Neighbourhood Watch free porn video

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Neighbourhood Watch

I get genetics; I really do. Mendel, Paley, Darwin, X and Y chromosomes, DNA, the Human Genome Project, protein molecules that combine and define who and what we are; I accept and understand it all. What I can't comprehend, however, is how I've ended up being 5ft 1", with pallid skin, Coppertone hair and breasts that would shame a male weightlifter. How can I possibly be the pinnacle of human evolution? How can this body be seen as an intelligent design?

In truth there is much I love about who I am. I adore being petite and positively bristle with envy if I meet someone slighter than myself. I have come to embrace being 'ginger', wear my hair as a badge of pride and regret that as I've grown older it doesn't have the same vibrant hue it had in my youth; but the one thing I remain unable to love is the insignificant mounds of flesh that grace my chest.

I suffer from breast envy. Take me to a swimming pool and I submerge my body beneath the water, hide my loosely fitting bikini top out of sight and with just my head left to reveal my existence, my eyes dart back and forth lusting after the full cleavages and water splattered orbs of flesh that strain at every swimsuit demanding release.

What can these women have done in a previous life to deserve such succulent, gorgeous breasts? And what dark sins must I have committed in mine?

I have a book; 'The Big Book of Breasts' and as accurate as the title is, it should really be called 'The Big Book of Big Breasts'. Page after page of glossy photographs celebrating the sheer beauty of the female form; page after page of impressively voluptuous women; page after page of cleavages that I could press my head between and lick their sternum whilst they suffocate me with their flesh; page after page of huge stiff nipples that I could take in my small mouth and suckle as they quiver and bounce beneath my attentions; page after page of soft, yielding breasts that I want to caress, lick, bite and dribble across with my eager and demanding mouth.

I am trying to choose the pair I like the most. I open its heavy cover and slowly peruse each picture. I run my fingers across the photographs and imagine the feel of their skin; I stare deep into their faces and as my tongue slides across my dry lips I try to decide who is my favourite today.

Increasingly I am drawn towards the back of the book. Here the models reveal more than just breasts; here they are scantily clad to reveal tantalising glimpses of hair covered pubic mounds and the gentle shapes of swollen vaginas. As I turn the pages they are revealed in all their womanly glory, like Venus departing the waves; softly haired mounds contrasting darkly with creamy flesh, the gentle curve of a thigh sliding silently upward to meet puffed up labia and what, in my imagination at least, are parted, wet, pink pussies just aching for the touch of my tongue.

I haven't drooled over them yet but it has been an effort and I dare not touch myself as I browse wide-eyed and breathless for that would mean acknowledging a desire I can still deny; but even worse than the myriad of beauties contained within my book is the temptation of the real.

She is my neighbour; lives in the house next door to mine, has done for the past six months and she is everything I could wish to be.

Tall and slender with dark features and flowing hair that cascades across her shoulders, full lips and pools of eyes framed by thick luscious lashes that you could lose yourself in. She must be ten years my junior, full of the confidence of youth, unbroken by the disappointments of life and whilst I move through my days with lowered eyes eager to pass unnoticed by the world, she stands tall, shoulders flung back with her eyes flashing about her demanding attention.

I think she is Polish or Czech or Slovakian or ... see although we are neighbours, we have never spoken and whilst I am sure that she is friendly enough, I am just not very good with strangers. So we live side by side yet do not speak and though I know her laugh I don't know her name.

The heat is sultry; one of those rare days where you can see the air shimmering above the tarmac, where treetop leaves stand untroubled by the slightest breath of wind, sound is deadened in the heat and the chirrup of insects and twittering of birds is half-hearted. Everything is caked in dust and the paving stones, brickwork and the sun lounger I've been reclining on scald my skin.

I am trying to sunbathe but can feel my skin starting to itch. My face feels overheated and the crease beneath my breasts is damp with sweat. Both my bikini top and the fine fabric of my light cotton skirt cling stickily to my flesh. With a sigh I clamber out of the lounger and tip toe across the burning paving slabs into the relative cool of the house, fix myself a cold drink and head upstairs to the back bedroom.

This is the darkest and coolest room in the house. It has only two small windows looking out onto the garden below and receives little direct sunlight. I gulp down my drink, drop my book onto the floor and flop down on the bed revelling in the feel of a slight draft that seems to circulate constantly throughout this room. I shut my eyes and will myself to sleep.

It is no good; the pillows disappear beneath my head and no matter how many times I pouf them the feathers always seem to be somewhere else. The duvet beneath me keeps collecting where I am hottest; sticking to my back and between my thighs. I twist and turn, roll over onto my front, strip the duvet off the bed and lie on the sheet but nothing seems to work. I am hot, uncomfortable and grumpy ... and then she laughs.

It is fullsome, noisy, assertive. This is no soft snigger, no tittering behind hands, no small smirk or girly giggle. She takes all her personality, her life, her joi de vivre and lets it flow forth in a torrent. It is as if she is challenging everyone in earshot to join with her in celebrating what a humorous and wonderful thing life is.

I wish I could laugh like that.

Her laugh rouses me. I sit at the bottom of the bed from where I can see out of the windows into the garden next door. There she is; bikini clad, bathed in sunlight, chattering on her mobile, eyes hidden behind a pair of huge sunglasses. In her right hand she is holding a towel which moves constantly as she accompanies her conversation with a never ending series of hand gestures.

She moves around as she talks; laying out her towel, wandering across to look at some flowers, peering upwards at the sky. I rise from the bed and find a position from which I can see the whole garden; a position from which I can stand and watch and admire.

