Photographs Ch. 07 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.


True to his word, Danny made no further attempt to seduce his mother that night. With one topic hanging so heavily between them, they found little else they could talk about, so once the cookies were consumed, Danny went off to his room to shower. He returned, wearing his normal bed clothes of boxers and an old t-shirt, to find his mother already curled up beneath the blankets. She sighed drowsily when his weight hit the bed beside her, but did not waken. Before settling in, he carefully raised the blanket to see what she wore – shorts and a small top with spaghetti straps. He supposed nakedness was too much to hope for. They were both pink and girlie, though, and that made him smile. Then he lowered the blankets over both of them. He lay there for a long time, facing her back, waiting. When he was certain she slept soundly, he eased forward until he was spooned against her. For a moment he indulged in the smell of roses in her hair, and maybe his palms stroked her bare arms once or twice to feel the softness of her skin, but he reminded himself to behave, and he did. With his arm wrapped chastely around her torso, he drifted off into a much needed slumber.


Christie woke in the middle of the night needing to roll over. Her right hip pinched and burned, but Danny’s weight pinned her in place. She struggled.


‘Mom,’ Danny said sleepily. ‘I wasn’t doing anything. I swear.’

‘Let me roll over, honey. I’m cramped.’

He shifted his weight without saying anything, allowing her to roll over and face him. She lay with her face pressed against his chest, one hand against his ribs. His arm wound back around her, claiming and trapping her just as thoroughly as Steve ever did. Soon he breathed deeply again, but his arm remained in place. Christie drifted back off herself, thinking about how one male’s actions could leave her feeling helpless and used, and the same actions by another made her feel safe, comfortable, and loved.


The next morning, Danny woke to find himself alone. He rolled over to inhale the scent from her pillow. Lazing about in bed on a Sunday morning tempted him, but he had an idea that today might be a very special day. Eager to see what might happen, he bounded out of bed and went to his room.

After dressing, he drifted toward the kitchen. The smell of bacon and coffee beckoned to him. Christie was there, frying bacon, and a scramble of eggs, potatoes and onions. A melon sat on a cutting board.

‘Do you mind cutting that?’ she asked.

He went to where she stood at the stove and wrapped his arms around her from behind to give her a hug.

‘Behave,’ she said.

‘I am. This is how I behave.’


‘Good morning,’ he said in her ear.

She laughed, and pointed at the melon with the spatula. ‘Chunks or slices. Your choice.’

He let go and moved to the counter where the melon sat. She started to stir the potatoes again, but when he glanced her way, she was looking at him. She blushed when he caught her, just like a teenage girl, and he felt a little thrill.

‘I was thinking of bringing you breakfast in bed if you hadn’t gotten up already.’

‘Damn. Will you do it tomorrow?’

‘You will be bringing me breakfast in bed tomorrow.’

‘Oh I will, will I?’

‘I intend to laze the day away. Lying in bed on a Sunday is allowed. Doing it on Monday is decadent.’

‘So, in your quest to corrupt yourself you will deny your child his meals. I don’t think that should be allowed.’

‘I’d like to see you try and stop me.’

They both laughed. The food was ready and they took it to the table.

‘What shall we do today?’ Christie asked as they ate.

‘Miniature golf,’ he said automatically.

‘You know, we always say that, but have we ever actually done it?’

He thought for a second. ‘No, I don’t think you’ve ever given in.’

‘I suspect today is going to be a day all about giving in.’ They held each other’s glances for a moment, then both blushed and looked down at their plates. A flush of excitement had his nerves tingling all over his body. She had decided. He knew it. She had decided and it wasn’t no. What game she was playing by not saying anything right away, he didn’t know, but he decided to play along with her. It could be a fun day.

‘I don’t think I want to do miniature golf anymore,’ he said around a mouthful of food. ‘I’ve kind of outgrown it.’

She thought about that. ‘You know that place out by the I-5? It has golf and go karts, and water slides.’

‘And a big game room for me to whip you in.’

‘You will never beat me at Dance Dance Revolution.’

‘Is that a challenge?’

‘I guess it is.’

‘Well, then that’s what we’ll do today.’


‘It’s too cold for the water slides, Danny.’

