Axiom Ch. 04 free porn video

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‘Lunch with the berg,’ Dylan gave a low whistle as Gwyneth finally plopped herself down at her desk. ‘Someone’s becoming the new teacher’s pet.’

She felt a little flustered when he said that, but she kept her cool and refused to let the comment weigh down on the endorphin rush she was currently experiencing. Lunch had been delightful and completely unexpected – she was mentally prepared for a stilted charade of formality between her and Aidan while they talked business with Marty, but thankfully, they were able to avoid that minefield when Marty called to inform that his flight had been delayed, and was thus unable to join them.

When Michael had made his appearance and Aidan had asked her whether she was interested, the mood of the conversation dipped considerably, becoming a lot more sombre than they’d intended. Not wanting to leave her feeling uncomfortable, Aidan tried to lighten the atmosphere.

‘Thirty five years, and he’s never stopped making me feel like a kid,’ Aidan joked with a warm smile on his face, shaking his head. ‘Do you have any siblings?’

Gwyneth smiled back in understanding. ‘Three brothers, all younger, each and every one a colossal pain to live with.’

‘One Gwyneth and three boys. It must’ve been a riot in the Kenner household.’

‘God, you have no idea,’ she took a bite of her salmon ravioli. ‘You should’ve seen us fighting over the Nintendo. I think at one point one of us tried to strangle the other with a gaming console cord.’

‘I’d pay good money to see that. Maybe I’m being presumptuous over here, but I just can’t seem to imagine you as being violent. You don’t look like one for physical force.’

‘That’s only because you’re unfamiliar with the mechanics of having to govern testosterone-filled beings that gradually outgrow you in both size and strength. Let me put it this way, keeping them in order when they were young required a Mafia-like approach, but as they grew up things became more Machiavellian.’

A slow smile began to spread on Aidan’s face. ‘I’m very intrigued, do explain.’

She tried a casual shrug. ‘Well I’m no stranger to fistfights, that much I’ll tell you. But there came a point where I knew I couldn’t take them out physically, so I resorted to politics. You’d be surprised at how efficient people can be under duress of blackmail. I could have them balance beach balls on their noses if I wanted to.’

He suppressed a snort of laughter. ‘You must have been so pleased with yourself, making them goose-step around you…’

‘I wasn’t so bad,’ she threw him a defensive look. ‘Honestly, do I come across as a mean person?’

‘No, you don’t,’ he assured. ‘But who knows? You could just as easily be some kind of a fascist gone drunk with power when my back is turned,’ he teased. ‘Obey! No questions!’ He put on a nasal, robotic voice. ‘I shall reign supreme!’

She rolled her eyes. ‘I was a very nice sister,’ she insisted. ‘I only did what I had to do because they can be such jerks when they want to be. Take this, for instance – when I refused to help Andrew sneak out one night, he got his revenge by convincing my parents that I was pregnant.’

Aidan burst out in laughter. ‘Stupendous. There really is no love quite like sibling love, huh?’

Gwyneth lifted her glass in mock celebration. ‘Hear, hear.’

‘Well, for what it’s worth, Michael and I have given each other enough grief throughout our childhood. Once, as punishment, he duct taped me to a wall and tickled my feet with this ridiculously huge peacock feather, of all things, even as I desperately howled for mercy. I couldn’t even move, what more struggle, and he made damn sure to continue until I passed out from tormented laughter. When I regained consciousness, I thought he’d let me go, but he went on and repeated the whole cycle several times.’

She couldn’t hold back a burst of giggles, but showed little sympathy. ‘What did you do to make him so angry?’

Aidan looked at her, taken aback. ‘I’m sorry?’

‘I said, what did you do to make him so angry?’

He felt a prickle of genuine surprise and it showed on his face. ‘So I tell you about how my brother essentially bullied the crap out of me, and you’re asking me what I might have done to deserve it?’ He sounded so mystified, Gwyneth didn’t know whether to feel bad or to laugh.

‘I’m not saying that he should’ve done that to you,’ she said, pulling a sympathetic face. ‘Being bound and forcibly tickled? That’s vicious, really, just pretty damn cruel. But…’ she hesitated, worried that she was treading on eggshells, ‘…as an elder sibling myself, I refuse to believe that such an attack was unprovoked. I’ve always been rough with my younger brothers, Aidan. Have you tried keeping three boys in order?

