Emperor," Q'yros said smoothly.

Inwardly, he sighed. He realized as well as the Guild did that something was happening in the Far West, but he sincerely doubted their reach into Oceanus. Yes, there was a problem. Yes, they may have transported something to Roquan's island. But he was also growing increasingly convinced that the Emperor was jumping at mere shadows.

Sirinna could tell that something was bothering Amanda. She was very quiet and reserved when they came to the Circle for the midday meal, and now that it was Amanda's turn to eat, she ate slowly and without much enthusiasm.

Finally Sirinna reached out and gently cupped her fingers under Amanda's chin, lifting her lover's eyes to her own.

"Yes, mistress?" Amanda asked automatically.

Sirinna sighed. For once she actually wished she could let Amanda call her by name despite where they were. Suddenly "mistress" sounded so cold. "Are you all right?" she asked softly.

Amanda was not all right. Her pussy still ached. Despite the fact that the next Overlord to whom she had been delivered had been interested only in what she could do with her mouth, she didn't feel any better from Freya's treatment. She knew that she would be granted a trip to the Healer's office if she asked, but she felt that would be a sign of weakness on her part.

This was even more so after remembering what Freya had said. A normal slave would have enjoyed a continuous orgasm like that, regardless of what it made her feel like afterward. It just reinforced the notion that something was wrong with her. She did not want anyone else to find out.

What really disturbed her, however, was the fact that it was as if Freya somehow knew that Amanda was deficient in some way, and was determined to prove it.

"I'm fine, mistress," Amanda said, lowering her eyes.

"No, you're not."

Amanda's gaze snapped back up again.

"Amanda, what's wrong?"

Amanda sighed. "What difference does it make? You're just going to tell me I need to behave like a proper slave."

Sirinna was taken aback by the bitterness in her charge's voice.

"I'm sorry, mistress," Amanda said defeatedly. "You can punish me later for that."

"Are you having trouble with the Presenting?"

Amanda paused a moment. "I thought it was only supposed to run for a day. This is the second day. And I have to go back after this."

Sirinna nodded. "I know. It's... unusual."

Amanda's eyes flashed anger. "Unusual? That's all you can say?"

"Did you have trouble with another Overlord?"

"With the same Overlord," Amanda muttered darkly.

Sirinna looked confused. "The same? But you're not supposed to be given to the same Overlord twice."

"Wait... I'm not?"

"No. Not usually, anyway. But... but if Master Roquan felt..."

Amanda could not stop herself. She rolled her eyes. "So anything is okay as long as Master Roquan says it is, right?"


"Yes, I know. Show respect for the Overlord. Sorry, mistress. I'll be good, mistress."

"Amanda!" Sirinna hissed. She glanced around for a moment and slid closer. "I just wanted you to lower your voice, that's all. You're obviously quite upset about something or you wouldn't be acting this way. Now what is it, love?"

Amanda paused. That was the first time she had heard Sirinna use a term of endearment for the past two days. And she had never used it outside of their quarters before. "So you do still care," Amanda said softly.

Sirinna smiled. "I never stopped."

"It's... it's just been hard to tell."

"I know. We haven't had time together..."

"I don't mean just that. I mean you were more concerned about how I was acting as a slave rather than as your... " Amanda lowered her voice to a whisper. "... your lover."

"I was just proud of you, Amanda, for everything you've accomplished."

"I know. But... but it's not good enough. Not for Mistress Freya, anyway."

Sirinna looked surprised. "Was she the one you were taken to again?"

"Yes. Only I don't think Master Roquan meant it that way."

"I don't understand."

"I was given to another one. Master Gronnus, I think his name was. But when we got into his quarters, he gave me to Freya. Is he supposed to do that, mistress?"

Sirinna hated questions like this. They set her love for Amanda in direct conflict to her loyalty to Master Roquan and Overlords in general. She knew what the "right" answer was, but she knew that Amanda was not looking for that now. She had to be Amanda's lover right now and not her Trainer. "No, Amanda," she said in a very low voice. "That was... a... a breach of protocol."

Amanda blinked in surprise. Sirinna had just come out and admitted that an Overlord did something wrong.

She was about to ask why Gronnus did this, but she thought she already knew why. The female Overlord was up to something. She had specifically planned this with Gronnus. It did not seem plausible that she just happened to be there. It explained why Gronnus had met Roquan halfway. He had been the only Overlord that had done that. For all the others, Roquan had to deliver her right to the door.

But to what end? Just to show how "bad" a slave she was?

And then there was yesterday, asking questions as if trying to trick her into revealing she never had the Draught. Were the two connected?

"Should I tell Master Roquan, mistress?" Amanda asked.

