A Guy and His 64 Trio Training
- 2 years ago
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"This saga I had from Thorfinn Fairhair, who sailed with Leif the Lucky when he was but a boy of sixteen summers. Mighty were those men who followed the whale's path to Vinland the Good. Thorfinn is old now and in his dotage but his eye still brightens and his sinews stiffen whenever this story is told. If it please you, Lords, I will recount the tale.
Now it happened that there was a man of Eyrar, in Iceland, named Biarni Heriulfson. It was Biarni's habit to spend one season trading and the next with his father, who had settled in Greenland with Erik the Red. This one year, the fourth of Olaf's reign, Biarni sailed from Eyrar bound for Heriulfsness. They had sailed but three days when the wind turned to the north and clouds covered the sun. Bitter was that wind and it blew stouthearted Biarni beyond the ken of men. Biarni's crew were much afraid and neither the sunstone nor the sunshadow-board could help them. This Biarni was a man of valour and through those desolate days he stood by the styri and guided them ever on, past mountains made of ice until, at length, the welcome sun burst through once more and they could discover their position.
Biarni steered them ever westwards until they sighted land. It was in Biarni's mind to sail close to this land, which was much wooded, but they saw no place to land. He sailed onwards for another day and they discovered another land with white beaches that promised fair, but this was no more like Greenland than the first. Biarni would not beach the knarr nor allow his crew to go ashore for wood and water, both of which he had in plenty. Instead, he ordered them to turn their faces to the east and, after several days of sailing and the finding of two more unknown lands, came safe once more to Heriulfsness. And thus it was that Leif Eriksson, whom men now call 'the lucky, ' first came to hear of that far off place beyond the western sea..."
Leif Eriksson stood on a bale of wool and raised his voice to carry to the back of the crowd gathered in front of him.
"As many of you know, I plan another voyage. I have bought a knarr from Biarni Heriulfson - that same knarr that Biarni sailed beyond where the sun sets to a strange land. It is in my mind to see that place and harvest some of the timber Biarni saw growing in plenty. Are there men among you who would voyage with me?"
The crowd murmured and a few questions were shouted. Leif answered them directly, in plain speech, for such is our way. This was no call to go a-viking with promises of plunder. This was something new - a voyage of exploration beyond the lore of sailing men. There would be much danger and no certainty of riches at the end. It was just the sort of prospect to fire my young heart with dreams of glory and sagas yet to come. I was one of the first to move and stand before our captain and swear the oath of comradeship.
My name is Thorfinn Hanarrsson, whom men call Fairhair; a Greenlander born, for Hanarr, my father, was among those who first came here with Erik. When I was but twelve summers, my father's ship was lost on a voyage to Norway. It was a drakkr, a long ship, not one of the fatter, trading knarrs; it should have been mine, had he lived. That same year my mother succumbed to the winter sickness and I was alone in the world. I could have returned to my foster-father's hearth but I thought myself too much the man. I chose instead to go fishing and took my skiff in search of codfish among the skerries that dot the sea around the coast hereabouts. I got to know each rock and reef and the way the tides set. I ventured far and wide in search of fish but had never been out of sight of land. Now Leif was offering the chance of a real voyage, I leapt at it like a returning salmon. I was young, had no family and yearned for the adventure of it.
From the first, Leif asked his famous father to be our leader. Erik pleaded his years weighed too heavy on him but Leif silvertongue talked him round. Now, as some of you know, the knarr is a trading ship with a high freeboard and fixed mast. It needs fewer men than a drakkr and has fewer oars. We only row a knarr in and out of port. Nigh on ten hands of men stepped forward to answer Leif's call but he chose only four and thirty to be his companions. We gathered together to haul the knarr onto the beach and worked some days careening her and re-caulking the planks. She was a stout ship, Norway-built of strong pine with a mast and yard of finest spruce. From stem to stern she measured twenty-one paces and from keel to tholepins she was a head higher than the tallest man. She could ride the sea anywhere it reached a man's waist and was fast enough under sail but a devil to row, which a man must do standing, pacing forward twice on each sweep, on account of her high freeboard. Still, it made her a dry ship, for which we would have cause to be grateful.
By early summer all was prepared. The knarr smelt of fresh pine and tar and Leif had caused a new sail to be sewn from fine linen. All was in readiness and the day dawned when we were to leave upon our great adventure. Leif rode over the hill to his father's steading at Brattahlid to bring the great man to us and then set sail. On the return, Erik's horse stumbled and threw him. The old man hurt his ankle and cried out to Odin that he was not meant to voyage more but see his days out on the land. Even Leif, who was a follower of the White Christ, could not ignore such omens and thus it was Leif became our leader and five and thirty sailed that day for the West.
Leif had chosen me for my knowledge of the skerries and my keen sight. I could spot a half-tide rock by the way the sea swirled and so I found myself at the prow, guiding the knarr from port and out into the ocean. Leif himself took the styri and set our course - due west. The sun shone and the wind was light and out of the east so we made good time. I listened to the sea chuckling under the knarr's forefoot and sang in my heart. Gulls wheeled and shouted their harsh cries above us and two porpoises kept station as we glided over the water. All that day, Greenland grew smaller in our wake until all we could descry were the very mountaintops, gleaming white in the setting sun. It was strange to see the sun still upon them when all around us the night had fallen. Leif said this is because the world is curved like an upturned dish, but I know not.
