Axiom Chapter 5 free porn video

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It was still dark when Gwyneth inexplicably stirred from sleep, even though the alarm hadn't gone off. Still groggy, she was about to roll over and slip back into slumber until she realized that she wasn't alone in bed. A strong, muscular arm was draped over her waist, pulling her close to the masculine warmth that was spooning her from behind. Slowly, she twisted around to face him, making sure not to wake him in the process. When he felt her weight shift his arms tightened around her in reflex and his breath hitched a little, but the movement didn't rouse him. Looking at his sleeping face made her smile.

Even when he was unconscious, he wore a slightly stern expression, looking all serious and grim like he always did. It occurred to her that she'd never seen him in his sleep before. He did look so delicious with his hair all tousled and messy, his toned chest rising and falling in deep, steady breaths. Memories from the night before began to percolate through her mind, reminding her of the gravity that yesterday's events implied, but she brushed it off and allowed herself to succumb to the dregs of sleep. Gwyneth sighed in contentment and pressed her nose into the shallow space between his chin and collarbone, weaving a long leg through his parted ones. Comfortably snuggled up against him, she drifted off back to join him in his dreams.

The alarm blared on time and Gwyneth's arm shot out in reflex to snooze it. Morning sunlight cut through a gap in the curtains in a faint beam and she could feel him stirring beside her, his long limbs stretching as he slowly woke up. He yawned widely and buried his nose in her hair, reluctant to get out of bed.

"Morning," his voice was gruff and deep, pretty much as sexy as she'd ever heard him.


Gwyneth smiled a little and pressed a kiss on his stubbly jaw. Her whole bed smelt of him - that clean, masculine scent lingered on her sheets and pillows, titillating her senses. God, this was utterly divine. A small part of her memory pricked up, reminding her that they should probably talk about yesterday and at least try to sort things out. But as she pulled away as saw Aidan gazing at her with heavy-lidded eyes, blinking so slowly she thought he might just slip back into unconsciousness at any second, she just let it go.

That could wait - for now, she just wanted to enjoy him and soak in the afterglow of a memorable night. They just lay there, looking at each other, reveling in each other's presence. She found it odd that he was so lugubrious this morning. The normal Aidan usually hopped out of bed with enough time to spare for a leisurely breakfast with the morning paper.

"I don't ever want to leave this bed," he murmured, voice still thick with sleep.

"You're more than welcome to stay here with me all day..."

"Now that's an offer I can't refuse."

His arm snaked around her neck to pull her in for a morning kiss and he moaned softly into her lips as he felt her kiss him back. It was almost surreal, she thought. Cuddling with him in her bed on a lazy morning the night after they'd admitted their feelings for each other. As if to convince herself that he was really there and this was not just a dream, her hands embarked on a stealthy expedition across his body, starting from the chiseled planes of his chest and slowly moving south ... True enough, her sleepy lover cracked one eye open and shot her a sensuous smile. Her fingers fluttered over the ridges of his abdomen, tracing the grooves between each muscle, inching towards his most sensitive spot. He was already hard when her fingers closed over his length, drawing out a throaty groan from him. The fog of sleep started to clear from his eyes when her hand started to move up and down his engorged member, igniting the familiar sparks of desire in him.

Biting her lip to hide her smile, she rolled on top of him before he even had time to react, propping herself up on her elbows to hover above him. Her long brown hair fell in a smooth curtain around their faces. Their lips met again, the kiss as heavy with desire and want as it was with tender affection. His hands ran down the length of her smooth, slender back, luxuriating in the feel of skin on naked skin. She could feel his hardness pressing against her belly, the physical evidence of just how much he wanted her. With a playful gleam in her eye she let her kisses trail downwards, meandering in a leisurely path down his jawline and neck to pause at his nipples. She took one into her mouth, flicking at the sensitive tip with her tongue and watched him stiffen in response. When she nipped at the small bud with her teeth she heard his growl at the base of his throat, the strong muscles of his thigh going taut with tension. Keeping her eyes fixed on his, she continued towards his groin, watching his eyes darken as she moved closer and closer to where he wanted her most.

She was almost at his navel when his phone rang in a plaintive, digital bleat, vibrating loudly against the surface of the bedside table. As they both chose to ignore it, she deviated her kisses towards the insides of his thighs, fully intending to drive him crazy. It worked - he pushed himself up onto his elbows and sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, staring down at her with licentious eyes. Thankfully the phone stopped ringing, just in time for Gwyneth to tease him with soft kisses at the line where his hip met his legs. He didn't move a muscle and allowed her to torture him to her heart's content. She could see the hunger blazing in his irises, his lips slightly parted in expectation. This was her man, the man she loved, the man she needed, the man who made her happy - lying naked in her bed, patiently enduring her games.

Gwyneth would have renewed her assault on him if the phone hadn't started ringing again. Whoever was calling must've had a good reason to pester Aidan so early in the morning. She sighed and pulled away from him but he grabbed her shoulders to stop her.

"Ignore it. I'm here with you and it's you I want to spend time with. The rest of the world can wait."

"Aidan, it might be important -"

"Fuck that, I don't care. It's just a phone call." He pulled her up so that her face was level with his. "We're here together, just us both, and I'm willing to just let everything disappear away."

The constant ringing of the phone seemed to deliberately rebel against every word he said. She could see a flash of irritation cross his eyes, the intrusion obviously annoying him to no end. He swore softly, sitting up to reach for the phone and was about to switch it off until he got a good look at the caller ID. She could have sworn that his entire body tensed up, his facial expression tightening ever so imperceptibly when he identified the mystery morning caller. It was easy to tell that the last thing he wanted to do was answer that bloody call, but there was a obviously a compelling need for him to do so. Maybe she should have been mad - any other woman in her right mind would've expected him to ignore the call and focus on her, but she didn't mind it one bit. She expected this. Being a top-notch lawyer meant being married to the job.

