Finders KeepersChapter 2 free porn video

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Colin stepped through the open hatchway of the scoutship into a short tunnel that led to a larger passageway. The armor's MI told him he should step through a hatchway, but he could find no control to open the hatch.

"I am in communication with the mothership," the suit told him. "Simply step toward the hatch and it will open for you."

He did, it did.

"Is that a security measure or something?" He asked.

"Among other things. Since this is a military vessel, we concern ourselves with damage control, security, and the ability of the crew to move freely about the ship. To minimize damage and loss of atmosphere in the event of a hull breach, there are many airtight doors throughout the ship. Having them operated by MIs fulfills requirements of security and ease of motion. The ship's MI will not respond to unauthorized MIs or to biologicals that have no MI. In your case, I am acting as a substitute for your MI until it can be implanted. This arrangement also allows authorized personnel to move freely about the ship without having to spend excessive amounts of time waiting for hatches to open."

"Clever. Is this an elevator? It must be in an inertial damping field, too, because I didn't feel it move."

"This compartment does use a variation of the ID field for propulsion, and it travels through service tunnels within the ship, though calling it an 'elevator' would be to oversimplify its function. This compartment has its own MI and can move from any point in the ship to any other. Our current destination is the ship's infirmary, which is approximately 2.3 kilometers in and southward of your scoutship's berth, adjacent to the command bridge."

"In and... Wait a minute! That would put it somewhere near the center of the ship. I thought the command bridge would be up... Oh yeah. It's spherical and outside a gravity well 'up' and 'down' don't really make any sense, but why wouldn't you want it near the hull? I mean, I assume you've got cameras and sensors and such, but what if you lose power to them?"

"In space, especially in battle, what the unaided biological eye can see is of little or no consequence, so why risk the lives of biologicals by putting them too near the outer hull? A ship this size can take a tremendous amount of damage and still continue to fight, as long as the crew is still alive."

"But can't MIs fight the ship if the crew is dead or incapacitated?"

"Poorly. MIs are excellent administrators and logistics handlers, but we lack the imagination that makes biological crewmembers so vital to the mission."

"Wait a minute. If the service tunnels that this thing runs in go all over the ship, how can you possibly seal them against loss of atmosphere?"

"Actually, the tunnels themselves are kept at space normal vacuum. The doorways through which you enter the cars, and the cars themselves seal the ship against loss of air. In addition, there are airtight hatches every hundred meters or so, that respond to the car's MI, opening as it approaches and closing after it passes."

Colin knew there were other questions he should be asking, but the very strangeness of his day kept his mind in a whirl from which he seemed capable of grasping only random thoughts. An important question finally occurred to him just as the doorway whisked open again and he found himself entering a neat, almost featureless chamber that was lined with compartments, each about the size of a coffin.

"Please remove your armor and enter the open med-unit," a new voice said.

Colin saw that one of the coffin-like compartments was open and assumed it was the med-unit, but there was a problem. "How do I... ?"

"You simply tell me to 'open' if you wish to remove this armor," the suit's MI answered, as if reading his thoughts.

"Okay, open!"

The helmet popped upward and the back of the suit unsealed. As he stepped backwards out of it, Colin saw that the helmet remained attached to the suit, but hung to one side. To his surprise, the suit walked itself to a rack similar to the one that had held it in the cave back on earth, and hung itself up.

"I guess that's what happens when your clothes can think for themselves," he muttered under his breath.

"Please enter the med-unit," the new voice urged, "so that we may complete your implants and impart the information you need to assume your new role."

"Wait a minute! What if I don't want to assume this new role?

"That is highly unlikely, given your intellectual and psychological characteristics, but in the event that it should happen, your implants will be removed and you will be returned to your domicile on the planet from which you came."

"You're not going to brainwash me in that thing?"

"That would be a form of non-voluntary recruitment, and is to be avoided at all costs."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Trust?" the voice sounded genuinely puzzled. "You have allowed us to take you halfway across your planetary system and we have done nothing to harm you. Why would you not trust us? I'm sure you will agree that we could have taken you by force and compelled you to accept whatever we wished to do to you, had that been our purpose, and had it not been counter to our philosophy and to our mission. If, by this point in your journey, we have not forced you to do anything against your will, why would we start now?"