I don't believe I slept at all that first night. The old salts bedded down as soon as it grew dark but I was too excited. I stood beside Snorri, who had replaced Leif at the styri, and talked so much nonsense he gave me a clout and bade me be silent. I took it in good part, though, and even relieved him of the steering when his head started to nod. I was still there when the sun came up. The dawn is different at sea. There is no gradual transition from night to day, no mountains for the sun to hide behind. A golden glow lit the few clouds and then the sun appeared over the horizon, striking fire from our wake. I could not credit how swiftly the sun climbed. I held out my hand to cover it and it moved as I watched. I vow it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Oh yes, I've been up with the dawn many times to launch my skiff, but watching the sun crawl its way over the mountains was never as thrilling as the first dawn at sea, out of sight of land with only the grey-blue ocean all around us.
We broke our fast and I was set to bailing. No seas had come inboard in that gentle lop, but we had taken on some water before the caulking grew tight, as always happens at first. By then I was tired to the bone and could scarcely keep my eyes open but I had to wait for Leif to take the noon sight. He took up the sunshadow-board and measured where the shadow fell at noon. It was a mite longer than it had been when he took the sight at Heriulfsness for we had drifted a little south during the night. So we altered course to west with a touch of north in it.
I slept the afternoon away and the sun was low when I woke again. The wind had stiffened and there were whitecaps dusting the sea. The knarr's motion was stronger and now the water frothed and hissed at the planking as we sped along. The sky was still clear of clouds and the last of the gulls had departed; we were quite alone. I made my way to the prow once more and stared ahead, straining my eyes against the glare for any sign of land. Of course there was none! We were as far from any land as it is possible to be. It was then I saw one of the great crystal mountains that aren't anchored land but drift about the ocean. The falling sun had painted it with rose and gold and I cried out in wonder, pointing to my comrades to witness this strange miracle. The older men had seen such bergs before, but there were more than a few of us seeing the sight for the first time. Leif altered course to take us closer in but we dare not venture too near. More than one ship has found itself stranded on a shelf unseen below the surface and suffered to be crushed by falling chunks of ice.
Close to, the berg was not the brilliant white lent by distance, but took on a greenish hue. We could discern great boulders trapped within the ice and it had a forbidding look. If one part of that great berg showed above the sea then we knew there were six parts below, so we steered well clear and circled outside hailing distance before resuming our westward path. The berg receded in our wake and I, for one, was glad of it. Leif gave orders for a double watch that night lest we encounter more of the floating monsters. I took my turn at the prow but saw nothing in my shift.
The next three days passed uneventfully, each followed the last in procession. The wind held steady and we kept our course, confirmed each noon by the sunshadow-board. Thus it was that on the sixth day, I was bailing again when a great cry went up "Land!" I rushed to join the others at the prow and there it was! I thought at first there was some trick; that we had gone full circle and returned to Greenland, for white mountains rose on the horizon. I soon saw my mistake, though. This land was not as great as Greenland.
"I shall go one better than Biarni," said Leif. "Make ready to land."
We closed with the shore but saw no shelving beach to take our keel. Leif then ordered the after-boat launched and he went ashore with a few picked men to survey the scene. I was not one of those chosen and spent an hour or two grinding my teeth in frustration. When the captain returned we weighed anchor and nosed our way coastwise. Once more I was set to watch for skerries and there were plenty to be seen. Leif told us that the place was inhospitable. No grass grew and there was little to keep a man there. It was a place of flat rocks and boulders as far as the eye could see. Inland rose great icy mountains, desolate and forbidding. Leif said we should call the place ' Helluland' - meaning 'land of stone.' I was glad when we found its southern cape and slipped out into the ocean once more.
The winds grew contrary then. It was likely the shadow of Helluland that caused it but we were constantly taken aback and made slow progress. We tacked back and forth to make our westering while the bulk of the land lay behind us all that day and the next. Leif thought some tide impeded our progress. I searched the sea from dawn till dusk for hidden skerries and more than once we had to alter course where I suspected some reef may lurk beneath the surface. It was there we saw a great number of whales - more than there were crew upon our knarr. They were heading south and I marked their passage by their spoutings.
Four days after leaving Helluland behind us, we once more sighted land. This was a different place with thick woods girdling the rolling hills. Again Leif was loath to risk beaching the knarr and called away the after-boat. This time I was included in the crew and we rowed ashore. It felt strange to stand once more upon the land after so many days at sea. It seemed to me that the land rocked with a gentle motion and I almost fell and cried out that the earth was moving under my feet. The old hands laughed at me and said it was always thus when first you step ashore. We spent an hour or two gathering firewood and refilled the water butts. The land was covered with a thick forest of spruce and pine and there was no sign of any life beyond the seabirds. Leif named this place 'Markland' for the woods that were so abundant and determined we would anchor there that day. He set me to fishing in the afternoon and we feasted well that night, sitting round our fire on the shore.
We left Markland behind us and travelled on; another day and a night and half a day more before we sighted yet a third land. There we turned to the south and followed the coast, looking for a place to beach our ship. I was at my position at the prow again but had many willing helpers looking out. This land was the fairest by far. We could make out birch and beech trees and swathes of green grass and Leif expressed himself well pleased. Towards the evening, we sighted a white strand and carefully approached. We spotted a passage between an island and a cape and eased through in all vigilance. The passage opened out into a sheltered bay and there we made our landing on a gently shelving beach of fine sand. There was a river mouth to the north of us and we later found this river debouched from a pleasant lake.
