Neighbourhood Watch
- 5 years ago
- 27
- 0
The limerick is furtive and mean;
You must keep her in close quarantine,
Or she sneaks to the slums
And promptly becomes
Disorderly, drunk, and obscene.
-- Morris Bishop
I wasn't a virgin when Genie McCloud seduced me. If anything I was like a piece of blank paper - just ready for the story to be written upon. Consider this abridged tale my story.
Genie McCloud took me and used up the abundant sexual energy that I was filled with and taught me so many wonderful things. She did this for her own selfish reasons of course - twisting my near-innocence to her low standards in morals. Not that it mattered to me - I devoured what she had to give.
Of course you do not yet understand - and its a shame that I can not tell you of the months of passion that we shared when we first became lovers - but I can tell you about how I grew from a horny young man into a dominant and self-assured man. The journey may not have been all pleasant, but it is one that I could not change for anyone.
Genie McCloud is my mothers best friend - having known each other long before I was ever born. There were playful hints of their nefarious goings on but no details were ever told to my sister or I. The kind of longevity that mom and Genie had gave her a certain power within our home as I grew from a child to a teenager. Her face was a common sight, her escapades through the years legendary - while my mother was the stable respectable one of the two. Even though Genie was the same age as my mother, I had secret fantasies about her tall sexy person since the time I hit puberty. The strength of those desires dimmed as I started to date girls my own age - then succeeding to a total of three different sexual conquests where I was thrilled to get beneath my peers panties. It was then, just after my eighteenth birthday that I drove Genie home from our New Years party and I discovered that she was not as drunk as she had convinced my mother or the other people at our party.
In the thirty minutes that I was within her home - all the old fantasies surfaced with a blaze. Genie had dropped the drunk act and suddenly changed into a woman I had never known let alone experienced - seducing me with ease and with an overwhelming energy. There in her foyer she sucked me off quicker than it takes to tell you about it - then she proceeded to sit astride me and fuck the life out from my balls.
I've never been confronted by a woman like that - one that knew what she wanted and was not afraid to take it. Genie was also the first woman to have sucked and swallowed every drop of my ejaculate. She was also the first woman to have me lay dormant while she bounced wildly above me. She was the first woman to wear lingerie while I fucked her. She was also the first woman over my own age that I fucked.
The New Year started very promising indeed.
I came to her like a puppy anxious for a pat on the head - and she gave it, often each and every day of the week. I found within our new and secret relationship a woman that could not get enough of me - of having sex with me. She loved my over-average sized wide dick, she loved how it could stay hard often for two orgasms.
That she held the reigns to our relationship those first months never occurred to me and even if it had, I doubt I would have gave a shit. In Genie I found a woman that wanted to use me in every way that my innocent mind could imagine - and then some. I was your typical teenager - the end justified the means and the 'end' in this case was getting laid.
As Genie did this I was learning - from a very skillful teacher I may add - the secrets that guys my own age only brag about in the locker room and that most took decades to discover on their own... or, more often, some never do. Where my natural desire to learn failed, Genie had no qualms about pulling in those imaginary reigns and guiding me toward the goal she set for us for every encounter.
We fucked like animals - in all positions, in all holes and almost anywhere. Genie liked most when she came to our home, having had a key of her own since I can remember, and wanted me to do her in my own bed. Oh sure, sometimes it was on the kitchen table or in the living room of my home but usually she wanted to get fucked in my small bed in the middle of the mess that was my private sanctuary. More often, though, I went to her upscale very private condominium for our more lengthy bouts.
I don't remember when she started to tell me about other women in our neighbourhood - having cared little for anything but her and I. She told me of the sex secrets, those she was aware of, of her friends and neighbours - most of whom I had known most of my life. Perhaps I realized what she was talking about when she started to add me to her descriptions - often telling me what a female friend of hers liked or disliked, how to twist their gears to get them to be putty in my hands.
It was exciting, laying naked between fucks, hearing about one of our neighbours, perhaps a short dumpy woman that never smiles - how she loves to be spanked upon. Or another, a tall thin grandmother that was a chronic masturbator. It was fun, being the voyeur.
Genie assured me that there was no woman that she knew of that, after a single taste, could resist the lure of what I had to offer. She rightly gave herself the credit of course, by her rigorous training those first months. It did not matter if her friends were married, in their fifties or late thirties, fat or skinny, smart or dumb - after an hour alone with me, and I must give them an orgasm in that time to succeed, they would be like slaves to my desires.
Her telling of these lurid tales was getting us so hot that Genie often had me mount her for another round - finishing her stories as we fucked.
My life was about to change yet again - Genie would have me promise that when I fucked any of her friends or neighbours that I must tell her every sordid detail. Not believing that lightening could strict twice, meaning such a hungry and experienced woman for my nearly insatiable teenage needs, I agreed.
Genie had me meet her at the local cafe rather than in secret - which was our normal method of operation. As I strode into the busy corner cafe I was surprised to see Genie with another woman that I vaguely knew from my mothers craft parties.
Genie stood to welcome me with a smile. The other woman only stared at her across the small round table before her. "Conner! You know Holly Young?"
I thought they had run into each other at the cafe, so just smiled and said, "Oh hi Mrs. Young." We shook hands - my impression was of a limp soft clasp.
Mrs. Young did not say a word or even move, after shaking hands, but Genie immediately nodded toward the free seat at the table. "Sit down Conner."
As soon as I was seated, Genie leaned forward and in a half whisper, "I have been telling Connie here about that fantastic cock between your legs Conner!"
I quickly shot an embarrassed look toward Genie and only saw anxious humour returned. I then shot my gaze to her friend. Mrs. Young's face was turning bright red but she still had not looked up from the table.