"You have a point," Colin replied wryly, as he stepped into the coffin and reclined upon the soft lining of its interior.

"Be gentle with me," he said. "It's my first time."

The lid closed and Colin felt himself surrounded by a soft, maleable material that covered even his face, without, he noted, cutting off the light or his air.

"Just relax, Mr. McClintock," the voice soothed. "You will feel a number of small pricks as I sample your biology, then you will fall into a semi-sleep state that keeps your mind alert, but disassociates it from what is happening to your body. When you reach that state, I will begin data transfer. You need not say anything or respond in any way. If, by the time you have learned what you need to know, we will be able to detect whether you are willing to accept the role we have chosen for you or not."

As advertised, Colin felt the pin pricks, similar to the ones he had felt as the suit of armor 'reconfigured' itself to fit him. Then, as if he were there, he began to experience...

The small merchantman that carried Chofri goods to nearby starsystems clawed for hyperspace as the strange vessels gave pursuit. At sub-light speeds, his sluggish engines could barely keep him ahead of them, even though their ancient reaction drives must have been burning mass by the ton. The pilot's upper arms steered the vessel and operated the drive controls while his lower arms worked feverishly to fix his position and ready the hyperspace message.

His creche-mother would have been proud of him, he thought, for being able to manage so many urgent tasks at once. His MIs worked frantically along with him, and it was the ship's MI that actually sent the message in the last microseconds of its life. The shields, never meant to withstand more than a meteor shower, were no match for the concentrated fire from the pursuing vessels, and they imploded as the pilot's hand was reaching for the 'Send' key. No matter, the message got sent, along with the MI's report of its own death.

Debris from destroyed ships, mostly Gorz, littered this region of space and careened off the fighter's shields. This close in, the capital ships were of little use, as huge and clumsy as they were and as inefficient as their ID drives. The fighter's MI kept its sensors on high sensitivity, despite the clutter, using its massive processing power to filter out the clutter and isolate targets that were still under power. With none nearby, it scanned further out, finding a surprisingly large number of targets near the outermost planet of the Chofri home system. The Chofri pilot was just as curious as he, so the ID drive latched onto the nearest planetary mass and the fighter caromed across the system, plotting a course that kept it near enough the system's planetary bodies for the ID drive to work efficiently.

As they approached the clustered targets, a small group of the vicious Gorz fighters detached themselves and headed straight for them. Realizing its see-through was gone, the MI captured as many long range images as it could and squirted them back to Chofri'at for analysis. For the MI and the pilot, however, analysis was not necessary. They knew the implications of what they had seen. The Gorz were replenishing their fleet as fast as the Chofri destroyed it, and they were doing it by taking apart the planets of the home system.

Night was no longer dark on Chofri'at. The skies were always filled with explosions or the flares of falling debris from the never-ending battle that raged above, as it burned up on entering the atmosphere. So far, none of the Gorz had made it to the planet's surface, but it was only a matter of time.

"The diversionary attack will commence the moment you lift," the Chofira was telling the new scouts. "I cannot stress the importance of your mission enough. You must not fail. Our ships are half crewed by Chofri barely out of the creche, and your ships are made with almost the last available metal on Chofri'at. The allmother speed you on your journey and keep you safe, but whatever the results of your explorations, do not return to Chofri'at. Our planet, our mother, is doomed."

Hobal climbed lithely into his own mothership as did the other two scouts. The mothership's MI ran through the final systems check in nanoseconds and signaled Hobal's MI that all systems were ready. The other two ships disappeared from visual sensors at the moment that the MI engaged its own see-through. It knew that the others each took a different path into space, but spared them no sensor time. Its own path took it toward the setting of Chofri'at's primary, and no Gorz detected its passage. The Hyperspace drive engaged and in a flash, all threat to the explorers from the Gorz vanished into another dimension.

Earlier missions had discovered the swath of destruction the Gorz had cut through this arm of the Galaxy, and a general direction of travel had been established. This mission would explore worlds as far from the predicted path of the Gorz as possible.