It was too late to do much that first night but the next day we began to explore. The river teemed with salmon and the grass along the banks was lush and would be fine for cattle. Later, when the tide had risen again, we moved the knarr upriver and anchored in the lake. It was there Leif determined to make our camp and we unloaded the ship and set to making bothies for our shelter. That night as we dined on fresh salmon far bigger than any I had ever seen, Leif rose and addresses us.
"It seems to me that this is a fair place. I propose to winter here and will make this our steading. Tomorrow we will raise a hall. Are all agreed?"
We gave him our ready assent. This was a fair land and we were happy to be there. So it was we came to raise the hall that would be our home for the next few months. Trees there were in abundance and reeds for thatch grew deep around the lakeshore. I took a hand axe and was given the task of trimming the felled timber. Some of the men wanted to explore but Leif would have us build the hall first and contain our impatience. He was a big man and full of good humour and fair dealing so none complained. He had seen us safe thus far and we trusted to his luck.
Over the next few days the great hall took shape and Leif named it 'Fellowship.' Once it was weatherproof, he divided the party into two. One group would remain and work on the hall while the other went exploring.
"Stay together and do not venture so far that you can't get back by sunset," Leif ordered.
We took it turn and turn about, Leif also. He did his share of work on the hall. Each night we would sit around the fire and tell of what we had seen that day or listen to the telling. It is our custom that every man should have a voice, even one so young as me. I told them how I had seen the tracks of deer and bear within the forest and thought there was a place by the lake where all came to drink. We saw conies also and other animals we couldn't name but which showed rich pelts. Once or twice we heard wolves but they didn't bother us and we never saw them. The more we saw, the fairer did the land seem to us and all agreed that this was a better place for men to live than Greenland.
Now there was among our party a man named Tyrker. He was a German who had been taken as a slave by Erik but grew to be a member of the household and a companion to Leif in his boyhood. This Tyrker was a small man with dark eyes and a wizened face but was much beloved of Leif. It happened this day that when the explorers returned to camp, Tyrker was missing and Leif was very angry. He roused us all to go and search and we had gone out from the camp but a little way when he appeared, waving his arms and greatly excited. He called out to us, but in the German tongue, such was his agitation, and none could make sense of what he was shouting. When we came up with him he was grinning and capering like a madman and it took a while before he calmed enough to make himself understood.
"Vines! And grapes! I found them! As good as any grape that grows in Germany. Come, look!"
We followed the dancing little man and, sure enough, there was a little valley full of vines, just as he said. The grapes were tart and not yet ripe but we gorged ourselves nonetheless, for this was a rare treat and few had ever tasted the fruit before. That night at the moot, Leif arose and spoke to us:
"I have been wondering for some days what we should call this place. It is now clear. I name this land 'Vinland the Good' for the vines that grow and the soft and gentle nature of the land."
We all acclaimed this announcement many started to plan aloud for the future: the bringing of families and cattle and the making of a settlement. The talk went on late into the night and it was but an hour or two before dawn when we retired at last. I was awoken early by the gripes in my stomach - too many unripe berries - and made my way in the clear light to take care of things. I had barely finished and cleaned myself when I saw the skraeling.
At first I thought my eyes played me false for he was there one instant and gone the next. Truth to tell, I was much afraid and could not be certain that what I had so narrowly glimpsed was not a troll or dwarf. Then I saw him again and realised it was but a half-grown boy staring at me with the same amazement I afforded him. Once or twice on our explorations men had reported the feeling of eyes upon them, but we had seen no trace of any habitation nor any other sign of man. Now I was confronted with the living evidence. The skraeling youth stared a while longer and then vanished as silently as he appeared. I ran back and roused the company. Few believed me. Most said I had been dreaming still, but I led them back to where the skraeling had appeared and, sure enough, there in the wet grass were the clear footprints. That caused the doubters to sing another saga!
Leif set a watch that day and the next and the explorers went armed, for we didn't know what manner of men these skraelings might be, but there were no further encounters for two days. On the third day, I was in the camp and cutting wood for the fire when there came a hail from one of the sentries. We ran to him and followed his pointing finger. At the edge of the clearing stood four or five men. By their gestures we could tell they asked for leave to approach and Snorri, who commanded in Leif's absence, beckoned them forth. They were unlike any men I have ever seen, before or since. They were clad in some sort of trews made from animal skin and went bare above the waist. They moved with a solemn dignity and approached us cautiously but displayed no great fear - more curiosity. They had flat faces and long dark hair bound back from their faces with fillets of hide. It was a warm day and many of us had shed our shirts. The contrast was obvious. Their skin had a coppery hue and they were almost entirely without body hair.
One among us, a man named Ingolf but known as 'Bjorn, ' meaning 'Bear, ' because he was so hairy, seemed to amaze them the most, and they pointed at him and chattered among themselves in a tongue that none could recognise. I looked at our men and tried to see them anew, through the eyes of these strangers. We made an odd picture. Most of us had weathered arms and faces but our torsos were white or even pink where the sun had begun to burn us. All of us were bearded after one fashion or another, even me, whose cheeks and chin now sported a red fuzz even if my chest was still innocent of manly growth. Our visitors were all beardless with as pronounced a lack of hair upon their cheeks as on the rest of their bodies. Even their arms seemed naked. We stood and gawped at each other for some time.