She took a sip of her water. ‘Kicking and shoving was routine, but there’s a thick and clear line between the usual scuffle and a provoked outburst of rage.’ Her voice was gentle, and the look in her eyes were soft. ‘I’m not implying that you deserved it, but knowing how younger brothers usually are…’ she trailed off, not feeling brave enough to continue down that road.

As she dwindled into silence, she studied Aidan’s face to gauge his reaction. He was still looking at her with his usual stoic expression, as if he was trying to read her mind and figure her out. Shame was beginning to creep into her cheeks, making her feel awfully gauche and just plain rude.

He’d tried to lighten the mood by joking, and instead she’d said something that might have excavated into a potentially troubled childhood. She cringed inwardly at the thought that maybe she’d stepped on a sore spot, wanting to kick herself in the head for being an insensitive idiot.

Suddenly he started laughing, a deep, growling rumble that she’d never heard before, and her heart skipped a beat as she thought of how sexy he sounded. He was still watching her intently, his eyes twinkling in good humor and lips curved faintly into a half-smile. She bit her lip, feeling her heart beat wildly in her chest, so fast and hard it almost made her giddy.

‘Only you, Gwyneth, only you.’ He said the words in a different voice, keeping his pale blue irises fixed on hers. ‘You’re right,’ he admitted as he broke into a nostalgic grin. ‘I did drive him up the wall, and that’s why it happened.’ The tension dissolved immediately and she found it easier to breathe again.

‘I was only nine then. We were both crazy about Star Wars – huge fanatics, die hard fans,’ he emphasized, ‘and Michael, being thirteen at that time, had just begun to take interest in girls, so naturally, Leia Skywalker was the golden goddess of his dreams.’

‘I don’t blame him. The metal bikini…’

‘Exactly! The metal bikini…’ Aidan shook his head, a wide smile plastered on his face. ‘But I digress. He was lucky enough to chance on a limited edition poster, autographed by the entire cast and George Lucas. It was an extremely rare item, if I remember correctly – I think there were only twenty of those in print. Anyway, he got his hands on one, and that became his most prized possession. He loved it so much, he didn’t even mount it on the wall, just kept it safely tucked away in the storage tube…’

Gwyneth narrowed her eyes and sucked in a breath through her teeth. ‘I think I know where this is going…’ Aidan’s widening smile seemed to confirm her hypothesis.

‘…all I wanted was a look. I swear, I wasn’t defacing the poster or trying to ruin it. I just took it out to get a proper look…’

‘…without his permission, of course…’

‘Bingo,’ he leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth with a napkin. ‘Before I knew it, he caught me in the act and just went berserk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry, ever. He was absolutely livid, shouting and yelling at me to keep my hands off his stuff. We started grabbing at each other, trading punches, fighting like usual until of course, one of us
accidentally crushed a small part of the poster, permanently creasing it.’

‘Oh, God…’

‘Mmmhmm. He blamed me, I blamed him, everything blew up…’

‘…and he taped you to the wall.’

‘Not yet, actually. When I realized I was losing the fight, knowing that there was no way I could defeat him physically – that’s when I retaliated, and only after that did shit hit the fan.’

Gwyneth’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘What did you do?’

Aidan was beaming from ear to ear, a smile so wide it made him look like the Cheshire cat. ‘I ripped the bloody poster into a million fucking pieces.’

‘Christ,’ she said, appalled. ‘Aidan!’

He didn’t even look sheepish, his grin was wide and unabashed. There was a trace of wistfulness in his eyes, as if he were quietly reminiscing about a much happier, almost forgotten past. ‘You’re evil,’ she teased lightly, laughing. ‘Just like every other annoying younger brother out there. Can’t you just keep your hands off our things?’

‘I probably won’t stick my fingers where they don’t belong. Unless, of course, you specifically tell me not to…’

The laughter was winding down now, and they both settled into a comfortable silence. Gwyneth’s heart gave a little lurch when he caught her gaze, giving her one of those looks that melted her insides. Being alone with Aidan always felt so good – his commanding presence, the sound of his laugh, the guarded, slightly cryptic smile.

