ReflectionsChapter 12 free porn video

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At first it was the perfect home coming. Clarissa was caring and loving in spite of the hell she put me through with her teasing and tormenting. Thing is, the subbie in me liked that part. She was driving me crazy with the need to cum and I lost count how many times she brought me right to the edge.

To my surprise I had actually a good time but then we had done this before. The only difference, in the end I got to fuck her and our combined orgasms were absolutely mind blowing after all that build up of sexual tension from the constant teasing and the multiple denials.

One can hope, but I knew that I would never be allowed to cum until the very last moment as specified by that bloody agreement.

Funny how we both forgot about some of the stuff in it while we were cross with each other. Me for her betrayal, her over me getting so pissed off over something she considers I don't not what, but certainly not as serious as I do.

All was fine 'til she sprung it on me that had been getting fucked in our house. I really want to believe her about not having gone into our bedroom. Then it hit me. I had put the voice activated recorders around the house but not yet the cams. I'll have to find time to check on those. It would take a big load off my mind if she told the truth.

It's clear that Clarissa seems to know what she's doing. Any time I started to lose my erection during her story, she was able to restore it with a few wiggles over my dick. She actually got herself off sliding up and down on it without being penetrated. It must be that I'm so horny that it's working like this. Keep the sexual tension high and I'm in more accepting mood.

But still, I'm pissed off and confused but I can't get angry enough to call the whole fucking thing off. I think that if I did, it would be just a matter of time, probably not a very long time before I would lose her. I'm not ready for that, especially if she did tell the truth of keeping the jerk out of our bedroom.

She says I will be the only guy to ever get to sleep there with her but I have to wonder if we go on with this, keep this going after the trial period, how often that will be. Right now I'm sort of OK with things.

It's amazing what a few hours of sexual tension and moments of tenderness can do to reassure me that she really loves me.

But deep down in the far recesses of my mind, I just don't know. It always keep coming back to the same thing. I know I want to be dominated and sexually controlled up to a point. I just don't know yet where that is. Also, I really am not sure that cuckolding has to be part of that. Maybe I can deal with it if the rest of the time my needs are met. I wish I knew what they were. Wish I was able to define them more clearly. Lay them out to Clarissa.

I don't know what happened. Something penetrated my mind. A very concerned sounding Clarissa and someone slapping my cheeks.

"Baby, wake up baby. I'm soo sorry. Don't you dare and die on my you bastard."

Another set of slaps and someone exerting rhythmic pressure on my chest.

I opened my eyes and had to blink. My face was a mess from the multiple orgasms Clarissa had had riding it and it took a while to clear my eyes enough by rapid blinking.


"Shush babe. Here have a sip of water. You scared the crap out of me. You must have passed out and I didn't notice it. I almost did the same from the most explosive series of orgasms I ever had."

While talking Clarissa was kissing my face and licking her juices of me.

"Baby I'm soo sorry. Please forgive me. I don't know ... This has never happen before. I always noticed before when you got close to passing out and gave you a chance to breathe. Please tell me that you forgive me. Please!"

I was still working on regulating my breathing. Like she said we never before came even close to something like this. She always had control enough over herself to give me respites. To let me take a few deep breaths before sealing my mouth again with her ass or pussy.

Now I had to wonder what she was thinking while riding my face to be so oblivious to my need for air.

"Baby look at you, look at your cock it's still hard as an iron rod and it's leaking like crazy."

"Are you feeling any sort of sensation? Something close to an orgasm? What is going on?"

By that time I was breathing regular again and the pounding in my chest had stopped. It hurt a bit when I took a deep breath so I avoided that. Also I had quite a headache.

"Clarissa, I don't know. I don't really have any special sensation at all. Just still the same frustration of not getting that orgasm that I'm craving right now and have for the last couple of weeks."

"I think we better take a break babe. I'm gonna get a wash cloth and clean you up and some ice so that I can lock you back up. I'll untie you after that. You can relax in the hot tub. I have a feeling that you have some pretty sore muscles from the tension I put you through. I'll fix us something to eat during that time."

Of course Clarissa being Clarissa, it didn't all that smooth or without any further teasing. True, she very lovingly washed my face, first with a warm cloth and then a cool one that felt really good. But when it came to my dick she first had to make a big production of licking up all the stuff that had leaked out increasing my need to cum tenfold before hitting me with the ice and eventually the click of the new lock.

"There sweetie, now I can let you go. Your precious cock is back in its 'safe' cage. What I did not realize at the time was that she had taken out some of the extra spacer rings.

I settled into the hot tub and she was right. I must have strained some muscles while struggling for breath under her pussy because I could feel how they slowly relaxed. I don't know how long I sat in there. Maybe I had drifted off because it startled me when I heard her.

"Come on babe, get out of there and get dried off. Dinner is on the table."

That's when I realized how hungry I was. I guess pints of pussy juice is not quite enough to nourish my body.

"That smells wonderful. Thank you Princess, what a wonderful homecoming dinner."

Clarissa is not much of a cook but a couple of things she does really well and one of them is stuffed cabbage. One of my favorites.

"What would you like to drink Terry? You can have water with ice or without right now. When it's bedtime you can have a night cap for now I'm still very much in charge and I'm not done with you. So you need to keep your wits about it."

"Clarissa, up to the moment were you almost killed me I had a pretty good time. I'm still very much upset about your actions during the week. Having the jerk over here. There are also still lingering doubts..."

"On the other hand, while I didn't give you my consent to get fucked while I was gone, I guess it is implied by my earlier acceptance of you cuckolding me at the club. While I'm not happy about having your guys over here, I can see some merit in what you said earlier about keeping under the radar and having some of your co-workers see you out there would not be good for either of us."

"What I'm not going to do is put up with is your dominance 24/7 as you seem to keep trying. You ruined a perfectly good afternoon and early evening – well almost perfect with this crap of telling me what to drink and what not to."

