Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 15 free porn video

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"My dear Gronnus, just what was that all about?"

Gronnus returned Freya's cool look with a level one of his own as the two of them stood on the path just outside the gazebo. "Why, whatever do you mean, Freya?"

"Do not play coy with me," she said, a warning tone edging into her voice. "You practically challenged Roquan to a final debate and vote right then and there."

"The other Overlords might have taken me up on it had not that windbag Doran droned on about tradition. What would he know about it!"

"You seem to misunderstand me, Gronnus, and that's a dangerous thing to do."

Gronnus gave Freya an indignant look. "I'm not accustomed to hearing threats from other Overlords."

"It wasn't a threat. It was a promise."

Gronnus said nothing in reply, but instead looked off into the distance, his face stony.

Freya was undeterred. "I do not want this Conclave to end anytime soon. Not until I have what I want."

"I warn you, Freya, I am not going to hold back. I am going to be attempting to sway as many Overlords to our -- excuse me, my -- side as possible."

"Nothing says you cannot do this, Gronnus. Just don't get any ideas in your head about calling for a vote quickly. Not unless you want me to have a change of heart."

Gronnus looked at Freya. "Change of heart? Can I take that to mean that..."

"That I support you?" Freya smirked. "Amazing as it sounds, yes, I do. Roquan is a fool. This has been and is now about that trade agreement and nothing more, even though he cleverly avoids mentioning it. Doran has coached him well on that score, at least."

"And his accusations about the Emperor?"

"The Emperor is indeed playing the part of an even bigger fool than Roquan. However, we shall set him right, as always. We don't need a coup for that."

Gronnus simply gave a small nod of acknowledgment. Sometimes knowing the hard truth was a detriment. Z'haas' actions still grated on him. He deserved to be usurped! Doran was right, in his own way. The Emperor was trampling on centuries of tradition. And yet, here he was supporting it, albeit indirectly. If he succeeded against Roquan, it would be a bitter victory.

He simply had to trust that it was indeed best for Oceanus.

"Now, enough of this," Freya said, pulling Gronnus closer and lowering her voice. "What of the Amanda girl?"

"I would say we will soon see for ourselves, won't we?" Gronnus said with a sly grin.

"That's not what I meant. What was your plan for her, before you shared your information with me?"

"I would simply exercise my right to have her after the Presenting. And encourage as many Overlords as possible to do the same. And as often as possible."

Freya's lips curled into a wicked smile. "So you did have the same idea I did."

"It stands to reason, Freya. A girl that is... as she is... cannot be trained properly. This would be the perfect way to plant the seed among the other Overlords about her."

Her smile faded slightly. "Or perhaps not."

Gronnus frowned at her. "What are you talking about?"

"You really believe that alone will allow the Overlords to leap to the conclusion you wish?"

"I didn't necessarily say that!" Gronnus growled. "But it would make my accusation along those lines more plausible!"

"And you seem to forget that I do not wish that to become an issue any further. It is better that only you and I know."

"Freya, be reasonable about this..."

"No, Gronnus, you are not the one to claim reason. You make such an accusation and manage to make it stick, and I lose my chance to acquire her. That would make me very unhappy. You do not wish me unhappy, now do you?"

She smiled sweetly at him.

Gronnus sighed. "No, I suppose not." He glanced down the path leading back into the Manor proper, just as Roquan and Amanda appeared in the distance. "So you do not wish to stick with the original plan?"

"Oh, no, we will have her, and will we get the others to have her," Freya said with a sly grin. "But I will make sure that I have her more than once."

Gronnus gaped at her. "But that is against tradition! No Overlord has the same Presentee more than once!"

Freya looked bored. "As much as Doran might like it to be, I am simply not such a slave to tradition as he is."

Gronnus sighed in exasperation. "All right, then, why you?"

"So I can make the 'startling revelation' about her and confront Roquan with it. I am sure I can get her to slip. Consider it the first step in breaking her. Oh, and Gronnus? Let me have her first."

"As long as no others claim her as well."

"They will not. I will make my interest in her very clear and they will back off."

