The Wizards of Nowy WarsawChapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Liuz whittled as men chopped.
The sound of metal biting into wood filled the air. So, too, grunts, curses, mixed with yelled commands and subdued conversation. Liuz watched, conscious once more of his immaturity. Burly soldiers with bare chests and arms swung large axes into large trees. More distant, the earthen ditch and berm which was to hold all that was left of the Polish people began to take shape. All around him, men worked hard to prepare for the arrival of their countrymen.
Liuz and his sister whittled.
He looked at the pile of stakes beside them. It was stupid. There was no way enough could be made, at least not just by them, to surround the entire encampment. Nor did he think they'd add all that much protection. It was busy work.
"NOW can we build that stake making machine?" Kasia asked. Liuz chuckled as he glanced at her. She sat cross-legged on the grass, dress bunched up a bit but not exposing her indecently. Not that she was old enough to have anything worth covering.
"Too much work," he said. "I am regretting not saving the ones from before."
"There was no place to put them," she grumbled, knife moving swiftly. "I asked."
"Nothing to do but keep at it."
Having said that, Liuz glanced towards the river. It was wide. Far wider than the Warta. Slow moving, though. They'd have that advantage at least when trying to bridge it. His eyes moved to a group of men sitting on logs in a circle. Tymon was among them, his almost bald head shining in the sunlight. Using a long, pointed stick, he drew something in the dirt. Another man picked up some sticks which seemed to have been lashed together, rotating it in his hands.
He returned his attention to the job at hand. It did no good wishing he was over there. They knew what they were doing, he didn't.
Kasia watched another pair of wagons come through the newly installed gate.
Exactly how all this was organized eluded her. They had arrived only two hours after breaking camp, leaving open the question of why they hadn't just pushed on and come here last night. Then, more soldiers and wagons had been arriving with no real pattern. You'd hear some shouts, and boom, more armed men to dig and cut trees. She suspected this would be the last one for the day. The sun was getting low, the cooking fires coming up. Others on the road would be making camp.
Raising her arms, she stretched her fingers. They hurt. Her hands weren't blistering, Thank Mary, but only because the last couple days had toughened them. The feel of Dad's hands came to her, his large fingers both rough yet worn smooth. She felt her left hand. Not the same.
"I think I'm done for the day." Her brother dropped his knife to the ground, tossing one last stake into the pile. Kasia had considered herself finished for the last ten minutes. She was a hard worker, but there were limits. Especially with something as stupid as this. Were pointed wooden sticks really enough to stop a hulking soldier? Well, maybe if you're an evil Elf. Wooden slivers might be their greatest enemy. Perhaps one reason the stone walls of Nowy Kiev hadn't stopped them.
"If we have to do this again tomorrow," she said, groaning, "I'm going to just swim across that river. It's stupid."
"I know." Liuz let himself fall back onto the grass. She did the same, straightening her legs. A moment later, she raised herself a bit to arrange her dress. Too many men around to be showing things that should be hidden.
"Jesus above," a voice said behind them, "how many stakes did you make?"
"All of them," Kasia groaned. She rolled away from Liuz onto her stomach, looking up. Tymon was looking down on them, expression seemingly impressed. He shook his head.
"I didn't think we gave you that much wood!"
"We got more," Liuz said, sitting up. He rotated his shoulders. "Is it enough?"
"For you two, more than enough."
"Good," Kasia said. She, too, maneuvered herself into a sitting position, hands keeping her dress appropriately placed. "I'm ready to eat, then sleep."
"Aren't we all," Tymon chuckled. "Come on."
They stood and followed. Kasia noticed the looks they got were half friendly, half confused. The latter were probably newcomers, not yet familiar with the two kids. Well, that wasn't her problem. She did note where they were in the camp, vowing to stay away from them if possible. Roda's words about the dangers of all these men still resonated with her. She may not be a woman, but she WAS the only female.
The group Tymon led them to was mostly soldiers. Armor discarded, most wore just stained shirts and pants. On seeing her approach, the few who had been topless quickly covered themselves. Kasia immediately felt more comfortable.
"Men," Tymon said, "This is Liuz and his sister Kasia. They'll be helping with the bridge tomorrow."
There were murmured greetings. Liuz plopped himself on an empty log, Kasia taking the space beside him. Her brother accepted two mugs from one of the soldiers, looking up at Tymon.
"The bridge starts tomorrow?"
Tymon nodded as Kasia took her drink from Liuz.
"We have enough workers to work on the wall, trees, and bridge at once, and enough logs to start. We have two days to get this finished before the column and the King get here."
The King. The King would be using something she had helped build. Not even knowing anything about their new sovereign, she felt a shiver go through her. Liuz leaned forward, mug cupped between his knees.
"What will we be doing?"
Tymon pulled a piece of wood from a pouch on his belt. He handed it to her brother.