Two among the skraelings carried rough packs and these they placed on the earth in front of us and opened to reveal a wealth of peltries. By gesture they intimated that they wished to trade these furs with us and Snorri sent me back to the camp with orders to bring any spare tools. We had started a small forge in the steading to smelt bog-iron and we had made some poor axe-heads, more by way of experiment than of necessity. I gathered up some half dozen of these and a badly made knife or two and returned to the barter. The skraelings were struck with great wonder by these meagre tools. It seemed they had no iron nor knew the working of metal at all for they gasped and exclaimed and then bowed deeply to us before withdrawing, leaving the bundles of furs for us. They melted back into the woods like ghosts and were gone before we knew it.
This became the manner of our dealings with the skraelings. They would appear when they chose bearing bundles of peltries and take from us axe heads and cheap knives and even ingots of the rough bog-iron that was really too soft to make a serious tool or weapon. Sometimes they would bring a haunch of deer or a woven basket of fruit and, best of all, some kind of large yellow grain that was a welcome addition to our larder. There was no pattern to it. Sometimes they would come two days running and at other times seven or more days would pass without us seeing them at all. After a while we became convinced that, though only four or five would approach, many more hid within the trees to observe proceedings and view the hairy strangers from across the ocean.
It fell out this way: I had gone a little way from the steading to bathe in the lake and wash my smallclothes. I finished my washing and spread it all out over some low bushes to dry and whiled away the time with a little swimming. I had though myself entirely alone and will confess, I was somewhat playing the fool, as young men will when their elders aren't present to correct them. So I splashed and dived and whooped with the joy of a few moments' stolen freedom. It was then I heard a giggle. I cast about but could see no one and decided I was imagining things, when the skraeling girl appeared. She approached me quite gaily, without a trace of fear. She wore some kind of shift of animal skins and her hair was dark and straight and hung nearly to her waist. Her face was broad with high cheekbones and large dark eyes regarded me from under finely arched brows. Naked though I was, her gaze was fixed on my hair. It is very light in colour and, with the bleaching of the sun, was almost white. It is not for nothing men call me Thorfinn Fairhair. The hair on my chin and body is of a pale red hue and it must have looked strange to this dark girl with her fine copper skin and black hair.
I made to cover my private parts with my hands and she giggled anew. She stood on the shore between me and my trews and laughed at me. One leg was thrust out in front and her hand was on her hip. She looked at me with her head to one side, like a farmer might appraise cattle and laughed aloud, not a giggle this time, but a full-blown laugh. White hair brings also white skin but I felt myself flush scarlet under her gaze. I mustered what dignity I could and splashed out of the shallows, still covering my manliness with one hand. I grabbed a shirt and dried myself as swiftly as I could before struggling into my trews. It must have been quite a performance for the skraeling girl was near tears with her mirth at my expense. It made me very angry and I shouted at her but that made her laugh all the more and she put her hands over her face and peered at me between her fingers. She looked so comical I started to laugh as well and soon the pair of us were whooping and cackling like magpies.
Just at that moment, a noise came from within the woods. It sounded to me like a birdcall but she stiffened suddenly and a scared look came over her. She fluttered her hands by way of farewell and fled back into the forest. I was left alone to pick up my washing and amble back to the steading. I couldn't get the picture of her out of my head. It was only as she was leaving, fleeing for the edge of the clearing, that I really noticed her long legs and lithe body. She moved with the grace of a deer, her flying feet silent on the grass. It made me feel strange inside to think of it, warm but unsettled at the same time. I found myself praying to the Gods that I would see her again.
I didn't get my wish for almost another week. I was at the river this time and netting some salmon. They really were huge fish, bigger even than the codfish I caught around the skerries back home. I didn't see her arrive; she was suddenly at my side and watched me working with an intent look on her face. I hauled the net and spilled the silvery catch onto the bank. I took my hand-axe and knocked each one on the head with the back of it. I'd lost a few on an earlier trip when they had flopped and flapped their way back into the water and wasn't taking that chance again. Once I had enough, I strung them together in bunches of four or five with twine through the gills and cut myself a carrying pole of birch to hang them from. The girl watched all the while, big-eyed. On an impulse, I gave her one of the bundles of salmon. I had plenty and they were easy enough to net if we needed more. She backed away at first when I held the fish out to her but, eyes on me all the while, she approached me carefully and took them, keeping as far away as she possibly could and still be able to reach the fish.
I smiled at her then and stabbed a thumb against my chest.
"Thorfinn," I told her my name, "Thorfinn."
I gave her a quizzical look and indicated her with the same hand. She looked confused for a second and then brightened as she realised. She pointed at me and said "Torfi." Then she repeated it and gestured to herself. It sounded like "Meera - ha - nhee." I repeated it to her and she shook her head.
"Meera - ha - NHEE."
I tried again and got closer to her way of saying it and she smiled. She put out a hand then and made as if to touch my hair. I smiled back and bent my head slightly so she could reach. The touch of her fingers sent tingles through me. She had a wondering look on her face and muttered something I couldn't understand or even guess at. I put my hand towards her hair but she shrank away with a nervous look and then laughed. She stooped swiftly to gather up the tied salmon I had given her and sped away. Once more she made that fluttering gesture of farewell and I waved at her retreating back, admiring the way her taut buttocks moved under her shift as she trotted off.
I don't really know why, but I never told any of my companions about my encounters with the skraeling girl. They were something special, to be kept to myself and pulled from memory to pick over by the firelight when other men talked of their families or boasted of the voyages they'd made. I had no family and this was my first summer voyage. All I had was the image of a skraeling girl to remember. But it was enough.
