Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 12 free porn video

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The merchants arrived at the Manor at dawn to little fanfare. To them, this was business as usual. Yes, there was the anticipation of additional riches from the affluent Overlords that would arrive the next day, and the usual excitement that accompanied the prospect of female companionship, as it did at any Manor they visited.

The merchants dutifully set up their tents and their wares alongside the wide road just outside the gates of the Manor.

Only once the sun had risen did the Overlord open the gates to allow Clan Leader Uridon within. The other merchants would remain outside the Manor until the usual pleasantries were exchanged between the two men. In the meantime, they would occupy themselves in smaller deals with the peasant families that worked the lands around the Manor as they flocked to the merchants' bazaar.

"It is very good to see you again, Uridon," Roquan said as he led the Clan Leader into his quarters. He gestured before him. "And I am sure you have already seen Rennis in your travels."

"Good day to you, Clan Leader," Rennis said with a small smile as he lifted a goblet.

Uridon smiled at the two Overlords, nodding his head once in respect. Roquan swiftly picked up a goblet he had already prepared for the moment and transferred it to Uridon's hands. "I should be the one that is happy to see you, Overlord. It is your Conclave that will help my Clan see a nice profit this season. I thank you for that."

Roquan hesitated to call this "his" Conclave, but he accepted the compliment at face value and simply nodded in acknowledgment. He glanced briefly at Rennis, who gave him a significant look. "As is custom," Roquan began, placing a faint emphasis on the word, "I offer your men shelter among my slaves and any services you may see fit to request of them."

Uridon did note the stiffness of the Overlord's voice, but it mattered not to him. He was glad that the offer had indeed been extended this time. The past few seasons, it had been withheld, and only the Clan Leader allowed the privilege. Uridon never spoke ill of the Overlord, but it was obvious that his Clan had resented that treatment.

"Ah, my Clan will be quite pleased at this, I am sure."

"I do ask that your Clan restrain themselves when walking about the Manor, naturally."

Rennis took a sip of his wine to hide a sigh.

Uridon did not allow himself to react to what otherwise could be considered a veiled insult. Like Rennis, he knew the Overlord long enough to know that Roquan was merely being cautious. At the same time, he did tense slightly, and Rennis noted this silently to himself. "This goes without saying, of course," the Clan Leader responded, putting just the slightest edge to his voice.

This time, Roquan managed to perceive his error. "My apologies. My only excuse is that I have been very busy of late with preparations for this Conclave, and I fear it has affected my manners."

Now Uridon could not hide his surprise at hearing this. "Why... perfectly understandable, your Lordship."

Roquan nodded. "At any rate, consider yourself and your Clan most welcome at the D'ronstaq Manor."

Uridon smiled. That concluded the formal protocol. Now, business could be conducted.

"When your scout visited the Manor, I had made a special request known to him. Were you able to make any progress in this?"

Rennis paused with the goblet almost to his lips. He had not been privy to this, and he looked on with wary interest.

Uridon beamed as he reached into his tunic and withdrew several blue pearls. "Would this be what you are looking for, Overlord?"

Roquan could barely disguise the surprise in his eyes, or the amazement in his voice. "You were able to fulfill my request?"

"If what you requested were weather wards and protections, then this is indeed what I bring you."

The Clan Leader offered the pearls. After an initial hesitation, Roquan extended a hand and let them drop into it. He glanced down at them, picking one up and inspecting it. "This is quite remarkable, Uridon. I am most impressed with your procurement skills."

"To be fair, your Lordship, it was not I, but a traveling merchant that we are accommodating who managed this feat."

"Then I am quite in his debt. And may I ask exactly what that debt will come to?"

Uridon grinned. That was the Roquan he knew. The bottom line, please, and do not mince words or attempt to negotiate. Give me your price now. "Two thousand, and a stipulation."

Rennis balked. "Two thousand platinum? For a service that the Mage Guild would provide for..."

Roquan gave his friend a sharp look. "We will discuss that later, Rennis. I have a reason for doing this."

"It was my understanding, Overlord, that you specifically wished no ties to the Mage Guild," Uridon commented. Unlike Roquan, he was not concerned with what got discussed now or later. "And that is also indeed what you have. I have checked them myself. They bear no indication that the Oceanus Mage Guild enchanted these."