He was usually more distant at work, but it was so easy to talk to him when no one else was around. Even now, just having lunch away from their colleagues, this was a pleasant reprieve. The secrecy of their entire relationship just added to the intimacy of it all, making every moment so precious. It almost felt like they were sharing a secret that only the both of them knew. Almost like they knew each other better than anyone else did.

The sound of Dylan’s voice pulled her back to reality. ‘So what was lunch about?’ Dylan repeated the question, waiting expectantly for an answer. ‘He’s been seeing you a lot lately, huh?’

‘New case!’ Gwyneth answered, hoping she didn’t sound too artificial. ‘Marty will be leading, and I’ll be on the team. Lunch was just to flesh out details, we met in his office earlier to confirm my participation.’

‘Well, well, well, handpicked by Aidan Scodelario himself,’ he teased in good nature, and Gwyneth flushed a little, suddenly feeling modest. ‘That’s pretty big news, Ms. Brainiac. But hey, good on you, really. I always knew that you’d make it far and fast.’ He congratulated her sincerely, and his face broke into a lopsided grin. ‘What’s the case about?’

‘Class action suit, huge company. It’s supposed to be a big case, apparently, and the media are going to have field day. I wasn’t actually handpicked, per se. Marty wanted me in for environmental, and..’ she stopped herself before she accidentally referred to Aidan by name, ‘…the berg approved, so…yeah. It’s more of a chance to shine than actually moving up a rung in the corporate ladder, but it’s something to start with.’

‘And shine you will, baby girl.’ A thought occurred to him and he cocked his head. ‘But why environmental, if it’s a suit? Wouldn’t they be concentrating on civil procedure?’

‘The company in question is biotech-based. Agricultural, to be precise. I suppose the berg and the rest of the dream team will pull most of the weight for the trial while I futz around with the finer details.’

‘Ah,’ Dylan’s eyes shone in comprehension. ‘Bloody brilliant opportunity, then. Drinks tonight to celebrate! You’re buying, and that’s non-negotiable. Let’s be the college us again, for just one night. Tonight. Let’s just lose it, get completely hammered and wake up not knowing where we are.’ He wiggled his eyebrows.

‘Wha-‘ she looked aghast, ‘that’s not fair! It’s not a promotion, alright? Fuck, I don’t even get a raise. Believe you me, I’ll need a huge bonus if I’m going to be able to afford to buy you drinks,’ she complained. ‘We’ll go out tonight, but no free booze for you, mister. And we’re definitely not getting drunk, Dylan, we’ve got work in the morning.’ Gwyneth wagged a reproving finger at Dylan and he pulled a face. She didn’t like being a killjoy, but she did have a point.

Dylan, who played starting center in football and stood at a firm six foot five, was famous for his alcohol tolerance. His physique, coupled with the intensive drinking habit he developed throughout law school granted him the ability to consume beer in unparalleled quantities.

As with all heavy drinkers, it also made him the cornerstone of every party – when he mentioned college, it sure as hell served as the perfect metaphor. The average Law School Dylan night entailed losing his cellphone at some random party, leaving a frantic Gwyneth to launch a desperate manhunt to track him down while he hopped from one rave to another, never remembering a single thing that happened.

For all his drunken antics, he had woken up in a completely different state before – not just once, but twice – and somehow managed to find his way back to his dorm. Liquor wasn’t his only vice – he’d also showed up for numerous exams while being high on weed, miraculously scoring better than other students who’d bent over backwards studying.

Some of Gwyneth’s fondest memories of law school were of her hanging out with Dylan in the college quad when he was high as a kite, hearing him ramble about his life and all his secrets, his drug-addled mind fixing him in a permanently giggly mood.

She looked over the computer monitor to see his face locked in an exaggerated sulk. Despite herself, she had to admit that his energy was infectious. Knowing Dylan, he was obviously very happy for her and probably just looking for an excuse to spend the night doing what he did best – party. The last vestiges of reluctance quickly evaporated and she found herself rolling her eyes at the inevitable.

