Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 16 free porn video

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The Wanderer lived up to his name. Or at least inasmuch as it would seem to someone watching him.

In reality, Jollis had his path well thought out. He knew Roquan would be quite busy that day with the opening of the Conclave. However, he wished to insure that he could catch the Overlord at some point before the man retired for the evening. It was very important for him to meet with the man, to establish a rapport with the Overlord.

In effect, to build the man's trust.

This would be crucial to his plans later, for it will keep him close to the Overlord at all times in preparation for the critical moment. It was then that his plan would come to fruition, and he could begin his master's work. Such was his humble mission.

Thus he wound in and around the grounds, between gardens, the road skirting Roquan's quarters, and the bluff. He nodded his head respectfully at the other Overlords and smiled brightly at the nubile maidens that were Roquan's slaves. Yes, it did indeed look like wandering to one who might be watching.

Then, at some point, his pattern changed, for he realized that he was indeed being watched.

He turned down a path that he knew from his explorations the day before would guide him along the east side of the Manor, where many empty slave quarters lay. It was quiet here, the cries of birds and buzzing of insects the only sounds that could be heard.

Now he looked about, his steps becoming more purposeful. He made furtive glances around the sides of buildings, staring off into the underbrush at the edge of the Manor grounds, as if looking for something. Finally he paused, then quickly ducked between two structures and slipped into the dark shade just around the curve of one of them.

He waited, and soon his patience was rewarded by the soft sounds of footsteps on sand. The sound grew very close, then ceased. A pause, and then a figure cautiously leaned around the side of the building.

But not cautiously enough.

Jollis made two movements, but they may have well been only one for as seamlessly as they flowed one to the other. A hand flicked out and grasped the wrist of the intruder. A foot cracked against a knee.

Yet to the intruder's credit, he was prepared. Briefly, light glinted off bladed steel. But Jollis was prepared as well and ducked the incomplete lunge, his free hand sending the dagger spinning off into the foliage behind him.

There was a loud thud, and Jollis smoothly pinned a knee to the intruder's chest and lay the side of his arm tightly against the man's throat. The pleasant smile on Jollis' face altered not a bit as he looked down at his catch. "Ah, good day to you, Merchant Herdon."

Herdon clenched his teeth as pain flared hot in his left knee. He lifted his hands to push Jollis from him, only to be forced to relent when his adversary pressed his weight dangerously on the arm across Herdon's throat. "Get off me, foreigner!" Herdon said, spitting out the word as a epithet.

"You miss a point of protocol, my good merchant, but this can be forgiven. It is customary to use one's title or name in normal conversation."

"You broke my gods-damned knee!"

"I did nothing of the sort. You will be fine in a short while. I have no wish to harm you."

"Then why... hellfire, let off my throat!"

Jollis paused a moment, then relented, pulling his arm back. He left his knee on the man's chest and applied a small amount of weight, just enough to be uncomfortable. Herdon took a few moments to gasp in air, clutching at his bruised throat.

"Then why are you skulking about the Manor, if not to do harm!" Herdon spat.

Jollis chuckled. "I do not skulk, good merchant. I simply do not take kindly to be stalked."

Herdon looked up in amazement. "You knew I was following you?"

"Oh, indeed. One who travels across these lands as much as I do has need of such skills." He leapt back from Herdon and rose to his feet. "As well as, you can see, self-defense."

Herdon scrambled to his feet and grimaced when the pain in his knee bit him. However, he was able to set his weight upon it, and it did not buckle. He gave Jollis a sharp look. "I suppose now you will claim you could have killed me if you had wished it."

Jollis grinned, making Herdon all the more irritated. "Would you not be able to say the same thing, were the roles reversed? And I might remind you of the blade you attempted to use against me not a moment ago."

Herdon sighed and rubbed at his still aching throat. "Fine, you have a point."

"Now, good merchant, perhaps you will enlighten this one as to why you felt the need to follow?"

Herdon didn't like being put on the spot like this. At the same time, he could not simply refuse to answer the question. "I saw you skulking... all right, walking... near Roquan's quarters. I was curious as to what your interest in it was."

"Ah, I see. Perhaps you assumed ill intent on my part, yes?"

Herdon said nothing, fuming.

