Four Funerals free porn video

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(This story isn’t true, but it’s based on some real events. I just put them together.)

Tottenham Court Road on a busy Friday lunchtime is not the tine to start playing Frogger for real but the young woman in front of me obviously didn’t realise that. I was moving before my conscious brain kicked into gear, my hand shooting out and yanking her back by her shoulder as the taxi swerved to avoid a bike courier weaving in and out of traffic. It happened in slow motion, the taxi screeching into the space she would have occupied a millisecond later, her foot flying up and banging into the bodywork, the taxi speeding off as I pulled her back onto the pavement, her shocked ‘ow!’ as the pain registered.

I sat her down on the bench at the bus stop outside Goodge Street Station and had a quick look at her foot. Bruised and not broken. I asked her if there was anyone she wanted to call. Distracted, she shook her head. I told her to sit still for a moment as I dispersed the concerned onlookers. I asked if she thought she needed an ambulance. She checked her watch, clearly late for something. And then she was gone. I hardly saw her go it happened so fast, disjointed, and a moment later she was swallowed in the crowd.

I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong. To my knowledge I have never seen that woman again. I never got her phone number. We never went out to dinner. I never charmed her pants off then went down on one knee. We never walked down the aisle together. But in its own little way that brief snapshot of London life determined my future, because someone was watching.

Later that day I met up with the gang at a cellar bar near London Bridge. Don’t ask me the name of the bar because I’ve forgotten it, but I haven’t forgotten how we used to take advantage of the happy hour, Dominic chatting up the barmaids, Jo giggling at one of Richard’s terrible jokes, Swanney piling up the drinks on our table, me being all too serious as I set the world to rights. Every Friday night for nearly two years.

Steve and Tara walked in after we were settled but we’d saved them seats. Tara was lovely, tousled auburn/ginger hair, long shapely legs, big (bloody huge) baby blue eyes. She was an eyeful, but also my mate’s girlfriend, so that’s where my appreciation stopped: Never crap on a mate. They sat down and Tara looked directly at me, amusement in her eyes.

‘Well, Mr Samaritan, you didn’t get her number, did you?’ she asked me, enjoying my confusion.

‘My office is on the first floor overlooking Goodge Street Station,’ she explained, ‘I happened to be looking out of the window and saw it all. I think it was rather unfair of her just to dash off like that.’

So I had to explain what had happened to the rest of them, the lads groaning at my missed opportunity, Jo looking at me as if this really should be the beginning of something big, perhaps if I put a personal ad in Private Eye, hoping to track her down. I rolled my eyes, embarrassed. It was nothing really, I acted without thinking, and it’s just what you do, isn’t it?

‘Well, I thought you were sweet,’ said Tara, leaning across the table and kissing my cheek. Aw, shucks!

‘Careful, babes, he might explode,’ joked Steve, ‘he hasn’t had a girlfriend in months. Or is it years?’

So the discussion turned to my tragic lack of a love life. Full disclosure, I am absolutely hopeless with women. I never pick up if there are signals, and if I try to talk to a woman I blow it. My romantic dalliances always took me by surprise, fuelled by beer, and I never knew what I had done to result in a girl lying in my arms. What’s worse, I was a romantic, never able to distinguish between a one night stand and the possibility of a real relationship. I was intense and that scared a lot of girls once they had actually got me to realise that they were right there in front of me. Like I say, a tragic case.

‘We’ll have to set you up with someone,’ said Steve, and I knew he meant it.

‘Fuck, no! Please! Not a blind date. She’ll hate me or I’ll hate her and we’ll be stuck somewhere wishing we were somewhere else.’

‘Your loss, sunshine! Anyway, want to meet up in the week?’

‘Sure, bell me and we’ll sort it.’

The conversation shifted away from me and the night got much, much drunker. We all went home (me alone, of course).

I never met up with Steve. On the following Monday evening he dropped dead from an undiagnosed heart defect as he was training with his local amateur football team.

