Finders Keepers
- 2 years ago
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Sangeeta appraised her body in the mirror. Thanks to the benefits of military grade nanomeds, save a few worry lines around the eyes, she didn't look much older than the day she had reported for duty, fifty-five years ago. She was no longer the starry-eyed teen who had dreamed of piloting a space fighter in glorious combat, however. The glamour had worn off that dream even before she finished sim training.
Now, she had lost too many friends and comrades to think of her job as glorious or romantic. Still she took pride in what she had helped to accomplish. There had been, too, that other secret desire - that one thing that only she and the MIs knew about.
As she gazed with appreciation on her firm, flat stomach, flaring hips and, she had to admit, beautiful face, she began to wonder if that dream, too, might finally be coming true. Her light olive skin flushed even darker as she thought of the night ahead.
It was impossible, of course. Her breasts were too small to be considered voluptuous, and no one would find her close-cropped hair sexy. Still, it never hurt to dream. Her reverie was interrupted by her personal MI.
You are, by most human standards, quite beautiful, Commander, and your courage and intelligence put you far ahead of most other women of Earth origin. If you have completed your inventory, however, you might wish to don some clothing. Commodore McClintock has left his cabin and is on his way here.
"Oh, shit!" Sangeeta cried, rushing to get into the unfamiliar feminine underthings and the skirt and blouse, all of Earth manufacture. Even before joining the military, she had never owned such an outfit, and it took some discreet advice from her MI to get them on as they were intended to be worn.
She finished just as her MI announced that Commodore McClintock was at the door to her quarters. She took one more quick glance at the mirror and - stopped dead in her tracks.
That - that can't be me! she thought as she gazed at her reflected image. Even with her spacer's haircut, the woman in the mirror looked absolutely stunning!
It is, indeed, you, Commander. Or perhaps for the evening, I should call you Ms. Olsen, her MI communicated. As I said earlier, you are quite beautiful by Earth standards. Even beautiful women, however, do not keep the Grand Admiral waiting in the corridor.
For the evening, Sangeeta laughed, feeling suddenly giddy, call me Sangeeta. And what shall I call you?
She authorized the cabin's MI to open the door as her MI answered, You may call me James.
Wish me luck, James, she told the MI as she held out her hand in invitation to Colin, who stood in the open entryway, as stunned by her transformation as she had been only moments before.
"Ms. Olsen," he managed, finally, "Sangeeta. My God, you look ravishing!"
He looked older than her, Sangeeta had to admit, like a fifty year-old Uncle with a teenaged niece, but the real difference in their ages was more like a century. Such considerations, however, given the longevity promised by their nanomeds, were of little consequence except in comparison with pre-Chofri times. At seventy two, she was no spring chicken, herself, and every girl in the galaxy still gushed over the ruggedly handsome Commodore.
Recovering quickly, Colin offered his arm, saying, "Shall we go? I took the liberty of making reservations for us."
"Of course," Sangeeta replied, slipping her slender arm into his.
Her head barely came to his shoulder, and anyone who didn't understand the nature of the modifications made to military personnel in the modern fleet would have thought her frail and fragile. To have acted on such assumptions, however, would have been fatal to an unenhanced human.
"Where are we going, Commodore?" Sangeeta asked.
"Colin, please," he answered. "I have made reservations for us at a restaurant that I've been assured is the best in the Earth Union."
Since they were in the Sol system, Sangeeta assumed that the restaurant would be on Earth, and was surprised when the shuttle deposited them on a space platform in polar orbit around a small, walnut shaped body that appeared, at first glance, to be embedded within the rings of Saturn.
"Welcome to Pan Station," a tuxedo-clad maitre d'hotel told them as they emerged from the small shuttle dock. The entire station appeared to be constructed from a transparent material and the close-up view of Saturn and its rings was stunning. "We are, of course, in orbit around the moonlet, Pan, within the Encke gap of Saturn's rings. For you, Commodore, and the lovely lady, tonight's dinner and entertainment are complimentary. This is our way of showing our gratitude to you and your courageous fleet."
"Thank you," Colin replied. "This is Commander Sangeeta Olsen, who led the fighter wing which captured the Gorz support fleet, and destroyed their air support in the battle for Bates' World."
It was a subtle notice to the maitre d' and through him, the rest of the restaurant's staff, that Colin was not the only one there deserving their respect.
"Of course," the maitre d' never faltered, "Commander, Admiral, this way, if you please. Whatever you desire that is within our power to provide shall be yours this evening. Simply have your MI notify ours and it is done. You will not be disturbed by humans except when food or beverage is to be served. The stage area provides continuous entertainment, but should you desire more intimate amusements..."
Colin stepped through the open hatchway of the scoutship into a short tunnel that led to a larger passageway. The armor's MI told him he should step through a hatchway, but he could find no control to open the hatch. "I am in communication with the mothership," the suit told him. "Simply step toward the hatch and it will open for you." He did, it did. "Is that a security measure or something?" He asked. "Among other things. Since this is a military vessel, we concern ourselves...
Djai Mtumbo was just emerging from his med-unit when Colin entered the sickbay carrying an unconscious gang member over each shoulder. He was followed by an ID platform loaded with three more. The ebony skinned warrior gazed at his own arms and hands in wonder, turning them this way and that. "Is it true, what that thing told me? Am I now as strong as three men?" "Help me get these guys in the med-units and we'll see," Colin laughed. "It seems the MIs taught you English, too. Welcome...