Christie, who normally loved anything wet, had suggested go-karts first, but Danny had led her to the the changing rooms. Now they stood outside them and argued while Christie balked. He surveyed his mother’s outfit: denim capris, plain tee with sleeves that came past her elbows, canvas sneakers. Leaning forward so they couldn’t be overheard, he whispered, ‘How bad is the bruising?’

She crossed her arms around her middle, cradling her elbows, and wouldn’t meet his eyes. ‘Bad enough. It’s been building lately, and Thursday was the last night before a three-week trip.’ She looked up and smiled ruefully. ‘Don’t worry. When he goes on one of these long trips, he always comes back satisfied for a while.’

‘Do you ever wonder what goes on on those long trips that leaves him satisfied?’ he said softly, glancing around to make sure they were not overhead.

Christie frowned and bit her lower lip for a second. ‘Yeah, I do.’

‘That night, I heard him say-‘

He was about to say that Steve had declared that he didn’t like using professionals because they wanted it, but Christie placed a finger over his lips. ‘Not today,’ she said. Her expressions softened. ‘Today is about us. Go.’ She shooed him forward with her hands. ‘It makes me happy just to see you enjoy yourself.’

‘No. Today is about us, remember? We’ll do something together.’

The spent the next several hours riding go-karts, challenging each other to arcade games, and eating junk food. Every now and then, one would look up to see the other looking back. A few times someone would blush, sometimes Danny, sometimes Christie. Christie ate a frozen chocolate-covered banana and wouldn’t meet his eyes for the lengthy five minutes she spent nibbling and licking, although he noticed a smile playing around the corner of her mouth quite a few times.

‘You must really like those things,’ he said. She delicately nipped off a piece of the end, but didn’t reply. ‘We should keep the freezer stocked.’ She cracked up but still wouldn’t look at him.

When the banana was eaten, he bent forward until his torso rested on the table and looked up at her face. ‘Did you just try to seduce me?’ he whispered.

‘In your case, that’s hardly necessary. That was a tease.’

‘This whole day is a tease, isn’t it?’

She smiled and said, ‘You know, and I know, what’s going to happen. This is the pleasurable anticipation. I’ve never had this, Danny. I don’t want a slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am. I want the whole package.’ She rose. ‘Come on. More having fun and pleasurable anticipation.’

They arrived before the miniature golf course at around two. < br>
‘Let’s do the Time Warp,’ Christie said.


‘Never mind. You’re too young. It’s just this is so hopelessly 1960.’

‘Rocky Horror wasn’t 1960,’ he said, confused.

‘No, but I feel like I’m in a time warp every time I look at one of these things.’ She turned to him, face lit. ‘Let’s make this our special thing. NOT miniature golfing.’

He laughed. ‘Sure, but I think it depends upon what we do instead.’

She grabbed his wrist and dragged him toward the exit.


Danny bounced one knee up and down almost the entire thirty-minute drive home. In the last twenty-four hours, his mother had made her decision. She was giving in. More, he could tell that she was excited by the way her fingers drummed the steering wheel now and then in rhythm to the radio. She kept her eyes on the road, mostly, while he mostly watched her, savoring the ‘pleasurable anticipation’. The miles passed too quickly, while not nearly quickly enough at the same time. Several times over the next hours, he would wish that he could freeze these moments forever.

At last they pulled into the garage, taking the spot next to the empty place where Steve’s vehicle usually rested.

‘It doesn’t mean he’s not here,’ Christie said as she opened her door.

‘I’ll check the house.’

Key in hand, Christie paused at the short set of steps that led to the laundry room and looked at her son. He seemed so happy. Nervous maybe, but otherwise bursting out of his skin with happiness. With him on the step below hers, she didn’t need to rise up on tip-toe to kiss his cheek. Before she could say anything, he clutched her around the waist and gave her an eager, demanding kiss on the lips. Then she was backed against the door, returning his kisses, just as eager and demanding. They broke and she laughed.

‘We have all day,’ she said, turning to the the lock. ‘Check the house and meet me in the bedroom.’

