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Finders Keepers By Morpheus It was a nice day, with a clear blue sky, a nice warm sun and a cool breeze. It was the perfect sort of day to take a slow walk through the park and Tom Clark was not the only one to think so. Tom Clark was a fairly attractive man of 31, who was greatly enjoying his time away from his responsibilities as manager of a local retail store. And he thought, what better way to enjoy his day off than to take a nice relaxing stroll through the local park. There were other people around as well, though just enough so that the park was in threat of neither being empty nor being crowded. It gave a feel of being in use and alive, while still allowing Tom his sense of privacy. Tom looked around him and realized that he had wandered away from the part of the park with the kids play toys, the part where almost everyone else was at. He was pretty much alone, except for a little girl of about 7 or so, who was busy drawing chalk pictures on the concrete sidewalk. Tom looked around, but didn't see her parents anywhere nearby. However Tom stopped to go ask the girl where her parents were. It might have seemed a little odd for a strange man to be approaching a little girl like that. And he figured that her parents had to be around somewhere. But just in case, Tom absently made a mental note to himself to mention her to the pair of cops that he'd noticed hanging around the park entrance just a little earlier. After Tom had only walked a dozen yards further, he noticed something sitting on one of the park benches and went closer for a better look. It was a woman's purse, though as he looked around, there was no sign of any woman that it might belong to. "Excuse me," Tom called to the little girl, "is this your mom's purse?" The little girl looked up at Tom from where she continued to draw with her chalk, shaking her head no, but not saying a word. She quickly went back to her drawing. "Did you see who left this here?" Tom called to her again. This time the little girl stood up as she shook her head no. Then with a giggle she called back, "Finders keepers..." And with that she turned and ran off. Tom chuckled and picked up the purse. Since the owner didn't seem to be around, he decided that he'd better drop that off with the cops at the park entrance. They'd know what to do with it. With that Tom absently slipped the purse over his shoulder and continued on his way. The two cops were still standing around the park entrance, drinking coffee and talking, as well as providing a 'visible police presence' in order to deter crime. But by the time that Tom reached them, he had almost entirely forgotten about the purse that was still slung over his shoulder. He walked right past them and continued walking home, all thoughts of the purse slipping out of his mind. It wasn't until Tom got back to his apartment that he suddenly remembered the purse. He dropped it onto his table in surprise, realizing that it wasn't that he'd forgotten about it, but that it had felt so comfortable where it was at that he just hadn't given it a second thought. "How the hell did I forget that I was carrying a purse?" Tom asked himself in confusion, also wondering why he'd slipped it over his shoulder in the first place. Just because he was holding a woman's purse didn't mean that he'd had to carry it like one. Then Tom remembered one more fact. That he'd forgotten to give the purse to the cops like he'd intended. "Damn," he growled in annoyance as well as some embarrassment, "I can't believe I'm a purse snatcher..." Tom grimaced as he stared at the purse, feeling more embarrassed than anything else. He'd actually walked all the way home with purse slung over his shoulder. The guys at the store would never let him live that down if they found out. "But who does it belong to?" Tom muttered. After a moment though, Tom quickly realized that there was a very simple way to find out. All that he had to do was look inside. There would probably be a drivers license or something to tell him and possibly even a phone number so that he could call the owner and tell her that he'd found her purse at the park. A brief fantasy of getting a date from an attractive and grateful woman quickly passed through his mind, though was just as quickly put out of it. Tom seriously doubted that he'd be that lucky, but then again, he reminded himself, who knows. With that Tom started to empty the contents of the purse out onto his table, while he looked for anything that had a phone number on it. They were pretty much about what he had expected. There was makeup, a small change purse, a pack of Marlboro Light cigarettes, some keys and of course a woman's wallet, along with a few other odds and ends. Once Tom had glanced over the rest of the contents, he looked in the wallet and found a driver's license for a woman named Meredith Samuels. According to that, she was 5 foot 7 and 24 years old. And from her picture, she didn't look bad at all. "So this is who lost it," Tom mused. Unfortunately Tom didn't find a single thing in her wallet that had a phone number on it. However he did have her driver's license, which gave her home address instead and there were several other items in the wallet which seemed to confirm it. Tom leaned back and groaned, "Just great..." He had Meredith's home address, but he didn't particularly like the idea of just showing up at her door step and saying, "Hi, I found your purse at the park and rummaged through your things to find where you lived..." Being able to call and arrange a meeting place to give it to her would have been much more convenient, not to mention comfortable. Letting out a sigh, Tom absently reached for the cigarettes on the table. He lit one up and took a long drag, and it wasn't until he'd taken one more that he suddenly realized what he was doing. "What the hell?" Tom blinked, suddenly wondering why in the world he was smoking when he'd never done so before in his life. He was even more confused by the fact that he had done so without even thinking about it. For a moment Tom just stared at the cigarette between his fingers, trying to make some kind of sense as to why he had lit it... and why smoking it had felt so normal. But then he suddenly noticed his fingernails. They were all longer than normal... almost like a woman's nails. "Holy shit," Tom gasped, dropping the cigarette in surprise. Tom just stared at his hands in disbelief, almost sure that he could see his fingers getting even longer and more shapely. And his hands... they almost seemed to look.... feminine. Taking a deep breath Tom closed his eyes, telling himself that he was having some sort of weird daydream or hallucination. But when he opened his eyes again, he was not happy to see that his hands looked even more like a woman's hands... smaller and finer. And what was more, all of his arm hair was missing as well. After just sitting there for a minute in stunned silence, Tom looked himself over again. There was no doubt that whatever was going on was spreading. His entire arms looked thinner and he could feel the small differences throughout the rest of his body, though he couldn't exactly say what those differences were. "This can't be happening?" Tom gasped out. "People don't just suddenly