Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 6 free porn video

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Rennis dashed up the path to Roquan's quarters, smoothing down his hair as best he could. He cursed himself for oversleeping again. He was loathe to admit that this constant shuttling back and forth between his own Manor and Roquan's was starting to take its toll on him. It was a full day by boat and another half day over land to get from the D'glounaas Manor to the D'ronstaq Manor. He sorely wished Roquan's father had founded the Manor closer to the island's only port.

When he burst into the outer chamber, he was panting lightly from the exertion. It was still early morning, but the heavy humidity made it feel as if the heat of the day were already upon him. He immediately saw that he was indeed late, yet the expression that Roquan cast at him was neutral, and his voice bore no ill will when he spoke. "There is Rennis now."

Rennis took a moment to catch his breath, tugging at his tunic to straighten out the last of the wrinkles before stepping over to Roquan and into the sight of the Farview form of Doran.

"Ah, good Rennis!" Doran said with a wide grin.

Rennis returned the grin with a smirk. "'Good'? You weren't saying that just a few days ago when I bested you for that contract to Lord K'yaran."

Doran laughed heartily. "Business is business, and not worth holding a grudge."

Roquan raised an eyebrow at this and glared at Doran. "At least no one ran to the Emperor over it this time," he said coolly.

Doran withered slightly. "Ah, yes, well (ahem), on to the business at hand, now that Rennis is here."

Rennis cast a sidelong glance at Roquan. "Apologies for my tardiness."

Doran waved a beefy hand. "No need, no need. We had only just begun."

"Doran was about to tell me who, if any, he managed to sway to our side."

"Realize, my dear Roquan, that you should not count anyone as a given. The Conclave's the thing! That's where it will be decided."

"I must admit that I am growing impatient for it to start."

Doran chuckled. "And pass up the wonderful learning opportunity in etiquette from Rennis here?"

Roquan bristled, but said nothing. Rennis hid a smile.

"And just how has that gone, Rennis?" Doran asked.

"Ah, quite well," Rennis said at the unexpected question, forcing his face to a more serious expression. Yet he could not resist a joke at the Overlord's expense. "I don't think he'll quite insult everyone the first day."

Roquan folded his arms and gave the two of them an indignant look. "If you two are quite through... evaluating me..."

"Roquan, sorry to put it bluntly, but this is no time for your ego," said Doran flatly.

Roquan blinked at this. This was the second time now in his life someone had said something like that to him. The other time had been his Healer Vanlo, back when they were still trying to piece together what troubles had befallen the Manor.

"Nevertheless," said Roquan loudly. "I would hope that my words and my evidence will carry the day where protocol may fail. What has happened is of such great import that it should transcend mere custom."

Rennis sighed inwardly. He still had a long way to go with the man.

Doran did not hide his disappointment at this statement, but chose not to agitate Roquan further. "Rest assured, I have relayed your words and your evidence to each of them. Yet even then, they will insist on something in return. And I must admit, Roquan, you are doing me no favors by your aggressive push into the domestic slave market."

"And what would have me do, Doran? I'd remind you of why I am being forced to do this. I am doing what I can to stay ahead financially."

"But not at the other Overlords' expense! Not until you convince them of the merits of your case."

"And even then, Roquan," Rennis said. "As I told you before, they will expect something in return."

Roquan sighed, exasperated. "I have little to give."

"No, you just don't want to part with anything."

"If I were to trade slaves away for a promise of support, that would leave me in no better position than if I left the matter alone."

"I never said you would have to trade slaves away."

"Then what? What is it they want? Doran, do you know?"

"Oh, I do," Doran said with a smirk. "But you don't want to hear it."

Roquan paused, then took a good guess, his eyes growing hard. "No, I do not. I have had enough of hearing about the Urisi."

"Roquan, you're going to hear about it a whole lot more when the Conclave arrives," Rennis said.

"I have made my position on that very clear..."

"Get over it already, Roquan!"

Both Roquan and Doran fell into a surprised silence at Rennis' outburst.