The funeral was bad, but not the worst I’ve been to. Steve was young when he died, just twenty-three. We had a wake and sent him off, sad for his family and angry that life had been stolen from him. I barely spoke to Tara at the funeral. She’d only been seeing him for a couple of months, and I guess that she’d been having fun rather than tumbling into the arms of love’s young dream.

Tara drifted away from the gang once Steve had died. She was Jo’s friend, really, though I’d always got on with her, making her laugh when I wasn’t being too serious for my own good. I occasionally heard about things she was up to, boyfriends she was seeing. I wished her well, and thought nothing more of it.

Years passed and the gang spread out a bit. We were pushing towards thirty and in a lot of ways we were different people from the young idiots who drank themselves almost insensible every Friday. Richard and Jo got married and settled down to grumbling but happy domesticity. Dominic kept chasing the ladies, a different one on his arm every time I saw him. Swanney? Well, sadly we lost touch with him. I’d love to know what he’s doing these days, and whether he ever slowed down on the booze.

I stupidly got married as well. The whole thing was a case study in what I do wrong. Again, I have no idea how she ended up kissing me in the street outside the pub (alcohol strikes again!), and I have no idea why I overlooked our serious differences and decided to try and make it permanent. After three years she made the perfectly reasonable point that she didn’t really love me any more, and that was that.

Of course, I called her every name under the sun. I had gone back to University to actually get some kind of education and she had felt the pressure of supporting us both financially (although I had sworn I would return the favour), but I was suddenly facing my final year, homeless and hopeless. I basically broke down.

There were moments when I was close to begging on the street, days when I didn’t eat because I couldn’t afford to. Mentally I was fucked up. I alienated a lot of my friends, and finally I found myself sitting in Victoria Park one Tuesday evening eating a load of pills and shuffling back into some bushes so that it was less likely that some kids would find my body. Fortunately I was so screwed up at that point that I’d got hold of the wrong kind of pills. After three hours I still hadn’t fallen asleep and I called myself an ambulance. They took me to the Royal London Hospital and the staff there were brilliant, the doctor even holding my hair out of the way as I hurled up the charcoal and pills into the basin. I was there for three days and came out to a new world. I’d hit bottom and the only way was up.

One of the first contacts I had was a seriously pissed off Jo, yelling at me down the phone.

‘Don’t you ever fucking try that shit again,’ she ranted, ‘I hate funerals and there’s no way I want to go to yours.’

I mumbled some apologies.

‘Anyway, someone else wants to talk to you,’ and she grumpily passed the phone over.

‘I’m really sorry you felt that way, honey,’ it was Tara, and her voice made me smile for the first time in… I’ve no idea, ‘you should’ve said something. Asked someone for help. It isn’t a crime, you know?’

I mumbled again. I was being told off and I deserved it. It began to dawn on me that there were people who would actually miss me. It sounds pathetic but when you’
ve been really, really down hearing that kind of message is incredibly important. If you have a friend on the skids, tell them you love them. At the right moment it works wonders.

We didn’t meet up then. From nowhere I got two offers I didn’t want to refuse. A university friend who knew I was down on my luck got me writing freelance articles and reviews for the portal he was running. And I found that I was good at it. I had some money again, a real foundation for regaining self-respect. Then a Czech friend offered me the long term use of his apartment in Prague. It didn’t matter where I worked out of: the office was just an email away. And I hated London now, couldn’t wait to leave.

Time ticked on again and I settled in Prague, moving a couple of times but seeing, feeling it as home. My mind cleared and the clouds drifted away. I was still crap with women, but these were Czech women and therefore ‘exotic’. I made a couple of mistakes but I wasn’t so worried, nothing was as bad as my divorce and suicide attempt. I began to think of life as a single man and I started pushing forty, content enough even though I knew I could have more, making a little circle of local and expat friends and starting to frequent a Friday night hangout near the castle. Reverting to type.