The skraeling men still appeared occasionally to trade but there was little real contact between us. Leif spoke several tongues, even the language of the Lapps, who most closely resembled the skraelings with their broad faces and high cheekbones, but he wasn't understood and there was nothing even remotely familiar or recognisable in the sounds they made. Still, the language of barter is universal and we made them understand that we particularly wished for the large yellow grain, our store of oats being long since exhausted. For their part, they most coveted our long knives, but Leif gave it out that none should be given to the skraelings and would only offer axe-heads or belt knives. They accepted this with difficulty. We couldn't explain that the long knife is both our tool and our main weapon. The bog-iron was too poor a stuff to make a good long blade and most weren't rich enough to own a sword. Only Leif and Snorri owned swords with runes carved deep into the blades. Leif's sword was called 'Widow-maker' when first he had it but, when he had taken the White Christ, he changed its name to 'Wise Judgement.' Snorri's was an older piece and bore the name 'Leg-Biter, ' a good name for a Viking's sword, and Snorri was one of the old band of summer pirates.
Greenland is not a rich place so most of the men went a-viking in the season. They would descend on Orkney or the coast of Hibernia and take cattle and slaves and such gold or silver as they might find. The priests of the White Christ housed many treasures and were a favourite target for some but, as more and more of the men abandoned the old Gods and became Christian, so fewer were prepared to raid the churches and monasteries. I still followed Odin in those days, having no family to lead me elsewhere, though, in later life, I, too, became a convert to the White Christ. All that lay ahead of me then and I dreamt myself of becoming a Viking and amassing my fortune through the summer voyages. It is a young man's dream, of course, but it sparkles like gold when the sap is rising and you know no better.
The next time I saw Meera - ha - nhee was a couple of days after the incident with the salmon. This time, I know, she sought me out. I was sent to gather more of the grapes that were ripe by then and she appeared at my side as though she had fallen from the heavens, so silent was her coming. She greeted me solemnly.
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You gotta like this combo, a first timer and an ambush, good times ahead! Callie Jacobs is a little bundle of energy and is super excited to be here. If there was an enthusiasm award, Callie would definitely get it. She’s never done a scene before this one, so there are lots of firsts to be had and we are more than happy to help! Even though she wasn’t sure if she could say “fuck” on camera (FYI, we don’t mind), Callie likes sex, and likes it so much she has it every day and on the days she...
xmoviesforyouW.I.T.C.H. A story about a group of men duped by their wives into attending the W.I.T.C.H. Institute in order to learn more appropriate behavior. They are forced to do many humiliating things to "earn" tokens acknowledging their accomplishments.W.I.T.C.H.Women's Institute for Training ......... Husbands Some of them were caught cheating on their wives. Some were caught invarious ways while wearing women's clothing. Others were miscreants whohad in some way so displeased their wives that...
DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. ***** True to his word, Danny made no further attempt to seduce his mother that night. With one topic hanging so heavily...
As i finished up my last aerobics exercise, i noticed a very muscular dark haired woman working out on the stationary bike in the strength and conditioning room. The woman was oblivious to everything around her because of the iphone headphones attached to her weightlifting belt. I picked up her towel and walked directly towards the heavily sweatingwoman, and as i got closer, i could see the brunette was extremely well built and was much more heavily muscled than any female i had ever seen...
Alex and the girls enjoyed San Diego. Alex's BCM had leveled off during dinner the previous night and by morning he was feeling refreshed. They took a nice drive down without hitting much traffic and they visited La Jolla Cove, which Debra recommended. They then continued down the coast and visited Coronado beach near the Naval base. They enjoyed strolling along both beaches, and of course Alex met a few people along the way, but they managed to avoid any embarrassing encounters—a few...
I was given the name Candice and I'm happy with it. Anyone who calls me Candy gets what's coming to her. Unless it's a boy. Boys I forgive everything.I love boys. I knew it long before I left St Ursula's, even though I'd hardly spoken to one and had never seen one at school. If the teachers had their way, we'd be taught there was no such thing as a boy. But I just knew, lying in bed, that the cosy, tingly sensations and honey moisture I woke up to had something to do with boys. After all, the...
Watersportsthe SUV was unloaded. He reached out and took her hand in his, and she glanced at their hands, fingers laced, and then smiled shyly at him. "I like you," he said to her, "a lot.""I know, I have feelings for you too," she admitted. "I haven't felt like this, in a long time.""Hmm, nor have I," he admitted to her. "I didn't think I'd ever find someone like you. I'd given up on love.""What are you saying?", she asked him, afraid to look at his face, for fear of what she might see, so she...
NovelsDear Friends. This is a 2 days old incident I am narrating to you. This is so fresh like it happened 2 hours before. My sister came to my place on Friday to give her entrance exam on weekend. As the exam was scheduled for Sunday, nothing happened till Sunday as she was busy in her studies. Uhh… Sorry forgot to introduce her… She is just 18 Yrs old and given her 12th exam last month. She is 5″4′, fair with toned body shape. Monday morning I left for office and when I came back in evening...
IncestIntroduction: Okay people, this is a first attempt write. We will work on things as we go. Yes, this two girls writing the story. It is based off the band BVB aka Black Veil Brides. Note: Photos of the band memebers at the bottom of the page if you wish to see their looks. The new girls arrived at Immaculate Conception Christian School. These girls would be known by names of Asher and Angel Laufeyson. They were known as the rebellious sisters in this hell hole everyone called school. Asher...
Changing JaneI: The End Of The Same The sun blared light through the small bedroom window. Jane had been woken up this way for the past seven days, ever since she decided to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life for a break, a little time alone to reflect on herself and where she was heading. As the light poured in through the window, Jane rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and roused herself awake. She looked at the small clock on the bedside table and saw small red numbers...