"You will recall, I wished accommodation only to this Manor. I shall need to make may way from here when your Clan leaves. Would it not be prudent for me to secure a deal with the Overlord?"

Herdon frowned. "A deal? You mean as in trade?"

Jollis smiled indulgently. "Is that not what merchants do?"

"With what goods? You will have no claim to ours, I can tell you that!"

"And I have no need of them. As I have stated, I have contacts."

Herdon snorted. "Contacts! They will get you goods here? This far from port?"

Jollis did not reply. He simply continued to smile serenely at the Ne'land merchant.

Herdon rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course," he said sourly. "Never reveal your contacts to another Clan."

"Ah, you understand then. Very good."

"You'd compete with Uridon right here in the Manor?"

"Clan Leader Uridon has made a very profitable deal through me," said Jollis. "I have my doubts he will be terribly upset at any small pittance I may make on my own."

Herdon narrowed his eyes.

He did not trust this man. No man that could be trusted gave such easy and quick answers as Jollis did. He felt as if Jollis were working from something rehearsed just for this occasion. In fact, everything the merchant did appeared to him to be carefully planned and executed. He never faltered, never hesitated. The answer was always there, as if he had manipulated events to occur as they did.

Herdon frowned. His father often accused him of being paranoid. A relic of his soldiering days, Uridon would say. The reality was that Uridon did not know the half of it. Or what his own plans were.

Plans that did not take well to being disrupted by a foreign merchant.

Jollis stepped up to Herdon. The smile on his face became tight. "A word for you, good merchant: cautious."

Herdon made a face. "I beg your pardon?"

"It is what you should be from now on, Herdon. Cautious. Around me. Please do not require me to warn you again."

Jollis inclined his head respectfully at the stunned merchant. He strolled past Herdon and returned to his wanderings.

Amanda was fortunate in that most of the other Overlords were already too deep into deal-making to spare time for her. Even Gronnus had become otherwise occupied, and Roquan took advantage of this to show some mercy on Amanda. He kept her close to his side until evening fell and the Overlords retired for the night.

Yet all through it, Amanda remained restrained, and the salve on her nipples continued to act upon her. Even though no one touched them, the simple act of breathing moved her breasts enough to keep them mildly stimulated. By the time Roquan escorted her back to Sirinna, she was trembling again with the need for release.

Sirinna saw Amanda's predicament immediately. As soon as Roquan had left, Sirinna brought Amanda relief with a few soft strokes of her fingers. As soon as Amanda's orgasm had faded and her lover had removed the restraints, her remaining composure shattered. She burst into tears and hugged Sirinna fiercely.

Sirinna was a little nonplussed at first, and could only hold Amanda until she was calm enough to talk, whereupon Sirinna got the whole story.

Sirinna sighed and brushed her fingers through Amanda's hair. "I'm sorry, love," she said in a forlorn voice. "If I had known Mistress Freya would use Naiduna on you, I would have told you exactly what it did."

"Huh?" Amanda said, wiping her eyes. "What did you call it?"

"Naiduna. It makes your nipples really sensitive. You can almost cum from it, but not quite."

"Yes, I know, I found that out!"


Amanda paused, and then sighed deeply. "I know, I know. I'm not being a good slave. I should do as I'm told and like it."

"It sounds to me like you did everything she asked of you, love."

"But I didn't like it! I didn't like being kept from cumming like that!"

"Just so you know, Amanda, not all -- not even most -- clients will do that to you," Sirinna said cautiously. "And Master Roquan tends not to deal with ones that do it excessively. When he uses it, it is generally in small amounts to enhance the sexual act. He uses the larger amounts only for punishment purposes."

Amanda sniffled and nodded. "I... I just blew it, that's all."

"No, no, no. You didn't 'blow it'. Roquan would have punished you if you had."

"I think the only reason he didn't is because he took pity on me after Mistress Freya had me," Amanda said bitterly.

"Perhaps he did. But that also means he believes you did your best."

"He hardly spoke to me at all on the way over here. I think he's angry with me."

Sirinna opened her mouth and then closed it again without saying a word. Sirinna knew her master's responses well. Roquan was not angry. He was furious. But not with Amanda. Her guess was that it was Freya that was the target of his ire.