In the long intervals between short flings with Czech women I masturbated furiously. In the right kind of romantic tale this is where I tell you that I could only think of Tara when I wanked, thinking of her hot, wet kisses as she climbed on to me, her nipples brushing my chest as she lowered her tight, willing pussy on to my raging erection. Well, sorry, but I’m a bloke, so I fantasised about threesomes with nubile young nurses, or French maids, or stuff I’d seen in porn. The usual stuff really, and before any women complain, well, you fantasise about firemen, don’t you?

Tara was married now to some guy I’d never met. I sometimes thought of her, but only as a special friend from almost a previous life.


My dad’s funeral was a bit of a hoot, in my mind anyway as I did a very good job of not laughing out loud. The pall-bearers had tripped on the way into the chapel and in my minds eye I saw them drop the coffin, the lid flying off and my dad’s body slithering across the floor, all pale and hair nicely combed. You may well guess that we had zero relationship and regarded each other as strangers. The rest of the funeral was similar. Me, and my mother were given all the condolences, which was a chuckle, she’d left him thirty years before and I was the only son who he never talked to.

‘So, what are we going to with the house,’ my mum asked after we had finally shaken off the well-wishers and settled down in the corner of a pub.

‘It’s in a shit state,’ I replied, ‘we’ll only get half what it should be worth. I’m not keen on losing out on one hundred thousand if we don’t have to.’

My mum thinks like me (or the other way around!) and we quickly agreed that I’d come back to London and stay in the house, keeping an eye on the repairs as they were done. When all was ready the house would be sold and I’d go back to Prague. I figured on a year and reckoned I could just about stomach it.


I’d not even known Tara was pregnant. I only really hung around with Dominic out of the old gang and he was never much on social gossip. But I heard snippets here and there and one of them was that Tara had an eight month old son. Good for you, I thought, and there it rested for a month.

Jo was already crying when I answered her call, she’d probably been crying before she even dialled the number. Tara’s son had died of SIDS in the night. I’ve no idea why she called me, particularly, and I suspect that she was calling people at random. I happened to still be in her phone book. When she asked me if I would go to the funeral I accepted without a second thought.

It was terrible. I don’t really want to describe it in detail.

Tara was absolutely broken. I’d murmured the usual condolences and she hadn’t said a word, staring over my shoulder into the middle distance, her lip trembling. I’m not sure she even saw me, really. Outside the chapel I pulled Jo to one side.

‘Where’s Giovanni?’ I asked (Giovanni being Tara’s husband).

‘No one knows. Some of his clothes and his passport have gone.’

‘Oh shit. Just when she needs him most.’

‘I don’t think she’s even really noticed he’s gone.’

I made a momentous decision on the spur of the moment.

‘I’ll look in on her for a few days. The house is almost sold and work’s light at the moment. It’s the least I could do.’

‘I knew you would. Shame you can’t be a bit of a bastard sometimes,’ Jo smiled and pecked me on the cheek then went to talk to Richard.

Tara lived on the other side of London to me but at least I didn’t need to go through the centre to get to hers. For the next week I’d leave after the rush hour and get to hers around midday. I always brought some food, Jo had warned me that Tara wasn’t cooking for herself and barely eating. She was barely talking either, and she spent her time looking at nothing, breaking down. It hurt me desperately to see her like this, she was the fun one, the one with life and energy, and it had been ripped from her. And there was absolutely nothing I could do to help take that pain away. It’s not nice being helpless, but I was.

I would make some food and bring it to her. Sometimes she picked at it, other times she just left it. I fixed a few simple things around her house and garden, made sure the place was spotless and generally kept out of her way. She needed to grieve but I wasn’t going to make her talk. To be honest I was scared at how strong her grief might be, and I was conscious that I wasn’t strong enough to bear it.

On the Friday of that week I arrived at her house and let myself in (Jo had given me a spare key). Tara was sitting in her living room with an album of baby photos spread out on the coffee table in front of her. Tears were flooding down her cheeks but she made no sound. I stopped, heart in my mouth, then told myself not to be such an arse. I forced myself over to her, sitting next to her on the sofa and putting my arm around her. She sank into my chest and began to wail. She wept for what felt like hours, sometimes bellowing or screeching as I held her. I’ve never seen such heartfelt loss and I pray that I never feel it myself.

