Besamung indian porn

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Die Besamungsstation

Alfred Hohenstein war besorgt. Sein einziges Kind, die 18-jährige Constanze, war gerade volljährig geworden, zeigte jedoch immer noch keinerlei Interesse, die Blutlinie der Hohensteins fortzusetzen. Alles gute Zureden hatten nicht gefruchtet. Da fiel ihm ein mit der Sonntagszeitung verteilter Werbeprospekt der MPT Besamung GmbH in Rüdenberg ins Auge. „Staatlich anerkannter Zuchtvetrieb! Die MPT Besamung und die Bullenstation Rüdenberg beheimaten die erforderlichen Bullen aus dem MPT Programm...

4 years ago
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Erste Besamung

Auftakt Dieser Tag war der erste Besamungstag, es hatte eine lange Zeit gebraucht bis er kam, es war die Idee einer geheimen Stiftung und eines ungewöhnlichen Gedankens gewesen. Catherine war vor 18 Jahren rekrutiert worden, als sie 16 war, schwanger und allein. Sie hatte einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Betracht gezogen und den üblichen Spießrutenlauf zu absolvieren, um in eine Klinik zu kommen. Damals fürchtete sie sich und war verwirrt: sie wollte nicht wirklich einen...

3 years ago
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Einreiten einer besamungsunwilligen Stute

Es war so ein typisch kalter Wintertag, an dem ich mit meiner besten Freundin Beate bei mir zu Hause auf dem Sofa lag. Wir haben uns aus Langweile auf einem Erotikportal unserer Stadt eingeloggt und uns gegenseitig private Kontaktanzeigen vorgelesen. Bei einer Anzeige die Beate mir vorlas bekam ich augenblicklich eine Gänsehaut und es kribbelte in meinem ganzen Körper. So sehr hat mich diese Anzeige berührt. Die Anzeige lautete: Willst Du Deine Ehestute endlich fremdschwängern lassen von einem...

4 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 4

Teil 4: DoppelbesamungAm Samstag Abend war Vanessa mit ihren Freundinnen in die Disco. Marc war mit seinen Kumpels unterwegs. Endlich einmal hatte Sandra wieder einen langen gemütlichen Abend alleine mit ihrem Mann. Sie trug nur ein kurzes, durchsichtiges Negligé, ein winziges Etwas, dass ihre Reize mehr betonte als verbarg. Nach einem Glas Wein, leidenschaftlichen Küssen und gegenseitigen Liebkosungen setzte sie sich breitbeinig auf seinen Schoß. Aufreizend rieb sie ihre nackte Scham an seinem...

2 years ago
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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

2 years ago
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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

4 years ago
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Der Club

So langsam war absolute Ebbe in meiner Kasse. Keine Ahnung wie ich die nächste Miete zahlen sollte. Warum hatte ich auch nie sparen gelernt. Aber wozu auch. Meine Eltern schwammen im Geld. Dumm war nur, dass ich mich mit ihnen total zerstritten hatte, als ich an meinem 18. Geburtstag von zu Hause ausgezogen war um mit meinem Freund Bernd, der mein Vater hätte sein können, zusammen zu leben. Der Altersunterschied von 28 Jahren und die Tatsache, dass er noch verheiratet war, waren einfach zuviel...

4 years ago
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Meister T Spiel der K ouml nige

Meister – T – - Fetisch und Voyeurismus als Kunstform und die Einblicke in das intime Tagebuch des Meisters – T"Diener Weideschwein" - Er ist bereit zum "Spiel der Könige" - "Punching Balls"!"Diener Weideschwein" - Er ist bereit zum Spiel der Könige - "Punching the Balls"!Die Tage zwischen der Jahreswende waren auf ihre Art „Aufregend und Abwechslungsreich“. Am 24. Dezember stand um Neun Zero Zero „Diener Weideschwein“ mit seiner Frau Hannah vor der Türe....

2 years ago
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Daniela und ihre Wetten

Daniela und ihre Wetten Mein Name ist Paul und ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich kam mit meiner Freundin Daniela, die vor kurzem ebenfalls 18 geworden war, mal wieder von einer Shoppingtour nach Hause. Wir sagten kurz Hallo zu meinen Eltern, die in der Küche saßen und zu meinem 20-jährigen Bruder Robert, der im Wohnzimmer war. Dann gingen wir auf mein Zimmer. Ich musste mich schwer zusammen reißen, dass ich ihr nicht sofort die Kleider vom Leib riss und über sie herfiel. Kurz vorher war Dani nämlich...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 2

Teil 2: Die Teeniestute und der DeckhengstAm nächsten Morgen erwachte Vanessa nur langsam. Es war hell im Zimmer und nur allmählich gewöhnten sich ihre Augen an die Helligkeit. Noch langsamer fing ihr Verstand an zu arbeiten. Irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Irgendetwas war anders als sonst. Dann begriff sie. Das war nicht ihr Bett. Das war nicht ihr Zimmer! Aber wo war sie denn? Dann erkannte sie das Schlafzimmer ihrer Eltern. Sie lag im Ehebett. Und sie war nackt! Was war geschehen?Plötzlich...