I absorb her fluid grace; the easy flow of her limbs flow, the dainty step of her feet, the elegant swivel of her hip when she turns, the fluttering of her hands, the way she twists her hair round a finger when she stops and listens, her long slender legs, the gentle V of her brief clad pubis, her rounded buttocks, the slight flaring of her hips and the smooth indentation of her waist, her washboard flat stomach that rises up to her full breasts that jiggle and bounce in the confines of the taut fabric of her bikini. Finally, I admire her nipples pushing against the material encasing them, rubbing themselves back and forth eager for attention.

My own nipples ache; hard stiff nubs of sensation desperate to be released into the fresh cooling air, to be taken between thumb and madly finger, to be stroked, tweaked and squeezed, to have nails run up their length, to have saliva dribbled over them, to be rubbed and caressed with flattened palm until they are shimmering wet and sensitised. Willingly would I oblige them but my hands are too busy elsewhere.

Two fingers rest on my bottom lip, my tongue gently caressing their tips, my teeth running back and forth on my sensitive pads. I tease the nerve endings into life, play with them until I desire more, until I need to be filled, until I slide my lips down to the first knuckle and allow my stiff fingers to caress back and forth across the flat of my tongue to half fill my mouth. I love suckling on my fingers, they can be so many things; a flaccid cock in need of tender loving care, a stiff nipple desperate for attention, a clitoris captured sucked and swollen as it quivers between my teeth; and I lose myself in giving them the attention they deserve.

And my other hand? My other hand is a tease. It is stroking the wafer thin fabric of my skirt across the searing heat of my pubis before trailing its fingers down to find the hem. Then, ever so slowly, allowing it´s nails to work their way up the inside of my thigh where it comes to rest; gently stroking at the smooth soft skin just out of reach of the bubbling wetness of my vagina. I want to make it behave; I want it to form firm straight digits that I can spread my thighs about, sink down upon and soak with the fluids dribbling from my sodden pussy.

Did I shut my eyes or did they stare forth unseeing from their sockets? Either way I wasn't as attentive of the object of my admiration as perhaps I ought to have been; for when my pupils once again refocus it is to find her stood staring straight at me, hands on hips and legs set firmly apart. As I watch she raises a hand, extends a finger and beckons me to her.

Every droplet of blood dashes helter-skelter to fill my face. Blushing madly I step backwards, away from the window, my teeth biting down on the fingers in my mouth, the hand in my skirt twisting on the fabric spastically as I pray for the floorboards under my feet to collapse beneath the weight of my embarrassment and allow me to crash unseen into the kitchen below.

I fall back on to the bed and bury my burning face into the pillows. Thoughts tumble through my head. How had she seen me? The room is dark and I'd stood well back from the window. What could she see? Could she see my hand beneath my skirt? Did she know I'd been staring at her? Does she know how I've lusted after her? And behind all the questions was a gnawing statement:

"You've been summoned. You have to go. She's expecting you."

I've always tried to be a good girl even if oftentimes I've failed and I had been very naughty watching and fantasising about her so it was only right that I went and apologised and ... and what? That is where thoughts failed me. Should I be scolded and punished or should she rip the clothes from my trembling body and finish off what I had so barely started?

Like a reluctant schoolgirl called before the Head, I tread my way with heavy feet and pouting lip back down through the house and out into the gardens. The sun still blazes far above yet my body is shivering and I wrap my arms around me for warmth and comfort. Nervously, I ascend the steps to the grassed plateau and there she is; laying face down on her beach towel, skin glowing in the sunlight and naked.

I glance around and spy her discarded bikini off to one side. I wasn't prepared for this and now I'm unsure as to whether to go forward or retreat to the safety of my home. My heart is pumping in my chest, adrenaline racing through my bloodstream; fuck, fight or flight? The concrete paving slabs burn the soles of my feet; fuck, fight or flight? I step gingerly forward onto the dry cool grass and as one foot unwittingly follows the other I quickly find myself at her side.

"I wanted ..."

She raises a hand, index finger held aloft and my half formed explanation stutters to a stillborn death on my tongue. Her hand falls back down to lie on the grass above her head and I am left to stand and wait and stare and ogle.

I could turn and leave. I could take the raised finger as a dismissal. I could run away and hide in the cool safety of my house but lying at my feet is a flesh and blood goddess and my eyes flit across her wondrous skin in awe. I devour it all; the lightly fleshed ridge of her shoulder blade, the creasing of the skin on her neck from where her head is turned, the playful tendrils of hair caressing her shoulders, the gently serrated ridge of her spine, the soft arc of her abdomen leading downwards to her rounded fleshy buttocks. I take in her slender arms, the wrinkled skin at her elbow, the mole on her left shoulder, the slight swell of muscle on her biceps, calves and thighs, the knuckled shape of her ankle and the light glow of sweat that encases her whole being.

She does not move, does not speak, makes no further acknowledgement of my presence and soon I am wilting in the heat but I refuse to go, refuse to leave her, here I will stay.

I sit down on the grass and tuck my legs beneath me. Stiff blades of grass tickle at my skin. Her face is before me, eyes hidden behind her pitch black lenses, droplets of sweat gathering about her top lip framing their full shape with multi-coloured sparkles of light as the sun refracts through them.

I watch her breathing; see the steady flow of air between parted lips,the rise and fall of shoulders, the swelling and contraction of breasts trapped beneath her torso. My breathing synchronises to hers, my tiny breasts rising and falling in time with hers, my body mimicking the same soft pant with which she fills her lungs.

She turns over.

I try to keep my eyes locked on her face; stare straight ahead into the lenses of her sunglasses, afraid of what I might reveal should I allow them to wander. I can feel her gaze assessing me; peering behind my eyes to root around amongst the hidden secrets of my desires. My breathing accelerates under her inspection, panic gripping me by the throat causing me to gulp in air and for the second time that day I feel myself blushing. I drop my eyes and concentrate on my hands as they play nervously in my lap. I attempt to regain my composure.

