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"I'm gunna kick your ass Russo," the hulking teen said grabbing Justin by the neck, lifting him from his feet against the lockers.

"Wait, what did I do?" he asked struggling to breath as his windpipe was crushed by the large hand.

"It's what you didn't do, dweeb. I told you I wanted your sister and told you to make it happen or I'd expose your little family secret to the whole world and then I'd kick your ass. I think I'll kick your ass first and then tell everyone what you are."

"I did it, I said I'd do it and I did it. I don't understand wha..." a blow to the stomach knocked the wind out of him as he was dropped to the floor. The size 14 shoe quickly followed landing a blow against his side causing him to ball up.

"Wait, stop, I'll do it. I'll make it right; just don't hit me any more, please."

Tony Mancuso looked down at the sniveling under classman and paused. "Don't fuck 'round with me or I'll fuck you up big time, understand?" Justin nodded still holding his aching stomach. "By this time tomorrow your sister better be beggin' me to fuck her or your ass is grass. I want her so hot for me that she juices up just looking at me and practically cums by a touch of my hand. Do I make myself clear, asshole?" Again he nodded.

The bell rang while he was still lying on the floor and he knew he'd be late for his last class but he was hurting too much to move and was still struggling to take a deep breath. Several kids passed him, most looking down as they walked by but none offered to help him. It was Rufus the janitor who finally came to help him up and all but carried him to the nurses' station.

Sitting there he thought of what to do. His father often told them horror stories of what used to happen during the "witch trials". Many of their ancestors were killed or sent into exile because they practiced witchcraft or were suspected of being witches. Today he wasn't sure what would happen. At the very least they'd be chased from town and lose their family business and be hounded for the rest of their lives. More than likely they'd be imprisoned or worse. He couldn't allow that to happen.

Back home he reread the spell he used on Alex last night. It looked right and sounded right, but it didn't work for some reason. Softly he mumbled the spell again hoping somehow a second time it might work.

"Whatcha doing?" he heard asked as he skimmed the Book of Spells. He turned to see his father walking towards him smiling.

"Just looking for something."

"Yea? What is it? Maybe I can help." He wasn't sure if he wanted to get his father involved in this, especially since it involved his daughter, but he was running out of options.

"There's a lotta love spells in here, right?"

"Love spells? Uh, yea, sure, why? You gotta girl you like and want her to fall in love with you or something?"

"Yea, something like that. I tried this spell last night but it didn't work."

"Lemme see," he said moving closer. "Oh, that one. It's not really a love spell. More a like spell. You see back in the olden days land barons and kings used to fight a lot over everything and some smart wizard put this spell together to make them stop fighting and get along. What this spell does is make two people become friendlier, but nothing else. The love spells are further back in the book. Here, let me show you."

Justin watched as his father flipped a few pages back to several spells dealing with love.

"I recommend this one," he said pointing to the third one down. "You gotta be very careful when you're dealing with the heart and emotions as most spells can back fire. What I like about this one is you use a pinch of sands of time and after the sand wears off, the spell is broken. If during that time you make her fall in love with you, then she'll still be in love with you but if she don't then everything goes back to normal."

"That sounds pretty good but how strong is the love? Will she be willing to do whatever you want?"

"What exactly are you trying to do here, Justin? Sounds like you're trying to cast a lust spell. Is this a sexual thing? You know how your mother and I feel about premarital sex.

"Oh, no, Dad, nothing like that. I was just wondering so that it wouldn't get that far." He smiled at him hoping that he'd buy the story. "What about this one? It looks pretty complicated."

"Believe me son; you don't want to mess around with that one. I'm surprised the elders haven't removed that one from the books. It's a very powerful and dangerous spell that should never be used."

"Tell me about it, I'm curious."

"The story goes that over a thousand years ago a wizard wanted to have a baby but his wife didn't so she didn't have sex when it was, uh, her time, let's just say. Often a week or two would pass before they made love as she was terrified to get pregnant. Over the years he grew frustrated and impatient to have a baby and came up with this spell."

"Yea? and what happened?"

"She eventually got pregnant and they had a baby boy, but at a very high price. She grew so addicted to making love with her husband that nothing else mattered and eventually she went mad and had to be committed to keep from hurting herself or the baby. This spell's only antidote is abstinence. They call it the devils lust spell because it takes six days, six hours and six minutes of no sexual contact to break it, but the damage is already done by then. It's a very dangerous spell and I wish the elders would just remove it."