Another hard question to answer. Sirinna knew that slaves were told to quietly report to their Overlord any incidents of abuse from a client. Yet did this constitute abuse? Amanda was not obviously injured or bruised.

Sirinna could only push things so far in her own mind. "If he asks, yes."

Amanda just nodded, but inwardly sighed. It was probably asking too much for Sirinna to tell her "yes". However, she had heard enough at least to know that perhaps some of this was not her fault.

"Mistress, I would like to visit Master Vanlo before you take me back to Master Roquan," she said evenly. "My pussy feels a little sore."

Sirinna nodded. "Of course, love." She had noticed that Amanda's labia looked a bit red. "He'll be able to give you something that will make it feel better right away."

"Thank you, mistress."

As Doran had predicted, the other Overlords showed little interest in maintaining a strict attendance record for the Conclave.

When Rennis stood before the others to make his statements of support for Roquan's cause, there were barely half the Overlords present. Most were off at the bazaar outside the Manor gates, the merchants plying their wares to them. Like Roquan and Doran before him, he kept his speech short and to the point. Roquan could at least be content that most of the Overlords that were present appeared at least mildly interested.

It was also possible that they were simply waiting their turn at Amanda.

Amanda stood off to the side, her wrists in restraints and her chain in Roquan's hand as Rennis spoke. She was feeling a little better now, at least physically. The salve that Vanlo had given her had worked very well indeed, leaving only a very small residual ache. The Healer had examined her and found no damage of any kind.

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CHAPTER 1 Between dates, yet again, Ray Haig wondered which was worst — being divorced by your partner who found she had the hots for someone else, or coping with the aftermath? Being told the deteriorating marriage was over had come as a shock but the shock soon faded and gradually his good mood returned. Once the dissolution was in effect, he’d assumed within a relatively short time life would be back to near normal and he’d have a new babe under his wing. Not so. Half the city seemed to...

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Five 5 Short Stories by Pia

Most of you know me, Mariel, and for years I have mentioned my daughter, the precarious and wonderfully uplifting Pia.Teens are not blank canvases for your fantasies, as many writers try to convey in their stories, yes they can and some will allow that extra step, but more for their own curiosity, than the man's pleasure, but when put together, they are both the same, as from my own experience, I wanted to see the man cum because of who I was, just as much as he wanted to put his seed into...

3 years ago
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Not Your Average Matinee


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Milking for Mike

It’s been 6 weeks after the delivery of the c***d I delivered for a friend and her husband. My best friend Carol and husband Mike couldn’t have a c***d of their own, so Carol approved of Mike and I having a few good rounds of sex and him coming in me to get pregnant. Carol’s didn’t have eggs that could or would except sperm.I remember the night I got pregnant; Mike and Carol were fooling around on my back patio by the pool. I came outside to see Mike’s face buried in between Carol’s thighs. ...

4 years ago
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Swapping with Sis

"So, I see you like Fictionmania!" I turned around with a start. I hadn't even realised my sister was home. But here I was, caught red handed, browsing Fictionmania on my laptop, with my sister Erin standing behind me, looking smug. "Don't worry Luke, I won't tell a soul!" Then she must have noticed the other tab. "Oh, and Female POV. Is that a porn site?" Along with Fictionmania, Female POV ("Point of View") porn was a secret pasttime of mine. Looking at photos of a woman's...

1 year ago
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Amy 15 Pretty in Punk

Amy 15: Pretty in Punk by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2012 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Willis Wallace on the Scene Even though I was feeling like a rock star, I still had to deal with the fact that in the real world, I was nothing but a teeny bopper who had to go to school five days a week, where half the people didn't...

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Jeanette and I had originally planned our whole honeymoon as a hiking trip. Jeanette's brother Greg had been aghast. He had insisted on paying for two nights in a resort-style hotel near the trail. Now I think he was right. The first night was painful for her. The day was a glorious day with Jeanette and luxury; I'm afraid that our newlywed status was obvious to everyone. The second night as we were getting ready for bed I put the wrapped condom on the night table. "Do you mind, Bob?"...

4 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 27

Jamal informed his uncle that he had plans to acquire another young white slut. This slut was a redhead. Tyrone smiled at that. He had never owned a redhead. He loved the complexion that went along with the red hair. He loved the thought of driving his 10 inch cock into a young redhead’s pussy while she squealed under his Black skin. Jamal and Tyrone didn’t want the kind of heat from the cops they had after they had kidnapped Corecia. He wanted to approach this slut slowly and get her to run...