Gronnus drew in a deep breath and let it go. He did not care to admit that she was likely quite correct in that assessment. They would indeed defer to her. He loathed Freya for using her gender to gain advantage.

"Come, let's get back inside," Freya said with a smirk. "The show it about to begin."

Amanda forced herself to breathe slowly and deeply as she walked before her Overlord up the path towards the bluff. It managed to keep her from trembling, but did little to stop her heart from pounding. She had to keep herself outwardly calm. Already Roquan had corrected her once just on the way here for clenching her hands behind her back.

Apparently, appearance was everything.

As they approached the end of the path, the top of the gazebo rising into view, Amanda lifted her eyes and fixed them forward. She tried her best to leave within them a look of passivity and calm. She must not show them any fear or willfulness in that gaze. She tried to relax the muscles in her neck and shoulders, so she would appear compliant and submissive.

When she reached the top of the bluff, and she saw the other Overlords for the first time, her composure threatened to unravel. Yet she managed not to hesitate, or betray her brief flicker of shock and panic.

As all eyes turned towards her, she realized a distressing truth. Standing naked before a group of fully clothed, powerful men was a vastly different experience from appearing naked before other naked slaves. The embarrassment she felt over such a thing her first day swept over her again, and her cheeks felt flushed.

She desperately tried to beat down the emotion. She could not let herself blush. Not in front of them. She ultimately avoided it but could not quell the slight quiver that rippled through her body, or the quickening of her breath.

She stepped into the meeting area, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the one anomaly in the room.

It was only now that Amanda was finally given pause. She found her gaze meeting that of Freya D'yros. The female Overlord was looking at her with a sly, secretive smile that made her shudder. The eyes were sultry and predatory. Amanda felt a vague sense of violation from it, and for that brief instant, the old feelings of defiance flashed in her eyes.

Roquan gave the chain just the barest of tugs, but Amanda was already averting her eyes from Freya. Rattled, Amanda let some of her composure slip. She swallowed and had to take a few deep breaths to get herself back into form.

"Stop," Roquan ordered as they reached the back of the room. "Turn."

Amanda took one last quick breath and swiftly turned to face the others.

The shock of all the eyes upon her at once again struck her. She fought it down once more and forced her shoulders to relax. She never felt this vulnerable in her life. She could not get out of her mind the fact that they were scrutinizing her, looking over every detail of her body, evaluating her. Perhaps even lusting after her now.

And then there was Freya. Her eyes seemed to track Amanda like those of a bird of prey, waiting for the right moment. Her lips were curled into a satisfied smile, as if she had spotted something she liked and intended to take. Amanda swallowed again, feeling herself wither under this scrutiny. She finally forced herself to avert her gaze once more.

Roquan removed her chain, but left her in restraints. He stepped back and turned to face the Overlords.

"This is my latest acquisition," Roquan said crisply. "Her name is Amanda. She was brought here from the world called Earth by Sirinna, who serves as her Trainer."

The interest of the Overlords appeared to redouble at the mention of Sirinna's name. Amanda felt the scrutiny intensify. Her hands clenched again behind her despite Roquan's previous warning.

"She has been in training for only two moons, but shows great promise," Roquan continued. "She has shown a great aptitude in pleasing her master sexually, and her obedience and loyalty are unquestioned."

Amanda was a little surprised to hear this praise, but then wondered if this was more like a pitch for a product than anything else. After all, she was essentially property. She belonged to Roquan. She could be sold if Roquan so wished it. That gave him the ultimate control over her. She had to be the good slave for him, or she could be sold to another that would attempt his own "correction" to her training.

"Amanda is also very intelligent, which some of you know I value highly in my slaves. She is also quite sensuous, and can be aroused by the paddle."

Now Amanda could not suppress the light blush that came to her cheeks. She should have expected that he would tell them this. She just had hoped it would not be stated so bluntly.

Roquan paused for a moment, and Amanda half-expected the next words from his mouth to be something along the lines of "What am I bid for her?"

Instead, he said, "I now invite your critique and commentary on my slave."

"Submissiveness, Roquan?"

Amanda's breath caught as her eyes darted over to the source of the voice.

"What of it, Freya?" Roquan asked evenly.