It is a while before I raise my head again and when I do it is to find that she is no longer paying me any attention. She is lying flat on her back, starring off into the azure sky, mouth parted to reveal sharp bright teeth and pink tipped tongue.

Brazenly I allow my eyes to wander off her face to inspect the twin mounds of my obsession. Soft pillows of flesh grace her chest; so much larger than my own stiff peaks they bulge to one side and fall slightly outwards from her sternum. Each is encased in honeydew skin and surmounted by small mocha areolas and firm erect nipples.

I feel my own nipples responding to the sight of them; hardening to push firmly at the fabric of my bikini top. I possess nipples that belong on much larger breasts; well defined with soft pink areolas that contrast strikingly against the whiteness of my flesh; areolas that become absorbed into the heat of my nipples when they pulse with desire; when they thrust outwards engorged, erect, sensitised and vibrating with need.

I know I shouldn't; I know it is wrong of me but I can't resist such temptation. I reach out a hand, shut my eyes, imagine that I am simply browsing my book and running my fingers across unfeeling glossy prints rather than human flesh.

She is damp; I feel her sweat coating my fingertips, feel her heat penetrating my skin. I feel her flesh move beneath my touch. I slide my hand up her side and feel the weight of her breast against my palm. Delicately I push up and it ripples slightly at my touch. Emboldened; I run my fingertips along its surface, feel it quiver at my touch as I move upwards seeking out her hard stiff nipple.

I find it with the flat of my hand, run my palm across it and then capture it between thumb and finger. From somewhere I hear a low moan. I open my eyes; she is still staring off into space but now her mouth has fallen apart and I watch her breathing quicken as my busy fingers stroke and knead her tender breast.

Her nipple is much smaller than my own. It isn't good enough; I want it huge, engorged with blood and throbbing beneath my fingers; I squeeze on it hard and she responds with a sharp intake of breath. I pull her up by it; making a high peak of her breast and she arches her back and bites down on her bottom lip.

I capture her with my mouth; head lowered to nuzzle her flesh, my hair trailing across her damp skin, my hand skipping across to seek out her other as yet untouched breast. My lips close around her and I suck her nipple deep into me. She is tiny and I slurp and tug willing her to grow, to fill the soft cavern of my mouth with her stiff nub. I clamp my lips tight around her areola, saliva trickling from my mouth to mix with the sweat sheening her breast, my tongue flicking and dancing over her stiff peak as she trembles beneath me.

I feel her hand on my head; stroking my hair, petting me, and urging me onwards. My tongue is a blur of movement, teasing and soaking as my lips suckle her. My own breasts ache in their confinement desperate to have her full lips close about my wanton nipples, to feel her tongue tease their stiffened flesh and for her to suck the whole of my tiny breasts deep into her cavernous mouth.

Low moans escape my lips, soft pants play across her soaking flesh, dribble trickles down the side of my mouth and splashes down to despoil her smooth breasts. My own pleasure is rising hot and fiery between my legs and as my tongue teases her erect nipple my pussy pulsates at every caress.

She tugs at my hair pulling me off her pulsing nipple, leaving my mouth panting and empty. I look into her face; my stare reflected back in her sunglasses, observe her flushed and breathless and wonder at what story my own face tells.

"I was sunbathing. You are disturbing me."

Her voice is smoky; sultry even; her tongue thick around the words as they struggle from her mouth.


It is a stuttering response accompanied by a further reddening of already flushed skin.

"You have made me very hot."


The automatic English response; I am very, very sorry. I didn't mean to be naughty, I only wanted to please. I just wanted to be a good girl.

"My cunt is very hot. You have made it very hot."

"Sor ..."

The word dies in my mouth as what she has said permeates the jumble in my head.

"You will lick. I will cum now."

She pushes me down her body as her Slavic toned English echoes through my empty skull ... you will lick ... I will cum ... I will lick ... You will cum ... I will lick ... I will lick ... I will lick.

I knew this was where it would lead from the instant my eyes caught sight of her beckoning finger. It is what I wanted after all. Many a night I have woken in sweat dampened sheets to find my fingers stuffed deep inside my trembling and soaked pussy as my tongue darts forth eagerly to taste the vagina that has been straddling my face in my dreams. Then with eyes clamped shut I have imagined slipping my tongue between soft pink folds of female flesh and feasting on the nectar contained within whilst I ram my stiff fingers repeatedly into my receptive, orgasming cum slick pussy.

In my dreams.

Reality is different. Reality is daunting. I am kneeling on hot dry grass between her slender and toned thighs. My mouth is dry, my tongue sticking to my palate, my nipples hovering uncertainly beneath their fabric cover. My neck is stiff, my shoulder tense, my thighs and pussy clamped firmly together daring any moisture to attempt an escape. The perspiration that a few moments ago coated my body has evaporated leaving me chilled and shivering. My stomach is in knots and my head is fuzzy. In reality I am nervous. In reality I am scared.

She is displayed before me; dark tight curls of hair cover her pubic mound, filling the V between her thighs and then trailing down to insulate either side of her labia in a thick fuzz. Beads of moisture hang amongst her hair and trickle down the inside of her thighs. Her arse cheeks are sheened with sweat and in the middle of everything is her pussy; soft and wet, the petals of her labia pushing outwards, the small bud of her clitoris pulsating half hidden beneath her curls, her pink vagina contrasting strikingly with the dark hair surrounding it. Her pussy glistens; soaked with her juices and the aroma of her arousal assaults my nostrils.

Yes, reality is different.

Tentatively I extend my tongue, find the inside of her right thigh and drizzle my way slowly upwards. Moisture collects on my tongue and I savour the taste of her as it trickles into my mouth. She tastes of salt, vanilla, a hint of aloe and pure undiluted sexual need.