change..." His voice shook a bit as he said that, breaking and sounding just a little wrong. Not sure what else to do, Tom stripped off his shirt, staring at his now smooth and hairless chest for a moment, before he noticed that it was beginning to swell. It was slight at first, barely noticeable, though his chest continued to push outwards on both sides until he had two small, but definite female breasts. Even his nipples had grown a little larger and continued to do so. "Impossible," the word slipped from Tom's lips. However, as much as Tom would have liked to deny it, the proof was right there in front of him. In fact the proof was him. Somehow he was changing. And it didn't take him long to realize in what direction the changes were happening. The two growing breasts that he now sported offered ample indication. Tom gulped, "I'm turning into a girl..." For a moment Tom just watched his new breasts to continue to grow, slowly but steadily. There was a sinking feeling in his gut as he did so, though at the same time, a part of him couldn't help but be fascinated by it. Seeing human flesh reshape itself was not something that he saw every day. Still, he would have been a lot more excited if it had been someone else's flesh that was reshaping rather than his own. Then, hesitating for a second more, Tom took a deep breath and grasped at his crotch. He could still feel something there through his pants... though barely. That was followed by him slipping his hand down the front, only to verify what he'd already known... that he was losing his manhood. Tom grimaced, deciding that he had to get a good look at himself. He had to see what was happening to him. And with that he quickly started towards his bathroom mirror, only to discover that his pants no longer fit quite so well. They were loose, with the cuffs dragging the floor. When Tom reached the bathroom mirror, he could only gasp and stare. He now looked more female than male. His hair had even changed color, growing from its normal dark brown to a lighter, more reddish brown, not to mention having grown longer and still growing. "Wait a minute," Tom gasped as he stared at his reflection. The reflection... it seemed vaguely familiar and became even more so with each passing second. Tom silently watched the changes happen, not knowing of anything that he could to do stop or even slow them down. All that he could do was watch. Watch... and gulp. His was looking more and more like the picture on that drivers license... "I'm... I'm turning into her," Tom whispered in horror, "I'm turning into that Meredith woman..." That pronouncement sent a shiver down Tom's spine. He gulped, staring at the mirror in stunned silence, having no idea of what to do next. Tom still didn't have any idea of either how or why that was happening to him in the first place. It took another minute or so before the transformation seemed to be completed and the changes stopped. However Tom was barely even aware of that as he tried to absorb what had happened to him. As he tried to make some sense of it all. Tom frowned as he looked into the mirror again, seeing the face of a rather pretty young woman staring back at him. She wasn't super model beautiful, but more of a girl next door. It was hard to believe that it was his face being reflected. "This is too weird," Tom muttered, turning away from the mirror. When Tom returned to the table with the purse on it, he pulled out another cigarette and lit it, almost as though out of habit. This time however he continued to smoke, realizing that it did help him feel a little calmer. And at the moment, that was exactly what he needed. And while Tom stood there smoking, he looked down at himself, trying to remain as calm and in control as possible while doing so. He stared straight down at his new breasts, which were about a B cup. The rest of his body or at least what he could see from it since he was still wearing his now oversized pants, looked to be pretty decent. Then Tom reached down the front of his pants and felt at his now empty crotch, grimacing slightly as he did so. It was no surprise however as he had already realized that the changes had stopped and that he would doubtlessly have lost that part of him if he had indeed become a woman. After putting the cigarette out, Tom sat down on his couch, trying to ignore the differences in his body, the extra padding on his rear, the weight hanging from his chest and the hair which now tickled his shoulders. Strangely none of them felt quite as strange and alien as he would have expected. In fact he felt fairly normal... considering the circumstances. "The purse," Tom whispered, snapping his eyes back open a minute later. None of that had started until he'd started rummaging through it. No, he realized... the strangeness had started when he'd found it... when he'd slipped it over his shoulder and forgot to turn it over to the cops. "The purse..." Tom quickly got up and rushed back to the table, staring at the contents, looking for anything that might explain what had happened to him, that might offer a single clue. However all that he could see were the normal contents of a normal looking purse. Nothing within it had appeared out of the ordinary in the least. But as Tom looked down at himself, then at the wallet, he suddenly wondered if perhaps the owner knew something about this. It was the only thing that he could think of that held any hope for him. He was going to have to take the purse back to its owner, even sooner than he'd intended. With that Tom went to his bedroom, where he slipped on an extra pair of thick winter wool socks over the ones that he was wearing, so that his shoes would fit a little better. And once he had found a shirt that he could wear... one that didn't have his nipples poking out too obviously, he was ready to go. "No sense in waiting around," Tom mumbled, wanting to get this whole weirdness done and over with as quickly as possible. Tom returned to the table and quickly stuffed the contents of his purse back inside, then slung it over his shoulder just as he had earlier. It wasn't until Tom had taken several steps towards the door that he paused, realizing with a little surprise that he'd just started thinking of it as HIS purse. "This is getting too weird." He shook his head, though he silently added that it had already gone way beyond that. A minute later Tom had climbed into his Ford Explorer and was quickly on his way to the address on the driver's license. The sooner he found this Meredith's place... not to mention some answers, the happier he'd be. It didn't take Tom long to get to the address on the drivers license, a large brownstone apartment building. He stared at the building for a moment, having a strong sense of familiarity, though he was sure that he'd never really been there before. Finally Tom decided that he must have driven past it at some time. After Tom hesitated, feeling nervous as he wondered about how he could possibly explain why he looked like her to Meredith, Tom went inside. There was a desk right inside the front entrance, similar to a reception desk but with a security guard sitting behind it. "How you doing Ms. Samuels?" the man behind the desk asked Tom. "Not the greatest Jack," Tom responded as he walked past. Then Tom