Justin smiled to himself. This is exactly the spell he needs. Tony's reputation is that he fucks a girl for a while and then grows tired of her and dumps her for someone else. After a week or so of fucking Alex, he'll dump her, they won't have sex and the spell will be broken. Everyone's happy, well except for Alex, but what harm can come from a little premarital sex?

"Dad, what's this word? I don't recognize it."

Jerry leaned closer and looked at the ancient word. "Uh, well, Justin, that, is, um well loosely translated it means man seed."

"Man seed? What's that?"

"You're a smart boy, think about it. What do you think man seed could mean?" It took a few seconds before it registered. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped opened.

"You mean..."

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. You have to add, uh, man seed into the potion to identify who the recipient of the spell is. The object of lust will only be the person whose man seed is in there, without it, it won't work on anyone."

"Honey, could you come help me?" he hear his mother calling from the kitchen.

"Be right there, Honey," he called back. "Why don't you work on the spell with the sands of time and I'll be back later to help you."

"That's okay, dad, don't worry about it. I think you're right. I shouldn't interfere with the matters of the heart. I'll just keep talking to her and see what happens."

"That's very mature of you, son. I think that's the best idea you had all day."

Justin watched as his father left the room and looked back at the devils' lust spell. Most of the ingredients would be hard to get but the man seed from Tony would require a lot of explaining. Working throughout the night he gathered everything he needed except for one and he'd have to wait until school to get it from Tony.

That night he couldn't sleep and lay in bed for hours thinking about what was about to happen. Would it really work or was it just some lame spell like the last one? He recited the spell over and over again until he fell asleep.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Russo?" Tony's voice echoed in the boy's restroom.

"I need it to finish the spell. Without it it won't work."

"You want me to jerk off in a cup so you can have my cum?!" That just don't sound right. I think you're some kinda faggot or something."

"Trust me Tony, I don't like it any more than you do, but if you want this to work, you gotta trust me." The towering teen looked down at the frightened boy and figured it must be true or he wouldn't risk being beaten to a pulp.

"This better be on the up and up or you're dead, understand?" Justin nodded extending his hand holding the cup. Tony took it before disappearing inside one of the cubicles.

Justin tried not to listen but the sounds of his fist slapping up and down and the liquidly sounds of his pre cum and the occasional grunt and moan was having an effect on him. Standing in front of the sink he had to shift the growing bulge to give it room to expand. Damn, why was he getting a hard on listening to him jerking off just on the other side of the wall? Did that mean he was gay? One last grunt meant that he had finished the act.

Justin sighed. It was torture listening and knowing what he was doing. The door swung opened and the bulky teen handed him the cup. "This better work," he said leaving without looking back. Justin looked down at the yellowish goo at the bottom of the Dixie cup and swirled it around a few times.

"What are you doing?" he said snapping out of the trance he was in. Pulling out the other ingredients he dumped them in and looked for something to stir it with. Shit, he thought of everything except of that. The sperm accounted for about half of the liquid but he needed to mix it before getting Alex to drink it. That would be a whole new problem but he'd have to take one crisis at a time. Sticking his finger in the cup, he churned the concoction until it was well blended.

He stared at the gel clinging to the tip of his finger for the longest time before bringing it to his nose. It smelled funny but then what did he expect. Slowly he extended his tongue to taste it. It was for Alex, he told himself. He was just making sure it didn't taste too bad or she might not drink it. Popping his finger into his mouth he sucked off the little that was stuck on the tip. It didn't taste too bad. Then he realized what it was and made a face. Hopefully no one will ever find out about that.

He saw Alex sitting at the table talking to Harper and eating lunch. For almost an hour he carried around the Dixie cup containing the potion but still wasn't sure how to get her to drink it. You just can't walk up to someone with a cup of cum and ask them to drink it. When he noticed her Coke can he had an idea.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" he asked sitting at the table across from them. Both stopped talking and looked at him.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Alex asked.

"Yea, I didn't feel like going so I thought I go to lunch early," he said reaching across the table to take a fry from her tray. She watched as he gulped it down before reaching for her soda. "Mind?" he asked holding it up. Rolling her eyes she turned back to Harper and resumed talking.