It was at that moment that I noticed Connie Young as if for the first time. I knew she was a couple of years older than Genie and my mom, was average in height with a soft curvy body, average sized breasts and short curly hair. She was attractive in her own mature way but had always had an air of superiority when around me that had always irked me. Seated here in the loud cafe with Genie and I, I saw that she wore an attractive skirt and blouse, with tan nylons and heels - more upscale than I have ever noticed her adorned before.
Before this moment I have never looked upon her with any sexual sort of awareness - and what I saw now made me realize that Mrs. Young had come here, probably at the insistence of her friend Genie McCloud, to have a clandestine meeting with me, the teenage stud. It was one of my prouder moments.
Genie continued to speak to me, though the words were also for Mrs. Young's ears as well, "Connie's husband hasn't been doing his duties in bed so all she has had between her legs for pleasure has been her own fingers. Right Connie?"
The older woman didn't acknowledge the question - except to turn even a darker shade of red.
"I told her about that over-sized monster that just can't get enough." A knowing chuckle accompanied this statement. Then Genie turned serious and asked the older woman, "So, do you want him Connie?"
Mrs. Young quickly scanned the other tables to see if their inhabitants had overheard the sordid question. In her haughty way, she nodded once but would not look my way. It was my impression that the 'deal' had already been struck prior to my coming into the cafe and the question was more for my sake.
Genie slowly pushed her key ring across the small table toward me.
If I understood correctly, I had just been given to the horny old woman for a tumble. I looked directly into Genie's eyes, asking her not to do this thing - that I only wanted her and not some snotty bitch. She ignored me though - or rather she smiled masterfully then ignored me.
"Take her to my place Conner - I'll stay away for two hours." She looked to her older friend then added, "I think you better hurry Conner, Connie looks almost ready to explode right here and now!"
I looked at the voluptuous mature woman and saw that her face, neck and even the tops of her breasts that were visible above her blouse was bright red. I may not like Mrs. Young and I may not even be attracted to her - but I was a teenager and the thought of another willing woman for my sexual hunger would be enough to allow me to do this thing. I stood, taking the keys in may hands, "Lets go Mrs. Young."
Genie smiled proudly, triumphantly.
Connie Young looked up at me almost fearfully before she carefully stood and then followed me out of the busy coffee shop. She walked the hundred meters to Genie's condo beside me in silence.
As soon as the door to the condo closed behind us Mrs. Young spoke up, "Genie told me you can be discrete?"
I faced Mrs. Young in the foyer, wondering why she stopped like this. Did she not accept Genie's offer willingly? I took a step forward while nodding as an answer, my face moving toward hers with my lips pursed like a child.
Connie Young turned her head at the last minute and I kissed the side of her head of curly brown hair and immediately felt stupid. "No kissing Conner." I withdrew my face and she turned back toward me. "Lets get this straight young man", I hated when anyone said 'young man', "what happens here today stays between us?"
I knew Genie would want every sordid detail but I nodded my agreement regardless. Since I was frustrated I asked, "Do you want to fuck or what Mrs. Young?"
She ground her teeth while glaring at me before hissing, "Do not presume since I put up with such language from Mrs. McCloud that I will do so for you young man!"
It took much effort on my part to not leave the haughty bitch right there and then. Yet a teen male is a hungry beast - and any woman can satisfy him, if only for a short while. And it intrigued me to understand what another woman felt like, tasted like - how she sounded when she found pleasure with my actions.
I took a step back uncontrollably, before nodding with my head, "The bedroom is back there Mrs. Young." She followed as I lead, though I half expected her to leave, feeling as if my neck were in a leash and she holding the other end. It was a feeling I did not much care for.
Standing just inside the room, Mrs. Young held her purse before her like a shield as I stood by the bed waiting. By this time Genie would have had my cock in her mouth, or I would be on my knees between her legs - so I had no experience with this reluctant form of woman. Mrs. Young had come here willingly, so it seemed to me that she did want to do what Genie had proposed.
Taking the bull by the horns, as my mother likes to say, I began to disrobe. Mrs. Young had been intent on studying her friends room when I began to take my clothing off - and her eyes locked onto my little strip show before her. This is why we were here after all.
As soon as my boxer shorts were removed and I stood straight, completely naked, before the old voluptuous bitch I saw that her eyes were locked onto my semi-erect dick.
"Genie was right - you are... delicious." She spoke this in almost a breathless whisper but it did nothing for me but increase my impatience.
I sat back onto the edge of the bed and grasped my dick in my right hand - gently stroking it to full hardness. Mrs. Young was staring without a blink at my hand and my cock when she asked almost absentmindedly, "No one will ever know - promise me Conner?"
"I promise Mrs. Young." It was a lie of course - Genie will demand every detail about this moment, but since I could not care the least about the old bitch, I cared less about my honesty.
She stepped further into the room and dropped her purse and I saw that her hands trembled as she reached for the button of her skirt located at her hip. It fell about her heeled feet, as her hands immediately moved up to the buttons of her expensive blouse. If there was one part of Mrs. Young's body that I was most attracted too it was her round meaty average sized breasts. Her waistline was gone after 3 children - her thighs heavy and her ass large though comfortably round. Her face and body looked very much her forty five years - but after tasting the pleasures of Genie McCloud, I understood that a mature dish could also be a tasty one.
The blouse fell to the floor with the skirt and her thumbs hooked into the elastic band of her nylons while kicking off her heels. Genie never wore nylons of this sort any more - as I found myself greatly enjoying the thigh-high stockings she often sported. I now understood the lack of pleasure in seeing a woman with the waist high, single piece nylon. The wide unattractive gray panties were shoved quickly down to the floor as her hands quickly reached behind her to undo her final garment - her white brassiere. It quickly fell with the rest of her garments.