‘Fine, fine,’ she said begrudgingly, her lips pressed together in a crooked line as she tried to hide a smile. ‘One drink. I’ll buy you one drink.’

Dylan grinned and flashed two thumbs-up. ‘Nice!’


‘Chug! Chug! Chug!’ They chanted as Gwyneth swallowed gulp after gulp of the golden liquid, finally draining the beer bottle. Her friends cheered as she slammed the empty bottle onto the table while Dylan busied himself with the task of ordering more drinks. Gwyneth was glowing with happiness, pleasantly warmed by the beer and the good company of old friends.

She looked around her, basking in the familiar surroundings of their favorite bar and had to admit – life was looking pretty peachy from where she stood. Things with Aidan were going great, and the Ceres case would help garner attention at work. Someone cracked a joke that made everyone break into fits of uncontrollable laughter, and the humor snowballed around until they could laugh no more, with Gwyneth’s cheeks smarting from smiling so much.

She sighed with contentment, grateful for the simple pleasures in life, and then her phone rang shrilly in her clutch. Mom calling, the phone flashed. ‘Hang on, guys, I gotta take this.’ She slid out of the booth and made her way out of the bar to take the call outside.

‘Hi, Mom. How are you?’

Aidan was in the car, going through some of the documents he’d brought along with him. A glance at his Omega said that it was nine fifteen. Michael was expecting him at nine, and being late was one of Aidan’s pet peeves – he hated being tardy for anything and was a natural stickler for punctuality. Irritation was beginning to gnaw at him, but he ignored it and continued reading the files.

The driver must have seen him looking at his watch. ‘Traffic’s a bit heavy for a weeknight,’ he explained, ‘we might be here for quite a while.’

Aidan looked up from the stack of papers he’d been perusing. ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he assured the man. It wasn’t the driver
‘s fault that the roads were clogged up, anyway.

He glanced out of the window to gauge the extent of the gridlock and something caught his eye. A girl with a familiar face was holding a phone to her ear, clutching a purse in her other hand…a pretty, slim brunette…Gwyneth. Discreetly hidden behind a pane of tinted glass, Aidan continued to watch her as she stood on the pavement, clearly engrossed in the conversation.

Tonight she’d gone for the rocker look, with her hair swept up in a stylishly messy bun and smokey eye makeup to bring out her eyes. She was wearing a long-sleeved sequined minidress in a metallic gray print and the hem of her dress rode tantalizingly high on her thighs, showing off her toned, lithe legs that tapered into a pair of dainty feet encased in gladiator heels.

Aidan was increasingly turned on now, the familiar stirrings of arousal beginning to unwind inside him. Gwyneth obviously understood that sexy wasn’t about cleavage bursting out of skin-tight dresses or low-cut tops that left little to the imagination – no, no, she fed on imagination, her sex appeal thrived on it.

The lines of her relatively modest dress followed the contours of her body closely, enticing him to fantasize about what lay underneath, even if he’d already seen her naked. Unaware that she was being watched, Gwyneth swiveled as she spoke, turning away from him.

He drew in a sharp breath when he saw the back of the neckline dipping deeper than usual, teasing him with a small window of bare, smooth flesh. Of course she had her hair up – the little minx wasn’t going to hide the smooth skin of her back behind a waterfall of hair.

The back of her dress was low enough to make Aidan question if she was wearing a bra, but it wasn’t low enough to totally discount the possibility. His heart sped up as he wondered if she was wearing any underwear at all, his eyes hungrily searching for hints as he watched her body ripple underneath the fabric.

It was as if she knew exactly how to tweak with the finer machinations of his mind, almost as if she deliberately wore this dress tonight, knowing that he would be seeing her. All he could right now was undress her with his mind and picture, with vivid detail, how it would be like to unclasp the button at the back of the dress and slowly pull down the zipper than ran along her spine to expose more of that soft, creamy flesh.

Whoever was on the line clearly had her attention and did most of the talking while Gwyneth listened, absent-mindedly biting on her lower lip as she did so. The fact that she was completely oblivious as to how sexy she looked made her all the more alluring to Aidan.