Dropping the can below the table, he bent the cup and poured the potion into her soda. It fizzed and popped a few times before going silent. Dropping the cup to the floor, he returned the can and got up. "I gotta go. Talk to you later," he said stepping away. From the entrance of the cafeteria he watched as she took a sip and then another. His heart was racing and he held his breath as over the next five minutes she finished the beverage and both girls got up to leave. He wondered how long it would take before it started working.

"Hey dweeb," he heard someone say from behind him and turned to see Tony standing there with Scott and Mike, his two cohorts in crime. The three of them are on the football team and have bullied everyone since elementary school. "Are we good?" he asked towering over him.

For the first time Justin noticed how good looking and how well built he really is. His shirt was tightly stretched across his chest showing strong definition and his biceps bulged from beneath the sleeves. His eyes followed his tapered waist down to his strong legs and the fat bulge in his jeans. Unconsciously he licked his lips. Rumor around the school is that he's very well hung and has boned a lot of the girls.

"I asked you a question!" he yelled out almost too loudly. That snapped Justin from his stare and he looked up.

"Yea, everything is good." he said fighting the urge to drop to his knees and rip open Tony's fly. Turning he walked away afraid of what he might do if he stayed there for much longer. From down the hall he looked back to see Tony and his friends discussing something and he again licked his lips. Damn just a small taste made him like that what would happen to Alex with a full dosage?

"Justin have you seen Alex?" his mother asked coming behind the counter at the shop.

"Uh, no, Mom, I'm not sure where she is. She was just here a few minutes ago, maybe she's using the bathroom," he stuttered trying not to look her in the eyes. He knew where she was. After school Tony took her out to his car and fucked her in the parking lot and then made her give him a blow job. After that she was like in a daze for the rest of the afternoon and spend most of her time on the phone.

About twenty minutes ago Tony showed up at the sandwich shop and she practically tripped over herself trying to get to him quick enough. Jumping into his arms, she kissed and hugged him as he looked over to Justin smiling. He wanted a shake and she rushed to make it. Standing at the counter he winked at Justin.

"You did good," he said smiling. Justin watched him talking as he boasted about "busting her cherry" and added there was one more hole he wanted to fuck before going home today. Once the shake was done he guided her willingly outside towards his car.

Just before midnight he heard a sound and looked out his window to see Alex scaling the trellis on her descent to the ground. He shook his head knowing where she was going and went back to jerking off thinking of Tony. His eyes were shut when came and brought his cum coated fingers towards his mouth wishing it was Tony's cum.

"Where's Alex?" he asked sitting at the breakfast table.

"She had something to do at school so she left early," their mother said setting a plate of eggs in front of him. He was sure what it was she had to do.

Cutting through the parking lot he noticed Alex getting out from the backseat of Tony's car pulling her skirt down and buttoning her shirt while she walked. Tony emerged a moment later pulling his pants up and headed the other way. He shook his head hoping that he'd tire of her quickly so that they could get on with their lives.

Tony's locker was on the same wall as his and he noticed Alex hanging around it. She had math that hour but wasn't in class. She was still there after his next class but was gone just before lunch. He went to check on her but couldn't find her any where. Even Harper hadn't seen her all day and she was worried.

"Hey man, your sister's giving head to someone under the bleachers in the gym," he heard a familiar voice say and turned to see a guy from his PE class smiling at him. "He's a lucky bastard," he added walking away. Justin headed towards the gym. He wasn't sure why as there's nothing he could do to stop it, but it made him feel better to do it.

He passed Tony on the way in and noticed Alex emerging from under the bleachers, her hair a mess, her knees filthy and she had a spittle of cum at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were glassy and she had a blank expression on her face. "Are you okay?" he asked wiping the pebble size substance from her mouth and pushing it into his mouth. Right away he got a rush as if falling from a high place. She walked past him without a word.

After school he caught sight of them once again heading towards the parking lot and he knew what was about to happen. He went home and down stairs to the shop hoping she wouldn't be home too late. Her parents are getting worried about her and he didn't want there to be a problem until this ran it's course.

Just after the dinner rush Tony walked in with his two goon friends and approached Alex. "Hey Sweet Cheeks, wanna step outside for a while? I got something I think you really want," he said groping his groan. She smiled and rushed around the count to jump into his arms. Justin watched as the four of them disappeared out the door.

