Finders Keepers
- 2 years ago
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Colin stepped through the open hatchway of the scoutship into a short tunnel that led to a larger passageway. The armor's MI told him he should step through a hatchway, but he could find no control to open the hatch.
"I am in communication with the mothership," the suit told him. "Simply step toward the hatch and it will open for you."
He did, it did.
"Is that a security measure or something?" He asked.
"Among other things. Since this is a military vessel, we concern ourselves with damage control, security, and the ability of the crew to move freely about the ship. To minimize damage and loss of atmosphere in the event of a hull breach, there are many airtight doors throughout the ship. Having them operated by MIs fulfills requirements of security and ease of motion. The ship's MI will not respond to unauthorized MIs or to biologicals that have no MI. In your case, I am acting as a substitute for your MI until it can be implanted. This arrangement also allows authorized personnel to move freely about the ship without having to spend excessive amounts of time waiting for hatches to open."
"Clever. Is this an elevator? It must be in an inertial damping field, too, because I didn't feel it move."
"This compartment does use a variation of the ID field for propulsion, and it travels through service tunnels within the ship, though calling it an 'elevator' would be to oversimplify its function. This compartment has its own MI and can move from any point in the ship to any other. Our current destination is the ship's infirmary, which is approximately 2.3 kilometers in and southward of your scoutship's berth, adjacent to the command bridge."
"In and... Wait a minute! That would put it somewhere near the center of the ship. I thought the command bridge would be up... Oh yeah. It's spherical and outside a gravity well 'up' and 'down' don't really make any sense, but why wouldn't you want it near the hull? I mean, I assume you've got cameras and sensors and such, but what if you lose power to them?"
"In space, especially in battle, what the unaided biological eye can see is of little or no consequence, so why risk the lives of biologicals by putting them too near the outer hull? A ship this size can take a tremendous amount of damage and still continue to fight, as long as the crew is still alive."
"But can't MIs fight the ship if the crew is dead or incapacitated?"
"Poorly. MIs are excellent administrators and logistics handlers, but we lack the imagination that makes biological crewmembers so vital to the mission."
"Wait a minute. If the service tunnels that this thing runs in go all over the ship, how can you possibly seal them against loss of atmosphere?"
"Actually, the tunnels themselves are kept at space normal vacuum. The doorways through which you enter the cars, and the cars themselves seal the ship against loss of air. In addition, there are airtight hatches every hundred meters or so, that respond to the car's MI, opening as it approaches and closing after it passes."
Colin knew there were other questions he should be asking, but the very strangeness of his day kept his mind in a whirl from which he seemed capable of grasping only random thoughts. An important question finally occurred to him just as the doorway whisked open again and he found himself entering a neat, almost featureless chamber that was lined with compartments, each about the size of a coffin.
"Please remove your armor and enter the open med-unit," a new voice said.
Colin saw that one of the coffin-like compartments was open and assumed it was the med-unit, but there was a problem. "How do I... ?"
"You simply tell me to 'open' if you wish to remove this armor," the suit's MI answered, as if reading his thoughts.
"Okay, open!"
The helmet popped upward and the back of the suit unsealed. As he stepped backwards out of it, Colin saw that the helmet remained attached to the suit, but hung to one side. To his surprise, the suit walked itself to a rack similar to the one that had held it in the cave back on earth, and hung itself up.
"I guess that's what happens when your clothes can think for themselves," he muttered under his breath.
"Please enter the med-unit," the new voice urged, "so that we may complete your implants and impart the information you need to assume your new role."
"Wait a minute! What if I don't want to assume this new role?
"That is highly unlikely, given your intellectual and psychological characteristics, but in the event that it should happen, your implants will be removed and you will be returned to your domicile on the planet from which you came."
"You're not going to brainwash me in that thing?"
"That would be a form of non-voluntary recruitment, and is to be avoided at all costs."
"How do I know I can trust you?"
"Trust?" the voice sounded genuinely puzzled. "You have allowed us to take you halfway across your planetary system and we have done nothing to harm you. Why would you not trust us? I'm sure you will agree that we could have taken you by force and compelled you to accept whatever we wished to do to you, had that been our purpose, and had it not been counter to our philosophy and to our mission. If, by this point in your journey, we have not forced you to do anything against your will, why would we start now?"
"You have a point," Colin replied wryly, as he stepped into the coffin and reclined upon the soft lining of its interior.