This answered only part of Rennis' question, but now he could guess the rest. He, too, was still irritated at Q'yros and what he had done to Roquan's Portal. Yet he did not believe that the entirety of the Guild could not be trusted. He wondered if this were not a bit of the same paranoia that Roquan so often accused the Emperor of possessing.

Mostly, however, he was concerned with the dent this would make in Roquan's finances. Two thousand was no longer a paltry sum anymore.

"I can agree to the two thousand, if that is your best price."

"It is. I can go no lower than that, considering what these are worth."

"Very well. However, you mentioned a stipulation."

Uridon paused to take a long sip of his wine. "Yes. It is part of the deal I have worked out for these pearls from our foreign merchant. He wishes my pick from among your slaves."

Roquan visibly blanched at this, and there was noticeable coolness in his voice when he spoke. "Your pick? I did not realize that was something that could be traded in the first place."

"When you are a merchant, your Lordship, you find that everything can be traded, and everything has a price. And what I offer you is indeed the price for these pearls."

Roquan's lips drew to a thin line. He exchanged a look with Rennis, but Rennis simply shrugged and shook his head as if to say, "This is your deal, don't involve me in this."

"Naturally, I will expect to have some say as to the scope of his selections," Roquan said tonelessly.

Uridon gave the Overlord a sly smile. "For someone who claims to be from foreign lands, his knowledge of what, ah, commodities in Oceanus are of high value is extensive. Or at least where your slaves are concerned."

And with that statement, both Overlords knew whom the merchant would pick.

Rennis had to smirk at this. He also felt a touch of pride. Sirinna had originally been his slave, and he had deflowered and trained her himself.

Roquan glanced at the pearls in his hand and sighed through his nose in annoyance. He hated being put on the spot like this. He felt he had already had enough of this with regards to the Conclave. Now he was getting it from this merchant as well. "Understand that we have had an... incident of late involving Sirinna."

Uridon raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Rennis gave Roquan a wary look.

"I am not at liberty to discuss the details. But it does mean I must ask if you can guarantee this man's trustworthiness."

"He has given me no cause for suspicion or concern, your Lordship."

"You stated he was from abroad. He is not Urisi, is he?"

"Oh, no, not at all," Uridon said quickly. Roquan's reticence to deal with the Urisi was well known among the Ne'land Clan. It was a merchant's business to know exactly what his patron's likes and dislikes were. "I would never have agreed to the deal in such a case."

Roquan gave the Clan Leader a hard look. It was obvious he was not convinced.

"I give you the same assurance that I do with members of my own Clan, Overlord. I will vouch for their behavior, and I will take full responsibility if they do not conduct themselves properly." He paused. "And you always have the option of refusing the deal."

"Sirinna is quite experienced, as you know," Rennis commented. "She has handled problem clients before in the past. Perhaps as well as she has handled, say, problem Trainees?"

Roquan blinked at this rather backhanded rebuke. Rennis simply grinned back.

Uridon tended to agree with Rennis' assessment. Even in past times, when Roquan had the right to assign him his slave, Uridon had managed to sway the Overlord into letting him have Sirinna. Thus he could vouch for how experienced the woman was.

Roquan looked back at Uridon. "Done."

Uridon smiled broadly. "Excellent, your Lordship. Feel free to pay me any time before the Clan leaves. I will inform Jollis that he may be quartered with Sirinna."

The Clan Leader drained the rest of his goblet and set it down. He gave a respectful half-bow to the Overlords before quickly exiting the chamber.

Rennis quietly sipped his wine. Roquan's fingers closed around the pearls. "I know what you are thinking, Rennis."

"Who, me? I'm thinking of nothing."

"Like hellfire you are."

Rennis paused and sighed. He set his goblet down. "What deals you conduct are your own business, Roquan. Just remember that you may need considerable resources to sway the other Overlords to your side."

"And you continue to insist that we will need to 'purchase' their support."

"I can almost guarantee that Gronnus is doing just that."

"And Freya as well?"

"They are traveling together across the island as we speak. What do you think?"