2 years ago
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Cindys World

Cindy Davis was in trouble and she new it. She had been so angry at her mother,the stupid cunt, trying to control her every little movement through life.So when her mom had been preoccupied with her brother Thomas, whipping himin his room with dad's belt for sassing her, Cindy had simply gone for a longwalk. That, she thought, would show her mom. Of course, the belt would probablybe used on her when she got home, she knew that well enough. But she couldtake it; it wasn't her first beating after...

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WWT The Korean Spa

“Are you okay Olivia?” Nicole said. “I told you not to do shrooms before we went.”“I’m fine…”But it came out in a haze. The steam was getting to me, the hot water rising up through every pore, as though the mushrooms were cooking inside of my mind. Beneath the water in the whirlpool, I thought I sensed something. It curled around my leg, jolting me up and away from its hard and glassy grip on my thighs.I would touch down at the part where the tentacles seem to appear, clawing at the invader...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 46

I was balls deep inside Melanie for several strokes while watching Melissa tongue Rachel’s ass, even as Rachel in turn rimmed Jill, who in turn licked Amy’s butt while Amy did the same to Sandra. That was wild enough, but there was also Chandler’s former fling Aurora, the Italian cutie who was now atop Dr. Green while Jack Geller slid in and out of her cornhole. Judy was busy sucking the lady’s tits. Ross was in the middle of humping Julie again while Bonnie sat on her face and Chloe was...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome

The holiday so far was amazing with lots of hot girls in little bikinis. The girl I had met at the nightclub, Nicole, had been spending some time with me during days and at night. One day we were at her apartments having a nice little kissing session when her Dad interupted and basically told me to leave and that he didnt want his daughter doing anything while hes around. I could sort of see his point but she was old enough and mature enough to make her own decision. As I left teh apartment I...

2 years ago
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Mind and body control

You go to sleep in your new apartment, you’re family had just moved out of you’re old neighborhood and you’d just graduated and gotten a job so moving out seemed logical, you begin to see some sort of entity before you. The entity is difficult to make out but you can clearly hear its booming voice as it speaks. “Hello John I am called by many names but for right now the only thing you have to worry about is what I am offering you” You sit up in bed shocked as the entity floats above a couple of...

3 years ago
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Stop screaming whore you know you love it

I made a horrible mistake. I am usually so careful when meeting up with guys. I had been chatting online with a young guy in his early twenties for about a week and he seemed really nice. Like a lot of guys he was interested in meeting a Tgirl but I was bit hesitant as I prefer older guys. Mostly I meet up with guys at a neutral venue or at my place to have some control over the situation. Since he didn’t have a car I agreed to meet him at his place. Silly move on my behalf. I got dressed in...

1 year ago
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InvisiteenChapter 19

Mallory wasn't the prettiest girl on campus but she definitely had moved into the top 25 prettiest girls in my opinion. Her transformation caused students to literally turn heads as she passed by. I always thought that phrase was figurative but I saw people turn heads. This Monday Mallory was a primary topic of student conversation. "How is it going?" I asked Mallory during lunch. She had an insufferable smile on her face. She deserved it for at least this first day. "I didn't expect...

3 years ago
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Cathy DouglasChapter 10

Grogan was busy with his organisation of the Association, he had Sara removed from Saun's room and had her installed as an advisor to his group, he allowed her to 'take care' of Shaun in her own manner — this was, at first, to be used by all the homosexuals in the Association (for a modest charge) and they had instructions not to be gentle with him, which they enjoyed (and he didn't) — Bemalin enjoyed watching this from his realm, although through Grogan's eyes. 'This is the type of...

1 year ago
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I agreed

My husband had to bail me out for a DUI. Then I wrecked the car. I had been busted doing internet chat. There was so many things he had me on that finally he demanded I had to either pack up and get out or do exactly what he said. I didn't want a divorce I was just too much into alcohol. I was crying and begging him to please let me stay and I will do anything I promise. I knew I had been drinking way too much but I would again do anything he anted. He had me to sign an agreement and it was...

3 years ago
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Sweet Rohan From The 20th Floor

Rohan used to live in my apartment 5 floors below my 25th. The view of the city from my windows was exquisite and with no buildings close enough to block the view, the sunrise flooded the house with light early in the morning. Rohan was 1st year college and a piece of art. About 5, 10, 58kgs, black eyes large and round, high cheek bones and a wide smiling face. He was smooth like an egg and his stride caused his round petite buns to rotate just so slightly. I nearing 50, leeched at him every...

Gay Male
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Mom ask son to bring me big cock

I came home just about the sun was going down.Mom was looking for waiting for me.She said to me son I want to ask you. I said ask mom anything.You are my mom.Mom said U know I love sex, I want you to get me cock that be big and thick one/You know your dad had a small cock. Can u get me bit hard thick and long/She said Pleas son help me but don't let anyone to know.I said mom I never tell anyone about us. Yes mom said u dont tell.I said to mom U have to wiat to get and man like u want.Ok I...