"Be gentle with me," he said. "It's my first time."
The lid closed and Colin felt himself surrounded by a soft, maleable material that covered even his face, without, he noted, cutting off the light or his air.
"Just relax, Mr. McClintock," the voice soothed. "You will feel a number of small pricks as I sample your biology, then you will fall into a semi-sleep state that keeps your mind alert, but disassociates it from what is happening to your body. When you reach that state, I will begin data transfer. You need not say anything or respond in any way. If, by the time you have learned what you need to know, we will be able to detect whether you are willing to accept the role we have chosen for you or not."
As advertised, Colin felt the pin pricks, similar to the ones he had felt as the suit of armor 'reconfigured' itself to fit him. Then, as if he were there, he began to experience...
The small merchantman that carried Chofri goods to nearby starsystems clawed for hyperspace as the strange vessels gave pursuit. At sub-light speeds, his sluggish engines could barely keep him ahead of them, even though their ancient reaction drives must have been burning mass by the ton. The pilot's upper arms steered the vessel and operated the drive controls while his lower arms worked feverishly to fix his position and ready the hyperspace message.
His creche-mother would have been proud of him, he thought, for being able to manage so many urgent tasks at once. His MIs worked frantically along with him, and it was the ship's MI that actually sent the message in the last microseconds of its life. The shields, never meant to withstand more than a meteor shower, were no match for the concentrated fire from the pursuing vessels, and they imploded as the pilot's hand was reaching for the 'Send' key. No matter, the message got sent, along with the MI's report of its own death.
Debris from destroyed ships, mostly Gorz, littered this region of space and careened off the fighter's shields. This close in, the capital ships were of little use, as huge and clumsy as they were and as inefficient as their ID drives. The fighter's MI kept its sensors on high sensitivity, despite the clutter, using its massive processing power to filter out the clutter and isolate targets that were still under power. With none nearby, it scanned further out, finding a surprisingly large number of targets near the outermost planet of the Chofri home system. The Chofri pilot was just as curious as he, so the ID drive latched onto the nearest planetary mass and the fighter caromed across the system, plotting a course that kept it near enough the system's planetary bodies for the ID drive to work efficiently.
As they approached the clustered targets, a small group of the vicious Gorz fighters detached themselves and headed straight for them. Realizing its see-through was gone, the MI captured as many long range images as it could and squirted them back to Chofri'at for analysis. For the MI and the pilot, however, analysis was not necessary. They knew the implications of what they had seen. The Gorz were replenishing their fleet as fast as the Chofri destroyed it, and they were doing it by taking apart the planets of the home system.
Night was no longer dark on Chofri'at. The skies were always filled with explosions or the flares of falling debris from the never-ending battle that raged above, as it burned up on entering the atmosphere. So far, none of the Gorz had made it to the planet's surface, but it was only a matter of time.
"The diversionary attack will commence the moment you lift," the Chofira was telling the new scouts. "I cannot stress the importance of your mission enough. You must not fail. Our ships are half crewed by Chofri barely out of the creche, and your ships are made with almost the last available metal on Chofri'at. The allmother speed you on your journey and keep you safe, but whatever the results of your explorations, do not return to Chofri'at. Our planet, our mother, is doomed."
Hobal climbed lithely into his own mothership as did the other two scouts. The mothership's MI ran through the final systems check in nanoseconds and signaled Hobal's MI that all systems were ready. The other two ships disappeared from visual sensors at the moment that the MI engaged its own see-through. It knew that the others each took a different path into space, but spared them no sensor time. Its own path took it toward the setting of Chofri'at's primary, and no Gorz detected its passage. The Hyperspace drive engaged and in a flash, all threat to the explorers from the Gorz vanished into another dimension.
Earlier missions had discovered the swath of destruction the Gorz had cut through this arm of the Galaxy, and a general direction of travel had been established. This mission would explore worlds as far from the predicted path of the Gorz as possible.
The first two planets were inhospitable to the Chofri. The third, some two hundred sixty three lightyears from Chofri'at, showed promise. The mothership took up orbit around the primitive planet and sent the pilot down in the scoutship.
Time passed, and no reports of major obstacles to colonization came from the surface. On the other hand, no responses came to the myriad hyperspace messages sent back to Chofri'at. The MIs conferred, and decided it was time to tell Hobal about their secondary directive. Unfortunately, Hobal fell prey to a hungry Mosquito before he learned of their decision.
