She Ra - Prisoner Of The Horde free porn video

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PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE SHE-RA: PRISONER OF THE HORDESonya Esperanto [email protected]:About cartoon character She Ra who is finally defeated by her enemy,?? The Horde,? and made into their BDSM slave. Chapter 1  

(Note: This story is more or less based on the cartoon character She-ra and other Masters of the Universe characters.  It is meant as adult fan fiction. Written with help and ideas from Foocominic with the She-ra's erotic club)

"I asked Horde Prime for more men, not 'A man'!" the villainess Catra snarls at the tall muscular man in the red and black costume standing beside her at her planning table.  Catra, the overseer of a large chunk of the conquered planet of Etheria, has been sorely vexed by rebels.  Rebels lead by a cunning human named Adora.  Rebels who are often helped by the super heroine known as She-ra.  "I've lost several score of warriors in three caravans and at two of our bases in the last week alone!  Supplies, booty for Horde Prime, all gone! Even worse, Hordak won't pay me until I defeat that bitch!"

"I was sent here from the Fright Zone," the man says in an even tone of voice, "because Horde Prime wants results, not more excuses.  I brought with me a few new toys from HordeWorks, the weapons shop at home.  One of the toys is a Megabeam which we can use to capture humans and transport them to the Fright Zone.  We have to first capture a number of women to use as fuel.  When they release their sexual energy in orgasms, they will empower the device so we can capture more humans.  As for She-ra, my skills as a warrior ..."

"... Mean nothing here, General Kane!" the villainess snaps.  "The rebels strike without warning, first here, then over there," she says, pointing to spots on the relief map on the planning table.  "By the time we get troops out to smash them, they've melted back into their damned forest."

"That's why you don't REACT TO them, Catra, you ACT AGAINST them," Kane explains with a sigh.  "Anticipate enemy attacks, or even set traps for them to fall into, then destroy them with overwhelming force."

"Big talk, 'man', but useless against the power of She-ra!"

"Maybe, maybe not.  Hmmm, I wonder what kind of power we would get from your She-ra if we hooked her up to the Megabeam?"

*   *   *   *   *

"It's been a long time since I've been able to say that I'm stuffed!" the rotund little man called Hurley-Burley says to Adora a few days later.  They and two dozen other rebels are seated around campfires outside a cave complex deep in the Whispering Woods.  "If we raid any more Horde supply caravans, we're going to run out of storage space!"

"That is a problem we can easily solve," Adora replies, laughing softly.  Her laugh is a tinkling little sound that is so clear and clean, it can be heard above the conversations around the many campfires.  A few men and women look toward the gorgeous blonde to see why she's laughing.

"Catra must be spitting nails at her troop leaders," another rebel says, talking around a slab of meat and bread in his hands.

"If she hasn't ripped them to shreds for letting us 'go shopping' at her supply depots!" Adora says, laughing again.  The young woman, born of royalty on Eternia, is here on Etheria leading the rebellion against the occupation army from the Fright Zone.  The stunning rebel leader wears a red leather jerkin over a white blouse, red calf-high 'buccaneer' boots and long leather coverings on her arms.  A heavy 'whuffing' noise from the darkness outside the range of the campfire's light draws Adora's attention.

The woman rises easily from the fireplace and moves toward her horse, Spirit, who made the noise and is nibbling on grass near the campfire.  "The Horde will really be upset the next time we attack them, right, my friend?"  she asks the horse, petting its long white nose and scratching the brilliant mane on its neck.  The horse looks at the woman briefly, then nods its head and whinnies as if it agrees with the young leader.

"Where's ... Adora?!?" a young woman gasps a moment later, running into the camping area.  "I've got news!"

"I'm here, I'm here, stop and catch your breath!" Adora says, moving back to the campfire to stand by the side of her second-in-command, Princess Glimmer.  Adora puts a hand around the young woman's shoulder and smiles at her, then encourages her to take a seat on a log beside the fire.  They sit together and the courier gulps down a mug of wine as she catches her breath.  A minute or two later, the young woman drops her mug to the ground and wipes her lips with a sleeve.

"You know that village down by the river, used to be called Culinel?"

"Yes, we helped the people move out last year when the Horde moved troops into it," Hurley-Burley replies.

"Well," Glimmer says, looking at Adora, "there's a caravan of four carts in the village now.  Didn't see what they have, but there are almost a dozen men guarding them."

"Sounds like the same setup I saw early today when Tree-Topper and I scouted Saranac," Adora says.  "And look," she says, rising to her feet and drawing in the dirt.  "Both Culinel and Saranac are on the Pearlwhite River.  They villages are on a line from the huge Horde base in Trompa.  Hey, it's like they've drawn a line from Trompa toward the Whispering Woods!"

For several minutes, chaos reigns around the campfire as one rebel after another tries to talk about the Horde depots and what they mean.  After Spirit bulls his way into the circle of people around the fire, pushing his shoulder against Adora's, the rebel leader finally makes a decision.  "Well, folks, we can't let the Horde mass their troops against us, now, can we?  I think we should destroy their two supply depots before they move troops out from Trompa to attack us.  If there are no supplies to support them, the troops can't eat."

"What about Columbiad?" Hurley-Burley asks his boss.

"What do you mean?" Adora says.  Her left eyebrow arches to reflect her concern that perhaps she's forgotten something important.

"Well, if you draw a line from here to Trompa, Adora, the towns along the river are Culinel, Saranac and then Columbiad, my old home," the chubby man says, drawing in the dirt.  "If they ARE setting up bases to attack us, wouldn't they have to put something in Columbiad, too?"

"He's right, Adora, but we don't have the resources to hit all three at once," Glimmer complains.  "There were too many guards in Culinel for a small group to battle."

"Well, we really should hit all three towns at the same time or troopers in one village will be free to reinforce the others during an attack," Adora reasons aloud.  "Glimmer, can you take about fifteen men and attack Culinel at dawn?  And can you take the rest of our men to attack Saranac at the same time, Hurley-Burley?  I'll see if I can find She-ra and maybe she and I can take out the Horde troops in Columbiad."

"That's cutting things pretty fine, isn't it?" a rebel asks.

"Columbiad is over ten miles away, Adora, and is well out of the Whispering Woods," Glimmer says with concern in her voice.  "You two won't have much cover when you attack and we won't be able to help you if there are too many troopers in the village."

"She-ra hasn't met a Horde trooper she couldn't handle, and neither have I," Adora says confidently, smiling at her comrades.  "We'd better get moving, my friends, if we're going to be ready by dawn!"  As the rebels move away from the warmth of the campfires to get their weapons, Adora cups her hand under Spirit's jaw and pulls the horse's head close to her own.

"Think you can help me find She-ra, Spirit?"  The horse looks at the woman and 'chuffs' agreement.  After all, the Princess of Power is right under the horse's nose!

*   *   *   *   *

"I think your plan is stupid, General Kane!" Catra sputters impatiently as she hides in an abandoned house in Columbiad.  "She-ra is smart, but even she won't think about attacking this place.  We should go to Culinel to await the bitch."

"Now, now, now, Catra," Kane says, staring at the feline-like woman.  Her long red cape is wrapped tightly around her body but she still exudes powerful feminine pheromones, like a cat in heat.  He can hear the soft creak of her leather boots as she shifts her seat and can also see her hair flowing softly as a morning breeze blows into the hovel through the opening where a window should be.  "She-ra HAS to attack here.  Our monitoring equipment detected rebels spying on Culinel and Saranac the last two days, so they know our men and supplies are there.  Surely they have someone smart enough to point out that we're setting up a supply line toward their blasted forest hideout.  They'll HAVE to attack the supply line to foil our 'plans'.  I put enough men in each village to require a large force to defeat it, but not so strong as to require adding her to the mix - that would be overkill.  And if the rebels think a little harder, they'll also think of Columbiad here, as another supply base that has to be taken out."

"Mmmeerrrooowwww!!" Catra wails, cold and uncomfortable.  "Are you going someplace with this ego-boosting blather about your plan or are you just running laps?"  Her body shivvers from the cold and she pulls her cape tighter around her body.

General Kane notices the woman's discomfort but as a well-trained Horde warrior, he's been trained to ignore his own comfort and that of his troops when on Horde business.  "The point is, Catra," the man says with a hint of exasperation in his voice, "your spies report that there aren't enough rebels to attack all three villages at the same time but they must do that because we can reinforce the ones under attack with men from the villages not being hit.  Columbiad is the farthest from their precious hideout and the most exposed, a very hard target to reach.  Only someone like She-ra could get here and attack this village and have a prayer of getting back to the forest.  So I repeat: 'She HAS to attack here!'"

"Okay, okay, have it your way, big brain," the woman says, rubbing her bare thighs for warmth.  "I just hope she gets here soon so I can get warm.  Fighting her is better than sitting here freezing!"

"According to my instructions, Catra, we should probably try to capture She-ra first," Kane continues.  "We can hook her to the beam and use her magical energies to power it and capture more of the measly humans."

"Whatever," Catra says, trying to ignore the boring human general.  Where do they FIND such insufferable men!?

As the sun rises several minutes later, Catra's keen hearing picks up the sounds of stealthy movement at the far end of the village.  "Hssst!  Kane!  Someone's coming," she whispers to the Horde leader, "I'm going outside to check it out.  Looks like your plan just might work, big guy!"  After slipping out of the run-down building, Catra says to herself, "arrogant male!"

*   *   *   *   *

Outside the village of Columbiad, Adora dismounts Spirit and looks for signs of her enemies.  All is quiet in the pre-dawn stillness.  Raising her sword over her head, the rebel leader says, "For the Honor of GreySkull....... I am She-ra!!!!"  and there is a flash of light.  Suddenly the comely blonde rebel is replaced by the stunningly lovely heroine She-ra and her horse, Spirit, changes into She-ra's steed, Swift Wind.  "Looks like maybe ten men and five carts," She-ra says as she prepares to sneak into the village.  She tries to reach out with her mind to identify who's in the village but nothing happens.  Either no one else is there or some kind of magic is hiding their presence.  A good sign that there might be some of the Horde's mercenaries hidden in the village!  The Princess of Power lowers her arms and moves silently across fields denuded of grain years ago toward the deserted village of Columbiad.  She enters the edge of the village and creeps into it, her back pressed against walls and keeping her footfalls as light as a feather.

"Sheol!" she curses when the ground suddenly opens below her!  A pit trap that she didn't see.  She was too busy checking the huts for Horde warriors.  After falling some twenty feet, the Princess of Power rises to her feet and dusts off her knees and skirt, then looks upward.  "I made enough noise to raise the dead but no one has bothered to see what they caught!  How curious."  The heroine bends slightly at the knees and with a powerful flex of her leg muscles, easily leaps upward to the rim of the pit trap where she lands delicately on one boot.  Looking back toward her horse, Swift Wind, the woman begins to edge into the run-down village.

"Mmmeerrooowww!" Catra says as she swaggers as silent as a cat into the dusty track that passes as Main Street for 'downtown Columbiad'.  "Look who's come by for breakfast."  The cold morning air has the nipples on both women straining against the tops of their costumes, like miniature warheads tracking their foes.  As they speak, small clouds appear at their mouths when their warm breaths crystallize in the chilly air.  The men guarding the carts spin around and move to join their leader.

Catra's sudden appearance surprises the Princess of Power.  "Catra!" She-ra spits at the villainess.  "I suspected a trap but I didn't think you'd be rash enough to face me alone!  Who else do you have hiding in the village? Grizzlor, Leech or maybe even Scorpia?  And may I assume that those carts are empty?"

"Of course they're empty, stupid!" Catra snarls.  "And I'm more than woman enough to take YOU down, She-ra!"

Before Catra can react, She-ra pulls her sword from the sheath beneath her cape and begins to spin it like a buzz saw as she advances toward the villainess.  Catra shrieks at the threat and begins to back away from the heroine's whirling blade.  Suddenly the evil feline's boot snags a brick and she topples down, landing on her butt, then her back.  "MMmmrreeoowww!" the Horde mercenary cries as She-ra steps over Catra's body, a boot planted in the dirt beside either hip.

"Give it up now, Catra, and you won't be hurt!" She-ra commands.  Suddenly a pulse rifle bolt of energy hits her spinning sword and makes She-ra blink.  "Oops, forgot about your troopers!" she says as more rifle shots come at her.  "Sword to shield!" She-ra commands and her weapon magically morphs into a large shield which she uses to deflect more pulse rifle shots.  When the Horde troopers realize that their shots aren't even bothering the mighty heroine, their fire slackens.

She-ra uses the lull to her advantage.  "Shield to rope!" she commands and the shield morphs into a long rope.  She-ra easily snaps it toward the troopers and snags one man by his leg.  A powerful flex of her arm and the man flies through the air to crash into other troopers, who in turn crash into more troopers, until the entire team is lying in the dust.

"AAarrrrrr!!  You slipped up again!" Catra snarls from beneath the Princess of Power.  As She-ra begins to look down at her foe, Catra raises a leg and her boot crashes into She-ra's white-clad butt, catapaulting the heroine several feet, to land unceremoniously on her breasts in the dirt.

"That's not nice, Catra," She-ra says, rising to her feet to face the villainess.  She-ra takes a moment to dust herself off (and secretly massage her tender butt crack where Catra's boot hit her).  She-ra bends down to pick up her rope ...

And at the same time, Catra rises to her feet and faces the mighty heroine.  Before She-ra can do anything with her magical rope, the villainess reaches under her cape and pulls a 'Power Whip' off a loop on the back of her belt.  In one smooth, practiced move, she brings her hand forward and the end of the fifteen-foot long bullwhip slithers through the air toward the stunning blonde.

Before She-ra has a chance to react, the Power Whip hits her and coils around her slender waist.  As the whip envelops the heroine, Catra presses a stub on the handle of the whip and a powerful electric shock snakes down the length of the rope toward the Princess of Power.  "AAAIIIEEEE!!" She-ra screams as powerful energy rips into her body around her waist.  "UUNNNGGHH!  M-Must ... remove ... ooohhhh huh-hurts ... must remove this!" she says, grabbing the whip and receiving more shocks through her hands.  As Hellish energies flood her body, making her legs shake and clouding her vision, the heroine finally manages to remove the whip from around her waist.  She drops it to the ground and staggers backward, shaking her head.  Aftershocks ripple through her body, tingling her ... stirring within her ...?  And why does she suddenly feel so much weaker?

"Puurrrrfect!" Catra gloats.  "How do you like my new toy, bitch!"  The villainess snaps her arm backwards, retrieving the whip, and as she takes two steps toward She-ra, the bullwhip lashes forward again, this time just a foot or two above the ground.  Ten feet away, She-ra puts a hand to the side of her head as if it might help shake off the effects of the whip.  Suddenly she spots the lash snapping toward her.  Before she can move or jump out of the way, the end of the whip coils tightly around one of her boots and again the air crackles with the flow of energy down the length of the lash.

"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!  OOOOUUUUWWWWWW!!" She-ra screams piteously as terrible energy blasts into her ankle and up her leg.  Catra yanks the lash backward and that jerk and the pain cause She-ra to fall backward onto her butt and then onto her back.  Her body bucks and bounces on the ground as the villainess slowly pulls the heroine closer.  She-ra's hand goes to her head again in response to the pain she feels.  This doesn't help as she's pulled closer to the evil Catra.  The more she struggles, the weaker she feels.  WHAT IS HAPPENING!!??

"Nnnngghhh ... c-can't stand the pain ... ooohhh ... wuh-where'd she mmmnnhh get this!?" She-ra moans to herself as her body is pulled closer to Catra.  Again the painful electricity surges through her body, up her long, muscled leg and through her groin.  Again she feels things stirring inside her, down between her legs.  Unwanted feelings tingle inside her, demanding that she attend to them ... NOW!! Desperate, just as she reaches the villainess, the heroine kicks her free leg upwards and hits Catra's knee with titanic force.  But instead of blasting the villainess into space, the *mighty* blow just makes her stagger!  "Why ... nnnhh ... why am I ... so weak?" She-ra asks herself.

"OOAAWWWRRRRR!!  HSSST!" Catra complains, dropping the Power Whip and falling on her butt.  She rubs her damaged knee as She-ra rolls away.  Catra tries to get to her feet but can't bear any weight on her damaged knee for a few seconds.  During the respite, the mighty Princess of Power manages to remove the sparking whip off her booted ankle and recover from the incredibly painful electrical shocks.  She tosses the hated whip onto the roof of a nearby cottage.  As she stands in the dirty street, her legs begin to shake uncontrollably and her arms feel like lead, hanging at her side.  How could this be?

"Nnnhhh, quite a shocking greeting you have there, Catra!" the Mistress of Might says gamely as she rises to her feet.  "But maybe without your whip you won't be as much trouble."  At the same time, she thinks, "As long as she doesn't have anything else hidden under that cape of hers!"

Both women rise to their feet at nearly the same time.  She-ra sways slightly from the electric tingles coursing through her body.  Surprisingly, she can feel odd sensations rippling in her breasts and between her legs, something she felt when her lover Seahawk was last here.  Unbeknownst to her, a small trickle of juices stains her white panties as her body reacts to the unwelcome side effects of Catra's Power Whip.  The Princess of Power shakes off the unusual feeling and tries to focus on the fighting feline.  Catra, at the same time, is bent slightly at the waist as she tries to stand while pains shoot outward from her left knee.

"That hurt, you bitch!" Catra snarls at the blonde.  Before She-ra can reply, Catra leaps at the woman and GRABS HER BREASTS!!  She-ra falls backward shrieking indignantly as Catra's talons dig into the luscious white skin above the top of her bustier.  Catra's talons aren't strong enough to break She-ra's skin but they DO make deep dimples in the flesh.

"G-get your hands OFF OF ME!" She-ra protests, grabbing Catra's wrists as the two women writhe on the ground, Catra on She-ra's body.  As the heroine slowly pulls the painful talons away from her breasts, she can feel Catra's lower body grinding against her own.  Catra's hard pubic mound rubs against She-ra's belly even as the villainess' red boots slide up and down the heroine's creamy white thighs.  She-ra bucks her waist to throw the cat-like Horde leader off her body but this only gives Catra the chance to slip her legs upward and around She-ra's waist.

"Now I've got you!" Catra gloats as she rolls off to her left, pulling the blonde onto her right side, with Catra's thick, powerful thighs around She-ra's thin waist.  Catra locks her ankles together and begins to squeeze her thighs together, crushing She-ra's waist.  The super-strong villainess, although far weaker than mighty She-ra, still manages to catch the heroine unprepared.  Before She-ra can draw a good breath, she suddenly gasps and expels the air in her lung.

"UUnnnhhh!!  Let ... MEE ... GOOOOO!!" She-ra moans.  Catra grins and tightens her scissors hold.  The Princess of Power loses heart at her sudden weakness.  She should be able to She-raug off Catra's attack with no effort, but she's unable to stop the evil woman!

"Don't like this, do you?" Catra gloats.  "Or THIS!" and again the fighting feline reaches forward to grab She-ra's breasts in a tight grip.  "MMMRRRROOOWWWW!!" the villainess cries when she gets a strong hold on the heroine's breasts and squeezes.

"AAAOOOWWWW!!  AAAIIIEEEEEE!!" the Princess of Power screams as piercing pain shoots through her tender breast flesh again.  "OOOOHHHH ... PUH-PLEASE ... DDOOOONNN'TTT!!!" she pants.  Again she grasps Catra's wrists.  She CAN'T let Catra defeat her this easily!  She's got far more power than the Horde leader.  Or, at least she SHOULD have more power!  "THE WHIP!" She-ra suddenly realizes.  "The whip must ... have done something nnnhh to me!"

"At LAST!  You're MINE!" Catra gloats.  She can see tears forming in She-ra's eyes and this spurs her to a greater effort.  She twists her hands sideways, dragging her talons across She-ra's breast flesh as if she's unscrewing the tops of jars.  She-ra's bleat of pain is an electric thrill for the villainess.  Her talons dig deeper into She-ra's most exposed and tender flesh.  The Mistress of Might tries but fails to pull Catra's hands off her tender breast flesh.

"Ooohhhh!  THIS ... ENDS ... NNOOWWW!!" She-ra cries.  Marshalling what may be the last of her magical energy, she raises her arms over her head (she's still lying on her side), clenches her fists, and brings the punch forward to hit Catra on her nose.  The punch is so powerful a spurt of dirt and stone flies off the ground from the recoil of Catra's head onto the ground.  At the same time, Catra screams in pain and releases She-ra's breasts.  Her grip around the heroine's legs is also weakened from the mighty hit on her nose.

As Catra tries to ease the pain by rubbing her nose, She-ra reaches down and grabs Catra by the insides of her thighs.  Digging her own well-trimmed nails into Catra's soft flesh, the Mistress of Might pushes outward, lifting Catra's left leg off her waist.  Now Catra cries out from pain lancing into her shapely thighs.

"AArrgghh ... still some ... fight in you!" Catra says as she rolls away from She-ra.  The heroine rolls away from Catra and rises slowly onto her hands and knees, her cape dangling over the left side of her body.  She shakes her head and tries to regain the breath squeezed out of her by the cat woman's feral attack.

An enraged feline scream rips through the still morning air and Catra once again charges the stricken heroine, this time leaping upward to drop onto She-ra's back as if she is a horse to be ridden and broken.  Once again Catra's powerful legs wrap around She-ra's waist and again the heroine gasps in shock and pain when her waist is cruelly crushed between the woman's mighty thighs.

"Uunnhhh ... fight back, girl!" She-ra commands herself, grimacing from the pain.  Suddenly she shrieks, "AAAIIIIEEEE!" when the Horde leader leans down and again grabs her tender breasts.  This time the feline's hands slip between the side fabric of She-ra's bustier and around to the front, under the white and gold costume, to envelop her bare flesh. The move pops her breasts out of her costume. Tender breast flesh and her engorged nipples are cruelly crushed in Catra's powerful grip.

"SSSTTTOOOPPP TTHIISSS!!" She-ra screams at the villainess, then "OOOOHHHHH ... NNNOOOO!!!" as her body bucks and bounces from the shock and pain of Catra's vicious attack.  "Muh-must ... get nnnnhhh get up!" she knows, struggling to rise to her feet.  Again her remaining magical energy surges, despite the painful assault on her womanhood, and slowly the mighty heroine rises to one knee.  Catra continues to hold her, continues to molest her bare breasts, even as She-ra claws at the villainess' hands, trying to pry them off her body.

Desperate to topple the maiden, Catra shifts her legs slightly and begins to press her bootheels against She-ra's groin, grinding and digging against the woman's pubic mound.  A cruel grin covers the woman's face as She-ra moans from this new assault.  Pain, and even faint pleasure from her groin begins to further weaken the heroine's magical energies and resolve.  She's being beaten by Catra!  Catra and her damned whip!

Suddenly She-ra manages to fall onto her back, pinning Catra against the ground.  As a final strike, the heroine drives her head backward onto Catra's unprotected face.  Catra bellows in pain and again her hold on the super woman lessens.  She-ra uses the chance and finally manages to free herself from the iron grip of Catra's arms and legs.

A shaken but still game She-ra manages to stumble to her feet and she turns to face the rising villainess.  Catra finally seems to be tiring from the struggle while She-ra is even now regaining her strength.  Her will to defeat Catra surges as she places her hands on her hips.  "Ready for another round, kitty?" She-ra arrogantly asks the woman.  "You're starting to look a bit peaked.  Get up too early?"

Suddenly several bolts fired from energy weapons hit She-ra's back and she's pushed forward toward Catra, almost knocking her to her knees.  The Horde troopers!  She's forgotten about them again!  She takes another step forward and slams a powerful fist into Catra's jaw, knocking the mercenary back several feet and onto her back.  She-ra turns and is suddenly swarmed by the ten Horde warriors as they pile onto her body, driving her backward and down onto the ground.

"Uunnhh ... sneak attack!" She-ra moans from under the pile of men.  Her fists move like a blur as first one, then another trooper is smacked off the heroine's body.  After fighting for several minutes, the ten Horde troopers are off the heroine and she manages to rise to one knee again.  "That was rash of me," she thinks, gasping for air.  She NEVER gasps for air!  That whip ... it's taken too much of her magical energy!

The Princess of Power suddenly screams like a wounded animal when there is a loud and the end of the Power Whip hits her long, slender neck and wraps around it, choking her.  Even as her hands rise up to pull it away, Catra presses the button on the handle and its terrible energies, both mechanical and magical, surge down the length of the whip and into the heroine's neck.  Catra must have retrieved the whip when She-ra was battling the troopers!

"AAAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!" She-ra screams as she's pulled backward by Catra.  The blonde tries to wrestle the lash off her neck but trips and lands on her butt, choking, gasping, crying for help.  " S-stop!  Puh-please Catra!" She-ra begs, futilely, as her last reserves of magical energy are ripped from her super body.  "NNooooooo!!"

Catra pulls the crippled heroine across the dirty ground until the woman's blond tresses lie at the tip of Catra's red boots.  "Are you ready to surrender to me now, witch?" Catra snarls, jerking on the whip.  The Princess of Power's head bounces on the ground as her hands try to remove the whip.  Catra laughs at the woman's efforts and easily kicks her hands away from her neck.  All the while, the whip sizzles and crackles as She-ra's magical energy flows up toward the handle and She-ra whimpers in pain.

As the heroine's struggles die down, Catra removes the whip from around that lovely white neck and steps back away from She-ra.  "Get up, She-ra, and yield to your mistress!" Catra commands, putting her hands on her hips.  The coiled whip in her left hand reminds the heroine of what will happen if she resists.

But She-ra is a heroine!  As she pulls herself to her hands and knees, her limbs seem to weigh tons.  She can barely keep her head up.  She knows she should flee, try to regain some of her magical energy, but she can barely hold her head up.  Maybe she can make one last attack?

"Ooohhh!!" she gasps when a powerful force hits her from behind.  Catra leaps at the heroine, landing against the blonde's back with both boots, driving She-ra forward and onto the ground, with She-ra on her belly.  Catra lands on her back beside the Princess of Power.  When She-ra tries to push off the ground, Catra raises one leg and slams her bootheel down onto the golden tresses of She-ra's head, driving her face into the dirt.  Stunned momentarily, the Mistress of Might shakes her head to clear it.  Catra rolls away and rises to her feet.  Yet one more time the heroine struggles to rise to her feet but only gets to one knee when Catra makes a spinning kick, landing a boot heel against She-ra's lovely face, blasting the heroine down onto her back.

"Surrender now and I'll stop beating you!" Catra demands, moving closer to She-ra.  Catra kicks the heroine in her side, lifting her body off the ground and tossing it several feet before the woman lands on her belly.  Before she can recover, She-ra feels Catra land on her back, both knees driving painfully into the area between her shoulder blades.

"Uunnhh ... ooowww!!"  She-ra gasps from the pain.  Her vision is cloudy from this constant battering.  If not for the magicks of Greyskull, magicks which are almost gone thanks to that accursed whip, she'd be out of the fight by now.  As a heroine, though, she knows she has to ignore the pain and fight back with whatever power she has left!  As her sight clears, she feels the villainess place her hands on each side of her head.  Catra proceeds to bang She-ra's face on the hard dirt in an attempt to knock out the terribly-weakened heroine.

Again the blonde manages to find hidden reserves of strength and bucks, tossing the villainess off her back.  Shaken, She-ra slowly begins to rise to her feet as does Catra a few feet away.

After rising to her feet, She-ra stands looking at her foe, trying to muster the energy to attack.  Catra smiles smugly at the badly-beaten heroine.  Then "AAAIIEEEE!!" She-ra screams when a powerful blast suddenly hits her in her back, driving her cape into her body.  She-ra slams forward and lands on her belly at Catra's feet.  "OOoohhh ... whu-what hit me?" she moans as she looks at Catra's boots, just inches from her face.

"Time to end this, Catra," a male voice says from behind She-ra.  She tries to rise off the dirt when Catra suddenly kicks her in the face, knocking the heroine onto her back.

"Ooohhh," She-ra moans, holding her aching nose in one hand.  What's this?  A trickle of blood?!?  She-ra looks up at Catra and moans slightly from the pain.  "Need to end this ... rest up," She-ra realizes.  Suddenly she doesn't feel as powerful as before.  That last blast really hurt!

"Finish her, Kane," Catra commands, moving away from the blonde.  She-ra slowly rises to a seated position and for the first time sees the black-and-red-clad man standing a few feet away.  He has some kind of weird pistol in his hand.  Catra and Kane do nothing as the heroine slowly pulls herself to her feet.

"Spare yourself further pain, She-ra, and surrender," Kane commands, aiming the pistol at the woman.

"Never!" She-ra says defiantly and rushes toward the man.  Before her second step, the gun fires again and a second mighty blast hits her between the lovely white mounds on her chest.  "Whuufff!" she grunts as she's blasted backwards against a cottage's wall.  Her body smashes through the wall and she drops down with her legs outside the hovel and her upper body inside it.  As her eyes slowly close, as blessed unconsciousness sweeps over her body, the last sounds she hears is Catra cackling in victory.

"WE HAVE HER!!" Catra gloats and she and Kane move toward the defeated super woman.

*   *   *   *   *

"There, that should keep her," Kane says smugly, looking down at the heroine.  Heavy duraluminium cuffs surround the wrists of She-ra as she lies in the Horde staff car.  The villains have covered her mouth with a foul gag made from a discarded cloth and soaked in somnambia, a powerful knockout drug. "Let's get her to the ship and hook her up to the Megabeam, see how much of her mighty energy we can drain off.  Horde Prime will be awaiting fresh victims for the Fright Zone!"

"Finally, I'll get paid!" Catra realizes.  "I've captured the mighty She-Ra!"




"Oooohh," the mighty heroine She-ra mutters in a throaty, sexy moan.   The blond heroine's still struggling to regain consciousness.  "Mmmmnnnhhh," she sighs as her body tries to regain its senses.  "Oooohhhh!" she cries out suddenly when she feels a slight burning sensation.  Not too painful at first, now it's ... it's hurting her!  Where is it?   WHAT is it?  Her fogged mind can feel the pain but can't pinpoint its location.  There - it's on her torso ... on her breasts ... on her ... on her NIPPLES!  Someone pulled down the top of her costume to expose them!!

With some concentration, She-ra manages to open her eyes.  Through a bleary fog, she slowly discerns the evil Horde mercenary Catra standing above her.  The woman's red-booted feet straddle the blonde heroine's body and Catra seems to be pouring something ... some kind of smoking liquid from a mug.  She's pouring something from a mug onto She-ra's exposed breasts!  "Nnnnhh ... nnnooo ... sstoopp!" She-ra struggles to say, "hur-hurts!".  Her mouth feels like it's filled with cotton.  She raises her arms to push Catra away and suddenly realizes that her wrists are still cuffed together!  And her arms feel so weak!  She can barely lift them and the heavy cuffs off her belly.