Finely tuned to every nuance of Steve’s behavior, Christie already knew he hadn’t returned, but she had Danny check the house out of a healthy respect for the man’s deviousness and basic cruelty. If they started something today, something that continued, they would have to be more careful than even other couples committing incest or adultery. In some ways he was predictable – she used that – but she had no idea what he would do if he discovered this. Whatever it would be, it would be bad for her, and Danny too.

Christie let those thoughts slip away in to a dark corner of her mind. Today was about her and Danny.

In the bedroom, she removed her shoes and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Even from the second floor, she could hear Danny moving from room to room. She took a damp washcloth and wiped her face, debating a shower, but decided she’d want to shower with him later.

‘All clear,’ Danny called from her bedroom door.

She tossed the washcloth on the counter and went to meet him.

‘Did you buy that banana on purpose?’ he asked, still standing by the door. ‘I don’t think you really like chocolate-covered bananas,’ he added suspiciously.

‘Would I do something as deliberately provocative as that?’ He remained still as she came up to him to place her hands on his chest.

‘I don’t know. I’ve never seen you in this kind of situation before.’ He placed his hands over hers.

‘I’ve never been in this kind of situation before, and I don’t mean just with my son.’ In all her life she had been with two men, one a rape she didn’t remember, and the other coercion, a different kind of rape. Even though there were times she enjoyed being with Steve, in the larger sense she never did. Danny would be a first for her, she thought, suddenly feeling an awkward shyness. ‘I’ve never had sex with someone I wanted to.’

‘Then I think the men of the world lost out when Dad took you out of the dating pool.’

They kissed slowly this time. They were both already somewhat aroused, but also both wanted to make this last because neither knew if they were starting something or if this would be a once in a lifetime. Danny’s hands moved to encircle her waist, but no farther, Christie’s remained on his chest.

After a few minutes Danny shifted his lips to Christie’s neck, and she in turn began to move her hands, sliding them down his torso. They only way to learn what would turn him on would be to try things, so she placed her lips over his earlobe and sucked it into her mouth. He made a happy sound.

‘That feels good?’


She bit it and she could feel the rumble of his laughter in his chest beneath her hands. It made her heart flood with warmth.

‘I love you,’ she said and knew that she said it in a different way, felt it in a different way, than she ever had before.

‘I love you,’ he said.

She clutched at his t-shirt, pulling it from the waistband of his jeans. Seconds later her hands were on his warm, bare skin. It was like satin laid over his firm muscles. Danny was fit from so much basketball, and naturally strong. She was dying to see him naked, but she would wait.

‘Off,’ she demanded, yanking the shirt upward.

Danny let go of her to raise his arms, allowing her to slide the shirt over his head. His bare chest was a smooth expanse of skin and muscle, and a sprinkling of dark hairs. It wasn’t a massive weight lifter’s chest, but it was toned with well defined pectorals.

Christie didn’t need to voice her appreciation. The look on her face, the gleam in her eyes, told Danny what she saw.

He tugged at her shirt and pulled it off, too. Underneath, she wore a pink lace bra that barely hid rosy gumdrop-sized nipples. He cupped one breast to brush his thumb across the nipple and looked up at her face.

‘What’s the matter, Danny?’

‘I don’t want to do this wrong.’

‘Do you love me? Do you care that we both enjoy it?’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘Then just be honest with me about you want and what you’re feeling, and I’ll do the same.’

He bent down and put his mouth on one, sucking at it through the raspy layer of lace. Christie placed one hand on the back of his head, fingers threading through his thick hair. With her free hand, she reached behind her back and popped the hooks on her bra. It sagged forward. Danny didn’t notice at first, but then he pulled his head back a fraction, tugged at the fabric, and pulled it from her. His eyes lit up when her breasts spilled free. One large, warm palm covered her left breast and he held it there before joining it with his mouth. He licked and kissed and moved to the other breast to do the same. When he pulled her nipple into his mouth, she whimpered low in her throat and her hands went back to his hair. Soon she had her leg thrown around his thigh.

‘Danny.’ She moved her body in a slow motion against his. ‘Bed? You’re so big, we’d be more comfortable lying down.’

He looked up and she could tell by his face that rational thinking had departed. His gaze returned to her breasts, but he surprised her by placing a hand behind each of her thighs and lifting. Hastily she threw her arms around his neck and laughed. Danny carried her to the edge of the bed and lowered her down. Standing straight again, he kicked off his shoes while she reached for his buckle. He let her unzip and lower his jeans, then removed his shorts himself. His erection sprang free.