Robert Morgan's enhancements didn't turn out to require much, mostly for wear and tear due to his age and the effects of a politician's easy life. He came out of this with a somewhat enlarged cock, of course, but not the monstrous type that some volunteers foolishly picked for themselves. He wondered how in the name of Sam Hill any man would want a cock so large that he couldn't do anything without risk of injury to it, not to mention the danger of damaging concubines so badly that they...
What’s at Stake over at Stake.com? It’s a little different from the type of joints I typically review here at ThePornDude because usually, the wager is just on how hard you’re eventually going to cum into your old trusty, crusty gym sock. Here, you can bet and win real money instead of just hoping your orgasms are good. Some folks even say that gambling is just as much fun as masturbation and a lot nicer than fucking your fat wife, but it doesn’t take a genius to notice that not all online...
Betting SitesHi, fans, most of you must have read about my real-life experiences with the Muslim tailor and my neighbour. If you haven’t read it, you can I had received many emails. Some of them are from girls/women who have confided in me (being a woman myself). They have told me their experiences and wanted me to post them. You can read one such story After the movie interval. So, here is the second part of the story, which happened after the interval. You can read the first part from...
Moze got up off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Ned watched her walk, enjoying the view of her ass swaying as she did. She closed the door behind her telling Ned the shower would be ready in a minute. Jennifer needed to pee, and though her and Ned just had sex together, she couldn't bring herself to let him watch her doing THAT. Ned was excited yet nervous at the prospect of taking a shower with Jennifer. Like any young man his age, he was self-consious about his body. He'd seen...
She takes his arm away from around her; he remains asleep as she stands. She wraps a gown around her and walks out to the balcony. She sits there in the chair facing the out to the world. She just sits there for a little looking out at the view and thinking of him. Thinking of everything they have just shared. She sighs a little while reminiscing. Suddenly she hears a stir in the room and see’s him come out to her. He has a blanket in his hand and he wraps it around her. “Did I wake you” she...
Straight SexApril 26, 2155 Thirty-two days later. "Tira-Mother?" Tika whispered. "Come in Tika. What time is it?" Tira responded sleepily. "It is after two o'clock." Tika told her as she entered her mother's den, finding only Tira and Menak within. "What is it?" Tira asked, then suddenly her face froze and she looked strangely at Tika. She reached over for her screen, wrote two letters on it, and said: white light. She shone it on Tika, and she and Menak could only stare. "Tika!" Menak...
My girlfriend and I got together with another man before we got married. That threesome was fantastic! We used to fantasize about an MMF threesome a lot. It always got her off when I whispered things I'd like to see her do with another man. It was so cool, so sexy!I moved into a new rooming house after Julie and I had been together about six months. There was a guy there, living upstairs. The funny thing was that one of the fantasies Julie and I had fantasized about was where I moved into a new...
Group SexIt was slow getting going in the morning because we had been out so late last night. The bunkhouse had a small room with two bunks in it for the Foreman. I took one and Sam was in the other. Ron took the one next to the door, knowing I wanted my brother with me. When I woke up, I went out and roused up the others. Rod jumped out of bed. I looked around, but was having to wait for someone to tell him what to do. I asked, “Where is Joe? Did he come back with us last night?” One of the punchers...
"Thanks for going shopping with me, Ann," Sarah said breathlessly as she deposited a huge armload of sacks and packages on a chair in her den. "I know that getting a babysitter and all is a pain... I did appreciate your company." "Are you kidding?" responded Ann. "I am ready to shop anytime. With Beth Newman at home for the summer, I almost have a built in babysitter. I had a great time too... and, Bob will love the little skirt that I bought. I hope he will love all four pairs of...
"Come with me. I don't want to go by myself." I groaned. The last thing on Earth I wanted to do was go shopping with Sara. I hated shopping, especially with women. I don't know what part is more infuriating: that shopping as a past-time is boring as hell, or that while I'm bored out of my skull, she's having the time of her life. "It'll be fun." I was about to tell her, no way, there's a baseball game on TV or something, when she gave me The Look. She cocked her head slightly to...
It had been a long week of sales calls, it was Thursday night and one more day to go before heading home. I had taken a hotel in the middle of the city, most central to my customers, on a quiet side street. For years, when travelling alone, I've had a little private ceremony, celebrating myself. Tonight I needed a pick up before venturing out for dinner. My trusty dildo was in the bag. I rinsed my rear with my water bulb, lubed myself and proceeded to have anal sex, all on my...
Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...
HumorIt had been nearly two weeks since my Dad and I had sex. We hadn't had an opportunity to do it. My mom had decided to try to work it out with him and they were sleeping in the same bed again. He didn't seem super happy to me, but I had decided to give him space. I didn't want to make him feel bad. Besides I knew my chance would come again. It was a few weeks before Christmas and we had planned a family trip to Boston to go shopping and basically stay for the weekend. At the last minute my...
Chapter 10"I have told Betty that we will have dinner late this evening," Danannounced one afternoon a few days after their return from Amsterdam. "I amtaking you to see the doctor when we have finished work.""Why? I'm not ill." Blake didn't understand the reason for the visit."You have been having sex for several weeks now, and sometimes it has got abit rough," said Dan. "I want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine. I don't need...""Enough, Blake. You will do as I tell you," Dan stated...