"You should get that," she advised gently, brushing her lips against the skin of his shoulder.

His reluctance was written all over his face, but the look in her eyes convinced him to do what he dreaded. "Right after my big speech on being with you." He grimaced. "God, I'm terrible."

"You are." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry about this."

"Don't be."

He sighed, took her hand in his and pressed a button on the phone.

"Yes?" His greeting was brusque, lacking any warmth whatsoever. He shot her a meaningful glance, quietly thanking her for being so gracious about all of this, and she just smiled back sweetly, knowing that his mood was rapidly deteriorating with every passing second.

"Where did you hear this?" Pause. "Yes." A long pause. "It's entirely my prerogative, and that's all I have to say about it." Another long pause. "Suit yourself."

Immediately after he said those words, he hung up. She could see him silently seething, anger radiating off his skin like an aura. The tension was back in his body, every muscle gone rigid with stress. He'd morphed back into the lawyer Aidan - cold, calculative, domineering. She could sense the animosity between him and the mystery caller, the frown on his face an indicator of a sour history. He tried to soften his stance by bottling up his fury and hiding it from her, but she saw right through it. As much as she didn't like seeing him angry, it made her a little happy to know that she was getting better at reading him. The way his eyes narrowed in annoyance, and the little wrinkle that appeared near his temples when he was thinking - who could it have been, to make him go from cuddly to choleric in a snap?

"That was my father," he answered her unspoken question, and for a minute Gwyneth wondered if he had read her mind. With brains like his, it was very well possible, but then again he was just probably being polite and trying to explain the situation to her. "Currently, there are some ... complications with the Ceres case, and he's expressed his interest in it. He's flying in this afternoon."

Her throat tightened at the mention of the case. Even if the fight was over, the fact that she'd been booted off the team still stung. She wished she could pretend that she didn't care, but the fact is that she did. Rejection was never something she took well, even from a young age. She'd been so accustomed to being good at so many things, it was natural that she was wanted for almost everything. Cinching medals and trophies in high school, sponsored trips to Tokyo for Model UN conferences in college, modeling contracts when she moved to New York - all her life, opportunities threw themselves at her feet. Why not this one?

"Listen, I think it goes without saying that I owe you an explanation about the Ceres case."

"You don't have to-"

"No, hear me out. I need you to know that my decision to drop you from the case wasn't unwarranted. In fact," he sighed and shook his head, "in fact, I hate to admit this, but I made that choice due to personal reasons. There are a lot of things you should know that I haven't told you, and if you'd give me the chance, I'd like to tell you about it. Every little detail." He paused for a while, staring at their intertwined hands. "I don't know where we really stand now, and I don't want to rush into things; but if we're going to do this, I want to do it right. I don't want to keep this from you, you have every right to know."

"I appreciate that." Feeling touched, she squeezed his hand in reassurance. "It means a lot to me that you're doing this, because I know it's not easy for you. Whatever your reasons may be, know that I trust your judgement. I really do. It's just ... I was really looking forward to working on that case, and I-" she sighed, unable to find a way to express her frustration, "just - honestly, Aidan, is it because of my performance at work? Because I promise, what we have now isn't going to change how I am at the office-"

"Absolutely not - not even close." His voice firmly cut her off and dispelled her worries. "Like I said, it's due to personal reasons. It'll take some time to explain - maybe we could do it over dinner, if you're free tonight?" He gave a small, hopeful smile.

"I'd love dinner," she beamed at him, her good nature illuminating the room. "In fact, maybe I could take you out for a change, if that's okay?"

His eyed widened in surprise. "I was hoping I could spoil you tonight, maybe indulge you a little..." he tried a counter-offer, running his hands through the soft silk of her long hair. "Heaven knows you deserve it."

"Mmm, that does sound delicious. But I think I'll save it for some other night - please? Just for tonight, I'd like to take charge of things. Please, baby, please?"

A smile quirked at his lips, his heart lightening with joy. How could he resist her when she looked at him like that? And she'd called him baby in that sweet, playful voice. Of course he relented. His resolve didn't stand a chance against her doe eyes. He knew that she could see his defeat because her grin widened, so genuine that even her brown eyes were smiling. She threw her arms around his neck, her hungry lips seeking his, and then they were rolling on the bed in a tangle of soft laughter and caresses, completely lost to the world around them.

"You're late," Lucy raised her eyebrows at him as he approached her desk, which sat right in front of his office. "He's waiting inside, arrived ten minutes ago."

"He hates it when I'm not on time," he said dryly, making Lucy's lip twitch. Being in charge of his schedule for the past four years meant that she was no stranger to the strained relationship between Aidan and his father. "Is Julian in there with him?"

She nodded in affirmation. Aidan paused in front of the door, closed his eyes and blew out a breath to calm himself. He wrenched the door open and strode into the room confidently to find the both of them settled comfortably into the plush chairs, sipping from crystal glasses filled with whisky.

"Father," he greeted his dad with nothing more than a curt nod of acknowledgement, whereas Julian didn't even get so much as a hi.

"You should have been here half an hour ago." Nicholas Scodelario's voice was as rough as sandpaper, the result of decades of chain-smoking. His father glared at him, the deep wrinkles around his eyes accentuating the pale blue of his aged irises.

"I was told you arrived just ten minutes ago."

"You should have been here half an hour ago," he repeated, as if he were talking to a child. "Punctuality," his voice took on a condescending sneer, "always was too difficult a concept for you to grasp."

"Sorry, was out there trading the firm for some magic beans - but of course, your sources probably already have you informed."

"Make that punctuality and wit. Makes me wonder how the fuck you ever became a Scodelario."