The days with too little sleep had caught up to Rennis, and he was giving vent to his frustrations over both it and Roquan's stubbornness. "Stop treating your slaves like they were fragile glass, ready to shatter if you mishandled them in the slightest! Give some of your older ones credit for having a little more resilience than that."

Roquan cast a hotly indignant gaze at his friend. "And who are you to decide what I should do with my slaves? You are not one to talk, Rennis. You have also shunned trade with the Urisi."

Rennis gave Roquan an even look.

"Ah," Roquan said simply, an icy edge to his voice as he looked away. "I see."

"He did it at my suggestion, Roquan," said Doran. "Very soon after we first spoke."

"The Urisi are not quite as bad as you think they are," Rennis said, forcing his voice into a more calm tone. "Yes, their Slavemasters are rather more strict and punishment-oriented than most Overlords, but if you send them the right slaves, they do well."

"And they do not deny orgasm until the slave begs for sexual release? They do not make slaves go days at a time without touching them sexually? They do not restrain them in uncomfortable positions for half a day at a time?"

"And we don't do that to our slaves on occasion?"

"That is merely a training exercise, to teach submissiveness, and to prepare them in the case..."

"... in the case that client might happen to do that to them! You just made my argument for me!"

"But we blacklist clients that do such a thing!" Roquan thundered.

"You blacklist them, Roquan," Doran interjected firmly. "Not all Overlords are so limited in their thinking!"

Roquan gave Doran an amazed look. "Limited?" He turned and stared hard at Rennis. "Is that why you did it? So you would not appear limited as well?"

"No, Roquan, I did it to help you," Rennis said.

Roquan looked nonplussed at this and said nothing.

"Rennis speaks the truth," Doran declared. "Roquan, you suffer from a lack of respect among the other Overlords. Rennis, however, has some better ties with them. They know you two are close. If they see Rennis concede a point, they will hold out hope that you will as well. They know how Rennis can be, ah, persuasive where you are concerned."

Roquan paused for a long moment. What he did not want to admit was that Doran's logic was unassailable. Finally, he was beginning to believe that perhaps he should have "played the game" more, as distasteful as he found it to be. Yet he did not want to yield so easily. He did not want to appear weak in front of them.

"Then answer me this," he said in a calmer voice. "If they do not wish the competition on the domestic front, why would they want me in the foreign market to the east?"

Rennis chuckled. "Never heard or riding on the coattails of someone else's reputation before?"

"Of course I have. I simply have never had to do it."


Roquan paused as enlightenment came to him. So that was it. It was another tacit admission from the other Overlords of the simple fact that Roquan's slaves were the best in Oceanus.

"The other Overlords are not penetrating the Urisi market as far as they would like, are they?" Roquan asked. He rarely felt smug about anything, but this time he felt justified in indulging himself.

"The Urisi enjoy private ownership of slaves, as you know," Doran commented.

"Yes. Utterly barbaric."

"Be that as it may, that's considered a huge asset. We're competing with their native Slavemasters, who have been training slaves for as long as we have."

"And not very well, I might add. They break a slave's spirit."

"Not everyone can make a Draught of Forgetfulness like we can," Rennis commented lightly.

Roquan rounded on him. "As I stated before, Rennis, we do not speak of such things..."

"Fine, we won't speak of it. But know this: the nobility over there knows you. By name. They want your slaves. That will whet their appetite for more. You can't possibly satisfy all of them, so the rest of us go in and offer our slaves right behind you."

"And make money from my reputation," Roquan scoffed.

"Roquan, get over yourself! You can't just... !"

"Gentlemen," Doran said suddenly.

Both Roquan and Rennis turned to face Doran. His image had faded a bit.

"I fear the energies in my Farviewing pearl are waning, so we must wrap this up quickly. I will have to leave it to Rennis to further convince you on the merits of the Urisi option."

Roquan's eyes burned at this, but he said nothing.

"Now, I have finished arrangements. The Conclave will arrive in a little more than a half-moon from now."

Rennis' eyebrows shot up. "That soon?"

"And Roquan, let me tell you this now so you may prepare. The one you want to work on the most out of all the Overlords is Freya."