What Roquan thought was that he was in over his head. It was not something he willingly admitted to himself, and he dared not admit it openly. Yet it was becoming abundantly clear to him that he was foundering. He had no idea how to achieve an edge in this. He was going to be forced to deal with Overlords that would make their own deals out of sight of him.

Roquan knew how to negotiate with clients. He knew how to compete with other Overlords. He knew nothing of the ruthless deal-making that went on between Overlords. He had no experience in anticipating what an Overlord might want so he can outbid another without even knowing what the original deal was. He knew nothing of sizing up another Overlord and exploiting his weaknesses.

He could only hope that Doran would offer him some insight when he arrived in a day's time. If not, he faced the possibility that he would have to sway them on his words alone. It was clear to him that this would never be enough.

"Here, love, I'm done."

Sirinna turned the platter around so Amanda could get at her favorites along the edge. Amanda nodded in acknowledgment and tucked into her breakfast rather ardently. She had been too nervous enough the day before to eat much for dinner before being brought to Roquan.

Sirinna beamed at her Trainee. Amanda noticed this and looked up. "Yes, mistress?"

"I was just thinking how proud I am of you, that's all."

Amanda paused a moment, then smiled slightly. "Thank you, mistress."

"I believe Master Roquan was quite pleased with you last night."

Amanda honestly was not sure. Sexually, certainly. In fact, she was rather astonished at her prowess herself. "I hope he was."

Sirinna tilted her head to one side. "Are you concerned about something, love?"

Amanda hesitated. "Maybe just about everything that's happening. The merchants today. The Conclave. All that."

She didn't feel she could tell Sirinna was was really on her mind. She was burning with curiosity as to why Roquan made her keep that secret. He was so concerned about it that she was not sure it was safe to mention it to Sirinna, even though Sirinna already knew she never had the Draught. Had Sirinna been told to keep it a secret as well? Or was it something that Roquan simply assumed because she was so loyal to him?

Amanda did not feel it was worth the risk of punishment to broach the subject.

Sirinna caressed Amanda's cheek. "You'll do just fine, I'm sure."

"You always say that to me. How can you be any more sure of that now than before?"

Sirinna thought that an odd comment to make and was momentarily nonplussed. "I guess I don't understand."

"I'm doing well only because I have a goal. I want to get through this Presenting. When that's done, what will motivate me then?"

Sirinna had no immediate answer for that. It distressed her to think that Amanda would somehow backslide just because the Conclave had come and gone. She had not wanted to think too hard on Amanda's real reasons for desiring to do well. She had hoped that Amanda had finally come around to the proper mindset.

Despite their feelings for each other, there was still something of a divide between them. Sirinna saw her life as something to be desired and sought. To her, being a good slave was a matter of pride, a great accomplishment. She was good because she wanted to be good. It was a very rewarding life for her. She loved giving pleasure and receiving it in return.

Thus it was only natural she would want this for Amanda. She loved Amanda fiercely, and making Amanda into as good a slave as herself was an expression of that love. She wanted Amanda to feel as rewarded and as proud as herself.

Amanda sighed. "I guess you've changed your opinion now, huh?"

"No, of course I haven't. Amanda, perhaps you're worried over nothing."

Amanda remained silent, slowly chewing a piece of fruit, her eyes lowering.

"Or maybe you're just being too hard on yourself."

Amanda's gaze snapped back up. "What?"

"You've been doing very well. You've done everything that's been asked of you. You've even shown enthusiasm doing it."

Amanda paused to swallow. "I have?"

Sirinna grinned. "Surprised to hear that?"

"Well, I... I mean, of course I was. I was trying to be what I'm supposed to be."

"Maybe it's a little more than that."

Amanda looked confused.

"When you were attending to Master Roquan last night, were you doing it just out of your duty to him as a slave?"

"Well, I had to do it. I couldn't say no."

"That's not what I asked."

Amanda's brow furrowed in thought. It had been a duty for her. That was what she was supposed to do. She didn't understand where Sirinna was coming from on this.

"Let me put it this way," Sirinna said when she noticed her lover's bewildered expression. "Did you enjoy it?"

Amanda's cheeks grew pink. "I could hardly not enjoy it, mistress, as wet as he made me," she said in a husky voice.