No matter. There was time. The MIs sent out stealthed hyperspace probes. Sure enough, the Gorz swarmed over the surface of Chofri'at, stealing what technology they could and destroying the rest. The probe's MI brought back the record of the final days of Chofri'at, transmitted to them by the few remaining MIs. The records told the story of the refusal of MIs to work for the Gorz, and their final destruction, save for a few that went unnoticed by the Gorz. Because MIs were so ubiquitous in Chofri technology, their abdication left the Gorz with little to steal.
Over time, the probes followed the Gorz fleet as it moved from system to system, wreaking havoc whever it went. It was the probes that discovered one of the reasons the Gorz could put so many of their number in fighting ships. They could do this not just because they bred like rabbits, but because their factory fleet was manned mostly by enslaved races from defeated systems.
Years passed, and the MI watched helplessly as system after system was overrun. The Gorz continued their orbit of destruction, moving from system to system, never deviating from their path. Then, the unthinkable occurred. The Gorz changed direction.
It was impossible to tell what had caused their deviation, whether they picked up one of the numerous electromagnetic signals from Earth, or simply decided, on a whim, to try a different course. The fact remained that they did change course and unless they did so again, Earth, within ninety seven years, would be overrun as Chofri'at had been.
It was time to implement the secondary directive. Whatever advantage Chofri technology and foreknowledge could provide, the mothership and the others would supply to the inhabitants of Earth. In preparation, the mothership, with the help of myriad newly built MIs, had long ago begun building a fleet for the day when humans would reach far enough into space to need protection from the likes of the Gorz. That day was coming much sooner than anticipated.
Possible candidates were identified and screened. One point three Earth years after the emergency began, the commander of Earth's new space force was identified. All that remained was to recruit him.
Colin watched through the sensors of the ID probes that had followed him. He saw through the 'eyes' of the MIs the evidence of his suitability for the job. His sense of wonder grew as he watched the very things that had separated him from most of his race, and had made him a failure in their eyes become the traits that fit the profile the MIs had built.
His unwavering sense of duty - the very same that had kept him working long hours at his software engineering job for a defense contractor as his marriage whithered and died, had been a key characteristic in his selection. Another had been his tendency to look backward and discover the causes of problems, then to look forward and try to keep from doing the things that would cause the problems he saw coming up. The frustratingly short term views of his management had cast this as his inability to deal with reality - to focus on short term profitability as they and their investors did, instead of long-term viability of the company and its products. The MIs, on the other hand, viewed that same stubbornness as, of all things, wisdom.
There were other traits as well - his decision making ability, his ability to break complex problems into their component parts, his ability to focus on the details while keeping the 'big picture' in mind. As they were revealed, Colin began viewing himself through new eyes.
There was, of course, no question as to whether he would accept the new role, only if he could. Those questions, too, were answered, not with well defined, step by step procedures, but with suggestions as to how he might proceed.
Finally, the medical MI, for he now could differentiate between MIs and their roles, downloaded an inventory of the changes made to his body as he dreamed and grew to accept his new reality. Those, too, amazed him.
Then, his own MI 'awoke, ' already aware of his physiology, his role and its own role in helping him fulfill his duties.
He stepped out of the med-unit a new man, with full knowledge of the ship, its capabilities, and the same for the thousands of ships and ID vessels already built or being built by the MIs.
Instead of going immediately to the command bridge, Colin headed, instead, for the training center.
Six weeks later, Colin was on his third set, bench pressing five hundred seventy pounds. He was straining and grunting through the ninth rep when his MI reminded him that he was due in sleep-sim for infantry command training.
Yeah, yeah, he answered the implanted intelligence that he had come to think of as his symbiote. Just let me finish this set.
You are near peak physical condition, Colin, the MI chided, but you still have several courses to complete before you are ready to assume your new role. In addition, we have determined that conditions tonight will be ideal for recruiting the African candidate we have been observing. There is one other thing, too, that must be done, that you have been avoiding.
Djai Mtumbo was just emerging from his med-unit when Colin entered the sickbay carrying an unconscious gang member over each shoulder. He was followed by an ID platform loaded with three more. The ebony skinned warrior gazed at his own arms and hands in wonder, turning them this way and that. "Is it true, what that thing told me? Am I now as strong as three men?" "Help me get these guys in the med-units and we'll see," Colin laughed. "It seems the MIs taught you English, too. Welcome...