This week, we’ve got Nadiya gracing the couch. She’s a health care worker and we seem to have had a lot of those lately. There must be something about working a million hours for chicken scratch that isn’t very appealing I guess. Now that she’s here, Rick and I are gonna see if she has what it takes to make it in the adult industry. Overall, she’s got a great look and reminds me of Emily Ratajkowski from that one music video. Photogenic, model like looks mixed with a girl next door...
xmoviesforyouHer skin was soft and smooth, now that it was clean. I lightly touched her skin, raising gooseflesh on her arms. I encircled her breasts, but didn't touch her nipples. I started kissing her all over her body. I moved down her body kissing, licking and sucking along the way. She started to breathe heavily as I started to get serious with my attention to her. I soon reached her pleasure center. I could tell her excitement by the ruddy color of her nether lips. Nuzzling her fur, my tongue raked...
"Yes... right there... oh... Oh... OH... OHHHHHH!" Dennis Kaliedes let his head flop backward onto couch cushions, reveling in the feeling of the warm mouth sucking the last of his cum from his cock. For him, this was always the second best moment of being orally pleasured by Cassandra. After reveling in the sensations for a moment, he raised his head and opened his eyes to the sight that always thrilled him to the core. Cassandra could sense Dennis' eyes upon her. Knowing what he wanted...
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror wearing only a bra and panties, her wet hair still up in a towel, Karen looked herself over. She had certainly come a long way, appearance-wise, in the last few years, but it still took her a long time to get fixed up. And this was only for a lunchtime meeting with a girlfriend. It had been two and a half years since the twenty-six-year-old Karen began living full-time as a woman. Hormone treatment, exercise and diet had done wonders for her figure. Her...
Chapter Five +++++ After I'd been raped, I shuffled toward the door. I wasn't walking. Walking is too generous. I slid one foot just in front of me, then turned my entire body and slid the other foot out. I was buck-naked, save for the torn panties I clutched in my hand and that barely covered my encased, formerly male genitalia. I made slow progress. I felt too worked over to cry. I was beyond mourning for myself. Instead, I felt a stillness. The calm of a new reality. A bleak...
...as we made our way up the stairs to the private "red and white" party, my heart started beating faster, not because of the trek up the stairs, but because of the swinger's party we had managed to slip into. The erotic music playing in the background was becoming louder as we got closer to the rooftop overlooking the Mile High City skyline. The lights of the city twinkling in the background provided an amazing backdrop to the 80 degree evening.My first sight upon reaching the rooftop was a...
ExhibitionismSeventeen year old Clare was screeching at the top of her lungs at her mother, "What do you mean I've got to take the brat with me. Are you trying to completely ruin my social life! I wouldn't be caught dead with a baby following me around. You're not being fair, Mum!" her voice went off the Richter scale with frustration. "After breaking curfew three nights in a row, you're lucky we let you go out at all. Anyway, there's no point in screaming at me. It was you're father's decision,...
It's a big soft leather chair. The kind where you sit down, you get enveloped in the cool, smooth texture, and the chair lets out a sigh as you sink down, as if it is relieved to do its service to you once again. It's almost twice as wide as a normal person, with big thick arms. I've taken many naps in this chair. Usually I'm sideways, with my head on one arm and my legs draped over the other. It will hold me there, like an old friend, supporting me in my sleep, never tiring, never...
A Soldier's Story. By Tanya H. A knock at my door. Without waiting for an answer Box walks in, closes the door behind him, wrinkles his nose at the smell. We call him Box due to the shape of his head - beyond that he's Scottish, powerful and short. "What you doing, Toots?" He pulls out the chair from under my desk, spins at around so its back faces me and sits, straddling it, legs wide open. "Smoking kippers," I say, concentrating, trying not to get any nail polish on my...
Cindy smoothed the last of the oil on her body, luxuriously rubbing it into her skin. When she finished, she picked up a tube of sun block, SPF 35. Carefully, she squeezed a small amount into her palm. With one finger, she took a dab and traced the white tan lines around her crotch where her bathing suit would normally be. She took a little more and covered the small amount of white she still had left on her cute butt; then spread more over the other white parts,...
ExhibitionismHello dosto yeh meri pehli bar story likh raha hu to padna aur mujhe mail jarur karke batana kaesi lagi…… Story yeh hai ki mera naam vishu hai main delhi main rehta hu avrage looking hi hight achi hai aur lamba choda hu jaha tak ke mere lund ka swl hai wo bhi 7 inch ka hai aur 2.5 inch mota hai…….. Main jis company main phle job karta tha us company m meri girlfrnd hai jiska naam shalini hai pyar say use shalu bulata hu shalini bht hi beautiful hai uska figure mujhe bahut pasand hai gori hai...
Carefully setting the last two pins in my hair I nod approvingly at my reflection; turning away from the mirror slipping my shoes on and gathering the little things needed for the evening in my handbag. My hands smooth down over my hips, a wicked thought crossed my mind and just before I left the room I took off my panties and tossed onto the bed. You're waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, and give a whistle of admiration, making me smile with delight. I admire your looks also,...
A Matter of Trust By Carmenica Diaz SYNOPSIS A small story; it is succinct but complete. A wife who has suffered public shame through the infidelity of her husband exacts her appropriate revenge. I hope you find it enjoyable reading about one woman who exacts her pound of flesh in an innovative way.