She could not let herself say this out loud. It was tantamount to a slave insulting another Overlord. Even in private, even though Roquan shared her own anger, it was not what a good slave should do.

"Amanda, you pleasured Mistress Freya, did you not?"

Amanda paused and nodded. "Though she wasn't too impressed with the job I did."

Sirinna's lips curled into a small smile. "Did you hear her moan? Did you hear her pant?"

Amanda nodded slowly.

"Then despite... despite what she said, I would say you did a good job."

That was the closest Sirinna would allow herself to come to disparaging an Overlord. The gesture, however, was not lost on Amanda. She broke into a smile and hugged Sirinna again. "Thank you, Sirinna."

Sirinna hugged her back, and ignored the momentary forgetfulness about her Trainer's title.

Amanda was still troubled, however. What really upset her was something she could not mention. Overlord Freya D'yros had tried to make her say something that would have implied she had not had the Draught. She had not expected that. Roquan might have, however.

I suspect the intentions of the Overlords.

Amanda wished he had told her. In her moment of weakness, when she had been desperate for sexual release, she had almost given the wrong answer. It was as if Freya had been trying to torture an answer out of her.

And that was what scared her.

"I'm just glad it's over, mistress," Amanda breathed.

Sirinna slowly broke off the embrace. "Over?"

Amanda nodded. "Yes. You said yourself, the Presenting is only a day."

"Sometimes it lasts an additional day, love."

"None of the others were interested in me after Mistress Freya. I don't think they want me."

Sirinna smiled softly. She knew what the truth likely was. Roquan would want her again, at least for one more day. Yet she knew that Amanda needed comfort right now more than anything else. "Perhaps you're right. Now, why don't you let me go get us some dinner? You must be hungry after all of that."

Amanda smiled and nodded. She was so grateful to have Sirinna. She shivered slightly at the thought of being sold or given to another Overlord. Or contracted to a client for that matter. Though at least in that case, she would eventually return to the Manor, even if just to wait for another contract to be negotiated. At least she would see Sirinna then.

To be cut off from her completely was too much for Amanda to bear.

"It is not bad enough that she is the most insufferable of the lot of them!" Roquan shouted. "Now she treats a slave of mine no better than those accursed slavemasters of the Urisi!"

It was rare when Roquan became angry enough to raise his voice to this degree, and Rennis knew enough to simply let his fellow Overlord vent without saying a word. There would be time later to deal with him when he was calm.

Doran, unfortunately, was not aware of this. "Roquan, you are overreacting to this!"

Roquan stared at him incredulously. He raised a finger to emphasize his words. "Doran, I will not have my slaves mistreated! Not by a client and certainly not by another Overlord!"

"Blazing hellfire, Roquan! Freya used Naiduna on her! It is not like she whipped the girl!"

"It might have well been a whipping, considering the amount she used."

"And you have not used such amounts yourself?"

"As a punishment!"

"Perhaps Amanda gave her reason to do so."

Roquan was so furious that he could not speak for a moment. Instead, he picked up his empty wine goblet and hurled it across the room.

"I didn't say she deserved it! Great gods, Roquan! Calm yourself! Freya D'yros is widely known among the other Overlords as the strictest disciplinarian of the lot. It is quite possible Amanda made some very minor gaff that she chose to blow up into this."

"And for what reason?" Roquan demanded.

"Just what you're doing now," Rennis spoke up. "Losing your temper. Letting her get to you."

Roquan remained silent, quietly seething.

"She's playing mind-games with you, Roquan, and you're letting her."

Roquan drew himself up. "And here you were just saying it was not my mind she was interested in."

Rennis could not help but smirk at this, and even Doran managed to crack a small smile.

"Regardless, Roquan, just let it drop," said Doran. "You have more urgent matters to deal with."

"And if Amanda managed to handle this," said Rennis. "I would imagine the rest of the Overlords would be easy."

Roquan took a deep breath to steady himself. He was still quite angry. His eyes blazed at the thought of what Freya had done to Amanda. The other Overlords often scoffed at the fierce protectiveness he showed for his slaves. He did not care. They were valuable to him. And he cared for them. He wanted to see his slaves happy, or at the very least, content.

"I think we can get Trennan, Roquan," Doran said with a small smile. "I am fairly confident that Gronnus has offered him wine as well, but only half of what I can give you. He just doesn't have enough to offer to counter us."