"You did not mention anything about it. Are we to assume this is a problem with her?" Her eyes flicked from the Overlord to the slave. "Even from here, I can see the willfulness in her eyes."

Amanda tried in vain to regain her composure.

"As I have said, she is but two moons into her training," Roquan said smoothly. "It is to be expected that certain things will take longer to train into her."

"I might remind you, Freya," Doran spoke up, "that it is customary to forgive the faults of the Trainee."

Rennis glanced over to Doran in surprise. It was unusual for him to speak out of turn like that. But from the expression on Doran's face, it was clear to Rennis that Doran likely had several frustrating encounters with her over the past moon while attempting to secure her support, and it was finally grating on him. Even he had his limits.

"Oh, most certainly, Doran. I can be quite forgiving of such faults," Freya purred. "If her other skills are up to par."

"After two moons, Freya?" Rennis commented lightly.

"I expect a basic level of competence after that time, yes, Rennis. I am sure it was that way with Sirinna when she was trained. When you used to have her, that is."

Rennis' jaw tightened.

Roquan was close to bristling at this woman as well, but managed to contain himself. Instead, he lapsed into an overly formal manner to show his displeasure with her. "Overlord Freya, I shall state that you will be satisfied with the performance of any of my slaves, Trainee or otherwise. Lest you forget how valued my slaves are in Oceanus."

Doran sighed and looked away. Roquan had been doing so well, and thanks to that insufferable female Overlord, he blew it.

Several of the other Overlords sneered at Roquan's statement. Now he was again in their eyes the upstart Overlord with barely any Clan lineage trying to show the others how to run their trade. The old resentments over the popularity of Roquan's slaves were again brought to the surface.

Roquan now realized this himself. Damn that woman, he thought vehemently.

Amanda sensed a change in tone as well, but did not know what to make of it. She simply remained where she was, and tried to quell the rising anxiety within her.

And Freya knew what had happened as well. Her smile widened. She had scored a victory in another round of battle.

"If I may be the voice of compromise," Gronnus said with a smile and a glance towards Freya. "Perhaps the good Overlord Freya might like to see for herself how well-trained Amanda is."

Amanda's heart raced. That was the last thing she wanted! It had been bad enough with Marisa, but with an Overlord...

Freya cast a gaze that was both calculating and desirous upon Amanda's form. It satisfied her immensely when she perceived the girl's shudder. "Assuming, of course, Roquan offers her to us for our pleasure."

"That is the custom," Roquan stated blandly. "Thus that is my intent. If there are no other comments on her, or contesting claims for her..."

Roquan paused. As Freya had predicted, no one spoke up against her. All had deferred to her.

Roquan's eyes narrowed. "So be it."

He returned to Amanda and lifted the chain. Amanda looked up at him, her eyes wide and pleading. Roquan gave her a stern look, but it was tinged with sympathy. Yet the meaning was clear. She could not waver in this. She had to do what was expected of her. She had to be the good slave.

Amanda forced most of the fear from her mind as the lock was closed and the chain reattached. Roquan gave it a brisk snap and led her over to Freya.

Freya paused, her eyes sliding down Amanda's body. Amanda felt another small shudder go through her at the scrutiny. Finally, Freya lifted a hand almost languidly and let Roquan place the end of the chain into it.

"She is yours as long as you wish her," Roquan said stiffly. "Treat her well."

"I most assuredly intend to," Freya said, licking her lips.

It took all of Amanda's willpower not to cringe.

"Hellfire, Roquan," Doran said with a suffering sigh. "That could not have come at a worse time."

Roquan turned to face Doran and Rennis, stopping them as all three were walking along the path that meandered along the edge of the trees. "I do not want to hear it."

"That was the worst thing you could have mentioned... !"

"I already know what I have done, and I already regret having said it!" Roquan said, his voice threatening to rise to a shout. He paused to calm himself. "I do not need another lecture from you on etiquette. I got quite enough of that from Rennis."

"Hey, leave me out of this," said Rennis. "Anyway, Doran, to be fair, Freya was baiting him."

"Yes, Doran, what of that?" Roquan demanded indignantly. "Why was this Overlord -- this woman -- allowed to make such blatantly insulting statements with no reaction from the others?"