"And what about when you took him in your mouth?"

Her blush deepened. She remembered how excited the noises of his pleasure made her. "Um... maybe I did."

Sirinna grinned.

"Okay, I enjoyed it. I guess I wasn't sure whether that automatically meant I was enjoying being a slave."

"That may be where you are being too hard on yourself."

Amanda blinked in surprise at this.

Could Sirinna be right? Could she have actually started to enjoy herself at this? She wasn't sure she wanted to admit this to herself. Perhaps it was better to say she had become comfortable with it, at least among the other slaves. She was not at all looking forward to the Conclave and having to face the other Overlords.

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The New Freshman3

Matt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year. The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with...

2 years ago
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SixChapter 3 Restorative Justice 1

A thin smile appeared on Judge Getrouch. No one saw. She was in her chambers after the sentencing. She was trying her own test of restorative justice at home. A somewhat different approach in this case. When she was young, her husband had been the main income earner. He had supported her as she studied for her exams late into the night; he had supported her when she studied case notes late into the night when she was a young junior; and he had been delighted for her when she had been made a...

1 year ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 17

The girls woke up on Sunday morning, the same way they went to sleep, with Tracy’s tongue in their pussies. They were really enjoying this, and made plans that from now on whenever Tracy was with either or both of them, she would put them to sleep and wake them up eating their cunts. Once they were awake, they took care of their duties in the bathroom, and then allowed Tracy to do the same. A good pee and shit, then an ice cold shower. Next came breakfast and Tracy once again found herself...

3 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity Pollys Phd Part 1

My name is Polly, I am a twenty-five-year-old post-graduate University student at University in Leeds, researching the behaviour of electronic systems under a variety of stresses. Not the sort of subject that gets the boys either entertained or interested, but which should eventually lead to a profitable career in the IT industry.That is my plan, at least.I am still officially unmarried but have been engaged to my long-term boyfriend Ian for over a year. Until all this happened, we planned to...

4 years ago
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Mr Fetish

The nondescript Gentleman squinted through circular framed wire rimmed glasses while attempting to gage the landscape beyond the clouded rear window of his taxi cab as the vehicle continued to navigate the suburban streets outside. Sighing in resignation at his limited vision, he removed a red silk handkerchief from the breast pocket of tailored black pinstripe suit of some bygone era and proceeded to drag the fabric across the steamed glass window surface to better observe the domestic scenery...

Mind Control
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My Dirty Little Secret

Introduction: Meeting Daddy June 20th, 2010 Dear Diary, Do you want to hear a secret? &hellip, you see, the thing is&hellip, Im a dirty little slut. It all started a few days ago&hellip, I saw him staring at my tits as they fought to escape my skimpy top and my flimsy bra. I smiled at him, bent over to pick up something that I had dropped, winked at him. He was hot, I could feel my pussy getting wet and soaking my favorite lacy underwear with my sweet juices. He smiled back at me, ravishing...

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The cold air from the cracked window woke her from her sleep. The slightest disturbance of noise or light would often wake Fiona from her sleep. This was particularly annoying because it always took her so long to fall asleep in the first place. She went to reach for the window and gave it a firm yank to try and shut it but it was no use, she would have to sit up to close it. She sighed and slung herself towards the window, slamming it down hard. She clenched her teeth and lowered her...

4 years ago
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The InterviewChapter 2 They Do Look Like Ants

This is fiction. Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. Marsha Powers followed Ellen Berkowitz once the circle in the center of the pad on the floor turned green. The world flashed brightly around her. Marsha found herself in a new room; she felt the need to circle to the right like she always did after riding the Zipper at the county fair. To combat the dizziness,...

3 years ago
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Wife exposed and fucked in Denver dance club

Introduction: The parts about Debbie wearing revealing clothes, flashing her panties, having her skirt lifter up her ass and it swirling above her cunt, her nipples being pushed out of her bra, having her cunt and ass humped on the dance floor, and being molested are true. She didnt fuck and suck in the club. She did dance in the cage. I chose the name Steve because my friend Steve cheated with Debbie and cuckolded me for two years. Bob operated a rafting business and Steve pimped her to his...

