Your Neighbourhood Slave Keeper free porn video

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       Megan’s day was uneventful. The morning classes, part of her mandatory management accounting curriculum, were boring and drawn out. She was irked that the professors spoke slowly and deliberately while she breezed through the topic they were talking about in her study book and absorbed its contents in half the time. Being a smart girl can be difficult sometimes. If everybody could just get on with it and hurry up, she would have much more time for things she actually enjoyed. She asked all of her professors if she could simply take the final test and would they let her pass the class if she aced it. The answer was a resounding ‘no’ - every time. These geriatrics were so stuck in their ways that any deviation from the pointless rules was unthinkable. Megan was almost resigned to the fact that she would just have to ride it out, but the time wasting still made her angry.

       The good thing was that this was the day of the family trip to the nearby lake. It was a beautiful place, a well kept secret of sorts. There was a natural pond, fed by a small mountain river, plentiful in sweet water fish, surrounded by forests with small, grassy glades, which looked like God’s gifts to campers. It seemed that her family morphed into something different during these bi-monthly trips. All of a sudden, the parents and their two daughters, aloof workaholics on a daily basis, were able to let loose and spend quality time with each other. Every single one of these trips was invigorating and contributed greatly to a harmonious family life. Megan couldn’t wait to embark on another one of these excursions.

       When she got home, the whole family was already in preparation mode, walking around the house briskly, packing the little necessities and food items that they would need during an overnight stay at the lake.

       Within two hours, everything was ready. The whole family packed into their comfortable Jeep SUV and pulled out of the driveway. Almost instantly, a merry banter ensued and as usual, when one is engaged in a fun, but superficial conversation, neither Megan nor her younger sister Joanna would be able to recall what they talked about just minutes after the conversation ended. This was just a fun family time after all, one of many to come.

       The lake was particularly beautiful that day. It was late summer and days weren’t as steamy hot anymore as they had been for the past couple of months. The sun caressed the skin with just the right level of tingling touch and the air was only slightly humid, smelling of mature floral undergrowth. The family disembarked from the car and began preparations for their camping adventure. Folding chairs were laid out around a fireplace that they have previously made of large rocks laid out in a circle in a middle of a beautiful grassy glade surrounded by trees from three sides and open to the lake from the other. They gathered firewood and their food supplies to remain handy. The man of the family, a soon to be retired chemical engineer named Thomas, cared particularly about a cooler containing a dozen of near-frozen beers. He laid it down near his chair, which as always faced the water most directly. His wife, Pam, still attractive despite her 47-year old odometer, was simply happy to be with her family members – she paid little heed to any personal needs.

       The afternoon sun quickly disappeared behind the trees and soon darkness enveloped the merry figures gathered around the campfire. They told trivial tales from their lives and teased each other on matters of love and romance. The daughters had a running joke about how their parents, immaculate citizens in every way, maintained a secret life as wild, hippie swingers. It wasn’t true – Thomas and Pam really were as uptight as the appearance suggested, but they liked their daughters’ fantasy nonetheless. It made them feel cooler, in with the young crowd. They in turn, half teasingly and half seriously, inquired about the girls’ love life. They tried to be casual about it, talking about their daughters’ crushes and boyfriends as just chapters in a long book, but they were wildly curious how soon one of them would start thinking about some serious commitment. Nothing was resolved on that night as neither Megan nor Joanna were close to getting seriously engaged. They both had boyfriends, but treated these relationships as temporary – stepping stones to the real deal.

       Midnight passed almost without notice, but close to 2am, weariness started growing upon everyone. Yawns were more and more frequent, moments of silence became elongated, and finally the foursome retired to their tents. There was one for the parents and one for the daughters to share. There were parting jokes for the parents to keep their sexual exploits quiet and for the girls to abstain from anything incestual at all. Within minutes, the whole family gang was tucked in. The parents cuddled together after some unrushed, but short sex and the daughters lying next to each other, listening to their iPods to lull them to sleep.