"You just answered your own question."

Roquan peered at Rennis through narrowed eyes. "The others deferred to her simply because she is female?"

"Why is that a new concept with you, Roquan?!" Doran thundered. "Really, you ought to broaden your horizons when it comes to your pick of companions in your bed."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Sometimes you lose a little perspective on the female sex when all you do for your own need is use your slaves."

Roquan blanched at this. Now he was being told his sex life was inadequate as well!

"Really, what's the point of arguing this?" Rennis insisted. "The damage is done. Let's try to fix it, instead of pointing the finger of blame at each other."

Doran sighed. "You're right, of course."

"So what do we do now, Doran?" asked Roquan. "I am looking to you for guidance on this."

Doran glanced around them for a moment. When he spoke again, it was in softer tones. "I believe we may have been fortuitous. I have word that Overlord Trennan D'vard is willing to negotiate. And I don't think he wants slaves, so this may be our chance to pull in an easy vote."

"But I saw him conferring with Gronnus," said Rennis.

Doran was nodding his head impatiently. "Yes, yes, I know, but Trennan never takes the first offer he hears, he always waits for a competing bid. Now, Roquan, I'm going to help you with this one, because I think I have what old Trennan wants."

"Which is?"

"Wine. The more, the better. The man drinks it like water."

Rennis smirked. He had heard some stories about Trennan's love for wine. Sometimes he loved it a little too much.

"And you can offer him this?"

"No, you can offer it. It will come from my Manor, but you make the offer and conclude the deal."

Both Rennis and Roquan nodded. In addition to the normal farmland that most Overlords had near their Manors, Doran maintained a vineyard. Quite a fine vineyard, at least by Oceanus standards. While some foreign brands were superior, Doran's were considered to be in the same league with many of them.

"I seem to recall hearing that you have been having very good luck these past few seasons," Rennis commented.

Doran beamed proudly. "Oh, yes, very good. And I still have stores of very fine wine from last year's harvest. I generally make more platinum selling it on the open market than trading it with these louts."

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As I awoke I found I was sweaty and naked; and hugging a big brown dog! I was feeling real groggy after experiencing the most bizarre dream of my life! But as I struggled from my ‘doped’ slumber I faced another freaky event. I found Amanda tending me in an unfamiliar room! Amanda Panders was an agency teacher at school; who had recently been assigned to our six-form class for biology lessons! I’d developed a crush on her from the start. She wore her long flaxen hair in a French twist;...

4 years ago
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My fantasy of being bound and Spanked comes true

It was a Saturday night and my boyfriend invited me over to his house. "My parents aren't home," he confirmed. I could feel the heat rising between my legs. "I'll be right over." I hung up the phone and quickly jumped into my car. Now I don't consider myself extremely hot, but I'm 5"4 with short brown hair, 36D breasts and a bit of an ass. He is 5"10 with a slim muscular body, and the yummiest looking 8 inch cock I'd ever seen and couldn't wait to ride. "Hey," he said opening the door to his...

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Secret lover

"Great." she thought to herself.  "I am naked, tied to a bed, and blindfolded, what happened?" She tried to remember, but her pill was not helping any. "Good, your awake." a deep voice whispered in her ear.  She started to feel her juices flow, as if the sound of his voice somehow opened the gate. "Who are you?" Lynn asked turning to where the voice came from. She waited but no answer came, another breeze came across her body causing the goose bumps to rise on her skin.  She...

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DDFBusty Rachael Cavalli Busty Blonde Makes Him Bust A Nut

We know that Rachael Cavalli’s premiere on DDFBUSTY is going to get you creaming, so get yourself ready for a messy few minutes with this saucy sexy newcomer. Our blonde glamour model has Van Wyld at her home doing some repairs, and the horny MILF is caught spying on the unsuspecting serviceman as he showers at her house after his job is done. Get into their hot and hardcore encounter with us as we take our 4K premium porn cameras into the livingroom where the busty American is pussy...