3 years ago
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Empf ngnis nach Hochzeitsfeier

Meine Geschichte spielte vor fast drei Jahren. Mein Name ist Lisa, und mein Mann heißt Bob. Ich gelte als attraktiv und habe mich immer gepflegt. Ich bin stolz darauf, dass die Freunde meines Mannes ihm immer gesagt haben, dass sie auf ihn neidisch wären, mich zu haben. Die meisten Männer finden mein hübsches Gesicht attraktiv, aber meine großen Brüste, der flache Bauch und besonders mein fester Hintern und meine muskulösen Oberschenkel bekommen die meiste Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl ich zugeben...

3 years ago
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Modelagentur 1 Besamung

Ich war 26 und hatte mich gerade als Fotograf selbstständig gemacht. Das Geschäft war nicht leicht, aber ich konnte mir immerhin ein kleines Studio leisten unter anderem, da ich mir ein netten kleinen Nebenverdienst angelegt hatte. Ich war permanent auf der Suche nach neuen „Models“ und hatte auch gleich wieder ein Interview mit Melissa. Ich bereitete alles vor, richtete die Videokameras aus, räumte ein wenig das Studio auf und ordnete die Kissen auf dem Sofa als es schon klingelte. Vor der Tür...

3 years ago
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Schweinchen Tick

Schweinchen TickEin modernes, kurzweiliges Märchen.Ich bin Tick, naja nicht wirklich, aber mein Ebername lautet so. In Wirklichkeit und meiner wahren menschlichen Gestalt heiße ich Rick. Nur grad eben nicht.Ich bin ein Schwein, in echt, kein Spaß sondern bitterer Ernst. Klar, gelacht habe ich auch als diese doofe Hexe mich hasserfüllt angeschrien hat.,, Du wirst für deine Arroganz büßen. Nur so lange, bis es durch der wahren Liebe Kuss, der Zauber aufgehoben wird. Du wirst mit anderen Schweinen...

2 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 5

Teil 5: Der PostboteEin paar Wochen waren vergangen, seit Vanessa erfahren hatte, dass sie schwanger war. Noch war nicht allzu viel davon zu sehen, höchstens eine ganz leichte Wölbung ihres ansonsten flachen Bauches. Bei ihrer Mutter, die ja zwei Monate Vorsprung hatte, war dagegen schon eine deutliche Rundung zu erkennen.An dem Fick-Arrangement hatte sich durch Vanessas Schwangerschaft vorerst nichts geändert. Sie wurde weiterhin von Thomas und Marc regelmäßig gefickt. Und auch Sandra wurde...

4 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 3

Teil 3: Die Mutterstute und der JunghengstDie drei waren völlig vertieft in ihr geiles Spiel, als sie plötzlich eine Stimme hörten: „He, was ist denn hier los? Eine Orgie? Ohne mich?“Das war Marc!Den hatten sie vollkommen vergessen. Zumindest die Frauen, denn Thomas hatte schon die ganze Zeit mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet und dies auch bewusst einkalkuliert.Vanessa schrie entsetzt auf. Sie versuchte, aufzustehen, aber Thomas hielt ihre Hüften fest umklammert. Sie konnte nicht einmal ihre...

3 years ago
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Zum Cuckold erpresst German

ZUM CUCKOLD ERPRESST    (Multi Fetisch)   ? 2012 by MasostudKapitel 1: Ein gro?er FehlerSeit Ende meines Studiums als Lehrer f?r Altgriechisch und Latein lebe ich, Matthias Steigleder, mit Gabriele, die ein Jahr j?nger als ich mit meinen 28 Jahren ist, zusammen und habe sie vor knapp drei Jahren geheiratet, nachdem sie ihr juristisches Staatsexamen bestanden und eine Anstellung in einer bekannten Anwaltskanzlei gefunden hatte.Wir leben in einem Haus mit Garten in einer gehobenen ...

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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

3 years ago
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Kapitel 1 – Das Institut Ein irgendwie futuristisch anmutendes, dunkelgraues Gebäude mit scheinbar drei Stockwerken tauchte am Ende der Sackgasse in diesem Industtriegebiet im Licht der Laternen auf. Bedrohlich wie ein schwarze Quader ragte es in den tropisch heißen, schwarzen Nachthimmel, den nur die Straßenlaternen mit gelblichen Strahlen einige Meter weit zerrissen. Kleine Motten und Mücken sammelten sich wild flatternd um die Glaskugeln der Straßenleuchten. Die dunkle, glatte Fassade schien...

2 years ago
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My German lover pt1

Topless I layed myself on my belly between his legs, my head resting on his crotch. "I missed you," I said, rubbing my head. He had been away for a week to his grandparents. Lifting my head I then looked up to him."I missed you also, my freggle." I loved it when he called me this way, because of the freckles on my face. I knew he also did miss my little firebush and the tight hole hidden in it. And I had missed his sweet "schwanz" as he called it, and I had taken over, when he talked about his...

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Schwules Internat 10 10

Da mischte sich die Mutter von Arthur ein „die Leute waren sehr freundlich zu uns und das Brautpaar hat uns eingeladen mit rein zu kommen. Wir waren neugierig und sind mitgegangen. Haben ihnen aber gesagt, dass wir Muslime sind.“„Und wie haben die reagiert?“ wollte ich wissen.„Die haben nur gesagt >Na und

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Das Klassentreffen

„Und – wirst du mit ihm ficken?“Entsetzt riss sie die Augen auf und boxte mir gegen den Oberarm. „Oh Gott! Nein – natürlich nicht!!!“Mir gefiel, dass sie sich gar nicht über meine derbe Ausdrucksweise mokierte.„Aber er sieht doch nicht schlecht aus.“„Und wenn er wie ein junger Gott aussehen würde … nein, Danke!!!“Ich wollte sie noch ein wenig pieksen. „Aber er hat bestimmt einen sehr hübschen Penis …“Sie stöhnte auf. „Ich weiß sogar genau, wie er aussieht. Seit wir für das Klassentreffen die...