Christie licked her lips and swallowed. ‘Well, you’re certainly proportional.’ She wrapped a hand around the thick length of him, and put her mouth over the end because she couldn’t resist. Salty pre-cum coated her tongue as it glided over smooth, slick skin. Big, but not huge, he was not too thick for her to suck comfortably for a good length of time. She was looking forward to that, but she had other things she wanted to do first.

‘Can we take off your clothes now?’ he asked.

She lifted her hips and he lean
ed forward to pull her capris down and off.

‘Now the panties.’

She slipped her hands into the sides of the lace panties and slowly dragged them downward. When the panties reached the floor, and she kicked them aside, he threaded his fingers into the curls of her pussy.

‘Are you supposed to be this wet?’

She stiffened just a tiny bit and looked up into his eyes. ‘You’re a virgin, aren’t you?’

‘Is that a problem?’

‘No. It’s just…I figured… No. It’s fine. Nice actually, to be your first.

He sat down beside her and slipped his hand into her pussy once more, drawing it out again covered in her juices and then bringing them to his mouth. They smelled pungent, a heady scent, and tasted sweet and salty at the same time. He closed his eyes, savoring it, and then returned his hand to her mound.

‘You must read a lot of porn, because you seem to know what you’re doing.’

He snickered and then claimed her lips again, all the while still working her pussy.

‘It takes a woman longer, Danny.’ She pulled him down to lie beside her on the bed. He kept his hand working the entire time, his lips never left hers except to kiss her throat. His finger slid to the side of her clit just the way she liked, and she moaned, ‘Like that. More.’ He had one arm around her, holding her.

‘Your hand is so big, you can use your thumb and put your fingers inside me.’ He tried this, sliding two fingers inside, sliding them out again. Her body arched. ‘Keep going.’



‘Could I…’ He paused.

‘Say it, Danny. Whatever you want, ask for it.’

‘Could I go down on you?’


‘You said it would take you longer anyway, and it’s something I really want to do.’

She tried to make room for him between her legs, moving up towards the pillows, but Danny was so big that he had to crouch uncomfortably. Finally she scooted to the edge of the bed, and Danny knelt there on the floor between her knees. He didn’t know what to do first, and for a minute he just looked. She trimmed for her bathing suits, but didn’t shave completely, leaving a small strip of dark hair there. Short and wiry, it prickled beneath the fingertip he drew over it. The skin of her inner thighs was soft and creamy white, and he pressed his face into it for a second, inhaling. Musky feminine arousal and a hint of some floral soap she had used in the morning. Her muscles tightened ever so slightly when he placed kisses there.

From there he licked at the moisture beaded on her opening, drawing his tongue in longer and longer strokes until it penetrated between her folds and brushed against her clit. She rewarded him with a sigh and a small jerk of her hips. Figuring he had got something right, he did it again, and again.

After a while Christie didn’t want to make him self-conscious by asking for him to do it differently, but she ended up saying, ‘Suck on it a little, Danny.’

Danny complied, and it felt so good she had to cross her arms over her head to keep from holding him down. She looked at the shaggy head nestled between her thighs, closed her eyes, and groaned.

‘Fingers. Can you do two fingers, too?’ Two long fingers slipped into her cunt and found her most sensitive spot. ‘There! Like that.’

Christie was soon shifting her hips forward to meet his finger thrusts. Obviously he didn’t know what he was doing, learning as he went, but it was good anyway. Christie started to lose herself in the sensations of Danny’s fingers and tongue.

‘Danny,’ she said, and she found she had put her hands on his head, holding him. ‘More. Ah. Fuck, Danny.’ Raising one hand, she plucked restlessly at her nipple, arching her back and whimpering. She raised her heels to the edge of the mattress to gain more leverage, bucking her hips. She let go of Danny’s head completely, each thumb and forefinger pulling a nipple taut. A minute later she came, her entire body jerking with one sharp spasm followed by several deeper ones.

She lay quietly while Danny continued to work on her. ‘Danny,’ she said softly. He looked up. ‘Thank you.’