She stood trembling before me, her nails scraping the outside of her thighs unconsciously. Her nervousness obvious and a little amusing. Gone was the haughty bitchy woman - leaving a middle-aged horny chubby little girl. With barely disguised disappointment, I looked upon the flabby gut above the overly hairy pubic region while the breasts that I had looked forward too seemed small and hung too low for their size. Yet, if Genie had taught me anything is that women like to be placed upon a pedestal, to be thought of as attractive and desired.
"Your beautiful Mrs. Young!" I tried to make it sound as earnest as I could.
A wide surprised smile spread on her face, the first I've ever seen her wear. "Please call me Connie Conner."
I stopped the smile from appearing on my face - she wanted to fuck me and so she was finally giving me permission to call her by her first name. I dropped to my knees before her, "May I... I would love to kiss you there Connie?" I nodded with my chin right at her over-grown bush between her thick thighs. Genie had taught me that every woman loves to be given oral sex - and had had her young charge spend hours perfecting his technique between her thin shapely thighs.
Connie suddenly looked embarrassed, "You really don't have too Conner?"
I crawled on my knees the two meters to her and looked up past her droopy tits to stare into her wide anxious eyes. She had to be feeling old and not a little undesirable - but she had to also consider what a tongue would feel like between her legs. When was the last time someone tongue-fucked her old cunt?
Of course I had too, and leaned in to place a chaste kiss upon her thick bush. "What if I want too Connie?" Another kiss - this one lingering. She smelt like stale soap and lingering perfume and something else, an earthy sweet smell that I immediately knew what it was. It was not a totally repugnant scent.
Connie's thighs quivered and she suddenly burst out giggling for a few seconds then mumbled her apologies embarrassingly. When my tongue slipped into the thick outer labia and into the hot sticky sweet syrup held within her folds, which caused her to immediately loose any humour she may have held about the moment. In fact, Connie gasped loudly and her hands clawed at the back of my head while shoving out her pelvis lewdly. "Oh my god Conner!"
"... and she kissed you?" Genie rubbed her stocking covered calf up and down her young lovers thigh absentmindedly.
I could not help but smile broadly, remembering how the voluptuous married woman had been astounded throughout her encounter with him. She had orgasmed upon his tongue, then together with him between her spread thighs with her on her back on the bed. Then Mrs. Young had sucked his cock back to health and then rode astride him as she passionately kissed him all the way to another orgasm. Finally she knelt before him on the floor and stroked his cock, having his young ejaculate upon her droopy breasts. Finally, they dressed and went back down to the door to the condo - standing there, she passionately kissed her young lover asking, no begging, to be allowed another encounter.
"Oh yes, she kissed me."
Genie laughed in that throaty way of hers, "That old tart! I knew she needed a good rogering."
With my arm about her, I was able to grasp my lovers firm small ass and give it a playful pinch. "I know another old tart that likes a good rogering!"
Genie spun toward me playfully and shoved her mouth against my own for a passionate if violent kiss. She broke apart and looked down into my eyes with rare seriousness, "Did you enjoy her Conner?"
I remembered my earlier reluctance and then my inquisitive desire at possessing another woman and then I can remember how desperate Connie had kissed me before we opened the doorway to return to our separate lives. This from the woman who I had considered a stuck up bitch and one that would not kiss me at the beginning of the afternoon. Yet, I knew it was not polite to admit to too much pleasure with another with any woman. I used words that Genie would herself use, "She was a better fuck than I thought she would be - but not nearly as good as you Genie." Which was true after all.
A reassured happy smile appeared on my mature lover and she allowed her head to lay back upon my chest comfortably. Her hand absentmindedly stroked my soft, tired, cock and I recalled how hot she had gotten and wanted me to tell her about Connie and I as she and I fucked. "You enjoy older women darling?"
I thought the question absurd as I've only experienced herself and as of yesterday, Connie. Yet I remembered how handsome Connie appeared in clothing and how, with her clothing off, she could not hide her age. Yet I could remember how soft her big round ass felt, how anxious she was to return the pleasure that I had given her - how thankful she seemed to be after that first orgasm upon my tongue. Genie was the same but in a different and more aggressive and bawdy way - she needed what I could give her and she was totally uninhibited. "Not that I have much experience in the matter - I would have to say 'yes'." I tried to laugh with my response but Genie stayed silent.
"Would you like to fuck another older gal darling?" She was again serious.
I felt my cock jerk in response in her warm hand, she had to have felt it too. "Who would it be Genie?"
She did not say a word for a long while until she replied, "Someone we both know - and she has told me in confidence how much she wants to fuck you."
I laughed lightly, a certain male pride at being told a woman had revealed her secret lust for me.
Genie continued, "We would have to work out something so that you can't see who it is."
"Why the hell not Genie?" One of the pleasures of being highly sexed male is that I enjoyed seeing a real live woman's naked body.
Genie lifted her head from my bare chest and looked up into my eyes and I saw that she was very serious. "Would you agree to that Conner - maybe a blindfold or in darkness?"
Every guy wants to taste a variety of dishes and so I replied honestly, "Sure - why not." What do I care if I can't see this woman - I will certainly get pleasure at plunging myself into her body again and again.
Genie suddenly looked relieved and more than a little pleased. Her hand became more aggressive and seemed even more pleased when it responded to her work.
I stepped into the familiar condo of my mature lover Genie and nearly turned on the light by the doorway when I remembered the rules. No lights! It was nearly midnight and my other instruction was as simple - she would be waiting for me in Genie's bedroom.
The week since Genie has propositioned me with this anonymous woman - I had guessed her to be some married horny woman, not so unlike Connie, but without the nerve to face me with the lights on. Sure I wanted to know who it was but stronger was the urge to possess yet another woman that I would follow the two simple restrictions to this meeting. At that stage in my life, quantity counted more than quality.
