Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 26 free porn video

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Gronnus tried to reach Overlord Weton early in the morning just at dawn, but he overslept. In his worries over the very deal he was trying to save, he tossed and turned for a good part of the night. When he finally did fall into slumber, he was exhausted, and thus it was not until the sun had just risen above the horizon that he roused himself out of bed.

By the time he reached Weton's quarters, the Overlord was already up and about, and no sooner had Gronnus left the area when he saw the man walking side by side with Roquan. Weton was talking in quite the animated fashion, obviously excited about something.

Gronnus moved off to the side as they approached, trying to appear as if he were more interested in the nearby gardens. He stole a glance at Roquan's face. There was a very small smile on his lips despite the fact that his eyes held a subdued look.

Weton's voice came to him as Gronnus started down the side path towards the gardens.

"... should make fine work of those materials, Roquan, if the rest is as exquisite as what you showed me this morning!"

"Rest assured, Weton, that is only a small sample," said Roquan, confidence in his voice despite the slightly somber tone to it. "My contacts assure me that they can deliver the rest in due time."

"Absolutely amazing. I never knew you had such connections! Surely, I cannot turn down such a..."

They drifted far enough away for further words to become unintelligible.

Gronnus sighed. Another deal lost. He was too tired and worried to be angry.

He glanced towards the path when movement caught his eye. He watched as Amanda was led by Sirinna towards Roquan's quarters. He frowned. Was the infernal Overlord going to Present her yet again? Even when he was going to have to give her up to Freya? It's not like he needed to soften up the other Overlords, not with the goods that he was able to offer them!

Gronnus ran a hand through his hair. He could not lose any more. He was at his limit. At this rate, assuming that any Overlord he did not deal with personally could be won for Roquan's side, this made Freya the swing vote. If Gronnus lost any more support, not even Freya could help him.

And that would lose him the Conclave. But what he feared most was what it would lose him with the Emperor.

There was another at the Manor who also rose late.

When Vanlo finally awoke, it took him a few moments to orient himself. His head felt full of fuzz, like the last time he had indulged in some of Roquan's wine to his detriment (and hence was the last time he did such a thing).

The first time he tried to move, pain lanced through his temples and made him weak and lightheaded. He raised a shaking hand to his forehead and tried to steady his breathing until it passed. The next time he tried, the pain returned, but not as sharp, and he was able to sit up.

Everything swam in and out of focus for a few moments. Normally when he awoke, all he had to deal with was his stiffened joints. Now he barely felt it with the miasma that seemed to surround his mind.

Slowly, everything returned to normal, save for a lingering dull ache encapsulating his skull. There was also a slight tremble to his normally rock-steady hands.

Vanlo swung his legs over the side and felt a brief onset of vertigo as he stood. He held onto the bed until it passed. He took a few more deep breaths, and it seemed to help. Now he felt only the normal stiffness and creaking of his aging body.

It was then that he looked outside and saw the bright sunlight.

"Oh, good heavens," he said softly.

Vanlo quickly dressed himself, or at least as quickly as his age would allow. The lingering headache threatened to balloon if he tilted his head just right.

The Healer was most disturbed at this. He had never overslept in all his time at the Manor. No matter how tired he might be from the night before, he rose with the dawn every day. The fact that he had not was very troubling to him.

For a moment during his morning ablutions, he paused, lifting his head, and sniffing the air. Very briefly, he thought he had smelled something familiar...

He shook his head. He looked back at himself in the mirror over the basin. His eyes were a bit bloodshot, and there were bags under them. Had he been a patient of his, he would have told the man to stay in his quarters and rest.

Yet the Manor needed him, and he could not afford to take a day off. Not while the Conclave was still in progress. He simply had to hope to have some time later to ponder what might have happened to him.

His first guess was an allergen. Perhaps an Overlord or the merchants had tracked in something to which he was sensitive. Surely that was the most logical explanation.

He slipped on his Healer robes and briskly walked out into the morning sunlight.

"We cannot lose these two, today, Berin!" Gronnus declared.

Berin sighed, his hand lifted before his face. "I do realize this, my dear Gronnus, but..."

"No excuses! I don't want to hear of it! Promise him more goods than you have procured if you have to!"