"Mmmmmeeerrrroooowwwww!!" Catra purrs when she sees shr's eyes open.  "Do you like this hot oil treatment, sweetie?  It'll do wonders to soften your skin!" the villainess cackles as she continues to pour boiling hot oil onto She-ra's temptingly-exposed  nipples.  As the villainess carefully dumps the hot liquid on the heroine, she draws lazy circles around and then across the bright red nipples on the blonde's chest.  Only the heroine's limited remaining invulnerability prevents the oil from destroying what should be tender female flesh.  But the oil still burns because She-ra was terribly weakened in the recent battle with Catra and Kane.  Catra's magic-endowed Power Whip stole much of She-ra's magical energy and with it most of her amazing super powers.  The mighty heroine writhes and moans on the floor as the oil continues to land on her tender nipples.  She tries to get away from Catra and the oil but the evil woman keeps the blonde pinned to the floor.

"You've had your fun, Catra," a male voice says, out of She-ra's sight.  "Time to get down to work."

"Rrraaaoowww!  Wait a minute, Kane!" Catra roars at General Kane, a Horde leader.  She tosses the hot oil aside and holds one palm out toward the Horde general.  "She's not done, yet!"  With that, Catra drops onto her knees with her pussy just above She-ra's face.  Catra pulls aside the thin strip of red cloth covering her womanhood and lowers down onto She-ra's face.  "Lick me, She-ra, or you'll suffer a thousand agonies before I let you up.  Remember what that whip did to you - and you were in good shape, then!  How'd you like a few lashes now!?"

She-ra whimpers when she recalls how she felt when hit by that dreaded whip.  Then she sobs briefly when Catra's moist nether lips settle on her face.  "How can this be happening to me, She-ra!?!" she thinks sadly.  After Catra threatens to use the whip again when She-ra fails to lick the villainess' womanhood, She-ra moans more loudly, aware that she's much too weak to face another whipping.  She needs time to recover some of the magical energies she gets from Castle Grayskull.  With a sigh of resignation, the stalwart heroine begins to kiss Catra's exposed lips.

"LICK THEM RIGHT, YOU BLONDE BITCH!" Catra roars.  Tentatively at first, She-ra's tongue flickers out and teases Catra's labia majora.  Then faster and faster she runs her tongue across the evil woman's nether lips, tasting the salty flavor of the woman.  "Go inside ... NOW!" Catra commands, reaching backward to grab and squeeze one of She-ra's exposed breasts.  Catra squeezes the love mound with all of her mutant strength, crushing the soft white globe inside her cruel fingers.

Utter revulsion sweeps over the heroine but the pain of Catra's pinch convinces her that she's still too weak to resist.  Her red tongue slips between Catra's vaginal lips and begins to explore the depths of the woman's vulva, then begins to tease the villainess' clitoris.  "Ooohh ... She-ra is sucking me!"  Catra cries out as the first bits of pleasure begin to stir within her body.  Catra roars with pleasure, "MMMMEEERRRRRRRROOOWWWWW!!"  and raises her arms in the air like a victorious prize fighter.  Her mind reels at the thought of the famous super heroine being debased ... by HER!

As the blonde's tongue works on the nether regions of the villainess, Catra's body twists and bucks, driving her crotch against She-ra's face and tongue.  Faster and faster the two women move, now like a pair of long-time lovers.  Suddenly Catra can be heard purring in the room, even above her squeals and yips of pleasure.  The room also suddenly fills with grunts and slurps from the blonde's mouth as she becomes lost in her work.

After a few moments, Catra suddenly rocks backward, dropping her arms onto She-ra's taut belly, and cries out, "oooh ... nnnnh ... nnnnnhhhh ... OOOOOHHHH ... MMMMMMMMMMMHHHHH ... MMMMMEEEEERRRRROOOOOOOWWWWW!!!" as her body shudders with an incredibly-powerful orgasm.  For almost a minute the villainess cries and moans and her body shakes convulsively as She-ra continues to lick and suck away with enthusiasm.  Catra's love juices spew out of her body and stain the heroine's face and neck.  She can feel a second orgasm forming when the exhausted heroine suddenly stops tonguing her.  "MMOORRREEE!! DDOONN'T STOP NOW!!" the brunette cries in frustration.  "MMMOORRRRREEEEE!!!"

"You've gotten enough, kitten," Kane snarls.  He grabs Catra by her cape at the back of her neck and pulls the red-clad villainess off the blonde.  Catra stumbles backward, onto her feet, cursing the human.  She's both dazed and weak from the powerful orgasm she just had or she would slug him!  Kane roughly shoves the mercurical mercenary across the small room and as Catra struggles to remain on her feet, Kane lifts a large bucket off the floor.

"I'll ... mmmnnnhhh ... I'll get you, my pretty!" Catra snarls at She-ra.  "I'll train you how to treat a lady!"

"Time to get to work, She-ra," he says in an even tone of voice, ignoring the snarling villainess.  He pours the contents of the bucket on the heroine's face and breasts.  Incredibly cold water, so cold there are chunks of ice in it, cascades down onto the heroine.  She-ra gasps and bounces off the floor from the shock to her body.  Her wet, matted hair hangs limply against her head and she sputters indignantly.

"Ohhh ... you ... you beast!" she yelps at Kane as she tries to rise to her feet.  "You're your name is King?" she asks, looking up at him.  The shockingly cold water leaves her almost breathless, panting and shaking from the cold.  There's a large chunk of ice on her chest - she flicks it off and shudders.

"Kane, lady, and you will do well to remember my name, if you know what's good for you!"

The Princess of Power painfully rises to a seated position to gather her bearings.  Her golden tresses hang from her head in ropy wet strands and she has to rub her eyes to get the water out of them. She's in some kind of metal room - metal on the walls, floor and ceiling.  No windows.  And no sign of her magical Sword of Protection!  Without that, she can't change back to her secret identity of Adora and she's limited to just her fighting skills against Kane and Catra.  Skills that didn't stop them from capturing her ... when?  Maybe if she became Adora and then became She-ra again, her energies might be replenished.  They're taking too long to return as it is.

Despite this, She-ra can feel a little of her amazing strength and energy returning to her.  Did that cold water help?  She shivvers slightly from the chilling effect and hopes that she can regain her magical strength soon.  She feels so helpless, so weak for some reason.  She normally just needs an hour or two to regain her energies - has she been unconsious for less than that?  Did the whip do more damage than she thought?

She-ra looks down and sees that the top part of her costume, her lovely white and gold dress, has been pulled down, baring her taut, magnificent breasts.  She also sees that her ankles are still bound by a stout chain linking thick metal cuffs on her ankles, just like her wrists' bondage.  She tries to pull up the top of her dress to cover her breasts when Kane suddenly reaches down and grabs the chain between her wrist cuffs and jerks them away from her dress.

"On your feet, Princess," he says, lifting the woman onto her feet.

"Princess?" She-ra wonders.  "Does he know my secret identity or is he just being sarcastic?"

She-ra has no more time to consider his words.  Kane pulls her close to him and forces her cuffed wrists downward, forcing her body to draw close to his.  Closer and closer she comes until her hands are the only thing separating his crotch from hers, and they are pinned between the two bodies!  Kane's garishly-painted face presses up against She-ra's face and his hot, heavy, foul breath washes over her mouth and nose, repelling her.  The man's red-and-black paint, designed to strike fear into his foes, has a small effect on the Princess of Power.  He is both attractive and fearsome at the same time.  Not like Seahawk, her platonic lover.  Seahawk is warm, gentle, careful, considerate.  Kane is just raw power and threat.

Kane pulls her closer until she can feel his manhood pressing against her hands, pushing them back into her own womanhood.  Kane smiles, the puts his free hand behind her head and pulls her face closer until his lips crush against hers.  She struggles to free herself, resists his kiss, but the human just presses harder against her body and eventually his tongue forces its way into her mouth.  The defeated heroine sags into his embrace and lets his tongue explore her mouth.  "Oooohhhh," she sighs to herself.  "When will this all end!?  I need my powers back!" she realizes.

Kane abruptly breaks off his kiss.  He's demonstrated his power over the woman, for now.  He needs to come back again and again, dominating her, making her realize that she's beaten and in his control.  Only then can she be given to Horde Prime as a trophy and mistress.  Kane smiles at She-ra with dead, cold eyes and backs away from the warrior princess.

She-ra stands in the middle of the room, looking quizzically at Kane.  "What's he want with me?  Why did he stop with just one forced kiss?"  She still shivvers slightly from the cold water still on her body and in the top part of her costume.  She's never had a problem like this with the cold - she is a lot weaker than she thought.  "If he'll leave me alone long enough, I'll ..."


"AAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!" she cries out as terrible pain tears into her body.

From behind She-ra, Catra lashed out at the blonde with the Power Whip and the first strike coils the whip around the Princess of Power's upper body, pinning her exposed breasts against her chest.  Then Catra presses a stud on the whip's handle, unleashing a magical, energy-draining bolt down the lash and into the blonde's body.  Something like electrical sparks fly off the whip where it touches the heroine's fair skin.  For almost a minute, She-ra's body bounces up and down on the floor, still on her feet, somehow, her hands trying uselessly to peel the whip off her lovely white breasts as the whip covering them continues to sizzle and spark.

"AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!  ST-SSTTTOOPPP!!!  HUH-HUH-HURTSSS!!" the blonde cries and begs as Shadow Weaver's hellish techno-sorcery on the whip rips living energy from her body.  Suddenly the pain eases as Catra removes the whip and re-coils it.  "Ooooohhh!" the Princess of Power sighs, putting a hand to her forehead in relief.  Once again, she has odd feelings in her loins, feelings like when last visited by Seahawk ...

"IIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!  NNNOOOOO!!!" She-ra cries as the whip lashes out again, this time wrapping around her waist.  Again the whip unleashes its terrible energy-draining force on her body.  And for the first time, her white skirt rips where it is touched by the Power Whip.  Her costume, a costume which she thought was invulnerable, is now being cut by the whip!!

The blonde struggles again to remove the whip from her waist, even as more of her magical energies leave her body and weaken her.  She can barely stand now from the whip's punishment.  At last the foul whip uncoils from her body and disappears.  She-ra stands still, panting for breath and rubbing her waist to ease the pain caused by the whip.  Dully, she knows she must escape from Catra and Kane before ...


" AAAAHHHH OOOOOOUUUWWW " the Princess of Power cries as Catra's Power Whip wraps tightly around her long thin neck, cutting off her air supply.  Once again the dreaded weapon sends a powerful jolt of energy into the heroine, bleeding off more of her magical energy and burning her lovely white skin in the process.  A deep red welt remains on her neck after Catra retrieves the lash and coils it for another strike.  The helpless heroine, barely able to stand on her legs at this point, massages her neck to ease the terrible pain.

"I've got to escape!" She-ra tells herself when ...


"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!  OOOOUUUUWWWWWW!!" She-ra cries as the lash wraps around her legs, pinning them together.  The pain on her thighs is so extreme, she is close to losing consciousness.

"Heee heee hhheeeee!!" Catra gloats at She-ra's obvious pain.  "Have a good trip on *Air Catra*!" she jokes, yanking the whip and causing the heroine to fall flat on her face.  As the Princess of Power struggles on her belly, her shackled arms pinned under her body, her legs twitch and jerk as the Power Whip punishes her body and steals more of her amazing energies.  The room fills with the sizzling snarl of the whip as it burns the heroine's legs and drains more of her magical powers.  Kane and Catra laugh as the blonde begs for the pain to stop.

The once-mighty heroine's eyes slowly close and her head settles on the floor.  A trickle of saliva pools on the floor under her face as her body sags, lying limply on the floor.  Even unconsciousness won't stop Catra from extracting her revenge on the heroine who defeated her so often.  For several minutes, Catra retrieves the whip, coils it, and strikes again and again, whipping the heroine's creamy white body with the tip of the whip.  Once in a while, when she manages to wrap part of the lash around a leg or arm, Catra presses the stud on the handle and more of She-ra's energy travels back up the whip, but most of the blows are done just to damage the woman.  Slowly her red cape and the back of her white and gold dress shreds under the savage bite of the Power Whip.  From time to time, her body bumps off the floor and she moans deliciously, but she doesn't regain consciousness.

As weakened as she now is, wide red welts are forming on her shoulders, back and legs from the whip.  Her lovely white skin has been marred by the Power Whip.  Through the holes in her costume, the effects of the whip sharply contrast with the white of her costume.  Sections of her back are raw and as red as her torn cape.

With the back of the heroine's costume in shreds and exhausted herself, Catra finally stops whipping She-ra.  " ... your ... turn, Kane," she finally says, leaning against one wall, the whip hanging down around her ankles. "Mmmmmeerrrrooowwww that felt good!  High time, too!" Catra gloats as she watches Kane bend down to unhook the shackles around their captive's ankles.  Next he lifts the heroine off the floor.  She-ra moans as the man's hands touch her body, lifting her by putting a hand on either side her chest.  He raises the heroine to her feet, holding her body upright in front of his body facing away from him.  He looks briefly at the welts on her back, then his hands slide forward and he slips them over her protruding breasts.  His rough hands envelop the soft white mounds and bring a low, throaty moan to her mouth when he squeezes her.

"NNnnnnhhh ... puh-please ... ooohh ... stop!" she finally begs in a soft, weak voice after regaining consciousness.  Her hands rise in a vain attempt to remove Kane's large hands from her breasts but the weight of the chain is too much for her in her weakened state and her arms drop down.  Her head sags forward on her breast and she again begs the man to stop.

"Please ... Kane ... don't do this ... oooohhhh ... to meeeee!"  She-ra is suddenly aware of wetness between her legs.  From the whip?  From Kane's hands?  She-ra is unaccustomed to such a feeling and doesn't know what to do but his caresses DO feel nice after that whipping from Catra!

Then Kane begins to pinch her blood-engorged nipples between his fingers, making She-ra moan louder and sag in his hands.  The longer Kane squeezes and plays with her breasts, the more She-ra feels a familiar but unwanted stirring in her loins.  The more the wetness between her legs increases.  Being held by this villain is as thrilling as being held by Seahawk, but that isn't right!  She-ra struggles again to get free of Kane but once again she can't muster the energy to resist!

When the heroine's struggles seem about to fail for the last time, Kane suddenly releases his tight grip on her breasts and reaches his hands forward to grasp the wrist cuffs.  He unlocks the cuffs and lets them drop to the floor.  Then he steps away from the woman, turning her around to face him as he backs away.  She sways on unsteady legs and looks at the Horde general through half-closed eyes, her blood racing and her libido raging from his touch.   "I take it you don't want to stay here with us?"  She-ra nods weakly that he's right although in her mind she's fighting herself to suppress the feelings he has aroused.  "Fine, you can leave.  The door is behind me, She-ra.  Go!  Before I change my mind!"  Then the Horde general adopts a power pose, legs slightly spread apart, hands on his waist.

She-ra shakes her head to focus on his words and looks at the man through still-half-closed eyes, then looks over at Catra lounging against one wall of the metal-lined room.  "Are they serious?  I can leave ... just like that?" the Mistress of Might wonders.  She-ra begins to walk around the right side of Kane when the man's arm suddenly flies upward and his thick forearm strikes the front of her neck in a powerful *clothesline* that makes the woman step backward, hands on her throat, gasping for air.

"You can leave any time you want, She-ra," Kane explains.  "You just have to get past me to do it."  The villainous Horde general laughs at his little trick and crosses his arms over his chest.  Again he spreads his legs and glowers at the heroine, who's still trying to get her breath back.

"May be my only chance!" She-ra resolves, charging at Kane.  Just before reaching him, she stops and whirls around on one foot, raising her left boot up to kick Kane in his chest.  The man smiles and easily grabs her boot out of the air, stops it, then twists it cruelly, dumping the blonde down onto the floor on her belly with her left leg still raised up, her ankle tightly held by Kane.

Kane looks at her white panties, clearly visible between the raised remnants of her torn dress, then laughs, "All the agility of a cow, She-ra!"  Then he twists her leg slightly to one side and stamps down on the inside of her right thigh.

"AAAAOOOOWWWW!!" She-ra cries out as incredible pain rips into her thigh.  This isn't possible!  How can a mere human inflict pain on the Princess of Power.  Does he have mutant strength like Catra?

Again Kane stomps on her leg and again She-ra cries out, "OOOOHHHH ... NNNNOOO!!"  Her hands beat on the cold metal floor as a useless attempt to stop the villain's painful attack.

He drops her leg and turns his back on the heroine, walks a few feet, and turns again to face her.  She looks so pretty, so helpless lying on her belly, her legs spread invitingly and her crotch covered only by her (now-stained) thin white panties.  Once again he crosses his arms and spreads his legs to await her next move.  A smug smile crosses his face briefly, then he glares at the woman as she struggles to her hands and knees.  She sways as her damaged leg struggles to keep her up - she has to focus her mind to blot out the pain in her thigh.  How can this have happened to Etheria's mightiest heroine?  Why haven't her powers returned yet?

"So, you still wish to leave us, She-rrrrra?" Catra asks in a sickly-sweet voice.  "Was it something we said?"

As the Mistress of Might waits on hands and knees, she is surprised that she feels somewhat stronger, despite two vicious moves by the man.  She would never have felt his blows if her power was at full strength.  Even as weak as she feels now, she discovers that she's able to shake off the effects of his hits fairly quickly - she's still quite a bit stronger than this human!  If only Catra's Power Whip hadn't taken so much of her magical energy!  The mighty Princess of Power rises shakily to her feet and again faces Kane.  "This time ... gotta take it slowly," She-ra decides.  The Mistress of Might warily approaches Kane and raises her hands for combat.

"Oooooo!  Mighty She-ra attacks!  Don't wet your pants in fear, Kane!" Catra taunts from one side of the room.  She still makes no effort to intervene or to use her whip again.  Nevertheless, She-ra keeps a wary eye on the feline fatale as she begins her attack on Kane.  Her small hands whirl like buzz saw blades as she throws punches and open-hand chops at the man.  Kane responds by batting away her hands with his own hands and forearms.  Nonetheless, She-ra's relentless attack slowly forces the man back toward the doorway and her morale begins to soar - she might get past him!  His grunts in response to some of her blows attest to her returning super strength.  She just might do this!

One of her open-hand strikes leaves Kane an opening and the man grabs her bicep and pins her left arm between his arm and his chest.  He turns abruptly and She-ra shrieks from the pain in her arm as it's twisted cruelly to one side.  She finds her body twisting to follow Kane as he bends her arm back against his chest.  Suddenly the man's left arm snakes forward and he hits her chin with his open palm even as his right leg hooks behind her left ankle.  The heroine drops backward from the assault and screams in pain - Kane still has her left arm in a tight grip and she's bending it the wrong way as she falls.

At the last second, Kane releases her left arm and the heroine lands on her back with a loud thump.  The man gives the woman no time to rest - he leaps forward and up and drops onto the floor on his back with a loud clang - his elbow lands directly on She-ra's belly and the woman folds up around the elbow.  She as she blows the air out of her lungs in reaction to the punch.

The groaning heroine rolls onto her right side and curls into a slight ball to ease the pain in her belly.  At the same time, Kane quickly rises to his feet and turns to face the woman's back.  He steps close to her and executes an expert knee-drop onto the gap between her hips and her exposed ribs, forcing She-ra to scream and to exhale again.

"Nnnnnhhh ... nnooo mmoorrree!" the heroine moans, defeated by a mere human!  And this despite the fact that she has more strength and invulnerability than he does.  Only his vicious attacks saved him from her wrath!  Now she hurts too much to snap back onto her feet.  But she must if she's to escape these terrible villains!  She-ra slowly continues rolling to her right until she can once more rise to hands and knees.

as Kane kicks the woman in her ribs, launching her several feet until her body slams against one metal wall and drops down onto her belly.  "OOooooohhh," She-ra moans from the latest attack,  "he fights dirty!"  For Kane IS attacking her - he's no longer content to let her try to escape.  Now the man is trying to show her who's boss here!  The Horde general steps close to the blonde and grabs her cape, which is still connected to the woman by the choker around her neck.  He pulls on the cape, lifting the woman's upper body off the cold metal floor.  He backs toward the center of the room, dragging She-ra with him by his hold on her cape.  Her boots drag on the floor and although she tries to rise from this embarassing position, her hands slip on the floor and she can't get up.

"Ever wish you could fly, heroine?" the man says smugly.  Then Kane begins to spin in a circle, slowly raising She-ra off the floor as she swings around his body, face down, held by her cape.  Faster and faster Kane spins around, laughing at the heroine as her arms and legs flail uselessly, unable to stop her wild flight.  The man abruptly releases her cape and the heroine flies across the room, slamming feet-first into a wall and again collapsing hard onto the floor.

The Princess of Power has no chance to recover.  Kane rushes over and lifts the woman up high, holding her with one hand under her neck, the other under her butt.  Then he drops to one knee and flicks his hands around to her face and groin and pushes her down onto his outstretched knee, slamming the small of her back onto it.  "AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE!!" She-ra screams as terrible pain lances through her body from her back.  She lies with her head and boot-heels on the floor, her back still on Kane's knee.  Her arms flutter uselessly, too weak to help her.  The man raises his hands high, clasps them together, and slams them down onto her exposed stomach in a thunderous punch.

"" She-ra grunts.  Her body convulses upward from the blow, then sags back down.  "Nnnnnnoooo!" she begs the man, unable to recover from his punishing blows.  Kane silently grins at the poor woman and slowly rises to his feet, again lifting the woman with a hand on the back of her neck and the other on her butt.  "Nnnooo!" She-ra begs again when she realizes he's going to repeat the backbreaker.  He does.  "AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!" She-ra screams when she again slams onto his knee.  This time Kane rises to his feet, letting the Mistress of Might's body fall to the floor, where she curls into a ball.  One hand reaches backward to rub her spine, to try to ease some of the terrible pains she feels.

"Well, I've had my fun, Catra," Kane says to his partner.  "Unless you want to play some more, I think it's time to take her to the MegaBeam.  Let's see if this invention of HordeWorks really does as it's supposed to do."

"No, I can play with her later, Kane.  Let's get her hooked up before she recovers."

The two villains move over to the stricken Princess of Power, still lying on her side on the floor.  The tip of Catra's boot pushes the blonde over onto her belly, then the red-clad Horde mercenary and her male associate reach down and lift the heroine by her arms.  Each holds one arm tightly as the trio leaves the small metal room and turns down a corridor.  The corridor is also lined with some kind of metal, She-ra notes as she's carried along by the Horde thugs.  She suddenly gasps when, some twenty meters ahead she sees ... Etheria!  "Goddess of Grayskull!  I'm in space!" She-ra realizes.  "That must be why my energy returns so slowly - I'm too far away from Castle Grayskull!"

The trio abruptly turn into a room off the corridor, another spare metal cell with some kind of low-ceilinged green chamber in the back and a lot of odd-looking electrical equipment along either side.  "Step lively, She-ra," Catra chortles, spanking the Princess of Power.  "Can't leave Horde Prime waiting!"

"Waiting for what, Catra?" She-ra replies.  Her question goes unanswered as Catra takes her into the chamber and hooks her wrists to thick metal cuffs connected to the wall by stout chains.  "You don't think this will hold me, even here in space, do you, Catra?"  She-ra has to struggle to keep her voice from breaking.  There must be more to this bondage than mere chains.  Not even Catra is so stupid as to suppose that mere chains would hold the Princess of Power!

Then Catra surprises the heroine by kneeling in front of her and gently lifting her left leg off the floor.  Catra says nothing as she removes She-ra's boot, slowly, caressing the heroine's thigh and calf.  "Stop this, Catra!" She-ra protests, again feeling a warm wetness in her crotch as the evil woman's hand lightly caresses her bare skin.  Catra says nothing and continues until the boot comes off the blonde's left leg.  Then Catra begins to repeat the process, working on the Princess of Power's right boot.  This too is tossed aside.  As She-ra stands before Catra, the villainess continues to hold the heroine's bare foot.

"Nice little toes, She-ra," Catra purrs as she holds She-ra's foot in her palm.  "Nice shade of red on your nails, too.  Is it the color of your blood?  Hmmmm.  Won't talk, will you?  Siigghhh, must I find out for myself?"  The Horde villainess lifts the foot higher and swallows the woman's big toe in one gulp, then begins to suck on it and tickle it with her tongue.

"WHAT ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" the rebel leader protests as Catra starts sucking her toe.  "STOP THIS!" she orders when Catra shifts her attention to another toe.  "OOooohh ... stop!" She-ra protests as the villainess continues to suck on her toes.  Catra's foul tongue then begins to lick the bottom of She-ra's feet, making the heroine shake from the tickling/sensual feelings this gives her.

"Catra ... please stop ... I beg oooohhhh," She-ra moans when the villainess' tongue turns to the woman's long legs.  Catra slowly works her tongue up the inside of She-ra's left leg, past her knee and up her thigh to the white panties, then down the right leg.  She pauses to lick the backs of She-ra's knees, which makes the captive heroine sigh and shudder from the sensation.

After several minutes of this unwanted attention from Catra, She-ra is happy when the woman finally quits.  She can no longer deny the odd feeling she's been having in her crotch and the wetness that has dampened her panties.  She's only felt a portion of this feeling and had only a small amount of wetness around Seahawk.  These two villains must be doing something to her ...

"HEY!, CUT THAT OUT!" She-ra protests when Catra slips behind her and grabs her right breast.

"These are more than chains, She-ra," Kane explains.  "You're hooked to something designed by HordeWorks, our weapons designers in the Fright Zone.  We call this the MegaBeam.  It runs on energy and we believe that YOUR energy will give us all the power we need. The more you struggle, the more effort you put in getting free, the more power we will draw from you."  What he doesn't tell the woman is that only a small part of her energy will be drawn through the chains.  He has a much more delicious way to drain her magical energy!

"What do you mean?  Why do you want my energy?" the defiant heroine snaps, still plucky despite her ordeal and predicament.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough!"  Catra says.

"Perhaps you should remove those rags she's wearing," Kane says, pointing at She-ra's ruined costume.

"Noo, you can't!" She-ra protests.  With these two, resistance if futile!  From behind the blonde, Catra reaches her arms around She-ra and grabs the top of her dress.  Then she YANKS the top down, ripping the last of the costume off her body.  She-ra is left wearing her leather wrist guards, her tiara, and her choker.  The rest of her beautiful costume lies on the floor around her bare feet.

"As long as you're close to her, Catra, why don't you start?" Kane asks.  She-ra looks at him quizzically.  Start what?

"Mmmmmmrrrrrroooowwwww!  That's a GRRRRAND idea Kane!"   The Horde mercenary reaches her hands around to the front of She-ra and cups each of the woman's near-perfect breasts in her hands, then jiggles them.

"CATRA!!  Stop that THIS INSTANT!" She-ra sputters indignantly.

Catra's reply is to lean closer to the heroine and nuzzle her ear, teasing it with the tip of her tongue.

"Ooooohhhh ... d-don't do uuuuuuhhhhh that, Catra!" She-ra commands.  In response, Catra gently squeezes the soft round orbs in her hands and delicately pinches She-ra's engorged nipples between her fingers.

"Ooooooooooo ... nnnooooOOOO!" She-ra moans as unwanted ... and unfamiliar sensations begin to overwhelm her body.  Not with a woman!  She wanted these sensations to come from a lover ... Seahawk, not from a foe!  "Mmmmmnnnnhhhh," the Princess of Power moans as Catra's tongue and hands shatter her resistance.   She-ra's head falls backward, stopping on Catra's left shoulder as the villainess continues to stroke and squeeze the heroine's luscious lobes.  Then the Mistress of Might gasps when Catra slides one hand down across the woman's flat belly and across the stubby golden hairs above her crotch.

"No ... please ... Catra ... d-don't," She-ra begs in a soft voice.  Catra's slow laughter into She-ra's ear only stimulates the heroine more.  The tip of Catra's longest finger slowly slides between the blonde's labia majora and along the inside of the lips.  She-ra's body shudders as convulsions of pleasure wrack her body.  She can barely remain on her feet at this unaccustomed sensual assault.  Then she HAS to sag in her chains when Catra runs the tip of her finger around She-ra's clit - the first time she's been touched here by anyone!  The blood-engorged nub explodes in a paroxysm of pleasure that totally destroys any resistance left in the heroine.  Kane smiles cruelly at her helpless and delicious moans.

"Don't forget, Catra, Horde Prime wants to be the first to make a real woman of She-ra," Kane reminds the cat-like villainess.

"If you mean he wants to be the first to boink her, I already know that, you stupid male," Catra snarls at her ally.  "And he will be the first.  I can tell - she's never had a man, before.  But maybe we can go in the back door, even if we can't use the front door, eh, She-ra?"

By now, She-ra is panting and gasping and moaning more than she ever has done in her life.  She's never ... NEVER felt such pleasures of the body before.  Her eyes are closed, her chin rests on her chest, and she sags in her cuffs.  She can really feel a wetness between her legs ... between her legs and sliding down the inside of both thighs.  What is Catra doing to her? And what are they talking about?  Back door?  Front door?

"AAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!   AAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!!  NNNNOOOOOO ... CATRA ... SSTTOOPPPPP!!" She-ra cries out when tremendous pain suddenly rips through her body from the vicinity of her ... her butt!  Her eyes bulge open and she struggles to get away from Catra.  She stretches her chains as she struggles to get away from whatever Catra is doing.  Suddenly she gasps in surprise as the villainess begins to encircle her neck with a rope or a cord or ... "MY GOD NO," She-ra suddenly realizes. "THE WHIP!!!

"AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" She-ra screams when Catra presses the stud on the handle of the Power Whip.  The hellish device sends a jolt of electrical energy into her throat while, at the same time, it leaches more of the dwindling amount of arcane energy left her body.  For an eternity, the heroine's naked body bucks and jerks in its chains and her screams thunder through the room.  Catra finally releases the stud and the terrible currents cease, giving She-ra a chance to rest.  She again sags limply in her chains, sobbing from the pain inflicted on her body.

"That was nice, Catra, but I think the flow of her juices slowed down when you shocked her," Kane says.  "Perhaps you should not use the whip on her.  Our little princess here isn't aroused by rough stuff, it seems."  With that, Kane moves into the small area holding Catra and She-ra and connects a small cup on two straps to the blonde's crotch, covering her nether lips.  She-ra is too weak and distracted to pay attention to the Horde general.  Even when a soft hissing begins between her legs, she doesn't react.  She just doesn't care, as long as Catra isn't using that horrible whip on her!

"AAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!  AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" She-ra abruptly screams when Catra suddenly jams the handle of the whip up her anus, driving the two-inch wide metal plug into the other virginal hole on the heroine.  She-ra continues to scream and begs Catra to stop but the villainess relentlessly shoves the five-inch long rod up the heroine's anus until it's entirely inside the woman.