With my hands along the walls, I moved up the stairs and through the hallway to Genie's bedroom. The door was open but inside was pitch black and silent. I stood there trying to hear if I was alone - but to no success. "Hello? Are you here?"
"Uh huh." The response actually startled me - sounding loud in the darkened room. The bed creaked and I knew the woman was moving upon it.
I heard what sounded like bare feet on the hard wood floor of the bedroom. "Have you changed your mind about the dark?" I suddenly had a fear of a four hundred pound sixty year old horny woman. Besides, this mystery was picking at me.
A negative grunt was her response. Sounding closer to me in the absolute darkness and I realized she was carefully making her way across the dark bedroom toward me.
Two small hands suddenly touched my chest and then moved up to grasp the back of my head. I found myself pulled gently downward so that my lips awkwardly found my anonymous lover. The second attempt was much more successful and our lips opened and our heads tilted for a lengthy and passionate kiss.
Whomever it was, was a small woman, nearly half a meter shorter than I. My hands reached out and I openly felt soft smooth warm female flesh. She definitely was not four hundred pounds and I guessed her age to be a few decades shy of sixty. I touched all that I could reach - finding a small waist, over-sized but shapely and soft ass, rather heavy breasts for such a small frame. And there was a familiar scent about her - and it was not the perfume, the same that Genie often wore, but something else that I could not place.
The petite woman's hands had not been idle either - her fingers expertly unbuckling my jeans and unbuttoning my shirt. She disrobed me hurriedly and anxiously. I could taste her anxious desperation within her kisses.
When she broke the kiss to allow me to comically balance on either foot to remove my pants and boxer shorts, I was able to ask, "Will you not, at least, give me your first name?"
A playful but negative response - evidently this woman did not want to even speak.
Naked, finally, the petite mature woman guided me through the darkness to the edge of the huge bed. She gently pressed on my chest so that I fell backward onto my bare ass. I could feel her hurried desperation in the darkness. She pressed on my shoulders so that I fell backward onto the bed as she knelt between my spread thighs.
The woman groaned uncontrollably as a small hand grasped my soft member and began to rub her face with it. It was strange, how she moved her face up and down and side to side slowly so that the soft member grew against the flesh of her cheeks. Once I was hard, she moved her mouth down to lick at my heavy balls with dainty little licks. I could feel the cool saliva coating my hairy balls before she took one and then the other into her mouth and sucked firmly. Regardless of her desperation she did this slowly, patiently, as if she wanted to remember this moment for ever.
Then the woman moved further down and I felt small little licks at the tight junction of my ass hole and I could not help but shiver. No tongue had ever touched me there before - but as I had learnt with Genie, I was willing to try anything sexual. Her licks had became more persistent and dug into my rear hole, rimming me as I have done to Genie in the past. And as my mature lover had done, I could not help but groan with pleasure of the unexpected feelings my ass was giving me.
She fucked my ass hole with her tongue for a long while - letting out small groans of her own randomly. Then, just as suddenly as she had started to rim me, she stopped, crawled up onto the bed and positioned herself above me.
Two warm soft thighs cradled the sides of my head as the woman lowered her sex to my hungry lips. She did this as I felt her tiny hot mouth encircle the circumcised crown of my cock. I could smell her pleasure long before I tasted her, realizing that the thighs clasping my head were slick with her juices. I never realized a woman could get so wet so that her thighs were slick with it. A soft hairless slit was pressed against my nose and I opened my mouth to slip my tongue into the wet groove above me. I wondered if having no pussy added to the flavour of 'cunt' - I had no answer to my own question, but I found the woman delicious.
The anonymous woman orchestrated her pleasure, moving her hips so that my tongue slipped back and forth along her hairless cunt. When she moved her hips forward, bringing my tongue to her wrinkled hard anus I was not surprised after the attention she gave to me there. I attempted to return the pleasure that she had shown me - and by her responses, it appeared that I was as successful at rimming a tight little ass as she.
Her mouth had disengaged from my dick, while one small hand grasped it possessively, the woman began to thrash above me. She was tiny in frame so there was little weight to her, so I wrapped my arms about her waist to hold her against me - while trying to shove more of my tongue up her ass. If oral-anal stimulation is what she wanted - it is what I would give her. Besides, bringing a woman to orgasm with my tongue up her ass would be a first for me.
She was panting loudly, her body heaving above me, trying to unconsciously buck away from my encircling arms. Randomly I retreated from that tiny round hairless hole and moved lower to tease the enlarged hard clitoris until the woman's pants changed to shrieks of pleasure, remembering to always return to fucking her ass hole vigorously.
I could feel her whole body quivering, sweating, striving toward our common goal. I could feel the sphincter quiver upon my tongue as her orgasm was seconds away. She must be gritting her teeth, perhaps to stop herself from speaking out, as she let out a muffled screech a final time just as her orgasm began.
Even my encircling arms could barely hold the bucking woman as she underwent her climatic pleasure, the strength in her tiny body surprising me. Her ass actually tightened and held me as if in a tiny circular vise while her cunt poured juices onto my chin and neck.
It was a magical moment for me as well - always enjoying the voyeur side of watching a woman orgasm. Especially if I had something to do with the cause before the effect. Perhaps I could not see this delightful middle-aged woman but I was coming to appreciate her.
Then it became silent in the pitch black room except for the woman's deep laboured breathing. She lay inverted upon me for a long while, as I gently kissed the inside of her thighs and over her nether region. Her warm hairless body was slick with sweat, her skin sticking to my own deliciously.
I love moments like this.