4 years ago
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Samstag Abend

Henning setzt sich nackt zwischen uns, er ist ein schicker Kerl mit seinem weißen Haar. Seine Qualitäten zwischen seinen Beinen sind beachtlich, sein fetter Vorhautpimmel liegt halbsteif auf seinem dicken, weiß behaartem Sack. Er schaut uns erwartungsvoll an, wartet auf eine Reaktion von uns. Wir grinsen und Opa steht auf, lässt seinen Bademantel fallen und stellt sich breitbeinig vor uns und zeigt uns sein Gehänge, er spielt mit seinen Sack. Dann geht er ins Schlafzimmer an den Wäscheschrank...

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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

5 years ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation Story Chapter 13 Saturday Morning

Joan and I stirred from our slumbers at a sensible hour and Joan kindly went to get us each a mug of coffee. I popped to the loo for my morning ablutions. By the time I returned, Joan had brought up the coffee. We lay and cuddled each other and chatted about what needed to be done today in readiness for the barbeque tomorrow. Joan had done most of the shopping yesterday and Peg had helped with this as they’d gone to the butchers and supermarket after Peg had finished work. Keep it simple,...

2 years ago
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Swingers Party Not What I Had Expected

This happened a few summers ago. I had shared my wife on two different occasions before trying a swingers club. I had thought it would be a perfect next step up from sharing my wife. My wife and I were in our mid forties and I wanted to try something different. I had seen an internet add promoting a swingers club about an hour from where we lived. I talked to the president of the club and he gave me all the details on what their club was all about. I was very excited the more he told me about...

3 years ago
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Life of Sandy Banks Chapter 2 Cum for Thought

Chapter 2 - Cum for thought "Yes! Yes, I am almost there!" Said Sandy panting and cut off her phone. Her brother had parked across the street and she could see him grinning at her when he saw her walking towards him with irritation written all across Sandy's face. While she was petite, Ethan, 19, stood at 6 ft and 2 inches tall. Puberty had done it's magic on him, his jaw and high cheek bones were more defined now and it looked like he was working out, he had a lean muscular build. He...

2 years ago
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JapanHDV Kai Miharu Enters into a world of sex testing

This is the most bizarre day for Kai Miharu as she enters enters into a world of sex testing at the clinic. It is a strange world of wild sex and this young lady has no idea what she is getting into. She had thought that she was there to be interviewed for a trial and a study. She applied as she needed some money and thought this would be easy. She had no idea that she would end up in a crazy place with the strangest happenings around her. After her interview she returns the next night to start...

4 years ago
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The Root Doctor

This is a true story, almost word for word. …………………………………… It was 1975. I was 21, and my first marriage had just collapsed. We had married when I was 19, she was 18 and had already been married once, a fact she forgot to share with me. I loved her completely, her , not so much. I was slender, not unattractive, good for my age with money, and she thought I was a good prospect. I also had a very good job, working for one of the top three employers in the county. The only draw back to the job...

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My sexy aunt

My sexy auntFirst time with an adult woman.As a c***d I was every summer on vacation with my aunt and uncle in Viborg. They ran a small grocery store with its dairy sales. It was always fun to be able to help in the shop. This summer I had just turned 16, and I was pleased as always to be away on vacation. I had no great sexual experience at the time, but it should change during the holidays.I was raised alone by train to Viborg, and were picked up at the station by my aunt and uncle. My uncle...

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The Bookkeeper Needed a Change

The Bookkeeper Needed a Change By Elen I had grown up in the flat rolling hills of Iowa where there was nothing but miles and miles of cornfields. It was there that I rode my bike for hours on end to escape the boredom of country life. I wasn't tall compared to the corn fed, football playing classmates I graduated with, but because of all the bike riding I was in shape. After finishing my degree in accounting I couldn't wait to head to the big city life. And now my dream had come...

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results of an inspirational xhamster email

i want you to read this while jerking off, and cum before the end... then tell me your thoughtsthis is a story about a hot young sub, eager to please me. I tell him what I want for him to do, is be the first, for an otherwise straight married man.I explain the man is attractive, wears a very expensive business suit, you know the type. the one nobody in his life would ever suspect, would be craving going beyond secret fantasy to real life experience with another man. I make the arrangements. The...

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My New Neighbour part 6

Claire did as i asked and soon had every cushion and seat cover spread in front of the roaring woodburner, all except the one from the chair i was sitting on. I got up from my seat and tossed the cushion on the floor in front of me, Claire was standing to the side, hands on hips, her weight resting on one hip in what was a very sexy pose, my cock sprang up and down as it twitched madly just at the sight of her, pre cum splashing against my thick treasure trail of salt and pepper hair that ran...

2 years ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 2

I had gone into the bus station to get out of the freezing cold to try and get some warmth in me. I had met Roger who bought me the first meal I had in two days. We returned to the bus station, and in the rest room, I sucked my first cock ever. Something, until now, I had never contemplated. An experience that was not all that unpleasant. Roger gave a fifty dollar bill and asked me if I would like to be his regular cocksucker. At first I was a bit taken back, but being warm and having a full...