While she plays with one of She-ra's breasts and nipples, Catra slowly (then faster and faster) begins to trombone the whip handle in and out of She-ra.  Catra nibbles on She-ra's earlobe and blows into her ear and aggressively pinches the heroine's nipple.

Kane notes the agony on the heroine's face as Catra moves the whip handle faster and faster.  "My god, Catra, have you never made love to a woman?"

"No, but I have tortured my fair share!" Catra replies, lost in a frenzy of ramming the whip handle into She-ra's anus.  Catra yelps when Kane suddenly interrupts her and pushes her away from the hapless heroine.

"Get away from her, woman, this is man's work!" the Horde officer orders.  He roughly shoves Catra's shoulder, pushing her away from She-ra.  Then Kane steps behind the heroine and slowly drops his skin-tight leggings.  He strokes his long shaft for a minute or so, then moves closer to the heroine's backside.  Her bleating and sobbing die down with the end of Catra's torment.  Slowly she begins to wonder what Kane's doing behind her.  Fear briefly overwhelms her, fear based on the tortures they've done thus far to her.

Kane gently rubs a gel on the tip and sides of his tool, a gel obtained from HordeWorks for just such an occasion.  With practiced ease, Kane slips his long thick shaft into She-ra's *back door*.  After several painful strokes, painful for gShe-ra, that is, Kane gets over seven inches into the woman before her snug anus stops further progress.

As She-ra whimpers helplessly from the man's pokes, Kane slips a hand around in front of the woman and begins to play with one of her breasts, just as Catra did.  He also whispers into her shell-like ear and nibbles an ear lobe.  With consummate skill, the man works on the woman, caressing her breast and plunging into her anus, until both begin an ancient rhythm leading toward orgasmic release.  Despite her predicament, She-ra feels her body succumbing to the man's assault.  Unwanted and new feelings surge through her body - her breath comes in pants and gasps, her skin becomes warm and flushed, she makes little gutteral mouse noises from pain/pleasure, and still her body surfs higher and higher on a wave of pleasure.

"Oooooohhhh YYYEEESSSS!!! DON'T ... STTOOPPP!!" she begs as an explosion begins in her loins.  Her chin drops onto her upper chest and her teeth grind as she tries to stop the landslide within her body.

"HordeWorks gave me a potion to use on you, She-ra," the man explains in a clinical voice as he rams her anus.  "Not only does it make it easier for me to fit inside you, it also contains a powerful aphrodesiac which works only on women.  As your body absorbs the gel, you will lose your desire to resist me, or any man, and you will begin to want more and more of this from me, or from Horde Prime.  You will begin to have orgasms as ..."

"MMMOOORRREEE!!" she suddenly cries out, then "OOOOHHHH OOOHHHH AAAAHHHH AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" pours from her mouth as the Princess of Power has her first clitoral orgasm.  Her juices pump from her body into the cup between her legs and are sucked down into the MegaBeam.  Saliva trickles down one cheek and she collapses again, hanging upright from her wrist cuffs.  Kane continues to plunge into the woman, harder and harder and HARDER!

The ruthless General Kane doesn't stop!  His rock-hard pole continues into and from the heroine's anus and he shifts to an attack on her other ear and breast.  "Oooohhh ... please ... no more!" She-ra begs, her eyes half-closed from her first orgasm.  Kane says nothing but continues working on her body and a few minutes later is rewarded when another mighty orgasm wracks She-ra's virginal body.  And he STILL has an erection!  Kane manages to give She-ra two more orgasms (as Catra watches, enviously) before he finally explodes massively into the woman's anus.  So much of his jism pumps out, her body can't contain it all and some slides out of her rear hole and down the back of her thighs.  After her last orgasm, She-ra finally loses consciousness from the unwanted and previously-unexperienced orgasms.  Kane and the gel have done it!

Satisfied - for the moment - Kane pulls up his leggings and passes the heroine who's hanging helplessly from her wrist cuffs.  He crosses the room to check some panels along one wall and smiles with satisfaction.  "Your turn, Catra." he says as he sags into a chair by the panel.  "See if you can get her to cum this time, pussycat.  If you must use the whip, smear some of this gel on it."  He tosses the small jar to the woman.   "I'm sure you enjoy hurting her, but we need her to cum if we're to have any luck with the MegaBeam."

Catra glowers at the insolent man, then rises from her seat along the far wall.  As she rises, she picks up a large wooden case with *CATRA* painted on the side and top.  She opens the box and pulls out a gigantic rubber-like dildo and rubs some of the special lubricant on it.  "From what you say, Kane, this juice is not only going to enable me to put this into She-ra, it will also give her case of the horneys!" Catra asks Kane.  Kane nods at the villainess and smiles, then wraps his hand around his crotch as if saying, "won't be as good as me!"

Now Catra moves behind the super heroine and, after covering the tip of the dildo with the gel, begins to slide it into the woman's ravaged hole. Once again She-ra revives when her pristine body is violated. "NNNOOOO ... Catra, please ... don't!" She-ra begs uselessly.  Catra merely chuckles as she works the dildo into the heroine.  Now it's her turn to plunge into the heroine and play with her breasts and ears.  As a woman, Catra knows what turns her on, so she does her best with She-ra.  Her best works quite well.  In seconds, the Princess of Power has her first orgasm from Catra and in the space of a few minutes, three more orgasms thunder through her body.  "IIII'MMMM CCCUUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!!" the heroine cries out weakly, finally understanding what her body is doing to her.  When Catra finishes her last attack, she pulls the dildo out of the heroine with a sloppy wet and moves out of the MegaBeam cell.

"Get enough that time, *man*?" Catra asks Kane in an insulting tone of voice.  There's also a tinge of sadness in her voice - She-ra got all the fun!  Why couldn't Kane show Catra some attention?  Catra slowly returns to her seat on the bench along the far wall of the room and cleans her dildo before returning it to its case.

"Catra!  Fire up the MegaBeam!" Kane commands the woman after checking some dials.

The jealous she-bitch rises slowly from her and leaves the room, headed toward the ship's control room.  There is a low whine which becomes a louder and louder rumble, followed by a solid thrumming on the deck of the space ship.  She-ra slowly opens her eyes and looks up at Kane.  Her long golden tresses have lost all of their body and hang like wet spaghetti across her forehead and shoulders and her eyes are half-closed.  "Whu-what's happen ... happening?" She-ra asks dully.

"We got almost a hundred rebels with one shot!" Catra says, rushing into the room.

"Oh my god, did you just kill a 100 people?" She-ra cries out.  She can't face the thought that she might be involved in the death of a 100 people!

"No, your love juices gave us the energy to CAPTURE 100 people for transport to the Fright Zone to become slaves of the Horde," Catra crows.  "And She-rrrrra, this is just ... the ... beginning!  Haw haw haw haw!"

"NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!" She-ra cries out as Catra returns to the control room and the MegaBeam fires a second and third time.  Kane and Catra take turns raping the woman and arousing her to get more cum to power the MegaBeam.  The geeks at HordeWorks were right - a woman's energy works very well and She-ra's sorcerous energy, drawn from her body in her super-jism, gives the beam super power!  After just one day, over a thousand of the inhabitants of Etheria have been transported from the planet's surface to huge holding cells inside the Horde ship.

"I saw Princess Glimmer and Bow and Madam Razz and Hurley-Burley and even She-ra's horse down in the holds, Kane!" Catra gloats after the latest shot.  "Our holds are full of people and animals and rebels!  Only rebel leader we missed is Adora.  She's probably hiding somewhere, afraid to face us!"

"Oh, no, not ..." She-ra chokes, ashamed of her role today's disaster for the rebel cause.  She thought she would ruin a Horde attack on Whispering Woods but she actually just made one easier, one that cost the Horde no casualties!  All of her friends, aboard ship and packed for transport to the Fright Zone!

"Time to take She-ra to Horde Prime," Kane tells Catra.  "I'm sure our Master will be pleased with our work this day.  Want me to drive ...?"

"I'll drive!" Catra yells, racing from the room.

*  *  *  *  *

As their spaceship travels toward Horde World, Kane leaves Catra at the ship's helm and returns to She-ra's lonely cell.  "How are you doing, heroine?" he says in an insulting tone.  He knows that he -- HE, General Kane, broke the mighty heroine, not Catra, not the tricks provided by HordeWorks.  Kane is positive that his genius and skills captured her and broke the spirit of this heroine.  Not just to get her jism to power the MegaBeam, but to make her meek and submissive when she's given to Horde Prime as his newest mistress.  Kane can do anything to the woman except kill her or take her virginity.  Horde Prime wants the honor of taking She-ra's virginity.  Some of her despair is because she knows this will be her fate when she gets to Horde World.

Kane decides that this time, instead of beating her, he will work on her submissiveness.  The man approaches the semi-conscious heroine and opens a small jar containing a special gel made at HordeWorks, the Horde's research and development center.  He smears a little of the gel on She-ra's large, soft breasts.  As he works the gel into her mounds, She-ra moans from the sensual pleasure he's giving her.  After a few moments, She-ra's eyes open and she licks her lips seductively.  The gel is a powerful aphrodesiac and after penetrating her body, she suddenly has a powerful *itch* between her legs.

"Mmmmnnnnhhhh, Kane, whu-what are nnnnnhhh are you doing uuuhhhh tooooo meeeeeee!" the blonde gasps as her body suddenly shudders from the effects of the gel.  Her whole body tingles with a passionate heat that needs to be cooled.

Kane smiles at the aroused woman and lowers his tight black and red leggings down to his knees, baring his large tool before the heroine.  An erection is starting to form, fueled by the sight of the woman struggling in her chains, moaning from the lust overwhelming her body.  Kane moves close to the woman and rubs the tip of his tool against the crack below the blond hairs on her mons.   "Oooooooohhh ... Kane ... dooooo something ... please!" She-ra begs helplessly, controlled by the chemicals in her body.  His member feels soooo nice against her nether lips - why won't he do something and satisfy these strange needs? So near, but so far!

She-ra barely notices when Kane opens first her left, then  her right cuff.  Her arms drop limply to her sides and she sways as if she might fall when Kane puts his hands on her shoulders (his touch there makes her moan again), then lowers her to her knees in front of him.  "Open your mouth, princess," Kane orders the befuddled woman.

"Nnnooo ... I ... can't do" (Kane's hand covers her left breast and he gently squeezes it) "ooooooohhhh ... stuh-stop" (as one hand gently squeezes her left breast, he runs his other hand through her hair, dragging his finger tips across her head, massaging it) "ooohhh ... goddessssss ... mmmmnnnnhhh!" and She-ra opens her mouth for the man.  Her body shudders again from his touch and the chemicals in her body.

Kane slowly advances on the woman and notes with appreciation that she lifts one hand to guide him into her mouth.  "Don't know if she's done this before or not, but her help shows her willingness to suck me," he thinks.  "Take it all in, She-ra," he commands the woman.  She-ra moans and although disgust tells her to resist, his caresses weaken her resolve.  The woman slowly opens her mouth and wraps it around Kane's large tool.  As he teeth lightly drag across the top of his tool, she tickles the bottom with her tongue.  Kane lets her set the pace and smiles when the mighty heroine pulls him entirely into her mouth.  As a reward, Kane takes his hand off her head and begins to stroke her right breast.

She-ra moans from Kane's hands - that and the fact that he's pushing the gel into her skin.  His hands feel soooo good.  She never thought that a villain could make her feel so ... so aroused.  A wetness begins to form once again between her legs, seeping from her nether lips down the insides of her thighs to be captured by the small receptacle covering her nether lips.  Her jism is sucked into the MegaBeam's chamber to be stored for use later.  She ignores the feeling and concentrates on sliding her mouth back and forth along the length of Kane's member.  She tightens her lips around him and begins sucking during times when she slides his tool out of her mouth.  When Kane moans from the pleasure she's providing, a She-ra's of spirit soars in happiness while her mind screams "TRAITOR!!!".

Kane manages to hold out for several minutes of powerful fellatio from the heroine.  She can't bring all of his huge member into her mouth but she does swallow most of it.  More importantly, she's somehow picked up some nice techniques, especially concerning her tongue!  Horde Prime will be greatly pleased with his new toy.

Suddenly She-ra reaches a hand between Kane's legs and drives two fingers up his anus.  Kane roars from the amazing pleasure this causes and he explodes in a massive orgasm from the feelings of being butt-fucked by this super woman.  Massive spurts of jism flood She-ra's mouth and she gags from the onslaught.  She pulls away from Kane's tool and his jism spurts onto her face, covering her lips and chin with his milky love juice.  Another spurt and the tops of her breasts get dosed by his cum.  She-ra recovers and moves her head forward to surround his tool.  She begins sucking him, pulling more jism from him, which she hungrily swallows.

A few minutes later, the woman pulls her fingers out of Kane's butt and releases his limp tool from her mouth.  She sags backward and sits on her feet.  Kane sways above her, his eyes half-closed.  "My god she's good!" Kane thinks.  "Too good for Horde Prime!  Where in Sheol did she learn THAT trick? Is she a slut, after all, or did she just think that what we did to her she could do to me? Good for the goose ... I'll be saddened to turn her over to Horde Prime but to him she must go," he thinks, sadly.  He covets this woman as his own personal slave.

"That was an adequate first time effort, She-ra," Kane lies, hoping to spur the woman to work harder at pleasing him and Horde Prime.  She looks up at him with half-closed eyes and manages a weak smile.  Her cum-soaked face and breasts make Kane laugh at this pitiful super heroine.  Take away her mighty powers and she's just another slut!

"Get up, She-ra," he orders a second later.  She-ra looks at him dully, not understanding what he wants now.  Kane reaches down and grabs the woman's wrists, lifting them upward.  Kane pulls She-ra to her feet and holds her steady as he returns her wrists to the cuffs.

"Please .. let me rest," She-ra begs.  "I'm ... I'm so tired."  The super woman is now far away from Etheria and Castle Grayskull and most of her magical energy was taken from her by Catra's Power Whip and the MegaBeam device.  She's little more than an ordinary female now.

"You'll get lots of rest on Horde World," Kane replies coldly.  "For now, we want you to stay here and be no trouble for us.  If you are troublesome, we'll have to punish you.  Do you want to be punished?"


"*No* what?"

"No sir."

"*No sir*?  *NO SIR*?"  Kane barks, leaning his face close to She-ra's.  "I am more than a mere *sir*, She-ra, as will Horde Prime be!"

"No ... my master," the humiliated She-ra says softly, quaking before the powerful human.  "Is this my fate?" she wonders.  "I've never been so terrified.  I've never felt this weak before!"  Tears begin to fall from her eyes and Kane suddenly smiles at the helpless heroine.

"Just remember that, slut, and you will not be punished too much by your new master, Horde Prime," Kane says, turning to leave.

*  *  *  *  *

An hour or so later, the half-asleep She-ra suddenly awakens to a terrible noise.  Catra has managed to pipe sounds from the holds (which contain almost a thousand people snatched from Etheria by the MegaBeam) into She-ra's cell.  After realizing what she's hearing, She-ra begins to cry and sob hysterically at the torment she's caused.  SHE'S caused - those evil villains made her cum and used the energy in her cum to power the MegaBeam.  To capture her friends!  Deep despair washes over the heroine and she sags in her chains, helpless ... powerless ... utterly defeated!

*  *  *  *  *

Time passes and the Princess of Power drifts in and out of sleep, hanging from her chains.  She can't drop low enough to rest on her knees so her arms must bear her full weight.  In her weakened state, she sometimes gets shooting pains in her biceps, pains that she has NEVER known before.  From time to time, she sobs and cries at her situation.

She awakens fully as Kane and Catra enter the small room containing the MegaBeam controls and her prison chamber.  Kane and Catra are about to have another *playtime* with the pitiable wreck that She-ra has become.  She-ra can barely remain on her feet and if not for the stout chains holding her, she would be curled in a ball on the floor.  She fades in and out of consciousness from the constant rapings and beatings and other tortures conceived by Catra and done by her and Kane.  Their efforts to get her to cum have given them a large container charged with her magical energy, more than enough to power the MegaBeam and other inventions back at HordeWorks.

"Damnit Kane!" and exasperated Catra tells the human male.  "She-ra's had all the fun on this trip!"  Catra stamps a boot heel on the floor.

"You seem to have enjoyed yourself whipping her, Catra," Kane replies.  "What's your beef?"

"I mean, if I'm not screwing her tight little ass, you are.  I'm ... well, I'M NOT GETTING ANY!" the woman replies hautily.

"Are you saying ...?"

"You know damn well what I'm saying, Kane.  DO ME!"

Kane thinks about Catra's outburst for a few moments.  "That would be a waste of our efforts.  We should both *do* She-ra, not each other."

"But don't you see," Catra whines, aching for Kane to take her, "if we do this right, we can torment her terribly?  We put lots of the special gel on her, then ..."

A few minutes later, Kane and Catra begin to remove their costumes.  Catra begins by removing her mask.  Then she rises from her seat and slowly unhooks her purple cape.  As Kane watches the villainess with his cold gray eyes, she slowly and sensuously slides her short red body-suit down her body and onto the floor.

After the suit falls to her ankles, she leans down to remove her boots when Kane says, "leave the boots on, Catra."  Then he pulls his tunic up and over his head and tosses it on the floor beside Catra's costume.  He deftly removes his two knee-high boots and the one studded glove he wears.  Finally, the man removes his leggings and tosses them onto the floor.  Both She-ra and Catra stare at the rippling musculature of the Horde general.  This man works out!  And even flaccid, his member is impressive.

"Get started, Catra, and I'll catch up with you," Kane orders.  She-ra looks quizzically at the two, wondering what new torment they have planned for her.  Catra grabs the small jar of aphrodesiac gel and gets some on her fingertips.  The evil mutant moves to stand behind She-ra and savagely rams her fingertips up She-ra's anus.

"AAAAOOOOWWWWW!!" the heroine yelps at the rough invasion.  She moans as Catra smears the gel inside her butt.  Then the villainess removes her hand and get more of the gel on her fingertips.  At the same time, Kane, who's standing in front of She-ra, reaches around the heroine and gets the gel on both of his hands.  He slowly and sensuously rubs the gel on She-ra's neck and ears.  Then he takes what's left and rubs it on her taut belly down to and on her golden fur-covered mons, massaging deeply as he goes, to help the gel penetrate her creamy white skin.

Meanwhile, Catra slips her fingers between She-ra's legs and puts a thick layer on her labia majora.  Catra takes special care to SLOOOWWWLLLYY apply the gel to the heroine.  As she gently and slowly rubs the gel into the heroine's most treasured spot, She-ra begins to moan and sway from the effect.  Once again the alien chemicals assault her libido and drive her into a frenzy of lustful feelings.  Catra finally slips one gel-covered finger between the heroine's nether lips and gently swirls it around and onto her clit.

"OOOOhhhhhh," She-ra moans.  Her head drops onto her chest and she licks her lips.  "MMmmmmnnnnnnnhhhhh," she sighs when Kane bends at the waist and begins to suck on her left breast.  He runs his tongue expertly across her soft round mound and teases her nipple by languidly drawing circles around the pulsing nub.  "Oooooooohhhh ... don't ... please," She-ra begs as the alien chemical continues to stir her passions.  Her skin becomes super sensitive - each touch by either criminal spurs a flood of warm tingles through her body.  She can't stand still, she can't respond to their touches, and though part of her wants them to stop, part wants them to sexually fulfill her. Finally, Kane takes a last dollop of the gel and gently rubs it on She-ra's aureole. Again she moans as the gel seeps into her body, energizing her nerve endings and sending signals to her brain.

Kane moves around behind She-ra and despite her best efforts, she can't turn enough to follow him.  She can see him move to stand behind Catra.  Then that villainess turns around to face Kane.  What ARE they doing? She-ra wonders.  Catra suddenly backs up against She-ra's back and pushes the heroine - pushes her as far as the chains will allow her to move.  As She-ra stands, straining her chains, her arms twisted painfully backward by the chains, she can feel Catra's back against her own.  Her eyes suddenly pop open when she feels Kane's rough hands touch her ribs and run across her taut belly.

Catra begins to moan behind She-ra and begins to bump backward against the captive heroine.  She-ra can hear sounds ... sounds like ... they're KISSING!  Then her body begins to shake violently as she's battered by Catra's back.  A gasp escapes from She-ra's lips when Kane's hands slide up her belly and envelop her breasts, gently squeezing and kneeding them.  His fingers lightly touch her nipples, then pinch them, sending powerful erotic shocks through her body.

From Catra's loud moans and cries, She-ra manages to sense that Kane is plunging his tool into Catra's body even as he plays with her own body!  Then drug-induced visions flood the heroine's mind ... visions of what Catra must be feeling as she's penetrated by that man.  She-ra knows what he feels like in her anus - he's done that to her several times since capturing her.  As her vagina burns from the sexual desire caused by the gel, She-ra becomes desperate to have Kane plunge his tool into her vagina.  Every part of her body that is in contact with either Catra or Kane now burns fiercely with sexual feelings due to the alien gel.  Even the sounds of Catra's moans and cries and the smell of their love-making are powerfully arousing the drugged heroine.  Soon she begins to cum from just the intense sensory overload of feelings, sounds and smells, even as Catra also begins to cum.

"Kuh-Kane ... nnnnhhh ... please ... I need ..." she manages to say before Catra turns slightly and digs an elbow into the heroine's ribs.

As Kane bangs against Catra's body, plunging his tool into her pussy, Catra reaches backward with her hands.  One caresses She-ra's neck and the other reaches down to cup a butt cheek.  Then Catra makes She-ra yelp by sliding two fingers into She-ra's anus.  Keeping pace with Kane's driving dick, Catra begins to trombone her fingers in and out of She-ra.  As Kane's thrusts become harder and more frequent, Catra begins to gasp and pant and her fingers sometimes pause, then dig even deeper into She-ra's anus.

Kane removes his left hand from She-ra's breast and suddenly the blonde hears Catra shriek, "YYYYEEESSSSS!!!" when Kane's hand begins to caress the villainess' breast.  A second later, Catra cries, "OOOOOHHHHHH ... KKAANNEEEE!!" and her body slams against She-ra's back as she convulses from a much more powerful orgasm.  She-ra comes at the same time.  The chemical's effects and the touches and sounds and smells have driven her over the edge into another orgasm.

Catra and Kane slowly stop their frenzied activity behind She-ra and move away from her body.  "MMMOORRREEE!" she begs.  She needs more orgasms to still the fires inside her body caused by the HordeWorks gel.  Both villains touch and stroke her body as they get dressed, but neither really pays much attention to the woman, despite her begging.  She begins to cry as Catra and Kane slowly leave her cell.  Her last view is Kane's muscled back and tight red-and-black-clad butt.

"oohhh ... please ... do me, too," She-ra begs in the voice of a lost little girl as the metal door slams shut, locking her in her cell.  The itch between her legs must surely drive her crazy if it isn't *scratched*!



??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 3


She Ra has a new life now.? Most of the time, she is kept locked inside her cell.? She is always naked.? Cat Ra enjoyed using the whip against She Ra?s body.

Then one day when Cat Ra came to pay her a visit, She Ra rushed for Cat Ra.? She Ra begged Cat Ra, ?Please I need sex. Fuck me. Fuck me.? Cat Ra smiled. She Ra fell down to her knees and started licking and kissing and frolicking at Cat Ra?s evil sexy legs. Cat Ra played with She Ra?s Blonde hair. Cat Ra smiled ?I will have sex with you, my dear. I will have sex with you.?

Later in that afternoon, Cat Ra had led She Ra, by a leash on the former Pricness of Power?s Blonde neck. She really looked like a horny slut.

Cat Ra had She Ra follow her to a lab. Once there, She Ra was made to lie down. The scientists had her nipples RINGED UP. Her pubic hair was shaved off and in her pussy lips, were more RINGS inserted through.

She Ra moaned during the whole procedure while Cat Ra watched. ?You look delicious She Ra. I could eat you and fuck you?, said Cat Ra. She Ra said, ?Thank you Cat Ra. Thank you?.

But there was a reason why Cat Ra had brought her here. She was about to be sent to Prime Horde. The mighty super heroine known as She-ra hangs from chains, her famous costume lying on the floor at her feet.  She feels weak, beaten, and her shame is immense!  Her formidable strength and energy are almost completely gone.  How did the Horde villains, Catra and General Kane, rob her of her energies?  After capturning her they strapped She-ra to the MegaBeam and captured her jism as they put anything and everything up her ass!  Forbidden to break her virginity by Horde Prime himself, they had to find ... other, more imaginative ways to get the woman to cum.   A special aphrodesiac gel made by HordeWorks worked very well at stimulating the woman.  The more they used it on her, the more she came and the more she wanted of the gel.

For two days now she's been tortured and sexually abused - and worse, the sexual abuse always stopped short of her receiving an orgasm.  A mind-ripping vaginal orgasm - her first - is always put off to *save* her for Horde Prime.

*  *  *  *  *

"Get her ready for transport," General Kane orders two Horde troopers on the third day of She-ra's captivity.  The three are in the small room holding the MegaBeam's control system and She-ra.  The two troopers move behind the terribly-weakened heroine.  She-ra is so exhausted and drained from the tortures and sexual ravishings done to her on the three-day trip to Horde World, she's unconscious.  Her head hangs backward and her magnificent breasts jut forward as delicious, tempting targets for fondling, sucking, squeezing or whatever.

After unhooking her cuffs, the two troopers wrap their metal arms around the woman and drag her from the cell.  "Time for you to meet your new master, heroine," General Kane tells the reviving woman.

Through half-closed eyes, She-ra looks at Kane and begs, "puh-please ... don't do this ... I ..."

"KANE!  How DARE you take her without my presence!" Catra screams at the man.  She rushes down the corridor from the spaceship control deck to confront Kane.  "I demand the right to accompany you to Horde Prime to deliver her!"

"Fine, Catra, you can come with us," Kane replies smoothly.  "I was just going to send one of these troopers to call you after we got the woman fully awake," he lies with practiced ease.  "Go get that large metal container," he tells one of the troopers, pointing to the jar holding She-ra's magical energies, drained from her body by many orgasms.  "We will drop this off at HordeWorks on our way to Horde Prime."

*  *  *  *  *

Outside Kane's huge starship, the small party stops on a platform that overlooks the base of the ship.  "Wait a moment," Kane orders.  He turns She-ra around to face the ship.  The woman is barely conscious so Kane slaps her cheeks a few times until she opens her eyes fully.

"Watch this!" Kane orders, grabbing a handful of golden hair behind She-ra's head.  He twists her face until she looks down at the base of his starship.  Suddenly two huge doors open and form ramps leading from the ship's cavernous holds onto the landing dock.  A moment later, a loud humming noise begins.  Soon the noise resolves into the cries and laments of hundreds of Etherians as they move out of the ship onto the dock.

"Nnnooooo!" She-ra begs as she tries to turn her head away from this terrible sight.  Hundreds - a thousand or more of her friends and neighbors were captured by her magical energies and brought to Horde World for enslavement - enslavement for the rest of their lives.  Tears fall down the heroine's cheeks as she spots Princess Glimmer, Hurley Burley, Bow, Madam Razz, and even her horse, Swift Wind!  "NNNOOOOOOOO!!" She-ra cries when some of the people below spot her standing naked on the platform above them.

"She-ra!"    "Help us!"   "What's going on?"  her friends cry out at the sight of the mighty heroine, naked, shackled, guarded by Catra and Kane.  Their despair plummets to new depths - their mighty champion has fallen, there is no hope for them.

" .. Nooooo! Swift ... Swift Wind! You tooooo!?!" she cries at the sight of her beloved horse being led down the ramp by a Horde trooper.

Kane and Catra keep She-ra exposed on the edge of the platform.  They want her to see every one of her friends walk off into captivity on Horde World and they want the captives to see their last chance for freedom defeated and humiliated.  Both the future slaves and the mighty She-ra will think twice before causing trouble, lest repercussions fall upon the others.

*  *  *  *  *

After the holds have disgorged the last of the new slaves, She-ra, Kane, Catra, and two Horde troopers enter Horde City, walking toward the hulking building housing HordeWorks.  One trooper shoves She-ra along the street, the other carries a huge metal cannister.  Kane holds She-ra's fabled *Sword of Power* in one hand.  Denizens of Horde City gape at the sight of the naked blonde who looks so much like the Etherian heroine, She-ra.  Catra frequently stops to gloat with her fellow mercenaries about *her* successful capture of the mighty heroine.  Other Horde mercenaries, including Grizzlor and Leech, join the entourage.  They take turns punching She-ra, pulling her hair, or twisting the attractive red knobs on her breast.

"Oohhh, st-stop ... don't!" the heroine pleads as she stumbles through Horde City.   Unable to resist the taunts and torments inflicted on her by her foes, She-ra helplessly cries and begs for them to stop.  The cruel villains merely laugh at the captive heroine and increase their torments.  By the time the party reaches HordeWorks, she's bruised and cut from the many punishments she receives during the short walk through Horde City.  And as she moves through the town, the chilly and dank air of Horde City makes goose bumps rise on her body and her nipples swell with blood, making them tempting targets for the mercenaries' attacks.  The cobblestones of the street have a thin veneer of frost and ice on them and her bare feet quickly become numb from the cold.

"Hey, let me guard her!" Grizzlor demands.  "I can guard her better than a stupid ol' trooper!"

Catra and General Kane look at each other for a moment, then relent.  "Okay," Catra says, "but if you harm her ..."

"I won't!" the beast-man replies hastily, raising a palm toward Catra's face.

"Oh no, I was going to say, IF you harm her, it's okay, as long as you don't affect her virrrginity," Catra purrs, patting Grizzlor on his shoulder.  With that, the beast-man moves in front of She-ra and digs his claws into her creamy white breasts, drawing blood around his dirty claws.  She-ra shrieks in pain and struggles to get away from Grizzlor but can't with Kane and Catra holding her elbows.  When the foul beast slides one paw down her belly, raking it with his claws and drawing more blood, She-ra's cries fill the city streets.  Around her, other Horde mercenaries shout and clap with glee at her situation.

Sensing that Kane and Catra want to get moving again, Grizzlor takes one last swipe at She-ra, slapping her face and dragging his claws across her tight cheek.  Four rivulets of blood form below her left eye, from near her ear to near her mouth.  She-ra screams in pain and struggles with all her depleted energies, trying to lift her hands up to her face to stop the horrible pain from Grizzlor's vicious attack.  Her entire body burns from the cuts caused by his dirty claws.  Catra and Kane increase their grip on her elbows and she's too weak to wrest them away to raise her arms.  Her head falls forward in shame as her blood drops down her front, soiling her legs.