suddenly paused, not sure which surprised him more, that he had somehow known that the security guard's name was Jack.... or that he had responded so easily to Meredith's name. Both facts left him feeling somewhat shaken. And Tom was so preoccupied with those thoughts, that he was not even conscious of the fact that he was instinctively heading straight for Meredith's apartment, though he'd had no idea of where it was located. It wasn't until Tom was standing outside of the apartment door and reaching into the purse for the keys that he paused again, blinking in surprise. "It happened again..." Still, even though Tom stood there with the apartment keys in hand, he knocked on the door instead. He felt rather foolish doing so, as if he was knocking on his own door. So when no one answered, he grimaced and decided to let himself in. That was better than standing out in the hall like some sort of idiot. Tom stepped inside and looked around, feeling a strong sense of familiarity. And without even having to leave the living room, he somehow knew where everything was at. He knew that the bathroom was right around the corner, that it was next to the bedroom. And though he hadn't actually seen the kitchen yet, he could picture it in his head just as clearly as he could his own. And though Tom felt foolish somewhat ridiculous for doing so, he called out, "Hello? Is there anybody here..." There was a faint meowing and a moment later a small gray and black cat came running up to Tom and rubbing up against his leg. He bent over and scratched the cat behind the ear, smiling as she obviously enjoyed it. "Pretty girl Carmen," Tom told the cat, pausing only momentarily as he realized that he knew the cat's name. He knew Carmen's name, the same way that he had known Jack's name at the security desk. He just wished that he knew HOW he knew. Tom scowled and walked through the apartment, getting the same eerie feeling that he had been there before and more...that he was comfortable there. Very comfortable. He even absently slipped some food into Carmen's dish as he walked past it. After taking a quick look around, Tom absently set his purse... the purse down on the table and moved over to the computer desk. He nodded faintly as he looked at it, knowing that it was one of the most up to date systems currently available. Then Tom blinked, "I don't know anything about computers..." However, almost as soon as Tom had said that, he realized just how wrong that was. He knew quite a bit about computers. After all he did work in the IT department of his company. It took only a moment more before Tom gasped in surprise. "Damn," he grumbled, shaking his head as if to try to get the strange thoughts and knowledge out of it. As much as Tom disliked the idea, he could no longer deny the fact that he was somehow gaining Meredith's knowledge the same way that he had gained her face. It was a VERY unsettling thought. Not sure what else to do, Tom took another walk through the apartment, this time going a little more slowly. He was still struck by just how much everything felt like... home. It felt more like his home than the apartment of some strange woman whom he'd never actually met. When Tom got to the bedroom, he stared at his reflection in the full length mirror, shaking his head faintly at the strange image of an attractive woman wearing ill fitting men's clothing. The fact that it was his own clothing was what made it even stranger. Tom stared at himself for several minutes, then his curiosity began to build. There he was, inside a woman's body and he hadn't even taken the opportunity to really look it over. Who knew when he'd suddenly turn back to normal and lose that opportunity forever. With that thought in mind, Tom slowly began undressing, dropping his clothes onto the floor and revealing his altered body. He felt strange while doing so, yet at the same time, almost normal. It was a confusing dichotomy that Tom tried not to think about. Once Tom was fully undressed, he stared at his body, half surprised that he didn't feel at all turned on by the sight of a naked woman in front of him. In fact it felt no more erotic than if he had been in his own apartment and staring at his own reflection. It even felt much as though he was doing exactly that thing. Tom shook his head slightly and turned away from the mirror, realizing that he could feel the call of Mother Nature. So with a sigh he went to the bathroom to relieve himself, not even surprised at just how natural it felt to sit down to pee, or to wipe himself. That sort of thing was almost expected now. When Tom had finished in the bathroom, he returned to the bedroom to get dressed again, only to discover to his surprise, that these clothes were gone. There was no trace of either those or his shoes. They had completely vanished from where he had left them. Suddenly feeling nervous, Tom looked around. He gulped, a thought passing through his head that perhaps the real Meredith had returned to her apartment during the few minutes that he had been in the bathroom. But if she had, it didn't seem very believable that the first thing that she would do would be cleaning up after him. Tom grimaced and quickly looked through the apartment again, relieved to find that it was still empty of anyone save him and Carmen. And somehow he didn't think that the cat would have taken his clothes, that still left him with the question as to what happened to them. But after everything else that had already happened, the prospect of them just vanishing on their own didn't seem nearly as unbelievable as it would have just a short while earlier. "Damn," Tom muttered, not feeling quite as bad about the loss of his clothes as he might otherwise. They had been rather uncomfortable since his unexpected transformation. However Tom knew that there was a very simple solution to the lack of clothing problem. Namely that he had a whole closet full of clothes that he just knew would fit him just fine. And for some reason the thought of wearing women's clothing didn't bother Tom in the least. In fact a part of him actually felt a bit relieved at the thought. It didn't take Tom long at all to find the clothes that he needed since he seemed to know exactly where everything was at. And he found that he knew exactly how to put it on, even slipping the bra on with ease, as though he had done so thousands of times before. "Okay," Tom started once he was dressed, "I guess that's everything." But at the same time, Tom had a strong feeling that there was something missing. Then he was suddenly struck with the realization... his makeup. He couldn't leave the house without his makeup on. The thought was somewhat strange, but it seemed perfectly normal at the same time. Tom barely even considered the oddity of the fact as he sat down at the makeup table and began to apply the cosmetics. It was so easy, as though he had been doing do for years. And once Tom was done, he nodded in satisfaction. "I can't believe I just did that," Tom muttered to himself, though he wasn't quite as bothered by the fact as he thought he was. Suddenly another thought occurred to Tom. If he was somehow turning into Meredith Samuels, as certainly seemed to be the case, then where was the real one? She certainly wasn't there and he somehow knew that