Hardly 10 minutes passed when Alex rushed back in visibly shaken and ran into the bathroom. Tony followed a few steps back and Scott and Mike trailed about a minute behind him. "Where's the slut?" he blurted out causing a couple to look towards him.

"What happened?" Justin asked stepping around the counter to block the hallway to the restrooms.

"Nuttin, I just wanted her to fuck my two friends and she went freaken nuts. I thought you said she'd do anything I wanted."

"I never said that but she will have sex with you any time you want, but only you. The spell doesn't work for other people."

"So fix it. I want my homies to enjoy that sweet little snatch too. Besides Amanda is getting suspicious and I don't wanna piss off my girlfriend, understand?" Justin nodded and looked at the two smirking apes. Tony pulled a cup from the dispenser, and handed it to Mike. "Go into the restroom and jerk off into it and by the end of the night you'll be pluggin' that little whore just like me."

They smiled heading towards the hallway with the cup in hand. He wasn't sure he could find all the ingredients again as the powered rabbit penis was really hard to locate. If he didn't, it would only be a matter of time before the three jocks beat the crap out of him and then exposed his family. He sighed and began to prepare for the next batch.

"Here," Scott said slamming the cup on the counter. Justin peered inside and could see the milky substance covering the bottom. He'd have to make an adjustment the formula to compensate for the "extra" amount. The two jocks watched as he worked and neither seemed to notice Tony wasn't there. Alex had come out of the restroom while they were in the men's room and went outside with him. He had just finished when they came back in.

"It's ready," he said sliding the cup towards Tony. He smiled, picked it up and brought it towards her lips.

"Drink up, slut," he said upending it, pouring the contents into her mouth. Justin watched as she swallowed hard three times to get it all down. Briefly her eyes widened and her face went slack. "Is she ready?" he asked looking towards Justin.

"I'm not sure, but I think so." He turned her towards his two pals and her face lit up and her mouth cracked into a big smile. She walked to them and put her arms around their waists. Their arms went across her back and Justin watched as the three of them headed towards the doorway.

"Good job, dweeb," Tony said turning to follow.

The next morning Alex was again not at the table but he didn't bother asking. He knew where she was and wondered if she even came back home last night. Again after their parents went to bed she sneaked out and that was the last he'd seen of her. He ate and left for school.

"You're fuckin' psycho sister is stalking me!" Tony yelled into his face after he cornered him in PE. "She won't fuckin' leave me alone. She calls my cell like a hundred times a day, leaves notes in my locker, follows me around, waits for me after class, stands outside my bedroom window and now Amanda found out that I fucked her and she went ballistic last night."

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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 18

The town of Spant was almost big enough to be a city. It had three inns, not two as Virien had heard, though considering what the girls offered upstairs in the third one, it was no surprise that she hadn't known of it. The largest of the inns was The Rusty Bell. The deciding factor for me was its proximity to the western edge of Spant. We had decided that it would make for a quieter stay if the boys didn't accompany me into town, but I still wanted them as close as I could get them. The...

3 years ago
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November 16,is my birthday. A week before my birthday,my mom asked me what do I wants for my birthday and I have give her an envelope what I want for my birthday and place it inside her purse.I am turning 18 on my birthday, and my mom will be 42 years old 3 weeks after my birthday. I am the only one son . My father passed away when I was 14 years old. My mom is an old fashioned individual , and believe only 1 marriage . She never go out socializing with her friends .Works, buy groceries and...

4 years ago
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Pramila Bhabhi 9 8211 Workplace Or A Fuckplace

Pramila was appointed as a receptionist in a branch of a small company called ‘Girija Traders’. At the table where she worked, two women sat doing the same job. As a receptionist main duty of Pramila was to attend whoever entered through the door. It was regular working day and a man in a suit arrived at the reception. “Good Morning,” he said smiling at the woman at reception.“Good Morning, Sir,” said the woman at the counter while punching some letters on the computer. For a moment there she...

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I'm not sure exactly why I did it. Well, of course the reason I chose the study topic is obvious: I can only really fill out my B cups when my weight goes up or once a month. But what the study turned into... , well, maybe it was when I saw the applicants. You see, I'm doing post-graduate work in the bio-medical field. I saw those ads for the herbal supplements to enhance your breasts, and I was intrigued. The fact is, I can't imagine letting someone take a knife to me and sticking that...