As I lap at her thigh, I reach out with my right hand and cusp her pussy; palm pressed into the sodden wetness of her vagina, fingers digging in above her pubic bone. Her labia are squashed into my hand, her clitoris a stiff nub at the base of my middle finger, hair tickles against my skin and moisture trickles down my wrist. Gently, I start rocking my hand back and forth in time to the soft caresses of my tongue; spreading her soft wetness, pressurising her clitoris, controlling her movement with my fingers as her pelvis responds.

My mouth finds its teeth and they start nibbling their way up her forgiving flesh towards her thrusting pelvis. She squirms beneath each nip, her pelvic rocking becoming more exaggerated as I cover every square millimetre with loving bites.

She's moaning; soft pants of breath exiting her body in time with the contractions that are pulsing beneath my hand. I feel her hand on the back of my head, entangling itself in my hair, fingers stroking along my scalp. Her moans have turned to words that I can't understand, spilling forth from her mouth in her native tongue; words of lust and need and desire? Words of hopes and dreams and fears? She pushes her pelvis hard into my hand looking for the friction that will bring release.

"Kurwa mac ty suka."

I slide my tongue across her buttocks and up to flick across the soft ridge of her perineum. She is soaked; the thin coating of sweat giving way to the thick cloying juices that are trickling down to pool in her anus. My tongue drifts down and probes her puckered star, licking it clean of pussy juices as she wriggles above me. I could remain here all day, pushing my tongue deeper and further into her anal tract as she opens out before me but she has another orifice that is in much greater need of my attentions and reluctantly (or perhaps not) I slide my way upwards to feast on the dripping wet flesh of her pussy.

"Kurwa mac."

My hand drifts free leaving her pelvis humping emptiness in frustration and for a moment I am still, watching her empty pussy contract, entranced by her juices bubbling amongst pink flesh, her arse cheeks clenching, her pelvis thrusting and listening to the guttural growls of need that are escaping her mouth. Finally, my hand comes to rest on her pubic mound. I allow my fingers tangle themselves amongst her hair and then dig down to seek out the hardened nub of her clitoris.

"Kurwa mac."

Her body jerks as my fingers flick across her clit. The air is pungent with her need. I lower my head, extend my tongue and slowly run it up through folds of flesh until it too reaches her swollen nub and as she twitches I return to delve deep into her fluid core to lap at the gorgeous juices that flow from her pussy to coat my eager tongue.

"Kurwa mac."

How can I possibly describe the pleasure ... she is liquid heat absorbing me; her labia caress my cheeks leaving them glistening, her hair tickles my skin, her moisture coats my tongue and fills my mouth until what is her and what is me no longer seem definable. We have become one; pussy and mouth conjoined, cum and saliva interwoven in a humid whirlpool of pleasure ... I will lick ... she will cum.

"Wetknac twoj jezyk w mi suka."

As I pleasure her, words cascade over me.

"Polizac mi."

A rising crescendo.

"Kurwa mac."

Her pelvis is bucking frantically once again.

"Zrobic mi z."

She's screaming at me between pants, her hand pushing downwards on my head driving me into her bucking pelvis.

"Polizac mi."

My face is thrust into her drenched soaking wetness; my nose lost amid soft folds of flesh, my tongue lapping frantically at the sodden gash before it. She has both her hands on the back of my head; her thighs have squeezed shut trapping me between them and she is humping my face in a rapidly rising crescendo of lust.

"Zrobic mi z."

My nose is being rubbed against her pubic bone; my ears burn from the pressure of her thighs, my mouth is hanging open gasping for air as she slides her wetness repeatedly across me soaking my face with her juices. She is using me for her pleasure. It is no more than I deserve.

"Kurwa mac."

A scream? A pant? Part one, part the other. Her body is tensing, her pelvic thrusts harder but slower. I can feel pulsations against my cheek, feel the quiver of her clitoris about my eyes; she pushes my face deeper into her than I could imagine possible...

"Jestem kminek."

Cum soaks me; a torrent of liquid releases itself from the depths of her pussy to coat my face. Her body twitches spastically as her orgasm explodes, her pussy rubbing wildly across my abused features, drenching me from forehead to chin. Still she humps me as orgasm after orgasm crashes through her. I am a mere object, a thing, a vehicle for her pleasure and she gives me no more thought than she would any other sex toy she was using to fuck her shamelessly needy pussy. I cling to her.

Gradually her orgasms subside but her body still twitches in a slow and steady rhythm as the reverberations of the pleasure she has just taken from me, the echoes of the delight I have given pulsate beneath her skin. She lets go of my head and once again I can breath. Once again I am free to explore her wondrous pussy at my leisure. Whilst she lies back sated I will be able to lick her, feast on her cum, suck on her labia, tease her engorged clit and drive her to yet another peak.Then, maybe, if I am really good, she'll spread my own pale thighs and tease my aching pussy to its own much needed release.

I extend my tongue until it reaches the smooth wet valley that lies between vagina and clit. Slowly, inexorably, teasingly I slide upwards to find her throbbing clit still protruding stiffly from its protective hood. I breathe out caressing her with a sigh; feel her tensing beneath my ministrations. I make my tongue tip rigid; a stiff protuberance to flutter across her delicate nub and...

Her hand is in my hair dragging me up. Her sunglasses are gone, lost I don't know where, her eyes furious, her mouth a thin harsh line cutting across her face.

"Isc suka."

I look at her bemused, lost, wondering. What does she want? What am I to do? Have I done something wrong? She takes a deep breath and I can see the cogs of her brain clicking into place.

"I said: 'go bitch', so go."