Gay Male
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The Interview Ch 1

My name is Nina and this is how in my mid-thirties I learned that there is more to life than being a workaholic and living alone. As you read my story you will see that I had much to learn and was taught by capable, all be it young, teachers. I will be in their debt for many years, possibly all the years I have left. I hope that you can learn some of their lessons if you open your mind to the possibilities of letting go of your inhibitions and giving your body and mind over to others for a...

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Meri Moti Ex Girlfriend

Ek din mujhe ek call aaya, awaaz thodi jaani pehchani si thi. Woh puchane lagi pehchana. Maine naa mein jawaab diya. Woh turant boli saari promises bhi bhul gaya hoga, awaaz bhi nahi pehchan raha. Main full confusion mein kaun hai. Woh boli main Beena, mujhe toh pyara sa shock laga. Almost 11-12 saal baad call kar rahi thi. Maine haal chal pucha usne kaha thik hu aur baad mein call karti hu aur phone cut kar diya. Mujhe samajh mein hi nahi aaya usne call kyu kiya. Main number save kiya aur usse...

4 years ago
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My experience with the twins

This is a true story that happened a few years ago.When I met them they were just out of high school, young and bright newcomers to the big city. Nataly was majorly shy but we shared a common interest in art and anime, so I talked with her a lot. She was average height, with long brown hair and the cutest face, her tits were large for a teenager but not huge. She did not pay much attention to how she dressed. There was really nothing outwardly sexual about how she acted. Her twin sister Jillian...

1 year ago
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My Next Door Neighbour

Ever Since i was 18 years old, i use to dream about my next door neighbour, every day she would wear short tight skirts with a see-through blouse showing off her huge breasts. She was in her early 40's married with 2 children. I am now 17 and still have thoughts of what it would be like to be in a situation where i could fuck her brains out. One day during summer, i had been asked to babysit for there children. WIth no hesitation i agreed. This then became a annual event, it was about every 2...

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Impersonating BrianneChapter 5

When they finally stumbled out of bed, Alan and Marissa took a shower together and got dressed. It was spring, and while the sun was going to be out all day, the heat wasn't stifling. She put on shorts and a sleeveless polo shirt. She found a hat in her suitcase and dug out her sunglasses. Alan was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a nice t-shirt. They got in the car and drove first to Hoover Dam. They met the dam guide, took the dam tour, saw the dam generators, watched some of the dam...

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PRINCESS By Parker WARNING: This story involves forced tv and m/m sex. I can't put it any more plainly than that. If you think you will be offended by such things, don't read any further. I mean it! Copyright 1995 by Parker. Feel free to distribute (to appropriate places, of course) but don't alter the text. That would be bad. ============================================= I couldn't believe it! It went way beyond my wildest...

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new girlfriend part 3

With the buttplug firmly in place in my ass i practiced walking around katies house, trying to get use to the small glossy heels. I still couldnt get my head around being dressed as a girl, i watched TV for 10 minutes and even that was turning me on madly. Having to tuck my pink frilly skirt under my bum when i sat down. Finnaly it was time, Katie walked down in a pair of tight black jeans, and a white t-shirt. You could just see her pink bra through it. As she held my hand and walked me to the...

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Mike and Sam Part 3

Author's note: A number of people, after reading parts 1 and 2 of "Mike and Sam" have asked for more. The original parts took a long time to write, it was a small labor of love, that also took some research into Japanese culture. Here is a third and maybe final part, I just hope that it's as good as the first two. Mike and Sam Part 3 Miyuki One thing that Mike found changed when he got back to school, was a new Dean of the Psychology Department. It was a Dr. Ruth Halloran....

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College Roommate Part 1

When I was in college, I was lucky enough to be able to move off campus by my sophomore year, living with at least 4 other guys in a 2-bedroom apartment. We were a pretty stable group; three of us roomed together for all three years off campus. However, in my junior year, we had two new guys, they were friends, move in. One guy, Tim, was a real hunk who I secretly lusted after – and beat off thinking about – for most of my junior year.Tim was much older looking than anyone our age, yet he was...

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150 Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

Originally from lov2dancecpl but I really love this150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband 1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough nor good enough for you.5. Tell your husband all your lovers are much better at sex than he is.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you...

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Maybe I m Crazy

Crystal was in the office cafeteria getting her morning cup of de-café and trying to choose between a shot of peppermint and a shot of gingerbread syrup. Not that she needed the extra sugar from either but it would be the most pleasant decision of her day and she was at the age where she took pleasure where she could find it. The cafeteria had recently upgraded adding the flavored syrups to the coffee array and new décor and piped in music. Just in time for the holidays. Crystal put in a shot...

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 21

"What what?" asked Abe. "You're looking at me like something is all my fault." Ed said. "Well ... it is and it isn't ... it's our own damn fool fault for not attending the auction ... but you didn't need to get rich off it." "Half the shit we got out of this house, you two would have never found." Ed said just as a now dressed and hard blushing Persephone walked into the kitchen. "Gentlemen ... I do hope you'll forgive me and forget what you saw." She asked. Then she...