After reaching HordeWorks, Catra, Kane, Grizzlor, She-ra and a Horde trooper carrying the metal jar enter the factory.  The other mercenaries mill around outside the factory.  They intend to escort She-ra to Horde Prime if she comes out of the R & D facility soon.  Meanwhile, the party moves upstairs toward ShadowWeaver's lab, stopping briefly at a grungy-looking water tap to clean the caked blood off their captive. The cold water makes the woman shudder and she winces when her recent cuts are vigorously scrubbed by the villains.  "Weaver!" Catra yells, "we have a jug of She-ra's magical energy here for you."

Beside Catra, Kane growls in a soft voice at the way the woman is taking all the credit for every aspect of this operation.  "Catra, it was I who started this project when I left here six days ago, so please let me take some of the credit!"

"Of course I'll share the credit with you, my dear, dear General Kane," Catra says in a sickeningly sweet voice.  "I'm sure there's enough credit for all of us."  Kane bristles at the woman's attempt to steal HIS glory.  He's about to deck her with a solid punch when ShadowWeaver suddenly joins the small group.

"Aaahhh, you've managed to capture the mighty heroine of the rebellion!" Weaver hisses.  She moves close to She-ra and gently cups one of the heroine's breasts in her hand.  She-ra flinches and tries to back away but the trooper behind her won't let her move.  "My extraction engine worked well, then?" Weaver asks Kane.  Now both of Weaver's hands is squeezing and caressing one of She-ra's love mounds and the blonde moans in pleasure at the tender feminine touch of the villainess.

"Worked like a charm," Kane replies.  "She responds better to cuddling than to torture."

"Really?" Weaver asks.  "Well, since we don't need her juices right now ..." and Weaver suddenly slaps She-ra's cheek with the back of her hand.  Blond hair flies as the woman's head snaps sideways from the sudden and vicious attack.       as Weaver slaps She-ra again and again, rocking the heroine's head from side to side.  When Weaver finally stops, She-ra is visibly crying from the pain.

"MMMMMRRRRROOOOWWWW!!" Catra gloats at She-ra's obvious pain.  "More! MORE!!"

"No, save some of her for Horde Prime, Weaver," Kane says, moving closer to the two women.

"Well then, before you run off to Horde Prime, I want She-ra to see this," Weaver says.  She leads the small group over to one bench and points to a cannon-like weapon atop it.  The cannon is aimed at a small hole in the side of a large metal chamber lined with shiny white walls.  "This is the time splitter," Weaver explains.  "We will use your energies, She-ra, to split time!  With YOUR help, we can travel forward or backward in time!  Imagine Etheria falling into our hands BEFORE you were born (assuming you WERE born and didn't crawl out from under some rock).  The possibilities are limitless, all thanks to your energies!"

The Horde trooper deposits the cannister with She-ra's magical energies on the bench by the time splitter and ShadowWeaver hooks it up to the device.  She gives the trooper instructions and a small metal wrench and it moves into the metal chamber.  Weaver then fiddles with some dials on the splitter and finally pulls a switch on the box.  The trooper vanishes!  "I sent him back five minutes," Weaver explains.  "I also sent him fifty feet away from here, so that when he materializes, he doesn't destroy any of my equipment.  At this time, we can only send someone a short distance in space and a week or so in time, but we will increase that time and distance now that we have her cum."  A second later, the trooper reenters the room from the hallway and walks over to Weaver, handing her the wrench.

"MMMMMEEERRRROOOWWWWW!!" Catra roars.  "We can have FUN with that little toy!"

"Amazing work, ShadowWeaver," Kane says in a cool tone that masks his feelings about the weapon.

"Gods, nooooo!" She-ra moans, fully-aware that her energies make this weapon possible.

Kane lays She-ra's Sword of Power on the bench beside the cannister and follows Weaver and Catra into another room.  They have the trooper grab one of the blonde's elbows in its vice-like grip and hold her.  Grizzlor moves close to the woman and begins to paw her perfect body, dragging his nails across her creamy white skin.  Still terribly weak, she moans when he cuts furrows in her belly and back.  He stoops before the woman to sniff her love canal and licks at her mons with a rough, scratchy tongue, making her cringe away from him.

"Pl-puh-please, Grizzlor, d-don't do this!" she begs.  After mauling her butt cheeks and thighs, front and rear, the man-beast rises to his feet in front of the heroine.

"You always treat me like a joke, She-ra," Grizzlor explains.  "Not a joke!  Not an animal!  You learn ... you learn good, She-ra!" he rants, waving a fist in front of the woman's face.  She cowers fearfully, knowing that his claws can easily disfigure her face in her weakened state.

"Well, it's time to take this one to her new master," Kane says and he, Catra and wvr re-enter the lab.  He nods at the trooper guarding her and the creature jabs his assault rifle into her back, pushing the woman toward the doorway of the lab.  Grizzlor joins the group as they head toward Horde Prime's throne room, stopping briefly again to clean her newest wounds.

*  *  *  *  *

"We have a ..." Kane says, kneeling before Horde Prime.

"...special treat ..." Catra interjects, also dropping to one knee before the ruler of Horde World.

"... for you, milord," Kane concludes.  He slaps She-ra's butt cheek, forcing the woman to move closer to Horde Prime's imposing throne.  Grizzlor and the Horde trooper stand meekly at the back of the throne room, watching the heroine's descent into Hell.

"So ..." Horde Prime says slowly, looking down at the heroine.  "This is the mighty She-ra.  Tiara and wrist guards - anything else left of her costume?"  Horde Prime rises off his throne and stands in front of it.  His current image is of a 6' 5" blue-skinned male with short horns on either side of his forehead and long black hair in a pony-tail.  He has on black thigh-high boots and trunks, leather wrist guards with metal studs sticking out, and a hooded red cape that reaches down almost to his knees.  His maleness makes a huge bulge in the front of his trunks and it gets larger as he slowly walks down the four steps toward the captive heroine.

"Her boots and shards of the rest of her costume, milord.   I left her sword at HordeWorks," Kane replies subserviently.  He dumps a red, white and gold bundle on the floor beside the woman.  "Came apart when we whipped her," Kane explains, "to make her more controllable for you, majesty."  He hopes that Horde Prime won't be upset with this.

"Not a problem, General," Horde Prime says amiably when he reaches the floor level of the throne room.  He looms over She-ra as he walks around behind the bound woman.  She starts to turn to continue to face him but he reaches out one of his huge hands, grabs her shoulder, and pins her in place.  As he moves behind the woman, he puts his other hand on her other shoulder and looks at her bare buttocks.  "Catra, I believe that Weaver gave you one of her toys ...?"

"Herrrrre, my leader," Catra purrs, handing the Power Whip to Horde Prime.

"Goddess, nooooo," She-ra thinks.  "Horde Prime!  What vile things he must have planned for me!  I ... I must find a way to escape!"  She struggles valiantly, shaking her shoulders, stamping her bare feet on the cold tile floor of his throne room, but can't escape his powerful grip.  She feels his mighty fingers digging into her milky white shoulders.  "Noooo, you must not do this!" she demands with false pride.  "Stop this, Horde Prime, lest you feel the wrath of the Goddess of Grayskull!"  His soft chuckle and continued squeezing of her shoulders answers her plea.

Although she can't see what's happening, She-ra quickly guesses that the dreaded whip is about to touch her tender flesh again.  "Ooohhhh, nnnooooo!!  Don't!" she begs.  She hears a whirring sound and suddenly Horde Prime lifts her arms up over her head.  She-ra looks up to see a hook descending from the ceiling.  Horde Prime holds her arms up and neatly drops the link between her cuffs over the hook.  Another whirring sound and suddenly She-ra feels her arms being lifted up by the hook, stretching her back and making her shoulders cry out in pain.

"Ssttoooooppppp!" she cries as terrible pain lances through her shoulders.  So much of her mighty super powers were bled off by the Power Whip and the MegaBeam.  She's barely more than a normal woman in strength and endurance now.  Another whipping by that thing might kill her!  She dangles in the air, her feet several inches above the floor of the room, facing Horde Prime's throne.  All her foes stand behind her, including Horde Prime, who probably holds that ...

"UNH-UNH-UNH-UNH NNNNOOOOOO!!!" She-ra screams as the devastating whip cracks through the air and wraps around her narrow waist, the tip striking at one curvaceous hip.  When Horde Prime presses the stud on the handle and the whip begins to draw magical energy from She-ra's body, the pain is almost unbearable.  The stricken woman bucks and bounces as the air crackles with the sound of the Power Whip bleeding off more of her power.  "NNHH NNHHH NNNHHH NNNHHH," she moans until the lash finally stops shocking her body and falls away from her waist.  She hangs limply from the hook, her body aching terribly from the whip.  If only ...

"AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!" She-ra roars as the deadly lash strikes her body again, this time wrapping around her chest, covering her delicious breasts with its coils.  Again Horde Prime presses the activating stud and once again terrible arcane energies developed by ShadowWeaver roar down the lash and rip the living magical energies from She-ra's body.  Again the poor woman bucks and twists in a vain attempt to escape from the lash.  Her tender breasts seem to explode in pain and for a short eternity, she stops breathing as the lash sizzles and sucks her energies.  "no more!" the exhausted woman begs weakly but ...

Again the Hellish lash wraps around the heroine's waist and the tip rips savagely into her mons, drawing blood and staining the yellow hairs.  Even when the whip is charged and begins to draw her super energies, She-ra makes no response.  She's passed out from all the pain her body has had to endure.  Horde Prime flicks his wrist and the lash falls off her body.  He coils the whip and hands it to Catra, then moves closer to She-ra.

"Bring her," Horde Prime orders the mercenaries and as the ruler of the Horde leaves his throne room, Kane, Catra and Grizzlor rush to the unconscious blonde's body and lift her off the meathook.  Grizzlor throws the woman over one shoulder and the trio rush to join Horde Prime.  They catch up with him as he enters one of his dungeons.  As he approaches the door, his body changes and drops down to a 5'8" height and less-broad shoulders to navigate the narrow passageway.  He slowly descends cold, narrow stone steps into the inky blackness, closely followed by hunched-over Kane and Catra.  Grizzlor follows, struggling to get down the narrow circular staircase with his huge body and his feminine bundle.

The group finally reached the bottom of the circular staircase - a dank, dark, drippy dungeon lit by a few torches along the walls.  "Kane, Grizzlor, clean her up and put her on the *horse*," Horde Prime orders two of his companions.  "You may leave us, Catra."

Rebuffed by his *Imperious Leader* tone and aware that she can't call him on it, Catra turns abruptly, her cape swishing deliciously behind her back, and stomps back up the staircase.  Long after her bootsteps are no longer heard by the men, the villainess seethes from being kicked out.  "I EARNED the right to play with her!" Catra fumed.  "Horde Prime had no right to eject ME!"

Meanwhile, back in the dungeon, Kane and Grizzlor carry the unconscious heroine over to a metal and fabric frame.  The base looks like a sawhorse found in many workshops.  At the top, on either end of the horse, are two arms that project up and outward one one side.  There are cuffs at the end of each bar and two more cuffs on the legs of the *horse*.  On the middle, in place of a saddle, there is a thick band of fabric.   Kane and Grizzlor hook She-ra's bare ankles to the cuffs on the legs of the horse, place her belly on the fabric, and stretch her arms over the top of the horse to the cuffs at the ends of the top poles.  Her body is thus pinned with her ass exquisitely exposed for whatever attention Horde Prime wishes to visit upon it.  The upper half of her body hangs precariously over one side of the horse and parallel to the ground.  There's enough room for someone to move his hips close to her lips (either the ones on her face or in her nether regions).  They use a damp rag to scrub some of the new blood off her body.  She moans but doesn't regain consciousness.

Horde Prime gestures once and Kane picks up a bucket from the floor.  He flexes his arms and sloshes the load of ice water inside the bucket outward.  The water hits the heroine in her face and douses that and her upper body.  She gasps from the shock and shakes violently in her restraints, then realizes that she's too weak to burst even the thin, inch-thick metal tying her to the horse.  "Oooohhhh, whu-whu-what now, you bastard," she asks Horde Prime, beside her.  Parts of her tender flesh were ripped open by the latest whipping - the touch of cold water on those raw patches burns intensely.

"I was going to just rape you, but I see you need sterner measures, first, She-ra," Horde Prime replies, gently cupping one hand under her chin to lift her face up to look at him.  "You have made my conquest of Etheria a constant headache for many years, She-ra, and now you will have the opportunity to apologize, by serving me as my faithful mistress."

"NEVER, foul fiend!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Horde Prime says, nodding at Kane and Grizzlor who are smiling at the scene.  "As I said, I think you need sterner measures.  Grizzlor, would you like to begin?"

"Yes, master!" the man-beast grunts.  He looks around, then takes a riding crop from a hook on a nearby wall.  For the next few minutes the thing works like a demon, whipping She-ra's perfect white ass with the crop, until it becomes a streaked red mass.  She-ra's screams and shrieks dwindle away and her soft sobbing is the only sound in the dungeon, apart from panting by Grizzlor.  At one point, the pain is so intense, She-ra soils herself and the whip.  Her humiliation overwhelms her mind and she belatedly wonders how long before she loses her mind to the tortures she faces.

"Your turn, Kane," Horde Prime says, leaning against a moss-covered wall of the dungeon.  The Horde General steps closer to the heroine and pulls down his skin-tight red-and-black leggings.

"I wanted you to do this on the ship, She-ra, but I also didn't want to risk your escape," Kane says, pulling out his man-meat.  "I'd have had to have released you and let you drop to your knees to do this properly."  He trombones the shaft with his black-gloved left hand as his right hand lifts She-ra's head up by pulling on her blond tresses.  "Wake up, woman!" he commands as her eyes begin to close.  He stops stroking his tool long enough to slap her cheek, making the woman's head snap to her left before jerking to a stop - he still holds her golden tresses.

As his tool rises to its full 9" length, Kane steps close to the woman's face and, holding her head up by the hair and his right hand, his left hand pinches her the joint of her jaw and forces her mouth open.  He inserts his manhood through the slit and hisses as her teeth drag along the top of his shaft.  "You'd better not bite me, She-ra," Kane warns the heroine.  "And you'd better learn how to do this on me - I'm sure our merciful Master will not have the patience with your training which I have!"

She-ra looks up at Kane through bleary eyes, her mouth filled with his penis, nearly gagging on the meat inside her mouth and pressing down her throat.  She groans weakly as Kane begins to thrust his hips backward and foreward.  He now holds her head with both hands and rocks his head backward as her mouth begins to arouse him.  Harder and harder he slams into her, the skin above his tool battering her nose mercilessly.  Her moans are delicious pleasure - they tickle his tool.  Her thick lips are tight on his penis and quickly build him toward an orgasm.  Just a few minutes after starting, Kane suddenly freezes and arches his back.  Holding tightly onto the woman's head, he pumps jism into her mouth.  She-ra gasps and struggles - his groin is pressed so tightly against her face she can't breathe through her nose or mouth!  She feels like she's going to drown from all the sticky goo pouring into her mouth.  Finally, she manages to open the sides of her mouth to gasp for air.  Kane's milky white cum slithers out past her ruby red lips and across her cheek.

While watching Kane, Horde Prime's own tool begins to grow and swell.  Upon Kane's finish, She-ra slumps in her bondage, beaten and nearly unconscious.  Now the Horde ruler wants to take this troublesome heroine, to show her who her master is, and will be, for the rest of her life.  "Leave us," Horde Prime orders Kane and Grizzlor.  After Kane pulls up his leggings, the two mercs turn and head upstairs, leaving the shape-shifter alone with the Princess of Power.

"Now that you're my prisoner, my slave, here on Horde World," Horde Prime asks as he steps beside She-ra, out of her line-of-sight, "you must realize the situation you're in.  Who could come to your rescue, woman, now that I have you?"

The barely-conscious woman doesn't react for several breaths, then gasps, "Suh-sea-Seahawk."

Prime thinks for a moment, then his body morphs into a good approximation of the Etherian malcontent and sometime Horde associate.  *Seahawk* then steps in front of the woman and gently lifts her head up ... up ... up until the angle is so severe her neck must snap.  "She-ra ... my darling ... wake up!" Horde Prime says.

"Sea-Seahawk?" the addled woman asks.  "Whu-what are ... are you doing ... here?"

"I've come to rescue you, my love!"

"Ooooohhhh, Seahawk!"

Horde Prime gently removes the wrist cuffs from the woman, then helps her to stand beside the horse.  As she totters above him on unsteady feet, the shapeshifter unlocks the cuffs on her ankles.  He then rises and lifts her, one arm beneath her back, the other beneath her knees, and carries her across the dungeon to a large flat table.  He gently lays the woman on the table on her back, then steps back to look at her.  She-ra is almost unconscious but still manages to smile at *her saviour*.  She even reaches up to grasp his hand in hers.  *Seahawk* squeezes her hand and smiles at the beaten woman.

Horde Prime reaches down and rubs one hand on her belly, making her moan from the pleasureable feeling.  He leans down and gently kisses her large reddish aureole and She-ra gasps at the touch of his lips.  As the mighty heroine lies helplessly on her back on the table, Horde Prime, still disguised as Seahawk, moves around the end of the table to stand between her ankles.  He slowly pulls the woman down the table, holding her first by her knees, then her thighs, until her crotch is at the end of the table.  His groin area grows fuzzy, then a penis appears.  Five, six, eight inches long, the thing continues to grow until it becomes an obscene carrot-shaped object, twelve inches long, the size of a child's finger at one end, three inches thick near his body.

"I must recharge your magical energies, my love," Horde Prime tells the woman, "and this is the fastest way.  Are you ready for me?"

"Whu-what?  I ... but ... oooohh, yyyeessss, Seahawk, do it!"

Horde Prime slowly inserts the small tip of his tool into her love canal and, with a mind of its own, like a serpent, it begins to twist and turn and convulse as it slides into the woman.  It slithers inside her, rubbing against the walls of her love canal until it finally reaches her intact hymen and pauses for a second.

"AAAoooowwww.  What ...?" She-ra asks as a short sharp pain occurs between her legs.  She starts to rise off her back but *her lover, Seahawk* gently pushes on her chest, forcing her onto her back.  She doesn't resist.  Seahawk will treat her well - he's always been a good friend.  The disguised ruler of Horde World  leans forward and his mouth surrounds the tempting tip of one of her breasts.  As his lips press on the tender flesh, his tongue plays across her engorged nipple.  "OOouuuuuuunnnnhhh!" She-ra moans as pleasure surges through her body.  "Yesss, Seahawk, my love, that feels soooo goood!" Suddenly her eyes open when she feels roughly half of his shaft inside her - inside her and where no man has gone before!  "Whu-what are you doing, Seahawk?" the confused woman asks plaintively.

Horde Prime pushes harder and harder against the tight pussy of She-ra, driving more and more of his tool into her virginal canal.  A cruel smile flickers across his face - "I'm doing to you what you've done to my forces for many years, She-ra!" he gloats, plunging harder and harder into the woman.  Suddenly a second *tool* begins to form, below his *penis*.  Like the first one, this new tool begins to grow and, although longer, it's also slimmer.  This second tool snakes its way under her body and stealthily penetrates her anus.  Again She-ra's eyes open wide from surprise as the new penetration begins.

"AAooowww!  AAAOOOWWWWW!!  Stop, Seahawk ... you're ... you're hurting meeee!"

"Hush my darling, and you will soon be ready to escape," Horde Prime lies, making the thoroughly-confused woman calm down and work with him.  Their bodies begin to sweat as their rhythmic thrusting gets harder and harder.  She-ra yelps from pleasure/pain (?) as *Seahawk's* twin tools plunge into her body.  She cries for more when his lips and tongue savagely attack one of her bulbous tits.  She gasps in pleasure as his hands run over her creamy white skin.

"OOohhhhh, yes, yes, YYEESSSS!!" She-ra moans as her libido swells toward a mighty orgasm.

Suddenly her body arches off the table and she screams like a wounded beast.  For the first time in her life she experiences a vaginal orgasm and it rips through her body and crashes against her brain.  A second quickly follows and she seems to almost float off the table.  Then Horde Prime has his own orgasm, or what passes for one.  Slimy green goo pumps out of his two tools and into the heroine.  As She-ra's eyes close and she writhes on the table in ecstacy, Horde Prime slowly morphs back into his tall, purple form.

" You ... you're ... not Seahawk ..." She-ra pants when she sees that the being between her legs, INSIDE her, is not her lover but is the evil Horde leader.  "NNnnnoooo!" she moans from this latest humiliation.  "Ooohhh, nnnooooo!!" she moans.  "What ... nnnnhhh ... what have you dooonnnneee!!"

"Only the first step in my plan to make you my mistress, She-ra!"

"NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!" her agonized cry fills the dungeon, echoing off the moss-covered stone walls.  "NNNOOOOOOO!!"  She sags downward.  Her body seems to have lost its will - her boobs sag on either side of her chest in defeat.  She begins to cry in loud gasps at the realization of what's been done to her.

"CATRA!!" Horde Prime calls out as he steps away from She-ra.  Moments later the Horde mercenary charges down the circular staircase and enters the dungeon.

"My lord?" the villainess asks when she skids to a halt on the slimy stone floor of the dungeon.

"Make this one presentable, Catra," the ruler of Horde World commands.  "I may play with her again, tonight, and she stinks of feces and sweat."

"At once, milord!"

Horde Prime heads up the stairs, leaving Catra and She-ra alone in the dark dungeon.  "My, my, my," Catra says in a sultry voice, "so far the mighty rebel leader has fallen, eh, She-rrrrrra?  You don't look so mighty now, heroine.  Has my lord tamed you, beast?"

"Not ... tamed," She-ra manages to say as she's helped to a seated position on the table.  Catra stands beside She-ra and is helping the blonde get to her feet.  As She-ra rises to her feet, she feels a slight surge in energy.  Maybe *Seahawk*/Horde Prime was right - the orgasm DID recharge her energies?  Can she hope as much?

Emboldened by this surging feeling of power, She-ra suddenly jerks her arm upward and her elbow hits Catra's jaw with a loud .  Catra falls backward and lands on the table top, barely conscious.  She-ra turns around and clasps her hands together, she then swings them down to hit the red-covered belly of the villainess with a solid .  This snaps Catra back upward but before she rises far, She-ra swings her clasped fists in a roundhouse punch that hits the woman's cheek and knocks her onto the floor on her side.

She-ra pants and has to lean on the table after this mighty exertion.  "Now, to escape this demon-filled planet!" she resolves.  "But I think I should put something on before I leave!"  The heroine quickly strips Catra of her cape, mask, leotard and boots.  She-ra quickly dons the villainess' costume and pulls the cape's hood up to cover her blond tresses.  She looks around the dungeon and finds a ball gag and takes that and the unconscious Catra to a set of shackles on one wall.  The naked mercenary is quickly locked in the cuffs and as She-ra begins to put the ball gag on the woman, Catra begins to revive.  She struggles and hisses around the gag but can't stop She-ra from completing her task.  The cat is penned - for now!

"Give my regards to Horde Prime!" She-ra says, smiling at her foe.  She slowly begins to ascend the stairs leading from the dungeon.  "Hope I don't meet him or his mercs on the way home!"  She mentally pauses and asks herself, "and just how DO I get home?"

*  *  *  *  *

"Maybe I do have one chance," She-ra decides, racing through the dark streets of Horde City dressed as Catra.  She makes her way to HordeWorks, hoping that most of the weapons designers have gone for the day.  She cautiously enters the dark, empty lab and spots her sword still stiting on the bench.  Suddenly a Horde trooper walks into the lab - probably one of the nighttime guards.  With one swift and skillful swipe, she rams the sword upward and into the thing's *neck*, decapitating the trooper.  It falls backward with a loud metal clang.

"Better get out of here before they return," She-ra realizes.  She twirls her sword in a warm-up swing and slices a huge hole in the cannister holding her magical jism and most of it splatters onto the workbench and the floor below.

She-ra can hear the heavy thud of more Horde troopers nearing the lab.  "Gotta move!" she says to herself.  "Hope there's enough *juice* in this thing!"  She fiddles with some dials on the time splitter and steps into the metal chamber as the weapon discharges a beam into it.  She vanishes from sight as the hulking grey troopers enter the lab.

*  *  *  *  *

(Is this the Fate of the Princess of Power)








Sonya Esperanto [email protected]


About cartoon character She Ra who is finally defeated by her enemy,?? The Horde,? and made into their BDSM slave.


Chapter 1



(Note: This story is more or less based on the cartoon character She-ra and other Masters of the Universe characters.  It is meant as adult fan fiction. Written with help and ideas from Foocominic with the She-ra's erotic club)

"I asked Horde Prime for more men, not 'A man'!" the villainess Catra snarls at the tall muscular man in the red and black costume standing beside her at her planning table.  Catra, the overseer of a large chunk of the conquered planet of Etheria, has been sorely vexed by rebels.  Rebels lead by a cunning human named Adora.  Rebels who are often helped by the super heroine known as She-ra.  "I've lost several score of warriors in three caravans and at two of our bases in the last week alone!  Supplies, booty for Horde Prime, all gone! Even worse, Hordak won't pay me until I defeat that bitch!"

"I was sent here from the Fright Zone," the man says in an even tone of voice, "because Horde Prime wants results, not more excuses.  I brought with me a few new toys from HordeWorks, the weapons shop at home.  One of the toys is a Megabeam which we can use to capture humans and transport them to the Fright Zone.  We have to first capture a number of women to use as fuel.  When they release their sexual energy in orgasms, they will empower the device so we can capture more humans.  As for She-ra, my skills as a warrior ..."

"... Mean nothing here, General Kane!" the villainess snaps.  "The rebels strike without warning, first here, then over there," she says, pointing to spots on the relief map on the planning table.  "By the time we get troops out to smash them, they've melted back into their damned forest."

"That's why you don't REACT TO them, Catra, you ACT AGAINST them," Kane explains with a sigh.  "Anticipate enemy attacks, or even set traps for them to fall into, then destroy them with overwhelming force."

"Big talk, 'man', but useless against the power of She-ra!"

"Maybe, maybe not.  Hmmm, I wonder what kind of power we would get from your She-ra if we hooked her up to the Megabeam?"

*   *   *   *   *

"It's been a long time since I've been able to say that I'm stuffed!" the rotund little man called Hurley-Burley says to Adora a few days later.  They and two dozen other rebels are seated around campfires outside a cave complex deep in the Whispering Woods.  "If we raid any more Horde supply caravans, we're going to run out of storage space!"

"That is a problem we can easily solve," Adora replies, laughing softly.  Her laugh is a tinkling little sound that is so clear and clean, it can be heard above the conversations around the many campfires.  A few men and women look toward the gorgeous blonde to see why she's laughing.

"Catra must be spitting nails at her troop leaders," another rebel says, talking around a slab of meat and bread in his hands.

"If she hasn't ripped them to shreds for letting us 'go shopping' at her supply depots!" Adora says, laughing again.  The young woman, born of royalty on Eternia, is here on Etheria leading the rebellion against the occupation army from the Fright Zone.  The stunning rebel leader wears a red leather jerkin over a white blouse, red calf-high 'buccaneer' boots and long leather coverings on her arms.  A heavy 'whuffing' noise from the darkness outside the range of the campfire's light draws Adora's attention.

The woman rises easily from the fireplace and moves toward her horse, Spirit, who made the noise and is nibbling on grass near the campfire.  "The Horde will really be upset the next time we attack them, right, my friend?"  she asks the horse, petting its long white nose and scratching the brilliant mane on its neck.  The horse looks at the woman briefly, then nods its head and whinnies as if it agrees with the young leader.

"Where's ... Adora?!?" a young woman gasps a moment later, running into the camping area.  "I've got news!"

"I'm here, I'm here, stop and catch your breath!" Adora says, moving back to the campfire to stand by the side of her second-in-command, Princess Glimmer.  Adora puts a hand around the young woman's shoulder and smiles at her, then encourages her to take a seat on a log beside the fire.  They sit together and the courier gulps down a mug of wine as she catches her breath.  A minute or two later, the young woman drops her mug to the ground and wipes her lips with a sleeve.

"You know that village down by the river, used to be called Culinel?"

"Yes, we helped the people move out last year when the Horde moved troops into it," Hurley-Burley replies.

"Well," Glimmer says, looking at Adora, "there's a caravan of four carts in the village now.  Didn't see what they have, but there are almost a dozen men guarding them."

"Sounds like the same setup I saw early today when Tree-Topper and I scouted Saranac," Adora says.  "And look," she says, rising to her feet and drawing in the dirt.  "Both Culinel and Saranac are on the Pearlwhite River.  They villages are on a line from the huge Horde base in Trompa.  Hey, it's like they've drawn a line from Trompa toward the Whispering Woods!"

For several minutes, chaos reigns around the campfire as one rebel after another tries to talk about the Horde depots and what they mean.  After Spirit bulls his way into the circle of people around the fire, pushing his shoulder against Adora's, the rebel leader finally makes a decision.  "Well, folks, we can't let the Horde mass their troops against us, now, can we?  I think we should destroy their two supply depots before they move troops out from Trompa to attack us.  If there are no supplies to support them, the troops can't eat."

"What about Columbiad?" Hurley-Burley asks his boss.

"What do you mean?" Adora says.  Her left eyebrow arches to reflect her concern that perhaps she's forgotten something important.

"Well, if you draw a line from here to Trompa, Adora, the towns along the river are Culinel, Saranac and then Columbiad, my old home," the chubby man says, drawing in the dirt.  "If they ARE setting up bases to attack us, wouldn't they have to put something in Columbiad, too?"

"He's right, Adora, but we don't have the resources to hit all three at once," Glimmer complains.  "There were too many guards in Culinel for a small group to battle."

"Well, we really should hit all three towns at the same time or troopers in one village will be free to reinforce the others during an attack," Adora reasons aloud.  "Glimmer, can you take about fifteen men and attack Culinel at dawn?  And can you take the rest of our men to attack Saranac at the same time, Hurley-Burley?  I'll see if I can find She-ra and maybe she and I can take out the Horde troops in Columbiad."

"That's cutting things pretty fine, isn't it?" a rebel asks.

"Columbiad is over ten miles away, Adora, and is well out of the Whispering Woods," Glimmer says with concern in her voice.  "You two won't have much cover when you attack and we won't be able to help you if there are too many troopers in the village."

"She-ra hasn't met a Horde trooper she couldn't handle, and neither have I," Adora says confidently, smiling at her comrades.  "We'd better get moving, my friends, if we're going to be ready by dawn!"  As the rebels move away from the warmth of the campfires to get their weapons, Adora cups her hand under Spirit's jaw and pulls the horse's head close to her own.

"Think you can help me find She-ra, Spirit?"  The horse looks at the woman and 'chuffs' agreement.  After all, the Princess of Power is right under the horse's nose!

*   *   *   *   *

"I think your plan is stupid, General Kane!" Catra sputters impatiently as she hides in an abandoned house in Columbiad.  "She-ra is smart, but even she won't think about attacking this place.  We should go to Culinel to await the bitch."

