Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 15 free porn video

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"My dear Gronnus, just what was that all about?"

Gronnus returned Freya's cool look with a level one of his own as the two of them stood on the path just outside the gazebo. "Why, whatever do you mean, Freya?"

"Do not play coy with me," she said, a warning tone edging into her voice. "You practically challenged Roquan to a final debate and vote right then and there."

"The other Overlords might have taken me up on it had not that windbag Doran droned on about tradition. What would he know about it!"

"You seem to misunderstand me, Gronnus, and that's a dangerous thing to do."

Gronnus gave Freya an indignant look. "I'm not accustomed to hearing threats from other Overlords."

"It wasn't a threat. It was a promise."

Gronnus said nothing in reply, but instead looked off into the distance, his face stony.

Freya was undeterred. "I do not want this Conclave to end anytime soon. Not until I have what I want."

"I warn you, Freya, I am not going to hold back. I am going to be attempting to sway as many Overlords to our -- excuse me, my -- side as possible."

"Nothing says you cannot do this, Gronnus. Just don't get any ideas in your head about calling for a vote quickly. Not unless you want me to have a change of heart."

Gronnus looked at Freya. "Change of heart? Can I take that to mean that..."

"That I support you?" Freya smirked. "Amazing as it sounds, yes, I do. Roquan is a fool. This has been and is now about that trade agreement and nothing more, even though he cleverly avoids mentioning it. Doran has coached him well on that score, at least."

"And his accusations about the Emperor?"

"The Emperor is indeed playing the part of an even bigger fool than Roquan. However, we shall set him right, as always. We don't need a coup for that."

Gronnus simply gave a small nod of acknowledgment. Sometimes knowing the hard truth was a detriment. Z'haas' actions still grated on him. He deserved to be usurped! Doran was right, in his own way. The Emperor was trampling on centuries of tradition. And yet, here he was supporting it, albeit indirectly. If he succeeded against Roquan, it would be a bitter victory.

He simply had to trust that it was indeed best for Oceanus.

"Now, enough of this," Freya said, pulling Gronnus closer and lowering her voice. "What of the Amanda girl?"

"I would say we will soon see for ourselves, won't we?" Gronnus said with a sly grin.

"That's not what I meant. What was your plan for her, before you shared your information with me?"

"I would simply exercise my right to have her after the Presenting. And encourage as many Overlords as possible to do the same. And as often as possible."

Freya's lips curled into a wicked smile. "So you did have the same idea I did."

"It stands to reason, Freya. A girl that is... as she is... cannot be trained properly. This would be the perfect way to plant the seed among the other Overlords about her."

Her smile faded slightly. "Or perhaps not."

Gronnus frowned at her. "What are you talking about?"

"You really believe that alone will allow the Overlords to leap to the conclusion you wish?"

"I didn't necessarily say that!" Gronnus growled. "But it would make my accusation along those lines more plausible!"

"And you seem to forget that I do not wish that to become an issue any further. It is better that only you and I know."

"Freya, be reasonable about this..."

"No, Gronnus, you are not the one to claim reason. You make such an accusation and manage to make it stick, and I lose my chance to acquire her. That would make me very unhappy. You do not wish me unhappy, now do you?"

She smiled sweetly at him.

Gronnus sighed. "No, I suppose not." He glanced down the path leading back into the Manor proper, just as Roquan and Amanda appeared in the distance. "So you do not wish to stick with the original plan?"

"Oh, no, we will have her, and will we get the others to have her," Freya said with a sly grin. "But I will make sure that I have her more than once."

Gronnus gaped at her. "But that is against tradition! No Overlord has the same Presentee more than once!"

Freya looked bored. "As much as Doran might like it to be, I am simply not such a slave to tradition as he is."

Gronnus sighed in exasperation. "All right, then, why you?"

"So I can make the 'startling revelation' about her and confront Roquan with it. I am sure I can get her to slip. Consider it the first step in breaking her. Oh, and Gronnus? Let me have her first."

"As long as no others claim her as well."

"They will not. I will make my interest in her very clear and they will back off."

Gronnus drew in a deep breath and let it go. He did not care to admit that she was likely quite correct in that assessment. They would indeed defer to her. He loathed Freya for using her gender to gain advantage.