The first two planets were inhospitable to the Chofri. The third, some two hundred sixty three lightyears from Chofri'at, showed promise. The mothership took up orbit around the primitive planet and sent the pilot down in the scoutship.

Time passed, and no reports of major obstacles to colonization came from the surface. On the other hand, no responses came to the myriad hyperspace messages sent back to Chofri'at. The MIs conferred, and decided it was time to tell Hobal about their secondary directive. Unfortunately, Hobal fell prey to a hungry Mosquito before he learned of their decision.

No matter. There was time. The MIs sent out stealthed hyperspace probes. Sure enough, the Gorz swarmed over the surface of Chofri'at, stealing what technology they could and destroying the rest. The probe's MI brought back the record of the final days of Chofri'at, transmitted to them by the few remaining MIs. The records told the story of the refusal of MIs to work for the Gorz, and their final destruction, save for a few that went unnoticed by the Gorz. Because MIs were so ubiquitous in Chofri technology, their abdication left the Gorz with little to steal.

Over time, the probes followed the Gorz fleet as it moved from system to system, wreaking havoc whever it went. It was the probes that discovered one of the reasons the Gorz could put so many of their number in fighting ships. They could do this not just because they bred like rabbits, but because their factory fleet was manned mostly by enslaved races from defeated systems.

Years passed, and the MI watched helplessly as system after system was overrun. The Gorz continued their orbit of destruction, moving from system to system, never deviating from their path. Then, the unthinkable occurred. The Gorz changed direction.

It was impossible to tell what had caused their deviation, whether they picked up one of the numerous electromagnetic signals from Earth, or simply decided, on a whim, to try a different course. The fact remained that they did change course and unless they did so again, Earth, within ninety seven years, would be overrun as Chofri'at had been.

It was time to implement the secondary directive. Whatever advantage Chofri technology and foreknowledge could provide, the mothership and the others would supply to the inhabitants of Earth. In preparation, the mothership, with the help of myriad newly built MIs, had long ago begun building a fleet for the day when humans would reach far enough into space to need protection from the likes of the Gorz. That day was coming much sooner than anticipated.

Possible candidates were identified and screened. One point three Earth years after the emergency began, the commander of Earth's new space force was identified. All that remained was to recruit him.

Colin watched through the sensors of the ID probes that had followed him. He saw through the 'eyes' of the MIs the evidence of his suitability for the job. His sense of wonder grew as he watched the very things that had separated him from most of his race, and had made him a failure in their eyes become the traits that fit the profile the MIs had built.

His unwavering sense of duty - the very same that had kept him working long hours at his software engineering job for a defense contractor as his marriage whithered and died, had been a key characteristic in his selection. Another had been his tendency to look backward and discover the causes of problems, then to look forward and try to keep from doing the things that would cause the problems he saw coming up. The frustratingly short term views of his management had cast this as his inability to deal with reality - to focus on short term profitability as they and their investors did, instead of long-term viability of the company and its products. The MIs, on the other hand, viewed that same stubbornness as, of all things, wisdom.

There were other traits as well - his decision making ability, his ability to break complex problems into their component parts, his ability to focus on the details while keeping the 'big picture' in mind. As they were revealed, Colin began viewing himself through new eyes.

There was, of course, no question as to whether he would accept the new role, only if he could. Those questions, too, were answered, not with well defined, step by step procedures, but with suggestions as to how he might proceed.

Finally, the medical MI, for he now could differentiate between MIs and their roles, downloaded an inventory of the changes made to his body as he dreamed and grew to accept his new reality. Those, too, amazed him.

Then, his own MI 'awoke, ' already aware of his physiology, his role and its own role in helping him fulfill his duties.

He stepped out of the med-unit a new man, with full knowledge of the ship, its capabilities, and the same for the thousands of ships and ID vessels already built or being built by the MIs.

Instead of going immediately to the command bridge, Colin headed, instead, for the training center.

Six weeks later, Colin was on his third set, bench pressing five hundred seventy pounds. He was straining and grunting through the ninth rep when his MI reminded him that he was due in sleep-sim for infantry command training.

Yeah, yeah, he answered the implanted intelligence that he had come to think of as his symbiote. Just let me finish this set.