2 years ago
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I only wanted to see you

It must have been 80 degrees that hot July Saturday afternoon. The sky was cloudless and the trees didn’t move in the breezeless air. Parked facing a gate at the end of the lane and shaded by the large trees he looked expectantly in the rear view mirror of his Cabriolet car - looking back down the lane where a row of cottage style houses flanked one side, facing fields on the opposite side. She’d be here in a minute.With the roof down, the soft cream leather of the Cabriolet’s seats became...

3 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 58

Gina Moretti’s little ones were with her husband so she and Olivia had spent the whole weekend together, rarely leaving the house or even putting on clothes. The sexual chemistry between them was intense – the more they went at it, the more they wanted. On Saturday alone they had fucked in the bedroom, the bathroom, the living room, and the dining room.Sunday morning Olivia woke alone in Gina’s bed, yawning and stretching, feeling well-rested and content. Making her way downstairs, Olivia found...

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Community TooChapter 3

Cindy's turn: Idyllic life, I was thinking. I was sitting in a corner of the R&D lab with my laptop, cogitating over some power boosting issues when my cellphone came alive. That means something in this venue. As a group, we do NOT randomly call one another. The community calendar is always there and always updated, who's in class, who's on the road, who's cooking, all our information including, yes, those black spots that mean 'Don't disturb us.' So when my phone goes off and...

3 years ago
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Cabin Girl

Cabin Girl. A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I have always wanted to go to sea. I suppose it was because I was born and raised in Iowa. You do not have to be supper smart, but it helps to have a few clues. I studied what would be useful and I wrote my letters, and straight after high school I went to Boston on a cadetship with an Atlantic shipping company. Once you are on board the biggest factor is days at sea. Put in the days and pass the maritime school papers. Follow...

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Rock My World

Jack Slade was the man all women wanted. He was tall, lean, and muscular, with an ass that fit a pair of jeans in a way that made women wet for miles. As the lead singer of an up and coming rock band, Jack seduced his audience with a voice that could shift from high pitched and sweet, to low and seductive, to hard all in one breath. With longish black hair, ice blue eyes and pale skin, he looked like a cross between a medieval warrior and a fairy prince and was just as carelessly beautiful. ...

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Another wife converted on vacation

It was near noon as we made our way to the beach. I noticed severalmen eyeing my wife’s figure as we picked out two lounges to occupy andrelax. Barb looked stunning lying in the sun as the ocean breezelapped our skin. After laying out tanning for about 90 minutes, Isuggested we take a walk on the beach. We strolled over a mile downthe sunny, sun kissed sand along the edge of the water chatting andenjoying ourselves. Then the scenery changed to vacant rugged terrainalong the waters edge and...

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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 5

Cassandra and Adam got home from the mayor's house and the charity ball. It was after midnight, but neither of them were ready for sleep. Adam was thinking about the events of the past few weeks - his new relationship with his mother that now included frequent fucking, the expanded relationship with his art teacher, Jennifer, that now included periodic fucking, and tonight, screwing Elizabeth in front of her husband, the mayor. And yet, his mother had not had sex with anyone but him, other than...

4 years ago
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Bait and Switch Ch 18

My slight movement must have been enough to awaken Shanna, and she looked down on me with a sleepy smile. "Mmm, good morning," she murmured to me, and lightly pecked my lips. She shifted her hips a little, and must have realized I was still inside her, as her eyes grew wide, and her smile wider. "Mmm, I could get use to waking up like this." She gave me a hug, and I couldn't help but twitch inside her, as her whole body squeezed me. "Huh, wha—" Julia woke up next to us, slightly...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Kenzie Love Horny Newbie Kenzie Love Takes That Cock Deep LIVE

Busty babe Kenzie Love is ready to show you a fucking good time teasing you as she strips from her purple lingerie so you can admire every beautiful curve of that sexy body! Don’t you wish you could just motor boat those beautiful tits! Dan makes sure to give you the angles you desire as he drills her pussy deep with his hard cock! Kenzie loves feeling that dick penetrating her so deep. You guys suggest pile driver and Kenzie has never done that position so of course she wants to try.....

3 years ago
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 19

After I'd finished eating and nearly finished the whole pot of coffee I decided to check in with Charlie and see how things were getting along. "Good morning Billy Joe. I'm glad you called. There are a few things we need to take care of fairly quickly," he said. "What's the first?" I asked. "We need to install some toilet facilities for those that are sleeping outside for now," he said. "God, I completely forgot about that. Can we have the latest bunch of scumbags you collected...

4 years ago
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Down By The River

Sex, the final frontier. A never ending voyage to explore new sexual realms. To come together to create a new definition of erotic enjoyment. Giving each other mutual pleasure. To boldly go where we have never gone … before.Back in the day, when my wife and I were a new couple, we were still exploring each other’s bodies. I asked her to marry me just fifteen days after we met. I could only see her on weekends, because she lived an hour away and we both worked during the week. However, Friday...

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Jason s Secrets Exposed Part 7

After Marilyn and I finished our cigars, my dirty little mind came up with a new scenario that would have shocked and ashamed the old me. "Marilyn, are you completely sure that you have Jeff under your control? I mean, will he do anything?""I'm not sure of everything, Alexis, but... where are you going with this?""Well, you have discovered for yourself, Marilyn, that things that we would never have dreamt of are now real for us, and that we are getting great pleasure out of them. You have told...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik Huge Cock Slobber Job

In a magenta bikini, stunning Adriana Chechik shows natural curves, beautiful face and blowjob lips. She tells young porn sensation Damion Dayski, ‘I’ve heard amazing things about your massive cock.’ Adriana talks dirty through the scene. The drooling darling excitedly two-hand strokes the lean, tattooed stud’s thick, 12-inch rod, initiating a luxurious BJ. He grips her head to fuck her mouth; her blue eyes water, and saliva sluices down his towering big black cock....