She thrusts me away and I stagger to my feet. I feel degraded, betrayed by my lust, shamed by my desire. I feel the intense heat of my own pleasure between my legs, the burning fire of my nipples erupting on my chest, pussy juices superheated like lava flow copiously down my thighs. I have been used and I love being used.

Wrapped in shame I flee back to the house, rivulets of sweat trickle down my torso leaving blackened dust trails in their wake, my face is coated in her sticky cum, my tongue licking at my lips eager to savour her flavour, my body an inferno of desire burning with lust. I am Etna, Vesuvius and St Helena combined, a single touch and I will erupt.

The kitchen is cool, but not cool enough and my feet leave damp prints on the floor as I stalk across to the freezer. I throw open the door and allow the frigid air to play across my body but it is not enough to douse these flames. I grab something; anything, the first item I lay my hands on, a bag of frozen peas and stuff it beneath the fine soaked cotton of my skirt, press it against the insistent yearning pulsating ache of my pussy. The cold burns my skin, sizzles against the intense heat of my pussy, my clitoris is trapped between fire and ice, steam rises as I fall back against the kitchen sink my thighs spreading beneath me, I feel the first pulse striking out from my pussy to quiver throughout my pubis; a second, a third, a forth and soon there are pulses immeasurable beyond counting, my knees buckle, my eyes close and as I collapse towards the floor I release myself to the waves of pleasure within and cum and cum and cum.

I get genetics; I really do. Mendel, Paley, Darwin, X and Y chromosomes, DNA, the Human Genome Project, protein molecules that combine and define who and what we are; I accept and understand it all. And every day I marvel at the evolutionary process that has given me this body that is so desperate for sensation and so eager to be used.

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Neighbourhood Boy

In the summer between my seventh and eighth grades, I met a boy who lived across the street who was two years older than me. We had not lived in the neighbourhood long, and I knew no other k**s nearby. Neither of his parents was ever home during the week, so I would go to his house and we would hang out. One day he showed me pictures of naked women that he stashed in a box under his bed. He asked me if I jacked off. I said I didn't. I did not know what he meant. He touched the front of his...

3 years ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt8

Chapter 9 Once off the bus Mark snuck to his house as good as he could. Hiding behind bushes and hedges whenever he spotted someone. He really didn't want to run in any of his neighbours with this big pink shopping bag. It would mean nothing but trouble since he realised full well that he wasn't actually loved around here after all his vandalism. Once at the house Mark chose to throw the bag up on the little roof above the door portal. He had used that before to sneak out of the...

2 years ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt9

Chapter 10 While Mark was going through his night time ritual and sleeping Lisa was at CC's getting licked to orgasm after orgasm by Stephanie. The more she learned about sissies the more she knew it was what she had always wanted. She had never been with a such a pretty girly girl like Stephanie, and definitely never with anyone who was that good with a tongue. The though of it being a guy who was locked up and frustrated was even better. If she had any doubts before she was sure...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt16

Chapter 18 Marcy had hoped the stop at CC's would have been the last one. She had suffered enough embarrassment for a day. Lisa's claim that they still had a few errands to run made her worry that it wasn't all over after all. Her worries were soon confirmed when they stopped in a rather seedy looking neighbourhood. Getting out of the car Marcy knew better than to stray away from Lisa's side. It was kind of weird, but the big shift of control in their relationship had also...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt18

Chapter 20 Marcy had a wonderful night's sleep while she didn't realise it, the only reason she had a quiet night was because Lisa had demanded it. What he also didn't realise was that while he was sleeping peacefully John was setting up a website, turning him into a real pornstar. Once it was online John hoped he would make a good amount of money off his sissy neighbour. Money he could spent on further sissifying Marcy as per Lisa's requirement. Not that he minded. Today he would get...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt20

Chapter 22 Marcy woke up with a loud groan. Sleep had not come easy last night with how horny she had been, the fact that her butt had remained filled up, her sore throat and that chastity cage that seemed to hurt a lot more than it used to. On top of the difficulties falling asleep she was now woken up way too early. She had to since she was supposed to start working at 8 o'clock. The last bus she could take to be on time was the one leaving at 7:40 a.m. This meant that she should...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt21

Chapter 23 As soon as Linda had left Stephanie spoke up again. "Marcy, minthe over to the bed right now. We have no more time to wathte. You heard my mommy the doethn't want to get dithapointed and I thwear if you dithapoint you won't only have to fear whatever the has in mind," Stephanie threatened with the crop in hand. Maybe if Marcy did a good job she would be relieved of her daily sessions with those delivery driver, at least on the days Marcy worked here. Knowing her...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt34

Chapter 38 The following morning Marcy was rudely awakened by her alarm at 6:30 am. It was still very early and a bit nerve wrecking since her parents were still home. With her elaborate morning ritual she would need the time to get ready and be at John's door by 8 am. God the last thing she wanted was to return to that bastard, but if she wanted to keep her secret secret then she would have to. At this point it wasn't only the being turned out as a sissy that worried her, but also the...

3 years ago
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Neighbourhood Slut

Copyright© 2003 The limerick is furtive and mean; You must keep her in close quarantine, Or she sneaks to the slums And promptly becomes Disorderly, drunk, and obscene. -- Morris Bishop I wasn't a virgin when Genie McCloud seduced me. If anything I was like a piece of blank paper - just ready for the story to be written upon. Consider this abridged tale my story. Genie McCloud took me and used up the abundant sexual energy that I was filled with and taught me so many wonderful...

3 years ago
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Neighbourhood Watch

  The Voyeur… At 2:12 p.m. precisely, her car purrs onto her driveway, its tyres crunching upon the white gravel. The door swings open to reveal a pair of black leather stilettos perched on the end of shapely, nylon enveloped legs. The driver eases herself from the car before reaching back inside to retrieve her handbag and laptop. Her rounded ass points skyward as she stoops, her short, navy skirt clinging to its contours. She rights herself, smoothing down her clothing as she pushes the car...