He grinned and she moved so he could lie alongside her on the bed. He held her tightly and kissed her face, smearing her cum all over. She felt good, sated, but knew she could tolerate much more. Reaching down, she took his cock in her fist and stroked it gently, all the while kissing his mouth.

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The Piano A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Chris Blake had one wish, to appear on stage in front of a vast multitude of fans and experience the thrill of their applause and adoration. Chris is about to find out what happens, when you open the door...

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My new job

I took a deep breath and walked into my new office. It was my first day, and I had taken care to dress as casually as the man who'd interviewed me the previous week: A pressed pair of tan slacks, a sweater that was not-quite-too-tight, and a pair of comfortable shoes.I filled out the paperwork, and my new boss showed me to my assigned workstation, just outside his office. He was a man in his mid-40s with reading glasses and hair that was unable to decide if it was thinning faster, or graying...

1 year ago
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Hot sex with mature and loving bhabhi

I am great fan of ISS and this is my first story I am writing so far. I am 29 years, 5’11’’ weight 87 Kgs working as a Manager in the top MNC. I belong to a Jat family from Haryana. Now I don’t want to bore you anymore and my real story starts now. At that time I was of 21 year old and after my graduation I took admission in university for PG and applied for Hostel since it was far from my home. My class started but it took time to allot me hostel. So my cousin brother and bhabhi asked me to...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant VampirePart 4

Had I been my old self, just hanging out at a bar with my old gang, we would have called the girl "lush." The light from the streetlamps made her platinum blonde hair gleam like the real metal. She was curvy, but only in the best sense. Unlike so many stick-thin women who thought that "healthy" meant that bones had to show under the skin, this woman had a fully-feminine figure that, in her clingy black dress, betrayed not an ounce of flab. As she walked, her rear swayed delightfully, even...

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Kanpur Me Do Aunty Ko Mast Choda

Hello main yeh site ka regular reader hoon to socha ki main bi apna ek kissa apke sath share karun mera nam Summer hai main Kanpur and Farrukhabad (U.P) ka rehne wala hun h .Meri age 22 saal hai ht 5ft 9 inch dikhne mein na jada gora na kala and handsome hun cock size 6.5 inc yeh bat ek sal pehle ki hai or meri pados bali aunty ke sath hai meri aunty ka nam Deepti hai dikhne mein mast mal hai unki figure 34-32-36 dekhke koi bi diwana ho jaye unki shadi ko 4 sal ho gye hain aur ek sal ka ladka...

2 years ago
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Ghost Writer Part Four

Ghost Writer - part 4 - By circe ([email protected]) I stared at my keyboard and felt a vibrating on my ankle. It took me a couple of seconds to break from my reverie and realize it was the cell phone I had bought - that Becky had made me buy - yesterday. Only three people in the world knew the number (I wasn't counting myself, as I still had no idea) and Charlie was in her workroom, clattering. This left Becky and James. I felt a momentary rush of excitement at the thought of...

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I gave my virginity to my dad

That night I couldn’t sleep, as I was so worried about my test which was next day. I looked at the clock and it told me 1:00 a.m. I felt a little hungry, so I thought to grab some fruit or maybe some left overs of the dinner. I had no idea that this night was going to change my life. While going to the kitchen, I crossed by my mom and step-dad’s bedroom. I heard those noises again, I was used to hear these moans and noises most of the time when ever I got up in the middle of the night to pee or...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 The Black Coach

A long, heavy silence followed the Professor's story, during which time he had kept his gaze fixed on the top of the desk, and his hand clutching the bottle of Jenever. At last he stirred and poured himself a glass. "Although the notes are in a cypher of my own design a skilled mathematician would not take too long to break the code, and then every apothecary in Europe would be free to manufacture Satan's Breath. I wrote to Henry Addington over three months ago, and God knows how far and...

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Jenny Blondie

Diplomatisches Korps Arbeite doch für einen Diplomaten hatte sie gesagt. Ein leichter Job, repräsentative Aufgaben, viele schöne Auslandsaufenthalte und gute Bezahlung. So einen Mist hatte sie erzählt. Jetzt Stand ich vor diesen Zweimeter hohe Holzwand - Einfache Büroarbeit für einen Botschafter hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt. “Mach schon Blondie. Alle warten auf dich.“Brüllte der Ausbilder. Ich schaute ihn verzweifelt an und versuchte mich an seinen Namen zu erinnern. Dann denke ich mir auch...