"We are going to take a break from the game right now. That means that you are Clarissa, my wife and love of my life. Not Goddess, not Princess. I'm going to put some clothes on while we have dinner. I see that you did that already and I'm going to have a beer or two with my dinner."

"Don't even think about giving me any argument about it."

I did what I told her I would but somehow the nice feeling from earlier, at least before she sprung her fucking in the house on me was gone. The tension was back.

Clarissa didn't say a word during the meal but it was clear that she was pissed. Well so be it.

I put my own dishes into the dishwasher but ignored hers. Then I opened my suitcase, removed all the dirty stuff and deposited it in the laundry room. That is when I spotted the new bra, one I had never seen before, on top of her pile of lingerie waiting for me to wash them. It was covered with cum stains. It was clearly left there for me to see the first thing. Telling me again that I was a cuckold. Fuck her, I'm not doing laundry now.

I went back out, grabbed my case and headed off to my new quarters or cuck cave as Clarissa called it.

I was surprised. I expected a bare room with just a bed and dresser. More or less the way we had left it when the house was built. We never really had come to a decision of what to do with it. It is finished attic space over the garage. At one time I had thought about putting model trains up but never really had the time for it. We also talked about making it a game room with a pool table, stuff like that but again never got around to it.

It did have from the beginning a bathroom with a sink and shower and also on one end there was additional rough plumbing for a bar sink.

Well that was now finished off. There was a counter with an almost full size sink, some cabinets and small fridge. There also was a micro wave oven.

There was some form of shelf wall dividing the I don't know, kitchenette space was probably too strong a description from a living area. The bottom had cabinets that could be accessed from either side and the top had shelves that at the moment only contained some of my CD's, a new Bose system and a 32 inch flat screen TV.

The living area had a brand new twin to my chair down in the living room as well as a love seat and coffee table. There was lighting for reading and curtains on the windows.

A set of Shoji screens separated the living area from the sleeping area where also the bathroom was.

I hated to admit it but Clarissa had done a good job making the space look homey and comfortable. I just wasn't happy with the idea that unless I wanted to watch her with her lovers in the main part of the house, this was where I had to spend my time. Especially not knowing how often she would have one of them over.

I was looking at my bed and sure enough, there was a brand new mattress still in the plastic wrap and a pile of sheets and stuff. Maybe she did tell me the truth. I guess I'll have to wait 'til I get a chance to go into the garage and check the voice recorder.

Suddenly I felt her behind me pressing her breasts against my back, her hands reaching around starting to tweak my nipples through my shirt and small kisses and nibbles on my neck.

"So what do you think of your cuck cave babe?"

"You like it? I figure that you could pick some colors and the next time you have to go out of town I'll have someone come in and paint the place. Get rid of the builders off white or whatever that color is now."

"You've been busy. How did you find time between work and all the fucking?"

I couldn't resist the dig.

"Please be nice. I'm sorry for earlier. I should have realized that I was pushing you again too much. I seem to make that mistake a lot. I dumped big load on 'shit' on you and it was insensitive of me to try to continue, actually working myself up to the bitch mode. Please forgive me."

She turned me around and started to kiss me. I tried a bit of resistance but it just wasn't working and soon we were in a serious tongue wrestling match. That's when I realized that she had shortened the CB. I was a lot less comfortable than it had been earlier in the day when I got home from my trip.

"You messed with the CB, didn't you? Took some of the spacer rings out?"

Clarissa admitted it with a bit of a sheepish grin.

"Yeah I did. I decided that you did need some form of punishment for not letting me have those orgasms last weekend. Be a good boy and I'll make it longer again before you have to go to the office. But 'til then I'm going to make sure you know at all times that you're locked in that thing."

"Now let me help you get your bed ready."

That's when I noticed another innovation. A set of four short chains, one on each corner were now a permanent part of the bed. The chains had double sided snap hooks on each end to be able to vary the tension on my limbs from fairly relaxed to very restrictive. Also a new set of soft fur lined leather cuffs were attached to the hooks. I knew that they were new because our others were still downstairs probably still by that lounger on the patio.

I decided not to comment on those and neither did Clarissa. We unwrapped the mattress, put sheets on it as well as covers on the new pillows and blanket.

When done, we went back into the living area.

"I was thinking that we could move your desk up here and put it under the window. There is also room for the filing cabinet next to it."

"Yea, that will work."

I could see a slight smile on her face as I seemingly accepted my new role of having to share my house with her fuck toys.

"So what would you do with the room that is our office now?"

"Well I'm thinking of moving my desk and stuff into our bed room. There is plenty of space there for it. Since your side of the big walk in closet is now empty I could put it in there. That way I can close the door on it and no one will know it's there. Most of the time I'm in there anyway with my lap top so it really doesn't represent a real change and I'll have the printer right there and stuff."

"The other room, we have already a convertible couch there, so I thought of adding another couch or some chairs, get a really big flat screen TV and mount it on the wall. Sort of make it a media room. Roger, has a couple of buddies that are also into the cuckold thing and I may want to invite some of them with their girl friends for a party every so often. They can then fuck and sleep in there. I haven't met her yet, but I understand one of the ladies would bring her hubby along as a servant while we party."

She gave me a long searching look.

"Maybe one day...", but wisely stopped before I got riled up again.

"Babe, go check the bottom right cabinet on the room divider. I'll have a small one too of whatever you find in there."

I went and looked, there was an unopened bottle of my favorite cognac and two new snifters.

A peace offering?

I opened the bottle and poured us two drinks – hers small like she had asked, mine not so small. I needed something to calm my nerves. They were still very much on edge. I guess I was waiting if there was more to come.

As I headed over to her with her drink,

"Come babe, bring yours and sit with me. Please. I just want to be near you."