Roquan nodded curtly, but this was indeed good news to him. "Then I only need to make the deal and close it."

"Well, you make an offer. He won't accept it right away."

Roquan frowned. "But we clearly will be offering more."

"Yes, but he doesn't want you to know that. He'll wait another day, and then he'll take it. That's how it works."

Roquan sighed through his nose. "I hope you are right about that."

"Should he give Amanda to him at that time?" Rennis asked.

Doran considered. "Not strictly necessary, but as the host, Roquan should take every advantage he can get."

"I will let him have Amanda," Roquan said. "He I can trust to treat a slave properly."

"You can't use that as a criteria," said Rennis. "I overheard Gronnus commenting to another that he wanted Amanda for himself tomorrow as well."

"He will have her. But not before Trennan. Perhaps knowing that I gave Amanda to Trennan specifically before him will send him a message."

Doran grinned. "Now you're starting to get the hang of it."

"Yes. Though I do not know whether or not it is something to be proud of."

"Come morning, I will leave you to make the offer and we should have a deal by evening. I will likely not see you until the afternoon Conclave meeting."

"And what will you be doing?"

Doran chuckled. "Getting you some votes. And you'll like this: I'll be getting them largely on your words."

"It is about time," Roquan grumbled.

"You think that some of the other Overlords might actually agree with us, Doran?" Rennis asked.

Roquan frowned. "And why is that so surprising, Rennis?"

"Gentlemen, please," Doran said with a sigh. "I knew someone would be swayed by the situation, it was just a matter of pinning down who. Now that we have made our speeches, they are easier to see. Anyway, I will be done by the midday meal. We should meet then, and we can go over what we may need to say at the debate."

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Saturday morning I heard my m## making breakfast, I then had the idea and decided to go down in the buff and not put my shirt or pajamas on. When I got to the kitchen I got the shock of my life, I saw the back side of my m## totally naked, she was not wearing anything. She was not fat but was not skinny either, I could see some love handle on her side and her bare ass was round and big. I couldn't focus on anything but her ass. She then turned around and saw me staring at her, she had to call...

2 years ago
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Sara and Mr Rostand The Fun Continues

Introduction: This is abit rougher than anything I have ever written before. Hope you enjoy and please leave your constructive comments Sara stood in the hallway, tugging down her shirt to expose a centimeter of her bright pink lace bra. The edge of the lace played peek-a-boo with her low cut black top. It was one of the few bras she owned, but it was her favorite by far. It was the last day of school, she had stayed clear of Mr. Rostand for the past three weeks, but now she was standing...

3 years ago
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Watching Mom Fuck My Friends

"John thanks so much for having us over to your Christmas Party!" my Mom said in a drunken state as the music of the party finally ended.The Nelson's annual Christmas party was always an awesome time, and was known for getting pretty wild as they were very liberal with the alcohol. Every year, about 6-7 families from the neighborhood would get together the week before Christmas and party until the late hours of the morning. Almost all of the guests of the party had left, and Mrs. Nelson had...

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Freeing Kirsty Ch 04

SO FAR: Divorcee Merrick Jamieson (35) visiting New York comes into contact with the moll of the mysterious Spiro whom the spirited Kirsty Fallon has reason to fear if she so much looks at another man. But after a brief association with Merrick Kirsty (25) finds she has become attracted and follows him to his homeland and begins working with the photo-journalist. When Spiro sends a retriever to bring Kirsty back to him Merrick goes to New York and wins her freedom from Spiro. The couple are now...

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Shadowsblade Queens Gambit

Monday March 19, 3:00 pm Poe cottage Well it's time, after my door gets closed and I run down the hallway to Poe's front door to port off to Shuster hall for a very stupid MID-MCO interview. Better known to most students, as 'the grilling!' Mr. Reilly, had one of his legal personal run me through a whole slue of laws on this last night and e-mailed me even more on the subject. I studied that info hard, as I wanted to know all these new laws that could get me more than jailed, I...

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Moms bad idea

It was another long friday for cindy once again her day was full of random errands that made it hard for her to enjoy the day. But finally she was home and ready to relax with her husband. Her daughter (kat) is at her friends for the weekend and her being excited for the long needed break from the day cindy decided to get all dolled up for her husband and surprise him with a special night. She even puts on her new size 2 sexy pink laced lingerie with the crotchless bottoms even put the silk...