       About an hour later, two masked figures emerged from the woods and approached one of the tents. They opened the front zipper as quietly as they could and entered the cozy abode where Thomas and Pam lay pleasantly entangled. The two men expertly put syringes to the sleeping couples’ arms and injected them just underneath the skin. Neither of the sleeping couple woke up to the disturbance. Soon they were in a much deeper sleep than they had been originally. The masked men moved to the other tent. This time there was no need for particular precaution. They descended onto the sleeping girls and straddled their bodies with practiced movements. Megan and Joanna woke up just as injections were being delivered into their upper arms. Both of the girls screamed briefly before a sudden onset of weariness, impossible to withstand, overcame them and forced into a deep slumber.

       The men worked meticulously now. They turned the girls’ limp bodies onto their stomachs and handcuffed their wrists behind their backs. They had done the same thing with the parents previously and now they had the whole family lifeless and trussed up. The hard part was done. The plan worked and they could breathe easier. Now it was time to return to their hideout and let the fun begin.


Dear diary –

I will tell you a story of events in my life that took place during the past two years. My name is Damon. I am a 30 year old man, smart and attractive, working prosperously as an architect during the daytime and plotting schemes to capture girls into sexual slavery in my free time. I hope that doesn’t shock you. I know it’s a little bit unusual of a hobby, but I guarantee that it’s much more widespread than most people would think. The difference between myself and most other men who harbor such fantasies is that I actually put them into practice. Ok, now you can be shocked. I guess you could say that I am an evil person. That would be a fair initial reaction to what I just told you. But there is more to me than that and I hope that you will realize it after reading what I have to say. And if you don’t, that’s OK; I am not looking for your validation anyway. Without further ado, let’s get on with the story. 

The plan was airtight. We worked it out over the course of two months and really grinded out the smallest details. We knew their daily schedules by heart and could recite at any time where each family member should be at a given time. We may be perverts, but we are certainly not idiots.

I guess I should tell you about my accomplice. Well, he’s a friend. I met him five years ago, at a dreadfully boring AIA conference where we were drawn to each other being amongst the youngest people in the crowd. It was immediately apparent that we had a lot of chemistry and we indulged in some good old fashioned male bonding. Just to clarify – nothing sexual here – we are both straight as ramrods and we will be till the day we die. We hung out at the after party and then we went to grab a few beers at a nearby pub. For the first couple of years of our friendship, we never talked about our sexual preferences. Yes, we would notoriously hit on girls in the bars and clubs we visited and discuss the steamy details the next time we met, but this was all vanilla stuff. It wasn’t until we hung out at my friend’s house one night, his name is Steve by the way, when we drunkenly hit upon some kinky websites on the net. Our inhibitions being lowered by the life-giving alcohol, we quickly divulged to each other that this kind of material was not off limits to either of us. On the contrary, we both had a long history of exploring it. Pretty soon we began trying to one up the other by recalling the sickest things we have seen. This was fun, but it was short lived. We needed the real deal. Neither of us was willing to snoop around the local BDSM community. Playing was not our forte.

Cautiously breaching the subject over the next few months, we eventually came to the conclusion that we should get ourselves real life female slaves. This was a big decision, it could put an end to our lives as we knew them, but it was inevitable and we had to take action. We were the two outliers who would break the mold and do something extraordinary – good or evil. OK, evil.

Kristin was our first target. She was a slinky brunette who oozed sex appeal. I won’t bore you with the details of how we kidnapped her. It was a rather messy job though we were lucky enough that our mistakes didn’t lead to being ousted and foiled. Nobody was the wiser as to what happened. A 22 year old college senior vanished in the mist. Her wealthy family is still running around like Terriers on steroids trying to find any clue. They have no chance. The few scraps of evidence that could have helped were erased by their own ineptitude. We put Kristin, naked of course, in a custom built basement of a mansion that we purchased by combining our funds. It’s a secluded place, perfect for carrying out dark deeds. The house was old and little dilapidated at first, but we soon brought it to order. Lest no one say that architects can only deal with theoretical stuff. We constructed five small cells in the basement, consisting of iron bars on three sides and sitting against the wall on the other.

Now you will have to be a little patient my dear diary, as Kristin’s story is not what I want to focus on, though she will feature in the ensuing tale. At the time of this writing she is still locked in her cell, which has been her home for almost three years. I may tell you what we hold in store for her later on.