2 years ago
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Naughty Overwatch

To enjoy this story, you don't need to know about the Overwatch cast, but it'll certainly help. Though at this point, I assume almost everybody has at least heard of the game. If your preferred character doesn't lead to a path yet, feel free to like it and return at another time, and hopefully something will be written. Feel free to "like" your favourite paths. It definitely helps with knowing what people like the most, especially if some have certain characters they'd prefer to follow! Join...

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Neighbourhood Watch Ch 01

No one really pays that much attention to Beckbury – it’s this tiny little village that’s located slap bang in the middle of nowhere. It has a pub, a small grocery/hardware store, a nice 16th century church and a small legal practice. Most folks drive past it and don’t even notice the road sign pointing out that it’s there until they pass it. In fact, you’d almost think it was invisible. But there’s a reason for that. Beckbury is known as a retirement community for those people looking to...

5 years ago
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Neighbourhood Watch Ch 02

The sun rose majestically over Beckbury, burning away the cobwebs of the night long since passed as it sought to illuminate the town. The postman that morning was carrying a very important cargo — though of course, he didn’t realise it. Five envelopes. Five plain white manila envelopes made their way through the postal system and landed on five very different doorsteps. The contents of those five envelopes prompted five entirely different reactions. ‘So, dinner at the big house,’ Mark muttered...

4 years ago
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Neighbourhood Attractions Darren and Ella Part One

It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Ella came to hover on her neighbours’ doorstep. She wanted to ask a favour of Darren but could not yet bring herself to knock on the door. Darren was her friendly neighbour in his mid-twenties, at six foot two, he was a dark haired and attractive man. Ella hoped to ask if he could take some photos for her yearbook as he worked in photography and she figured he would be. This question had brought her to his porch in shorts that showcased her slender legs...

2 years ago
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Neighbourhood Attractions Darren and Ella Part Two

Ella and Darren kissed, feeling their lips press together softly at first and then harder as shyness dissipated. With her arms hooked around his neck, Darren drew Ella up to him from the stool. Ella felt his tongue on her lip and deepened the kiss in turn as she pushed her tongue into his. Kissing more passionately with his hands moving over her back and sides, he kept his hands off her curves for the time being. Ella could taste the beer on his breath while his designer stubble teased her...

College Sex
4 years ago
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neighbourhood obedience

My wife and I have just moved to the suburbs after living the country lifestyle for 15 years. We're currently in our mid 30's: my wife is 33, 5'6, 130 lbs, blonde, 36C breasts, and is in good shape due to great genetics and a healthy lifestyle. Me on the other hand, not so much. I'm your normal 36 year old with the 'dad body' even though we don't have c***dren. I'm starting to bald, wear business casual attire on most days, and I'm amazed that I could even pull Cindy in college (my wife, I'm...

4 years ago
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Neighbourhood watcher part 4

My cock felt fit to burst as I wanked. My red rubber miniskirt squeaked in delight, in time to the masturbation. My large PVC tits peered from inside my black mac, and my white thigh boots gave me added height and confidence. My neighbour stared down at me, lusting haughtily at this lascivious lovely, stroking his cock, behind his window, in the dark. I teased him by dipping my long cigarette holder into my dripping cock slit, then sipping the juice as I inhaled a reassuringly large lungfull of...

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Neighbourhood watcher part 3

I lit a soothing Black Sobranie cigarette, and gazing at the thick red sexy, shiny outline of my lipstick on the gold filter, pondered my next move. I've never done this before! What if I get found out? What if he tells my other neighbours? But all the time my head was being overruled by my throbbing, rubber covered cock. Lust took me over. After several more drags, my ciggie tip was as sticky with lipstick, as my cock was with precum. I had to stop myself shooting too early, so I tied my cock...

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Neighbourhood watcher part 2

My heavy makeup was complete, with very long false eyelashes, and my heavily glossed red lips glistening, ready for the big screen. My shoulder length, fingerless rubber gloves were tight, but somehow comforting, my deep red nails contrasting sharply with the shiny jet smothering my arms. My black PVC leotard was tucked under my semi-transparent, smooth, wet looking, red rubber miniskirt. The hair tonight was blonde, big, and back combed. I left the bathroom light on, dimly illuminating the...

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Neighbourhood watcher part 1

Walking through my kitchen to my bathroom, the 6 inch heels of my white patent thigh boots clicked and clacked on the tiled floor, my black plastic mac rustling provocatively. Out of my drawn net curtains, I noticed my neighbours kitchen light was on, illuminating the dark damp winter night. As I pulled my swelling cock out from my skintight red rubber miniskirt, carefully, with my 3 inch red talons, to pee, I sneaked a peek through my small, open bathroom window, across our yards, to see his...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt4

Chapter 4 The next morning Mark was woken up by a loud mechanical voice. "Wakey wakey sissy, time to start your day, and what better way to start it than with another wank." Mark groaned loudly but he did as the voice said anyway. With a sigh he grabbed the boxers of his night stand and Pulled them over his head once more. Since this had started he had spent countless hours inhaling the scent of these nasty boxers. It wasn't anything new anymore, but it remained embarrassing. His...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt5

Chapter 5 At least he didn't have to wait long for his bus to pull up. Not that it helped with any of his suffering. He vowed right there that he would never visit that store again. There were few people on the bus and yet he felt like all eyes were on him. Passing two girls his age at front he heard some whispers. "What the fuck, I never thought that store would ever have an actual customer." "Look, he is even wearing a bra, and oh god are those stockings?" The other girl gasped...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt6

Hello everyone, please allow me to shamelessly promote my other works with the publishing of this new part which I hope you'll all love. Besides this story I'm also working on two non-TG stories "Lisa's Descend into Adult Babyhood" and "Savannah's Hypnotic Socks" both are published on DeviantArt and Wattpad under the same username. "Savannah's Hypnotic Socks" is also available on Literotica, but the other story isn't due to their submission policy restricting age play themes. They both...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt7

Chapter 7 Mark regained consciousness when Stephanie pressed her lips against his and started pushing his load of cum in his mouth. He had only just sucked a load off of Linda's toes and now he was swallowing yet another one. Every time he came here he seemed to get stuck with a taste of cum in his mouth. Only made worse by the way in which he was fed the load. Well at least it was his own cum. "So, I believe with this I have answered all your answers regarding your chastity cage....