Now it was Roquan's turn to look surprised. "Freya D'yros?"

"Hellfire, she hates Roquan. How did you manage to sway her?"

Doran frowned. "I suspect she has her own agenda. She wants something, I could sense that much. Just don't know what."

Roquan exchanged a look with Rennis. Each of them knew having Freya on their side would be a huge advantage. As the only female Overlord in Oceanus, she tended to attract the most attention from the other Overlords. Where she went, the rest generally followed. Where Doran used his way with words to sway others, Freya used her charisma and her voluptuous body.

"I will likely not contact you again before the Conclave, Roquan, so I look forward to seeing you in the flesh. It will have been a long time indeed."

Roquan gave a single respectful nod, temporarily speechless at this possible hopeful turn to his fortunes.

Doran gave them one last smile before his image quickly faded and vanished.

"I don't like it."

Roquan looked askance at the other Overlord. "I beg your pardon?"

Rennis' face was drawn into a deep frown. "Freya is not one to be trusted, Roquan."

"And here you were telling me I should listen to Doran!"

"Doran sometimes overestimates the power of his words, especially when dealing with Freya. Most men -- even Overlords -- tend to have little reasoning ability around her."

"But to have her on our side, Rennis..."

"Yes, wouldn't that be wonderful?" The sarcasm was heavy in Rennis' voice. "But I suspect that whoever she supports in this will be whoever's bedchamber appeals to her the most. Unfortunately, that is usually how she also gets someone to give her what she wants."

Roquan straightened, anger flickering in his eyes. "If you think me some addle-minded boy with more lust than sense..."

Rennis raised a hand. "I didn't say that, Roquan. One coupling, no matter how intense, would not be enough to sway someone like you, but that's just one thing she may try. Now, if you were paying attention more closely to what the other Overlords were doing, you'd know that she visited Gronnus' Manor just before the Emperor canceled the agreement. Right after, Gronnus generously parted with some of his best slaves. Guess who got them?"

"Freya is not purchasing any of my slaves," Roquan declared. "None will be for sale, regardless of her appearance of lack thereof in my bedchamber. Not from what I hear of how she treats her slaves."

"Just the same, watch your back around her."

Roquan considered for a moment. "Do you believe she may be swayed to Gronnus' side, Rennis?"

"I've been so busy going back and forth between your Manor and mine that I have not kept as close tabs on them as I would have liked," Rennis said sourly. "But I do know that Gronnus has been absent from his Manor for days at a time."

Roquan sighed. "It is getting such that I will be unaware of who I can trust. If anyone."

"Me you can trust. Doran you can trust. Anyone after that, let them prove they can be trusted."

Roquan was silent, his eyes subdued.

"Will you be ready for this, Roquan?" Rennis asked earnestly.

"As ready as I can be," Roquan admitted.

"What about Amanda?"

Roquan was surprised at the question, but chose not to show it. "Improving."

"Not exactly a ringing endorsement."

"Sirinna has accelerated her training. It appears she is picking up her new skills fairly quickly, at least at a basic level."

"And her attitude?"

"Better than it was, for the most part."

Rennis frowned. "Still doesn't sound good."

"Would you care to see for yourself?"

Now Rennis was surprised. "Are you quite serious?"

Roquan cracked a small smile. "You were the one who told me I should adhere to custom more closely. Would you, a visiting Overlord, not care to see my Trainee, then? I shall be highly insulted if you refuse."

Rennis laughed. He gave his friend a wry grin. "You'll be insulted anyway, since I'm shamelessly using it as a chance to see Sirinna again."

The first thing that Amanda noticed that told her there was going to be another change to her routine was the fact that Sirinna left her wrists bound behind her when they arrived at the Circle that morning. Normally the first thing her mistress did was remove them, so her hands would be free for more practice.

She was almost disappointed. She was actually starting to enjoy what she was doing. Using her hands seemed to come naturally to her once Sirinna showed her the basic techniques. She particularly enjoyed the one where Sirinna showed her how to hold and gently tug on the balls to prolong the rise to orgasm; it made her feel like she was in control rather than the other way around.