2 years ago
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Hot Secretary With Boss And Clients 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends, My name is Kajal from India. I am damn sexy and hot woman. I am 25 years old married woman who loves to enjoy a lot. I love to wear sexy and hot clothes. I am working as a secretary in big Export-Import firm. I am working as a personal secretary to one of the director of company. coming to my looks, i am 5.8ft tall, very fair, long hair below waist, dark eyes. Must not to forget tell you my figure. Its sexy 34-26-34. I was married since one year. My marriage was arranged one. Now...

2 years ago
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Educating Ken

‘Hey, you alright?’ said a voice from behind me. I recognized it as belonging to Nic, the younger and more obviously gay of the partners who owned the little seaside B&B on whose back patio I was presently sulking. ‘Yeah, I’m okay,’ I said. ‘Or I will be.’ ‘Don’t kid a kidder, boyo,’ he said in a gently amused tone, coming around to sit by me on the padded, loveseat-sized bench. I glanced at him, taking in the blue eyes and attractive face and feeling once again a slight bit of amazement at the...

4 years ago
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Orc Dominion Rebellion Afterward

Thanks to everyone for sticking with my story all the way from its beginning to its conclusion. I really appreciate all the comments and feedback I get, and strive to incorporate it into my storytelling. Rebellion was the story I never intended to tell. It was originally going to be just three chapters, which would cover the 18 year gap between the end of Zentara and the beginning of Elfish Descent. However, after the first chapter was negatively received, I wrote the second chapter to repair...

4 years ago
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5th NovemberChapter 1 The Plot is made

Maurice Anglesey, Head of the new Association pondered over his latest find. He was trying to trace the actions of the Association from its early days; the current documents he was reading had been put onto microfiche and then stored away. They had been forgotten until the archivists found it. Maurice read the documents and shook his head, this was astounding! It was part of English history but the involvement of the Association was unknown, his hands found the telephone and he dialled a...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Visitor

It was summer, and the weather was hot. The windows of the student house were wide open, and I was feeling horny. My girlfriend at the time, a curvy, buxom brunette, was wearing a light summer skirt and loose rugby shirt, in that Uni-girl way. Her legs and feet were bare as we sat ostensibly revising for exams.I was gently running my hand back and forth over her calf, playfully rising higher each time. Flicking the skirt up so that I could see her tight cotton panties spread across what I knew...

1 year ago
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A girls night out but with male friends comp

That late evening when I came home from my office, I found my sweet Ana getting ready for going out. I asked her where we were going; but she smiled and said it was only a girl’s night out with her loving girlfriend Helena. Then I just went worried about it…Ana was dressed very sexy. She was wearing a tight black short dress that barely covered her nice buttocks and she had her nylon clad legs looking even longer due to her high heels…She looked so fuckable; but I was so tired after a long day...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Alina Lopez Jealous Wife Alina Lopez Punishes Her Cheating Husband

Hot wife, Alina Lopez, sensually punishes her husband for his infidelity. Clad in sexy latex gear and fishnet stockings, the disappointed bombshell leads Damon Dice to the bedroom. She then ties him upon the bed and starts giving him the erotic discipline he deserves. Alina gives Damon’s big cock a sloppy blowjob before riding on top of him like a crazed cowgirl. She then lets her cheating husband bang her wet pussy in missionary, doggstyle, and spoon. Alina’s moans get louder and...

1 year ago
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University Whore Contract

Prior to the interview of this story, above was my real wife, working the main Purdue Campus, early 70s. The interview appeared to be going well. I could hear my wife’s orgasms, clear from that back bedroom. It was way on the other side of the house. Ken, representing a three man fuck group on the Purdue campus, had dropped by our rural home in NW Indiana to discuss an arrangement. He and his two friends knew my wife from her campus position at Lily Life Sciences. They knew she ran labs...