He continued to stare at her, continuing with his fantasies where she stood in front of him and looked back over her shoulder with a coy smile, an invitation sparkling in her eyes. He would push off the sleeves of her dress as he sank his teeth into the skin of her neck and suck on it, tasting the warm tang of her skin as he felt her head tip back and heard the moan escape from her throat.

Jesus, he wanted her so fucking badly right now. The bulge in his pants was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and his mind was on the verge of being completely derailed by lust. He could picture her naked, wearing nothing but the heels, bent over in front of him, moaning lewdly while he fucked her like an animal. Similar thoughts continued to run through his imagination until the traffic finally cleared and the car jerked forward, slowly accelerating away from her.

He turned his head, trying to catch a last glimpse of her before they moved too far ahead but she was gone, lost in the sea of people and cars. Aidan blew out a breath and made a few futile attempts to concentrate back to the documents he’d been reading, forcing himself to read the sentences word by word.

A mental image of her face popped into his mind – her eyes were closed and her head thrown back into the pillow, those sensuous lips parted in a sexy O as she cried out in the deepest throes of her ecstasy. There was nothing he found sexier than seeing that expression on her face – seeing her come, watching the orgasm ravage her body and anoint her face – he gave up with trying to focus on work, slapped the folders shut and filed them away in his briefcase.

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The only person in the den was a man with graying hair, a clean-shaven face, and a suit that probably cost more than I would make in a year. He sat behind a desk that was made of dark wood, which was polished to a high sheen. The rest of the furnishings looked just as extravagant, just as expensive. Part of me knew this all belonged to my deceased biological mother, but another part hoped the first part was wrong. I didn’t want things this expensive. I just wanted answers to a few personal...

3 years ago
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There will be come

Ricks vision began to lighten; the world around him a kaleidoscope of pale swirls Ricks vision began to lighten; the world around him a kaleidoscope of pale swirls. His hearing was coming alive the hum of electric light tubes and a strange ventilation sucking noise filling the air. He sensed the passage of time-was it still evening? He didn't think so. His mind tried to retrace his steps. He remembered sat in his father's car; Beth was next to him. Beth was his all star girlfriend;...

1 year ago
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Hyderabad Chat Sexperience

This sex story is surely not for those who just want to get into the action without garnishing their inner self. I can assure you that as we move further, there are surprises, jerks, thrills and aesthetic feelings you would surely mesmerize. This happened a year back but the memories are as fresh as the dawn of the mornings. There was this stupid chat website online which I searched from google and I ended up getting a huge crowd of men and women. I tried my luck with few women and nothing...

3 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 13 Meeting the Enemy

Amanda watched the drone plane on her right as the drone flew not more than ten meters from the stubby air car's starboard thruster fans. An identical drone plane was on the left. Farther behind the sky car and almost invisible were two human-crewed aircraft and several more drones. "Amanda, release your safety harness and get in the back seat," Hank directed. "I need you to put on a slave collar, a dress and a pair of sandals because Eglin is a federal reservation. You know the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kimmy Kimm Exploring My StepUncle8217s Down Under Region

My sneaky teen step-neice Kimmy is sleuthing around my room unbeknownst to me when she slips undfer the bed covers and waits for me to come lie down again. As I’m starting to count sheep, my step-niece reaches around and starts to jerk my cock off! I immediately try to de-escalate the situation, but once she starts showing me those perky teen tits its over. Next, she’s got my fat cock in her mouth hungrily sucking it up. She rides me hard and then I turn her over and she lets me eat...

1 year ago
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RoadhouseChapter 18

Jess and I spent the rest of the day holding hands and talking, I noticed Sheila giving us a wistful glance every now and then. Later that evening, when all of us were stuffed with food and drink, Charlie wished us a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New year, the party soon broke up and Jess rounded up Ernie, who by now was half tanked and happy. "You drive Tony, her slurred, just keep your eyes on the road and stop making goo-goo eyes at my daughter." "Daddy, don't be so mean, Tony's...

3 years ago
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Emma learns sex from the farm helper and his friends

We also had a farmhand named Rico and his wife Amanda, on my dad’s payroll. Rico was a tall, dark handsome guy with big hands, helping with outside work, and his wife Amanda was helping with taking care of the cows, chickens and house work. I didn’t have sex, neither had any experience, and at the time there was no Internet to see and learn things, and I was homeschooled so didn’t have friends to ask about it. Every night, I was hearing voices and thumping noises from my parent’s bedroom....