Minutes later something awoke within her and unknown carefully crawled off me, turned about to lay upon my chest to bring her lips to mine, her thighs together holding my full-standing dick firmly. We kissed - long and passionately. Kissing Connie Young had been about indecency, lust and sex. Genie McCloud was raw triple-x, with a twist of dominance on her part thrown in. Kissing this anonymous woman was magical - like being in love - perfect.
When finally we broke our lips apart, more from the lack of regular air than for any other reason, she began to lick slowly, carefully at my face. It took me a second to realize that she was licking the abundant juices from my skin that she herself had left there at the heights of her passion.
This woman, whomever she was, was turning me on something fierce. She was so different than Genie but certainly a match for my amorous side.
Her small warm full lips began to kiss down my hairy chest, to my hard flat stomach and to my groin. My cock, still fully hard, was ready - and my mystery lover did not hesitate. I felt her take half of my penis directly into her warm slick tiny mouth, pause, and then began to every so slowly move her face up and down. She controlled the whole movement, not in a dominant selfish sort of way that Genie would have done but in a loving patient way that told me she was doing all that she could do to give me pleasure. Contrary to my other lover, this blow job was for me and I simply sat and enjoyed. And enjoy it I did.
(Hello everyone, this is going to be a multiple part story dealing with themes of non-consent, blackmail and extreme sissification. This is not a story for the faint of heart so please be warned. If you are interested in non-TG related stories of mine I advise you to check out either my DeviantArt profile or my Literotica profile both under the username Fibaro. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy my story and if you do comments and feedback are highly appreciated. Keep in mind that English is...
(Hey, so things have been a bit busy lately, but I'm back with another part. I really hope you guys like what I have done with this and as always comments are really appreciated, enjoy.) Chapter 3 Mark woke up to the sound of his alarm with a loud groan. Taking the bus down town would take a lot of time and he had pretty much made up his mind that he couldn't afford to be late to the appointment, no matter how much he didn't want to go. He hadn't set an alarm clock since...
(Hello everyone, I am so happy to see a lot of you enjoy my story, all the great reviews and nice comments mean a lot to me and I hope you'll all like this next part just as much. It is posted rather quickly after the last one, but this won't always be the case. It highly depends on the time I have at hand as well as what story I favour working on. Thank you all for understanding.) Chapter 2 When Mark woke up the next day his parents were already gone, as usual. He was no early...
Chapter 33 Over the course of the weekend Mark parents didn't see him, but at least they felt somewhat secure in the fact that he wasn't completely isolating himself like it had looked these past few weeks. Lisa came by on Saturday and Sunday spending a big portion of her day over. Passing Mark's room they heard the occasional moans and creaking of a bed, but then again boys that age just were hormone filled creatures right? It wasn't anything they even wanted to know or investigate....
Chapter 37 A few moments later John retuned to the room holding something behind his back out of sight for Marcy. Secrecy like this couldn't be good for her and so she automatically started feeling a little nervous. Not that she could do much with her legs bent backwards and on her back. With a big smirk but without a word john approached her, his cock still hung freely, lipstick rings marking various spots along its length, concentrated around the base of John's cock. Both the red...
Neighbourhood Watch I get genetics, I really do. Mendel, Paley, Darwin, X and Y chromosomes, DNA, the Human Genome Project, protein molecules that combine and define who and what we are, I accept and understand it all. What I can’t comprehend, however, is how I’ve ended up being 5ft 1′, with pallid skin, Coppertone hair and breasts that would shame a male weightlifter. How can I possibly be the pinnacle of human evolution? How can this body be seen as an intelligent design? In truth there is...
Your a young man in his late teens. Average build, average height, brown hair, green eyes. You know the type never stood out in a crowd for your good looks but never scared children when you went to the store either. Having just finished high school ou decide to start doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood to raise some money. Maybe it was college, maybe it was for a new car, or maybe it was to take out that girl you liked on a first date. It doesnt matter now, any dreams you may have had...
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SeductionIn the summer between my seventh and eighth grades, I met a boy who lived across the street who was two years older than me. We had not lived in the neighbourhood long, and I knew no other k**s nearby. Neither of his parents was ever home during the week, so I would go to his house and we would hang out. One day he showed me pictures of naked women that he stashed in a box under his bed. He asked me if I jacked off. I said I didn't. I did not know what he meant. He touched the front of his...
Neighbourhood Watch I get genetics; I really do. Mendel, Paley, Darwin, X and Y chromosomes, DNA, the Human Genome Project, protein molecules that combine and define who and what we are; I accept and understand it all. What I can't comprehend, however, is how I've ended up being 5ft 1", with pallid skin, Coppertone hair and breasts that would shame a male weightlifter. How can I possibly be the pinnacle of human evolution? How can this body be seen as an intelligent design? In truth there is...
LesbianChapter 9 Once off the bus Mark snuck to his house as good as he could. Hiding behind bushes and hedges whenever he spotted someone. He really didn't want to run in any of his neighbours with this big pink shopping bag. It would mean nothing but trouble since he realised full well that he wasn't actually loved around here after all his vandalism. Once at the house Mark chose to throw the bag up on the little roof above the door portal. He had used that before to sneak out of the...
Chapter 10 While Mark was going through his night time ritual and sleeping Lisa was at CC's getting licked to orgasm after orgasm by Stephanie. The more she learned about sissies the more she knew it was what she had always wanted. She had never been with a such a pretty girly girl like Stephanie, and definitely never with anyone who was that good with a tongue. The though of it being a guy who was locked up and frustrated was even better. If she had any doubts before she was sure...
Chapter 18 Marcy had hoped the stop at CC's would have been the last one. She had suffered enough embarrassment for a day. Lisa's claim that they still had a few errands to run made her worry that it wasn't all over after all. Her worries were soon confirmed when they stopped in a rather seedy looking neighbourhood. Getting out of the car Marcy knew better than to stray away from Lisa's side. It was kind of weird, but the big shift of control in their relationship had also...
