Finders KeepersChapter 14 free porn video

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"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there."

"Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the system."

Colin turned to his second in command as the connection died. "You know what that means..."

"Plan C," Mtumbo nodded. "It'll still work, but it might mean more casualties."

"I hate that we have to let them land, but if we don't, it'll be a corridor-to-corridor fight to capture those ships, or worse yet, a ship-to-ship space battle. With the troops on the ground, hopefully they'll surrender without a fight."

"We've planned as best we can, Commodore," Mtumbo didn't look a day older than he had when Colin recruited him. Of them all, he had probably seen the most unsimulated battle, though spears and hide shields were a far cry from the weapons he would be wielding in this one. "We've known this day was coming for almost a century. Now it is almost upon us. I believe this is the longest I have stalked any game."

Djai's smile brought back visions of the plains warrior he once had been, and Colin couldn't help but catch some of his excitement in the coming conflict. That didn't last very long, however. The sims had been too realistic for him to have illusions about how the coming battle would go, and this time, when people died, they would not come back to life as the sim ended.

"All right," Colin nodded as if to confirm that he knew it was the right thing to do. "The fighters from Third Fleet will hit the support fleet's communications as the Gorz attack fleet crosses the orbit of the outer planet. Fourth Fleet will stand by in case the attack fleet gets warning and decides to go to the aid of the support fleet. Once the coms are disabled, Third Fleet's marines will infiltrate the support fleet ships. After that, if we're lucky, and the attack fleet continues on course, we'll stay out of sight until they've landed the ground troops."

He didn't have to mention the carnage that would have to ensue in space if the Gorz attack fleet decided to go to the aid of their support fleet. The nature of the attack should keep the Gorz commander from being too alarmed, however, even if some communication did get through.

"Help your grandfather up the ramp, Colin," Sharon Olsen told her oldest son. "We don't want to delay the launch."

"I can make it myself!" Sandeep griped, wheezing as he forced the wheels of his chair one more quarter-turn upward.

"I know you can, Grandpa," the strapping young teenager smiled, positioning himself behind the wheelchair, "but there are other people behind us who'd like to be aboard before they light off the engines."

With the boy's help, Sandeep was soon rolling over the hatch coaming into the spacious cargo bay of the transport that would take them to their new home. Sharon's husband, Sandeep's son Helmut, had gone ahead with his mother to start the process of moving into the new place. According to Hel, Sanctuary was a far cry from Bait. The climate was temperate and the seasons mild, thanks to an almost circular orbit of the planet around its primary.

Sandeep looked forward to the new place, but he was going to miss Bait. His father and mother may be buried on Sanctuary, but they had died making Bates' World home for Sandeep, who had, in turn, made it home for his children and grandchildren. He almost resented the fact that his family had to pick up and leave. Almost.

His parents had volunteered to be among the settlers on Bait, even knowing that their grandchildren would have to move to another world. That had been part of Commodore McClintock's plan from the beginning, and one of the reasons he had taken a personal interest in the settlers on Bates' World. Bait had been ideally situated - a habitable planet not far off the route the Gorz would have to take to reach Earth - the perfect place to set a trap.

The bait on Bait, of course, had been the daily communications traffic around the planet and between it and the orbital stations. That kind of electronic signature could not be ignored by the Gorz. Even now, with almost all of the residents evacuated, MI controlled machines continued to generate a simulation of that traffic.

The Gorz, of course, had taken the bait - they were headed straight for Bait. That was why Sandeep didn't allow his resentment to show. Much better to be relocated than to be in the middle of the coming battle. A bit more abstractly, he also guessed it was better for humans to face the Gorz in a system that had been set up for evacuation instead of Earth's system, though that was little more than an intellectual exercise for a man who had never seen Earth.

Sangeeta had. Many times. It hurt to see his sister these days. Here he was, a crippled old man, while she looked hardly older than the day she stepped on the shuttle that took her off to the Fleet. It had been his choice to stay, and he had never regretted it - until an accident took his legs. The medical facilities aboard any military ship could have grown his legs back, but those facilities weren't available to civilians.

The docs and MIs on Bait had done their best, even considered trying to reattach his legs. The tissues had been too badly crushed, however, and for the last three years, Sandeep had been confined to a wheelchair. He was so lost in thought, as he watched the last of the colonists enter the cargo bay that he almost missed what his grandson was saying as the hatch closed slowly and the ship began to rise on its inertial drive.

"What was that, Colin?"

Colin leaned over and whispered in his Grandfather's ear.

Suddenly, Sandeep was doubled over with laughter, slapping the stumps of his legs with both hands. "Me either, by damn! Me either!"

"What's going on?" his daughter-in-law asked, puzzled, and a bit concerned for the old man's health.