As I mentioned, the plan was extremely solid. After figuring out the tiniest details, we were getting ready to take action. This family was perfect. They were upper middle class, educated and wealthy, with two young, beautiful daughters. Steve and I had figured out months before that having just one slave was not enough. We each wanted our own so that we could train them in specific ways and would not have to think about sharing. Also, it was apparent that we wanted two new girls as Kristin, magnificent as she was, became somewhat of a routine nuisance in our lives.

We decided to strike when the family would go on a small excursion to the nearby lake for camping. We’ve seen them do it a couple of times and we were able to scope out the next planned trip date by sneaking up to the house while it was empty during the day and locating a note on the calendar. I had excellent short range binoculars that allowed us to read the post-it notes and calendar writings that the whole family used as memory joggers. We followed the family on a couple of their prior trips and we were able to get a good bearing on the location. The place was secluded and quiet. It was like a god’s gift to girl kidnappers. The act of abduction was rather easy so I won’t bore you with the details. Let me tell you instead a little more about our prospective subjects.

Like I said before, there are two young daughters, Joanna and Megan, aged 19 and 24 respectively. Megan caught my eye in a strip mall recently and I decided to follow her. I wasn’t planning on stalking girls that day, but she was just so perfect. She reminded me of my first love, Cathy, whom I dated as a 15 year old. After another 15 years and many, many relationships, Cathy’s looks are still etched in my brain as a template for an ideal female beauty. Flowing, curly, dark blond hair, angelic face, blue eyes, long legs, relatively wide hips converging into a narrow waist, and big breasts. I would have certainly married Cathy if she wasn’t such a pathetically and unapologetically dumb bitch. I parted ways with her, but her dazzling sex appeal stayed with me for the remainder of my adult life so far and it makes itself known during every interaction with a young, attractive woman.  

       The tedious part of our plan began when we brought the family back to our hideout. The parents, as we knew, were completely and necessarily expendable, but neither of us, being scientifically inclined to value life, has ever done so much as squash a cockroach. Difficult as it was, however, we knew that taking actions was the key to this deal working out. We drove the parents in our car out through the surrounding country. The daughters were informed that their parents would be dumped at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere; presumably safe and secure to search for their daughters, given the opportunity. In reality, we gave each one of them a powerful sleeping pill and then tightened cords around their necks such that breathing became impossible. They never woke up and their passing was very peaceful.

       We brought both of the trussed up sisters back to our hideout. I am not sure why anymore, but our idea was to keep just one of the girls while letting the other go. Presumably this arose from an early notion in which we would let the parents live and we simply didn’t adjust to the changing circumstances. We thought we could keep this wonderful family together, sans one cute girl, so that the wolf would be placated and the sheep uneaten, so to speak. We were going to let the younger girl, Joanna, to walk free. Of course she didn’t know that her parents were buried six feet deep and more importantly, she didn’t know that we were in a pickle. We couldn’t let her go! We were sort of headed against a brick wall here, but the ultimate decision was delayed until it became inevitable.

       In the meantime, we stripped Megan of her clothes, our throats going completely dry as we beheld her beauty, and proceeded to make our intentions clear. I took Megan’s slender wrists and brought them behind her back where I locked a pair of light handcuffs around her wrists. I simply love the idea of using the minimal required restraints to keep a girl in check and that was the rule which we were following here. I purchased these handcuffs from an online vendor making sure that they possessed the required strength as well as lightness of form. Having applied them to the slave girl’s wrists, I was finally able to congratulate myself on a fine choice. It was the most wonderful fit. Somewhat less elegant were the leg restraints. However, these could not be minimalist as they were due to hold the entire body weight and they had better be stout as well as reasonably comfortable.