she had the day off as well. "Maybe she's on her way back here," Tom thought aloud. It was a chilling thought and he had no idea how he would possibly explain his appearance to her if she stepped through the door and found him there. Tom glanced at the front door and scowled, then went for a cigarette. He felt much better once he had taken a long drag and blown the smoke out overhead. Since Tom had found no answers in the apartment, only more questions, he decided that he might as well leave. With that he absently slung his purse over his shoulder again before heading out the door. When Tom got to his car, he pulled the keys from his purse and unlocked it, only then pausing as he realized that something was a little off. Still, it took him another second to realize what it was. It wasn't his car... but at the same time, Tom knew that it was. He even had the keys for it. "My Explorer," he gasped in realization. Tom's Ford Explorer had vanished and in the parking space where he had left it was a Honda Civic that was several years newer instead. And he'd not only had the keys for the Civic in his purse, but KNEW that it was his car. "Damn," Tom muttered as he shook his head, wondering just how much else could change. After shaking it off and climbing into his car, it didn't take Tom very long to get back to his old apartment building. He was somewhat looking forward to getting back as it would mean that he wouldn't have to worry about the real Meredith walking in on him. But at the same time, he didn't feel quite comfortable with going into his old apartment. Tom just couldn't put his finger on exactly why that was though. However, when Tom reached for his apartment keys, he was startled to discover that they were missing. He still had the keys that were in the purse, the ones for his... Meredith's apartment and car, but the ones for his... for Tom Clark's apartment and car were missing. And so was his wallet. "Damn it," he growled in frustration, wondering what else could go wrong. He grimaced, "I must have left them at the apartment..." But with the way everything else seemed to be vanishing, Tom didn't think that he'd be willing to put a bet on that. Tom scowled; annoyed that he couldn't even get into his own apartment. But then, he thought of the landlord. He had always been on pretty good terms with Bob, the apartment manager. Maybe he could convince Bob to let him in... at least long enough for him to grab his spare keys and come back later on his own. Just a minute later, Tom was standing at the door to the manager's office, looking at Bob. And he was looking at Bob with a whole new perspective. He'd never realized just now decent Bob was to look at. Of course he could be a little more muscular, but he certainly wasn't bad... Then Tom shook those thoughts out of his head, not even bothering to feel the least bit bothered or surprised by them. They felt so natural that he didn't even consider them as something unusual. However he was there for a reason. "Hi," Tom smiled, "I'm a close friend of Tom Clark..." "Tom who?" Bob asked with a slight frown. Tom blinked in surprise at that. Bob was almost acting like he'd never heard Tom's name, when there was no doubt that he'd know it. After all, they had talked a number of times and Bob had been getting his rent checks for several years. "Tom in apartment 213," Tom nudged him, feeling a bit insulted by Bob's reaction. But Bob just shook his head with a scowl, "213 is vacant. It has been for a couple months..." "But..." Tom gasped, staring at Bob in surprise, though Bob just repeated that the apartment was empty. That no one lived there. And that he had never even heard of Tom Clark. For a long moment Tom could only stare at Bob in disbelief. Then he took a deep breath and thanked Bob for his help before slowly turning away. He shook his head, stunned by this latest revelation. "It's gone," Tom whispered to himself. Bit by bit, everything in Tom's life had just... vanished. First it had been his body, followed by his clothes and wallet. Now, even his apartment was gone. In fact it was as though Tom Clark had been completely erased from existence, as though he had never even existed. Then Tom stood there and realized something else. His changes... Whatever had been changing him... Tom hadn't just been changing into a copy of Meredith Samuels... he had actually been transformed INTO Meredith. He was Meredith. She was Meredith. Meredith shook her head at that revelation, suddenly realizing just how true it was. She felt like Meredith... she KNEW that she was Meredith. She still had all of her old memories of being Tom Clark, but those were the past. It wasn't who she was anymore. Now had a new life to live and there was absolutely no doubt that she had everything she needed to live it. After all it was her life. With that Meredith calmly reached for a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long drag. And after Meredith blew the smoke back out, she continued walking to her car, not even bothering to glance back at what had once been her life. --- Elsewhere in the park, a little girl stood up and backed away a little from the chalk drawing that she had been working on. She smiled to herself as she stood there and admired the large blue butterfly which she had only just finished, quite pleased with what she saw. Just then the little girl started to shimmer and transform. Within mere seconds a woman stood where the girl had been. She was a tall woman, with long black hair, wearing a blue dress and a dark blue cloak which shimmered faintly in the light. A blue broach, shaped exactly like the butterfly drawing on the ground before her, held her cloak together. The goddess of transformation had no name, or at least no name that meant anything or anyone else. If she had ever possessed a true one, even she had long since forgotten it. Even her shape and very personality were the same, subject more to her constantly changing whim than anything else, though truth be told, her current ones were her favorites and the closest that she came to a true self. With an amused smile the goddess turned away from the drawing and thought on her latest gifts. She had once again allowed another mortal the priceless gift of being able to see things from a new perspective, to escape from the boring limitations of their one life. When this one had found the lost purse, he had found the life that went along with it as well. And it had all been rather easy to help things along... to make the adjustment easier. It had been quite simple to remove remnants of the previous life, even temporarily erasing a few select memories from the landlord. "Quite satisfactory," she mused to herself. Then, still smiling with amusement, the goddess reached into her cloak and slowly pulled out a leather wallet. It was the very wallet which held the identity of Tom Clark... the wallet which contained evidence of his life. She stared at it for just a moment before gently setting it down on the park bench. And as the goddess of transformation turned away with a light chuckle, she quietly mused, "Finders keepers..." THE END AUTHORS NOTE: The goddess of transformation which appears at the end of this story was first introduced in my story Change for a Spell, which is located on my Yahoo group.