Garas was already there and standing near the center of the circle. He gave Amanda a small smile, his cock already half-hard in anticipation. Amanda blushed lightly at this, but considered it a compliment. So whatever was going to happen, she knew it would at least involve him.

Unfortunately, Marisa was there as well. With her hands still restrained, Amanda felt very vulnerable as the older slave looked her over appraisingly. Worse, a few days before, Sirinna had applied a salve to Amanda's sex that removed all her pubic hair, leaving her pussy completely bare. She didn't think she could feel any more naked than she already was, but since then she blushed anytime someone happened to look at her for more than a few moments at a time.

Sirinna grasped Amanda's arm and made a gesture with her hand. Amanda knew what it meant but was confused at why it was being asked of her, and she hesitated a moment. Sirinna repeated it and gave the chain a gentle tug. Amanda carefully lowered herself to her knees.

Marisa cast a dubious look at both Trainer and Trainee. "Advancing to this already, Sirinna? You've barely touched on what she can do with her hands."

"I believe she's far enough along for this, Marisa," Sirinna said evenly, a polite smile on her face. "She has been picking up things very quickly."

Amanda allowed herself a small and slightly smug smile at this praise, which she made sure Marisa noticed.

"I haven't seen what she can do with a female yet."

"I have had prior experience with her. I can assure you her skills in that area are quite good."

"I'd like to see that for myself at some point."

Sirinna smiled brilliantly at her. "At some point."

Marisa raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more in reply. Instead, her attention appeared to be distracted for a moment by something behind Amanda and Sirinna. After a moment, her lips curled into a sly smile that made Amanda nervous, but she did not dare try to turn around to see what was happening. She glanced up at Sirinna, but it did not appear that her mistress had noticed it.

So was Roquan watching them now again?

"Now, Amanda," Sirinna said, startling her a bit. "I'm going to start teaching you something else today. You've shown yourself to be very good with your hands. Now I'd like to see how well you can do with your mouth."

Amanda's eyes widened. She turned her gaze forward and saw Garas approaching her, his manhood rising to full hardness.

Her heart started to pound. She knew she was going to have to do this eventually, just not so soon. For the past week or so, she could not shake the feeling that Sirinna was rushing her. Each day was something new, before she had a chance to get used to what she had learned the day before. At first she thought it was just her, but now Marisa's comment had confirmed it.

Her eyes locked on Garas' manhood. It seemed unnaturally large to her, lightly pulsing with his heartbeat as it stood barely inches from her face. Somehow she felt this was more intimate than having it inside her pussy.

Amanda nearly jumped when Sirinna placed a hand on her shoulder. Sirinna could feel Amanda's body quivering. "It's okay to be a little nervous," Sirinna said softly.

"Mistress, d-do you need to keep me restrained like this?" Amanda asked in a small voice.

"It's just to help you concentrate on using just your mouth, that's all. Later I'll teach you to use both your mouth and hands in combination."

Amanda nodded quickly. She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself, but it did little good. For the first time in awhile she was very conscious of the others watching her.

"Like everything else, we'll take it slowly. One step at a time. Now, I'd like you to slide your knees apart just a bit more... "

Amanda complied, heat flashing over her skin as more of her hairless pussy was exposed. She felt embarrassed for the first time in a month.

"Lift your head and look straight ahead."

Amanda was forced to lift her gaze to Garas' cock again.

"Now, Amanda, just remain still until I tell you. Garas, place the head just on her lips."

Garas complied, and now Amanda trembled with the familiar mix of fear and excitement as she remained posed in a still, soft kiss on his head of Garas' cock. A very slightly musky odor tickled her nose. In her mind, she compared it to what she would smell from Sirinna's aroused pussy. It was different, but subtly familiar at the same time.

"Lay your tongue flat on the bottom of your mouth," Sirinna directed. "Then, we start it like we did when I taught you to use your hands: slow and light. Part your lips and lean forward, and start to take him inside your mouth."

Amanda hesitated a moment, taking a deep breath and letting it go through her nose. She opened her mouth and let Garas' cock slide inside.