4 years ago
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A bus ride to remember

She was sitting there, on the other side of the bus, with that short skirt and tantalizingly tight shirt. She knew I was watching. She could almost see the lust in my eyes, even though she never once acknowledged my existence. I could see her adjust her hair and expose her delicious, almost edible neck to me. My cock forgot what it felt like to not be hard, as it continuously throbbed. I had to keep my bag firmly over it to avoid completely confessing my perversion. This routine would continue...

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Sin BravelyChapter 7

"Shhh ... Don't stop ... Ummm..." I murmured, holding the girl's head with my right hand while I massaged my breasts with the other. It had taken me three days to get her into my bed. Three long days of being photographed, waiting to be photographed, watching a dozen other women get photographed. The Sports Illustrated shoot was one of the biggest of the year and it was a competition, a very serious one, with the cover being the only prize. Girls wept with bitter disappointment when they...

3 years ago
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Sondra at the Restaurant

Sondra had never really confronted her exhibitionist inclinations. Once a friend had told her that she really knew how to “dress for men”, but she had shrugged that off. She never thought that she dressed for anyone other than for herself. She did, however, enjoy the looks she got when she showed a little more leg than usual or “inadvertently” let her blouse fall open. “Why not?”, she thought. She'd never had any complaints from men or women for that matter. The men were more apt to stare, but...

1 year ago
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Housewife1On1 Rachel Starr 23487

Now that she’ll be home more, your wife Rachel Starr is ready to please her man! To celebrate her not working much anymore, she’s donning some sexy lingerie that makes her ass pop, right in your face. You’ve been dying for that blowjob that she’s promised, and she’s dying to deliver on her promise — now’s the time! She wants to gag on your hard cock and then straddle you to ride it. Her pussy’s nice and wet for her husband, the way it should be, and she wants to fuck you for a long, long time....

2 years ago
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Sitting In Class

I grew up in a rather conservative household, but that was always fine because I was never one to go out and party and get involved in such things. I was fine staying home and living vicariously through my friends. Eventually I graduated high school and got to college. I was still a quiet kid, I got along with my roommate well enough, and I was usually able to find some people to have dinner with or walk to class with . So it was a pleasant time. But I did have a secret. Somewhere along the...

1 year ago
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Hottie Who Made Reels On Instagram 8211 Part 2

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a cuckold husband. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

4 years ago
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Visit to Mexico Pt VI

Later that evening Carmen returned home with her eldest daughter Theresa.After a few minutes of warm 'hello's' exchanged between Rosa and her oldersibling, Carmen inquired as to Terry's whereabouts. Rosa told her thatthey had gone shopping all afternoon and Terry complained about not feelingwell when they returned so she had gone upstairs to her room to rest.Carmen wasn't overly concerned and decided to get started on dinnerpreparations and solicited her two daughters to help.A couple of hours...

2 years ago
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The Wooing of a London SoubretteChapter 3

"Hey babe," a drunken reveller shouted at her at a break in the live music. She had been entertaining the gentlemen at the party all night and was feeling decidedly tired; she had certainly earned her money but smiled at the guy staggering over to her. "Were you the girl who fucked ol' Georgie?" He pointed at a drunken guy collapsed in the corner and she nodded. "He said you had the loveliest cunt he had ever seen." He shouted, and there was near silence in the room. "Who wants to...

3 years ago
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Dripping with desire

I’m English – one thing i’ve noticed about Indian girls is that they get turned on if you look at them in a certain way. The first time I really discovered this was when I was looking for a necklace for a friend back home. The necklace was a little heavy and I wasn’t sure how it would look on my friend so the jeweller asked if his sister – his assistant – was of a similar build. My eyes wandered across her neck, down across her chest and took in her breasts. “Yes” I said, “my friend is a little...