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Different Worlds Ch 06

Thank you for all your great feedback everyone, it’s been fascinating and thank you to North200 for editing. ***** Ivy opened her eyes, and blinked. She was alone. She had no idea where Richard had gone or when he’d left but the idea of him being awake while she slept unnerved her. She didn’t seem to have a hang over, but she hadn’t drunk that much, just a bit of wine with her dinner, and then a few glasses of champagne at the ball, they hadn’t stayed at the party for long enough to get...

4 years ago
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Jude and Connor the kiss Chapter 1

"I... I should probably go" Connor replies hesitantly, each word like a knife to my heart. "Daria really wanted to see me." After a moments silence and awkward eye contact, Connor rose from his knees and left the room. I was completely speechless. What had just happened? Had Connor really kissed me? And why was he leaving? Did I do something wrong? Connor had been toying with my emotions for months. We had just resolved the awkwardness from the last kiss we had shared in the tent...

2 years ago
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I was just puttering around the house on my day off when there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I slipped a shirt on and went to see who was disturbing my peace. A little about myself – I'm a 32 year old widower, no k**s. My wife died in an accident almost a year ago and I really hadn't been up to putting myself “back on the market,” so to speak. I stand 6-foot-5 and tip the scales at just more than 230. I'm in pretty good shape, not muscle-bound, but toned.I opened the...

3 years ago
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Encounter With 2 Policemen

Hi! Mera naam Vimal hai main Indore ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 25 saal ki hai ye kahani mere ek gay encounter ki hai jo kuch din pehle hua and as it goes I’m also a fan of ISS and anyone who wants to contact me please mujhe batana kaisi lagi meri story mera email address hai I was already introduced to world of gay sex and I was in love with it. Ye kuch raat pehle ki baat hai ek company met se wapas aate samay ki hai party me as usual I got a bit drunk. Party ke baad around 2 baje main apni...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Axiom Chapter 5

It was still dark when Gwyneth inexplicably stirred from sleep, even though the alarm hadn't gone off. Still groggy, she was about to roll over and slip back into slumber until she realized that she wasn't alone in bed. A strong, muscular arm was draped over her waist, pulling her close to the masculine warmth that was spooning her from behind. Slowly, she twisted around to face him, making sure not to wake him in the process. When he felt her weight shift his arms tightened around her in...

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Vacation to remember 1

5 p.m. a knock sounds on our condo door. Earlier than I expected but glad regaurdless, our friends that lived near by had gotten off work and had come to join us the last two days at the beach. Scott was 5'10, 180 lbs, semi muscular but had a little fat left on him from one too many beers, and his wife Candice was not fat but wasn't skinny either. She was 23 and had big breasts just at the maximum range of too big for me, 36 D's and a nice ass with just the right jiggle and look of firmness...

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She Ra Prisoner of the Horde

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE SHE-RA: PRISONER OF THE HORDESonya Esperanto [email protected]:About cartoon character She Ra who is finally defeated by her enemy,?? The Horde,? and made into their BDSM slave. Chapter 1  (Note: This story is more or less based on the cartoon character She-ra and other Masters of the Universe characters.  It is meant as adult fan fiction. Written with help and ideas from Foocominic with the She-ra's erotic club) "I asked Horde Prime for...

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BrattySis Aria Valencia My Stepbrother Wants To Feel Me Up

Aria Valencia comes into the living room where her stepbrother, Jay Romero, is watching TV. When Jay comments on how many shopping bags Aria has, Aria admits that she has an impulse control issue. Jay tells Aria that he has an impulse control problem too. He wants to run up to random girls on the street and lift their shirts, then run his hands over their nipples until they’re hard. Aria asks Jay to show her. She meant over her shirt, but when Jay lifts her shirt and gives her a true...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 55 New Sex Partners At The Party

Mark She was moving like a determined woman, but in a slow and methodical way. Her body was writhing around my cock that had speared into her small pussy – a round long peg in a deep round hole, both full of arousing nerve endings that were sending continuous pleasure and bliss sensations to the core of our brains. Izzy was in seventh heaven as she rode me. She was naked from the waist down and only wore the leather vest she’d arrived in, only now it wasn’t buttoned and the breasts that...

4 years ago
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DONNA BY JANICE It was Thanksgiving morning; this Thanksgiving was going to be the best ever. My sister and I were going to have it at our house and were inviting all our girlfriends, Tracy, Sally and Barbara, naturally Laura was going to be there. I hardly ever assumed my Laura persona at home; I usually did it at the girl's neighborhood where I was known as Laura. My boyfriend Hal was spending Thanksgiving with...

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The Lesson Plan Part Three Field Trip Episode Two

The Lesson Plan -- Part Three: Field Trip Chapter Two You walk up the driveway to Melanie's modest house, new, shiny heels clicking on the concrete. It's a different neighbourhood to yours: a little nicer, the gardens a little better, the cars more likely to be German than Korean. There's a large living room window and you glance in, looking for some signs that you're in the right place. You've never been to Melanie's house before, you're just going off the directions she gave you...