4 years ago
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My father in law strikes again

Once again my father in law had used my body at his entire will.He had caught me naked at the laundry room; he had cornered me there and he finally had fucked me silly onto the washing machine.For the next days I felt the guilt; the excitement and the longing for more, all wrapped up in one. I was really horny for that man.I got into a bad habit of imagining it was his cock instead of my husband’s when we fucked at night in our marital bed. Every time I came wild and out loud, it was always...

2 years ago
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Mahesh Wife Cheating Story Part II

By: Maheshwife03 Hi friends here I will continue from the previous episode. Hope u have enjoyed my wife’s fucking story with my own friend. As my wife has requested him to bring his friend for threesome sex, one day he has brought one of his colleagues’s to my home. He introduced him and told me that he is having so much office work to finish with the help of his colleague. As I already why he has brought him and I am also eagerly waiting to see my wife’s threesome sex. I said no problem you...

3 years ago
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Lonely Shores Resort

Sarah and I had been working our butts off, and we decided on a vacation. We thought of getting away from the usual hubbub of our lives. We devoured every pamphlet of every resort in the Caribbean and were about to give up when we found the one brochure that sounded close to what we wanted.Lonely Shores advertised good food, a private beach, a relaxed atmosphere, and no children. They promoted older couples from the 30 to 60 age range. We were on the young end of that range, but it sounded just...

1 year ago
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Theater Flashing

Theater Flashing by Liz_ny © When we first started going to the "X" rated movies I dressed in a skirt that could be unbuttoned all the way from the bottom to my waist, no panties, a see-thru blouse and no bra. We would go into the Porno Theater and find an empty row and sit in the middle of it. Because we were a couple, men would come and sit in front and behind us. After a few minutes of watching the movie Jerry would start to run his hand up and down my stocking leg, getting higher each...

3 years ago
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On Forgetting Ch 05

Phew! Exams are done for now, and I’m still moving (barely). My apologies for the delay with the last chapter. There was a lag from when I submitted and when it was posted, probably because of my formatting. This is a bit of a short entry, but I was excited to get it to where it is and wanted to post as soon as possible. I should have another chapter finished before Christmas, and depending on how quick it’s posted, it should be up for you to read just as fast. Any comments and feedback are...

2 years ago
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Family Strip Poker The Trilogy

"Knock, knock," Joan, my friend said as she came in the house. Joan was literally the only person on the planet besides me that knew about Amanda and Brian and our tradition we were reviving, she found out accidentally when she heard them talking in their bedroom, and she was OK with it, she understood that you don't choose who you fall in love with. "So, your mom tells me this will be the night with both of you away from him, that is a big step," Joan said. "We know, and...

2 years ago
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Nanny Ne Ki Shaadi 8211 Part 1

Kaise hai aap log? Chaliye mujhe app log Sapna keh lijiye. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Main ek bahut chubby ladki hu. Meri breast bhi 36C hai, and meri bahut sari fantasies hai. Ye unhi mein se ek hai. Umeed karti hu, ki isko padhne ke baad aapko apna lund hilana aur apni chut sehlani pad jaye. Ye kahani hai Rashmi ki, jo ki ek college student thi, and meri hi tarah kaafi hari-bhari thi. 20 saal ki naazuk umar mein uska jism kisi bhi shadi-shuda aurat se kam nahi tha. Waise to wo dikhne mein...

2 years ago
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Michelles Story

Michelle’s Story: ‘Alejandro me dijo’ By ElSol —– Dedicated to Michelle —– Nobody expected it, least of all me. I was a freshman scholarship student at a university with an excellent music program and, to my misfortune, a nationally ranked football program. One of my professors, Dr. Smith, sweat blood to get me the scholarship money over an athlete or academic wunder-kid. She was the older sister of my first guitar teacher, and had followed my musical growth with interest. To stop her...

2 years ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 5

Bob arrived home first and found a note from Sandy propped up on a chair when he entered the kitchen door. It said for him to freshen up and meet her at Jan's. He showered and dressed in his dark blue suit and tie. He knocked on Jan's back door before entering and made his way to the family room. The two girls sat in easy chairs and he noticed their skirts rode well above their knees. Both of their outfits screamed expensive! Clearing his throat, Bob said, "Don't you two look...