The onlookers sat in stunned silence as they watched the strangely shaped craft outmaneuver, outperform, and, generally, wipe the racecourse with the NASCAR racecar against which it was pitted. Then, the exact same vehicle proceeded to do the same with the best off-road vehicles in the world. Of course, the strange vehicle had an advantage, right from the start. It never actually touched the roadway or the ground, and was capable of changing altitude to go over obstacles. When the...
The Gorz battleship was almost upon them and Colin's pulse raced as the distance between the ships closed. At 100,000 kilometers, something tickled the back of his brain. "Scanners, report." He remembered the the Frog ambush that had killed a couple of his team, sim though it was, and he was not about to commit the same mistake with his ships. "All clear sir. Nothing but the Gorz ship on any of the sensors." The tech sitting in front of the sensor console was the simulacrum of one the...
"So, no special treatment when the others are around," Moira said, giving him an intimate caress. "Got it. But the others aren't around. They're on the other end of the net." "That's true, dear lady," Colin grinned, "but I really do have to be careful about this. On the one hand, we can't be fraternizing with people who haven't had the treatments we've had, so I don't think there's any need to keep it secret, but on the other hand, I can't even give the impression that I'm...
"No! No! No!" Colin exclaimed, frustrated. "Look! You're making the same mistake the Chofri made! We're not just concerned with protecting Earth. To be successful, we have to find a way to completely defeat the Gorz. We have to make sure that they never come back! It's not enough to repel them! You've all seen the recordings from their assault on Chofri. If we do not destroy them, they will simply rebuild and come back stronger than ever! I don't claim to be a military genius but...
" ... to answer those questions," President Arabella Aquino told the assembled reporters and camera crews, "I'll call upon the man in charge, Commodore of Earth Union Space Forces, Grand Admiral Colin McClintock." She gestured to where her MI told her he was waiting, and a mutter of confusion ran through the news people when it appeared that the guest of honor was a no-show. Once more, Colin relied on the effect of his c-thru to make his entrance more dramatic, and as he appeared,...
It's not a question of understanding, Dolores, Moira told her MI. It's a question of convincing my heart. Intellectually, it's crystal clear why Colin can't commit to me, but when I'm with him, I feel that there's something more there than just the convenience of sex. Of course there is, Dolores answered. Colin cares a great deal about you. It may even be true that he loves you. It's those very feelings that he fears most. He knows the consequences of getting too deeply involved...
Sandeep felt the slight buck of the ID tractor as the plow bit into something more dense than the soil. Using the sonic imager, he backed up and found the two pieces of the boulder that the blade had split asunder, and delicately re-shaped the energy blade of the plow to coax them to the surface. Once they were out, he moved the tractor forward, then stabilized it before jumping down to retrieve the pieces of rock. Many of the farmers on Bait used air-conditioning in the cabins of their...
"Come in, Pham," Colin gestured to the man who stood in the door to his cabin. "I've got an unusual mission for your guys this time. I'll need your best surveillance team." "Well, they're well rested," Pham said, "but floating around in deep void takes a toll on them. A few seem to have gotten used to it, but I've got about a twenty percent transfer out rate, and not many new volunteers." "I understand," Colin answered, "but I've got a feeling this mission won't require...
"Well done, Commander!" McClintock had insisted on hearing the report himself. "You and your team take a couple of weeks off, Tran, you've earned it." "Thank you, Sir" Pham returned with a grin, "It will give our armor time to air out!" McClintock grinned back "Yeah, three weeks is a long time to spend suited up, even with the efficiency of the armor's recyclers. Dismissed, Commander!" Pham came briefly to attention before turning on his heel and exiting the Yuee Flagship's...
"All right, Djai," Colin said, "thanks for the assessment, and for taking the initiative to gather the necessary information. I think you're right about not being able to do this with the Gorz combat fleet, but the support fleet is not as disciplined. I'll work that into our plans. General Meeflt, how is the integration of your people going?" "As you know, we have a phobia about tight spaces, particularly when we are alone," the military leader of the Bandlar volunteers answered....
"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there." "Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the...
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It was a Tuesday night in July, another night on the road for work. I was stir crazy at the hotel so I walked to the Irish pub a block down the street. Inside the bar was a little dull, I ordered Guinness and stepped out onto the patio. It was a beautiful night, perfect for sitting outside. Most of the tables were taken, so I struck up a conversation with a couple that were sitting off to the side. Their names were Mike and Dianna, an attractive married couple in good shape, white and...