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He27747 My Perfect Woman

I woke suddenly with a start. I wasn't sure what had woken me but was surprised to see my computer screen flickering in the corner of the bedroom. I was sure I had turned it before I went to bed. I'd been working with a site that I'd found a couple of days earlier, '' It was a great programme and I'd had a lot of fun with it. I was in my mid sixties, retired and divorced. Over the last couple of days I'd come up with some fantastic females. Tall, leggy blondes,...

4 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 3The Second Day

Did I mention I hate mornings? I awoke the next morning to the sound of a hair dryer running in the bathroom. At first, this confused me as I live alone and never use a hair dryer. But as my brain slowly woke up to working speed, I remembered the events of yesterday and how Angela came to spend the night with me. Then, the rest of my body awoke. I realized that I needed to visit the toilet in an urgent manner. Grudgingly, I got up out of bed and headed into the bathroom. As I opened the...

4 years ago
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Tear It UpChapter 17

Jenna and Joanna, of course, didn’t get to watch the video until after Joanna was moved out of the ICU and began the process of release from the hospital. Still, it seemed to entertain both of them while they waited. I had, of course, in my enthusiasm forgotten that cell phones are banned from most of the significant areas of a hospital. Even so, Jenna and Joanna thought of it as a very sweet gesture, as indicated by the video that Joanna sent me after she got into Jenna’s Ford Ranger and...

1 year ago
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Lusty cousin love

100% fiction! I havent seen my cousin since I was in the eigth grade, we were alot older and the years have been very nice to her. She came into the house and after a few minutes of catching up, we were talking about how she had just left her husband after twenty years of an abussive marriage. The first few days were normal as we settled her in and got back into our routines, thats when things started getting crazy, first she started talking about her boob job and how natural they looked. I...

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PenthouseGold September Reign Sensual Ride

September Reign is the irresistible ebony siren of your dreams. In red lingerie and fishnet stockings, this Penthouse nymphet is ready for her well-hung lover. The horny honey takes his long shaft into her mouth, his pleasure evident before he returns the favor by kissing her puffy pussy lips, using his tongue to get her wet and ready for his cock to slide inside her. The sultry vixen rides her stud as he caresses her large soft titties, their bodies moving together in a long slow beautiful...

2 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 02

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

2 years ago
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My Wifes first Black experience

Note this story starts a bit gay but is not a gay story its a true account of what happened last month.I am a married guy who is secretly bi and have met many guys but always preferred a regular to meet.The regular guy i would of late was a black guy a real stud of a guy well built very muscly and had a nice cock on him around 8 inches and knew how to use it was a real stayer .When i first met him he kept messaging me saying he wanted to make me his bitch and beg for him to fuck me and i...

2 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Notes

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Notes First, I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. All of you read and commented on this story made this such an enjoyable venture. A journey that has finally come to a close. Some questions that I have been asked during this writing. Who is Beth based on? Beth is a composite of several people. Some parts are based on my life. I really was a Chi Omega and I had a baby during a blizzard, which was a shock to this...

3 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 5

"If you think the Titshurt bras are bad... you're going to hate the next twenty minutes!" The couple found a house they liked the next day, and Tara spent the afternoon shopping for furniture while Preston met with a landscaping contractor. There were other stores in Titshurt than the ones on main street, and Tara shopped for furniture, lighting, rugs and decorations. (The town's valley was limited to commerce and government, and all the residents lived in private homes in the hills...

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Ein hoher Preis

Ich bin ein 29 Jahre alter Mann und bin mit Julie verheiratet, die 22 ist. Obwohl ich weniger als ein Jahr verheiratet gewesen war, kann ich heute sagen, dass ich ein Narr war, dafür nicht genau zu wissen was ich hatte. Julie ist unglaublich schön. Sie ist an 5' 6", zierlich und schaut als ob sie einem Sportmagazin für Bademoden entsprungen ist. Ihr langes blondes Haar kommt nicht aus der Flasche, wie so viele andere künstliche Blondinen und ihre blauen Augen strahlen eine Aura von Unschuld...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Jade Kush I8221ll Fuck You If Your Boyfriend Wont

Jade Is getting ready for her boyfriend, she took a shower and waits for him completely naked in her living room, then, he calls to let her know he can’t make it, she is frustrated, she got ready for him, her stepbrother was in the house and overheard the conversation, when Jade realizes of his presence she is shocked, she was supposed to be home alone, her stepbrother confesses he is totally in to her and her huge tits, so he offers to take her boyfriends place since he is not coming,...


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