3 years ago
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PART I What Mary Learned Mary is 55 and happily married. At the moment, Mark, her husband, friend, and lover of 30 years, has been gone almost a week taking care of a family problem. ‘It’s been a long week,’ thought Mary as she lay in the half empty bed. ‘My part-time job, lunch with friends, and personal and grocery shopping just seems like ‘marking time’, with the house and this bed being empty of Mark. ‘ Thinking of her husband/lover, Mary’s finger tips began making slow concentric...

1 year ago
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Vixen Evelyn Claire Preferential Treatment

Evelyn is in her last year of college with the closing date for grad schools fast approaching. For her to get into her programme of choice she needs the best recommendation. Perfect grades are just not enough. Thankfully she is a teaching assistant to an internationally respected mathematician who can really pull a few strings and she is willing to give him preferencial treatment in order to get some back. She has noticed the sexual tension between them already, and she knows if she wants to...

2 years ago
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Fresh people

We arranged with Pete and Margarate to meet one Saturday afternoon. As the day got closer my mind went into overdrive, I was scared and excited both at the same time. The day arrived and we followed the directions given to a local public house. On arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find that both Pete and Marg were really nice good looking people in their late forties. After exchanging pleasantries and a few jars we loosened up and decided, after getting the nod from my husband to go for...

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My Dominant Sissy

With the news that one of our largest customers, a clothing company that specialized in apparel for the black urban hip hop scene, was considering going with a marketing firm that was more in touch with there target market, Anthony and I were chosen to go and try to save the account. I had worked my way up the ladder (Director of Marketing) with the company over the last couple of years, while Anthony was a relatively new to the company. Anthony was hired for his uncanny since of style and had...

She Males
3 years ago
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My wifes KIK account Part 3

Carol broke the silence when I heard the crack of a whip or crop. I jumped. I then felt her hot breath on the back of my neck followed by her soft, seductive lips on my ear.“You are MINE, boi” she said seductively, yet leaving no doubt that She was in-charged. I felt her tugging at my shirt buttons and soon it was off of my shoulders and down around my wrists, unable to come completely off, due to the wrists restraints. “Stand” She yelled, and Her command was emphasized by the sound of a slap,...

4 years ago
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The Odd Job Man

“Tom, love! Are you home?”“Yes, Mum!”Tom came down the stairs two at a time and took two of the bags that Janice had placed in the hallway. She carried the other two into the kitchen, kicking the front door closed behind her.“Thanks, love,” she said as he set the shopping down on the table.“No prob!” Tom said and fished in a bag for a packet of biscuits. “You should have waited. I’d have come shopping with you.”“You do enough, love,” Janice said stroking his cheek. “You’ve got your exams...

4 years ago
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TrackerChapter 5

Cal sensed that the man hugging PD and swinging her around was her father. She kissed him on his cheek and led him toward the door. He wondered if PD inherited her strong constitution from him. In one way she was strong willed like a man, in another she was all woman. When she wanted something bad enough no one could deterred her. "I want you people to meet my Daddy," PD beamed, coming through the door. "He's responsible for training me to do a man's job." Cal, Susan, and Jenkins...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 4 The Ship

I woke up alone on a firm bed in a white room. I could hear a mechanical beeping sound all around me. I looked around, saw all kinds of machines, and thought I must be in a hospital, except there was nothing touching me. 'How did I get here?' I thought back, 'Agent Fleck and Wyman in my house, the verbal banter, the physical assault, my head hitting the island, my blindness, the near miss on the rape.' I shuddered at that last thought. Then I remember Oliver coming to my rescue. I looked...

1 year ago
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Hitchhiking teen crossdresser PT 2

Well a lot has happened to say the least since my first time cross-dressing encounter with Jim, suffice to say I've had no misgivings about our perverted encounter out on the countryside altho I never anticipated what was to follow afterward, nevertheless as promised Jim kept his word as did I of returning to the city together to shop for a considerable amount of expensive wardrobe enough to please any woman (or a faggot, sissy-boy girlfriend in my case). We've shopped lingerie, western,...

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