3 years ago
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Cuckold for the first timepart 2

My wife Karyn has finally fuck Mark. A friene of mine when im away for business trip. It was all my arrangement and my encouragement to Mark to pursue the "married lady". I was very sure that Karyn was the married lady but parr of me needed to confirm it. I was bit jealous that my wife gave in but yet im so aroused by the idea. I was cracking my head how to find out. Been thibking about ways before i return home. When i return from my business trip i met my wife and she was pretty normal...

2 years ago
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Neel The Handsome Indian

It was a warm spring day in New Dehli and I was reading the local newspaper. I had come across a very interesting add for a Gigolo. .He had described herself as 6'3" tall with a cock size of 11" long and a girth of 4"..Said he would do whatever your fucking-eating fantasies were . His picture showed him to be a rather handsome fair skinned guy. I was hotly curious, especially, by his cock dimensions. I fumbled with my phone to dial him up, was so wet and excited. I left a message and waited...

3 years ago
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My ex fucked me made me wear my panties soak

I ran into my ex at a wedding reception. I had spotted him from across the room and hoped he didn't see me. I remembered how he use to ravage my pussy. I don't know what he did but he had the most cum I'd ever seen. I could never even swallow all of it. Half of it would come out the side of my mouth, drip down my chin onto my tits. Just the thought of what he did to me made my pussy tingle.I found the seats where my husband & I were sitting. I looked for his name & saw he was sitting...

4 years ago
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Our first time was while we was on holiday in Miami, we had done the swapping thing group sex and all that stuff, but was not thinking of anything sexual while on a vacation. We was a in a bar one night just drinking and enjoying ourselves. On the table next to us was a black guy. We got talking about this and that, I could see my wife fancied him, she kept looking and nodding at me as if to say I want him, the conversation got round to sex, I asked if he was into kinky sex that sort of thing...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 13 Misty ComptonChapter 8

The house was dark when they went in. “Where is everybody?” she asked. Mirriam and the twins had left before she and Bobby had, and she’d assumed they’d be home by now. “They’re probably over at Prudence’s,” he said. “They play cards on Friday night, as a rule.” “Oh,” she said, sounding disappointed. “I was looking forward to that massage you were talking about.” “Well, then, go lie down and we’ll get right to it.” “What?” She looked at him as he turned on a light. “Who’s going to do...

1 year ago
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Busy Daughter Series

Hello. My name is Dan and my daughter, Anna, is always busy. She works tirelessly at school, works a part time job at the local grocery store, helps me and her mother around the house, and still finds time to pleasure herself. Somehow, I have a feeling that its the other way around– she pleasures herself constantly, then finds time to do things around the house and at school. Anna is always stuck up in her room on that laptop of hers, and I know exactly what shes doing in there. I can hear the...

2 years ago
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The Designated Driver Chronicles Ch1

The following story is full of all sorts of sexual antics of many proclivities. If you are reading this, enjoy it and give it a score. All feedback welcome.For those of who have read my previous stories, you pretty much know where I'm coming from but for those of you who haven't, let me introduce myself. My name is Ray. I am a mature man living in the resort paradise of the Hamptons. I am also bisexual having been turned out about ten years ago; not long after my divorce. I do not publicize...

Group Sex
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 13 Party Hard

Author's Note: If you want to see more, I have much much more of this very story posted at and beyond even that on my patreon, at Warning: This chapter is rated a swap-happy R and contains boobs, bisexual orgies, homosexual orgies (both kinds), traps, gender bending, role reversal, parties, hairy girls, hormones, gold diggers, man-boobs, sexy butts, casual sex-toy wearing, body swaps, body part swaps, sexual positivity, classy escorts,...

2 years ago
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The Titan

It was a Friday night at the local collage club. It was also raining, not the sort of rain you just notice but the kind that you desperately try to run away from. Three girls where running in the rain towards the club entrance. When they where running they noticed a man standing on a small grassy hillside outside the club. No one of the girls took any more impression of the man other then that he was standing there. If they would have stayed and watched him they would have noticed that the rain...