Chapter 20 Marcy had a wonderful night's sleep while she didn't realise it, the only reason she had a quiet night was because Lisa had demanded it. What he also didn't realise was that while he was sleeping peacefully John was setting up a website, turning him into a real pornstar. Once it was online John hoped he would make a good amount of money off his sissy neighbour. Money he could spent on further sissifying Marcy as per Lisa's requirement. Not that he minded. Today he would get...
Chapter 22 Marcy woke up with a loud groan. Sleep had not come easy last night with how horny she had been, the fact that her butt had remained filled up, her sore throat and that chastity cage that seemed to hurt a lot more than it used to. On top of the difficulties falling asleep she was now woken up way too early. She had to since she was supposed to start working at 8 o'clock. The last bus she could take to be on time was the one leaving at 7:40 a.m. This meant that she should...
Chapter 23 As soon as Linda had left Stephanie spoke up again. "Marcy, minthe over to the bed right now. We have no more time to wathte. You heard my mommy the doethn't want to get dithapointed and I thwear if you dithapoint you won't only have to fear whatever the has in mind," Stephanie threatened with the crop in hand. Maybe if Marcy did a good job she would be relieved of her daily sessions with those delivery driver, at least on the days Marcy worked here. Knowing her...
Chapter 38 The following morning Marcy was rudely awakened by her alarm at 6:30 am. It was still very early and a bit nerve wrecking since her parents were still home. With her elaborate morning ritual she would need the time to get ready and be at John's door by 8 am. God the last thing she wanted was to return to that bastard, but if she wanted to keep her secret secret then she would have to. At this point it wasn't only the being turned out as a sissy that worried her, but also the...
No one really pays that much attention to Beckbury – it’s this tiny little village that’s located slap bang in the middle of nowhere. It has a pub, a small grocery/hardware store, a nice 16th century church and a small legal practice. Most folks drive past it and don’t even notice the road sign pointing out that it’s there until they pass it. In fact, you’d almost think it was invisible. But there’s a reason for that. Beckbury is known as a retirement community for those people looking to...
The sun rose majestically over Beckbury, burning away the cobwebs of the night long since passed as it sought to illuminate the town. The postman that morning was carrying a very important cargo — though of course, he didn’t realise it. Five envelopes. Five plain white manila envelopes made their way through the postal system and landed on five very different doorsteps. The contents of those five envelopes prompted five entirely different reactions. ‘So, dinner at the big house,’ Mark muttered...
It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Ella came to hover on her neighbours’ doorstep. She wanted to ask a favour of Darren but could not yet bring herself to knock on the door. Darren was her friendly neighbour in his mid-twenties, at six foot two, he was a dark haired and attractive man. Ella hoped to ask if he could take some photos for her yearbook as he worked in photography and she figured he would be. This question had brought her to his porch in shorts that showcased her slender legs...
Ella and Darren kissed, feeling their lips press together softly at first and then harder as shyness dissipated. With her arms hooked around his neck, Darren drew Ella up to him from the stool. Ella felt his tongue on her lip and deepened the kiss in turn as she pushed her tongue into his. Kissing more passionately with his hands moving over her back and sides, he kept his hands off her curves for the time being. Ella could taste the beer on his breath while his designer stubble teased her...
College SexThe Voyeur… At 2:12 p.m. precisely, her car purrs onto her driveway, its tyres crunching upon the white gravel. The door swings open to reveal a pair of black leather stilettos perched on the end of shapely, nylon enveloped legs. The driver eases herself from the car before reaching back inside to retrieve her handbag and laptop. Her rounded ass points skyward as she stoops, her short, navy skirt clinging to its contours. She rights herself, smoothing down her clothing as she pushes the car...
ExhibitionismMy wife and I have just moved to the suburbs after living the country lifestyle for 15 years. We're currently in our mid 30's: my wife is 33, 5'6, 130 lbs, blonde, 36C breasts, and is in good shape due to great genetics and a healthy lifestyle. Me on the other hand, not so much. I'm your normal 36 year old with the 'dad body' even though we don't have c***dren. I'm starting to bald, wear business casual attire on most days, and I'm amazed that I could even pull Cindy in college (my wife, I'm...
My cock felt fit to burst as I wanked. My red rubber miniskirt squeaked in delight, in time to the masturbation. My large PVC tits peered from inside my black mac, and my white thigh boots gave me added height and confidence. My neighbour stared down at me, lusting haughtily at this lascivious lovely, stroking his cock, behind his window, in the dark. I teased him by dipping my long cigarette holder into my dripping cock slit, then sipping the juice as I inhaled a reassuringly large lungfull of...
I lit a soothing Black Sobranie cigarette, and gazing at the thick red sexy, shiny outline of my lipstick on the gold filter, pondered my next move. I've never done this before! What if I get found out? What if he tells my other neighbours? But all the time my head was being overruled by my throbbing, rubber covered cock. Lust took me over. After several more drags, my ciggie tip was as sticky with lipstick, as my cock was with precum. I had to stop myself shooting too early, so I tied my cock...
My heavy makeup was complete, with very long false eyelashes, and my heavily glossed red lips glistening, ready for the big screen. My shoulder length, fingerless rubber gloves were tight, but somehow comforting, my deep red nails contrasting sharply with the shiny jet smothering my arms. My black PVC leotard was tucked under my semi-transparent, smooth, wet looking, red rubber miniskirt. The hair tonight was blonde, big, and back combed. I left the bathroom light on, dimly illuminating the...