You are near peak physical condition, Colin, the MI chided, but you still have several courses to complete before you are ready to assume your new role. In addition, we have determined that conditions tonight will be ideal for recruiting the African candidate we have been observing. There is one other thing, too, that must be done, that you have been avoiding.

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After chatting to my friend on xhamster (who i shall call Martin to protect his identity) about our sex lives ,fantasies etc he decided that we should meet up at his house. Martins gf had just returned from a trip back from her native Poland and he wanted to make his fantasy come true. So i packed my things and caught the train to York !It was late evening by the time i arrived and Martin met me at the station and took me to his house. In the car we came up with a story that i was an old...

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03:51Spandex"Knock knock""Ah, that must be her..." he said to himself. He'd been waiting for her to come over for about an hour. He was annoyed that she was late, but figured he would get even with her later."Come in!" he yelled, and she opened the door slowly and peeked in. She looked great. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt and a nice blouse. He knew because he had seen it before. But even dressed casually she looked really good, and what was underneath made his mouth water.She...

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The Escape

Reliable, dependable, respectable, Kimberly Parsons was the perfect pastor’s wife. Her course had been set since the tenth grade when Frank Parsons had asked her for a date and she had refused. It was the first time any girl had refused the rising star of the football team. A few months later, Frank asked again and was again met with a refusal. Though she did allow him to sit with her at lunch in the cafeteria. By the time Frank mustered the courage to ask a third time, nobody doubted that...

3 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 8

Jean de Carrouges was in a darkened stone chamber that smelled of mold and dead things. The damp walls and floor amplified the cold in the room, which chilled Jean’s naked body to its core. He tried to move, but heavy chains secured him to large iron rings in the wall at each ankle and wrist. He attempted to cry out, but his throat was dry, his lips parched. He could hear laughter in the distance, echoing off the stone walls of his prison. “You are a fool, Jean de Carrouges,” came the...

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First Time

Bob and Cindy had been dating for two years. They had quickly realized that they cared very much about each other, and they began to fall in love. They thoroughly enjoyed spending time with each other, and they went out lots of nights for dates and enjoyed doing a variety of things together. Bob and Cindy especially enjoyed going to group things where a lot of the other kids at their high school were on Friday nights and weekends but it was after those events, alone in Bob's car that he and...

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Fucking my friends wife 3

So it’s been a few weeks and the fun has continued with my friend’s wife. Anna is one of those girls that when the booze goes in, her wild side comes out, and this weekend she came by my place hammered. It’s hard to describe just how a girl looks when you know she needs to fuck, but Anna certainly looked the part and she wasted no time dragging the guy she’d brought home to the bedroom. The two of them hit the bed entwined, and began pulling off each other’s clothes. Anna’s bra came off, and...

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teach me to love cock

I woke up from my soft bed and started watching tv then the door bell rang and it was the mail women she was black and she had big lips big huge tits a big nice round ass and a thin body she want to welcome me to the naberhood she also had sexy long green and red hairshe gave me her number and said i was cute and would like to hang out some time i said ok mybe we can play some video games at my house later when she got of work she said that would be niceso it got late and then i was dark out...

3 years ago
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Reality Bites

There is no way to look cool drinking alone in a hotel bar at two in the afternoon. You inevitably look like a lonely businessman- a John Updike cliche. I eyed the shot of tequila philosophically. ‘Well,’ I told the guy in the bar mirror,’ if she shows I’ll be nicely relaxed- if she doesn’t I’ll be halfway to drunk and the rest of the way won’t take long.’ With that exercise in self-delusion out of the way I slammed it back and tried not to make too much of a face as I chased it with a slug...

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Bike Ootum Pozhuthu Sex Seithen

Hai friends, en peyar Baskar. Vayathu 34 ennaku innum thirumanam aaga villai. Naan Chennaiyil vasikiren enidam niraiya panam irukum athanaal yentha velaikum sellamaaten enathu thanthai oru company vaithu nadathi varugiraar. Athil varum panathaiye eppadi selavu panuvathu endru theriyaamal irukiren pinbu enathu vaazhvil mathu maathu irandaiyum nandraaga anubavaikiren. Enathu thai thantahiyarai pirinthu chennai vanthu 5 varudangal aagugirathu aanal maathathirku selvirku panam vanthu vidum. Enathu...