"More than I have?? Now, see here, Gronnus, I..."

"Berin, you're the one with the contacts! If anyone can squeeze more out of them, it's you!"

Berin sighed. His eyes had squinted to narrow slits despite trying to shade them. "They have already brought me more than they dare! And my contacts at the Imperium say things are not boding well..."

"To blazing hells with the Imperium! We need to take chances here, Berin! We can't afford to just rest on our laurels!"

"I'm not suggesting that, I... oh for the love of the gods, Gronnus, lower that shade!"

"What? Oh, sorry." Gronnus quickly crossed over and dropped the shade over the window.

Berin lowered his hand and blinked. He sighed as he could still barely see from the afterimages. "Really, Gronnus, you forget to do that every time. Sometimes I think you do that on purpose to intimidate me."

Gronnus just snorted. He did not think it took much to intimidate Berin. That was one of the reasons why Gronnus had partnered with him in the first place. If having a little sun in his eyes also worked, well, so be it.

"Roquan has already taken Amanda to another Overlord," said Gronnus. "It was a little while before Roquan emerged. You can bet he just made an offer. Top it."

"I will top it. With what we prearranged. That's all I can do, Gronnus!" Berin cried when Gronnus appeared to swell in anger again. "Be reasonable! Even if they could bring me more, I cannot contact them now, not from Roquan's Manor!"

Gronnus wanted to protest, but it died on his lips. He knew that Berin was correct. They could not risk exposure. If Roquan got a hold of this, he would bring it before the Conclave. While punishments tended not to be harsh for this sort of thing -- Overlords were a reluctant lot when it came to punishing one of their own for anything other than the most grievous violations -- it would swing sympathy in favor of Roquan.

"All right. But this time we cannot fail. It's simply not an option."

"I will do my best. That's all I offer. Now, if you'll excuse me... ?"

Gronnus paused and nodded once. "Good day to you."

"Good day," Berin said curtly as he turned and fled.

The short walk in the warm sunlight helped clear Vanlo's head more, such that the pain and remaining fuzziness were gone by the time he reached his office. At the same time, however, he still felt off somehow. It was like what he would feel just before a cold came on. At first this tended to reinforce the notion that he was suffering from an allergy, but there was still something that just did not seem right.

He was forced to put his concerns aside for the time being, as he had some patients. Only one was a slave, the others were merchants. This was expected. Merchant Clans did tend to have a resident Healer that traveled with them, but even the best of them was limited by what equipment was portable and could be packed and unpacked quickly. This limited the Healer's means in cases of more serious injury or chronic conditions. It was largely the latter that brought people to him that morning.

Vanlo became much more aware that something was amiss as the morning wore on. It grew increasingly harder to concentrate, as if his mind were suffering from some sort of fatigue. It was much like what his joints sometimes felt towards the middle of the day, necessitating his midday constitutional in lieu of a meal.

After the third patient, he had to pause. He went into the back room and sat down, massaging his temples. He let out a forlorn sigh. As he breathed in again, he wrinkled his brow.

There it was again, that same odor. And as quick as he sensed it, it was gone.

He glanced about the counter for any sign that he had spilled something and had neglected to clean up. Such a thing was unusual for him, but then again so was that entire morning.

The fuzziness in his head cleared. He straightened up and looked around. He could not shake the persistent feeling that something was still amiss.

His eyes gazed slowly at the various containers and devices that littered the shelves around him. They dropped to the objects that lay on the counter. He swung his body around in the seat and look at the apparatus.

He remembered when Yanna had tried to sabotage one of his experiments by altering some of the valves minutely. He had detected it at once. Too late to prevent the results of the experiment from being delayed, but it had helped him determine the culprit behind all the Overlord's woes at the time.

He was getting that same sensation now.

Vanlo walked back out into the treatment room. It was still empty, no more patients having arrived after handling those first few. He strolled to the center of the room and looked around. He got the same sense here as well. Like something subtly amiss.

The Healer rubbed at his temples again, and a somber look came over his eyes. No, not this time. There was nothing amiss with his office at all. There was something amiss with himself. The Overlord tried to deny it, but this was the truth. He was at the end. It had been a good career, a very enjoyable one, but all good things come to an end. It was a saying on many worlds, he understood.