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Cam Place! If you are one of those folks looking to find a perfect live cam site ThePornDude just landed you on one. Lots of diverse European girls signing up as models on this site each passing day. Find all your fantasy women here whether kinky, red-haired, big tits, assful, small tits or whatever it is you love in these goddamn fucking hot women. They are ready to get down to some nasty action just to keep you busy with a fap. It’s simple, afford the tokens to tip the models and in return...

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Birch Place! Welcome to a place made for all transgender and bi-curious people, the birchplace.com. This place is the best place for you to chat with random people who share your interests and love for a certain naughty act. There will be lots of horny trannies and bi-curious people here, and honestly, I had fun exploring everything they have to offer.A bit confusing at the beginning…This place has been founded in 1995 and seeing as how it still has business, they might be doing something...

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Cuckold Place! So, I heard you get off watching your spouse/GF or whoever get rammed by another man? Don’t worry; you are not alone. There are lots and lots of men just like you. In fact, there were so many people who enjoyed this kind of an act that there is now a term to describe it all, cuckold. In case you have never heard about the cuckold fetish, I shall explain it in the best way I know.Basically, a man who gets a boner by encouraging his wife to sleep with another person is called a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Miss Sheila DeVilles School for Wayward Boys

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...

3 years ago
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Wayward Wifes Punishment

                               Wayward Wife's Punishment                                                                                   Chapter 1                                             Prologue        Years ago, when beginning the writing of this story, there was no intention of turning it into a novella or longer. The initial concept however quickly changed from a "hit and run" sex and violence short story to this epic of self-discovery on the part of the protagonist. This work still...

2 years ago
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Displacement By Danielle Krieger Chapter 1: Premonition It was a rather cool and windy afternoon. The alley between a brick and stonewalls of two local businesses was the best shield that Jack Diangelo could find for a few blocks. His rather long, unkempt dark brown hair whipped around his face as he lifted one side of his long trenchcoat to light a cigarette. After completing the task, he let the coat fall into place and grasped the cigarette with two fingers of his right...

1 year ago
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Nagarjun entered his birthplace

hi i am SMBhargav, from Karnataka , i thank all ISS readers for giving a great response to my own story” I saw my birthplace” . In this moment i am going to give you my friend Nagarjun’s experience as a story now. My friend Nagarjun actually told me about all incest stories and he was incest with his sister Sarvamangala. He has a desire to penetrate his mom at least onece his life. But he was afraid to ask her and also to do that. His father was a teriffic man and very angry man. He beats his...

4 years ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 3

"Well, Herc, now that you have heard my plan, what do you think?" "Sam, the plan is brilliant! It should work, too, if we can keep the wizards in line. That's the part that worries me." "Yeah, me too. I am afraid that one of them will get the idea that he can improve on the plan and do something stupid. I have asked the princess and Wizard Agar to speak to the young wizards to try to impress on them the necessity of everybody working together. They both agreed to try." "OK, what do...

2 years ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 2

Luckily for Sam, out of all the wizards, there was one who was skilled at telekinesis (TK). This one he asked to hang around. Sam dismissed the wizards and asked Agar, "Wizard Agar, nobody had mentioned where I'm to spend the night. Do you happen to know where that would be?" "Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention it. Your quarters will be situated next to Princess Olena's apartment. She asked for you to be placed there, if you don't mind." "Great! Thank you. Now, I need to find a place to...

2 years ago
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Mistress Cocos School for Wayward Boys

Mistress Coco's School For Wayward Boys Where Boys Become Girls, Whether They Like it or Not by Mistress Tawny Suede assisted by slave Holly Introduction In Which We Meet Rich Bitch Kimberly and Domineering Mistress Coco Kimberly Caldwell's head thrashed about on the silk pillows; a cry of ecstatic pain escaped her luscious lips as she cupped her heavy breasts, her crimson fingernails raking her taut nipples. Kimberly arched her back, thrusting her sopping cunt hard against...

3 years ago
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The Marketplace

The Marketplace The woman known only by the number on the door of her cement cell awoke in the early morning when her cell door was unlocked and creaked open.  The attendant in his usual brusque manner brought in a wash basin filled with warm water and soap plus a razor.  He informed her to shave and wash, that there was to be an auction at the market later in the day. The news of the auction later in the day stopped her in her place and she sat down on the side of her cot and contemplated the...