2 years ago
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Seducing Married Sister

I am a final year engineering student.Dad is working in private company, mom is a housewife and my elder sisters renu, Subha got married. Like all the boys I too have fond of interest in sex. I used to watch porn movies in my friends home from 12th standard itself. Till now I have seduced many girls and aunties and fucked them. Since this is my first story I’ll explain that later. From my childhood onwards my sis subha only used to take care of me she used to bath me she used to feed me etc...

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The First Dragon of the Leaf

Asher Haizen had no memory of where he came from or who his parents were. As a child, he was taken from his home by a group of ninja under the command of a man named Orochimaru. He was taken to a lab where they conducted experiments on him and about twenty other children. The experiments were to try to create the ultimate ninja. There experiment used a serum derived from a plant that allows the bonding of two different types of DNA. They used the genetic material of animals on the children....

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Raesaah a horny muslimah bitch

They both walked up the stairs to Abduls flat which was on the 3rd floor and raesaah knocked the door softly while zain rested his head on her shoulder and they waited for it to open he squeezed raesaahs ass and adjusted his cock just as the door opened which immediately made Abduls jaw drop to the floor Salaam Waalicum Adbul said raesaah in a pleasant tone as abdul stuttered n replied with waalicum salaam baby... and smiled at raesaah and then looked at zain and greeted him with a big grin and...

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Helen looked at the bags she had laid out before her. She could still barely believe she had gone through with it. Trembling in anticipation she reached in and pulled out the largest package.It was a glossy chestnut brown colour, soft and supple against her fingers and surprisingly warm. She could not help herself give a little shiver as she unfolded it and d****d it over a chair. The flattened head of the costume staring back at her with empty eyes.Next she opened the smaller of the two...

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The Walking Dead

You wake up just the same as every other day. Groggy and still half asleep. But today is different. Today is the official release day of the final Telltale's the Walking Dead game. You have been waiting for this game to be released for months and today is finally the day you can play it. You head straight over to your computer and open steam. You go straight to the store page of the game and immediately hit buy. You start the download but your internet isnt great so it takes some time but you...

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Auntie s home tuition pt2

CONTINUED Vigorously it was a while before feeling comfortable then she hit a spot and l became very aroused my erection was spontaneous, and what an erection it was l gulped in air pushing myself on to Silvia and shouted ‘mummy l’m going’, she stopped fucking me and warned l was not to shoot my sticky load then gripped my balls tight causing me to lose my erection quickly, Silvia began fucking me again just as fast, she hit my g-spot ‘Bam!’ my cock was rock hard the sensation was electric it...

2 years ago
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My New Normal

Just a quick warning before we begin: this story is a commission, and will contain themes and fetishes that you may not like. These include incest, futa on male/futa on female, soft vore, cumplay, and general erotic horror themes. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy My New Normal. My movements were slow and careful as I made the bed. My body still ached from the night before, but I knew I had to get moving. Sunlight was peeking through the curtains: it looked like it was going to be a...

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My sister Anu

I and Anu were sitting on the sofa playing cards. It was vacation staff. We were very close to each other. I studied in 1st year BA while she studied in 11th Commerce. We discussed everything including sex. She had a boyfriend and would reveal all the intimate meetings with him. I would also reveal her all the intimate moments with my girlfriends. I had even fucked one of them. But Anu did not like crossing the limits. She has gone as far as kissing and cuddling him. Only once she said me, he...

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Fucked My Hot Sexy Mom

I am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight; tall handsome and athletic body. This is completely a fiction story. To tell about my mom her name is Lalitha 40 from Coimbatore. She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her. She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks. My father works in Chennai. He comes home once a month. I & my mom live in a double bedroom house. One room is for me and another room for my mom. My dad’s...

2 years ago
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Door Let Ajar 8211 Way To Redemption 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers, this is kumar coming back with a story after a long time please leave your comments to This is a fantasy story of a wife getting involved into the drive of sex life. A lazy Sunday morning i was rolling in my bed searching for my wife with my eyes closed found out she is missing and opened my eyes to checked the time to be around eleven called out for her and she replied from the kitchen ‘Get brushed coffee will in table within 2 minutes’ finished my morning calls and stepped out...

1 year ago
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Sick Junk! Are you one of those few gifted people who can somehow defy all odds and exceed their physical limitations when it comes to masturbation and manages to whack off every single day for years and years on end while barely maintaining a life outside of porn consumption? Are you one of those few hardened porn warriors that’s so desensitized from watching gigabytes-worth of pornography that you aren’t even phased by the sight of a naked woman or sex in general, and need something a little...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Janice is mind controlled and humiliated by Ginger part 3

She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her feet up she could not, however hard she tried she was frozen still like a statue. Suddenly memories of the previous two days came flooding back, she remembered what Ginger had made her do, he had raped her and by controlling her mind he had made her enjoy it and join in. She had walked naked down her street and he had buggered her. She tried to move desperate to get away but she really was...

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Black Gangbang Whore

At the age of 7, my older sister bought a pair of red patent leather stiletto shoes which she wore every time she went on a date with her latest boyfriend. I was fascinated by them and used to playfully wear them to hobble down the hallway as she chased and chastised me for doing so. I didn't realise at the time but this was the start of my trip into transvestism and I soon found myself delving into the laundry basket to retrieve a pair of her lacy knickers and bra which I would don in...