“Professor Allen! Professor Allen! What happened here?” He had never heard Miss Miller’s voice so loud. They were in the library, after all. Didn’t she know? But the hands that touched him were larger than frail Miss Miller’s. And the voice that spoke next had the deep resonance of a campus security guard. “Professor. Wake up. Take it easy. Stay still. Where are you hurt?” Wesley groaned. Hurt? Suddenly, everything hurt. Head, arm, face, back. He wagged his head left and right and...
I originally planned/posted the following story on an interactive fiction site, but I grew tired of planning out all the possible branches the story could go. So I'm reposting it here as a straight up story. Though I have decided to give you all power to decide where the story goes next. Read to the end and you'll see ===== CHAPTER 1 You love your wife, Jenny, more than anything in the world. You two were high school sweethearts, and your marriage in unusually functional, if not...
Bert Murray looked at the copy of the message he'd been handed as he entered the room and frowned, "Does anyone have any idea what this base has been doing?" He'd only had a moment to peruse the contents and that was the first thing he'd thought of. Around him people seemed to be dazed as they stood around the Captain's ready room waiting for the meeting to begin. He wasn't particularly surprised when no one responded immediately to his question. There were so many things going on...
Day 5 - Wednesday Nick was wrapped around me once more when I woke, but I knew better now than to try anything. Instead, I decided to just lay there and enjoyed his peaceful snoring, pretending to be asleep when he finally began to wake. I felt him shift his body weight so that he was leaning on his elbow, likely watching me sleep, and as I began to stir, I felt him roll away, getting out of bed and stretching. I decided that today I was going to go for broke. Either my...
You may remember couple of months ago I started to write about my wife Suki's encounter with a German Turk Bruno. Well sorry for the delay in completing the story. My wife started to flirt with Bruno almost from time we met him at our niece s restaurant in Belgium. Once we had established Bruno's ethnicity, this six footer hunk was in Sukinas mind all the time. Every time we were alone she would comment about his size. Height, size of his hands and even said " I bet his dunda is big and thick"...
I have this fantasy of meeting a complete stranger at some sort of club. We'd make eye contact from across the room and the immediate attraction between us would be undeniable. I'd be wearing a simple black spaghetti strap cocktail dress. I have perfectly rounded and firm 36C cup tits. There's no need for me to wear a bra. I would only be wearing a black lace thong. My 6 inch high heel sandals would be black and strappy. They would definitely show off my perfect feet. I'd be feeling...
Chapter 1Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she musedas she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny thatonly a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, itwas just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shockedher profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was gettingold.The voluptuous 35 year old woman had just stepped out of the tub and...
I had no idea what suddenly made me suspect that my wife was having sex with someone else. One day we were sitting at the dinner table smiling at each other and talking about how our respective days had gone and the next day at the same table I was sitting there looking at Dina and thinking, "Just what in the hell are you up to." I had seen nothing to make me suspect Dina, nor had I heard anything. All I had was a sudden feeling. It was as if I had walked into the room and there was a hint...
Me Ravi Pratap, M42 hu aur ek private company me salse executive ka kam karta hu. Apne office ke kam se mujhe bahut tour karne padte he. Lagbhag India ke sabhi cities me mujhe jana padta he. Inhi tours ke karan se meri kai aurato se dosti ho gaye he. Apni pahle likhi kahaniyo me kuchh eise hi dost mahilayo ke bare me aapko bataya tha. Es bar me apni Junagadh ke dost ke bare me bata raha hu. Vaise ye sachhi kahani me apni dost ke permission aur marji se hi likh raha hu. I will try to write in...
We met up in the empty school parking lot around noon Saturday, ten people total, packing ourselves into a borrowed van for the ride. It was an awkward experience. I sat between Aaron and Allison with Cody on the other side of her, both boys making passes at me when they thought the other wasn't looking. Poor Allison; I knew she liked Cody a little and I wanted to smack him. An hour or so later, although it felt like forever, we arrived. Everyone piled out gratefully, stretching away kinks...
I have been reading SS for some time now and I would like to share my experiences. This happened about 5 years ago at work place. She, a Punjabi was my subordinate, about 32 years, married and the husband was working outstation. Daily she will be in the control room for about 4 hours a day and all the while I had no intention of having sex with her though I had quietly looked at her chest. She had big boobs and solid butt. Use to wonder how she is coping with her husband away. Out of the blues...