"As a matter of fact, what I would really like is to sleep with you up here since you won't come to our bed room. You know just cuddle, maybe give me one last gentle orgasm before going to sleep. I would really like that. That way I can tell you a few more times how much I love and need you."

"Yes babe, I know my recent actions don't necessarily show that but it's true. Come let's drink to getting old together."

I think I know what she's up to but I'm too tired and really don't want to argue any more – at least not tonight. So we finished our drinks and headed for my new sleeping area. I headed for the shower and Clarissa joined me. Any other day I might have enjoyed it more but it was clear that any actions taken by her tonight were aimed at making me hard and uncomfortable in that CB.

Well I sucked it up and blissfully she fell asleep after only two orgasms. I guess she was worn out from all that sexual activity earlier.

I contemplated leaving the bed and sleeping on the couch but once the was asleep my dick calmed down and it was no longer creating an issue inside the CB.

While I was laying there, all sorts of crazy thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't picture myself as servant to her and her fuck toy like she was hinting one of the husbands was willing to do. Was that one of her aims? Add this kind of humiliation to my regime? I guess I just have to try to hang in there and see how things develop.

The next big test will be when she brings one of her fuck toys home. What do I do then? Do I make nice? Ignore them and head up here? I just didn't know.

I guess a great deal depends on the attitude of the guy. If he behaves like the last two assholes, I'm going to find ways to stay away.

The last thought I had before going to sleep was that I really should seriously consider finding a professional to help me trying to sort out all my conflicting emotions and desires. Help to find out what I really wanted when it came to domination and submission. Maybe if I had a clearer vision and was able to communicate it to Clarissa things could work out.

I woke up early Sunday morning. Clarissa was still sleeping. One of her breasts was exposed and I was sorely tempted to lick her nipple. I don't know if there is some kind of thought transfer or not but I could have sworn that it grew larger while I was staring at it. Clarissa was gently snoring, so it was not a case of her getting turned on – weird.

I quietly went into the main house and the kitchen. Started some coffee, grabbed a glass of OJ and headed out to the garage to listen to the recordings.

I was a really happy camper because what I heard pretty much confirmed Clarissa's story even though I could have done without their comments that sleeping in my bed was almost as good...

Anyway at that moment some of the doubts about her retreated into the far reaches of my mind. I wasn't sure if I would ever fully trust her again but at least for the moment I was OK.

I really wished that I could bring my Mustang out and wash it but that would wake up Clarissa and she is not her best early Sunday mornings. Better not.

So I went back into the house and tackled the job of hand washing her lingerie. That bra with the cum stains irked me but it is what it is. I really do like it and sure hope than one day she'll wear it for me. I'm not going to ask because she'll extract a "price". Just going to wait and see.

By the time I was done with the her laundry it was just after nine and decided that it was time to wake her up. It was beautiful day and maybe we could just go for a ride, have some lunch some place in the country and then come back. I'm sure she's got further teasing and torment on her agenda for me.

It was warm in that room over the garage and Clarissa had thrown off the covers but was still sleeping or pretending to sleep. Not quite sure.

Note to self check the vents. Maybe have some more installed or get a separate unit for this space.

I gently moved one of her legs. I got a grunt but no other reaction. Now the way to her pussy was open and started to kiss it gently for several minutes. Just light kisses and some light flicks with my tongue over her hidden clit.

Suddenly like an explosion she erupted, clamped her legs around my head and grabbed my hair rather painfully.

"How dare you wake me up you bastard – I'm not ready. Good thing so that you did it the way you did or I would take my crop to your sorry ass. Now make me cum."

I really wanted her to let go of that of that "death grip" on my hair and ease her crushing of my head. So I went to town with some gusto and it did not take me all that long 'til that first orgasmic wave hit her pretty hard but as soon as it subsided a bit she released her grip on my hair and head.

She had just barely settled down and I was about to renew my efforts when both of her feet pushed me away and I landed on my ass on the floor.

"What the hell?"

"Out of my way unless you want me to pee into your mouth."

A really wicket grin came across her face.

"I think I really would like that – have a toilet slave. You up for the job honey?"

I just made a face and she dashed laughing into the bathroom without bothering to close the door. I could hear the flood gates open. Then some water running.

"OK, babe. Now let's start all over again. Maybe I should make you wake me like this every morning instead of that nasty alarm clock."

After three more orgasms, she cried "uncle".

"Enough for now. I'm famished. Does this establishment have room service?"

"Sorry Princess, but your highness needs to follow me to the kitchen. Coffee is done. We just need to decide what else to have with it."

"Oh, alright spoil sport. There is one of my robes in your closet up here, fetch it" and after a short pause "please".

She had the sweetest smile on her face and I really couldn't get angry at her.

I found some fresh blue berries in the fridge and we decided that I should make blue berry pancakes.

During breakfast, I suggested the ride but got turned down.

"Maybe after lunch. I am still turned on and I also want to extract some revenge on you for waking me as nice as it was."

"Let's grab some more coffee and go into the living room and read the paper for a bit."

At some point Clarissa got up and left the room. I could hear her talking. She must be calling someone and didn't want me to hear. Well I'll have to check on that later.

When she came back, she plopped herself on my lap and smothered me with kisses.

"Babe, you're the best. When did you do my laundry? I really didn't expect that. I may have to reward you by wearing that new bra once it's dry."

"What do you think of it? Hot isn't it? I'm really happy you got all of the stains out. Roger just kept..."

Seeing my frown, she just stopped.

"Sorry babe, sore subject. I know."

"Forgive me?"

"Let's go play in your room. It's too cool out on the patio right now. Go up and take all the stuff off the bed. Just leave the sheet and hook up your feet and one hand. Make sure you have a cuff on the other arm. Try to spread you legs as far as you can. I'll be up shortly."