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Kaamwali Ke Sath Chudai Ki Party

Hello dosto, myself Prem from Delhi (faridabsd) or meri age 26 years hai and meri email id() hai.Or thanks apne meri pichli story padi or mujhe email pe response diya abhi tak mujhe 800 email aa chuke hai or maine sabhi ko reply kiya or bahut si females ko satisfy bhi kiya.Accha dosto main apni story per ata hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab main office ke kaam se 10 din ke liye banglore gaya hua tha. Wahan per office ki taraf se mere liye ek room book kiya gaya.Room kisi hotel main nahi tha wo wahan...

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Babysitter Hubby 2

Aunt Pat seemed child like for a moment almost like she was one of us. The way she begged him & rubbed her body on him to gain the favor. He obliged. She jumped onto the bed lying on her back & wiggled herself under the powder. She opened her legs & said that she wanted to be sprinkled down there we all giggled. He said we should all get sprinkled down there. Pat said it was ok & told us to open up & he sprinkled us. Then she pulled him to her, whispered something to him & they kissed. She...

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it was her bday

It was her birthday, and I was his gift, given by his wife, who had visited my blog and signed my service. My only request was that he awaits me in the motel white boxer briefs. When I arrived, with a langerrie black mask and eye with a whip in his hand, opened the door and commanded that he would k** birthday kiss my feet, but ... four, walking like a dog, but not anyone else, he was my dog, and he came slowly creeping four, and stopped in front of me, I ordered him lick my feet. I gave him a...

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Katrina Ch 0102

This story is seven chapters. I will be posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. Hopefully every two days. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. Chapter 1: My name is Katrina but my friends and family have always called me Trina. I want to tell you about my life and the mistakes I’ve made, maybe some of you can learn from my experiences. I can tell you right now that I’ll be called every name in the book by some readers. Maybe I deserve it, time will tell...

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B Movie BabefestChapter 3

The communication device had worked better than anyone could have expected. Capt Fin and her team had been pushing the boundaries of telepathic communication these last few years, the final result been the device in front of them. It was designed for transmitting thoughts more than actual words, hopefully spanning any language barrier. And the response had been almost instant. Crouched defensively, the armour shelled bug had come to within ten feet of the shield its antennae waving, mouth...

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Shes The Master Part 1 of 2

Introduction: Jason gets set to take his sister Jessica to spit master class at Dolcet U but one things leads to another and Jessica gose poseing as Jason instead. Shes The Master Story: #37 Copyright 2006 Written: April 27 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ NOTE: the main idea for this story came from the movie Shes The Man a movie about a girl who goes to school posing as her...

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NubileFilms Alecia Fox Sexual Encounter

Back from a day of school, Alecia Fox is just climbing the stairs to her room when she runs into Jason X. She’s not sure how to handle herself, but Jason knows what to do with a hot girl like Alecia. He palms her breasts and brings her in for a kiss so he can cup her ass. Then he urges her down onto her knees so she can give him a BJ right there on the stairs. Hungry for more, the couple relocates to Alecia’s room. She continues to suck him off as he enjoys the feel of her hot...

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The Politicians Wife

For decades Brenda Thaxton had been a fiercely loyal political wife, putting her husband's ambition above everything else. She thought time had passed her by, but now she was about to get it all back thanks to the amazing powers of a man named Frank Becker. THE POLITICIAN'S WIFE by BobH (c) 2019. - 1 - What is it with Americans and royalty? We fought a war to be free of the British crown, yet many of us remain fascinated by kings and...

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Generation Gap in Poetical Prose

I am just a man. Yes, I am tall and I am "built" so the young woman said.. But, I really don't think that I am that great looking, average looks, perhaps. So, why are young women attracted to me? I can honestly say "I have no idea!" Beauty, sexiness and sex are in the eyes of the beholder.“I’ve waited all day, ”She said, “What kept you anyway?” She sat on my sofa with a pout, Early I guess her classes were out. “I do work from time to time,” said I, “But now you are mine,” she chimed, The pout...