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Finders KeepersChapter 14

"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there." "Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the...

4 years ago
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Finders KeepersChapter 15

"Sir," the new Communication officer said timidly. "What is it?" Weelock understood that during the prelude to a major battle was not the best time to go killing too many of his senior officers, still, the interruption was an annoyance. "The invisible ship we dispatched to check on the support fleet reports that, while inter-ship communications were disabled, Admiral Guadneef says that he destroyed the attackers and is now working to effect repairs." "Good! Get that ship back in...

4 years ago
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Finders KeepersChapter 16

The orders went out to the designated destroyers, but they had barely begun to maneuver away from the main formation when the navigation officer called for Admiral Weelock's attention. Weelock, who was concentrating on the dirtside battle, looked up in irritation. "Wha..." he drew up short as his eyes swept across the external viewscreen, then the battle plot. "Where the parkdrivnul did those ships come from?!" "I-I don't know, Fleet Admiral," the instruments officer quailed. "One...

2 years ago
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Finders KeepersEpilogue

Sangeeta appraised her body in the mirror. Thanks to the benefits of military grade nanomeds, save a few worry lines around the eyes, she didn't look much older than the day she had reported for duty, fifty-five years ago. She was no longer the starry-eyed teen who had dreamed of piloting a space fighter in glorious combat, however. The glamour had worn off that dream even before she finished sim training. Now, she had lost too many friends and comrades to think of her job as glorious or...

3 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 4 Finders Keepers

Matthew Reid - Thursday, June 19th, 2015 "This is a magic bracelet. Whoever wears this is mine to do with as I please." I recited the words and held the thin silver chain up like it was sacrament. "Oh, I got the tingles!" Sara bubbled. "It definitely worked," Carmen laughed, "So who's going to be our new sister?" "I'll call you later when I have her," I was dumbfounded. All I did was tell them that the thing was magic, in their words. Now, they believed it was: seriously...

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DominoesChapter 13 Summer 19891 The Groundskeepers

Waking up on Friday morning as a high school graduate changed nothing, except that I was going to have some free time to reflect on the way Cindy had left. Strangely, I felt no loss, just cheated that we hadn't talked about what had happened in the cottage. The free time that I thought I was looking forward to having, evaporated at breakfast. First, Mr. Oldham invited me, well; he informed me that I was going to accompany him to the office that day. And then Suzanne told me that Mr. Oldham...

4 years ago
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Dungeon Keeper

The Horned Reaper stood alone in the dank darkness of the long-abandoned dungeon. He sneered. Long abandoned. Being abandoned entailed it being occupied in the first place. This was no Dungeon. It was a tomb. His tomb. Long ago, he had been the most powerful servant of a powerful Keeper. In the name of his master, he had killed… Well… He couldn't remember how many people he'd killed but he'd killed a whole load of them. After all, it was not like he ever counted. That would not be classy. As a...

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The Shop Keeper

By: 4everhorny After we finished the doctor’s appointment she asked me to take her to a specific place which I knew was her regular shop for lingerie. We reached there in about an hour’s time because of the traffic. During the drive I asked why she removed her bra and she said because the doctor told her to stop wearing it because it was excessively tight now and to buy new ones. We entered the shop and most of the assistants were familiar with mom and welcomed us with the usual warm smiles...

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Scott the Keeper

The following story does not imply or depict sex involving minors (persons under the age of 18). As this is a fairly long read, here is a preview of what exactly you can expect: The protagonist is an attractive male who shall enjoy younger and more attractive females, a male fantasy. All scenes are mf, one is mff. Assuming plain vanilla sex can involve a big cock, big cum, blowjobs, and the like, there is very little kink and minimal ick factor. As a writer I have tried to be worthy. I hope you...

1 year ago
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OUr German House keeper

My wife, Darcy and I are very fortunate. I studied hard in college in technology and I landed a job right out of school that has made me very rich. I’m 28, Darcy 26. I played basketball in high school and college, 6’4” and lean. Darcy is 5.5” and about 115 lbs. We live in an estate that has a large house, tennis courts and swimming pol the landscaping prevents any outside viewers so Darcy spend much of the day laying naked by the pool when she isn’t at the country club. I’m sure our housekeeper...