       I had a wonderful view of the soles of Megan’s feet after they were placed in the leather manacles, joined together by a short length of chain, which extended up to the ceiling where it looped around a load-bearing beam, much like one found in water wells. The chain extending from her feet was looped around the beam and fed to a pulley in the wall, which I now eagerly cranked. I could see Megan’s heavenly figure pulled upwards by her feet. I was a little perturbed seeing that her body was being dragged along the floor as the center of gravity culminated under her ascending feet, but it was short lived enough as the spectacle turned truly marvelous once her shoulders, and then her head, left the floor. Her whole divine body was hanging off the chain now and it was a stimulating sight to say the least. I could see her face contort a little bit in confusion between trying to cope with the pain and outright wailing over her possible fate. We’ve gone through with this before when we kidnapped Kristin. She is boring though and her incessant wailing proved to be annoying. Her expiration date is posted on the refrigerator. Now Megan is another story. I could lick her body all day and all night and I still wouldn’t have enough. She dealt with her suffering in a way that could be expected of a girl acutely aware of her attractiveness. Too proud to beg for mercy, Megan assumed that we were a couple of low life losers who would rape her and discard her body, whether dead or alive. The truth was worse than that for her though. We had elaborate plans and they required her long term participation. I brought my face to her inverted chest and listened, with delight, to her labored breathing. She was suffering indeed.

         I motioned for Steve to take Joanna out of the room. Her eyes were wide in amazement all throughout the proceedings and as much as she wanted to, she simply could not take her eyes away from her sister’s hanging form. I was a little bit uneasy at this point. I was hoping that Steve understood that we have to kill Joanna, much as we did her parents, but articulating that thought simply would not leave my throat. Fortunately, we were rescued from the most unexpected source.

?I am not going!? – exclaimed Joanna.

?You mean? you want to stay here, as to not leave your sister behind?? – I asked, somewhat incredulously and hopefully at the same time.

?Yes!? – Joanna heaved a couple of times right after she spoke that word.

?Well, it’s a possibility. You can be dangling next to your sister within a few minutes. However, mind the fact that she doesn’t want you to stay here and suffer along with her. I mean, would you like her to stay with you if you were in her position or would you rather see her go free??

?It doesn’t matter! I am not leaving her, no matter what. My parents will look for us and they will find us soon. In the meantime, I will be with my sister regardless of what happens!?

?Very noble of you, sweetie! I can’t let a beautiful sacrifice like that go to waste. Would you be a dear and strip naked without me forcing you to do it? Put your clothes by the wall over there, then come here, next to your sister, under the other hook. As you can easily guess, this one is yours.?

       Joanna sobbed inwardly, but started stripping where she stood, her hands shaking visibly. Soon, she was down to her underwear, exposing her wonderful curves to my eyes. She had a moment of hesitation before unhooking her bra behind her back, but a nod of my head reinforced the point and she continued promptly. Once she was naked, she picked up the pile of clothes from the floor and laid it down at the place I instructed her to. Then she approached the place where her sister was hanging and where, as she knew, she would soon be suffering herself. Her pretty face made for a beautiful contrast against the sharp outline of the frightening metal hook. As much as she tried to look away, her gaze kept coming back to the instruments of the impending torture. I retrieved, from the wall mounted cabinet, and threw to the floor some leather restraints that would soon be used on Joanna’s wrists and ankles. She acknowledged them with a labored gasp and some suppressed sobbing. I approached her nude form with the absolute sweetest smile I could muster behind my overwhelming horndog desire.

       Joanna was so beautiful. Her legs were worthy of having poems written to praise their perfection, her breasts were two mounds of ambrosia just waiting for a daring conqueror to claim as his own. I was downright reverent when I grasped her ankles to place them within the confines of the leather straps. I was utmostly tender when I fastened her wrists behind her back. It was a truly visceral experience to pull on a rope that carried Joanna’s weight on its longitudinal extremity. She was laid flat down on her belly at this point and I pulled at the chain, which extended from her bound ankles. In a dazzling form of gratifying symmetry, Joanna’s body was lifted upwards to match that of her sisters in their dangling helplessness. It happened slowly; first her legs were drawn up and her hips forced to leave the floor. The arch of her back was quite severe now betraying a wonderful limberness on her part. A couple small tugs on the chain caused her breasts and her face to slide along the floor rather painfully, but it was a very brief interlude to what happened later. Joanna’s body was finally lifted on the floor and glowed in its full suspended beauty. I felt inclined to drop down to my knees and suck on her nipples till there is no tomorrow, but I am a civilized man. There is time and place for everything.

Beautiful Megan, muzzled as she was, kept protesting against the treatment imposed on her beloved sister. Nonetheless, Joanna’s body was raised by the unrelenting chain and it was soon evident that the two suspended female bodies really belonged to homologous sisters. There were differences in their faces, and certain parts of their anatomy, but the silhouettes were simply identical. These girls were made to be suspended by their ankles and their wrists reveled in being tied behind their backs.