"Now, now, now, Catra," Kane says, staring at the feline-like woman.  Her long red cape is wrapped tightly around her body but she still exudes powerful feminine pheromones, like a cat in heat.  He can hear the soft creak of her leather boots as she shifts her seat and can also see her hair flowing softly as a morning breeze blows into the hovel through the opening where a window should be.  "She-ra HAS to attack here.  Our monitoring equipment detected rebels spying on Culinel and Saranac the last two days, so they know our men and supplies are there.  Surely they have someone smart enough to point out that we're setting up a supply line toward their blasted forest hideout.  They'll HAVE to attack the supply line to foil our 'plans'.  I put enough men in each village to require a large force to defeat it, but not so strong as to require adding her to the mix - that would be overkill.  And if the rebels think a little harder, they'll also think of Columbiad here, as another supply base that has to be taken out."

"Mmmeerrrooowwww!!" Catra wails, cold and uncomfortable.  "Are you going someplace with this ego-boosting blather about your plan or are you just running laps?"  Her body shivvers from the cold and she pulls her cape tighter around her body.

General Kane notices the woman's discomfort but as a well-trained Horde warrior, he's been trained to ignore his own comfort and that of his troops when on Horde business.  "The point is, Catra," the man says with a hint of exasperation in his voice, "your spies report that there aren't enough rebels to attack all three villages at the same time but they must do that because we can reinforce the ones under attack with men from the villages not being hit.  Columbiad is the farthest from their precious hideout and the most exposed, a very hard target to reach.  Only someone like She-ra could get here and attack this village and have a prayer of getting back to the forest.  So I repeat: 'She HAS to attack here!'"

"Okay, okay, have it your way, big brain," the woman says, rubbing her bare thighs for warmth.  "I just hope she gets here soon so I can get warm.  Fighting her is better than sitting here freezing!"

"According to my instructions, Catra, we should probably try to capture She-ra first," Kane continues.  "We can hook her to the beam and use her magical energies to power it and capture more of the measly humans."

"Whatever," Catra says, trying to ignore the boring human general.  Where do they FIND such insufferable men!?

As the sun rises several minutes later, Catra's keen hearing picks up the sounds of stealthy movement at the far end of the village.  "Hssst!  Kane!  Someone's coming," she whispers to the Horde leader, "I'm going outside to check it out.  Looks like your plan just might work, big guy!"  After slipping out of the run-down building, Catra says to herself, "arrogant male!"

*   *   *   *   *

Outside the village of Columbiad, Adora dismounts Spirit and looks for signs of her enemies.  All is quiet in the pre-dawn stillness.  Raising her sword over her head, the rebel leader says, "For the Honor of GreySkull....... I am She-ra!!!!"  and there is a flash of light.  Suddenly the comely blonde rebel is replaced by the stunningly lovely heroine She-ra and her horse, Spirit, changes into She-ra's steed, Swift Wind.  "Looks like maybe ten men and five carts," She-ra says as she prepares to sneak into the village.  She tries to reach out with her mind to identify who's in the village but nothing happens.  Either no one else is there or some kind of magic is hiding their presence.  A good sign that there might be some of the Horde's mercenaries hidden in the village!  The Princess of Power lowers her arms and moves silently across fields denuded of grain years ago toward the deserted village of Columbiad.  She enters the edge of the village and creeps into it, her back pressed against walls and keeping her footfalls as light as a feather.

"Sheol!" she curses when the ground suddenly opens below her!  A pit trap that she didn't see.  She was too busy checking the huts for Horde warriors.  After falling some twenty feet, the Princess of Power rises to her feet and dusts off her knees and skirt, then looks upward.  "I made enough noise to raise the dead but no one has bothered to see what they caught!  How curious."  The heroine bends slightly at the knees and with a powerful flex of her leg muscles, easily leaps upward to the rim of the pit trap where she lands delicately on one boot.  Looking back toward her horse, Swift Wind, the woman begins to edge into the run-down village.

"Mmmeerrooowww!" Catra says as she swaggers as silent as a cat into the dusty track that passes as Main Street for 'downtown Columbiad'.  "Look who's come by for breakfast."  The cold morning air has the nipples on both women straining against the tops of their costumes, like miniature warheads tracking their foes.  As they speak, small clouds appear at their mouths when their warm breaths crystallize in the chilly air.  The men guarding the carts spin around and move to join their leader.

Catra's sudden appearance surprises the Princess of Power.  "Catra!" She-ra spits at the villainess.  "I suspected a trap but I didn't think you'd be rash enough to face me alone!  Who else do you have hiding in the village? Grizzlor, Leech or maybe even Scorpia?  And may I assume that those carts are empty?"

"Of course they're empty, stupid!" Catra snarls.  "And I'm more than woman enough to take YOU down, She-ra!"

Before Catra can react, She-ra pulls her sword from the sheath beneath her cape and begins to spin it like a buzz saw as she advances toward the villainess.  Catra shrieks at the threat and begins to back away from the heroine's whirling blade.  Suddenly the evil feline's boot snags a brick and she topples down, landing on her butt, then her back.  "MMmmrreeoowww!" the Horde mercenary cries as She-ra steps over Catra's body, a boot planted in the dirt beside either hip.

"Give it up now, Catra, and you won't be hurt!" She-ra commands.  Suddenly a pulse rifle bolt of energy hits her spinning sword and makes She-ra blink.  "Oops, forgot about your troopers!" she says as more rifle shots come at her.  "Sword to shield!" She-ra commands and her weapon magically morphs into a large shield which she uses to deflect more pulse rifle shots.  When the Horde troopers realize that their shots aren't even bothering the mighty heroine, their fire slackens.

She-ra uses the lull to her advantage.  "Shield to rope!" she commands and the shield morphs into a long rope.  She-ra easily snaps it toward the troopers and snags one man by his leg.  A powerful flex of her arm and the man flies through the air to crash into other troopers, who in turn crash into more troopers, until the entire team is lying in the dust.

"AAarrrrrr!!  You slipped up again!" Catra snarls from beneath the Princess of Power.  As She-ra begins to look down at her foe, Catra raises a leg and her boot crashes into She-ra's white-clad butt, catapaulting the heroine several feet, to land unceremoniously on her breasts in the dirt.

"That's not nice, Catra," She-ra says, rising to her feet to face the villainess.  She-ra takes a moment to dust herself off (and secretly massage her tender butt crack where Catra's boot hit her).  She-ra bends down to pick up her rope ...

And at the same time, Catra rises to her feet and faces the mighty heroine.  Before She-ra can do anything with her magical rope, the villainess reaches under her cape and pulls a 'Power Whip' off a loop on the back of her belt.  In one smooth, practiced move, she brings her hand forward and the end of the fifteen-foot long bullwhip slithers through the air toward the stunning blonde.

Before She-ra has a chance to react, the Power Whip hits her and coils around her slender waist.  As the whip envelops the heroine, Catra presses a stub on the handle of the whip and a powerful electric shock snakes down the length of the rope toward the Princess of Power.  "AAAIIIEEEE!!" She-ra screams as powerful energy rips into her body around her waist.  "UUNNNGGHH!  M-Must ... remove ... ooohhhh huh-hurts ... must remove this!" she says, grabbing the whip and receiving more shocks through her hands.  As Hellish energies flood her body, making her legs shake and clouding her vision, the heroine finally manages to remove the whip from around her waist.  She drops it to the ground and staggers backward, shaking her head.  Aftershocks ripple through her body, tingling her ... stirring within her ...?  And why does she suddenly feel so much weaker?

"Puurrrrfect!" Catra gloats.  "How do you like my new toy, bitch!"  The villainess snaps her arm backwards, retrieving the whip, and as she takes two steps toward She-ra, the bullwhip lashes forward again, this time just a foot or two above the ground.  Ten feet away, She-ra puts a hand to the side of her head as if it might help shake off the effects of the whip.  Suddenly she spots the lash snapping toward her.  Before she can move or jump out of the way, the end of the whip coils tightly around one of her boots and again the air crackles with the flow of energy down the length of the lash.

"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!  OOOOUUUUWWWWWW!!" She-ra screams piteously as terrible energy blasts into her ankle and up her leg.  Catra yanks the lash backward and that jerk and the pain cause She-ra to fall backward onto her butt and then onto her back.  Her body bucks and bounces on the ground as the villainess slowly pulls the heroine closer.  She-ra's hand goes to her head again in response to the pain she feels.  This doesn't help as she's pulled closer to the evil Catra.  The more she struggles, the weaker she feels.  WHAT IS HAPPENING!!??

"Nnnngghhh ... c-can't stand the pain ... ooohhh ... wuh-where'd she mmmnnhh get this!?" She-ra moans to herself as her body is pulled closer to Catra.  Again the painful electricity surges through her body, up her long, muscled leg and through her groin.  Again she feels things stirring inside her, down between her legs.  Unwanted feelings tingle inside her, demanding that she attend to them ... NOW!! Desperate, just as she reaches the villainess, the heroine kicks her free leg upwards and hits Catra's knee with titanic force.  But instead of blasting the villainess into space, the *mighty* blow just makes her stagger!  "Why ... nnnhh ... why am I ... so weak?" She-ra asks herself.

"OOAAWWWRRRRR!!  HSSST!" Catra complains, dropping the Power Whip and falling on her butt.  She rubs her damaged knee as She-ra rolls away.  Catra tries to get to her feet but can't bear any weight on her damaged knee for a few seconds.  During the respite, the mighty Princess of Power manages to remove the sparking whip off her booted ankle and recover from the incredibly painful electrical shocks.  She tosses the hated whip onto the roof of a nearby cottage.  As she stands in the dirty street, her legs begin to shake uncontrollably and her arms feel like lead, hanging at her side.  How could this be?

"Nnnhhh, quite a shocking greeting you have there, Catra!" the Mistress of Might says gamely as she rises to her feet.  "But maybe without your whip you won't be as much trouble."  At the same time, she thinks, "As long as she doesn't have anything else hidden under that cape of hers!"

Both women rise to their feet at nearly the same time.  She-ra sways slightly from the electric tingles coursing through her body.  Surprisingly, she can feel odd sensations rippling in her breasts and between her legs, something she felt when her lover Seahawk was last here.  Unbeknownst to her, a small trickle of juices stains her white panties as her body reacts to the unwelcome side effects of Catra's Power Whip.  The Princess of Power shakes off the unusual feeling and tries to focus on the fighting feline.  Catra, at the same time, is bent slightly at the waist as she tries to stand while pains shoot outward from her left knee.

"That hurt, you bitch!" Catra snarls at the blonde.  Before She-ra can reply, Catra leaps at the woman and GRABS HER BREASTS!!  She-ra falls backward shrieking indignantly as Catra's talons dig into the luscious white skin above the top of her bustier.  Catra's talons aren't strong enough to break She-ra's skin but they DO make deep dimples in the flesh.

"G-get your hands OFF OF ME!" She-ra protests, grabbing Catra's wrists as the two women writhe on the ground, Catra on She-ra's body.  As the heroine slowly pulls the painful talons away from her breasts, she can feel Catra's lower body grinding against her own.  Catra's hard pubic mound rubs against She-ra's belly even as the villainess' red boots slide up and down the heroine's creamy white thighs.  She-ra bucks her waist to throw the cat-like Horde leader off her body but this only gives Catra the chance to slip her legs upward and around She-ra's waist.

"Now I've got you!" Catra gloats as she rolls off to her left, pulling the blonde onto her right side, with Catra's thick, powerful thighs around She-ra's thin waist.  Catra locks her ankles together and begins to squeeze her thighs together, crushing She-ra's waist.  The super-strong villainess, although far weaker than mighty She-ra, still manages to catch the heroine unprepared.  Before She-ra can draw a good breath, she suddenly gasps and expels the air in her lung.

"UUnnnhhh!!  Let ... MEE ... GOOOOO!!" She-ra moans.  Catra grins and tightens her scissors hold.  The Princess of Power loses heart at her sudden weakness.  She should be able to She-raug off Catra's attack with no effort, but she's unable to stop the evil woman!

"Don't like this, do you?" Catra gloats.  "Or THIS!" and again the fighting feline reaches forward to grab She-ra's breasts in a tight grip.  "MMMRRRROOOWWWW!!" the villainess cries when she gets a strong hold on the heroine's breasts and squeezes.

"AAAOOOWWWW!!  AAAIIIEEEEEE!!" the Princess of Power screams as piercing pain shoots through her tender breast flesh again.  "OOOOHHHH ... PUH-PLEASE ... DDOOOONNN'TTT!!!" she pants.  Again she grasps Catra's wrists.  She CAN'T let Catra defeat her this easily!  She's got far more power than the Horde leader.  Or, at least she SHOULD have more power!  "THE WHIP!" She-ra suddenly realizes.  "The whip must ... have done something nnnhh to me!"

"At LAST!  You're MINE!" Catra gloats.  She can see tears forming in She-ra's eyes and this spurs her to a greater effort.  She twists her hands sideways, dragging her talons across She-ra's breast flesh as if she's unscrewing the tops of jars.  She-ra's bleat of pain is an electric thrill for the villainess.  Her talons dig deeper into She-ra's most exposed and tender flesh.  The Mistress of Might tries but fails to pull Catra's hands off her tender breast flesh.

"Ooohhhh!  THIS ... ENDS ... NNOOWWW!!" She-ra cries.  Marshalling what may be the last of her magical energy, she raises her arms over her head (she's still lying on her side), clenches her fists, and brings the punch forward to hit Catra on her nose.  The punch is so powerful a spurt of dirt and stone flies off the ground from the recoil of Catra's head onto the ground.  At the same time, Catra screams in pain and releases She-ra's breasts.  Her grip around the heroine's legs is also weakened from the mighty hit on her nose.

As Catra tries to ease the pain by rubbing her nose, She-ra reaches down and grabs Catra by the insides of her thighs.  Digging her own well-trimmed nails into Catra's soft flesh, the Mistress of Might pushes outward, lifting Catra's left leg off her waist.  Now Catra cries out from pain lancing into her shapely thighs.

"AArrgghh ... still some ... fight in you!" Catra says as she rolls away from She-ra.  The heroine rolls away from Catra and rises slowly onto her hands and knees, her cape dangling over the left side of her body.  She shakes her head and tries to regain the breath squeezed out of her by the cat woman's feral attack.

An enraged feline scream rips through the still morning air and Catra once again charges the stricken heroine, this time leaping upward to drop onto She-ra's back as if she is a horse to be ridden and broken.  Once again Catra's powerful legs wrap around She-ra's waist and again the heroine gasps in shock and pain when her waist is cruelly crushed between the woman's mighty thighs.

"Uunnhhh ... fight back, girl!" She-ra commands herself, grimacing from the pain.  Suddenly she shrieks, "AAAIIIIEEEE!" when the Horde leader leans down and again grabs her tender breasts.  This time the feline's hands slip between the side fabric of She-ra's bustier and around to the front, under the white and gold costume, to envelop her bare flesh. The move pops her breasts out of her costume. Tender breast flesh and her engorged nipples are cruelly crushed in Catra's powerful grip.

"SSSTTTOOOPPP TTHIISSS!!" She-ra screams at the villainess, then "OOOOHHHHH ... NNNOOOO!!!" as her body bucks and bounces from the shock and pain of Catra's vicious attack.  "Muh-must ... get nnnnhhh get up!" she knows, struggling to rise to her feet.  Again her remaining magical energy surges, despite the painful assault on her womanhood, and slowly the mighty heroine rises to one knee.  Catra continues to hold her, continues to molest her bare breasts, even as She-ra claws at the villainess' hands, trying to pry them off her body.

Desperate to topple the maiden, Catra shifts her legs slightly and begins to press her bootheels against She-ra's groin, grinding and digging against the woman's pubic mound.  A cruel grin covers the woman's face as She-ra moans from this new assault.  Pain, and even faint pleasure from her groin begins to further weaken the heroine's magical energies and resolve.  She's being beaten by Catra!  Catra and her damned whip!

Suddenly She-ra manages to fall onto her back, pinning Catra against the ground.  As a final strike, the heroine drives her head backward onto Catra's unprotected face.  Catra bellows in pain and again her hold on the super woman lessens.  She-ra uses the chance and finally manages to free herself from the iron grip of Catra's arms and legs.

A shaken but still game She-ra manages to stumble to her feet and she turns to face the rising villainess.  Catra finally seems to be tiring from the struggle while She-ra is even now regaining her strength.  Her will to defeat Catra surges as she places her hands on her hips.  "Ready for another round, kitty?" She-ra arrogantly asks the woman.  "You're starting to look a bit peaked.  Get up too early?"

Suddenly several bolts fired from energy weapons hit She-ra's back and she's pushed forward toward Catra, almost knocking her to her knees.  The Horde troopers!  She's forgotten about them again!  She takes another step forward and slams a powerful fist into Catra's jaw, knocking the mercenary back several feet and onto her back.  She-ra turns and is suddenly swarmed by the ten Horde warriors as they pile onto her body, driving her backward and down onto the ground.

"Uunnhh ... sneak attack!" She-ra moans from under the pile of men.  Her fists move like a blur as first one, then another trooper is smacked off the heroine's body.  After fighting for several minutes, the ten Horde troopers are off the heroine and she manages to rise to one knee again.  "That was rash of me," she thinks, gasping for air.  She NEVER gasps for air!  That whip ... it's taken too much of her magical energy!

The Princess of Power suddenly screams like a wounded animal when there is a loud and the end of the Power Whip hits her long, slender neck and wraps around it, choking her.  Even as her hands rise up to pull it away, Catra presses the button on the handle and its terrible energies, both mechanical and magical, surge down the length of the whip and into the heroine's neck.  Catra must have retrieved the whip when She-ra was battling the troopers!

"AAAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!" She-ra screams as she's pulled backward by Catra.  The blonde tries to wrestle the lash off her neck but trips and lands on her butt, choking, gasping, crying for help.  " S-stop!  Puh-please Catra!" She-ra begs, futilely, as her last reserves of magical energy are ripped from her super body.  "NNooooooo!!"

Catra pulls the crippled heroine across the dirty ground until the woman's blond tresses lie at the tip of Catra's red boots.  "Are you ready to surrender to me now, witch?" Catra snarls, jerking on the whip.  The Princess of Power's head bounces on the ground as her hands try to remove the whip.  Catra laughs at the woman's efforts and easily kicks her hands away from her neck.  All the while, the whip sizzles and crackles as She-ra's magical energy flows up toward the handle and She-ra whimpers in pain.

As the heroine's struggles die down, Catra removes the whip from around that lovely white neck and steps back away from She-ra.  "Get up, She-ra, and yield to your mistress!" Catra commands, putting her hands on her hips.  The coiled whip in her left hand reminds the heroine of what will happen if she resists.

But She-ra is a heroine!  As she pulls herself to her hands and knees, her limbs seem to weigh tons.  She can barely keep her head up.  She knows she should flee, try to regain some of her magical energy, but she can barely hold her head up.  Maybe she can make one last attack?

"Ooohhh!!" she gasps when a powerful force hits her from behind.  Catra leaps at the heroine, landing against the blonde's back with both boots, driving She-ra forward and onto the ground, with She-ra on her belly.  Catra lands on her back beside the Princess of Power.  When She-ra tries to push off the ground, Catra raises one leg and slams her bootheel down onto the golden tresses of She-ra's head, driving her face into the dirt.  Stunned momentarily, the Mistress of Might shakes her head to clear it.  Catra rolls away and rises to her feet.  Yet one more time the heroine struggles to rise to her feet but only gets to one knee when Catra makes a spinning kick, landing a boot heel against She-ra's lovely face, blasting the heroine down onto her back.

"Surrender now and I'll stop beating you!" Catra demands, moving closer to She-ra.  Catra kicks the heroine in her side, lifting her body off the ground and tossing it several feet before the woman lands on her belly.  Before she can recover, She-ra feels Catra land on her back, both knees driving painfully into the area between her shoulder blades.

"Uunnhh ... ooowww!!"  She-ra gasps from the pain.  Her vision is cloudy from this constant battering.  If not for the magicks of Greyskull, magicks which are almost gone thanks to that accursed whip, she'd be out of the fight by now.  As a heroine, though, she knows she has to ignore the pain and fight back with whatever power she has left!  As her sight clears, she feels the villainess place her hands on each side of her head.  Catra proceeds to bang She-ra's face on the hard dirt in an attempt to knock out the terribly-weakened heroine.

Again the blonde manages to find hidden reserves of strength and bucks, tossing the villainess off her back.  Shaken, She-ra slowly begins to rise to her feet as does Catra a few feet away.

After rising to her feet, She-ra stands looking at her foe, trying to muster the energy to attack.  Catra smiles smugly at the badly-beaten heroine.  Then "AAAIIEEEE!!" She-ra screams when a powerful blast suddenly hits her in her back, driving her cape into her body.  She-ra slams forward and lands on her belly at Catra's feet.  "OOoohhh ... whu-what hit me?" she moans as she looks at Catra's boots, just inches from her face.

"Time to end this, Catra," a male voice says from behind She-ra.  She tries to rise off the dirt when Catra suddenly kicks her in the face, knocking the heroine onto her back.

"Ooohhh," She-ra moans, holding her aching nose in one hand.  What's this?  A trickle of blood?!?  She-ra looks up at Catra and moans slightly from the pain.  "Need to end this ... rest up," She-ra realizes.  Suddenly she doesn't feel as powerful as before.  That last blast really hurt!

"Finish her, Kane," Catra commands, moving away from the blonde.  She-ra slowly rises to a seated position and for the first time sees the black-and-red-clad man standing a few feet away.  He has some kind of weird pistol in his hand.  Catra and Kane do nothing as the heroine slowly pulls herself to her feet.

"Spare yourself further pain, She-ra, and surrender," Kane commands, aiming the pistol at the woman.

"Never!" She-ra says defiantly and rushes toward the man.  Before her second step, the gun fires again and a second mighty blast hits her between the lovely white mounds on her chest.  "Whuufff!" she grunts as she's blasted backwards against a cottage's wall.  Her body smashes through the wall and she drops down with her legs outside the hovel and her upper body inside it.  As her eyes slowly close, as blessed unconsciousness sweeps over her body, the last sounds she hears is Catra cackling in victory.

"WE HAVE HER!!" Catra gloats and she and Kane move toward the defeated super woman.

*   *   *   *   *

"There, that should keep her," Kane says smugly, looking down at the heroine.  Heavy duraluminium cuffs surround the wrists of She-ra as she lies in the Horde staff car.  The villains have covered her mouth with a foul gag made from a discarded cloth and soaked in somnambia, a powerful knockout drug. "Let's get her to the ship and hook her up to the Megabeam, see how much of her mighty energy we can drain off.  Horde Prime will be awaiting fresh victims for the Fright Zone!"

"Finally, I'll get paid!" Catra realizes.  "I've captured the mighty She-Ra!"




"Oooohh," the mighty heroine She-ra mutters in a throaty, sexy moan.   The blond heroine's still struggling to regain consciousness.  "Mmmmnnnhhh," she sighs as her body tries to regain its senses.  "Oooohhhh!" she cries out suddenly when she feels a slight burning sensation.  Not too painful at first, now it's ... it's hurting her!  Where is it?   WHAT is it?  Her fogged mind can feel the pain but can't pinpoint its location.  There - it's on her torso ... on her breasts ... on her ... on her NIPPLES!  Someone pulled down the top of her costume to expose them!!

With some concentration, She-ra manages to open her eyes.  Through a bleary fog, she slowly discerns the evil Horde mercenary Catra standing above her.  The woman's red-booted feet straddle the blonde heroine's body and Catra seems to be pouring something ... some kind of smoking liquid from a mug.  She's pouring something from a mug onto She-ra's exposed breasts!  "Nnnnhh ... nnnooo ... sstoopp!" She-ra struggles to say, "hur-hurts!".  Her mouth feels like it's filled with cotton.  She raises her arms to push Catra away and suddenly realizes that her wrists are still cuffed together!  And her arms feel so weak!  She can barely lift them and the heavy cuffs off her belly.

"Mmmmmeeerrrroooowwwww!!" Catra purrs when she sees shr's eyes open.  "Do you like this hot oil treatment, sweetie?  It'll do wonders to soften your skin!" the villainess cackles as she continues to pour boiling hot oil onto She-ra's temptingly-exposed  nipples.  As the villainess carefully dumps the hot liquid on the heroine, she draws lazy circles around and then across the bright red nipples on the blonde's chest.  Only the heroine's limited remaining invulnerability prevents the oil from destroying what should be tender female flesh.  But the oil still burns because She-ra was terribly weakened in the recent battle with Catra and Kane.  Catra's magic-endowed Power Whip stole much of She-ra's magical energy and with it most of her amazing super powers.  The mighty heroine writhes and moans on the floor as the oil continues to land on her tender nipples.  She tries to get away from Catra and the oil but the evil woman keeps the blonde pinned to the floor.

"You've had your fun, Catra," a male voice says, out of She-ra's sight.  "Time to get down to work."

"Rrraaaoowww!  Wait a minute, Kane!" Catra roars at General Kane, a Horde leader.  She tosses the hot oil aside and holds one palm out toward the Horde general.  "She's not done, yet!"  With that, Catra drops onto her knees with her pussy just above She-ra's face.  Catra pulls aside the thin strip of red cloth covering her womanhood and lowers down onto She-ra's face.  "Lick me, She-ra, or you'll suffer a thousand agonies before I let you up.  Remember what that whip did to you - and you were in good shape, then!  How'd you like a few lashes now!?"

She-ra whimpers when she recalls how she felt when hit by that dreaded whip.  Then she sobs briefly when Catra's moist nether lips settle on her face.  "How can this be happening to me, She-ra!?!" she thinks sadly.  After Catra threatens to use the whip again when She-ra fails to lick the villainess' womanhood, She-ra moans more loudly, aware that she's much too weak to face another whipping.  She needs time to recover some of the magical energies she gets from Castle Grayskull.  With a sigh of resignation, the stalwart heroine begins to kiss Catra's exposed lips.

"LICK THEM RIGHT, YOU BLONDE BITCH!" Catra roars.  Tentatively at first, She-ra's tongue flickers out and teases Catra's labia majora.  Then faster and faster she runs her tongue across the evil woman's nether lips, tasting the salty flavor of the woman.  "Go inside ... NOW!" Catra commands, reaching backward to grab and squeeze one of She-ra's exposed breasts.  Catra squeezes the love mound with all of her mutant strength, crushing the soft white globe inside her cruel fingers.

Utter revulsion sweeps over the heroine but the pain of Catra's pinch convinces her that she's still too weak to resist.  Her red tongue slips between Catra's vaginal lips and begins to explore the depths of the woman's vulva, then begins to tease the villainess' clitoris.  "Ooohh ... She-ra is sucking me!"  Catra cries out as the first bits of pleasure begin to stir within her body.  Catra roars with pleasure, "MMMMEEERRRRRRRROOOWWWWW!!"  and raises her arms in the air like a victorious prize fighter.  Her mind reels at the thought of the famous super heroine being debased ... by HER!

As the blonde's tongue works on the nether regions of the villainess, Catra's body twists and bucks, driving her crotch against She-ra's face and tongue.  Faster and faster the two women move, now like a pair of long-time lovers.  Suddenly Catra can be heard purring in the room, even above her squeals and yips of pleasure.  The room also suddenly fills with grunts and slurps from the blonde's mouth as she becomes lost in her work.

After a few moments, Catra suddenly rocks backward, dropping her arms onto She-ra's taut belly, and cries out, "oooh ... nnnnh ... nnnnnhhhh ... OOOOOHHHH ... MMMMMMMMMMMHHHHH ... MMMMMEEEEERRRRROOOOOOOWWWWW!!!" as her body shudders with an incredibly-powerful orgasm.  For almost a minute the villainess cries and moans and her body shakes convulsively as She-ra continues to lick and suck away with enthusiasm.  Catra's love juices spew out of her body and stain the heroine's face and neck.  She can feel a second orgasm forming when the exhausted heroine suddenly stops tonguing her.  "MMOORRREEE!! DDOONN'T STOP NOW!!" the brunette cries in frustration.  "MMMOORRRRREEEEE!!!"

"You've gotten enough, kitten," Kane snarls.  He grabs Catra by her cape at the back of her neck and pulls the red-clad villainess off the blonde.  Catra stumbles backward, onto her feet, cursing the human.  She's both dazed and weak from the powerful orgasm she just had or she would slug him!  Kane roughly shoves the mercurical mercenary across the small room and as Catra struggles to remain on her feet, Kane lifts a large bucket off the floor.

"I'll ... mmmnnnhhh ... I'll get you, my pretty!" Catra snarls at She-ra.  "I'll train you how to treat a lady!"

"Time to get to work, She-ra," he says in an even tone of voice, ignoring the snarling villainess.  He pours the contents of the bucket on the heroine's face and breasts.  Incredibly cold water, so cold there are chunks of ice in it, cascades down onto the heroine.  She-ra gasps and bounces off the floor from the shock to her body.  Her wet, matted hair hangs limply against her head and she sputters indignantly.

"Ohhh ... you ... you beast!" she yelps at Kane as she tries to rise to her feet.  "You're your name is King?" she asks, looking up at him.  The shockingly cold water leaves her almost breathless, panting and shaking from the cold.  There's a large chunk of ice on her chest - she flicks it off and shudders.

"Kane, lady, and you will do well to remember my name, if you know what's good for you!"

The Princess of Power painfully rises to a seated position to gather her bearings.  Her golden tresses hang from her head in ropy wet strands and she has to rub her eyes to get the water out of them. She's in some kind of metal room - metal on the walls, floor and ceiling.  No windows.  And no sign of her magical Sword of Protection!  Without that, she can't change back to her secret identity of Adora and she's limited to just her fighting skills against Kane and Catra.  Skills that didn't stop them from capturing her ... when?  Maybe if she became Adora and then became She-ra again, her energies might be replenished.  They're taking too long to return as it is.

Despite this, She-ra can feel a little of her amazing strength and energy returning to her.  Did that cold water help?  She shivvers slightly from the chilling effect and hopes that she can regain her magical strength soon.  She feels so helpless, so weak for some reason.  She normally just needs an hour or two to regain her energies - has she been unconsious for less than that?  Did the whip do more damage than she thought?

She-ra looks down and sees that the top part of her costume, her lovely white and gold dress, has been pulled down, baring her taut, magnificent breasts.  She also sees that her ankles are still bound by a stout chain linking thick metal cuffs on her ankles, just like her wrists' bondage.  She tries to pull up the top of her dress to cover her breasts when Kane suddenly reaches down and grabs the chain between her wrist cuffs and jerks them away from her dress.

"On your feet, Princess," he says, lifting the woman onto her feet.

"Princess?" She-ra wonders.  "Does he know my secret identity or is he just being sarcastic?"