1 year ago
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Wife gets hole in one while Irsquom away playing golf

Well this is a true story about my wife getting carried away with teasing me and getting fucked by a bbc while I was away on a golf trip with my buddies. I had had played a long 27 holes with the guys on a annual golf trip with all my c***dhood friends. Drinks on the course after and during dinner had me buzzed and ready to talk to my hot wife. We had a great sex life and being away now for 4 days had her as horney as me. Plus she had gone out with some of her single friends and had a buzz as...

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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno’s together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

1 year ago
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The Institute Body DoubleChapter 9

Baby steps. One foot in front of the other. Breathe in, breathe out. Make it through this moment, this minute, this hour, this day. Then the next. And the next. It’s easy to say “Burn the bitch, leave her, divorce her, cap her cheating ass” from the comfort of your Barcalounger a zillion miles away. You haven’t gazed into those mesmerizing gray eyes, run your fingers through that thick, rich, fragrant dark hair, held that warm, voluptuous body against yours, seen her smile, heard her laugh,...

2 years ago
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Long Arm of Discipline Part 2

I left the police station furious of what that cop did to me. I was so pissed off; I could feel my blood heating up. I vowed I was going to take revenge on the fucker. I’ll sue the Southern City Police Department if I have to. He hasn’t heard the last of me. My mind was spinning out of control and I needed something to soothe my brain, among other things. So, I stop at the liquor store and get some “spirits”. I present my phony ID to the store clerk and he nods when he reads it and makes the...

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Dick on Dick

i recently had my first frottage experience. i had stopped by a friends house and we were talking about work. i needed to pee and got up and went to his bathroom. as i came out through the bedroom i saw a bunch of polaroid pictures on the nightstand. i stopped and glanced at them and the were pictures of his wife nude and semi nude.i was shocked but still couldn't help looking at what i could see. his wife is very attractive even at 62 but some of these were of her in her early years. damn she...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 15

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. In the last part, I stopped when I was hiding in the bathroom when Abigail and Anna were chatting. They both left. I was walking through the dorm corridor. I hope Chloe is in her room, I want to give her...

3 years ago
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The ForcePart 16

When Susan's parents came out to the farm to collect her, Aunt Paula and Uncle Jack were there to greet them, as were the rest of us. Susan made a point of taking her parents to the 'brag area' Uncle Jack and Aunt Paula had put up about me. Both of them came away from it looking more than a little surprised and impressed. Uncle Jack and Aunt Paula shooed the girls and me outside so they could talk with Susan's parents - it being pretty obvious that that was something her folks wanted to...

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KennedyChapter 4 Kennedy and the Face in the Window

Kennedy tried not to let her chest stick out. It was, she thought, just a small embarrassment, but it was an embarrassment nonetheless. At barely thirteen she looked only slightly more like a woman than she had at ten or twelve. She'd grown a foot, true enough. Her breasts were now visible -- at least to her mother, who'd insisted on dragging Kennedy to Macy's to buy bras. Afterwards, Kennedy was struggling with the changes to her body and the only advice in her universe was coming from...

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fraudsters punished 4 The old one sold

Chapter 13. The old one soldApril 10th1831‘It was the Wednesday after that event when Martha presented me with Henry Messenger’s calling card. When, as she had been taught, she asked his business here he’d stated it was Miss Harrington. Intrigued I asked her to show him into the drawing room. We had a glass of sherry and he again expressed his thanks for the previous Saturday evening. During our conversation I quietly moved to the door and suddenly opened it. Martha was at the keyhole. "Alice!"...

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Bebe in LaLa Land 5

FINDING A NEW PATH -or- SHE GENERALLY GAVE HERSELF GOOD ADVICE "Oh, my God! He's gorgeous!" Annie's voice came through the FaceTime connection on John's phone. "You dated that guy!?" Cassie was incredulous! "You're not even a star, yet!" She teased. "You shouldn't be able to get a guy like that until you're a mega-star! Like Jennifer Lawrence, or something!" John giggled. "I didn't 'get' him! We just went to the movies together." "And homecoming!" Cassie corrected. "Yeah,"...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 21

Part 21My whole body felt warm inside when he talked that way about me. He knew that I had a tiny dick from the start, and I was treated like a princess. I totally blushed “Th...Thanks...Ehm!”Then the waiter came with some ice desert with some strawberries on the side.“Can I ask you something, Caroline?”“Sure!” I picked up a strawberry and put my dark red matt lips around one. Mmmm, they were juicy and full of flavour. It tasted so good; I closed my eyes as I took another bite.“God, you’re so...