Fueled by regret for each others’ pain, the two sisters cried miserably through their muzzled lips, filling the room with the sweet sounds that only a properly tortured female can produce. The next thing I knew was having my member inside Megan’s mouth. I simply could not wait any longer and it seemed to me that Megan was relieved for it to happen as well. There was no further uncertainty for her. We already knew a lot about female psychology in distress. We experimented very extensively with Kristin and the analysis of her behavior was paying healthy dividends at this time. I knew that there was no threat for me to insert my penis into Megan’s mouth. True, she could bite down and severely hurt me, but hung as she was, she knew that any act of disobedience would be countered with pain at a level unbearable to experience. That fact made Megan, like Kristin before her, and her sister after, and many young girls since then, docile and obedient.

I put my arms around the slender form of female perfection that was Megan. Of course it was a little bit awkward to hug her waist while her pussy was at the level of my face rather than by my penis, but I happily went along with such oddity. Megan continued to exercise her divine mouth, trying to get me to orgasm in the shortest time possible, but I would have none of it. Utilizing a small set of retardation tactics, I could prolong my sexual experience ad-nauseum. I relished in feeling her stretched out form in my arms and against my body. I could sense her fear so tantalizingly emanated from every mouth-watering crevice. She contorted herself by tightening her stomach muscles and getting some faint semblance of control over her destiny in the process. Even a girl hung naked by her ankles, given the slightest inclination, will develop an over-inflated sense of self-importance. I could tell that Megan was subconsciously trying to position herself into a level of dominance. For a moment at least, she thought that I desired her with abandon, and the realization changed her attitude to that of an entitled princess. A few perfunctory and rugged slaps to her breasts made her rethink her approach. The remainder of the fellating session was an exercise in relaxation. I came in her mouth very strongly, but without losing control. I found surprising pleasure in watching Joanna eye her older sister as she eagerly worked her mouth to give me pleasure.  

It deserves to be spelled out in detail that Joanna quickly came to regret her decision of staying behind with her sister. Of course she couldn’t have known that the alternative was to be drugged senseless and strangled to death, but given her set of knowledge, it had to be extremely painful to be aware that she could be leisurely pacing the length of her family home’s living room or reclining on a plush sofa in front of the TV rather than hang with utmost helplessness for the pleasure of two perverts such as ourselves. She even uttered her belated wish a couple of times. Something like ?Please, let me go!? escaped her lips on more than one occasion. Obviously, it was too late for that now.

To be continued?

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Family EnslavedChapter 2 SlaveMommy

"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...

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The Neighbourhood 00 2022Spring

If you're interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife,...

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MILF Neighbourhood

Cynthia was on her hands and knees in front of George as he slowly plunged his stiff cock into her warm pussy. At her request he picked up the pace and the bedroom was filled with a loud slapping noise as his pelvis slapped against her big butt. George reached forward underneath Cynthia to grab each of her wonderful D cup tits and used them as handles to force her back onto his rod. Cynthia began to moan as she neared her orgasm, George didn't slow as her vaginal muscles began to constrict...

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Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch I get genetics, I really do. Mendel, Paley, Darwin, X and Y chromosomes, DNA, the Human Genome Project, protein molecules that combine and define who and what we are, I accept and understand it all. What I can’t comprehend, however, is how I’ve ended up being 5ft 1′, with pallid skin, Coppertone hair and breasts that would shame a male weightlifter. How can I possibly be the pinnacle of human evolution? How can this body be seen as an intelligent design? In truth there is...

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Neighbourhood Sissy

Your a young man in his late teens. Average build, average height, brown hair, green eyes. You know the type never stood out in a crowd for your good looks but never scared children when you went to the store either. Having just finished high school ou decide to start doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood to raise some money. Maybe it was college, maybe it was for a new car, or maybe it was to take out that girl you liked on a first date. It doesnt matter now, any dreams you may have had...