When she’d calmed a little I began to stroke her hair, letting her use me as a pillow for as long as she needed. She put her hands around me and held me, and we stayed that way for an age, until finally she pushed herself up, wiping the remains of her tears away with a little empty laugh. Then she got up and went into the kitchen as I stared at her wall and blinked back one of my own tears. She came back with a mug of tea for me and leant over to me. Just like a few years before her lips brushed my cheek and this time she murmured a sincere thank you.

She disappeared upstairs after that and I didn’t follow. Upstairs was somewhere I hadn’t been invited, and really, what kind of sick fuck do you think I am to try to take advantage of a woman at that point in her life? We will get to the sex, ok?

The next day I left for Prague and I soon slipped back into my old routine, satisfied that the glass was half-full. After a couple of days I got a really nice email from Jo, saying that I was a knight in shining armour and some other such guff, but a real thank you, nonetheless. It’s nice to be appreciated. And a few months later I got an email from Tara, though I didn’t expect or require one. She was still lost but she wanted me to know that I’d really helped her let the first of it out. She wouldn’t forget that. I was really touched and we started to email each other quite often. I regaled her with stories of disastrous dates, and she told me how her life was moving on, now divorced, little by little. And within her emails, of course, she disp
ensed little words of wisdom, telling me that I should appreciate myself more for who I was. I packed up the drinking for a while.


‘Dominic’s in hospital and it looks desperate,’ Jo told me over the phone, trying to keep her voice level.’

‘Tell me.’

‘His organs are giving out, the next twenty-four hours are critical, but there’s a good chance he’s going.’

I didn’t know what to say. I was truly stunned. We were roughly the same age and there was Dominic dying. Not of some crazy accident or misbehaviour, but just because his body didn’t want to work any more.

His funeral later that month was very well attended. Most of the old gang were there, along with a lot people who’d been won over by his easy charm and basic decency. I was even asked to speak during the service, and I hope I did him justice, focussing on his energy and his inspiration. I held it together almost to the end but I knew what was coming, and when it hit, it hit like a hammer. One of the most well known features of Dominic was his constant driving with his stereo blasting. And I knew which song it would be. And then, as the curtains opened to reveal the empty plinth the first bars of ‘Don’t Fear the Reaper’ kicked in. I was gone. Strings of snot tumbled out of my nose as I sobbed, wanting to fight it back but desperate to let it out.

After a minute or two I felt an arm around me, comforting me. I accepted it and let myself cry for my best friend, the man who had (metaphorically) done his utmost to slap me out of the bad times and push me forward. He’d been the first one to tell me to go to Prague, telling me it would be the making of me. He was right, too.

After a couple of minutes I started to pull myself together.

‘It’s alright, honey, if you need to cry some more, go ahead,’ it was Tara’s arm around me. I hadn’t even seen her in the chapel and was surprised to see her now. She’d never been a particular friend of Dominic’s and I don’t think they’d seen each other for ten years.

‘I’m fine now, but thanks.’ I said, feeling that I’d gone through the wall, things would be better although I would always miss him.

‘I’m in Jo and Richard’s car and there’s space for one more if you want a lift to the wake,’ she said, and I nodded. We walked out of the empty chapel and you won’t believe this, but I never noticed for one step that she was holding my hand the whole way.

The wake was a riot as it always should be when a larger than life character is laid to rest. Having the wake in a hotel just outside London with an open pool was a stroke of genius, and I laughed like I hadn’t in years as people started bombing each other and the hotel staff fidgeted. Whenever I caught Tara’s eye I would smile and nod, and now I think about it, I was catching her eye a lot. But at that moment it was ‘lads’ o’clock’ as we told tales of the improbable things Dominic got away with. Someone lit a *ahem* ‘herbal’ cigarette and that went round, along with the beer, the whisky, the vodka, the tequila… You get the picture. Personally, I lost the picture big time after a while.