Her heart hammered in her chest as his swollen head penetrated past her lips and slid over her tongue. She heard a soft intake of breath from Garas. It didn't feel as overly large as she thought it might. At the same time, she was hardly placing any pressure on his penis at all.

She had him halfway into her when Sirinna intoned, "Now stop there and remain still for a moment."

Amanda was trying to resist the urge to clamp her lips around him more firmly. She need not have bothered, for Sirinna cupped one hand under Amanda's chin and coaxed her into doing just that.

"Like when you used your hands, it's not as delicate as you think," Sirinna explained. "Just use only your lips for now."

Amanda felt her mouth growing wet. It made her want to continue on to the next step, if for no other reason than to avoid drooling from having him in her mouth for so long.

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 28

The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change. He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation...

4 years ago
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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 2

In truth, had Amanda not been as nervous about the deflowering, she might not have flown off the handle like that. She already felt guilty about it by the time they turned down the path to Roquan's quarters. She quickly ceased to dwell on such matters, however, as the Overlord's residence loomed ahead of her. Despite the fact that she remained in full sun all the way to the door, she felt it casting a shadow over her nonetheless. Chain or no chain, she had to resist the urge to bolt. It...

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He was my Tech Sargeant and so much more

There was no doubt in my mind I needed to get away and so at the young age of 18 I graduated high school and joined the Air Force. Boot camp was psychologically tough. They broke you down and stripped all ties to home while building the image of the military being your new family. Then there was tech school where they taught you that boot camp was just trying to get you to grow up, that your family was important, and you needed to learn an air force occupation. Once I completed all that I was...

1 year ago
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My introduction to sex and looking sexy

100% fiction! It was March of 1972 and I was 18. My Aunt passed away and my Uncle, (my dad's brother had an Autobody repair business on his property), and now he had nobody to cook, clean, do the laundry, etc. came to my father and asked for help. My Two older sisters were already married and out on their own so my Dad said that I would be there to help until my Uncle could find a new woman. The first weekend that I was there my Uncle took me to a nearby city to do a little shopping. He said...

3 years ago
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Finally we did it

I know her from long time ago, around 4 years. She is cute but not that sexy girl, i never felt that we could be together one day. few months ago i left my gf so we become to be more close to each other and talk a lot and share some problems. and i since that she liked me a lot and was waiting the moment when she can be with me. I can see her in her eyes when i am with her. but nothing happened just some parties together and nothing more. after some time we made a bet on a football game and if...

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The Housekeeper

Saturday morning and Father O'Rourke was at his breakfast table in the kitchen of the parish house of the Church of All Saints. He was a fairly young man in his late twenties and had been in his present incumbency for just over a year. Saturday was when the priest did the parish accounts for the week and he sighed as he finished his cup of tea and slid the ledgers in front of him for his attention. Doing the accounts was not one of his favourite tasks and later he would have to put some...

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Guardian Tales Chyoa Edition

Note: [There are child characters in the actual game. While this will be a sex story, there is to be NO sexual content for any children. Only between the adults.] Up above the sky hidden away from the rest of the world lives a magnificent castle built by mysterious characters for the sole purpose of protecting the world from threats that are beyond simple understanding. And as the day goes by a blue spark with long wings similar to that of an angel or dragonfly flew straight out of this...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 25 Fifth Circle

When Wayne awoke seconds later, Judith already cradled him against her breasts, her hand stroking his hair. A bird chirped somewhere in the distance, the only sound breaking the silence, and Wayne’s first clue that the night was far advanced and dawn would soon break. He looked up, searching for Judith’s eyes, but found that they were focused on a spot beyond him. He followed her gaze to the broken cauldron and the fountain of steam that was still rising from it. It rose only some six feet...

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The Couple

His name was Matt and her name was Mary, a typical middle aged (46 and 43) couple living in a small city. Matt was an accountant and Mary was a housewife. They had 2 beautiful c***dren and they enjoyed spending all of their time with them. Everyday the same, waking up going to work, k**s at school and then back home having dinner all together and then Matt was watching tv on the sofa while Mary and the k**s were asleep by 11. One rainy Wednesday, everything were exactly the same for Matt and...