Aidan would've thought of a proper comeback if it weren't for Julian's eyes warning him not to. Julian was right - there was no point in further displeasing his father, who had the temperament of a rodeo bull. Fighting fire with fire would lead them nowhere. He acquiesced in silence and busied himself at the minibar, pouring himself a drink. If he himself had a reputation as being demanding, it sure as hell paled in comparison to that of this father's. This was a man whom, at the age of thirty, took a law firm of five staff and turned it into a multinational firm that spanned a thousand employees in twelve countries. People feared Aidan, but they were genuinely terrified of Nicholas at an entirely different level.

"Tell me about the Ceres case," he instructed with a glare so cold, it could've frozen the sun.

"We're settling, with the payoff fixed at 56 million, an increase by 16 million from the original 40. The plaintiffs have agreed to not pursue further action as well as to be bound by a non-disclosure agreement, ensuring silence on their part." Aidan explained nonchalantly, knowing that his words were redundant.

"Bollocks. Where's Hamilton?"

"Marty's in a conference call with Shanghai. He won't be joining us this afternoon."

"Well that just leaves Larry and Curly to deal with," Nicholas rasped bitterly. He turned to face Julian and stared him in the eye. "What about you, Lynch? Any gold nuggets you can afford to offer?"

"Like Aidan said, we're settling with 56 million. Folks over at my side are getting very nervous, and we're very keen on having this swept under the rug as soon as we can. The media circus is a lot bigger than what we expected, and the PR jackals are struggling to keep a rein on things. The sooner we settle this, the better."

"So you mean to tell me that you haven't actually formed a little Justice League of your own in some fatuous quest to ensure equality and freedom for all of mankind?"

Julian shot an alarmed glance at Aidan, who caught it with nary an expression on his face. Could he be calling a bluff? Julian's eyes asked. Aidan tilted his head ever so slightly, a secret gesture honed over years of friendship that only Julian would have perceived. True to his dictator-style ruling, Nicholas was one who favored complete and absolute knowledge about everything, imposing his control on every square inch of anything he could get his fingers on. It hardly came as a surprise that he knew about the activities they were doing in secret.

Straight-faced, Aidan swirled the amber drink in his glass and looked his father in the eye. "I see Marty's still reporting to you."

"Marty had nothing to do with it. Fools - did you really think no one was going to know about it? Well congratulations, you have the entire legal world buzzing like it's Watergate-"

Aidan scoffed in derision, fully intending to be as insulting as possible. "Spare me the calisthenics. Throw all the fake-outs you want, but I know that you're just fishing around because you've got squat. What we're doing is completely independent from the firm. We're almost done compiling necessary documents, and it won't be long before the Feds swoop in to finish the job. Until that happens, this is a personal project with three people in charge, and it's completely airtight. Disagree all you want. It's not going to change anything."

"Airtight?" Nicholas shook his head and his contemptuous laugh filled the room. "Jesus, you're a shortsighted little prick, aren't you?" He raised his eyebrows. "Who is she, Aidan?" The gleam in his eyes indicated that he needed no answer to his question. He already knew. This wasn't a question, it was a taunt.

Aidan's lips hardened into a tight line, his spine stiffening as he sat up straight. Coils of anger began to undulate within him, permeating his entire self like venom through his veins. It was so infuriating to see his father's expression, that sordid mask that was both merry and malicious, gleefully delighting in being an omnipotent, all-knowing behemoth.

"Is that a threat?"

Julian watched in avid interest as Aidan's voice dropped into a menacing whisper. His own eyes were bouncing back and forth between father and son as if he were spectating a tennis match. Well now he understood why that junior associate was dropped off the case. Who would've guessed? Not that she wasn't pretty - hell, she was gorgeous, looking like something right off the pages of French Vogue.

Of course he'd suspected it, but in the end the thought of Aidan sleeping with someone from work was too outlandish for him to take seriously. Apparently, he couldn't be more wrong. As much as he wanted to smile and roll his eyes, he didn't. This was serious - Nicholas was implying that this girl would be the weak spot of the entire agenda.

Nicholas silently gloated at his son's response. "How high and mighty you must feel. They say you're a legend in the making - unprecedented instincts, imaginative ideas, all the markings of a truly innovative leader. You're brilliant, Aidan, and you've always been dumb like a fox."

He tipped back the final mouthful of whisky, rolling it on his tongue to savor the flavor before swallowing it. "So I trust you'll understand when I say that my opinions and actions have little bearing on the momentum of things in the greater picture. There's no need for me to threaten you. You took her off the case because you know it yourself."

Nicholas set the empty glass on the table in front of him and rose to his feet, towering over the two younger men who were still in their seats. "Tread very, very carefully. I'm telling you right now, right here - you've bitten off more than your fucking jaw knows how to deal with. I may be wrong - after all, you're the firm's wonder boy, Mr. Magic himself - but make no mistake, you two shitheads can take your righteous little socialist coup and go fuck yourselves in the ass with it."

He turned to look at Julian, wearing a smug smile. "All about helping the little guys screw the big bullies, eh, Lynch? That's precious, coming from you. Hard to believe, judging by that flower-child, tree-hugging hippie shit you've got going on around you, but you're a Lynch, and you always will be. Bentleys in the garage, summer house in Monaco - Christ, stop deluding yourself. If it's atonement you're looking for, you sure as hell aren't going to find it this way. The world will never stop hating you for being the one percent."

He fiddled with his cufflinks, which were already perfectly in place. "Anyway, I'm done lecturing the both of you. As long as the firm stays intact, the both of you can end up with the Chippendales for all I fucking care - do whatever you want. After all, you're both such big, big boys."