It took several long seconds for Sandeep to get some semblance of control over his mirth as his grandson stood behind him looking extremely pleased with himself.

Finally, Sandeep wheezed, "Rabbits! He said one thing he won't miss is rabbits!"

The story spread through the ship like wildfire, and soon almost everyone native to Bait was laughing over some version of it. The crew were somewhat mystified until someone explained it to them.

Weelock had been Fleet Admiral for more than fifteen cycles when the fleet finally reached the first target system. He paced the bridge of his flagship impatiently, checking the readings on every board as his ships crossed the orbit of the outermost planet.

"Tell that fool Guadneef to decelerate!" He snarled, noticing that the support fleet was far too close for comfort when a battle was about to begin. "He needs to be at least ten light-microcycles back!"

He heard the hushed voice of the communication officer relaying his message to the commander of the support fleet, then the fool had the gall to try to relay a message back. "Uh, Fleet Admiral, there's a problem with the support fleet..."

"I don't give a flying feedle's needle about the damned support fleet's problems!" He roared, turning on the communications officer. "I'm about to go into battle here! Tell that worthless Guadneef to take care of it himself and not to bother me until this battle's over!"

Alpha flight, ready, Moira's voice came through the comm, and Sangeeta responded: Bravo flight, ready.

As the other three flights sounded off, Sangeeta's MI keyed the intercom to the commander of the troops in her drop bay, Make sure your guys are strapped in, Pham. Even with the inertial damping, if I have to maneuver violently, your troops could get thrown around.

It was a purely precautionary protocol - there had never been a documented case where a passenger or crew member of a military vessel got tossed during maneuvers, but there was an infinitesimally small possibility that power diverted to weapons or shields could affect the inertial damping enough to allow personnel to be jostled, so every pilot in every shuttle gave the warning every time before going into battle.

All flights, Moira sent, on my mark, commence execution of attack plan Charlie One Niner ... Mark!

As if executing a three-dimensional ballet, the armed ID shuttles and fighters peeled out of the formation, splitting into four precise formations, like petals of a flower, blossoming to mingle with four arbitrarily chosen quadrants of the Gorz support fleet, then separating into pairs which peeled off to attack individual vessels. The fifth flight paced the battle, held in reserve in case it was needed. Like invisible mosquitoes buzzing around giant, ungainly livestock, the tiny ID vessels swarmed through the loose Gorz formation, their lasers slicing off antennae and communication arrays with surgical precision.

As expected, the first pass caught the Gorz completely off guard. The second pass, however, found weapons manned and searching for targets. The shields of ID vessels were no match for the ship-killer weapons mounted on even the support ships, but their c-thrus made it difficult for the gunners to find targets. Soon enough, however, the gunners started predicting the movements of the fighters based on their observed firing patterns, and now and then managed to score a direct hit.

Fire and change course immediately! Sangeeta commanded her pilots. Alpha, tell them to change course immediately after firing.

She got acknowledgements from her pilots, but nothing from Moira. Alpha, this is Bravo, come in...

Silence. Then, Bravo, this is Alpha two. Alpha one's been hit. There's no response from her or her MI or her ship's MI.

A lead weight settled on Sangeeta's chest, but she had been through this in the sims, and she ruthlessly suppressed the emotions that threatened to take over. Roger Alpha Two. Suggest you broadcast orders to change course immediately after firing.

Good idea, Bravo leader, the voice on the other end answered. I'll pass it on.

Because of the fighters and shuttles moved by manipulating inertia instead of working against it, they could, and now did, change to a radically different course within microseconds after firing their weapons. No human pilot could have reacted that quickly, of course, but the MIs managed it with ease.

For a while, the tactic seemed to work, but the Gorz were not stupid. Soon they had reprogrammed their fire-control computers to blanket the entire volume of space surrounding the point from which a laser had fired. Sangeeta watched numbly as her MI executed the last firing run of her part of the mission, while the telltales of two of her shuttles winked out. If they were lucky, some of the marines might survive in their vacsuits until they could be picked up, but pilots needed to be able operate without the encumbrance of the bulky suits, and were most likely killed when their ships were hit.

Steeling herself, her primary mission completed, Sangeeta began destroying enemy weapons arrays. Others, having completed their missions as well, did the same. As flight Echo made a last pass through the Gorz support fleet cleaning up any communication emitters that had been missed by the first four flights, the remaining ships of those flights cleared the way, sanitizing the hulls of the enemy vessels of anything resembling a weapon.

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"You shall have it, Muriel my dear. I hate to think how much this will set me back, but it was worth it! The dinner is, what, three days from now?" Gloria responded, "Yes, dear. Three days from tonight. The dresses arrived just in time. Now Penny and I need to pick up our necklaces, to set off the dresses." "Necklaces? You have necklaces? I don't remember seeing them." John expressed his doubt. Gloria smiled sweetly. "They are being made for us as we speak, darling. Nothing...