I woke up and turned, heaving, almost choking as the puke flowed out of me into a bucket someone had thoughtfully placed on the floor next to the sofa I found myself on. It hurt, and it had every right to. I had no memory of the end of the evening and I had no idea where I was. And at that moment I didn’t care, praying for death, or at the least to be wrapped in cotton wool and carried to a comfortable nirvana. I lay still and controlled my breathing, cold sweats and trembles all over me, seriously hoping that the room wouldn’t begin to spin.

I heard bare feet behind me and Tara appeared, wrapped in a dressing gown. She gave me that feminine look which said ‘men are twats when they’re drunk’ and disappeared. She was soon back with a glass of water, a couple of aspirin and two slices of dry toast. The toast looked evilly at me so I contented myself with the water and the aspirin. She stroked my forehead and went back upstairs, leaving me to sleep it off a bit more.

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Foursome Sex With Two Hot Girls In Goa

Hello everyone, I am Sahil once again with another story. I am from Pune working for a reputed leading company in Viman Nagar. I am 25 years old with little muscular body after consistent workouts and also a 6-inch dark dick. So, this story is about a foursome sex I had in Goa. In the month of December with chilly atmosphere in the night and sunny in the day, I went with my friend named Tanya (name changed) for a 4 days vacation. We both needed a break from office work from home situation...

1 year ago
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The four boys all arrived at their final destination at the same time. And while it took some effort to organize, there was complete agreement and unbridled enthusiasm when they all learned what the scope of the gathering would entail. Each face lit up with anticipation when Chris Griffin extended the invitation to three of his best buddies. Steve Smith, “Snot” Schmuley and Neil Goldman practically fell over when Chris described what they’d be doing and “who” they’d be doing it with. So...

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Four Into One Will Go

Tied firmly to a chair, Vince Reason, his gut still aching from the fist that had floored him, could not work out how his plan had gone so terribly wrong as four big guys in different coloured masks pawed and slobbered over his woman, Carrie, who lay sprawled naked on the bed. Black hands were mauling her tits, as she sucked on a massive black cock, and a well-endowed white man was fucking her like crazy. Trouble was, she seemed to be enjoying it. And these men were all strangers, not at all...

3 years ago
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Four Times a Year Complete

Four Times a Year - Part 1Submitted by: Michael Freemont "Andrew. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way." She laughed. "And just as Bob and I were both having an orgasm. But maybe it's just as well you did find out. Now we won't have to sneak around anymore." Andrew was upset. He had come home unexpectedly and found his wife in bed with his best friend Bob. It answered so many questions. Why his wife was out so much. Why she couldn't go with him to events he had to go to. Why she wouldn't...

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Four of a Kind 8211 A strip poker story

Five cards stared up at me while the implications of their configuration suffused my being. Four queens, the heart suit carefully arranged on the left, followed by her sisters, each card a mirror image of the previous except for the suit. The last card, the ace of spades, broke the pattern, but served to complete the hand in mocking simplicity. I never played much poker, wasn’t the gambling type, but I knew enough that this hand, the one I held between my trembling fingers, was rare. I...

2 years ago
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After The Funeral

My Grandma chose the most inopportune time to die. I was engaged in the lengthy process of lining up a new job that actually granted paid funeral leave, but I was still a few weeks away from giving my notice at my old position. As opposed to the numerous times she'd "died" earlier in my life, come the one true time there wasn't anything exciting I wanted to do with the time off. I was hoping that no one in Personnel was clever enough to say Hey, wait a minute, didn't your Grandmother die a...

4 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 6 Two Road Trips and A Funeral

Uncle Bert’s funeral was that day. We all attended, of course, as did his huge family and many others I had never met. Uncle Bert was well loved. I was surprised how many women were there without a male escort. A lot had wedding rings. I know it was a sad occasion being a funeral and all, but, I know Uncle Bert. He would have gotten a kick out of my erection from thinking about his funeral goers. My family all liked Mary and Andy. My parents were surprised when I told them Andy was my...