Finished with his speech, he stormed out of the room without a goodbye. The two men sat there, both silently seething from the encounter, the pieces of their mental chessboard gliding about in complex maneuvers. Aidan's blood was still boiling. Out of habit, he reached into his phone and pulled out his BlackBerry, beginning to type out replies to the bevy of new e-mails he'd received in the past hour. Mundane tasks like these helped him think and calmed him down. The room was completely silent apart from the dull clicking of his phone's keypad.

"How long have the both of you been at it?"

The typing stopped abruptly. Aidan's eyes darted up, his stance still prepared for an offensive, but he realized that Julian was asking that question as a friend. He exhaled sharply and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

"Long enough for it to matter."

Julian didn't say anything in response. He knew better than to. Despite being a lawyer, which meant that Aidan could filibuster at great lengths on any given topic under the sun, when it came to heavier things, Aidan was a man of few words. He excelled at confrontations, but affection was something he struggled with.

Aidan glanced at his watch and stood up when he saw the time. "Shall we meet again in an hour? I have some matters to attend to. Don't let him get under your skin."

"Never have, never will."

"Good. I'll see you later."

He had just stepped out of the door when Lucy saw him and flagged him down.

"You're supposed to talk to Lizcato about the Bank of Helsinki. Also, I have Robertson on line five with updates on Geneva, and Lee left a message saying that the due diligence should be done by the 25th."

"Remind me to call Lizcato at five, divert Robertson to my personal line, and give Lee the green light."

"Will that be all?"

"Cancel all my appointments tonight. I don't care if it's the White House or even if it's Jesus Christ himself, clear my schedule this evening."

"Alright, sir."

She pressed a button on her desk phone and almost immediately, Aidan's phone started ringing. "Right, Robertson. Shoot."

He marched through the office with the phone pressed to his ear, almost rolling his eyes at the sight of the nervous interns that shrunk away from him when he passed by them. Still talking, he strode towards his intended destination, eyes scanning the floor for any signs of the person he was looking for. When he finally spotted her, it almost felt like his heart skipped a beat, and for a moment he forgot that he was supposed to be negotiating a multimillion-dollar merger.

She was talking to a colleague, occasionally referring to the thick cardboard file her companion was holding. Ever stylish, her outfit of the day consisted of a black v-neck dress that ended just at the knee, finished off with a cropped blazer and black patent pumps. She'd decided to let down her long brown hair today, eschewing her usual ponytail and simply parting her hair down the middle, allowing it to glide past her shoulders in a perfect waterfall. It was a simple fix that made her look quite very different, bringing out her Asian features that normally went unnoticed.

Now she was obviously explaining something, her right hand moving from up downwards in a step-ladder fashion in an attempt to describe a linear procedure. They were so engrossed in the conversation that when he swooped in, it caught them both by surprise.

"Kenner," he pulled the phone away from his ear and cupped a hand over it. "War Room 4, walk with me."

She looked surprised but excused herself and followed his brisk steps. As he was still talking on the phone, she couldn't ask him why he wanted to see her, and of all places, why he was bringing her to one of the 'War Rooms' - the well-equipped, secure conference rooms normally reserved for top-priority and highly classified meetings. Aidan finished up with the conversation in time and hung up just as they walked into the empty workspace, shutting the door and locking it behind him.

"So, why are we - mmf."

He pinned her forcefully against the wall, pressing his lips onto hers with such aggression it took her breath away. She could feel the raw need in his body, in the way he almost crushed her with his strong height, trapping her in place with his broad torso. His hands gripped her hips tightly, pulling her close to him and obliterating the space between them. Her fingers snaked into his hair and the kiss deepened, making her eyes crash shut from the delicious wantonness of being taken like this.

To think that she was making out with her boss, right here in some clandestine corner of the office made her spine tingle. The sheer naughtiness of it ... her head began to spin, the warmth radiating from her core towards her groin and she slipped her hands under his jacket, pulling at his shirt with tight fists. God, how she wanted him - and he smelled so, so good ... a groan escaped from her when he finally broke the kiss and pulled away.

She could see the sparkle in his eyes, the brilliant blue blazing at her with the same intensity she'd always known. "That was nice," he murmured, stroking a thumb across the pale skin of her cheek.

"Sneaky little bastard," she smiled, biting her lip. "Is this where you usually seduce and shag your employees?"

"Well, there's always the janitor's closet, but you got upgraded to the deluxe suite."

She giggled and reached up to kiss him again, letting her hands roam over his body as they locked lips. He was definitely stressed - she could feel it in his muscles, all the way from the small of his back to the base of his neck. She looked into his eyes, hoping to read him a little better, but his face managed to disguise any hints of trouble from her. Too bad she knew him better than that.

"Long day?" she asked softly, curling a lock of his hair around her finger.

"Not any more than the usual." Actually, she couldn't be more right - he was so goddamn riled up right now, and the only thing he needed was her - to see her, feel her, be with her.

"Well, Mr. Scodelario," her hands slid around to cup his ass, giving them a firm squeeze. "I may have a few ideas that you might be interested in. Will you be available for a brainstorming session?"

"Oh, you can brain the storm out of me anytime, Ms. Kenner."

The suggestive smile on her lips made his breath hitch in his throat. He lowered his head and captured her again in one of those heart-melting kisses, allowing the pleasure to unwind as his tongue sought hers. One hand was skating up her thigh, skimming on the soft, smooth skin of her legs and heading towards the valley between them. She moaned into his mouth, her skin tingling with anticipation as her fingers worked on his shirt buttons and belt buckle, freeing his erection from the confines of his clothes.

Were they really going to this this? Sex in the office ... the heady haze of delirium was getting to her. How many times had she secretly fantasized about this? All those boring afternoons where she stared at stacks and stacks of paper, typing away while her mind preoccupied itself with thoughts of being bent over a desk and screwed mercilessly - now Aidan's hands found her hot centre, stroking her moist slit through the damp fabric.