"Come, let's get back inside," Freya said with a smirk. "The show it about to begin."

Amanda forced herself to breathe slowly and deeply as she walked before her Overlord up the path towards the bluff. It managed to keep her from trembling, but did little to stop her heart from pounding. She had to keep herself outwardly calm. Already Roquan had corrected her once just on the way here for clenching her hands behind her back.

Apparently, appearance was everything.

As they approached the end of the path, the top of the gazebo rising into view, Amanda lifted her eyes and fixed them forward. She tried her best to leave within them a look of passivity and calm. She must not show them any fear or willfulness in that gaze. She tried to relax the muscles in her neck and shoulders, so she would appear compliant and submissive.

When she reached the top of the bluff, and she saw the other Overlords for the first time, her composure threatened to unravel. Yet she managed not to hesitate, or betray her brief flicker of shock and panic.

As all eyes turned towards her, she realized a distressing truth. Standing naked before a group of fully clothed, powerful men was a vastly different experience from appearing naked before other naked slaves. The embarrassment she felt over such a thing her first day swept over her again, and her cheeks felt flushed.

She desperately tried to beat down the emotion. She could not let herself blush. Not in front of them. She ultimately avoided it but could not quell the slight quiver that rippled through her body, or the quickening of her breath.

She stepped into the meeting area, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the one anomaly in the room.

It was only now that Amanda was finally given pause. She found her gaze meeting that of Freya D'yros. The female Overlord was looking at her with a sly, secretive smile that made her shudder. The eyes were sultry and predatory. Amanda felt a vague sense of violation from it, and for that brief instant, the old feelings of defiance flashed in her eyes.

Roquan gave the chain just the barest of tugs, but Amanda was already averting her eyes from Freya. Rattled, Amanda let some of her composure slip. She swallowed and had to take a few deep breaths to get herself back into form.

"Stop," Roquan ordered as they reached the back of the room. "Turn."

Amanda took one last quick breath and swiftly turned to face the others.

The shock of all the eyes upon her at once again struck her. She fought it down once more and forced her shoulders to relax. She never felt this vulnerable in her life. She could not get out of her mind the fact that they were scrutinizing her, looking over every detail of her body, evaluating her. Perhaps even lusting after her now.

And then there was Freya. Her eyes seemed to track Amanda like those of a bird of prey, waiting for the right moment. Her lips were curled into a satisfied smile, as if she had spotted something she liked and intended to take. Amanda swallowed again, feeling herself wither under this scrutiny. She finally forced herself to avert her gaze once more.

Roquan removed her chain, but left her in restraints. He stepped back and turned to face the Overlords.

"This is my latest acquisition," Roquan said crisply. "Her name is Amanda. She was brought here from the world called Earth by Sirinna, who serves as her Trainer."

The interest of the Overlords appeared to redouble at the mention of Sirinna's name. Amanda felt the scrutiny intensify. Her hands clenched again behind her despite Roquan's previous warning.

"She has been in training for only two moons, but shows great promise," Roquan continued. "She has shown a great aptitude in pleasing her master sexually, and her obedience and loyalty are unquestioned."

Amanda was a little surprised to hear this praise, but then wondered if this was more like a pitch for a product than anything else. After all, she was essentially property. She belonged to Roquan. She could be sold if Roquan so wished it. That gave him the ultimate control over her. She had to be the good slave for him, or she could be sold to another that would attempt his own "correction" to her training.

"Amanda is also very intelligent, which some of you know I value highly in my slaves. She is also quite sensuous, and can be aroused by the paddle."

Now Amanda could not suppress the light blush that came to her cheeks. She should have expected that he would tell them this. She just had hoped it would not be stated so bluntly.

Roquan paused for a moment, and Amanda half-expected the next words from his mouth to be something along the lines of "What am I bid for her?"

Instead, he said, "I now invite your critique and commentary on my slave."

"Submissiveness, Roquan?"

Amanda's breath caught as her eyes darted over to the source of the voice.

"What of it, Freya?" Roquan asked evenly.

"You did not mention anything about it. Are we to assume this is a problem with her?" Her eyes flicked from the Overlord to the slave. "Even from here, I can see the willfulness in her eyes."