He would have to resign his position once the Conclave was over. Until then, he had to keep his duties light. Only critical cases. He had to save his energy and his strength of will for those. This time Roquan would not sway him. The false Portal detection had been only the first warning signs, and he let himself ignore them at the Overlord's behest. But this could not be ignored, and could seriously impair his abilities.

He would not trust the well being of a Manor of slaves to someone like himself. Why should Roquan?

Vanlo returned to the back room. He sought and obtained a parchment and a quill.

The Healer would send a letter to the Healer Guild Master. He would arrange for his departure and a replacement before informing the Overlord. This way, he could not be persuaded against his better judgment to stay.

Vanlo dropped heavily into a seat. He put the parchment before him, and began to write.

"Ah, Overlord Farlor, it is indeed good to see you again," said the ebullient voice from near the door.

"Quite so, Berin, quite so," said the somewhat more officious voice in return. "Far too long since we have visited once another."

"I will endeavor to change this at the earliest opportunity after this Conclave!"

A chuckle. "And I do hope you have brought sufficient, ah, encouragement to seek your company more often."

Berin's voice moved further inside and grew closer to the bed. "Oh, indeed, Farlor! And I must say, I do enjoy dealing with an Overlord with such a direct approach."

"I will not stand for pussyfooting around. In my view, the primary purpose of a Conclave is to make deals. The issue on the table is almost secondary. Why should I hide this?"

"Oh, I most agree with you. Very wise words, indeed." A pause. "And you have been graced with the lovely Amanda as well it would seem."

"I had not expected it, but I am making good use of her."

A chortle. "I can see... and hear for that matter."

Amanda knew she was going to have trouble concentrating on this discussion, but she was doing her best.

Farlor had not been very interested in having sex with Amanda, but this was not to say that he did not want her. Even though Roquan had had the presence of mind to warn her about this Overlord's propensities, it had still been something of a shock to her.

In fact, some of the next words of their talk were drowned out as she moaned, her pussy reverberating in another soft but deep and drawn-out orgasm.

She felt a hand on her leg, making her shiver as it ran up her thigh, fingers briefly stroking the glossy, back surface of the triangle of enchanted cloth that lay over her mound. When it had been placed on her, after her legs had been spread apart, her ankles secured with thin chains to the posts at the foot of the bed, it had molded itself to her. It had flowed like liquid warmth over her folds, arousing her almost instantly.

Once it was in place, it began a slow, tantalizing sensual assault. It felt alternately like stroking, licking, and sucking. It made her rise slowly, driving her mad with desire and need for release. She had feared that it would be like Freya or Marisa again, that she would be denied relief, but this was not the case. The object was more than happy to make her cum, only to start it all over again.

She had already had about two orgasms since it was put on her, and now she felt herself climbing to another. Her hands occasionally clenched into fists where they were secured with more chains to the posts at the head of the bed.

"Now that is a rather advanced one," Berin said as he withdrew his hand. "My compliments to you."

"I use nothing but the best at my Manor, you know this," said Farlor. "Perhaps I may interest you in some."

"We shall see. But first, allow me to attend to the matter at hand."

"I daresay you will be able to offer me better than Roquan did. I almost felt sorry for him, to tell you the truth."

Berin laughed. "Perhaps he will get your sympathy vote then."

"Oh, hardly. I cannot abide by giving a vote to an Overlord without basic negotiation skills."

"May I relay that to Gronnus, then?"

"Certainly. Now, let us get down to business..."

Amanda, as best as she could, listened.

Jollis appeared to busy himself that morning with slow walks through the gardens and conversing occasionally with some of Roquan's slaves. This, naturally, belay his true purpose, that of keeping a close eye on the Healer's quarters while the Portal was opened behind the vacant slave quarters.

Normally he did not care for leaving the Portal unattended in such a manner, nor doing it in broad daylight. But he had to make sure that the Healer did not react to it, that the potion the merchant had prepared had indeed worked. It had also reassured him that the Healer did not appear to be damaged by the concoction.

Naturally, he knew that he could not get into the Healer's head, which is where it really mattered. But at least he could confirm there was no extensive brain damage. Again, while Jollis was no Healer, he knew how nasty Jonalla could be when not used properly. When first learning of the events leading up to his assignment, Jollis had been taken aback by the audacity of the Emperor to use such a substance in its raw form. It had practically begged for a response of this magnitude from Roquan.