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SexArt Lia Lin Warm Vibes

Stunning brunette Lia Lin is kissing her lover passionately, as Andrej Lupin’s erotic movie “Warm Vibes” begins. Matthew Meier grabs the petite Asian beauty’s perfect ass, then tugs her skimpy panties aside and strokes her shaved pussy, making her gasp and arch her back. He licks her to an intense orgasm and she’s eager to reciprocate, lapping at his stiff cock and sucking it sensuously. Now Matthew penetrates his sweetheart in missionary, fucking her with steady thrusts as she...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 167

A 90 year old man finally gets to see a doctor. The doctor asks him to explain the problem. The man says he wants the Dr. to lower his sex drive. The doctor is taken aback a bit but finally asks the man, just how old are you? The man answers I am 90. The doctor, still a little confused says “you are 90, and you want your sex drive lowered?” “Yes,” said the man, “it’s all in my head and I want you to lower it.” For his birthday, little Johnny asked for a 10-speed bicycle. His father...

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The Preachers Wife Chapter One First Affair

Naked, Maggie stood in front of the floor length mirror in her bedroom. "Fifteen years," she said to herself. "Fifteen years ago today I graduated from high school. The class of 1969."She looked critically at herself. She was still slender and was more attractive than she had been in high school with character lines making an ordinary face interesting. Her breasts were small. Her nipples were no longer rosy red tips but were now brownish and wrinkled, the consequence of having given birth to...

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Beth and Katie A Dialogue

B: Please be gentle, I've got very sensitive skin. Even the slightest touch can reduce me to a giggling mound of jelly! K: Hmm ... well that's just asking for trouble as far as I'm concerned. I think I may have to use just the tip of my tongue on your nipple ... I would definitely like to see how that turns out! B: No Katie, that's not fair. I'll explode if you touch me there! K: Oh well, in that case ... I want you to remove your bra, put your hands above your head while I tie them to...

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All American BoyChapter 53

“Rick, this is Marc Crosby, my senior supervisor. His dad is the store manager and Marc is the top team leader in sales and promotions. “Marc, meet Rick Dalton.” “Good to meet you, Marc. You’re a junior in high school and you’ve already made senior supervisor in sales here?” “Yes and believe me, Dad makes sure I work harder than anyone here too. I knew who you were before Gage told me your name. Everyone in school knows who Rick Dalton is. You’re my grandfather’s hero too, Rick, just in...

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Isolated with Tommys step mom 6

Lora and I just laid around most of the day not doing much of anything other then enjoying each others company. I know we only just got together a short time before but, at just a look we seem to know what each other was thinking. We made supper together, and when I was looking in the fridge I was a can of whipping cream, and my first thought was I know what's for desert. Lora seen what I was holding and just shook her head but, had a smile at the same time. After we ate we went into the living...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 59

Immediately upon entering the fitting room, Olivia dropped to her knees and lifted Gina’s skirt. For a minute she just sat savoring the scent in the vicinity – Gina had been marinating for awhile, and the smell that lingered around her was like smoked salmon coated in honey.Olivia picked up a pair of slinky white panties and helped Gina step into them. She pulled them into place and leaned back to admire how they looked, then took hold of them and began to work the crotch up into Gina’s slit....

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Awoken Part One

I woke suddenly, I’d felt something on my arm and when I opened my eyes I was startled to find someone vaguely familiar standing over my bed. She was stunning, red hair the colour of Dawn, eyes as green as emeralds, skin as pale as the moonlight streaming through my window, with a delicious spray of freckles, cheeks as sharp as a knife, a nose that would be the envy of any Hellenistic Sculptor, and a chin with a dimple that was so innocent yet held danger. However what held my attention about...

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I Left My Heart and Her Vibrator in San FranciscoChapter 9

San Francisco International Airport, Friday Once we arrived, Molly Anne had to go off to a company waiting area. Vanessa and I would have a couple of hours to kill, so we went to the airline's VIP club. "Victor, I'm glad we've got this quiet time -- a good opportunity to reflect and share without getting wild. I'd like to tell you some things that I learned. Please tell me about your insights." "Sorry to the training of the nuns, but my inner slut is out and isn't going to go back...

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Rendezvous IIChapter 23

Hairy Good lord, back in class again. Although I’d never stopped learning now I was getting educated. There is a difference. Learning usually happens because I survived. Survival is generally accompanied by sweat, blood and tears ... sometimes feces and urine feature prominently. “I Told you so,” is frequently heard. I hate that part. Educated has instructors and books. Books seldom cause blood ... except a paper cut or two. I never was very good at math and flying has math. At least...