Something awakened inside her, stirring to life with every brush of his skin on hers. A plan came to her mind and she hoped that she could pull it off. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him off her, breaking contact between them. Inwardly thrilling at the confusion on his face, she continued to push him, forcing him to step backwards until his back bumped into one of the plush office chairs around the huge meeting table.

"Sit," she purred, shrugging off her blazer and dropping it to the floor. Her eyes were smoldering, and she could tell that Aidan found it irresistible.

He obeyed her instructions and sank into the chair, never taking his eyes off her. The chair creaked beneath them as she got on and straddled him, positioning her knees on either side of his parted legs. Their lips met again, but in this position she was slightly taller than him and he had to tip his head upwards to receive her hot, desperate kisses, her delicate hands tangled in his hair. They gazed at each other as he slowly pulled down the sleeves of her dress over her shoulders, along with the bra underneath until her chest was exposed to the cool air of the room, revealing her already hard nipples.

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En Amma Iravil Oopathai Parthen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyana paiyan than amma oopathai paarthu kai adikiraan. En peyar gopal en vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluri sendru padithu varugiren, salem gramathil vasithu varugiren. Enaku thanthai illai, amma matum thaan irupaargal. Ammavirku vayathu 39 aagi irunthathu. Eppozhuthum amma vassal kathavai thiranthu vaithu vitu thaan paduthu uranguvaargal. Engal veetil padukai arai irukum, naan padukai araiyil thaan paduthu uranguven, en amma sila neram en...

1 year ago
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Twenty Third Century Sex Part 1

Twenty Third Century SexMelissa had been reading, spending time in a place that used to be called a library. Not many people frequented such places, and those that did, only went to find old books and literature. For them, it was an escape from the daily routine of their electronically controlled lives.Melissa was a gorgeous 28 year old with a slim waist, blonde hair and wonderfully shaped breasts, not someone that would be seen dead near a library, not when everything you needed for...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sometimes Crime Does PayChapter 5 All Good Things

We developed a routine over the next few weeks. I would hurry over and do whatever little chores she had for me, then take a quick shower. When I emerged, sometimes with Pete's robe on, and sometimes nude, she would be waiting for me in the bedroom, and my education would continue. She introduced me to several positions; doggy, spoon, standing with her bent over in front of me, and even once with her sitting on the kitchen counter. That one was a little tough because I wasn't quite tall...

1 year ago
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As a wife fucked in Turkey

I want to tell you about our joint adventure this summer in Turkey.So it was this summer in Turkey in the Antalya region, or rather in the village of Belek, in which we traditionally rest. On about the third day of our vacation, we agreed on a tour of Antalya. Everything was as usual. My wife and I drove up to the hotel in a minibus, went to Antalya, and we had to visit a fur salon that organized the trip. In the fur salon, my wife liked one very cool coat. The price after the auction fell from...

4 years ago
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Mums The Word

by LubricanChapter OneYou're going to think this is a sad story, because it starts out sad. But don't be sad for long, brothers and sisters, because it ends up pretty okay, at least to me it does. I'm Bobby, by the way, Bobby Henderson. That really doesn't matter to the story, except that it's about me and my mother, Claire Henderson. There are a few other people in it too, but they only matter a little. I'll mention them later.My mom's story starts out like a lot of people hope their adult...

3 years ago
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My fantastic son Chris is a very talented musician; he went to New York's School of Music and played in 2 Orchestras part-time; he was also in a band that was trying to make it up the charts. To say I'm proud of him would be an understatement of epic proportions. His band is where all the trouble started. The band went out on the road and was doing shows all over the place, and I guess Chris started doing drugs of some type or another, and the band was screwing up their performances,...

2 years ago
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Mona ki payas bhujaai

Hi friends myself Rajiv gupta I m from Jaipur this is my second story I don’t know that ki aap logon ko ye story pasand aayegi ya nahi but its my real sex experience maine kuch stories padi mujhe laga mujhe bhi apani story aap sab ke sath share kerni chahiye agar aap logon ko meri story pasand aaye to mail jarur kijiye ga my mail id is to dosto aapka mai aur jadya bore nahi karugan chalo mai apani story start karta hu. Meri kaghni ki shurat kerne se phele mai aapko apene aur mona ke bare me...

4 years ago
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Apni Bhabhi Ke Saath Sex Kiya

Hello firnds, Mere naam rahul hai aur mai final year ka student hu I m doing engineering . Mere umar 24 saal hai . Jabalpur ka rhane wala hu., I am regular reader of ISS. Aur Ye kahani meri aur meri neha bhabhi ki hai, she is slim, sweet and sexy her size 32 28 30 and she is 28 year old. baat hu na dino ki jab me first year me tha aur mere family ko mere cousi sister ki shandi jana tha aur hune indore marriage me jana tha but mere exam tha to me nhi jaa sakha tha .toh mere mummy ne bhabhi ko...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aiden Ashley A Very Hands On Tutorial

Aiden Ashley is ready to tutor one of her students in sex education, but when she realizes how horny she’s feeling she decides she has time for a quickie before Alex Mack arrives. Grabbing her phone, she pulls up some helpful material to get her party going. Slipping her miniskirt up, she goes to work rubbing her clit over the top of her thong. Just as things are getting good for Aiden with her fingers sliding home, there’s a knock at the door. Aiden tells Alex to let himself in....

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 9

Desperate for air, he gasped heavily, the hot, acrid air burning his throat and lungs as he inhaled. He coughed and the jerking motion made him realize that he was at least partially pinned down by something. Forcing his eyes open, he gazed up into the bloated afternoon sun, partially obscured by low flying clouds. As he gazed upward, he began to remember what had happened. This collapsed structure he found himself in was the entrance to an underground way station ten miles outside of...