4 years ago
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The Marketplace

The MarketplaceThe woman known only by the number on the door of her cement cell awoke in the early morning when her cell door was unlocked and creaked open.  The attendant in his usual brusque manner brought in a wash basin filled with warm water and soap plus a razor.  He informed her to shave and wash, that there was to be an auction at the market later in the day.The news of the auction later in the day stopped her in her place and she sat down on the side of her cot and contemplated the...

2 years ago
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Wizard of Ooz

Dorothy rushed back to Aunt Em's trailer as fast as she could."She isn't coming yet. Toto - did she hurt you? She tried to, didn't she? Come on, we'll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie Em!" she said. Toto tried to hump her arm as she carried him. "Aunt Em," Dorothy cried out as she burst into the crowded trailer, "Ms. Gulch was holding Toto under her dress and making him…""Not now, dear. We have to sort these car stereos and CD's the boys found." "But Aunt Em, poor Toto couldn't breath in…""Don't...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 5

Everybody showed up at the firing range at dawn and the delightful breakfast was enjoyed by all. In face, some of the young wizards acted as if this was the first decent meal they had eaten in ages. After breakfast, Sam assembled the firebrands and explained his idea for the walking wall of fire. After some questioning, he established that every one of the firebrands could maintain a 30-yard strip of fire indefinitely. He split them into two groups and had them establish two fire lines, then...

2 years ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 4

"General, how are we fixed for stone missiles?" "We have a good supply for a normal battle, but we probably don't have enough for what you are planning. Actually, it is pretty easy to produce the missiles, but transportation is the rub. There are several thousand missiles at the quarry, now, waiting to be brought to the armory. It's ironic, but we can't move them as fast as we can make them. There are two wizards who specialize in making the missiles, but we have to depend on...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 8

"Well, a part of my plan depends on how long it would take to construct a brizium suit." Agar thought for a moment and said, "There is no way that such a suit could be fabricated by using magic. It would have to be made as chain mail by hand, one link at a time. Even with several skilled armorers working on it, it would take several weeks, I think." "OK, I've had another brain storm. Can you have Teekay meet us in your laboratory? I want to try an experiment with that brizium cage you...

2 years ago
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The Education of the Wayward Wife

                                        The Education of the Wayward Wife                                                    Written by C.W. Evans                                                         Chapter One           The midsized town she grew up in had to have more she thought as she desperately tried get her loans for college. Jen knew that if she was accepted that this would be her chance to bigger and better things in life. As she opened the letters from different colleges she...

4 years ago
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The Wayward Roommate

THE WAYWARD ROOMMATE by Skip Part 1 By all rights Lisa McGrath should have been one oversexed 19-year-old slut.But to the contrary her propensities were such as to make her repulsive toher peers' of both sexes and especially to her 28-year-old roommate JeanineApplegate. Lisa and Jeanine were roommates in a single family home in a Delaware Countysuburb of Philadelphia each having their own bedroom but sharing the rest ofthe house. It was owned by Jeanine's elderly Grandmother who resided at a...

1 year ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 2 Replacements

The Captain woke Tara and myself up by storming into my little room and throwing off the covers. We had slept little that night, and Tara had had several orgasms (and I even managed a couple myself) 'Come on Cabin Boy', she bellowed. 'Stop fucking my crew. We have work to do.' I came round quickly and she was holding out my razor and towel. 'Get showered, get dressed and get downstairs', she told me and have my naked rear a painful spank as I left the room. Tara quickly joined me in...

2 years ago
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Sex During Placement

Hi iss readers this is Rishi (name changed). I have been following iss for past 3 years now. Stories ere are quite erotic some times. I have always enjoyed reading stories out here. Today I am going to share my first sexperience which I had with my friend which I encountered during a off campus placement drive. First of all let me introduce myself, I am 6 ft tall a lil dark complexion but 7” dick which can satisfy desire of any girl. Now heroine of this plot she is 5’3 and slim figure girl. Her...