She-ra has no more time to consider his words.  Kane pulls her close to him and forces her cuffed wrists downward, forcing her body to draw close to his.  Closer and closer she comes until her hands are the only thing separating his crotch from hers, and they are pinned between the two bodies!  Kane's garishly-painted face presses up against She-ra's face and his hot, heavy, foul breath washes over her mouth and nose, repelling her.  The man's red-and-black paint, designed to strike fear into his foes, has a small effect on the Princess of Power.  He is both attractive and fearsome at the same time.  Not like Seahawk, her platonic lover.  Seahawk is warm, gentle, careful, considerate.  Kane is just raw power and threat.

Kane pulls her closer until she can feel his manhood pressing against her hands, pushing them back into her own womanhood.  Kane smiles, the puts his free hand behind her head and pulls her face closer until his lips crush against hers.  She struggles to free herself, resists his kiss, but the human just presses harder against her body and eventually his tongue forces its way into her mouth.  The defeated heroine sags into his embrace and lets his tongue explore her mouth.  "Oooohhhh," she sighs to herself.  "When will this all end!?  I need my powers back!" she realizes.

Kane abruptly breaks off his kiss.  He's demonstrated his power over the woman, for now.  He needs to come back again and again, dominating her, making her realize that she's beaten and in his control.  Only then can she be given to Horde Prime as a trophy and mistress.  Kane smiles at She-ra with dead, cold eyes and backs away from the warrior princess.

She-ra stands in the middle of the room, looking quizzically at Kane.  "What's he want with me?  Why did he stop with just one forced kiss?"  She still shivvers slightly from the cold water still on her body and in the top part of her costume.  She's never had a problem like this with the cold - she is a lot weaker than she thought.  "If he'll leave me alone long enough, I'll ..."


"AAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!" she cries out as terrible pain tears into her body.

From behind She-ra, Catra lashed out at the blonde with the Power Whip and the first strike coils the whip around the Princess of Power's upper body, pinning her exposed breasts against her chest.  Then Catra presses a stud on the whip's handle, unleashing a magical, energy-draining bolt down the lash and into the blonde's body.  Something like electrical sparks fly off the whip where it touches the heroine's fair skin.  For almost a minute, She-ra's body bounces up and down on the floor, still on her feet, somehow, her hands trying uselessly to peel the whip off her lovely white breasts as the whip covering them continues to sizzle and spark.

"AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!  ST-SSTTTOOPPP!!!  HUH-HUH-HURTSSS!!" the blonde cries and begs as Shadow Weaver's hellish techno-sorcery on the whip rips living energy from her body.  Suddenly the pain eases as Catra removes the whip and re-coils it.  "Ooooohhh!" the Princess of Power sighs, putting a hand to her forehead in relief.  Once again, she has odd feelings in her loins, feelings like when last visited by Seahawk ...

"IIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!  NNNOOOOO!!!" She-ra cries as the whip lashes out again, this time wrapping around her waist.  Again the whip unleashes its terrible energy-draining force on her body.  And for the first time, her white skirt rips where it is touched by the Power Whip.  Her costume, a costume which she thought was invulnerable, is now being cut by the whip!!

The blonde struggles again to remove the whip from her waist, even as more of her magical energies leave her body and weaken her.  She can barely stand now from the whip's punishment.  At last the foul whip uncoils from her body and disappears.  She-ra stands still, panting for breath and rubbing her waist to ease the pain caused by the whip.  Dully, she knows she must escape from Catra and Kane before ...


" AAAAHHHH OOOOOOUUUWWW " the Princess of Power cries as Catra's Power Whip wraps tightly around her long thin neck, cutting off her air supply.  Once again the dreaded weapon sends a powerful jolt of energy into the heroine, bleeding off more of her magical energy and burning her lovely white skin in the process.  A deep red welt remains on her neck after Catra retrieves the lash and coils it for another strike.  The helpless heroine, barely able to stand on her legs at this point, massages her neck to ease the terrible pain.

"I've got to escape!" She-ra tells herself when ...


"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!  OOOOUUUUWWWWWW!!" She-ra cries as the lash wraps around her legs, pinning them together.  The pain on her thighs is so extreme, she is close to losing consciousness.

"Heee heee hhheeeee!!" Catra gloats at She-ra's obvious pain.  "Have a good trip on *Air Catra*!" she jokes, yanking the whip and causing the heroine to fall flat on her face.  As the Princess of Power struggles on her belly, her shackled arms pinned under her body, her legs twitch and jerk as the Power Whip punishes her body and steals more of her amazing energies.  The room fills with the sizzling snarl of the whip as it burns the heroine's legs and drains more of her magical powers.  Kane and Catra laugh as the blonde begs for the pain to stop.

The once-mighty heroine's eyes slowly close and her head settles on the floor.  A trickle of saliva pools on the floor under her face as her body sags, lying limply on the floor.  Even unconsciousness won't stop Catra from extracting her revenge on the heroine who defeated her so often.  For several minutes, Catra retrieves the whip, coils it, and strikes again and again, whipping the heroine's creamy white body with the tip of the whip.  Once in a while, when she manages to wrap part of the lash around a leg or arm, Catra presses the stud on the handle and more of She-ra's energy travels back up the whip, but most of the blows are done just to damage the woman.  Slowly her red cape and the back of her white and gold dress shreds under the savage bite of the Power Whip.  From time to time, her body bumps off the floor and she moans deliciously, but she doesn't regain consciousness.

As weakened as she now is, wide red welts are forming on her shoulders, back and legs from the whip.  Her lovely white skin has been marred by the Power Whip.  Through the holes in her costume, the effects of the whip sharply contrast with the white of her costume.  Sections of her back are raw and as red as her torn cape.

With the back of the heroine's costume in shreds and exhausted herself, Catra finally stops whipping She-ra.  " ... your ... turn, Kane," she finally says, leaning against one wall, the whip hanging down around her ankles. "Mmmmmeerrrrooowwww that felt good!  High time, too!" Catra gloats as she watches Kane bend down to unhook the shackles around their captive's ankles.  Next he lifts the heroine off the floor.  She-ra moans as the man's hands touch her body, lifting her by putting a hand on either side her chest.  He raises the heroine to her feet, holding her body upright in front of his body facing away from him.  He looks briefly at the welts on her back, then his hands slide forward and he slips them over her protruding breasts.  His rough hands envelop the soft white mounds and bring a low, throaty moan to her mouth when he squeezes her.

"NNnnnnhhh ... puh-please ... ooohh ... stop!" she finally begs in a soft, weak voice after regaining consciousness.  Her hands rise in a vain attempt to remove Kane's large hands from her breasts but the weight of the chain is too much for her in her weakened state and her arms drop down.  Her head sags forward on her breast and she again begs the man to stop.

"Please ... Kane ... don't do this ... oooohhhh ... to meeeee!"  She-ra is suddenly aware of wetness between her legs.  From the whip?  From Kane's hands?  She-ra is unaccustomed to such a feeling and doesn't know what to do but his caresses DO feel nice after that whipping from Catra!

Then Kane begins to pinch her blood-engorged nipples between his fingers, making She-ra moan louder and sag in his hands.  The longer Kane squeezes and plays with her breasts, the more She-ra feels a familiar but unwanted stirring in her loins.  The more the wetness between her legs increases.  Being held by this villain is as thrilling as being held by Seahawk, but that isn't right!  She-ra struggles again to get free of Kane but once again she can't muster the energy to resist!

When the heroine's struggles seem about to fail for the last time, Kane suddenly releases his tight grip on her breasts and reaches his hands forward to grasp the wrist cuffs.  He unlocks the cuffs and lets them drop to the floor.  Then he steps away from the woman, turning her around to face him as he backs away.  She sways on unsteady legs and looks at the Horde general through half-closed eyes, her blood racing and her libido raging from his touch.   "I take it you don't want to stay here with us?"  She-ra nods weakly that he's right although in her mind she's fighting herself to suppress the feelings he has aroused.  "Fine, you can leave.  The door is behind me, She-ra.  Go!  Before I change my mind!"  Then the Horde general adopts a power pose, legs slightly spread apart, hands on his waist.

She-ra shakes her head to focus on his words and looks at the man through still-half-closed eyes, then looks over at Catra lounging against one wall of the metal-lined room.  "Are they serious?  I can leave ... just like that?" the Mistress of Might wonders.  She-ra begins to walk around the right side of Kane when the man's arm suddenly flies upward and his thick forearm strikes the front of her neck in a powerful *clothesline* that makes the woman step backward, hands on her throat, gasping for air.

"You can leave any time you want, She-ra," Kane explains.  "You just have to get past me to do it."  The villainous Horde general laughs at his little trick and crosses his arms over his chest.  Again he spreads his legs and glowers at the heroine, who's still trying to get her breath back.

"May be my only chance!" She-ra resolves, charging at Kane.  Just before reaching him, she stops and whirls around on one foot, raising her left boot up to kick Kane in his chest.  The man smiles and easily grabs her boot out of the air, stops it, then twists it cruelly, dumping the blonde down onto the floor on her belly with her left leg still raised up, her ankle tightly held by Kane.

Kane looks at her white panties, clearly visible between the raised remnants of her torn dress, then laughs, "All the agility of a cow, She-ra!"  Then he twists her leg slightly to one side and stamps down on the inside of her right thigh.

"AAAAOOOOWWWW!!" She-ra cries out as incredible pain rips into her thigh.  This isn't possible!  How can a mere human inflict pain on the Princess of Power.  Does he have mutant strength like Catra?

Again Kane stomps on her leg and again She-ra cries out, "OOOOHHHH ... NNNNOOO!!"  Her hands beat on the cold metal floor as a useless attempt to stop the villain's painful attack.

He drops her leg and turns his back on the heroine, walks a few feet, and turns again to face her.  She looks so pretty, so helpless lying on her belly, her legs spread invitingly and her crotch covered only by her (now-stained) thin white panties.  Once again he crosses his arms and spreads his legs to await her next move.  A smug smile crosses his face briefly, then he glares at the woman as she struggles to her hands and knees.  She sways as her damaged leg struggles to keep her up - she has to focus her mind to blot out the pain in her thigh.  How can this have happened to Etheria's mightiest heroine?  Why haven't her powers returned yet?

"So, you still wish to leave us, She-rrrrra?" Catra asks in a sickly-sweet voice.  "Was it something we said?"

As the Mistress of Might waits on hands and knees, she is surprised that she feels somewhat stronger, despite two vicious moves by the man.  She would never have felt his blows if her power was at full strength.  Even as weak as she feels now, she discovers that she's able to shake off the effects of his hits fairly quickly - she's still quite a bit stronger than this human!  If only Catra's Power Whip hadn't taken so much of her magical energy!  The mighty Princess of Power rises shakily to her feet and again faces Kane.  "This time ... gotta take it slowly," She-ra decides.  The Mistress of Might warily approaches Kane and raises her hands for combat.

"Oooooo!  Mighty She-ra attacks!  Don't wet your pants in fear, Kane!" Catra taunts from one side of the room.  She still makes no effort to intervene or to use her whip again.  Nevertheless, She-ra keeps a wary eye on the feline fatale as she begins her attack on Kane.  Her small hands whirl like buzz saw blades as she throws punches and open-hand chops at the man.  Kane responds by batting away her hands with his own hands and forearms.  Nonetheless, She-ra's relentless attack slowly forces the man back toward the doorway and her morale begins to soar - she might get past him!  His grunts in response to some of her blows attest to her returning super strength.  She just might do this!

One of her open-hand strikes leaves Kane an opening and the man grabs her bicep and pins her left arm between his arm and his chest.  He turns abruptly and She-ra shrieks from the pain in her arm as it's twisted cruelly to one side.  She finds her body twisting to follow Kane as he bends her arm back against his chest.  Suddenly the man's left arm snakes forward and he hits her chin with his open palm even as his right leg hooks behind her left ankle.  The heroine drops backward from the assault and screams in pain - Kane still has her left arm in a tight grip and she's bending it the wrong way as she falls.

At the last second, Kane releases her left arm and the heroine lands on her back with a loud thump.  The man gives the woman no time to rest - he leaps forward and up and drops onto the floor on his back with a loud clang - his elbow lands directly on She-ra's belly and the woman folds up around the elbow.  She as she blows the air out of her lungs in reaction to the punch.

The groaning heroine rolls onto her right side and curls into a slight ball to ease the pain in her belly.  At the same time, Kane quickly rises to his feet and turns to face the woman's back.  He steps close to her and executes an expert knee-drop onto the gap between her hips and her exposed ribs, forcing She-ra to scream and to exhale again.

"Nnnnnhhh ... nnooo mmoorrree!" the heroine moans, defeated by a mere human!  And this despite the fact that she has more strength and invulnerability than he does.  Only his vicious attacks saved him from her wrath!  Now she hurts too much to snap back onto her feet.  But she must if she's to escape these terrible villains!  She-ra slowly continues rolling to her right until she can once more rise to hands and knees.

as Kane kicks the woman in her ribs, launching her several feet until her body slams against one metal wall and drops down onto her belly.  "OOooooohhh," She-ra moans from the latest attack,  "he fights dirty!"  For Kane IS attacking her - he's no longer content to let her try to escape.  Now the man is trying to show her who's boss here!  The Horde general steps close to the blonde and grabs her cape, which is still connected to the woman by the choker around her neck.  He pulls on the cape, lifting the woman's upper body off the cold metal floor.  He backs toward the center of the room, dragging She-ra with him by his hold on her cape.  Her boots drag on the floor and although she tries to rise from this embarassing position, her hands slip on the floor and she can't get up.

"Ever wish you could fly, heroine?" the man says smugly.  Then Kane begins to spin in a circle, slowly raising She-ra off the floor as she swings around his body, face down, held by her cape.  Faster and faster Kane spins around, laughing at the heroine as her arms and legs flail uselessly, unable to stop her wild flight.  The man abruptly releases her cape and the heroine flies across the room, slamming feet-first into a wall and again collapsing hard onto the floor.

The Princess of Power has no chance to recover.  Kane rushes over and lifts the woman up high, holding her with one hand under her neck, the other under her butt.  Then he drops to one knee and flicks his hands around to her face and groin and pushes her down onto his outstretched knee, slamming the small of her back onto it.  "AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE!!" She-ra screams as terrible pain lances through her body from her back.  She lies with her head and boot-heels on the floor, her back still on Kane's knee.  Her arms flutter uselessly, too weak to help her.  The man raises his hands high, clasps them together, and slams them down onto her exposed stomach in a thunderous punch.

"" She-ra grunts.  Her body convulses upward from the blow, then sags back down.  "Nnnnnnoooo!" she begs the man, unable to recover from his punishing blows.  Kane silently grins at the poor woman and slowly rises to his feet, again lifting the woman with a hand on the back of her neck and the other on her butt.  "Nnnooo!" She-ra begs again when she realizes he's going to repeat the backbreaker.  He does.  "AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!" She-ra screams when she again slams onto his knee.  This time Kane rises to his feet, letting the Mistress of Might's body fall to the floor, where she curls into a ball.  One hand reaches backward to rub her spine, to try to ease some of the terrible pains she feels.

"Well, I've had my fun, Catra," Kane says to his partner.  "Unless you want to play some more, I think it's time to take her to the MegaBeam.  Let's see if this invention of HordeWorks really does as it's supposed to do."

"No, I can play with her later, Kane.  Let's get her hooked up before she recovers."

The two villains move over to the stricken Princess of Power, still lying on her side on the floor.  The tip of Catra's boot pushes the blonde over onto her belly, then the red-clad Horde mercenary and her male associate reach down and lift the heroine by her arms.  Each holds one arm tightly as the trio leaves the small metal room and turns down a corridor.  The corridor is also lined with some kind of metal, She-ra notes as she's carried along by the Horde thugs.  She suddenly gasps when, some twenty meters ahead she sees ... Etheria!  "Goddess of Grayskull!  I'm in space!" She-ra realizes.  "That must be why my energy returns so slowly - I'm too far away from Castle Grayskull!"

The trio abruptly turn into a room off the corridor, another spare metal cell with some kind of low-ceilinged green chamber in the back and a lot of odd-looking electrical equipment along either side.  "Step lively, She-ra," Catra chortles, spanking the Princess of Power.  "Can't leave Horde Prime waiting!"

"Waiting for what, Catra?" She-ra replies.  Her question goes unanswered as Catra takes her into the chamber and hooks her wrists to thick metal cuffs connected to the wall by stout chains.  "You don't think this will hold me, even here in space, do you, Catra?"  She-ra has to struggle to keep her voice from breaking.  There must be more to this bondage than mere chains.  Not even Catra is so stupid as to suppose that mere chains would hold the Princess of Power!

Then Catra surprises the heroine by kneeling in front of her and gently lifting her left leg off the floor.  Catra says nothing as she removes She-ra's boot, slowly, caressing the heroine's thigh and calf.  "Stop this, Catra!" She-ra protests, again feeling a warm wetness in her crotch as the evil woman's hand lightly caresses her bare skin.  Catra says nothing and continues until the boot comes off the blonde's left leg.  Then Catra begins to repeat the process, working on the Princess of Power's right boot.  This too is tossed aside.  As She-ra stands before Catra, the villainess continues to hold the heroine's bare foot.

"Nice little toes, She-ra," Catra purrs as she holds She-ra's foot in her palm.  "Nice shade of red on your nails, too.  Is it the color of your blood?  Hmmmm.  Won't talk, will you?  Siigghhh, must I find out for myself?"  The Horde villainess lifts the foot higher and swallows the woman's big toe in one gulp, then begins to suck on it and tickle it with her tongue.

"WHAT ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" the rebel leader protests as Catra starts sucking her toe.  "STOP THIS!" she orders when Catra shifts her attention to another toe.  "OOooohh ... stop!" She-ra protests as the villainess continues to suck on her toes.  Catra's foul tongue then begins to lick the bottom of She-ra's feet, making the heroine shake from the tickling/sensual feelings this gives her.

"Catra ... please stop ... I beg oooohhhh," She-ra moans when the villainess' tongue turns to the woman's long legs.  Catra slowly works her tongue up the inside of She-ra's left leg, past her knee and up her thigh to the white panties, then down the right leg.  She pauses to lick the backs of She-ra's knees, which makes the captive heroine sigh and shudder from the sensation.

After several minutes of this unwanted attention from Catra, She-ra is happy when the woman finally quits.  She can no longer deny the odd feeling she's been having in her crotch and the wetness that has dampened her panties.  She's only felt a portion of this feeling and had only a small amount of wetness around Seahawk.  These two villains must be doing something to her ...

"HEY!, CUT THAT OUT!" She-ra protests when Catra slips behind her and grabs her right breast.

"These are more than chains, She-ra," Kane explains.  "You're hooked to something designed by HordeWorks, our weapons designers in the Fright Zone.  We call this the MegaBeam.  It runs on energy and we believe that YOUR energy will give us all the power we need. The more you struggle, the more effort you put in getting free, the more power we will draw from you."  What he doesn't tell the woman is that only a small part of her energy will be drawn through the chains.  He has a much more delicious way to drain her magical energy!

"What do you mean?  Why do you want my energy?" the defiant heroine snaps, still plucky despite her ordeal and predicament.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough!"  Catra says.

"Perhaps you should remove those rags she's wearing," Kane says, pointing at She-ra's ruined costume.

"Noo, you can't!" She-ra protests.  With these two, resistance if futile!  From behind the blonde, Catra reaches her arms around She-ra and grabs the top of her dress.  Then she YANKS the top down, ripping the last of the costume off her body.  She-ra is left wearing her leather wrist guards, her tiara, and her choker.  The rest of her beautiful costume lies on the floor around her bare feet.

"As long as you're close to her, Catra, why don't you start?" Kane asks.  She-ra looks at him quizzically.  Start what?

"Mmmmmmrrrrrroooowwwww!  That's a GRRRRAND idea Kane!"   The Horde mercenary reaches her hands around to the front of She-ra and cups each of the woman's near-perfect breasts in her hands, then jiggles them.

"CATRA!!  Stop that THIS INSTANT!" She-ra sputters indignantly.

Catra's reply is to lean closer to the heroine and nuzzle her ear, teasing it with the tip of her tongue.

"Ooooohhhh ... d-don't do uuuuuuhhhhh that, Catra!" She-ra commands.  In response, Catra gently squeezes the soft round orbs in her hands and delicately pinches She-ra's engorged nipples between her fingers.

"Ooooooooooo ... nnnooooOOOO!" She-ra moans as unwanted ... and unfamiliar sensations begin to overwhelm her body.  Not with a woman!  She wanted these sensations to come from a lover ... Seahawk, not from a foe!  "Mmmmmnnnnhhhh," the Princess of Power moans as Catra's tongue and hands shatter her resistance.   She-ra's head falls backward, stopping on Catra's left shoulder as the villainess continues to stroke and squeeze the heroine's luscious lobes.  Then the Mistress of Might gasps when Catra slides one hand down across the woman's flat belly and across the stubby golden hairs above her crotch.

"No ... please ... Catra ... d-don't," She-ra begs in a soft voice.  Catra's slow laughter into She-ra's ear only stimulates the heroine more.  The tip of Catra's longest finger slowly slides between the blonde's labia majora and along the inside of the lips.  She-ra's body shudders as convulsions of pleasure wrack her body.  She can barely remain on her feet at this unaccustomed sensual assault.  Then she HAS to sag in her chains when Catra runs the tip of her finger around She-ra's clit - the first time she's been touched here by anyone!  The blood-engorged nub explodes in a paroxysm of pleasure that totally destroys any resistance left in the heroine.  Kane smiles cruelly at her helpless and delicious moans.

"Don't forget, Catra, Horde Prime wants to be the first to make a real woman of She-ra," Kane reminds the cat-like villainess.

"If you mean he wants to be the first to boink her, I already know that, you stupid male," Catra snarls at her ally.  "And he will be the first.  I can tell - she's never had a man, before.  But maybe we can go in the back door, even if we can't use the front door, eh, She-ra?"

By now, She-ra is panting and gasping and moaning more than she ever has done in her life.  She's never ... NEVER felt such pleasures of the body before.  Her eyes are closed, her chin rests on her chest, and she sags in her cuffs.  She can really feel a wetness between her legs ... between her legs and sliding down the inside of both thighs.  What is Catra doing to her? And what are they talking about?  Back door?  Front door?

"AAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!   AAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!!  NNNNOOOOOO ... CATRA ... SSTTOOPPPPP!!" She-ra cries out when tremendous pain suddenly rips through her body from the vicinity of her ... her butt!  Her eyes bulge open and she struggles to get away from Catra.  She stretches her chains as she struggles to get away from whatever Catra is doing.  Suddenly she gasps in surprise as the villainess begins to encircle her neck with a rope or a cord or ... "MY GOD NO," She-ra suddenly realizes. "THE WHIP!!!

"AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" She-ra screams when Catra presses the stud on the handle of the Power Whip.  The hellish device sends a jolt of electrical energy into her throat while, at the same time, it leaches more of the dwindling amount of arcane energy left her body.  For an eternity, the heroine's naked body bucks and jerks in its chains and her screams thunder through the room.  Catra finally releases the stud and the terrible currents cease, giving She-ra a chance to rest.  She again sags limply in her chains, sobbing from the pain inflicted on her body.

"That was nice, Catra, but I think the flow of her juices slowed down when you shocked her," Kane says.  "Perhaps you should not use the whip on her.  Our little princess here isn't aroused by rough stuff, it seems."  With that, Kane moves into the small area holding Catra and She-ra and connects a small cup on two straps to the blonde's crotch, covering her nether lips.  She-ra is too weak and distracted to pay attention to the Horde general.  Even when a soft hissing begins between her legs, she doesn't react.  She just doesn't care, as long as Catra isn't using that horrible whip on her!

"AAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!  AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" She-ra abruptly screams when Catra suddenly jams the handle of the whip up her anus, driving the two-inch wide metal plug into the other virginal hole on the heroine.  She-ra continues to scream and begs Catra to stop but the villainess relentlessly shoves the five-inch long rod up the heroine's anus until it's entirely inside the woman.

While she plays with one of She-ra's breasts and nipples, Catra slowly (then faster and faster) begins to trombone the whip handle in and out of She-ra.  Catra nibbles on She-ra's earlobe and blows into her ear and aggressively pinches the heroine's nipple.

Kane notes the agony on the heroine's face as Catra moves the whip handle faster and faster.  "My god, Catra, have you never made love to a woman?"

"No, but I have tortured my fair share!" Catra replies, lost in a frenzy of ramming the whip handle into She-ra's anus.  Catra yelps when Kane suddenly interrupts her and pushes her away from the hapless heroine.

"Get away from her, woman, this is man's work!" the Horde officer orders.  He roughly shoves Catra's shoulder, pushing her away from She-ra.  Then Kane steps behind the heroine and slowly drops his skin-tight leggings.  He strokes his long shaft for a minute or so, then moves closer to the heroine's backside.  Her bleating and sobbing die down with the end of Catra's torment.  Slowly she begins to wonder what Kane's doing behind her.  Fear briefly overwhelms her, fear based on the tortures they've done thus far to her.

Kane gently rubs a gel on the tip and sides of his tool, a gel obtained from HordeWorks for just such an occasion.  With practiced ease, Kane slips his long thick shaft into She-ra's *back door*.  After several painful strokes, painful for gShe-ra, that is, Kane gets over seven inches into the woman before her snug anus stops further progress.

As She-ra whimpers helplessly from the man's pokes, Kane slips a hand around in front of the woman and begins to play with one of her breasts, just as Catra did.  He also whispers into her shell-like ear and nibbles an ear lobe.  With consummate skill, the man works on the woman, caressing her breast and plunging into her anus, until both begin an ancient rhythm leading toward orgasmic release.  Despite her predicament, She-ra feels her body succumbing to the man's assault.  Unwanted and new feelings surge through her body - her breath comes in pants and gasps, her skin becomes warm and flushed, she makes little gutteral mouse noises from pain/pleasure, and still her body surfs higher and higher on a wave of pleasure.

"Oooooohhhh YYYEEESSSS!!! DON'T ... STTOOPPP!!" she begs as an explosion begins in her loins.  Her chin drops onto her upper chest and her teeth grind as she tries to stop the landslide within her body.

"HordeWorks gave me a potion to use on you, She-ra," the man explains in a clinical voice as he rams her anus.  "Not only does it make it easier for me to fit inside you, it also contains a powerful aphrodesiac which works only on women.  As your body absorbs the gel, you will lose your desire to resist me, or any man, and you will begin to want more and more of this from me, or from Horde Prime.  You will begin to have orgasms as ..."

"MMMOOORRREEE!!" she suddenly cries out, then "OOOOHHHH OOOHHHH AAAAHHHH AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" pours from her mouth as the Princess of Power has her first clitoral orgasm.  Her juices pump from her body into the cup between her legs and are sucked down into the MegaBeam.  Saliva trickles down one cheek and she collapses again, hanging upright from her wrist cuffs.  Kane continues to plunge into the woman, harder and harder and HARDER!

The ruthless General Kane doesn't stop!  His rock-hard pole continues into and from the heroine's anus and he shifts to an attack on her other ear and breast.  "Oooohhh ... please ... no more!" She-ra begs, her eyes half-closed from her first orgasm.  Kane says nothing but continues working on her body and a few minutes later is rewarded when another mighty orgasm wracks She-ra's virginal body.  And he STILL has an erection!  Kane manages to give She-ra two more orgasms (as Catra watches, enviously) before he finally explodes massively into the woman's anus.  So much of his jism pumps out, her body can't contain it all and some slides out of her rear hole and down the back of her thighs.  After her last orgasm, She-ra finally loses consciousness from the unwanted and previously-unexperienced orgasms.  Kane and the gel have done it!

Satisfied - for the moment - Kane pulls up his leggings and passes the heroine who's hanging helplessly from her wrist cuffs.  He crosses the room to check some panels along one wall and smiles with satisfaction.  "Your turn, Catra." he says as he sags into a chair by the panel.  "See if you can get her to cum this time, pussycat.  If you must use the whip, smear some of this gel on it."  He tosses the small jar to the woman.   "I'm sure you enjoy hurting her, but we need her to cum if we're to have any luck with the MegaBeam."

Catra glowers at the insolent man, then rises from her seat along the far wall.  As she rises, she picks up a large wooden case with *CATRA* painted on the side and top.  She opens the box and pulls out a gigantic rubber-like dildo and rubs some of the special lubricant on it.  "From what you say, Kane, this juice is not only going to enable me to put this into She-ra, it will also give her case of the horneys!" Catra asks Kane.  Kane nods at the villainess and smiles, then wraps his hand around his crotch as if saying, "won't be as good as me!"

Now Catra moves behind the super heroine and, after covering the tip of the dildo with the gel, begins to slide it into the woman's ravaged hole. Once again She-ra revives when her pristine body is violated. "NNNOOOO ... Catra, please ... don't!" She-ra begs uselessly.  Catra merely chuckles as she works the dildo into the heroine.  Now it's her turn to plunge into the heroine and play with her breasts and ears.  As a woman, Catra knows what turns her on, so she does her best with She-ra.  Her best works quite well.  In seconds, the Princess of Power has her first orgasm from Catra and in the space of a few minutes, three more orgasms thunder through her body.  "IIII'MMMM CCCUUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!!" the heroine cries out weakly, finally understanding what her body is doing to her.  When Catra finishes her last attack, she pulls the dildo out of the heroine with a sloppy wet and moves out of the MegaBeam cell.

"Get enough that time, *man*?" Catra asks Kane in an insulting tone of voice.  There's also a tinge of sadness in her voice - She-ra got all the fun!  Why couldn't Kane show Catra some attention?  Catra slowly returns to her seat on the bench along the far wall of the room and cleans her dildo before returning it to its case.

"Catra!  Fire up the MegaBeam!" Kane commands the woman after checking some dials.

The jealous she-bitch rises slowly from her and leaves the room, headed toward the ship's control room.  There is a low whine which becomes a louder and louder rumble, followed by a solid thrumming on the deck of the space ship.  She-ra slowly opens her eyes and looks up at Kane.  Her long golden tresses have lost all of their body and hang like wet spaghetti across her forehead and shoulders and her eyes are half-closed.  "Whu-what's happen ... happening?" She-ra asks dully.

"We got almost a hundred rebels with one shot!" Catra says, rushing into the room.

"Oh my god, did you just kill a 100 people?" She-ra cries out.  She can't face the thought that she might be involved in the death of a 100 people!

"No, your love juices gave us the energy to CAPTURE 100 people for transport to the Fright Zone to become slaves of the Horde," Catra crows.  "And She-rrrrra, this is just ... the ... beginning!  Haw haw haw haw!"

"NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!" She-ra cries out as Catra returns to the control room and the MegaBeam fires a second and third time.  Kane and Catra take turns raping the woman and arousing her to get more cum to power the MegaBeam.  The geeks at HordeWorks were right - a woman's energy works very well and She-ra's sorcerous energy, drawn from her body in her super-jism, gives the beam super power!  After just one day, over a thousand of the inhabitants of Etheria have been transported from the planet's surface to huge holding cells inside the Horde ship.

"I saw Princess Glimmer and Bow and Madam Razz and Hurley-Burley and even She-ra's horse down in the holds, Kane!" Catra gloats after the latest shot.  "Our holds are full of people and animals and rebels!  Only rebel leader we missed is Adora.  She's probably hiding somewhere, afraid to face us!"

"Oh, no, not ..." She-ra chokes, ashamed of her role today's disaster for the rebel cause.  She thought she would ruin a Horde attack on Whispering Woods but she actually just made one easier, one that cost the Horde no casualties!  All of her friends, aboard ship and packed for transport to the Fright Zone!

"Time to take She-ra to Horde Prime," Kane tells Catra.  "I'm sure our Master will be pleased with our work this day.  Want me to drive ...?"

"I'll drive!" Catra yells, racing from the room.

*  *  *  *  *

As their spaceship travels toward Horde World, Kane leaves Catra at the ship's helm and returns to She-ra's lonely cell.  "How are you doing, heroine?" he says in an insulting tone.  He knows that he -- HE, General Kane, broke the mighty heroine, not Catra, not the tricks provided by HordeWorks.  Kane is positive that his genius and skills captured her and broke the spirit of this heroine.  Not just to get her jism to power the MegaBeam, but to make her meek and submissive when she's given to Horde Prime as his newest mistress.  Kane can do anything to the woman except kill her or take her virginity.  Horde Prime wants the honor of taking She-ra's virginity.  Some of her despair is because she knows this will be her fate when she gets to Horde World.

Kane decides that this time, instead of beating her, he will work on her submissiveness.  The man approaches the semi-conscious heroine and opens a small jar containing a special gel made at HordeWorks, the Horde's research and development center.  He smears a little of the gel on She-ra's large, soft breasts.  As he works the gel into her mounds, She-ra moans from the sensual pleasure he's giving her.  After a few moments, She-ra's eyes open and she licks her lips seductively.  The gel is a powerful aphrodesiac and after penetrating her body, she suddenly has a powerful *itch* between her legs.

"Mmmmnnnnhhhh, Kane, whu-what are nnnnnhhh are you doing uuuhhhh tooooo meeeeeee!" the blonde gasps as her body suddenly shudders from the effects of the gel.  Her whole body tingles with a passionate heat that needs to be cooled.

Kane smiles at the aroused woman and lowers his tight black and red leggings down to his knees, baring his large tool before the heroine.  An erection is starting to form, fueled by the sight of the woman struggling in her chains, moaning from the lust overwhelming her body.  Kane moves close to the woman and rubs the tip of his tool against the crack below the blond hairs on her mons.   "Oooooooohhh ... Kane ... dooooo something ... please!" She-ra begs helplessly, controlled by the chemicals in her body.  His member feels soooo nice against her nether lips - why won't he do something and satisfy these strange needs? So near, but so far!

She-ra barely notices when Kane opens first her left, then  her right cuff.  Her arms drop limply to her sides and she sways as if she might fall when Kane puts his hands on her shoulders (his touch there makes her moan again), then lowers her to her knees in front of him.  "Open your mouth, princess," Kane orders the befuddled woman.

"Nnnooo ... I ... can't do" (Kane's hand covers her left breast and he gently squeezes it) "ooooooohhhh ... stuh-stop" (as one hand gently squeezes her left breast, he runs his other hand through her hair, dragging his finger tips across her head, massaging it) "ooohhh ... goddessssss ... mmmmnnnnhhh!" and She-ra opens her mouth for the man.  Her body shudders again from his touch and the chemicals in her body.

Kane slowly advances on the woman and notes with appreciation that she lifts one hand to guide him into her mouth.  "Don't know if she's done this before or not, but her help shows her willingness to suck me," he thinks.  "Take it all in, She-ra," he commands the woman.  She-ra moans and although disgust tells her to resist, his caresses weaken her resolve.  The woman slowly opens her mouth and wraps it around Kane's large tool.  As he teeth lightly drag across the top of his tool, she tickles the bottom with her tongue.  Kane lets her set the pace and smiles when the mighty heroine pulls him entirely into her mouth.  As a reward, Kane takes his hand off her head and begins to stroke her right breast.

She-ra moans from Kane's hands - that and the fact that he's pushing the gel into her skin.  His hands feel soooo good.  She never thought that a villain could make her feel so ... so aroused.  A wetness begins to form once again between her legs, seeping from her nether lips down the insides of her thighs to be captured by the small receptacle covering her nether lips.  Her jism is sucked into the MegaBeam's chamber to be stored for use later.  She ignores the feeling and concentrates on sliding her mouth back and forth along the length of Kane's member.  She tightens her lips around him and begins sucking during times when she slides his tool out of her mouth.  When Kane moans from the pleasure she's providing, a She-ra's of spirit soars in happiness while her mind screams "TRAITOR!!!".

Kane manages to hold out for several minutes of powerful fellatio from the heroine.  She can't bring all of his huge member into her mouth but she does swallow most of it.  More importantly, she's somehow picked up some nice techniques, especially concerning her tongue!  Horde Prime will be greatly pleased with his new toy.

Suddenly She-ra reaches a hand between Kane's legs and drives two fingers up his anus.  Kane roars from the amazing pleasure this causes and he explodes in a massive orgasm from the feelings of being butt-fucked by this super woman.  Massive spurts of jism flood She-ra's mouth and she gags from the onslaught.  She pulls away from Kane's tool and his jism spurts onto her face, covering her lips and chin with his milky love juice.  Another spurt and the tops of her breasts get dosed by his cum.  She-ra recovers and moves her head forward to surround his tool.  She begins sucking him, pulling more jism from him, which she hungrily swallows.

A few minutes later, the woman pulls her fingers out of Kane's butt and releases his limp tool from her mouth.  She sags backward and sits on her feet.  Kane sways above her, his eyes half-closed.  "My god she's good!" Kane thinks.  "Too good for Horde Prime!  Where in Sheol did she learn THAT trick? Is she a slut, after all, or did she just think that what we did to her she could do to me? Good for the goose ... I'll be saddened to turn her over to Horde Prime but to him she must go," he thinks, sadly.  He covets this woman as his own personal slave.

"That was an adequate first time effort, She-ra," Kane lies, hoping to spur the woman to work harder at pleasing him and Horde Prime.  She looks up at him with half-closed eyes and manages a weak smile.  Her cum-soaked face and breasts make Kane laugh at this pitiful super heroine.  Take away her mighty powers and she's just another slut!

"Get up, She-ra," he orders a second later.  She-ra looks at him dully, not understanding what he wants now.  Kane reaches down and grabs the woman's wrists, lifting them upward.  Kane pulls She-ra to her feet and holds her steady as he returns her wrists to the cuffs.

"Please .. let me rest," She-ra begs.  "I'm ... I'm so tired."  The super woman is now far away from Etheria and Castle Grayskull and most of her magical energy was taken from her by Catra's Power Whip and the MegaBeam device.  She's little more than an ordinary female now.

"You'll get lots of rest on Horde World," Kane replies coldly.  "For now, we want you to stay here and be no trouble for us.  If you are troublesome, we'll have to punish you.  Do you want to be punished?"


"*No* what?"

"No sir."

"*No sir*?  *NO SIR*?"  Kane barks, leaning his face close to She-ra's.  "I am more than a mere *sir*, She-ra, as will Horde Prime be!"

"No ... my master," the humiliated She-ra says softly, quaking before the powerful human.  "Is this my fate?" she wonders.  "I've never been so terrified.  I've never felt this weak before!"  Tears begin to fall from her eyes and Kane suddenly smiles at the helpless heroine.

"Just remember that, slut, and you will not be punished too much by your new master, Horde Prime," Kane says, turning to leave.

*  *  *  *  *

An hour or so later, the half-asleep She-ra suddenly awakens to a terrible noise.  Catra has managed to pipe sounds from the holds (which contain almost a thousand people snatched from Etheria by the MegaBeam) into She-ra's cell.  After realizing what she's hearing, She-ra begins to cry and sob hysterically at the torment she's caused.  SHE'S caused - those evil villains made her cum and used the energy in her cum to power the MegaBeam.  To capture her friends!  Deep despair washes over the heroine and she sags in her chains, helpless ... powerless ... utterly defeated!

*  *  *  *  *

Time passes and the Princess of Power drifts in and out of sleep, hanging from her chains.  She can't drop low enough to rest on her knees so her arms must bear her full weight.  In her weakened state, she sometimes gets shooting pains in her biceps, pains that she has NEVER known before.  From time to time, she sobs and cries at her situation.

She awakens fully as Kane and Catra enter the small room containing the MegaBeam controls and her prison chamber.  Kane and Catra are about to have another *playtime* with the pitiable wreck that She-ra has become.  She-ra can barely remain on her feet and if not for the stout chains holding her, she would be curled in a ball on the floor.  She fades in and out of consciousness from the constant rapings and beatings and other tortures conceived by Catra and done by her and Kane.  Their efforts to get her to cum have given them a large container charged with her magical energy, more than enough to power the MegaBeam and other inventions back at HordeWorks.

"Damnit Kane!" and exasperated Catra tells the human male.  "She-ra's had all the fun on this trip!"  Catra stamps a boot heel on the floor.

"You seem to have enjoyed yourself whipping her, Catra," Kane replies.  "What's your beef?"

"I mean, if I'm not screwing her tight little ass, you are.  I'm ... well, I'M NOT GETTING ANY!" the woman replies hautily.

"Are you saying ...?"

"You know damn well what I'm saying, Kane.  DO ME!"

Kane thinks about Catra's outburst for a few moments.  "That would be a waste of our efforts.  We should both *do* She-ra, not each other."

"But don't you see," Catra whines, aching for Kane to take her, "if we do this right, we can torment her terribly?  We put lots of the special gel on her, then ..."

A few minutes later, Kane and Catra begin to remove their costumes.  Catra begins by removing her mask.  Then she rises from her seat and slowly unhooks her purple cape.  As Kane watches the villainess with his cold gray eyes, she slowly and sensuously slides her short red body-suit down her body and onto the floor.

After the suit falls to her ankles, she leans down to remove her boots when Kane says, "leave the boots on, Catra."  Then he pulls his tunic up and over his head and tosses it on the floor beside Catra's costume.  He deftly removes his two knee-high boots and the one studded glove he wears.  Finally, the man removes his leggings and tosses them onto the floor.  Both She-ra and Catra stare at the rippling musculature of the Horde general.  This man works out!  And even flaccid, his member is impressive.

"Get started, Catra, and I'll catch up with you," Kane orders.  She-ra looks quizzically at the two, wondering what new torment they have planned for her.  Catra grabs the small jar of aphrodesiac gel and gets some on her fingertips.  The evil mutant moves to stand behind She-ra and savagely rams her fingertips up She-ra's anus.

"AAAAOOOOWWWWW!!" the heroine yelps at the rough invasion.  She moans as Catra smears the gel inside her butt.  Then the villainess removes her hand and get more of the gel on her fingertips.  At the same time, Kane, who's standing in front of She-ra, reaches around the heroine and gets the gel on both of his hands.  He slowly and sensuously rubs the gel on She-ra's neck and ears.  Then he takes what's left and rubs it on her taut belly down to and on her golden fur-covered mons, massaging deeply as he goes, to help the gel penetrate her creamy white skin.

Meanwhile, Catra slips her fingers between She-ra's legs and puts a thick layer on her labia majora.  Catra takes special care to SLOOOWWWLLLYY apply the gel to the heroine.  As she gently and slowly rubs the gel into the heroine's most treasured spot, She-ra begins to moan and sway from the effect.  Once again the alien chemicals assault her libido and drive her into a frenzy of lustful feelings.  Catra finally slips one gel-covered finger between the heroine's nether lips and gently swirls it around and onto her clit.

"OOOOhhhhhh," She-ra moans.  Her head drops onto her chest and she licks her lips.  "MMmmmmnnnnnnnhhhhh," she sighs when Kane bends at the waist and begins to suck on her left breast.  He runs his tongue expertly across her soft round mound and teases her nipple by languidly drawing circles around the pulsing nub.  "Oooooooohhhh ... don't ... please," She-ra begs as the alien chemical continues to stir her passions.  Her skin becomes super sensitive - each touch by either criminal spurs a flood of warm tingles through her body.  She can't stand still, she can't respond to their touches, and though part of her wants them to stop, part wants them to sexually fulfill her. Finally, Kane takes a last dollop of the gel and gently rubs it on She-ra's aureole. Again she moans as the gel seeps into her body, energizing her nerve endings and sending signals to her brain.

Kane moves around behind She-ra and despite her best efforts, she can't turn enough to follow him.  She can see him move to stand behind Catra.  Then that villainess turns around to face Kane.  What ARE they doing? She-ra wonders.  Catra suddenly backs up against She-ra's back and pushes the heroine - pushes her as far as the chains will allow her to move.  As She-ra stands, straining her chains, her arms twisted painfully backward by the chains, she can feel Catra's back against her own.  Her eyes suddenly pop open when she feels Kane's rough hands touch her ribs and run across her taut belly.

Catra begins to moan behind She-ra and begins to bump backward against the captive heroine.  She-ra can hear sounds ... sounds like ... they're KISSING!  Then her body begins to shake violently as she's battered by Catra's back.  A gasp escapes from She-ra's lips when Kane's hands slide up her belly and envelop her breasts, gently squeezing and kneeding them.  His fingers lightly touch her nipples, then pinch them, sending powerful erotic shocks through her body.

From Catra's loud moans and cries, She-ra manages to sense that Kane is plunging his tool into Catra's body even as he plays with her own body!  Then drug-induced visions flood the heroine's mind ... visions of what Catra must be feeling as she's penetrated by that man.  She-ra knows what he feels like in her anus - he's done that to her several times since capturing her.  As her vagina burns from the sexual desire caused by the gel, She-ra becomes desperate to have Kane plunge his tool into her vagina.  Every part of her body that is in contact with either Catra or Kane now burns fiercely with sexual feelings due to the alien gel.  Even the sounds of Catra's moans and cries and the smell of their love-making are powerfully arousing the drugged heroine.  Soon she begins to cum from just the intense sensory overload of feelings, sounds and smells, even as Catra also begins to cum.

"Kuh-Kane ... nnnnhhh ... please ... I need ..." she manages to say before Catra turns slightly and digs an elbow into the heroine's ribs.

As Kane bangs against Catra's body, plunging his tool into her pussy, Catra reaches backward with her hands.  One caresses She-ra's neck and the other reaches down to cup a butt cheek.  Then Catra makes She-ra yelp by sliding two fingers into She-ra's anus.  Keeping pace with Kane's driving dick, Catra begins to trombone her fingers in and out of She-ra.  As Kane's thrusts become harder and more frequent, Catra begins to gasp and pant and her fingers sometimes pause, then dig even deeper into She-ra's anus.

Kane removes his left hand from She-ra's breast and suddenly the blonde hears Catra shriek, "YYYYEEESSSSS!!!" when Kane's hand begins to caress the villainess' breast.  A second later, Catra cries, "OOOOOHHHHHH ... KKAANNEEEE!!" and her body slams against She-ra's back as she convulses from a much more powerful orgasm.  She-ra comes at the same time.  The chemical's effects and the touches and sounds and smells have driven her over the edge into another orgasm.

Catra and Kane slowly stop their frenzied activity behind She-ra and move away from her body.  "MMMOORRREEE!" she begs.  She needs more orgasms to still the fires inside her body caused by the HordeWorks gel.  Both villains touch and stroke her body as they get dressed, but neither really pays much attention to the woman, despite her begging.  She begins to cry as Catra and Kane slowly leave her cell.  Her last view is Kane's muscled back and tight red-and-black-clad butt.

"oohhh ... please ... do me, too," She-ra begs in the voice of a lost little girl as the metal door slams shut, locking her in her cell.  The itch between her legs must surely drive her crazy if it isn't *scratched*!



??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 3


She Ra has a new life now.? Most of the time, she is kept locked inside her cell.? She is always naked.? Cat Ra enjoyed using the whip against She Ra?s body.

Then one day when Cat Ra came to pay her a visit, She Ra rushed for Cat Ra.? She Ra begged Cat Ra, ?Please I need sex. Fuck me. Fuck me.? Cat Ra smiled. She Ra fell down to her knees and started licking and kissing and frolicking at Cat Ra?s evil sexy legs. Cat Ra played with She Ra?s Blonde hair. Cat Ra smiled ?I will have sex with you, my dear. I will have sex with you.?

Later in that afternoon, Cat Ra had led She Ra, by a leash on the former Pricness of Power?s Blonde neck. She really looked like a horny slut.

Cat Ra had She Ra follow her to a lab. Once there, She Ra was made to lie down. The scientists had her nipples RINGED UP. Her pubic hair was shaved off and in her pussy lips, were more RINGS inserted through.

She Ra moaned during the whole procedure while Cat Ra watched. ?You look delicious She Ra. I could eat you and fuck you?, said Cat Ra. She Ra said, ?Thank you Cat Ra. Thank you?.

But there was a reason why Cat Ra had brought her here. She was about to be sent to Prime Horde. The mighty super heroine known as She-ra hangs from chains, her famous costume lying on the floor at her feet.  She feels weak, beaten, and her shame is immense!  Her formidable strength and energy are almost completely gone.  How did the Horde villains, Catra and General Kane, rob her of her energies?  After capturning her they strapped She-ra to the MegaBeam and captured her jism as they put anything and everything up her ass!  Forbidden to break her virginity by Horde Prime himself, they had to find ... other, more imaginative ways to get the woman to cum.   A special aphrodesiac gel made by HordeWorks worked very well at stimulating the woman.  The more they used it on her, the more she came and the more she wanted of the gel.

For two days now she's been tortured and sexually abused - and worse, the sexual abuse always stopped short of her receiving an orgasm.  A mind-ripping vaginal orgasm - her first - is always put off to *save* her for Horde Prime.

*  *  *  *  *

"Get her ready for transport," General Kane orders two Horde troopers on the third day of She-ra's captivity.  The three are in the small room holding the MegaBeam's control system and She-ra.  The two troopers move behind the terribly-weakened heroine.  She-ra is so exhausted and drained from the tortures and sexual ravishings done to her on the three-day trip to Horde World, she's unconscious.  Her head hangs backward and her magnificent breasts jut forward as delicious, tempting targets for fondling, sucking, squeezing or whatever.

After unhooking her cuffs, the two troopers wrap their metal arms around the woman and drag her from the cell.  "Time for you to meet your new master, heroine," General Kane tells the reviving woman.

Through half-closed eyes, She-ra looks at Kane and begs, "puh-please ... don't do this ... I ..."

"KANE!  How DARE you take her without my presence!" Catra screams at the man.  She rushes down the corridor from the spaceship control deck to confront Kane.  "I demand the right to accompany you to Horde Prime to deliver her!"

"Fine, Catra, you can come with us," Kane replies smoothly.  "I was just going to send one of these troopers to call you after we got the woman fully awake," he lies with practiced ease.  "Go get that large metal container," he tells one of the troopers, pointing to the jar holding She-ra's magical energies, drained from her body by many orgasms.  "We will drop this off at HordeWorks on our way to Horde Prime."

*  *  *  *  *

Outside Kane's huge starship, the small party stops on a platform that overlooks the base of the ship.  "Wait a moment," Kane orders.  He turns She-ra around to face the ship.  The woman is barely conscious so Kane slaps her cheeks a few times until she opens her eyes fully.

"Watch this!" Kane orders, grabbing a handful of golden hair behind She-ra's head.  He twists her face until she looks down at the base of his starship.  Suddenly two huge doors open and form ramps leading from the ship's cavernous holds onto the landing dock.  A moment later, a loud humming noise begins.  Soon the noise resolves into the cries and laments of hundreds of Etherians as they move out of the ship onto the dock.

"Nnnooooo!" She-ra begs as she tries to turn her head away from this terrible sight.  Hundreds - a thousand or more of her friends and neighbors were captured by her magical energies and brought to Horde World for enslavement - enslavement for the rest of their lives.  Tears fall down the heroine's cheeks as she spots Princess Glimmer, Hurley Burley, Bow, Madam Razz, and even her horse, Swift Wind!  "NNNOOOOOOOO!!" She-ra cries when some of the people below spot her standing naked on the platform above them.

"She-ra!"    "Help us!"   "What's going on?"  her friends cry out at the sight of the mighty heroine, naked, shackled, guarded by Catra and Kane.  Their despair plummets to new depths - their mighty champion has fallen, there is no hope for them.

"<gasp> .. Nooooo! Swift ... Swift Wind! You tooooo!?!" she cries at the sight of her beloved horse being led down the ramp by a Horde trooper.

Kane and Catra keep She-ra exposed on the edge of the platform.  They want her to see every one of her friends walk off into captivity on Horde World and they want the captives to see their last chance for freedom defeated and humiliated.  Both the future slaves and the mighty She-ra will think twice before causing trouble, lest repercussions fall upon the others.

*  *  *  *  *

After the holds have disgorged the last of the new slaves, She-ra, Kane, Catra, and two Horde troopers enter Horde City, walking toward the hulking building housing HordeWorks.  One trooper shoves She-ra along the street, the other carries a huge metal cannister.  Kane holds She-ra's fabled *Sword of Power* in one hand.  Denizens of Horde City gape at the sight of the naked blonde who looks so much like the Etherian heroine, She-ra.  Catra frequently stops to gloat with her fellow mercenaries about *her* successful capture of the mighty heroine.  Other Horde mercenaries, including Grizzlor and Leech, join the entourage.  They take turns punching She-ra, pulling her hair, or twisting the attractive red knobs on her breast.

"Oohhh, st-stop ... don't!" the heroine pleads as she stumbles through Horde City.   Unable to resist the taunts and torments inflicted on her by her foes, She-ra helplessly cries and begs for them to stop.  The cruel villains merely laugh at the captive heroine and increase their torments.  By the time the party reaches HordeWorks, she's bruised and cut from the many punishments she receives during the short walk through Horde City.  And as she moves through the town, the chilly and dank air of Horde City makes goose bumps rise on her body and her nipples swell with blood, making them tempting targets for the mercenaries' attacks.  The cobblestones of the street have a thin veneer of frost and ice on them and her bare feet quickly become numb from the cold.

"Hey, let me guard her!" Grizzlor demands.  "I can guard her better than a stupid ol' trooper!"

Catra and General Kane look at each other for a moment, then relent.  "Okay," Catra says, "but if you harm her ..."

"I won't!" the beast-man replies hastily, raising a palm toward Catra's face.

"Oh no, I was going to say, IF you harm her, it's okay, as long as you don't affect her virrrginity," Catra purrs, patting Grizzlor on his shoulder.  With that, the beast-man moves in front of She-ra and digs his claws into her creamy white breasts, drawing blood around his dirty claws.  She-ra shrieks in pain and struggles to get away from Grizzlor but can't with Kane and Catra holding her elbows.  When the foul beast slides one paw down her belly, raking it with his claws and drawing more blood, She-ra's cries fill the city streets.  Around her, other Horde mercenaries shout and clap with glee at her situation.

Sensing that Kane and Catra want to get moving again, Grizzlor takes one last swipe at She-ra, slapping her face and dragging his claws across her tight cheek.  Four rivulets of blood form below her left eye, from near her ear to near her mouth.  She-ra screams in pain and struggles with all her depleted energies, trying to lift her hands up to her face to stop the horrible pain from Grizzlor's vicious attack.  Her entire body burns from the cuts caused by his dirty claws.  Catra and Kane increase their grip on her elbows and she's too weak to wrest them away to raise her arms.  Her head falls forward in shame as her blood drops down her front, soiling her legs.

After reaching HordeWorks, Catra, Kane, Grizzlor, She-ra and a Horde trooper carrying the metal jar enter the factory.  The other mercenaries mill around outside the factory.  They intend to escort She-ra to Horde Prime if she comes out of the R & D facility soon.  Meanwhile, the party moves upstairs toward ShadowWeaver's lab, stopping briefly at a grungy-looking water tap to clean the caked blood off their captive. The cold water makes the woman shudder and she winces when her recent cuts are vigorously scrubbed by the villains.  "Weaver!" Catra yells, "we have a jug of She-ra's magical energy here for you."

Beside Catra, Kane growls in a soft voice at the way the woman is taking all the credit for every aspect of this operation.  "Catra, it was I who started this project when I left here six days ago, so please let me take some of the credit!"

"Of course I'll share the credit with you, my dear, dear General Kane," Catra says in a sickeningly sweet voice.  "I'm sure there's enough credit for all of us."  Kane bristles at the woman's attempt to steal HIS glory.  He's about to deck her with a solid punch when ShadowWeaver suddenly joins the small group.

"Aaahhh, you've managed to capture the mighty heroine of the rebellion!" Weaver hisses.  She moves close to She-ra and gently cups one of the heroine's breasts in her hand.  She-ra flinches and tries to back away but the trooper behind her won't let her move.  "My extraction engine worked well, then?" Weaver asks Kane.  Now both of Weaver's hands is squeezing and caressing one of She-ra's love mounds and the blonde moans in pleasure at the tender feminine touch of the villainess.

"Worked like a charm," Kane replies.  "She responds better to cuddling than to torture."

"Really?" Weaver asks.  "Well, since we don't need her juices right now ..." and Weaver suddenly slaps She-ra's cheek with the back of her hand.  Blond hair flies as the woman's head snaps sideways from the sudden and vicious attack.    <SMACK>   as Weaver slaps She-ra again and again, rocking the heroine's head from side to side.  When Weaver finally stops, She-ra is visibly crying from the pain.

"MMMMMRRRRROOOOWWWW!!" Catra gloats at She-ra's obvious pain.  "More! MORE!!"

"No, save some of her for Horde Prime, Weaver," Kane says, moving closer to the two women.

"Well then, before you run off to Horde Prime, I want She-ra to see this," Weaver says.  She leads the small group over to one bench and points to a cannon-like weapon atop it.  The cannon is aimed at a small hole in the side of a large metal chamber lined with shiny white walls.  "This is the time splitter," Weaver explains.  "We will use your energies, She-ra, to split time!  With YOUR help, we can travel forward or backward in time!  Imagine Etheria falling into our hands BEFORE you were born (assuming you WERE born and didn't crawl out from under some rock).  The possibilities are limitless, all thanks to your energies!"

The Horde trooper deposits the cannister with She-ra's magical energies on the bench by the time splitter and ShadowWeaver hooks it up to the device.  She gives the trooper instructions and a small metal wrench and it moves into the metal chamber.  Weaver then fiddles with some dials on the splitter and finally pulls a switch on the box.  The trooper vanishes!  "I sent him back five minutes," Weaver explains.  "I also sent him fifty feet away from here, so that when he materializes, he doesn't destroy any of my equipment.  At this time, we can only send someone a short distance in space and a week or so in time, but we will increase that time and distance now that we have her cum."  A second later, the trooper reenters the room from the hallway and walks over to Weaver, handing her the wrench.

"MMMMMEEERRRROOOWWWWW!!" Catra roars.  "We can have FUN with that little toy!"

"Amazing work, ShadowWeaver," Kane says in a cool tone that masks his feelings about the weapon.

"Gods, nooooo!" She-ra moans, fully-aware that her energies make this weapon possible.

Kane lays She-ra's Sword of Power on the bench beside the cannister and follows Weaver and Catra into another room.  They have the trooper grab one of the blonde's elbows in its vice-like grip and hold her.  Grizzlor moves close to the woman and begins to paw her perfect body, dragging his nails across her creamy white skin.  Still terribly weak, she moans when he cuts furrows in her belly and back.  He stoops before the woman to sniff her love canal and licks at her mons with a rough, scratchy tongue, making her cringe away from him.

"Pl-puh-please, Grizzlor, d-don't do this!" she begs.  After mauling her butt cheeks and thighs, front and rear, the man-beast rises to his feet in front of the heroine.

"You always treat me like a joke, She-ra," Grizzlor explains.  "Not a joke!  Not an animal!  You learn ... you learn good, She-ra!" he rants, waving a fist in front of the woman's face.  She cowers fearfully, knowing that his claws can easily disfigure her face in her weakened state.

"Well, it's time to take this one <Kane points to She-ra> to her new master," Kane says and he, Catra and wvr re-enter the lab.  He nods at the trooper guarding her and the creature jabs his assault rifle into her back, pushing the woman toward the doorway of the lab.  Grizzlor joins the group as they head toward Horde Prime's throne room, stopping briefly again to clean her newest wounds.

*  *  *  *  *

"We have a ..." Kane says, kneeling before Horde Prime.

"...special treat ..." Catra interjects, also dropping to one knee before the ruler of Horde World.

"... for you, milord," Kane concludes.  He slaps She-ra's butt cheek, forcing the woman to move closer to Horde Prime's imposing throne.  Grizzlor and the Horde trooper stand meekly at the back of the throne room, watching the heroine's descent into Hell.

"So ..." Horde Prime says slowly, looking down at the heroine.  "This is the mighty She-ra.  Tiara and wrist guards - anything else left of her costume?"  Horde Prime rises off his throne and stands in front of it.  His current image is of a 6' 5" blue-skinned male with short horns on either side of his forehead and long black hair in a pony-tail.  He has on black thigh-high boots and trunks, leather wrist guards with metal studs sticking out, and a hooded red cape that reaches down almost to his knees.  His maleness makes a huge bulge in the front of his trunks and it gets larger as he slowly walks down the four steps toward the captive heroine.

"Her boots and shards of the rest of her costume, milord.   I left her sword at HordeWorks," Kane replies subserviently.  He dumps a red, white and gold bundle on the floor beside the woman.  "Came apart when we whipped her," Kane explains, "to make her more controllable for you, majesty."  He hopes that Horde Prime won't be upset with this.

"Not a problem, General," Horde Prime says amiably when he reaches the floor level of the throne room.  He looms over She-ra as he walks around behind the bound woman.  She starts to turn to continue to face him but he reaches out one of his huge hands, grabs her shoulder, and pins her in place.  As he moves behind the woman, he puts his other hand on her other shoulder and looks at her bare buttocks.  "Catra, I believe that Weaver gave you one of her toys ...?"

"Herrrrre, my leader," Catra purrs, handing the Power Whip to Horde Prime.

"Goddess, nooooo," She-ra thinks.  "Horde Prime!  What vile things he must have planned for me!  I ... I must find a way to escape!"  She struggles valiantly, shaking her shoulders, stamping her bare feet on the cold tile floor of his throne room, but can't escape his powerful grip.  She feels his mighty fingers digging into her milky white shoulders.  "Noooo, you must not do this!" she demands with false pride.  "Stop this, Horde Prime, lest you feel the wrath of the Goddess of Grayskull!"  His soft chuckle and continued squeezing of her shoulders answers her plea.