2 years ago
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FilthyPOV Kit Mercer Step Mom Caught At Bar Cheating

My Step-Mom is so Hot, I can not believe a dick like my Step-Dad got a woman like Kit they have a lot in common including that they are both recovering drinkers. Well, last night I apparently saw her out at the bar with another guy. I was so blacked out I didn’t remember but Kit didn’t know that. She came out to beg me not to tell my Step-Dad that she was at the bar, I tell I will keep her secret is she gives me a blowjob by the pool. I can not believe I got Kit to suck my cock all...

4 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 12

Terry At first it was the perfect home coming. Clarissa was caring and loving in spite of the hell she put me through with her teasing and tormenting. Thing is, the subbie in me liked that part. She was driving me crazy with the need to cum and I lost count how many times she brought me right to the edge. To my surprise I had actually a good time but then we had done this before. The only difference, in the end I got to fuck her and our combined orgasms were absolutely mind blowing after...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 18 Bigots and Scoundrels

December, 1812 One drawback of having the tenants reception on a Sunday after church was that Thomas had to go to church. He had been very busy the days before going over the records and the estate ledger with Mr. Conway, setting goals and allocating funds. He also took Mirabel into Guildford to have her measured for more clothes and other accessories which she would need. Mirabel of course protested against the expenses, but Thomas overruled her. If Mirabel was staying in Gibraltar, she...

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Hidden Bondage

We like to play games. We like to play secret games. We are the only ones who know we are playing the games. The rest of world, the people around us are oblivious to the hidden meanings, the looks, the gestures the illusions. False bravado, saying things that have double meanings, just enough for a stranger or a friend to look askance and wonder. We love making people wonder. 'Are they for real?' 'Did I just hear that?' It started when we discovered BDSM and formed a Master/slave...

1 year ago
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Wanks for the Memory

Wanks for the memory Relaxed, I lie upon the bed, My body straight, my legs outspread; My eyes towards the looking glass, I stick one finger up my arse. The other hand goes to my prick, And when it’s straight and getting thick, I put some oil upon the crown And then I rub it up and down Gently, until it’s getting thicker, And then I start to rub it quicker. When the juices start to come, I wipe them off with my left thumb, Which I then suck – oh, what a taste, A nectar sweet, too good to waste....

Erotic Poetry
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Pleasing My Husband

I had to part my lips from his. "Damn, how can your lips not be tired? We've been making out for ten minutes straight," I pondered, looking right at him, as I stood only a few inches in front of him. "Well, I'm sacrificing so I can make out with my pretty wife for as long as possible. If a little pain comes with it, I can deal with that. I would think you'd do the same for me." "Well, if you are committing to making our lips hurt, maybe you can make another body part feel good. You know I'm...

Oral Sex
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The Cuckold Tale

Before I start I have to say it's good to know there are so many other couples out there living the Cuckold lifestyle. The stories on this board are a constant inspiration to us all and I am delighted to be able to finally add my own. My wife Sandra and I are from West Sussex in Britain. We are twenty nine and thirty one respectively and own a converted, English farmhouse in a pleasant country setting. Our marriage has lasted a total of six, happy years thus far and we have a two year old...

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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 12 Vitaliy A uolas

Vanessa brought the subject back to guns. “So the NRA ... won’t be so powerful? Someday?” “Yeah someday. But look at Florida. That state is an NRA wet dream. But even the Republicans in Tallahassee passed some new gun restrictions. It’s only a gesture, a small one, but it flies in the face of the NRA.” Vanessa said, “Too little, too late.” Gertie nodded and stirred her drink with her index finger, “There are around a hundred twenty thousand, a hundred thirty thousand elementary and high...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10 Chapter 9 Psionics

More than two-thirds of First Fleet, including the Devi, was far away. In another galaxy for a matter of fact. Captain Harris was leading that mission into the Leo II galaxy. To make sure the Crucible was indeed completely destroyed and that there weren’t any other sources of Y’All warriors. The other reason for the trip was to reinforce the recently established GateHouse and make sure everyone in the vicinity knew, that the Union took control over the Ancient Gate. A significant number of...

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The Cheerleaders Cared For One Another

The cheerleaders loved being girls, and they cared for one another. The fact of being horny was a sweet and tender bond they shared, and the younger girls got beatiful, guilt-free mentoring in areas where they needed it the most. Trish had expressed sadness over never having had an orgasm, and Kelly, the virgin captain who masturbated a lot, had spoken to her encouragingly and had given her some excellent advice. After practice, Trish went home feeling loved and didn'n't hesitate in her...

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The Way BackChapter 25

The following days were hectic at work. Everything in sales was put to one side as we negotiated the lease and the terms of the new building. It was hard going; the leasing company wanted an arm and a leg, but weren't getting any offers from any other prospective tenants as a result. We were offering them a hand and perhaps a wrist, rather than an arm and leg, but they were playing hard to get. All four of us, Geoff, Judy, Jenny and I were constantly involved with it, while trying to keep...

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A New Love

Introduction: Stella loves Porn, but she soon realizes there is more out there than just porn. Someone who is willing to make her Porn fetish come to life! This is only my second story I have written here so please be patient and know I am a semi-newbie. I am not sure If I will make differant parts to this story yet or not. I guess it will all depend on how many people like it and If I get requests to keep going or not. Here we go. Sit back and enjoy....

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