2 years ago
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My Sister JeanChapter 10 Tender Moments

In a soft, contralto voice Jean asked, "Billy, what are you thinking? I mean, what do you think of us?" "What?" I replied, almost stupidly. I'd heard the words but I didn't understand them... they didn't make any sense. None would have. I was still out there, dumb and floating in some post orgasmic stupor, largely incapable of rational thought. With a low laugh, she nudged me with her toe. "Earth to Billy... Earth to Billy." Some small part of my brain knew where I was, but my...

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The bbc abs

Sometimes I get a little frisky and my mind wonders sexually. Once that sets in I like the adventures of sexual fantasy but really never act on it. Well this time I was home and wanted to visit a glory hole at my local abs. I had been there before in guy mode watch a few movies and noticed several booths had glory holes. So I thought lets see if this really works. So as a cd I wore nylons with garter belt and a gstring under my sweats. I had a push up bra (I took hormones and have a size C cup)...

1 year ago
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Fiancees sister

This happened many years ago, when I was a green teenager and was dating my first serious girlfriend Sandra. We were both 18, still at school, but had just finished our final exams and looking forward to the summer holidays.Sandra was my first sexual partner, and we were both learning about sex with each other. We had got engaged just a few weeks earlier. Sandra had dark brown shoulder length hair and a lovely young figure, firm breasts and smooth hips and long legs. She had two younger...

1 year ago
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Chapter 3 Invitation and Prelude

“A Very Special Birthday” it says on the cover. Of course! I think, her birthday is in a couple of weeks. I should think of a gift for thoughts begin to wander as I open up the card. My mouth gapes open as I read the contents of the card. A picture of her freckled face, made up with red lipstick and wearing, her open mouth featured prominently on one side of the fold. On the other are instructions. “You are cordially invited to an evening of pleasure. Masks are required, be creative!...

2 years ago
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A Gift From Bhabhi 8211 Part IV

Hi friends….This is abhay.Me ek normal physics wala 21 yr ka ladka hu….mere lund ka size 8 inch he….Thank you so much jo apne meri pahli story A Gift From Bhabhi Part 1, 2, 3 ko pasand kiya….or me apko bata du meri bhabhi bilkul kareena kapoor ki jaisi lagti he….unka figure bhi usi k jaisa he….unka figure 36-34-36 he Aj me apke liye uska fourth part laya hu ki kaise mene bhabhi k sath apni pahali aniversery celebrate ki…..If you like my story so plz mail your feedback on my mail id Agar koi...

3 years ago
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Friend K Sath Sex

Hello, indian sex stories dot net readers how are you all? First of all me aab readers jinhone meri pehle ki stories ko itna like kiya mails bheje muje kafi sare unn sabko me tehdilse thanx bolna chahta hu.. Aur story padhne ke bad muje is mail if me mail kijiye aunty bhabhi ya koi girl jo mere sath enjoy karna chahti hai wo…Mere mail id hai To aaj me apko apni latest story jo ki ek dam real hai jo haal hi mein mere sath hui hai wo bata ne ja raha hu to story kuch esi hai ki me ahmedabad...

3 years ago
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SissyTec Part 1

SissyTec - Part 1 By Missy Crystal "Well, now, is Nana Margaret's little sissy awake after her nappy-poo? Isn't Stephanie just the most darling little baby girl in her pretty pink party dress with all the frilly petticoats? Your Mommy Penny dressed you just like a little doll. All those lovely blonde curls under that great big bonnet. And such cute frilly white ankle sox and Mary Janes. It's too bad our little sissy can't walk, but all your muscles are sooo weak from the drugs Auntie...

2 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 19

I could sense that Marie was nervous as we were sitting in a hallway at the courthouse. By the time we moved inside the small office, she was terrified. The old gray-haired judge must have seen that as he came to Marie and took a hold of her hands and looked at her eyes. "And this is the beautiful girl whom her parents have disgracefully abandoned. Do not worry, young lady. I'll make sure that you are taken care of." When Marie blushed he released her hands and turned to look at...

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Tamis Clothes Experiment

Tami ran, her bare feet pounding against the hard sidewalk, the three wheels of the jogging stroller she pushed in front of her spinning rapidly. Her breasts bounced rhythmically on her naked chest as she ran, terror filling her and causing her to flee.She turned onto the leaf-lined street where she, Rod and baby Ella lived. She made it to the path up to her house and stopped suddenly. She swooped the baby up in her bare arms and took the steps two at a time. Using a key that was attached to a...