3 years ago
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The Married Woman

This is another one of my first stories form about ten years ago. Its been taking me quite a while to write some new stuff lately so I figured I’d post this one. Enjoy. The Married Woman My heart was racing as I walked up the front steps of the house. I went to ring the door bell, but hesitated for a second and looked around. It looked like any other house. Mini-van in the driveway, freshly cut lawn, flowerbeds. Just another piece of suburbia. Slowly, I reached up and pressed the doorbell. I...

2 years ago
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Missing You

I walk round the lounge, restless, annoyed ... where the hell are you? Early night you said ... yeah right, same old story, heard it all before. In the meantime, I'm here, alone, again. I look across at the cold food on the table, wasted, again. Yet another ruined romantic dinner for two.I sigh, pour myself another glass of wine and take a large swallow. Sod the mess, I am not clearing up tonight, I am too pissed off, it can wait till morning.I walk into the bedroom and kick off my heels, oh...

2 years ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 27 Mick and Keri and Sarah and A New Sight

Something was different. Not wrong, but different. It was a beautiful morning, sunny and clear. The birds were flitting around the trees and feeders outside the living room window. We were kitchen waiting for breakfast. Keri was her normal beautiful naked self. Keri’s breasts hung down barely touching the breakfast bar counter top. Her nipples were relaxed in the warmth of the kitchen. They pointed straight ahead of my love as always. Her firm ass was perched on her towel, her shapely legs...

3 years ago
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"Brie?"I wandered through the living room and into the kitchen."Brie!"She wasn't home. I had specifically said 2:00. I won't have time.But as I reached the steps to check upstairs, I could hear water running.I pounded on the door, "Mom! Mom."I pounded again, "I don't have a lot of time. I have to get to this interview." It was my first chance to work here since I arrived."I have one hour and I used twenty minutes to get here."I heard the water stop, and as I turned to head back downstairs and...

3 years ago
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And Then I Met Irving

Have you ever met someone whom you just could not resist? He was like that for me. I was like that for him. We couldn’t help it. It was a simple matter of chemistry. Him + Me + same space = sex. It was like that from the day we met. My best friend warned me. He said, “You can’t meet Irving,” I asked, "Why?" “Because you will have sex with him.” “What?! You are just jealous.” “No. I know you and I know him. You, two, will have sex.” Was I that promiscuous? Was I that desperate? Was he that hot?...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Victorious Corrupting Cat Part 4

Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4 by KOP Cat was what some might call an early bird, which was a fun phrase which made the little redhead giggle softly. She quickly quieted herself though because while she had been awake for what felt like hours and hours, because of the whole being an early bird thing, Jade was still very much asleep and Cat remembered the Goth telling her never to wake her up. Ok, so she hadn't exactly remembered it at first. She just kind of got caught up in...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 399

Toronto Woman Shot In Her Own Driveway... Linda Plews, 26, a resident of Toronto was visiting her in-laws and, while there, went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries. Later, her husband noticed her sitting in her car in the driveway with the windows rolled up and her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head. He became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and...

1 year ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 04

In December, 1999, Gordie is in Carmel shopping with his sister, Danielle who is known as Dani-girl. They’re after a few Christmas presents for family members that are hard to shop for, so they’re checking out the wider range of shops in Carmel. They normally shop in View Port because the clan residence is built into the headland between the two towns with its front entrance being closer to View Port, but the tourist resort town of Carmel has a much wider range of goods for sale, though at...

2 years ago
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The Celebrity Sex Match

In the future the world is starved for entertainment. So an intergalactic king with great power offered the Earth entertainment for money. Earth felt that they seen all the entertainment before and it was nothing new. That was until they learn the king had power to give them any type of show they wanted The celebrity sex match was born. Female celebrities battle it out for the ultimate prize. The prize was their wish come true. Any wish no matter how big. The king picked Celebes through out...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 44 Travels with Elyse

February 21, 1993, Los Angeles, California “I hate these cross-country flights,” Elyse groused as we walked into our room at the InterContinental Hotel in Los Angeles. “Wednesday is going to be worse. LA to Pittsburgh.” “Ugh. Can we just go to bed?” “You need sleep?” I grinned. “Yes, but I think I can muster just enough energy.” “For?” “What do you think!” she said she a big smile. February 22, 1993, Los Angeles, California Charlie had flown separately, and met us for breakfast...

3 years ago
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From Sex Deprived to Sex Addicted Pt 1

Introduction: This is my first attempt at writing a sex story for this site after reading stories for a long time. I hope you all enjoy this submission! Nick couldnt believe how great it felt. The warm, velvety pussy around his penis felt indescribable to him. His hips moved up and down to meet the downward thrusts of his partner above him. The wetness of the pussy, the girls high pitched moans, and the feeling that his dick was enclosed in a vice-like grip had his head spinning. He knew that...

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Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as ac***d and had not been permitted to play the "rough games" other boyshis age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of healthand allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boysbecause he didn't know how to play football or baseball or basketballor any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pickteams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skilland small size. This...

2 years ago
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Aw Fuck MeChapter 6 Calm before the storm

I had caught the murderer of my Grandfather and her son. However, I was still not happy. I realized I was not a killer, even though I wanted them dead. It was an oddly mixed feeling; how do you end someone without putting him or her in the ground. Then I had to admit to myself that yes, technically, I would be putting her in the ground. She just wouldn’t be dead when I did it! I wouldn’t be killing her. Though she just might wish I had. I pondered the question, of just what to do with her,...

2 years ago
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Bare Foot to Bare BALLS

This happened to me and I would like to say I would like it to happen many more times, but as with many things in life, the good moments come from nowhere and are seldom. On my way home from work on a back road I always take to avoid traffic, I saw a car pulled to the side of the road. I normally don't stop to assist people due to all the bad stories that I have heard. This situation was different. I saw a young woman, maybe 20, brunette, 5'6 and maybe 115 pounds. She was really pissed off,...