Walking through my kitchen to my bathroom, the 6 inch heels of my white patent thigh boots clicked and clacked on the tiled floor, my black plastic mac rustling provocatively. Out of my drawn net curtains, I noticed my neighbours kitchen light was on, illuminating the dark damp winter night. As I pulled my swelling cock out from my skintight red rubber miniskirt, carefully, with my 3 inch red talons, to pee, I sneaked a peek through my small, open bathroom window, across our yards, to see his...
Chapter 4 The next morning Mark was woken up by a loud mechanical voice. "Wakey wakey sissy, time to start your day, and what better way to start it than with another wank." Mark groaned loudly but he did as the voice said anyway. With a sigh he grabbed the boxers of his night stand and Pulled them over his head once more. Since this had started he had spent countless hours inhaling the scent of these nasty boxers. It wasn't anything new anymore, but it remained embarrassing. His...
Chapter 5 At least he didn't have to wait long for his bus to pull up. Not that it helped with any of his suffering. He vowed right there that he would never visit that store again. There were few people on the bus and yet he felt like all eyes were on him. Passing two girls his age at front he heard some whispers. "What the fuck, I never thought that store would ever have an actual customer." "Look, he is even wearing a bra, and oh god are those stockings?" The other girl gasped...
Hello everyone, please allow me to shamelessly promote my other works with the publishing of this new part which I hope you'll all love. Besides this story I'm also working on two non-TG stories "Lisa's Descend into Adult Babyhood" and "Savannah's Hypnotic Socks" both are published on DeviantArt and Wattpad under the same username. "Savannah's Hypnotic Socks" is also available on Literotica, but the other story isn't due to their submission policy restricting age play themes. They both...
Chapter 7 Mark regained consciousness when Stephanie pressed her lips against his and started pushing his load of cum in his mouth. He had only just sucked a load off of Linda's toes and now he was swallowing yet another one. Every time he came here he seemed to get stuck with a taste of cum in his mouth. Only made worse by the way in which he was fed the load. Well at least it was his own cum. "So, I believe with this I have answered all your answers regarding your chastity cage....
Chapter 12 Mark had just about time to put his dildo down before the door to his room opened. His hand was still wrapped around the base, and well there was no real way he could ever hide anything of what had been going on. He was caught red-handed and could only really look at his girlfriend, or rather his ex-girlfriend in horror. After all, why else than to officially dump him would she be here. Lisa herself was a bit shocked when she entered the room in her white t- shirt, daisy...
Chapter 13 To Mark's huge relief he witnessed Lisa opening her shorts. Without the tight fly holding the dildo in place it would fall out, at least if Lisa hadn't taken a hold of it to put it neatly back on Mark's night stand. Lisa took off her shorts completely and her panties along with it. It was instantly clear that her neatly trimmed pussy was sopping wet. It smelled strongly, not unpleasantly unlike John's boxers. While it did smell way better to Mark it wasn't having the same...
Chapter 14 On Monday morning Mark got woken up rather roughly. It was only 7:30 am, but his phone was going off loudly. Confused he picked it up to see who would call at this ungodly hour. Nerves instantly struck him when he saw his girlfriend's caller ID pop up. What happened yesterday instantly crashed back to his memory, but even worse was the knowledge that he was supposed to go to CC's with her. Going to that boutique always made him feel nervous but going there with Lisa after...
Chapter 15 Only 10 minutes had passed since they left from the homeless shelter and they were already pulling up in front of CC's. Mark had had no time to process the humiliation he just experienced yet while he was already getting confronted by a whole new sense of dread creeping up to him. He knew Lisa meant well, but he was also sure she would get corrupted by Linda, knowing the shop owner from his past experiences here. There was nothing he could do about it either. He couldn't...
(If you like this story and want to read ahead of what's available so far, please consider following me on Patreon it's already on part 17. My Patreon also has A holiday special for Halloween up which also deals with a feminisation theme, revenge and a trans girl. It's a bit of a darker story, but it's for Halloween after all. There is also a first part of a story written for one of my Patreons as a tier reward online. Last but not least a commissioned drawing based on this part will go...
Chapter 19 The drive back home was pretty uneventful, Lisa just sat behind the wheel smiling ear to ear. She had had an awesome day so far, making out with two gorgeous women and now she would spend some quality time with her sissy boyfriend. Marcy was very worried about that quality time. She hoped for sure that it wouldn't involve that dildo going up her ass. There was no way she could take that. She only ever had a finger up there. Pulling up in front of the house it was early...
Chapter 21 John had been looking forward to this very moment that he wasn't about to just get it over with. He was going to savour it as much as he possibly could. These contacts proved to be such a good find. They allowed him to stay anonymous as long as he didn't give away his voice while still not covering the sissy's face. A face even John had to admit was pretty. He had never really noticed it before when Marcy was still Mark but with that nice coating of soft pink lipstick,...
Chapter 24 "Okay Marcy, now get back up and Minthe back to the vanity table. Jutht like it'th important to know how to apply makeup, it'th important to know how to remove it ath well. After all we don't want you developing a bad thkin cauthe of all the makeup you're uthing," Stephanie ordered not even giving Marcy a few minutes to deal with what had just happened. She wanted Marcy Looking at least somewhat more presentable already by the time her stepmother would be coming...
Chapter 25 While Marcy was doing her best to reapply the many makeup products Stephanie had shown her to use, Stephanie was making quick work out of repairing her own makeup. It was very clear that she was very practiced at it since she only needed a few minutes to reapply the complex look. The rest of it was spent sternly supervising Marcy's job. When she was finally finishing up she was once again shocked at how much this make up made her look like a real girl. It really did make...