Although she can't see what's happening, She-ra quickly guesses that the dreaded whip is about to touch her tender flesh again.  "Ooohhhh, nnnooooo!!  Don't!" she begs.  She hears a whirring sound and suddenly Horde Prime lifts her arms up over her head.  She-ra looks up to see a hook descending from the ceiling.  Horde Prime holds her arms up and neatly drops the link between her cuffs over the hook.  Another whirring sound and suddenly She-ra feels her arms being lifted up by the hook, stretching her back and making her shoulders cry out in pain.

"Ssttoooooppppp!" she cries as terrible pain lances through her shoulders.  So much of her mighty super powers were bled off by the Power Whip and the MegaBeam.  She's barely more than a normal woman in strength and endurance now.  Another whipping by that thing might kill her!  She dangles in the air, her feet several inches above the floor of the room, facing Horde Prime's throne.  All her foes stand behind her, including Horde Prime, who probably holds that ...

"UNH-UNH-UNH-UNH NNNNOOOOOO!!!" She-ra screams as the devastating whip cracks through the air and wraps around her narrow waist, the tip striking at one curvaceous hip.  When Horde Prime presses the stud on the handle and the whip begins to draw magical energy from She-ra's body, the pain is almost unbearable.  The stricken woman bucks and bounces as the air crackles with the sound of the Power Whip bleeding off more of her power.  "NNHH NNHHH NNNHHH NNNHHH," she moans until the lash finally stops shocking her body and falls away from her waist.  She hangs limply from the hook, her body aching terribly from the whip.  If only ...

"AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!" She-ra roars as the deadly lash strikes her body again, this time wrapping around her chest, covering her delicious breasts with its coils.  Again Horde Prime presses the activating stud and once again terrible arcane energies developed by ShadowWeaver roar down the lash and rip the living magical energies from She-ra's body.  Again the poor woman bucks and twists in a vain attempt to escape from the lash.  Her tender breasts seem to explode in pain and for a short eternity, she stops breathing as the lash sizzles and sucks her energies.  "no more!" the exhausted woman begs weakly but ...

Again the Hellish lash wraps around the heroine's waist and the tip rips savagely into her mons, drawing blood and staining the yellow hairs.  Even when the whip is charged and begins to draw her super energies, She-ra makes no response.  She's passed out from all the pain her body has had to endure.  Horde Prime flicks his wrist and the lash falls off her body.  He coils the whip and hands it to Catra, then moves closer to She-ra.

"Bring her," Horde Prime orders the mercenaries and as the ruler of the Horde leaves his throne room, Kane, Catra and Grizzlor rush to the unconscious blonde's body and lift her off the meathook.  Grizzlor throws the woman over one shoulder and the trio rush to join Horde Prime.  They catch up with him as he enters one of his dungeons.  As he approaches the door, his body changes and drops down to a 5'8" height and less-broad shoulders to navigate the narrow passageway.  He slowly descends cold, narrow stone steps into the inky blackness, closely followed by hunched-over Kane and Catra.  Grizzlor follows, struggling to get down the narrow circular staircase with his huge body and his feminine bundle.

The group finally reached the bottom of the circular staircase - a dank, dark, drippy dungeon lit by a few torches along the walls.  "Kane, Grizzlor, clean her up and put her on the *horse*," Horde Prime orders two of his companions.  "You may leave us, Catra."

Rebuffed by his *Imperious Leader* tone and aware that she can't call him on it, Catra turns abruptly, her cape swishing deliciously behind her back, and stomps back up the staircase.  Long after her bootsteps are no longer heard by the men, the villainess seethes from being kicked out.  "I EARNED the right to play with her!" Catra fumed.  "Horde Prime had no right to eject ME!"

Meanwhile, back in the dungeon, Kane and Grizzlor carry the unconscious heroine over to a metal and fabric frame.  The base looks like a sawhorse found in many workshops.  At the top, on either end of the horse, are two arms that project up and outward one one side.  There are cuffs at the end of each bar and two more cuffs on the legs of the *horse*.  On the middle, in place of a saddle, there is a thick band of fabric.   Kane and Grizzlor hook She-ra's bare ankles to the cuffs on the legs of the horse, place her belly on the fabric, and stretch her arms over the top of the horse to the cuffs at the ends of the top poles.  Her body is thus pinned with her ass exquisitely exposed for whatever attention Horde Prime wishes to visit upon it.  The upper half of her body hangs precariously over one side of the horse and parallel to the ground.  There's enough room for someone to move his hips close to her lips (either the ones on her face or in her nether regions).  They use a damp rag to scrub some of the new blood off her body.  She moans but doesn't regain consciousness.

Horde Prime gestures once and Kane picks up a bucket from the floor.  He flexes his arms and sloshes the load of ice water inside the bucket outward.  The water hits the heroine in her face and douses that and her upper body.  She gasps from the shock and shakes violently in her restraints, then realizes that she's too weak to burst even the thin, inch-thick metal tying her to the horse.  "Oooohhhh, whu-whu-what now, you bastard," she asks Horde Prime, beside her.  Parts of her tender flesh were ripped open by the latest whipping - the touch of cold water on those raw patches burns intensely.

"I was going to just rape you, but I see you need sterner measures, first, She-ra," Horde Prime replies, gently cupping one hand under her chin to lift her face up to look at him.  "You have made my conquest of Etheria a constant headache for many years, She-ra, and now you will have the opportunity to apologize, by serving me as my faithful mistress."

"NEVER, foul fiend!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Horde Prime says, nodding at Kane and Grizzlor who are smiling at the scene.  "As I said, I think you need sterner measures.  Grizzlor, would you like to begin?"

"Yes, master!" the man-beast grunts.  He looks around, then takes a riding crop from a hook on a nearby wall.  For the next few minutes the thing works like a demon, whipping She-ra's perfect white ass with the crop, until it becomes a streaked red mass.  She-ra's screams and shrieks dwindle away and her soft sobbing is the only sound in the dungeon, apart from panting by Grizzlor.  At one point, the pain is so intense, She-ra soils herself and the whip.  Her humiliation overwhelms her mind and she belatedly wonders how long before she loses her mind to the tortures she faces.

"Your turn, Kane," Horde Prime says, leaning against a moss-covered wall of the dungeon.  The Horde General steps closer to the heroine and pulls down his skin-tight red-and-black leggings.

"I wanted you to do this on the ship, She-ra, but I also didn't want to risk your escape," Kane says, pulling out his man-meat.  "I'd have had to have released you and let you drop to your knees to do this properly."  He trombones the shaft with his black-gloved left hand as his right hand lifts She-ra's head up by pulling on her blond tresses.  "Wake up, woman!" he commands as her eyes begin to close.  He stops stroking his tool long enough to slap her cheek, making the woman's head snap to her left before jerking to a stop - he still holds her golden tresses.

As his tool rises to its full 9" length, Kane steps close to the woman's face and, holding her head up by the hair and his right hand, his left hand pinches her the joint of her jaw and forces her mouth open.  He inserts his manhood through the slit and hisses as her teeth drag along the top of his shaft.  "You'd better not bite me, She-ra," Kane warns the heroine.  "And you'd better learn how to do this on me - I'm sure our merciful Master will not have the patience with your training which I have!"

She-ra looks up at Kane through bleary eyes, her mouth filled with his penis, nearly gagging on the meat inside her mouth and pressing down her throat.  She groans weakly as Kane begins to thrust his hips backward and foreward.  He now holds her head with both hands and rocks his head backward as her mouth begins to arouse him.  Harder and harder he slams into her, the skin above his tool battering her nose mercilessly.  Her moans are delicious pleasure - they tickle his tool.  Her thick lips are tight on his penis and quickly build him toward an orgasm.  Just a few minutes after starting, Kane suddenly freezes and arches his back.  Holding tightly onto the woman's head, he pumps jism into her mouth.  She-ra gasps and struggles - his groin is pressed so tightly against her face she can't breathe through her nose or mouth!  She feels like she's going to drown from all the sticky goo pouring into her mouth.  Finally, she manages to open the sides of her mouth to gasp for air.  Kane's milky white cum slithers out past her ruby red lips and across her cheek.

While watching Kane, Horde Prime's own tool begins to grow and swell.  Upon Kane's finish, She-ra slumps in her bondage, beaten and nearly unconscious.  Now the Horde ruler wants to take this troublesome heroine, to show her who her master is, and will be, for the rest of her life.  "Leave us," Horde Prime orders Kane and Grizzlor.  After Kane pulls up his leggings, the two mercs turn and head upstairs, leaving the shape-shifter alone with the Princess of Power.

"Now that you're my prisoner, my slave, here on Horde World," Horde Prime asks as he steps beside She-ra, out of her line-of-sight, "you must realize the situation you're in.  Who could come to your rescue, woman, now that I have you?"

The barely-conscious woman doesn't react for several breaths, then gasps, "Suh-sea-Seahawk."

Prime thinks for a moment, then his body morphs into a good approximation of the Etherian malcontent and sometime Horde associate.  *Seahawk* then steps in front of the woman and gently lifts her head up ... up ... up until the angle is so severe her neck must snap.  "She-ra ... my darling ... wake up!" Horde Prime says.

"Sea-Seahawk?" the addled woman asks.  "Whu-what are ... are you doing ... here?"

"I've come to rescue you, my love!"

"Ooooohhhh, Seahawk!"

Horde Prime gently removes the wrist cuffs from the woman, then helps her to stand beside the horse.  As she totters above him on unsteady feet, the shapeshifter unlocks the cuffs on her ankles.  He then rises and lifts her, one arm beneath her back, the other beneath her knees, and carries her across the dungeon to a large flat table.  He gently lays the woman on the table on her back, then steps back to look at her.  She-ra is almost unconscious but still manages to smile at *her saviour*.  She even reaches up to grasp his hand in hers.  *Seahawk* squeezes her hand and smiles at the beaten woman.

Horde Prime reaches down and rubs one hand on her belly, making her moan from the pleasureable feeling.  He leans down and gently kisses her large reddish aureole and She-ra gasps at the touch of his lips.  As the mighty heroine lies helplessly on her back on the table, Horde Prime, still disguised as Seahawk, moves around the end of the table to stand between her ankles.  He slowly pulls the woman down the table, holding her first by her knees, then her thighs, until her crotch is at the end of the table.  His groin area grows fuzzy, then a penis appears.  Five, six, eight inches long, the thing continues to grow until it becomes an obscene carrot-shaped object, twelve inches long, the size of a child's finger at one end, three inches thick near his body.

"I must recharge your magical energies, my love," Horde Prime tells the woman, "and this is the fastest way.  Are you ready for me?"

"Whu-what?  I ... but ... oooohh, yyyeessss, Seahawk, do it!"

Horde Prime slowly inserts the small tip of his tool into her love canal and, with a mind of its own, like a serpent, it begins to twist and turn and convulse as it slides into the woman.  It slithers inside her, rubbing against the walls of her love canal until it finally reaches her intact hymen and pauses for a second.

"AAAoooowwww.  What ...?" She-ra asks as a short sharp pain occurs between her legs.  She starts to rise off her back but *her lover, Seahawk* gently pushes on her chest, forcing her onto her back.  She doesn't resist.  Seahawk will treat her well - he's always been a good friend.  The disguised ruler of Horde World  leans forward and his mouth surrounds the tempting tip of one of her breasts.  As his lips press on the tender flesh, his tongue plays across her engorged nipple.  "OOouuuuuuunnnnhhh!" She-ra moans as pleasure surges through her body.  "Yesss, Seahawk, my love, that feels soooo goood!" Suddenly her eyes open when she feels roughly half of his shaft inside her - inside her and where no man has gone before!  "Whu-what are you doing, Seahawk?" the confused woman asks plaintively.

Horde Prime pushes harder and harder against the tight pussy of She-ra, driving more and more of his tool into her virginal canal.  A cruel smile flickers across his face - "I'm doing to you what you've done to my forces for many years, She-ra!" he gloats, plunging harder and harder into the woman.  Suddenly a second *tool* begins to form, below his *penis*.  Like the first one, this new tool begins to grow and, although longer, it's also slimmer.  This second tool snakes its way under her body and stealthily penetrates her anus.  Again She-ra's eyes open wide from surprise as the new penetration begins.

"AAooowww!  AAAOOOWWWWW!!  Stop, Seahawk ... you're ... you're hurting meeee!"

"Hush my darling, and you will soon be ready to escape," Horde Prime lies, making the thoroughly-confused woman calm down and work with him.  Their bodies begin to sweat as their rhythmic thrusting gets harder and harder.  She-ra yelps from pleasure/pain (?) as *Seahawk's* twin tools plunge into her body.  She cries for more when his lips and tongue savagely attack one of her bulbous tits.  She gasps in pleasure as his hands run over her creamy white skin.

"OOohhhhh, yes, yes, YYEESSSS!!" She-ra moans as her libido swells toward a mighty orgasm.

Suddenly her body arches off the table and she screams like a wounded beast.  For the first time in her life she experiences a vaginal orgasm and it rips through her body and crashes against her brain.  A second quickly follows and she seems to almost float off the table.  Then Horde Prime has his own orgasm, or what passes for one.  Slimy green goo pumps out of his two tools and into the heroine.  As She-ra's eyes close and she writhes on the table in ecstacy, Horde Prime slowly morphs back into his tall, purple form.

" You ... you're ... not Seahawk ..." She-ra pants when she sees that the being between her legs, INSIDE her, is not her lover but is the evil Horde leader.  "NNnnnoooo!" she moans from this latest humiliation.  "Ooohhh, nnnooooo!!" she moans.  "What ... nnnnhhh ... what have you dooonnnneee!!"

"Only the first step in my plan to make you my mistress, She-ra!"

"NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!" her agonized cry fills the dungeon, echoing off the moss-covered stone walls.  "NNNOOOOOOO!!"  She sags downward.  Her body seems to have lost its will - her boobs sag on either side of her chest in defeat.  She begins to cry in loud gasps at the realization of what's been done to her.

"CATRA!!" Horde Prime calls out as he steps away from She-ra.  Moments later the Horde mercenary charges down the circular staircase and enters the dungeon.

"My lord?" the villainess asks when she skids to a halt on the slimy stone floor of the dungeon.

"Make this one presentable, Catra," the ruler of Horde World commands.  "I may play with her again, tonight, and she stinks of feces and sweat."

"At once, milord!"

Horde Prime heads up the stairs, leaving Catra and She-ra alone in the dark dungeon.  "My, my, my," Catra says in a sultry voice, "so far the mighty rebel leader has fallen, eh, She-rrrrrra?  You don't look so mighty now, heroine.  Has my lord tamed you, beast?"

"Not ... tamed," She-ra manages to say as she's helped to a seated position on the table.  Catra stands beside She-ra and is helping the blonde get to her feet.  As She-ra rises to her feet, she feels a slight surge in energy.  Maybe *Seahawk*/Horde Prime was right - the orgasm DID recharge her energies?  Can she hope as much?

Emboldened by this surging feeling of power, She-ra suddenly jerks her arm upward and her elbow hits Catra's jaw with a loud .  Catra falls backward and lands on the table top, barely conscious.  She-ra turns around and clasps her hands together, she then swings them down to hit the red-covered belly of the villainess with a solid .  This snaps Catra back upward but before she rises far, She-ra swings her clasped fists in a roundhouse punch that hits the woman's cheek and knocks her onto the floor on her side.

She-ra pants and has to lean on the table after this mighty exertion.  "Now, to escape this demon-filled planet!" she resolves.  "But I think I should put something on before I leave!"  The heroine quickly strips Catra of her cape, mask, leotard and boots.  She-ra quickly dons the villainess' costume and pulls the cape's hood up to cover her blond tresses.  She looks around the dungeon and finds a ball gag and takes that and the unconscious Catra to a set of shackles on one wall.  The naked mercenary is quickly locked in the cuffs and as She-ra begins to put the ball gag on the woman, Catra begins to revive.  She struggles and hisses around the gag but can't stop She-ra from completing her task.  The cat is penned - for now!

"Give my regards to Horde Prime!" She-ra says, smiling at her foe.  She slowly begins to ascend the stairs leading from the dungeon.  "Hope I don't meet him or his mercs on the way home!"  She mentally pauses and asks herself, "and just how DO I get home?"

*  *  *  *  *

"Maybe I do have one chance," She-ra decides, racing through the dark streets of Horde City dressed as Catra.  She makes her way to HordeWorks, hoping that most of the weapons designers have gone for the day.  She cautiously enters the dark, empty lab and spots her sword still stiting on the bench.  Suddenly a Horde trooper walks into the lab - probably one of the nighttime guards.  With one swift and skillful swipe, she rams the sword upward and into the thing's *neck*, decapitating the trooper.  It falls backward with a loud metal clang.

"Better get out of here before they return," She-ra realizes.  She twirls her sword in a warm-up swing and slices a huge hole in the cannister holding her magical jism and most of it splatters onto the workbench and the floor below.

She-ra can hear the heavy thud of more Horde troopers nearing the lab.  "Gotta move!" she says to herself.  "Hope there's enough *juice* in this thing!"  She fiddles with some dials on the time splitter and steps into the metal chamber as the weapon discharges a beam into it.  She vanishes from sight as the hulking grey troopers enter the lab.

*  *  *  *  *

(Is this the Fate of the Princess of Power)








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Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Prisoner in Jail Cell

"Those are the rules" Mary Ellen confirmed feeling some pangs of sympathy for her unfortunate prisoner as the tears began to stream down the adorable redhead's cheeks."Couldn't you ... is there any way you could make an exception" Heather pleaded. Diabolical thoughts began to take shape in the young clerk's mind. 'She certainly seemed to enjoy the attention Sarah gave her yesterday ... I wonder if she's as good at giving as she seems to be at receiving.'"I don't know ... I could get in a lot of...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Prisoner

"Those are the rules" Mary Ellen confirmed feeling some pangs of sympathy for her unfortunate prisoner as the tears began to stream down the adorable redhead's cheeks."Couldn't you ... is there any way you could make an exception" Heather pleaded. Diabolical thoughts began to take shape in the young clerk's mind. 'She certainly seemed to enjoy the attention Sarah gave her yesterday ... I wonder if she's as good at giving as she seems to be at receiving.'"I don't know ... I could get in a lot of...

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Beeline 0280 Prisoner of Lust

Prisoner Of Lust By Theodore Stickles PAULA'S UNLEASHED PASSION Paula had always known that one day, the lust-starved prisoners that shecounseled would not be able to resist her voluptuous body. So, as the prisoner grabbed her and forced her to undress, releasing hisaching member, she shouldn't have been so shocked. He squeezed and fondled her bare breasts ... pinching her nipples hard... savouring the flavor and feel of a woman's flesh ... rubbing hishard, erect penis against Paula's trembling...

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The Prisoner

This story is dedicated to my father, a prisoner of the Japanese for four years in WWII. Sadly he died before I ever understood the things that he must have experienced. My lack of understanding no doubt contributed to the estrangement between us, and my inadequate attempts to reconcile prior to his death. As I researched the story, I found many accounts from other prisoners of war. The one factor they seemed to have in common was that they all spoke of what happened but very few commented on...

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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter One

The Prisoner Wore Panties By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Benny's Girls When the train slowed the young woman stood and took her small suitcase down from the overhead baggage rack. A young soldier across the aisle leapt out of his seat to assist but she already had the case resting on the vacant seat across from her. She smiled appreciatively at him and he sat back down. She took a compact out of her purse and freshened her makeup and touched up her lipstick; she brushed her...

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Play Prisoner

"John!" The director screams. "Where the fuck is John?!" "I'm here, I'm here!" John yells as he scampers towards the director; the distinct smell of pot hanging on his peasant garb. "You reek man," John shrugs with a half sincere, "Well, yeah..." "Just get out there in the stocks. We'll talk after!" "Come on Mark, I'm fucking here aren't I?! Who cares if I..." "Just...stop! I don't have time for this." "You know I don't have any fucking lines right; I'm just in the back, looking at everyone's...

2 years ago
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She Ra Prisoner Of The Princess

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? SHE RA ? PRISONER OF THE PRINCESS By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] She Ra is a Conan the Barbarian type character based on the popular animated series, Masters of the Universe.  Synopsis: She Ra (character from He Man) is on the trail of an evil princess, who had imprisoned her own father and took over the kingdom herself. She Ra...

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Great Southern Land Finding freedom on a prisoners island

There is a photograph, a picture taken many years ago. And it stands on the mantlepiece in our family home.The photograph is dominated by a young woman, blonde and beautiful with her hair in pigtails. And the dappled winter light plays on her smiling face as she studies the map of a European snow bound city; it is glistening snowy white in the background.I know exactly what is on her mind as I recognise the look that plays across her face. She is totally happy in her confident organiser way....

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It was love at first sight when saw him step up to the table to be issued his uniform. The guard shuffled through the pile to find something that would fit him. He was a slight young Asian boy whom I estimated to be around eighteen. He had had long black hair that fell to his shoulders and was constantly being brushed away from his face. He’ll soon be losing that when he is shaved like the rest of us. He was beautiful and it provoked a stirring in my cock. I had to look away before a full...

2 years ago
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It was love at first sight when saw him step up to the table to be issued his uniform. The guard shuffled through the pile to find something that would fit him. He was a slight young Asian boy whom I estimated to be around eighteen. He had had long black hair that fell to his shoulders and was constantly being brushed away from his face. He'll soon be losing that when he is shaved like the rest of us. He was beautiful and it provoked a stirring in my cock. I had to look away before a full...

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Sheeba My Neighbor Part II

By : Vimalesh This is continuation of my story Sheeba My Neighbor – Part I Sheeba and I became very close through our messages and night calls. Most of the messages we sent between us were of ugly and dirty sexual intercourse we dreamt of. We knew that we had same likings in sex. Night calls always ended in hard masturbation. We were eagerly waiting for an occasion to explore each others naked body. Weeks passed without any progress. We couldn’t go even a step further. We relied only on our...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter Two

The Prisoner Wore Panties By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Two For One "I'm not kissing a man and that's that!" Danielle said indignantly. Although Danielle had succumbed to the charms of Mary Mayne she felt that kissing a man was different. Mary presented as a gorgeous sexy femme fatale, Flight Lieutenant Steven Boyd was a stuck-up arsehole of a man. Danielle hated her leading man and Steven despised her back. He wasn't really that good an actor but Wing Commander...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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The Prisoner And His Slave 8211 Part 1

The king wished his precious wives and daughters to be served only by the most beautiful virgins in his lands so by royal decree his agents were always on the look out for beautiful young girls to be trained as slaves and servants for the royal women. These girls were denied clothing, required to bath and clean each other daily and never allowed to succumb to their sexual urges. Denied access to the company of men from a young age and watched closely by the matron they were to be raised in...

2 years ago
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Sheeba My Neighbor Part I

By : Vimalesh My dear readers, I am Vimalesh. This is my sixth story in this site. All the already submitted stories were all about the sexual games I had with my maids.  The Maid-Kanakamma’, ‘Again with Kanakamma’, My New Maid-Sujatha’, My Maid at Her house’ and ‘The Whore Maid Yadamma’ are the stories I‘ve already submitted. This time I share a sweet love making session I enjoyed with my sexy neighbor Sheeba and the events that led to our close friendship. Please read the story and send your...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

4 years ago
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Prisoner Of Furs

Prisoner Of Furs by Throne Even before they were married, Colin's wife-to-be Margo knew of his weakness for furs. She played on it during their engagement, teasing him mercilessly by wearing mink and ermine and fox. She was always elevating his sexual interest until he could barely stand it, and then declining to have sex with him, saying that he must gain more self-control before she would grant him that favor. He was driven to masturbation, not realizing that she had a half dozen...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 3 Escorting a Prisoner

I climbed out of the vehicle and walked towards the large imposing building. Dragon poked her head out of the sling and looked up into my face and I smiled, “The warmer will keep them warm if you want to ride on my shoulder.” Her gravid state had come as a surprise. Like only a few creatures she was technically both male and female. Although sex did not really come into it, she became pregnant after she reached a certain age. First was her gravid state and then she laid three to five eggs,...

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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 4

Fatima's pronouncement that she wanted to make love was more than fine with me. I was already hard just from her talking dirty to me. That it was fine with me caused me a moment's pause, as I am normally a pretty straight-laced guy. Yet here I was raring to go with a second woman in two nights. My new horniness seemed to go hand in hand with a general feeling of well being that I'd come to accept as the prisoner of the Hassan widows. I rationalized that maybe I was returning the favor for...

5 years ago
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Girly Prisoner

Girly Prisoner by Kachakali See a NSFW picture of this story at my site ~~~~~ I wish the people who invented gender change would just die. My life is ruined because of it. I'm stuck in this gender nightmare. My new Step-mom is evil. I have no love for her. She feels the same way about me too. Step-mom found online some gender pills. She forces me to take them. She finds any excuse to turn me into a girl. My dad is gone for months at a...

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Prisoner Of Lust

Prisoner Of Lust A Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Side Story ----------------------------------- Camilo paced nervously in the kitchen as he looked at his phone. It would ring any minute and his nerves were standing on edge. He'd just closed his laptop after a brief chat with a woman on Fetlife. At least, he hoped it was a woman. One could never be certain a stranger's profile was real until you met them in real life. The woman was a "Mistress Demonica" who'd announced she was...

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Prisoner Of Lust

The woman was a “Mistress Demonica” who'd announced she was looking for a new submissive. After a quick look at her pictures and list of kinks, Camilo sent her a sincere, but not overly long, message complimenting her and asking for a chance to prove himself. He'd learned from experience that being too eager and lavishing praise to the point of groveling marked him as desperate. No woman liked that. Not even the kind that wanted a man beneath her heel. Mistress Demonica got back to him...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Prisoner Of Lust

The woman was a “Mistress Demonica” who'd announced she was looking for a new submissive. After a quick look at her pictures and list of kinks, Camilo sent her a sincere, but not overly long, message complimenting her and asking for a chance to prove himself. He'd learned from experience that being too eager and lavishing praise to the point of groveling marked him as desperate. No woman liked that. Not even the kind that wanted a man beneath her heel. Mistress Demonica got back to him...

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Copyright © 2004 She finally gave up. Sleep was not to be her companion, despite the numbers on the alarm clock. They were reminding her that she was closer to a new day, than to the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell. The sorry excuse for an air conditioner, was sending a weak breeze, that seeped from the slots on top of the droning beast. It was not any cooler than the air hanging motionless in the room. One small consolation crossed her mind, at least the...

1 year ago
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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter 1

British prisoners during WW2 formed amateur dramatic societies in German POW camps to keep themselves occupied and men played female roles quite convincingly. Their German captors encouraged these activities to keep the prisoners active and their minds on things other than escape. But what if one of the prisoners disguised himself as a woman as a ruse to escape? Chapter One - Benny's Girls When the train slowed the young woman stood and took her small suitcase down from the overhead baggage...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter Four

The Prisoner Wore Panties By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Over The Wire "How did you get this Intelligence. You were in his bedroom? He fucked you didn't he?" Once again Steven could not control his petulance. Danielle had been summoned to present the intelligence she had gained at the Oberst's house during the dinner the previous night. Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington had been angry with her for taking the interlude with Oberst Wessel. He was not na?ve; he knew that Benny's ...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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The Prisoner Part 21

Stephen was one of the guard’s at the prison and him and Jennie had had a secret relationship going for the last few weeks of her time in prison, and Stephen had invited Jennie back to his house to live together, rather than her going to one of the shelters run by the prison for newly released inmates. Jennie walked over to the car and climbed in the passenger side, “Aren’t you working today,” she asked. “No, I took the day off so I could get the house ready for your arrival.” Officer...

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Black Prisoner for White Sexy Wife

Not sure how I got so mixed up with this! One of Hubbies drinking friends was arrested for a driving charge and told this time he had to do a stretch in Jail! They moved him to a prison with men who let's say can look after themselves, sort of big physical lads.Hubby asked me to make him a nice treat from my kitchen...haha I said yeah a cake with a file in it!!!Came the day to go down and visit him he asked me to go there and take him the treat, plus he said a bit of 'eye candy' would...

2 years ago
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The Prisoners Daughter a tale of humiliation

The Prisoners Daughter: a tale of humiliationThe ring on the doorbell was the last thing she needed.  It had been a tough day at work and Natalie wanted nothing more to settle down with a glass of wine in front of the TV.  She would just go and tell whoever it was to get lost - probably just canvassing or something. She opened the door a crack on the security chain.  A man stood on the other side: well dressed, fairly young and quite good looking actually.  Perhaps she wouldn't tell him to get...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The prisoner part one

Hallie felt all the eyes of every prisoner in cell block C staring at her as she was being led to her cell by one of the guards at the State Prison for Women!!! Catcalls of, "Hey, look at the fresh meat, and can't wait to see you in the shower punk ass bitch!!!," spilled out of the cells from the hardened cons!!! "This is your new home, Gentry," the guard said after stopping in front of cell number C-81, "your cell mate is Donna Price, but everyone just calls her Big Donna!!!" With a wave to a...

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GSP Chapter 113 Prisoner Inside the Hospital

Prologue The hot humid air was very still as two persons carefully stalked through the night of Prospect Park. In the darkness only a keen observer could see that they were both females. Far away the sound of cars could be heard from the streets of Brooklyn, but they were busy listening for other kinds of sounds. After a silent moment the taller of them, equipped with a camera, cleared her voice. "Boss, it is completely quiet. Let's go home, the monster isn't here," she said with a...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Prisoner 9666

Number 9666 woke up in a cold sweat. She had the dream again. The dream where she was out in the warm sun then hands reached out from the ground and dragged her under into the dark depths of the cold rocky crust. She swung her feet over the cloth cot that was attached to the wall with chains. It was old and every time she sat on it or lay down 9666 thought this was the night it was going to break. If it did the guards wouldn’t fix it. Their job was to keep the inmates in not to keep them...

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Prisoner in his Harem Ch 05

In chapter 1-4 we met Sheikh Fouad bin Faisal bin Hoessein al Azzizi the 44 year old ruler of the Emirate West Tripolitania. More than 10 years ago he used his family fortune as an Arabian noble to conquer West Tripolitania with his band of foreign fighters. Was the country before suffering from tribal and religious conflicts that costed the lives of many of its young men nowadays under the wise rule of Sheikh Fouad the country is a stable area of peace and prosperity. Foreign journalists...

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Prisoner With No Name

I was not a soldier or a spy and I sure did not commit a crime. So why was I put in a prison? I could only guess it was leverage against my mother. She was a noble and the ambassador from our empire. The only question I had was why was I in isolation and why keep me for twenty years? They had taken me when I was fourteen and it was three years before they used me for tests, at least it felt like tests to me. They took tissue samples and injected me with bio drugs as well as pumped several...

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