3 years ago
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Sister And Her Friends Part 6

Hello friends of Indian sex stories dot net , I am a big fan of you. And Hi readers, I Pravin, 26 years old from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real. Please read my previous parts too. Story countines I heard...

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Shelbys Suprise for Santa

Every year I take my k**s to go see Santa and to get their picture taken with him. Over the last couple years I would also sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what I wanted for Christmas. Last year it was a TV and the year before that it was a vacuum. You get the idea, practical gifts for the practical mom. This year I decided to ask for something other than a practical item and here is how it went down.As I waited in line for Santa I was getting nervous because I had something different in...

3 years ago
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Strict Schooling 3

Miss Winters bent the riding crop between her hands with a small smile. Not far short of a yard of braided leather its tapered end carried a head an inch square. One of a number made to her specifications, the instrument was intended not for horses, but for its role in Riding School discipline. Highly flexible, it carried a bite designed to bring a wayward girl sharply to heel. And one such was now awaiting its attentions.The young lady to be punished was arrayed across a wooden trestle, legs...

4 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 54

Adam Stone 11:31 pm, November 4th, 2006 4:31 pm November 5th, 2006 (local time) The table was set up perfectly. There were two cups of tea with the rest of the tea set off to the side. The cups were positioned in front of the chairs. Condiments were close by. A small plate held crackers and cheese. All was indeed in readiness, I saw Jacob arrive. Jacob paused at the entrance to the mess hall. He clapped once. A member of the Density Force ran over to help him stand for a moment. Jacob...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 4 Launching the Changes

I had been nervously anticipating my first encounter with the salesmen and I was pleasantly surprised. I had a feeling we could make something out of this group. I was venturing into my second week with more optimism than a few days ago. I'd been through this process before, but there was something different about Lynnwood that I hadn't yet recognized. It would come to me, I was sure, but it wasn't there yet. Jim Stokes, or Jimmy as most knew him, was running around like a blue-assed fly....

1 year ago
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Am I BiSexual or Gay

This is the first time that I have talked about this situation with Tom. It’s just a surprise. It was Thursday night after coming back from an out-of-town game and Tom came to pick me up and take me to his apartment . Tom is an older man (44 or 45) and I am a 23-year-old college student at the University of Nobody’s Business. I am a pitcher for our Baseball team and it is very hard for me to explain to my teammates and of course my family about these fantasies about having sex with men. On...

4 years ago
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The Medieval Marine Part Ten1

Marion turned toward Cecilia and removed the jacket that she had been wearing. She then took her knife out and threw it across the platform where it stuck into a support beam. Marion knew that if people didn’t see the fight as fair then she would lose any respect that she still had. She then pulled out a scarf and tied it over her eyes. This completely surprised everyone including Luke and Gabriel. She knew that Cecilia had a knife on her for she had seen it before they even climbed up on...

1 year ago
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A fist time for Camilla

Back in the 19th Century when men were men and women wore long skirts and no knickers… It was late one afternoon when father called me into his study. “James my boy,” he said ominously, “Have you given any consideration to the matter of matrimony yet?” “No father” I admitted, “I have another year studying at Oxford before I even think of dalliances.” “Its all very well playing the field when you’re a pup,” he explained, “But for propriety.” “I am afraid I am too busy studying to play the...

4 years ago
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The Pin Hole Camera loyalsock

en I was quite young, my parents had our house remodeled, enlarging two rooms and adding a bath. This was desperately needed, as our family had grown to seven. I had a younger brother, a twin sister, an older sister and a younger sister, all of us close in age, except for the younger, "accidental" brother, who came much later.My sisters had lots of friends, who often slept over. As I approached puberty, I became very aware of girls, getting more and more excited at the idea of their being naked...

3 years ago
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Carolyns Gifts

Carolyn watched as her lover walked by Carolyn watched as her lover walked by. After all the years that she'd been with him, the sight of his tight ass and taut, marine's figure still sent a wave of lust tingling down her. She had come, twice, straddling him in bed that morning and was quite satisfied as she sat at her table sipping her morning coffee, raping him with her eyes. She watched as he gently tugged the leash he was holding and his two pets enthusiastically moved closer and...

3 years ago
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Padosi Ki Chudai Uske Ghar Me

Hi, I am ankush (changed name) 20 years ka hun himachal se meri height6’2 hah mai fair skin vala hun ar mujhe sex chat karna bahut pasand hah agar koi sex chat karna chahti ho to mujhe mail kijiye Mai sex bi bahut achi tarah se karta hun To story pe vaapas aate hah mai chandigarh ghumne aaya tha ar apni chaachi ke yaahan tehra tha . Mai balcony se nazara dekh raha tha bahut sundar jagah thi. Mai andar gaya ar mobile chala raha tha ki tabhi meri chachi ki padosi vahan aayi mujhe dekhkar vo...

1 year ago
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MY neighbor sucks my cock

I am 18yo and starting college in August. I am writing this story on May 13, 2013. My mom is divorced, very beautiful, and I have two younger sisters who are also very cute with great little bodies. I sometimes sit outside naked to get some sun when my mom and sisters aren't home. Our yard is big and I can't be seen by any neighbors, except from one window on my next door neighbors house. I have known them my whole life, and I know the window that could possibly see me from is their youngest...

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ConvergenceChapter 11 Tots

Syon Chao's mind emerged from his morning meditation with all the grace and beauty of a swan floating on a quiet, moonlit pond. Meditation had been the way he had solved difficult problems since his Grandfather had taught him how to meditate. He was very young, at the time, and the peaceful habit had formed the character behind the mind. The habit of meditating each morning helped resolve issues that had been left to the magic of sleep. Meditation also ensured his day would be productive, no...