2 years ago
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HaremChapter 13

Once aunty had to attend couple of marriages one at Mandya and another at Mysore with gap of three days in between. Aunty asked jiju to accompany her he denied, saying he can't afford to spare so many days at a stretch. Prema denied saying she had to study otherwise she would have loved to spend days at Mysore. I said if you like Mysore then do one thing jiju will take her to Mandya and after two days he will return meanwhile you go to Mysore and join aunty and relive your brother. Idea is...

1 year ago
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Tiberius at Capri

Tiberius licked his lips as he watched his newly bought slaves walk off stage. They would be a nice addition to his household. As he was being carried to the palace in his litter, he thought of his niece Mara and what she would be like. Just recently her mother had asked him to admit her into his clan, no doubt to gain political power over him, but Tiberius didn’t care. I will take her to Capri he thought to himself after I break my new slaves in, and he smiled wickedly at the thought....

3 years ago
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Not Mom knew all along

Everyone in this story is over eighteen, and nobody is related. My cock is wrapped in some expensive black shiny silky negligee, and I'm stroking it at a blinding pace. My laptop is perched, where else, in my lap, and slides luxuriously on the sheer pantyhose covering my legs. On the screen a plump blonde milf is bent over with her fat ass facing the camera, spreading her cheeks revealing her pantyhose covered ass and pussy. It's getting close to the good part and I've timed my orgasm...

3 years ago
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Time to Suck Some Cock TS

I knew it was a tranny bar. I had worked down the street for almost four years and had heard all the stories. Our parking structure was just across the street from Fern's Place, so many of us had occasionally seen what we believed to be transsexuals. And although I had a fascination with shemales I had never been in the place.Tonight was different. My wife was back in Chicago nursing her sick mother. I had worked late finishing up an overdue account. I just didn't feel like going home to an...

1 year ago
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A Fantasy First Meeting Between Cyber Lovers

This is a story I wrote way back in 2000, late one night at work. I have it posted on one of My own websites, as well as on, so it is possible that you may have seen it before. If not, I hope you enjoy it.I keep dreaming of our first meeting. I play it over and over in my mind...I arrive at your house early in the morning and knock on your door. You open the door and I see you standing there in a very pretty, very long dress with high heels, and I see the exposed parts of your...

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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

1 year ago
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Two Types Chapter 3

The runup to the big party at Johnny’s place turned out to be a little romantic but confusing in Les’ and Carolyn’s house. Pre-party week circumstances dictated Les had to go in to work, a fifty-mile commute in one direction while his wife required a longer commute in the opposite direction. Thus, in that early October, they saw each other in still-dark mornings and darker evenings.Carolyn seemed chipper, rising before her husband. Breakfast call brought several of his favorite dishes. Les...

Wife Lovers
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Bus Ride

Introduction: I was awoken by moans….. I was awoken on the bus by her little moans. I looked across the aisle and saw why she was moaning. Her boyfriend was fucking her from behind with his enormous cock. Both her hands were pressed against the window. Her face sideways, her right cheek on the glass. It started out as a normal day. My plan was to take the bus from Vegas to San Diego for a trip to see my best girl friend. She had moved there for a new job 6 months ago. I missed her. I did not...

3 years ago
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Just treat her like another slut

When the phone rang, Kathy was looking down the street from her living room window, at the teenaged boys carrying beer into her neighbor's house."Is Jeff home?""No," said Kathy. "Is this Randy?""Yea," said the voice on the phone."Randy, I thought Jeff was with you.""No, he said he was going to Kurt's house."After Kathy hung up the phone, she thought, "Jeff is going to Kurt's house! Kurt's house is the one down the street that the beer just went into! My teen-aged son is going to a party with...

4 years ago
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You were just sitting at your desk, waiting for class to start. The teacher is late; the students around you were chatting with eachother. You absentmindedly feel the bottom of you desk... which is a bad idea, with how much gum people put under there. But... you also feel an odd wooden extrusion? You pull it and feel it detach from the plastic table. You take a look at it: It's somekind of talisman. The emblem has a distinct native American feel to it, but you can't place it any more specific....

Mind Control
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The Club

I was restless. My friends had coaxed me into coming to the club when I really had other things to do. I loved to dance, but they were more interested in just chatting and gossiping. We took turns shooting down guys as they came to our table, trying to ply us with drinks and hoping for a pick-up. I was getting bored and began planning a tactful way of bowing-out, but I had been watching a hauntingly attractive girl sitting in the far corner who seemed as out of place here as I felt. She had had...