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Camping Out

It’s a super hot and sticky day. Late Friday afternoon in fact. Humidity hangs like a blanket in the air but the sun is finally sinking to the horizon. There is not a breath of wind anywhere or a cloud in the sky, so even just sitting down doing nothing makes the sweat trickle off us both. I’m sitting on a log surveying our surroundings and waiting for the sun to disappear, when hopefully there will be at least a little relief from the stifling heat. You are opposite me, also sitting on a log....

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boots bound all day

Boots bound all dayIn my pursuit for sexual satisfaction i was looking for some fun and tried a local dating forum, i was advertising myself as a sexy cross dressing sub who is disabled, i had a few hello’s and some who were curious about me and my disability, i had 3 pics on the site, one of just my high heel boots and the two others of me in my spandex leggings,boots and gloves and fetish hood.I had a couple of messages from this guy called simon he was a straight guy nice and slim, and he...

3 years ago
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Only needs to say YES

I met her here one day when a casual "hello" was sent to her. She had caught my attention through her personal profile. I sensed that she was prime, made to be owned, used and a worshipper of her lover.We began the usual chat but something clicked as she realized that at the other end of the keyboard was someone that could satisfy her cravings...The conversation turned to what many consider primal: a Man overpowering His female and regarded by many as BDSM.Fact is that in our times, the...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 5155 of 61

CHAPTER FIFTY ONE There is certainly a different feeling to the Palace under the new rule. Politics is always politics but the threat of death, or worse, has been lifted. That brings a new set of challenges, ones that the Witches Council seems incapable of dealing with. They all mean well but good intentions will not feed the horse. They are too divided to truly rule this world and they fail to inspire the kind of loyalty needed among both the people and the Queen's Guard. There is no...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 23 The Auction

James was rather upset that everything had devolved like that. For starters, why did he react like that? He’d never been so touchy about such things before. Normally he would have just let it slide for now and make a note to take his own back later. Then a sudden thought hit him. “Oh no!” he mumbled. He then closed his eyes and entered his spirit realm. When he appeared in his realm, he started looking everywhere. He even separated his lightning nucleus and plasma whirlwind. After a while,...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XV

Alistair cleaned as Jeff and Julie lay kissing and cuddling. From time to time he would look up at them. It was difficult watching her responding to his kisses and stroking Jeff’s cock at the same time. She was preparing Jeff for another bout of sex while he cleared away the remnants of two earlier fucks. He was also preparing her for sex again. Julie soon got to the point of orgasm, and when she did, she pulled away from Jeff and lay back to let Alistair finish her off. She screamed, writhed...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 2

I was mucking out the barn. Not a job I enjoyed, but necessary. Suzy had announced at breakfast that today was a cleanup day, and the division of labor, outside was mine. Inside was hers. She also made sure to clarify that the barn and specifically the stables were outdoors. I’d seen a movie once where the star said that he didn’t mind the fragrances of nature. He also didn’t have to clean those horse stalls. It was just after 13:00, and I was finishing up. I was looking forward to a short...

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Total Woman Clinic 04

Ned heard footsteps coming across the padded floor. An Oriental woman approached. ‘Hello, Syd. I am Fujiko, the aerobics therapist here at Total Woman Clinic. I see you have completed muscle strength and toning sessions. I will teach you balance, control and stamina. Let’s start with some warmups. Follow me.’ Fujiko began a jogging circuit of the room. Syd followed, admiring the fit butt dancing in the silky shorts. Soon Syd was warmed up but had lost some breath with the exertion. Running...

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Threesome 8211 Me Mom Maid

Hello guys and ladies I am Vikram back again with another story. I got great responses on my previous story “fucked mom by saving her from horny grandpa” u can follow this link for the story But I received lesser or almost no emails from any women which is a bit saddening. For those who don’t know me I am Vikram, 19 yrs old studying in Sybcom in Mumbai and more interested in older women above 35 yrs of age. Here I am with a story that will interest all. As I told u all earlier, I and my mom...

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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

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