I'm not sure how long I waited before I heard high heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

The sight framed by the Shoji screens was breathtaking.

There stood "Mistress Clarissa" all decked out in leather. Her hair in a pony tail and heavy eye makeup with fire engine red lips. Her full breasts were fighting the confinement of the leather bustier and almost winning. There was lots of cleavage. A flared leather micro skirt that allowed flashes of pussy and ass crack with thigh high very soft leather boots completed the look.

From her right wrist dangled the dreaded riding crop and the key to my CB flashed every so often in the cleavage between her breasts.

I was hoping that she would unlock me soon because that shortened CB was getting very tight and uncomfortable.

"What's the matter dear? Cat got your tongue? I don't hear any compliments on my looks from you."

This was followed with a quick strike across my thigh.


"Quiet or I'll gag you. Now what were you going to say?"

"Goddess..." I hated to say but I felt it was proper at that moment.

Another strike and I managed to just grunt.

"This morning it is MISTRESS CLARISSA. Your Princess and Goddess have the morning off."

"Try again." This was followed by a third strike. I tried to see. I'm sure I would have some welts there.

"Keep your head down. I'm still waiting. Maybe you like getting whipped."

"Sorry Mistress Clarissa. You look absolutely stunning. Thank you for letting me look at you. I'm humbled by your presence."

That got me a tiny smile.

"Let me secure your other arm."

In a few short moments she had me stretched to what I thought was my limit. At a later point I found out that it wasn't.

"I'm going to put some baggie ties on the links that you are hooked into at this point. That way you will know the next time what I expect from you when I tell you to go up here and hook yourself up tightly."

I had hoped that the pain would cause my erection to wilt but no such luck. If anything it seemed to grow even larger. Well not that it could, just that the pressure inside the CB seemed to get stronger. That added to my confusion because pain had never really been a turn on for me before. We had played these games before. It was nothing really new, other than the CB, and Clarissa almost always had to stimulate my dick by hand to get it hard.

Why was this now different. I tried to think back to the night when both Clarissa and Julie tortured me but I really couldn't recall. I know I was scared at the time because the damn dental tool took my ability to say a safe word away. Coming to think, I do believe that I was soft most of the time during that ordeal.

Was that the difference? Right now I could call a halt if I wanted to.

Her soft hand started fondle my balls."

Things are getting tight in there. Yes?" Tapping my CB with the end of the crop.

"Good boy. I really didn't want an answer from you. From now on you will only speak when I tell you to. Clear?"

I made an attempt to nod, rather than say that I understood.

A smile come to Clarissa's face.

"Pet, you were always a fast learner."

I frowned because I didn't like her calling me pet. That was Julie's and Liza's name for me.

Luckily Clarissa didn't question it.


I had hubby where I wanted him helpless and suffering a bit. Strange, he was hard, well as hard as he could be within the confines of the CB. Normally pain like the three strikes on his thigh would have started him on the road to getting soft.

We will have to talk about that, try to figure out what in this scene this morning caused him to be so turned on. I'm guessing right now that Terry is confused too.

"Your Mistress is going make you suffer a bit – just because I can. You don't mind do you dear?"

Terry shook his head, really in no position to argue at this point and he was clearly still turned on.

"Your cock is going to take the place of your safe word. I really do NOT want to hear you speak right now."

When I see it shrink inside that CB, I'll stop or at least give you a break."

I went to town torturing him whipping the inside of his thighs just hard enough to leave welts but not break any skin. I had some new nipple clamps that teeth and got tighter the more I pulled on the connection chain.

He was clearly suffering some pain, he groaned and winced and his eyes got watery while I had virtually buckets of pussy juice running down my legs. This was soo hot.

I kept an eye on his cock but that CB was filled to almost bursting. He never got soft in spite of the pain. The first time I noticed a bit of shrinkage was when I started to whip the soles of his feet. Not hard. Sure did not want to incapacitate him but I'm certain that it really hurt because now he started sniffle and snot was running out of his nose.

I stopped, got a tissue and wiped his face. That got a me little smile.

As soon as I put my hands on his balls, his cock started to swell again. Good, he's back in the right frame of mind. Time to drop the bomb on him.

Hiking up my skirt and fully exposing my dripping pussy I straddled his legs. Then I bent his cock up towards his head creating quite a bit of tension between the ring around his ball sack and his balls. I could see it hurt. Good, it's going to hurt some more. I moved further 'til his upward bent cock and cock cage rested against my clit. Hmm, that felt nice. So I moved just slightly up and down teasing my clit with the ridges from the CB.

That really brought tears to his eyes and I almost came just from that.

"Poor baby."

I leaned forward so that I could lick up those tears. That of course increased the strain on his balls causing him to groan and moan. Clearly he was now in real pain but I got carried away with my power. Instead of backing off and checking on him I started to wiggle my butt and the friction on my clit and pussy sent me over the edge.

Only when I heard real sobbing and pleas to back off that I came out of some kind of fog and backed off.

I got of his legs and knelt next to him kissing parts of his upper body and flicking my tongue against his nipples where there was no clamp.

I don't know maybe five ten minutes of that and he was hard again.

I got hold of his nipple clamps and started to pull and twist them.

"Babe, I love you but I also love hurting you like this. You still OK?"

I just nodded slightly.

"Good, I'm almost done. Now listen carefully."

"I want to invite Roger over on Wednesday night. We'll go out to dinner first, then come here. It will look like a regular business dinner. I'm not going to dress extra sexy and there will be no hanky panky in the restaurant. That will wait 'til we come here. So you have to fend for yourself as far as dinner is concerned."

"Now comes the hard part for you. I want you to be here and to make 'nice' to Roger. Just be civil. I want you to get to know him a bit. Hang with him while I change into something hot. Also I insist that you hang around while we play in the living room. The worst you'll see is a blow job but I want you to see that. After that, you can leave and head up here. By the time you come down for breakfast he'll be gone."