1 year ago
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shemale looking for black

I was at the bar for the night. relaxing, putting down a couple drinks. I had started talking to another guy at the bar. we had a lot in common. after a good couple of laughs, a woman came up and joined in. we were suprised, she was really hot! we sat around for a cpl minutes, talking and laughing. as the bar was closing, me and my buddy needed to find cabs to get home. the woman offered to give us a lift, and we saw no problem, and agreed. on our way back, she said she wanted to drink more,...

2 years ago
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Forced to Black

Forced to Black By Lizzy S I was first caught by my mother when I was about eleven. I was standing in the bathroom wearing a pair of her panties, stockings, a bra, and high heels that were about four sizes too big. She was not angry. I told her that I was just 'dressing up'. I guess she thought it was just kid's stuff and she never told my father. What she did not know was that I never stopped. I was just more careful. I think I knew my way around her bedroom better than she...

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Annie and the Schoolteachers Part 2

“So do you really think they’ll be back again this week?” asked Mick, as he clambered over a dusty pile of carpet that lay in the middle of the store-room floor. “If Mr Nettleship discovers that I didn’t have a dental appointment this afternoon, I’ll be in detention for a week.” “Don’t worry” I said. “The way they were at each other last week, they’ll be here, I’m sure of it”. But secretly I had been having misgivings. What if Mr Pearson and Miss Sharpe couldn’t get away that afternoon? What...

4 years ago
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Through the Years

This story sort of falls into the "What If" genre. As usual constructive comments, emails, and critiques are most welcome and appreciated. Thank you for reading this tale and I hope you enjoy the story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. "This town ain't big enough for the both of us, you varmint," one man yelled. "Ride out or go for your gun." "I'm tired of your loud mouth," the second man's voice replied. "Reach you sidewinder." At the electronic beep, both men drew and...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Jade Nile Elsa Jean Rachael Cavalli Why Don8217t You Bring A Friend Over

Elsa Jean and her step-mom, Rachael Cavalli, have been romantically and sexually involved since Rachael divorced Elsa’s dad not long ago. However, they have to hide their relationship since they know that not everyone would be cool with it. In fact, Elsa’s even stopped inviting friends over since she’s so afraid of something bad happening. But one day, after another wild romp, Rachael slyly insists that Elsa should finally invite a friend over… to join them! Although...

3 years ago
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Cant be both

Alexander Orleans had always been a rather unique individual. He was born with very soft features that gave him a prominently feminine physique. He stood at five foot and four inches and could rarely get himself to weigh more than a hundred and five pounds on average. Porcelain skin, smooth facial features, long and luxurious black hair made him look like quite the beautiful bombshell, if only he were a woman. He was also not gifted in any traits of considerable manliness, as he was short,...

1 year ago
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Pool at hot night

Suddenly the three of us were alone in that beach house having some fun ... The other day some friends planned to go to the beach for a weekend you know young people about 30 in average age, some were going by car some by bus, etc .. I was hanging around with a friend those days called Bonny, she looked like courtney cox, phisically and in personality, we were just friends, we decided to arrive at about 6 pm that friday to get the house ready to party, at 7 pm a friend and his wife that looked...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 24 Moving Up and Hitting the Fan

Mark and some of his extended family came by the Circle on Friday evening for cocktails and dinner. Mark sought out Dave as soon as he walked onto the patio. Dave was tending bar along with Phil. The bar was again a new one, this time a more permanent installation outside on the patio and able to seat sixteen people on the new barstools. More than that could gather around. Several new high-top tables that matched the older ones were also nearby. The bar had turned out to be the hub for the...

1 year ago
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my first time

i was young and my cousin came over to stay so the day he came over to stay i was making jokes like you wanna fool around and i always said just k**ding but one day everybody went out to go get something to eat but me and him so we was sitting on the couch watching TV when i flipped out my dick as a joke he said man you are so gay i said i was k**ding, a couple of minutes passed and he got up i was laying down stretched out on the couch and he passed me to get some water he came back and he...

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