4 years ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt10

Chapter 12 Mark had just about time to put his dildo down before the door to his room opened. His hand was still wrapped around the base, and well there was no real way he could ever hide anything of what had been going on. He was caught red-handed and could only really look at his girlfriend, or rather his ex-girlfriend in horror. After all, why else than to officially dump him would she be here. Lisa herself was a bit shocked when she entered the room in her white t- shirt, daisy...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt11

Chapter 13 To Mark's huge relief he witnessed Lisa opening her shorts. Without the tight fly holding the dildo in place it would fall out, at least if Lisa hadn't taken a hold of it to put it neatly back on Mark's night stand. Lisa took off her shorts completely and her panties along with it. It was instantly clear that her neatly trimmed pussy was sopping wet. It smelled strongly, not unpleasantly unlike John's boxers. While it did smell way better to Mark it wasn't having the same...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt12

Chapter 14 On Monday morning Mark got woken up rather roughly. It was only 7:30 am, but his phone was going off loudly. Confused he picked it up to see who would call at this ungodly hour. Nerves instantly struck him when he saw his girlfriend's caller ID pop up. What happened yesterday instantly crashed back to his memory, but even worse was the knowledge that he was supposed to go to CC's with her. Going to that boutique always made him feel nervous but going there with Lisa after...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt13

Chapter 15 Only 10 minutes had passed since they left from the homeless shelter and they were already pulling up in front of CC's. Mark had had no time to process the humiliation he just experienced yet while he was already getting confronted by a whole new sense of dread creeping up to him. He knew Lisa meant well, but he was also sure she would get corrupted by Linda, knowing the shop owner from his past experiences here. There was nothing he could do about it either. He couldn't...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt15

(If you like this story and want to read ahead of what's available so far, please consider following me on Patreon it's already on part 17. My Patreon also has A holiday special for Halloween up which also deals with a feminisation theme, revenge and a trans girl. It's a bit of a darker story, but it's for Halloween after all. There is also a first part of a story written for one of my Patreons as a tier reward online. Last but not least a commissioned drawing based on this part will go...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt17

Chapter 19 The drive back home was pretty uneventful, Lisa just sat behind the wheel smiling ear to ear. She had had an awesome day so far, making out with two gorgeous women and now she would spend some quality time with her sissy boyfriend. Marcy was very worried about that quality time. She hoped for sure that it wouldn't involve that dildo going up her ass. There was no way she could take that. She only ever had a finger up there. Pulling up in front of the house it was early...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt19

Chapter 21 John had been looking forward to this very moment that he wasn't about to just get it over with. He was going to savour it as much as he possibly could. These contacts proved to be such a good find. They allowed him to stay anonymous as long as he didn't give away his voice while still not covering the sissy's face. A face even John had to admit was pretty. He had never really noticed it before when Marcy was still Mark but with that nice coating of soft pink lipstick,...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt22

Chapter 24 "Okay Marcy, now get back up and Minthe back to the vanity table. Jutht like it'th important to know how to apply makeup, it'th important to know how to remove it ath well. After all we don't want you developing a bad thkin cauthe of all the makeup you're uthing," Stephanie ordered not even giving Marcy a few minutes to deal with what had just happened. She wanted Marcy Looking at least somewhat more presentable already by the time her stepmother would be coming...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt23

Chapter 25 While Marcy was doing her best to reapply the many makeup products Stephanie had shown her to use, Stephanie was making quick work out of repairing her own makeup. It was very clear that she was very practiced at it since she only needed a few minutes to reapply the complex look. The rest of it was spent sternly supervising Marcy's job. When she was finally finishing up she was once again shocked at how much this make up made her look like a real girl. It really did make...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt24

Chapter 26 Marcy was a nerve wreck walking out in public dressed as she was carrying the big pink bags stuffed to the brink. The street was relatively calm yet coming out of the outrageous store with those bags she instantly drew everyone's attention. The bus stop was right outside the store and yet those few steps towards it were the most embarrassing steps she had ever taken. Just standing at the bus stop drew less looks however much to Marcy's surprise. Most of the stares she...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt26

Chapter 28 Marcy had spent some time looking up the places on the list. They ranged from porn theatres, sexshops, strip clubs, seedy bars, motels, an escort club and even a couple of truck stop restrooms. All of them gave her the creeps. None looked like a place she wanted to get near, but she had to suck four cocks or she would be screwed. Then all of a sudden an idea hit her. There seemed to be a lot of sexshops on her blackmailers list so maybe that sexshop Lisa had taken her to...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt27

Chapter 29 Stepping on the bus Marcy was still too dazed to even notice the looks she got. She just chewed her gum and kept thinking back to what had happened. Chelsea had been quite nice again, going there had definitely been a good choice, or at least the best she could make of a bad situation. The only downside to Chelsea was that she had been way too enthusiastic about it, but then again maybe that was someone who was nervous but genuinely wanted to try sucking cock at a gloryhole...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt28

Chapter 31 Once they were done eating Lisa led Marcy straight out of the mall back to her car which by now was packed full of new clothes for her, girly clothes she didn't want in the slightest. Still they were a lot better than if she had to show up in public in the outfits she got from CC's. A short drive later Lisa pulled up right near the sex shop where they had agreed to meet. After all Chelsea lived right above it. The first thing Lisa did upon leaving the car was getting out...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt29

Chapter 32 Once everyone was coming down to their senses a little bit Lisa's hand went down to Marcy's chastity cage. She was curious to feel just how much her sissy boyfriend had filled up that sissy condom. Marcy had certainly came, probably more and harder than even they had so she imagined there was a nice big load sitting in that condom for the sissy to swallow. Much to her surprise her hand encountered something wet and sticky rather than the swollen latex of a filled condom....