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my hot wifes graduation gift to her brother

my wife and I had recently begun a venture into hotwifing. We both enjoyed it and it fit our desires better than swapping or any other adventures in the sexual arena. Her parents planned a graduation party for her younger brother, Tom. She is 12 years older than Tom and he idolizes her as she does him.I have talked to her about my brothers before and she said she would feel weird, especially if she told other family members. She and I discussed the possibility of her picking up one of the other...

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My first time with Marisaa

I glanced across at her and laughed. She was pulling a silly face at me from the other side of the bus, and I couldn't help but giggle along with her.  Marissa was beautiful. She had long, platinum blonde hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, or at least she would have. At the moment it was dyed dark brown and was held in a loose bun atop her head. Her face was kind and seemed to promise a good time without her actually having to say anything. She had a short, slender build,...

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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Nine and Ten

Diana sat on the side of the bed. Her original plan had been to seduce the girl in the same way that she had Jimmy, beginning by asking how often Holly frigged herself off with a fraudulent parental concern. But now Diana saw that such silly subterfuge didn't seem necessary. She thrust her fat tits out from the open front of her frilly negligee. Mother and daughter gazed soulfully into each other's smokey eyes for a long moment. Then Holly's gaze dropped to Diana's tits. "How come your...

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Robbing the BunkerChapter 5 Modernizing the MC Device

I got home that night with my head swimming from my newfound power. Digging out the schematics of the Mind Control Device, I set about figuring them out so I could build my own. My degree was in electrical engineering so I dug out my old textbooks and got to work. Drunk with the knowledge that electronics technology had exploded in the last 30 years, I was confident that I could build, if not improve upon, Brantwell's design. It was like doing an obscure homework problem. I identified the...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 28

Sunday morning Kathy was looking though the paper when she got a call from Karen. "Hi Kath, you guys busy today?" "No, not really, why what's up?" "You and Jim and the twins want to come over later and cookout and use the pool. It's gonna be a scorcher today, near a hundred. Besides, I bought this new sexy bikini and I want to give Jim a preview of what he is going to get." "Well, yeah that sounds great, let me get the gang up and we'll be over around noon. How's...

4 years ago
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A Step Fathers Revenge

Introduction: This is a stand alone story about a stepfather that exacts his revenge upon a stepdaughter that has earned his disapproval. Ill leave it to you to decide if this story is true or not… The sexual tension at this point was so thick you could slice it with a knife&hellip,the longer she held my cock, not jerking me but squeezing softly, the more I was sure that the little slut sitting on the arm of my recliner was going to learn to suck a mans cock today. That&hellip,.and a whole lot...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 554

???????????????? ???????? Aldo Has a few thoughts to share ???????? Re: difference between home to bar and bar to home That seems complicated. But Riding a bicycle is simple. Whichever way you go, it’s always headwind and uphill. And there’s no difference, as from bar to home you cannot ride. ???????????????? ???????? Alphqwe is at it again!!! ???????? My kids have been pestering me to get an inground swimming pool, so to night we’re going to have a Poltergeist movie marathon. ???????????????? ???????? OldGreyDuck hasn’t lost his touch!! ???????? A...

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James the Loner

James was a loner, he had trouble relating to other children even in primary; no, not trouble, that would imply he saw it as a problem. He didn't. He was content to sit in a corner in the playground and play in his mind, he was happy running round the playing field, swinging on the swings, being the outsider. It wasn't that he was unpopular, if he was engaged he was a fast runner and a good dribbler in football. He was never left to be picked last like 'Blister' ("cos he's round and...

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A Second Chance Ch 2

It was the best sleep I’d had in years. Looking back, I attribute it to exhaustion, coupled with the feeling of satisfaction and complete safety. What’s remarkable is that I felt completely safe in the arms of a young man I had met less than an hour before. We slept until nearly noon. When I awoke, I was spooned with my new lover. His arm was protectively draped across my waist, my own arm covering his. I lay there enjoying the warmth and safety, the feeling of a man next to me for the first...