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“I want to walk into our spare bedroom, the one with the mirrors on all the walls, and see five naked men. Apart from you, the other four are all in their early twenties with toned fit bodies. They are all well hung, preferably AC/DC, you know I love to turn on bi-sex men. I have a fantasy where those four men are watching us fucking after lots of teasing foreplay. “Three this Sunday is that doable? Are you excited at the thought of four naked men for us.” “Yes and yes,” I respond...

1 year ago
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“I want to walk into our spare bedroom, the one with the mirrors on all the walls, and see five naked men. Apart from you, the other four are all in their early twenties with toned fit bodies. They are all well hung, preferably AC/DC, you know I love to turn on bi-sex men. I have a fantasy where those four men are watching us fucking after lots of teasing foreplay. “Three this Sunday is that doable? Are you excited at the thought of four naked men for us.” “Yes and yes,” I respond...

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Four Couples

Chapter 1 Four married couples all agreed to get together one Saturday evening for a mate swap session that they had discovered they were all fantasizing about. Finally, they agreed to take their sexual fantasies and turn them into realities. Actually, it had been the four wives who regularly got together and in the course of conversation found out that they all had various sexual fantasies about each other's husbands and about what it would be like to sleep with some of the other husbands....

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Four Elements Trainer

If you have ever found yourself watching Nickelodeon classics like Avatar: The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra and said aloud, ‘boy, I wish these guys were naked and blowing one another,’ first of all, keep it to yourself. Secondly, don’t say that out loud. Nobody wants to know about that shit.But if you still find yourself horny as fuck and want to masturbate to characters from these series, do I have some good news for you! Developer Mity must have been thinking the same thing because...

Free Sex Games
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Four Roses Part 1

NOTE: This story is completely fictional! This all started when I was eighteen and just finishing my junior year at our local High School and my Sister was just starting Junior High School. We live with my Mother and Father. They were married when my Father was forty-two and my Mother was thirty-two. That’s ten years difference. I came along five years later. Dad was forty-seven and Mom was thirty-seven. POINT: My Father’s first wife died on their honeymoon when he was twenty-three. He was...

2 years ago
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Traveling With Bryan Ch 5 We Head Home From The Funeral

Bryan and I made it to Albuquerque two days before my dad passed away peacefully. We remained for the funeral and the family gatherings that followed. Those days remain a blur in my memory. Clearly, between my father's passing, the funeral and the family interactions, there were no opportunities for Bryan and me to be intimate; not that I wanted to be intimate under these circumstances. The slight respite gave me some time to search my soul about the events of the past week without a...

3 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 31 A Funeral

Four years after Princess Elaheh's arrival in Kobekistan, the Emir was genuinely sorry to hear that the Earl of Bargoed, his long time friend, had died at the ripe old age of seventy-nine. Their relationship had been very close, closer than would have been legal in the west; the Earl was the father and grandfather of two of the Emir's wives, Princess Ayda and her daughter, Princess Alima. The Earl had also become the third husband of the Emir's English mother, Amelia, Princess...

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Four Little Words

The chatter died down as Professor MacNeal strode through the open door and thirty-two pairs of eyes regarded him. Back ramrod-straight from military service from eighteen to twenty-four, not a silvering hair out of place, dressed in his black wingtips, traditional three-piece charcoal grey suit, accented with a red and black pocket square and a curiously old-fashioned emerald green bow tie, Professor MacNeal, or ‘Sir’ as he was known to the group of third-year students seated in the classroom,...

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Four peas

****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet.  If it is found in any other place, it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...

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Four Minutes In Heaven

Four Minutes In Heaven The three of us were standing in the hallway against one wall as the rest of the students changed classes. Jimmy and I had our backs against the wall and Mary was between us and she was facing us. She was closer to me so no one could see that my hand was up under her miniskirt. Jimmy was blocking the view from the other side so no one could see what I was up to. Mary was standing there with her feet about shoulder width apart. Her panties were in my pocket and...