Amanda tried in vain to regain her composure.

"As I have said, she is but two moons into her training," Roquan said smoothly. "It is to be expected that certain things will take longer to train into her."

"I might remind you, Freya," Doran spoke up, "that it is customary to forgive the faults of the Trainee."

Rennis glanced over to Doran in surprise. It was unusual for him to speak out of turn like that. But from the expression on Doran's face, it was clear to Rennis that Doran likely had several frustrating encounters with her over the past moon while attempting to secure her support, and it was finally grating on him. Even he had his limits.

"Oh, most certainly, Doran. I can be quite forgiving of such faults," Freya purred. "If her other skills are up to par."

"After two moons, Freya?" Rennis commented lightly.

"I expect a basic level of competence after that time, yes, Rennis. I am sure it was that way with Sirinna when she was trained. When you used to have her, that is."

Rennis' jaw tightened.

Roquan was close to bristling at this woman as well, but managed to contain himself. Instead, he lapsed into an overly formal manner to show his displeasure with her. "Overlord Freya, I shall state that you will be satisfied with the performance of any of my slaves, Trainee or otherwise. Lest you forget how valued my slaves are in Oceanus."

Doran sighed and looked away. Roquan had been doing so well, and thanks to that insufferable female Overlord, he blew it.

Several of the other Overlords sneered at Roquan's statement. Now he was again in their eyes the upstart Overlord with barely any Clan lineage trying to show the others how to run their trade. The old resentments over the popularity of Roquan's slaves were again brought to the surface.

Roquan now realized this himself. Damn that woman, he thought vehemently.

Amanda sensed a change in tone as well, but did not know what to make of it. She simply remained where she was, and tried to quell the rising anxiety within her.

And Freya knew what had happened as well. Her smile widened. She had scored a victory in another round of battle.

"If I may be the voice of compromise," Gronnus said with a smile and a glance towards Freya. "Perhaps the good Overlord Freya might like to see for herself how well-trained Amanda is."

Amanda's heart raced. That was the last thing she wanted! It had been bad enough with Marisa, but with an Overlord...

Freya cast a gaze that was both calculating and desirous upon Amanda's form. It satisfied her immensely when she perceived the girl's shudder. "Assuming, of course, Roquan offers her to us for our pleasure."

"That is the custom," Roquan stated blandly. "Thus that is my intent. If there are no other comments on her, or contesting claims for her..."

Roquan paused. As Freya had predicted, no one spoke up against her. All had deferred to her.

Roquan's eyes narrowed. "So be it."

He returned to Amanda and lifted the chain. Amanda looked up at him, her eyes wide and pleading. Roquan gave her a stern look, but it was tinged with sympathy. Yet the meaning was clear. She could not waver in this. She had to do what was expected of her. She had to be the good slave.

Amanda forced most of the fear from her mind as the lock was closed and the chain reattached. Roquan gave it a brisk snap and led her over to Freya.

Freya paused, her eyes sliding down Amanda's body. Amanda felt another small shudder go through her at the scrutiny. Finally, Freya lifted a hand almost languidly and let Roquan place the end of the chain into it.

"She is yours as long as you wish her," Roquan said stiffly. "Treat her well."

"I most assuredly intend to," Freya said, licking her lips.

It took all of Amanda's willpower not to cringe.

"Hellfire, Roquan," Doran said with a suffering sigh. "That could not have come at a worse time."

Roquan turned to face Doran and Rennis, stopping them as all three were walking along the path that meandered along the edge of the trees. "I do not want to hear it."

"That was the worst thing you could have mentioned... !"

"I already know what I have done, and I already regret having said it!" Roquan said, his voice threatening to rise to a shout. He paused to calm himself. "I do not need another lecture from you on etiquette. I got quite enough of that from Rennis."

"Hey, leave me out of this," said Rennis. "Anyway, Doran, to be fair, Freya was baiting him."

"Yes, Doran, what of that?" Roquan demanded indignantly. "Why was this Overlord -- this woman -- allowed to make such blatantly insulting statements with no reaction from the others?"

"You just answered your own question."

Roquan peered at Rennis through narrowed eyes. "The others deferred to her simply because she is female?"