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt31

Chapter 35 Marcy couldn't believe she had been such a fool, never able to figure out that it was her perverted neighbour who had been behind it all along. She should have known and yet she didn't, she had never been able to figure it out until right now when that one contact slipped out of her eye. Just a minute ago she thought she was somewhere all the way across the city, it could have been a neighbouring town even yet apparently she was right next door. Now that she finally knew...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt32

Chapter 36 Putting down her dress Marcy minced her way to the cabinet where there were indeed a pair of pink rubber gloves waiting for her, along with the products needed to do the wash. For a moment the thought of running crossed her mind. It was at least worth a shot right she decided as she instead of picking up the cleaning supplies she tried just how well attached her leash was to that chain and how well attached that chain was to the pipe. It didn't take all too long to figure...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt37

Chapter 42 "Get up my pretty little sissy. Let me show you how to give someone a good lay, although I guess that's nothing you will ever have any use for." Linda taunted as she helped Marcy up only to sit the sissy on top of her desk. Pushing down on her shoulders Linda made Marcy lay back with a swift movement she pulled the sissy's panties off then wasting no time she put Marcy's legs over her own shoulders, lining up the dildo with Marcy's bottom. "Oops, nearly forgot." Linda...

3 years ago
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Neighbourhood Boy

I had never thought of Justin in that way before. We had been neighbours for about four years since his family moved into our street. He lived two doors down from me and we had only ever said polite ‘hi there’s’ to each other. At fifteen he was two years older than me. He had always been two years older than me and as such, we were never really friends. When we were younger our paths did cross now and again when we were playing in our respective groups and those groups sometimes mixed up a...

4 years ago
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Neighbourhood Fun

A few years back, someone finally bought the house across the street that had been empty after a divorce case. I was anxious to see who might move in. The day the woman moved in looked, From across the street, llooked like she was in her mid 20's, slim, blonde, short hair (which I like) and very sexy. A few weeks later I met her. Actually, I wasn't sure it was her because she was somewhere between 50 and 60, not mid-20's, but the body and hair where the same. I thought that maybe she was...

1 year ago
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Neighbourhood MILF

It was a sweltering hot day, and Phil walked through the parking lot of the mall, he fixed his sights firmly on the fine tight-assed woman walking just a few yards ahead of him. He watched her hips swaying from side to side as she struggled to keep control of the 6 or 7 bags she was carrying, when suddenly one bag burst open, the contents spilling all over the ground. "Oh shit!!", the woman cried angrily. Ever the gentleman, Phil helped her out, and after picking up the fallen groceries,...

2 years ago
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Life comes to Overwatch

A few months had passed since Lena, Hana, Angela, Widowmaker, Mei and Symmetra had returned to the game. The Doomfist release turned out to be a sneak peak of the future from Blizzard, because hero number 24 just so happened to be Orisa. Some female omnic horse thing. I was still depressed. Not only had I lost the six most perfect women any guy could ever ask for, I had also lost the ability to be with normal women, they were just nothing in comparison, it would take hours for a normal woman to...

3 years ago
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Sudhas Cheating Story With Watchman

Hi friends this is Sudha again and here I would like to narrate my next story with my watchman after that bus incident I became wild in sex and wanted more and more sex daily but my husband could not satisfy me. Hardly has he climbed me once in a week as I am sex starved and already tasted outside sex I have planned to seduce watchman for fulfilling my desires. He is 25 years guy with good physique. One day after sending my husband to office I have planned to seduce watchman when my watchman...

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Meri Biwi Aur Uska Deewana Buddha Watchman

Is story mein ek buddha watchmanjo hamare ghar ke samne jo baithta hai, meri biwi ko apna pyaar jatata hai aur biwi us pyaar ka inaam deti hai…. Jaise aapko pata hai hum dono bahut kinky hain aur hame try karna pasand hai sex mein…..Yeh ek fantasy hai hamari jo hum shaayad kabhi sach ker dein….. Hamare ghar ke samne he colony ka gate tha jis per ek buddha watchman tha….Woh raat ko aata tha…Kareeb 60 ka hoga aur bahut helpful tha….Hame us per pura bharosa tha….Ek baar mera plan ban gaya bahaar...

2 years ago
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Adams Stopwatch

Adam stepped off the school bus, walked through the driveway and entered his home. He threw his school bag onto the floor and stomped his way upstairs, tired and fed up due to yet another boring day in high school. They do nothing but pile work on top of you in senior year. He barged through his bedroom door and slammed it shut behind him and it was then that he found it. Laying there on his bed was a stopwatch, placed right in the centre. "Mom?!" Adam called. "What?!" his mother replied from...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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The cdren of the Watchers

This is a story about myth creation and syncretization. If you're offended by stories where your sacred texts are reinvented, then you may not wish to read this."Once upon a time, a long time ago before the Flood, the Watchers were on and above the earth. The Watchers' job was to observe and report the doings of human beings to God...""But they were really aliens instead of angels, weren't they Nadiya?""Yes, Sam, they were. You already know the story. Why do you want me to tell it again?""I...

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