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Eerie Saloon Seasons of Change Spring part 6 of 12

Eerie Salon: Seasons of Change - Spring By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson (c) 2014 Sunday, May 5, 1872 Reverend Yingling looked out at his congregation. "My friends," he began, "as we prepare to end this morning's service and go out to enjoy this glorious day that our Lord has given us, I remind you that there is work yet to be done. The town council will be meeting Wednesday in this very room to consider our petition regarding Shamus O'Toole's foul brew. I ask you to join with...

4 years ago
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Wizards LegacyChapter 5

Even a 'city boy' like me knows what a rattlesnake sounds like. It was behind Ann, under a rocky overhang. When I saw it begin to strike, I automatically palmed my gun, and fired. I guess I had been paying attention during those lessons. I led it just a hair, and practically blew its head off. Before Ann could react to the sound, the danger had passed. Ann just looked at the snake, and then at me, as I replaced the spent shell. She waited until I holstered the gun and put the brass in my...

2 years ago
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Grab Opportunity To Fuck My Bombshell Saali

Hi all readers. Here is my first story with my Saali (sister in law) Ramya. I am Kumar working in a MNC in Bangalore. Happily married to my wife Reshma since 4 years. We both have a two year child. We have a awesome sex experience till now. And to describe my saali. She is damn hot. I can call her sex goddess who has great figure of 36-26-34. She is also married 3 years back to Chandra, who also works in Bangalore. All 4 of us as of almost same age group we used to go out together maximum times...

3 years ago
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Office Sissy 3

The meeting the day before, at which I'd told everyone in the office, in extensive detail, about all of my preferences and fantasies and desires, had been an incredibly exciting experience. It was all verbal, no one even touched me, but exciting nonetheless to have revealed myself as a helplessly and easily arousable submissive sissy. I told them all how much I loved to crossdress and be treated as a sexy little girl, told them my secret names, Jennypout or 'little jenny', that I got an...

3 years ago
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Strangers from the Train

Travelling on the tube can be a right pain, but, it’s the best way to get to work. To make it more enjoyable I like to watch people, their mannerisms, and invent little fantasies about them. If you get the tube the same time every day you tend to see the same people so, it’s quite fun. There’s one bloke who I imagine as a very passive person, being dominated by a butch dominatrix. There’s an older woman, who I think of as the Madam of a posh brothel, catering for the Gentry and M.P.s. You get...

2 years ago
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Mornings on Horseback IIChapter 4

"Did Chris tell you what we did today?" I was walking between my two boyfriends, towards the locker rooms after last class. "Yeeeeah..." Mark chuckled and gave me a look. "I didn't know you were that kind of girl." "Must be a Homecoming Queen thing," Chris said. "Yeah," I giggled, "that's exactly what it is." "I heard about the thing with Angie too." Mark gave my hip a bump with his. "What's up with that?" "The vinegar thing?" Chris laughed. "What?" I acted all...

1 year ago
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3some With Couple Through Chat

Hi guys, this is my second story, this also happened through online chat, as I told u before I’m from small city called Karur; I’m Deepak, of age 24, after I finished my 1st encounter I have been in online for next encounter, there was a id called cpl so I just pinged it formally as I do to every ids. At the time of the incident, I’d recently chatted in many sites to get in touch with single girls & hopefully other couples to have fun. After few months of initial bad luck I came across a couple...

3 years ago
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Black Restroom Stop Gay

I worked at the movies part time giving couples their coke and popcorn while I stood there at the counter watching them all go by. Yeah, she's gonna enjoy the movie while he makes her go down on him. I shouldn't complain really, plenty of girls are into me but they all seem the same, maybe I just naturally attract stuck up bitches. Anyway, I finished writing my 'to do' list, slid my pen in my pocket, then took off for home. But it had been a long shift and I needed to take a leak.I stopped at...

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Grandmas Magic Resort Part IV

'Grandma's Magic Resort - Part IV'(or 'One Fam1ly's Visit To The 'Real' Happiest Place On Earth')an erotic journey by DizzyDThe Young and The RestlessAs their mother and grandmother were beginning their afternoon of sexual self-indulgence with Walter at the Paradise Pool, Lindsay and Tommy were arriving at their new friend Jesse’s home. After dropping her beach bags by the door, Jesse turned on some music and said, “Anyone want a drink?”“Sure… what are you having,” Lindsay asked. “I like...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 9

When we pulled up to the mansion, the property manager was outside waiting for us. "Hello, you must be Constance Ames and Kevin Townsend. Welcome to Kirby House. I understand you will be staying in the carriage house while you recover from your episode with the gunman. I am Joseph Cotton, and I will be here to see after your needs." He was slight of build, and quite gay. His high forehead was even higher because he swept his hair straight back, over the top, making his face look impossibly...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls September Reign Zoe Sparx 06142020

September has always had a crush on her Yoga Classmate Zoe, This week she takes Zoe to a fake class so the Yoga school is empty with just the 2 of them because she wants to make her move by helping her stretch in some of the positions, then she talks about the whole new “Naked Yoga” trend and suggests they try it since no one is around. Then she makes her move when Zoe is in the pile driver position and she is helping her stretch, and buries her face in her goodies. They make sure...

2 years ago
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How I became Hanks wife

        Back when the aol chat rooms were still active , I used to go on the local m2m ones when ever I was alone , looking to play . Since I had just realized that I liked cock , I was willing to do almost anything the guy wanted . One day my wife was working and I was off so I went into the chat rooms to jo maybe hook up . One guy I was talking to asked me my stats , not sure what he was looking for I told him I was a m/w 38 yrs 5'10 225 had a 4 in dick . He said great would I like to come to...

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