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Neighbourhood Attractions Darren and Ella Part One

It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Ella came to hover on her neighbours’ doorstep. She wanted to ask a favour of Darren but could not yet bring herself to knock on the door. Darren was her friendly neighbour in his mid-twenties, at six foot two, he was a dark haired and attractive man. Ella hoped to ask if he could take some photos for her yearbook as he worked in photography and she figured he would be. This question had brought her to his porch in shorts that showcased her slender legs...

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New To The Neighbourhood I meet My Neighbours Fir

The job transfer from the remote mine to the city was welcome but the search for a suitable unit was more frustrating and took a couple of weeks. Eventually I found a comfortable two-bedroom unit at the rear of a block of four not too far from town. On a Monday morning I acquired the keys from the agent and arrived an hour later with a professional cleaning crew. It took most of the day to clean the place, except for the carpets that they were going to steam clean next day. In the late...

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MILF Neighbourhood

"Fuck me harder!" Cynthia Young screamed at her new husband. It was their honeymoon, they were in Paris, France and they were staying at a fancy hotel. Cynthia's husband was George Young, he was the son of a famous musician and was himself a successful lawyer in California. At 22 years old Cynthia was younger than the 35 year old George. They met at a party held by a mutual friend and fell in love. A year later they were married and owned a house in San Fransisco.Cynthia was on her hands and...

2 years ago
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MILF Neighbourhood

Introduction: I hope you like this story, if you have anything constructive to say please leave a message. "Fuck me harder!" Cynthia Young screamed at her new husband. It was their honeymoon, they were in Paris, France and they were staying at a fancy hotel. Cynthia's husband was George Young, he was the son of a famous musician and was himself a successful lawyer in California. At 22 years old Cynthia was younger than the 35 year old George. They met at a party held by a mutual friend and fell...

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A family Affair Dad and the neighbourhood slut

I’m the youngest in my family. I turned 16 just the other day and for my birthday, I was introduced to the family fun. My twin brother and I both lost our virginities on our 14th birthday with the 18 year old slut next door. Hannah fucked us both all over the house that weekend when she was babysitting us while my parents and our 26 year old sister were doing something out of State. We didn’t know what that was, and wouldn’t know until we turned 16.Hannah had a reputation that we all knew...

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Neighbourhood Boy

In the summer between my seventh and eighth grades, I met a boy who lived across the street who was two years older than me. We had not lived in the neighbourhood long, and I knew no other k**s nearby. Neither of his parents was ever home during the week, so I would go to his house and we would hang out. One day he showed me pictures of naked women that he stashed in a box under his bed. He asked me if I jacked off. I said I didn't. I did not know what he meant. He touched the front of his...

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Fucking Neighbourhood Aunty

Hi, I am krish from Hyderabad. ,a regular reader of ISS. This is my first story that I’m submitting in ISS. So, please give me any suggestions and comments and if any aunties wanna maintain secret relationship mail me Coming to myself im krish from Hyderabad soo fair n handsome,height 5’10 athletic body.I love aunties with big boobs and big ass.I cant control myself if i see aunties.coming to the story.. When I was 18 and studying inter. We used to live side by side Portions…… This story is...

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Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch I get genetics; I really do. Mendel, Paley, Darwin, X and Y chromosomes, DNA, the Human Genome Project, protein molecules that combine and define who and what we are; I accept and understand it all. What I can't comprehend, however, is how I've ended up being 5ft 1", with pallid skin, Coppertone hair and breasts that would shame a male weightlifter. How can I possibly be the pinnacle of human evolution? How can this body be seen as an intelligent design? In truth there is...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt8

Chapter 9 Once off the bus Mark snuck to his house as good as he could. Hiding behind bushes and hedges whenever he spotted someone. He really didn't want to run in any of his neighbours with this big pink shopping bag. It would mean nothing but trouble since he realised full well that he wasn't actually loved around here after all his vandalism. Once at the house Mark chose to throw the bag up on the little roof above the door portal. He had used that before to sneak out of the...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt9

Chapter 10 While Mark was going through his night time ritual and sleeping Lisa was at CC's getting licked to orgasm after orgasm by Stephanie. The more she learned about sissies the more she knew it was what she had always wanted. She had never been with a such a pretty girly girl like Stephanie, and definitely never with anyone who was that good with a tongue. The though of it being a guy who was locked up and frustrated was even better. If she had any doubts before she was sure...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt16