Chapter 26 Marcy was a nerve wreck walking out in public dressed as she was carrying the big pink bags stuffed to the brink. The street was relatively calm yet coming out of the outrageous store with those bags she instantly drew everyone's attention. The bus stop was right outside the store and yet those few steps towards it were the most embarrassing steps she had ever taken. Just standing at the bus stop drew less looks however much to Marcy's surprise. Most of the stares she...
Chapter 28 Marcy had spent some time looking up the places on the list. They ranged from porn theatres, sexshops, strip clubs, seedy bars, motels, an escort club and even a couple of truck stop restrooms. All of them gave her the creeps. None looked like a place she wanted to get near, but she had to suck four cocks or she would be screwed. Then all of a sudden an idea hit her. There seemed to be a lot of sexshops on her blackmailers list so maybe that sexshop Lisa had taken her to...
Chapter 29 Stepping on the bus Marcy was still too dazed to even notice the looks she got. She just chewed her gum and kept thinking back to what had happened. Chelsea had been quite nice again, going there had definitely been a good choice, or at least the best she could make of a bad situation. The only downside to Chelsea was that she had been way too enthusiastic about it, but then again maybe that was someone who was nervous but genuinely wanted to try sucking cock at a gloryhole...
Chapter 31 Once they were done eating Lisa led Marcy straight out of the mall back to her car which by now was packed full of new clothes for her, girly clothes she didn't want in the slightest. Still they were a lot better than if she had to show up in public in the outfits she got from CC's. A short drive later Lisa pulled up right near the sex shop where they had agreed to meet. After all Chelsea lived right above it. The first thing Lisa did upon leaving the car was getting out...
Chapter 32 Once everyone was coming down to their senses a little bit Lisa's hand went down to Marcy's chastity cage. She was curious to feel just how much her sissy boyfriend had filled up that sissy condom. Marcy had certainly came, probably more and harder than even they had so she imagined there was a nice big load sitting in that condom for the sissy to swallow. Much to her surprise her hand encountered something wet and sticky rather than the swollen latex of a filled condom....
Chapter 35 Marcy couldn't believe she had been such a fool, never able to figure out that it was her perverted neighbour who had been behind it all along. She should have known and yet she didn't, she had never been able to figure it out until right now when that one contact slipped out of her eye. Just a minute ago she thought she was somewhere all the way across the city, it could have been a neighbouring town even yet apparently she was right next door. Now that she finally knew...
Chapter 36 Putting down her dress Marcy minced her way to the cabinet where there were indeed a pair of pink rubber gloves waiting for her, along with the products needed to do the wash. For a moment the thought of running crossed her mind. It was at least worth a shot right she decided as she instead of picking up the cleaning supplies she tried just how well attached her leash was to that chain and how well attached that chain was to the pipe. It didn't take all too long to figure...
Chapter 42 "Get up my pretty little sissy. Let me show you how to give someone a good lay, although I guess that's nothing you will ever have any use for." Linda taunted as she helped Marcy up only to sit the sissy on top of her desk. Pushing down on her shoulders Linda made Marcy lay back with a swift movement she pulled the sissy's panties off then wasting no time she put Marcy's legs over her own shoulders, lining up the dildo with Marcy's bottom. "Oops, nearly forgot." Linda...
I had never thought of Justin in that way before. We had been neighbours for about four years since his family moved into our street. He lived two doors down from me and we had only ever said polite ‘hi there’s’ to each other. At fifteen he was two years older than me. He had always been two years older than me and as such, we were never really friends. When we were younger our paths did cross now and again when we were playing in our respective groups and those groups sometimes mixed up a...
A few years back, someone finally bought the house across the street that had been empty after a divorce case. I was anxious to see who might move in. The day the woman moved in looked, From across the street, llooked like she was in her mid 20's, slim, blonde, short hair (which I like) and very sexy. A few weeks later I met her. Actually, I wasn't sure it was her because she was somewhere between 50 and 60, not mid-20's, but the body and hair where the same. I thought that maybe she was...
It was a sweltering hot day, and Phil walked through the parking lot of the mall, he fixed his sights firmly on the fine tight-assed woman walking just a few yards ahead of him. He watched her hips swaying from side to side as she struggled to keep control of the 6 or 7 bags she was carrying, when suddenly one bag burst open, the contents spilling all over the ground. "Oh shit!!", the woman cried angrily. Ever the gentleman, Phil helped her out, and after picking up the fallen groceries,...
Eroticwonderful story for the anties ,moms etc [email protected] Please share your views regarding my story and how I can improve it. Your good advice is appreciated.
TabooWith resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...
Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...
Cindy, who had gotten by so far on her good looks, only saw other pretty girls that lived lives of ease and luxury on social media and TV. Those girls just got to look cute, and people gave them clothes, apartments, and cars. Cindy, herself, had a few thousand Instagram and TikTok followers, who delighted in seeing her dance to mindless bimbo pop or racy hip-hop. In her pictures and videos, she showed her large tits and round ass in panties and bras, kept an Amazon wishlist, and some of her...
The first person portions of this story are entirely true. The fantasy sequences about the character ‘slut’ are unfortunately, still just fantasies. Please read on to find the world where fantasies can be actualized- with your help, that is. The Quest for a Cock Worship SlaveFor better or for worse, I am the type of girl that cannot prefer to be anywhere more than being naked, collared and kneeling at Master’s feet. ?Tell me you love this cock?, he commanded me, while pulling my hair with his...
Below is the transcript between my self and an Xhamster user named Loufresh. She enjoyed exposure porn, but also never wished to be exposed herself. fisterguy: hi. I love the exposed pics too. can I have some of your gallery passwords?loufresh: for big one it's huren for other it's huren2fisterguy: thanks!loufresh: feel free to comment lolfisterguy: can I post those on tumblr?loufresh: anything you get from mefisterguy: hey! I saw...
Californian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...