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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 6

As with all sub missive females, there comes a time when they out grow the abilities of a particular master and often move up to more stricter masters or one with different likes and dislikes, this way they continue to expand their limits. So it was with Stephanie, She and I both agreed we had exhausted all the things she needed to learn to be a complete slut slave, however I told her she would not be moving far as I had arranged for Robbie to take on her training as he liked things I did...

2 years ago
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Learning AssistanceChapter 13

The next morning, our day started with our phones ringing. It was our bank. They wanted us to come in and talk to them. Karen said, “You have called both of us waking us. That’s not excusable. My husband will deal with the person who called him. I’m hanging up now.” She thumbed the off button and looked at me. I said, “Mister Morris, if the bank was trying to impress us with their caring or its interest in our winnings, this has been a failure. My wife has already hung up on someone calling...

3 years ago
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Summer Lovin

Summertime. The beach, the sun, the smell of sunscreen all over warm sweaty skin, and of course my cousin coming to visit. It was my first year of college and I just turned 19. All throughout high school I was 5'5 '' and when I graduated I finally grew to a beautiful 5'7''. I hadn't seen my cousin Alex since I was 13. He was an awkward boy. 6 feet tall and pale white. He had shaggy brown hair and fierce green eyes.  I was nervous to see him again. After six years we shared letters and he dated...

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My College Roommate

I arrived at my university in Colorado in late August for my freshmen year of college. Orientation and classes were starting and I was eager to meet my roommate. Lee had been on campus all summer prior to me arriving. He was a Linebacker on the football team and was also a true freshman like me. Lee was up early each morning and very busy each day but had time to help me with orientation, building locations, and introducing me to other guys on the football team. He seemed like a great roommate....

Gay Male
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Extra Credit0

She had plenty of friends but the last thing she wanted to do was ask them about this and get a label. She did not know what she was going to do but she was sure that she had to live her fantasy, and soon. And as she sat at her desk grading papers, the idea hit her: she could be with some of her students. After all, she was a college teacher so it was not as if her students were underage or anything. In fact, many of them were her age, 27 years old. There were a few guys that she liked and was...

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Special Chamber

And then,after he had picked the October 2004 issue of the magazine entitled CHERI and looked at a pictorial of one of the naked babes named Lonnie with those seductive eyes of hers,David had placed his hand on one of Lonnie's photos and let out a smile,only to be shocked back into reality by someone next to him letting out a loud belly laugh,which had caused him to turn towards the wall of adult videos and discover that it was his boss' daughter,Samantha Worthington,who had walked over to...

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New Cleaning Lady

The cleaning lady, the one that I had been having a really great time with playing our little game of her checking out my cock, decided she was going to have to quit for a while to take care of her husband. He had been sick for a long time and had started getting worse so he couldn't take care of himself. She felt her place was with him for now.She suggested the name of a lady that she didn't know but had heard she was looking for work through a friend and that she was pretty good. She made a...

1 year ago
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The Ambassadors DaughterPart 2 A New Body for a New Life

Michael and Natasha were beside themselves with worry and fear. They had just been told that their daughter’s car had been ambushed on their way to school, both girls were missing and the driver and bodyguard had been killed. Natasha was hysterical, screaming at Michael to do something, that he was the ambassador and he should be able to find their girls. Numerous embassy security staff, basically MI6 agents, kept hurrying around the house, shouting and making phone calls. The local police...

3 years ago
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A Rape Fantasy

I began the walk home, dreading it. It is so far, through the darkened heart of the campus, all deserted during this holiday weekend. I trudged under the arches, a brief glimmering smile at their legend, and tucked my head against the whipping wind. My mind drifted, stopping on this, pausing on that. It was all a hazy dream, thinking of my bed, which was calling out to me from the distance. Thinking of how the day had been, of work and my classes and my parents and friends. And yet, thinking...

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Madurai 8211 Virgin Sex Girlfriend

Email me @ About me , am 25 years old , 5.7 feet tall , very fair , with well built body which many girls in my college went mad for ( may send you my pics or can have video chat if you suspect ) graduated from a top college in tamilnadu and now in decent job… Am from a reputed family from madurai so will maintain top secrecy for the sake of both ! Being expert in licking I had made girls squirting juices into face and made them moaning the fuck out of their brain ! Now coming into the story...