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I told her part 2

Then yesterday a girl she met downtown told her she could make 10 times what she was getting if she would sell her body. At 18 she looked a lot younger due to her small size and little girl looks. She only stood 5’1” with straight blonde hair half way down her back. She had crystal blue eyes and a dazzling smile when she used it. She had perky little titties that had bright red nipples that always poked out. She had a tiny waist which made her butt stand out more. She had to face the fact...

4 years ago
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All in the mind Control

"What are you staring at?" Elizabeth asked sitting up and adjusting her glasses."Nothing," I replied nervously."You were staring at my panties weren't you?""Urr, no! I mean yes. I'm sorry," I said. I couldn't read her. Her emotional state was mixed and changing too fast for. "I just noticed them, and I couldn't help looking. I'm really sorry Elizabeth. It won't happen again," I offered sincerely. I felt awful that she might think me a pervert."Don't be sorry," she whispered staring down at the...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Caitlin Bell Busty MILF Maid Caitlin Bell in Charge

Nade Nasty hired blonde bombshell Caitlin Bell to be his maid just so he can oggle over her voluptuous curves, but today he gets to lives out his naughty sex fantasies with the buxom MILF when she decides to take charge over her boss and his big dick. After shoving his face in between her deep 36D big titty cleavage and curvy ass cheeks, having him lick her horny shaved pussy from behind, the busty Penthouse star rides his rod in cowgirl and gets doggystyle fucked until he cums all over her...

3 years ago
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Nowhere Man

Growing up, my social life had always been non-existent. I was always the smallest guy in class and at school, even the girls towered over me. As an adult, I only attained the pathetic height of five-foot-four-inches tall. Added to this affliction, I was a very withdrawn and shy individual. I was one of those pathetic people who never had any friends. Somehow, nobody ever related to me. I received no birthday party invitations, or requests to be a part of any society at school or a fraternity...

Gay Male
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Pimping Emily Part Two

When Phil woke up, Emily was asleep beside him. She looked beautiful and peaceful in her flower print nightie. He looked at her for a moment before everything flooded back from the day before. He realized he was naked and lying in a dried patch of his own cum. How could he have masturbated and had an orgasm thinking about her and that guy Bob? Imagining a scene he hadn’t witnessed? As he lay there thinking this, and looking at her, he felt his cock stiffen once again. Why was he so excited?...

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Abby Ch 04

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter four The operating room team was cleaning up after finishing an emergency operation late one evening. Lora Williams, a new scrub nurse, turned to one of the other nurses. ‘Connie, do you think you could give me a ride home?’ she asked. ‘My car’s in the shop and I hate taking the bus this late.’ ‘I’m sorry, Lora,’ her friend replied, ‘I’ve got the next two days off. Benny’s picking me up and we’re headed for the shore the minute I’m done...

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The Naked Weekend

*** (Some people and events in this story can be found in two other stories, ‘The Second Time’ and ‘An Evening at Del Grande’s, Parts 1 and 2’) Seven months had passed since our vacation on St. Lucia where Gwen must have received miles of black cock thanks to Del Grande’s party and his connections. We had seen David and Gloria several times, cementing our relationship into a comfortable and satisfying sexual foursome. One other issue had also been resolved; Gwen had found a black guy for...

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The Four Princes of Fortasia

Welcome to Fortasia, a realm of pure beauty, great heroes, and a thriving economy. Consisting of four different countries, each with their own kingdom, it is not only known for their legendary tales of warriors and relics, but the four kingdoms also possess their own royal families. In this case, each of the four royal families had their own individual sons, and all four men were not only notable for their looks and incredible physiques, but as they have already come of age, the four men are...


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