Chapter 18 Marcy had hoped the stop at CC's would have been the last one. She had suffered enough embarrassment for a day. Lisa's claim that they still had a few errands to run made her worry that it wasn't all over after all. Her worries were soon confirmed when they stopped in a rather seedy looking neighbourhood. Getting out of the car Marcy knew better than to stray away from Lisa's side. It was kind of weird, but the big shift of control in their relationship had also...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt18

Chapter 20 Marcy had a wonderful night's sleep while she didn't realise it, the only reason she had a quiet night was because Lisa had demanded it. What he also didn't realise was that while he was sleeping peacefully John was setting up a website, turning him into a real pornstar. Once it was online John hoped he would make a good amount of money off his sissy neighbour. Money he could spent on further sissifying Marcy as per Lisa's requirement. Not that he minded. Today he would get...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt20

Chapter 22 Marcy woke up with a loud groan. Sleep had not come easy last night with how horny she had been, the fact that her butt had remained filled up, her sore throat and that chastity cage that seemed to hurt a lot more than it used to. On top of the difficulties falling asleep she was now woken up way too early. She had to since she was supposed to start working at 8 o'clock. The last bus she could take to be on time was the one leaving at 7:40 a.m. This meant that she should...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt21

Chapter 23 As soon as Linda had left Stephanie spoke up again. "Marcy, minthe over to the bed right now. We have no more time to wathte. You heard my mommy the doethn't want to get dithapointed and I thwear if you dithapoint you won't only have to fear whatever the has in mind," Stephanie threatened with the crop in hand. Maybe if Marcy did a good job she would be relieved of her daily sessions with those delivery driver, at least on the days Marcy worked here. Knowing her...

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Becoming the neighbourhood slut used and reused over and over

I lay in bed staring aimlessly at the ceiling reflecting on everything that had transpired over the past two years. Getting married, being put in a situation by my husband where I found myself having sex with men outside my marriage, then getting addicted to the very thing that I thought I would never do and making questionable life choices based on uncontrollable sexual desires that ultimately led to the destruction of said marriage, and landing me in the direst of financial situations...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt34

Chapter 38 The following morning Marcy was rudely awakened by her alarm at 6:30 am. It was still very early and a bit nerve wrecking since her parents were still home. With her elaborate morning ritual she would need the time to get ready and be at John's door by 8 am. God the last thing she wanted was to return to that bastard, but if she wanted to keep her secret secret then she would have to. At this point it wasn't only the being turned out as a sissy that worried her, but also the...

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Neighbourhood Slut

Copyright© 2003 The limerick is furtive and mean; You must keep her in close quarantine, Or she sneaks to the slums And promptly becomes Disorderly, drunk, and obscene. -- Morris Bishop I wasn't a virgin when Genie McCloud seduced me. If anything I was like a piece of blank paper - just ready for the story to be written upon. Consider this abridged tale my story. Genie McCloud took me and used up the abundant sexual energy that I was filled with and taught me so many wonderful...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 9 Keepers

I found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...

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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 11 My day with the kitchen slaves

Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...

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slaver or collecter Anna becomes a slave

A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...

2 years ago
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Scott the Keeper

The following story does not imply or depict sex involving minors (persons under the age of 18). As this is a fairly long read, here is a preview of what exactly you can expect: The protagonist is an attractive male who shall enjoy younger and more attractive females, a male fantasy. All scenes are mf, one is mff. Assuming plain vanilla sex can involve a big cock, big cum, blowjobs, and the like, there is very little kink and minimal ick factor. As a writer I have tried to be worthy. I hope you...

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OUr German House keeper

My wife, Darcy and I are very fortunate. I studied hard in college in technology and I landed a job right out of school that has made me very rich. I’m 28, Darcy 26. I played basketball in high school and college, 6’4” and lean. Darcy is 5.5” and about 115 lbs. We live in an estate that has a large house, tennis courts and swimming pol the landscaping prevents any outside viewers so Darcy spend much of the day laying naked by the pool when she isn’t at the country club. I’m sure our housekeeper...