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How I Became the Family Slut Part 5

So, it was near the end of the summer of my 16th year. My pregnancy began to show, and my tits were growing like weeds! At this rate, I was afraid they would start sagging down before my baby was born. My baby. And my brother's baby. Well, I didn't know which brother, it coulda been either one of them. But I really wished it was my daddy's baby.I was in the shower early in the morning. I thought about daddy climbing into bed with me the night before and fucking me stupid. And then making me...

1 year ago
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My cousin wants revenge

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was about nine at night when I got the call from my 18yo cousin. She told me she was stranded because her car broke down. She told me were she was and I left to help her. She was sitting in her car whe i arrived. It appeareed she was crying. So,i asked her,"whats the matter?" She wiped her tears and told me that her boyfriend had been cheating as she stepped from her car. I calmed her down and called a tow truck and proceeded to drive her home. She...

2 years ago
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Opening Doors

MMMM/F) "Shit," demanded Simon, "What the fuck is he doing to her in there?" Simon was referring to the fact that he and I had both been brought outof our rooms by the moans of the chick coming from my frat brother Jamie'sroom across the hall. "Sounds like he's showing her one hell of a good time," I replied. "But it's one o'clock in the fucking morning," whined Simon, "I got aterm paper due tomorrow." "Dude," I said, peering past him and into his room to observe that hislight and...

1 year ago
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Dark and Delicious

I am a tall, well-built white guy of twenty-six, married with two sons. About two years ago when I was doing some drilling work in the South, I met a seventeen-year-old black girl named Sarah on the ranch where I was drilling. She was one of the prettiest black girls I have ever seen, shiny blue/black hair, great soft brown eyes, a full sensitive mouth. She was slightly on the skinny side, but in my opinion, it only made her more alluring. With her body and looks, she could easily have been...

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Belfast RulesChapter 6

BRIGHTON 1984 The Polish woman was a special case because she was more the professional and her experience equaled his own. Danny didn't like that fact but it was orders from up above and he was stuck with her. Besides, she had contacts that he didn't have and would most likely prove more valuable on the back-end rather than in the middle of the mess. Pretending to be an ignorant tourist, Danny traveled around the area noting the military and police strong points and was astonished at...

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Sunny TooChapter 24

When I came back I was carrying my slim pac ‘chute. It wasn’t great but I might break both my legs ... at least I wouldn’t be at terminal velocity when I stopped. “Your parachute?” “Yeah. Remember ... I’m older. I know I’m not immortal.” Charles patted the cushion on the left seat. “I’m sitting on mine.” The right seat had a real Cessna cushion. I slapped the tarmac, “Remember, the butt stops here.” “Boo ... hiss, hiss ... snarl,” said Abby. She shook her finger like she was...

3 years ago
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A Spin on the Sex Life or What was I just In

Bill and Stacy had been married now for two years when they found themselves visiting Bill’s parents during Christmas. Being the only married couple of Bill’s siblings, it had become customary for them to sleep in the largest guest room in the house. This room contained the double bed that just happened to be Bill’s parents old bed from when he was younger and living at home. One of the advantages to having this room was that it was directly across the hall from the bathroom, making it very...

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A Family Affair

A Family Affair by jo199 part 1 "Eat me baby! Oh god. Yes, there. Harder. That's it, suck it. Right there! Ohhhh! Yessss!" Arianna clamped her legs around Steve's ears. He loved the way she nearly crushed him, holding him there with surprising strength. His face was smothered in her beautiful pussy, the only drawback being his struggle to breath. After awhile her trembling subsided, and Arianna sighed, her legs relaxing. Released from his heavenly prison, Steve...

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My Friend8217s Sister

By : Gautam99 Hi to all ISS readers… my name is gowtam and this is my 1st story on this site… this is a real story and all im sure that u ppl njoy my story. At present i was doing my btech 3rd year in Vijayawada and i was 20 with an athletic body and 6’1 height. Guys i was not boasting about myself. I was really good looking with muscles and all the gals in our clg used 2 flirt with me.coming to the story my friends name is abhinay and we both weredoing btech in same clg but diff branches.. But...