4 years ago
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SRU The Shop Keeper

Author's note: I've always liked the SRU stories. This is my contribution. I hope you like it. LS SRU - The Shop Keeper By Lord Stormbringer "Damn, look at all that lost business," Tony said as he looked out of his storefront in the mall. Shoppers were bumping into each other in their hurry past his clothing store. He turned around and surveyed the few women shoppers comparing clothes. He went into the office at the back with the two-way glass window. Tom was reading a girly...

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My Sisters Keeper

Jane was off to college at Boston University.    I was a senior in my high school, which in the back woods of Maine consisted of grades “K through twelve”.   I dreamed of someday following in Jane’s footsteps and going off to a big city, and leaving this North of Nowhere town. Maybe I was naïve, but my life was going nowhere fast.   I grew accustomed to small town antics and choose to swim nude in a stream rather than attend my classes.   Although I was very talented, my grades were...

First Time
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Sisters Keeper

Sister's Keeper Susan never thought it would come to this. Despite constant reminders fromMistress Camille that new members were the lifeblood of the cult, Susan neverreally tried to recruit others into joining her little group. Maybe it wasjealousy that she would have to share her Mistress with others, maybe it wasjust laziness. But whatever it was, Susan was told that she was out, tomorrowmorning, if she could not get another girl to join. How it all came to this point is another story. ...

1 year ago
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The Lewd Secret Keeper

Tom had just begun his teaching career at a middle school near his home town. His ability to anticipate events was a gift that he had been nurturing for years. It started out in high school when he could almost to the minute know what time it was. He could wake up in the middle of the night and tell himself it was 2:34 a.m. and time and time again he would be right regardless of how long he had slept. He was always good at predicting what would be on exams in college and slowly he realized ....

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The Lighthouse Keeper

George awoke coughing, the taste of salt water in his mouth. As soon as the convulsions stopped, and he opened his eyes, the drowning dream quickly receded and vanished along with the salty taste on his tongue. Drowning was George’s worst nightmare. Despite being surrounded by water he could not swim. He believed that his hatred of water actually kept him alive. Keep out of the stuff, as well as away from it, and you will be OK, that was his motto. Yet here he was, surrounded by the sea, and...

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His Brothers Keeper

It started about a month after Jack’s brother Casey started paying off his debts. Amy and Jack had been living together for a year by that time and the tension in the flat was almost unbearable. Jack was so stressed that they’d stopped sleeping together. The thought of having to rely on his brother for financial support was killing him but then the people he’d borrowed from in the first place would have killed him anyway, and Amy too, they’d said as much when they’d caught onto him that night...

4 years ago
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My Sisters Keeper

Jane was off to college at Boston University.    I was a senior in my high school, which in the back woods of Maine consisted of grades “K through twelve”.   I dreamed of someday following in Jane’s footsteps and going off to a big city, and leaving this North of Nowhere town. Maybe I was naïve, but my life was going nowhere fast.   I grew accustomed to small town antics and choose to swim nude in a stream rather than attend my classes.   Although I was very talented, my grades were a mere...

2 years ago
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The Dragon Keeper

BANG BANG BANG. There was a very loud noise upstairs. Your name is Pete Stonehold. You have a common look, brown hair and brown eyes. A very unmuscleable body tone. Your family is one of the poorest in the lands. Your mom is a sex servant, dad is a merchant. Your mom is very pretty, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a perfect body. A pair of cups breasts and a round firm butt. Your dad was like you, but he had muscles. He also fought in the Wars of War. Where the elfs fought the orges whom also had...

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The shopkeeper

Zaid celebrated his fiftieth birthday last week. He had a good deal to be proud about, since coming to England from Somalia twenty five years ago with his wife Jamilia and their two eldest children, they had had four more children. All his children were healthy and successful, all had done well at school and although he had to work hard and long hours at his three shops, they provided him and his family with a good income and their house and car were the envy of many. Zaid was a respected...

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My brothers Keeper

Round, firm breasts. Thick, hard nipples. A distended stomach and soft, smooth pussy mound. That's what awaited him at home every night for the past six months. It was easy to understand how a girl like me could get pregnant by a guy like him. Especially when I saw him everyday, and he refused to let me wear clothes while in the house with him. Oh but I love him so. It all started a few years ago. We were both sixteen at the time and curious about our bodies and each others. It had started off...

2 years ago
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Kate and the shop keeper

Kate & the shopkeeperby Grumpy Old man 1©My wife Kate is only 24 years old she had started to take classes in belly dancing. It is perfect for her, as she stands about 5' 6" tall, and is a size 14 with a 36D chest, she has broad hips and a beautiful full, rounded belly delightfully centred with a deep dark navel. She had been looking for a new dance costume for some time without success. We were out looking around a town that we don’t visit very often when we came across an oriental goods...

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Virgin House Keeper

Hey all this is Shiraz, 24 years athletic body fair 5’9” tall guy from Punjab and I am going to share a very sexy incident with you of my life. This incident took place when I was of 18 and was gone out of city for the preparation of my entrance exams in engineering. I took a pg in the new city in Tuition Street and soon became very frank to everyone in pg. There was a computer centre in front of my pg whose owner took 2 batches one in morning and another in evening, rest of the time. He did...