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Four Girls

bio - I'm writing this because Cathy can't even keep her lies consistent. Every time she gets the fancy you'd think she was a different person. She just tacks on a new last name and now she's a 24 year old with oversized breasts. Anyway, she's unusual in my experience, a young woman who not only likes porn but also likes writing it. By the way, to me most women are young, even Cathy's mother. I'm 58. I think Cathy's stuff is often a bit tame for xnxx, though some of it's...

1 year ago
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Four Teens

It all started with a phone call. Dean was working on his blog, and suddenly he felt his cell phone begin to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, and read the text. It was a message from his girlfriend, Kate, telling him to call her, as Ashley, a mutual friend, was staying the night. He called, and was greeted by his girlfriend's laughter. “Ashley has a question,” said Kate. “Okay.” Ashley greeted Dean, then explained the situation. “So Kate said her back hurt, so I...

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Four black bastards enjoying my sexy wife

During the week end Ana and I had gone to Tampa to attend a rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her round tits and her fit body. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex...

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Four BBC make a gangbang

During the week end Ana and I had gone to Savannah to see a good rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her tits and body well. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex from...

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Four young studs for my wife

My sweet Ana and me had flown to Los Angeles.I had a boring conference and my wife could enjoy making some shopping. We had hired a comfortable room in a very nice resort.One afternoon I came back late from my business and found Ana trying on a new bikini she had purchased. It was white and too revealing; but she said nobody would pay her any attention; she wanted only enjoy the Jacuzzi.We snuck out and jumped right into the Jacuzzi with some drinks. I could immediately see her hard nipples...

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Four In One Afternoon

[ This is for 'Jack.' Covid-19 has put an end to such things, for now, at least. But, hopefully, in the not too distant future, glory holes will be a thing again! ]Number One: ConnerI sat patiently, or as patient as I could, for Conner to show up at my glory hole. Conner was one of several younger (20 + year old) glory hole patrons that I had, and he was nearly a weekly, and sometimes twice-weekly, visitor. I knew his parents. Of course, they had no idea that their youngest son loved getting...

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Four guys for me in the ladies room

Four guys for me in the ladies roomAfter completeing my exercises in the gym, I went to the ladies room and took a nice warm shower. Wrapped on a long towel, I sat down on a bench and looked for my panties inside my bag.Suddenly I was surrounded by four huge guys; all of them Young and muscled; all wearing a towel at their waists.“Guys, I think you are in the ladies room” I said; my voice shaking a little."What's your name?" One of them asked. I answered telling my name."Well, Ana, my name is...

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Four-Way Street By Cassandra Morgan "Are we really doing this?" Chris wondered, his apprehension growing. Maggie laughed, but her nerves could be heard, too. "If you want to...." she said. "I mean, we've talked about it enough, haven't we?" Chris stared at the window. The road signs flashed past. Yeah, they had talked about it, all right, endlessly. They had debated and considered and fantasized about it. Theoretically, They agreed that opening up their marriage was a noble...

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Four Of Us

It was just about a month after our three-way with Fred that we met them both at a function at the Yacht Club.Now I have to say this, so you know. Freddy had a heart attack a week after our three-way. Gail was only home for three days from Florida. It wasn’t a big one and he was only in the hospital for two days.  He was fine and Gail was a wreck. I never saw anyone dote over someone, like Gail over Fred. She wanted to spoon-feed him and, he wanted to have a party on his boat.At the Yacht Club...

Wife Lovers
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Four to California

*February 9, 1848 - Thursday* Here begins my journal. I arise today a new man. My past is that of a cad, my future, if I have one, will be that of an emigrant farmer. I am Christopher Hanlon, 23, born October 12, 1824. I am 5' 6", 150 pounds, moderately good looking with brown hair and a beard which I keep well trimmed. I grew up on a farm in up state New York and left home as soon as I could. I had found employment at a stock brokerage firm in New York City. In the last eight years I have...