4 years ago
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Wayward Daughter Returns

Wayward Daughter Returns By Spectreofhell Brad was sitting at his desk when he heard his daughter come in the front door. He turned away from his computer to face the door, leaning back in his chair angrily. “Nina!” he called out. He heard her footsteps hesitate in the hallway. “Come here. I need to speak with you.” She appeared in the doorway. For a moment, he forgot to be angry. It was always like this with her, had been this way since he could remember. She was spoiled, and it was his...

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The Education of the Wayward Wife

                                        The Education of the Wayward Wife                                                    Written by C.W. Evans                                                         Chapter One           The midsized town she grew up in had to have more she thought as she desperately tried get her loans for college. Jen knew that if she was accepted that this would be her chance to bigger and better things in life. As she opened the letters from different colleges she...

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The return of a wayward girl 2

The girl just stood in front of the headmaster as he took out a book wrote punishment book in a drawer, Jackie knew it very well what it entails inside. The headmaster broke silence after few moments "you know Jackie, a book such as  these used to be worth of accounts of painful experiences for both boys and girls, now its lines,...

4 years ago
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The Wayward Slave

This is just a short story about a slave that thought he knew better than me! Once upon a time there was a Mistress that owned a very loyal and dedicated slave. She had always been very proud of him and secure in the knowledge that she could take him anywhere and always know that he knew how to act. She was invited to a party that would be having several of the Mistresses in the community there with their slaves. So, the Mistress told her slave to get his ass dressed and she put his collar...

2 years ago
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The Wayward Messiah

The Wayward Messiah PROLOGUE Father Ignacio was the keeper and master of his parish, and he controlled his flock with fear of fire and damnation. Fear was a tasty emotion to the old priest, one that could feed him forever. He was not what he seemed, but true monsters seldom were. The orphanage that fell under his dominion was no exception to his influence; the fear of the orphans was palpable and fed his dark soul. Father Ignacio was a creature of darkness hiding within under a...

3 years ago
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Wayward Daughter Returns

Wayward Daughter ReturnsBy SpectreofhellBrad was sitting at his desk when he heard his daughter come in the front door. He turned away from his computer to face the door, leaning back in his chair angrily. “Nina!” he called out. He heard her footsteps hesitate in the hallway. “Come here. I need to speak with you.”She appeared in the doorway. For a moment, he forgot to be angry. It was always like this with her, had been this way since he could remember. She was spoiled, and it was his fault,...

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The Education of the Wayward Wife

                                        The Education of the Wayward Wife                                                  Written by C.W. Evans                                                         Chapter One          The midsized town she grew up in had to have more she thought as she desperately tried get her loans for college. Jen knew that if she was accepted that this would be her chance to bigger and better things in life. As she opened the letters from different colleges she grew...

1 year ago
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The Fireplace

I walk into the room. I see you standing by the fireplace.You sit down by it and I join you.I bring my hand over towards yours brushing against it ever so gently.You reach out and brush yours back against mine, letting your manly hand linger for a few minutes. You then grab onto my hand and hold onto it bringing it down onto your cock.I turn my head noticing this. I start massaging your cock slowly with my hand. I hear you moan.You then turn towards me slightly. You bring your free hand over to...

2 years ago
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Thought placer

You wake up one morning with a headache. You've been grounded for weeks, your hot, redheaded girlfriend Hailey broke up with you, your grades are falling, basically, your life sucks. Your killer headache is just the last little bit that pushes you over the edge. "Nick! Breakfast is ready." Your mom says after opening your door. "Just shut the fuck up mom, I'll be down in a minute!" You lash out. "There is no place for language like that in this household! You know, I thought five weeks was...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Wizard of Oz 1

Introduction: NOT porn! Wizard of Oz part 1- Original fic by MISTER BIG T This is a rather darker approach on the storyline of the Wizard of the Oz, a classic story. Warning, this has reference to child abuse and beating. Dorothy walked down the alleys. The snow had begun melting and the water was forming small rivers that danced towards the sewers. She pulled her coat closer, she was getting colder. But she was afraid to return to home, afraid to face her mother. ...

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WizardChapter 5

Jelka's roots were in Croatia, when the war between Serbia and Croatia broke out, her parents sent her as a teenager to Australia in care of her aunt Christina. Both her parents died leaving her an orphan. She grew up learning business management in her aunt's clothing store, as time progressed they opened a boutique as well. Aunt Christina smiled at me with a look of amusement when we told her of our relationship. "I don't think he's after your money Yelly, (her nickname for Jelka)...

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