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That first night after Nika's kidnapping, Vincent and Verla didn't sleep at all. By now they had recovered the water bags from the two birdmen that had attempt to kidnap Verla therefore for the moment water was not an immediate problem. But they remained on guard all night in case the birdmen should come on foot and attack them again. Morning found them in a depressed mood and after eating a little, they moved again southward along the length of the gorge. The temperature was cooler and...

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Brads House

I'm a bisexual male, have been mostly with girls most of my life. But starting in high school, if I got horny and the timing felt right, I was always glad to suck a nice cock or get sucked or both. I'm not shy; if I like a guy's vibes and the discretion thing seems to be happening, I'll just come right out and tell them, Hey, you know, I'd like to make you cum, in my mouth. Go figure, plenty have taken me up on it, even some that were not gay or bi, or had not been till then LOL. When I was 22,...

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PeekaBoo ISeeYou

As I walked towards the coffee shop, I felt the breeze blowing up my short, flimsy skirt, feeling pert, all alert. It felt good on my naked pussy. It was my kind duty to spread myself around as much as possible. And when I say spread, I mean it literally. I did that by flashing my little triangular hair pie to all those men who struck my fancy on a fine summer day, when I wanted to play. I giggled in anticipation, an-ti-ci-pa-tion, it's making me late, keeping them waiting. I sat in a corner of...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 72 Connies Pizza

November, 1983, Chicago, Illinois November 1st was unseasonably warm, with the temperature reaching almost 70°F by the middle of the afternoon. But being it was Chicago, that couldn’t last. Soon enough the temperatures would fall far enough that running would be uncomfortable and I’d have to decide how to exercise during the winter. I’d thought about ice skating, but the most convenient indoor rink wasn’t all that convenient. It was on West Madison Street, a few blocks from the Chicago...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 35

We stood well out ... maybe 35 miles straight east. I had two reasons ... one ... a lesson about drink. Two ... lee shore. I didn’t want to get caught against sand or rocks should the westerlies decide to turn. Running before 25 knots Basilisk easily made 15 knots. After a run of 2hrs 20 min I turned north figuring to skirt Banks Peninsula by a couple of miles. If the wind did turn against us the first decent hidey-hole is Duvauchelle, a small town situated at the head of Duvauchelle Bay at...

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 5a

Miss Spencer. I require your presence on Saturday at 2 pm on the 8th floor of the University Library in the Chemistry section. You are to take a seat at one of the study tables and keep yourself occupied playing with your delightful cunt. Dress appropriately to please. Under no circumstance are you to acknowledge my presence. That was how my week began, a typically terse email from my Mistress that revealed none of her intentions beyond driving me crazy with anticipation as I began to...

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Amazing Sex With My Mature Aunty

Hello ISS readers. I wanted to share this incident which took place a few years back. That incident completely changed my life since I was no longer a virgin. Even today as I am writing this story, I am completely aroused. Let’s get to the incident. I used to watch a lot of porn movies and read incestuous stories. I was particularly into the mom-son, son-aunty kind of stuff. These stories used to make me go crazy and I used to fantasize my mom every day. Another thing that turned me on was my...

3 years ago
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Deep Throating Techniques

Deep Throating Techniques One of the first things you encountered when you first started to suck cockwas a gag reflex. Most men seem to want to forcetheir cocks down your throat as far as they can get it. Particularly at themoment when they cum! Consider for a moment that the average length of your oral cavity is three tothree and a half inches while the average Caucasiancock length is five to five and a half inches. The laws of nature would seemto dictate that getting all that cock into your...

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As I Was Walking in the ParkChapter 3

I chanced on him one day again And eventually he became my friend Secrets shared and dreams we knew Through the years our friendship grew Then on Friday of the second week my Biology teacher called me aside. She said that she had noticed I seemed to be a little ahead of most of the students, that I was picking up things pretty quickly. She wondered if I would like to change in a slightly more advanced section. Ms Green's section had mostly more advanced students and would probably move a...