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Island in the Hawaiian chain? ... before Mako sharks? ... Megalodon? Yikes. Teeth the size of plates? Jaws big enough to sit in? Maybe stand in? Errk! "HAL? Take me there?" "Why certainly, Dave." From the air, Kahoʻolawe looks much like most of the chain, but dry. The volcano that is the over riding presence was still steaming. On the big island just to the south and east a little, land forming was very much in place. Maui had vents of steam but the pyrotechnics of the newest volcano...

3 years ago
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unhappy dykes

Unhappy Dykes        I don’t have anything particular against homosexuals personally, but this idea just came to me one day.  If the title makes you unhappy, go somewhere else.  But, I think I have created a somewhat unusual story here and have tried to put in lots of detail.  The details of what it’s about are there.  If you don’t like this kind of thing and read it anyway, don’t blame me.  But, I do appreciate opinions.         I was your average person I guess.  I worked a 9-5 job, came...

2 years ago
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How I Shared My Wife With My Best Friend

My story is about my wife and my best friend and what happened this summer. My story is a bit unlike the ones I read on the Internet. My monogamous wife of many years didn't just all the sudden see a friends penis and find she had to have it. This seduction took place through many years of friendship that grew closer and more intimate as years went on. I guess I should start in the first few years of our marriage when this closeness started. John was my best friend from 7th grade. After...

3 years ago
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Whats for Supper

That’s a question every mother and wife dreads hearing on a weekend when she knows there isn’t much in the fridge to fix. Guess I should have gotten into town earlier this week but there was just so much to do around the house. After asking if anybody wanted to go to the grocery and getting a “No” from everyone, as expected, I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, hopped into the ‘ol Explorer and headed into town. It’s about a thirty-minute drive into town. There’s a small mom and pop...

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My Holiday in Florence 1

I had only been in my room for a couple of minutes when there was a quiet knock on the door. The manager was there with a couple of towels over his arm and asked me if I was ready for the bath. I said I was, and he invited me to follow him as he would open the bathroom and make sure that everything was comfortable for me. He led me down to the basement where there was a long dark corridor running to the back of the hotel. I was slightly worried but he confidently put his arm round my...

3 years ago
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Eating my friend after drinks

October has always been a rough month for me. Summer is over, and winter is on the way, and the cute girls start to cover up. This particular October evening, a friend texted to say that she was going to a new bar in my neighborhood, and wondered if I would join. She was a hottie, and while I am not so bad myself, not everyone is looking for the slightly chubby type with glasses and dimples. This made it hard for me to find a good hookup when I was with her, prowling the night scene, so I was...

1 year ago
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HornyHousehold Gia DiBella Fucking The Tight Teen Ass Of My Filipina Italian Stepsister

Sexy petite Filipina Italiana slut Gia Dibella starts off undressing herself, and then playing with her toys. She uses the hitachi on her clit, while using her glass toy in her ass. After that, Gia puts her butt plug in, and gets dressed to meet up with her date, Conor Coxxx. He shows her some things on his phone, and then they start kissing and undressing. He licks her clit and fingers her pussy. After that, Gia gets on her knees and starts sucking his big cock. Its not long before the horny...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 13 The Treehouse

Saturday, June 5, 1971 Sixteen mostly sleepy women were exiting the dining room as I descended the main stairs. I stood there as they filed by, headed out the front door to board the chartered coach that would take them for their day at the spa. Being beautiful is hard work sometimes. Vickie and Nicky both detoured when they saw me, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck!" Vickie thought to me. Liz just smiled and winked as she walked by. I sensed that Beth and Penny were...

2 years ago
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Ek Bahut Hi Hot Concert In Haridwar

Hi friends this is sexy boy again…. And i m back with a new story of your choice……. Aapne meri pichli story ko bahut like kiya aur mujhe mails bheje….Bahut saari ladkiyo ne to mujhse chudne ki bhi iccha jahir ki aur maine bhi puri ki.. Meri mail id Aap mujhe yahoo messanger par bhi add kar sakte hai aur facebook par bhi. Meri facebook id hai Jo log mujhe nahi jante unke liye bata doo ki mera naam hai sameer sharma height 5 ft. 8 inches and 7″ long and thick dick…..To ab story par aate...

1 year ago
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sex in singapore

hi all iss readers hope u all liked my previous 2 inceidents ,,am apurva and this is my last post since am geting married ,this happened to me wen i went to singapore wid my bf,,as a reminder am 5.2,now 34_32_34,(ur right stats hav increased) fair ,shoulder lenght hair,,iam datin a rich guy,,wont take his name he loves me very much n we deceide to go for a trip to singapore,,he was very simple n kind guy,,we were boared at hyaat hotel,,it was a five star,n tat evening he proposed me for marrige...

2 years ago
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Double TroubleChapter 2

I awoke the next morning around ten. Aunt Gen was asleep next to me and as soon as I looked at her naked body my rod started to rise. She looked beautiful lying there. Her breasts rose and fell with her gentle breathing. Her red haired pussy looked so sexy. I bent over and started to gently lap her exposed nipples. I barely touched them, just teasing the tip with my tongue. She stirred slightly but did not wake. I sucked the whole nipple into my mouth and caressed it with my tongue. It began...

2 years ago
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Fluffy Duffy the Devonshire AffairChapter 3 H Is For Huge

"We're back!" Fluffy held the phone at arm's length. She could still hear Danielle's squealing voice. It had been so peaceful these last three weeks. "We got back late last night. I met loads of boys and I've got this amazing bikini and loads of new things. You can have your T-shirt back, I'll bring it round now if you like..." "I don't need it, really, Dan..." "And I can show you my tan in this new bikini. Pity it's pissing with rain or we could go swimming or just maybe...