The onlookers sat in stunned silence as they watched the strangely shaped craft outmaneuver, outperform, and, generally, wipe the racecourse with the NASCAR racecar against which it was pitted. Then, the exact same vehicle proceeded to do the same with the best off-road vehicles in the world. Of course, the strange vehicle had an advantage, right from the start. It never actually touched the roadway or the ground, and was capable of changing altitude to go over obstacles. When the...
The Gorz battleship was almost upon them and Colin's pulse raced as the distance between the ships closed. At 100,000 kilometers, something tickled the back of his brain. "Scanners, report." He remembered the the Frog ambush that had killed a couple of his team, sim though it was, and he was not about to commit the same mistake with his ships. "All clear sir. Nothing but the Gorz ship on any of the sensors." The tech sitting in front of the sensor console was the simulacrum of one the...
"So, no special treatment when the others are around," Moira said, giving him an intimate caress. "Got it. But the others aren't around. They're on the other end of the net." "That's true, dear lady," Colin grinned, "but I really do have to be careful about this. On the one hand, we can't be fraternizing with people who haven't had the treatments we've had, so I don't think there's any need to keep it secret, but on the other hand, I can't even give the impression that I'm...
"No! No! No!" Colin exclaimed, frustrated. "Look! You're making the same mistake the Chofri made! We're not just concerned with protecting Earth. To be successful, we have to find a way to completely defeat the Gorz. We have to make sure that they never come back! It's not enough to repel them! You've all seen the recordings from their assault on Chofri. If we do not destroy them, they will simply rebuild and come back stronger than ever! I don't claim to be a military genius but...
" ... to answer those questions," President Arabella Aquino told the assembled reporters and camera crews, "I'll call upon the man in charge, Commodore of Earth Union Space Forces, Grand Admiral Colin McClintock." She gestured to where her MI told her he was waiting, and a mutter of confusion ran through the news people when it appeared that the guest of honor was a no-show. Once more, Colin relied on the effect of his c-thru to make his entrance more dramatic, and as he appeared,...
It's not a question of understanding, Dolores, Moira told her MI. It's a question of convincing my heart. Intellectually, it's crystal clear why Colin can't commit to me, but when I'm with him, I feel that there's something more there than just the convenience of sex. Of course there is, Dolores answered. Colin cares a great deal about you. It may even be true that he loves you. It's those very feelings that he fears most. He knows the consequences of getting too deeply involved...
Sandeep felt the slight buck of the ID tractor as the plow bit into something more dense than the soil. Using the sonic imager, he backed up and found the two pieces of the boulder that the blade had split asunder, and delicately re-shaped the energy blade of the plow to coax them to the surface. Once they were out, he moved the tractor forward, then stabilized it before jumping down to retrieve the pieces of rock. Many of the farmers on Bait used air-conditioning in the cabins of their...
"Come in, Pham," Colin gestured to the man who stood in the door to his cabin. "I've got an unusual mission for your guys this time. I'll need your best surveillance team." "Well, they're well rested," Pham said, "but floating around in deep void takes a toll on them. A few seem to have gotten used to it, but I've got about a twenty percent transfer out rate, and not many new volunteers." "I understand," Colin answered, "but I've got a feeling this mission won't require...
"Well done, Commander!" McClintock had insisted on hearing the report himself. "You and your team take a couple of weeks off, Tran, you've earned it." "Thank you, Sir" Pham returned with a grin, "It will give our armor time to air out!" McClintock grinned back "Yeah, three weeks is a long time to spend suited up, even with the efficiency of the armor's recyclers. Dismissed, Commander!" Pham came briefly to attention before turning on his heel and exiting the Yuee Flagship's...
"All right, Djai," Colin said, "thanks for the assessment, and for taking the initiative to gather the necessary information. I think you're right about not being able to do this with the Gorz combat fleet, but the support fleet is not as disciplined. I'll work that into our plans. General Meeflt, how is the integration of your people going?" "As you know, we have a phobia about tight spaces, particularly when we are alone," the military leader of the Bandlar volunteers answered....
"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there." "Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the...
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The orders went out to the designated destroyers, but they had barely begun to maneuver away from the main formation when the navigation officer called for Admiral Weelock's attention. Weelock, who was concentrating on the dirtside battle, looked up in irritation. "Wha..." he drew up short as his eyes swept across the external viewscreen, then the battle plot. "Where the parkdrivnul did those ships come from?!" "I-I don't know, Fleet Admiral," the instruments officer quailed. "One...
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When I got up the next morning and walked past the mirror, I took a look and smiled. My body was covered in bruises and my ass cheeks were bloody. It looked like a car had ran me over 10 times. But in fact, it was my husband and my sister. My daughter. I didn’t quite know what to call her. But I knew that I liked what I saw. Every injury brings you back stronger. And I wanted to be the strongest. Not only physically, but also mentally. Andy and Cindy were sitting on the terrace, she was in his...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. This is manasa. And thanks for ur support and comments. Many readers na first experience gurinchi adigaru. So this part lo na first experience gurinchi mito share chesukuntunnanu. Iam manasa. My bf name is ramesh. Ika story loki veldam. That days my bf ramesh love nenu accept chesina starting days. Iddaram kalisi movies. Parks laki vellatam start aindi. Sometimes ramesh nannu kaavalani touch chestu undevadu. Adi naku ardamina em anedanini kaadu ramesh ni....
When the door had been closed for a minute and he'd seen the others disappearing into the distance Dan filled a glass for June and took that and what was left of his own to the bedroom."Well?"June lay still, head snuggled into the pillows, legs spread, eyes half closed. Dan put the glasses on the side table."I think I know what you need," he said and slid onto the bed between her legs. His tongue got to work, almost where he'd left off before the boys arrived, slowly licking from as deep inside...
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Straight Sex