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The forfeiture Cuckold2

April 20th, 2012Second day of the management workshop organized every year by the company, which I’m working for. This year, it is the first time that the spouses are guest (s) at the dinner of the last evening. The seminar is held in a beautiful mansion, close to Toulouse. Murielle, my wife, arrives at 8 PM when we are having drinks. Although it is quite cold for the season, she wears as usual a short beige colored skirt, clear heeled shoes and a light orange jacket. She is cute and elegant....

2 years ago
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Tempted Moms Summer Awakening Ch02

Drunk and horny, Margery arrived home and paid the driver before stumbling into her house. Staggering her way into her bedroom, she tossed her clothes onto the floor and lay naked on her bed.Closing her eyes, she pondered how Terri and Dustin had masturbated each other.Fuck, that was so hot! she thought, as her index finger lightly slid down her body until it was tickling her clit.With her eyes closed, her finger slid between her folds while she reminisced over the scene in her mind."Mmm. Ohh....

1 year ago
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Jackpot City Casino

Why the hell are you still going to a fucking casino? Nobody wants to stand around pulling greasy slots while smelling joint cream for hours. Or listening to some intoxicated dipshit brag about how he has oil drilling operations all over the world and still wearing a tank top and a stained MAGA cap. Yeah, right, dumb ass, you’re not fucking fooling anyone!Gambling around casino goers makes you wish that you could gamble in your own home. Thanks to the Pandemic, this looks like it’s finally...

Betting Sites
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The Glen Book OneChapter 4

Saturday nights were movie nights on campus. The campus film board would put together a single or double feature and show it in either the student union ballroom, or if it was a double feature, they would use one of the large lecture rooms in Kane Hall. So it was that Erin, Megan, Richard, Wendy, and Wendy's boyfriend Robert were walking across campus toward Red Square on Saturday evening. The first fat drops of rain had just started to fall, and the pace of the rain was picking up quickly....

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Office Cuckold Complete 4 Parts

Josh is cuckolded by his boss and coworker.Chapter 1Emma had just started in our office. She was the assistant for an executive, sharing his office, filing his paper, and doing other odds and ends. My office was next to his large corner office, so I was able to see Emma often as she walked past carrying a file or an envelope to be mailed off.Fresh out of high school, Emma was getting some experience in the real world before deciding what she wanted to do and going to school. She always wore...

4 years ago
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Porn Conversion Experience

I’m not a prude.  Let’s be clear, I love sex.  My lover … isn’t that a great word?  So much better than ‘partner,’ don’t you think?  My lover and I rejoice in regular and intense sex together.  There’s just one thing.He pressures me.  No, not to beat me or force me into a threesome, although the latter does have some appeal; he wants me to watch porn with him.  It just has no appeal for me.  Why watch plastic models with inflatable boobs get fucked by burly men covered in rather ghastly...

4 years ago
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Fun with Cody pt 1

Introduction: This is based on a true story. All names have been changed to help hide identities. This Is my first story so I hope you enjoy and let me know if I should continue with the series. Thanks. Have you ever fingered yourself? Cody asked me, through a text. No, I replied honestly. Cody and I had been texting for quite some time and we often sent nude pictures to each other. We were both 15 and lived two states apart. I went to school with with a few years before but then I moved away...

3 years ago
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Phone Made My Day

Hello All ISS lovers, I am Saahil from Delhi & i have been a fan of ISS from many years ( about 7-8 yrs now ). I have written 2 experiences of mine but that was long long ago. Now i am back to share some more experiences of mine with all of you. I would like to tell all of you that all my stories will be based on my true experiences. So let us start this one. I am about 28 yrs age & working at a IT Company in NCR. This story starts when i just started working after finishing my college ( over 5...

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Band Groupie Wife

For years, my wife and I have been huge live music fans. We’ve made many friends along the way, some just aquaintances, some very close. Most of the musicians are guys, obviously, and tend to be around our age. We have laughed at the crazy stories we’ve heard about life on the road, some with sexual twists involving the many girls they have throwing themselves at them. As time goes by it seems its happening less and less, seeing that when we first found this roots rock music style we were in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 239 Exam Weeks Monday

Monday, June 13, 2005 I woke up two and a half hours later and got out of bed, missing the inconvenience of having to climb over a girl. I wouldn't be sleeping with Carol until our parents gave their consent, and Ava would presumably be sleeping at her home during exam week. It was going to feel unpleasantly strange sleeping with either Julia or no one, especially the latter option. When I wake up between two girls, I now have a way of getting out of bed that doesn't involve any...