"Why is that a new concept with you, Roquan?!" Doran thundered. "Really, you ought to broaden your horizons when it comes to your pick of companions in your bed."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Sometimes you lose a little perspective on the female sex when all you do for your own need is use your slaves."

Roquan blanched at this. Now he was being told his sex life was inadequate as well!

"Really, what's the point of arguing this?" Rennis insisted. "The damage is done. Let's try to fix it, instead of pointing the finger of blame at each other."

Doran sighed. "You're right, of course."

"So what do we do now, Doran?" asked Roquan. "I am looking to you for guidance on this."

Doran glanced around them for a moment. When he spoke again, it was in softer tones. "I believe we may have been fortuitous. I have word that Overlord Trennan D'vard is willing to negotiate. And I don't think he wants slaves, so this may be our chance to pull in an easy vote."

"But I saw him conferring with Gronnus," said Rennis.

Doran was nodding his head impatiently. "Yes, yes, I know, but Trennan never takes the first offer he hears, he always waits for a competing bid. Now, Roquan, I'm going to help you with this one, because I think I have what old Trennan wants."

"Which is?"

"Wine. The more, the better. The man drinks it like water."

Rennis smirked. He had heard some stories about Trennan's love for wine. Sometimes he loved it a little too much.

"And you can offer him this?"

"No, you can offer it. It will come from my Manor, but you make the offer and conclude the deal."

Both Rennis and Roquan nodded. In addition to the normal farmland that most Overlords had near their Manors, Doran maintained a vineyard. Quite a fine vineyard, at least by Oceanus standards. While some foreign brands were superior, Doran's were considered to be in the same league with many of them.

"I seem to recall hearing that you have been having very good luck these past few seasons," Rennis commented.

Doran beamed proudly. "Oh, yes, very good. And I still have stores of very fine wine from last year's harvest. I generally make more platinum selling it on the open market than trading it with these louts."

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Mafia And The Journalist Of Seduction 8211 Part 8 Slutty New Queen

Three men and two women. All naked and wet slept in that room with their hands running towards each other’s privates. The girls had forgotten their mission! The next day morning, Alisha woke up in the chilly cold room, cuddling with three naked men and Nyla. She realized she had forgotten about her mission. Quickly slithering out of their hold, Alisha ran to her jacket and picked up the paper note. Alisha moved towards Nyla, she was sleeping with her face near K’s crotch. They might have had a...

2 years ago
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Ready to Perform Part Two All Crossed Up

Much happened in the next twelve months following that first session with my ex and her new partner: Ann began divorce proceedings which I didn’t contest, I financed myself into another home, and Ann, David and I met for two more sessions of torrid sex. These sessions were pretty much replays of the first, I would first screw Ann thoroughly through at least two climaxes, and then she would watch avidly as I serviced her partner David, playing with herself and having a further orgasm as she...

3 years ago
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I arrived at my friend’s apartment unannounced, late and half dronk. I’d been drinking and after starting to drive home decided I’d better not. Bob’s apartment was in a direct line from where I was to my own place so I stopped to crash on his sofa. I knew where he kept a spare key so I let myself in quietly then settled down to get some sleeep in his front room.I didn’t even know if he was home but it didn’t matter, wouldn’t be the first time he came in and found me in his living-room. After I...

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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 14 Wolf

The phone woke her up. Claire sighed, another night of sleep cut short. She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. "Hello." "Dr. Thompson, it's Colonel Jeffers. We've got an inbound lycanthrope for you." "Oh really? Haven't seen one of those in a while," Claire said. "Okay, I'll meet you there." Of course real werewolves bear little resemblance to the popular Hollywoodized version of the lore (and vampire lore was even more inaccurate). The cryptid shape-shifting gene had...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Ashley Adams Cristi Ann Bridal Bang E10

Ashley Adams’s wedding has finally arrived. The beautiful brunette bride is getting ready with her doting maid of honor, sexy young busty blond Cristi Ann. Everything seems to be ggoing according to plan, hair and make-up is done, the bride is almost dressed and the limo driver is waiting nearby. Little do they realize, things are just about to take a sharp turn toward bondage and sexual disgrace. The bride has trouble squeezing her massive melons into her wedding dress, so the girls seek...