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Four Rules

It began innocently enough, for an obsession. I wasn't the type for obsessions, but sometimes you don't have much choice. I'm an executive with a large insurance firm, a conservative company for conservative clients, which means I have plenty to lose. I'm married to a decent woman, a good mother to our two grown kids. We don't have sex very often, but who does after twenty-five years? I told myself I didn't care, that passion and abandon were for hormone-stoked teenagers, not senior vice...

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The Chauffeur 62 Jills Funeral

Unwatch ••• PABLO DIABLO PABLO DIABLO Well-Known Member ** Top Recruiter ** Jan 21, 2020 Add bookmark #1 The Chauffeur (#62) Jill’s Funeral By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When we woke up the next morning, I found Dakota snuggled up to me in my bed. It took me nearly a half-hour to quietly get out of bed without waking my darling Dakota. I walked quietly to the bathroom to perform my morning duties. Once they were done, I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot...

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Audreys Funeral

Three months after Steve and I had double fucked Audrey and three weeks after she’d died her funeral was held, Grandma wanted to go and asked me if I’d take her, obviously I said I would. We attended the service and then was asked back to the wake at a local public house. After being there for twenty minutes or so Grandma had to go but I was asked if I wanted to stay. I took Grandma to her shop and then went back to the pub, getting myself a drink this lady came to talk to me. “Are you *****”...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 8 The Funeral

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Young Tranny at Great Grandmas Funeral

“What’s going on,” inquired the 34 year-old construction and building inspector.“Nothing,” smiled the high school senior with the 22-inch dark brown wavy hair extensions and gray contacts. “What’s up with you.”“I want summa that.” he leaned forward trapping her between his heaving chest and the counter.“What?”“That sweet potato pie over there,” he winked.“Oh, okay! I’ll cut you a piece.”“You do that,” he said not moving an inch and running a forefinger down her weave.She darted her eyes away,...

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Audreys Funeral

Three months after Steve and I had double fucked Audrey and three weeks after she’d died her funeral was held, Grandma wanted to go and asked me if I’d take her, obviously I said I would. We attended the service and then was asked back to the wake at a local public house. After being there for twenty minutes or so Grandma had to go but I was asked if I wanted to stay.I took Grandma to her shop and then went back to the pub, getting myself a drink this lady came to talk to me. “Are you *****”...

2 years ago
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Audreys Funeral

Three months after Steve and I had double fucked Audrey and three weeks after she’d died her funeral was held, Grandma wanted to go and asked me if I’d take her, obviously I said I would. We attended the service and then was asked back to the wake at a local public house. After being there for twenty minutes or so Grandma had to go but I was asked if I wanted to stay.I took Grandma to her shop and then went back to the pub, getting myself a drink this lady came to talk to me. “Are you *****”...

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The Funeral

She stood outside the funeral home and told herself this was a mistake. She had been having this dialogue with herself since the day she saw the obituary in the paper. It was not like she read those on a regular basis. In fact, she avoided this section of the paper like the plague because she found it morbid and creepy, but she was reading an article that had “continued on page” with her morning coffee and she turned to the wrong page by accident. That was when she saw it, the picture of the...

Love Stories
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IT WAS A SUNDAy FOR THE BURIAL OF A GRAND AUNT.AN AUNT THAT WAS MY FATHER'S family BUT NO LINK FOR blood BECAUSE THEY WERE THE family OF THE NEW WIFE OF MY GRAND FATHER;then there was everyone from the side of the family I do not know everyone.but I was going soon to know them well, mostly one ....A FUNERAL IN MY family TO FINISH BY THE GOOD MOOD SO THE AFTERNOON AND EVENING EVERYONE TO MEET AROUND A BIG MEALTHIS IS FOR THE FIRST MEAL THAT I FIND ME NEXT TO FANNY .....A blue-eyed brunette...

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