EroticI am a bi-male athletic fit jock who was dying to suck another man's cock and swallow hit hot sweet cum. I had sucked a few cocks before but never to completion. I've had my cock sucked my guys plenty of times before but was dying to feel another man shoot his load in my mouth. After posting an ad on Craigslist personals, I received and exchanged dozens of emails with different people, I finally met someone who sounded sincere and legit. He was this older guy named Allen who was about 50 or so...
The last time Dr. India Summer made an appearance here, she was helping a young lady named Kira Noir deal with her complicated sexuality. Today, Dr. Summer’s task isn’t much easier: she’s got a small-group therapy session on tap, and the three young men (almost half her age!) have a common problem: all three feel women just use them for their over-sized dicks. Laugh as you may, but it gets discouraging when all a lady wants you for is one thing…and that thing ain’t...
xmoviesforyouPeggy Sue directed the women over to Delmonico's, again. Waite caught one of the boys that seemed to be constantly under foot, and told him to take a message to room sixteen in the hotel. He gave the boy two bits, and told him that if he delivered the message and returned with an answer, he would have a whole dollar waiting. The boy was out of there in a flash. A few minutes later, he returned with the reply. Jesse had sent a note along with the boy, as proof that the message was...
Hello Readers. Hope everyone is doing good! Please read the previous part before you proceed with this story. Sonali continues her story about the flirt. Madhan was sucking my boobs, and I was doing handjob to Madhan. This continued for some time. Later, Madhan pulled me down from the furniture table and pushed under the table. I was expecting that he will push his dick inside my mouth. I was saying no to him with a low voice. But Madhan had an advantage on me. He didn’t listen to me. Then he...
The humans call this land Mageshore, as it was first discovered and visited by mages using magic to move themselves across the Bright Sea. Elves had visited it in ages past, of course, and some of them followed the human colonists, setting up their enclaves alongside human cities. Dwarves, were already extant, though the lack of friendly humanoids on the surface left them to operate mostly in the high southern mountain ranges. The smaller races, halflings and gnomes, are not particularly well...
FantasyMILF Cherie DeVille hasn’t had a date in three months, so when she hears about a delivery service that sends hot delivery boys on errands, she orders a banana, whip cream, strawberries and LUBE! When delivery boy Tyler Nixon arrives at the house with Cherie’s items, he drops the bag when she answers the door in sexy lingerie. She invites him inside and begins to dress herself up with the sweet creamy treats, feeding him a dollop of whip cream from her nipples. She tit fucks the banana...
xmoviesforyouRichard decided to leave it to Sharon to say anything about Neil and went back to his study. It was not long before half past twelve and on the dot Sharon knocked on his door. "OK," she said without preamble. "What brings the owner of a taxi firm over to see you?" "How about cars for the wedding?" "Telephone." "And to collect the money I owed him from last Friday." "Post. Come on, Richard my love. Don't bullshit me. I wasn't born yesterday." Richard looked at her, his mind...
At work on Monday, Barbara caught Laura alone in the bathroom. "Mmmm, I see you got a new hot little piece working in your group," she smiled knowingly. "You get your tongue into that one yet?" Laura acted offended. "I don't pursue every new girl who comes along," she said, frostily. "Like hell you don't," Barbara said. "When they look like that one, your little white pussy gets all gushy-mushy inside. I know. Rhonda's just itching to get her into bed. Even asked me what I knew...
I had not left my room for what felt like weeks. Sure, I had gone out to get something to eat here and there, and shower, but other than that I was in my room. My father expressed his concern through my door, telling me that it was unhealthy to lock myself up like this but it didn’t change anything. I was not ready to come out. “Elaina,” my father spoke softly though the door. I could hear the concern in his voice, but I could not bring myself to answer him. “Please talk to me.” I didn’t know...
IncestThe following week was a busy one for me as two of my weekday ladies were off so I had to be at the shop all day, everyday, as well as re-stocking the shelves in the evening. I was quiet exhausted by the end of the day and didn’t have the energy to sneak off into the spare room to pleasure myself. On Saturday I was a little less hassled as my two helpers were both eager for work and I could sit back and run the till for the day instead of running backwards and forwards from the stock room. At...