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unexpected visitor

The day is 23rd of September, it's my birthday! just like the usual busy day during the occasion, my friends and other relatives were invited. we drink and party the night. Then, one nice lady visitor name racquel came looking for my nwife, rose, looks like shes having a problem on her husband. She hang for a while with us taking up some beer. But, maybe shes not used drinking because maybe 4 bottles then she cried out like hell and screaming the shit about her husband. I was angry then, I told...

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The Shack a Parable of Wolves

This is Angel’s story from The Shack, I’ve been asked for her story several times, and I hope this is satisfactory. This is very much a companion piece to “Shameless,” and I strongly recommend reading that first. The time period starts just before “Shameless” and ends a year or so after “Behind Blue Eyes.” I don’t typically write graphic sex in this story line and that remains true here. Special thanks to sbrooks103x and Ckcpper for editing and beta reading, and to No1specific for beta reading...

3 years ago
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Three Pieces of SilverChapter 2

Two strangers to the city made their way towards the skyscrapers in the far off distance, following a path they believed would lead them to their sister. They had set out at first light and now with the late afternoon sun beating down on them walked slowly along what use to be one of the most famous streets in the world, Hollywood Boulevard. It remained largely intact and both felt uneasy, surrounded by the old ways of man. The head of some fantastic beast, what Talia had told Luke was once...

3 years ago
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Pirate Era Diary of Anne Breckinridge part 2

(Pirate Era) Diary of Anne Breckinridge part 2 Part II                   The next day I awoke, still a bit flustered and my mind racing at the events of the day prior. I sat about, rather bored reading my book for the second time when I saw a lamp come once more down the stairs. I hid automatically, assuming that it might have been someone else other than the man I had met earlier. The figure moved straight toward my position and I figured it was surely the same fellow. It was...

Love Stories
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The haunted house

Hello i am sonam sharma.i am 22 years old. Mera rang gora chitta hai.meri figure hai 34-28-36. Aur sabh log meri gaand pe apni jaan chidakte hain.main bhi poori chudakad ho chuki hain.itni baar chudi hun ki abh to lund ke bager raha nahin jaata.abh ungli lene se kaam nahin banta…..aaj main aapko ik aisi baat batane jaa rahi hun jo pehli baat to sach hai.doosri ki ye delhi ki hi baat hai.teesri ki isme mujhe sachmuch darr laga tha… aaayiye main aapko apni is aap-biti par roshni daalti...

3 years ago
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Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage chapter

Chapter 4Monday, I called Levant, to talk about everything and how wonderful everything went. I was about explode with excitement, and just had to talk to someone!I felt like I had water poured all over me when Levant answered his phone in a dejected tone of voice. I asked what was wrong. He said, “I am so sorry Kathy. I dropped the ball. The professor is planning to reassign you and Joe to another case worker.”I yelped, “No, why? We did everything perfectly!”He said, “Kathy, it wasn’t you. It...

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My Little Sisters 13th Birthday Remastered

Please note that this is a work of fiction and I do not condone child abuse in the slightest, this story is just meant to titillate the reader This is a remastered version of the original with a little more detail added to give it a little more depth please let me know what you think. INTRO Chris, Are you going to come then? My mum was nagging me to come to my little sisters birthday party, She had just turned 13 and was having a big party with all her friends. OK mum, Sure I will come but I...

1 year ago
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A Step Thru The Looking Glass

A step through the looking glass? This is a story about how a man came to terms with his female side and how through a chance encounter in a bar embarked on a new life. How many would wish for such an event to happen to us! ************************************************** ******************* I stepped through the door and into the bar, it was full, all those business men types you wouldn't usually want to mix with. But today was different. As I walked to the bar, I saw...

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 19 The Snare Is Laid Beware Lupin

The power that had impelled Don Luis to battle and victory was so intense that it suffered, so to speak, no cheek. Disappointment, rage, humiliation, torture, were all swallowed up in an immediate desire for action and information, together with a longing to continue the chase. The rest was but an incident of no importance, which would soon be very simply explained. The petrified taxi-driver was gazing wildly at the peasants coming from the distant farms, attracted by the sound of the...