"This. Bigger, naturally." Kasia leaned over. It was half a log, two notches cut out of the rounded side at either end. "It's the deck of the bridge. We're just cutting the logs in half and putting them on top, with notches to hold them in place. We'll need enough for the entire length. You'll be measuring where to put the notches. They have to be uniform."
"Are you notching the bottom piece to match?" Liuz asked, rotating the wood in his hand. Tymon shook his head.
"No time. We're burning the bridge as soon as we're across, so we can't waste effort making things perfect. We're just cutting one long notch in the support beams, letting the pressure of the planks on either side hold them in place."
Kasia nodded. That made sense. Taking the model plank from her brother, she ran her hands over it.
"We can do this."
"How the hell do we do this?"
Liuz chuckled at his sister's question. It was a good one. There obviously was a slow way to mark the half logs now being piled beside the siblings. What had to be discovered was if there was an easier method.
"We can't measure from each side," he said, starting by stating the obvious. Father had taught him that: Start with the obvious, and see if anyone disagrees. If they do, you can save a lot of time and effort by discovering that before you've done anything. "The logs aren't all even. It's the distance between the two notches that has to be constant."
"Hmm." Kasia dropped down onto one knee. The log before them had been flipped over, flat side against the ground. She placed her hand about six inches from the end. "So, if we mark it here..." Using his marking tool, Liuz scored the log. Kasia measured the width needed, Liuz again marking where needed. The two paused.
"Make a template?" he suggested. Kasia nodded.
"One the size of the notch." Grabbing the measuring string, she had him hold the end flush with the mark while she stretched it out along the log. The planks were to be at least twelve feet long. He saw her frown once the string was taut.
"Yeah. Lots of extra room on this end. We need to center things more."
"A twelve foot long template?"
Their eyes met, Liuz seeing Kasia realizing the brilliance of her idea even as he did. He stood, smiling.
"Let's do it!"
The half hour spent building and perfecting their marking guide was more than made up for by the speed they were able to plow through the planks. Liuz held the long branch in place, while Kasia adjusted its position and made the marks. By mid-day, they moved on to helping chisel out the notches, although given their lack of strength it was mostly make-work as they waited for more logs to be split.
Taking a break, Kasia took in the entire building process. Felled trees were turned into logs of various standard sizes. The logs were pulled to where they were needed, notched, positioned, and lashed. Where all the rope had come from, she had no idea. Someone had been thinking ahead. One raft was already in the water, its crew poling it across the river. Several small boats, canoes really, helped keep it from drifting downstream.
"What are they doing?" she asked. A man near her spoke.
"They're extending the bridge out from both banks to meet in the middle. Plus, the soldiers will stay over there to fortify that side."
Huh. She wouldn't have thought of that. Her attention was caught by another raft entering the water, this one with three horses on it, men holding tight to their reins. She'd hate to have that job.
Liuz's voice brought her back to the job at hand. More planks were now piled near them. Time to measure.
"I need a bath."
Liuz looked at his sister, eyebrow raised. There was no disagreeing with her statement. Her skin was as smudged with dirt as her dress was stained. He saw wood chips in her hair, his own probably similarly tangled. Still, one did not state the obvious to a girl.
"You're still pretty."
She stuck her tongue out at him, the men around them laughing. They seemed to be sitting closer to the kids than the night before, whether to include them in their group or for some other reason he wasn't sure. The man on Kasia's right seemed to be a little too close, his sister pressing against Liuz as if to create more space. He subtly shifted over to give her more room.
Spring of the Seventh Year of His Grace King James Music filled the air. Kasia snuggled back into her chair, watching the impromptu party down below. The tavern's second floor patio had a good view of the plaza and street, with the advantage of being well out of the way of drunken revelers. You could also enjoy the music. Another group of musicians were starting up, a fast number her foot could not help but tap along to. She loved Dyngus Day. Kasia couldn't remember if the day after...
Liuz woke to a clump of fur covering his mouth. With a groan, he sat up, Harveen's arm falling onto his chest. She was not cuddled with him or anything, for which he was grateful. Her short limbs were just splayed out in random directions. Her left leg lay over his sister's chest. Their Watu friend was weird. A good weird, but weird none the less. So different than the Kikker who seemed to be everywhere. The frog people, to his mind, were the bad kind of weird. Perhaps because the King...
Kasia sat herself on her brother's bed, hand reaching out to touch Harveen's fur. She softly stroked her back, eyes trying not to fill with tears. "I don't want to believe it." Her brother nodded from the bed. He sat up against the headboard, Harveen's arms and legs wrapped around his nude body. His right hand joined Kasia's. "And she blames herself." "That's stupid." "I know." She sighed. Rape. Roda had warned her, back on the Exodus. Told her that her mother was looking...