4 years ago
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Tamarillas ChoicesChapter 5 A Journey with Many Undead Ends

Danni responded to Tammi's question, "For the third time we are going to a friend of mine's cottage. Actually it is more of a retreat than a cottage. And before you ask, we're not there yet." If she asks one more time, only two of us will make it to the retreat. Tammi stumbled on the uneven ground yet again. She caught herself on her hands preventing an injury, but her unwieldy tits popped out of her abbreviated top to hang swinging above the ground, the ground that went from scrub...

3 years ago
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My feet are killing me

They say no woman is shapeless who has good ankles.Mrs Verity was one hefty lady, but from the knees downwards she began to approach at least fair-to-average contours.Not quite in the league of the professional foot-artist, who might be paid to model tights and stockings. But there was definitely something arousing about the sight of her shoes and feet, as she walked. Or even just standing still - and she'd spent most of today on her feet, as the two of us worked the exhibition-stand at a big...

2 years ago
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Lives Matter

“Black Lives Matter!” “Black Lives Matter!” “Black Lives Matter!” He looked over to his chief of staff. She looked nervous. “You called the capitol police?” She nodded, “They are all throwing down at the whip’s office.” “Not love for a junior senator eh?” The Senator looked over at his chief. She had been highly recommended. She was a local, a mover and a shaker. He had seen her unflappable in the face of a hostile press, opposition leadership, and captains of industry. She was...

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The Au PairChapter 5

Brian lay his head down on his desk and closed his eyes. 'I'll just rest here for a minute, ' he thought, 'and then I'll finish up and go home.' Brian had been at work since 7:30 AM, and it was now almost midnight. For some incomprehensible reason, he had promised the reports on these last two companies by the next day, and now he felt obligated to deliver. Brian was a stock analyst and researcher. It was his job to predict a company's future in terms of revenue growth, data which...

3 years ago
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Love to Live Working Extra Hours

I am not supposed to like what I am doing right now let alone enjoy it, but the truth is I am enjoying it, so much so that I truly believe that I could become addicted. There is no love between myself and the guy that is now pounding my pussy, he wants me just for sex, nothing else, and that suits me fine. Ostensibly, all I want from him is his money, but I do have to admit to myself that more and more I am enjoying having sex with strangers.After the sex is over the strangers leave me and I...

Quickie Sex
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SusanChapter 10

For many years longer than Susan had been alive, Wednesday morning was paper day around the Spearfish Lake Record-Herald. Since the paper was a weekly, it had no regular circulation staff, so it was traditional for members of all the departments to gather around to address and bundle the thousands of papers that had to go out in the mail. This wasn't an unfamiliar chore to Susan; she'd helped with it from time to time since she'd been just a very small girl, and her joining the staff for...

2 years ago
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Dhoban Ke Saath Bistar Mein

Hi friends, I am Sachin. My previous ID isn’t working not sure what my username was so I created a new ID. This happened when I was recovering from a bout of flu and was resting at home. My wife works and would leave me to rest and attend to the odd chores at home. Basically there was a dusting woman who would come and clean the house and an Iron man who would collect clothes for ironing after I bid goodbye to my wife. I went to the toilet to shave. I was into my second course when suddenly the...

2 years ago
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Vadina tho sex

Na peru karthik nenu hyderabad lo untanu, na gae 24 engg complete ayindi, e story ma vadinatho jarigina real story.nanu contach cheyali ante na id Hi readers i came again with anew story with my vadina. Vadina menses ipoyi, 5th day, bleeding emi kavatledu, vadinanu adiganu, programmed unda ani, nee kante kuda naku atramgavundi, kasepu ayyaka deside cheddamu ani andi,intalo mother,father, oka marraige ku velle function gurinchi discussion, evaru, evaru vastunnara ani, annaya, ostanu annadu,...

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Alternative Payment

I am going to try something a little different for this story. I find it awkward for myself as a writer to smoothly include character descriptions in the actual story, so here’s a short bio of the characters in this story. Let me know if you like this idea as a reader or not. Ashley – Main character, age 28 and is 5’4′. At 150lbs, Ashley has curves in all the right places with a modest 34C bust that matches her rounded ass nicely. She is also married and has a three year old son. Steve –...

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Mary Beths Fantasies Collection One

Mary Beth's Fantasies: Collection One These are some of my first stories written from 1997 to 2004. Some grew larger and some didn't. Some were more or less ready to post on my site but were never posted. However a few were posted and may ring a bell. All of them involved diapers and/or little girl clothes in some way or another and of course all of them are my fantasies: 1) My Little Blue Bird; 2) If we can make HIM this cute; 3) Don't Forget To Floss; 4) Try To Imagine;...