1 year ago
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Semina Vitae Thirteen

Sunday Morning: The Day AfterMack woke with an urgency to pee. Mary lay beside him. His mind flashed to the night before with her and John. No feelings of regret to be found. This did not surprise him.Yeah, it was unusual but it wasn’t unnatural. The fact that Mary was beside him was proof that she chose him over John and that was all good.He rose quietly and went into the bathroom. The ice bucket and the glasses from last night were on the counter. She had rinsed them. She always felt a need...

2 years ago
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Tear It UpChapter 3

I didn't quite sleep the whole night away, of course. At some time point in the wee hours of the morning, I woke up to hear movement in the kitchen, so I got on my Santa pajamas and found Danielle making herself some warm milk, which often helped her sleep. When she saw me, she tensed up a bit, as if she felt a little guilty, but Lisa had the same habit at times, so I just smiled and pulled my eight-year old daughter to me for a bear hug. Danielle looked up at me and asked me, "Daddy, are...

3 years ago
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Brink of Extinction

No one ever expects or notices a disater until it is too late to save themselves. This was no exception. The virius had been around for decades, lurking silently until it couldn't be stopped. No one had thought it strange when families simply stopped having female children, thinking they were just more prone to having male successors. No one had even cared, as sons were more welcomed than daughters in most societies. No one cared, until it was too late to stop it. As females slowly died off,...

4 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 46 The One That Got Away

At my request, we spent the afternoon playing golf – at least, four of us did. Bud was still in a major hungover mode and stayed behind for some TLC from the oh-so-attentive staff. Doc, being a doctor, had much more course time than the rest of us, but I was the one who lived next to a golf course. So a match teaming Darren and I against Doc and hacker deluxe Chuck made for a good day in the sun for all of us. The course, on the island of Puerto Rico, was next to a fabulous restaurant with...

2 years ago
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I Found My Son 8211 Part 2 Filled The Pot With Son8217s Honey

My God! My son’s dick is so strong, powerful, really big and stouter than any of half a dozen, which I have seen. It is bigger, stronger and prouder than his dad’s. A thought ran in my mind that I must have it in all my holes. “Kanna you are wet, do you want me to rub your back?” I asked. “No mom,” he mumbled. I smiled and came out of the bathroom. I know what he will do now. He is horny looking at his mother’s nakedness and touching the feather smooth body of his mom. He will masturbate now....

3 years ago
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Tho maa aavida

Haai friends this is your madan…… Naa story ki vachichina response thoo continue chesthunnaanu……… Alaaga aa rooju naa friend Nrsng nu pilipnchi mugguram nagnangaa aiyyi modhataga vaadi nallati 9″ balisina 7″ circm moddani maa avida thamakamga cheekuthonte venakaga neenu daani sallu piskutu guddalo naa modda petti denguthunnaa. naa wife vaadi modda ni eshtanga pai dholunu venakki laagi nooti ninda cheekuthundi. Vaadu Kasiga palavaristunnadu, ” Aree MAdan ni pellam baga cheekthundira...

2 years ago
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Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive- It was the time of the year to go gather the cattle and move them down off the mountain for the winter. This was a job that we all knew had to be done every year. Getting up early and being out on the horses until the job was done could be for a long day, all which I was not looking forward to. Seven in the morning, got the horses loaded in the trailer, mom rushing our lunches out to us as we got ready to take off. Steve would pull the horse trailer with his pickup with Dad and...

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An Unwanted Gift


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Bath with Rekha aunty

This is in continuation to the earlier post about Rekha and me – for those who missed out on the first one, this is the true story about my first sexual encounters – I was about 15 then and Rekha was 26 if I remember correctly. The story happens in one of the smaller towns in India. Those details hardly matter. Some people wrote back asking me to describe her. Based on my memory her stats would be 35 – 30 – 32. Fair , with long black hair to her hips. Usually used to wear suits at home and...