Hi friends, mein iss ka regular reader hu. Aaj mein aap sabko apna ek real experience batane jaa raha hu. Esse pehle mein bata du ki mera naam sameer hai, mein 22 yr. Old. Mumbai se hu. Ager koi girl/bhabhi/aunty mujse safe sex karna chahe to ye baat hamare beech hi rahegi. Ab story suno…yeh baat un dino ki hai jab mein 11th standard mein tha and i was just 17yrs old, that time i was not so much aware of sex and all. But thodi si curiosity thi mann mei…to know abt sex. Mere goan ek chachi thi...
The next few days of Ridhima’s newly married life went by without any unusual incidents. Sandeep and Ridhima had shifted to Delhi after their marriage. They lived just like any other married couple. Sandeep came from a family of affluent businessmen. He was managing a small firm of his family’s large business estate somewhere in Delhi, NCR. They also owned a lavish penthouse in a high-class society nearby. Sandeep and Ridhima started living in this penthouse. In the eyes of society, it was an...
This is the story of how I lost my virginity. Since I am writing for the first time here, a quick background about me. I am Arjun Kishore of age 22 from Coimbatore. I am not too fair, not too dark. Average height and average weight. People from Tamil Nadu must have known about the school ‘Vidyaa Vikas’, I am an alumnus of that school. I wouldn’t really use the term ‘school’ for describing them as they were more similar to factories than to school. Although I am an extrovert, I have never spoken...
I knocked on the door and heard the faint echo of the reverberation travel through the house. My hands were shaking, my heart was beating incredibly fast, and my mind kept telling me to leave, head home, and quit this before you start. I pushed a strand of bright red hair out of my face and hooked it behind my ear, trying to distract myself. The job sounded fun, the pay seemed amazing, and in my inexperienced way I craved the adventure. In an attempt to calm myself a bit I gripped my clutch...
Floggers. Chains. Handcuffs. These things are everywhere. And it is really dark. Yet, a strobe light of sorts flashes every so often illuminating all the naked people around me. There are so many naked people ... doing so many kinky things. I am frozen. This is like nothing I have seen before. It is a lot for someone like me to take in. People are tied up. People are being spanked. People are having sex in groups ... on the tables ... on the floor ... chained up against the wall. You name it...
BDSMThree o'clock in the morning with just a deck chair a three quarter bottle of whisky and a full glass which I knew if I started to drink I won’t stop. Battered bruised and feeling sorry for myself following a very painful divorce. The only true statement my wife made during the divorce was I thought more of my Mother than her, yes it’s true.I found my wife now my ex wife naked riding my bosses penis whilst slapping her thighs with a riding crop I instantly resigned by the only way I knew...
Inside, Beth told the hostess who we were and that we were to meet the Fairchilds. She brought us to their table. After shaking hands all around, we were seated. Mister Fairchild was not only Beth’s boss but was also the company’s CFO. His wife was an attractive woman about his age. They were in their fifties. Missus Fairchild started, “Mister Marigold, what do you do for a living?” “Please, call me, X. It’s short for Xavier. Everyone does.” She nodded. “As for work, I’m retired now. I made...
Hi guys, about me…this is Vishwa from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu working for a reputed MNC(software). I did my UG also in Coimbatore tat also from a very reputed college. There was a girl in our college, of another department, Ishwarya. She was literally a sex bomb right from our college days. About her figure, she was so lean tat u can hold her hips wit one hand but wit voluptuous boobs and ass. It was 32-26-32. She was lean, not so fair wit a wheatish color and straightened hair. She enjoyed all...
WHEN MOMMY HAD ENOUGH Copyright 2003 Stacilynn Brown [email protected] =1= "Sissy, please don't cry honey. You'll get the hang of it eventually. Now take the sides of your pretty dress in your hands again and pull them out ever so gently as you bend your knee and drop into a sweet curtsey for Mommy." Sissylynn's mommy instructed her new daughter. Smiling and clapping her hands, Kathy Richards was so proud of her daughter for completing a perfect curtsey. "Oh honey...
The three of us relaxed for a little while more before deciding it was time to head for bed. I stayed in my birthday suit while Sandy slipped into a sheer black bustier and Carmen put on a white camisole. After finishing our preparations, Sandy and I headed for the master bedroom while Carmen started for the guest room. "Carmen" I cried out "Get in here" I demanded of her. Carmen came into the bedroom and I looked at her, "I want you to suck Sandy's cunt" I told her, then added "Get it nice and...
Private Gold, College Harlots brings you a short and sweet scene with the raunchy blonde Natalie Starr. This horny school girl is craving cock and she will find it with the well hung stud and teacher Alberto Blanco. Natalie knows what she wants and wastes no time getting down and giving an incredible sloppy blowjob, gagging, deep throating and getting that big dick wet and ready to ride. She then hops on and puts those hips to work before taking a hardcore pounding and receiving a hot cumshot...
xmoviesforyouI stay with my wife a few blocks away from her parents. We stay with them every weekend. One sunday evening, My wife had gone to the beauty parlour to take care of her hair. My father-in-law had goes to his house every sunday and won”t be back till late night. I was left alone with my mother-in-law. At 51 she has the best ass in the town and the biggest tits. Time and again she would shake her ass a bit too much for anybody”s comfort when she walks in front of me, but absolutely innocently. She...
IncestOk, to get things straight. I did a fantasy about a girl named Amy. Then I did a story about a date with Amy to link fantasy to reality. Now, I don't want to confuse anyone, but Amy in reality is Lisa from the Bukkake stories. Now that everyone is confused, I want you to know that Lisa is my new girlfriend and this weekend was our second date.I got home late Friday night so Lisa didn't come over to dee me but we made plans for Saturday. Saturday morning it was pretty smoky, the Great...