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The TitleChapter 2

"Thanks for coming in sir," smarmed Mr Briggs, "those extra properties have already been rented out, here's the details." "Good, good," I smiled but I was viewing his pretty secretary through the glass partition wall; she was smiling back too. A bit of mental arithmetic and I was netting about £75k a year from my inheritance. More than enough to live on and to have some fun too. "Hi any chance of your phone number?" I asked the secretary as I passed by. "Sure," she...

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The Notes Part Four

I watched her out of the corner of my eye. My hand in my pocket with the feel of her damp, cum soaked panties scrunched in my palm. I watched as she opened the envelope. She read my words. I thought about what those words meant. I was going to fuck her. I was going to make her body feel things she didn’t know possible and all whilst I looked her firmly in the eyes. There would be no need for a blindfold this time. The time for that game was over. I could finally release the weeks of pent up...

Straight Sex
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The 150 Sissy Rules

Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows big fake titsRule#14: A sissy is a pro cock suckerRule#15: One is...

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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 9 Dancing in the Rain

Two weeks had passed and spring was now in full bloom. Darren wondered if she had forgotten that it was her weekend when she bundled the kids into the car to visit her mother. Ah, well, he thought and turned back to the garage after waving goodbye. The lawn needed mowing and the shrubs needed trimming. It was warm and humid and it wasn't long until Darren began to sweat profusely. He surveyed the hedge along the west side of their property. It had grown thick enough and tall enough that no...

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Wife meets a stranger after drinking

My wife likes a little drink every now and then and when she does she gets a little out of control...she confessed earlier what she was up to at the weekend when she came in late, drunk and very horny.We live in the penthouse suite, 15 floors up and I decided to go to bed before midnight as the wife was out for a few drinks with some girlfriends. She had been out with the girls drinking wine and spirits, dressed up with a black n white figure hugging dress, white stilleto's, black stockings...

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It was summer time and we were both young and ready for adventure and fun. I was a staff member at a summer camp, back from my first year at college and you were just out looking for some fun. I was a 20 year old male boat driver and wakeboard instructor and to this day I don’t remember your name but I know you were an 18 year old Hispanic female, very attractive and that we definitely caught each other’s eye.We were hanging out with our mutual friends at a church gathering called camp meeting....

1 year ago
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Antheas Baby

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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BBC part II Anthony

well i hope you guys ( or girls) liked my last story , its been a while since my last post , haven't done much lately but i do have something good for you guys, it happened like 3 days ago. something i honestly didn't see coming and was so much fun..After what happened last time, i didn't go to the gym for a few days, guess i was embarraced with Dave cause of what happened , silly yes but i felt that way, anyways, i started going to the gym again as usual, i saw Dave lifting with his buddies (...

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MMF Threesome

Sian and I had been friends for years, she had lived beside us when we were growing up, but had moved away when she was about 13, but we always stayed in touch on msn and bebo.She was just a few years younger than me, but i always had a crush on her, and at times I felt the feeling was mutual. she always had a well toned body from playing hockey, long dark hair and small but pert tits. They were the first pair of tits i actually paid attention too, mostly because I was able to watch them...

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Adult Nudist Camp 6

I know this is a long story, but I have a great imagination. Part 5 ended with us busting my sluts husbands and the ladies are spending the night training them to be good little tramps. When I get back to my trailer I still hard a hard cock. The tramp is waiting there just like I ordered. I stepped in front of him and told him to suck my dick. He could believe I was letting him have with me. I told him to take it deep in whore mouth, swallow it. I held his head in place and started fucking his...

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Wedded Bliss Four Short Stories

Wedded Bliss: Four Short Stories by Vickie Tern 1. Her Girl "Oh, you look so very sweet, baby," my wife said, her fingers reaching through my gown and twiddling my nipples and sending ripples of erotic desire through me. "You're a perfect doll! My perfect doll! Now confess, it wasn't that bad, sitting there fully dressed, watching me make love to him, was it? I felt so marvelous with that huge thing of his in me, you...

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