4 years ago
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Just a fantasy

The club was pulsating with music. The bodies swarmed the room dancing to the beat of a pop song. Across the room, I saw him. Our eyes locked together in such a way that the whole world seemed to perish around us. We had been playing this game for a few weeks now. Never making contact but knowing that each other was there. Sauntering over to the bar, I leaned close to the counter but felt his presence beside me a heartbeat. I could feel his eyes scan my body. I didn’t know if appreciation or...

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My Boyfriend doesnt Know Until Now

Hello,I am a Mistress. Call me Kay. I cuck my sweet boyfriend MrCuck when he's away. I also cuck him when he's here but that's a different story. Then I write about it (today it's on this post) and he gets to learn all the juicy details of how I literally screwed him over at the same time as all you other man strokers. Marcus’s profile page is his fav so I know he'll see this soon.I woke up this morning with swaths of dried cum coating my body. Abs, ass, tits, he hit every mark. I didn't know...

4 years ago
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Acting Out Patience

Invalided from the army and the dry heat and horrors of Afghanistan, Dan Mason wondered how many times life was going to kick him in the teeth. First, Janet, his wife, he found had run off to Belgium with a rich businessman. Having to surrender the army house, Dan found a basement flat, two rooms with shower and toilet. A dump really, but weeks of scrubbing and painting made it acceptable.Job hunting proved unsatisfactory. Then, luck, or fate, took a hand. One evening in the local pub, Dan...

Love Stories
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GotMylf Lily Lane Anna Bell Peaks Cash Grass Or Ass

Lily Lane is a stacked milf looking for a ride. She flashes her huge tits at an unsuspecting biker who is instantly ready to scoop her up. Lily ditches her luggage and hops on. They get back to the guys place and he is nice enough to ask if Lily needs a place to stay. She does not have any money, but she has a warm pussy and soft tits to offer up! They begin to fuck dirty style in this guys garage. He is loving every minute of it, until his wife walks in. He was quite lucky though, because his...

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Patriarch Alliance Good Life Great Memories

It is good to be a man Don?t worry about doing great deeds,Worry about doing good ones,History will decide if it is good enough to be great??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Path of Man It is good to be a man. ?????????????? The thought came unexpectedly to Kiki Frings, but he can?t help but agree with it. Hard to argue when you are enjoying life like...

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Losing virginity to to a strange foreigner a beautiful strange foreigner

Just to note - this is the actual account of me losing my virginity. (it's not made up) Also this is the first story I've written so apologies if you don't enjoy it. When I was 16 I went on a school exchange trip to France where you stay at another family's house. My exchange partner had a 20 year old sister, Margaux, who was super hot - worthy, no doubt, of being a model. She walked around in her thick cotton dressing gown a lot, and the combination of its softness and her smooth skin really...

First Time
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I am sitting here, raking my fingers over the dashboard, trying to decide what to do. The unintelligible laughter of children playing down the street is a constant reminder of how exposed I am. My very presence here is a risk, and every minute I stay is another minute someone might notice me parked down the street from her home. Her husband and I don’t know each other all that well. Oh, we are close enough to say ‘Hi’ when our paths cross. I have little doubt he would recognize me in an...

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Teleport Hack

They are used in everyday life, not threatening to the majority of the population, and so ignored as just there. Yet it's complex nature is not understood or else the potential for abuse would make people see it less as a common appliance and more as an invisible potential threat. What we are talking about is the necessary tool on all Starships and other spacecrafts or stations... The Teleportation device. They breakdown the matter of an object, send the molecules and information to another...

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Playtime Stories Ch 5 Best Leather Sales Lady Ev

5. Shopping is not one of my favorite things to do. I still want to get there, find the items, buy them, and leave for home or wherever and use the items. However, I am female enough that I always want to have instant gratification and see how the item really looks on me. A couple of years ago I had just begun to buy good quality “stuff” for my little whore-adventures. I was always awkward doing this because it is kind of embarrassing to buy erotic women’s clothing as a guy when it is...

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