The two siblings sat on their bed, an oil lamp illuminating the pile of sticks on the covers. Kasia only half saw her surroundings. The King had ... talked to them. Talked to HER! She could still feel the heat from his hand as it had touched her shoulder. Or so she imagined. More, His Grace had asked a favor of them. Asked something he could have asked of any woodworker, any skilled craftsman. Her eyes dropped into her lap. It was so ... so... "Why us?" Her brother's voice brought her...
The four walked down the paved street towards the tavern. Liuz could not help shooting quick looks towards Rafal in the fading light. It was unlike the younger boy to join him and Kasia like this. Maybe he just wanted to get away from Tymon, or his mother. Liuz could understand that. Urszuli certainly tended to get on Liuz's nerves. "Should we ask Roda to come?" Kasia asked. Liuz looked off in the direction of the house. He shook his head. "I asked this morning. She didn't say yes."...
Liuz still wasn't happy about the noise. It was constant, for one thing. Even when the saw was disengaged, the creaking of the water wheel and the roar of the water still filled the air. Add the whirring of leather belts and whining of wooden gears below his feet, the biting of the saw blade into the logs, the steady clanking of the gear wheel moving the log forward into the blade ... rarely were his ears not being assaulted. Not that he had a right to complain. He watched the squared off...
Left ... Right ... Left ... Right... Kasia no longer felt. There was no pain. No exhaustion. Just unending numbness. One foot went in front of another, eyes half focused on the backs of the strangers before her. Where were they? How long had it been since the last rest? She couldn't say. Neither did she care. Left. Right. "Camp! Camp!" The cry came from somewhere up ahead. Instinctively, the stream of refugees pressed to the left, up against the moving wagons. Kasia saw the uniformed...
Liuz was tired and confused as they crossed the bridge. All around him was unfocused activity, shouts and movement seemingly without cause. Something had disturbed the camp in the night, and like hornets in a shaken nest soldiers and civilians now swarmed looking for the danger. Or, like him, fleeing the danger. Kasia walked beside him, holding her fabric doll as she yawned. She had not said much, the hard work of the past few days having taken its toll. He wasn't even sure if she was...
Liuz waited next to the road, packs by his feet. He wasn't sure he was awake. Certainly, there was a dream like quality to the world around him. What little light there was hid more than it revealed, each shadow seemingly more mysterious than the darkness itself. The order that caused him and his sister to be out here had no basis in reality. Kasia had heard something about a King, but how was that possible? Kings just didn't appear out of thin air. "Are you sure you have to...
Liuz watched as Tabia swept the workshop floor. It was a silly job for the Kikker woman to be doing. Not only was it early in the day, the floor not yet having the build up of sawdust it would once afternoon came, but if she WAS the skilled seamstress she claimed it was a horrible insult to her talents. If. Liuz believed his sister, naturally. There was no way she'd invent such a story, no animosity between her and the woman that would lead to a fictional charge of spying. But, it made no...
Liuz felt something crawling onto his sleeping body. It was small, with two hands and (ow) two knees. It climbed onto him at his thighs, slowly making its way up onto his chest. There were three possibilities as to its identity. Liuz waited, readying himself. There was a giggle, followed by two "shhh" sounds. Ah. That narrowed it down. As small hands came down over his nipples, Liuz shot his hands up to grab Livtar. The year old Watu let out a laughing scream, his furry arms swatting at...
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Celeste opened her eyes and stretched the next morning. She was sore from last night but it was oh so pleasurable. Calvin and herself had retired to her bed, where they continued their fun. Her brother and Rachael were audible all night going about their own pleasure. Then it hit her, she was no longer a virgin. So what if it was to the man she was to marry, if her parents found out she would be locked in a convent for the rest of her days. A little worried, she got up and dressed for...
Rachael balanced the tray carefully as she knocked on the door. What she was about to do turned her on as much as what she had already done today. While she waited for the door to open, her mind drifted back to the wondrous afternoon spent with the Queen. "So, my little pleasure giver, does my pussy taste better than Megan's?" Those words had sent two powerfully but completely different feelings racing through her body. The first was fear of what the Queen would do to her for her...
Sunlight shining through her eyelids woke Celeste early this morning. Sitting up in bed, she looked out the glassed in doors overlooking the Twin's Yard. The Twin's Yard was a courtyard positioned between two arms of the castle the guestrooms and Offspring's Hall. It was a modest courtyard containing a simple pond in on corner. A large weeping willow grew on the bank away from the stone walls, forming a shadowed hideaway beneath its branches. Opposite the pond was Celeste's pride and joy....
Meric woke to his wife's hand on his dick. Her delicate fingers were lightly stroking the underside of his semi-erect cock. His eyes drifted open. Megan's dark red hair spilled across his chest. "Mmm, Didn't you get enough last night?" he asked. "I only got it once, remember?" She lifted her head and her gray eyes flashed. "That lustful little thing got most of it. I want more." "And tonight is not going to be enough for you?" He already knew the answer but had to ask the...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...