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Your Neighbourhood Slave Keeper

       Megan’s day was uneventful. The morning classes, part of her mandatory management accounting curriculum, were boring and drawn out. She was irked that the professors spoke slowly and deliberately while she breezed through the topic they were talking about in her study book and absorbed its contents in half the time. Being a smart girl can be difficult sometimes. If everybody could just get on with it and hurry up, she would have much more time for things she actually enjoyed. She asked...

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My Twins Keeper

Lucy and I were walking back from the school bus and as soon as it was just her and I she became a lot more quiet. Ever since I was put in total charge of her it seemed like she was becoming more and more docile every day which was for the best. For her benefit I never overtly showed my authority while we were in school with the understanding she not put me in a situation where I would have to. As soon as it was just us though and I no longer had to hide it, she never wanted to talk even though...

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The Accommodating Keeper

The doctor returned to his office with a clip board, he sat down and for several seconds turned the pages of the report over, silently digesting what was written. His patient sat waiting for a report that was the results of months of tests; finally the doctor put the board down and with a sigh said. "I'm sorry Mr. Williams but the tests show, despite all the examinations we have done that you are impotent to the degree that normal sexual activity of actual penetration of a female is not...

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Mothers Keeper

Relations with my mother were at their worst as I neared my sixteenth birthday. We argued about everything. Mostly, she bitched about my choice of clothing. Earning my own money afforded me the opportunity to buy my own clothes. I like sexy, revealing clothes; Mom thinks a nun's habit is too revealing--at least for me. My folks are big on maintaining an image. We entertain a great deal. My two younger brothers and I are perfect children--seen and not heard. We live a strict and structured...

1 year ago
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Brothers Keeper

“SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” he snarled into her ear. The fire blazed in the distance, and a few of the guys popped off firecrackers while the girls cheered them on. Neil held a tight grip over her mouth as she grabbed at his hair and shirt collar. She managed to struggle out from beneath him and started running for the campsite. “HEEELLLLPP!” She bellowed from behind the trees. Her skirt fluttered as she ran and it gave him something to swipe at when he caught up. She looked back to swat his...

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House Keeper

Jack Campbell sat in first class on the plane heading to LA. He had to spend most of a week there to smooze this well paying customer set. A lot was riding on the presentations and entertaining for this customer. Jack was pretty comfortable about it actually. The LA crew was excellent, the company had a product that was outstanding. They just had to show them the product in it's best light, take them around to dinner at the best places like Chasens, Jimmy's, and a few others, and to...

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The Crusader Chapter 9 My Brothers Keeper

"Rollie Chambers," he said, answering his cell phone. "Hi Rollie. This is Julie. Perhaps a strange question, but have you seen Tully today?" Julie Colwell was 40, she was the RN supervisor at St. Louis University Hospital, and she was Jacob Tully's significant other. Tully was Rollie's best friend, mentor, and part of Rollie's detective agency, Chambers and Associates. "Hi Julie. Last time I saw Tully was at dinner with you guys the other night. Why?" "It's probably nothing, but...

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Fran My Brothers Keeper

My brother. Frank. Frank Post. He used to be a little snot, a real pain in the ass little snot. That's back when he was between the ages of five and about fourteen or fifteen. He'd tease me relentlessly, walk in on me and my date as we were making out and yell, "Naughty, naughty," or "Naughty Frannie," or his favorite as he got older, "Get a room," before zipping up the stairs to his own room. But there was more to my relationship with my brother than that. Because both parents...

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The Bachelorette Party Video

This is a story of a bachelorette party my wife attended that ended up on the internet at a XXX site. My wife and her friends didn't know that the entire party was being recorded. (M+F+, Cheat, Anal, Oral, Intrr, Inc, d**g)My wife Sandra's best friend Sabrina was getting married in a couple of weeks. Since my wife was the maid of honor it was her responsibility to have a bachelorette party for Sabrina. Sandra had been to a few of them but she never had to organize one. She called around to four...

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It Happened One HalloweenChapter 2 Lupes Journey

I was very nervous when the two gringos arrived. I knew what kind of danger I was in, but I was determined to protect others from what had been done to me. The woman didn't speak Spanish so Tyler, who had asked me to meet with her, was there to translate. After a few standard questions the lady, Morgan, asked me to tell my story as I wanted. She said she'd ask more questions if she needed to when I was finished. I looked at Tyler. I trusted him, I was still alive and by this time I could...

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The Reminder

The Reminder ts awoke with a start, a gloved hand pressed tightly over her mouth.“ Don't give me any trouble, bitch. No noise, you understand? “ a voice growled in her ear ts nodded her head vigorously, scared out of her mind. All she could see in the darkness of the middle of the night was a tall figure bent over her.“ I know you are here on your own, there is no one to save you or go for help” the gruff voice continued. ts saw the dim moonlight glance off a blade as the man pulled a hunting...

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Visiting shemale goddesses

Sexy hung shemales have long been a favourite of mine and over the years i have had several sexy encounters of all kinds. As ive got older it has become more appealing to have these beauties top me if possible. Most ive met have been quite abrupt and arrogant and have suited the top position well. Not every experience has been nice. However my last one was a really nice suprise.I was in Amsterdam working for a week and had a 3hr slot early afternoon to amuse myself so took a short walk around...