2 years ago
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The Double Date That Didnt EndChapter 3 Operation White Christmas

SHANE "Say my name," she cooed, teasingly lowering her fingers to spread apart the slick, wet lips of her cunt. No man could resist an invitation like that. With my painfully erect cock leading the way, I crawled across the bed, mounted her naked body, and slid myself effortlessly inside. Her exquisitely hot gash gripped me like a vice. My hands fell to her full, shuddering breasts, and I held on for dear life as I fucked her—harder and harder—no longer in control of my own actions,...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Demi Diveena Boner For Stepmom

Demi Diveena was hanging out at the pool with her stepson Diego Perez. Her lovely body was wrapped in a cheetah print bikini. The sun was shining. It was hot. They needed some sunblock to not get burned. She asked Diego to put some sunblock on her. When it was her turn to put sunblock on him she noticed he had a boner. He explained it was because he thought she was hot. She thought that was a natural thing that a boy would have a crush on his stepmom. But she was still worried that he might get...

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PurgatoryX Maya Woulfe Avery Black Hazel Moore Birthday Girlz Vol 1 E2

Three best friends (Hazel Moore, Maya Woulfe, Avery Black) plan on going out to celebrate Hazel’s birthday. But before they go out, Maya & Avery surprise Hazel with a birthday cupcake. Hazel makes her wish and blows out the candle. In a puff of smoke, her wish (Isiah Maxwell) magically appears in all his glory. What‘s better than having your birthday wish come true? Sharing it with your friends, of course! This fun-loving trio of babe’s goes-to-town on Isiah’s big black cock; sucking and...

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A Submissives Birthday

RebeccaYes, it’s that time of year. My birthday. My day off. Normally, my master would just be that little more considerate by lavishing me with a present; usually a new type of butt plug or nipple clamp, a collar even, but sometimes with a meal out, somewhere posh. This year, he has chosen to try something completely different.I’m not sure what compelled him to do this, but it goes against the grain and I find myself in a quandary. I may just be a total air-head, but I’m finding it...

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The Bordunes Chapter 2

Chapter Two Rose O’Toole Part 1 Dark circles shadowed Rose O’Toole’s green eyes. Three worrisome weeks at a boarding house in New York’s notorious Five Points section left Rose with fingernails gnawed down to nubs. On that April morn, she tied her long, auburn hair into a neat bun, bundled her few possessions in a sack and bid farewell to the boarding house, praying never to return. The streets of New York stank of such rot and disease that Rose feared that even if she scrubbed her skin raw...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 3 Planting the Seeds

Sofia led them out into the main halls of the library. A podium of her own had been parked up against the railing. She dismissed it with a wave of her hand. Seconds later, a full floating platform arrived, easily ten by twelve feet, with a small coffee table in the middle surrounded by comfortable looking chairs. “Uh...” Mike stared at the platform. It didn’t even have rails. Sofia and Tink walked onto it without a second thought, but Mike hesitated. He had to fight every fiber of panic in...

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Sex in the train

It was a pretty hot early summer day, I was returning from a short visit to some relatives in a out of town. Still a student, I didn't have a car, so I had to take the train back home. I embarked, I quickly found my compartment. An older lady was was there alone, and needless to say, she was dying for some company. In about 15 minutes, I learned all about her family history, her 6 nephews and 4 grandc***dren. "Quite e prolific family she has...I wonder how hot she was when she was young" I...

4 years ago
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Bake ShopChapter 12

“You have definitely created a spectacular building for me,” Chris Shatto says, leaving the elevator right behind Rory. “Not only is it the tallest in the city, but the one that stands out the most.” “Thank you,” Rory ways with a blush. “But it seems that whoever was your interior decorator outshined me.” “Yes, it is quite remarkable,” the man admits. “What is remarkable is that jungle floor you have going on,” the woman counters. “I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of something like that...

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My Private Dancer Part 1

There's this club in town that I frequent from time to time. It has everything that you would expect to find at a strip club; loud music, scores of gorgeous nude women, free-flowing booze, and other staples of decadence. It is one of the classier establishments around, with a cover charge of $50 just to get in the door. I have always left this place feeling quite satisfied with my experiences there and looking forward to returning, especially after my most recent visit. Prior to my last visit...

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Village Idiot

My father had called me an idiot from the day I was born. I’m not even sure that he knew my real name. The thing was that I wasn’t an idiot at all I actually got very good grades in school. I was just shy and sort of clumsy that’s all. As I hit puberty Mindy the preverbal girl next door used to tell me that my village had called and that they wanted their idiot back. That was just about the time that the Village People were singing YMCA and In The Navy. Mindy often teased me about...

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