2 years ago
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Neenu Naamanjula

Hi friends naa peru arveen raju, age 24, naa lifelo jarigina stori okati meetoo share chesukovalani story rastunna chadevi mee openion mail cheyandee maa father transfor kaavadamto meemu vunna flot khali chesamu perents chennai vellepoinaru neenu maatram studies kosam ekkade vundepoinanu single room flot okati rentku teesukoni vunnanu.sudenga flat change kaavadam valla ekkada andaru kotta emi lo antta kotta ammaielu appude close avutunnaru anta tondaragaa dengichu koru...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 8 Deal Or Not Deal

BOOM! The formation laid in the garden erected a woodland mirage; its sources of energy were buried in forty eight key spots. When Zax’s fist hit the mirage the energy it discharged was absorbed into the vista of woodland. ‘Hm? Does it require more than brute force?’ Zax doubted, but the energy he unleashed seemed to just vanish in the mirage. ‘No, it sufficed’. His eyes shone in satisfaction as the effect of his blow begin to appear. The vegetation in the woodland grew and multiplied...

2 years ago
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Emily Ch 05

Saturday, August 9, 2014 Being the center of attention has never really been my thing, but everyone just wound up not dancing and staring at Emily and me after our dance. It startled me when the women all started cheering – the men absolutely did not! – because I had completely lost touch with everything in the world other than Em during that dance. ‘Thanks, bro,’ Jack said to me. ‘Either all of us or none of us are going to get laid tonight.’ Randy, my classmate with the flaming red hair,...

4 years ago
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Sweet Temptation Part II

Lacey woke with a terrible headache. She slowly opened her eyes and at first didn’t recognize where she was. All the memories from the night before came flooding back quickly. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she looked over to her left. He was still asleep, and oh God, completely naked. He had a large cross tattoo on his right shoulder that Lacey only just now noticed. His skin looked liked a delicious combination between melting caramel, and light cocoa powder. Her mind flashed to slowly...

3 years ago
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Nayi Kirayedaar

Hi friends mein Lucknow se hu meri is site ko mein pichle 4 saalo se dekhta aaya hu aur aaj mujhe bhi aisa laga ki mein apni real story aap sab se share karu to mein aap sabko apni real story sunata hu. Dosto mera naam ranvijay hai mera ghar mein last 3 mahino se ek naye kirayedaar rehne ke liye aaye hue hai family mein 3 log hai choti ladki aur ek bahbhi aur unke husband wo log mere ghar ke sabse upar wale portion Mein rehte hai jaha pe 3 room aur ek kicten hai aur ek toilet bathroom attach...

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Friend Turned Sex Partner

Hi, guys and gals, this is Ansh and I come back with an experience which I had with a friend of mine. I am Delhi guy, 26 years old with average looks. Whatever I lack in looks is compensated with my wild thoughts and sex drive I guess. I am reachable on for any females for fun time and for feedback for the story as well. Coming back to the story, I have a friend Niyati(name changed) who’s about 28 and we have been friends for about 2 years now. She’s a bit on the heavier side and is dusky but...

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Nikki Sweet Twin Share

ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. When Milan Ponjevic sees his girlfriend doing dishes in the kitchen, he surprises her by grabbing her ass from behind, but suddenly his girl, Nikki Sweet, is calling him from the living...

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How Jason Loves His Mother finale

I had the most satisfying job that a young man with very high testosterone hormones could ever dream about. I was featured in making a number of Porno videos for my mom’s best friend, Hilda. I was getting paid for fucking all those different pussies. Some of the older women requested me to make videos with them. They wanted see what a strong hard large young cock that could stay fully erect throughout a long photo shoot. They liked the fact that I could cum multiple times an hour maintaining...

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peed on

We are a very sexual couple but I felt as if we were both holding back our deepest, darkest desires from each other.We would tease each other through out the day by texting while he was at work, I would leave a pair of panties in the pocket of his work pants for him to sniff when ever he desired. Just little sexual teases to tell each other "Look what you have to look forward to tonight!"One afternoon while he was at work, I was reading fetish stories online and came across one that involved...

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Mom discovers son

Fictional for your entertainment This Fictional story will be told from the mother's point of view.It was your typical summer's day. It was a the first Saturday since my son was out of school for the year and that meant one thing. He was going to get to go swimming. Since my husband had left, I was able to set the rules in the house, and one of them was no swimming until school was out. The other rule that applied to the pool was no swimming unless an adult was present and I knew about it. Josh...

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Summer Camp part 2

Summer Camp Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 3-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom (Please read part one so my story makes sense. I did copy the last two pages of part one to...

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