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Friday AfternoonChapter 5

Following the dramatic events of Saturday morning both Bobby and his mother had been so exhausted that they slept until late afternoon. Norma was the first up and made them a beautiful dinner in the middle of which Jake, father and husband, unexpectedly showed up. It seemed that everything had been settled and he was back home again. That put a crimp on mother's and son's plans for the rest of the weekend. Actually from that point on for some time. There didn't seem to be a spare moment...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 3 Bonnie Chancelor

So they want me to write down why I was so angry with Mum. Well what I said at Friday breakfast was part of it but there’s more. This is all my own writing. Jen helped me in a few places but mostly she said it was better if it was my own writing. I know I’m not as good at writing as some people but I try really hard and I think I’m getting better. Jen said I still have some things to learn about grammar so maybe I’ll ask Miss Little to teach me more grammar. I feel sorry for the boys who...

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Jennifers Story

Jennifer's Story By Jennifer Paul Okay, to start, let me say that this is a true story. Only the names and cities have been changed. I have been interested in girl's clothes almost as long as I can remember, but it started to take shape around 9 or ten. I don't remember why, but I started to put my mom's stuff on. We weren't supposed to use Mom and Dad's bathroom, but with three other brothers and sisters, it happened. I had to go one day and while I...

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An Erotic Massage I8217ll Never Forget

Hi gals, here’s Meera rehmani,born in Sialkot Pakistan,age 29,married and now living in London,UK. Wanna share my most memorable experience(lesbian) i evr had. I guess you could say I’m a fairly lucky girl, I have a good figure, five foot six inch tall 34,30,36 weigh one hundred and twenty pounds with a thirty four C chest that I love and I live in a high rise only three blocks from my job in a South Asian locality. Every day I walk past a combined massage, nails and bikini wax business that...

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the couple who cannot be name

Last night I had one of the best Bicouples in a long time hot nastyit started like this I was having a drink with my friend david and kashame just chilling. They decied to go to the peep show on 8th we going from booth to booth they stop in the gloryhole.and i conitue to brouse the store.when i notice this couple white older looking me up and downThe man who i can"t name beacuse i never got them said you have alot of body art. He said his wife had some also would i like to see i said yes...

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The Affair 8211 Part II

Hi All! This is Jc, this is the 2nd part of “The Affair”, and new readers read my previous story and then read this, so that you will be able to understand the characters. This is going to be a little dirty with a toilet scene so if you want see shit go away now. So now let’s go into the story as I reached her main door I could see Fatima facing the door and watching TV and she was resting her legs on a teapoy. So that her heels was on the edge of the furniture and her knees were raised above...

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Fucking Kellie and Deanne while baby sitting

Okay, so I’d found out – to my surprise! – that Carol’s daughter Kellie was a dirty little slut who LOVED being fucked up the ass. What happened a few weeks later was even more of a surprise...One of Kellie’s friends was a girl called Deanne. She was a year or so older than Kellie, and had been at the same school. I’d seen her a few times when she came round Carol’s house and I’d always had a ‘feeling’ about her. She was always wearing the shortest of skirts and had a fantastic pair of legs,...

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SemiLive Entertainment

Author's Note: There's an establishment in my town that has a sign proclaiming "Semi-Live Entertainment" along the street. Each time I pass I wonder what they mean by semi- live. Over time my warped mind has conjured up all kinds of fantasy meanings to this sign. I decided to transform one of these fantasies into a story. All the usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction and the people, locations, and events depicted do not represent actual people, places, or events. The...

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Beshram Ho Ker Chudwai Apni Choot Ko

Hi, mera naam anjali hai or mai ek baar fir aapki seva mai hajir hun. Jaise ki aap sab jante hao ki meri pehli story kamuk anjali ki chudai mai tha ki mai or mere pati ek saath delhi mai ek flate mai rehte hai or mai flate mai pure time sirf nangi hi rehti hun pati na mard hai or woh jyada bahar hi rehte hai mera rung gora hai or mere boobs 44″size ke or badi gand hai. Mere pati ko pata chal gaya ki mai ger mardo ko fasaker unhse chudwati hun ab. Jab bhi woh mujhe hamesa kehte saali...

3 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part two

My sweet Debora had left for Israel. I was still here in my high rise apartment. Alone again, but much wiser. She had taught me so much and I had learned well. I was ready to put my lessons to good use. In the meantime I was still using my binoculars to scope out the lady across the parking lot who loved to work out in the buff. She always did it after a man had left the apartment. I didn’t know if he was a boyfriend or a husband. One day I was standing in the nude as always waiting for her to...

4 years ago
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The Apartment ManagerChapter 4

Barbra was smoking hot as she stood with her sexy ass toward me. She bent forward, putting her hands on the kitchen bar, her butt out, her legs spread. “Ethan, fuck our mom. We want to see you get your big fat cock all the way in her tight pussy,” Jen said, as she slid to the floor and stood on one side of her mom, with Jerry on the other side of her sexy ass. “Barbra?” I said, asking permission. “Fuck me, Ethan. This time take my pussy and make it happier than it’s ever been before. Even...

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The Bath

The Bath            Walking upstairs to the bathroom the fantasy was already running through my mind. It turned me on so much to think he could want to do that to me, to fulfil my every desire and need. I leaned over the bath, my breasts trying to escape the prison of my bra, whilst I turned the taps on and watched the water run, hot and steamy. The room quickly misted up, feeling like I was in a sauna. I wanted to feel the heat, let the water condensate off my hard nipples.   I shut the...

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