4 years ago
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House Guest

"I'm soo horny it's all I can do to keep from jumping you right here." Lucy stretched out her long tan legs and provocatively stared at me. As I shifted to try and hide the growing bulge in my crotch, I took a swig of beer while thinking up something witty to say. "I wouldn't mind," I said with a self- confidant air, "but I'd have to share you with Alice." Lucy's breath caught for a second. Just long enough for me to catch it before she also used the beer camouflage trick and then...

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Youre Fired

List Of Characters: James Clove- Male Employee A mild-mannered office worker, James has been working at COMPANY INDISCLOSED for 4 years and besides a few faked sick days he has been the model of a perfect employee. He has worked late, finished ahead of deadlines and even run errands for his boss on a regular basis. However, because of his inherent shyness, his boss Ms Swanson has always singled him out as a vulnerable target for her verbal abuse, which only caused him to retreat further into...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 15

Brenda's day in dreamtime included a picnic by the lake that Mòr Dubh had found for us, once before. The big stallion followed her around like a puppy. Brenda had made sure to be prepared for her trip by bringing some apples for her friend. After we had eaten we simply lay back for a while to enjoy the sunshine and then I sprang my first surprise on my girl. I stood up and stretched my arms wide. "Aquilaire, afflubh!" A few moments later the eagle and his two lieutenants appeared and...

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Will You Do This for MeEpilogue

It was a warm spring day, the ground around the hill a riot of wildflowers. The flowers had been sparse the first spring, but dozens and dozen of children and far more of their parents, had come and spread seeds. That had been the first year. This year, people had come from all over to spread seeds, and not just members of the Faith. I walked with one hand holding Wife Ellie's, the other holding Wife Susan's. Susan had her son on her other side, toddling along. His sister was in her arms,...

1 year ago
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Dorothea auf Abwegen

I have published this story on another site before. Ich habe diese Geschichte bereits auf einer anderen Webseite für erotische Fiktion veröffentlicht. Ich stelle sie hier ein, weil ich neugierig bin, ob bzw. wie sie in der CHYOA Community ankommt. Ich freue mich auf Kommentare. Jeder Hinweis, jede Anmerkung und jeder Vorschlag sind willkommen. Alle Personen sind 18 Jahre oder älter. Doro ließ sich an das Ende der Besuchergruppe zurückfallen. Hier konnte sie zwar die Stimme des Touristenführers...

4 years ago
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First Time Escort

Kimmie held up the white two-piece outfit, admiring the halter top with the plunging, scoop neckline and tight bottoms that were a cross between shorts and panties. She stood a little over five feet and had a firm 34C chest, small waist, and round butt. She knew the outfit would provide a nice contrast to her long black hair, as well as show off her ample cleavage and cling to her ass like a second skin."Oh, good choice," said a woman shopping in the same aisle. "I think you'd look great in...

1 year ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 47 The Dating Game

Thanksgiving is the official kickoff of 'The Holiday Season.' Not a big event around our house. The holidays are officially family times. Mom was an only child. We had always assumed that Dad was too, and knowing that he had once had a twin sister didn't really change the present. The last of our grandparents had died over five years before, so we pretty much were the family. We made the best of it. The Davises were out of town for the weekend. Tom's parents had invited them to Denver....

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We were lying in bed naked I was teasing May's nipples. I ask her without thinking, "Darling, how did you like our evenings at the porno movies? "I liked them." "Are you sure darling?" "Yes baby it was fun." Somehow I thought she was keeping something from me so I said, "We don't have to go back again." "Honey, I'd love to go back ", she said snuggling up against me. "You seem to be keeping something from me, what is it darling?" I asked. "No honey nothing, if you...

2 years ago
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                                                  2988 words                            Viking!                     By Abe     Aeffe was intently hoeing the little field, preparing for planting.  Too late, she heard the hooves of a galloping horse, turned, and saw the Dane almost upon her.  She raised the hoe before her, but the huge, mail‑clad warrior snatched it from her grasp, wheeled his mount, and, with the strength of one mighty arm, lifted her off her feet.  For an instant, she hung by...

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