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SRU The Shop Keeper

Author's note: I've always liked the SRU stories. This is my contribution. I hope you like it. LS SRU - The Shop Keeper By Lord Stormbringer "Damn, look at all that lost business," Tony said as he looked out of his storefront in the mall. Shoppers were bumping into each other in their hurry past his clothing store. He turned around and surveyed the few women shoppers comparing clothes. He went into the office at the back with the two-way glass window. Tom was reading a girly...

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My Sisters Keeper

Jane was off to college at Boston University.    I was a senior in my high school, which in the back woods of Maine consisted of grades “K through twelve”.   I dreamed of someday following in Jane’s footsteps and going off to a big city, and leaving this North of Nowhere town. Maybe I was naïve, but my life was going nowhere fast.   I grew accustomed to small town antics and choose to swim nude in a stream rather than attend my classes.   Although I was very talented, my grades were...

First Time
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Sisters Keeper

Sister's Keeper Susan never thought it would come to this. Despite constant reminders fromMistress Camille that new members were the lifeblood of the cult, Susan neverreally tried to recruit others into joining her little group. Maybe it wasjealousy that she would have to share her Mistress with others, maybe it wasjust laziness. But whatever it was, Susan was told that she was out, tomorrowmorning, if she could not get another girl to join. How it all came to this point is another story. ...

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The Lewd Secret Keeper

Tom had just begun his teaching career at a middle school near his home town. His ability to anticipate events was a gift that he had been nurturing for years. It started out in high school when he could almost to the minute know what time it was. He could wake up in the middle of the night and tell himself it was 2:34 a.m. and time and time again he would be right regardless of how long he had slept. He was always good at predicting what would be on exams in college and slowly he realized ....

3 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 3 The Slavers Career

Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...

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Family EnslavedChapter 8 SlaveSister

"I just can't believe he cheated on me," Cheryl sighed. "I mean, we just got married, you know?" I nodded sympathetically. We'd spent much of the afternoon talking about BDSM, or I'd talked, I should say. Cheryl had asked a lot of questions and I'd done my best to answer them. But her mind kept wandering back to James and his infidelity. It was going to take some time before she could forgive him We were sitting at a small round table in a hotel bar after our lunch, the same hotel...

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Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers By Morpheus It was a nice day, with a clear blue sky, a nice warm sun and a cool breeze. It was the perfect sort of day to take a slow walk through the park and Tom Clark was not the only one to think so. Tom Clark was a fairly attractive man of 31, who was greatly enjoying his time away from his responsibilities as manager of a local retail store. And he thought, what better way to enjoy his day off than to take a nice relaxing stroll through the local...

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 8 Runaway slave

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! She's here; she can look after her precious son. I can't take any more of this." Throwing a few items into a bag, she went to David, "I'll pick you up in the morning if you wish to go into work SIR. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." "No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door. Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at...

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Why you dont mess with local gangs in bad neighbourhoods

She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

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Slave of her slaves 1

She is extremely sexy. So young. Only eightteen, one month and a day as I write.She is extemely pretty. So yummy. Only a pity that her character has black spots.She is extremely playful. So funny. Only a pity she aims to abuse her hot spots.She is extremely smart. So cunny. Only a pity for her I finally find weak spots.How sexy, surprising, hot and horny is she? Right after we met we got both very wet!How sexy virtual sex we had, when I was licking her pretty very wet teen sexy twat.How sexy...

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Diary of slave steve

Synopsis: This powerful story is about Female Domination. Steve is enslaved by the beautiful Goddess Samantha. She has her slaves crawl for her, worship her, suffer for her and they love every painful moment. THE DIARY OF SLAVE STEVECHAPTER 1 (PROLOGUE) I have been commanded to write a journal depicting my life with my Mistress and Goddess, the Supreme and Radiant Samantha.  I worship and obey her every whim. But it wasn't always that way in the sense I had no predisposition or inclination I...

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Whereas Guenter H., Legally identified by passport no. … issued on … by …, Retired business executive, born on …, 1947 in …/Germany and living at … in D-xxxxx L…, Known in the net as slave gunnarsub and registered as Sklavennutte Guenter in The Slave Register under Registration Number 326-878-134, thereafter for purposes of this document, called "SLAVE" has agreed to give up voluntarily all legal, civil, and human rights in order to become the unlimited slave property of the OWNER and whereas...

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