3 years ago
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My Awesome Experience

Hi there, I’m Amit from Mumbai I’m 24 now, 5”10, fair, good looking guy people say that and writing my first story that happened with me three months ago. I was very shy kind of boy in school that why not had any girlfriends. This is about how I seduced my girlfriends friend, her name is Rica name changed 34 28 34 very gorgeous face. I never had any bad intentions to her because she was very close to my girlfriend. Coming to story one day my girlfriend told me Rica is very upset and not telling...

2 years ago
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Another Step In My Path

My massages with Jim had continued about every two to three weeks. Sometimes the massage was the last thing on my mind, I just wanted him to use me and satisfy his needs sexually with my willing body. A few times I arrived and he had to work. I would get on my knees and while he would work on his computer, I swallowed his seed. I found my desire to be used by him had grown and I had started to refer to myself his slut. I told him I was his to use, and he could do whatever he wanted to do to me....

Gay Male
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Indian WinterChapter 10

The silver Audi sat concealed behind the pile of gravel. Wheel marks and discarded KFC packaging indicated the spot was well-known locally. Over the wire fence Sharmila could see Mary's cottage, nestled contentedly in her half acre of manicured grounds. A light was on in the lounge and another, she thought, was probably the kitchen. This was the country and the couple paid little attention to pulling curtains closed. Earlier, she'd seen Jake chopping wood by the side of the house. He was...

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Santa and the MILF

The day dawned bright and cheery and Santa was in a jolly raunchy mood. He had slept with his favorite elf and had been well serviced. It was a slow day appearance wise. There was one gathering in East Palo Alto for a very large group of neighborhood Mexican children. When that was done Santa was looking forward to a nice soak in the hot tub with his two favorite elf maidens. His sleigh was cleaned and polished and ready to transport him to EPA for his appearance. He climbed in his sleigh and...

1 year ago
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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch 07

It was almost nine when Clara left the mansion to go on her morning run. This time, she deliberately slowed her pace. Clara loathed doing anything half-hearted, but it was only by sheer luck that nobody had noticed her running at super-human speeds last time. She couldn’t risk anyone discovering her secret, and besides, she had a lot to think about. Surprisingly, the location of the amulet played very little on her mind during her run, despite the recent revelations as to where it could be. It...

2 years ago
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Sandy and Frank Ch 18

‘I swear that I floated back up those stairs because I don’t remember my feet touching the treads! The idea of wearing that little nightgown in front of the others would never have occurred to me, and if it had, I would have said ‘no way!’ However, Frank asked me so nicely and so lovingly to try it on for everyone. I did it, really, for him. Obviously, he was right for I was basking in the unqualified admiration of everyone and that approval from them really thrilled me. Also, the public...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 30 Christmas Part 4

After the kids went to bed, we went to the apartment above the garage and brought down their presents. We got them all set out and were sitting in the family room with the only lights coming from the tree. Lynn stood and kissed me. “Good night Lover. I’ll see you in the morning.” “Me too Sweetie, I think Lynn needs me to give her some TLC like we did in the old days.” Erin waggled her eyebrows. “I guess that means that Blossom and I are going to stay down here for a while and talk. Good...

1 year ago
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I had agreed to watch my brothers' twin 17-year-old daughters for a week while he and his wife went on a cruise to celebrate their anniversary. I had not seen my nieces in a couple years so I was a little startled when the showed up wearing matching miniskirts and halter tops. They had grown up since I'd last seen them. They had been cute with the potential for sexy. Now they'd grown into that potential. They were both redheads and it was difficult to tell them apart unless you knew them. Emily...

2 years ago
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my endless night of pleasure

it all started when me and my bf at the time was sat in the living room it had been a pretty boring day we were just having a couple of drinks as we did on most occasions and i was getting a little horny so i looked at my bf and said i was going to put a dvd on so i walked ova to my bag and pulled out a porn dvd and wen he realised what i had put on u saw a smile come right across his face he looked pleased so we started to watch it and continue our drinking by the end of it we had started to...

3 years ago
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Cherry BombChapter 17

I'm glad we had the mesh on today. As we headed on the 121E to 75N I thought we had hit a wall. The heat was terrible but that is what we had mesh and cool vests for. We hit the Oklahoma border with no problem and then it was on to Tulsa. We traveled 75N to 69N then jumped over onto the 60E. It was a nice quiet ride, a few twisties and a lot of farming. Since it was Sunday, we just took it easy. I think Reggie wanted to stop at every roadside fruit and veggie stand we found. We stopped in...

4 years ago
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Jennys Ladies Fun Night

Here is a little information about my friends. Ronnie is the youngest at 35. She is a knockout, fair-skinned redhead with a very athletic body and a killer ass. Most think that Ronnie must be/been a model, but she is not. Ronnie is completely straight and has never had a bi-sexual experience in her life. Maria is a 47 year old exotic beauty. She is of Latin and African descent with a big sexy, fiery attitude packed into her little 5’ 2” body. Maria is 100% lesbian. That wasn’t always the...

1 year ago
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Unexpected 1

Unexpected! 1 She was so angry and disappointed, and almost lost in her thoughts, after the rabid guy had to ruffle her to give him some help! T: - I'm sorry to bother you ... he said ... .. C: --- ΩΩΩΩ !!! I did not understand you, you scared me a little bit about the truth ...... Yanna told him. T: - Is there anything wrong with you? ... he continued ... ..and sat down beside her. C: ------ What to tell you now ...... is a great story. T: "Tell me, I want to know, do not be afraid, I do not...

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My Sisters Habit

It was Friday night, about three o’clock. My sister Deanne had come home a minute ago, blind drunk again, as she often did lately. Right now, she was stumbling up the stairs in a fruitless attempt to make as little noise as possible to avoid waking up our parents. Of course, she didn’t need to worry about that, I doubt even a cannon blast would wake them. Not with his loud snoring and her earplugs. However, it did wake me. In a few more moments Deanne would stumble into my room, she always...