2 years ago
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That Girl Chapter 3

Introduction: Okay this came faster than I thought. If you watch porn regularly, then you probably know about the incest section, where moms fuck their sons, dads fuck their daughters, brothers fuck their sisters, uncles fuck their nieces, and&hellip,aunts fuck their nephews. All the porn videos and sex stories I had seen and read involving specifically aunts and nephews were running rapidly through my mind, creating perverted scenarios that could result from my catching Aunt Jennifer and Maria...

4 years ago
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Mystery Man

It's nearing the witching hour, and still thoughts of you play across my consciousness. Dark thoughts....secret thoughts....thoughts of our time together.....The full moon masquerade was, in spite of being my favorite event of the year, boring. The same people in the same costumes, making their masks unnecessary. I smooth my aubergine dress and adjust the feathers adorning my face, desperate for-something. For someone. And, as if by magic, you appear. Like you stepped out of my head and onto...

4 years ago
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The JaysChapter 35

In mid-September the Jays had gone over to James's grandparents' house to look at the Labrador puppies when they were four weeks old. They were kept in the boot room but had a ramp down to an enclosure in the garden. There were eight puppies, five of them bitches. Edward Hoddinot separated the bitches and put them outside in the enclosure. There was little to choose between them in appearance. They were all slightly staggery balls of black fluff with dark brown almost black eyes and shiny...

2 years ago
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my night of dog fucking

Introduction: addicted to nasty sex (pt 1) Tom and I have been married for about three years. He is a handsome man about 6 foot tall, and 180lbs. His hair is blond and eyes are blue. For a white man he is hung really well. His cock is thick and 10 inches long. I really love long thick cocks. At this time he was 42 and I was 23 years old. Tom is a mans kind of man. He is a professional hunter, he guides hunts in Missouri and Arkansas. Tom is a very out going person who has many male friends. All...

3 years ago
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Curse Of The BambinoChapter 7

Wednesday, October Fifteenth Game Six I woke up Wednesday morning. I was a little disoriented, not used to waking up in someone else's bed with my arms around said someone else-but I got my bearings quickly. I shot a glance at the clock. 6 AM. Callie said she was setting the alarm for 6:30. Why did I wake up? Then, I realized why. The girl who was wrapped in my arms was crying. "Callie?" She sniffled. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry." "It's OK. What's wrong?" "Nothing....

1 year ago
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The Play Room Chapter 5 Endgame

Karen pulled her lover’s face to hers for a deep, tongue-filled kiss. She pulled away, still breathing heavily, and panted softly, “I could feel each shot of your cum into me... it felt so hot!”Kirk nuzzled her neck, still intoxicated by her aroma. “Cumming inside you was so intense!”“I can still feel you throbbing inside me, baby. You did me so good!” She rubbed his back all over. “I can feel you dripping out of me… Where’s that towel you had?”Kirk happened to be kneeling on it, so he handed...

First Time
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Bridgets NightsChapter 6

As it turned out, it was three nights before I was able to deliver Sally May back to her home and family. By then I was walking kinda crooked. For someone who just wanted to experiment before settling down, I found she had been imaginative and down right insatiable. Just my kind of girl. Sally lived in a tiny rural community that in a strange way I felt right at home in. Her family was a wonderful group of down to earth people that reminded me of my own. Little formal education was overcome...

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Slave angels wonderful ass

Every morning my slave Angel wakes me with a morning blow job. She's a petite blonde, not natural. Oh so spankable ass, small breast but sensitive nipples, lots of fun!She gets up and makes coffee. She drinks two glasses of water. She needs lots of saliva for my blow job. She climbs under the covers on her hands and knees. She starts by licking my shaved balls. Angel must always have a bald pussy.(Yes, I shave them to keep them smooth and hairless. Because, Really! Who wants hair in their...

4 years ago
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Grace and the Longest TiePrologue

THE PRESENT I was being awaken. Someone was between my legs licking my pussy. What was happening? Everything was coming back. It wasn’t a dream, then. I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a dress. Well, half a dress. The top and the veil. I peered down my body. I was still wearing the thick white corset that covered my body from below my breasts down to the beginning of my ass that I had been given the night before. And what was licking me between my legs was one of the three dogs...

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