3 years ago
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All I wanted was a simple life part 1

I suppose my story really starts on a afternoon in May, I was in my house which was half of a converted large country house that had been made into two, the other half had stood empty for a couple of months since the owners moved due to work commitments. I had been enjoying the peace and quiet living alone miles from my closest neighbour and not having to go out as my job was done on a computer and emailed through and I did my shopping online and had it delivered and at 38 years old was...

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Beth 3Chapter 1

"They're moving, Tommy!" Kevin sat on the couch looking like somebody had just punched him in the gut. "They? Are you talking about Gail?" All I got was a dejected nod. According to the big brother's owner's manual I should now offer my younger sibling the benefit of my vast experience on how to handle losing a girl. The problem was my experience bucket on that particular subject was empty. Beth was my first real girlfriend and when I tried to imagine losing her, my mind...

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The SisterhoodChapter 15

Doug Whitfield was a veteran of receiving lines. As a result, he managed to stand back out of the way as people moved down the line. He had selected his position to allow him to watch Queen Karla and her friends. Standing side by side as they were, he was amazed at their appearance and behavior. First, he realized that they were almost like peas in a pod. They were physical duplicates of one another. As he watched, things became even more surprising. Watching closely, he realized that they...

1 year ago
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Another Goal Attained Ch 1

At the ripe age 55 I had met most of my life goals. I had a nice house in the country, a beautiful wife, and the kids were out of and married. I have a great marriage but the spark, sexually, has been missing for sometime. One recurring desire was my obsession to make love to my younger sister Jacquee who is 5 years younger than me. As kids, Jacquee and I became attracted to each other physically, and in our youth and teen years she and I did some light experimentation with sex, which at times...

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Funtime With Friends Girlfriend Part 3

Hi friends, Seriously I don’t get time to work on next part due to business travels.. For new readers, please read my old parts from below links Anil left to get veggies. I closed the door and headed towards bedroom and she followed me and grabbed her panty from pocket. (I was watching for him from window. Confirmed that he left. ) I : do your really want to wear it now? P : yes.. I : (pulled her close and kissed on her neck) so your don’t want any actions from my side. P : yes..   I : ok...

2 years ago
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Magical Checkbook

You already know me, the dreamer and science fiction fan from class. Every High School has kids like me. Science Fiction, Video Games and dreams are my life. Getting home from school to get lost in a book or a game. Would anyone know me, care or recognize me one year after school? I am like many boys and fantasize about sex. I hit the incest chat rooms and wonder. Tina is two years older than me, a 5"3" little blonde bombshell with blue eyes, tawny skin with C cups and a slender body. I knew...

1 year ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Aunt

I am Kiran (name changed), 31 years from Hyderabad. I saw about this story when I was browsing. So I wanted to narrate my real experience which happened to me about 10 years back (while graduation). I was living with my parents in a govt. Colony and my aunt (mom’s sister) was also residing in the same colony, about 10 mins walk. Her name was Priya (name changed) working, was about 34 years with two kids. Elder was 7 years and younger was 2 years old. My uncle was working in govt. Office and was...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 3

My wife's younger sister, Susan, had come for the weekend. Susan always liked to flirt and tease me, but home alone together on Friday, flirtation had led us to agree to masturbate for each other. I convinced myself that this was innocent enough and that I was in no way being unfaithful to my wife, Barbara, since Susan and I agreed not to touch one another. But, one thing led to another, and in Part-2 you read about how I ended-up masturbating her to an intense orgasm. In Part-3, I have to...

3 years ago
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A Mothers Desire

As a sophomore in college I met the most amazing man. We dated throughout college and soon after graduation we married. After our third year of marriage I became pregnant and delivered a beautiful baby boy. Our life together was amazing we dedicated ourselves to each other and the sex was always amazing. Who could ask for anything more?That was until the night of January 14, 2015. The doorbell rang and as I answered the door there were two State Police Officers standing there. Then that most...

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Hawtseet U Chapter 1

Hawtseet U - Chapter 1 "We did it!" said Amy on the phone. "I just got the e-mail. They accepted me, too!" "Yesss!" Daisy said, from the other side of the phone. "I knew you'd get in, too, Amy! OMG, this is great!" "Yes, it is," Amy said. She took a deep breath, trying to get a hold of herself. Daisy was right: This was absolutely great. It had been Amy's dream to be accepted in Hawtseet University, one of the most prestigious schools on the planet. It was also the most mysterious school...

1 year ago
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Identity Crisis

Phew! Today's Pre-Calculus lecture was murder. At least that was my last class that day. It was still early afternoon, so I headed down to the study room in the basement of the Bio-Technology Building. Some of us called it the Fish Tank because it had a wall of windows facing into a foyer where several corridors met. Another wall of glass on an opposite wall gave a view of the campus data center. The Fish Tank had some conference tables and a bunch of chairs scattered. Two guys I recognized...

3 years ago
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Freshman Year part 2

“Well, it is 8.” HOLY FUCK I WAS IN THE SHOWER FOR AND HOUR AND A HALF! “Haha true…well I was just about to get dressed and come on over. So did your roommate come yet?” “No, she moves in tomorrow I guess…so do you have any cups?” I pointed to the stack of disposable cups in the little kitchen area, which just consisted of a sink, mini-fridge, and microwave. I grabbed a pair of shorts and another t-shirt from my drawer and said that I would be back in a sec, and headed off to the bathroom...

4 years ago
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A Friendship Missed

April, 2020I just wanted to record some thoughts and feelings. I am a man in my early 50’s and I have a tights fetish.I met a young woman on a chat. She was 20 and bi and we chatted for hours. At 5ft 3, she was petite with brown hair, although that was her description, as I never saw a picture of her. She had worked in a café prior to the Coronavirus lockdown, but wasn’t sure if she would go back. I had asked what she wanted to do, but she wasn’t sure. She was single, as her last boyfriend had...

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My First Time With Jess

It was my gay best friend's 18th birthday and we were having a house party. I'd gone there with a girl who I'd been sleeping with casually for a few weeks. She was a short, pretty girl with jet-black hair similar to mine. We were into the same things sexually and in general and at the time I felt that things would end up going further than just casual sex. We had already spent the afternoon smoking pot and getting intimate. We both loved to please each other. We'd spend hours licking each other...

1 year ago
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One Rainy Night

Thunder crashed, rattling the window pane next to me. Rain pattered against it. I was eating supper alone in the hospital cafeteria. While I ate I read the box scores from the sports page as was my habit when I worked the four-to-midnight shift. ‘Do you mind if I join you?’ asked a toffee-colored nurse. She was dressed in white scrubs. Looking up from my paper, I replied, ‘Wouldn’t you rather sit with your own kind?’ ‘You mean black folks, cracker?’ she snapped. Her voice hardened with...

1 year ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Unforeseen consequences I woke up sweating like a pig. The nightmare I had, had taken quite the toll on me. I removed the blanket from my body and sit up on the corner of my bed. Taking a deep breath I stood up and moved towards my bathroom. "Wumps" I crushed into something and staggered back, opening my eyes for the first time awake today I looked at the dresser I had just ran into. I remembered this dresser, I had seen it a few week's ago I was sure of it. Yeah, that was...

3 years ago
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So far, I've visualized a gathering of people at a large house. I'm upstairs on an upper landing and I see you right away. You're wearing a long dress, emerald green (a colour that I think suits your hair colour and complexion), with a low-cut bodice that shows your curves off to my advantage. You are having an argument with a man who storms off and leaves. I get the sense from you that you are relieved and are not going to leave the party and are going to have a good time while you're here.You...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 11

I heard a sound; something I was familiar with but didn't recognize. Then a short, sharp bark. I opened my eyes and saw Bozo right in front of me. He started licking my face as if it was covered in chocolate and he was trying to get it all off. I pulled back and realized I was grabbing onto a pillow as if I had my arms around someone. I knew the bed was empty behind me before I turned around to make sure. Bozo started whining. That was the sound I'd heard but not quite heard before the...

4 years ago
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The Peeper Gets Busted Part One

I was over my friend's house for the evening. I thought it was gonna be a late night, because his parents were out for the entire night. We were just hanging out and watching TV when the phone rang and it was his girlfriend. When he hung up he said I had to leave right away and the girlfriend was on her way over. She had figured out some scheme so she could be out all night. I was a little but pissed, but what could I do? So I went home, but not without an evil plan. I figured there...

2 years ago
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Wanted Desires

I was in the middle of moving my things out when Shia got back from his trip out of town. He came into the bedroom where I was having the movers load the last of the boxes.When he saw me and what I was doing; he dumped his duffel bag onto the floor. He walked over to me, pinned me against the wall, and then barked at me."You were just going to fucking leave and not say anything to me."I didn't respond to him, not wanting to fight, which is why I had waited until he was gone to move my things...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 06

A few days later, Brody huffed out a breath as he dropped onto the bench in the dressing room. He grabbed some Gatorade and gulped it down, exchanging high-fives with his teammates as they filed past. "Good job." Chuck Baxter clapped him on the shoulder as he dropped to the bench next to him. "Now we just have to do it all again next game." "No problem." Brody grinned. "Give me ten minutes." Baxter laughed and started unlacing his skates. "Ten? Come on, man, you're ten years younger than I am....

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 15 Meeting Janetrsquos Folks

Wednesday evening I visited Janet’s house to meet her folks. Her mother had previously invited me to supper, but after discussing it with Major Johnson; we determined it was best that I declined her offer, as there was still a safety risk to consider. Not wanting to offend her parents, I told them that my parents were hosting a small dinner party that evening, and I already agreed to attend it. That meant I could duck out early without appearing rude or risking hurting anyone’s feelings for...

4 years ago
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Mission 1 Cuba

I boarded a plane from my airport in the U.S. An envelope I received earlier that day had my target. A drug Lord in Cuba had a daughter getting married soon. My job was to humiliate the family by leaving her a eastward child. The father owned a vineyard as a cover up for his drug business. Tomorrow he was holding a party which was my chance to get in. I arrived in Cuba were an airport worker gave me another envelope. I went to the airport cafe and opened it. Inside was a picture of the...

1 year ago
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Long Foreplay

I entered in the weekly Euchre tournament, and who would you suppose I drew as my partner? At first I didn't recognize her, it had been 4 or 5 years since the last time I had seen Sherry. After talking for a few minutes, I realized who she was and that I hadn't known she wore glasses. I had had the hots for this gal since I was a teenager and had first seen her when she was dating my cousin, I was always so jealous because I thought she was so fine. I am sure that there was probable some...

1 year ago
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My First Sex

Linda was a 19 year old blonde fox. My older brother Rick was dating her. Linda was my Uncle's neice by marriage. Rick was drafted in the Army. He would be gone for two years. I wondered why Linda was still coming around all the time. I asked her out one Saturday night and she said yes. We went to a drive-in movie. We necked a little and talked a little. After the movie, I took her home. I was pretty stupid. She streched and said she was not ready to call it a night but I could not take the...

First Time
2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 13

Tim was up early the following morning, having some chores to do in the yard. He worked for an hour or so then decided to have some breakfast. He assumed that Janice was still asleep. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw her sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. She had her robe on and the paper was in front of her on the table. "How are you feeling this morning?" he asked almost shyly. There was a nervous excitement in the pit of his stomach. He was certain that she had...

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